
This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.


To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("D0men1c0/ISSR_Dark_Web_Merged_Models_Content_White_Nations_Raid")


You can make predictions as follows:

sentence = ["recently closed Samsara market"]
topic, _ = topic_model.transform(sentence)

Topic overview

  • Number of topics: 174
  • Number of training documents: 473242
Click here for an overview of all topics.
Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 vendor - order - nt - market - link 594 Outliers
0 cart - weed - strain - thc - bud 163728 Product Reviews and Purchases
1 deposit - address - ticket - btc - wallet 19104 Empire Deposit & Withdrawal Issues
2 key - pgp - account - pgp key - password 6011 PGP Key Security
3 order - shipped - ordered - day - week 6350 Order Shipping Status
4 scam - scammer - scam scam - scam scam scam - scammed 3368 Vendor Scams and Detection
5 thanks - thank - lol - man - bro 5510 Friendly Positive Talk
6 ship - country - eu - shipping - uk 4584 Shipping in EU Countries
7 coke - cocaine - quality - product - good 5583 High Quality Cocaine
8 card - carding - cc - gift card - gift 4161 Carding Strategies
9 pgp - begin pgp - begin - pgp signature - signature 4192 PGP Signature End
10 lsd - tab - ug - acid - blotter 2462 LSD Tab Marketplace Reviews
11 vendor - good - anyone - know - legit 3574 Vendor Recommendation
12 dispute - refund - mod - order - moderator 5834 Dispute Resolution
13 wsm - dream - market - exit - vendor 2863 WSM Exit Scam Warnings
14 drug - police - get - nt - house 2455 Drugs and Police Enforcement
15 monero - xmr - wallet - btc - exchange 3042 Monero Wallet Exchange and Bitcoin Use
16 ddos - attack - ddos attack - mirror - market 3928 Dread Market DDoS Attack
17 mdma - mda - price - quality - vendor 2056 MDMA Vendor Quality Prices
18 darknet - clearnet - dark - link - darknetmarkets 3244 Darknet Market
19 sub - post - mod - banned - link 3277 Dread Market Forum Rules and Bans
20 bar - alp - hulk - press - pack 1942 Alprazolam Pressed Bars Reviews
21 xanax - bar - alp - mg - alprazolam 2940 Xanax Bars and Vendors
22 market - new market - market market - good - new 3269 Market Upgrade Support
23 feedback - review - vendor - negative - positive 2670 ecommerce feedback
24 mirror - working - working mirror - mirror link - link 1802 Mirror Link Working
25 mg - pill - tablet - price - xtc 1447 Drug Sales
26 box - mail - package - address - po 4287 Mail Delivery Issues
27 review - thanks - thanks review - review thanks - nice review 2829 Positive Reviews Thank You Notes Nice
28 ticket - support ticket - support - se en - se 2240 Support Ticket Confusion
29 cryptonia - market - empire - nightmare - vendor 1811 Cryptonia Market
30 escrow - fe - use escrow - vendor - market 1589 Market Escrow Usage
31 onion - dot onion - dot - onion link - onion site 1551 Onion Links
32 det - er - og - har - jeg 1471 Kola;Vendor;Stealth Shipping;Review;Norway
33 tor - browser - network - javascript - tor browser 1126 Anonymous Browsing and Tor Networks
34 dread - reddit - post - dread dread - sub 1331 community appreciation
35 meth - business day - business - day - good 1493 Meth Vendor Quality Review
36 fent - fentanyl - opiate - heroin - nt 1640 Fentanyl Opiate Discussion
37 link - link link - point link comment - link point link - link comment post 2294 Links and Posts
38 pack - week - day - ordered - land 1332 Package Delay and Shipping
39 pm - interested - looking - find - please 1499 PM Interested Help Explanation
40 hugbunter - hugbunter hugbunter - link hugbunter - hugbunter link - link hugbunter hugbunter 1157 hugbunter links
41 drug - police - court - enforcement - investigation 923 Darknet Drug Enforcement
42 stealth - good - good stealth - vendor - shipping 849 Good Stealth Vendor Shipping
43 counterfeit - note - euro - bill - pen 968 Counterfeit Money Sales
44 empire - nightmare - empire empire - find empire - empire nightmare 1493 Empire Name Search
45 day - waiting - week - month - hour 1040 Waiting Time
46 id - passport - fake - license - scan 1681 Fake IDs & Documents
47 bank - account - drop - bank drop - cash 1623 Bank Drop Transaction
48 wickr - use wickr - using wickr - contact - via wickr 3405 Wickr Abuse Policy Protect Wickr Community
49 de - und - que - un - da 751 German Darknet Market
50 phishing - phishing link - link - phished - phishing site 5788 Phishing Detection Techniques
51 dream - nightmare - dream dream - anyone - like 1294 Dream Nightmare Experience
52 price - sale - promo - sell - buy 756 Sale;Promotional Offers;Good Deals
53 tails - tail - usb - electrum - persistent 1101 Tails;Electrum;Persistent File;USB Installation
54 adderall - amphetamine - mg - replacement - speed 1583 Adderall Replacement Pills
55 cancel - order - auto - cancel order - day 1353 Auto Cancel Orders
56 mushroom - shrooms - cubensis - psilocybin - spore 1294 Mushroom Guide & Dosage Information
57 ketamine - gm - gm gm - gm gm gm - vendor 1134 Ketamine Vendor Quality Shard
58 exit - exit scam - scam - exit scamming - exit scammed 1163 Exit Scam Market
59 phone - burner - sim - card - number 691 Burner Phone Usage
60 dream - market - dream market - nightmare - nightmare market 830 Dream Market
61 bond - vendor bond - vendor - bond back - market 2239 Vendor Bond Waiver Market
62 vpn - tor - use - using - proxy 546 VPN and Tor Use
63 jabber - telegram - xmpp - pidgin - otr 1054 Jabber/XMPP/OTR Chat Clients
64 dmt - psychedelics - per - psychedelic - changa 588 DMT Psychedelics Prices
65 captcha - captchas - page - enter - login 899 Captcha Issues in Darknet Market
66 sample - free sample - free - review - sample pack 713 Free Sample Order
67 update - issue - problem - working - fixed 682 Fixed Bug Issue
68 cgmc - invite - vendor - cgmc cgmc - link cgmc 1410 CGMC Invites
69 apollon - apollon market - market - empire - apollomarket 694 Apollon Market Update
70 paypal - transfer - account - paypal account - paypal transfer 750 PayPal Account Transfer
71 giveaway - win - number - winner - contest 1008 Giveaways & Contests
72 pm - working link - link - link please - please 739 Working Link Requests
73 darkfail - link - fail - dark - dark fail 745 Dark Fail Links Question
74 empire - market - empire market - nightmare - alphabay 598 Empire Market Vendor Feedback
75 package - pack - delivery - tracking - day 2959 Package Delivery Tracking
76 bag - dog - seal - mylar - vac 3821 Smuggling Methods & Detection
77 opsec - opsec opsec - link opsec - opsec link - opsec opsec link 542 Opsec Guidance
78 link - working - working link - main link - link working 618 Link issues
79 money - pay - money back - dollar - get 875 Money Losses
80 tracking - tracking number - number - order - day 513 Tracking Number Concerns
81 guide - tutorial - outdated - thanks - method 1078 Guide Topic or Tutorial Help or Out
82 bir - bu - kai - ama - var 357 bu bir kai
83 rc - mxe - dck - rcs - fdck 356 RC Sources
84 cash - btc - bitcoin - coinbase - atm 549 Crypto Purchase Methods
85 olympus - market - fe escrow - olympus market - dream 3082 Olympus Market
86 log - logged - logging - login - page 338 Logging and Session Issues
87 vacation - vacation mode - mode - back - profile 401 Vacation Mode
88 message - contact - email - support - send 331 Message;Email Support
89 post - mod - comment - delete - thread 5040 Moderation and Deletion of Posts
90 xmr - wallet - deposit - monero - payment id 8102 XMR Wallet Issue
91 image - exif - upload - exif data - data 946 Image Exif Data Upload
92 back - hope - welcome back - luck - good 399 hope recovery
93 review - template - pic - picture - table 2240 Review templates and images
94 cheer - cheer cheer - cheer mate - mate - anyone 547 Cheer Positivity Justification
95 bulk - price - kratom - good - kg 307 Bulk Kratom Vendors
96 wallstreet - wall st - wall - st - wallstreetmarket 675 Wallstreet Market Forum Links
97 product - stealth - shipping - quality - price 685 Product Review
98 listing - list - superlist - vendor - search 2037 Listing Management and Visibility
99 fuck - cunt - dick - fud fud - fud fud fud 493 Mom sex;Insults
100 empire - exit - market - scam - exit scam 3076 Empire Market
101 protonmail - protonmailcom - email - proton - secmail 1138 Protonmail Alternatives
102 wallet - node - gui - monero - remote node 296 Monero Wallet Update
103 multisig - market - transaction - escrow - use multisig 423 MultiSig Market Transactions
104 bunk - bunk bar - bar - hulk - sent bunk 307 Bunk and Bar
105 mg - benzo - benzos - alprazolam - alp 355 Benzodiazepine use and abuse
106 pelican - bird - pelicanvendor - bigbird - pelicanvendor pelicanvendor link 2750 Pelican Bird Giveaway
107 heinekenexpress - link heinekenexpress - heinekenexpress link - heinekenexpress heinekenexpress - link heinekenexpress heinekenexpress 249 Heineken Express Reviews
108 rdp - sock - vpn - ip - card 266 RDP Socks for Carding
109 dnm - dm - dread - forum - link 401 DNM Reddit Subs
110 pic - picture - photo - photoshop - post pic 937 Pics and posts
111 empire - link - empiremarket - empire link - link empire 476 Empire Market Links
112 invite - invite code - code - need invite - get invite 398 Darknet Market Invites
113 samsara - market - samsara market - sam - dream 224 Samsara Market
114 chemical - test - lab - powder - product 290 Chemistry Research and Supply
115 rapture - rapture market - rapturemarket - market - gbp 1262 Rapture Market GBP
116 water - acetone - powder - dry - ml 214 Acetone Recrystallization Techniques
117 witchman - link witchman - link - witchman link - witchman witchman 1754 Link Witchman Discussion
118 tochka - market - tochka market - tochka tochka - use tochka 218 Tochka market
119 post - know guy know - guy know guy - know guy - guy know 210 Read Post Discussion
120 subdread - sub - post - subdreads - create 2589 Subdread creation issues
121 crosspost - giveaway - review crosspost - crosspost vendor - review 509 Crosspost Giveaway Review
122 oxycodone - mg - oxy - opiate - opiateconnect 999 Opiate Dosages
123 drug - drugsuk - drugs - selling drug - drug dealer 608 Drugs and Drug Market
124 hacked - hacker - hacking - job - lfw 1201 Hacker Job
125 login - account - password - log - fa 5784 Login and Registration Issues
126 cc - cvv - vbv - cc vendor - cc cvv 4119 Credit Card Data
127 withdraw - withdrawal - withdrawl - withdraws - btc 382 Bitcoin Withdrawal
128 heard - happened - anyone - anyone heard - thewizzardnl 397 Something Happened
129 benzos - benzo - rc - benzo vendor - rc benzos 281 Benzos Vendors
130 fraud - fraudsters - fraud vendor - loan fraud - fraudfox 308 Fraud and Loan Scams
131 mephedrone - meopcp - mxe - mescaline - mmc 326 Chemicals and Drugs
132 socialism - lesson - applied socialism - practical - practical lesson applied 178 Applied Socialism
133 trump - democrats - pelosi - biden - election 10136 2020 Election Fraud Impeachment
134 border - illegal - wall - trump - mexico 2606 Border Wall Debate
135 israel - iran - syria - us - israeli 1802 Middle East Tensions Wars
136 climate - climate change - change - warming - global warming 1740 Climate Change Funding
137 sgt - sgt report - report - appeared first - appeared first sgt 915 SGT Report Articles
138 mueller - fbi - trump - clinton - obama 832 Trump Deep State
139 facebook - google - tech - twitter - social media 3596 Big Tech Censorship
140 gold - silver - report - the post - sgt report 1586 Gold Silver Ratio
141 epstein - jeffrey epstein - jeffrey - sex - maxwell 750 Epstein Maxwell Sex Scandal
142 women - men - transgender - gender - feminism 569 Transgender Rights and Feminism
143 jews - jewish - jew - holocaust - the jews 485 20th Century Jewish History
144 kavanaugh - ford - christine - brett - brett kavanaugh 590 Kavanaugh Accuser
145 white - racist - white people - race - black 442 White Racism Follow
146 youtube - music - favorite - what favorite - what favorite music 571 Favorite Music Youtube
147 vaccine - vaccines - measles - vaccination - flu 1400 Vaccine Lawsuit Losses
148 abortion - planned parenthood - parenthood - planned - babies 400 Planned Parenthood Abortion
149 christians - christianity - pope - christian - church 281 Christianity & Religion
150 media - news - cnn - fake news - fake 551 Mainstream Media and Fake News
151 antifa - portland - police - violence - protesters 662 Antifa Portland Attacks Journalist
152 college - school - students - schools - education 337 Education Politics
153 stormfront - stormfront sucks - re stormfront sucks - re stormfront - sucks 374 Stormfront Criticism
154 assange - julian - julian assange - wikileaks - us 197 Julian Assange Expulsion
155 coronavirus - virus - pandemic - outbreak - wuhan 192 Coronavirus Pandemic
156 database - data - db - databases - dump 340 Data Collection
157 mega - onlyfans - collection - gb - nsfw 7773 NSFW Mega OnlyFans Pack
158 combo - combolist - hq - private - gaming 4326 Gaming Combo List
159 htb - flag - writeup - hackthebox - root 2961 Hack The Box Root Flags Writeup
160 leak - leaked - leaked download - database leaked - download 2275 Data Leak
161 hello - hi - new - hey - im 2027 Hello New Member
162 raid - raidforums - server - raiding - raid raid 1732 Server Raids
163 anime - manga - animes - best - naruto 2056 Anime Favorites
164 vpn - nordvpn - nord - accounts - nord vpn 1120 NordVPN Premium Accounts
165 netflix - spotify - steam - minecraft - combo 1017 netflix spotify steam minecraft account
166 twitch - youtube - streamer - stream - raid 1136 Twitch Raid Streams
167 spotify - spotify premium - premium - accounts - spotify accounts 1260 Spotify Premium Accounts
168 dox - doxing - dox dox - doxed - doxxing 864 Doxing Tutorial
169 discord - discord server - server - tokens - discord tokens 810 Discord Server Tokens
170 proxy - proxies - socks - proxy list - http 881 Proxy Lists
171 netflix - hulu - accounts - premium - netflix premium 636 Premium Netflix Accounts
172 discord - raid - discord raid - raid discord - discord server 773 Discord Raids

Training hyperparameters

  • calculate_probabilities: True
  • language: None
  • low_memory: True
  • min_topic_size: 10
  • n_gram_range: (1, 3)
  • nr_topics: None
  • seed_topic_list: None
  • top_n_words: 10
  • verbose: True
  • zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7
  • zeroshot_topic_list: None

Framework versions

  • Numpy: 1.26.4
  • HDBSCAN: 0.8.36
  • UMAP: 0.5.6
  • Pandas: 2.2.1
  • Scikit-Learn: 1.4.1.post1
  • Sentence-transformers: 3.0.1
  • Transformers: 4.39.3
  • Numba: 0.60.0
  • Plotly: 5.22.0
  • Python: 3.12.2
Downloads last month
Inference Examples
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