Unzipping results in "Error 0x80010135: Path too long" for 2 files in the zip archive.

by Kavgg - opened

Attempting to unzip the downloaded zip file "LivePortrait-Windows-v20240806.zip" into a windows 11 folder results in "Error 0x80010135: Path too long" for two files in the zip archive. This occurs almost at the end after most of the files are successfully unzipped.
The two affected files that are not copied to the windows folder are:

  • multiscaledeformableattention.cp39-win_amd64.exp
  • multiscaledeformableattention.cp39-win_amd64.lib

Has anybody else come across this?
Any Solutions?



Same symptoms.

Windows version ZIP file cannot be unzipped

The path of the following file is too long, it will not be possible to unzip it and an error will occur.


Hi @rara2183ry9 @Kavgg , you can just skip extracting this file. They shouldn't affect the operation, and we'll consider removing these long-named files in future versions.

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