ppo-Pyramids-Training / docs /Learning-Environment-Design-Agents.md
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Second Push
# Agents
**Table of Contents:**
- [Decisions](#decisions)
- [Observations and Sensors](#observations-and-sensors)
- [Generating Observations](#generating-observations)
- [Agent.CollectObservations()](#agentcollectobservations)
- [Observable Fields and Properties](#observable-fields-and-properties)
- [ISensor interface and SensorComponents](#isensor-interface-and-sensorcomponents)
- [Vector Observations](#vector-observations)
- [One-hot encoding categorical information](#one-hot-encoding-categorical-information)
- [Normalization](#normalization)
- [Stacking](#stacking)
- [Vector Observation Summary & Best Practices](#vector-observation-summary--best-practices)
- [Visual Observations](#visual-observations)
- [Visual Observation Summary & Best Practices](#visual-observation-summary--best-practices)
- [Raycast Observations](#raycast-observations)
- [RayCast Observation Summary & Best Practices](#raycast-observation-summary--best-practices)
- [Variable Length Observations](#variable-length-observations)
- [Variable Length Observation Summary & Best Practices](#variable-length-observation-summary--best-practices)
- [Goal Signal](#goal-signal)
- [Goal Signal Summary & Best Practices](#goal-signal-summary--best-practices)
- [Actions and Actuators](#actions-and-actuators)
- [Continuous Actions](#continuous-actions)
- [Discrete Actions](#discrete-actions)
- [Masking Discrete Actions](#masking-discrete-actions)
- [Actions Summary & Best Practices](#actions-summary--best-practices)
- [Rewards](#rewards)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Rewards Summary & Best Practices](#rewards-summary--best-practices)
- [Agent Properties](#agent-properties)
- [Destroying an Agent](#destroying-an-agent)
- [Defining Multi-agent Scenarios](#defining-multi-agent-scenarios)
- [Teams for Adversarial Scenarios](#teams-for-adversarial-scenarios)
- [Groups for Cooperative Scenarios](#groups-for-cooperative-scenarios)
- [Recording Demonstrations](#recording-demonstrations)
An agent is an entity that can observe its environment, decide on the best
course of action using those observations, and execute those actions within its
environment. Agents can be created in Unity by extending the `Agent` class. The
most important aspects of creating agents that can successfully learn are the
observations the agent collects, and the reward you assign to estimate the value
of the agent's current state toward accomplishing its tasks.
An Agent passes its observations to its Policy. The Policy then makes a decision
and passes the chosen action back to the agent. Your agent code must execute the
action, for example, move the agent in one direction or another. In order to
[train an agent using reinforcement learning](Learning-Environment-Design.md),
your agent must calculate a reward value at each action. The reward is used to
discover the optimal decision-making policy.
The `Policy` class abstracts out the decision making logic from the Agent itself
so that you can use the same Policy in multiple Agents. How a Policy makes its
decisions depends on the `Behavior Parameters` associated with the agent. If you
set `Behavior Type` to `Heuristic Only`, the Agent will use its `Heuristic()`
method to make decisions which can allow you to control the Agent manually or
write your own Policy. If the Agent has a `Model` file, its Policy will use the
neural network `Model` to take decisions.
When you create an Agent, you should usually extend the base Agent class. This
includes implementing the following methods:
- `Agent.OnEpisodeBegin()` β€” Called at the beginning of an Agent's episode,
including at the beginning of the simulation.
- `Agent.CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)` β€” Called every step that the Agent
requests a decision. This is one possible way for collecting the Agent's
observations of the environment; see [Generating Observations](#generating-observations)
below for more options.
- `Agent.OnActionReceived()` β€” Called every time the Agent receives an action to
take. Receives the action chosen by the Agent. It is also common to assign a
reward in this method.
- `Agent.Heuristic()` - When the `Behavior Type` is set to `Heuristic Only` in
the Behavior Parameters of the Agent, the Agent will use the `Heuristic()`
method to generate the actions of the Agent. As such, the `Heuristic()` method
writes to the array of floats provided to the Heuristic method as argument.
__Note__: Do not create a new float array of action in the `Heuristic()` method,
as this will prevent writing floats to the original action array.
As a concrete example, here is how the Ball3DAgent class implements these methods:
- `Agent.OnEpisodeBegin()` β€” Resets the agent cube and ball to their starting
positions. The function randomizes the reset values so that the training
generalizes to more than a specific starting position and agent cube
- `Agent.CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)` β€” Adds information about the
orientation of the agent cube, the ball velocity, and the relative position
between the ball and the cube. Since the `CollectObservations()`
method calls `VectorSensor.AddObservation()` such that vector size adds up to 8,
the Behavior Parameters of the Agent are set with vector observation space
with a state size of 8.
- `Agent.OnActionReceived()` β€” The action results
in a small change in the agent cube's rotation at each step. In this example,
an Agent receives a small positive reward for each step it keeps the ball on the
agent cube's head and a larger, negative reward for dropping the ball. An
Agent's episode is also ended when it drops the ball so that it will reset
with a new ball for the next simulation step.
- `Agent.Heuristic()` - Converts the keyboard inputs into actions.
## Decisions
The observation-decision-action-reward cycle repeats each time the Agent request
a decision. Agents will request a decision when `Agent.RequestDecision()` is
called. If you need the Agent to request decisions on its own at regular
intervals, add a `Decision Requester` component to the Agent's GameObject.
Making decisions at regular step intervals is generally most appropriate for
physics-based simulations. For example, an agent in a robotic simulator that
must provide fine-control of joint torques should make its decisions every step
of the simulation. In games such as real-time strategy, where many agents make
their decisions at regular intervals, the decision timing for each agent can be
staggered by setting the `DecisionStep` parameter in the `Decision Requester`
component for each agent. On the other hand, an agent that only needs to make
decisions when certain game or simulation events occur, such as in a turn-based
game, should call `Agent.RequestDecision()` manually.
## Observations and Sensors
In order for an agent to learn, the observations should include all the
information an agent needs to accomplish its task. Without sufficient and
relevant information, an agent may learn poorly or may not learn at all. A
reasonable approach for determining what information should be included is to
consider what you would need to calculate an analytical solution to the problem,
or what you would expect a human to be able to use to solve the problem.
### Generating Observations
ML-Agents provides multiple ways for an Agent to make observations:
1. Overriding the `Agent.CollectObservations()` method and passing the
observations to the provided `VectorSensor`.
1. Adding the `[Observable]` attribute to fields and properties on the Agent.
1. Implementing the `ISensor` interface, using a `SensorComponent` attached to
the Agent to create the `ISensor`.
#### Agent.CollectObservations()
Agent.CollectObservations() is best used for aspects of the environment which are
numerical and non-visual. The Policy class calls the
`CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)` method of each Agent. Your
implementation of this function must call `VectorSensor.AddObservation` to add
vector observations.
The `VectorSensor.AddObservation` method provides a number of overloads for
adding common types of data to your observation vector. You can add Integers and
booleans directly to the observation vector, as well as some common Unity data
types such as `Vector2`, `Vector3`, and `Quaternion`.
For examples of various state observation functions, you can look at the
[example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md) included in the
ML-Agents SDK. For instance, the 3DBall example uses the rotation of the
platform, the relative position of the ball, and the velocity of the ball as its
state observation.
public GameObject ball;
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
// Orientation of the cube (2 floats)
// Relative position of the ball to the cube (3 floats)
sensor.AddObservation(ball.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position);
// Velocity of the ball (3 floats)
// 8 floats total
As an experiment, you can remove the velocity components from
the observation and retrain the 3DBall agent. While it will learn to balance the
ball reasonably well, the performance of the agent without using velocity is
noticeably worse.
The observations passed to `VectorSensor.AddObservation()` must always contain
the same number of elements must always be in the same order. If the number
of observed entities in an environment can vary, you can pad the calls
with zeros for any missing entities in a specific observation, or you can limit
an agent's observations to a fixed subset. For example, instead of observing
every enemy in an environment, you could only observe the closest five.
Additionally, when you set up an Agent's `Behavior Parameters` in the Unity
Editor, you must set the **Vector Observations > Space Size**
to equal the number of floats that are written by `CollectObservations()`.
#### Observable Fields and Properties
Another approach is to define the relevant observations as fields or properties
on your Agent class, and annotate them with an `ObservableAttribute`. For
example, in the Ball3DHardAgent, the difference between positions could be observed
by adding a property to the Agent:
using Unity.MLAgents.Sensors.Reflection;
public class Ball3DHardAgent : Agent {
[Observable(numStackedObservations: 9)]
Vector3 PositionDelta
return ball.transform.position - gameObject.transform.position;
`ObservableAttribute` currently supports most basic types (e.g. floats, ints,
bools), as well as `Vector2`, `Vector3`, `Vector4`, `Quaternion`, and enums.
The behavior of `ObservableAttribute`s are controlled by the "Observable Attribute
Handling" in the Agent's `Behavior Parameters`. The possible values for this are:
* **Ignore** (default) - All ObservableAttributes on the Agent will be ignored.
If there are no ObservableAttributes on the Agent, this will result in the
fastest initialization time.
* **Exclude Inherited** - Only members on the declared class will be examined;
members that are inherited are ignored. This is a reasonable tradeoff between
performance and flexibility.
* **Examine All** All members on the class will be examined. This can lead to
slower startup times.
"Exclude Inherited" is generally sufficient, but if your Agent inherits from
another Agent implementation that has Observable members, you will need to use
"Examine All".
Internally, ObservableAttribute uses reflection to determine which members of
the Agent have ObservableAttributes, and also uses reflection to access the
fields or invoke the properties at runtime. This may be slower than using
CollectObservations or an ISensor, although this might not be enough to
noticeably affect performance.
**NOTE**: you do not need to adjust the Space Size in the Agent's
`Behavior Parameters` when you add `[Observable]` fields or properties to an
Agent, since their size can be computed before they are used.
#### ISensor interface and SensorComponents
The `ISensor` interface is generally intended for advanced users. The `Write()`
method is used to actually generate the observation, but some other methods
such as returning the shape of the observations must also be implemented.
The `SensorComponent` abstract class is used to create the actual `ISensor` at
runtime. It must be attached to the same `GameObject` as the `Agent`, or to a
child `GameObject`.
There are several SensorComponents provided in the API, including:
- `CameraSensorComponent` - Uses images from a `Camera` as observations.
- `RenderTextureSensorComponent` - Uses the content of a `RenderTexture` as
- `RayPerceptionSensorComponent` - Uses the information from set of ray casts
as observations.
- `Match3SensorComponent` - Uses the board of a [Match-3 game](Integrations-Match3.md)
as observations.
- `GridSensorComponent` - Uses a set of box queries in a grid shape as
**NOTE**: you do not need to adjust the Space Size in the Agent's
`Behavior Parameters` when using `SensorComponents`s.
Internally, both `Agent.CollectObservations` and `[Observable]` attribute use an
ISensors to write observations, although this is mostly abstracted from the user.
### Vector Observations
Both `Agent.CollectObservations()` and `ObservableAttribute`s produce vector
observations, which are represented at lists of `float`s. `ISensor`s can
produce both vector observations and visual observations, which are
multi-dimensional arrays of floats.
Below are some additional considerations when dealing with vector observations:
#### One-hot encoding categorical information
Type enumerations should be encoded in the _one-hot_ style. That is, add an
element to the feature vector for each element of enumeration, setting the
element representing the observed member to one and set the rest to zero. For
example, if your enumeration contains \[Sword, Shield, Bow\] and the agent
observes that the current item is a Bow, you would add the elements: 0, 0, 1 to
the feature vector. The following code example illustrates how to add.
enum ItemType { Sword, Shield, Bow, LastItem }
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
for (int ci = 0; ci < (int)ItemType.LastItem; ci++)
sensor.AddObservation((int)currentItem == ci ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
`VectorSensor` also provides a two-argument function `AddOneHotObservation()` as
a shortcut for _one-hot_ style observations. The following example is identical
to the previous one.
enum ItemType { Sword, Shield, Bow, LastItem }
const int NUM_ITEM_TYPES = (int)ItemType.LastItem + 1;
public override void CollectObservations(VectorSensor sensor)
// The first argument is the selection index; the second is the
// number of possibilities
sensor.AddOneHotObservation((int)currentItem, NUM_ITEM_TYPES);
`ObservableAttribute` has built-in support for enums. Note that you don't need
the `LastItem` placeholder in this case:
enum ItemType { Sword, Shield, Bow }
public class HeroAgent : Agent
ItemType m_CurrentItem;
#### Normalization
For the best results when training, you should normalize the components of your
feature vector to the range [-1, +1] or [0, 1]. When you normalize the values,
the PPO neural network can often converge to a solution faster. Note that it
isn't always necessary to normalize to these recommended ranges, but it is
considered a best practice when using neural networks. The greater the variation
in ranges between the components of your observation, the more likely that
training will be affected.
To normalize a value to [0, 1], you can use the following formula:
normalizedValue = (currentValue - minValue)/(maxValue - minValue)
:warning: For vectors, you should apply the above formula to each component (x,
y, and z). Note that this is _not_ the same as using the `Vector3.normalized`
property or `Vector3.Normalize()` method in Unity (and similar for `Vector2`).
Rotations and angles should also be normalized. For angles between 0 and 360
degrees, you can use the following formulas:
Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation;
Vector3 normalized = rotation.eulerAngles / 180.0f - Vector3.one; // [-1,1]
Vector3 normalized = rotation.eulerAngles / 360.0f; // [0,1]
For angles that can be outside the range [0,360], you can either reduce the
angle, or, if the number of turns is significant, increase the maximum value
used in your normalization formula.
#### Stacking
Stacking refers to repeating observations from previous steps as part of a
larger observation. For example, consider an Agent that generates these
observations in four steps
step 1: [0.1]
step 2: [0.2]
step 3: [0.3]
step 4: [0.4]
If we use a stack size of 3, the observations would instead be:
step 1: [0.1, 0.0, 0.0]
step 2: [0.2, 0.1, 0.0]
step 3: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1]
step 4: [0.4, 0.3, 0.2]
(The observations are padded with zeroes for the first `stackSize-1` steps).
This is a simple way to give an Agent limited "memory" without the complexity
of adding a recurrent neural network (RNN).
The steps for enabling stacking depends on how you generate observations:
* For Agent.CollectObservations(), set "Stacked Vectors" on the Agent's
`Behavior Parameters` to a value greater than 1.
* For ObservableAttribute, set the `numStackedObservations` parameter in the
constructor, e.g. `[Observable(numStackedObservations: 2)]`.
* For `ISensor`s, wrap them in a `StackingSensor` (which is also an `ISensor`).
Generally, this should happen in the `CreateSensor()` method of your
#### Vector Observation Summary & Best Practices
- Vector Observations should include all variables relevant for allowing the
agent to take the optimally informed decision, and ideally no extraneous
- In cases where Vector Observations need to be remembered or compared over
time, either an RNN should be used in the model, or the `Stacked Vectors`
value in the agent GameObject's `Behavior Parameters` should be changed.
- Categorical variables such as type of object (Sword, Shield, Bow) should be
encoded in one-hot fashion (i.e. `3` -> `0, 0, 1`). This can be done
automatically using the `AddOneHotObservation()` method of the `VectorSensor`,
or using `[Observable]` on an enum field or property of the Agent.
- In general, all inputs should be normalized to be in the range 0 to +1 (or -1
to 1). For example, the `x` position information of an agent where the maximum
possible value is `maxValue` should be recorded as
`VectorSensor.AddObservation(transform.position.x / maxValue);` rather than
- Positional information of relevant GameObjects should be encoded in relative
coordinates wherever possible. This is often relative to the agent position.
### Visual Observations
Visual observations are generally provided to agent via either a `CameraSensor`
or `RenderTextureSensor`. These collect image information and transforms it into
a 3D Tensor which can be fed into the convolutional neural network (CNN) of the
agent policy. For more information on CNNs, see
[this guide](http://cs231n.github.io/convolutional-networks/). This allows
agents to learn from spatial regularities in the observation images. It is
possible to use visual and vector observations with the same agent.
Agents using visual observations can capture state of arbitrary complexity and
are useful when the state is difficult to describe numerically. However, they
are also typically less efficient and slower to train, and sometimes don't
succeed at all as compared to vector observations. As such, they should only be
used when it is not possible to properly define the problem using vector or
ray-cast observations.
Visual observations can be derived from Cameras or RenderTextures within your
scene. To add a visual observation to an Agent, add either a Camera Sensor
Component or RenderTextures Sensor Component to the Agent. Then drag the camera
or render texture you want to add to the `Camera` or `RenderTexture` field. You
can have more than one camera or render texture and even use a combination of
both attached to an Agent. For each visual observation, set the width and height
of the image (in pixels) and whether or not the observation is color or
![Agent Camera](images/visual-observation.png)
![Agent RenderTexture](images/visual-observation-rendertexture.png)
Each Agent that uses the same Policy must have the same number of visual
observations, and they must all have the same resolutions (including whether or
not they are grayscale). Additionally, each Sensor Component on an Agent must
have a unique name so that they can be sorted deterministically (the name must
be unique for that Agent, but multiple Agents can have a Sensor Component with
the same name).
Visual observations also support stacking, by specifying `Observation Stacks`
to a value greater than 1. The visual observations from the last `stackSize`
steps will be stacked on the last dimension (channel dimension).
When using `RenderTexture` visual observations, a handy feature for debugging is
adding a `Canvas`, then adding a `Raw Image` with it's texture set to the
Agent's `RenderTexture`. This will render the agent observation on the game
![RenderTexture with Raw Image](images/visual-observation-rawimage.png)
The [GridWorld environment](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#gridworld) is an
example on how to use a RenderTexture for both debugging and observation. Note
that in this example, a Camera is rendered to a RenderTexture, which is then
used for observations and debugging. To update the RenderTexture, the Camera
must be asked to render every time a decision is requested within the game code.
When using Cameras as observations directly, this is done automatically by the
![Agent RenderTexture Debug](images/gridworld.png)
#### Visual Observation Summary & Best Practices
- To collect visual observations, attach `CameraSensor` or `RenderTextureSensor`
components to the agent GameObject.
- Visual observations should generally only be used when vector observations are
not sufficient.
- Image size should be kept as small as possible, without the loss of needed
details for decision making.
- Images should be made grayscale in situations where color information is not
needed for making informed decisions.
### Raycast Observations
Raycasts are another possible method for providing observations to an agent.
This can be easily implemented by adding a `RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D` (or
`RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D`) to the Agent GameObject.
During observations, several rays (or spheres, depending on settings) are cast
into the physics world, and the objects that are hit determine the observation
vector that is produced.
![Agent with two RayPerceptionSensorComponent3Ds](images/ray_perception.png)
Both sensor components have several settings:
- _Detectable Tags_ A list of strings corresponding to the types of objects that
the Agent should be able to distinguish between. For example, in the WallJump
example, we use "wall", "goal", and "block" as the list of objects to detect.
- _Rays Per Direction_ Determines the number of rays that are cast. One ray is
always cast forward, and this many rays are cast to the left and right.
- _Max Ray Degrees_ The angle (in degrees) for the outermost rays. 90 degrees
corresponds to the left and right of the agent.
- _Sphere Cast Radius_ The size of the sphere used for sphere casting. If set to
0, rays will be used instead of spheres. Rays may be more efficient,
especially in complex scenes.
- _Ray Length_ The length of the casts
- _Ray Layer Mask_ The [LayerMask](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/LayerMask.html)
passed to the raycast or spherecast. This can be used to ignore certain types
of objects when casting.
- _Observation Stacks_ The number of previous results to "stack" with the cast
results. Note that this can be independent of the "Stacked Vectors" setting in
`Behavior Parameters`.
- _Start Vertical Offset_ (3D only) The vertical offset of the ray start point.
- _End Vertical Offset_ (3D only) The vertical offset of the ray end point.
- _Alternating Ray Order_ Alternating is the default, it gives an order of (0,
-delta, delta, -2*delta, 2*delta, ..., -n*delta, n*delta). If alternating is
disabled the order is left to right (-n*delta, -(n-1)*delta, ..., -delta, 0,
delta, ..., (n-1)*delta, n*delta). For general usage there is no difference
but if using custom models the left-to-right layout that matches the spatial
structuring can be preferred (e.g. for processing with conv nets).
- _Use Batched Raycasts_ (3D only) Whether to use batched raycasts. Enable to use batched raycasts and the jobs system.
In the example image above, the Agent has two `RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D`s.
Both use 3 Rays Per Direction and 90 Max Ray Degrees. One of the components had
a vertical offset, so the Agent can tell whether it's clear to jump over the
The total size of the created observations is
(Observation Stacks) * (1 + 2 * Rays Per Direction) * (Num Detectable Tags + 2)
so the number of rays and tags should be kept as small as possible to reduce the
amount of data used. Note that this is separate from the State Size defined in
`Behavior Parameters`, so you don't need to worry about the formula above when
setting the State Size.
#### RayCast Observation Summary & Best Practices
- Attach `RayPerceptionSensorComponent3D` or `RayPerceptionSensorComponent2D` to
- This observation type is best used when there is relevant spatial information
for the agent that doesn't require a fully rendered image to convey.
- Use as few rays and tags as necessary to solve the problem in order to improve
learning stability and agent performance.
- If you run into performance issues, try using batched raycasts by enabling the _Use Batched Raycast_ setting.
(Only available for 3D ray perception sensors.)
### Grid Observations
Grid-base observations combine the advantages of 2D spatial representation in
visual observations, and the flexibility of defining detectable objects in
RayCast observations. The sensor uses a set of box queries in a grid shape and
gives a top-down 2D view around the agent. This can be implemented by adding a
`GridSensorComponent` to the Agent GameObject.
During observations, the sensor detects the presence of detectable objects in
each cell and encode that into one-hot representation. The collected information
from each cell forms a 3D tensor observation and will be fed into the
convolutional neural network (CNN) of the agent policy just like visual
![Agent with GridSensorComponent](images/grid_sensor.png)
The sensor component has the following settings:
- _Cell Scale_ The scale of each cell in the grid.
- _Grid Size_ Number of cells on each side of the grid.
- _Agent Game Object_ The Agent that holds the grid sensor. This is used to
disambiguate objects with the same tag as the agent so that the agent doesn't
detect itself.
- _Rotate With Agent_ Whether the grid rotates with the Agent.
- _Detectable Tags_ A list of strings corresponding to the types of objects that
the Agent should be able to distinguish between.
- _Collider Mask_ The [LayerMask](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/LayerMask.html)
passed to the collider detection. This can be used to ignore certain types
of objects.
- _Initial Collider Buffer Size_ The initial size of the Collider buffer used
in the non-allocating Physics calls for each cell.
- _Max Collider Buffer Size_ The max size of the Collider buffer used in the
non-allocating Physics calls for each cell.
The observation for each grid cell is a one-hot encoding of the detected object.
The total size of the created observations is
GridSize.x * GridSize.z * Num Detectable Tags
so the number of detectable tags and size of the grid should be kept as small as
possible to reduce the amount of data used. This makes a trade-off between the
granularity of the observation and training speed.
To allow more variety of observations that grid sensor can capture, the
`GridSensorComponent` and the underlying `GridSensorBase` also provides interfaces
that can be overridden to collect customized observation from detected objects.
See the doc on
[extending grid Sensors](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ml-agents/blob/release_20_docs/com.unity.ml-agents.extensions/Documentation~/CustomGridSensors.md)
for more details on custom grid sensors.
__Note__: The `GridSensor` only works in 3D environments and will not behave
properly in 2D environments.
#### Grid Observation Summary & Best Practices
- Attach `GridSensorComponent` to use.
- This observation type is best used when there is relevant non-visual spatial information that
can be best captured in 2D representations.
- Use as small grid size and as few tags as necessary to solve the problem in order to improve
learning stability and agent performance.
- Do not use `GridSensor` in a 2D game.
### Variable Length Observations
It is possible for agents to collect observations from a varying number of
GameObjects by using a `BufferSensor`.
You can add a `BufferSensor` to your Agent by adding a `BufferSensorComponent` to
its GameObject.
The `BufferSensor` can be useful in situations in which the Agent must pay
attention to a varying number of entities (for example, a varying number of
enemies or projectiles).
On the trainer side, the `BufferSensor`
is processed using an attention module. More information about attention
mechanisms can be found [here](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762). Training or
doing inference with variable length observations can be slower than using
a flat vector observation. However, attention mechanisms enable solving
problems that require comparative reasoning between entities in a scene
such as our [Sorter environment](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#sorter).
Note that even though the `BufferSensor` can process a variable number of
entities, you still need to define a maximum number of entities. This is
because our network architecture requires to know what the shape of the
observations will be. If fewer entities are observed than the maximum, the
observation will be padded with zeros and the trainer will ignore
the padded observations. Note that attention layers are invariant to
the order of the entities, so there is no need to properly "order" the
entities before feeding them into the `BufferSensor`.
The `BufferSensorComponent` Editor inspector has two arguments:
- `Observation Size` : This is how many floats each entities will be
represented with. This number is fixed and all entities must
have the same representation. For example, if the entities you want to
put into the `BufferSensor` have for relevant information position and
speed, then the `Observation Size` should be 6 floats.
- `Maximum Number of Entities` : This is the maximum number of entities
the `BufferSensor` will be able to collect.
To add an entity's observations to a `BufferSensorComponent`, you need
to call `BufferSensorComponent.AppendObservation()` in the
Agent.CollectObservations() method
with a float array of size `Observation Size` as argument.
__Note__: Currently, the observations put into the `BufferSensor` are
not normalized, you will need to normalize your observations manually
between -1 and 1.
#### Variable Length Observation Summary & Best Practices
- Attach `BufferSensorComponent` to use.
- Call `BufferSensorComponent.AppendObservation()` in the
Agent.CollectObservations() methodto add the observations
of an entity to the `BufferSensor`.
- Normalize the entities observations before feeding them into the `BufferSensor`.
### Goal Signal
It is possible for agents to collect observations that will be treated as "goal signal".
A goal signal is used to condition the policy of the agent, meaning that if the goal
changes, the policy (i.e. the mapping from observations to actions) will change
as well. Note that this is true
for any observation since all observations influence the policy of the Agent to
some degree. But by specifying a goal signal explicitly, we can make this conditioning
more important to the agent. This feature can be used in settings where an agent
must learn to solve different tasks that are similar by some aspects because the
agent will learn to reuse learnings from different tasks to generalize better.
In Unity, you can specify that a `VectorSensor` or
a `CameraSensor` is a goal by attaching a `VectorSensorComponent` or a
`CameraSensorComponent` to the Agent and selecting `Goal Signal` as `Observation Type`.
On the trainer side, there are two different ways to condition the policy. This
setting is determined by the
[conditioning_type parameter](Training-Configuration-File.md#common-trainer-configurations).
If set to `hyper` (default) a [HyperNetwork](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.09106.pdf)
will be used to generate some of the
weights of the policy using the goal observations as input. Note that using a
HyperNetwork requires a lot of computations, it is recommended to use a smaller
number of hidden units in the policy to alleviate this.
If set to `none` the goal signal will be considered as regular observations.
For an example on how to use a goal signal, see the
[GridWorld example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#gridworld).
#### Goal Signal Summary & Best Practices
- Attach a `VectorSensorComponent` or `CameraSensorComponent` to an agent and
set the observation type to goal to use the feature.
- Set the conditioning_type parameter in the training configuration.
- Reduce the number of hidden units in the network when using the HyperNetwork
conditioning type.
## Actions and Actuators
An action is an instruction from the Policy that the agent carries out. The
action is passed to the an `IActionReceiver` (either an `Agent` or an `IActuator`)
as the `ActionBuffers` parameter when the Academy invokes the
`IActionReciever.OnActionReceived()` function.
There are two types of actions supported: **Continuous** and **Discrete**.
Neither the Policy nor the training algorithm know anything about what the
action values themselves mean. The training algorithm simply tries different
values for the action list and observes the affect on the accumulated rewards
over time and many training episodes. Thus, the only place actions are defined
for an Agent is in the `OnActionReceived()` function.
For example, if you designed an agent to move in two dimensions, you could use
either continuous or the discrete actions. In the continuous case, you
would set the action size to two (one for each dimension), and the
agent's Policy would output an action with two floating point values. In the
discrete case, you would use one Branch with a size of four (one for each
direction), and the Policy would create an action array containing a single
element with a value ranging from zero to three. Alternatively, you could create
two branches of size two (one for horizontal movement and one for vertical
movement), and the Policy would output an action array containing two elements
with values ranging from zero to one. You could alternatively use a combination of continuous
and discrete actions e.g., using one continuous action for horizontal movement
and a discrete branch of size two for the vertical movement.
Note that when you are programming actions for an agent, it is often helpful to
test your action logic using the `Heuristic()` method of the Agent, which lets
you map keyboard commands to actions.
### Continuous Actions
When an Agent's Policy has **Continuous** actions, the
`ActionBuffers.ContinuousActions` passed to the Agent's `OnActionReceived()` function
is an array with length equal to the `Continuous Action Size` property value. The
individual values in the array have whatever meanings that you ascribe to them.
If you assign an element in the array as the speed of an Agent, for example, the
training process learns to control the speed of the Agent through this
The [3DBall example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#3dball-3d-balance-ball) uses
continuous actions with two control values.
These control values are applied as rotation to the cube:
public override void OnActionReceived(ActionBuffers actionBuffers)
var actionZ = 2f * Mathf.Clamp(actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[0], -1f, 1f);
var actionX = 2f * Mathf.Clamp(actionBuffers.ContinuousActions[1], -1f, 1f);
gameObject.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), actionZ);
gameObject.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(1, 0, 0), actionX);
By default the output from our provided PPO algorithm pre-clamps the values of
`ActionBuffers.ContinuousActions` into the [-1, 1] range. It is a best practice to manually clip
these as well, if you plan to use a 3rd party algorithm with your environment.
As shown above, you can scale the control values as needed after clamping them.
### Discrete Actions
When an Agent's Policy uses **discrete** actions, the
`ActionBuffers.DiscreteActions` passed to the Agent's `OnActionReceived()` function
is an array of integers with length equal to `Discrete Branch Size`. When defining the discrete actions, `Branches`
is an array of integers, each value corresponds to the number of possibilities for each branch.
For example, if we wanted an Agent that can move in a plane and jump, we could
define two branches (one for motion and one for jumping) because we want our
agent be able to move **and** jump concurrently. We define the first branch to
have 5 possible actions (don't move, go left, go right, go backward, go forward)
and the second one to have 2 possible actions (don't jump, jump). The
`OnActionReceived()` method would look something like:
// Get the action index for movement
int movement = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[0];
// Get the action index for jumping
int jump = actionBuffers.DiscreteActions[1];
// Look up the index in the movement action list:
if (movement == 1) { directionX = -1; }
if (movement == 2) { directionX = 1; }
if (movement == 3) { directionZ = -1; }
if (movement == 4) { directionZ = 1; }
// Look up the index in the jump action list:
if (jump == 1 && IsGrounded()) { directionY = 1; }
// Apply the action results to move the Agent
new Vector3(
directionX * 40f, directionY * 300f, directionZ * 40f));
#### Masking Discrete Actions
When using Discrete Actions, it is possible to specify that some actions are
impossible for the next decision. When the Agent is controlled by a neural
network, the Agent will be unable to perform the specified action. Note that
when the Agent is controlled by its Heuristic, the Agent will still be able to
decide to perform the masked action. In order to disallow an action, override
the `Agent.WriteDiscreteActionMask()` virtual method, and call
`SetActionEnabled()` on the provided `IDiscreteActionMask`:
public override void WriteDiscreteActionMask(IDiscreteActionMask actionMask)
actionMask.SetActionEnabled(branch, actionIndex, isEnabled);
- `branch` is the index (starting at 0) of the branch on which you want to
allow or disallow the action
- `actionIndex` is the index of the action that you want to allow or disallow.
- `isEnabled` is a bool indicating whether the action should be allowed or now.
For example, if you have an Agent with 2 branches and on the first branch
(branch 0) there are 4 possible actions : _"do nothing"_, _"jump"_, _"shoot"_
and _"change weapon"_. Then with the code bellow, the Agent will either _"do
nothing"_ or _"change weapon"_ for their next decision (since action index 1 and 2
are masked)
actionMask.SetActionEnabled(0, 1, false);
actionMask.SetActionEnabled(0, 2, false);
- You can call `SetActionEnabled` multiple times if you want to put masks on multiple
- At each step, the state of an action is reset and enabled by default.
- You cannot mask all the actions of a branch.
- You cannot mask actions in continuous control.
### IActuator interface and ActuatorComponents
The Actuator API allows users to abstract behavior out of Agents and in to
components (similar to the ISensor API). The `IActuator` interface and `Agent`
class both implement the `IActionReceiver` interface to allow for backward compatibility
with the current `Agent.OnActionReceived`.
This means you will not have to change your code until you decide to use the `IActuator` API.
Like the `ISensor` interface, the `IActuator` interface is intended for advanced users.
The `ActuatorComponent` abstract class is used to create the actual `IActuator` at
runtime. It must be attached to the same `GameObject` as the `Agent`, or to a
child `GameObject`. Actuators and all of their data structures are initialized
during `Agent.Initialize`. This was done to prevent an unexpected allocations at runtime.
You can find an example of an `IActuator` implementation in the `Basic` example scene.
**NOTE**: you do not need to adjust the Actions in the Agent's
`Behavior Parameters` when using an `IActuator` and `ActuatorComponents`.
Internally, `Agent.OnActionReceived` uses an `IActuator` to send actions to the Agent,
although this is mostly abstracted from the user.
### Actions Summary & Best Practices
- Agents can use `Discrete` and/or `Continuous` actions.
- Discrete actions can have multiple action branches, and it's possible to mask
certain actions so that they won't be taken.
- In general, fewer actions will make for easier learning.
- Be sure to set the Continuous Action Size and Discrete Branch Size to the desired
number for each type of action, and not greater, as doing the latter can interfere with the
efficiency of the training process.
- Continuous action values should be clipped to an
appropriate range. The provided PPO model automatically clips these values
between -1 and 1, but third party training systems may not do so.
## Rewards
In reinforcement learning, the reward is a signal that the agent has done
something right. The PPO reinforcement learning algorithm works by optimizing
the choices an agent makes such that the agent earns the highest cumulative
reward over time. The better your reward mechanism, the better your agent will
**Note:** Rewards are not used during inference by an Agent using a trained
model and is also not used during imitation learning.
Perhaps the best advice is to start simple and only add complexity as needed. In
general, you should reward results rather than actions you think will lead to
the desired results. You can even use the Agent's Heuristic to control the Agent
while watching how it accumulates rewards.
Allocate rewards to an Agent by calling the `AddReward()` or `SetReward()`
methods on the agent. The reward assigned between each decision should be in the
range [-1,1]. Values outside this range can lead to unstable training. The
`reward` value is reset to zero when the agent receives a new decision. If there
are multiple calls to `AddReward()` for a single agent decision, the rewards
will be summed together to evaluate how good the previous decision was. The
`SetReward()` will override all previous rewards given to an agent since the
previous decision.
### Examples
You can examine the `OnActionReceived()` functions defined in the
[example environments](Learning-Environment-Examples.md) to see how those
projects allocate rewards.
The `GridAgent` class in the
[GridWorld example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#gridworld) uses a very
simple reward system:
Collider[] hitObjects = Physics.OverlapBox(trueAgent.transform.position,
new Vector3(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f));
if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "goal").ToArray().Length == 1)
else if (hitObjects.Where(col => col.gameObject.tag == "pit").ToArray().Length == 1)
The agent receives a positive reward when it reaches the goal and a negative
reward when it falls into the pit. Otherwise, it gets no rewards. This is an
example of a _sparse_ reward system. The agent must explore a lot to find the
infrequent reward.
In contrast, the `AreaAgent` in the
[Area example](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#push-block) gets a small
negative reward every step. In order to get the maximum reward, the agent must
finish its task of reaching the goal square as quickly as possible:
AddReward( -0.005f);
if (gameObject.transform.position.y < 0.0f ||
Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.x - area.transform.position.x) > 8f ||
Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.z + 5 - area.transform.position.z) > 8)
The agent also gets a larger negative penalty if it falls off the playing
The `Ball3DAgent` in the
[3DBall](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#3dball-3d-balance-ball) takes a
similar approach, but allocates a small positive reward as long as the agent
balances the ball. The agent can maximize its rewards by keeping the ball on the
// When ball falls mark Agent as finished and give a negative penalty
if ((ball.transform.position.y - gameObject.transform.position.y) < -2f ||
Mathf.Abs(ball.transform.position.x - gameObject.transform.position.x) > 3f ||
Mathf.Abs(ball.transform.position.z - gameObject.transform.position.z) > 3f)
The `Ball3DAgent` also assigns a negative penalty when the ball falls off the
Note that all of these environments make use of the `EndEpisode()` method, which
manually terminates an episode when a termination condition is reached. This can
be called independently of the `Max Step` property.
### Rewards Summary & Best Practices
- Use `AddReward()` to accumulate rewards between decisions. Use `SetReward()`
to overwrite any previous rewards accumulate between decisions.
- The magnitude of any given reward should typically not be greater than 1.0 in
order to ensure a more stable learning process.
- Positive rewards are often more helpful to shaping the desired behavior of an
agent than negative rewards. Excessive negative rewards can result in the
agent failing to learn any meaningful behavior.
- For locomotion tasks, a small positive reward (+0.1) for forward velocity is
typically used.
- If you want the agent to finish a task quickly, it is often helpful to provide
a small penalty every step (-0.05) that the agent does not complete the task.
In this case completion of the task should also coincide with the end of the
episode by calling `EndEpisode()` on the agent when it has accomplished its
## Agent Properties
![Agent Inspector](images/3dball_learning_brain.png)
- `Behavior Parameters` - The parameters dictating what Policy the Agent will
- `Behavior Name` - The identifier for the behavior. Agents with the same
behavior name will learn the same policy.
- `Vector Observation`
- `Space Size` - Length of vector observation for the Agent.
- `Stacked Vectors` - The number of previous vector observations that will
be stacked and used collectively for decision making. This results in the
effective size of the vector observation being passed to the Policy being:
_Space Size_ x _Stacked Vectors_.
- `Actions`
- `Continuous Actions` - The number of concurrent continuous actions that
the Agent can take.
- `Discrete Branches` - An array of integers, defines multiple concurrent
discrete actions. The values in the `Discrete Branches` array correspond
to the number of possible discrete values for each action branch.
- `Model` - The neural network model used for inference (obtained after
- `Inference Device` - Whether to use CPU or GPU to run the model during
- `Behavior Type` - Determines whether the Agent will do training, inference,
or use its Heuristic() method:
- `Default` - the Agent will train if they connect to a python trainer,
otherwise they will perform inference.
- `Heuristic Only` - the Agent will always use the `Heuristic()` method.
- `Inference Only` - the Agent will always perform inference.
- `Team ID` - Used to define the team for self-play
- `Use Child Sensors` - Whether to use all Sensor components attached to child
GameObjects of this Agent.
- `Max Step` - The per-agent maximum number of steps. Once this number is
reached, the Agent will be reset.
## Destroying an Agent
You can destroy an Agent GameObject during the simulation. Make sure that there
is always at least one Agent training at all times by either spawning a new
Agent every time one is destroyed or by re-spawning new Agents when the whole
environment resets.
## Defining Multi-agent Scenarios
### Teams for Adversarial Scenarios
Self-play is triggered by including the self-play hyperparameter hierarchy in
the [trainer configuration](Training-ML-Agents.md#training-configurations). To
distinguish opposing agents, set the team ID to different integer values in the
behavior parameters script on the agent prefab.
<p align="center">
<img src="images/team_id.png"
alt="Team ID"
width="375" border="10" />
**_Team ID must be 0 or an integer greater than 0._**
In symmetric games, since all agents (even on opposing teams) will share the
same policy, they should have the same 'Behavior Name' in their Behavior
Parameters Script. In asymmetric games, they should have a different Behavior
Name in their Behavior Parameters script. Note, in asymmetric games, the agents
must have both different Behavior Names _and_ different team IDs!
For examples of how to use this feature, you can see the trainer configurations
and agent prefabs for our Tennis and Soccer environments. Tennis and Soccer
provide examples of symmetric games. To train an asymmetric game, specify
trainer configurations for each of your behavior names and include the self-play
hyperparameter hierarchy in both.
### Groups for Cooperative Scenarios
Cooperative behavior in ML-Agents can be enabled by instantiating a `SimpleMultiAgentGroup`,
typically in an environment controller or similar script, and adding agents to it
using the `RegisterAgent(Agent agent)` method. Note that all agents added to the same `SimpleMultiAgentGroup`
must have the same behavior name and Behavior Parameters. Using `SimpleMultiAgentGroup` enables the
agents within a group to learn how to work together to achieve a common goal (i.e.,
maximize a group-given reward), even if one or more of the group members are removed
before the episode ends. You can then use this group to add/set rewards, end or interrupt episodes
at a group level using the `AddGroupReward()`, `SetGroupReward()`, `EndGroupEpisode()`, and
`GroupEpisodeInterrupted()` methods. For example:
// Create a Multi Agent Group in Start() or Initialize()
m_AgentGroup = new SimpleMultiAgentGroup();
// Register agents in group at the beginning of an episode
for (var agent in AgentList)
// if the team scores a goal
// If the goal is reached and the episode is over
// If time ran out and we need to interrupt the episode
Multi Agent Groups should be used with the MA-POCA trainer, which is explicitly designed to train
cooperative environments. This can be enabled by using the `poca` trainer - see the
[training configurations](Training-Configuration-File.md) doc for more information on
configuring MA-POCA. When using MA-POCA, agents which are deactivated or removed from the Scene
during the episode will still learn to contribute to the group's long term rewards, even
if they are not active in the scene to experience them.
See the [Cooperative Push Block](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#cooperative-push-block) environment
for an example of how to use Multi Agent Groups, and the
[Dungeon Escape](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#dungeon-escape) environment for an example of
how the Multi Agent Group can be used with agents that are removed from the scene mid-episode.
**NOTE**: Groups differ from Teams (for competitive settings) in the following way - Agents
working together should be added to the same Group, while agents playing against each other
should be given different Team Ids. If in the Scene there is one playing field and two teams,
there should be two Groups, one for each team, and each team should be assigned a different
Team Id. If this playing field is duplicated many times in the Scene (e.g. for training
speedup), there should be two Groups _per playing field_, and two unique Team Ids
_for the entire Scene_. In environments with both Groups and Team Ids configured, MA-POCA and
self-play can be used together for training. In the diagram below, there are two agents on each team,
and two playing fields where teams are pitted against each other. All the blue agents should share a Team Id
(and the orange ones a different ID), and there should be four group managers, one per pair of agents.
<p align="center">
<img src="images/groupmanager_teamid.png"
alt="Group Manager vs Team Id"
width="650" border="10" />
Please see the [SoccerTwos](Learning-Environment-Examples.md#soccer-twos) environment for an example.
#### Cooperative Behaviors Notes and Best Practices
* An agent can only be registered to one MultiAgentGroup at a time. If you want to re-assign an
agent from one group to another, you have to unregister it from the current group first.
* Agents with different behavior names in the same group are not supported.
* Agents within groups should always set the `Max Steps` parameter in the Agent script to 0.
Instead, handle Max Steps using the MultiAgentGroup by ending the episode for the entire
Group using `GroupEpisodeInterrupted()`.
* `EndGroupEpisode` and `GroupEpisodeInterrupted` do the same job in the game, but has
slightly different effect on the training. If the episode is completed, you would want to call
`EndGroupEpisode`. But if the episode is not over but it has been running for enough steps, i.e.
reaching max step, you would call `GroupEpisodeInterrupted`.
* If an agent finished earlier, e.g. completed tasks/be removed/be killed in the game, do not call
`EndEpisode()` on the Agent. Instead, disable the agent and re-enable it when the next episode starts,
or destroy the agent entirely. This is because calling `EndEpisode()` will call `OnEpisodeBegin()`, which
will reset the agent immediately. While it is possible to call `EndEpisode()` in this way, it is usually not the
desired behavior when training groups of agents.
* If an agent that was disabled in a scene needs to be re-enabled, it must be re-registered to the MultiAgentGroup.
* Group rewards are meant to reinforce agents to act in the group's best interest instead of
individual ones, and are treated differently than individual agent rewards during
training. So calling `AddGroupReward()` is not equivalent to calling agent.AddReward() on each agent
in the group.
* You can still add incremental rewards to agents using `Agent.AddReward()` if they are
in a Group. These rewards will only be given to those agents and are received when the
Agent is active.
* Environments which use Multi Agent Groups can be trained using PPO or SAC, but agents will
not be able to learn from group rewards after deactivation/removal, nor will they behave as cooperatively.
## Recording Demonstrations
In order to record demonstrations from an agent, add the
`Demonstration Recorder` component to a GameObject in the scene which contains
an `Agent` component. Once added, it is possible to name the demonstration that
will be recorded from the agent.
<p align="center">
<img src="images/demo_component.png"
alt="Demonstration Recorder"
width="650" border="10" />
When `Record` is checked, a demonstration will be created whenever the scene is
played from the Editor. Depending on the complexity of the task, anywhere from a
few minutes or a few hours of demonstration data may be necessary to be useful
for imitation learning. To specify an exact number of steps you want to record
use the `Num Steps To Record` field and the editor will end your play session
automatically once that many steps are recorded. If you set `Num Steps To Record`
to `0` then recording will continue until you manually end the play session. Once
the play session ends a `.demo` file will be created in the `Assets/Demonstrations`
folder (by default). This file contains the demonstrations. Clicking on the file will
provide metadata about the demonstration in the inspector.
<p align="center">
<img src="images/demo_inspector.png"
alt="Demonstration Inspector"
width="375" border="10" />
You can then specify the path to this file in your
[training configurations](Training-Configuration-File.md#behavioral-cloning).