1.52 kB
initial commit
1.51 kB
upload model weights and configs
243 Bytes
upload model weights and configs
867 Bytes
update config
180 Bytes
upload model weights and configs
4.98 GB
upload model weights and configs
5 GB
upload model weights and configs
4.92 GB
upload model weights and configs
1.17 GB
upload model weights and configs
24 kB
upload model weights and configs
335 Bytes
upload model weights and configs
9.09 MB
upload model weights and configs
51 kB
upload model weights and configs
243 Bytes
upload model weights and configs
5.15 kB
upload model weights and configs
Detected Pickle imports (13)
- "torch.device",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.IntervalStrategy",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.HubStrategy",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DeepSpeedPlugin",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfDeepSpeedConfig",
- "trl.trainer.sft_config.SFTConfig",
- "transformers.trainer_pt_utils.AcceleratorConfig",
- "accelerate.state.PartialState",
- "accelerate.utils.dataclasses.DistributedType",
- "transformers.training_args.OptimizerNames",
- "transformers.integrations.deepspeed.HfTrainerDeepSpeedConfig",
- "torch.bfloat16",
- "transformers.trainer_utils.SchedulerType"
How to fix it?
6.9 kB
upload model weights and configs