I would like to inquire about a 'seed' issue.

by dongyun90 - opened

When attempting to execute '5_generate_clmbr_features.py', I receive an error stating that the seed cannot be found in the config. I checked and indeed, there is no seed written in the config. Could there be something I am doing wrong? Or is it correct that the config does not include information about the seed? Please help me confirm this.

Additionally, I noticed that the bash_scripts on https://github.com/som-shahlab/ehrshot-benchmark seem different from what is described.

Also, regarding the installation command 'pip install git+https://github.com/som-shahlab/femr.git@ehrshot_branch', it appears that the ehrshot_branch of femr does not exist. Therefore, I installed the main branch of femr instead. Could this be the reason why the config I mentioned earlier is different?

Thank you for your assistance.

To clarify further, config is the file contained in the model.

Hi Dong,

Our apologies for the confusion! The code within the ehrshot-benchmark repository was written with an older version of femr (femr v1) that was not huggingface compatible so that code cannot be used with this uploaded model. That's why we have custom instructions on the README here. We will release the updated ehrshot-benchmark code that is compatible with this model when we release the full EHRSHOT benchmark.

Miking98 changed discussion status to closed

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