318 values
318 values
137 values
reductions in mortality and fertility rates, to measure the effectiveness of health programmes; specifically, the difficulty in distinguishing health programme effects from other background influences of socio-economic and cultural change; CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 88 Inequities in access and quality of health care amongst the provinces and between town and rural areas;122 Many clinics emphasize curative health-care practices rather than preventative ones;123 Lack of understanding and linkages between the formal health-care system and kastom practices at the home and community level may contribute to significant delays in delivery of emergency health care.124 347.
Both the MCH Review and the Comprehensive Health Review125 cite recommendations, strategies, or future directions for addressing some of these constraints, including: Improvement of documentation practices126 to include routing of information directly to a central location, i.e., MCH Division, where case studies can be developed and a database maintained and shared.
Investigate all maternal deaths and institute appropriate intervention programme; Re-establish a more reliable system of national health data-collection for tracking health indicators that engender attitudes of accountability for effective service delivery; Deploy health-care staff away from hospitals and urban centres to reflect the importance of equity in health-care service delivery amongst the provinces and rural areas.
Encourage supervisory touring to balance the need for expertise and exposure to problems facing health-care outposts. Support village health workers to optimize their work at the community level more uniformly amongst provinces; Improve training and outreach to health workers in upgrading their education. Train adequate numbers of midwives locally and deploy them to labour wards and busy area health centres in the country. VII. EDUCATION, LEISURE AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES A.
EDUCATION, LEISURE AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES A. Education, including vocational guidance 1. Legal context 348. The provision of education in Solomon Islands is a partnership involving the Government and other education authorities including the churches, the private sector and communities. The Education Act provides that the responsibility for the establishment and maintenance of schools rests with the education authorities.
Of the total 539 primary schools, 471 schools are government run while 68 schools are privately run. Of the total 54 secondary schools, 2 are government run national secondary schools, 6 are church run secondary schools, 17 are provincial government run secondary schools and 29 are community run secondary schools. CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 89 349.
CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 89 349. The Education Act defines the regulatory powers, policy implementation and planning functions as well as administration and coordination responsibilities of the Ministry of Education to improve the delivery of education services throughout the country particularly in regard to access, equity, quality, quantity, efficiency and coordination. 2. Implementation 350. Education is neither universal nor compulsory in the Solomon Islands.
The cost of providing education for all children is constrained by geographic, demographic and economic factors. The current policy, therefore, is to simply provide greater opportunity for access at all levels of education and to provide for a steady increase in the provision of education services.
Table 19 Total enrolment for primary schools for period 1992-1994 Year Total enrolment Government aided Church and private schools 1992 66 025 59 793 6 232 1993 70 103 62 953 7 150 1994 73 120 66 156 6 964 Source: SIG Statistical Bulletin (No. 26/94). 351. Additional information from MEHRD headquarters127 shows continuing increases in student enrolment for 1995 and 1996, giving a total of 77,432 and 79,661 students, respectively.
Table 20 Standard 6 and form 1-7 enrolment, 1994-1996 Year Standard 6 Form 1 Forms 2-7 (combined) 1994 8 646 2 072 5 739 1995 8 966 2 545 5 965 1996 9 594 3 638 6 831 Sources: SIG Statistical Bulletin (No. 26/94), MEHRD: Data on Primary School and Secondary School Intake (cited in MHMS, Social Welfare Report, 1997). 352. Figures given above for enrolments for Standard 6 and secondary school show increases in numbers of students each year. There are several cut-off points in the education system.
These occur at the end of Standard 6, Forms 3, 5 and 6. The number of students that are able to continue beyond a cut-off point depends on availability of facilities, e.g. classrooms, dormitories, teachers and places. There are fewer facilities available in secondary schools for females. The number of children who did not continue at the end of Standard 6 each year is also high.
In 1995 a total of 6,421 students were not able to go on to Form 1, while in 1996 the number who could not find a place in secondary school was 5,946.128 CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 90 353. The national and provincial governments in partnership operate most schools in the Solomon Islands with other education authorities such as churches and local communities.
The Ministry of Education assumes responsibility for provision of grants to education authorities except for the Seventh Day Adventist Church, for part-cost of education supplies, particularly textbooks and curriculum materials. Primary school grants are provided annually on a per capita basis which is SI$ 15 per student plus SI$ 100 per teacher. At the secondary level there are disparities between government grants to schools.
Government national secondary schools (NSS) receive SI$ 750 per pupil, church NSS SI$ 350 and provincial and community secondary schools SI$ 345. Church NSS receive annual grants of SI$ 130,000 while provincial and the newly introduced community secondary schools receive annual grants of SI$ 50,000.129 354. In many respects most primary and secondary school teachers are civil servants and the Ministry of Education pays their salaries.
Some private schools, however, supplement their teachers’ salaries as a form of incentive. There are 2,761 teachers throughout Solomon Islands of which 2,228 are primary school teachers while 533 are secondary school teachers. Seventy-one (71) secondary school teachers are expatriates.130 The current primary school staffing ratio is 35 while the staff ratio at secondary school is 17. Of the total primary school teachers 589 are untrained while 1,592 are trained. 355.
355. The Ministry of Education is improving the quality of primary and secondary education through teacher upgrading and in-service training. Untrained teachers are being trained at the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) each year for upgrading to trained teacher status. At the same time Form 5 students are being encouraged to take up teaching and pursue teacher-training programmes at SICHE.
A Literacy Programme for primary schools is also being conducted jointly by the Ministry of Education, University of the South Pacific and the Rotary Club.131 The Ministry of Education also offers in-service courses for head teachers and class teachers particularly on school management and teaching skills. 356. Although the current education policy provides for tuition-fee-free education for children in primary school, it allows for some financial contribution from the parents.
The policy also allows for levying of tuition fees upon application to and approval of the Minister of Education. In Honiara, primary schools are now allowed to charge fees up to SI$ 200 per annum. Tuition fees are levied for children in secondary schools. The Minister of Education approves these to be within the range of SI$ 500-800 per annum. The level of school fees therefore varies widely by school, partly because of the equally wide variation in government support for schools.
Presently only the Seventh Day Adventist Church and privately run schools in urban areas levy tuition fees above the approved range at primary level.132 At the secondary level the SDA Church also levies tuition fees above the approved range made by the Minister of Education.133 357. In addition to the requirement for financial contribution from parents for school fees, parents also bear other costs.
At primary level, parents “top up” supplies and cover maintenance and other operating costs with funds generated from fund-raising, special donations and indirect fees. At the secondary schools, boarding-related costs including travel between home and subsistence costs are borne by parents. CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 91 358. A few religious organizations, private companies and communities help employees and resource owners meet their children’s school costs.
In some instances children of church employees attending a church secondary school do not pay tuition. A few foreign companies meet school costs for several students originating from the provinces in which they are operating. Some communities establish primary school trust funds derived from logging and fishing revenues and kinship/clan donations to meet school costs for their children.
The Constituency Development Fund of SI$ 200,000 provided annually to each Member of Parliament is also being used to assist families meet school costs.134 359. Early childhood education does not form a part of the formal education system. There are, however, growing numbers of kindergartens and pre-schools providing early childhood education mainly for 3-5-year-olds. These are organized and run mainly by churches, communities and private individuals particularly in the urban areas.
All expenses including teachers’ salaries, equipment and running costs are borne by the operator. The kindergartens and pre-schools do not have a standard curriculum. Nevertheless the Ministry of Education assists by providing training in early childhood education strategies. Some teachers also undertake the Pre-school Certificate Programme offered at the University of the South Pacific (USP) Centre in Honiara. 360.
360. An additional preparatory year added in 1991 to primary school for children between 5-6 years now forms part of the formal primary education system. This Preparatory Education Programme has a standard curriculum and is conducted by primary teachers trained in early childhood strategies in all primary schools.
With the assistance of UNICEF a series of training workshops and in-service training courses are conducted for preparatory teachers by early childhood education trainers throughout the provinces. 361. Secondary education consists of provincial and community secondary schools emphasizing vocational education and national secondary schools emphasizing academic education. Selection for the two secondary education routes is based upon the Solomon Islands Secondary Entrance (SISE) examination.
Limited transfer from provincial to national secondary schools (NSS) and to higher forms in provincial secondary schools (PSS) takes place after Form 3 via another selection test. A review of the secondary curriculum is being conducted by MEHRD with the aim of adopting a mixed mode curriculum, which calls for all secondary schools to adopt a single curriculum that mixes academic and vocational subjects. 362.
362. Church organizations and provinces also operate rural training centres, which enrol youths that do not attain mainstream academic standards. These centres, coordinated through an Association, provide a vocationally oriented secondary school curriculum, with strong emphasis on numerical and language skills. Students are attached to business for work experience. Some centres run businesses such as furniture workshops to finance centre operation. Students are charged fees of SI$ 100-150 per annum.
The Government provides a grant of SI$ 500 to each of these centres to assist in their operation as well as training for teaching staff and teaching materials. CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 92 363. Head teachers and senior teachers appointed as career masters normally provide vocational guidance in schools.
Each year the Ministry of Education arranges a “Careers Week” in Honiara to give students an opportunity to visit businesses, workplaces and institutions, listen to speakers on career prospects, and discuss career paths. A few students find attachments with private sector business during school holidays. 364. Post-secondary education has three main avenues. Firstly, there is Solomon Islands College of Higher Education (SICHE) which offers diverse technical and vocational programmes.
A second route is through the USP Centre which offers part-time extension programmes at diploma, certificate and degree levels through distance education and self-study modes. Thirdly, there is an overseas programme for post-secondary and university training for secondary school leavers who satisfy academic entry requirements. The National Training Unit of the Ministry of Education administers government scholarships and donor funded scholarships for higher education institutions.
Scholarships are for placements mainly at SICHE, USP, the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) and other overseas universities and institutions. Some scholarships funded by donor organizations place emphasis on specific disciplines and professions as well as gender balance. 365. Professional courses in teaching, nursing and other certificate level courses are provided at SICHE. The Seventh Day Adventist Church also provides nurse training at Atoifi Hospital.
All degree programmes are offered at tertiary institutions overseas including USP, UPNG and metropolitan universities in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. 3. Future implementation 366. In keeping with the Government’s overall goals and development objectives, the education sector will promote improvements in the planning and delivery of services having particular regard to equity, access, quality, quantity, efficiency and coordination. 367.
The Government will initiate a programme to provide for the progressive qualitative improvement of primary education through: The progressive phasing out of untrained teachers; Improving the quality of trained teachers through retraining and in-service training;135 The review and improvement of curriculum and associated materials across all levels; The improvement of the quality and performance of inspectors and personnel in management positions; The development of strategies to achieve universal primary education through an increase in enrolment and retention rates; The introduction within the medium-term basic education that provides nine years of schooling or grades 1-9.
CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 93 368.
The Government will initiate a coordinated expansion and upgrading programme to effect both qualitative and quantitative improvements in secondary education involving: The development of a national Form 7 education programme; The increase of intake into Form 6 and progressively link Forms 6 and 7 into a two-year programme; The increase of access to Forms 4 and 5 by significantly increasing places at the senior secondary level; The qualitative improvement of existing provincial secondary schools (PSS) to facilitate their transition to the status of national secondary schools (NSS); The establishment of junior secondary classes on top of existing primary schools where practical and possible; The systematic introduction of science as a separate subject area in all secondary schools; The extension of school library services; The continuation of support for the upgrading of teacher qualifications.
369. The Government is firmly committed to steadily increasing the size and diversity of the skilled workforce to meet emerging manpower needs and technological changes. 370.
The Government will promote the further development of SICHE through: The overall upgrading and expansion of SICHE to a university status; Gradual expansion of places consistent with the emerging needs for a highly skilled and diversified workforce; The upgrading of existing courses and the introduction of new courses designed to provide greater opportunity for tertiary studies to be undertaken within the Solomon Islands; The pre-service and in-service training of additional teachers to cater for planned developments of that sector; The phased introduction of a distance education capability to service Solomon Islands, particularly in teacher training, adult education, literacy and numeracy; The planned upgrading of necessary facilities and resources; CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 94 The continuation of support for staff development programmes which aim at improving the qualifications and expertise of SICHE staff; The facilitation of the College’s progressive development to incorporate degree and postgraduate studies and research.
371. The Literacy Programme, which involves a survey of community attitudes towards indigenous languages, including Solomon Pijin and English will enable the Government to formulate a language and literacy policy for the Solomon Islands.
The Non-Formal Education (NFE) unit of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD) will foster the development of literacy in Solomon Islands in collaboration with its partners: Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, its local agencies - NGOs, churches, Provincial NFE, other governmental organizations and other NFE agencies.
Through the improvement of vernacular language programmes and second language programmes and the creation of and access to good literature, children will be enabled to develop values, knowledge and skills. 372. The Government has a strong commitment to expanding opportunities for community education programmes, particularly in rural areas. Further, the initiatives at SICHE in distance education and the use of radio have the potential, over time, to contribute to community education.
Equipping Solomon Islands citizens with skills needed for rural sector employment and improved quality of rural life will result in personal benefits but also increased capacity to contribute to local and national economic and subsistence development needs of this country.
The MEHRD through its Non-Formal Education (NFE) Division will continue to promote the further development of non-formal education through implementation of the following programmes and goals: General or Basic Education consisting of literacy, numeracy, elementary understanding of science and one’s environment, i.e., what primary and general secondary schools seek to achieve; Community Improvement Education designed to strengthen local and national institutions and processes through instruction in such matters as national and local government, cooperatives and community projects; Occupational Education designed to develop particular knowledge and skills associated with economic activities useful for making a living.
This would be accomplished by creating and utilizing: (a) Vocational rural training centres, which offer long-term residential programmes lasting one to three years in course subjects including Agriculture, Business, Accounting, Woodwork, Building, Carpentry, Mechanics, Sewing, Typing, Plumbing, Health, Home Economics, Religious Education and Leadership Training; and CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 95 (b) Community-based training centres, which offer short-term block courses of one to three weeks’ duration for a period of one to two months depending on the need of the programme and participants required.
Villages identify their training needs and request trainers or resource people to undertake and assist. Financial assistance from MEHRD and other non-formal education agencies is sought here; Family Improvement Education designed to impart knowledge, skills and attitudes useful for improving the quality of family life, on such subjects as health and nutrition, homemaking and childcare, home repairs, etc.
; Establish Senior Vocational Schools in Honiara and provinces which run parallel and equivalent to existing Academic Senior High Schools (Form 4-5/6) level with the aim of preparing students for the workforce, self-employment and further studies in their respective vocational/technical fields.
This will mean revamping and utilizing the existing and very active Rural Training Centres; Rationalize the trade courses currently offered at SICHE with the view of offering them at the newly established Senior Vocational Schools and Rural Training Centres; Develop a new Vocational Technical Curriculum and Trade Courses to be offered in Senior Vocational Schools in the areas of food processing, gardening or landscaping, design, interior decoration, catering, etc. 373.
Other initiatives, which the Government will take to improve the quality of education, will include: A review of the curriculum development process; A review of selection and guidance services; A review of the efficiency and effectiveness of management structures and systems for service delivery at national, provincial and institutional levels; A review of strategies to ensure coordinated planning within the education sector; A review of strategies to facilitate coordinated planning between the education sector and other relevant sectors and to ensure that developments and programmes are more directly related to national goals and priorities.
4. Constraints 374. The implementation of these policy and planning statements is hampered by a number of major issues and constraints. Access to education continues to be limited, the physical condition of the schools is generally below desirable standards, there is a chronic shortage of qualified teachers, trained leaders and specialists, and facilities and resource provisions are limited at all CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 96 levels within the education sector.
This would indicate that a major effort is required and many more resources necessary to widen access, improve quality and reduce inequities among and within provinces. Under the tight government budget the Ministry of Education is one of very few ministries that has had progressive budget increases annually. Education accounts for about 12 per cent of government expenditures. 375.
375. The single most important constraint on the planned quantitative and qualitative development of the education sector is the shortage of trained teachers at both primary and secondary levels. Unless and until there is a significant increase in the number of suitably trained teachers there can be no further comprehensive and systematic development of either primary or secondary education or the trained workforce.
Other constraints stem from the rapid population growth of 3.5 per cent per annum,136 the geographical nature and wide separation of the population centres, limited communication and transport infrastructure, a limited economic base, the high level of unemployment among youth and a general lack of education in the rural communities. The competing demands generated by the need to address such a wide range of issues simultaneously are a dilemma in the Solomon Islands. 376.
376. The motivation and morale of teachers is adversely affected by poor working and living conditions such as limited promotion opportunities, poor pay, poor housing, shortage of teaching materials and lack of community support in some areas. As a result highly qualified and experienced teachers are abandoning the teaching service as quickly as new ones can be trained. B. The aims of education 1. Legal context 377.
B. The aims of education 1. Legal context 377. The Minister of Education directs the administration of the education system which aims to educate and train school-age children attain basic education necessary for a responsible life in society and labour market requirements. The current age of entry into primary school is 6-9 years. 378.
The key policy principles on which current development and management of the education system in Solomon Islands are based include: Provide greater opportunity for access at all levels of education such that in time, the longer term goal of education for the majority, if not all, can be achieved; Provide for a speedy increase in the provision of education services at all levels and in all areas; Provide for the continuous improvement in the standard of education services; Progressively remove differences in education access and provision among the provinces and gender; CRC/C/51/Add.6 page 97 Systematically review and improve policies and procedures to achieve greater efficiency within the sector; Continually monitor strategies which affect the coordination of planning and delivery of services within the sector and among agencies which contribute to the provision of or are directly dependent upon education.
2. Implementation 379. Access to primary education has been growing at a steady pace of about 4 per cent a year reaching a gross enrolment of about 80 per cent of the primary school age cohorts. At this pace universal primary education could possibly be achieved. However the attrition rate of children completing the final grade at primary remains at about 20 per cent.
The attendance of girls in primary schools has been improving steadily with about 45 per cent of the total primary school enrolment now being girls. 380. Secondary education, though less accessible than primary education, has increased enrolment by 55 per cent in the last four years. This has been attributed mainly to the establishment of community high schools attached to local primary schools.
Females as a percentage of total secondary students increased slightly from 36 to 38 per cent in the last three years. Figure 12 1994 enrolment (Standard 6-Form 7), by gender [Figure not attached]137 Figure 13 1995 enrolment (Standard 6-Form 7), by gender [Figure not attached] 381. Different reasons are often cited for the patterns of female school enrolment and retention noted above.
These include reluctance of parents to allow their female children to leave the protection of the village, lack of secondary school dormitory facilities for female secondary students, family work requirements for the female young person, e.g., either caring for younger siblings while her mother works or seeking paid employment. There is continued priority given educational needs of male children in the family over those of female children.
The Situation Analysis of Women and Children in Solomon Islands cited 1986 census figures stating the underrepresentation of females in all levels of teaching as an additional impediment to female students who need role models and support to achieve their educational goals.138 382.