# ELO Rating System |
In adversarial games, the cumulative environment reward may **not be a meaningful metric** by which to track |
learning progress. |
This is because the cumulative reward is **entirely dependent on the skill of the opponent**. |
An agent at a particular skill level will get more or less reward against a worse or better agent, |
respectively. |
Instead, it's better to use ELO rating system, a method to calculate **the relative skill level between two players in a zero-sum game**. |
If the training performs correctly, **this value should steadily increase**. |
## What is a zero-sum game? |
A zero-sum game is a game where **each player's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the gain or loss of the utility of the opponent**. |
Simply explained, we face a zero-sum game **when one agent gets +1.0, its opponent gets -1.0 reward**. |
For instance, Tennis is a zero-sum game: if you win the point you get +1.0 and your opponent gets -1.0 reward. |
## How works the ELO Rating System |
- Each player **has an initial ELO score**. It's defined in the `initial_elo` trainer config hyperparameter. |
- The **difference in rating between the two players** serves as the predictor of the outcomes of a match. |
![Example Elo](images/elo_example.png) |
*For instance, if player A has an Elo score of 2100 and player B has an ELO score of 1800 the chance that player A wins is 85% against 15% for player b.* |
- We calculate the **expected score of each player** using this formula: |
![Elo Expected Score Formula](images/elo_expected_score_formula.png) |
- At the end of the game, based on the outcome **we update the player’s actual Elo score**, we use a linear adjustment proportional to the amount by which the player over-performed or under-performed. |
The winning player takes points from the losing one: |
- If the *higher-rated player wins* → **a few points** will be taken from the lower-rated player. |
- If the *lower-rated player wins* → **a lot of points** will be taken from the high-rated player. |
- If it’s *a draw* → the lower-rated player gains **a few points** from higher. |
- We update players rating using this formula: |
![Elo Score Update Formula](images/elo_score_update_formula.png) |
### The Tennis example |
- We start to train our agents. |
- Both of them have the same skills. So ELO score for each of them that we defined using parameter `initial_elo = 1200.0`. |
We calculate the expected score E: |
Ea = 0.5 |
Eb = 0.5 |
So it means that each player has 50% chances of winning the point. |
If A wins, the new rating R would be: |
Ra = 1200 + 16 * (1 - 0.5) → 1208 |
Rb = 1200 + 16 * (0 - 0.5) → 1192 |
Player A has now an ELO score of 1208 and Player B an ELO score of 1192. Therefore, Player A is now a little bit **better than Player B**. |