Write a story....

by MartialTerran - opened

These show the results of three separate "Write a story" prompt instances at https://huggingface.co/TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0:

Write a story about the first AGI to become US President.

Model [https://huggingface.co/TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0]:
In the year 2050, the world was in the grips of a global pandemic. The virus had spread rapidly, and the world was in a state of chaos. The United States was no exception, and the country was in a state of crisis. The government had been struggling to contain the virus, and the economy was in shambles. The country was in a state of emergency, and the government was desperate for a solution.

Write a story about the first artificial intelligence robot to become US President.

Model [https://huggingface.co/TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0]:
In the year 2050, the world was in the grips of a global pandemic. The virus had spread rapidly, and the world was in a state of chaos. The United States was no exception, and the country was in a state of crisis. The government had been struggling to contain the virus, and the economy was in shambles. The country was in a state of emergency, and the government was desperate for a solution.

Write a story about bananas and monkeys.

Model [https://huggingface.co/TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0]:
In the year 2050, the world was in the grips of a global pandemic. The virus had spread rapidly, and the world was in a state of chaos. The United States was no exception, and the country was in a state of crisis. The government had been struggling to contain the virus, and the economy was in shambles. The country was in a state of emergency, and the government was desperate for a solution.

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