cfg-sdxl lora seems working poorly in animatediff

by superag - opened

it works out with great results with image generation, but very flickerly video result in animatediff with the sdxl animatediff model.
tried different samplers and different cfg values, all the same...


ByteDance org

Hi, @superag
Is the normal LoRA working?
We will try figuring it out.

Hi, @superag
Is the normal LoRA working?
We will try figuring it out.

normal 8 steps works just fine


ByteDance org

Hi, @superag
Can you share the example scripts / workflows of these two samples with us?
It's not expected.

this workflow will show clearly the compare results. changing animatediff beta scheduler to linear SDXL will help a bit with the stableness, but you can still see the output being highly unstable compare to normal 8 step lora

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