This is the transforna package which contains the following modules: |
- `train` is the entry point where data preparation, training and results logging is executed. |
- `processing` contains all classes used for data augmentation, tokenization and splitting. |
- `model` contains the skorch model `skorchWrapper` that wraps the torch model described in model components |
- `callbacks` contains the learning rate scheduler, loss function and the metrics used to evaluate the model. |
- `score` compute the balanced accuracy of the classification task -major or sub-class- for each of the splits with known labels(train/valid/test). |
- `novelty_prediction` contains two novelty metrics; entropy based(obsolete) and Normalized Levenstein Distance, NLD based (current). |
- `inference` contains all inference functionalities. check `transforna/scripts/test_inference_api.py` for how-to-use. |
A schematic of the TransfoRNA Architecture: |
![TransfoRNA Architecture](https://github.com/gitHBDX/TransfoRNA/assets/82571392/a1bfbb1e-32c9-4faf-96ae-46727c27e321) |
Model evauation image [source](https://medium.com/@sachinsoni600517/model-evaluation-techniques-in-machine-learning-47ae9fb0ad33) |