--- |
language: |
- zh |
- en |
tags: |
- similarity |
- antonym |
- synonym |
--- |
# near-synonym |
>>> near-synonym, 中文反义词/近义词/同义词(antonym/synonym)工具包. |
# 一、安装 |
## 1.1 注意事项 |
默认不指定numpy版本(标准版numpy==1.20.4) |
标准版本的依赖包详见 requirements-all.txt |
## 1.2 通过PyPI安装 |
``` |
pip install near-synonym |
使用镜像源, 如: |
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple near-synonym |
不带依赖安装, 之后缺什么包再补充什么 |
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple near-synonym --no-dependencies |
``` |
## 1.3 模型文件 |
- github项目源码自带模型文件只有1w+词向量, 完整模型文件在near_synonym/near_synonym_model, |
- pip下载的软件包里边只有5w+词向量, 放在data目录下; |
- 完整的词向量详见[huggingface](https://huggingface.co/)网站的[Macropodus/near_synonym_model](https://huggingface.co/Macropodus/near_synonym_model), |
- 或完整的词向量详见百度网盘分享链接[https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lDSCtpr0r2hKrGrK8ZLlFQ](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lDSCtpr0r2hKrGrK8ZLlFQ), 密码: ff0y |
# 二、使用方式 |
## 2.1 快速使用, 反义词, 近义词 |
```python3 |
import near_synonym |
word = "喜欢" |
word_antonyms = near_synonym.antonyms(word) |
word_synonyms = near_synonym.synonyms(word) |
print("反义词:") |
print(word_antonyms) |
print("近义词:") |
print(word_synonyms) |
""" |
反义词: |
[('讨厌', 0.6857), ('厌恶', 0.5406), ('憎恶', 0.485), ('不喜欢', 0.4079), ('冷漠', 0.4051)] |
近义词: |
[('喜爱', 0.8813), ('爱好', 0.8193), ('感兴趣', 0.7399), ('赞赏', 0.6849), ('倾向', 0.6137)] |
""" |
``` |
## 2.2 详细使用 |
```python3 |
import near_synonym |
word = "喜欢" |
word_antonyms = near_synonym.antonyms(word, topk=8, annk=256, annk_cpu=128, batch_size=32, |
rate_ann=0.4, rate_sim=0.4, rate_len=0.2, rounded=4, is_debug=False) |
print("反义词:") |
print(word_antonyms) |
# 当前版本速度很慢, 召回数量annk_cpu/annk可以调小 |
``` |
# 三、技术原理 |
## 3.1 技术详情 |
``` |
near-synonym, 中文反义词/近义词工具包. |
流程: Word2vec -> ANN -> NLI -> Length |
# Word2vec, 词向量, 使用skip-ngram的词向量; |
# ANN, 近邻搜索, 使用annoy检索召回; |
# NLI, 自然语言推断, 使用Roformer-sim的v2版本, 区分反义词/近义词; |
# Length, 惩罚项, 词语的文本长度惩罚; |
``` |
## 3.2 TODO |
``` |
1. 推理加速, 训练小的NLI模型, 替换掉笨重且不太合适的roformer-sim-ft;【20240320已完成ERNIE-SIM,但转为ONNX为340M太大, 考虑浅层网络, 转第四点4.】 |
2. 使用大模型构建更多的NLI语料; |
3. 使用大模型直接生成近义词, 同义词表, 用于前置索引+训练相似度;【20240407已完成】 |
4. 近义词反义词识别考虑使用经典NLP分类模型, text_cnn/text-rcnn, 基于字向量;【do-ing, 仿transformers写config/tokenizer/model, 方便余预训练模型集成】 |
5. word2vec召回不太行, 考虑直接使用大模型qwen1.5-0.5b生成; |
``` |
## 3.3 其他实验 |
``` |
fail, 使用情感识别, 取得不同情感下的词语(失败, 例如可爱/漂亮同为积极情感); |
fail, 使用NLI自然推理, 已有的语料是句子, 不是太适配; |
``` |
# 四、对比 |
## 4.1 相似度比较 |
| 词语 | 2016词林改进版 | 知网hownet | Synonyms | near-synonym | |
|--------------|-----------------|---------------|-----------------| ----------------- | |
| "轿车","汽车" | 0.82 | 1.0 | 0.73 | 0.86 | |
| "宝石","宝物" | 0.83 | 0.17 | 0.71 | 0.81 | |
| "旅游","游历" | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.59 | 0.72 | |
| "男孩子","小伙子" | 0.81 | 1.0 | 0.88 | 0.83 | |
| "海岸","海滨" | 0.94 | 1.0 | 0.68 | 0.9 | |
| "庇护所","精神病院" | 0.96 | 0.58 | 0.64 | 0.62 | |
| "魔术师","巫师" | 0.85 | 0.58 | 0.66 | 0.78 | |
| "火炉","炉灶" | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.81 | 0.83 | |
| "中午","正午" | 0.98 | 0.58 | 0.85 | 0.88 | |
| "食物","水果" | 0.35 | 0.14 | 0.74 | 0.82 | |
| "鸟","公鸡" | 0.64 | 1.0 | 0.67 | 0.72 | |
| "鸟","鹤" | 0.1 | 1.0 | 0.64 | 0.81 | |
| "工具","器械" | 0.53 | 1.0 | 0.62 | 0.75 | |
| "兄弟","和尚" | 0.37 | 0.80 | 0.59 | 0.7 | |
| "起重机","器械" | 0.53 | 0.35 | 0.61 | 0.65 | |
注:2016词林改进版/知网hownet/Synonyms数据、分数来源于[chatopera/Synonyms](https://github.com/chatopera/Synonyms)。同义词林及知网数据、分数的次级来源为[liuhuanyong/SentenceSimilarity](https://github.com/liuhuanyong/SentenceSimilarity)。 |
# 五、参考 |
- [https://ai.tencent.com/ailab/nlp/en/index.html](https://ai.tencent.com/ailab/nlp/en/index.html) |
- [https://github.com/ZhuiyiTechnology/roformer-sim](https://github.com/ZhuiyiTechnology/roformer-sim) |
- [https://github.com/liuhuanyong/SentenceSimilarity](https://github.com/liuhuanyong/SentenceSimilarity) |
- [https://github.com/yongzhuo/Macropodus](https://github.com/yongzhuo/Macropodus) |
- [https://github.com/chatopera/Synonyms](https://github.com/chatopera/Synonyms) |
# 六、日历 |
``` |
2024.04.07, qwen-7b-chat模型构建28w+词典的近义词/反义词表, 即ci_atmnonym_synonym.json, v0.1.0版本(使用huggface_hub下载数据); |
2024.03.14, 初始化near-synonym, v0.0.3版本; |
``` |
# Reference |
For citing this work, you can refer to the present GitHub project. For example, with BibTeX: |
``` |
@misc{Macropodus, |
howpublished = {https://github.com/yongzhuo/near-synonym}, |
title = {near-synonym}, |
author = {Yongzhuo Mo}, |
publisher = {GitHub}, |
year = {2024} |
} |
``` |