Curation models
Models designed for automated curation of sorted ephys data.
7 items
A toy model, trained on toy data generated from spikeinterface.
Used to try out automated curation in SpikeInterface.
This can be used to automatically label a sorting in spikeinterface. Provided you have a sorting_analyzer
, it is used as follows
from spikeinterface.curation import auto_label_units
labels = auto_label_units(
sorting_analyzer = sorting_analyzer,
repo_id = "SpikeInterface/toy_tetrode_model",
trusted = ['numpy.dtype']
or you can download the entire repositry to a_folder_for_a_model
, and use
from spikeinterface.curation import auto_label_units
labels = auto_label_units(
sorting_analyzer = sorting_analyzer,
model_folder = "SpikeInterface/a_folder_for_a_model",
trusted = ['numpy.dtype']
Chris Halcrow