'''This class serves as a intermediate layer for tensorboard frontend and timeVis backend''' |
import os |
import sys |
import json |
import time |
import torch |
import numpy as np |
import pickle |
import shutil |
import torch.nn |
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader |
from torch.utils.data import WeightedRandomSampler |
import torchvision |
from scipy.special import softmax |
timevis_path = "../../DLVisDebugger" |
sys.path.append(timevis_path) |
from singleVis.utils import * |
from singleVis.custom_weighted_random_sampler import CustomWeightedRandomSampler |
from singleVis.edge_dataset import DataHandler, HybridDataHandler |
from singleVis.spatial_edge_constructor import SingleEpochSpatialEdgeConstructor |
from singleVis.trajectory_manager import Recommender |
from singleVis.eval.evaluator import ALEvaluator |
from singleVis.segmenter import DenseALSegmenter |
active_learning_path = "../../ActiveLearning" |
sys.path.append(active_learning_path) |
class TimeVisBackend: |
def __init__(self, data_provider, projector, vis, evaluator, **hyperparameters) -> None: |
self.data_provider = data_provider |
self.projector = projector |
self.vis = vis |
self.evaluator = evaluator |
self.hyperparameters = hyperparameters |
def batch_inv_preserve(self, epoch, data): |
""" |
get inverse confidence for a single point |
:param epoch: int |
:param data: numpy.ndarray |
:return l: boolean, whether reconstruction data have the same prediction |
:return conf_diff: float, (0, 1), confidence difference |
""" |
embedding = self.projector.batch_project(epoch, data) |
recon = self.projector.batch_inverse(epoch, embedding) |
ori_pred = self.data_provider.get_pred(epoch, data) |
new_pred = self.data_provider.get_pred(epoch, recon) |
ori_pred = softmax(ori_pred, axis=1) |
new_pred = softmax(new_pred, axis=1) |
old_label = ori_pred.argmax(-1) |
new_label = new_pred.argmax(-1) |
l = old_label == new_label |
old_conf = [ori_pred[i, old_label[i]] for i in range(len(old_label))] |
new_conf = [new_pred[i, old_label[i]] for i in range(len(old_label))] |
old_conf = np.array(old_conf) |
new_conf = np.array(new_conf) |
conf_diff = old_conf - new_conf |
return l, conf_diff |
def filter_label(self, label, epoch_id): |
try: |
index = self.data_provider.classes.index(label) |
except: |
index = -1 |
train_labels = self.data_provider.train_labels(epoch_id) |
test_labels = self.data_provider.test_labels(epoch_id) |
labels = np.concatenate((train_labels, test_labels), 0) |
idxs = np.argwhere(labels == index) |
idxs = np.squeeze(idxs) |
return idxs |
def filter_type(self, type, epoch_id): |
if type == "train": |
res = self.get_epoch_index(epoch_id) |
elif type == "test": |
train_num = self.data_provider.train_num |
test_num = self.data_provider.test_num |
res = list(range(train_num, train_num+ test_num, 1)) |
elif type == "unlabel": |
labeled = np.array(self.get_epoch_index(epoch_id)) |
train_num = self.data_provider.train_num |
all_data = np.arange(train_num) |
unlabeled = np.setdiff1d(all_data, labeled) |
res = unlabeled.tolist() |
else: |
train_num = self.data_provider.train_num |
test_num = self.data_provider.test_num |
res = list(range(0, train_num + test_num, 1)) |
return res |
def filter_conf(self, conf_min, conf_max, epoch_id): |
train_data = self.data_provider.train_representation(epoch_id) |
test_data =self.data_provider.test_representation(epoch_id) |
data = np.concatenate((train_data, test_data), axis=0) |
pred = self.data_provider.get_pred(epoch_id, data) |
scores = np.amax(softmax(pred, axis=1), axis=1) |
res = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(scores<=conf_max, scores>=conf_min)).squeeze().tolist() |
return res |
def save_acc_and_rej(self, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, file_name): |
d = { |
"acc_idxs": acc_idxs, |
"rej_idxs": rej_idxs |
} |
path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "{}_acc_rej.json".format(file_name)) |
with open(path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(d, f) |
print("Successfully save the acc and rej idxs selected by user...") |
def get_epoch_index(self, epoch_id): |
"""get the training data index for an epoch""" |
index_file = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Epoch_{:d}".format(epoch_id), "index.json") |
index = load_labelled_data_index(index_file) |
return index |
def reset(self): |
return |
class ActiveLearningTimeVisBackend(TimeVisBackend): |
def __init__(self, data_provider, projector, trainer, vis, evaluator, dense, **hyperparameters) -> None: |
super().__init__(data_provider, projector, vis, evaluator, **hyperparameters) |
self.trainer = trainer |
self.dense = dense |
def save_acc_and_rej(self, iteration, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, file_name): |
d = { |
"acc_idxs": acc_idxs, |
"rej_idxs": rej_idxs |
} |
path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration), "{}_acc_rej.json".format(file_name)) |
with open(path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(d, f) |
print("Successfully save the acc and rej idxs selected by user at Iteration {}...".format(iteration)) |
def reset(self, iteration): |
max_i = self.get_max_iter() |
for i in range(iteration, max_i+1, 1): |
path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(i)) |
shutil.rmtree(path) |
iter_structure_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "iteration_structure.json") |
with open(iter_structure_path, "r") as f: |
i_s = json.load(f) |
new_is = list() |
for item in i_s: |
value = item["value"] |
if value < iteration: |
new_is.append(item) |
with open(iter_structure_path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(new_is, f) |
print("Successfully remove cache data!") |
def get_epoch_index(self, iteration): |
"""get the training data index for an epoch""" |
index_file = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{:d}".format(iteration), "index.json") |
index = load_labelled_data_index(index_file) |
return index |
def al_query(self, iteration, budget, strategy, acc_idxs, rej_idxs): |
"""get the index of new selection from different strategies""" |
CONTENT_PATH = self.data_provider.content_path |
NUM_QUERY = budget |
GPU = self.hyperparameters["GPU"] |
NET = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]["NET"] |
DATA_NAME = self.hyperparameters["DATASET"] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())) |
sys.stdout = open(os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, now+".txt"), "w") |
import Model.model as subject_model |
task_model = eval("subject_model.{}()".format(NET)) |
task_model_type = "pytorch" |
n_pool = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]["train_num"] |
n_test = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]['test_num'] |
resume_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)) |
idxs_lb = np.array(json.load(open(os.path.join(resume_path, "index.json"), "r"))) |
state_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(resume_path, "subject_model.pth"), map_location=torch.device('cpu')) |
task_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
NUM_INIT_LB = len(idxs_lb) |
print('resume from iteration {}'.format(iteration)) |
print('number of labeled pool: {}'.format(NUM_INIT_LB)) |
print('number of unlabeled pool: {}'.format(n_pool - NUM_INIT_LB)) |
print('number of testing pool: {}'.format(n_test)) |
complete_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root="..//data//CIFAR10", download=True, train=True, transform=self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]['transform_te']) |
if strategy == "Random": |
from query_strategies.random import RandomSampling |
idxs_selected = np.concatenate((acc_idxs.astype(np.int64), rej_idxs.astype(np.int64)), axis=0) |
curr_lb = np.concatenate((idxs_lb, idxs_selected), axis=0) |
q_strategy = RandomSampling(task_model, task_model_type, n_pool, curr_lb, 10, DATA_NAME, NET, gpu=GPU, **self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]) |
print(DATA_NAME) |
print(type(q_strategy).__name__) |
print('================Round {:d}==============='.format(iteration+1)) |
t0 = time.time() |
new_indices, scores = q_strategy.query(NUM_QUERY) |
t1 = time.time() |
print("Query time is {:.2f}".format(t1-t0)) |
elif strategy == "Uncertainty": |
from query_strategies.LeastConfidence import LeastConfidenceSampling |
idxs_selected = np.concatenate((acc_idxs.astype(np.int64), rej_idxs.astype(np.int64)), axis=0) |
curr_lb = np.concatenate((idxs_lb, idxs_selected), axis=0) |
q_strategy = LeastConfidenceSampling(task_model, task_model_type, n_pool, curr_lb, 10, DATA_NAME, NET, gpu=GPU, **self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]) |
print(DATA_NAME) |
print(type(q_strategy).__name__) |
print('================Round {:d}==============='.format(iteration+1)) |
t0 = time.time() |
new_indices, scores = q_strategy.query(complete_dataset, NUM_QUERY, idxs_selected) |
t1 = time.time() |
print("Query time is {:.2f}".format(t1-t0)) |
elif strategy == "TBSampling": |
period = 80 |
print(DATA_NAME) |
print("TBSampling") |
print('================Round {:d}==============='.format(iteration+1)) |
t0 = time.time() |
new_indices, scores = self._suggest_abnormal(strategy, iteration, idxs_lb, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget, period) |
t1 = time.time() |
print("Query time is {:.2f}".format(t1-t0)) |
elif strategy == "Feedback": |
period = 80 |
print(DATA_NAME) |
print("Feedback") |
print('================Round {:d}==============='.format(iteration+1)) |
t0 = time.time() |
new_indices, scores = self._suggest_abnormal(strategy, iteration, idxs_lb, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget, period) |
t1 = time.time() |
print("Query time is {:.2f}".format(t1-t0)) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
true_labels = self.data_provider.train_labels(iteration) |
return new_indices, true_labels[new_indices], scores |
def al_train(self, iteration, indices): |
CONTENT_PATH = self.data_provider.content_path |
now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())) |
sys.stdout = open(os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, now+".txt"), "w") |
print("New indices:\t{}".format(len(indices))) |
self.save_human_selection(iteration, indices) |
lb_idx = self.get_epoch_index(iteration) |
train_idx = np.hstack((lb_idx, indices)) |
print("Training indices:\t{}".format(len(train_idx))) |
print("Valid indices:\t{}".format(len(set(train_idx)))) |
TOTAL_EPOCH = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]["total_epoch"] |
NET = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]["NET"] |
DEVICE = self.data_provider.DEVICE |
NEW_ITERATION = self.get_max_iter() + 1 |
GPU = self.hyperparameters["GPU"] |
DATA_NAME = self.hyperparameters["DATASET"] |
sys.path.append(CONTENT_PATH) |
from Model.model import resnet18 |
task_model = resnet18() |
resume_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)) |
state_dict = torch.load(os.path.join(resume_path, "subject_model.pth"), map_location=torch.device("cpu")) |
task_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) |
self.save_iteration_index(NEW_ITERATION, train_idx) |
task_model_type = "pytorch" |
n_pool = self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]["train_num"] |
save_path = os.path.join(CONTENT_PATH, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(NEW_ITERATION)) |
os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True) |
from query_strategies.random import RandomSampling |
q_strategy = RandomSampling(task_model, task_model_type, n_pool, lb_idx, 10, DATA_NAME, NET, gpu=GPU, **self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]) |
print('================Round {:d}==============='.format(NEW_ITERATION)) |
q_strategy.update_lb_idxs(train_idx) |
resnet_model = resnet18() |
train_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root="..//data//CIFAR10", download=True, train=True, transform=self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]['transform_tr']) |
test_dataset = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10(root="..//data//CIFAR10", download=True, train=False, transform=self.hyperparameters["TRAINING"]['transform_te']) |
t1 = time.time() |
q_strategy.train(total_epoch=TOTAL_EPOCH, task_model=resnet_model, complete_dataset=train_dataset,save_path=None) |
t2 = time.time() |
print("Training time is {:.2f}".format(t2-t1)) |
self.save_subject_model(NEW_ITERATION, q_strategy.task_model.state_dict()) |
accu = q_strategy.test_accu(test_dataset) |
print('Accuracy {:.3f}'.format(100*accu)) |
def get_max_iter(self): |
path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model") |
dir_list = os.listdir(path) |
max_iter = -1 |
for dir in dir_list: |
if "Iteration_" in dir: |
i = int(dir.replace("Iteration_","")) |
max_iter = max(max_iter, i) |
return max_iter |
def save_human_selection(self, iteration, indices): |
""" |
save the selected index message from DVI frontend |
:param epoch_id: |
:param indices: list, selected indices |
:return: |
""" |
save_location = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{}".format(iteration), "human_select.json") |
with open(save_location, "w") as f: |
json.dump(indices, f) |
def save_iteration_index(self, iteration, idxs): |
new_iteration_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)) |
os.makedirs(new_iteration_dir, exist_ok=True) |
save_location = os.path.join(new_iteration_dir, "index.json") |
with open(save_location, "w") as f: |
json.dump(idxs.tolist(), f) |
def save_subject_model(self, iteration, state_dict): |
new_iteration_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)) |
model_path = os.path.join(new_iteration_dir, "subject_model.pth") |
torch.save(state_dict, model_path) |
def vis_train(self, iteration, **config): |
self.data_provider._meta_data(iteration) |
if B_N_EPOCHS != 0: |
LEN = len(self.data_provider.train_labels(iteration)) |
self.data_provider._estimate_boundary(iteration, LEN//10, l_bound=L_BOUND) |
CLASSES = config["CLASSES"] |
DATASET = config["DATASET"] |
NET = config["TRAINING"]["NET"] |
if self.dense: |
raise NotImplementedError |
epoch_num = config["TRAINING"]["total_epoch"] |
segmenter = DenseALSegmenter(data_provider=self.data_provider, threshold=78.5, epoch_num=epoch_num) |
t0 = time.time() |
SEGMENTS = segmenter.segment(iteration) |
t1 = time.time() |
print(SEGMENTS) |
segment_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration),"segments.json") |
with open(segment_path, "w") as f: |
json.dump(SEGMENTS, f) |
LEN = self.data_provider.label_num(iteration) |
prev_selected = np.random.choice(np.arange(LEN), size=INIT_NUM, replace=False) |
prev_embedding = None |
start_point = len(SEGMENTS)-1 |
c0=None |
d0=None |
for seg in range(start_point,-1,-1): |
epoch_start, epoch_end = SEGMENTS[seg] |
self.data_provider.update_interval(epoch_s=epoch_start, epoch_e=epoch_end) |
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=.01, weight_decay=1e-5) |
lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=4, gamma=.1) |
t2 = time.time() |
spatial_cons = kcHybridDenseALSpatialEdgeConstructor(data_provider=self.data_provider, init_num=INIT_NUM, s_n_epochs=S_N_EPOCHS, b_n_epochs=B_N_EPOCHS, n_neighbors=N_NEIGHBORS, MAX_HAUSDORFF=MAX_HAUSDORFF, ALPHA=ALPHA, BETA=BETA, iteration=iteration, init_idxs=prev_selected, init_embeddings=prev_embedding, c0=c0, d0=d0) |
s_edge_to, s_edge_from, s_probs, feature_vectors, embedded, coefficient, time_step_nums, time_step_idxs_list, knn_indices, sigmas, rhos, attention, (c0,d0) = spatial_cons.construct() |
temporal_cons = GlobalTemporalEdgeConstructor(X=feature_vectors, time_step_nums=time_step_nums, sigmas=sigmas, rhos=rhos, n_neighbors=N_NEIGHBORS, n_epochs=T_N_EPOCHS) |
t_edge_to, t_edge_from, t_probs = temporal_cons.construct() |
t3 = time.time() |
edge_to = np.concatenate((s_edge_to, t_edge_to),axis=0) |
edge_from = np.concatenate((s_edge_from, t_edge_from), axis=0) |
probs = np.concatenate((s_probs, t_probs), axis=0) |
probs = probs / (probs.max()+1e-3) |
eliminate_zeros = probs>1e-3 |
edge_to = edge_to[eliminate_zeros] |
edge_from = edge_from[eliminate_zeros] |
probs = probs[eliminate_zeros] |
save_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{}".format(iteration), "SV_time_al_hybrid.json") |
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): |
evaluation = dict() |
else: |
f = open(save_dir, "r") |
evaluation = json.load(f) |
f.close() |
if "complex_construction" not in evaluation.keys(): |
evaluation["complex_construction"] = dict() |
evaluation["complex_construction"][str(seg)] = round(t3-t2, 3) |
with open(save_dir, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(evaluation, f) |
print("constructing timeVis complex for {}-th segment in {:.1f} seconds.".format(seg, t3-t2)) |
dataset = HybridDataHandler(edge_to, edge_from, feature_vectors, attention, embedded, coefficient) |
n_samples = int(np.sum(S_N_EPOCHS * probs) // 1) |
if len(edge_to) > 2^24: |
sampler = CustomWeightedRandomSampler(probs, n_samples, replacement=True) |
else: |
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(probs, n_samples, replacement=True) |
edge_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=1000, sampler=sampler) |
self.trainer.update_vis_model(model) |
self.trainer.update_optimizer(optimizer) |
self.trainer.update_lr_scheduler(lr_scheduler) |
self.trainer.update_edge_loader(edge_loader) |
t2=time.time() |
self.trainer.train(PATIENT, MAX_EPOCH) |
t3 = time.time() |
save_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{}".format(iteration), "SV_time_al_hybrid.json") |
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): |
evaluation = dict() |
else: |
f = open(save_dir, "r") |
evaluation = json.load(f) |
f.close() |
if "training" not in evaluation.keys(): |
evaluation["training"] = dict() |
evaluation["training"][str(seg)] = round(t3-t2, 3) |
with open(save_dir, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(evaluation, f) |
self.trainer.save(save_dir=os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)), file_name="{}_{}".format(VIS_MODEL_NAME, seg)) |
model = self.trainer.model |
prev_selected = time_step_idxs_list[0] |
prev_data = torch.from_numpy(feature_vectors[:len(prev_selected)]).to(dtype=torch.float32, device=self.data_provider.DEVICE) |
model.to(device=self.data_provider.DEVICE) |
prev_embedding = model.encoder(prev_data).cpu().detach().numpy() |
print("Successful train all visualization models!") |
else: |
t0 = time.time() |
spatial_cons = SingleEpochSpatialEdgeConstructor(self.data_provider, iteration, S_N_EPOCHS, B_N_EPOCHS, 15) |
edge_to, edge_from, probs, feature_vectors, attention = spatial_cons.construct() |
t1 = time.time() |
probs = probs / (probs.max()+1e-3) |
eliminate_zeros = probs>1e-3 |
edge_to = edge_to[eliminate_zeros] |
edge_from = edge_from[eliminate_zeros] |
probs = probs[eliminate_zeros] |
save_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "SV_time_al.json") |
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): |
evaluation = dict() |
else: |
f = open(save_dir, "r") |
evaluation = json.load(f) |
f.close() |
if "complex_construction" not in evaluation.keys(): |
evaluation["complex_construction"] = dict() |
evaluation["complex_construction"][str(iteration)] = round(t1-t0, 3) |
with open(save_dir, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(evaluation, f) |
print("constructing timeVis complex in {:.1f} seconds.".format(t1-t0)) |
dataset = DataHandler(edge_to, edge_from, feature_vectors, attention) |
n_samples = int(np.sum(S_N_EPOCHS * probs) // 1) |
if len(edge_to) > 2^24: |
sampler = CustomWeightedRandomSampler(probs, n_samples, replacement=True) |
else: |
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(probs, n_samples, replacement=True) |
edge_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=512, sampler=sampler) |
self.trainer.update_edge_loader(edge_loader) |
t2=time.time() |
self.trainer.train(PATIENT, MAX_EPOCH) |
t3 = time.time() |
save_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "SV_time_al.json") |
if not os.path.exists(save_dir): |
evaluation = dict() |
else: |
f = open(save_dir, "r") |
evaluation = json.load(f) |
f.close() |
if "training" not in evaluation.keys(): |
evaluation["training"] = dict() |
evaluation["training"][str(iteration)] = round(t3-t2, 3) |
with open(save_dir, 'w') as f: |
json.dump(evaluation, f) |
save_dir = os.path.join(self.data_provider.model_path, "Iteration_{}".format(iteration)) |
os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True) |
self.trainer.save(save_dir=save_dir, file_name=VIS_MODEL_NAME) |
evaluator = ALEvaluator(self.data_provider, self.projector) |
evaluator.save_epoch_eval(iteration, file_name=EVALUATION_NAME) |
def _save(self, iteration, ftm): |
with open(os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model","Iteration_{}".format(iteration), 'sample_recommender.pkl'), 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(ftm, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) |
def _init_detection(self, iteration, lb_idxs, period=80): |
embedding_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path,"Model", "Iteration_{}".format(iteration),'trajectory_embeddings.npy') |
if os.path.exists(embedding_path): |
trajectories = np.load(embedding_path) |
print("Load trajectories from cache!") |
else: |
train_num = self.data_provider.train_num |
epoch_num = (self.data_provider.e - self.data_provider.s)//self.data_provider.p + 1 |
embeddings_2d = np.zeros((epoch_num, train_num, 2)) |
for i in range(self.data_provider.s, self.data_provider.e+1, self.data_provider.p): |
id = (i - self.data_provider.s)//self.data_provider.p |
embeddings_2d[id] = self.projector.batch_project(iteration, i, self.data_provider.train_representation(iteration, i)) |
trajectories = np.transpose(embeddings_2d, [1,0,2]) |
np.save(embedding_path, trajectories) |
uncertainty_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model","Iteration_{}".format(iteration), 'uncertainties.npy') |
if os.path.exists(uncertainty_path): |
uncertainty = np.load(uncertainty_path) |
else: |
samples = self.data_provider.train_representation(iteration, epoch_num) |
pred = self.data_provider.get_pred(iteration, epoch_num, samples) |
uncertainty = 1 - np.amax(softmax(pred, axis=1), axis=1) |
np.save(uncertainty_path, uncertainty) |
ulb_idxs = self.data_provider.get_unlabeled_idx(len(uncertainty), lb_idxs) |
ntd_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, "Model","Iteration_{}".format(iteration), 'sample_recommender.pkl') |
if os.path.exists(ntd_path): |
with open(ntd_path, 'rb') as f: |
ntd = pickle.load(f) |
else: |
ntd = Recommender(uncertainty[ulb_idxs], trajectories[ulb_idxs], 30, period=period,metric="a") |
print("Detecting abnormal....") |
ntd.clustered() |
print("Finish detection!") |
self._save(iteration, ntd) |
return ntd, ulb_idxs |
def _suggest_abnormal(self, strategy, iteration, lb_idxs, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget, period): |
ntd,ulb_idxs = self._init_detection(iteration, lb_idxs, period) |
map_ulb = ulb_idxs.tolist() |
map_acc_idxs = np.array([map_ulb.index(i) for i in acc_idxs]).astype(np.int32) |
map_rej_idxs = np.array([map_ulb.index(i) for i in rej_idxs]).astype(np.int32) |
if strategy == "TBSampling": |
suggest_idxs, scores = ntd.sample_batch_init(map_acc_idxs, map_rej_idxs, budget) |
elif strategy == "Feedback": |
suggest_idxs, scores = ntd.sample_batch(map_acc_idxs, map_rej_idxs, budget) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
return ulb_idxs[suggest_idxs], scores |
def _suggest_normal(self, strategy, iteration, lb_idxs, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget, period): |
ntd, ulb_idxs = self._init_detection(iteration, lb_idxs, period) |
map_ulb = ulb_idxs.tolist() |
map_acc_idxs = np.array([map_ulb.index(i) for i in acc_idxs]).astype(np.int32) |
map_rej_idxs = np.array([map_ulb.index(i) for i in rej_idxs]).astype(np.int32) |
if strategy == "TBSampling": |
suggest_idxs, _ = ntd.sample_batch_normal_init(map_acc_idxs, map_rej_idxs, budget) |
elif strategy == "Feedback": |
suggest_idxs, _ = ntd.sample_batch_normal(map_acc_idxs, map_rej_idxs, budget) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
return ulb_idxs[suggest_idxs] |
class AnormalyTimeVisBackend(TimeVisBackend): |
def __init__(self, data_provider, projector, vis, evaluator, period, **hyperparameters) -> None: |
super().__init__(data_provider, projector, vis, evaluator, **hyperparameters) |
self.period = period |
file_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, 'clean_label.json') |
with open(file_path, "r") as f: |
self.clean_labels = np.array(json.load(f)) |
def reset(self): |
return |
def _save(self, ntd): |
with open(os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, 'sample_recommender.pkl'), 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(ntd, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) |
def _init_detection(self): |
embedding_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, 'trajectory_embeddings.npy') |
if os.path.exists(embedding_path): |
trajectories = np.load(embedding_path) |
else: |
train_num = self.data_provider.train_num |
epoch_num = (self.data_provider.e - self.data_provider.s)//self.data_provider.p + 1 |
embeddings_2d = np.zeros((epoch_num, train_num, 2)) |
for i in range(self.data_provider.s, self.data_provider.e+1, self.data_provider.p): |
id = (i - self.data_provider.s)//self.data_provider.p |
embeddings_2d[id] = self.projector.batch_project(i, self.data_provider.train_representation(i)) |
trajectories = np.transpose(embeddings_2d, [1,0,2]) |
np.save(embedding_path, trajectories) |
uncertainty_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, 'uncertainties.npy') |
if os.path.exists(uncertainty_path): |
uncertainty = np.load(uncertainty_path) |
else: |
epoch_num = (self.data_provider.e - self.data_provider.s)//self.data_provider.p + 1 |
samples = self.data_provider.train_representation(epoch_num) |
pred = self.data_provider.get_pred(epoch_num, samples) |
uncertainty = 1 - np.amax(softmax(pred, axis=1), axis=1) |
np.save(uncertainty_path, uncertainty) |
ntd_path = os.path.join(self.data_provider.content_path, 'sample_recommender.pkl') |
if os.path.exists(ntd_path): |
with open(ntd_path, 'rb') as f: |
ntd = pickle.load(f) |
else: |
ntd = Recommender(uncertainty, trajectories, 30,period=self.period,metric="a") |
print("Detecting abnormal....") |
ntd.clustered() |
print("Finish detection!") |
self._save(ntd) |
return ntd |
def suggest_abnormal(self, strategy, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget): |
ntd = self._init_detection() |
if strategy == "TBSampling": |
suggest_idxs, scores = ntd.sample_batch_init(acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget) |
elif strategy == "Feedback": |
suggest_idxs, scores = ntd.sample_batch(acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
suggest_labels = self.clean_labels[suggest_idxs] |
return suggest_idxs, scores, suggest_labels |
def suggest_normal(self, strategy, acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget): |
ntd = self._init_detection() |
if strategy == "TBSampling": |
suggest_idxs, _ = ntd.sample_batch_normal_init(acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget) |
elif strategy == "Feedback": |
suggest_idxs, _ = ntd.sample_batch_normal(acc_idxs, rej_idxs, budget) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
suggest_labels = self.clean_labels[suggest_idxs] |
return suggest_idxs, suggest_labels |