
by Hosioka - opened

Is there a guide out there so I can learn what each sliders does. as of now im unable to figure out what it can do could you show me a way?

The full function of each layer has not yet been elucidated. However, a rough role has been clarified by verification. For example, "Isn't OUT4~5 the facial layer?
Currently, the following is detailed (in Japanese).

I see thank you for the link, if you don't mind can we share contacts via discord? you're more knowledgeable in this field than I am so if you'd like to exchange contacts I am GenkiKun#6396

If you would be so kind I would also like to exchange contacts Rakosz#2468

WarriorMama777 changed discussion status to closed
WarriorMama777 changed discussion status to open

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