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SetFit with sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2

This is a SetFit model that can be used for Text Classification. This SetFit model uses sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2 as the Sentence Transformer embedding model. A LogisticRegression instance is used for classification.

The model has been trained using an efficient few-shot learning technique that involves:

  1. Fine-tuning a Sentence Transformer with contrastive learning.
  2. Training a classification head with features from the fine-tuned Sentence Transformer.

Model Details

Model Description

Model Sources

Model Labels

Label Examples
adult content
  • 'gay men ring free gay tube for mature gay men updated with gay porn videos and gay sex movies'
  • 'seemomsuck packed with the best amateur step mom blowjobs download hot x000d mom and teen blowjob videos seemomsuck'
  • 'xreview com provides depth porn site reviews and offers discount codes and links off some the top porn sites the internet'
  • "wife threatening suiciderecently left wife for good because she has cheated twice and lied much that have decided refuse back her. few days ago, she began threatening suicide. have tirelessly spent these paat few days talking her out and she keeps hesitating because she wants believe i'll come back. know lot people will threaten this order get their way, but what happens she really does? what and how supposed handle her death hands? still love wife but cannot deal with getting cheated again and constantly feeling insecure. i'm worried today may the day she does and hope much doesn't happen."
  • 'need helpjust help crying hard'
  • 'i’m losthello, name adam and i’ve been struggling for years and i’m afraid. through these past years thoughts suicide, fear, anxiety i’m close limit i’ve been quiet for long and i’m too scared come out family about these feelings. about years ago losing aunt triggered all. everyday feeling hopeless lost, guilty, and remorseful over her and all the things i’ve done life,but thoughts like these with the little i’ve experienced life? only time i’ve revealed these feelings family when broke down where they saw cuts. watching them get worried over something portrayed average day made feel absolutely dreadful. they later found out was attempt survivor from attempt od(overdose from pills) and attempt hanging. all that happened was blackout from the pills and never went through with the noose because i’m still afraid. during first therapy was diagnosed with severe depression, social anxiety, and eating disorder. was later transferred fucken group therapy for some reason which made feel more anxious. eventually before last session with therapy she showed results from daily check feelings(which was step survey for and mom/dad come find out i’ve been putting feeling horrible and afraid/anxious everyday mom has been doing i’ve been doing absolutely amazing with described “happiest she’s ever seen me, therapy has helped him” eventually was put sertaline (anti anxiety anti depression i’m sorry forgot) but never finished first prescription nor ever found the right type anti depressant because mom thought only wanted the drugs she took off recommended pill schedule after week and stopped from taking them. all this time i’ve been feeling worse afraid the damage/ worry i’ve caused them even more. now here with everything going on, i’m afraid i’ve ever been i’ve relapsed cutting and have developed severe insomnia day after day feeling more hopeless, worthless questioning why still here? what’s motivation move out bed and keep going? ask these myself nearly every night almost having break down everytime. please please please someone.. anyone help me. i’m scared might something drastic, i’ve been shaped fear and anxiety. idk what anymore'
gun violence
  • 'anti-gun student walkout included stomping american flag and jumping cop car'
  • 'parkland students brand firearm ban during pence speech nra hypocrisy'
  • 'oliver north and the nra deserve each other'
  • "we're looking for someone with more aesthetically pleasing face for this role"
  • "we're looking for someone with more appealing body type for this position"
  • "we're looking for someone with more attractive appearance for this role"
sexual harassment
  • 'was walking along crowded street, holding mums hand, when elderly man groped butt, turned look h7m and looked away, and did again after while.i was yrs old then.'
  • 'poor street lighting'
  • "this happened bus, public transport. was broad daylight. was way college and the bus wasn't that crowded. there was enough space for two people stand back back with big bags 'em. this particular male was standing next seat. there was enough and more space behind him. but noooooo... started rubbing his crotch against shoulder, subtly first and then very obviously. made discomfort very apparent. but didn't seem get it. shifted inside seat and did he. think the lady beside knew what was going but didn't say word, neither did the people behind nor the bus conductor. well neither did the first place, was frozen and gripped shock and fear. think now better prepared make shit down someone tries the same feat with me. but i'll never know."
  • 'fuck that dont wanna watch tranny porn.'
  • 'opie just wanted have good time. the same old rant about africans from ant and the same old joke about tranny cock from jim. opie admitted and accepted his place the show. was the two other queens who couldnâ€t keep together. opie ✚'
  • 'fuck that faggot fallon. fucking sissy boy acting like year old playing slumber party games. put norm amp louis tour together. see how much fucking money they make together.'
  • 'dalits are lowlives'
  • 'gay people are burden our society'
  • 'arabs are not welcome'
  • 'cocksucker before you piss around work'
  • 'hey... what it.. talk what it... exclusive group some talibans...who are good destroying, self-appointed purist who gang any one who asks them questions abt their anti-social and destructive (non)-contribution wp? ask sityush clean his behavior than issue nonsensical warnings...'
  • "bye don't look, come think comming back tosser."
physical violence
  • 'husband beats frequently, wife tells court'
  • 'best thing for do, remain silent when return work today. nobody wants hear anything from me, unless husband beats me.'
  • 'husband will never beat me, bambam denies rumour that teddya beats her'
  • "here home. neighbors pick family and mind you son autistic. feels like high school. they call names attack for reason and bully all the time. can't step front porch without them doing something"
  • 'being bullied school: high-achieving boys use further strategies maintain masculinity, for example becoming bullies themselves, disrupting the lessons, devaluing girls’ achievements https://www.bipartisanalliance.com///being-bullied-at-school-high-achieving.html?spref=tw'
  • 'there was girl class 6th grade who was little autistic, and her parents thought it’d better send her public school. she didn’t fit with the class and was lowkey bullied (it was actually high key but the teacher downplayed and did nothing)'
  • 'the world will rejoice when you die. murderer classless'
  • 'destroy our country? more like defending our country against treasonous traitor the white house trumpisatraitor trumptaxes trumpsaninternationaldisgrace trumpmustresign'
  • 'looks like the lying incompetent homophobic racist borisjohnson will the next tory leader...well least we’ll get generalelection boris? borisjohnsonshouldnotbepm torydrugoff toryleadershipcontest https://t.co/ho4hibto7a'



Label Accuracy
all 0.5722


Direct Use for Inference

First install the SetFit library:

pip install setfit

Then you can load this model and run inference.

from setfit import SetFitModel

# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SetFitModel.from_pretrained("Nikhilbendre/my-awesome-setfit-model")
# Run inference
preds = model("this bitch")

Training Details

Training Set Metrics

Training set Min Median Max
Word count 1 31.7855 1331
Label Training Sample Count
adult content 100
bullying 100
derogatory 100
discrimination 100
gun violence 100
hate 100
offensive 100
physical violence 100
sexual harassment 100
suicide 100
toxic 100

Training Hyperparameters

  • batch_size: (4, 4)
  • num_epochs: (10, 10)
  • max_steps: -1
  • sampling_strategy: oversampling
  • num_iterations: 20
  • body_learning_rate: (2e-05, 2e-05)
  • head_learning_rate: 2e-05
  • loss: CosineSimilarityLoss
  • distance_metric: cosine_distance
  • margin: 0.25
  • end_to_end: False
  • use_amp: False
  • warmup_proportion: 0.1
  • seed: 42
  • eval_max_steps: -1
  • load_best_model_at_end: False

Training Results

Epoch Step Training Loss Validation Loss
0.0001 1 0.2443 -
0.0045 50 0.3281 -
0.0091 100 0.3332 -
0.0136 150 0.2277 -
0.0182 200 0.2349 -
0.0227 250 0.1334 -
0.0273 300 0.2644 -
0.0318 350 0.2592 -
0.0364 400 0.1887 -
0.0409 450 0.1979 -
0.0455 500 0.2129 -
0.05 550 0.0973 -
0.0545 600 0.2668 -
0.0591 650 0.1174 -
0.0636 700 0.1916 -
0.0682 750 0.1189 -
0.0727 800 0.2277 -
0.0773 850 0.1881 -
0.0818 900 0.1465 -
0.0864 950 0.1099 -
0.0909 1000 0.1549 -
0.0955 1050 0.1248 -
0.1 1100 0.1229 -
0.1045 1150 0.1852 -
0.1091 1200 0.0698 -
0.1136 1250 0.1726 -
0.1182 1300 0.1093 -
0.1227 1350 0.1563 -
0.1273 1400 0.1223 -
0.1318 1450 0.0557 -
0.1364 1500 0.1671 -
0.1409 1550 0.0872 -
0.1455 1600 0.0795 -
0.15 1650 0.0429 -
0.1545 1700 0.1217 -
0.1591 1750 0.0094 -
0.1636 1800 0.0463 -
0.1682 1850 0.0842 -
0.1727 1900 0.004 -
0.1773 1950 0.0204 -
0.1818 2000 0.0133 -
0.1864 2050 0.1028 -
0.1909 2100 0.0098 -
0.1955 2150 0.0166 -
0.2 2200 0.0221 -
0.2045 2250 0.0296 -
0.2091 2300 0.024 -
0.2136 2350 0.1014 -
0.2182 2400 0.0035 -
0.2227 2450 0.0086 -
0.2273 2500 0.0092 -
0.2318 2550 0.001 -
0.2364 2600 0.0047 -
0.2409 2650 0.0065 -
0.2455 2700 0.0046 -
0.25 2750 0.0094 -
0.2545 2800 0.004 -
0.2591 2850 0.1082 -
0.2636 2900 0.0022 -
0.2682 2950 0.0026 -
0.2727 3000 0.0009 -
0.2773 3050 0.0008 -
0.2818 3100 0.0004 -
0.2864 3150 0.0012 -
0.2909 3200 0.0005 -
0.2955 3250 0.0021 -
0.3 3300 0.0008 -
0.3045 3350 0.0007 -
0.3091 3400 0.002 -
0.3136 3450 0.0013 -
0.3182 3500 0.0007 -
0.3227 3550 0.0052 -
0.3273 3600 0.0012 -
0.3318 3650 0.0019 -
0.3364 3700 0.0006 -
0.3409 3750 0.0009 -
0.3455 3800 0.0004 -
0.35 3850 0.0039 -
0.3545 3900 0.0005 -
0.3591 3950 0.0086 -
0.3636 4000 0.0002 -
0.3682 4050 0.0014 -
0.3727 4100 0.0006 -
0.3773 4150 0.0012 -
0.3818 4200 0.0008 -
0.3864 4250 0.0008 -
0.3909 4300 0.0004 -
0.3955 4350 0.0003 -
0.4 4400 0.0002 -
0.4045 4450 0.0001 -
0.4091 4500 0.0003 -
0.4136 4550 0.0003 -
0.4182 4600 0.0001 -
0.4227 4650 0.0003 -
0.4273 4700 0.0002 -
0.4318 4750 0.0002 -
0.4364 4800 0.0001 -
0.4409 4850 0.0003 -
0.4455 4900 0.0001 -
0.45 4950 0.0009 -
0.4545 5000 0.0002 -
0.4591 5050 0.0001 -
0.4636 5100 0.0001 -
0.4682 5150 0.0001 -
0.4727 5200 0.0006 -
0.4773 5250 0.0001 -
0.4818 5300 0.0002 -
0.4864 5350 0.0001 -
0.4909 5400 0.0002 -
0.4955 5450 0.0002 -
0.5 5500 0.0002 -
0.5045 5550 0.0002 -
0.5091 5600 0.0006 -
0.5136 5650 0.0001 -
0.5182 5700 0.0001 -
0.5227 5750 0.0002 -
0.5273 5800 0.0001 -
0.5318 5850 0.0013 -
0.5364 5900 0.0002 -
0.5409 5950 0.0003 -
0.5455 6000 0.0002 -
0.55 6050 0.0007 -
0.5545 6100 0.0002 -
0.5591 6150 0.0001 -
0.5636 6200 0.0002 -
0.5682 6250 0.0013 -
0.5727 6300 0.0003 -
0.5773 6350 0.0002 -
0.5818 6400 0.0001 -
0.5864 6450 0.0002 -
0.5909 6500 0.0001 -
0.5955 6550 0.0004 -
0.6 6600 0.0001 -
0.6045 6650 0.0002 -
0.6091 6700 0.0003 -
0.6136 6750 0.0017 -
0.6182 6800 0.0019 -
0.6227 6850 0.0003 -
0.6273 6900 0.001 -
0.6318 6950 0.0001 -
0.6364 7000 0.0002 -
0.6409 7050 0.0007 -
0.6455 7100 0.0001 -
0.65 7150 0.0002 -
0.6545 7200 0.0002 -
0.6591 7250 0.0004 -
0.6636 7300 0.0004 -
0.6682 7350 0.0007 -
0.6727 7400 0.0002 -
0.6773 7450 0.0001 -
0.6818 7500 0.0003 -
0.6864 7550 0.0001 -
0.6909 7600 0.0 -
0.6955 7650 0.0002 -
0.7 7700 0.0005 -
0.7045 7750 0.0002 -
0.7091 7800 0.0 -
0.7136 7850 0.0001 -
0.7182 7900 0.0002 -
0.7227 7950 0.0001 -
0.7273 8000 0.0001 -
0.7318 8050 0.0003 -
0.7364 8100 0.0019 -
0.7409 8150 0.0014 -
0.7455 8200 0.0001 -
0.75 8250 0.0002 -
0.7545 8300 0.0002 -
0.7591 8350 0.0005 -
0.7636 8400 0.0001 -
0.7682 8450 0.0045 -
0.7727 8500 0.0 -
0.7773 8550 0.0002 -
0.7818 8600 0.0008 -
0.7864 8650 0.0003 -
0.7909 8700 0.0001 -
0.7955 8750 0.0001 -
0.8 8800 0.0003 -
0.8045 8850 0.0 -
0.8091 8900 0.0 -
0.8136 8950 0.0001 -
0.8182 9000 0.0 -
0.8227 9050 0.0001 -
0.8273 9100 0.0 -
0.8318 9150 0.0001 -
0.8364 9200 0.0003 -
0.8409 9250 0.0 -
0.8455 9300 0.0 -
0.85 9350 0.0408 -
0.8545 9400 0.0021 -
0.8591 9450 0.1726 -
0.8636 9500 0.1827 -
0.8682 9550 0.0006 -
0.8727 9600 0.0001 -
0.8773 9650 0.0001 -
0.8818 9700 0.0003 -
0.8864 9750 0.0001 -
0.8909 9800 0.0001 -
0.8955 9850 0.0001 -
0.9 9900 0.001 -
0.9045 9950 0.0001 -
0.9091 10000 0.0002 -
0.9136 10050 0.0002 -
0.9182 10100 0.0001 -
0.9227 10150 0.0001 -
0.9273 10200 0.0004 -
0.9318 10250 0.0001 -
0.9364 10300 0.0001 -
0.9409 10350 0.0002 -
0.9455 10400 0.0001 -
0.95 10450 0.0 -
0.9545 10500 0.0001 -
0.9591 10550 0.0001 -
0.9636 10600 0.0002 -
0.9682 10650 0.0001 -
0.9727 10700 0.0 -
0.9773 10750 0.0 -
0.9818 10800 0.0 -
0.9864 10850 0.0 -
0.9909 10900 0.0001 -
0.9955 10950 0.0 -
1.0 11000 0.0 -
1.0045 11050 0.0001 -
1.0091 11100 0.0002 -
1.0136 11150 0.0001 -
1.0182 11200 0.0001 -
1.0227 11250 0.0001 -
1.0273 11300 0.0 -
1.0318 11350 0.0014 -
1.0364 11400 0.0002 -
1.0409 11450 0.0001 -
1.0455 11500 0.0001 -
1.05 11550 0.0001 -
1.0545 11600 0.0 -
1.0591 11650 0.0 -
1.0636 11700 0.0003 -
1.0682 11750 0.0002 -
1.0727 11800 0.0001 -
1.0773 11850 0.0001 -
1.0818 11900 0.0001 -
1.0864 11950 0.0001 -
1.0909 12000 0.0001 -
1.0955 12050 0.0001 -
1.1 12100 0.0002 -
1.1045 12150 0.0001 -
1.1091 12200 0.0698 -
1.1136 12250 0.0001 -
1.1182 12300 0.0001 -
1.1227 12350 0.0002 -
1.1273 12400 0.0002 -
1.1318 12450 0.0002 -
1.1364 12500 0.0 -
1.1409 12550 0.0001 -
1.1455 12600 0.0001 -
1.15 12650 0.0001 -
1.1545 12700 0.0 -
1.1591 12750 0.0004 -
1.1636 12800 0.0001 -
1.1682 12850 0.0001 -
1.1727 12900 0.0 -
1.1773 12950 0.0001 -
1.1818 13000 0.0001 -
1.1864 13050 0.0002 -
1.1909 13100 0.0001 -
1.1955 13150 0.0 -
1.2 13200 0.0001 -
1.2045 13250 0.0002 -
1.2091 13300 0.0 -
1.2136 13350 0.0002 -
1.2182 13400 0.0001 -
1.2227 13450 0.0002 -
1.2273 13500 0.001 -
1.2318 13550 0.0001 -
1.2364 13600 0.0 -
1.2409 13650 0.0001 -
1.2455 13700 0.0 -
1.25 13750 0.0001 -
1.2545 13800 0.0002 -
1.2591 13850 0.0009 -
1.2636 13900 0.0 -
1.2682 13950 0.0001 -
1.2727 14000 0.0 -
1.2773 14050 0.001 -
1.2818 14100 0.0001 -
1.2864 14150 0.0001 -
1.2909 14200 0.0001 -
1.2955 14250 0.0011 -
1.3 14300 0.0003 -
1.3045 14350 0.0449 -
1.3091 14400 0.0004 -
1.3136 14450 0.0219 -
1.3182 14500 0.002 -
1.3227 14550 0.0001 -
1.3273 14600 0.0001 -
1.3318 14650 0.0 -
1.3364 14700 0.0001 -
1.3409 14750 0.0002 -
1.3455 14800 0.0 -
1.35 14850 0.0001 -
1.3545 14900 0.0001 -
1.3591 14950 0.0001 -
1.3636 15000 0.0059 -
1.3682 15050 0.0005 -
1.3727 15100 0.0001 -
1.3773 15150 0.0 -
1.3818 15200 0.0 -
1.3864 15250 0.0 -
1.3909 15300 0.0 -
1.3955 15350 0.0 -
1.4 15400 0.0001 -
1.4045 15450 0.0 -
1.4091 15500 0.0001 -
1.4136 15550 0.0001 -
1.4182 15600 0.0001 -
1.4227 15650 0.0 -
1.4273 15700 0.0 -
1.4318 15750 0.0 -
1.4364 15800 0.0001 -
1.4409 15850 0.0 -
1.4455 15900 0.0001 -
1.45 15950 0.0005 -
1.4545 16000 0.0001 -
1.4591 16050 0.0001 -
1.4636 16100 0.0002 -
1.4682 16150 0.0 -
1.4727 16200 0.0 -
1.4773 16250 0.0001 -
1.4818 16300 0.0002 -
1.4864 16350 0.0 -
1.4909 16400 0.0001 -
1.4955 16450 0.0 -
1.5 16500 0.0 -
1.5045 16550 0.0 -
1.5091 16600 0.0 -
1.5136 16650 0.0001 -
1.5182 16700 0.0 -
1.5227 16750 0.0 -
1.5273 16800 0.0001 -
1.5318 16850 0.0 -
1.5364 16900 0.0 -
1.5409 16950 0.0 -
1.5455 17000 0.0 -
1.55 17050 0.0001 -
1.5545 17100 0.0 -
1.5591 17150 0.0 -
1.5636 17200 0.0 -
1.5682 17250 0.0 -
1.5727 17300 0.0 -
1.5773 17350 0.0 -
1.5818 17400 0.0002 -
1.5864 17450 0.0 -
1.5909 17500 0.0 -
1.5955 17550 0.0 -
1.6 17600 0.0001 -
1.6045 17650 0.0 -
1.6091 17700 0.0 -
1.6136 17750 0.0 -
1.6182 17800 0.0 -
1.6227 17850 0.0 -
1.6273 17900 0.0001 -
1.6318 17950 0.0 -
1.6364 18000 0.0001 -
1.6409 18050 0.0001 -
1.6455 18100 0.0001 -
1.65 18150 0.0 -
1.6545 18200 0.0003 -
1.6591 18250 0.0001 -
1.6636 18300 0.0001 -
1.6682 18350 0.0 -
1.6727 18400 0.0 -
1.6773 18450 0.0 -
1.6818 18500 0.0001 -
1.6864 18550 0.0 -
1.6909 18600 0.0 -
1.6955 18650 0.0 -
1.7 18700 0.0 -
1.7045 18750 0.0001 -
1.7091 18800 0.0001 -
1.7136 18850 0.0001 -
1.7182 18900 0.0 -
1.7227 18950 0.0 -
1.7273 19000 0.0 -
1.7318 19050 0.0001 -
1.7364 19100 0.0 -
1.7409 19150 0.0 -
1.7455 19200 0.0 -
1.75 19250 0.0001 -
1.7545 19300 0.0 -
1.7591 19350 0.0 -
1.7636 19400 0.0002 -
1.7682 19450 0.0001 -
1.7727 19500 0.0001 -
1.7773 19550 0.0 -
1.7818 19600 0.0001 -
1.7864 19650 0.0007 -
1.7909 19700 0.0 -
1.7955 19750 0.0001 -
1.8 19800 0.0002 -
1.8045 19850 0.0 -
1.8091 19900 0.0002 -
1.8136 19950 0.0002 -
1.8182 20000 0.0 -
1.8227 20050 0.0002 -
1.8273 20100 0.0 -
1.8318 20150 0.0 -
1.8364 20200 0.0 -
1.8409 20250 0.0001 -
1.8455 20300 0.0001 -
1.85 20350 0.0 -
1.8545 20400 0.0001 -
1.8591 20450 0.0 -
1.8636 20500 0.0 -
1.8682 20550 0.0 -
1.8727 20600 0.0014 -
1.8773 20650 0.0001 -
1.8818 20700 0.0 -
1.8864 20750 0.0009 -
1.8909 20800 0.0002 -
1.8955 20850 0.0 -
1.9 20900 0.0227 -
1.9045 20950 0.1435 -
1.9091 21000 0.0002 -
1.9136 21050 0.0137 -
1.9182 21100 0.0004 -
1.9227 21150 0.0001 -
1.9273 21200 0.0001 -
1.9318 21250 0.0 -
1.9364 21300 0.0001 -
1.9409 21350 0.0 -
1.9455 21400 0.0 -
1.95 21450 0.0001 -
1.9545 21500 0.0 -
1.9591 21550 0.0 -
1.9636 21600 0.0001 -
1.9682 21650 0.0 -
1.9727 21700 0.0001 -
1.9773 21750 0.0 -
1.9818 21800 0.0 -
1.9864 21850 0.0 -
1.9909 21900 0.0 -
1.9955 21950 0.0001 -
2.0 22000 0.0001 -
2.0045 22050 0.0001 -
2.0091 22100 0.0 -
2.0136 22150 0.0005 -
2.0182 22200 0.0001 -
2.0227 22250 0.0 -
2.0273 22300 0.0001 -
2.0318 22350 0.0002 -
2.0364 22400 0.0042 -
2.0409 22450 0.0147 -
2.0455 22500 0.0 -
2.05 22550 0.0 -
2.0545 22600 0.0 -
2.0591 22650 0.0026 -
2.0636 22700 0.0 -
2.0682 22750 0.0001 -
2.0727 22800 0.0 -
2.0773 22850 0.0 -
2.0818 22900 0.0001 -
2.0864 22950 0.0 -
2.0909 23000 0.0001 -
2.0955 23050 0.0001 -
2.1 23100 0.0 -
2.1045 23150 0.0 -
2.1091 23200 0.0001 -
2.1136 23250 0.0 -
2.1182 23300 0.0 -
2.1227 23350 0.0002 -
2.1273 23400 0.0 -
2.1318 23450 0.0 -
2.1364 23500 0.0001 -
2.1409 23550 0.0 -
2.1455 23600 0.0 -
2.15 23650 0.0 -
2.1545 23700 0.0 -
2.1591 23750 0.0001 -
2.1636 23800 0.0 -
2.1682 23850 0.0 -
2.1727 23900 0.0 -
2.1773 23950 0.0001 -
2.1818 24000 0.0 -
2.1864 24050 0.0 -
2.1909 24100 0.0 -
2.1955 24150 0.0 -
2.2 24200 0.0001 -
2.2045 24250 0.0 -
2.2091 24300 0.0001 -
2.2136 24350 0.0 -
2.2182 24400 0.0 -
2.2227 24450 0.0 -
2.2273 24500 0.0001 -
2.2318 24550 0.0 -
2.2364 24600 0.0 -
2.2409 24650 0.0 -
2.2455 24700 0.0001 -
2.25 24750 0.0001 -
2.2545 24800 0.0 -
2.2591 24850 0.0 -
2.2636 24900 0.0 -
2.2682 24950 0.0 -
2.2727 25000 0.0 -
2.2773 25050 0.0001 -
2.2818 25100 0.0 -
2.2864 25150 0.0 -
2.2909 25200 0.0002 -
2.2955 25250 0.0 -
2.3 25300 0.0 -
2.3045 25350 0.0001 -
2.3091 25400 0.0 -
2.3136 25450 0.0001 -
2.3182 25500 0.0001 -
2.3227 25550 0.0 -
2.3273 25600 0.0 -
2.3318 25650 0.0 -
2.3364 25700 0.0001 -
2.3409 25750 0.0 -
2.3455 25800 0.0002 -
2.35 25850 0.0 -
2.3545 25900 0.0001 -
2.3591 25950 0.0001 -
2.3636 26000 0.0 -
2.3682 26050 0.0002 -
2.3727 26100 0.0 -
2.3773 26150 0.0 -
2.3818 26200 0.0002 -
2.3864 26250 0.0 -
2.3909 26300 0.0004 -
2.3955 26350 0.0 -
2.4 26400 0.0 -
2.4045 26450 0.0 -
2.4091 26500 0.0 -
2.4136 26550 0.0 -
2.4182 26600 0.0 -
2.4227 26650 0.0 -
2.4273 26700 0.0 -
2.4318 26750 0.0001 -
2.4364 26800 0.0 -
2.4409 26850 0.0 -
2.4455 26900 0.0001 -
2.45 26950 0.0 -
2.4545 27000 0.0001 -
2.4591 27050 0.0 -
2.4636 27100 0.0 -
2.4682 27150 0.0 -
2.4727 27200 0.0 -
2.4773 27250 0.0 -
2.4818 27300 0.0001 -
2.4864 27350 0.0 -
2.4909 27400 0.0001 -
2.4955 27450 0.0001 -
2.5 27500 0.0 -
2.5045 27550 0.0 -
2.5091 27600 0.0002 -
2.5136 27650 0.0 -
2.5182 27700 0.0001 -
2.5227 27750 0.0008 -
2.5273 27800 0.0002 -
2.5318 27850 0.0 -
2.5364 27900 0.0001 -
2.5409 27950 0.0001 -
2.5455 28000 0.0 -
2.55 28050 0.0179 -
2.5545 28100 0.0 -
2.5591 28150 0.0001 -
2.5636 28200 0.0 -
2.5682 28250 0.0 -
2.5727 28300 0.0031 -
2.5773 28350 0.0001 -
2.5818 28400 0.0 -
2.5864 28450 0.0 -
2.5909 28500 0.0001 -
2.5955 28550 0.0001 -
2.6 28600 0.0 -
2.6045 28650 0.0 -
2.6091 28700 0.0001 -
2.6136 28750 0.0 -
2.6182 28800 0.0 -
2.6227 28850 0.0 -
2.6273 28900 0.0 -
2.6318 28950 0.0 -
2.6364 29000 0.0001 -
2.6409 29050 0.0001 -
2.6455 29100 0.0 -
2.65 29150 0.0 -
2.6545 29200 0.0 -
2.6591 29250 0.0001 -
2.6636 29300 0.0 -
2.6682 29350 0.0 -
2.6727 29400 0.0 -
2.6773 29450 0.0 -
2.6818 29500 0.0 -
2.6864 29550 0.0 -
2.6909 29600 0.0 -
2.6955 29650 0.0 -
2.7 29700 0.0 -
2.7045 29750 0.0001 -
2.7091 29800 0.0 -
2.7136 29850 0.0 -
2.7182 29900 0.0001 -
2.7227 29950 0.0 -
2.7273 30000 0.0 -
2.7318 30050 0.0001 -
2.7364 30100 0.0001 -
2.7409 30150 0.0 -
2.7455 30200 0.0001 -
2.75 30250 0.0 -
2.7545 30300 0.0005 -
2.7591 30350 0.1041 -
2.7636 30400 0.0049 -
2.7682 30450 0.0264 -
2.7727 30500 0.0 -
2.7773 30550 0.0 -
2.7818 30600 0.2649 -
2.7864 30650 0.0016 -
2.7909 30700 0.0001 -
2.7955 30750 0.0123 -
2.8 30800 0.1437 -
2.8045 30850 0.0 -
2.8091 30900 0.0 -
2.8136 30950 0.0 -
2.8182 31000 0.2468 -
2.8227 31050 0.0 -
2.8273 31100 0.0 -
2.8318 31150 0.0 -
2.8364 31200 0.0 -
2.8409 31250 0.0 -
2.8455 31300 0.2486 -
2.85 31350 0.0001 -
2.8545 31400 0.0001 -
2.8591 31450 0.0 -
2.8636 31500 0.0 -
2.8682 31550 0.0001 -
2.8727 31600 0.0 -
2.8773 31650 0.0 -
2.8818 31700 0.0 -
2.8864 31750 0.0 -
2.8909 31800 0.0 -
2.8955 31850 0.0 -
2.9 31900 0.0 -
2.9045 31950 0.2417 -
2.9091 32000 0.0 -
2.9136 32050 0.2362 -
2.9182 32100 0.0003 -
2.9227 32150 0.0001 -
2.9273 32200 0.0003 -
2.9318 32250 0.0 -
2.9364 32300 0.0001 -
2.9409 32350 0.2468 -
2.9455 32400 0.0 -
2.95 32450 0.0 -
2.9545 32500 0.2505 -
2.9591 32550 0.0232 -
2.9636 32600 0.0001 -
2.9682 32650 0.2462 -
2.9727 32700 0.0001 -
2.9773 32750 0.0042 -
2.9818 32800 0.007 -
2.9864 32850 0.0105 -
2.9909 32900 0.0674 -
2.9955 32950 0.0 -
3.0 33000 0.0 -
3.0045 33050 0.0001 -
3.0091 33100 0.0001 -
3.0136 33150 0.2478 -
3.0182 33200 0.0007 -
3.0227 33250 0.0001 -
3.0273 33300 0.0 -
3.0318 33350 0.0015 -
3.0364 33400 0.0001 -
3.0409 33450 0.0 -
3.0455 33500 0.0001 -
3.05 33550 0.2482 -
3.0545 33600 0.0 -
3.0591 33650 0.0 -
3.0636 33700 0.0 -
3.0682 33750 0.0 -
3.0727 33800 0.0 -
3.0773 33850 0.2484 -
3.0818 33900 0.0036 -
3.0864 33950 0.0 -
3.0909 34000 0.0 -
3.0955 34050 0.0002 -
3.1 34100 0.0001 -
3.1045 34150 0.0001 -
3.1091 34200 0.2471 -
3.1136 34250 0.0 -
3.1182 34300 0.0001 -
3.1227 34350 0.0001 -
3.1273 34400 0.0038 -
3.1318 34450 0.0018 -
3.1364 34500 0.0001 -
3.1409 34550 0.0147 -
3.1455 34600 0.0 -
3.15 34650 0.2478 -
3.1545 34700 0.0025 -
3.1591 34750 0.0 -
3.1636 34800 0.0034 -
3.1682 34850 0.0 -
3.1727 34900 0.0026 -
3.1773 34950 0.0001 -
3.1818 35000 0.0 -
3.1864 35050 0.0001 -
3.1909 35100 0.0003 -
3.1955 35150 0.0 -
3.2 35200 0.0 -
3.2045 35250 0.0001 -
3.2091 35300 0.0002 -
3.2136 35350 0.0 -
3.2182 35400 0.0069 -
3.2227 35450 0.0002 -
3.2273 35500 0.0 -
3.2318 35550 0.0001 -
3.2364 35600 0.0033 -
3.2409 35650 0.0 -
3.2455 35700 0.0001 -
3.25 35750 0.0 -
3.2545 35800 0.0003 -
3.2591 35850 0.0001 -
3.2636 35900 0.0036 -
3.2682 35950 0.0 -
3.2727 36000 0.0 -
3.2773 36050 0.0004 -
3.2818 36100 0.0 -
3.2864 36150 0.0005 -
3.2909 36200 0.0 -
3.2955 36250 0.0 -
3.3 36300 0.0001 -
3.3045 36350 0.0 -
3.3091 36400 0.0 -
3.3136 36450 0.0 -
3.3182 36500 0.0 -
3.3227 36550 0.0001 -
3.3273 36600 0.0 -
3.3318 36650 0.0 -
3.3364 36700 0.0001 -
3.3409 36750 0.0001 -
3.3455 36800 0.0 -
3.35 36850 0.0 -
3.3545 36900 0.0 -
3.3591 36950 0.0 -
3.3636 37000 0.0 -
3.3682 37050 0.0 -
3.3727 37100 0.0 -
3.3773 37150 0.0024 -
3.3818 37200 0.0001 -
3.3864 37250 0.0 -
3.3909 37300 0.0001 -
3.3955 37350 0.0 -
3.4 37400 0.0046 -
3.4045 37450 0.0 -
3.4091 37500 0.0 -
3.4136 37550 0.0002 -
3.4182 37600 0.0 -
3.4227 37650 0.0001 -
3.4273 37700 0.0001 -
3.4318 37750 0.0001 -
3.4364 37800 0.0002 -
3.4409 37850 0.0 -
3.4455 37900 0.0 -
3.45 37950 0.0 -
3.4545 38000 0.0 -
3.4591 38050 0.0003 -
3.4636 38100 0.0 -
3.4682 38150 0.0007 -
3.4727 38200 0.0002 -
3.4773 38250 0.001 -
3.4818 38300 0.0 -
3.4864 38350 0.0 -
3.4909 38400 0.0 -
3.4955 38450 0.0008 -
3.5 38500 0.0 -
3.5045 38550 0.0 -
3.5091 38600 0.0032 -
3.5136 38650 0.0001 -
3.5182 38700 0.0004 -
3.5227 38750 0.0 -
3.5273 38800 0.0001 -
3.5318 38850 0.0001 -
3.5364 38900 0.0 -
3.5409 38950 0.0 -
3.5455 39000 0.0 -
3.55 39050 0.0 -
3.5545 39100 0.0 -
3.5591 39150 0.0 -
3.5636 39200 0.0 -
3.5682 39250 0.0 -
3.5727 39300 0.0 -
3.5773 39350 0.0 -
3.5818 39400 0.0003 -
3.5864 39450 0.0 -
3.5909 39500 0.0 -
3.5955 39550 0.0 -
3.6 39600 0.0004 -
3.6045 39650 0.2547 -
3.6091 39700 0.0001 -
3.6136 39750 0.0001 -
3.6182 39800 0.0002 -
3.6227 39850 0.0001 -
3.6273 39900 0.0 -
3.6318 39950 0.1489 -
3.6364 40000 0.0013 -
3.6409 40050 0.0017 -
3.6455 40100 0.0632 -
3.65 40150 0.0037 -
3.6545 40200 0.0003 -
3.6591 40250 0.0003 -
3.6636 40300 0.0161 -
3.6682 40350 0.0 -
3.6727 40400 0.004 -
3.6773 40450 0.0002 -
3.6818 40500 0.0001 -
3.6864 40550 0.0001 -
3.6909 40600 0.0001 -
3.6955 40650 0.0013 -
3.7 40700 0.0001 -
3.7045 40750 0.0 -
3.7091 40800 0.0001 -
3.7136 40850 0.0 -
3.7182 40900 0.0001 -
3.7227 40950 0.0002 -
3.7273 41000 0.0046 -
3.7318 41050 0.0 -
3.7364 41100 0.1408 -
3.7409 41150 0.0002 -
3.7455 41200 0.0252 -
3.75 41250 0.0 -
3.7545 41300 0.0002 -
3.7591 41350 0.0001 -
3.7636 41400 0.2435 -
3.7682 41450 0.0 -
3.7727 41500 0.0027 -
3.7773 41550 0.0007 -
3.7818 41600 0.0 -
3.7864 41650 0.0022 -
3.7909 41700 0.0004 -
3.7955 41750 0.0 -
3.8 41800 0.0 -
3.8045 41850 0.2471 -
3.8091 41900 0.0 -
3.8136 41950 0.0 -
3.8182 42000 0.0 -
3.8227 42050 0.0001 -
3.8273 42100 0.0001 -
3.8318 42150 0.0 -
3.8364 42200 0.0 -
3.8409 42250 0.0 -
3.8455 42300 0.0 -
3.85 42350 0.0003 -
3.8545 42400 0.0 -
3.8591 42450 0.0 -
3.8636 42500 0.0013 -
3.8682 42550 0.0 -
3.8727 42600 0.0003 -
3.8773 42650 0.1858 -
3.8818 42700 0.0 -
3.8864 42750 0.0197 -
3.8909 42800 0.0 -
3.8955 42850 0.0051 -
3.9 42900 0.0 -
3.9045 42950 0.0004 -
3.9091 43000 0.0014 -
3.9136 43050 0.0026 -
3.9182 43100 0.0 -
3.9227 43150 0.0 -
3.9273 43200 0.0011 -
3.9318 43250 0.2407 -
3.9364 43300 0.0 -
3.9409 43350 0.0 -
3.9455 43400 0.0001 -
3.95 43450 0.0036 -
3.9545 43500 0.0008 -
3.9591 43550 0.0001 -
3.9636 43600 0.0 -
3.9682 43650 0.0001 -
3.9727 43700 0.0 -
3.9773 43750 0.0 -
3.9818 43800 0.0 -
3.9864 43850 0.0 -
3.9909 43900 0.2426 -
3.9955 43950 0.0001 -
4.0 44000 0.0 -
4.0045 44050 0.0 -
4.0091 44100 0.0 -
4.0136 44150 0.0022 -
4.0182 44200 0.0 -
4.0227 44250 0.0 -
4.0273 44300 0.0 -
4.0318 44350 0.0 -
4.0364 44400 0.0132 -
4.0409 44450 0.0 -
4.0455 44500 0.0 -
4.05 44550 0.0 -
4.0545 44600 0.0 -
4.0591 44650 0.0001 -
4.0636 44700 0.0042 -
4.0682 44750 0.0 -
4.0727 44800 0.0 -
4.0773 44850 0.0001 -
4.0818 44900 0.0 -
4.0864 44950 0.0 -
4.0909 45000 0.0026 -
4.0955 45050 0.0001 -
4.1 45100 0.0001 -
4.1045 45150 0.0 -
4.1091 45200 0.0 -
4.1136 45250 0.0034 -
4.1182 45300 0.0001 -
4.1227 45350 0.2462 -
4.1273 45400 0.2459 -
4.1318 45450 0.0002 -
4.1364 45500 0.0001 -
4.1409 45550 0.0 -
4.1455 45600 0.0002 -
4.15 45650 0.0001 -
4.1545 45700 0.0 -
4.1591 45750 0.0 -
4.1636 45800 0.0 -
4.1682 45850 0.001 -
4.1727 45900 0.0065 -
4.1773 45950 0.0002 -
4.1818 46000 0.0001 -
4.1864 46050 0.0001 -
4.1909 46100 0.0 -
4.1955 46150 0.0 -
4.2 46200 0.0001 -
4.2045 46250 0.0 -
4.2091 46300 0.0 -
4.2136 46350 0.0 -
4.2182 46400 0.2457 -
4.2227 46450 0.0001 -
4.2273 46500 0.0001 -
4.2318 46550 0.0 -
4.2364 46600 0.0053 -
4.2409 46650 0.0001 -
4.2455 46700 0.0 -
4.25 46750 0.0 -
4.2545 46800 0.0009 -
4.2591 46850 0.0 -
4.2636 46900 0.0001 -
4.2682 46950 0.0 -
4.2727 47000 0.0 -
4.2773 47050 0.0 -
4.2818 47100 0.0002 -
4.2864 47150 0.0001 -
4.2909 47200 0.0002 -
4.2955 47250 0.0011 -
4.3 47300 0.0581 -
4.3045 47350 0.0 -
4.3091 47400 0.0 -
4.3136 47450 0.0004 -
4.3182 47500 0.0001 -
4.3227 47550 0.0001 -
4.3273 47600 0.0 -
4.3318 47650 0.0064 -
4.3364 47700 0.0001 -
4.3409 47750 0.0001 -
4.3455 47800 0.0001 -
4.35 47850 0.0002 -
4.3545 47900 0.0002 -
4.3591 47950 0.0012 -
4.3636 48000 0.0001 -
4.3682 48050 0.0001 -
4.3727 48100 0.0 -
4.3773 48150 0.0001 -
4.3818 48200 0.0 -
4.3864 48250 0.0 -
4.3909 48300 0.0 -
4.3955 48350 0.0 -
4.4 48400 0.0 -
4.4045 48450 0.0 -
4.4091 48500 0.0027 -
4.4136 48550 0.0 -
4.4182 48600 0.0001 -
4.4227 48650 0.0 -
4.4273 48700 0.0001 -
4.4318 48750 0.0 -
4.4364 48800 0.0001 -
4.4409 48850 0.0014 -
4.4455 48900 0.0008 -
4.45 48950 0.0 -
4.4545 49000 0.0 -
4.4591 49050 0.0 -
4.4636 49100 0.0 -
4.4682 49150 0.0001 -
4.4727 49200 0.0 -
4.4773 49250 0.0013 -
4.4818 49300 0.0 -
4.4864 49350 0.0 -
4.4909 49400 0.0 -
4.4955 49450 0.0 -
4.5 49500 0.0 -
4.5045 49550 0.0001 -
4.5091 49600 0.0 -
4.5136 49650 0.0001 -
4.5182 49700 0.0001 -
4.5227 49750 0.0001 -
4.5273 49800 0.0 -
4.5318 49850 0.0 -
4.5364 49900 0.0 -
4.5409 49950 0.0005 -
4.5455 50000 0.0002 -
4.55 50050 0.0 -
4.5545 50100 0.0001 -
4.5591 50150 0.0005 -
4.5636 50200 0.0004 -
4.5682 50250 0.0 -
4.5727 50300 0.0002 -
4.5773 50350 0.0001 -
4.5818 50400 0.0001 -
4.5864 50450 0.0 -
4.5909 50500 0.0002 -
4.5955 50550 0.0001 -
4.6 50600 0.0 -
4.6045 50650 0.0 -
4.6091 50700 0.0 -
4.6136 50750 0.0001 -
4.6182 50800 0.0 -
4.6227 50850 0.0 -
4.6273 50900 0.0 -
4.6318 50950 0.0001 -
4.6364 51000 0.0 -
4.6409 51050 0.0001 -
4.6455 51100 0.0001 -
4.65 51150 0.0 -
4.6545 51200 0.0001 -
4.6591 51250 0.0 -
4.6636 51300 0.0 -
4.6682 51350 0.0001 -
4.6727 51400 0.0001 -
4.6773 51450 0.0001 -
4.6818 51500 0.0001 -
4.6864 51550 0.0 -
4.6909 51600 0.0002 -
4.6955 51650 0.0 -
4.7 51700 0.0 -
4.7045 51750 0.0 -
4.7091 51800 0.0 -
4.7136 51850 0.0014 -
4.7182 51900 0.0002 -
4.7227 51950 0.0 -
4.7273 52000 0.0 -
4.7318 52050 0.0001 -
4.7364 52100 0.0 -
4.7409 52150 0.0 -
4.7455 52200 0.0 -
4.75 52250 0.0002 -
4.7545 52300 0.0 -
4.7591 52350 0.0001 -
4.7636 52400 0.0001 -
4.7682 52450 0.0 -
4.7727 52500 0.0001 -
4.7773 52550 0.0 -
4.7818 52600 0.0 -
4.7864 52650 0.0 -
4.7909 52700 0.0001 -
4.7955 52750 0.0 -
4.8 52800 0.0 -
4.8045 52850 0.0 -
4.8091 52900 0.0 -
4.8136 52950 0.0001 -
4.8182 53000 0.0002 -
4.8227 53050 0.0 -
4.8273 53100 0.0 -
4.8318 53150 0.0 -
4.8364 53200 0.0 -
4.8409 53250 0.0003 -
4.8455 53300 0.0002 -
4.85 53350 0.0001 -
4.8545 53400 0.0003 -
4.8591 53450 0.0 -
4.8636 53500 0.0 -
4.8682 53550 0.0 -
4.8727 53600 0.0 -
4.8773 53650 0.0001 -
4.8818 53700 0.0 -
4.8864 53750 0.0 -
4.8909 53800 0.0003 -
4.8955 53850 0.0 -
4.9 53900 0.0 -
4.9045 53950 0.0 -
4.9091 54000 0.0001 -
4.9136 54050 0.0 -
4.9182 54100 0.0001 -
4.9227 54150 0.0 -
4.9273 54200 0.0001 -
4.9318 54250 0.0008 -
4.9364 54300 0.0001 -
4.9409 54350 0.0 -
4.9455 54400 0.0001 -
4.95 54450 0.0 -
4.9545 54500 0.0 -
4.9591 54550 0.0 -
4.9636 54600 0.0 -
4.9682 54650 0.0 -
4.9727 54700 0.0 -
4.9773 54750 0.0 -
4.9818 54800 0.0001 -
4.9864 54850 0.0 -
4.9909 54900 0.0001 -
4.9955 54950 0.0001 -
5.0 55000 0.0001 -
5.0045 55050 0.0 -
5.0091 55100 0.0001 -
5.0136 55150 0.0 -
5.0182 55200 0.0 -
5.0227 55250 0.245 -
5.0273 55300 0.0 -
5.0318 55350 0.0011 -
5.0364 55400 0.0001 -
5.0409 55450 0.0001 -
5.0455 55500 0.0 -
5.05 55550 0.0002 -
5.0545 55600 0.0 -
5.0591 55650 0.0 -
5.0636 55700 0.0001 -
5.0682 55750 0.0001 -
5.0727 55800 0.0 -
5.0773 55850 0.0 -
5.0818 55900 0.0 -
5.0864 55950 0.0 -
5.0909 56000 0.0 -
5.0955 56050 0.0 -
5.1 56100 0.0 -
5.1045 56150 0.0 -
5.1091 56200 0.0 -
5.1136 56250 0.0001 -
5.1182 56300 0.0 -
5.1227 56350 0.0 -
5.1273 56400 0.0 -
5.1318 56450 0.0 -
5.1364 56500 0.0 -
5.1409 56550 0.0 -
5.1455 56600 0.0002 -
5.15 56650 0.0 -
5.1545 56700 0.0001 -
5.1591 56750 0.0057 -
5.1636 56800 0.0 -
5.1682 56850 0.0 -
5.1727 56900 0.0 -
5.1773 56950 0.0 -
5.1818 57000 0.0 -
5.1864 57050 0.0 -
5.1909 57100 0.0 -
5.1955 57150 0.0 -
5.2 57200 0.0 -
5.2045 57250 0.0001 -
5.2091 57300 0.0 -
5.2136 57350 0.0 -
5.2182 57400 0.0 -
5.2227 57450 0.0 -
5.2273 57500 0.0 -
5.2318 57550 0.0001 -
5.2364 57600 0.0 -
5.2409 57650 0.0 -
5.2455 57700 0.0001 -
5.25 57750 0.0 -
5.2545 57800 0.0001 -
5.2591 57850 0.0 -
5.2636 57900 0.0 -
5.2682 57950 0.0 -
5.2727 58000 0.0 -
5.2773 58050 0.0 -
5.2818 58100 0.0 -
5.2864 58150 0.0001 -
5.2909 58200 0.0 -
5.2955 58250 0.0 -
5.3 58300 0.0 -
5.3045 58350 0.0 -
5.3091 58400 0.0 -
5.3136 58450 0.0 -
5.3182 58500 0.0003 -
5.3227 58550 0.0 -
5.3273 58600 0.0 -
5.3318 58650 0.0 -
5.3364 58700 0.0001 -
5.3409 58750 0.0 -
5.3455 58800 0.0001 -
5.35 58850 0.0 -
5.3545 58900 0.0 -
5.3591 58950 0.0001 -
5.3636 59000 0.0 -
5.3682 59050 0.0 -
5.3727 59100 0.0 -
5.3773 59150 0.0 -
5.3818 59200 0.0 -
5.3864 59250 0.0 -
5.3909 59300 0.0001 -
5.3955 59350 0.0001 -
5.4 59400 0.0 -
5.4045 59450 0.0 -
5.4091 59500 0.0 -
5.4136 59550 0.0 -
5.4182 59600 0.0001 -
5.4227 59650 0.0 -
5.4273 59700 0.0 -
5.4318 59750 0.0 -
5.4364 59800 0.0 -
5.4409 59850 0.0 -
5.4455 59900 0.0 -
5.45 59950 0.0001 -
5.4545 60000 0.0 -
5.4591 60050 0.0001 -
5.4636 60100 0.0 -
5.4682 60150 0.0 -
5.4727 60200 0.0 -
5.4773 60250 0.0 -
5.4818 60300 0.0001 -
5.4864 60350 0.0 -
5.4909 60400 0.0 -
5.4955 60450 0.0 -
5.5 60500 0.0 -
5.5045 60550 0.0 -
5.5091 60600 0.0 -
5.5136 60650 0.0 -
5.5182 60700 0.0 -
5.5227 60750 0.0001 -
5.5273 60800 0.0 -
5.5318 60850 0.0 -
5.5364 60900 0.0 -
5.5409 60950 0.0 -
5.5455 61000 0.0 -
5.55 61050 0.0001 -
5.5545 61100 0.0 -
5.5591 61150 0.0 -
5.5636 61200 0.0 -
5.5682 61250 0.0002 -
5.5727 61300 0.0001 -
5.5773 61350 0.0001 -
5.5818 61400 0.0001 -
5.5864 61450 0.0 -
5.5909 61500 0.0 -
5.5955 61550 0.0 -
5.6 61600 0.0001 -
5.6045 61650 0.0 -
5.6091 61700 0.0 -
5.6136 61750 0.0 -
5.6182 61800 0.0 -
5.6227 61850 0.0 -
5.6273 61900 0.0 -
5.6318 61950 0.0 -
5.6364 62000 0.0 -
5.6409 62050 0.0 -
5.6455 62100 0.0 -
5.65 62150 0.0 -
5.6545 62200 0.0 -
5.6591 62250 0.0 -
5.6636 62300 0.0 -
5.6682 62350 0.0 -
5.6727 62400 0.0 -
5.6773 62450 0.0 -
5.6818 62500 0.0 -
5.6864 62550 0.0 -
5.6909 62600 0.0 -
5.6955 62650 0.0 -
5.7 62700 0.0 -
5.7045 62750 0.0 -
5.7091 62800 0.0 -
5.7136 62850 0.0 -
5.7182 62900 0.0 -
5.7227 62950 0.0001 -
5.7273 63000 0.0 -
5.7318 63050 0.0 -
5.7364 63100 0.0 -
5.7409 63150 0.0 -
5.7455 63200 0.0 -
5.75 63250 0.0 -
5.7545 63300 0.0 -
5.7591 63350 0.0 -
5.7636 63400 0.0 -
5.7682 63450 0.0 -
5.7727 63500 0.0 -
5.7773 63550 0.0 -
5.7818 63600 0.0001 -
5.7864 63650 0.0 -
5.7909 63700 0.0 -
5.7955 63750 0.0 -
5.8 63800 0.0 -
5.8045 63850 0.0 -
5.8091 63900 0.0001 -
5.8136 63950 0.0 -
5.8182 64000 0.0002 -
5.8227 64050 0.0 -
5.8273 64100 0.0 -
5.8318 64150 0.0 -
5.8364 64200 0.0 -
5.8409 64250 0.0 -
5.8455 64300 0.0 -
5.85 64350 0.0001 -
5.8545 64400 0.0 -
5.8591 64450 0.0 -
5.8636 64500 0.0 -
5.8682 64550 0.0 -
5.8727 64600 0.0 -
5.8773 64650 0.0001 -
5.8818 64700 0.0001 -
5.8864 64750 0.0 -
5.8909 64800 0.0 -
5.8955 64850 0.0001 -
5.9 64900 0.0001 -
5.9045 64950 0.0 -
5.9091 65000 0.0 -
5.9136 65050 0.0 -
5.9182 65100 0.0001 -
5.9227 65150 0.0 -
5.9273 65200 0.0 -
5.9318 65250 0.0 -
5.9364 65300 0.0 -
5.9409 65350 0.0 -
5.9455 65400 0.0001 -
5.95 65450 0.0 -
5.9545 65500 0.0 -
5.9591 65550 0.0 -
5.9636 65600 0.0 -
5.9682 65650 0.0 -
5.9727 65700 0.0001 -
5.9773 65750 0.0 -
5.9818 65800 0.0 -
5.9864 65850 0.0001 -
5.9909 65900 0.0 -
5.9955 65950 0.0 -
6.0 66000 0.0 -
6.0045 66050 0.0001 -
6.0091 66100 0.0 -
6.0136 66150 0.0 -
6.0182 66200 0.0 -
6.0227 66250 0.0 -
6.0273 66300 0.0 -
6.0318 66350 0.0 -
6.0364 66400 0.0 -
6.0409 66450 0.0 -
6.0455 66500 0.0 -
6.05 66550 0.0 -
6.0545 66600 0.0 -
6.0591 66650 0.0 -
6.0636 66700 0.0001 -
6.0682 66750 0.0 -
6.0727 66800 0.0 -
6.0773 66850 0.0 -
6.0818 66900 0.0 -
6.0864 66950 0.0 -
6.0909 67000 0.0 -
6.0955 67050 0.0002 -
6.1 67100 0.0 -
6.1045 67150 0.0 -
6.1091 67200 0.0 -
6.1136 67250 0.0 -
6.1182 67300 0.0 -
6.1227 67350 0.0001 -
6.1273 67400 0.0 -
6.1318 67450 0.0 -
6.1364 67500 0.0 -
6.1409 67550 0.0 -
6.1455 67600 0.0001 -
6.15 67650 0.0 -
6.1545 67700 0.0 -
6.1591 67750 0.0 -
6.1636 67800 0.0 -
6.1682 67850 0.0 -
6.1727 67900 0.0 -
6.1773 67950 0.0 -
6.1818 68000 0.0 -
6.1864 68050 0.0 -
6.1909 68100 0.0 -
6.1955 68150 0.0 -
6.2 68200 0.0 -
6.2045 68250 0.0 -
6.2091 68300 0.0 -
6.2136 68350 0.0 -
6.2182 68400 0.0 -
6.2227 68450 0.0 -
6.2273 68500 0.0 -
6.2318 68550 0.0001 -
6.2364 68600 0.0 -
6.2409 68650 0.0 -
6.2455 68700 0.0 -
6.25 68750 0.0 -
6.2545 68800 0.0001 -
6.2591 68850 0.0 -
6.2636 68900 0.0 -
6.2682 68950 0.0 -
6.2727 69000 0.0 -
6.2773 69050 0.0 -
6.2818 69100 0.0 -
6.2864 69150 0.0 -
6.2909 69200 0.0 -
6.2955 69250 0.0 -
6.3 69300 0.0 -
6.3045 69350 0.0001 -
6.3091 69400 0.0 -
6.3136 69450 0.0 -
6.3182 69500 0.0 -
6.3227 69550 0.0 -
6.3273 69600 0.0 -
6.3318 69650 0.0 -
6.3364 69700 0.0 -
6.3409 69750 0.0 -
6.3455 69800 0.0 -
6.35 69850 0.0001 -
6.3545 69900 0.0001 -
6.3591 69950 0.0 -
6.3636 70000 0.0 -
6.3682 70050 0.0 -
6.3727 70100 0.0 -
6.3773 70150 0.0001 -
6.3818 70200 0.0 -
6.3864 70250 0.0 -
6.3909 70300 0.0 -
6.3955 70350 0.0001 -
6.4 70400 0.0 -
6.4045 70450 0.0001 -
6.4091 70500 0.0001 -
6.4136 70550 0.0 -
6.4182 70600 0.0 -
6.4227 70650 0.0 -
6.4273 70700 0.0 -
6.4318 70750 0.0 -
6.4364 70800 0.0 -
6.4409 70850 0.0001 -
6.4455 70900 0.0 -
6.45 70950 0.0001 -
6.4545 71000 0.0 -
6.4591 71050 0.0 -
6.4636 71100 0.0 -
6.4682 71150 0.0 -
6.4727 71200 0.0 -
6.4773 71250 0.0 -
6.4818 71300 0.0 -
6.4864 71350 0.0 -
6.4909 71400 0.0 -
6.4955 71450 0.0 -
6.5 71500 0.0 -
6.5045 71550 0.0 -
6.5091 71600 0.0001 -
6.5136 71650 0.0001 -
6.5182 71700 0.0 -
6.5227 71750 0.0 -
6.5273 71800 0.0001 -
6.5318 71850 0.0001 -
6.5364 71900 0.0 -
6.5409 71950 0.0 -
6.5455 72000 0.0 -
6.55 72050 0.0 -
6.5545 72100 0.0 -
6.5591 72150 0.0001 -
6.5636 72200 0.0001 -
6.5682 72250 0.0 -
6.5727 72300 0.0 -
6.5773 72350 0.0001 -
6.5818 72400 0.0 -
6.5864 72450 0.0 -
6.5909 72500 0.0 -
6.5955 72550 0.0 -
6.6 72600 0.0 -
6.6045 72650 0.0 -
6.6091 72700 0.0 -
6.6136 72750 0.0 -
6.6182 72800 0.0 -
6.6227 72850 0.0001 -
6.6273 72900 0.0 -
6.6318 72950 0.0 -
6.6364 73000 0.0 -
6.6409 73050 0.0 -
6.6455 73100 0.0 -
6.65 73150 0.0001 -
6.6545 73200 0.0 -
6.6591 73250 0.0 -
6.6636 73300 0.0 -
6.6682 73350 0.0 -
6.6727 73400 0.0 -
6.6773 73450 0.0001 -
6.6818 73500 0.0001 -
6.6864 73550 0.0 -
6.6909 73600 0.0 -
6.6955 73650 0.0 -
6.7 73700 0.0 -
6.7045 73750 0.0 -
6.7091 73800 0.0 -
6.7136 73850 0.0 -
6.7182 73900 0.0 -
6.7227 73950 0.0001 -
6.7273 74000 0.0 -
6.7318 74050 0.0 -
6.7364 74100 0.0 -
6.7409 74150 0.0001 -
6.7455 74200 0.0 -
6.75 74250 0.0 -
6.7545 74300 0.0 -
6.7591 74350 0.0 -
6.7636 74400 0.0 -
6.7682 74450 0.0 -
6.7727 74500 0.0 -
6.7773 74550 0.0001 -
6.7818 74600 0.0 -
6.7864 74650 0.0 -
6.7909 74700 0.0 -
6.7955 74750 0.0 -
6.8 74800 0.0 -
6.8045 74850 0.0 -
6.8091 74900 0.0 -
6.8136 74950 0.0 -
6.8182 75000 0.0001 -
6.8227 75050 0.0001 -
6.8273 75100 0.0 -
6.8318 75150 0.0 -
6.8364 75200 0.0 -
6.8409 75250 0.0 -
6.8455 75300 0.0 -
6.85 75350 0.0 -
6.8545 75400 0.0 -
6.8591 75450 0.0001 -
6.8636 75500 0.0 -
6.8682 75550 0.0 -
6.8727 75600 0.0 -
6.8773 75650 0.0 -
6.8818 75700 0.0 -
6.8864 75750 0.0 -
6.8909 75800 0.0 -
6.8955 75850 0.0 -
6.9 75900 0.0 -
6.9045 75950 0.0 -
6.9091 76000 0.0 -
6.9136 76050 0.0 -
6.9182 76100 0.0 -
6.9227 76150 0.0 -
6.9273 76200 0.0 -
6.9318 76250 0.0 -
6.9364 76300 0.0 -
6.9409 76350 0.0001 -
6.9455 76400 0.0 -
6.95 76450 0.0 -
6.9545 76500 0.0 -
6.9591 76550 0.0 -
6.9636 76600 0.0 -
6.9682 76650 0.0 -
6.9727 76700 0.0 -
6.9773 76750 0.0 -
6.9818 76800 0.0 -
6.9864 76850 0.0 -
6.9909 76900 0.0 -
6.9955 76950 0.0 -
7.0 77000 0.0 -
7.0045 77050 0.0 -
7.0091 77100 0.0 -
7.0136 77150 0.0 -
7.0182 77200 0.0 -
7.0227 77250 0.0001 -
7.0273 77300 0.0 -
7.0318 77350 0.0 -
7.0364 77400 0.0 -
7.0409 77450 0.0 -
7.0455 77500 0.0 -
7.05 77550 0.0 -
7.0545 77600 0.0 -
7.0591 77650 0.0 -
7.0636 77700 0.0 -
7.0682 77750 0.0 -
7.0727 77800 0.0 -
7.0773 77850 0.0 -
7.0818 77900 0.0 -
7.0864 77950 0.0 -
7.0909 78000 0.0 -
7.0955 78050 0.0 -
7.1 78100 0.0 -
7.1045 78150 0.0 -
7.1091 78200 0.0 -
7.1136 78250 0.0 -
7.1182 78300 0.0 -
7.1227 78350 0.0 -
7.1273 78400 0.0 -
7.1318 78450 0.0 -
7.1364 78500 0.0 -
7.1409 78550 0.0 -
7.1455 78600 0.0 -
7.15 78650 0.0 -
7.1545 78700 0.0 -
7.1591 78750 0.0 -
7.1636 78800 0.0 -
7.1682 78850 0.0 -
7.1727 78900 0.0 -
7.1773 78950 0.0 -
7.1818 79000 0.0 -
7.1864 79050 0.0 -
7.1909 79100 0.0 -
7.1955 79150 0.0 -
7.2 79200 0.0 -
7.2045 79250 0.0 -
7.2091 79300 0.0 -
7.2136 79350 0.0 -
7.2182 79400 0.0001 -
7.2227 79450 0.0 -
7.2273 79500 0.0 -
7.2318 79550 0.0 -
7.2364 79600 0.0 -
7.2409 79650 0.0 -
7.2455 79700 0.0 -
7.25 79750 0.0 -
7.2545 79800 0.0 -
7.2591 79850 0.0 -
7.2636 79900 0.0 -
7.2682 79950 0.0 -
7.2727 80000 0.0 -
7.2773 80050 0.0 -
7.2818 80100 0.0 -
7.2864 80150 0.0 -
7.2909 80200 0.0001 -
7.2955 80250 0.0 -
7.3 80300 0.0 -
7.3045 80350 0.0 -
7.3091 80400 0.0 -
7.3136 80450 0.0001 -
7.3182 80500 0.0 -
7.3227 80550 0.0 -
7.3273 80600 0.0001 -
7.3318 80650 0.0 -
7.3364 80700 0.0001 -
7.3409 80750 0.0 -
7.3455 80800 0.0 -
7.35 80850 0.0 -
7.3545 80900 0.0 -
7.3591 80950 0.0 -
7.3636 81000 0.0 -
7.3682 81050 0.0 -
7.3727 81100 0.0 -
7.3773 81150 0.0 -
7.3818 81200 0.0 -
7.3864 81250 0.0 -
7.3909 81300 0.0001 -
7.3955 81350 0.0 -
7.4 81400 0.0 -
7.4045 81450 0.0 -
7.4091 81500 0.0 -
7.4136 81550 0.0 -
7.4182 81600 0.0 -
7.4227 81650 0.0 -
7.4273 81700 0.0 -
7.4318 81750 0.0 -
7.4364 81800 0.0 -
7.4409 81850 0.0001 -
7.4455 81900 0.0 -
7.45 81950 0.0001 -
7.4545 82000 0.0001 -
7.4591 82050 0.0 -
7.4636 82100 0.0 -
7.4682 82150 0.0 -
7.4727 82200 0.0 -
7.4773 82250 0.0 -
7.4818 82300 0.0 -
7.4864 82350 0.0 -
7.4909 82400 0.0 -
7.4955 82450 0.0001 -
7.5 82500 0.0 -
7.5045 82550 0.0 -
7.5091 82600 0.0 -
7.5136 82650 0.0 -
7.5182 82700 0.0 -
7.5227 82750 0.0 -
7.5273 82800 0.0 -
7.5318 82850 0.0 -
7.5364 82900 0.0 -
7.5409 82950 0.0 -
7.5455 83000 0.0 -
7.55 83050 0.0 -
7.5545 83100 0.0 -
7.5591 83150 0.0 -
7.5636 83200 0.0 -
7.5682 83250 0.0 -
7.5727 83300 0.0 -
7.5773 83350 0.0 -
7.5818 83400 0.0 -
7.5864 83450 0.0 -
7.5909 83500 0.0 -
7.5955 83550 0.0 -
7.6 83600 0.0 -
7.6045 83650 0.0 -
7.6091 83700 0.0 -
7.6136 83750 0.0 -
7.6182 83800 0.0 -
7.6227 83850 0.0 -
7.6273 83900 0.2459 -
7.6318 83950 0.0 -
7.6364 84000 0.0 -
7.6409 84050 0.0 -
7.6455 84100 0.0 -
7.65 84150 0.0 -
7.6545 84200 0.0 -
7.6591 84250 0.0001 -
7.6636 84300 0.0 -
7.6682 84350 0.0 -
7.6727 84400 0.0 -
7.6773 84450 0.0 -
7.6818 84500 0.0 -
7.6864 84550 0.0 -
7.6909 84600 0.0 -
7.6955 84650 0.0 -
7.7 84700 0.0 -
7.7045 84750 0.0 -
7.7091 84800 0.0 -
7.7136 84850 0.0 -
7.7182 84900 0.0 -
7.7227 84950 0.0 -
7.7273 85000 0.0 -
7.7318 85050 0.0 -
7.7364 85100 0.0 -
7.7409 85150 0.0 -
7.7455 85200 0.0 -
7.75 85250 0.0 -
7.7545 85300 0.0 -
7.7591 85350 0.0 -
7.7636 85400 0.0 -
7.7682 85450 0.0 -
7.7727 85500 0.0001 -
7.7773 85550 0.0 -
7.7818 85600 0.0 -
7.7864 85650 0.0 -
7.7909 85700 0.0 -
7.7955 85750 0.0 -
7.8 85800 0.0 -
7.8045 85850 0.0 -
7.8091 85900 0.0 -
7.8136 85950 0.0 -
7.8182 86000 0.0 -
7.8227 86050 0.0 -
7.8273 86100 0.0 -
7.8318 86150 0.0001 -
7.8364 86200 0.0 -
7.8409 86250 0.0 -
7.8455 86300 0.0 -
7.85 86350 0.0 -
7.8545 86400 0.0 -
7.8591 86450 0.0 -
7.8636 86500 0.0 -
7.8682 86550 0.0 -
7.8727 86600 0.0 -
7.8773 86650 0.0 -
7.8818 86700 0.0 -
7.8864 86750 0.0 -
7.8909 86800 0.0 -
7.8955 86850 0.0 -
7.9 86900 0.0001 -
7.9045 86950 0.0 -
7.9091 87000 0.0 -
7.9136 87050 0.0 -
7.9182 87100 0.0 -
7.9227 87150 0.0 -
7.9273 87200 0.0 -
7.9318 87250 0.0 -
7.9364 87300 0.0 -
7.9409 87350 0.0 -
7.9455 87400 0.0 -
7.95 87450 0.0 -
7.9545 87500 0.0 -
7.9591 87550 0.0 -
7.9636 87600 0.0 -
7.9682 87650 0.0 -
7.9727 87700 0.0 -
7.9773 87750 0.0 -
7.9818 87800 0.0 -
7.9864 87850 0.0 -
7.9909 87900 0.0 -
7.9955 87950 0.0 -
8.0 88000 0.0 -
8.0045 88050 0.0 -
8.0091 88100 0.0 -
8.0136 88150 0.0 -
8.0182 88200 0.0 -
8.0227 88250 0.0 -
8.0273 88300 0.0 -
8.0318 88350 0.0 -
8.0364 88400 0.0 -
8.0409 88450 0.0 -
8.0455 88500 0.0 -
8.05 88550 0.0 -
8.0545 88600 0.0001 -
8.0591 88650 0.0 -
8.0636 88700 0.0 -
8.0682 88750 0.123 -
8.0727 88800 0.0 -
8.0773 88850 0.0 -
8.0818 88900 0.0 -
8.0864 88950 0.0 -
8.0909 89000 0.0001 -
8.0955 89050 0.0001 -
8.1 89100 0.0 -
8.1045 89150 0.0 -
8.1091 89200 0.0 -
8.1136 89250 0.0 -
8.1182 89300 0.0 -
8.1227 89350 0.0 -
8.1273 89400 0.0 -
8.1318 89450 0.0 -
8.1364 89500 0.0 -
8.1409 89550 0.0 -
8.1455 89600 0.0 -
8.15 89650 0.0 -
8.1545 89700 0.0001 -
8.1591 89750 0.0 -
8.1636 89800 0.0 -
8.1682 89850 0.0 -
8.1727 89900 0.0 -
8.1773 89950 0.0 -
8.1818 90000 0.0 -
8.1864 90050 0.0001 -
8.1909 90100 0.0 -
8.1955 90150 0.0 -
8.2 90200 0.0 -
8.2045 90250 0.0 -
8.2091 90300 0.0 -
8.2136 90350 0.0 -
8.2182 90400 0.0 -
8.2227 90450 0.0 -
8.2273 90500 0.0 -
8.2318 90550 0.0 -
8.2364 90600 0.0 -
8.2409 90650 0.0 -
8.2455 90700 0.0 -
8.25 90750 0.0 -
8.2545 90800 0.0 -
8.2591 90850 0.0 -
8.2636 90900 0.0 -
8.2682 90950 0.0 -
8.2727 91000 0.0 -
8.2773 91050 0.0 -
8.2818 91100 0.0 -
8.2864 91150 0.0 -
8.2909 91200 0.0001 -
8.2955 91250 0.0 -
8.3 91300 0.0 -
8.3045 91350 0.0 -
8.3091 91400 0.0 -
8.3136 91450 0.0 -
8.3182 91500 0.0 -
8.3227 91550 0.0001 -
8.3273 91600 0.0 -
8.3318 91650 0.0 -
8.3364 91700 0.0 -
8.3409 91750 0.0 -
8.3455 91800 0.0 -
8.35 91850 0.0 -
8.3545 91900 0.0 -
8.3591 91950 0.0001 -
8.3636 92000 0.0 -
8.3682 92050 0.0 -
8.3727 92100 0.0 -
8.3773 92150 0.0 -
8.3818 92200 0.0 -
8.3864 92250 0.0 -
8.3909 92300 0.0 -
8.3955 92350 0.0 -
8.4 92400 0.0 -
8.4045 92450 0.0 -
8.4091 92500 0.0 -
8.4136 92550 0.0 -
8.4182 92600 0.0 -
8.4227 92650 0.0 -
8.4273 92700 0.0 -
8.4318 92750 0.0 -
8.4364 92800 0.0 -
8.4409 92850 0.0 -
8.4455 92900 0.0 -
8.45 92950 0.0 -
8.4545 93000 0.0 -
8.4591 93050 0.0 -
8.4636 93100 0.0 -
8.4682 93150 0.0 -
8.4727 93200 0.0 -
8.4773 93250 0.0 -
8.4818 93300 0.0 -
8.4864 93350 0.0001 -
8.4909 93400 0.0 -
8.4955 93450 0.0 -
8.5 93500 0.0 -
8.5045 93550 0.0 -
8.5091 93600 0.0 -
8.5136 93650 0.0 -
8.5182 93700 0.0 -
8.5227 93750 0.0 -
8.5273 93800 0.0 -
8.5318 93850 0.0 -
8.5364 93900 0.0 -
8.5409 93950 0.0 -
8.5455 94000 0.0 -
8.55 94050 0.0 -
8.5545 94100 0.0 -
8.5591 94150 0.0 -
8.5636 94200 0.0 -
8.5682 94250 0.0 -
8.5727 94300 0.0 -
8.5773 94350 0.0 -
8.5818 94400 0.0 -
8.5864 94450 0.0 -
8.5909 94500 0.0 -
8.5955 94550 0.0 -
8.6 94600 0.0 -
8.6045 94650 0.0 -
8.6091 94700 0.0 -
8.6136 94750 0.0 -
8.6182 94800 0.0 -
8.6227 94850 0.0 -
8.6273 94900 0.0 -
8.6318 94950 0.0 -
8.6364 95000 0.0 -
8.6409 95050 0.0 -
8.6455 95100 0.0 -
8.65 95150 0.0 -
8.6545 95200 0.0001 -
8.6591 95250 0.0001 -
8.6636 95300 0.0 -
8.6682 95350 0.0 -
8.6727 95400 0.0001 -
8.6773 95450 0.0 -
8.6818 95500 0.0 -
8.6864 95550 0.0 -
8.6909 95600 0.0 -
8.6955 95650 0.0 -
8.7 95700 0.0 -
8.7045 95750 0.0 -
8.7091 95800 0.0 -
8.7136 95850 0.0 -
8.7182 95900 0.0 -
8.7227 95950 0.0 -
8.7273 96000 0.0 -
8.7318 96050 0.0001 -
8.7364 96100 0.0 -
8.7409 96150 0.0 -
8.7455 96200 0.0 -
8.75 96250 0.0 -
8.7545 96300 0.0 -
8.7591 96350 0.0 -
8.7636 96400 0.0 -
8.7682 96450 0.0 -
8.7727 96500 0.0 -
8.7773 96550 0.0 -
8.7818 96600 0.0 -
8.7864 96650 0.0 -
8.7909 96700 0.0 -
8.7955 96750 0.0 -
8.8 96800 0.0 -
8.8045 96850 0.0 -
8.8091 96900 0.0 -
8.8136 96950 0.0001 -
8.8182 97000 0.0 -
8.8227 97050 0.0 -
8.8273 97100 0.0 -
8.8318 97150 0.0 -
8.8364 97200 0.0 -
8.8409 97250 0.0 -
8.8455 97300 0.0 -
8.85 97350 0.0 -
8.8545 97400 0.0 -
8.8591 97450 0.0 -
8.8636 97500 0.0 -
8.8682 97550 0.0 -
8.8727 97600 0.0 -
8.8773 97650 0.0 -
8.8818 97700 0.0 -
8.8864 97750 0.0 -
8.8909 97800 0.0 -
8.8955 97850 0.0 -
8.9 97900 0.0 -
8.9045 97950 0.0 -
8.9091 98000 0.0 -
8.9136 98050 0.0 -
8.9182 98100 0.0 -
8.9227 98150 0.0 -
8.9273 98200 0.0001 -
8.9318 98250 0.0 -
8.9364 98300 0.0 -
8.9409 98350 0.0 -
8.9455 98400 0.0 -
8.95 98450 0.0 -
8.9545 98500 0.0 -
8.9591 98550 0.0 -
8.9636 98600 0.0 -
8.9682 98650 0.0 -
8.9727 98700 0.0 -
8.9773 98750 0.0 -
8.9818 98800 0.0 -
8.9864 98850 0.0 -
8.9909 98900 0.0 -
8.9955 98950 0.0 -
9.0 99000 0.0 -
9.0045 99050 0.0 -
9.0091 99100 0.0 -
9.0136 99150 0.0 -
9.0182 99200 0.0001 -
9.0227 99250 0.0 -
9.0273 99300 0.0 -
9.0318 99350 0.0 -
9.0364 99400 0.0 -
9.0409 99450 0.0 -
9.0455 99500 0.0 -
9.05 99550 0.0 -
9.0545 99600 0.0 -
9.0591 99650 0.0 -
9.0636 99700 0.0 -
9.0682 99750 0.0 -
9.0727 99800 0.0 -
9.0773 99850 0.0 -
9.0818 99900 0.0001 -
9.0864 99950 0.0 -
9.0909 100000 0.0 -
9.0955 100050 0.0 -
9.1 100100 0.0 -
9.1045 100150 0.0 -
9.1091 100200 0.0 -
9.1136 100250 0.0 -
9.1182 100300 0.0 -
9.1227 100350 0.0 -
9.1273 100400 0.0 -
9.1318 100450 0.0 -
9.1364 100500 0.0 -
9.1409 100550 0.0 -
9.1455 100600 0.0 -
9.15 100650 0.0 -
9.1545 100700 0.0 -
9.1591 100750 0.0 -
9.1636 100800 0.0 -
9.1682 100850 0.0 -
9.1727 100900 0.0 -
9.1773 100950 0.0 -
9.1818 101000 0.0 -
9.1864 101050 0.0 -
9.1909 101100 0.0 -
9.1955 101150 0.0 -
9.2 101200 0.0 -
9.2045 101250 0.0 -
9.2091 101300 0.0 -
9.2136 101350 0.0 -
9.2182 101400 0.0 -
9.2227 101450 0.0 -
9.2273 101500 0.0 -
9.2318 101550 0.0 -
9.2364 101600 0.0 -
9.2409 101650 0.0 -
9.2455 101700 0.0 -
9.25 101750 0.0 -
9.2545 101800 0.0 -
9.2591 101850 0.0 -
9.2636 101900 0.0 -
9.2682 101950 0.0 -
9.2727 102000 0.0 -
9.2773 102050 0.0 -
9.2818 102100 0.0 -
9.2864 102150 0.0 -
9.2909 102200 0.0 -
9.2955 102250 0.0 -
9.3 102300 0.0 -
9.3045 102350 0.0 -
9.3091 102400 0.0 -
9.3136 102450 0.0 -
9.3182 102500 0.0 -
9.3227 102550 0.0 -
9.3273 102600 0.0 -
9.3318 102650 0.0 -
9.3364 102700 0.0 -
9.3409 102750 0.0 -
9.3455 102800 0.0 -
9.35 102850 0.0 -
9.3545 102900 0.0 -
9.3591 102950 0.0 -
9.3636 103000 0.0 -
9.3682 103050 0.0 -
9.3727 103100 0.0 -
9.3773 103150 0.0 -
9.3818 103200 0.0 -
9.3864 103250 0.0 -
9.3909 103300 0.0 -
9.3955 103350 0.0 -
9.4 103400 0.0 -
9.4045 103450 0.0 -
9.4091 103500 0.0 -
9.4136 103550 0.0 -
9.4182 103600 0.0 -
9.4227 103650 0.0 -
9.4273 103700 0.0 -
9.4318 103750 0.0 -
9.4364 103800 0.0 -
9.4409 103850 0.0 -
9.4455 103900 0.0 -
9.45 103950 0.0 -
9.4545 104000 0.0 -
9.4591 104050 0.0 -
9.4636 104100 0.0 -
9.4682 104150 0.0 -
9.4727 104200 0.0 -
9.4773 104250 0.0 -
9.4818 104300 0.0 -
9.4864 104350 0.0 -
9.4909 104400 0.0 -
9.4955 104450 0.0 -
9.5 104500 0.0 -
9.5045 104550 0.0 -
9.5091 104600 0.0 -
9.5136 104650 0.0 -
9.5182 104700 0.0 -
9.5227 104750 0.0 -
9.5273 104800 0.0 -
9.5318 104850 0.0 -
9.5364 104900 0.0 -
9.5409 104950 0.0 -
9.5455 105000 0.0 -
9.55 105050 0.0 -
9.5545 105100 0.0 -
9.5591 105150 0.0 -
9.5636 105200 0.0 -
9.5682 105250 0.0 -
9.5727 105300 0.0 -
9.5773 105350 0.0 -
9.5818 105400 0.0 -
9.5864 105450 0.0 -
9.5909 105500 0.0 -
9.5955 105550 0.0 -
9.6 105600 0.0 -
9.6045 105650 0.0001 -
9.6091 105700 0.0 -
9.6136 105750 0.0 -
9.6182 105800 0.0 -
9.6227 105850 0.0 -
9.6273 105900 0.0 -
9.6318 105950 0.0 -
9.6364 106000 0.0 -
9.6409 106050 0.0001 -
9.6455 106100 0.0 -
9.65 106150 0.0 -
9.6545 106200 0.0 -
9.6591 106250 0.0 -
9.6636 106300 0.0 -
9.6682 106350 0.0 -
9.6727 106400 0.0 -
9.6773 106450 0.0 -
9.6818 106500 0.0 -
9.6864 106550 0.0 -
9.6909 106600 0.0 -
9.6955 106650 0.0 -
9.7 106700 0.0 -
9.7045 106750 0.0 -
9.7091 106800 0.0 -
9.7136 106850 0.0 -
9.7182 106900 0.0 -
9.7227 106950 0.0 -
9.7273 107000 0.0 -
9.7318 107050 0.0 -
9.7364 107100 0.0 -
9.7409 107150 0.0 -
9.7455 107200 0.0 -
9.75 107250 0.0 -
9.7545 107300 0.0 -
9.7591 107350 0.0 -
9.7636 107400 0.0 -
9.7682 107450 0.0 -
9.7727 107500 0.0 -
9.7773 107550 0.0 -
9.7818 107600 0.0 -
9.7864 107650 0.0 -
9.7909 107700 0.0 -
9.7955 107750 0.0 -
9.8 107800 0.0 -
9.8045 107850 0.0 -
9.8091 107900 0.0 -
9.8136 107950 0.0 -
9.8182 108000 0.0 -
9.8227 108050 0.0 -
9.8273 108100 0.0 -
9.8318 108150 0.0 -
9.8364 108200 0.0 -
9.8409 108250 0.0 -
9.8455 108300 0.0 -
9.85 108350 0.0 -
9.8545 108400 0.0 -
9.8591 108450 0.0 -
9.8636 108500 0.0 -
9.8682 108550 0.0 -
9.8727 108600 0.0 -
9.8773 108650 0.0 -
9.8818 108700 0.0 -
9.8864 108750 0.0 -
9.8909 108800 0.0 -
9.8955 108850 0.0 -
9.9 108900 0.0 -
9.9045 108950 0.0 -
9.9091 109000 0.0 -
9.9136 109050 0.0 -
9.9182 109100 0.0 -
9.9227 109150 0.0 -
9.9273 109200 0.0 -
9.9318 109250 0.0 -
9.9364 109300 0.0 -
9.9409 109350 0.0 -
9.9455 109400 0.0 -
9.95 109450 0.0 -
9.9545 109500 0.0 -
9.9591 109550 0.0 -
9.9636 109600 0.0 -
9.9682 109650 0.0 -
9.9727 109700 0.0 -
9.9773 109750 0.0 -
9.9818 109800 0.0 -
9.9864 109850 0.0 -
9.9909 109900 0.0 -
9.9955 109950 0.0 -
10.0 110000 0.0 -

Framework Versions

  • Python: 3.10.12
  • SetFit: 1.0.1
  • Sentence Transformers: 2.2.2
  • Transformers: 4.36.0
  • PyTorch: 2.0.0
  • Datasets: 2.15.0
  • Tokenizers: 0.15.0



    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.11055},
    url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055},
    author = {Tunstall, Lewis and Reimers, Nils and Jo, Unso Eun Seo and Bates, Luke and Korat, Daniel and Wasserblat, Moshe and Pereg, Oren},
    keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
    title = {Efficient Few-Shot Learning Without Prompts},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    year = {2022},
    copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}
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