# 大きな口 / Wide mouth |
大きく開いた、または大きく閉じた口を再現できます。 |
2種類ずつ合計4種類を用意しました。 |
アニメ系のデータモデル向きです。写真系のデータモデルではほとんどの場合うまく動作しません。 |
These LoRAs can reproduce variety of wide mouth shapes. |
4 shape types are available. |
Suitable for anime-style models. With most photorealistic models, it won't work well. |
|Open type 1|Open type 2| |
|---|---| |
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|カマボコ形 / Pie shaped|楕円形 / Oval shaped| |
|Closed type 1|Closed type 2| |
|---|---| |
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|下向きアーチ形 / Downward arched shape|横一文字 / Straight shape| |
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## 使い方 / How to use |
LoRAを有効にするだけで発動します。 |
LoRA適用強度でエフェクトの効き具合を調整できます。効きが悪い場合は適用強度を上げてみてください。 |
閉じた口は`closed mouth`、開いた口は`open mouth`のプロンプトを使用したほうがよいでしょう。 |
It works by simply enabling LoRA. No extra prompts are necessary. |
Effect strength can be controlled by LoRA weight (approx. 0.5 - 2.0). |
It is recommended to use with mouth prompts as following: |
- for closed mouth : `closed mouth` |
- for open mouth : `open mouth` |
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## ダウンロード / Download |
- Wide **open** mouth **Type 1** |
- [**Download v1.0** (widemouth1_xl_v10.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/sdxl/widemouth1_xl_v10.safetensors?download=true) |
- Wide **open** mouth **Type 2** |
- [**Download v1.0** (widemouth2_xl_v10.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/sdxl/widemouth2_xl_v10.safetensors?download=true) |
- Wide **closed** mouth **Type 1** |
- [**Download v1.0** (wideclosedmouth1_xl_v10.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/sdxl/wideclosedmouth1_xl_v10.safetensors?download=true) |
- Wide **closed** mouth **Type 2** |
- [**Download v1.0** (wideclosedmouth2_xl_v10.safetensors)](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/resolve/main/sdxl/wideclosedmouth2_xl_v10.safetensors?download=true) |
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## 適用サンプル / Sample gallery |
<details><summary>ここをクリックして展開してください / Click here to view samples</summary> |
</details> |
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[戻る / Return to index](https://huggingface.co/JujoHotaru/lora/blob/main/sdxl/README.md) |