How to use inference

by Daedluz - opened

Hello, I'm trying to use inference here,
I cloned the repository and installed the required packages
I downloaded garment_extractor.safetensors from the files
and I use the command python --cloth_path ./images/a0.jpg --model_path ./garment_extractor.safetensors to do inference, but I got the error below:


It looks like there's error from the ckpt file I provided,
which file should I provide for to work or what did I did wrong?

download cloth_segm.pth and put it on checkpoints folder

Hello, I downloaded cloth_segm.pth and put it on checkpoints folder, and everything worked!
But the generated images does not contain any garment that is close to the cloth_path picture I provided.
I tried different guidance_scale and cloth_guidance_scale, but it still doesn't work.

I also tried other checkpoints provided on the files, although they capture the garment, but not very precisely
and the image quality wasn't very high.

turn to , which will give you more guidance

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