AnnaMats's picture
Second Push
import os.path
import warnings
import attr
import cattr
from typing import (
from enum import Enum
import collections
import argparse
import abc
import numpy as np
import math
import copy
from mlagents.trainers.cli_utils import StoreConfigFile, DetectDefault, parser
from mlagents.trainers.cli_utils import load_config
from mlagents.trainers.exception import TrainerConfigError, TrainerConfigWarning
from mlagents_envs import logging_util
from mlagents_envs.side_channel.environment_parameters_channel import (
from mlagents.plugins import all_trainer_settings, all_trainer_types
logger = logging_util.get_logger(__name__)
def check_and_structure(key: str, value: Any, class_type: type) -> Any:
attr_fields_dict = attr.fields_dict(class_type)
if key not in attr_fields_dict:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"The option {key} was specified in your YAML file for {class_type.__name__}, but is invalid."
# Apply cattr structure to the values
return cattr.structure(value, attr_fields_dict[key].type)
def check_hyperparam_schedules(val: Dict, trainer_type: str) -> Dict:
# Check if beta and epsilon are set. If not, set to match learning rate schedule.
if trainer_type == "ppo" or trainer_type == "poca":
if "beta_schedule" not in val.keys() and "learning_rate_schedule" in val.keys():
val["beta_schedule"] = val["learning_rate_schedule"]
if (
"epsilon_schedule" not in val.keys()
and "learning_rate_schedule" in val.keys()
val["epsilon_schedule"] = val["learning_rate_schedule"]
return val
def strict_to_cls(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported config {d} for {t.__name__}.")
d_copy: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key, val in d_copy.items():
d_copy[key] = check_and_structure(key, val, t)
return t(**d_copy)
def defaultdict_to_dict(d: DefaultDict) -> Dict:
return {key: cattr.unstructure(val) for key, val in d.items()}
def deep_update_dict(d: Dict, update_d: Mapping) -> None:
Similar to dict.update(), but works for nested dicts of dicts as well.
for key, val in update_d.items():
if key in d and isinstance(d[key], Mapping) and isinstance(val, Mapping):
deep_update_dict(d[key], val)
d[key] = val
class SerializationSettings:
convert_to_onnx = True
onnx_opset = 9
class ExportableSettings:
def as_dict(self):
return cattr.unstructure(self)
class EncoderType(Enum):
FULLY_CONNECTED = "fully_connected"
MATCH3 = "match3"
SIMPLE = "simple"
NATURE_CNN = "nature_cnn"
RESNET = "resnet"
class ScheduleType(Enum):
CONSTANT = "constant"
LINEAR = "linear"
# TODO add support for lesson based scheduling
# LESSON = "lesson"
class ConditioningType(Enum):
HYPER = "hyper"
NONE = "none"
class NetworkSettings:
class MemorySettings:
sequence_length: int = attr.ib(default=64)
memory_size: int = attr.ib(default=128)
def _check_valid_memory_size(self, attribute, value):
if value <= 0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using a recurrent network, memory size must be greater than 0."
elif value % 2 != 0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using a recurrent network, memory size must be divisible by 2."
normalize: bool = False
hidden_units: int = 128
num_layers: int = 2
vis_encode_type: EncoderType = EncoderType.SIMPLE
memory: Optional[MemorySettings] = None
goal_conditioning_type: ConditioningType = ConditioningType.HYPER
deterministic: bool = parser.get_default("deterministic")
class BehavioralCloningSettings:
demo_path: str
steps: int = 0
strength: float = 1.0
samples_per_update: int = 0
# Setting either of these to None will allow the Optimizer
# to decide these parameters, based on Trainer hyperparams
num_epoch: Optional[int] = None
batch_size: Optional[int] = None
class HyperparamSettings:
batch_size: int = 1024
buffer_size: int = 10240
learning_rate: float = 3.0e-4
learning_rate_schedule: ScheduleType = ScheduleType.CONSTANT
class OnPolicyHyperparamSettings(HyperparamSettings):
num_epoch: int = 3
class OffPolicyHyperparamSettings(HyperparamSettings):
batch_size: int = 128
buffer_size: int = 50000
buffer_init_steps: int = 0
steps_per_update: float = 1
save_replay_buffer: bool = False
reward_signal_steps_per_update: float = 4
# INTRINSIC REWARD SIGNALS #############################################################
class RewardSignalType(Enum):
EXTRINSIC: str = "extrinsic"
GAIL: str = "gail"
CURIOSITY: str = "curiosity"
RND: str = "rnd"
def to_settings(self) -> type:
_mapping = {
RewardSignalType.EXTRINSIC: RewardSignalSettings,
RewardSignalType.GAIL: GAILSettings,
RewardSignalType.CURIOSITY: CuriositySettings,
RewardSignalType.RND: RNDSettings,
return _mapping[self]
class RewardSignalSettings:
gamma: float = 0.99
strength: float = 1.0
network_settings: NetworkSettings = attr.ib(factory=NetworkSettings)
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
Helper method to structure a Dict of RewardSignalSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of RewardSignalSettings classes.
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported reward signal configuration {d}.")
d_final: Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings] = {}
for key, val in d.items():
enum_key = RewardSignalType(key)
t = enum_key.to_settings()
d_final[enum_key] = strict_to_cls(val, t)
# Checks to see if user specifying deprecated encoding_size for RewardSignals.
# If network_settings is not specified, this updates the default hidden_units
# to the value of encoding size. If specified, this ignores encoding size and
# uses network_settings values.
if "encoding_size" in val:
"'encoding_size' was deprecated for RewardSignals. Please use network_settings."
# If network settings was not specified, use the encoding size. Otherwise, use hidden_units
if "network_settings" not in val:
d_final[enum_key].network_settings.hidden_units = val[
return d_final
class GAILSettings(RewardSignalSettings):
learning_rate: float = 3e-4
encoding_size: Optional[int] = None
use_actions: bool = False
use_vail: bool = False
demo_path: str = attr.ib(kw_only=True)
class CuriositySettings(RewardSignalSettings):
learning_rate: float = 3e-4
encoding_size: Optional[int] = None
class RNDSettings(RewardSignalSettings):
learning_rate: float = 1e-4
encoding_size: Optional[int] = None
# SAMPLERS #############################################################################
class ParameterRandomizationType(Enum):
UNIFORM: str = "uniform"
GAUSSIAN: str = "gaussian"
MULTIRANGEUNIFORM: str = "multirangeuniform"
CONSTANT: str = "constant"
def to_settings(self) -> type:
_mapping = {
ParameterRandomizationType.UNIFORM: UniformSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.GAUSSIAN: GaussianSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.MULTIRANGEUNIFORM: MultiRangeUniformSettings,
ParameterRandomizationType.CONSTANT: ConstantSettings
# Constant type is handled if a float is provided instead of a config
return _mapping[self]
class ParameterRandomizationSettings(abc.ABC):
seed: int = parser.get_default("seed")
def __str__(self) -> str:
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
raise TrainerConfigError(f"__str__ not implemented for type {self.__class__}.")
def structure(
d: Union[Mapping, float], t: type
) -> "ParameterRandomizationSettings":
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure(). This is needed to handle
the special Enum selection of ParameterRandomizationSettings classes.
if isinstance(d, (float, int)):
return ConstantSettings(value=d)
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Unsupported parameter randomization configuration {d}."
if "sampler_type" not in d:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Sampler configuration does not contain sampler_type : {d}."
if "sampler_parameters" not in d:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Sampler configuration does not contain sampler_parameters : {d}."
enum_key = ParameterRandomizationType(d["sampler_type"])
t = enum_key.to_settings()
return strict_to_cls(d["sampler_parameters"], t)
def unstructure(d: "ParameterRandomizationSettings") -> Mapping:
Helper method to a ParameterRandomizationSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_unstructure_hook() and called with cattr.unstructure().
_reversed_mapping = {
UniformSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.UNIFORM,
GaussianSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.GAUSSIAN,
MultiRangeUniformSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.MULTIRANGEUNIFORM,
ConstantSettings: ParameterRandomizationType.CONSTANT,
sampler_type: Optional[str] = None
for t, name in _reversed_mapping.items():
if isinstance(d, t):
sampler_type = name.value
sampler_parameters = attr.asdict(d)
return {"sampler_type": sampler_type, "sampler_parameters": sampler_parameters}
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the appropriate sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
class ConstantSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
value: float = 0.0
def __str__(self) -> str:
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
return f"Float: value={self.value}"
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the constant sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
env_channel.set_float_parameter(key, self.value)
class UniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
min_value: float = attr.ib()
max_value: float = 1.0
def __str__(self) -> str:
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
return f"Uniform sampler: min={self.min_value}, max={self.max_value}"
def _min_value_default(self):
return 0.0
def _check_min_value(self, attribute, value):
if self.min_value > self.max_value:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Minimum value is greater than maximum value in uniform sampler."
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the uniform sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.min_value, self.max_value, self.seed
class GaussianSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
mean: float = 1.0
st_dev: float = 1.0
def __str__(self) -> str:
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
return f"Gaussian sampler: mean={self.mean}, stddev={self.st_dev}"
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the gaussian sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.mean, self.st_dev, self.seed
class MultiRangeUniformSettings(ParameterRandomizationSettings):
intervals: List[Tuple[float, float]] = attr.ib()
def __str__(self) -> str:
Helper method to output sampler stats to console.
return f"MultiRangeUniform sampler: intervals={self.intervals}"
def _intervals_default(self):
return [[0.0, 1.0]]
def _check_intervals(self, attribute, value):
for interval in self.intervals:
if len(interval) != 2:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"The sampling interval {interval} must contain exactly two values."
min_value, max_value = interval
if min_value > max_value:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Minimum value is greater than maximum value in interval {interval}."
def apply(self, key: str, env_channel: EnvironmentParametersChannel) -> None:
Helper method to send sampler settings over EnvironmentParametersChannel
Calls the multirangeuniform sampler type set method.
:param key: environment parameter to be sampled
:param env_channel: The EnvironmentParametersChannel to communicate sampler settings to environment
key, self.intervals, self.seed
# ENVIRONMENT PARAMETERS ###############################################################
class CompletionCriteriaSettings:
CompletionCriteriaSettings contains the information needed to figure out if the next
lesson must start.
class MeasureType(Enum):
PROGRESS: str = "progress"
REWARD: str = "reward"
behavior: str
measure: MeasureType = attr.ib(default=MeasureType.REWARD)
min_lesson_length: int = 0
signal_smoothing: bool = True
threshold: float = attr.ib(default=0.0)
require_reset: bool = False
def _check_threshold_value(self, attribute, value):
Verify that the threshold has a value between 0 and 1 when the measure is
if self.measure == self.MeasureType.PROGRESS:
if self.threshold > 1.0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Threshold for next lesson cannot be greater than 1 when the measure is progress."
if self.threshold < 0.0:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Threshold for next lesson cannot be negative when the measure is progress."
def need_increment(
self, progress: float, reward_buffer: List[float], smoothing: float
) -> Tuple[bool, float]:
Given measures, this method returns a boolean indicating if the lesson
needs to change now, and a float corresponding to the new smoothed value.
# Is the min number of episodes reached
if len(reward_buffer) < self.min_lesson_length:
return False, smoothing
if self.measure == CompletionCriteriaSettings.MeasureType.PROGRESS:
if progress > self.threshold:
return True, smoothing
if self.measure == CompletionCriteriaSettings.MeasureType.REWARD:
if len(reward_buffer) < 1:
return False, smoothing
measure = np.mean(reward_buffer)
if math.isnan(measure):
return False, smoothing
if self.signal_smoothing:
measure = 0.25 * smoothing + 0.75 * measure
smoothing = measure
if measure > self.threshold:
return True, smoothing
return False, smoothing
class Lesson:
Gathers the data of one lesson for one environment parameter including its name,
the condition that must be fullfiled for the lesson to be completed and a sampler
for the environment parameter. If the completion_criteria is None, then this is
the last lesson in the curriculum.
value: ParameterRandomizationSettings
name: str
completion_criteria: Optional[CompletionCriteriaSettings] = attr.ib(default=None)
class EnvironmentParameterSettings:
EnvironmentParameterSettings is an ordered list of lessons for one environment
curriculum: List[Lesson]
def _check_lesson_chain(lessons, parameter_name):
Ensures that when using curriculum, all non-terminal lessons have a valid
CompletionCriteria, and that the terminal lesson does not contain a CompletionCriteria.
num_lessons = len(lessons)
for index, lesson in enumerate(lessons):
if index < num_lessons - 1 and lesson.completion_criteria is None:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"A non-terminal lesson does not have a completion_criteria for {parameter_name}."
if index == num_lessons - 1 and lesson.completion_criteria is not None:
f"Your final lesson definition contains completion_criteria for {parameter_name}."
f"It will be ignored.",
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Dict[str, "EnvironmentParameterSettings"]:
Helper method to structure a Dict of EnvironmentParameterSettings class. Meant
to be registered with cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Unsupported parameter environment parameter settings {d}."
d_final: Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings] = {}
for environment_parameter, environment_parameter_config in d.items():
if (
isinstance(environment_parameter_config, Mapping)
and "curriculum" in environment_parameter_config
d_final[environment_parameter] = strict_to_cls(
environment_parameter_config, EnvironmentParameterSettings
d_final[environment_parameter].curriculum, environment_parameter
sampler = ParameterRandomizationSettings.structure(
environment_parameter_config, ParameterRandomizationSettings
d_final[environment_parameter] = EnvironmentParameterSettings(
return d_final
# TRAINERS #############################################################################
class SelfPlaySettings:
save_steps: int = 20000
team_change: int = attr.ib()
def _team_change_default(self):
# Assign team_change to about 4x save_steps
return self.save_steps * 5
swap_steps: int = 2000
window: int = 10
play_against_latest_model_ratio: float = 0.5
initial_elo: float = 1200.0
class TrainerSettings(ExportableSettings):
default_override: ClassVar[Optional["TrainerSettings"]] = None
trainer_type: str = "ppo"
hyperparameters: HyperparamSettings = attr.ib()
checkpoint_interval: int = attr.ib()
def _set_default_hyperparameters(self):
return all_trainer_settings[self.trainer_type]()
def _set_default_checkpoint_interval(self):
return 500000
network_settings: NetworkSettings = attr.ib(factory=NetworkSettings)
reward_signals: Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings] = attr.ib(
factory=lambda: {RewardSignalType.EXTRINSIC: RewardSignalSettings()}
init_path: Optional[str] = None
keep_checkpoints: int = 5
even_checkpoints: bool = False
max_steps: int = 500000
time_horizon: int = 64
summary_freq: int = 50000
threaded: bool = False
self_play: Optional[SelfPlaySettings] = None
behavioral_cloning: Optional[BehavioralCloningSettings] = None
lambda t: t == Dict[RewardSignalType, RewardSignalSettings],
def _check_batch_size_seq_length(self, attribute, value):
if self.network_settings.memory is not None:
if (
> self.hyperparameters.batch_size
raise TrainerConfigError(
"When using memory, sequence length must be less than or equal to batch size. "
def _set_checkpoint_interval(self, attribute, value):
if self.even_checkpoints:
self.checkpoint_interval = int(self.max_steps / self.keep_checkpoints)
def dict_to_trainerdict(d: Dict, t: type) -> "TrainerSettings.DefaultTrainerDict":
return TrainerSettings.DefaultTrainerDict(
cattr.structure(d, Dict[str, TrainerSettings])
def structure(d: Mapping, t: type) -> Any:
Helper method to structure a TrainerSettings class. Meant to be registered with
cattr.register_structure_hook() and called with cattr.structure().
if not isinstance(d, Mapping):
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Unsupported config {d} for {t.__name__}.")
d_copy: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# Check if a default_settings was specified. If so, used those as the default
# rather than an empty dict.
if TrainerSettings.default_override is not None:
deep_update_dict(d_copy, d)
if "framework" in d_copy:
logger.warning("Framework option was deprecated but was specified")
d_copy.pop("framework", None)
for key, val in d_copy.items():
if attr.has(type(val)):
# Don't convert already-converted attrs classes.
if key == "hyperparameters":
if "trainer_type" not in d_copy:
raise TrainerConfigError(
"Hyperparameters were specified but no trainer_type was given."
d_copy[key] = check_hyperparam_schedules(
val, d_copy["trainer_type"]
d_copy[key] = strict_to_cls(
d_copy[key], all_trainer_settings[d_copy["trainer_type"]]
except KeyError:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"Settings for trainer type {d_copy['trainer_type']} were not found"
elif key == "max_steps":
d_copy[key] = int(float(val))
# In some legacy configs, max steps was specified as a float
# elif key == "even_checkpoints":
# if val:
# d_copy["checkpoint_interval"] = int(d_copy["max_steps"] / d_copy["keep_checkpoints"])
elif key == "trainer_type":
if val not in all_trainer_types.keys():
raise TrainerConfigError(f"Invalid trainer type {val} was found")
d_copy[key] = check_and_structure(key, val, t)
return t(**d_copy)
class DefaultTrainerDict(collections.defaultdict):
def __init__(self, *args):
# Depending on how this is called, args may have the defaultdict
# callable at the start of the list or not. In particular, unpickling
# will pass [TrainerSettings].
if args and args[0] == TrainerSettings:
super().__init__(TrainerSettings, *args)
self._config_specified = True
def set_config_specified(self, require_config_specified: bool) -> None:
self._config_specified = require_config_specified
def __missing__(self, key: Any) -> "TrainerSettings":
if TrainerSettings.default_override is not None:
self[key] = copy.deepcopy(TrainerSettings.default_override)
elif self._config_specified:
raise TrainerConfigError(
f"The behavior name {key} has not been specified in the trainer configuration. "
f"Please add an entry in the configuration file for {key}, or set default_settings."
f"Behavior name {key} does not match any behaviors specified "
f"in the trainer configuration file. A default configuration will be used."
self[key] = TrainerSettings()
return self[key]
# COMMAND LINE #########################################################################
class CheckpointSettings:
run_id: str = parser.get_default("run_id")
initialize_from: Optional[str] = parser.get_default("initialize_from")
load_model: bool = parser.get_default("load_model")
resume: bool = parser.get_default("resume")
force: bool = parser.get_default("force")
train_model: bool = parser.get_default("train_model")
inference: bool = parser.get_default("inference")
results_dir: str = parser.get_default("results_dir")
def write_path(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.results_dir, self.run_id)
def maybe_init_path(self) -> Optional[str]:
return (
os.path.join(self.results_dir, self.initialize_from)
if self.initialize_from is not None
else None
def run_logs_dir(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.write_path, "run_logs")
def prioritize_resume_init(self) -> None:
"""Prioritize explicit command line resume/init over conflicting yaml options.
if both resume/init are set at one place use resume"""
_non_default_args = DetectDefault.non_default_args
if "resume" in _non_default_args:
if self.initialize_from is not None:
f"Both 'resume' and 'initialize_from={self.initialize_from}' are set!"
f" Current run will be resumed ignoring initialization."
self.initialize_from = parser.get_default("initialize_from")
elif "initialize_from" in _non_default_args:
if self.resume:
f"Both 'resume' and 'initialize_from={self.initialize_from}' are set!"
f" {self.run_id} is initialized_from {self.initialize_from} and resume will be ignored."
self.resume = parser.get_default("resume")
elif self.resume and self.initialize_from is not None:
# no cli args but both are set in yaml file
f"Both 'resume' and 'initialize_from={self.initialize_from}' are set in yaml file!"
f" Current run will be resumed ignoring initialization."
self.initialize_from = parser.get_default("initialize_from")
class EnvironmentSettings:
env_path: Optional[str] = parser.get_default("env_path")
env_args: Optional[List[str]] = parser.get_default("env_args")
base_port: int = parser.get_default("base_port")
num_envs: int = attr.ib(default=parser.get_default("num_envs"))
num_areas: int = attr.ib(default=parser.get_default("num_areas"))
seed: int = parser.get_default("seed")
max_lifetime_restarts: int = parser.get_default("max_lifetime_restarts")
restarts_rate_limit_n: int = parser.get_default("restarts_rate_limit_n")
restarts_rate_limit_period_s: int = parser.get_default(
def validate_num_envs(self, attribute, value):
if value > 1 and self.env_path is None:
raise ValueError("num_envs must be 1 if env_path is not set.")
def validate_num_area(self, attribute, value):
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError("num_areas must be set to a positive number >= 1.")
class EngineSettings:
width: int = parser.get_default("width")
height: int = parser.get_default("height")
quality_level: int = parser.get_default("quality_level")
time_scale: float = parser.get_default("time_scale")
target_frame_rate: int = parser.get_default("target_frame_rate")
capture_frame_rate: int = parser.get_default("capture_frame_rate")
no_graphics: bool = parser.get_default("no_graphics")
class TorchSettings:
device: Optional[str] = parser.get_default("device")
class RunOptions(ExportableSettings):
default_settings: Optional[TrainerSettings] = None
behaviors: TrainerSettings.DefaultTrainerDict = attr.ib(
env_settings: EnvironmentSettings = attr.ib(factory=EnvironmentSettings)
engine_settings: EngineSettings = attr.ib(factory=EngineSettings)
environment_parameters: Optional[Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings]] = None
checkpoint_settings: CheckpointSettings = attr.ib(factory=CheckpointSettings)
torch_settings: TorchSettings = attr.ib(factory=TorchSettings)
# These are options that are relevant to the run itself, and not the engine or environment.
# They will be left here.
debug: bool = parser.get_default("debug")
# Convert to settings while making sure all fields are valid
cattr.register_structure_hook(EnvironmentSettings, strict_to_cls)
cattr.register_structure_hook(EngineSettings, strict_to_cls)
cattr.register_structure_hook(CheckpointSettings, strict_to_cls)
lambda t: t == Dict[str, EnvironmentParameterSettings],
cattr.register_structure_hook(Lesson, strict_to_cls)
ParameterRandomizationSettings, ParameterRandomizationSettings.structure
ParameterRandomizationSettings, ParameterRandomizationSettings.unstructure
cattr.register_structure_hook(TrainerSettings, TrainerSettings.structure)
TrainerSettings.DefaultTrainerDict, TrainerSettings.dict_to_trainerdict
cattr.register_unstructure_hook(collections.defaultdict, defaultdict_to_dict)
def from_argparse(args: argparse.Namespace) -> "RunOptions":
Takes an argparse.Namespace as specified in `parse_command_line`, loads input configuration files
from file paths, and converts to a RunOptions instance.
:param args: collection of command-line parameters passed to mlagents-learn
:return: RunOptions representing the passed in arguments, with trainer config, curriculum and sampler
configs loaded from files.
argparse_args = vars(args)
config_path = StoreConfigFile.trainer_config_path
# Load YAML
configured_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {
"checkpoint_settings": {},
"env_settings": {},
"engine_settings": {},
"torch_settings": {},
_require_all_behaviors = True
if config_path is not None:
# If we're not loading from a file, we don't require all behavior names to be specified.
_require_all_behaviors = False
# Use the YAML file values for all values not specified in the CLI.
for key in configured_dict.keys():
# Detect bad config options
if key not in attr.fields_dict(RunOptions):
raise TrainerConfigError(
"The option {} was specified in your YAML file, but is invalid.".format(
# Override with CLI args
# Keep deprecated --load working, TODO: remove
argparse_args["resume"] = argparse_args["resume"] or argparse_args["load_model"]
for key, val in argparse_args.items():
if key in DetectDefault.non_default_args:
if key in attr.fields_dict(CheckpointSettings):
configured_dict["checkpoint_settings"][key] = val
elif key in attr.fields_dict(EnvironmentSettings):
configured_dict["env_settings"][key] = val
elif key in attr.fields_dict(EngineSettings):
configured_dict["engine_settings"][key] = val
elif key in attr.fields_dict(TorchSettings):
configured_dict["torch_settings"][key] = val
else: # Base options
configured_dict[key] = val
final_runoptions = RunOptions.from_dict(configured_dict)
# Need check to bypass type checking but keep structure on dict working
if isinstance(final_runoptions.behaviors, TrainerSettings.DefaultTrainerDict):
# configure whether or not we should require all behavior names to be found in the config YAML
_non_default_args = DetectDefault.non_default_args
# Prioritize the deterministic mode from the cli for deterministic actions.
if "deterministic" in _non_default_args:
for behaviour in final_runoptions.behaviors.keys():
].network_settings.deterministic = argparse_args["deterministic"]
return final_runoptions
def from_dict(
options_dict: Dict[str, Any],
) -> "RunOptions":
# If a default settings was specified, set the TrainerSettings class override
if (
"default_settings" in options_dict.keys()
and options_dict["default_settings"] is not None
TrainerSettings.default_override = cattr.structure(
options_dict["default_settings"], TrainerSettings
return cattr.structure(options_dict, RunOptions)