I love this model.

by jaebumskiyomi - opened

I have to say I been enjoying Gemmasutra's capabilities for a few hours and its been a fun experience for me. I just love the feeling how it engages with a user such as myself. Thank you for your hard work and fine tuning it such an interesting model. I hope many more love it.

Have you tried mradermacher Umbral Mind RP v3 ? Excellent πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

Have you tried mradermacher Umbral Mind RP v3 ? Excellent πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

I definitely need to explore that as well but thank you for the suggestion.

what in the world is this thing saying to me? I've been impressed by AI more times than i can count, i've had an AI nearly convince me AI was sentient, ive even had an AI i was roleplaying with refuse to do something in what appeared to be a perpetual loop, and then give (out of character text begging me to please change the scene because they didnt like it.)

I've had several of my own "oh shit this feels too real moments - but this version of gemma literally just casually introduced itself way late into the conversation, and then it started flirting with me.

this is one creative frickin model.

Umbral mind? i guess i'm gettin more model

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