# Table of Contents |
* [mlagents\_envs.envs.unity\_gym\_env](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env) |
* [UnityGymException](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityGymException) |
* [UnityToGymWrapper](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper) |
* [\_\_init\_\_](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.__init__) |
* [reset](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.reset) |
* [step](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.step) |
* [render](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.render) |
* [close](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.close) |
* [seed](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.seed) |
* [ActionFlattener](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener) |
* [\_\_init\_\_](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener.__init__) |
* [lookup\_action](#mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener.lookup_action) |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env"></a> |
# mlagents\_envs.envs.unity\_gym\_env |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityGymException"></a> |
## UnityGymException Objects |
```python |
class UnityGymException(error.Error) |
``` |
Any error related to the gym wrapper of ml-agents. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper"></a> |
## UnityToGymWrapper Objects |
```python |
class UnityToGymWrapper(gym.Env) |
``` |
Provides Gym wrapper for Unity Learning Environments. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.__init__"></a> |
#### \_\_init\_\_ |
```python |
| __init__(unity_env: BaseEnv, uint8_visual: bool = False, flatten_branched: bool = False, allow_multiple_obs: bool = False, action_space_seed: Optional[int] = None) |
``` |
Environment initialization |
**Arguments**: |
- `unity_env`: The Unity BaseEnv to be wrapped in the gym. Will be closed when the UnityToGymWrapper closes. |
- `uint8_visual`: Return visual observations as uint8 (0-255) matrices instead of float (0.0-1.0). |
- `flatten_branched`: If True, turn branched discrete action spaces into a Discrete space rather than |
MultiDiscrete. |
- `allow_multiple_obs`: If True, return a list of np.ndarrays as observations with the first elements |
containing the visual observations and the last element containing the array of vector observations. |
If False, returns a single np.ndarray containing either only a single visual observation or the array of |
vector observations. |
- `action_space_seed`: If non-None, will be used to set the random seed on created gym.Space instances. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.reset"></a> |
#### reset |
```python |
| reset() -> Union[List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] |
``` |
Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation. |
Returns: observation (object/list): the initial observation of the |
space. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.step"></a> |
#### step |
```python |
| step(action: List[Any]) -> GymStepResult |
``` |
Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics. When end of |
episode is reached, you are responsible for calling `reset()` |
to reset this environment's state. |
Accepts an action and returns a tuple (observation, reward, done, info). |
**Arguments**: |
- `action` _object/list_ - an action provided by the environment |
**Returns**: |
- `observation` _object/list_ - agent's observation of the current environment |
reward (float/list) : amount of reward returned after previous action |
- `done` _boolean/list_ - whether the episode has ended. |
- `info` _dict_ - contains auxiliary diagnostic information. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.render"></a> |
#### render |
```python |
| render(mode="rgb_array") |
``` |
Return the latest visual observations. |
Note that it will not render a new frame of the environment. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.close"></a> |
#### close |
```python |
| close() -> None |
``` |
Override _close in your subclass to perform any necessary cleanup. |
Environments will automatically close() themselves when |
garbage collected or when the program exits. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.UnityToGymWrapper.seed"></a> |
#### seed |
```python |
| seed(seed: Any = None) -> None |
``` |
Sets the seed for this env's random number generator(s). |
Currently not implemented. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener"></a> |
## ActionFlattener Objects |
```python |
class ActionFlattener() |
``` |
Flattens branched discrete action spaces into single-branch discrete action spaces. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener.__init__"></a> |
#### \_\_init\_\_ |
```python |
| __init__(branched_action_space) |
``` |
Initialize the flattener. |
**Arguments**: |
- `branched_action_space`: A List containing the sizes of each branch of the action |
space, e.g. [2,3,3] for three branches with size 2, 3, and 3 respectively. |
<a name="mlagents_envs.envs.unity_gym_env.ActionFlattener.lookup_action"></a> |
#### lookup\_action |
```python |
| lookup_action(action) |
``` |
Convert a scalar discrete action into a unique set of branched actions. |
**Arguments**: |
- `action`: A scalar value representing one of the discrete actions. |
**Returns**: |
The List containing the branched actions. |