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387 | DrACelestineRajManoharMD | SonnetOnAnger | Remember Man that Anger is futile!
Restrain your temper bad when ‘fumes’ arise;
Apologize if guilty, in high style,
And write your Anger off or play it nice.
Mere counting helps to dissipate Anger;
But slamming doors and raving mad aren’t right;
Poetry puts the ‘plane’ into hanger!
When Anger comes, Man loses his insight.
The more you write, the stinging tone gets less;
The balls you smash will fall away off-court;
Painting, cartooning help Anger harness;
Just hold your temper making it your forte!
An action rash in angry mood too fails;
When calm returns, a better sense prevails.
6-6-2001 | anger |
388 | JonathanPendley | TheAngerInMe | This ill temper I have is making me mad
I blow up and I don’t know why
I wish for just a moment I could handle my anger right
I wish for just a moment I could love you right
I wish my attitude would just go away
I wish my anger would stay at bay
This outlook I have on life needs to change
This outlook I have you needs to say the same
I love you deep down inside
I wish you would see
That you’re the only princess for me
The anger I have deep in side
Comes out when I least expect it
This anger I have in me should just go away
This anger I have is an annoyance
This anger I have has messed my life up
This anger I have is stupid
Anger you have messed up my marriage
Anger you have messed up my life
Anger you have destroyed who I am inside and out
Anger you are the devil
Anger you are all that is bad
This anger I have in me has made me fight
A fight that was not worth it
Anger you made me hit the wrong person
Anger you made me do the wrong things
Anger you are the feeling that I would never miss
Anger you have caused me so much sorrow
Anger you have caused nothing but grief.
Anger just go away | anger |
389 | Glaedrthepoet | TheAngerTrappedWithin | I do not express my anger
I prefer to be at peace
I go away from present danger
and my problems begin to cease
But I grieve, for it cannot last
My anger refuses to be ignored
Painful memories from the past
Have become a ruler and a lord
They rule over my mind with brute force
I cannot help but to cry
Of actions they cause I have much remorse
Because of these crimes, I deserve to die
Anger trapped within
has become my torture, my sorrow, my sin | anger |
390 | AlGhazaliAbuHamid | TheCausesOfAngerAndItsMedicine | Know, O dear readers, that the medicine of a disease is to remove the
root cause of that disease. Isa (Jesus Christ) -peace be upon him-
was once asked: 'What thing is difficult?' He said: 'God's wrath.'
Prophet Yahya (John the Baptist) -peace be upon him- then asked:
'What thing takes near the wrath of God?' He said:'Anger'. Yahya -
peace be upon him- asked him:'What thing grows and increases anger?'
Isa -peace be upon him- said:'Pride, prestige, hope for honour and
The causes which cause anger to grow are self-conceit, self-praise,
jests and ridicule, argument, treachery, too much greed for too much
wealth and name and fame. If these evils are united in a person, his
conduct becomes bad and he cannot escape anger.
So these things should be removed by their opposites. Self-praise is
to be removed by modesty. Pride is to be removed by one's own origin
and birth, greed is to be removed by remaining satisfied with
necessary things, and miserliness by charity.
The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: 'A strong man is not
he who defeats his adversary by wrestling, but a strong man is he who
controls himself at the time of anger.'
We are describing below the medicines of anger after one gets angry.
The medicine is a mixture of knowledge and action. The medicine based
on knowledge is of six kinds:
(1) The first medicine of knowledge is to think over the rewards of
appeasing anger, that have come from the verses of the Quran and the
sayings of the Prophet (pbuh). Your hope for getting rewards of
appeasing anger will restrain you from taking revenge.
(2) The second kind of medicine based on knowledge is to fear the
punishment of God and to think that the punishment of God upon me is
greater than my punishment upon him. If I take revenge upon this man
for anger, God will take revenge upon me on the Judgement Day.
(3) The third kind of medicine of anger based on knowledge is to take
precaution about punishment of enmity and revenge on himself. You
feel joy in having your enemy in your presence in his sorrows, You
yourself are not free from that danger. You will fear that your enemy
might take revenge against you in this world and in the next.
(4) Another kind of medicine based on knowledge is to think about the
ugly face of the angry man, which is just like that of the ferocious
beast. He who appeases anger looks like a sober and learned man.
(5) The fifth kind of medicine based on knowledge is to think that the
devil will advise by saying: ' You will be weak if you do not get
angry!' Do not listen to him!
(6) The sixth reason is to think: ' What reason have I got to get
angry? What Allah wishes has occurred!'
Medicine based on action
When you get angry, say: I seek refuge in God from the accursed evil
(A'oudhou billaahi min as shaytaan ir rajeem). The prophet (pbuh)
ordered us to say thus.
When Ayesha (RA) got angry, he dragged her by the nose and said: ' O
dear Ayesha, say: O God, you are the Lord of my prophet Muhammad,
forgive my sins and remove the anger from my heart and save me from
If anger does not go by this means, you will sit down if you are
standing, lie down if you are sitting, and come near to earth, as you
have been created of earth. Thus make yourself calm like the earth.
The cause of wrath is heat and its opposite is to lie down on the
ground and to make the body calm and cool.
The prophet (pbuh) said: Anger is a burning coal. Don't you see your
eyebrows wide and eyes reddish? So when one of you feels angry, let
him sit down if standing, and lie down if sitting.
If still anger does not stop, make ablution with cold water or take a
bath, as fire cannot be extinguished without water.
The prophet (pbuh) said : ' When one of you gets angry, let him make
ablution with water as anger arises out of fire.' In another
narration, he said:' Anger comes from the devil and the devil is made
of fire.'
Hazrat Ali (RA) said:
The prophet did not get angry for any action of the world. When any
true matter charmed him, nobody knew it and nobody got up to take
revenge for his anger. HE GOT ANGRY ONLY FOR TRUTH. | anger |
391 | KelvinTam | UrAnger | ur anger?
wat about mi anger?
wat about da fact,
i h8 mah life?
wat about touchin mah nerve?
da fact tat i miself,
from screamin out loud?
wat about me seein red?
wat about mi dissapointment,
me, shakin mah head,
sayin 'clean up UR act'
bcause ur selfish,
u care not 4 me, but
4 urself.....
wat about mah anger on tat? ..... | anger |
392 | nimaldunuhinga | WhenEarthShowsAnger | I realized that you too get angry sometimes as human beings.
But you should serve a substitute instead of ferocious Quake.
The innocents poured precious tears in their lifetime
But no gratitude shown at all.
I won't blame you as I know since my childhood
Earth is a graveyard. | anger |
393 | FreeFaller | YourAnger | Listening to the storm
Seeing anger in your face
Stomping on the floor
As you start to make a disgrace
You fist against the wall
Forming cracks as you hit
Your temper isn't all
Your mind just seems to flip
You become a different person
A person who's unknown
You make people tense
Whenever you come to show
We would prefer to stay away
Not follow in your tracks
Your temper's not okay
Because your anger's in large stacks | anger |
394 | PamThomas | angerMyFaithfulFriend | Anger, my faithful friend, never relenting, embedded in the
pit of my soul, ready to strike when fate and foe deal
their dreaded blows. Embracing you I have, all of my
life, drawing courage and strength in the face of pain.
I’ve been shunned by some, chastised by many when you
reared your ugly little head, but if not for your defense I
would have surely drowned in self defeat. In lack of
self responsibilities when inflicting their pain, my
foes have said, (Anger managment is what she needs) .
I pushed you away my friend, accepting the guilt from
others when clinging to you in times of trouble, but
as I picked my beat and bloody self up one day I
realized it was not my guilt but theirs that I took that
pushed you away.
Many have said that my friend is bad, but I say that
my friend is a gift, so I could stand with courage and defend.
For God told of the sorrows in this life and knew
you would sustain me till the end. I thank you
my faithful Friend. | anger |
395 | FrancescaJohnson | anger | Anger?
Don't languor
under the name of 'soft'
or 'sensitive.'
Just explode.
It's what you do best.
Curse and swear,
go spare,
put the dagger in
if you dare
(and you do) .
Don't spare the pain.
Do it again
and again
and AGAIN.
But not with me....... | anger |
396 | LillianJamison | anger | Allowing
Nerves to
Get frayed
Rage | anger |
397 | ElizabethTyeaseCollins | herSilenceHerAngerHerIsolation | Incisions marked with skin of silk,
I am vulnerable,
true to flesh and bone,
I am human,
capable of making the light dissapear within my fingertips.
I love and hate,
as such reactions towards the darkness I look on knowing that I
just won't make it...
Cracked up smiles and blurry faces try to escape the side of your,
sweet prescence,
thinking that a girl so ignorant such as she could sustain her
anger much longer.
She must be human for she feels what she's been taught.
Self pity is what she wants,
so her selfishness she will get,
even if her veins burn with envy,
or tower over with regret.
You've tried so hard to stay so strong
but obviously not enough,
You know you can make it through to him
so act like you're tough.
These burned bridges are slowly finishing it's trail,
and silence will be joined at the end,
until then she'll stay a ruined creation of the world,
she'll live or make ammend. | anger |
398 | ElizabethTyeaseCollins | hisAnger | There he was positioned in front of the
reflection and through the eyes he senses
the hint of anger.
As he stares he yells,
hands clenched and his voice booming
through the walls of his room.
He yells at his stupidity and his insanity,
of his depression restraining him whole,
he yells at the reflection that's in his way
of what he really was.
Every word he's yelled he's inflicted
on his kids,
every dropp of anger led from abuse he's installed
upon marks of misery on his own flesh and blood.
He points a finger at this madman that stands before him
pointing back,
and tells him that he's nothing,
that his anger is overpowering everything that
he use to be,
that with all the people he should blame
for his unhappiness it should be him
His eyes tell a story of a lonely little
boy inside his depressing heart,
now a grown man with kids of his own and still
he yells in fright.
This battle on his own is slowly wearing down,
because inside he's losing what he had,
that even his daughter at sixteen can't deal with his
prescence being around her because he's so sad.
So he looks with the anger through his eyes he's dead,
but inside he's still that little kid,
so when he burns all his bridges down,
he's gonna be by himself instead.
Touchy subject but I wrote it because of my father.
Thank you for reading. | anger |
399 | MelvinaGermain | 330ImAnAnimal | This morning I’m a feline,
walking with grace.
Hips swaying side to side
Head held high, tilted slightly.
Slowly moving in to manipulate you.
This afternoon I’m a dog,
Needy, wanting, loving.
snuggling in your lap,
feeling the warmth of your body,
enjoying every precious moment.
Tonight I’m a tiger,
gracefully moving toward you
with great anticipation.
I’ll take you down,
you will be mine.
I’m an animal most of the time. | animal |
400 | MelvinaGermain | 971AnimalRights | We’re marching for animal rights.
We have the right to fight.
Remember to hold you banners high
As if they were going to touch the sky.
Walk with the turtles, especially old Myrtle.
She’s crawling slowly at the back.
Take Douglass the duck and Winslow the cat.
and push old Myrtle up the line,
She’s 102 ya know and still looking fine.
Today we march for all to see.
Come join with us, give us company.
We want to live and blend with you,
be your faithful companions too.
We live in a country of prosperity,
yet their are those who treat us like dirt you see.
Give us what we deserve, we’ve paid our dues,
or we may take charge and turn on you.
We are your pets, should be your pride and joy.
Yet you treat us sometimes as if we were toys.
We want our coats brushed, our wings fluffed
our backs shined, not all but most of the time.
Look those two old hens look like pretty good friends.
the dogs and cats are side by side,
three little mice are trying to hide.
The ducks and geese are walking proud,
and the monkeys are screeching out loud.
Pay attention to our demands,
We want love and gentle patting hands.
We want to be fed on time each day
and given attention while we play.
We want you to protect our right to live.
In turn we have much love to give. | animal |
401 | RameshTA | AHumanAnimal | Who is sexually interested much - guy or girl?
Guy says it openly but girl never though crazy!
Easiest way to pass time or forget oneself is sex!
Humans too are animals or human-animals ever!
Intellectually and spiritually human is far high;
But for procreation only animal way is for him!
Overcoming sexual desire is human's obligation;
Most of them have not transcended its realm ever;
Only then intellectual, intuitional powers work...!
Human body is a great wonder but it's finite ever;
Only human spirit is infinite on par with divinity
And that only can give eternal pleasure longer ever!
Knowing this why humans fail to overcome craziness?
Human is animal only though has mind and spirit ever! | animal |
402 | BriMar | AMoreDangerousAnimalWeCannotRecall | Humans contrived weapons to help them survive,
Their spears and arrows kept them alive,
Eating just enough helped their prey to thrive,
Their numbers were relatively small.
As they evolved they became more diverse,
Across the planet they did disperse,
In taking control they did immerse,
Their progress no other could stall.
Their planet was rich in many resources,
For fuel they then searched other sources,
It’s from reality the unwise divorces,
Their behaviour began to appall.
There is no such thing as a precious metal,
What’s more valuable than gold, yes a petal,
Soon their ignorance would sting like a nettle,
Common sense they refused to install.
As a species they were only beginning to teethe,
But soon their incompetence made other life forms seethe,
With their fuels they poisoned the air they breathe,
In truth they knew bugger all.
Their weaponry if used would destroy their planet,
Even if they stopped now they’ll never ban it,
Their waste is fermenting under Earths granite,
They were heading for an almighty fall.
Extinctions under Humans became the norm,
With Mother Nature they refused to conform,
As they headed into the eye of the storm,
They continued having a ball.
Between them they became involved in a race,
To be the first to conquer outer space,
From what they encountered there’d be no hiding place,
When E.T. gave them a call.
What you have now is all you’ll ever get,
For your crass stupidity you will now pay the debt,
It’s far too late now to have any regret,
As all you ever did was brawl.
History will record that you tried and failed,
Your failure to help others has been unveiled,
On your own ineptitude you have been impaled,
Before you run you must learn to crawl.
Your arrogance made you think you were all seeing,
From reality you’ve been constantly fleeing,
You were never a superior intelligent being,
‘’ A More Dangerous Animal We Cannot Recall ‘’ | animal |
403 | StanleyCooper | ANewAnimalKingdom | In the Kingdom of animal royalty
Where cats and dogs would reign
There’d be no sign of cruelty
Nothing inhumane
To join, just sign the application
With paw-prints, you’ll prevail
Complete your obligation
With the wagging of your tail
You’ll never have to wear a leash
As humans are not allowed
Come and go, just as you please
T’would be the cat’s meow
Coyotes and wolves and dogs and cats
All creatures of the night
Like frogs and turtles and owls and bats
Deserve their Bill of Rights
Humans are so certain that
Our planet’s their domain
But they also thought the world was flat
How foolishly inane
So join with us in our freedom fight
For animal liberation
As we strive on earth to set things right
Against human domination | animal |
404 | RoseMarieJuanAustin | APoliticalAnimal | Changes his color
Often like a chamelion
To intimidate
His rivals and the people
A vile political scheme.
Copyright 2020, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved poem | animal |
405 | HasmukhAmathalal | AUselessAnimal | Have you ever thought you are a useless animal?
You do practically nothing or exceptionally well
You are bent upon creating nonsense and virtual hell
Who will come to you for all this things to tell?
It is not confined to one single person
We go on spoiling the things without any reason
When there can be vast sand timely change in the seasons?
Is there any scope for us to act different and commit arson?
We eat, indulge in marry making and spend the day
We are practically spent over and lost on the way
We simply look at the sky for help with bright ray
How can it happen when you are not sure of how to say?
It demands care all the time for relatives and friends
You can’t live in isolation only to meet ends
You love the dear ones at home and outside
Try to create close infinity with bond and confide
Love is seasonal fruit and in times available
If you show it with sincerity then you will be able to
Cultivate the friendship for all times to come
Praise from all quarters and you will be welcome
Try to reach out to each and every one in your circle
How flowers look beautiful in colors like and purple?
It is our duty to spread fragrance with some purpose
Life may look beautiful and meaningful thus
We can’t spent the life animals even though are quite useful
We should be free enough to think twice before being called fool
It is of no use that we are termed or called under that context
We got to prepare ourselves for the next possible test
We are human beings and may err sometimes
We may be cautioned and warned many times
It is quite natural to follow suit and amend
It may be nice to find us comfortable t the end
Throw open all the doors and wait for change
Face all the difficulties and possibly manage
Try for everything which you can have and arrange
It will be definitely a good beginning on your page
How can we make it worth while and enjoy?
Why not we render happiness and joy?
We are human beings so naturally react
It is not impossible for us to fairly act
We are social animal and have to live among
No one is perfect and we may sometime go wrong
It is still possible to compromise and act in fairness
Everything can be tackled with wisdom and coolness | animal |
406 | HasmukhAmathalal | AimlessAnimal | Aimless animal
Tuesday,9th October 2018
it is better to die
than to live
as an aimless animal
Hasmukh Amathalal Mehta | animal |
407 | SarahSisson | AnAnimalAppraisal | When one is called simple
that may simply not be so.
A context in rhythm
is an arrogant conception,
a bereavement of solace
and an independent curator of time.
Hell hops the furry forward
and the breath of ones
own mother horn the adjunct.
A brazen blow to a humorous head
A jackal knightly; a usefull dish
among the kindled flame of orange hue.
Anticipate this. A brush with
the word; a coffin to suit the
most pleasurable death.
A just moment and a comprehensible
tip should not a hearty meal choke.
This is the metal, the straight
that bores the iron and shields man.
Copyright 12-19-2008©® Sarah Sisson | animal |
408 | MuzahidulReza | AnacreonticVerseForTheSaharaDesertAndItsAnimal | Sahara desert
Rare oasis around
Hardly rain there
Dry leaves, dead sand
Some deadly herbs
As hot, hard stone;
The deathstalker
Namely scorpion,
The thorny devil,
The silver ant,
The scarab beetle,
The sand viper,
Horrible reptiles,
Desert hyenas,
Foxes, wild dogs;
Leopard, cheetahs;
And some hungry
Poisonous and
Ferocious beings
There live in;
Dry heart year round
No mercy in mind.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 8December,2017 | animal |
409 | LujainAshraf | AnimalAbuse | Animals are being abused everyday
And they are hopeless
They have nothing to say
What will you do if you were in there place?
When you have no voice to make them stop
Because some times they fight against you with no grace
And some of them after you gave them all that love
They don’t pay back enough
Because they consider animals as there own
But they belong to god, he gave them to us
So we won’t be alone
We can stop and never go back to the abuse again
We should start treating animals with kindness and respect
We can help them to make up for the pain
And we can also set them free to where they belong
Because we can’t lock them in cages
They didn’t do us any wrong
So tomorrow will be a fresh start with humans friends
And forget what we did for so long
Together we will stay tell the end. | animal |
410 | Terryhalvorson | AnimalAbuse | As the warm weather heats the ground at my feet
Donkeys shaking at their knees
worked to death not given food to eat
as they carry the load from the work day full
on their backs across the mountains, all over the road
the grain is off to pakistan to be sold
a people lost selling their sole | animal |
411 | PoemahontasPoemadonna | AnimalBondingCommunity1 | I had some fun
With some deer
We made some runs
Not for beer
I collected nuts
With the squirrels
It's a lot of nuts
In this world
I fell asleep
Counting sheep
I know the wolves
Try to creep
Got a ride from a horse
Seen a cow
There's cattle in a church
Holy cow......
So I prayed with a mantis
I'm so lost like Atlantis
Then I spoke with a parrot
Raced a rabbit for a carrot
I bought a new raft
At the marina
Then shared a few laughs
With the hyenas
Due to heavy flooding
Had to tip toe
I also went mudding
With a hippo
Pigs in a blanket
Not hogs
Chow at the banquet
"It's a lot of d*mn buildings"
Said, the beavers dam building
A kiss from a frog
A hiss from a snake
A lick from a dog
I get what it takes
I've bonded with animals
Just like the people
Our dependence on each other
Still remains equal
Read Animal Bonding Community 2 and look out for part 3 | animal |
412 | AlfonsinaStorni | AnimalCansado | Quiero un amor feroz de garra y diente
Que me asalte a traición a pleno día
Y que sofoque esta soberbia mía
este orgullo de ser todo pudiente.
Quiero un amor feroz de garra y diente
Que en carne viva inicie mi sangría
A ver si acaba esta melancolía
Que me corrompe el alma lentamente.
Quiero un amor que sea una tormenta
Que todo rompe y lo renueva todo
Porque vigor profundo lo alimenta.
Que pueda reanimarse allí mi lodo,
Mi pobre lodo de animal cansado
Por viejas sendas de rodar hastiado. | animal |
413 | ChristineKerr | AnimalCrackers | Can you enjoy a meal,
If it ain't your Cat.
Is he mad as a Dog,
or blind as a Bat.
Could he be Chicken,
Doing a gig.
Roars like a Lion;
and snorts like a Pig.
Perhaps he's
Mean as a Bear
Sly as a Fox
Quiet as a Mouse.
Or big as an Ox.
If I wonder anymore,
what he might be.
Would he fly like a Bird
or sting like a Bee
This has probably been done,
One way, or another.
Guess I better eat my words,
Before they turn to Butter, | animal |
535 | MinsettonenKrristaph | Baby | Baby oh baby
That's it yeah baby
Watch out baby
Here it comes!
Baby cute baby
Give me a cuddle
Googa goo
Aren't you so cute! | baby |
2,722 | FrankLisaIndiRaFrancescaRogerPlattCornishMartin | FromADaughter | It has been ordained
and inscription etched
in bloodlines
that I transport all your dreams
through arguing rigmarole
of veins
Verandah of my days
filled with giggles of your dolls
unbought unsold
all of you is so much
all of me | daughter |
414 | ChristopherMorley | AnimalCrackers | Animal crackers and cocoa to drink,
That is the finest of suppers I think;
When I'm grown up and can have what I please
I think I shall always insist upon these.
What do YOU choose when you're offered a treat?
When Mother says, 'What would you like best to eat?'
Is it waffles and syrup, or cinnamon toast?
It's cocoa and animals that I love most!
The kitchen's the cosiest place that I know;
The kettle is singing, the stove is aglow,
And there in the twilight, how jolly to see
The cocoa and animals waiting for me.
Daddy and Mother dine later in state,
With Mary to cook for them, Susan to wait;
But they don't have nearly as much fun as I
Who eat in the kitchen with Nurse standing by;
And Daddy once said, he would like to be me
Having cocoa and animals once more for tea. | animal |
415 | HasmukhAmathalal | AnimalCruelty | We are hell bent on committing animal cruelty
Thousands of unknown diseases emanate from poultry
They are culled in thousands under the pretext of containment
Have they just been remained as tools for entertainment?
Hundreds of slaughter houses are coming on day by day
Possibly we have no other option for extinction in any way
We are cutting our own roots to land in difficult situation
We may no alternative but go in for its continuation
Useful cattle parish in broad day light
They have lost the sympathy and rights
They are picked up and sent to slaughter houses
We watch it silently and no compassion arouse
Is there no enough food to last us long?
Do we have policies that are very wrong?
Cattle who have no further use may not outlive
What is the use of destroying precious lives?
They have served mankind well through out the centuries
They have saved them from great miseries
Nature too has provided enough to live on without their flesh
Why not to make right move and start from the fresh
They may last in few more years
We have profound interest and worst fears
We can’t allow them to disappear with pleasing eye
It is quite natural to raise the question and ask why?
No on has satisfactory answer or perfect solution
They are adding new dimension with enough ammunition
The population rise is thing of main concern
It may land us in major problem in turn
The natural source can’t be allowed to be used disproportionately
We have enough or in abundance fortunately
It must raise concern and worry even if lately
The solution must be found exactly and precisely
We have no right to go for complete annihilation
Nature and man kind has got direct relation
If nature is allowed to be finished so do we
It will then not be called world as free
Nature has never discouraged us from anything
It has offered us lot many things in form of something
It was always source of great satisfaction to us
We must preserve them at any cost and act thus
The world may still survive and so the cattle
The issue must be raise and allow it to settle
It is common cause that may take front seat
We are not here to challenge it completely beat
There may be some preventive laws
It lacks will power and has many flaws
We must try to reason out and draw
A complete full proof plan to show | animal |
416 | NassyFesharaki | AnimalFarm | Animal Farm
The news on papers, sites and yahoo
Politics as dirty as they’ve been forever
Comments, telescopes, microscopes give detail
See my Goosebumps, the hair standing on its tail
Is this a world we’re living in?
Are we in heaven or there’s nothing but a hell? | animal |
417 | HarlanSimantel | AnimalFreedom | nice to be an animal
free from worry and care
no possessions
no clothes to wear
no toothbrush or comb
sleep anywhere
no clock to watch nor time to keep
sun and moon with you, awake or asleep
away from it all
enjoying woods and field
no rush hour to negotiate
your animal spirit healed
mate with whomever
no marriage endeavor
'poor' as you both are -
on a wild date - gaze at a falling star
never a need to cook
food from soil, stream or forest nook
eat your meat and veggies raw
no fork or knife - use your beak or paw
wild, surprising adventure
every challenging day
nature intended an interesting life
this natural way | animal |
418 | JohnLeroyMaxwell | AnimalFriends | Walking 'round my yard, I just wanted to see, if any
little friends wanted company..
I saw Mrs. Robin sitting in a tree, guarding her nest,
and her children three..
She was busy at the moment, and said, ' go visit Mr. Squirrel..
He just broke up with his cute little girl..'
I said, ' how do you do, Mr. Squirrel so blue, I
have some nuts, I'd like to share with you..'
He replied, 'keep the nuts, I don't want to be fed,
I'm feeling so sad, I'm going back to bed..
I left in a hurry to catch Mr. Rabbit, he was hopping along,
in his usual habit.. I said, 'hi Mr. Rabbit good to see you,
He replied, good to see you too but I got a lot of work to do..
As I strolled around the house, I saw the Groundhog,
and the Grouse.. The were both very busy, so I went
to see Mrs. Mouse.. Mrs. Mouse is usually home, 'cause
she rarely leaves the house.. She put a sign on the wall,
that was flapping in the breeze.. It read, ' Open House Today,
please bring your own cheese..' No one today wants to
talk or play.. I guess I'll read a book.. But first let me see,
if the Animals are all safe.. It's worth a second look.. | animal |
419 | ClaudiaEmerson | AnimalFunerals1964 | That summer, we did not simply walk through
the valley of the shadow of death; we set up camp there,
orchestrating funerals for the anonymous,
found dead: a drowned mole—its small, naked palms
still pink—a crushed box turtle, green snake, even
a lowly toad. The last and most elaborate
of the burials was for a common jay,
identifiable but light and dry,
its eyes vacant orbits. We built a delicate
lichgate of willow fronds, supple, green—laced
through with chains of clover. Straggling congregation,
we recited what we could of the psalm
about green pastures as we lowered the shoebox
and its wilted pall of dandelions into the shallow
grave one of us had dug with a serving spoon.
That afternoon, just before September and school,
when we would again become children, and blind
to all but the blackboard's chalky lessons, the back
of someone's head, and what was, for a while longer,
the rarer, human death—there, in the heat-shimmered
trees, in the matted grasses where we stood,
even in the slant of humid shade—
we heard wingbeat, slither, buzz, and birdsong—
a green racket rising to fall as though
in a joyous dirge that was real,
and not part of our many, necessary rehearsals | animal |
420 | ZoeSEM | AnimalInYou | The sweet smile upon your lips
Smooth movement of your hips
Charming gaze
Eyes ablaze
I see the animal in you
The softness of your skin
Your ever cheeky grin
Killer nails
Crazy tales
I feel the animal in you
The emotion in your tone
Intensely rich groan
Harsh speech
Now preach
I hear the animal in you
The fierce in your stroll
Kindness of your soul
Heart true
Destined view
I Love the animal in you | animal |
421 | SpocktheVegan | AnimalInstinctHaiku | A newborn bull calf
Being licked by its mother
Survival Instinct | animal |
422 | SoumitaSarkarRay | AnimalInstinct | Bite me
I will bite in return
Hurt me
I will hurt in return
Don't scare me
I will fill fear in you
Just once challenge me
I will bring you down
I like some thing
I will copy
You taunt me
I will simply deny
Accost me
I will tremble
Just once challenge me
I will bring you down
An animal is hidden
Inside this drape of humane
The instinct of a beast
Can never way out in feast
Let a moment trying appear
Restrain, humility disappear
Evil dances takes round
Revenge howls like hound
Trust and faith burn
Then Goodness in turn
Slumbers in this ground
Let that child wake
That hides in the rakes
Blow the whistle of peace
Hound in you can receive
Animal thus caged inside
Slowly love starts to ignite | animal |
536 | ViolaPinkosky | Baby | When you were created, I knew I had found it.
The angel face, and beauty all around it.
Your heart is a creation of wonder.
And, how you came to be, I still ponder.
But, Lilly, you are the joy of my day.
A miracle, in each and every way.
With a beautiful light to your eyes,
like your mother's: stars in the skies.
Like the flower you are named,
may you never be tamed.
Your life is too free.
Like your love from me. | baby |
423 | SmokyHoss | AnimalKingdom | I've got this great kid who just loves all animals,
Cats, rabbits, dogs and ducks;
She wants to bring everything home
And it's getting rather tough -
If I'd let her
And she had her way,
She'd take in every wild critter
And each lost stray -
I'm running out of
Room and money,
Trying to house and feed
Ducks and bunnies -
I love my child dearly
And don't mean to complain,
But something's got to give
Before the whole farm goes down the drain!
I can't tell anymore
Who is running the place,
Us humans
Or those darn animals, for Pete's sake!
Plus my daughter's getting older now
And busier all the time,
So, it's dear old dad
Who's generally left with those critters to mind -
Looks like I'll just have to put my foot down
And let them all know,
In this little animal-kingdom
It is me who's King of the whole show! | animal |
424 | BruceLarkin | AnimalLaughter | Have you ever heard a giraffe laugh,
Or a chimpanzee go hee hee hee?
Have you happened to hear a rhino ho ho,
Or the goofy giggle of a happy little flea? | animal |
425 | ChuyAmante | AnimalLoverBigots | Animal lovers sit, with their exotic dogs,
at the trendy Cafe.
Pooch at feet, a smile
They ask what the Special for the day is.
Fresh catch? filet of baby cow? diced
young pigs, ? brutalized chickens? with
cheese and a very red whine...? | animal |
426 | LindaWinchell | AnimalParade | Puppies and kitties march in the street
holding signs that say, 'Paws For A Cause! '
Booths set up along side of the road
showing photos of Kitties without claws!
And puppies tales being snipped off
so that have that certain look.
And dog catchers wagons filled with unwanted dogs
all caught by that dog catchers hook!
Dogs barking out their discontent
of the treatment that they've received!
With the food and conditions they have to endure
so as to meet some human seen need!
Animals parade, 'Paws For A Cause! '
they don't seem to be willing to quit.
To bring attention to what humans are doing
Now take Paws to think about this! | animal |
427 | PRProsper | AnimalPlanetPt1 | Footsteps in the dark marching on the hearts
Of the stark winter terrain that was the family’s farm
Food shortage in the barn malnutrition starts to harm
No cream or proteins to stabilize their cells
Stomachs start to swell more than legends people tell
Frozen water in the well dehydration hits the lips
Rags clinging on to hips like rock climbers cling to cliffs
Brain damage then eclipse and then the focus shifts
The root cause of this strife fell down on these misfits
Because the regime that once deemed
Itself as for the people
Attained diplomatic status and a team
As secret as it was lethal
Predicated and dedicated to rooting out all foes
And enemies of state or anyone opposed
To their lavish lifestyles and constant talks of heroes
Zero tolerance for arguments on national policy
Broken promises the basis of this all-perfect polity
Sloppily take and take from the general public
Including any relatives who might have disrupted
Any luscious dinners with their cries of injustice
Crush peaceful marchers with tanks and sniper archers
Shoot into the crowd at anything moving around
In books and newspapers they write a different caption
Business as usual like the whole thing never happened | animal |
428 | PRProsper | AnimalPlanetPt2 | Dragged down to the ground with a shoulder out of place
A man struggles all about, anguish carved into his face
His attacker stands up, but only for a moment
He takes this time out to notice his blood roaming
A second later he feels a sharp pain in his back
His attacker brought his knee down with all the force he had
One, and two, and three times he fell
Screaming each time like the damned souls of hell
The man lay still, mind adrift in the wind
Sees the smiling faces and him amidst his kin
They reach out to him and he reaches in return
Only to return to a fire that’s started to burn
His attacker must’ve tired because it seemed like some time
Since he felt any blows manhandling his spine
He could be paralyzed, in any case
He couldn’t just lie there and die
His attacker stood at his head like one of prominence
Spit on the man and asserted his pure dominance
But suddenly dropped to the floor in agonizing pain
The man had cut a tendon and a very lively vein
Blade in hand and moving as fast as stone
The man crept to his attacker and brought the point home
Over and over as his eyes filled with tears
Collapsed on his attacker and let go of his shears
Barely breathing but alive he can hear the fans cheer | animal |
429 | JohnProphet | Animal | We
are animals.
Having the
same instincts
as any animal.
Law of the
jungle courses
through our
Hormones flush
judgement, wrecking
havoc on reason
and intellect.
self preservation
strongest of
Sex and violence
human culture.
We think
of years in
the making.
of years in
the making.
to peacefully
coexist. | animal |
430 | swethaswetha | AnimalPoems | clock o clock,
how could i be a diamond dog,
fox in the woods,
hunting for foods. | animal |
431 | LongTooth | AnimalQuackers | There are people I think who consider me friend,
But I don't know for sure that they're right,
I may walk like a duck, even quack like a duck,
But I doubt that that means we won't fight.
I bought animal crackers in box as a child,
But you can't purchase friendship that way,
I've found friendship is messy, can even be wild,
Ideology even holds sway.
So then how do you know if somebody's your friend?
ALL ARE BROTHERS if you honor Christ!
It's an unlikely outcome if you're slave to trend
That views friendship as way overpriced.
I think friendship means man must be Christian at heart,
God CAN'T care if he "knows" Christ or not,
Loving God and such man simply can't be apart,
If not true, then God's just tommyrot.
In this spirit let us love Republican queens,
Although Satan's grabbed them by their crotch,
For they seem to believe that end justifies means,
And take pride in each body, each notch!
Or let human race die but creation survive,
Man unworthy of Science or Grace?
Tooth and claw of the dinosaurs once again thrive,
And humanity's sin thus erase!
Long Tooth
February 23,2017 | animal |
432 | szaynabkamoonpuri | AnimalRiddleRhymesForAnimalLovers | (Remember each plus+ prefixed line describes a diffrent animal. Try naming each different animal in the riddle. I've done these types of riddles on other sites and poets have so enjoyed doing them. So try solving and after sufficient answer attempts by diffrent poets I'll announce the 1st 3 winners along with my answers.) ok try it.)
+Hooks and hangs itself prehensile style
+Paves the path with sticky glue slime
+Just watch a velvet moss covered branch that's mobile
+but watch out for that log-like predator's guile in the Nile
with a sly smile to beguile
+Nocturnal eyeballs move on baby face in the bush, oh my!
+Another a bird with the name of a flying toy in the sky.
+Its tongue that shoots out like a soft shooting arrow
+A winged biped one standing as upright as a human fellow.
+This one has the largest ears
+This one a little crown he wears
+A living teddybear gives its baby a piggy back ride.
+A young one who in its mommy's 'hide' pocket does hide
+Hardened skin house moving upon four wheels
+And another with a clothing that peels.
+Shakes its tail like a human baby's toy
+For safety in numbers this one's caravan convoy
Mention 3 animals who this method of travel employ.
Guess guess guess | animal |
433 | EricCockrell | AnimalRights | animals have feelings
thoughts, needs, desires,
and emotions just as we do.
they're less likely to hide them,
or to lie about them...
and they love,
with undying hearts.
they have learned the beauty
of being who they are....
would that we could learn from them!
the next time someone tells you
that your dog or your cat,
your horse, or whatever,
doesnt have a soul,
slap them back into reality!
wolves pray when they howl.
whales talk across oceans.
birds define freedom with flight.
elephants teach us of family.
they are all a part of our families,
as we are of theirs...
we are responsible for each other.
let's live and love with respect!
we need each other! | animal |
434 | GangadharannairPulingat | AnimalRights | Prevent the cruelty to animals
Animals are also entitled to live
To enjoy the life until the last
Save the animals for our own sake.
Human beings becomes so cruel
To the animals including wild ones
In fact the earth is common for all
Rights of animals are to be protected.
Observe the tendency of the humans
The rich history we have passed in centuries
In cultures, civilizations we followed
A thought of selfishness with animals.
Domesticated some of the animals from wild
They followed the commands we gave
We used them for travel, war, and milking
For its skins to make ourselves comfort.
Denied justice in its negative health
Even killed without hesitation at all
Animals are also bound to get justice
In this world of injustice sometimes.
Slowly and sluggishly humans accepts
They makes schemes for their protection
But still the road is far away to reach
Until there is the goal of security deserve.
Welfare of animals are a necessity
Surely for the development of human beings
They were with us from the beginning
Do not negate their rights and issues in blind. | animal |
435 | Leaven | AnimalSacrifice | Sacrifice unto me
The animal of thyself,
That tainted clothing
Of thy pride and flesh.
With thy kneeling heart
And tears unfeigned,
Call upon the sword of truth
To cleave thy soul in twain.
To divide thy darkness
From thy light
And remove from thee
Thy sin
And sacrifice at last
Thy carnality
And the blackness
Of the beast within.
8-31-06 | animal |
436 | ALPINODOVIS | AnimalSong | I am an animal
Proud to be one as I walk on the naked earth
My animal limbs and my whole body free
Free from the constraints of human society
Free from the chains of cultural identity
Free from the guilt of the original sin
I am filled with the pleasure of being alive
I thus embrace all which is animal in me
On each breath I take I am one with animal nature
I cast aside all symbols that mankind invented to enslave
And all the absurd religions and arrogant ceremonies
I live only to see my reflection on the purity of nature
I live to run, swim, or fly with all beasts
I rejoice as my feet sink in the primeval muck of existence
And exude the essence of all my ancestors
I sing with each breath I take
I sing to my own materiality
I am made of seas, clouds and mountains and all natural phenomena
I let extinguish forever all feelings of shame
The corrupting images of the supernatural
And the inherited instincts of cruelty and power
I reject the notion that heavy labor ennobles
When in fact was created to submit and humiliate
I bow or pray to no one.
I sing to nature and to my animal freedom. | animal |
437 | TanjaBulovic | AnimalSpirit | I wish there was a cat in me
Giving love like a huge favour
But there's just a little puppy
Begging for it | animal |
438 | SmokyHoss | AnimalTales | A bird, a dog
and a croaking frog
sat in a barn
telling yarns
with a cow and a calf
just for a laugh;
oh, the tales they told
new stories and old
like the chicken who made it to the other side
and the rooster who tried but died
also the one about the long gone old goat
who chewed threw the rope around his throat;
they talked well past midnight
right up to first light
that is until a big ol' fox walked in
with a mile-wide grin, he said
I'll give you a tale to tell that's new
the one about the fox who ate every one of you;
but, that old fox was a real sap
he took one step forward then heard the trap go SNAP!
the farmer came on the run
in his hand a trusty old gun,
now the animals do have a new tale to tell
about the day an arrogant fox got blowed all to hell. | animal |
439 | emersonachari | AnimalTesting | Day in day out i struggle
i have no future
None that i can see
nothing hopeful
nothing that can take from me this pain
nothing but one
My life is one
My life is one
my life is one
my life is one
Its difficult
for me to understand
its difficult
for me to
If i had ever found out
my life revolves in a cage
a cage of despair, death and steel
Yet i have it lucky
luckier than most
its painful
to see your own die
they don't care
they don't regret
my life consists
of no more than pain
helpless, hopeless pain
we never wronged them
we never interfered
we never hurt them
then why?
what..what did we do?
Its hard to stay positive
its hard to remain hopeful
its hard to keep living
but we still do
and will do
until all hope is gone
Its difficult to live
When your life consists of nothing more than pain most days
Severe pain
It funny to know
the value of your life is nothing
nothing more than a beauty product
and perhaps for the lucky a cigarette.
Its painful to remember
the days strapped to the cold cold rack
while your eyes slowly melted away
wht coul you do but suffer
you could cry out but no one would come
Its tormenting to see
and feel your skin shrivel away
burnt and bloody
as the acid ate in
Its painful to know that you are slowly poisoned
and left to see whether you live of die
all that we could do was whimper
and some not even that
For us there is no hope
For us, no faith
For us, no remorse
only a slow painful death
This is no modern world
This is no intelligent race
This is no kind people
And we know
as we slowly crumble
the best part of it all is death... | animal |
440 | MrBean | AnimalTrafficking | It is not human trafficking. | animal |
441 | WilliamWordsworth | AnimalTranquillityAndDecay | The little hedgerow birds,
That peck along the roads, regard him not.
He travels on, and in his face, his step,
His gait, is one expression: every limb,
His look and bending figure, all bespeak
A man who does not move with pain, but moves
With thought.--He is insensibly subdued
To settled quiet: he is one by whom
All effort seems forgotten; one to whom
Long patience hath such mild composure given,
That patience now doth seem a thing of which
He hath no need. He is by nature led
To peace so perfect that the young behold
With envy, what the Old Man hardly feels. | animal |
442 | JamesWhitcombRiley | BillysAlphabeticalAnimalShow | A was an elegant Ape
Who tied up his ears with red tape,
And wore a long veil
Half revealing his tail
Which was trimmed with jet bugles and crape.
B was a boastful old Bear
Who used to say,--'Hoomh! I declare
I can eat--if you'll get me
The children, and let me--
Ten babies, teeth, toenails and hair!'
C was a Codfish who sighed
When snatched from the home of his pride,
But could he, embrined,
Guess this fragrance behind,
How glad he would be that he died!
D was a dandified Dog
Who said,--'Though it's raining like fog
I wear no umbrellah,
Me boy, for a fellah
Might just as well travel incog!'
E was an elderly Eel
Who would say,--'Well, I really feel--
As my grandchildren wriggle
And shout 'I should giggle'--
A trifle run down at the heel!'
F was a Fowl who conceded
_Some_ hens might hatch more eggs than _she_ did,--
But she'd children as plenty
As eighteen or twenty,
And that was quite all that she needed.
G was a gluttonous Goat
Who, dining one day, _table-d'hote,_
Ordered soup-bone, _au fait_,
And fish, _papier-mache_,
And a _filet_ of Spring overcoat.
H was a high-cultured Hound
Who could clear forty feet at a bound,
And a coon once averred
That his howl could be heard
For five miles and three-quarters around.
I was an Ibex ambitious
To dive over chasms auspicious;
He would leap down a peak
And not light for a week,
And swear that the jump was delicious.
J was a Jackass who said
He had such a bad cold in his head,
If it wasn't for leaving
The rest of us grieving,
He'd really rather be dead.
K was a profligate Kite
Who would haunt the saloons every night;
And often he ust
To reel back to his roost
Too full to set up on it right.
L was a wary old Lynx
Who would say,--'Do you know wot I thinks?--
I thinks ef you happen
To ketch me a-nappin'
I'm ready to set up the drinks!'
M was a merry old Mole,
Who would snooze all the day in his hole,
Then--all night, a-rootin'
Around and galootin'--
He'd sing 'Johnny, Fill up the Bowl!'
N was a caustical Nautilus
Who sneered, 'I suppose, when they've _caught_ all us,
Like oysters they'll serve us,
And can us, preserve us,
And barrel, and pickle, and bottle us!'
O was an autocrat Owl--
Such a wise--such a wonderful fowl!
Why, for all the night through
He would hoot and hoo-hoo,
And hoot and hoo-hooter and howl!
P was a Pelican pet,
Who gobbled up all he could get;
He could eat on until
He was full to the bill,
And there he had lodgings to let!
Q was a querulous Quail,
Who said: 'It will little avail
The efforts of those
Of my foes who propose
To attempt to put salt on my tail!'
R was a ring-tailed Raccoon,
With eyes of the tinge of the moon,
And his nose a blue-black,
And the fur on his back
A sad sort of sallow maroon.
S is a Sculpin--you'll wish
Very much to have one on your dish,
Since all his bones grow
On the outside, and so
He's a very desirable fish.
T was a Turtle, of wealth,
Who went round with particular stealth,--
'Why,' said he, 'I'm afraid
Of being waylaid
When I even walk out for my health!'
U was a Unicorn curious,
With one horn, of a growth so _luxurious_,
He could level and stab it--
If you didn't grab it--
Clean through you, he was so blamed furious!
V was a vagabond Vulture
Who said: 'I don't want to insult yer,
But when you intrude
Where in lone solitude
I'm a-preyin', you're no man o' culture!'
W was a wild _Wood_chuck,
And you can just bet that he _could_ 'chuck'
He'd eat raw potatoes,
Green corn, and tomatoes,
And tree roots, and call it all '_good_ chuck!'
X was a kind of X-cuse
Of a some-sort-o'-thing that got loose
Before we could name it,
And cage it, and tame it,
And bring it in general use.
Y is the Yellowbird,--bright
As a petrified lump of star-light,
Or a handful of lightning-
Bugs, squeezed in the tight'ning
Pink fist of a boy, at night.
Z is the Zebra, of course!--
A kind of a clown-of-a-horse,--
Each other despising,
Yet neither devising
A way to obtain a divorce!
& here is the famous--what-is-it?
Walk up, Master Billy, and quiz it:
You've seen the _rest_ of 'em--
Ain't this the _best_ of 'em,
Right at the end of your visit? | animal |
443 | Lucretius | BookVPart05OriginsOfVegetableAndAnimalLife | And now to what remains!- Since I've resolved
By what arrangements all things come to pass
Through the blue regions of the mighty world,-
How we can know what energy and cause
Started the various courses of the sun
And the moon's goings, and by what far means
They can succumb, the while with thwarted light,
And veil with shade the unsuspecting lands,
When, as it were, they blink, and then again
With open eye survey all regions wide,
Resplendent with white radiance- I do now
Return unto the world's primeval age
And tell what first the soft young fields of earth
With earliest parturition had decreed
To raise in air unto the shores of light
And to entrust unto the wayward winds.
In the beginning, earth gave forth, around
The hills and over all the length of plains,
The race of grasses and the shining green;
The flowery meadows sparkled all aglow
With greening colour, and thereafter, lo,
Unto the divers kinds of trees was given
An emulous impulse mightily to shoot,
With a free rein, aloft into the air.
As feathers and hairs and bristles are begot
The first on members of the four-foot breeds
And on the bodies of the strong-y-winged,
Thus then the new Earth first of all put forth
Grasses and shrubs, and afterward begat
The mortal generations, there upsprung-
Innumerable in modes innumerable-
After diverging fashions. For from sky
These breathing-creatures never can have dropped,
Nor the land-dwellers ever have come up
Out of sea-pools of salt. How true remains,
How merited is that adopted name
Of earth- "The Mother!"- since from out the earth
Are all begotten. And even now arise
From out the loams how many living things-
Concreted by the rains and heat of the sun.
Wherefore 'tis less a marvel, if they sprang
In Long Ago more many, and more big,
Matured of those days in the fresh young years
Of earth and ether. First of all, the race
Of the winged ones and parti-coloured birds,
Hatched out in spring-time, left their eggs behind;
As now-a-days in summer tree-crickets
Do leave their shiny husks of own accord,
Seeking their food and living. Then it was
This earth of thine first gave unto the day
The mortal generations; for prevailed
Among the fields abounding hot and wet.
And hence, where any fitting spot was given,
There 'gan to grow womb-cavities, by roots
Affixed to earth. And when in ripened time
The age of the young within (that sought the air
And fled earth's damps) had burst these wombs, O then
Would Nature thither turn the pores of earth
And make her spurt from open veins a juice
Like unto milk; even as a woman now
Is filled, at child-bearing, with the sweet milk,
Because all that swift stream of aliment
Is thither turned unto the mother-breasts.
There earth would furnish to the children food;
Warmth was their swaddling cloth, the grass their bed
Abounding in soft down. Earth's newness then
Would rouse no dour spells of the bitter cold,
Nor extreme heats nor winds of mighty powers-
For all things grow and gather strength through time
In like proportions; and then earth was young.
Wherefore, again, again, how merited
Is that adopted name of Earth- The Mother!-
Since she herself begat the human race,
And at one well-nigh fixed time brought forth
Each breast that ranges raving round about
Upon the mighty mountains and all birds
Aerial with many a varied shape.
But, lo, because her bearing years must end,
She ceased, like to a woman worn by eld.
For lapsing aeons change the nature of
The whole wide world, and all things needs must take
One status after other, nor aught persists
Forever like itself. All things depart;
Nature she changeth all, compelleth all
To transformation. Lo, this moulders down,
A-slack with weary eld, and that, again,
Prospers in glory, issuing from contempt.
In suchwise, then, the lapsing aeons change
The nature of the whole wide world, and earth
Taketh one status after other. And what
She bore of old, she now can bear no longer,
And what she never bore, she can to-day.
In those days also the telluric world
Strove to beget the monsters that upsprung
With their astounding visages and limbs-
The Man-woman- a thing betwixt the twain,
Yet neither, and from either sex remote-
Some gruesome Boggles orphaned of the feet,
Some widowed of the hands, dumb Horrors too
Without a mouth, or blind Ones of no eye,
Or Bulks all shackled by their legs and arms
Cleaving unto the body fore and aft,
Thuswise, that never could they do or go,
Nor shun disaster, nor take the good they would.
And other prodigies and monsters earth
Was then begetting of this sort- in vain,
Since Nature banned with horror their increase,
And powerless were they to reach unto
The coveted flower of fair maturity,
Or to find aliment, or to intertwine
In works of Venus. For we see there must
Concur in life conditions manifold,
If life is ever by begetting life
To forge the generations one by one:
First, foods must be; and, next, a path whereby
The seeds of impregnation in the frame
May ooze, released from the members all;
Last, the possession of those instruments
Whereby the male with female can unite,
The one with other in mutual ravishments.
And in the ages after monsters died,
Perforce there perished many a stock, unable
By propagation to forge a progeny.
For whatsoever creatures thou beholdest
Breathing the breath of life, the same have been
Even from their earliest age preserved alive
By cunning, or by valour, or at least
By speed of foot or wing. And many a stock
Remaineth yet, because of use to man,
And so committed to man's guardianship.
Valour hath saved alive fierce lion-breeds
And many another terrorizing race,
Cunning the foxes, flight the antlered stags.
Light-sleeping dogs with faithful heart in breast,
However, and every kind begot from seed
Of beasts of draft, as, too, the woolly flocks
And horned cattle, all, my Memmius,
Have been committed to guardianship of men.
For anxiously they fled the savage beasts,
And peace they sought and their abundant foods,
Obtained with never labours of their own,
Which we secure to them as fit rewards
For their good service. But those beasts to whom
Nature has granted naught of these same things-
Beasts quite unfit by own free will to thrive
And vain for any service unto us
In thanks for which we should permit their kind
To feed and be in our protection safe-
Those, of a truth, were wont to be exposed,
Enshackled in the gruesome bonds of doom,
As prey and booty for the rest, until
Nature reduced that stock to utter death.
But Centaurs ne'er have been, nor can there be
Creatures of twofold stock and double frame,
Compact of members alien in kind,
Yet formed with equal function, equal force
In every bodily part- a fact thou mayst,
However dull thy wits, well learn from this:
The horse, when his three years have rolled away,
Flowers in his prime of vigour; but the boy
Not so, for oft even then he gropes in sleep
After the milky nipples of the breasts,
An infant still. And later, when at last
The lusty powers of horses and stout limbs,
Now weak through lapsing life, do fail with age,
Lo, only then doth youth with flowering years
Begin for boys, and clothe their ruddy cheeks
With the soft down. So never deem, percase,
That from a man and from the seed of horse,
The beast of draft, can Centaurs be composed
Or e'er exist alive, nor Scyllas be-
The half-fish bodies girdled with mad dogs-
Nor others of this sort, in whom we mark
Members discordant each with each; for ne'er
At one same time they reach their flower of age
Or gain and lose full vigour of their frame,
And never burn with one same lust of love,
And never in their habits they agree,
Nor find the same foods equally delightsome-
Sooth, as one oft may see the bearded goats
Batten upon the hemlock which to man
Is violent poison. Once again, since flame
Is wont to scorch and burn the tawny bulks
Of the great lions as much as other kinds
Of flesh and blood existing in the lands,
How could it be that she, Chimaera lone,
With triple body- fore, a lion she;
And aft, a dragon; and betwixt, a goat-
Might at the mouth from out the body belch
Infuriate flame? Wherefore, the man who feigns
Such beings could have been engendered
When earth was new and the young sky was fresh
(Basing his empty argument on new)
May babble with like reason many whims
Into our ears: he'll say, perhaps, that then
Rivers of gold through every landscape flowed,
That trees were wont with precious stones to flower,
Or that in those far aeons man was born
With such gigantic length and lift of limbs
As to be able, based upon his feet,
Deep oceans to bestride; or with his hands
To whirl the firmament around his head.
For though in earth were many seeds of things
In the old time when this telluric world
First poured the breeds of animals abroad,
Still that is nothing of a sign that then
Such hybrid creatures could have been begot
And limbs of all beasts heterogeneous
Have been together knit; because, indeed,
The divers kinds of grasses and the grains
And the delightsome trees- which even now
Spring up abounding from within the earth-
Can still ne'er be begotten with their stems
Begrafted into one; but each sole thing
Proceeds according to its proper wont
And all conserve their own distinctions based
In Nature's fixed decree. | animal |
444 | GajananMishra | ButcheringAnimal | Butchering animal is said to be
the production of meat requires for good health.
Abortion and destruction of
productive power of man
is called family welfare and peace.
Licentious behavior of women, under the control of other
males besides husband, destruction of ethical propriety
is termed as freedom of women.
Moral degradation is named progress,
Beastly behavior is mark of civilization,
Righteousness is communalism.
Reading and writing and talking always
in other than mother-tongue, in foreign language
Contrary to own culture is called as wise and intelligent. | animal |
445 | MubeenSadhika | ChimeraOfAnAnimal | pressed against the glass
reflection from down
on the smooth surface
sitting like a cat
transparency turns the animal
into a small beautiful pet
opening the mouth for a miaow
no sound just a gesture
all perceptions have one meaning
without audible silent motion
expanding skin on the lucent wall
expressing the emotion
the dull kitten watched
the opposite side clueless
remaining air suffocated
pussy wanted to break open
filling the glazed space
with fears of demise
the fragile box could hardly resist
the puerile kid jumped out
ruptured into bits of crystal | animal |
446 | Erikmartin | CrazyAnimal | there once was a crazy animal
that liked to roll in a ball
then one fall
there was a call
for the crazy animal
the call put the crazy animal was apauled | animal |
447 | OniBuchanan | DearLonelyAnimal | I'm writing to you from the loneliest, most
secluded island in the world. I mean,
the farthest away place from anything else.
There are so many fruits here growing on trees
or on vines that wrap and wrap. Fruits
like I've never seen except the bananas.
All night the abandoned dogs howled.
I wonder if one dog gives the first howl, and if
they take turns who's first like carrying
the flag in school. Carrying the flag
way out in front and the others
following along behind in two long lines,
pairs holding hands. Also the roosters here crow
from 4am onward. They're still crowing right now
and it's almost noon here on the island.
Noon stares back no matter where you are.
Today I'm going to hike to the extinct volcano
and balance on the rim of the crater. Yesterday
a gust almost blew me inside. I heard
that the black widows live inside the volcano
far down below in the high grasses that you can't
see from the rim. Well, I was going to tell you
that this morning the bells rang and I
followed them and at the source of the bells,
there I found so many animals
all gathered together in a room
with carved wooden statues
and wooden benches and low wooden slats
for kneeling. And the animals were there
singing together, all their voices singing,
with big strong voices rising from even
the filthiest animals. I mean, I've seen animals
come together and sing before, except in
high fancy vaults where bits of colored glass
are pieced together into stories. Some days
I want to sing with them.
I wish more animals sang together all the time.
But then I can't sing sometimes
because I think of the news that happens
when the animals stop singing.
And then I think of all the medications
and their side effects that are advertised
between the pieces of news. And then I think
of all the money the drug companies spent
to videotape their photogenic, well-groomed animals,
and all the money they spent to buy
a prime-time spot, and I think, what money
buys the news, and what news
creates the drugs, and what
drugs control the animals, and I get so
choked I can't sing anymore, Lonely Animal.
I can't sing with the other animals. Because it's
hard to know what an animal will do when it
stops singing. It's complicated, you know, it's just
complicated— | animal |
448 | AmyStuart | DoVegetariansEatAnimalCrackers | 'Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? '
Was what I was asked one day.
It was a man on the street,
And that's all he would say.
My reply to him was,
'I do not know.
But I'll find out for you.
So now I will go.'
So I went to a center,
Where some vegee-heads ate.
And I asked them my question,
With no further delay.
Their answer to me,
Made me laugh close to dead.
'Of course we do silly,
We bite off their heads! ' | animal |
449 | KeneHall | DreamsOfAnimalCruelty | Dreams I have we can stop animal cruelty.
Dear Lord, please will you grant me a wish that
the perpetrators of cruelty to twelve thousand caged bears in Asia will in the next life be born a bear,
put in a cage for life then drain their bile too from a stomach wound just as they are doing right now!
Thank you Dear God. | animal |
450 | HasmukhAmathalal | EarthlyAnimal | It is beautiful wish
That finishes
With welfare for people
Who daily struggle
There is no end to desires
Which sometimes misfire?
Catch us on wrong foot
And in misdirection shoot
To wish for all
And give lovely call
It is sign of good soul
That never smells foul
Let us all pray
For comfortable stay
And spend the rest of the journey
With nice feeling of being happy
Let us remain earthly animals
And call for good human
It is need of an hour
As this one is holy tour | animal |
451 | RaviSathasivam | ElephantIsAMajesticAnimal | They walk like a majestic, behave like gentle animals
Elephants are known as the biggest mammal on earth
Let it be cultural or any other ceremonies they continue to
play their common role in them.
Raise their trunk for trumpet
Weg their tail and ears to chase flies and squirt water
These gentle giants that tread the earth.
Always like to wallow in the mud and love to
immerse themselves in the water for long hours
They show great affection for one another and
take care of their young ones very dearly
Not only they are sensitive animals by nature
but also have a great memory
Although, they are useful to human in many ways
but also they are killed for their priceless tusks.
They are great animals in the jungle and parade like a majestic. | animal |
452 | HasmukhAmathalal | FoolAnimal | We are surely fool animal
If can't sense the downfall's arrival
Even insects and birds sense the danger
Why should we commit something in anger?
We can't resort to follow dangerous way
Addiction, if you consider, is all the way driving you away
From real life to that of artificial thinking
In fact taking you at the bottom and sinking
Consumption of alcohol can be legal
Some of its consequences may be illegal
Anything taken in excess is bad
That increases frustration and makes you sad
Inner consciousness is real reflection
That shall never allow you to for bad action
But since you are made slave of desires
Nothing good can be accepted by you to admire
It is wrong to assume about the winner
The chances of coming out it becomes thinner
It may certainly kill you from within
What will then be loss or gain?
It is time pass for pleasure
Certain quantities are allowed for sure
If you can control and drive your desires
Nothing may go into flames or on fire
Keep it to self and master the art
You are the person to have good start
Be not at its mercy and succumb
It may otherwise make you to jump
The day may end with tragic death
People may lament death and lay the wreath
For few days you may be remembered
Rest all may be the days to follow and numbered | animal |
453 | DavidKowalczyk | GoddessOfAnimalCrackers | A passion which refused to ache,
I found her shadow,
with all of its colors,
beneath my pillow.
A kiss made of memory,
a breath five decades long,
a distant stain upon the stars.
She is slowly becoming translucent.
Soon, she will be transparent.
This is no accident.
Eventually, we all disappear.
Please see her as
she truly is:
full of light
and illusion, like
an uncut diamond.
Her magical self
carries the knowledge
that death is not an injury.
She is the pause, the gasp,
the moment of wonder
between one incarnation
and the next. | animal |
454 | johntiongchunghoo | HaikuTheJoyToBeAnimal | animal joy
freedom from
all guilts | animal |
455 | D├│nallDempsey | HelloAndWelcomeToNameThatAnimal | All the animals
trundle by
on a conveyor belt.
Adam feels
like a contestant
on a T.V.
Quiz Show.
Can get to keep
the things he names
there's heaps & heaps.
God beams
like he's Noel Edmonds.
Adam's nervous
sweats under the T.V. lights.
no..! '
'Yes...that's it! '
And so we barely get
man's best friend.
'That! ' Adam points at cat
and God(being hard of hearing)
gives him that.
Adam really messes up
when it gets to Pegasus, centaur,
unicorn and dragon.
Adam laughs
when he sees his first giraffe.
Couldn't think
of a proper name
'Go on...come on! '
God prods and prompts.
But all Adam
can do
is laugh...&...laugh.
So between them
they name it
Gir affe
meaning that
which makes one
laugh. | animal |
456 | DylanThomas | HowShallMyAnimal | How shall my animal
Whose wizard shape I trace in the cavernous skull,
Vessel of abscesses and exultation's shell,
Endure burial under the spelling wall,
The invoked, shrouding veil at the cap of the face,
Who should be furious,
Drunk as a vineyard snail, flailed like an octopus,
Roaring, crawling, quarrel
With the outside weathers,
The natural circle of the discovered skies
Draw down to its weird eyes?
How shall it magnetize,
Towards the studded male in a bent, midnight blaze
That melts the lionhead's heel and horseshoe of the heart
A brute land in the cool top of the country days
To trot with a loud mate the haybeds of a mile,
Love and labour and kill
In quick, sweet, cruel light till the locked ground sprout
The black, burst sea rejoice,
The bowels turn turtle,
Claw of the crabbed veins squeeze from each red particle
The parched and raging voice?
Fishermen of mermen
Creep and harp on the tide, sinking their charmed, bent pin
With bridebait of gold bread, I with a living skein,
Tongue and ear in the thread, angle the temple-bound
Curl-locked and animal cavepools of spells and bone,
Trace out a tentacle,
Nailed with an open eye, in the bowl of wounds and weed
To clasp my fury on ground
And clap its great blood down;
Never shall beast be born to atlas the few seas
Or poise the day on a horn.
Sigh long, clay cold, lie shorn,
Cast high, stunned on gilled stone; sly scissors ground in frost
Clack through the thicket of strength, love hewn in pillars drops
With carved bird, saint, and suns the wrackspiked maiden mouth
Lops, as a bush plumed with flames, the rant of the fierce eye,
Clips short the gesture of breath.
Die in red feathers when the flying heaven's cut,
And roll with the knocked earth:
Lie dry, rest robbed, my beast.
You have kicked from a dark den, leaped up the whinnying light,
And dug your grave in my breast. | animal |
457 | MuzahidulReza | HumanVersusAnimalATercet | Animal is seen for animal
But human is for unknown
I ask you don't respond.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 31 October,2017 | animal |
458 | AkhtarJawad | IAmAManButAnAnimalToo | My children planned a visit to a zoo,
They invited me, I replied with a shoo,
I already have a zoo inside, within me,
I cannot show and you cannot see.
All the animals are present in a man,
You can see them with an honest scan.
Both for the friends and their enemies,
They have long, very long memories.
Like funny camels, like large elephants,
Whether old or youths or innocent infants.
They often behave like a beast so wild,
They don't hesitate to abuse a child.
For many centuries they've been killing fellow men,
They have misused their sword and their pen,
Most of their killings were in His religion and name,
Man was never shy of this bloody game.
Men cast their thinking in a too old mold.
Those adventurists seeking silver and gold,
Left footprints of animals in fact,
I see in the prints many criminals in fact.
On the other hand like birds they twit,
Under blue moons are lovely and sweet,
Loyal and faithful like horses and dogs,
Swim and jump just like the frogs,
Entertain the children like a dolphin or a monkey,
Before pretty women they flirt like a donkey,
Like a peacock they dance in a hall,
Like a sweet cuckoo, girlfriends they call.
They are handsome when they love fellow men,
Praise them with their words and use their pen.
I don't need to watch a zoo,
I am a man but an animal too. | animal |
459 | AftabAlam | IKnowAnimalInstinctIsStillAlive | Few things rules the world,
And all are, almost all are very keen to it,
Like removing the clothes; bit by bit,
Kiss- killing is so simple-
It is hiss,
Closed door love if unveiled,
Sex is a sonnet if made it an Ode,
Make a painting with molten wax,
That must symbolize sex,
Running sexual commentary is attention getter,
Let all the secrets must be opened,
Charm of sex will run away,
There will be no rape,
There will be no molestation,
No teasing on sexual basis,
Let us write -
All known secrets—
What harm in it?
Let human be animal-
I know animal instinct is still alive
©2014 Aftab Alam Khursheed. All rights reserved | animal |
460 | HasmukhAmathalal | ImageryAnimal | Poets are imagery animals
Wait for thoughts arrival
Think a lot and then write
Use head more to ignite
Thoughts are burnt
Wish ashes to turn
Into new form to upraise
The status to be up and praised
But normally they are quiet
Allow things to let
Down at low level
With proper time to excel
Now millions come up like flowers
Even without rainy showers
They are product of fast age
Not much to impress with each page
One in million stars is praised
Taken to recognition and believed
Poets are known as star family
Twinkle little in their own capacity
Not all may be able to speak with authority
Some may define imagery love and some may praise almighty
Some may put with all the times to remember and some with variety
It is all about poets tenure and may not be remembered like deity
It is their job to create pure imagination
Sometimes to be painted with correct relation
Not all the incidences pure images
Some ideas are meant to take out souls from the cages
It is reasonable stand to expose
To be known as poet and pose
With whatever capacity and thrust
The poet's position is commendable and is must | animal |
461 | HarindharReddy | InTheAnimalDurbarAliensTeeterTottered | 2) In animal durbar aliens' teeter-tottering on dandle board in the middle sat some rats and jumping cats unsure of anything tried to jump in both ways but the result is they stayed at the same in the theatre of absurd, really buffoons! Abracadabra! Politico-clowns wore psycho gowns in their hands, magic wands ready to offer some sops to the both dwellers of pandemonium and harmonium: Sponsoring free tickets to all galaxies with a bonus ambrosia, lifetime guarantee - arrangements meeting with aliens, robot slaves, free WiFi www connections even in hamlets,1 kg gold, to kids, some toys: cycles, cars, elephants, sickle, fans, etc. Special offers to little boys teddy bears with hands; to little girls supplying lotus flowers 24/7 are only few to name: Mania, mania, election mania election shouted modern soothsayers in hallucination.
Fisherman bought fishing net, put some bait to catch a fish sang fisher man waving his hands to his sweethearts; oh sorry they are just his voters. Holy-moly In the animal durbar, playing chess teeter-tottered aliens on the dandle board, in the middle meddled so dumping rats and jumping cats on either side but unsure of anything jumped in both ways but the result is stayed at the same place in the theatre of absurd, oh real buffoons!
Rattrap peddler, just a meddler bought a trap, added some cheese crop and dropped to trap some special rats: "on my shirt, on my sleeves, in my pockets and in my collar are my lovers, only just lotus flowers, April fool in the election school! Abracadabra! Politico-clowns wore psycho gowns in their hands, magic wands ready to offer some sops to the both dwellers of pandemonium and harmonium: Sponsoring free tickets to all galaxies with a bonus ambrosia, lifetime guarantee - arrangements meeting with aliens, robot slaves, free WiFi www connections even in hamlets and 1 kg gold -
to kids, some toys: cycles, cars, elephants, sickle, fans, etc. Special offers to little boys teddy bears with 3 hands; to little girls supplying lotus flowers 24/7 are only few to name - sang Holly hock, holy cow, holy man, holy you and holy me and chanted modern soothsayers in hallucination: Mania, mania, election mania election! | animal |
462 | HasmukhAmathalal | IntelligentAnimal | Intelligent animal
Monday,4th May 2020
You could have been dog, cat or rat
but you were set
for noble mission
with the human creation
so special
and intelligent animal
who was given third sense to control
the rage, hate and prevent fall
universally considered as wild animal
but has enough of an opportunities to prove as good individual
full life to emerge as noble man
and prove as capable human beings
show your worth
and dare the death
with full faith
to have an easy and free breathe
you are born free
so don't flee
from the responsibilities
and shut the possibilities
life must be over
but after providing full cover
to expand the vast horizon
and make the life mission fully shown
Hasmukh Mehta | animal |
463 | JimmySantiagoBaca | LikeAnAnimal | Behind the smooth texture
Of my eyes, way inside me,
A part of me has died:
I move my bloody fingernails
Across it, hard as a blackboard,
Run my fingers along it,
The chalk white scars
That say I AM SCARED,
Scared of what might become
Of me, the real me,
Behind these prison walls. | animal |
464 | BriEdwards | LivingWithMeIsLikeLivingInAZoomyAnimalQualitiesHumor | It’s not MY idea for a poem title, but
my wife’s, whose got me in a bridal bridle.
She’s lived with an animal before, but
NOW, in ME, she’s got near-a-score!
A score of animals, like in a zoo;
I’m more of an animal than she or you.
It’s true, I really AM a True-human, .....but
animal traits in me are always bloomin’.
I’ve got a gorilla-sized head on my shoulders;
elephant-like hairs are on my broad back;
sometimes I smell nearly like a skunk;
like a penguin, in my feet, heat I lack.
I drink liquids like a humped-camel;
I eat like a pig at his last meal;
I pick scraps of meat from bones like a vulture;
like a lion, I lick my plate. NO lie. That's for real!
I jump like a rabbit when suddenly startled;
up a tree like a squirrel, I can climb;
I walk like a monkey (or so my wife says):
I sleep like a bear-in-winter....., “OVERtime”.
I hear like an owl. [well, this one’s a lie.];
when I howl like a wolf, my wife would like to bury (me):
at some movies I laugh like a crazy hyena;
I belch like a bison, long gone from the prairie.
I’m nearly as proud as a peacock. Why not? I ask.
But I’m slow as a turtle at some chores I do.
At times I’m stubborn as a mule or wild ass,
but at times loving as a lovebird; this last is (ALMOST) true.
(Feb.2013; revised July ’13) | animal |
465 | NassyFesharaki | ManAndAnimal | Man, and animal
Confused, can't take a side
-like forward in football
-who shoots but is offside.
I have lived a long life
-have had, seen animals
-hugged, fed them as my dolls
-and for them have cried…
But also ate the meat
-of chicken, lambs, llamas
-as well as fish and cows.
My clothes from wool
-of skin have worn shoes.
How can I ever judge?
How can I be the right?
But questions I can have:
- "What should be relations
-with them as one and all? "
The Natives caught one and
-shared it; were satisfied.
Came Europe with the gun
-destroyed the wildlife
-said: "We are civilized! "
Others were savages! ! !
Now butchers, restaurants
-kill in mass, make kebab
-from pig, lamb, and cows
-but praise the pet dogs
-as was once, horse to ride.
Don't trust the mankind
-mostly if civilized…
- "He is most brutal! " | animal |
466 | drramsharma | ManAndAnimal | MAN AND ANIMAL
To quench his thirst and hunger,
On the other hand,
Man hunts,
For amusement after driving away the hunger,
Animal never runs in the materialistic race,
One race never kills another,
But man kills man | animal |
467 | SriramRamesh | NewAnimal | Neither a part of the teeming herds
nor a rebel without cause,
Not one who is driven solely by ego,
the need to slay others in insecure wars.
There's a new animal in the jungle,
A different sub-species of human,
Forged from fires of love, compassion & courage,
with purpose being the best & noblest in us to champion
He sees the pain, feels the sadness,
that permeates post modernity,
self-obsessed, prepossessing drive,
that's disguised as individuality.
This new animal's in the jungle,
Well-connected & concerned is he,
He seeks the best in himself,
to strive for the best of all humanity.
He is not indifferent
to negativity or sufferings,
Nor has he renounced this world,
Fed up of all material things,
This new animal rejoices in the jungle,
Leaps out of despair,
Born afresh as spirit, divinity,
Spurred by ambition & desire,
He is of great heart & vitality.
Swift as a tiger,
Like a lion, is he strong,
Freed from self-imposed shackles,
None external can do him wrong.
With a mighty roar, signals his arrival,
Of courage & conviction, there is no dearth.
This new animal's primed to take on,
Everything on this Earth. | animal |
468 | DelmoreSchwartz | OLoveSweetAnimal | O Love, dark animal,
With your strangeness go
Like any freak or clown:
Appease tee child in her
Because she is alone
Many years ago
Terrified by a look
Which was not meant for her.
Brush your heavy fur
Against her, long and slow
Stare at her like a book,
Her interests being such
No one can look too much.
Tell her how you know
Nothing can be taken
Which has not been given:
For you time is forgiven:
Informed by hell and heaven
You are not mistaken | animal |
469 | AllenSteble | OrderInTheAnimalKingdom | Have you ever heard of a sheep-
that was a police officer?
arresting a lone wolf
for committing a murder
have you ever heard of a cow
that was a judge?
sentencing a pig
for stealing chocolate fudge
have you ever heard of an eagle-
that was a president?
flying above his subjects
watching over his residents
have you ever heard of a lion-
that was a wise king?
sitting on his majestic throne
looking after his surroundings
have you ever heard of a gorilla-
that was a government official?
serving for the common order
of the animal kingdom
have you ever heard of a monkey-
that was a published author?
writting in the news column
about this prevailing disorder
i've never seen any of that
thats why i say theres no order-
in the animal world,
and yet
they seem to have more order
than us humans...
ironic really | animal |
470 | StefanieFontker | PartyAnimal | My dear Monsieur,
Which party,
Do you party with?
I fear it is all
You have done.
Party and rumble.
Your brain has slipped
From your pocket,
And your politics
Are long forgotten,
Sitting in a wine glass. | animal |
471 | HasmukhAmathalal | SocialAnimal | Some people say man is social animal
He has to act liberal and mix with people
He may be guided by some belief
As it may be providing some relief
The religion is separate thing
It is personal like thing
One should never discuss it in public
Whether idols, special items are called relic
Human mind has escape route
He may kill person or shoot
Yet he may bow down before god
And repent for whatever good or bad
It gives some solace
Person should bear no double face
It gives cruel impression of being bad
The face lines are easily read
So think whatever you feel like
But never express openly your dislike
It angers another person for harsh words
Even raising stick in air frightens the birds
The love is universal
It can not find immediate dismissal
It is reciprocated with equal zeal
As it speaks of good and senses real | animal |
472 | DrACelestineRajManoharMD | SongOnAnimalLove | There lived a girl called Lovina,
Whose animal-love was great;
Tall, she was and so much lean, ah!
She sang songs for a treat.
She had a sister, with whom she fought,
Right from her child-hood days!
Both were aged, a year’s diff’rence;
And so they fight-her mother says.
She did her home-work, in a short time,
Dreamt while her mother cooks!
In argument, she was so good,
And loved to read animal-books.
Once there fell down, a small Squirrel,
As she stood ‘neath a Mango-tree;
She laid it gently in a box,
The Squirrel-babe was no more free!
She fed the Squirrel, fruit and nut,
And lullabied it to a sleep;
The baby Squirrel loved her much,
Their friendship grew so deep.
She sang to it and fondled it,
And talked to it whenever free;
She kept it cosy, neat and clean;
Her holidays, went off in glee!
One day, the Squirrel fell so ill;
Perhaps, it thought of its mother!
So, you must set the Squirrel free;
Her doctor-uncle advised her.
With Squirrel ill, her heart turned sad,
Poor Lovina, could not sleep well;
For long, she kept awake and cried;
Was the Squirrel ill ‘cause it fell?
The poor girl prayed, all night and day;
She prayed to God to make it well;
And wished, she could become a fay!
Her life now seemed to look like hell!
She kissed her Squirrel, one more time;
Her Uncle let it up a tree;
The Squirrel squeaked and wagged its tail;
And jumped with joy, away, afree!
Lovina too now wept with joy;
Her pet-Squirrel seemed quite alright!
Her heart leapt like the Squirrel, Boy!
Her Uncle’s words were quite correct.
But Lovina missed her Squirrel;
She visited the Mango-tree;
She hopes to meet her pet some day,
Her friend, never turned up to see!
Ye love your God through animals!
Ye love thy sister first, then else;
Man hath a soul, animals don’t,
“Love thy neighbour, ”the Poet tells!
specially dedicated to my neice Rubina, an animal-lover herself, a true incident in her life! | animal |
474 | UNNIKRISHNANES | Sunahsepha3YajnaPasuTheSacrificialAnimal | Soon we got the answer.
Unable to find a man or animal
The king entered the forests
Where only sages lived.
To our ashram came the king
With his full retinue in attendance
Father did not break his silence
Mother fainted in his arms.
Asked the king, 'you have three sons
All bearing the sacred marks
Written in the holy scriptures
that qualify them as yajnapasu.
Sell me one; exchange for a thousand cows
For the land will perish otherwise
I will be obliged to you for ever
And you shall earn a place in the heavens.'
In full tears father said, 'I have
No sons to sell, even if it were
For sacrifice In the altar of Gods
My heaven is where my family is.'
But king and his sages preached
Of his duty to the king and Gods
But nobody dared to ask, 'what about Your son,
O king, is he not suited for the sacrifice? '
Finally father said, 'my elder son
Is dear to me, whom I shall not sell'
Mother, provoked, spoke 'so is Sunaka
The youngest one, to me, shall not be sold.
........That left me, the middle one.
I spoke, 'When in fear of danger, child
Looks for protection from parents.
When they disown, the king shall protect him.
Now, disowned by all, whom shall I appeal to? '
........I did not want to die. | animal |
475 | HasmukhAmathalal | ThanklessAnimal | Let God turn his merciful eyes
To make successful our tries
We shall always thank for mercy
From heart and shall not act dirty
It is difficult to transform
As weaknesses are inborn
We take birth with jealousy
Always look around for luxury
Influential and rich people
Face no difficulty or trouble
The children are brought up with care
Poor children stay neglected as they are
He is there to look after
Pardon any sin that is often practiced here
Make path smooth even for sinner
He is always here to offer
We are thankless animal
Always claim pardon with easy dismissal
We get unnatural happiness from fruitless drive
Keep no pure aim to sustain and survive
Still at an end time
We openly opine
Curse for wrong done in past
Pray for reprieve at the last | animal |
476 | MihaelaPirjol | TheAnimalInHuman | I.
Those human beings
who remain connected
to their inner animal:
loving it, nurturing it, freeing it
in the heart of Nature,
they are becoming less animal
and more humane;
Those who suppress the animal:
neglecting it, keeping it sleeping,
when it awakes, the human being
becomes a monster.
Some can perceive with different eyes,
for they are not connected to
the power of biological love:
supremely imposed upon us—
to survive!
Survive, and perish
with not enough knowledge
of our reason for existence:
too short is the human life-span,
too limited are our senses
to comprehend
an ancient Universe! | animal |
477 | LovinaSylviaChidi | TheAnimalInMe | Is it legal for me
To call myself an animal?
Whilst human is what I try to be
For the animal in me
Is transparent to see
If I get scared I plea or flee
Sometimes I show bravery like a lion
With nerves of steel made of iron
Sometimes I give off a scent
In the heat of the moment
As a woman I have my season
When you can capture me on the heat
Till today, I do not understand the reason
Why I hunt then, like an animal hunting for its meat
The animal in me is confused
The human in me is amused
Is it legal for me
To call myself an animal?
Without being a cannibal
I know my right from wrong
Taught by my guardians tongue
But even an animal knows where it belongs
Whilst trained with the right punishment song
The fact is actual
I am an animal
Being human is my identity
While the only difference of reality;
Is the language! Ah ha! The language!
The language in which we all engage
Copyright 2006 - Sylvia Chidi | animal |
478 | VasanthKarnan | TheAnimalInMe | The world which was once beautiful,
Is now a dark blank scary place,
The memories which were treasured as life giving,
Are now haunting ghosts of the past,
Pushing me to sleepless nights.
Every day and every moment,
I spent with you,
Are carved in my heart.
You said time will heal everything,
But it seems to carve those memories deeper.
Those eyes which were filled with love once,
Are now filled with hatred,
Since they saw that animal,
Which lurks within me | animal |
479 | MuzahidulReza | TheAnimalPlanet | The Animal Planet
May 3, 2020
The animal planet
Creator has created
Everywhere rightly
Things are set. | animal |
480 | DillanCourtright | TheAnimal | Thunder roars in the distance
His sense of loneliness deepens
He wishes he could feel emotion
But Animal knows only instinct
He senses the approaching storm
And with it, the wrath of God
The animal tries to escape from his fury
But instead
Is consumed in his own living hell
The Animal cannot stop
The rampage
It tries to survive
But cannot
It wants to end its hunger
But cannot catch its prey
It tries for love
But feels none
The clouds start to swell
With the sorrow of a thousand tears
She cries
She feels the mist in her heart
The ground at her feet
Her beauty is unmatched
But it will not save her
She turns around
And sees the storm coming
She knows she cannot escape her destiny
For she is destiny's child
The clouds roll over her
They embrace her
Consume her
From the darkness of the storm
The animal appears before her
And like the sun in all its fiery fury
He pulls her into the storm
Hoping to end the hunger
That consumes him
Into the darkness they go
They sink lower and lower
To the darkest region of the abyss
Into the heart of the storm
Their fates collide
The animal consumes her in his wrath
Sorrow meets with anger
She becomes part of the creature
Neither living, nor dying
The animal knows by instinct
The storm is almost over
He knows and embraces it
Lightning flares in the sky
As the Animal begins to die
A new life is created in the heavens
Dampening the wrath of God
The Animal senses his own destruction
And finally starts to feel her emotion
Her sorrow and his anger fuse
The beast beats upon the storm
Backing anger into a corner
The Animal beats upon the storm
And starts to fade
The creature beats upon the storm
And the clouds shatter into rain
The boy and her soul within beat upon
The last remaining tendrils of the storm
And reveal to the world
A light brighter than the fury of
"The Animal" | animal |
500 | RishaAhmed12yrs | 015ThisBabyIsWonderful | All babies are wonderful
When I see them I let out a squeak
But here is one baby that I know
Who is totally unique
He is my cousin Tauzi
And he is six months old
He has interest in everything
He snatches at chains of gold
He is the only baby I think
Who caresses you back
When people look at him they say
“He is an angelic pack”
He rubs his face onto yours
And he tickles your ears
His smile makes you feel happy
Especially, when you are in tears
He knows when you are leaving
And he’ll look with his sad little eyes
When you give him a last look and go
You want to look once, then twice, then thrice
But I never get to hold him
They snatch away the little lad
People say I am too young
To hold him, which makes me sad
When you want to kiss him
He understands and comes closer like a magnet
He is one of the cutest babies
Is on which I can surely bet
He is just irresistible
I want to see him again soon
Hey you know what, mom says
He is coming this afternoon! | baby |
4,681 | EzraPound | AGirl | The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast -
The branches grow out of me, like arms.
Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world. | girl |
481 | INAARASARFANI | TheAnimal | There is an animal, with ferocious
Eyes, tamed and beautiful;
Sturdy hands filled with strength
The body of a predator skilled
Yet he hides it, a mask,
Covers him and his instinct.
To let him mingle with the rest,
For the others are different than he
The dark animal is none other but me.
The feel to commit what is wrong
Burns with passion inside the brute.
Steal and kill and hurt and fulfill,
The condemned thirst.
The wrong is always right it thinks
What's the harm in wrong doing?
As long as it doesn't kill you
Be the brute, it tells you.
The dark animal is none other but me.
Ah! What lust for blood and bones?
To grind and ravish and consume,
The bones and blood of the one
Who is mine. To conquer and
Dominate and protect
Like an animal but I am a man?
Yet the instinct lives and grows,
To find the one who will be only mine.
The dark animal is none other but me.
I loose myself to the animal at times
And doom embraces me all the while,
Is there no one who can save me?
No, the animal laughs menacingly
I am done with my life
I do not want to live with the wildness inside of me
The gun points towards me
Yet I manage to survive
For I am too scared for my life.
It is precious to the animal
Equally treasured by me.
The dark animal is none other but me.
I try hard to control my beast,
Which craves to hurt and to kill,
The unjust, the cruel and the innocent!
At times for fun, at times to punish.
It bathes in the cries of the tortured,
And smiles when he sees their anguished faces.
It moves my limbs without my control,
And the next second, I'm me staring
At a face unknown, I try hard to win against.
The dark animal is none other but me.
The animal does not diminish
But grows and slowly I am disappearing.
I fight and fight but he is unnaturally strong
I cannot remove it, cannot throw it,
It is a part of me, which is right at times
And wrong too. I make agreements
With this beast to act when I want it to,
The altering animal is none other but me.
I work, I fight, I control, I rule
The animal lives inside me.
I have tamed the animal a little
The lust for blood and bones remain,
The mask hides his true nature,
The urge to kill has lessened,
A sense of morality is infested.
The animal is becoming into me
My part coming back to me.
The restrained animal is none other but me. | animal |
482 | SheenaBlackhall | TheAnimalRefugees | I’m the only elephant in Phnomh Penh
No more of my kind you’ll see
My wife ran off from the killing fields
She’s an animal refugee
I’m a Mekong crocodile from Vietnam
When the napalm scorched each tree
I swam to Laos at dead of night
I’m an animal refugee
I’m a slithery snake from Angkor Wat
Where the mountains churned the sea
Now tourists squat in my habitat
I’m an animal refugee
When people’s homes are ripped apart
There’s appeals on world TV
No one saves us. There’s little fuss
For an animal refugee. | animal |
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