1 value
1 value
95 values
7 values
11 values
2 classes
2 classes
2 classes
2 classes
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE; COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_accum_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'|'As') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ACCUM_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_rare; rareTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_RARE (t_rare_topOptParameter)* fieldListType (t_rare_byInstruction)? ; t_rare_topOptParameter : t_rare_showcountParameter | t_rare_showpercParameter | t_rare_limitParameter | t_rare_countfieldParameter | t_rare_percentfieldParameter ; t_rare_countfieldParameter : COMMAND_RARE_MODE_COUNTFIELD stringType ; t_rare_limitParameter : COMMAND_RARE_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_rare_percentfieldParameter : COMMAND_RARE_MODE_PERCENTFIELD stringType ; t_rare_showcountParameter : COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SHOWCOUNT booleanType ; t_rare_showpercParameter : COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SHOWPERC booleanType ; t_rare_byInstruction : (COMMAND_RARE_MODE_BY) fieldListType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE; COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_savedsearch_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_NOSUBSTITUTION : 'nosubstitution=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_EQ : '=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SAVEDSEARCH |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE; COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_audit_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_AUDIT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_teragrep; teragrepTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TERAGREP ( t_execParameter | t_getParameter) ; t_execParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_EXEC (t_syslogModeParameter | t_listModeParameter | t_saveModeParameter | t_parserExplainParameter | t_deleteModeParameter | t_loadModeParameter | t_kafkaSaveModeParameter | t_bloomModeParameter | t_tokenizerParameter | t_dynatraceParameter) ; t_dynatraceParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DYNATRACE COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_METRIC COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_WRITE stringType? ; t_tokenizerParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_TOKENIZER t_formatParameter? t_inputParamater? t_outputParameter? ; t_formatParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_FORMAT stringType ; t_inputParamater : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_INPUT fieldType ; t_outputParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_OUTPUT fieldType ; t_estimatesParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ESTIMATES fieldType ; t_syslogModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SYSLOG COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_STREAM t_hostParameter? ; t_kafkaSaveModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_KAFKA COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SAVE t_topicParameter ; t_bloomModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_BLOOM t_bloomOptionParameter ; t_parserExplainParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_PARSER COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_EXPLAIN ; t_loadModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_LOAD (t_pathParameter|t_hdfsFormatParameter|t_headerParameter|t_schemaParameter)* ; t_saveModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SAVE (t_codecParameter|t_pathParameter|t_retentionParameter|t_overwriteParameter|t_hdfsFormatParameter|t_headerParameter)* ; t_deleteModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DELETE t_pathParameter? ; t_listModeParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_LIST t_pathParameter? ; t_getParameter : (COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_GET | COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SET) (t_getTeragrepVersionParameter | t_getArchiveSummaryParameter) numberType? ; t_getTeragrepVersionParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SYSTEM COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_VERSION ; t_getArchiveSummaryParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ARCHIVE COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SUMMARY searchTransformationRoot ; t_bloomOptionParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_UPDATE t_estimatesParameter? t_inputParamater? | COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CREATE t_estimatesParameter? t_inputParamater? | COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_ESTIMATE t_inputParamater? t_outputParameter? ; t_hostParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HOST t_portParameter COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_PORT COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_PORT_NUM ; t_portParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_IP_MODE_IP ; t_overwriteParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_OVERWRITE booleanType ; t_pathParameter : stringType ; t_topicParameter : stringType ; t_hdfsFormatParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HDFS_FORMAT (COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CSV_FORMAT| COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_JSON_FORMAT| COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_DEFAULT_FORMAT) ; t_headerParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_HEADER booleanType ; t_schemaParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_SCHEMA stringType ; t_retentionParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_RETENTION spanType ; t_codecParameter : COMMAND_TERAGREP_MODE_CODEC stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE; COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_addcoltotals_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_LABELFIELD : 'labelfield='-> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_LABEL: 'label='-> pushMode(GET_STRING); // characters for string COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); fragment COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0022' // " |'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < // |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ADDCOLTOTALS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_overlap; overlapTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_OVERLAP ; //an empty one
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE; COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_addtotals_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_LABELFIELD : 'labelfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_FIELDNAME : 'fieldname=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_ROW : 'row=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_COL : 'col=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_LABEL: 'label=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ADDTOTALS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z //|'\u005B' [ |'\u005C' // \ //|'\u005D' ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_xyseries; xyseriesTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_XYSERIES (t_xyseries_groupedParameter)? fieldType fieldType (fieldType)+ (t_xyseries_sepParameter)? (t_xyseries_formatParameter)? ; t_xyseries_formatParameter : COMMAND_XYSERIES_MODE_FORMAT stringType ; t_xyseries_groupedParameter : COMMAND_XYSERIES_MODE_GROUPED booleanType ; t_xyseries_sepParameter : COMMAND_XYSERIES_MODE_SEP stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_join; joinTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_JOIN (t_join_joinOptionsParameter)*? fieldListType? t_join_unnamedDatasetParameter ; t_join_joinOptionsParameter : t_join_typeParameter | t_join_usetimeParameter | t_join_earlierParameter | t_join_overwriteParameter | t_join_maxParameter ; t_join_typeParameter : COMMAND_JOIN_TYPE (COMMAND_JOIN_GET_TYPE_MODE_OUTER|COMMAND_JOIN_GET_TYPE_MODE_LEFT|COMMAND_JOIN_GET_TYPE_MODE_INNER) ; t_join_usetimeParameter : COMMAND_JOIN_MODE_USETIME booleanType ; t_join_earlierParameter : COMMAND_JOIN_MODE_EARLIER booleanType ; t_join_overwriteParameter : COMMAND_JOIN_MODE_OVERWRITE booleanType ; t_join_maxParameter : COMMAND_JOIN_MODE_MAX integerType ; t_join_unnamedDatasetParameter : subsearchStatement ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_format; formatTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FORMAT (t_format_mvSeparatorParameter)? (t_format_maxresultsParameter)? (stringType stringType stringType stringType stringType stringType)? ; t_format_maxresultsParameter : COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_MAXRESULTS integerType ; t_format_mvSeparatorParameter : COMMAND_FORMAT_MODE_MVSEP stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_sichart; sichartTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SICHART (t_sichart_sepChartParameter|t_sichart_formatParameter|t_sichart_contParameter|t_sichart_limitParameter|t_sichart_aggParameter)* (t_sichart_aggregationInstruction|t_sichart_sparklineAggregationInstruction|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R)+ ((t_sichart_overInstruction (t_sichart_divideByInstruction)?)|(t_sichart_divideByInstruction))? ; t_sichart_aggParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AGG t_sichart_aggregationInstruction ; t_sichart_contParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_CONT booleanType ; t_sichart_formatParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_FORMAT stringType ; t_sichart_limitParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LIMIT (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_TOP | COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BOTTOM)integerType ; t_sichart_sepChartParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SEP stringType ; t_sichart_sparklineAggregationInstruction : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SPARKLINE t_sichart_aggregationInstruction (COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COMMA spanType)? COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sichart_divideByInstruction : (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BY) fieldType (t_sichart_binsParameter|t_sichart_minspanParameter|t_sichart_spanParameter|t_sichart_startParameter|t_sichart_endParameter|t_sichart_alignTimeParameter|t_sichart_usenullParameter|t_sichart_useotherParameter|t_sichart_nullstrParameter|t_sichart_otherstrParameter)* (t_sichart_whereInstruction)? ; t_sichart_whereInstruction : (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_WHERE) aggregateFunction (IN|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_NOTIN) (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_TOP|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BOTTOM) integerType ((COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Or|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_And|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Xor) aggregateFunction (IN|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_NOTIN) (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_TOP|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BOTTOM) integerType)* | (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_WHERE) aggregateFunction (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LT|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_GT) integerType ((COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Or|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_And|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Xor) aggregateFunction (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LT|COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_GT) integerType)* ; t_sichart_overInstruction : (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_OVER) fieldType (t_sichart_binsParameter|t_sichart_minspanParameter|t_sichart_spanParameter|t_sichart_startParameter|t_sichart_endParameter|t_sichart_alignTimeParameter)* ; t_sichart_alignTimeParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME stringType ; t_sichart_binsParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BINS integerType ; t_sichart_endParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_END numberType ; t_sichart_minspanParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MINSPAN spanType ; t_sichart_nullstrParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_NULLSTR stringType ; t_sichart_otherstrParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_sichart_spanParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SPAN spanType ; t_sichart_startParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_START numberType ; t_sichart_usenullParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_USENULL booleanType ; t_sichart_useotherParameter : COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_USEOTHER booleanType ; t_sichart_fieldRenameInstruction : (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AS) fieldType ; t_sichart_aggregationInstruction : aggregateFunction (t_sichart_fieldRenameInstruction)? ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE; COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_appendcols_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // subsearch within append COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> type(BRACKET_L), pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); // tokens COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_EXTENDTIMERANGE : 'extendtimerange=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_OVERRIDE : 'override=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_TIMEOUT : 'timeout=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_MAXTIME : 'maxtime=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_MAXOUT : 'maxout=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_APPENDCOLS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE; COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_addinfo_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ADDINFO_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_transaction; transactionTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TRANSACTION (fieldListType)? t_transaction_nameParameter? t_transaction_tnxOptions*? t_transaction_memControlOptions*? t_transaction_multivalueOptions*? ; t_transaction_nameParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_NAME stringType ; t_transaction_tnxOptions : t_transaction_connectedParameter | t_transaction_endswithParameter | t_transaction_keeporphansParameter | t_transaction_maxspanParameter | t_transaction_lmaxpauseOptParameter | t_transaction_maxeventsParameter | t_transaction_startOptParameter | t_transaction_unifyendsParameter ; t_transaction_memControlOptions : t_transaction_maxopentxnOptParameter | t_transaction_maxopeneventsOptParameter | t_transaction_keepevictedOptParameter ; t_transaction_multivalueOptions : t_transaction_delimParameter | t_transaction_mvlistParameter | t_transaction_mvrawOptParameter | t_transaction_nullstrParameter ; t_transaction_connectedParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_CONNECTED booleanType ; t_transaction_delimParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_DELIM stringType ; t_transaction_keepevictedOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_KEEPEVICTED booleanType ; t_transaction_keeporphansParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_KEEPORPHANS booleanType ; t_transaction_lmaxpauseOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MAXPAUSE spanType ; t_transaction_maxeventsParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MAXEVENTS integerType ; t_transaction_maxopeneventsOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MAXOPENEVENTS integerType ; t_transaction_maxopentxnOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MAXOPENTXN integerType ; t_transaction_maxspanParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MAXSPAN spanType ; t_transaction_mvrawOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MVRAW booleanType ; t_transaction_nullstrParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_NULLSTR stringType ; t_transaction_startOptParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_STARTSWITH t_transaction_transamFilterStringParameter ; t_transaction_unifyendsParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_UNIFYENDS booleanType ; t_transaction_transamFilterStringParameter // We need to parse them again if they are "string type" : stringType | COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_SEARCH_HACK_EVAL evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_transaction_endswithParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_ENDSWITH t_transaction_transamFilterStringParameter ; t_transaction_mvlistParameter : COMMAND_TRANSACTION_MODE_MVLIST (booleanType|fieldListType) ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_rex4j; rex4jTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_REX4J (t_rex4j_fieldParameter)? ((regexStringType (t_rex4j_maxMatchParameter)? (t_rex4j_offsetFieldParameter)? )|( t_rex4j_modeSedParameter regexStringType)) ; t_rex4j_fieldParameter : COMMAND_REX4J_MODE_FIELD fieldType ; t_rex4j_maxMatchParameter : COMMAND_REX4J_MODE_MAX_MATCH integerType ; t_rex4j_modeSedParameter : COMMAND_REX4J_MODE_MODE COMMAND_REX4J_MODE_SED ; t_rex4j_offsetFieldParameter : COMMAND_REX4J_MODE_OFFSET_FIELD stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_runshellscript; runshellscriptTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_RUNSHELLSCRIPT (stringType)? (integerType)? (stringType)? (stringType)? (fieldType)? (stringType)? (stringType)? (stringType)? (stringType)? ; //results-url need to be changed to the URLType on implementation of the last
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE; COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_outputlookup_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_OVERRIDE_IF_EMPTY : 'override_if_empty=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT : 'output_format=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_MAX : 'max=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CREATE_EMPTY : 'create_empty=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CREATEINAPP : 'createinapp=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_KEY_FIELD : 'key_field=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CREATE_CONTEXT : 'create_context' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SLASH: '/'; COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // OUTPUTLOOKUP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_inputlookup_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE: ('where' | 'WHERE' | 'Where') -> pushMode(COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_TABLENAME : 'tablename'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_MAX : 'max=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_SLASH: '/'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_ADDTOTALS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0022' // " |'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // INPUTLOOKUP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); mode COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // valid for fields // Reserved words COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TIMEFORMAT: 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EARLIEST: 'earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_EARLIEST: '_index_earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTDAYSAGO: 'stardaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTHOURSAGO: 'starthoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMINUTESAGO: 'startminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMONTHSAGO: 'startmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIME: 'starttime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIMEU: 'starttimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LATEST: 'latest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_LATEST: '_index_latest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDDAYSAGO: 'enddaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDHOURSAGO: 'endhoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMINUTESAGO: 'endminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMONTHSAGO: 'endmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIME: 'endtime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIMEU: 'endtimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS: 'searchtimespandays=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS: 'searchtimespanhours=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES: 'searchtimespanminutes=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS: 'searchtimespanmonths=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUTESAGO: 'minutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOURSAGO: 'hoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DAYSAGO: 'daysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MONTHSAGO: 'monthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOST: 'host'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX: 'index'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCE: 'source'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; //special for tstats COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TAG: 'tag'; //push to diffrent MODE_MODE's COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AND: 'AND'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NOT: 'NOT'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_OR: 'OR'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TERM: 'TERM'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CASE: 'CASE'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_IN: 'IN'; // charType, common types COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> popMode, popMode; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_L: '{'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_R: '}'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COMMA: ','; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COLON: ':'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EXCLAMATION: '!'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_QUOTE: '" '; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOLLAR: '$'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AT_SIGN: '@'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PLUS: '+'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PERCENT: '%'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD: '*'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SLASH: '/'; // equality COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DEQ: '=='; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ: '='; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ: '!='; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LT: '<'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LTE: '<='; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GT: '>'; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GTE: '>='; // quotation types COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // integers fragment COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; // |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STRING : (COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_INPUTLOOKUP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE; COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_replace_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_WITH : ('WITH'|'with'|'With'); COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_IN : ('in'|'IN'|'In'); COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // REPLACE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RETURN_MODE; COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_return_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RETURN_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RETURN_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_DOLLAR : '$'; COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_EQ : '=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // RETURN |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_table; tableTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TABLE t_table_wcfieldListParameter ; t_table_wcfieldListParameter : t_table_fieldType (COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_WILDCARD)? ((COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_COMMA)? t_table_fieldType (COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_WILDCARD)?)* ; t_table_fieldType : t_table_stringType | COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE t_table_stringType COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE ; t_table_stringType : COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_DQSTRING | COMMAND_TABLE_MODE_STRING ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_chart; chartTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_CHART t_chart_optionsParameter*? t_chart_aggParameter*? (t_chart_aggregationInstruction | t_chart_sparklineAggregationInstruction | (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R)) (COMMA? (t_chart_aggregationInstruction|t_chart_sparklineAggregationInstruction|(COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R)))*? ( t_chart_by_column_rowOptions | ((t_chart_over_row_Options) (t_chart_by_column_Options)) )* t_chart_dedup_splitvalsParameter? ; t_chart_optionsParameter : (t_chart_contParameter | t_chart_formatParameter | t_chart_limitParameter | t_chart_sepChartParameter) ; t_chart_bin_options : (t_chart_binsParameter | t_chart_spanParameter | t_chart_alignTimeParameter |t_chart_endParameter | t_chart_startParameter) ; t_chart_tc_Options : (t_chart_bin_options | t_chart_usenullParameter| t_chart_useotherParameter| t_chart_nullstrParameter | t_chart_otherstrParameter) ; t_row_Parameter : fieldType (COMMA? fieldType)*? t_chart_bin_options* ; t_column_Parameter : fieldType t_chart_tc_Options* t_chart_whereInstruction? ; t_chart_aggParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AGG t_chart_aggregationInstruction ; t_chart_by_column_rowOptions : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BY t_row_Parameter? t_column_Parameter? ; t_chart_by_column_Options : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BY t_column_Parameter? ; t_chart_over_row_Options : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_OVER t_row_Parameter? ; t_chart_sparklineAggregationInstruction : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SPARKLINE t_chart_aggregationInstruction (COMMA spanType)? COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_chart_whereInstruction : (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_WHERE) (aggregateFunction ) (IN|COMMAND_CHART_MODE_NOTIN) (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_TOP|COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BOTTOM) integerType | (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_WHERE) (aggregateFunction ) (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LT|COMMAND_CHART_MODE_GT) numberType ; t_chart_alignTimeParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME timeType ; t_chart_binsParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BINS integerType ; t_chart_endParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_END numberType ; t_chart_nullstrParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_NULLSTR stringType ; t_chart_otherstrParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_chart_spanParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SPAN spanType ; t_chart_startParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_START numberType ; t_chart_usenullParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_USENULL booleanType ; t_chart_useotherParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_USEOTHER booleanType ; t_chart_fieldRenameInstruction : (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AS) fieldType ; t_chart_aggregationInstruction : ( aggregateFunction ) (t_chart_fieldRenameInstruction)? ; t_chart_dedup_splitvalsParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DEDUP_SPLITVALS booleanType ; t_chart_contParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_CONT booleanType ; t_chart_formatParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_FORMAT stringType ; t_chart_limitParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LIMIT (COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_INTEGER | COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP_INT | COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM_INT) ; t_chart_sepChartParameter : COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SEP stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_predict; predictTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_PREDICT (fieldType (t_predict_fieldRenameInstruction)?)* (t_predict_pdAlgoOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdCorrelateOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdFutureTimespanOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdHoldbackOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdPeriodOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdUpperOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdLowerOptionParameter)? (t_predict_pdSuppressOptionParameter)? ; t_predict_pdAlgoOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_ALGORITHM (COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_Ll|COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_Llt|COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_Llp|COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_Llp5|COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_Llb|COMMAND_PREDICT_ALGORITHM_MODE_BILL) ; t_predict_pdCorrelateOptionParameter // COMMAND_MODE_PREDICT : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_CORRELATE fieldType ; t_predict_pdFutureTimespanOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_FUTURE_TIMESPAN numberType ; t_predict_pdHoldbackOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_HOLDBACK numberType ; t_predict_pdLowerOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_LOWER integerType COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_END fieldType ; t_predict_pdPeriodOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_PERIOD numberType ; t_predict_pdSuppressOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_SUPPRESS fieldType ; t_predict_pdUpperOptionParameter : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_UPPER integerType COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_END fieldType ; t_predict_fieldRenameInstruction : COMMAND_PREDICT_MODE_AS fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_trendline; trendlineTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TRENDLINE (COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R (t_trendline_fieldRenameInstruction)?)+ ; t_trendline_fieldRenameInstruction : COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_AS fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_mstats; mstatsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MSTATS (t_mstats_chartParameter)? (t_mstats_chartoptionsParameter)*? (t_mstats_prestatsParameter)? (t_mstats_appendParameter)? (t_mstats_backfill_valueParameter)? (t_mstats_update_periodParameter)? (t_mstats_fillnull_valueParameter)? (t_mstats_chunck_sizeParameter)? (t_mstats_aggregationInstruction)+ (t_mstats_whereParameter)*? t_byStatement? t_spanLength? ; t_mstats_appendParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_APPEND booleanType ; t_mstats_chartParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART booleanType ; t_mstats_fillnull_valueParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_FILLNULL_VALUE stringType ; t_mstats_backfill_valueParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_BACKFILL booleanType ; t_mstats_prestatsParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_PRESTATS booleanType ; t_mstats_chunck_sizeParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHUNK_SIZE integerType ; t_mstats_whereParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE t_mstats_whereMcatalogStatement ; t_mstats_update_periodParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_UPDATE_PERIOD integerType ; t_mstats_fieldRenameInstruction : (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_AS) fieldType ; t_mstats_aggregationInstruction : aggregateFunction (t_mstats_fieldRenameInstruction)? ; t_mstats_chartoptionsParameter : t_mstats_chartlimitParameter | t_mstats_chartnullstrParameter | t_mstats_chartotherstrParameter | t_mstats_chartusenullParameter | t_mstats_chartuseotherParameter | t_mstats_chartaggParameter ; t_mstats_chartlimitParameter : (COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT_TOP |COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT_BOTTOM |COMMAND_MSTATS_SUBMODE_CHART_LIMIT) integerType ; t_mstats_chartnullstrParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_NULLSTR stringType ; t_mstats_chartotherstrParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_OTHERSTR stringType ; t_mstats_chartusenullParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_USENULL booleanType ; t_mstats_chartuseotherParameter : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_CHART_USEOTHER booleanType ; t_mstats_chartaggParameter : t_chart_aggregationInstruction ; t_byStatement : (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GROUPBY|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BY_BY) fieldListType ; t_spanLength : (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_SPAN spanType) (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_EVERY spanType)? ; t_mstats_whereMcatalogStatement : t_mstats_comparisonStatement | t_mstats_searchQualifier | t_mstats_indexStatement | t_mstats_timeStatement | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NOT t_mstats_whereMcatalogStatement | t_mstats_whereMcatalogStatement COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_OR t_mstats_whereMcatalogStatement ; t_mstats_comparisonStatement : fieldOrStringType (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LT|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LTE|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GT|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GTE) (integerType|stringType) | fieldValueInListStatement ; t_mstats_searchQualifier : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCETYPE (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOST (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCE (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPE (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOSTTAG (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TAG (COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ|COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ) stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? ; t_mstats_indexStatement : stringType COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD? | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD ; t_mstats_timeStatement : timeFormatQualifier? (timeQualifier) ; timeFormatQualifier : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TIMEFORMAT stringType //FIXME implement Time Properties ; timeQualifier : COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EARLIEST timeType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_EARLIEST stringType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIME stringType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTDAYSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMINUTESAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTHOURSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMONTHSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIMEU integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LATEST timeType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_LATEST stringType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIME stringType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDDAYSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMINUTESAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDHOURSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMONTHSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIMEU integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DAYSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUTESAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOURSAGO integerType | COMMAND_MSTATS_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MONTHSAGO integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_mcollect; mcollectTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MCOLLECT (t_mcollect_indexParameter) (t_mcollect_fileParameter)? (t_mcollect_splitParameter)? (t_mcollect_spoolParameter)? (t_mcollect_prefixFieldParameter)? (t_mcollect_hostParameter)? (t_mcollect_sourceParameter)? (t_mcollect_sourcetypeParameter)? (t_mcollect_markerParameter)? (fieldListType)? ; t_mcollect_fileParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_FILE stringType ; t_mcollect_hostParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_HOST stringType ; t_mcollect_indexParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_INDEX stringType ; t_mcollect_markerParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_MARKER stringType ; t_mcollect_prefixFieldParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_PREFIX_FIELD stringType ; t_mcollect_sourceParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SOURCE stringType ; t_mcollect_sourcetypeParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SOURCETYPE stringType ; t_mcollect_splitParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SPLIT booleanType ; t_mcollect_spoolParameter : COMMAND_MCOLLECT_MODE_SPOOL booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_kmeans; kmeansTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_KMEANS (t_kmeans_kmeansOptionsParameter | fieldListType)*? ; t_kmeans_kmeansOptionsParameter : t_kmeans_kmeanscfieldParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansDistypeParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansmaxitersParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansKParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansrepsParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansTParameter |t_kmeans_kmeansCentroidsParameter ; t_kmeans_kmeansrepsParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_REPS integerType ; t_kmeans_kmeansTParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_T numberType ; t_kmeans_kmeansCentroidsParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_SHOWCENTROID booleanType ; t_kmeans_kmeanscfieldParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_CFIELD fieldType ; t_kmeans_kmeansDistypeParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_D (COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_l1|COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_L2|COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_COS) ; t_kmeans_kmeansmaxitersParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_MAXITERS integerType ; t_kmeans_kmeansKParameter : COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_K integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_iplocation; iplocationTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_IPLOCATION (t_iplocation_prefixParameter)? (t_iplocation_allFieldsParameter)? (t_iplocation_langParameter)? fieldType ; t_iplocation_allFieldsParameter : COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_ALLFIELDS booleanType ; t_iplocation_langParameter : COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_LANG stringType ; t_iplocation_prefixParameter : COMMAND_IPLOCATION_MODE_PREFIX stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_WHERE_MODE_BY; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_where_mode_by_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ABSTRACT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode GET_WHERE_MODE_BY; // skip GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // valid for fields // Reserved words GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_TIMEFORMAT: 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_EARLIEST: 'earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_INDEX_EARLIEST: '_index_earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTDAYSAGO: 'stardaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTHOURSAGO: 'starthoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTMINUTESAGO: 'startminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTMONTHSAGO: 'startmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTTIME: 'starttime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STARTTIMEU: 'starttimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_LATEST: 'latest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_INDEX_LATEST: '_index_latest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDDAYSAGO: 'enddaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDHOURSAGO: 'endhoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDMINUTESAGO: 'endminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDMONTHSAGO: 'endmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDTIME: 'endtime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_ENDTIMEU: 'endtimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS: 'searchtimespandays=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS: 'searchtimespanhours=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES: 'searchtimespanminutes=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS: 'searchtimespanmonths=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_MINUTESAGO: 'minutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_HOURSAGO: 'hoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_DAYSAGO: 'daysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_MONTHSAGO: 'monthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_HOST: 'host'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_INDEX: 'index'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SOURCE: 'source'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; //special for tstats COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_TAG: 'tag'; //push to diffrent MODE_MODE's GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_AND: 'AND'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_NOT: 'NOT'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_OR: 'OR'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_TERM: 'TERM'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_CASE: 'CASE'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_IN: 'IN'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_BY_BY : ('BY'|'by') -> pushMode(GET_WHERE_MODE_BY); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_NULL: 'null'; // charType, common types GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_BRACKET_L: '[' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_BRACKET_R: ']' -> popMode, popMode; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_C_BRACKET_L: '{'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_C_BRACKET_R: '}'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_PIPE: '|' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_COMMA: ','; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_COLON: ':'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_DOT: '.'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_EXCLAMATION: '!'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_QUOTE: '" '; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_DOLLAR: '$'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_AT_SIGN: '@'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_MINUS: '-'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_PLUS: '+'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_PERCENT: '%'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_WILDCARD: '*'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SLASH: '/'; // equality GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_DEQ: '=='; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_EQ: '='; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_NEQ: '!='; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_LT: '<'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_LTE: '<='; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_GT: '>'; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_GTE: '>='; // quotation types GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // integers fragment GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_STRING : (GET_WHERE_MODE_BY_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE; COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_multikv_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FIELDS: 'fields' ; COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FORCEHEADER : 'forceheader=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_MULTITABLE : 'multitable=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_COPYATTRS : 'copyattrs=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_NOHEADER : 'noheader=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_RMORIG : 'rmorig=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_FILTER : 'filter'; COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_CONF : 'conf=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MULTIKV |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MULTIKV_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_sendemail_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FROM: 'from='; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_WIDTH_SORT_COLUMNS : 'width_sort_columns=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERORIENTATION : 'paperorientation=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERORIENTATION_MODE); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CONTENT_TYPE : 'content_type=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SENDRESULTS : 'sendresults=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE : 'papersize=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_MAXINPUTS : 'maxinputs=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY : 'priority=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_GRACEFUL : 'graceful=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_USE_TLS : 'use_tls=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_USE_SSL : 'use_ssl=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SUBJECT : 'subject=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SENDPDF : 'sendpdf=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SENDCSV : 'sendcsv=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PDFVIEW : 'pdfview=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_MESSAGE : 'message=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_MAXTIME : 'maxtime=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SERVER : 'server=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_INLINE : 'inline=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT : 'format=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT_MODE); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FOOTER : 'footer=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_BCC : 'bcc='; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_TO : 'to='; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CC : 'cc='; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SENDEMAIL |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT_MODE ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT_MODE_RAW : 'raw' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT_MODE_CSV : 'csv' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_FORMAT_MODE_TABLE : 'table' -> popMode; mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE_LOW: 'low' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE_HIGH: 'high' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE_LOWEST : 'lowest' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE_NORMAL : 'normal' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PRIORITY_MODE_HIGHEST : 'highest' -> popMode; mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE_PLAIN : 'plain' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_CONTENT_TYPE_MODE_HTML : 'html' -> popMode; mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_LEDGER : 'ledger' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_LETTER : 'letter' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_LEGAL : 'legal' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_A2 : 'a2' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_A3 : 'a3' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_A4 : 'a4' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERSIZE_MODE_A5 : 'a5' -> popMode; mode COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERORIENTATION_MODE ; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERORIENTATION_MODE_LANDSCAPE : 'landscape' -> popMode; COMMAND_SENDEMAIL_MODE_PAPERORIENTATION_MODE_PORTRAIT : 'portrait' -> popMode;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_trendline_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE : (COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_SMA|COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_EMA|COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_WMA)COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_INTEGER; fragment COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_DIGIT: [0-9]; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_INTEGER: (COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_MINUS)? COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_DIGIT+; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_SMA: 'sma'; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_EMA: 'ema'; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_TREND_TYPE_WMA: 'wma'; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as'); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TRENDLINE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_TRENDLINE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE; COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_typelearner_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE; // skip COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_MAXLEN : 'maxlen=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // TYPELEARNER |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_extract; extractTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EXTRACT (t_extract_clean_keysParameter|t_extract_kvdelimParameter|t_extract_limitParameter|t_extract_maxcharsParameter|t_extract_mv_addParameter|t_extract_pairdelimParameter|t_extract_reloadParameter|t_extract_segmentParameter)* (stringType)* ; t_extract_clean_keysParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_CLEAN_KEYS booleanType ; t_extract_kvdelimParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_KVDELIM stringType ; t_extract_limitParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_extract_maxcharsParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_MAXCHARS integerType ; t_extract_mv_addParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_MV_ADD booleanType ; t_extract_pairdelimParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_PAIRDELIM stringType ; t_extract_reloadParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_RELOAD booleanType ; t_extract_segmentParameter : COMMAND_EXTRACT_MODE_SEGMENT booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE; COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_selfjoin_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_KEEPSINGLE : 'keepsingle=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_OVERWRITE : 'overwrite=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_MAX : 'max=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SELFJOIN |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_SELFJOIN_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_kmeans_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_SHOWCENTROID : 'showcentroid=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_CFIELD : 'cfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_REPS : 'reps=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_MAXITERS : 'maxiters=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_T : 't=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_D : 'dt=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_K : 'k=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // KMEANS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); //distype mode COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_l1 : ('l1'|'l1norm'|'cityblock'|'cb') -> popMode; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_L2 : ('l2'|'l2norm'|'sq'|'sqeuclidean') -> popMode; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_GET_D_MODE_COS : ('cosine'|'cos') -> popMode; COMMAND_KMEANS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_foreach; foreachTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FOREACH (fieldType)+ (t_foreach_fieldstrParameter)? (t_foreach_matchstrParameter)? (t_foreach_matchseg1Parameter)? (t_foreach_matchseg2Parameter)? (t_foreach_matchseg3Parameter)? subsearchStatement ; t_foreach_fieldstrParameter : COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_FIELDSTR stringType ; t_foreach_matchseg1Parameter : COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG1 stringType ; t_foreach_matchseg2Parameter : COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG2 stringType ; t_foreach_matchseg3Parameter : COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSEG3 stringType ; t_foreach_matchstrParameter : COMMAND_FOREACH_MODE_MATCHSTR stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_correlate; // convert -------- correlateTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_CORRELATE ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_sendalert_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_RESULTS_PATH : 'results_path=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING) ; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_RESULTS_LINK : 'results_link=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING) ; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_PARAM : 'param'; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_EQ : '='; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_SLASH: '/'; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' {false}? // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SENDALERT |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SENDALERT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_typeahead; typeaheadTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TYPEAHEAD t_typeahead_prefixParameter t_typeahead_countParameter (t_typeahead_maxtimeParameter)? (t_typeahead_indexParameter)? (t_typeahead_starttimeuParameter)? (t_typeahead_endtimeuParameter)? (t_typeahead_collapseParameter)? ; t_typeahead_collapseParameter // COMMAND_MODE_TYPEAHEAD : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_COLLAPSE booleanType ; t_typeahead_countParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_COUNT integerType ; t_typeahead_endtimeuParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_ENDTIMEU integerType ; t_typeahead_indexParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_INDEX stringType ; t_typeahead_maxtimeParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_MAXTIME integerType ; t_typeahead_prefixParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_PREFIX stringType ; t_typeahead_starttimeuParameter : COMMAND_TYPEAHEAD_MODE_STARTTIMEU integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_findkeywords; findkeywordsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_FINDKEYWORDS t_findkeywords_labelfieldParameter ; t_findkeywords_labelfieldParameter : COMMAND_FINDKEYWORDS_MODE_LABELFIELD fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_appendpipe; appendpipeTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_APPENDPIPE (t_appendpipe_run_in_previewParameter)? subsearchStatement ; t_appendpipe_run_in_previewParameter : COMMAND_APPENDPIPE_MODE_RUN_IN_PREVIEW booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_addinfo; addinfoTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ADDINFO ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_eventcount; eventcountTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EVENTCOUNT (t_eventcount_indexParameter)* (t_eventcount_summarizeParameter)? (t_eventcount_report_sizeParameter)? (t_eventcount_list_vixParameter)? ; t_eventcount_indexParameter : COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_INDEX stringType ; t_eventcount_list_vixParameter : COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_LIST_VIX booleanType ; t_eventcount_report_sizeParameter : COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_REPORT_SIZE booleanType ; t_eventcount_summarizeParameter : COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_SUMMARIZE booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- parser grammar DPLParserEvals; // eval evalStatement : subEvalStatement # l_evalStatement_subEvalStatement | evalFunctionStatement # l_evalStatement_evalFunctionStatement | evalNullType #empty | evalNumberType # l_evalStatement_evalNumberType | evalIntegerType # l_evalStatement_evalIntegerType | evalFieldType # l_evalStatement_evalFieldType | evalStringType # l_evalStatement_evalStringType // always double quoted ? | evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DEQ|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EQ|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LTE|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_GTE|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LT|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_GT|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NEQ|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LIKE|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_Like) evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalCompareStatement | evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_WILDCARD|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SLASH|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PERCENT) evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalCalculateStatement_multipliers | evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PLUS|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MINUS) evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalCalculateStatement_minus_plus | evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DOT evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalConcatenateStatement // note that string+string is handled by above | (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NOT|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXCLAMATION) evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalLogicNegationStatement | (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NOT|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXCLAMATION) EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalLogicNegationStatement | evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_AND|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_OR|EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_XOR) evalStatement # l_evalStatement_evalLogicStatement ; //inside quotes evalNullType : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NULL ; evalIntegerType : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_INTEGER ; evalNumberType : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DECIMAL | EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_INTEGER ; evalFieldType : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRING_MATCH | EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH ; evalStringType : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH ; // Any eval inside parenthesis subEvalStatement : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalFunctionStatement : evalMethodTrue // BooleanFunction | evalMethodFalse // BooleanFunction | evalMethodTypeof // BooleanFunction | evalMethodCase // BooleanFunction | evalMethodCidrmatch // BooleanFunction | evalMethodLike // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIn // BooleanFunction | evalMethodMatch // BooleanFunction | evalMethodSearchmatch // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsbool // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsint // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsnum // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsnotnull // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsnull // BooleanFunction | evalMethodIsstr // BooleanFunction | evalMethodJSONValid // BooleanFunction | evalMethodAbs // NumericFunction | evalMethodAcos // NumericFunction | evalMethodAcosh // NumericFunction | evalMethodAsin // NumericFunction | evalMethodAsinh // NumericFunction | evalMethodAtan // NumericFunction | evalMethodAtan2 // NumericFunction | evalMethodAtanh // NumericFunction | evalMethodAvg // NumericFunction | evalMethodCeiling // NumericFunction | evalMethodCos // NumericFunction | evalMethodCosh // NumericFunction | evalMethodLen // NumericFunction | evalMethodLn // NumericFunction | evalMethodLog // NumericFunction | evalMethodExp // NumericFunction | evalMethodHypot // NumericFunction | evalMethodFloor // NumericFunction | evalMethodMin // NumericFunction | evalMethodMax // NumericFunction | evalMethodPi // NumericFunction | evalMethodPow // NumericFunction | evalMethodRandom // NumericFunction | evalMethodSin // NumericFunction | evalMethodSinh // NumericFunction | evalMethodSigfig // NumericFunction | evalMethodSqrt // NumericFunction | evalMethodSum // NumericFunction | evalMethodTan // NumericFunction | evalMethodTanh // NumericFunction | evalMethodTonumber // NumericFunction | evalMethodRound // NumericFunction | evalMethodExact // NumericFunction | evalMethodMvappend // MVFunction | evalMethodMvcount // MVFunction | evalMethodMvdedup // MVFunction | evalMethodMvfilter // MVFunction | evalMethodMvfind // MVFunction | evalMethodMvindex // MVFunction | evalMethodMvjoin // MVFunction | evalMethodMvrange // MVFunction | evalMethodMvsort // MVFunction | evalMethodMvzip // MVFunction | evalMethodCommands // MVFunction | evalMethodIf // CaseFunction | evalMethodIfnull // CaseFunction | evalMethodCoalesce // CaseFunction | evalMethodNullif // CaseFunction | evalMethodValidate // CaseFunction | evalMethodNow // TimeFunction | evalMethodStrptime // TimeFunction | evalMethodTime // TimeFunction | evalMethodRelative_time // TimeFunction | evalMethodNull // NullFunction | evalMethodLower // StringFunction | evalMethodLtrim // StringFunction | evalMethodMd5 // StringFunction | evalMethodReplace // StringFunction | evalMethodRtrim // StringFunction | evalMethodSha1 // StringFunction | evalMethodSha256 // StringFunction | evalMethodSha512 // StringFunction | evalMethodSpath // StringFunction | evalMethodSplit // StringFunction | evalMethodStrftime // StringFunction | evalMethodSubstr // StringFunction | evalMethodTostring // StringFunction | evalMethodTrim // StringFunction | evalMethodUpper // StringFunction | evalMethodUrldecode // StringFunction | evalMethodJsonObject // objectFunction ; evalMethodAbs : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ABS EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAcos : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ACOS EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAcosh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ACOSH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAsin : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ASIN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAsinh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ASINH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAtan : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATAN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAtan2 : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATAN2 EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAtanh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATANH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodAvg : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_AVG EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCase : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CASE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCeiling : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CEILING EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCidrmatch : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CIDRMATCH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCoalesce : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COALESCE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement ((EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA) evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCommands : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMANDS EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCos : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COS EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodCosh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COSH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodExact : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXACT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodExp : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXP EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodFalse : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_FALSE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodFloor : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_FLOOR EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodHypot : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_HYPOT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIf : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IF EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIfnull : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IFNULL EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIn : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA (evalStatement))* EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsbool : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISBOOL EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsint : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISINT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsnotnull : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNOTNULL EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsnull : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNULL EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsnum : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNUM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodIsstr : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISSTR EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodJSONValid : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_JSON_VALID EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLen : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LEN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLike : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LIKE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLn : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLog : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LOG EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLower : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LOWER EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodLtrim : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LTRIM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMatch : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MATCH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMax : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MAX EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)* EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMd5 : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MD5 EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMin : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MIN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)* EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvappend : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVAPPEND EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)* EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvcount : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVCOUNT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvdedup : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVDEDUP EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvfilter : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVFILTER EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvfind : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVFIND EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvindex : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVINDEX EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvjoin : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVJOIN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvrange : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVRANGE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvsort : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVSORT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodMvzip : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVZIP EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodNow : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NOW EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodNull : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NULL EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodNullif : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NULLIF EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodPi : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PI EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodPow : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_POW EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodRandom : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RANDOM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodRelative_time : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RELATIVE_TIME EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodReplace : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_REPLACE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodRound : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ROUND EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodRtrim : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RTRIM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSearchmatch : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SEARCHMATCH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSha1 : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA1 EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSha256 : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA256 EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSha512 : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA512 EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSigfig : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SIGFIG EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSin : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SIN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSinh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSpath : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SPATH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSplit : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SPLIT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSqrt : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SQRT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSum : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SUM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodStrftime : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRFTIME EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodStrptime : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRPTIME EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodSubstr : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SUBSTR EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTan : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TAN EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTanh : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TANH EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTime : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TIME EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTonumber : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TONUMBER EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTostring : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TOSTRING EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)? EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTrim : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TRIM EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTrue : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TRUE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodTypeof : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TYPEOF EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodUpper : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_UPPER EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodUrldecode : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_URLDECODE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodValidate : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_VALIDATE EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L evalStatement (EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; evalMethodJsonObject : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_JSON_OBJECT EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L (evalStatement EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMA evalStatement)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; // types
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_cluster; clusterTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_CLUSTER (t_cluster_tParameter|t_cluster_delimsParameter|t_cluster_showcountParameter|t_cluster_countfieldParameter|t_cluster_labelfieldParameter|t_cluster_fieldParameter|t_cluster_labelonlyParameter|t_cluster_matchParameter)* ; t_cluster_countfieldParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_COUNTFIELD fieldType ; t_cluster_delimsParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_DELIMS stringType ; t_cluster_labelfieldParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_LABELFIELD fieldType ; t_cluster_fieldParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_FIELD fieldType ; t_cluster_labelonlyParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_LABELONLY booleanType ; t_cluster_matchParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH (COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_TERMLIST|COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_NGRAMSET|COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_TERMSET) ; t_cluster_showcountParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_SHOWCOUNT booleanType ; t_cluster_tParameter : COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_T numberType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE; COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_eval_submode_base_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ mode COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE; // comments COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // skip COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PARENTHESIS_L: '(' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE), type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')' -> popMode, type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COMMA: ',' -> pushMode(COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DEQ: DEQ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DEQ); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EQ: EQ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EQ); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EQUALITY: EQ EQ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EQUALITY); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NEQ: '!=' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NEQ); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LT: LT -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LTE: LTE -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LTE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_GT: GT -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_GT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_GTE: GTE -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_GTE); fragment COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DIGIT: [0-9]; COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_INTEGER: (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MINUS)? COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DIGIT+ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_INTEGER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DECIMAL: (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MINUS)? [0-9]+ COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DOT [0-9]+ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DECIMAL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DOT: '.' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DOT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_AND: ('AND' | 'and') -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_AND); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_OR: ('OR' | 'or') -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_OR); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_XOR: ('XOR' | 'xor') -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_XOR); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_WILDCARD: WILDCARD -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_WILDCARD); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PLUS: PLUS -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PLUS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MINUS: MINUS -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MINUS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SLASH: SLASH -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SLASH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_Like: 'LIKE' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_Like); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PERCENT: '%' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PERCENT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EXCLAMATION: '!' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXCLAMATION); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NOT: 'NOT' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NOT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_KEEPLAST : 'keeplast=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NULL_EQ : 'null=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); //eval-functions COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ABS: 'abs' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ABS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ACOS: 'acos' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ACOS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ACOSH: 'acosh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ACOSH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ASIN: 'asin' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ASIN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ASINH: 'asinh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ASINH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ATAN: 'atan' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATAN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ATAN2: 'atan2' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATAN2); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ATANH: 'atanh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ATANH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_AVG: 'avg' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_AVG); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CASE: 'case' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CASE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CEILING: ('ceil'|'ceiling') -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CEILING); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CIDRMATCH: 'cidrmatch' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_CIDRMATCH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COALESCE: 'coalesce' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COALESCE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COMMANDS: 'commands' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COMMANDS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COS: 'cos' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COS); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_COSH: 'cosh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_COSH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EVAL: 'eval' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EVAL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EXACT: 'exact' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXACT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_EXP: 'exp' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_EXP); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_FALSE: 'false' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_FALSE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_FLOOR: 'floor' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_FLOOR); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_HYPOT: 'hypot' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_HYPOT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_IF: 'if' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IF); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_IFNULL: 'ifnull' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IFNULL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_IN: 'in' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_IN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISBOOL: 'isbool' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISBOOL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISINT: 'isint' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISINT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISNOTNULL: 'isnotnull' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNOTNULL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISNULL: 'isnull' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNULL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISNUM: 'isnum' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISNUM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ISSTR: 'isstr' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ISSTR); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_JSON_VALID: 'json_valid' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_JSON_VALID); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_JSON_OBJECT: 'json_object' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_JSON_OBJECT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LEN: 'len' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LEN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LIKE: 'like' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LIKE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LN: 'ln' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LOG: 'log' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LOG); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LOWER: 'lower' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LOWER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_LTRIM: 'ltrim' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_LTRIM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MATCH: 'match' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MATCH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MAX: 'max' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MAX); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MD5: 'md5' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MD5); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MIN: 'min' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MIN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVAPPEND: 'mvappend' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVAPPEND); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVCOUNT: 'mvcount' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVCOUNT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVDEDUP: 'mvdedup' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVDEDUP); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVFILTER: 'mvfilter' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVFILTER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVFIND: 'mvfind' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVFIND); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVINDEX: 'mvindex' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVINDEX); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVJOIN: 'mvjoin' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVJOIN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVRANGE: 'mvrange' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVRANGE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVSORT: 'mvsort' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVSORT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_MVZIP: 'mvzip' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_MVZIP); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NOW: 'now' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NOW); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NULL: 'null' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NULL); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_NULLIF: 'nullif' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_NULLIF); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PI: 'pi' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PI); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_PRINTF: 'printf' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_PRINTF); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_POW: 'pow' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_POW); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_RANDOM: 'random' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RANDOM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_RELATIVE_TIME: 'relative_time' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RELATIVE_TIME); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_REPLACE: 'replace' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_REPLACE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_ROUND: 'round' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_ROUND); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_RTRIM: 'rtrim' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_RTRIM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SEARCHMATCH: 'searchmatch' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SEARCHMATCH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SHA1: 'sha1' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA1); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SHA256: 'sha256' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA256); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SHA512: 'sha512' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SHA512); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SIGFIG: 'sigfig' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SIGFIG); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SIN: 'sin' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SIN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SINH: 'sinh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SPATH: 'spath' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SPATH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SPLIT: 'split' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SPLIT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SQRT: 'sqrt' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SQRT); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SUM: 'sum' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SUM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_STRFTIME: 'strftime' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRFTIME); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_STRPTIME: 'strptime' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRPTIME); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SUBSTR: 'substr' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SUBSTR); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TAN: 'tan' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TAN); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TANH: 'tanh' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TANH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TIME: 'time' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TIME); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TONUMBER: 'tonumber' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TONUMBER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TOSTRING: 'tostring' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TOSTRING); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TRIM: 'trim' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TRIM); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TRUE: 'true' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TRUE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_TYPEOF: 'typeof' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_TYPEOF); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_UPPER: 'upper' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_UPPER); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_URLDECODE: 'urldecode' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_URLDECODE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_VALIDATE: 'validate' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_VALIDATE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CHAR : ( '\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' {false}? // ' |'\u0028' {false}? // ( |'\u0029' {false}? // ) |'\u002A' {false}? // * |'\u002B' {false}? // + |'\u002C' {false}? // , |'\u002D' {false}? // - |'\u002E' {false}? // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' {false}? // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' {false}? // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' {false}? // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_STRING_MATCH // one or more characters, CHAR_MATCH catches shorter ones : (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CHAR)+ -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRING_MATCH); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH // : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CHAR)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRING_MATCH) : '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\' | '=' ) )* '\'' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH) ; COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH // : EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DQSTRING (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_CHAR)+ EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DQSTRING -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_STRING_MATCH) : '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\' | '=' ) )* '"' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_QUOTED_STRING_MATCH) ; //COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~( '\\') )* //COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_BASE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE_DQSTRING); // @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ mode COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD; // // comments COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // skip COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; //mode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode; //mode(COMMAND_MODE); // tokens COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_EQ: '=' -> popMode; // Change mode back after '=' // characters for string fragment COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_CHAR : ( '\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_STRING_MATCH // one or more characters, CHAR_MATCH catches shorter ones : (COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_EVAL_SUBMODE_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_tail; tailTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TAIL (COMMAND_TAIL_MODE_INTEGER)* ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- parser grammar DPLParserProcess; import DPLParserAggregations, DPLParserEvals, DPLParserTransform_abstract, DPLParserTransform_accum, DPLParserTransform_addcoltotals, DPLParserTransform_addinfo, DPLParserTransform_addtotals, DPLParserTransform_analyzefields, DPLParserTransform_anomalies, DPLParserTransform_anomalousvalue, DPLParserTransform_anomalydetection, DPLParserTransform_appendcols, DPLParserTransform_append, DPLParserTransform_appendpipe, DPLParserTransform_arules, DPLParserTransform_associate, DPLParserTransform_audit, DPLParserTransform_autoregress, DPLParserTransform_bin, DPLParserTransform_bucketdir, DPLParserTransform_chart, DPLParserTransform_cluster, DPLParserTransform_cofilter, DPLParserTransform_collapse, DPLParserTransform_collect, DPLParserTransform_concurrency, DPLParserTransform_contingency, DPLParserTransform_convert, DPLParserTransform_correlate, DPLParserTransform_datamodel, DPLParserTransform_dbinspect, DPLParserTransform_dedup, DPLParserTransform_delete, DPLParserTransform_delta, DPLParserTransform_diff, DPLParserTransform_dpl, DPLParserTransform_dump, DPLParserTransform_erex, DPLParserTransform_eval, DPLParserTransform_eventcount, DPLParserTransform_eventstats, DPLParserTransform_explain, DPLParserTransform_extract, DPLParserTransform_fieldformat, DPLParserTransform_fields, DPLParserTransform_fieldsummary, DPLParserTransform_filldown, DPLParserTransform_fillnull, DPLParserTransform_findkeywords, DPLParserTransform_findtypes, DPLParserTransform_folderize, DPLParserTransform_foreach, DPLParserTransform_format, DPLParserTransform_from, DPLParserTransform_gauge, DPLParserTransform_gentimes, DPLParserTransform_geomfilter, DPLParserTransform_geom, DPLParserTransform_geostats, DPLParserTransform_head, DPLParserTransform_highlight, DPLParserTransform_history, DPLParserTransform_iconify, DPLParserTransform_inputcsv, DPLParserTransform_inputlookup, DPLParserTransform_iplocation, DPLParserTransform_join, DPLParserTransform_kmeans, DPLParserTransform_kvform, DPLParserTransform_loadjob, DPLParserTransform_localize, DPLParserTransform_localop, DPLParserTransform_lookup, DPLParserTransform_makecontinuous, DPLParserTransform_makejson, DPLParserTransform_makemv, DPLParserTransform_makeresults, DPLParserTransform_map, DPLParserTransform_mcatalog, DPLParserTransform_mcollect, DPLParserTransform_metadata, DPLParserTransform_metasearch, DPLParserTransform_meventcollect, DPLParserTransform_mstats, DPLParserTransform_multikv, DPLParserTransform_multisearch, DPLParserTransform_mvcombine, DPLParserTransform_mvexpand, DPLParserTransform_nomv, DPLParserTransform_outlier, DPLParserTransform_outputcsv, DPLParserTransform_outputlookup, DPLParserTransform_outputtext, DPLParserTransform_overlap, DPLParserTransform_pivot, DPLParserTransform_predict, DPLParserTransform_rangemap, DPLParserTransform_rare, DPLParserTransform_redistribute, DPLParserTransform_regex, DPLParserTransform_relevancy, DPLParserTransform_reltime, DPLParserTransform_rename, DPLParserTransform_replace, DPLParserTransform_rest, DPLParserTransform_return, DPLParserTransform_reverse, DPLParserTransform_rex4j, DPLParserTransform_rex, DPLParserTransform_rtorder, DPLParserTransform_runshellscript, DPLParserTransform_savedsearch, DPLParserTransform_script, DPLParserTransform_scrub, DPLParserTransform_search, DPLParserTransform_searchtxn, DPLParserTransform_selfjoin, DPLParserTransform_sendalert, DPLParserTransform_sendemail, DPLParserTransform_setfields, DPLParserTransform_set, DPLParserTransform_sichart, DPLParserTransform_sirare, DPLParserTransform_sistats, DPLParserTransform_sitimechart, DPLParserTransform_sitop, DPLParserTransform_sort, DPLParserTransform_spath, DPLParserTransform_stats, DPLParserTransform_strcat, DPLParserTransform_streamstats, DPLParserTransform_table, DPLParserTransform_tags, DPLParserTransform_tail, DPLParserTransform_teragrep, DPLParserTransform_timechart, DPLParserTransform_timewrap, DPLParserTransform_top, DPLParserTransform_transaction, DPLParserTransform_transpose, DPLParserTransform_trendline, DPLParserTransform_tscollect, DPLParserTransform_tstats, DPLParserTransform_typeahead, DPLParserTransform_typelearner, DPLParserTransform_typer, DPLParserTransform_union, DPLParserTransform_uniq, DPLParserTransform_untable, DPLParserTransform_where, DPLParserTransform_x11, DPLParserTransform_xmlkv, DPLParserTransform_xmlunescape, DPLParserTransform_xpath, DPLParserTransform_xyseries; // statements transformStatement : abstractTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | accumTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | addcoltotalsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | addinfoTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | addtotalsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | analyzefieldsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | anomaliesTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | anomalousvalueTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | anomalydetectionTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | appendTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | appendcolsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | appendpipeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | arulesTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | associateTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | auditTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | autoregressTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | binTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | bucketdirTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | chartTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | clusterTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | cofilterTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | collapseTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | collectTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | concurrencyTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | contingencyTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | convertTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | correlateTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | datamodelTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | dbinspectTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | dedupTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | deleteTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | deltaTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | diffTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | dplTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | dumpTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | erexTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | evalTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | eventcountTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | eventstatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | explainTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | extractTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | fieldformatTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | fieldsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | fieldsummaryTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | filldownTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | fillnullTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | findkeywordsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | findtypesTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | folderizeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | foreachTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | formatTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | fromTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | gaugeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | gentimesTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | geomTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | geomfilterTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | geostatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | headTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | highlightTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | historyTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | iconifyTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | inputcsvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | inputlookupTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | iplocationTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | joinTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | kmeansTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | kvformTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | loadjobTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | localizeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | localopTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | lookupTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | makecontinuousTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | makejsonTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | makemvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | makeresultsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mapTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mcatalogTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mcollectTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | metadataTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | metasearchTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | meventcollectTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mstatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | multikvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | multisearchTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mvcombineTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | mvexpandTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | nomvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | outlierTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | outputcsvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | outputlookupTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | outputtextTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | overlapTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | pivotTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | predictTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | rangemapTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | rareTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | redistributeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | regexTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | relevancyTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | reltimeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | renameTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | replaceTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | restTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | returnTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | reverseTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | rex4jTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | rexTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | rtorderTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | runshellscriptTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | savedsearchTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | scriptTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | scrubTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | searchTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | searchtxnTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | selfjoinTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sendalertTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sendemailTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | setTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | setfieldsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sichartTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sirareTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sistatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sitimechartTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sitopTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | sortTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | spathTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | statsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | strcatTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | streamstatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | tableTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | tagsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | tailTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | teragrepTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | timechartTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | timewrapTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | topTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | transactionTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | transposeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | trendlineTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | tscollectTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | tstatsTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | typeaheadTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | typelearnerTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | typerTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | unionTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | uniqTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | untableTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | whereTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | x11Transformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | xmlkvTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | xmlunescapeTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | xpathTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | xyseriesTransformation (PIPE transformStatement)? | EOF ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE; COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_reverse_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_REVERSE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE; COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_bucketdir_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE; // skip COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_COUNTFIELD : 'countfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_SIZEFIELD : 'sizefield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_PATHFIELD : 'pathfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_MAXCOUNT : 'maxcount=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_SEP : 'sep=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // BUCKETDIR |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_BUCKETDIR_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_HDFS_MODE; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_hdfs_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_HDFS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_HDFS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_GET: ('get' | 'GET'); COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_EXEC: 'exec'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_SET: 'set' ; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_HOST: 'host' -> pushMode(COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_IP); COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_PORT: 'port' -> pushMode(COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_IP); COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_SYSLOG: 'syslog'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_STREAM: 'stream'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_SYSTEM: 'system'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_VERSION: 'version'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTED: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\'))* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\'))* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_HDFS_MOD_STRING // one or more characters : (CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); fragment CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; mode COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_IP; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_IPE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); COMMAND_HDFS_IP: DIGIT(COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT(COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT(COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_COMMA)DIGIT -> popMode; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_COMMA: '.'; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_PORT_NUM: DIGIT; COMMAND_HDFS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_searchtxn; searchtxnTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SEARCHTXN stringType (t_searchtxn_maxTermsParameter)? (t_searchtxn_useDisjunctParameter)? (t_searchtxn_eventsonlyParameter)? (stringType)* ; t_searchtxn_eventsonlyParameter : COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_EVENTSONLY booleanType ; t_searchtxn_maxTermsParameter : COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_MAX_TERMS integerType ; t_searchtxn_useDisjunctParameter : COMMAND_SEARCHTXN_MODE_USE_DISJUNCT booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE; COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_mvexpand_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MVEXPAND |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MVEXPAND_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_outlier; outlierTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_OUTLIER (t_outlier_outlierUselowerOptParameter|t_outlier_outlierActionOptParameter|t_outlier_outlierMarkOptParameter|t_outlier_outlierParamOptParameter)* (t_outlier_fieldListParameter)? ; t_outlier_fieldListParameter : fieldType ((COMMA)? fieldType)* ; t_outlier_outlierActionOptParameter : COMMAND_OUTLIER_MODE_ACTION (COMMAND_OUTLIER_ACTION_MODE_REMOVE|COMMAND_OUTLIER_ACTION_MODE_TRANSFORM) ; t_outlier_outlierMarkOptParameter : COMMAND_OUTLIER_MODE_MARK booleanType ; t_outlier_outlierParamOptParameter : COMMAND_OUTLIER_MODE_PARAM numberType ; t_outlier_outlierUselowerOptParameter : COMMAND_OUTLIER_MODE_USELOWER booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE; COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_reltime_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RELTIME_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SICHART_MODE; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_sichart_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SICHART_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SICHART_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // comments COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // exits COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SPARKLINE: 'sparkline(' -> pushMode(COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME : 'aligntime=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_USEOTHER : 'useother=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_OTHERSTR : 'otherstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_USENULL : 'usenull=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_NULLSTR : 'nullstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MINSPAN : 'minspan=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BOTTOM : 'bottom'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_STDEVP : 'stdevp'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_FORMAT : 'format=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_NOTIN : 'notin'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_RANGE : 'range'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SUMSQ : 'sumsq'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BINS : 'bins=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_OVER : ('OVER'|'over') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_VARP : 'varp'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MEAN : 'mean'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_CONT : 'cont=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_END : 'end' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_TOP : 'top'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MAX : 'max'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AVG : 'avg'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SEP : 'sep=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AGG : 'agg='; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_EQ : '='; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_GT : '>' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LT : '<' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_DC : 'dc'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Or : 'OR'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_And : 'AND'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_Xor : 'XOR'; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]+; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_INTEGER: (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MINUS)? DIGIT; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | '\'\'' | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AS: ('AS'|'as') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_C: 'c'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_STDEV: 'stdev'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_VAR: 'var'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SUM: 'sum'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MIN: 'min'; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_WHERE: ('WHERE'|'where'); // aggregateMethod COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'DIGIT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'DIGIT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'DIGIT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'DIGIT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SICHART |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); // this seems pretty horrible way of doing it but because a comma is a comman and perhaps in field name mode COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE; COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')' -> popMode; COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COMMA: ','; COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MINUS: '-' -> type(COMMAND_SICHART_MODE_MINUS); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_SICHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_mcatalog_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE: ('where' | 'WHERE') -> pushMode(COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '('; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_PRESTATS : 'prestats=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_GROUPBY : ('GROUPBY'|'groupby') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_APPEND : 'append=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_VALUES : 'values'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_AS : 'as' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < // |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MCATALOG |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); mode COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // valid for fields // Reserved words COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TIMEFORMAT: 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EARLIEST: 'earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_EARLIEST: '_index_earliest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTDAYSAGO: 'stardaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTHOURSAGO: 'starthoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMINUTESAGO: 'startminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTMONTHSAGO: 'startmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIME: 'starttime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STARTTIMEU: 'starttimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LATEST: 'latest=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX_LATEST: '_index_latest=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDDAYSAGO: 'enddaysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDHOURSAGO: 'endhoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMINUTESAGO: 'endminutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDMONTHSAGO: 'endmonthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIME: 'endtime=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_ENDTIMEU: 'endtimeu=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANDAYS: 'searchtimespandays=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANHOURS: 'searchtimespanhours=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMINUTES: 'searchtimespanminutes=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SEARCHTIMESPANMONHTS: 'searchtimespanmonths=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUTESAGO: 'minutesago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOURSAGO: 'hoursago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DAYSAGO: 'daysago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MONTHSAGO: 'monthsago=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPE: 'eventtype'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EVENTTYPETAG: 'eventtypetag'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOST: 'host'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_HOSTTAG: 'hosttag'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_INDEX: 'index'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH: 'savedsearch'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCE: 'source'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SOURCETYPE: 'sourcetype'; //special for tstats COMMAND_TSTATS_MODE_NODENAME: 'nodename=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_TAG: 'tag'; //push to diffrent MODE_MODE's COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AND: 'AND'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NOT: 'NOT'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_OR: 'OR'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_IN: 'IN'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BY_BY : ('BY'|'by'|'By') -> popMode; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GROUPBY : ('GROUPBY'|'groupby') -> popMode; // charType, common types COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_L: '[' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> popMode, popMode; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_L: '{'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_C_BRACKET_R: '}'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> pushMode(COMMAND_MODE); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COMMA: ','; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_COLON: ':'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOT: '.'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EXCLAMATION: '!'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_QUOTE: '" '; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\''; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DOLLAR: '$'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_AT_SIGN: '@'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PLUS: '+'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_PERCENT: '%'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_WILDCARD: '*'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SLASH: '/'; // equality COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DEQ: '=='; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_EQ: '='; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_NEQ: '!='; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LT: '<'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_LTE: '<='; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GT: '>'; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_GTE: '>='; // quotation types COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // integers fragment COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_STRING : (COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_WHERE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_MCATALOG_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE; COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_rangemap_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_DEFAULT : 'default=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_FIELD : 'field=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_EQ : '=' -> pushMode(GET_RANGE); COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // RANGEMAP |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); mode GET_RANGE; // skip GET_RANGE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens fragment DOT: '.'; fragment MINUS: '-'; fragment GET_RANGE_NUMBER: (MINUS)? [0-9]+ (DOT [0-9]+)?; GET_RANGE_NUMBER_LEFT: GET_RANGE_NUMBER '-' ; GET_RANGE_NUMBER_RIGHT: GET_RANGE_NUMBER -> popMode ; GET_RANGE_DOUBLE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> popMode; COMMAND_RANGEMAP_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); COMMAND_RANGEMAP_SUBMODE_SPAN_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE; COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_gentimes_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE; // skip COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_INCREMENT : 'increment=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_END : 'end=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_GENTIMES_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE; COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_folderize_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_MINFOLDERS : 'minfolders=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_MAXFOLDERS : 'maxfolders=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_SIZE : 'size='-> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_SEP : 'sep=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_ATTR: 'attr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_FOLDERIZE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_relevancy; relevancyTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_RELEVANCY ; //an empty one
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE; COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_findtypes_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_MAX : 'max=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_USERAW: 'useraw'; COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_NOTCOVERED: 'notcovered'; COMMAND_FINDTYPES_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_return; returnTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_RETURN (integerType)? (t_return_aliasParameter)* (fieldType)* (COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_DOLLAR fieldType)* ; t_return_aliasParameter : fieldType COMMAND_RETURN_MODE_EQ fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_makeresults; makeresultsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MAKERESULTS (t_makeresults_countParameter)? (t_makeresults_annotateOptParameter)? (t_makeresults_struckServerParameter)? (t_makeresults_struckServerGroupParameter)*? ; t_makeresults_annotateOptParameter : COMMAND_MAKERESULTS_MODE_ANNOTATE booleanType ; t_makeresults_countParameter : COMMAND_MAKERESULTS_MODE_COUNT numberType ; t_makeresults_struckServerGroupParameter : COMMAND_MAKERESULTS_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER_GROUP stringType ; t_makeresults_struckServerParameter : COMMAND_MAKERESULTS_MODE_STRUCK_SERVER stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_dump; dumpTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_DUMP t_dump_basefilenameParameter (t_dump_rollsizeParameter|t_dump_compressParameter|t_dump_formatParameter|t_dump_fieldListParameter)* ; t_dump_basefilenameParameter : COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_BASEFILENAME stringType ; t_dump_compressParameter : COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_COMPRESS numberType ; t_dump_fieldListParameter // COMMAND_MODE_DUMP : COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_FIELDS fieldType ((COMMA)? fieldType)* ; t_dump_formatParameter : COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_FORMAT stringType ; t_dump_rollsizeParameter : COMMAND_DUMP_MODE_ROLLSIZE numberType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE; COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_redistribute_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_NUM_OF_REDUCERS : 'num_of_reducers=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // REDISTRIBUTE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_REDISTRIBUTE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_eventstats; eventstatsTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EVENTSTATS (t_eventstats_allnumParameter)? (t_eventstats_aggregationInstruction (t_eventstats_fieldRenameInstruction)? (t_eventstats_byInstruction)?)* ; t_eventstats_allnumParameter : COMMAND_EVENTSTATS_MODE_ALLNUM booleanType ; t_eventstats_byInstruction : (COMMAND_EVENTSTATS_MODE_BY) fieldListType ; t_eventstats_fieldRenameInstruction : (COMMAND_EVENTSTATS_MODE_AS) fieldType ; t_eventstats_aggregationInstruction : aggregateFunction (t_eventstats_fieldRenameInstruction)? ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE; COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_analyzefields_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_CLASSFIELD : 'classfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // ANALYZEFIELDS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_ANALYZEFIELDS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_fields_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_WILDCARD : '*'; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_MINUS : '-'; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_PLUS : '+'; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // FIELDS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_FIELDS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_arules; arulesTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ARULES (t_arules_confParameter|t_arules_supParameter)*? fieldListType ; t_arules_confParameter : COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_CONF numberType ; t_arules_supParameter : COMMAND_ARULES_MODE_SUP integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_sort; sortTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SORT (t_sort_integerType | t_sort_limitParameter | t_sort_dParameter | COMMA? t_sort_sortByClauseInstruction)* ; t_sort_sortByClauseInstruction : (t_sort_byMethodAuto|t_sort_byMethodStr|t_sort_byMethodIp|t_sort_byMethodNum) | ((t_sortMinusOption | t_sortPlusOption)? sortFieldType) ; t_sort_dParameter : COMMAND_SORT_MODE_D | COMMAND_SORT_MODE_DESC ; t_sort_limitParameter : COMMAND_SORT_MODE_LIMIT integerType ; t_sort_byMethodAuto : ( (t_sortMinusOption | t_sortPlusOption)? COMMAND_SORT_MODE_AUTO ) COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sort_byMethodStr : ( (t_sortMinusOption | t_sortPlusOption)? COMMAND_SORT_MODE_STR ) COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sort_byMethodIp : (t_sortMinusOption | t_sortPlusOption)? COMMAND_SORT_MODE_IP COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sort_byMethodNum : (t_sortMinusOption | t_sortPlusOption)? COMMAND_SORT_MODE_NUM COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_sortMinusOption : COMMAND_SORT_MODE_MINUS ; t_sortPlusOption : COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PLUS ; t_sort_integerType : COMMAND_SORT_MODE_INTEGER ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SORT_MODE; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_sort_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SORT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SORT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SORT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PLUS : '+' ; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_MINUS: '-' ; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L : '(' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_SORT_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R : ')'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_DESC : 'desc'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SORT_MODE_LIMIT: 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER) ; fragment COMMAND_SORT_MODE_DIGIT: [0-9]; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_INTEGER: COMMAND_SORT_MODE_DIGIT+; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_AUTO : 'auto'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_NUM : 'num'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_STR : 'str'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_IP : 'ip'; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_D: 'd'; COMMAND_SORT_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\'))* '\'' -> type(GET_SORT_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SORT_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED: '"' ( '\\'. | ~('"'| '\\'))* '"' -> type(GET_SORT_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SORT_FIELD_STRING // one or more characters : (GET_SORT_FIELD_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_SORT_FIELD_STRING); fragment GET_SORT_FIELD_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z // |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ // |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SORT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar GET_TIME; GET_FIELD_ANTLR_BUG: 'get_field_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ GET_TIME ++++++++++++++ mode GET_TIME; // skip GET_TIME_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // tokens //add . and digit values GET_TIME_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> popMode; GET_TIME_DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' ('\\'. | ~('"'| '\\' ) )* '"' -> popMode; GET_TIME_EARLIEST: 'earliest' -> popMode; GET_TIME_LATEST: 'latest' -> popMode; GET_TIME_INTEGER: [0-9]+ -> popMode; GET_TIME_STRING // one or more characters : (GET_TIME_CHAR)+ -> popMode; fragment GET_TIME_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' //|'\u0028' // ( //|'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; // |'\u003C' // < // |'\u003D' // = // |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_GET_TIME_OR_INTEGER_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_cluster_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE; // skip COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_LABELFIELD : 'labelfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_COUNTFIELD : 'countfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_SHOWCOUNT : 'showcount=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_LABELONLY : 'labelonly=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_DELIMS : 'delims=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH : 'match=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_FIELD : 'field=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_T: 't=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // CLUSTER |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); mode COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_TERMLIST : 'termlist' -> popMode; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_NGRAMSET : 'ngramset' -> popMode; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_MATCH_MODE_TERMSET : 'termset'-> popMode; COMMAND_CLUSTER_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RENAME_MODE; COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_rename_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RENAME_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RENAME_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_AS : ('AS'|'as'|'As'); COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_COMMA: ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // RENAME |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_RENAME_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_mvcombine; mvcombineTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_MVCOMBINE (t_mvcombine_delimParameter)? fieldType ; t_mvcombine_delimParameter : COMMAND_MVCOMBINE_MODE_DELIM stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE; COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_autoregress_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_AS : ('AS'|'as' | 'As' ); COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_P : 'p=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & |'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // AUTOREGRESS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_AUTOREGRESS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_replace; replaceTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_REPLACE t_replace_withInstruction (COMMA t_replace_withInstruction)* ((COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_IN|IN) fieldListType)? ; t_replace_withInstruction : fieldType COMMAND_REPLACE_MODE_WITH fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_outputlookup; outputlookupTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_OUTPUTLOOKUP (t_outputlookup_appendParameter|t_outputlookup_createEmptyParameter|t_outputlookup_overrideIfEmptyParameter|t_outputlookup_maxParameter|t_outputlookup_keyFieldParameter|t_outputlookup_createinappParameter|t_outputlookup_outputFormatParameter)* stringType ; t_outputlookup_appendParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_APPEND booleanType ; t_outputlookup_createEmptyParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CREATE_EMPTY booleanType ; t_outputlookup_createinappParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_CREATEINAPP booleanType ; t_outputlookup_keyFieldParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_KEY_FIELD fieldType ; t_outputlookup_maxParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_MAX integerType ; t_outputlookup_outputFormatParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_OUTPUT_FORMAT stringType ; t_outputlookup_overrideIfEmptyParameter : COMMAND_OUTPUTLOOKUP_MODE_OVERRIDE_IF_EMPTY booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE; COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_makemv_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE; // skip COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_ALLOWEMPTY : 'allowempty=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_TOKENIZER : 'tokenizer=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_SETSV : 'setsv=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_DELIM : 'delim=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // MAKEMV |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_MAKEMV_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_x11; x11Transformation : COMMAND_MODE_X11 (COMMAND_X11_MODE_FUNC|COMMAND_X11_MODE_INTEGER)? COMMAND_X11_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_X11_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R (t_x11_fieldRenameInstruction)? ; t_x11_fieldRenameInstruction : COMMAND_X11_MODE_AS fieldType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_CHART_MODE; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_chart_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_CHART_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_CHART_MODE; // // skip COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // comments COMMAND_CHART_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); // exits COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens // alternative would be to enter sparkline mode COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SPARKLINE: 'sparkline(' -> pushMode(COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L: '('; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BY: ('BY'|'by'|'By') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AS: ('as'|'AS'|'As') -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EVAL: 'eval'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_OVER: ('OVER'|'over'|'Over') ->pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_WHERE: ('where' | 'WHERE') ; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_COMMA: ',' -> type(COMMA); // FIXME // tokens from sparklineAggregationInstruction second alternative //tc options COMMAND_CHART_MODE_USENULL : 'usenull=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_USEOTHER : 'useother=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_NULLSTR : 'nullstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_OTHERSTR : 'otherstr=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_ALIGNTIME : 'aligntime=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_START : 'start=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_STDEVP : 'stdevp'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_FORMAT : 'format=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING) ; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_NOTIN : 'notin'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_RANGE : 'range'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SUMSQ : 'sumsq'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_TOP: 'top'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BOTTOM: 'bottom'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' -> pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_BINS : 'bins=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_VARP : 'varp'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MEAN : 'mean'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_CONT : 'cont=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_END : 'end=' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DEDUP_SPLITVALS : 'dedup_splitvals=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MAX : 'max'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AVG : 'avg'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SEP : 'sep=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AGG : 'agg='; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_GT : '>' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER) ; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LT : '<' -> pushMode(GET_NUMBER) ; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MINUS: '-'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DC : 'dc'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_Or : 'OR'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_And : 'AND'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_Xor : 'XOR'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_C: 'c'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_STDEV: 'stdev'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_VAR: 'var'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SUM: 'sum'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MIN: 'min'; COMMAND_CHART_MODE_INT: DIGIT+; fragment DIGIT: [0-99]; // aggregateMethod chart COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EVAL_PARENTHESIS_R: 'eval(' -> pushMode(EVAL_LANGUAGE_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_COUNT : 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //special percX() COMMAND_CHART_MODE_P_VARIABLE: 'p'COMMAND_CHART_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_PERC_VARIABLE: 'perc'COMMAND_CHART_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE: 'exactperc'COMMAND_CHART_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE: 'upperperc'COMMAND_CHART_MODE_INT -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC_VARIABLE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); //no special agg to chart // characters for string COMMAND_CHART_MODE_CHAR : ( '\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' {false}? // ( |'\u0029' {false}? // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; // |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = // |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // @ |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_STRING_MATCH // two or more characters, CHAR_MATCH catches shorter ones // following still is legal | eval a(="a+a" // use lexical modes? : (COMMAND_CHART_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_SQSTRING: '\'' ( '\\'. | '\'\'' | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_CHART_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // this seems pretty horrible way of doing it but because a comma is a comman and perhaps in field name mode COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PARENTHESIS_R: ')' -> popMode; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MINUS: '-' -> type(COMMAND_CHART_MODE_MINUS); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_INTEGER: COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MINUS? DIGI; //integer fragment DIGI: [0-9]+; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COUNT: 'count' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_AVG_PARENTHESIS_R: 'avg(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_AVG), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MEAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mean(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_C_PARENTHESIS_R: 'c(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_C), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_COUNT_B), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_DC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'dc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_DISTINCT_COUNT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'distinct_count(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_DISTINCT_COUNT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EARLIEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EARLIEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'earliest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EARLIEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_ESTDC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_ESTDC_ERROR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'estdc_error(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_ESTDC_ERROR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_FIRST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'first(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_FIRST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LAST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'last(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LAST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LATEST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LATEST_TIME_PARENTHESIS_R: 'latest_time(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LATEST_TIME), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_LIST_PARENTHESIS_R: 'list(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_LIST), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MAX_PARENTHESIS_R: 'max(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MAX), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MEDIAN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'median(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MIN_PARENTHESIS_R: 'min(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MIN), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'mode(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_MODE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_P_PARENTHESIS_R: 'p(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_P), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'perc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_EXACTPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'exactperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_EXACTPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_UPPERPERC_PARENTHESIS_R: 'upperperc(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_UPPERPERC), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_PERCINT_PARENTHESIS_R: 'percint(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_PERCINT), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_RANGE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'range(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RANGE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_RATE_PARENTHESIS_R: 'rate(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_RATE), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_STDEV_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdev(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEV), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_STDEVP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'stdevp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_STDEVP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_SUM_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sum(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUM), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_SUMSQ_PARENTHESIS_R: 'sumsq(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_SUMSQ), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VALUES_PARENTHESIS_R: 'values(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VALUES), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VAR_PARENTHESIS_R: 'var(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VAR), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_SPARKLINE_VARP_PARENTHESIS_R: 'varp(' -> type(METHOD_AGGREGATE_VARP), pushMode(AGGREGATION_MODE); mode COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE; fragment COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM : 'bottom'; fragment COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP : 'top'; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP_INT:COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_TOP? INTEGER -> popMode; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM_INT: COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_BOTTOM? INTEGER -> popMode; fragment DIGIT2: [0-9]+; fragment MINUS2: '-'; fragment INTEGER: MINUS2? DIGIT2; COMMAND_CHART_SUBMODE_LIMIT_MODE_INTEGER: MINUS2? DIGIT2 -> popMode;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DELETE_MODE; COMMAND_DELETE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_delete_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DELETE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DELETE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DELETE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DELETE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DELETE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DELETE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_audit; auditTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_AUDIT ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_EREX_MODE; COMMAND_EREX_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_erex_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_EREX_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_EREX_MODE; // skip COMMAND_EREX_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_EREX_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_EREX_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_EREX_MODE_COUNTEREXAMPLES : 'counterexamples=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_MAXTRAINERS : 'maxtrainers=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_FROMFIELD : 'fromfield=' -> pushMode(GET_FIELD); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_EXAMPLES : 'examples=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA), pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\''-> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_DQSTRING:'"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_EREX_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & //|'\u0027' // ' |'\u0028' // ( |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + //|'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // EREX |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_EREX_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_EREX_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_EREX_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE; COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_eventcount_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_REPORT_SIZE : 'report_size=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_SUMMARIZE : 'summarize=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_LIST_VIX : 'list_vix=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_INDEX : 'index=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_EVENTCOUNT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_associate; associateTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_ASSOCIATE (t_associate_improvParameter|t_associate_supcntParameter|t_associate_supfreqParameter)*? (fieldListType)? ; t_associate_improvParameter : COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_IMPROV numberType ; t_associate_supcntParameter : COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SUPCNT numberType ; t_associate_supfreqParameter : COMMAND_ASSOCIATE_MODE_SUPFREQ numberType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_union; unionTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_UNION (t_union_subsearchParameter)? (t_union_datasetParameter)+ ; t_union_datasetParameter : ( t_union_namedDatasetParameter | t_union_unnamedDatasetParameter ) ; t_union_subsearchParameter : COMMAND_UNION_MODE_MAXTIME integerType | COMMAND_UNION_MODE_MAXOUT integerType | COMMAND_UNION_MODE_TIMEOUT integerType ; t_union_namedDatasetParameter : t_union_datasetTypeParameter COMMAND_UNION_MODE_COLON stringType ; t_union_unnamedDatasetParameter : subsearchStatement ; t_union_datasetTypeParameter : (COMMAND_UNION_MODE_DATAMODEL|COMMAND_UNION_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH|COMMAND_UNION_MODE_INPUTLOOKUP) ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_erex; erexTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_EREX fieldType t_erex_examplesParameter (t_erex_counterexamplesParameter)? (t_erex_fromfieldParameter)? (t_erex_maxtrainersParameter)? ; t_erex_counterexamplesParameter : COMMAND_EREX_MODE_COUNTEREXAMPLES stringType ((COMMA)? stringType)* ; t_erex_examplesParameter : COMMAND_EREX_MODE_EXAMPLES stringType ((COMMA)? stringType)* ; t_erex_fromfieldParameter : COMMAND_EREX_MODE_FROMFIELD fieldType ; t_erex_maxtrainersParameter : COMMAND_EREX_MODE_MAXTRAINERS integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_typelearner; typelearnerTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TYPELEARNER (fieldType)? (t_typelearner_maxlenParameter)? ; t_typelearner_maxlenParameter : COMMAND_TYPELEARNER_MODE_MAXLEN integerType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_savedsearch; savedsearchTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_SAVEDSEARCH stringType (t_savedsearch_savedsearcMacroOptParameter|t_savedsearch_strEQstrParameter)? ; t_savedsearch_savedsearcMacroOptParameter : COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_NOSUBSTITUTION booleanType ; t_savedsearch_strEQstrParameter : fieldType COMMAND_SAVEDSEARCH_MODE_EQ stringType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_timewrap; timewrapTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_TIMEWRAP t_timewrap_spanType t_timewrap_alignParameter? t_timewrap_seriesParameter? t_timewrap_timeFormatParameter? ; t_timewrap_alignParameter : COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_ALIGN (COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_ALIGN_MODE_NOW|COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_ALIGN_MODE_END) ; t_timewrap_seriesParameter : COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_SERIES (COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_SERIES_MODE_RELATIVE|COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_SERIES_MODE_EXACT|COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_SERIES_MODE_SHORT) ; t_timewrap_timeFormatParameter : COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_TIME_FORMAT stringType ; t_timewrap_spanType : COMMAND_TIMEWRAP_MODE_SPAN_DURATION ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE; COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_setfields_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE; // skip COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_EQ : '=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_COMMA : ',' -> type(COMMA); COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE : '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_STRING_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_STRING_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // SETFIELDS |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_STRING_STRING); COMMAND_SETFIELDS_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_RARE_MODE; COMMAND_RARE_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_rare_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_RARE_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_RARE_MODE; // skip COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_RARE_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_RARE_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_RARE_MODE_PERCENTFIELD : 'percentfield=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_COUNTFIELD : 'countfield=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SHOWCOUNT : 'showcount=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SHOWPERC : 'showperc=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN) ; COMMAND_RARE_MODE_LIMIT : 'limit=' -> pushMode(GET_INTEGER); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_BY : ('BY'|'by'); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_SINGLE_QUOTE: '\'' ( '\\'. | ~('\''| '\\') )* '\'' -> type(GET_FIELD_SINGLE_QUOTED); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_DQSTRING: '"' ( '\\'. | '""' | ~('"'| '\\') )* '"' -> type(GET_FIELD_DOUBLE_QUOTED); // characters for string fragment COMMAND_RARE_MODE_CHAR :'\u0023' // # |'\u0024' // $ |'\u0025' // % |'\u0026' // & // |'\u0027' // ' // |'\u0028' // ( // |'\u0029' // ) |'\u002A' // * |'\u002B' // + // |'\u002C' // , |'\u002D' // - |'\u002E' // . |'\u002F' // / |'\u0030' // 0 |'\u0031' // 1 |'\u0032' // 2 |'\u0033' // 3 |'\u0034' // 4 |'\u0035' // 5 |'\u0036' // 6 |'\u0037' // 7 |'\u0038' // 8 |'\u0039' // 9 |'\u003A' // : |'\u003B' // ; |'\u003C' // < |'\u003D' {false}? // = |'\u003E' // > |'\u003F' // ? |'\u0040' // RARE |'\u0041' // A |'\u0042' // B |'\u0043' // C |'\u0044' // D |'\u0045' // E |'\u0046' // F |'\u0047' // G |'\u0048' // H |'\u0049' // I |'\u004A' // J |'\u004B' // K |'\u004C' // L |'\u004D' // M |'\u004E' // N |'\u004F' // O |'\u0050' // P |'\u0051' // Q |'\u0052' // R |'\u0053' // S |'\u0054' // T |'\u0055' // U |'\u0056' // V |'\u0057' // W |'\u0058' // X |'\u0059' // Y |'\u005A' // Z |'\u005B' {false}? // [ |'\u005C' // \ |'\u005D' {false}? // ] |'\u005E' // ^ |'\u005F' // _ |'\u0060' // ` |'\u0061' // a |'\u0062' // b |'\u0063' // c |'\u0064' // d |'\u0065' // e |'\u0066' // f |'\u0067' // g |'\u0068' // h |'\u0069' // u |'\u006A' // j |'\u006B' // k |'\u006C' // l |'\u006D' // m |'\u006E' // n |'\u006F' // o |'\u0070' // p |'\u0071' // q |'\u0072' // r |'\u0073' // s |'\u0074' // t |'\u0075' // u |'\u0076' // v |'\u0077' // w |'\u0078' // x |'\u0079' // y |'\u007A' // z |'\u007B' // { // |'\u007C' // | |'\u007D' // } |'\u007E' // ~ |'\u007F'..'\uFFFF' // DEL .. inf ; COMMAND_RARE_MODE_STRING // one or more characters : (COMMAND_RARE_MODE_CHAR)+ -> type(GET_FIELD_STRING); COMMAND_RARE_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_geom; geomTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_GEOM (stringType)? (t_geom_allFeaturesParameter)? (t_geom_featureIDFieldParameter)? (t_geom_genParameter)? (t_geom_minxParameter)? (t_geom_minyParameter)? (t_geom_maxxParameter)? (t_geom_maxyParameter)? ; t_geom_allFeaturesParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_ALLFEATURES booleanType ; t_geom_featureIDFieldParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_FEATUREIDFIELD fieldType ; t_geom_genParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_GEN numberType ; t_geom_maxxParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MAX_X numberType ; t_geom_maxyParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MAX_Y numberType ; t_geom_minxParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MIN_X numberType ; t_geom_minyParameter : COMMAND_GEOM_MODE_MIN_Y numberType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ // -*- mode: conf; -*- lexer grammar COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE; COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_ANTLR_BUG: 'command_dbinspect_mode_antlr_bug' -> type(STRING_MATCH); // ++++++++++++++ COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE ++++++++++++++ mode COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE; // skip COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_SPACE: SPACE -> channel(HIDDEN); // exits COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_PIPE: '|' -> type(PIPE), popMode; COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_BRACKET_R: ']' -> type(BRACKET_R), popMode, popMode; // tokens COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_CORRUPTONLY : 'corruptonly=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_TIMEFORMAT : 'timeformat=' -> pushMode(GET_TIME); COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_INDEX : 'index=' -> pushMode(GET_STRING); COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_SPAN : 'span=' ->pushMode(GET_SPAN); COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_CACHED : 'cached=' -> pushMode(GET_BOOLEAN); COMMAND_DBINSPECT_MODE_COMMENT: '<!--' .*? '-->' -> channel(DPLCOMMENT);
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_dedup; dedupTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_DEDUP t_dedup_numberParameter? t_dedup_fieldListParameter? (t_dedup_keepeventsParameter|t_dedup_keepemptyParameter|t_dedup_consecutiveParameter)*? (t_dedup_sortbyInstruction)? ; t_dedup_numberParameter : COMMAND_DEDUP_INTEGER ; t_dedup_fieldListParameter : fieldType (COMMA? fieldType)*? ; t_dedup_consecutiveParameter : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_CONSECUTIVE booleanType ; t_dedup_keepemptyParameter : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_KEEPEMPTY booleanType ; t_dedup_keepeventsParameter : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_KEEPEVENTS booleanType ; t_dedup_sortbyInstruction : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_SORTBY t_dedup_sortOrder? (fieldType|t_dedup_sortbyMethodAuto|t_dedup_sortbyMethodStr|t_dedup_sortbyMethodIp|t_dedup_sortbyMethodNum) ((COMMA)? ((COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PLUS|COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_MINUS)? (fieldType|t_dedup_sortbyMethodAuto|t_dedup_sortbyMethodStr|t_dedup_sortbyMethodIp|t_dedup_sortbyMethodNum)))* ; t_dedup_sortOrder : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PLUS | COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_MINUS ; t_dedup_sortbyMethodAuto : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_AUTO COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_dedup_sortbyMethodStr : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_STR COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_dedup_sortbyMethodIp : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_IP COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ; t_dedup_sortbyMethodNum : COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_NUM COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_L fieldType COMMAND_DEDUP_MODE_PARENTHESIS_R ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)
/* * Teragrep Data Processing Language Parser Library PTH-03 * Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Suomen Kanuuna Oy * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * * Additional permission under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it * with other code, such other code is not for that reason alone subject to any * of the requirements of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 as long as this Program * is the same Program as licensed from Suomen Kanuuna Oy without any additional * modifications. * * Supplemented terms under GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * section 7 * * Origin of the software must be attributed to Suomen Kanuuna Oy. Any modified * versions must be marked as "Modified version of" The Program. * * Names of the licensors and authors may not be used for publicity purposes. * * No rights are granted for use of trade names, trademarks, or service marks * which are in The Program if any. * * Licensee must indemnify licensors and authors for any liability that these * contractual assumptions impose on licensors and authors. * * To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Commercial versions of * Teragrep, the applicable Commercial License may apply to this file if you as * a licensee so wish it. */ parser grammar DPLParserTransform_collapse; collapseTransformation : COMMAND_MODE_COLLAPSE (t_collapse_chunksizeParameter|t_collapse_forceParameter)* ; t_collapse_chunksizeParameter : COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_CHUNKSIZE numberType ; t_collapse_forceParameter : COMMAND_COLLAPSE_MODE_FORCE booleanType ;
9/19/2024, 2:49:36 PM (Europe/Amsterdam)