[ "ancoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar know not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "oncore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not ancoar naddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not ancorn noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoe no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "oncoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "anor no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "oncore no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not encoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar note not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancor no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore know not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i' am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoar no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore no not encoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancour no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "an core no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoe know not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not ancorn noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "oncoar no not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore no not ancorn noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not ancoar naddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoar know not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore know not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar know not oncoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "enco no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoar no not encoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "uncoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encore no not ancoar naddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "on core no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancorn no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not encoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "an kore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar know not ancoar naddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not oncorn noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore note not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoar no not ancorn noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "encoe no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoar no not ancoar nodty my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancore no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i' am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it", "ancoir no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i'm going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it" ]
[ -4.14982, -6.87931, -7.21333, -6.85644, -7.41419, -7.84087, -7.87491, -7.52902, -8.08264, -11.67363, -8.61301, -8.2723, -9.77579, -11.98186, -8.01476, -9.23356, -8.43115, -9.56825, -5.75834, -10.30905, -11.66867, -9.42624, -9.48996, -9.40008, -10.96401, -11.90477, -10.66124, -8.72109, -9.70475, -10.44027, -9.82527, -10.70815, -10.16724, -15.27322, -10.33918, -8.49338, -8.60037, -10.39602, -10.35134, -9.86413, -12.31448, -10.59855, -9.65632, -10.32611, -11.59094, -10.57141, -14.10615, -10.31387, -14.4125, -10.47617 ]
[ -6.75006, -6.19732, -7.30553, -8.23743, -8.06595, -7.85827, -8.41759, -9.23146, -8.77775, -5.3149, -8.62141, -8.97033, -7.5132, -5.41125, -9.73347, -8.59152, -9.41574, -8.33827, -12.2155, -7.68469, -6.83915, -9.17415, -9.14699, -9.23908, -7.67631, -6.80227, -8.22501, -10.28622, -9.33321, -8.67873, -9.34564, -8.79289, -9.55331, -4.76137, -9.69973, -11.66276, -11.56975, -9.78693, -9.89658, -10.38576, -8.03878, -9.77308, -10.71884, -10.09363, -8.863, -9.88595, -6.4231, -10.29022, -6.28641, -10.25642 ]
[ -5.44994, -6.53832, -7.25943, -7.54694, -7.74007, -7.84957, -8.14625, -8.38024, -8.43019, -8.49426, -8.61721, -8.62132, -8.6445, -8.69656, -8.87411, -8.91254, -8.92345, -8.95326, -8.98692, -8.99687, -9.25391, -9.30019, -9.31847, -9.31958, -9.32016, -9.35352, -9.44313, -9.50365, -9.51898, -9.5595, -9.58545, -9.75052, -9.86028, -10.0173, -10.01945, -10.07807, -10.08506, -10.09148, -10.12396, -10.12494, -10.17663, -10.18581, -10.18758, -10.20987, -10.22697, -10.22868, -10.26463, -10.30204, -10.34945, -10.36629 ]
ancoar no not ancoar noddy my dear returned missus boffin because i am going to say something else i meant that i am sure as much as i still mean it
[ "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me asked myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't two bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't to bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself to question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death had made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself that question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself a question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i was n't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent on pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else white did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself this question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i sink out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and the child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't who bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't so bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why do i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child an a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whither i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon plea'sing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasnt too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death hath made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't more bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite into my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to myliking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question curiously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my laking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bench upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me asking myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death have made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why could i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death as made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't now bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my viking", "but this little death has bade me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for the pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask herself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else wide did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little deaf has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself elsie why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleassing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little depth has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why should i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much or a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing yourself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too been upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liging", "but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my likings" ]
[ -3.19258, -9.48696, -8.86639, -10.04475, -10.13554, -8.84726, -10.52306, -10.22893, -8.38502, -9.11038, -9.73054, -10.66673, -9.16883, -10.03584, -10.69652, -10.02969, -10.29841, -11.24693, -9.5718, -12.12815, -10.93376, -11.57277, -10.81839, -10.90942, -12.09913, -10.46293, -10.13752, -9.64193, -10.22527, -11.8797, -10.89715, -10.7419, -11.18562, -10.59133, -9.97617, -11.26936, -11.25014, -10.9742, -11.28618, -10.4903, -10.34236, -12.71458, -10.36897, -11.18711, -11.13784, -13.3443, -11.97358, -11.61359, -9.86954, -13.82341 ]
[ -0.09241, -2.82111, -6.22227, -5.42896, -6.06764, -7.44798, -6.01419, -6.72721, -8.91326, -8.27972, -7.7469, -6.9318, -8.47215, -8.39764, -8.14664, -8.9661, -9.01078, -8.78148, -10.70914, -8.3189, -9.51682, -9.21184, -10.08277, -10.01834, -8.83537, -10.52893, -10.97165, -11.51026, -10.95967, -9.35954, -10.35954, -10.57275, -10.18034, -10.79509, -11.41638, -10.22827, -10.26042, -10.55714, -10.25792, -11.07372, -11.22659, -8.87507, -11.41959, -10.69133, -10.75123, -8.66157, -10.08534, -10.54221, -12.79802, -9.17101 ]
[ -1.64249, -6.15404, -7.54433, -7.73686, -8.10159, -8.14762, -8.26863, -8.47807, -8.64914, -8.69505, -8.73872, -8.79927, -8.82049, -9.21674, -9.42158, -9.4979, -9.6546, -10.01421, -10.14047, -10.22352, -10.22529, -10.3923, -10.45058, -10.46388, -10.46725, -10.49593, -10.55458, -10.57609, -10.59247, -10.61962, -10.62834, -10.65732, -10.68298, -10.69321, -10.69628, -10.74881, -10.75528, -10.76567, -10.77205, -10.78201, -10.78447, -10.79482, -10.89428, -10.93922, -10.94454, -11.00294, -11.02946, -11.0779, -11.33378, -11.49721 ]
but this little death has made me ask myself the question seriously whether i wasn't too bent upon pleasing myself else why did i seek out so much for a pretty child and a child quite to my liking
[ "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellah and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bellah and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellla and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings buy perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and liking's by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrival", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps says bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste in likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said beller and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bello and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likingsby perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it was some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bela and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellow and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bellla and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings buy perhaps said bellah and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings buy perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good i not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness rising", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness writing", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said belllow and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellha and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness riding", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrivinging", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness surprising", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings bye perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness driving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellah and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and liking by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellae and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said fella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellia and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and liking's by perhaps said bellah and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its owns sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrived", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness surrounding", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she set it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put by taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings boy perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bellay and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and lokings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she says it with some little sensitiveness arriving", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrivings", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my taste and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arising", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrivinging", "wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arrivings" ]
[ -4.25384, -5.57573, -3.44799, -4.77875, -11.61086, -10.94938, -12.15373, -10.61811, -10.8153, -9.48174, -12.34393, -11.22386, -11.8125, -11.68299, -9.98709, -10.25889, -10.76146, -12.5293, -10.03897, -11.89365, -10.36448, -11.30647, -12.08842, -11.87481, -11.21561, -14.64526, -11.8741, -12.92159, -10.37583, -14.8686, -13.99728, -14.72953, -13.01708, -12.41814, -11.86371, -12.6304, -13.2124, -14.52673, -10.43362, -11.27301, -11.238, -11.04056, -12.86503, -10.34059, -12.05696, -12.23933, -14.27129, -8.69074, -13.83965, -13.46668 ]
[ -0.18979, -3.62266, -6.20384, -9.63672, -2.90635, -3.92751, -5.31478, -7.92762, -7.80476, -9.26976, -6.6786, -7.85486, -7.29006, -7.51428, -9.36924, -9.41187, -8.92041, -7.36039, -9.94157, -8.40325, -9.96272, -9.32488, -8.54859, -8.96554, -9.72202, -6.30164, -9.0877, -8.04819, -10.77589, -6.3621, -7.32039, -6.72583, -8.52797, -9.29293, -10.08668, -9.32052, -8.74766, -7.46188, -11.7375, -11.00726, -11.06822, -11.32467, -9.52618, -12.18424, -10.54483, -10.43586, -9.25563, -16.36997, -12.31569, -15.26968 ]
[ -2.22181, -4.5992, -4.82591, -7.20774, -7.25861, -7.43844, -8.73426, -9.27287, -9.31003, -9.37575, -9.51126, -9.53936, -9.55128, -9.59863, -9.67817, -9.83538, -9.84094, -9.94485, -9.99027, -10.14845, -10.1636, -10.31567, -10.31851, -10.42018, -10.46881, -10.47345, -10.4809, -10.48489, -10.57586, -10.61535, -10.65883, -10.72768, -10.77252, -10.85553, -10.9752, -10.97546, -10.98003, -10.9943, -11.08556, -11.14013, -11.15311, -11.18262, -11.19561, -11.26242, -11.30089, -11.3376, -11.76346, -12.53036, -13.07767, -14.36818 ]
wanting to do good why not do it for its own sake and put my tastes and likings by perhaps said bella and perhaps she said it with some little sensitiveness arising
[ "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child in the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers toward the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child and the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers toward the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child in the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered men perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have like to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of these old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reliving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you could not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviing the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reriving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murderedman perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards a murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards that murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a worse interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it too a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in revivving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child from the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of her's towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in retiving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than in the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviolving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murderered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child on the original he interested you very much", "out of those old serious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to the less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child then the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the originals he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers toward the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child and the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it two a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered men perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child in the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you will not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving that name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations in hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name ye would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you did not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than a original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have like to give it to a less interesting child in the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not had liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in rebiving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviiving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you should not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to live it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than this original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reciving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much", "out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much and" ]
[ -3.27961, -6.74546, -6.62464, -9.1209, -10.03722, -9.64835, -8.50428, -12.10597, -9.6303, -12.7327, -9.49273, -10.07503, -10.77013, -10.37232, -11.50523, -10.59126, -11.20118, -10.50352, -11.33312, -12.99518, -10.38707, -11.10569, -8.62032, -13.79203, -13.15865, -9.93268, -12.26476, -10.08211, -11.9818, -13.24978, -11.90525, -13.18591, -12.50058, -11.72854, -13.07904, -11.68617, -11.74704, -11.56953, -11.845, -11.26011, -11.1395, -11.83722, -11.1046, -10.2166, -12.65527, -11.86189, -10.36191, -12.3815, -10.77567, -12.4669 ]
[ -0.19556, -2.00665, -4.38627, -5.44182, -6.19737, -7.5409, -8.94486, -6.40897, -9.22099, -6.16413, -9.64131, -9.08797, -8.48917, -8.92509, -8.0638, -9.0568, -8.90172, -9.62051, -8.79176, -7.15749, -9.89149, -9.21209, -11.92475, -7.16214, -7.85453, -11.08976, -9.10954, -11.34811, -9.62585, -8.42217, -9.89242, -8.92847, -9.63254, -10.64077, -9.352, -10.74532, -10.76393, -10.95367, -10.70631, -11.30936, -11.45298, -10.75596, -11.60959, -12.54667, -10.15575, -10.96464, -12.70318, -10.69045, -12.34355, -13.7842 ]
[ -1.73758, -4.37606, -5.50545, -7.28136, -8.1173, -8.59463, -8.72457, -9.25747, -9.42564, -9.44842, -9.56702, -9.5815, -9.62965, -9.6487, -9.78451, -9.82403, -10.05145, -10.06202, -10.06244, -10.07633, -10.13928, -10.15889, -10.27254, -10.47709, -10.50659, -10.51122, -10.68715, -10.71511, -10.80382, -10.83598, -10.89884, -11.05719, -11.06656, -11.18466, -11.21552, -11.21575, -11.25548, -11.2616, -11.27566, -11.28473, -11.29624, -11.29659, -11.3571, -11.38164, -11.40551, -11.41326, -11.53255, -11.53597, -11.55961, -13.12555 ]
out of those old curious relations of hers towards the murdered man perhaps in reviving the name you would not have liked to give it to a less interesting child than the original he interested you very much
[ "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i'm afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but im afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i amm afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i' am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so in indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her as squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out an i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze its kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the hole extent", "well my dear return missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i m afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to that whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so an indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her of squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned miss boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her to squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it is so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "will my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to a whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so it indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and in indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of youd to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeezeed it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may of been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her i squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so in indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i'm afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certainly extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a ascertain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason how and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus bosffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her as squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i'm afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her e squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so but indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believed it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find the reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin given her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear replied missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeezes it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hoped it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dearest returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the hold extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her o squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent", "well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent'" ]
[ -4.02379, -4.9947, -11.84513, -13.50687, -12.74398, -10.24203, -11.91188, -11.42243, -12.78566, -9.94167, -10.91038, -9.78952, -11.57798, -12.8297, -12.36304, -13.79305, -12.01433, -11.48068, -13.18004, -12.8941, -11.95896, -11.16888, -12.29675, -12.64095, -12.21931, -14.29463, -14.25414, -14.53531, -12.30564, -12.11327, -12.78212, -11.27643, -11.14987, -13.24634, -13.28623, -11.23234, -15.55364, -12.82416, -13.14317, -13.26997, -11.08987, -12.43607, -11.39725, -11.20123, -12.10407, -11.18882, -11.75955, -11.44673, -13.92391, -13.96363 ]
[ -0.31132, -5.28474, -3.06509, -2.50885, -3.29286, -6.23584, -4.99262, -7.01496, -5.84006, -9.25215, -8.9055, -10.32269, -8.7836, -7.63412, -8.14948, -6.83272, -8.72506, -9.47642, -8.03771, -8.40171, -9.51996, -10.322, -9.28028, -9.1776, -9.62177, -7.68147, -7.82673, -7.68997, -9.9983, -10.19401, -9.59988, -11.20926, -11.36063, -9.30789, -9.46298, -11.53851, -7.21988, -9.96604, -9.70028, -9.60036, -11.81729, -10.48182, -11.59683, -11.89875, -10.99812, -11.91715, -11.35638, -11.69671, -9.23906, -11.64942 ]
[ -2.16756, -5.13972, -7.45511, -8.00786, -8.01842, -8.23893, -8.45225, -9.21869, -9.31286, -9.59691, -9.90794, -10.0561, -10.18079, -10.23191, -10.25626, -10.31288, -10.36969, -10.47855, -10.60888, -10.64791, -10.73946, -10.74544, -10.78851, -10.90928, -10.92054, -10.98805, -11.04043, -11.11264, -11.15197, -11.15364, -11.191, -11.24285, -11.25525, -11.27712, -11.3746, -11.38542, -11.38676, -11.3951, -11.42173, -11.43516, -11.45358, -11.45895, -11.49704, -11.54999, -11.55109, -11.55298, -11.55796, -11.57172, -11.58149, -12.80653 ]
well my dear returned missus boffin giving her a squeeze it's kind of you to find that reason out and i hope it may have been so and indeed to a certain extent i believe it was so but i am afraid not to the whole extent
[ "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellamusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bell amusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellam musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellah musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella muingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellla musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested belle musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellausingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name lad it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bell am musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested belle amusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well than i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name late it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellhamusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bello musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellomusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellamusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bell amussingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellamussingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellham musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name light it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellamisingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that won't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellea musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellumusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellia musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella mussingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name lead it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name lay it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellama musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellam usingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellimusingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that dont come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellam musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up at a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as the remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellha musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellamursingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come and question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella mysingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bell a musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellra musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we had done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as the remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellh musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bela musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name load it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella mesingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking", "however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bellom musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking" ]
[ -3.67496, -6.08922, -7.37253, -12.02051, -8.62921, -13.70885, -10.82626, -10.30714, -13.56546, -9.02218, -15.61679, -10.64893, -10.03889, -8.26373, -10.17195, -11.0292, -9.60852, -11.96976, -16.57492, -15.86621, -13.10936, -10.50876, -9.99496, -9.85226, -15.11743, -9.61876, -11.47321, -13.28929, -9.9549, -10.57981, -14.94262, -9.99645, -9.71177, -11.01262, -16.46249, -11.61041, -11.20517, -11.09429, -11.00834, -10.80091, -9.03724, -11.5659, -11.34571, -10.66789, -11.23029, -11.17413, -8.54719, -11.47376, -11.82491, -15.16172 ]
[ -1.73718, -4.66749, -3.9571, -2.59899, -6.87902, -3.16266, -6.32872, -6.86679, -3.80567, -8.37915, -1.88861, -6.90821, -7.97309, -9.87365, -8.14014, -7.45335, -9.16945, -6.8635, -2.5316, -3.242, -6.07164, -8.99259, -9.65036, -9.84058, -4.71644, -10.43008, -9.00254, -7.19615, -10.53061, -10.03178, -5.67972, -10.70223, -11.15508, -9.95812, -4.79501, -9.72631, -10.26078, -10.48945, -10.63554, -10.85277, -12.71799, -10.21192, -10.46273, -11.25859, -10.89865, -10.97502, -13.60541, -10.71492, -10.39076, -7.10095 ]
[ -2.70607, -5.37835, -5.66482, -7.30975, -7.75412, -8.43576, -8.57749, -8.58696, -8.68556, -8.70067, -8.7527, -8.77857, -9.00599, -9.06869, -9.15605, -9.24127, -9.38898, -9.41663, -9.55326, -9.55411, -9.5905, -9.75068, -9.82266, -9.84642, -9.91694, -10.02442, -10.23787, -10.24272, -10.24275, -10.30579, -10.31117, -10.34934, -10.43343, -10.48537, -10.62875, -10.66836, -10.73298, -10.79187, -10.82194, -10.82684, -10.87761, -10.88891, -10.90422, -10.96324, -11.06447, -11.07458, -11.0763, -11.09434, -11.10784, -11.13134 ]
however that don't come in question now because we have done with the name laid it up as a remembrance suggested bella musingly much better said my dear laid it up as a remembrance well then i have been thinking
[ "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellah no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no return missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellah", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor preposessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellah no return missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellla no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellah no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellah", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellow", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellae", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no return missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellah", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said beller", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said belli no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bello", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellow no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossesssing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said beller no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellla", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella know returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellha no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor pressessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellae no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bello no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bela", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then says bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said belle no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bell a no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then says bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bela no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said belle", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossesing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned miss boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellli no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellah no returned missus boffin stoutly nor preposessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no return missus boffin stoutly nor preposessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellha", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing than said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellah no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly no prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said belllow no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor preposessing then said bellah", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellla no return missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bellah", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said belllow", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor presessing then said bella", "but a creaturee to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bellea no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing them said bella", "but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bell a" ]
[ -3.12179, -5.17643, -5.41444, -5.029, -10.41907, -7.2105, -10.59065, -6.92166, -8.31328, -9.09485, -7.4893, -10.79135, -9.79494, -9.60399, -9.23605, -12.48304, -11.16636, -11.75675, -9.24891, -10.49978, -13.81496, -10.33601, -10.54922, -8.32682, -10.27715, -10.49585, -10.0029, -10.40858, -8.8492, -10.57035, -12.77678, -9.72179, -11.78154, -11.59052, -12.71205, -12.64071, -10.36349, -10.53414, -13.34633, -9.9943, -11.28395, -12.31121, -12.48605, -13.35406, -10.93611, -12.69385, -13.23162, -11.52957, -10.0323, -9.81232 ]
[ -0.24548, -3.731, -3.81282, -4.75434, -3.26921, -7.29834, -4.10527, -8.23986, -7.31804, -6.63812, -8.32168, -5.79865, -6.92447, -7.16826, -7.61814, -4.41774, -6.12327, -5.68688, -8.3525, -7.56167, -4.32221, -8.11213, -8.09139, -10.39223, -8.44413, -8.29336, -8.78646, -8.60632, -10.24452, -8.5749, -6.51899, -9.63264, -7.60841, -7.82295, -6.75473, -6.83655, -9.19515, -9.22528, -6.56762, -9.93026, -8.70568, -7.77807, -7.67261, -6.92172, -9.45294, -7.94533, -7.45968, -9.22515, -10.83312, -11.06747 ]
[ -1.68364, -4.45372, -4.61363, -4.89167, -6.84414, -7.25442, -7.34796, -7.58076, -7.81566, -7.86648, -7.90549, -8.295, -8.3597, -8.38613, -8.4271, -8.45039, -8.64482, -8.72182, -8.80071, -9.03073, -9.06858, -9.22407, -9.3203, -9.35952, -9.36064, -9.3946, -9.39468, -9.50745, -9.54686, -9.57263, -9.64788, -9.67721, -9.69497, -9.70674, -9.73339, -9.73863, -9.77932, -9.87971, -9.95698, -9.96228, -9.99481, -10.04464, -10.07933, -10.13789, -10.19452, -10.31959, -10.34565, -10.37736, -10.43271, -10.4399 ]
but a creature to be helped for its own sake not pretty then said bella no returned missus boffin stoutly nor prepossessing then said bella
[ "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no return missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no return missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for forgetting on in life", "no returned missus buffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetning on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgeting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a will disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin naught necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus buffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantage as forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so the's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no return missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantage as for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advances for getting on in life", "no returned miss boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a will disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin naught necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on and life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so the's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting and such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages fri getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgettin on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well supposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy seems in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no return missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting upon in life", "no returned miss boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantagers for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages fore getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen the well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages from getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advances forgetting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting off in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting on and life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little haunting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus bosffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus poffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well exposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so thatt's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes on my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "know returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages forgetting upon in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting on such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for giving on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that''s as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life", "no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in wife" ]
[ -3.71443, -3.68443, -7.62511, -7.51438, -11.42071, -12.99788, -9.32678, -10.48443, -12.08633, -9.90086, -10.46632, -9.24641, -9.91113, -10.41487, -9.43434, -15.27798, -12.30002, -9.33543, -10.13964, -9.91467, -10.48696, -11.93599, -9.3944, -12.11412, -10.96872, -10.5474, -9.99971, -10.75487, -16.89176, -11.45064, -10.11159, -13.18847, -10.93882, -10.82907, -11.18697, -10.0228, -11.93133, -11.94305, -11.45257, -15.70039, -11.74138, -10.02088, -12.7393, -12.1489, -11.15412, -11.1746, -12.02895, -11.39919, -13.52575, -11.61411 ]
[ -2.0007, -3.42995, -4.8121, -6.24135, -2.70896, -2.72169, -9.05034, -8.53839, -7.57305, -9.81578, -9.25494, -10.47959, -9.94679, -9.97248, -11.00932, -5.52036, -8.51754, -11.5293, -10.93618, -11.24503, -10.68419, -9.77734, -12.43858, -9.74223, -11.17906, -11.64418, -12.19394, -11.56608, -5.53309, -11.00342, -12.36544, -9.31401, -11.8914, -12.07339, -11.7653, -12.95855, -11.20727, -11.20659, -11.79964, -7.56957, -11.59144, -13.42695, -10.71621, -11.38783, -12.42465, -12.43267, -11.65824, -12.39334, -10.30636, -14.00138 ]
[ -2.85756, -3.55719, -6.21861, -6.87787, -7.06483, -7.85978, -9.18856, -9.51141, -9.82969, -9.85832, -9.86063, -9.863, -9.92896, -10.19368, -10.22183, -10.39917, -10.40878, -10.43236, -10.53791, -10.57985, -10.58557, -10.85667, -10.91649, -10.92817, -11.07389, -11.09579, -11.09682, -11.16048, -11.21243, -11.22703, -11.23852, -11.25124, -11.41511, -11.45123, -11.47613, -11.49067, -11.5693, -11.57482, -11.62611, -11.63498, -11.66641, -11.72392, -11.72775, -11.76836, -11.78938, -11.80364, -11.8436, -11.89626, -11.91605, -12.80774 ]
no returned missus boffin not necessarily so that's as it may happen a well disposed boy comes in my way who may be even a little wanting in such advantages for getting on in life
[ "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest an industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determine to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take here of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires the helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of hymn", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determinede to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but his honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determin to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselffish let me take care of him", "but is honest in industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take hair of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unelfish let me take care of him", "but as honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and observes it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i are very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires an helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i have very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much an earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and inquires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unfelfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hands and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfhish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand anne deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if im very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me make care of him", "but is honest and industrialous and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but has honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires her helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping head and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much and earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest in quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unlfish let me take care of him", "but is honest an industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determine to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand an deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and retires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "and is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helpping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of them", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hint and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determinedd to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take her of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and serves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "put is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industriouss and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take hear of him", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of hum", "but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him'" ]
[ -3.13215, -8.61586, -5.64449, -9.13342, -9.47095, -10.66987, -13.85029, -9.56658, -13.1346, -13.08266, -11.53025, -9.39439, -11.54308, -10.65898, -8.39081, -10.94326, -10.75291, -10.47107, -10.89051, -10.62068, -11.51, -10.37713, -13.32938, -12.78727, -11.4324, -11.10551, -10.07728, -11.94229, -11.60904, -11.10107, -11.08178, -11.96167, -11.60383, -12.23964, -11.05031, -12.70064, -10.08809, -11.69533, -13.53902, -12.17113, -12.34225, -11.69487, -13.43199, -11.9034, -10.77979, -11.87354, -13.8781, -11.06042, -13.2098, -13.13647 ]
[ -0.14408, -2.90707, -8.35142, -6.05149, -5.98086, -4.97965, -3.49838, -8.27912, -4.99711, -5.14752, -6.95138, -9.307, -7.56629, -9.06914, -11.38665, -9.04477, -9.69122, -9.98738, -9.68278, -10.10189, -9.45497, -10.87893, -7.95247, -8.50918, -9.86834, -10.25405, -11.42758, -9.5881, -10.12784, -10.66847, -10.74486, -10.00843, -10.37486, -9.85448, -11.11442, -9.55925, -12.28356, -10.68153, -8.8445, -10.26727, -10.19779, -10.85724, -9.12782, -10.66818, -11.95274, -10.9035, -8.92206, -11.76219, -9.72786, -10.68858 ]
[ -1.63811, -5.76147, -6.99796, -7.59246, -7.72591, -7.82476, -8.67434, -8.92285, -9.06586, -9.11509, -9.24082, -9.35069, -9.55469, -9.86406, -9.88873, -9.99401, -10.22207, -10.22923, -10.28665, -10.36129, -10.48248, -10.62803, -10.64092, -10.64823, -10.65037, -10.67978, -10.75243, -10.7652, -10.86844, -10.88477, -10.91332, -10.98505, -10.98935, -11.04706, -11.08237, -11.12995, -11.18582, -11.18843, -11.19176, -11.2192, -11.27002, -11.27606, -11.2799, -11.28579, -11.36627, -11.38852, -11.40008, -11.41131, -11.46883, -11.91252 ]
but is honest and industrious and requires a helping hand and deserves it if i am very much in earnest and quite determined to be unselfish let me take care of him
[ "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at what another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at what another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith thepologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith thepologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith appologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith appologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologeticly announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologeticly announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmithth apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmithth apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apppologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apppologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt upon the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt upon the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionably sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionably sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmimith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmimith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the fore members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the fore members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on a former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on a former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings have been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings have been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to roguesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to roguesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith a pologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith a pologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at what another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at what another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked it one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked it one another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith thepologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footmen whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith thepologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at when another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at when another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been heard on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been heard on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at once another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at once another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looking at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crosseding to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crosseding to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looking at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of castle looked at one another and paused", "here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of counsel looked at one another and caused" ]
[ -3.86901, -3.83338, -7.27182, -7.24472, -8.49032, -8.46, -7.80333, -7.85912, -11.08474, -11.0565, -13.49325, -13.47265, -13.41466, -13.47219, -12.96795, -12.95695, -10.81455, -10.78246, -11.33473, -11.38859, -13.72725, -13.68036, -9.79616, -9.87536, -11.40069, -11.37724, -10.95196, -10.91215, -9.00347, -8.99023, -10.99537, -11.06614, -11.90265, -11.88017, -11.17127, -11.15297, -11.24453, -11.1955, -11.90292, -11.86575, -10.59631, -10.65067, -11.21961, -11.17534, -10.29556, -10.19748, -10.20528, -10.54994, -10.39043, -9.65025 ]
[ -0.86892, -0.91907, -3.91723, -3.96738, -5.4526, -5.50276, -6.30283, -6.25268, -6.30525, -6.3554, -4.48316, -4.53332, -5.1838, -5.13365, -5.91739, -5.96754, -8.14124, -8.19139, -7.79701, -7.74686, -5.50467, -5.55482, -9.51105, -9.46089, -8.19482, -8.24497, -9.18426, -9.23442, -11.14987, -11.20003, -9.3778, -9.32764, -8.50091, -8.55107, -9.30056, -9.35071, -9.30099, -9.35115, -8.65217, -8.70233, -9.98251, -9.93236, -9.41713, -9.46728, -10.42016, -10.53544, -10.5856, -10.47031, -10.63758, -11.53769 ]
[ -2.36896, -2.37623, -5.59452, -5.60605, -6.97146, -6.98138, -7.05308, -7.0559, -8.695, -8.70595, -8.98821, -9.00298, -9.29923, -9.30292, -9.44267, -9.46225, -9.47789, -9.48693, -9.56587, -9.56772, -9.61596, -9.61759, -9.65361, -9.66812, -9.79775, -9.81111, -10.06811, -10.07328, -10.07667, -10.09513, -10.18658, -10.19689, -10.20178, -10.21562, -10.23591, -10.25184, -10.27276, -10.27332, -10.27755, -10.28404, -10.28941, -10.29151, -10.31837, -10.32131, -10.35786, -10.36646, -10.39544, -10.51013, -10.514, -10.59397 ]
here the footman whose feelings had been hurt on the former occasion appeared and crossing to rokesmith apologetically announced the objectionable sloppy the four members of council looked at one another and paused
[ "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin thereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeart presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footmen disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked roilkesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought there ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppie and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked roykesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am ask rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be bought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought hair ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked roekesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought hear ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rolkesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought her ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon thefootman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here maam asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappearered presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked roukesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmimith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon a footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reapeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting slopy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappaared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rowkesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and tired much disgusted", "should he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he bee brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon that footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppye and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said miss boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusting", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reapeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappearard presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here na'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reoppeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presententing sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rookesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and required much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman appeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes says missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rollkesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokequesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought him ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reapfeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppies and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy an retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus bosffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much discussed", "shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared rehapeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted" ]
[ -2.60985, -7.76516, -9.61543, -7.73977, -11.30156, -8.33544, -9.03404, -11.24854, -9.12974, -8.98346, -9.91637, -11.66424, -9.72755, -11.6901, -10.29039, -8.76455, -8.34423, -11.43936, -10.90327, -12.22012, -10.39552, -10.31944, -9.94481, -13.59565, -10.44235, -10.1821, -9.29944, -11.56735, -10.54993, -11.97083, -9.8117, -10.22129, -10.29563, -12.75184, -9.65997, -10.78859, -13.08579, -13.07695, -8.54131, -9.68446, -10.61698, -10.44593, -13.26441, -11.05148, -9.87368, -10.20016, -11.71163, -14.88855, -8.89741, -10.23355 ]
[ -0.31349, -5.56186, -3.80527, -5.7697, -4.22702, -7.82482, -7.85118, -5.72867, -8.49482, -8.70625, -7.98695, -6.39098, -8.35868, -6.42053, -7.94516, -9.56574, -10.08057, -7.41526, -8.00834, -7.25584, -9.222, -9.30681, -9.72903, -6.24624, -9.42118, -9.68314, -10.73903, -8.47199, -9.56074, -8.20427, -10.58237, -10.23026, -10.23866, -7.95401, -11.06563, -9.99773, -7.76438, -7.80644, -12.38306, -11.26278, -10.45353, -10.64464, -7.90099, -10.11398, -11.33654, -11.11062, -9.63459, -6.48559, -12.57317, -11.23921 ]
[ -1.46167, -6.66351, -6.71035, -6.75473, -7.76429, -8.08013, -8.44261, -8.48861, -8.81228, -8.84485, -8.95166, -9.02761, -9.04311, -9.05531, -9.11778, -9.16514, -9.2124, -9.42731, -9.45581, -9.73798, -9.80876, -9.81312, -9.83692, -9.92094, -9.93177, -9.93262, -10.01924, -10.01967, -10.05533, -10.08755, -10.19704, -10.22577, -10.26714, -10.35292, -10.3628, -10.39316, -10.42509, -10.44169, -10.46219, -10.47362, -10.53525, -10.54529, -10.5827, -10.58273, -10.60511, -10.65539, -10.67311, -10.68707, -10.73529, -10.73638 ]
shall he be brought here ma'am asked rokesmith yes said missus boffin whereupon the footman disappeared reappeared presenting sloppy and retired much disgusted
[ "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the taleor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and disdaining buttons", "on which the taillor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of thecohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his heart with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the corhering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received a personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction for rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and disdaining buttons", "on which the taylor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the conhering and sustaining buttons", "on which the taillor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the kohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of thecohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a few to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his heart with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining butttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the corhering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the comphering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had removed personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealement of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the talelor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the comhering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the conhering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had perceived personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction of rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "upon which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directed from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the kohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a few to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining butttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art was a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the coherering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the comphering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealments of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of this art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had saved personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealement of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the taor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art were a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining button's", "on which the tailor had remained personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohereing and sustaining buttons", "on which the taleor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had resolved personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with the view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal direction from rokesmimith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons", "on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the comhering and sustaining buttons" ]
[ -8.14722, -3.19262, -12.27249, -13.25471, -18.284, -13.48576, -12.75982, -14.04784, -12.62731, -11.2599, -8.30864, -10.22475, -14.56851, -13.4227, -12.85364, -8.52636, -14.16452, -7.81207, -17.65413, -9.08807, -14.64002, -11.29299, -16.02103, -13.85973, -13.82084, -9.60564, -10.38869, -11.96672, -15.22692, -11.48488, -7.90084, -9.22197, -12.72519, -15.53793, -17.17257, -9.67687, -14.43427, -15.70173, -11.76566, -11.06456, -19.72784, -15.52785, -17.03255, -11.18422, -16.84239, -10.69711, -11.29563, -15.72573, -18.1427, -8.87667 ]
[ -0.20876, -6.68285, -7.45509, -6.79918, -2.13875, -7.22883, -8.02254, -7.02668, -8.4543, -10.03427, -13.27327, -11.59374, -7.27641, -8.61284, -9.2376, -13.70291, -8.09986, -14.49664, -4.6935, -13.50076, -7.98395, -11.48434, -6.80879, -9.38509, -9.45588, -13.7505, -13.01894, -11.57682, -8.32614, -12.11994, -15.71168, -14.57395, -11.16759, -8.53631, -6.91538, -14.45803, -9.8129, -8.56589, -12.5384, -13.28287, -4.62742, -8.84026, -7.35494, -13.36295, -7.71338, -13.92918, -13.37723, -8.97595, -6.66112, -15.92997 ]
[ -4.17799, -4.93773, -9.86379, -10.02695, -10.21137, -10.3573, -10.39118, -10.53726, -10.5408, -10.64708, -10.79095, -10.90925, -10.92246, -11.01777, -11.04562, -11.11464, -11.13219, -11.15435, -11.17381, -11.29442, -11.31198, -11.38866, -11.41491, -11.62241, -11.63836, -11.67807, -11.70381, -11.77177, -11.77653, -11.80241, -11.80626, -11.89796, -11.94639, -12.03712, -12.04397, -12.06745, -12.12358, -12.13381, -12.15203, -12.17372, -12.17763, -12.18405, -12.19374, -12.27358, -12.27789, -12.31315, -12.33643, -12.35084, -12.40191, -12.40332 ]
on which the tailor had received personal directions from rokesmith to expend the utmost cunning of his art with a view to the concealment of the cohering and sustaining buttons
[ "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of an hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright meadow at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at that dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of one hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic tastes of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright medal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and wining and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at a dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatta", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundreds of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining andwinking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of these eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of the hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hater", "shining and minking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatar", "shining and winking 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out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hattter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectator's the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of such unknown hatter", "shining and whiking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinklings out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining or winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzle spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter", "shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at to dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter" ]
[ -2.5421, -6.3796, -6.91645, -8.74509, -8.99851, -10.58072, -6.71256, -12.26961, -9.77414, -10.05355, -11.20488, -8.53431, -9.97866, -8.52487, -10.2735, -11.12054, -9.49508, -12.17322, -12.00213, -10.09606, -10.42764, -12.65337, -10.19901, -8.45902, -10.27615, -9.09822, -12.39363, -9.25043, -10.70541, -8.80574, -10.03809, -9.04787, -12.77548, -10.1204, -12.64343, -10.83725, -9.62554, -10.77945, -11.34098, -9.17964, -9.49273, -11.1176, -16.05135, -10.80539, -10.32035, -10.87023, -12.61651, -10.55572, -10.3735, -11.60249 ]
[ -0.24301, -4.93353, -7.83037, -6.79735, -6.77415, -5.20369, -9.8699, -4.37625, -7.06552, -7.11559, -6.41951, -9.13016, -8.39582, -9.8587, -8.31969, -7.52669, -9.5456, -7.27463, -7.46964, -9.52923, -9.21798, -7.12114, -9.81638, -11.63048, -10.13133, -11.35659, -8.09256, -11.39485, -10.0711, -11.99691, -10.83685, -11.91137, -8.19279, -10.86454, -8.57471, -10.48509, -11.704, -10.61934, -10.10542, -12.27509, -11.99092, -10.42983, -5.51568, -10.78954, -11.27909, -10.74397, -9.18866, -11.27336, -11.47773, -10.32255 ]
[ -1.39256, -5.65657, -7.37341, -7.77122, -7.88633, -7.89221, -8.29123, -8.32293, -8.41983, -8.58457, -8.81219, -8.83223, -9.18724, -9.19179, -9.29659, -9.32361, -9.52034, -9.72392, -9.73589, -9.81265, -9.82281, -9.88725, -10.0077, -10.04475, -10.20374, -10.22741, -10.2431, -10.32264, -10.38825, -10.40133, -10.43747, -10.47962, -10.48413, -10.49247, -10.60907, -10.66117, -10.66477, -10.69939, -10.7232, -10.72736, -10.74182, -10.77372, -10.78351, -10.79746, -10.79972, -10.8071, -10.90259, -10.91454, -10.92562, -10.96252 ]
shining and winking and gleaming and twinkling out of a hundred of those eyes of bright metal at the dazzled spectators the artistic taste of some unknown hatter
[ "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfitted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with the hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with the hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluated behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatb band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatand of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluated behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatb band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of hosale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatand of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfied and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of hosale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomverted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomferted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfitted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with the hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of holesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholessale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and termminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfored and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatbund of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bench from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was flued behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted beyond from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was floated behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunke discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his head to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was flucted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crowd of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with the hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of holesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholessale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and termminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hotband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatbund of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with the hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfitted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunke discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hat band of wholesale capacity which was fluated behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatb end of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bench from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was flued behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted beyond from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was floated behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted", "had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was flucted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomforted and the reason revolted" ]
[ -4.86612, -5.19904, -6.42101, -6.76952, -10.73379, -8.95605, -9.29099, -12.06086, -12.9229, -13.14414, -12.39747, -13.25784, -10.38164, -13.48995, -11.5019, -14.15416, -10.70171, -12.86775, -10.71603, -9.2275, -12.41662, -10.66435, -9.99963, -13.7639, -14.50991, -14.78324, -10.10571, -9.97318, -14.30616, -11.47711, -9.01198, -10.32609, -10.54504, -14.21384, -10.39762, -11.01431, -10.33497, -14.10137, -14.83863, -12.45916, -10.43508, -14.8134, -10.40219, -13.60266, -12.42144, -10.33915, -14.64176, -11.80958, -9.33763, -14.55341 ]
[ -1.40875, -2.21747, -5.59272, -6.40144, -3.22322, -5.04574, -5.85446, -3.94733, -3.50097, -3.50041, -4.75606, -4.30969, -7.32003, -4.30913, -7.10842, -4.65804, -8.12875, -6.47242, -8.65735, -10.23691, -7.4072, -9.22973, -9.96385, -6.29066, -5.68143, -5.46676, -10.35928, -10.62616, -6.40633, -9.26724, -11.77512, -10.48176, -10.328, -6.72981, -10.64627, -10.03845, -10.77258, -7.09938, -6.49015, -8.93961, -11.16801, -6.86021, -11.29049, -8.13132, -9.3199, -11.43488, -7.21505, -10.07597, -12.58384, -7.53853 ]
[ -3.13744, -3.70825, -6.00687, -6.58548, -6.9785, -7.00089, -7.57273, -8.0041, -8.21194, -8.32228, -8.57676, -8.78377, -8.85084, -8.89954, -9.30516, -9.4061, -9.41523, -9.67009, -9.68669, -9.7322, -9.91191, -9.94704, -9.98174, -10.02728, -10.09567, -10.125, -10.2325, -10.29967, -10.35624, -10.37218, -10.39355, -10.40393, -10.43652, -10.47182, -10.52194, -10.52638, -10.55377, -10.60038, -10.66439, -10.69938, -10.80154, -10.83681, -10.84634, -10.86699, -10.87067, -10.88702, -10.9284, -10.94277, -10.96074, -11.04597 ]
had furnished him with a hatband of wholesale capacity which was fluted behind from the crown of his hat to the brim and terminated in a black bunch from which the imagination shrunk discomfited and the reason revolted
[ "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and banged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bag them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bade them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagd them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagg them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and beg them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagged him at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glosy trousers at the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the an ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankless and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the annkles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and baggged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and wagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and beged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagging them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and baggedd them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bowed them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and baked them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossie trousers at the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagged them at their knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bad them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glosy trousers at the ankles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and beggeded them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagged em at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the an ankles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and beggedd them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glosssy trousers at the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankless and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and saved them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the annkles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and backed them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and begged him at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagned them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and dragged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bang them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers in the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagped them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and buried them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankleses and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankkles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and baggn them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossie trousers at the ankles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and begged them at their knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagred them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers of the ankles and bagged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and barged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and begged them at the knees", "some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and vague them at the knees" ]
[ -3.0736, -4.01485, -5.77234, -10.41307, -6.77146, -11.14435, -8.98478, -9.36463, -8.78093, -12.33637, -11.46569, -13.458, -11.92056, -8.3394, -8.3878, -7.97576, -8.4854, -12.88242, -9.29952, -7.84796, -9.39826, -10.94075, -9.58233, -13.25775, -14.25856, -8.91695, -12.45615, -13.53567, -10.75371, -14.36262, -10.04343, -12.85125, -8.67835, -10.62762, -8.57563, -9.08824, -9.99828, -10.42869, -8.16914, -9.5074, -13.51533, -12.2766, -11.25988, -10.30683, -11.84088, -8.76836, -11.09216, -10.02765, -13.08863, -9.92057 ]
[ -1.35509, -2.58672, -4.77653, -1.06955, -8.74485, -4.52954, -6.73504, -7.49676, -8.13904, -4.79892, -5.84085, -4.02284, -5.59129, -9.36963, -9.42051, -10.11667, -9.64038, -5.39166, -8.97879, -10.68245, -9.14127, -7.60961, -9.25071, -6.03056, -5.20664, -10.5861, -7.07249, -6.04671, -8.82976, -5.25448, -9.58549, -6.82292, -11.01451, -9.37068, -11.51262, -11.0102, -10.15649, -9.85862, -12.14718, -10.92281, -7.12171, -8.36622, -9.41155, -10.37291, -8.84124, -12.0319, -9.70955, -10.81415, -7.7823, -11.10852 ]
[ -2.21434, -3.30078, -5.27444, -5.74131, -7.75816, -7.83694, -7.85991, -8.4307, -8.45999, -8.56765, -8.65327, -8.74042, -8.75592, -8.85451, -8.90415, -9.04621, -9.06289, -9.13704, -9.13916, -9.2652, -9.26977, -9.27518, -9.41652, -9.64415, -9.7326, -9.75153, -9.76432, -9.79119, -9.79173, -9.80855, -9.81446, -9.83709, -9.84643, -9.99915, -10.04412, -10.04922, -10.07738, -10.14366, -10.15816, -10.2151, -10.31852, -10.32141, -10.33571, -10.33987, -10.34106, -10.40013, -10.40085, -10.4209, -10.43546, -10.51455 ]
some special powers with which his legs were endowed had already hitched up his glossy trousers at the ankles and bagged them at the knees
[ "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them as his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat leaves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus sat forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeve from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them in his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus sent forth", "while similar gifts in his arm had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar giftss in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleevees from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus let forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeveses from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coach sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them of his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeveys from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat leaves from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his risks and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "whilst similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus sat forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat slaves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves for his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeve from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus met forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them on his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists an accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at its elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gift's in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them to his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms have raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had reached his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated him at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus shut forth", "awhile similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated em at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his drifts and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arm had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeve's from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms has raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his goat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at is elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them and his elbows thus sent forth", "while similar gift in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeved from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar guests in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wristses and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus cut forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeps from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth", "while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleevess from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth" ]
[ -2.00483, -4.64702, -7.85725, -7.42275, -7.89958, -12.39285, -8.18144, -8.37471, -8.42504, -12.73701, -12.00077, -8.56036, -12.15223, -9.60993, -9.49228, -12.77331, -10.05259, -7.03439, -8.74679, -10.55674, -7.50115, -10.15931, -15.04137, -9.13615, -9.86395, -10.72827, -9.9525, -11.5601, -12.02108, -9.23689, -10.15689, -9.93252, -10.15911, -8.79098, -10.68715, -10.17227, -9.37971, -10.92186, -12.56505, -10.22077, -9.12214, -10.77594, -11.00224, -10.5895, -11.99275, -8.49666, -12.75977, -9.35591, -9.30502, -12.20989 ]
[ -0.55752, -2.10567, -6.55315, -7.42864, -7.34491, -3.29469, -8.05327, -8.60493, -8.56328, -5.12093, -6.06563, -9.68329, -6.30407, -8.95039, -9.07863, -6.1521, -8.9768, -12.27328, -10.70114, -8.89306, -12.3473, -9.70916, -4.84285, -10.76343, -10.12168, -9.40948, -10.19484, -8.88567, -8.48943, -11.41351, -10.51733, -10.84604, -10.6316, -12.03476, -10.18518, -10.85, -11.64545, -10.11144, -8.47714, -10.87898, -12.01126, -10.36574, -10.15308, -10.60774, -9.26662, -12.94348, -8.72214, -12.1503, -12.37274, -9.52606 ]
[ -1.28118, -3.37634, -7.2052, -7.42569, -7.62225, -7.84377, -8.11735, -8.48982, -8.49416, -8.92897, -9.0332, -9.12183, -9.22815, -9.28016, -9.28545, -9.4627, -9.51469, -9.65383, -9.72396, -9.7249, -9.92422, -9.93424, -9.94211, -9.94979, -9.99282, -10.06888, -10.07367, -10.22289, -10.25525, -10.3252, -10.33711, -10.38928, -10.39536, -10.41287, -10.43617, -10.51113, -10.51258, -10.51665, -10.5211, -10.54988, -10.5667, -10.57084, -10.57766, -10.59862, -10.62969, -10.72007, -10.74096, -10.75311, -10.83888, -10.86798 ]
while similar gifts in his arms had raised his coat sleeves from his wrists and accumulated them at his elbows thus set forth
[ "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mums said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thank ee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thanke mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waist band sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistb band sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thank ye mum said sloppy", "and a yawning golf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mumb said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thanky mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thank'ee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf of his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistand sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum says sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankeee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf in his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mu'm said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thank you mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mumm said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mumn said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thanke ee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mam said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppie", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppie stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "in a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how has betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "an a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee muhm said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is bettty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and the yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a jawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum' said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankey mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin ask him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankeem mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mun said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thanke mam said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf and his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawny gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistcoatband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed an how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppies stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawninggulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and an yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thanke mums said sloppy", "and a yawning gulfed his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thank ee mums said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankeed mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistb end sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy", "and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankees mum said sloppy" ]
[ -2.76926, -7.10512, -7.63688, -12.54399, -6.30466, -9.45315, -6.09811, -6.95996, -10.90273, -7.10515, -8.36453, -8.86935, -12.28575, -8.61894, -10.12816, -8.1121, -11.39694, -8.01658, -10.18068, -9.29567, -11.75703, -8.48666, -9.90969, -9.96529, -9.62635, -9.14631, -9.68818, -9.82321, -11.73452, -9.08424, -8.40912, -12.66601, -9.32771, -10.39886, -11.73178, -8.11941, -12.79422, -10.37177, -10.79474, -8.22782, -11.43894, -10.10276, -11.61054, -10.19504, -17.33597, -11.12222, -12.58889, -10.58726, -9.49442, -11.79996 ]
[ -2.68377, -6.04863, -5.66822, -0.83881, -7.75427, -5.1117, -8.94901, -8.82956, -5.40384, -9.39139, -8.66908, -8.58745, -5.32537, -9.11672, -7.73579, -9.83531, -6.56906, -10.05139, -8.24496, -9.13255, -6.80551, -10.08764, -8.75123, -8.74662, -9.159, -9.70742, -9.3024, -9.37179, -7.95149, -10.6317, -11.67254, -7.53423, -11.11109, -10.31248, -9.14112, -12.81624, -8.24268, -10.71691, -10.38362, -12.975, -9.76916, -11.13341, -9.8905, -11.3228, -4.20367, -10.43876, -9.03309, -11.03506, -12.15546, -9.98561 ]
[ -2.72651, -6.57687, -6.65255, -6.6914, -7.02947, -7.28243, -7.52356, -7.89476, -8.15328, -8.24827, -8.5168, -8.7284, -8.80556, -8.86783, -8.93197, -8.97371, -8.983, -9.03399, -9.21282, -9.21411, -9.28127, -9.28715, -9.33046, -9.35596, -9.39267, -9.42686, -9.49529, -9.5975, -9.84301, -9.85797, -10.04083, -10.10012, -10.2194, -10.35567, -10.43645, -10.46782, -10.51845, -10.54434, -10.58918, -10.60141, -10.60405, -10.61809, -10.75052, -10.75892, -10.76982, -10.78049, -10.81099, -10.81116, -10.82494, -10.89278 ]
and a yawning gulf at his waistband sloppy stood confessed and how is betty my good fellow missus boffin asked him thankee mum said sloppy
[ "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddon he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudd'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudon he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddon he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pud'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudd'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudn he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudon he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back open his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pud'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddin he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pun he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy through his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudn he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudin he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was for here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back open his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddle he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pun he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddin he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy through his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one bier two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was for here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pu'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudton he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudin he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddle he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddun he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy threw his head back open his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetable three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puton he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one bier two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddon he was four here sloppy threw his head back open his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here slopy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudd'n he was four here sloppy threw his head back open his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why putting he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudun he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why puddn he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudd' he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meet one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy through his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously", "meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudden he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously" ]
[ -4.80455, -5.96259, -5.8496, -6.45695, -3.23721, -7.10715, -10.63148, -7.6515, -7.42786, -4.5461, -9.33446, -11.84113, -8.01296, -8.59281, -7.64039, -9.68222, -10.33581, -9.7427, -10.59729, -11.3077, -11.09662, -9.19954, -8.5065, -13.0959, -10.94953, -11.63233, -9.00703, -10.9635, -9.0795, -9.06899, -12.32729, -11.55901, -11.84023, -12.66464, -9.62363, -8.06052, -9.05068, -13.90167, -12.37529, -9.68082, -14.33981, -9.59156, -10.20801, -5.97421, -8.98235, -11.58424, -10.84386, -13.34023, -10.71831, -10.45386 ]
[ -5.08299, -5.28771, -7.17041, -6.94641, -10.86073, -7.37513, -4.07152, -7.15113, -7.75162, -11.06545, -6.59022, -4.27624, -8.2957, -7.95634, -9.15004, -7.13608, -6.4932, -7.47996, -6.79494, -6.27594, -6.5188, -8.50042, -9.44314, -5.18185, -7.3408, -6.69791, -9.35476, -7.68468, -9.69366, -9.7793, -6.72352, -7.55726, -7.28067, -6.48066, -9.64786, -11.35123, -10.38311, -5.55831, -7.2447, -9.98402, -5.38657, -10.15912, -9.56042, -14.07344, -11.07758, -8.47895, -9.3174, -6.92737, -9.56738, -9.89837 ]
[ -4.94377, -5.62515, -6.51, -6.70168, -7.04897, -7.24114, -7.3515, -7.40132, -7.58974, -7.80578, -7.96234, -8.05868, -8.15433, -8.27457, -8.39522, -8.40915, -8.4145, -8.61133, -8.69611, -8.79182, -8.80771, -8.84998, -8.97482, -9.13888, -9.14516, -9.16512, -9.1809, -9.32409, -9.38658, -9.42414, -9.5254, -9.55813, -9.56045, -9.57265, -9.63574, -9.70588, -9.7169, -9.72999, -9.80999, -9.83242, -9.86319, -9.87534, -9.88422, -10.02382, -10.02997, -10.0316, -10.08063, -10.1338, -10.14284, -10.17612 ]
meat one beer two vegetables three and which was four why pudding he was four here sloppy threw his head back opened his mouth wide and laughed rapturously
[ "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little miners asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking ride out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mam and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking write out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming around beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumam and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mu'm and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumb and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little winders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumm and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum' and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little hinders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mom and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little mindors asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders ask missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked miss boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out muhm and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out bum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little binders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right up mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little mindrs asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out muam and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minuteers asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little reminders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking rightout mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mums and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin strikingright out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out ma'am and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out ma'm and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out pum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little milders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum am and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little millers asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mub and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little finders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out jum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and come round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out muum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mu'am and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus bosffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumh and coming round beautiful", "how are that two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumn and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out hum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus baffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mummy and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little miners asked missus boffin striking ride out mum and coming round beautiful", "how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mumme and coming round beautiful" ]
[ -1.7169, -6.03087, -6.85449, -7.05687, -6.77011, -6.41843, -10.62483, -9.96874, -9.1253, -8.28451, -9.28401, -9.55059, -8.44063, -8.13443, -7.63943, -8.02872, -8.14207, -8.97287, -8.05055, -8.06784, -8.7444, -7.51239, -10.21095, -10.42077, -8.64306, -10.02768, -9.38366, -11.32642, -8.68936, -5.38795, -10.18288, -8.78941, -9.39646, -10.16989, -9.51347, -9.33239, -9.56423, -9.67951, -10.05219, -9.07034, -11.55267, -13.60057, -12.15485, -9.97473, -10.89346, -9.46137, -9.57551, -10.2232, -11.14878, -10.79922 ]
[ -0.2513, -4.66407, -4.91637, -5.35407, -6.00834, -6.74321, -2.55072, -3.66417, -4.95031, -6.42167, -6.09901, -6.41422, -7.57065, -7.88571, -8.6893, -8.49586, -8.62333, -8.03458, -9.23491, -9.2913, -8.92919, -10.50904, -7.83493, -7.70771, -9.53971, -8.2369, -9.26993, -7.43182, -10.16611, -13.47879, -8.76495, -10.20443, -9.73941, -9.0942, -9.80772, -10.00208, -9.79931, -9.77061, -9.60203, -10.74526, -8.37598, -6.47929, -7.96859, -10.19253, -9.30026, -10.83253, -10.8157, -10.24786, -9.32915, -9.71536 ]
[ -0.9841, -5.34747, -5.88543, -6.20547, -6.38922, -6.58082, -6.58777, -6.81645, -7.03781, -7.35309, -7.69151, -7.9824, -8.00564, -8.01007, -8.16437, -8.26229, -8.3827, -8.50372, -8.64273, -8.67957, -8.83679, -9.01071, -9.02294, -9.06424, -9.09138, -9.13229, -9.32679, -9.37912, -9.42773, -9.43337, -9.47391, -9.49692, -9.56793, -9.63205, -9.66059, -9.66723, -9.68177, -9.72506, -9.82711, -9.9078, -9.96433, -10.03993, -10.06172, -10.08363, -10.09686, -10.14695, -10.1956, -10.23553, -10.23896, -10.25729 ]
how are the two poor little minders asked missus boffin striking right out mum and coming round beautiful
[ "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine hear every day", "sloppy yes mam come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mu'm come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes ma'am come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes ma'm come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mumb come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forwards sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yess mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppie should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mu'am come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppie yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes muam come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine there every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward slopy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum'm come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward floppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppies yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppi should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppies should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy guess mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum'am come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "floppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dive here every day", "sloppy yes mub come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes muhm come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes s mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mun come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to thine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here everyay", "sloppy yes muum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mom come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "slopy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes maam come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mam come forward sloppy should you like to dine hear every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here everyry day", "sloppy yes mu come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here everyd day", "sloppy yes mumme come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppby should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine hair every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dinye here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dime here every day", "sloppy yes mu'm come forward sloppy should you like to dine hear every day", "sloppby yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum comes forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yesth mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes ma'am come forward sloppy should you like to dine hear every day", "sloppi yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day", "sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine care every day" ]
[ -1.38307, -4.44581, -8.08397, -8.46141, -4.65835, -7.93333, -10.21441, -9.61472, -10.00218, -8.34667, -10.21175, -7.69319, -9.67685, -8.35672, -6.8983, -12.27793, -7.64428, -8.91167, -9.63372, -9.23297, -7.98766, -11.74171, -7.6483, -7.79988, -9.73806, -9.32338, -9.75539, -7.4897, -7.5207, -10.45645, -9.33733, -9.39691, -7.80942, -10.67119, -11.15114, -10.93649, -11.50747, -12.96229, -10.75989, -11.52516, -9.37214, -11.08081, -8.31624, -11.67062, -11.06394, -9.13638, -10.9482, -7.70815, -9.55472, -8.70524 ]
[ -0.81877, -5.71627, -3.44311, -3.69913, -7.95909, -6.32342, -4.46466, -5.3065, -4.99662, -6.95145, -5.33474, -7.9385, -6.13294, -7.98925, -10.37555, -5.36069, -10.20969, -8.96854, -8.39978, -8.88727, -10.248, -6.52529, -10.85602, -10.71314, -8.92132, -9.37977, -9.03173, -11.4065, -11.47587, -8.63536, -9.79025, -9.7901, -11.60546, -8.75729, -8.34061, -8.69017, -8.25693, -6.86049, -9.12643, -8.39681, -10.60764, -9.00723, -11.88977, -8.59663, -9.29492, -11.23767, -9.53288, -12.85659, -11.23517, -12.0909 ]
[ -1.10092, -5.08104, -5.76354, -6.08027, -6.30872, -7.12838, -7.33954, -7.46061, -7.4994, -7.64906, -7.77325, -7.81585, -7.90489, -8.17299, -8.63693, -8.81931, -8.92699, -8.94011, -9.01675, -9.06012, -9.11783, -9.1335, -9.25216, -9.25651, -9.32969, -9.35158, -9.39356, -9.4481, -9.49829, -9.5459, -9.56379, -9.5935, -9.70744, -9.71424, -9.74587, -9.81333, -9.8822, -9.91139, -9.94316, -9.96099, -9.98989, -10.04402, -10.103, -10.13363, -10.17943, -10.18702, -10.24054, -10.28237, -10.39494, -10.39807 ]
sloppy yes mum come forward sloppy should you like to dine here every day
[ "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taking care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppie's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taking care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppys feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knees yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppie's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mumb sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his head and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mu'm sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum slopphy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious in deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of hear if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppys feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppies's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeez his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh bum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "own mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "owe mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppi's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and desserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if he were industrious and deserving", "er mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum floppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh muhm sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh humm sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's fields obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knees yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh pum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum s sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "em mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if ye were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you are industrious and deserving", "oak mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppe's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his head and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "o mumb sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contrast one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppby's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppye's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze this hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "old mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum slopp he's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes an should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "ah mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hut and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at a knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg in the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving", "oh mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deservings" ]
[ -3.70027, -5.6447, -6.8529, -10.36561, -8.82192, -10.92878, -9.1816, -11.78422, -12.90135, -8.72741, -12.27507, -12.91476, -11.54785, -10.23618, -12.19306, -16.18088, -12.7961, -10.492, -9.88614, -10.0928, -11.70519, -13.06466, -11.02119, -10.80992, -9.6924, -11.10654, -11.57585, -10.76566, -11.09232, -11.49624, -15.89207, -11.67973, -11.56022, -11.06363, -11.93414, -12.62167, -10.71226, -14.94302, -10.41887, -13.73569, -13.04727, -10.66679, -10.89665, -12.06416, -12.42518, -11.05738, -9.87116, -11.86034, -11.33724, -13.75685 ]
[ -0.43566, -2.15414, -4.97051, -4.11167, -6.689, -5.1282, -7.88017, -5.83017, -4.82395, -9.0015, -5.96185, -5.57327, -6.95538, -8.34241, -6.8467, -2.87676, -6.31383, -8.9332, -9.60142, -9.57428, -8.1181, -6.97027, -9.02727, -9.35954, -10.50682, -9.46916, -9.06509, -9.91145, -9.59866, -9.25614, -5.24555, -9.50663, -9.63476, -10.14166, -9.46744, -8.80757, -10.72, -6.54245, -11.11478, -7.84944, -8.54623, -11.03026, -10.81381, -9.67378, -9.38739, -10.81974, -12.01932, -10.03593, -10.56245, -10.08565 ]
[ -2.06797, -3.89942, -5.91171, -7.23864, -7.75546, -8.02849, -8.53088, -8.80719, -8.86265, -8.86446, -9.11846, -9.24401, -9.25161, -9.2893, -9.51988, -9.52882, -9.55496, -9.7126, -9.74378, -9.83354, -9.91164, -10.01746, -10.02423, -10.08473, -10.09961, -10.28785, -10.32047, -10.33855, -10.34549, -10.37619, -10.56881, -10.59318, -10.59749, -10.60265, -10.70079, -10.71462, -10.71613, -10.74274, -10.76683, -10.79257, -10.79675, -10.84852, -10.85523, -10.86897, -10.90629, -10.93856, -10.94524, -10.94813, -10.94985, -11.92125 ]
o mum sloppy's feelings obliged him to squeeze his hat and contract one leg at the knee yes and should you like to be always taken care of here if you were industrious and deserving
[ "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "o mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mu'm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higton goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's miss higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself and his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higton said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higton missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's miss higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higdon missus higden goes before all", "oh mumm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higdon said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higgden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head but very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "o mu'm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh muhm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppie checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus hegden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mu'am but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum'm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "o mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's miss higden missus higden goes before all", "o mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higton goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meeting there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus hygden missus higden goes before all", "oh mumb but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higdden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higdon goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higten goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden says sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus hygden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with a very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus hagden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh muam but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus sigden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning theres missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mums but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higdden missus higden goes before all", "owe mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "er mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higgden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mam but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higstone goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus sigden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head by very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back in shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higney goes before all", "oh mu mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus hichden goes before all", "oh mu'm but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higton goes before all", "oh mum but there's missus higggden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all" ]
[ -3.50226, -6.50916, -10.86883, -7.55171, -8.43242, -8.99015, -8.79913, -9.34685, -9.29192, -8.29601, -12.82194, -8.36362, -9.37505, -10.23498, -14.12737, -10.41513, -11.62007, -9.44036, -11.45326, -14.49897, -11.43911, -10.83083, -9.60142, -8.95545, -12.60136, -15.30398, -9.22373, -11.05857, -10.33061, -9.28097, -10.91882, -10.66613, -11.26127, -10.45381, -12.64212, -12.48825, -15.82764, -10.36139, -11.10786, -8.32023, -11.82129, -11.5081, -11.24389, -10.10279, -10.91831, -11.8402, -13.25643, -11.16147, -14.90629, -13.60429 ]
[ -1.5195, -3.86435, -1.84566, -6.0552, -5.4238, -7.67467, -8.01896, -7.51298, -7.88494, -8.89764, -4.46657, -8.9839, -8.14581, -7.9576, -4.19051, -7.91148, -6.89029, -9.22211, -7.39966, -4.35905, -7.76866, -8.40005, -9.73605, -10.39614, -6.75238, -4.21947, -10.60273, -8.91306, -9.66629, -10.88831, -9.33024, -9.5841, -9.05663, -10.01156, -8.13527, -8.29623, -5.0006, -10.49875, -9.77253, -12.57052, -9.07494, -9.42156, -9.69959, -10.91006, -10.12753, -9.20635, -7.82571, -10.12466, -6.38136, -7.71329 ]
[ -2.51088, -5.18676, -6.35725, -6.80346, -6.92811, -8.33241, -8.40905, -8.42992, -8.58843, -8.59683, -8.64425, -8.67376, -8.76043, -9.09629, -9.15894, -9.1633, -9.25518, -9.33124, -9.42646, -9.42901, -9.60389, -9.61544, -9.66873, -9.67579, -9.67687, -9.76173, -9.91323, -9.98582, -9.99845, -10.08464, -10.12453, -10.12511, -10.15895, -10.23268, -10.38869, -10.39224, -10.41412, -10.43007, -10.4402, -10.44537, -10.44812, -10.46483, -10.47174, -10.50642, -10.52292, -10.52328, -10.54107, -10.64306, -10.64383, -10.65879 ]
oh mum but there's missus higden said sloppy checking himself in his raptures drawing back and shaking his head with very serious meaning there's missus higden missus higden goes before all
[ "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she weren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she weren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's ben and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warnn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turn for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higtens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she worn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higton be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she were't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higton where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warnn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens ben and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higton's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turn for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's beenn and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's ben and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she weren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she were't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higdon where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she worn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higton be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warm't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn'n't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higton where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if shewarn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would miss higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can never be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none could ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus hygden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdons been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higtons been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn''t turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens beenn and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she woren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higtens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she weren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higdon where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she won't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higten's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus hagden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none canever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higton be if she weren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdends been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she aren't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higdens been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn'n't turned for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she weren't turn for", "none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's ben and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turn for" ]
[ -3.38561, -7.43061, -4.7811, -8.58758, -6.68625, -12.32537, -11.39637, -11.03174, -8.20187, -8.46507, -13.40026, -8.90427, -16.33307, -12.15004, -8.81932, -15.34034, -8.13479, -14.08353, -8.02341, -17.00563, -8.46192, -12.22579, -12.61588, -8.84402, -12.06117, -13.06341, -9.21906, -9.33278, -9.36168, -9.72932, -12.04381, -9.16592, -10.20044, -13.25394, -12.23524, -18.13863, -9.20623, -12.18314, -12.34937, -11.61667, -13.33771, -10.16635, -14.51251, -10.21617, -9.81398, -12.43786, -10.08649, -16.12715, -14.82406, -14.77738 ]
[ -2.91303, -0.98604, -5.71574, -3.78875, -8.51806, -3.98828, -5.43175, -6.71802, -9.57401, -9.51214, -4.64074, -9.21994, -2.06129, -6.59107, -9.99793, -3.50476, -10.99099, -5.2151, -11.32078, -2.71375, -11.30107, -7.64702, -7.58515, -11.38559, -8.22365, -7.29295, -11.2065, -11.46478, -11.51464, -11.19245, -9.064, -11.9879, -11.03627, -8.07093, -9.12979, -3.2881, -12.32198, -9.52072, -9.37408, -10.3323, -8.64501, -11.899, -7.56442, -11.88146, -12.31485, -9.71889, -12.16122, -6.29666, -8.23446, -11.03679 ]
[ -3.14932, -4.20832, -5.24842, -6.18816, -7.60216, -8.15683, -8.41406, -8.87488, -8.88794, -8.9886, -9.0205, -9.06211, -9.19718, -9.37055, -9.40862, -9.42255, -9.56289, -9.64932, -9.67209, -9.85969, -9.88149, -9.9364, -10.10051, -10.11481, -10.14241, -10.17818, -10.21278, -10.39878, -10.43816, -10.46088, -10.55391, -10.57691, -10.61835, -10.66243, -10.68251, -10.71337, -10.76411, -10.85193, -10.86173, -10.97448, -10.99136, -11.03267, -11.03846, -11.04881, -11.06441, -11.07837, -11.12386, -11.2119, -11.52926, -12.90709 ]
none can ever be better friends to me than missus higden's been and she must be turned for must missus higden where would missus higden be if she warn't turned for
[ "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mayor thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distrustful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppie's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higton in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higdon in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable afflictions mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as write can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppie said missus boffin", "at the bare thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister loppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right asright can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as write as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppyie's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppby's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppby said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppey's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you were as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are asright as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higney in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be slopy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higdden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the air thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right could be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction missus sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higten in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mirror thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance become pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thoughts of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenances became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy says missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higgden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this in conceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said miss boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppies said missus boffin", "at the mer thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressless emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotion's you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested that most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the rare thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as bright as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppye's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressal emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of miss higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most disgraceful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus hignden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested a most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at that mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister slorppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin", "at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffins" ]
[ -4.03798, -5.29038, -7.98621, -10.33828, -8.87432, -8.38999, -9.35121, -8.99857, -10.46651, -10.13702, -11.1997, -11.15604, -9.98012, -14.03974, -13.04316, -13.59922, -11.51447, -10.6271, -11.07499, -11.78918, -10.51354, -14.81494, -9.91679, -10.83026, -11.30391, -12.1381, -9.08454, -10.09393, -10.8482, -13.9859, -11.30762, -10.26472, -9.86029, -11.12525, -10.99561, -10.77823, -10.69227, -13.42685, -12.16444, -9.83164, -10.2233, -13.41328, -13.9311, -10.87302, -10.64542, -10.1006, -12.73437, -11.47773, -16.42281, -13.1067 ]
[ -0.36072, -6.32369, -6.56695, -4.42837, -6.37254, -8.60964, -7.81829, -8.21075, -6.83736, -7.43374, -6.65866, -6.77977, -8.53702, -4.76961, -5.77859, -5.24043, -7.67316, -8.61554, -8.31128, -7.63788, -8.99589, -4.80716, -9.739, -9.09643, -8.68449, -7.86312, -10.97622, -10.01232, -9.51862, -6.49535, -9.26066, -10.45805, -11.02848, -9.99828, -10.14565, -10.38086, -10.50073, -7.84078, -9.10784, -11.48507, -11.09793, -7.9128, -7.43099, -10.57578, -10.80426, -11.51488, -8.91337, -10.17109, -5.23632, -8.71103 ]
[ -2.19935, -5.80703, -7.27658, -7.38332, -7.62343, -8.49981, -8.58475, -8.60466, -8.65194, -8.78538, -8.92918, -8.96791, -9.25857, -9.40468, -9.41087, -9.41983, -9.59381, -9.62132, -9.69313, -9.71353, -9.75472, -9.81105, -9.8279, -9.96335, -9.9942, -10.00061, -10.03038, -10.05313, -10.18341, -10.24062, -10.28414, -10.36138, -10.44439, -10.56177, -10.57063, -10.57954, -10.5965, -10.63381, -10.63614, -10.65835, -10.66061, -10.66304, -10.68104, -10.7244, -10.72484, -10.80774, -10.82387, -10.82441, -10.82957, -10.90887 ]
at the mere thought of missus higden in this inconceivable affliction mister sloppy's countenance became pale and manifested the most distressful emotions you are as right as right can be sloppy said missus boffin
[ "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways then the turning", "and far be it for me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in others ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higgden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higton can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higdon can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taking care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higdden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen too if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it for me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways then the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in others ways then the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other days than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty sigden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of fore life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways and the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be returned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be done for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higten can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty hygden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and we made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to till you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and farbe it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betie higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if bettty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higney can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same ye shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "an far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than a turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betdy higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higgden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways then the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the returning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the burning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty hegden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in otherwise than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higton can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways then the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty hagden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higinden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higstone can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways that the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here an be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and been made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turn for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higdin can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higgdden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than that turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it will be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far beit from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning", "and far be it for me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in others ways than the turning", "and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning'" ]
[ -3.98157, -7.25387, -8.54442, -8.64696, -7.78967, -9.97867, -9.49851, -9.69146, -14.47556, -11.51398, -11.83158, -10.07043, -9.68199, -11.17748, -13.33341, -11.16934, -10.92153, -10.64019, -13.73505, -10.20173, -11.71968, -10.18134, -12.8871, -13.43692, -12.91954, -12.2738, -12.22549, -12.12645, -11.78603, -12.14951, -11.06146, -12.1484, -11.96445, -12.41221, -9.38125, -13.24551, -11.64813, -15.63981, -12.45737, -12.29183, -13.28032, -11.79347, -17.44402, -13.83152, -14.43314, -12.65428, -11.21701, -13.30755, -13.21163, -14.3144 ]
[ -0.51749, -3.46576, -3.72163, -6.30593, -7.69107, -5.79327, -7.0937, -7.17548, -2.78775, -6.63547, -6.6699, -9.25419, -9.87475, -8.66746, -6.74096, -8.94881, -9.3113, -9.78007, -6.81782, -10.4558, -9.07327, -10.72267, -8.20612, -7.67954, -8.2566, -8.90302, -9.30697, -9.45048, -9.80746, -9.46539, -10.63934, -9.60011, -9.95066, -9.50789, -12.56414, -8.74154, -10.35371, -6.38714, -9.66187, -9.98826, -9.14231, -10.64689, -5.03914, -8.69126, -8.13826, -9.93799, -11.39452, -9.33346, -9.51007, -10.72541 ]
[ -2.24953, -5.35981, -6.13302, -7.47644, -7.74037, -7.88597, -8.2961, -8.43347, -8.63166, -9.07473, -9.25074, -9.66231, -9.77837, -9.92247, -10.03718, -10.05907, -10.11642, -10.21013, -10.27643, -10.32876, -10.39647, -10.452, -10.54661, -10.55823, -10.58807, -10.58841, -10.76623, -10.78847, -10.79675, -10.80745, -10.8504, -10.87425, -10.95756, -10.96005, -10.97269, -10.99352, -11.00092, -11.01348, -11.05962, -11.14004, -11.21132, -11.22018, -11.24158, -11.26139, -11.2857, -11.29614, -11.30577, -11.3205, -11.36085, -12.51991 ]
and far be it from me to tell you otherwise it shall be seen to if betty higden can be turned for all the same you shall come here and be taken care of for life and be made able to keep her in other ways than the turning
[ "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turned in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mam answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even is to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ectatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i can be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppi the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mom answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppie the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to the mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mu'm answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night won't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecsnatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in that night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that bum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the eccstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in a day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no asleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy that turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in that day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppies the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the knight don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecsdatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that pum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in that night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turning in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic floppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i should be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecscatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even if to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don''t", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't ye see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i didn't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppby the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the estatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic slopy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "evenest to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no leap i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i won't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i dont want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you say i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day an turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecsratic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstatic slopphy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mub answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ocstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that mum answered the ecstaticc sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't", "even as to that muhm answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't" ]
[ -3.60936, -8.96288, -9.43859, -10.2862, -13.37641, -8.80857, -10.87738, -10.25741, -9.87021, -10.15681, -11.84673, -10.00883, -9.68473, -11.10473, -10.60978, -12.19211, -10.9981, -12.35108, -11.47367, -11.49646, -10.84504, -10.99928, -10.62719, -9.74145, -11.19439, -11.21436, -10.39064, -9.52507, -11.05352, -11.67361, -11.18938, -13.3053, -13.59511, -11.57995, -10.40124, -13.86961, -12.74699, -10.00351, -12.54638, -11.07627, -10.66287, -11.46329, -11.06612, -12.36099, -11.33328, -12.81489, -11.04492, -10.4006, -13.45428, -11.82672 ]
[ -0.37199, -5.17694, -5.41159, -4.79272, -1.76611, -7.26666, -5.2475, -6.22905, -6.64021, -7.32644, -6.47147, -8.34287, -8.93609, -7.56873, -8.24386, -6.82389, -8.17098, -6.88771, -7.78702, -7.84913, -8.5424, -8.54997, -8.94416, -9.844, -8.39852, -8.70633, -9.53612, -10.50027, -9.11362, -8.55756, -9.04462, -7.021, -6.82106, -8.84279, -10.15246, -6.93573, -8.08721, -10.88293, -8.34868, -9.90733, -10.45596, -9.68482, -10.11789, -8.84903, -10.08434, -8.71804, -10.50694, -11.1803, -8.31767, -9.98402 ]
[ -1.99067, -7.06991, -7.42509, -7.53946, -7.57126, -8.03761, -8.06244, -8.24323, -8.25521, -8.74162, -9.1591, -9.17585, -9.31041, -9.33673, -9.42682, -9.508, -9.58454, -9.61939, -9.63034, -9.6728, -9.69372, -9.77462, -9.78567, -9.79273, -9.79645, -9.96034, -9.96338, -10.01267, -10.08357, -10.11558, -10.117, -10.16315, -10.20809, -10.21137, -10.27685, -10.40267, -10.4171, -10.44322, -10.44753, -10.4918, -10.55942, -10.57405, -10.59201, -10.60501, -10.70881, -10.76647, -10.77593, -10.79045, -10.88597, -10.90537 ]
even as to that mum answered the ecstatic sloppy the turning might be done in the night don't you see i could be here in the day and turn in the night i don't want no sleep i don't
[ "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took them turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took them turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of that moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed a wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed a wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed them wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take them turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i anyway should want a wink or too added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any way should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took him turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning ive took him turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took them turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment", "or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take him turning i've took m turning many a time and enjoyed him wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment" ]
[ -5.46217, -6.34346, -5.10083, -6.63004, -7.55904, -6.27197, -8.39833, -6.90789, -6.85391, -9.64423, -8.06639, -8.05903, -9.92508, -8.17657, -11.13485, -9.71029, -9.08299, -7.81554, -10.88739, -9.85173, -10.26542, -11.14644, -9.6093, -9.57479, -11.20864, -9.78068, -11.04727, -10.51524, -10.67818, -11.42754, -12.144, -11.781, -12.64466, -9.37588, -12.23037, -10.91046, -10.94993, -11.67992, -13.21188, -11.88729, -11.33123, -12.23931, -12.16165, -13.0084, -10.54007, -11.93442, -12.41154, -12.29975, -10.87514, -10.86234 ]
[ -2.57883, -2.47895, -4.19697, -2.77891, -2.67903, -4.39705, -2.65456, -4.29684, -4.37258, -2.85465, -4.49692, -4.57266, -2.75444, -5.26515, -2.95452, -4.47245, -5.16527, -6.88328, -4.67254, -6.04661, -6.14649, -5.34088, -6.98316, -7.05889, -5.74968, -7.24634, -6.24669, -7.09248, -6.9926, -6.34657, -5.6498, -6.22222, -5.44076, -8.71062, -5.94976, -7.36782, -7.44642, -7.29256, -5.84988, -7.19268, -7.90879, -7.1013, -7.20118, -6.4223, -8.9107, -7.5679, -7.15877, -7.47784, -8.96435, -9.08232 ]
[ -4.0205, -4.4112, -4.6489, -4.70448, -5.11904, -5.33451, -5.52645, -5.60237, -5.61324, -6.24944, -6.28166, -6.31584, -6.33976, -6.72086, -7.04469, -7.09137, -7.12413, -7.34941, -7.77996, -7.94917, -8.20595, -8.24366, -8.29623, -8.31684, -8.47916, -8.51351, -8.64698, -8.80386, -8.83539, -8.88706, -8.8969, -9.00161, -9.04271, -9.04325, -9.09007, -9.13914, -9.19817, -9.48624, -9.53088, -9.53999, -9.62001, -9.67031, -9.68142, -9.71535, -9.72539, -9.75116, -9.78516, -9.88879, -9.91975, -9.97233 ]
or even if i any ways should want a wink or two added sloppy after a moment's apologetic reflection i could take em turning i've took em turning many a time and enjoyed em wonderful on the grateful impulse of the moment
[ "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "missus sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howwl", "mister sloppie kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have rum enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachling himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachting himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppi kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hands and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have real enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings drew back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachging himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal how", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have roome enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have rome enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffins's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howlwell", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howwell", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin' hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppby kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then deaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "missus sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mistress sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough or his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howwl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from the good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppie kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth white and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachating himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough of his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppey kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister loppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have rum enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howell", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachling himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he must have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachting himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head open his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself on that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister slopp he kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed miss boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have ruin enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself in that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's head and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he may have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching themselves from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings flew back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detachking himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl", "mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal hol" ]
[ -3.16293, -5.6363, -8.25791, -11.6935, -8.61297, -10.21862, -12.31921, -12.283, -10.11942, -9.03047, -10.41886, -9.18982, -13.17534, -13.42493, -10.61465, -10.22837, -9.11274, -13.81329, -12.92717, -13.66044, -12.50369, -12.63164, -10.72574, -11.94273, -10.45583, -11.36223, -14.07373, -10.576, -11.06862, -9.87096, -13.11526, -10.85224, -10.94042, -11.3377, -12.64753, -9.57099, -14.80177, -9.66827, -14.748, -10.76124, -11.75057, -9.75574, -10.53059, -10.9063, -9.92423, -10.24879, -10.28293, -9.93535, -13.59691, -16.06525 ]
[ -0.54419, -2.36268, -6.68638, -3.58935, -6.76887, -5.59695, -3.50596, -3.66237, -6.81741, -8.19694, -7.1133, -8.49828, -4.6697, -5.12706, -7.94181, -8.41333, -9.6706, -5.21285, -6.11467, -5.48557, -6.68737, -6.56679, -8.50488, -7.3505, -8.83858, -7.97643, -5.40784, -9.07922, -8.58738, -9.81139, -6.75768, -9.1048, -9.02784, -8.71152, -7.41544, -10.50176, -5.32445, -10.52605, -5.48085, -9.57379, -8.59907, -10.60808, -9.83535, -9.46873, -10.4622, -10.23348, -10.33597, -10.70039, -7.09196, -4.93127 ]
[ -1.85356, -3.99949, -7.47215, -7.64142, -7.69092, -7.90779, -7.91259, -7.97268, -8.46841, -8.6137, -8.76608, -8.84405, -8.92252, -9.276, -9.27823, -9.32085, -9.39167, -9.51307, -9.52092, -9.573, -9.59553, -9.59922, -9.61531, -9.64662, -9.6472, -9.66933, -9.74078, -9.82761, -9.828, -9.84117, -9.93647, -9.97852, -9.98413, -10.02461, -10.03149, -10.03637, -10.06311, -10.09716, -10.11443, -10.16752, -10.17482, -10.18191, -10.18297, -10.18752, -10.19321, -10.24113, -10.30945, -10.31787, -10.34444, -10.49826 ]
mister sloppy kissed missus boffin's hand and then detaching himself from that good creature that he might have room enough for his feelings threw back his head opened his mouth wide and uttered a dismal howl
[ "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offense to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offense to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offencee to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offencee to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might an occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might an occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditible to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offens to the neighbors", "it was creditible to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offens to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbour's", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbor's", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to their neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of part but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offente to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the numbers", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to their neighbours", "it was creditable to this tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might own occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of part but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion gave some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the names", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offente to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might an occasion give some offense to the neighbors", "it was creditable to this tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might own occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion gave some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might un occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give someone offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offenceed to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might an occasion give some offense to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might un occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditably to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give someone offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offenceed to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might upon occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the labours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the labors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to a neighbors", "it was creditably to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to that neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbourhoods", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might upon occasion give some offence to the neighbours", "it was creditable to his tenderness of art but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some off fence to the neighbors", "it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offenced to the neighbors" ]
[ -2.48386, -2.58963, -4.47055, -4.59386, -13.00386, -13.10193, -8.09717, -8.21188, -10.29051, -12.15911, -10.39678, -12.31902, -10.68656, -11.2787, -11.86968, -10.76538, -9.31811, -10.33973, -11.38422, -9.12259, -10.93277, -10.19682, -10.4594, -9.42528, -9.68627, -9.60202, -10.44314, -10.02091, -10.30573, -10.57106, -9.79859, -10.0115, -9.95785, -12.90655, -10.15188, -10.12624, -9.72291, -10.05345, -13.0167, -10.73946, -9.94807, -9.97774, -11.01505, -9.82711, -11.25257, -10.32579, -10.84578, -10.35918, -11.83687, -12.97778 ]
[ -1.68814, -2.16605, -5.18752, -5.66542, -0.9002, -1.37811, -7.68313, -8.16104, -7.84121, -5.97546, -8.31911, -6.45336, -8.77837, -8.85716, -8.30046, -9.44611, -11.04299, -10.20776, -9.33507, -11.73132, -9.92401, -10.67367, -10.47232, -11.52089, -11.26063, -11.47617, -10.68566, -11.18251, -11.15157, -10.95022, -11.73853, -11.54184, -11.71599, -8.87756, -11.66042, -12.01975, -12.50144, -12.1939, -9.35546, -11.65104, -12.51881, -12.52572, -11.54941, -12.97935, -11.61045, -12.5792, -12.12894, -12.62978, -11.21224, -10.1471 ]
[ -2.086, -2.37784, -4.82903, -5.12964, -6.95203, -7.24002, -7.89015, -8.18646, -9.06586, -9.06729, -9.35794, -9.38619, -9.73246, -10.06793, -10.08507, -10.10574, -10.18055, -10.27374, -10.35965, -10.42696, -10.42839, -10.43524, -10.46586, -10.47308, -10.47345, -10.53909, -10.5644, -10.60171, -10.72865, -10.76064, -10.76856, -10.77667, -10.83692, -10.89205, -10.90615, -11.07299, -11.11218, -11.12367, -11.18608, -11.19525, -11.23344, -11.25173, -11.28223, -11.40323, -11.43151, -11.4525, -11.48736, -11.49448, -11.52456, -11.56244 ]
it was creditable to his tenderness of heart but suggested that he might on occasion give some offence to the neighbours
[ "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in clear street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was the foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "books the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter won lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one logrs in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a along lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a fouggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a floggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "buck the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "hook the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers and queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in square street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book a third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long line chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and a fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer streets it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy days in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggie day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a fuggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers on queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lean chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the frog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london but the fog was heavy and dark", "look the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodger in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "ok the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in care street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "bookd the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a boggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "bush the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "booke the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london an the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a hoggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and that fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long land chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavily and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was of foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "but the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggey day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgeers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "brook the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fox was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a faggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy today in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third the long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the third a long lane chapter everyone lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark", "book the the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark" ]
[ -1.98934, -6.87984, -8.57081, -8.23801, -9.83808, -9.22565, -9.57114, -11.37262, -9.24753, -9.14935, -9.26956, -11.94127, -10.313, -8.96576, -10.14212, -10.17357, -7.76434, -9.44824, -8.97878, -9.12261, -9.53281, -8.92858, -9.98652, -7.5184, -7.71618, -10.15491, -10.35549, -11.55028, -11.66457, -9.01037, -12.04821, -9.04875, -9.99731, -12.18291, -10.79304, -9.81647, -10.74487, -9.01606, -9.1572, -10.46369, -10.96973, -10.9451, -9.53936, -9.58303, -8.58611, -11.37069, -11.6279, -10.7627, -12.02945, -11.57984 ]
[ -0.04757, -6.07075, -6.13521, -6.98801, -5.99368, -6.77836, -7.70376, -6.11069, -8.57165, -8.78194, -9.0976, -6.47598, -8.11637, -9.6155, -8.48028, -8.48906, -11.08719, -9.46721, -10.01392, -9.92053, -9.52034, -10.13655, -9.19587, -11.96679, -11.80101, -9.73199, -9.71598, -8.63908, -8.75777, -11.51195, -8.47502, -11.48338, -10.6082, -8.48163, -9.87782, -10.99351, -10.09804, -11.91834, -11.79148, -10.60252, -10.14009, -10.17463, -11.62288, -11.60946, -12.63542, -9.85168, -9.60721, -10.59117, -9.33749, -9.88186 ]
[ -1.01845, -6.4753, -7.35301, -7.61301, -7.91588, -8.002, -8.63745, -8.74166, -8.90959, -8.96564, -9.18358, -9.20862, -9.21468, -9.29063, -9.3112, -9.33131, -9.42576, -9.45773, -9.49635, -9.52157, -9.52658, -9.53257, -9.59119, -9.74259, -9.7586, -9.94345, -10.03573, -10.09468, -10.21117, -10.26116, -10.26162, -10.26607, -10.30275, -10.33227, -10.33543, -10.40499, -10.42145, -10.4672, -10.47434, -10.53311, -10.55491, -10.55986, -10.58112, -10.59624, -10.61077, -10.61119, -10.61755, -10.67694, -10.68347, -10.73085 ]
book the third a long lane chapter one lodgers in queer street it was a foggy day in london and the fog was heavy and dark
[ "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided and purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking weezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided and purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and visible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and visible", "nimate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sootty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being invisible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheazing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheesing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheasing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whiezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "nimate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sootty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being invisible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated longs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specttre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specter divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whazing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritted lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whoezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated longs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritating lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specttre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking hoezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "anim at london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "anate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectter divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "andimate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was the sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty specter divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was b blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritted lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible an invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheizing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "inimate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided an purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritating lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided on purpose between being visible and invisible", "anate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheazing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "anim at london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectter divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheeasing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible", "andimate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking whezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible" ]
[ -3.46741, -7.28381, -9.43681, -9.11646, -13.27332, -10.02432, -13.83119, -10.05299, -11.61418, -11.20524, -12.5672, -12.82387, -8.5401, -10.52683, -12.20255, -13.94446, -15.41486, -15.02, -8.84551, -12.76144, -8.67081, -11.45264, -16.64981, -9.53945, -11.45353, -12.47121, -9.02121, -16.57206, -11.87802, -10.32306, -13.17124, -12.48216, -12.08859, -10.01436, -11.6422, -12.50641, -12.24608, -13.31234, -10.95712, -11.23802, -11.25338, -11.34388, -12.75208, -10.87211, -16.94284, -11.18408, -14.14467, -16.30423, -11.40163, -15.94095 ]
[ -3.17905, -0.47027, -5.96279, -6.61381, -3.25401, -6.81755, -4.10877, -7.99482, -6.6161, -7.07182, -6.36849, -6.1551, -10.51901, -8.55228, -6.88744, -5.28603, -3.90731, -4.36304, -10.70694, -6.82735, -11.30338, -8.52273, -3.44632, -10.57636, -9.00256, -7.99815, -11.522, -4.11856, -8.87274, -10.47107, -7.62823, -8.32538, -8.75187, -11.04147, -9.43649, -8.59459, -8.90107, -7.86758, -10.22881, -9.98954, -10.14765, -10.09188, -8.81321, -10.86984, -4.91944, -10.69742, -7.76228, -5.6166, -10.52463, -6.04308 ]
[ -3.32323, -3.87704, -7.6998, -7.86513, -8.26366, -8.42093, -8.96998, -9.02391, -9.11514, -9.13853, -9.46784, -9.48949, -9.52956, -9.53956, -9.545, -9.61525, -9.66109, -9.69152, -9.77623, -9.7944, -9.98709, -9.98768, -10.04806, -10.05791, -10.22804, -10.23468, -10.2716, -10.34531, -10.37538, -10.39707, -10.39974, -10.40377, -10.42023, -10.52792, -10.53934, -10.5505, -10.57358, -10.58996, -10.59296, -10.61378, -10.70052, -10.71788, -10.78264, -10.87098, -10.93114, -10.94075, -10.95348, -10.96041, -10.96313, -10.99202 ]
animate london with smarting eyes and irritated lungs was blinking wheezing and choking inanimate london was a sooty spectre divided in purpose between being visible and invisible
[ "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and un blessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbleced air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbeased air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbleased air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlesed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and un blessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbleshed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblessed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unlist air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesced air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbust air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesed air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbleast air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbeased air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbleased air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesst air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with the haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslines flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and un blest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being holy neither gas lights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unpleased air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unbeast air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblust air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesced air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblested air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblist air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad unto the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be knight creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself", "and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblesst air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself" ]
[ -4.01477, -5.85893, -6.9839, -8.51302, -5.41054, -10.66675, -7.23203, -8.36922, -8.52012, -9.89585, -13.64559, -12.0632, -6.09385, -12.12974, -11.0423, -8.84241, -12.72993, -17.22406, -9.92414, -7.79131, -10.94846, -14.93695, -8.94368, -8.52108, -10.58047, -10.80111, -12.69848, -8.77787, -12.33292, -7.75112, -11.12053, -10.28017, -14.09574, -11.04944, -9.68885, -9.53066, -8.41542, -12.83776, -10.93682, -9.43205, -11.84781, -8.82809, -9.32738, -11.51587, -10.40682, -10.84062, -11.54504, -9.04669, -9.44837, -14.85294 ]
[ -7.53919, -7.35433, -6.33365, -5.52543, -8.79682, -4.50475, -8.61196, -7.59128, -8.09672, -6.78307, -3.3408, -5.76238, -11.84061, -6.08333, -7.19546, -9.64368, -5.94135, -1.51191, -9.35435, -11.65575, -8.54419, -4.59844, -10.63507, -11.24175, -9.82685, -9.6874, -7.79515, -11.99165, -8.45308, -13.09824, -9.95479, -10.90132, -7.19898, -10.34717, -12.27984, -12.6077, -13.7653, -9.36809, -11.33939, -12.91338, -10.55732, -13.65712, -13.17092, -11.01612, -12.18857, -12.15392, -11.5163, -14.78138, -14.5019, -9.25101 ]
[ -5.77698, -6.60663, -6.65877, -7.01923, -7.10368, -7.58575, -7.92199, -7.98025, -8.30842, -8.33946, -8.4932, -8.91279, -8.96723, -9.10654, -9.11888, -9.24305, -9.33564, -9.36799, -9.63925, -9.72353, -9.74633, -9.76769, -9.78937, -9.88141, -10.20366, -10.24426, -10.24681, -10.38476, -10.393, -10.42468, -10.53766, -10.59074, -10.64736, -10.69831, -10.98434, -11.06918, -11.09036, -11.10293, -11.13811, -11.17272, -11.20257, -11.24261, -11.24915, -11.26599, -11.2977, -11.49727, -11.53067, -11.91404, -11.97513, -12.05197 ]
and so being wholly neither gaslights flared in the shops with a haggard and unblest air as knowing themselves to be night creatures that had no business abroad under the sun while the sun itself
[ "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies a fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated thro circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling edies of fog", "when it was for a few movements dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circing eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fogg", "when it was from a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddiess of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies and fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fogs", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circpling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddis of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of frog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated from circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circlinging eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through a circling eddies of fog", "one it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddties of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated threw circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog'", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicating through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through the circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through c circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments grimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies in fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies to fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated to circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of foge", "when was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddries of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies at fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies o fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling edbies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicted through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling edds of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog and", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies ofog", "where it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "while it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddes of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddities of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circbling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circly eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated toward circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies the fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through cir circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dumbly indicated through circling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circqueling eddies of fog", "when it was for a few moments dimbly indicated through circling eddies of fog" ]
[ -1.76172, -8.89112, -7.89385, -10.39064, -8.43564, -8.61624, -6.53772, -9.14788, -10.84971, -10.33807, -11.39403, -11.02074, -10.91183, -7.88849, -8.42368, -11.57414, -11.50707, -10.21497, -11.38449, -9.37728, -11.48815, -9.42448, -10.08877, -10.56485, -9.16329, -10.81278, -10.50985, -10.18091, -11.22058, -11.16691, -10.23003, -10.89887, -10.92874, -9.42382, -8.23717, -10.82499, -10.53577, -9.52051, -10.22191, -10.40472, -11.97698, -12.17699, -11.08446, -10.57877, -10.1985, -11.59827, -11.70066, -8.63824, -11.37573, -12.14564 ]
[ -0.03797, -4.18799, -7.13786, -6.61018, -8.92734, -9.17623, -11.3333, -8.85571, -7.68249, -8.37251, -7.43865, -8.03766, -8.25932, -11.31581, -10.78987, -8.14979, -8.6452, -10.16527, -9.03676, -11.14914, -9.25618, -11.4141, -10.77497, -10.30725, -11.81962, -10.19312, -10.66124, -11.08942, -10.05176, -10.15929, -11.13276, -10.48275, -10.48151, -11.99524, -13.2431, -10.66851, -10.96795, -12.00968, -11.42738, -11.30215, -9.82962, -9.65324, -10.75442, -11.49002, -11.94884, -10.66149, -10.62728, -13.78418, -11.1233, -10.38584 ]
[ -0.89985, -6.53956, -7.51585, -8.50041, -8.68149, -8.89623, -8.93551, -9.0018, -9.2661, -9.35529, -9.41634, -9.5292, -9.58557, -9.60215, -9.60678, -9.86196, -10.07614, -10.19012, -10.21063, -10.26321, -10.37216, -10.41929, -10.43187, -10.43605, -10.49146, -10.50295, -10.58555, -10.63516, -10.63617, -10.6631, -10.68139, -10.69081, -10.70512, -10.70953, -10.74013, -10.74675, -10.75186, -10.76509, -10.82464, -10.85343, -10.9033, -10.91511, -10.91944, -11.03439, -11.07367, -11.12988, -11.16397, -11.21121, -11.24952, -11.26574 ]
when it was for a few moments dimly indicated through circling eddies of fog
[ "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundry line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundry line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was the foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray wereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collasing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was the foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collasing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapssing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about a boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary lines dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gay whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about that boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey wereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapssing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about a boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary lines dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about that boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary lion dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundaryline dark yellow", "and where collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a floggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was great whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary lion dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a boggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundaryline dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary lying dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whenas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and where collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a floggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whenas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a boggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the frog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary lying dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and gold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in a surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy days but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the frog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat in cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was in about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but here the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there that fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and gold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in a surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was atabout the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy days but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was and about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat in cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow", "and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was gray whereas in london it was in about the boundary line dark yellow" ]
[ -3.37898, -3.58893, -8.4685, -8.69842, -9.36278, -9.98685, -11.01899, -9.58193, -11.22372, -12.92515, -10.67782, -10.08884, -9.70721, -10.31132, -11.19117, -13.13768, -10.92109, -10.32173, -10.5096, -9.50504, -9.89993, -10.65938, -10.19712, -10.02118, -9.70784, -8.91124, -10.14247, -10.17361, -10.15586, -10.86817, -10.39135, -10.07934, -9.10868, -8.97852, -10.39419, -10.30247, -10.79857, -10.53039, -9.28189, -11.3429, -10.59606, -10.42569, -11.54991, -10.51724, -11.00541, -11.59237, -10.75337, -11.02885, -11.5463, -10.82221 ]
[ -0.60712, -0.94114, -6.48665, -6.82068, -7.50752, -7.32403, -6.33649, -7.84155, -6.67052, -4.99511, -7.32265, -8.00579, -8.39386, -7.83024, -6.99, -5.32913, -7.65667, -8.33981, -8.16426, -9.29244, -9.00396, -8.42713, -9.09602, -9.28387, -9.62647, -10.44306, -9.33799, -9.36471, -9.43853, -8.76116, -9.43005, -9.77256, -10.77708, -11.06531, -9.69874, -10.22694, -9.76844, -10.10072, -11.39934, -9.49564, -10.27923, -10.48848, -9.50181, -10.56097, -10.10247, -9.5175, -10.43475, -10.20296, -9.82966, -10.61326 ]
[ -1.99305, -2.26504, -7.47758, -7.75955, -8.43515, -8.65544, -8.67774, -8.71174, -8.94712, -8.96013, -9.00023, -9.04731, -9.05053, -9.07078, -9.09058, -9.23341, -9.28888, -9.33077, -9.33693, -9.39874, -9.45195, -9.54326, -9.64657, -9.65253, -9.66716, -9.67715, -9.74023, -9.76916, -9.7972, -9.81467, -9.9107, -9.92595, -9.94288, -10.02192, -10.04647, -10.26471, -10.2835, -10.31556, -10.34061, -10.41927, -10.43765, -10.45709, -10.52586, -10.5391, -10.55394, -10.55494, -10.59406, -10.6159, -10.68798, -10.71773 ]
and were collapsing flat and cold even in the surrounding country it was a foggy day but there the fog was grey whereas in london it was at about the boundary line dark yellow
[ "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint merry axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which called saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary ax it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary acts it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which calls saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until it the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it browne and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint merry ax it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which called saint merry axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "an a little within it brown and then browner and then 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city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it browned and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint merry acts it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint maryx it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridges of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary x it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saintary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of a high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and thin browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the part of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browneer until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary actx it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northwards", "and a little within it brown and then browneer and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the hard of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of that high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which calls saint merry axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge ofland northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary ex it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "in a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint marry axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city would call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner and until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of a city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until it the heart of the city which call saint merry axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and thin browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint maryax it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of this city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary a axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which called saint mary ax it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary eggs it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was lusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary ox it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward", "and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land southward" ]
[ -3.36261, -5.4965, -5.92485, -7.13243, -6.72666, -9.32798, -10.91566, -10.88473, -8.37798, -8.25689, -11.08977, -10.08196, -11.20043, -10.05359, -13.38807, -10.53228, -12.50978, -8.89625, -10.36603, -12.32849, -10.36155, -12.07312, -10.7588, -10.78971, -10.72046, -11.55297, -10.85584, -14.35105, -13.03625, -11.07336, -10.20186, -11.23483, -11.49707, -10.2729, -9.83945, -11.5029, -10.73742, -10.35845, -13.5229, -11.32621, -12.97124, -11.53817, -10.79907, -11.51354, -16.48033, -9.52324, -10.13632, -10.21182, -11.49233, -10.50623 ]
[ -0.62728, -3.42985, -6.48516, -6.12915, -7.55169, -5.79377, -5.17394, -6.19111, -8.93172, -9.28773, -6.85569, -8.47836, -7.44887, -8.8411, -5.53059, -8.59502, -6.6481, -10.35426, -9.03046, -7.2625, -9.24311, -7.57547, -8.9184, -8.88755, -9.06934, -8.24377, -9.02506, -5.55609, -6.87548, -8.89261, -9.79359, -8.79119, -8.59634, -9.95694, -10.51972, -8.94322, -10.00342, -10.428, -7.29436, -9.55001, -7.9765, -9.43101, -10.1941, -9.49952, -4.63262, -11.98704, -11.38513, -11.43702, -10.46479, -11.56499 ]
[ -1.99495, -4.46317, -6.20501, -6.63079, -7.13917, -7.56088, -8.0448, -8.53792, -8.65485, -8.77231, -8.97273, -9.28016, -9.32465, -9.44734, -9.45933, -9.56365, -9.57894, -9.62526, -9.69825, -9.7955, -9.80233, -9.82429, -9.8386, -9.83863, -9.8949, -9.89837, -9.94045, -9.95357, -9.95587, -9.98298, -9.99773, -10.01301, -10.04671, -10.11492, -10.17959, -10.22306, -10.37042, -10.39323, -10.40863, -10.43811, -10.47387, -10.48459, -10.49659, -10.50653, -10.55647, -10.75514, -10.76072, -10.82442, -10.97856, -11.03561 ]
and a little within it brown and then browner and then browner until at the heart of the city which call saint mary axe it was rusty black from any point of the high ridge of land northward
[ "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy see and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint pal's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made in occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to give their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul''s seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy c and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die heart but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the street at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggie sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the boggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggies sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the floggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at the feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that a great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it would have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get the heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint pauls seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above a foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it may have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above that foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paulll's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seem to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy seat and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the fogggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not proceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads about the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the faggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the laftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiestiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to lie hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggled to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paw's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at her feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great domes of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been disturbed that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings make an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the fouggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivible in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivably in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get there heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the fogy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that theloftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it should have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the greater dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the lotftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it must have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy seas and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet", "it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feete" ]
[ -4.16713, -8.48358, -9.34408, -10.05179, -9.79922, -14.72605, -10.62391, -11.49489, -10.06745, -11.49221, -9.52719, -12.09005, -10.47353, -10.75671, -12.03526, -11.24007, -11.23694, -13.11122, -11.78513, -11.61833, -11.96422, -14.46706, -12.70818, -11.05465, -16.12179, -9.24468, -10.56416, -11.01816, -11.40359, -14.76666, -11.5055, -13.58855, -11.76551, -11.48265, -13.21198, -10.78111, -11.7265, -14.55108, -12.54383, -11.30118, -11.99854, -7.81622, -12.15127, -12.39974, -11.33805, -11.48515, -11.95653, -11.68594, -14.9419, -13.70208 ]
[ -0.20411, -4.27932, -4.68144, -5.51611, -6.82004, -2.37988, -6.93401, -6.521, -7.99873, -6.72112, -8.82249, -7.57057, -9.52945, -9.3053, -8.03686, -8.95879, -8.98115, -7.18165, -8.71296, -8.90056, -8.66635, -6.23499, -7.99822, -9.68082, -4.76922, -11.6691, -10.57636, -10.23436, -9.97217, -6.61899, -9.93822, -7.96285, -9.84602, -10.1619, -8.44304, -10.93957, -10.06423, -7.25219, -9.31662, -10.6862, -10.01254, -14.21025, -9.96807, -9.72212, -10.85125, -10.71926, -10.32979, -10.60234, -7.42385, -10.60454 ]
[ -2.18562, -6.38145, -7.01276, -7.78395, -8.30963, -8.55296, -8.77896, -9.00794, -9.03309, -9.10667, -9.17484, -9.83031, -10.00149, -10.03101, -10.03606, -10.09943, -10.10904, -10.14643, -10.24904, -10.25945, -10.31528, -10.35103, -10.3532, -10.36773, -10.4455, -10.45689, -10.57026, -10.62626, -10.68788, -10.69283, -10.72186, -10.7757, -10.80577, -10.82227, -10.82751, -10.86034, -10.89536, -10.90163, -10.93023, -10.99369, -11.00554, -11.01323, -11.05967, -11.06093, -11.09465, -11.1022, -11.14316, -11.14414, -11.18288, -12.15331 ]
it might have been discerned that the loftiest buildings made an occasional struggle to get their heads above the foggy sea and especially that the great dome of saint paul's seemed to die hard but this was not perceivable in the streets at their feet
[ "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic guitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic guitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cutar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic caitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cutar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catars at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic coitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic caitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cattar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cathar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catars at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic coitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cattar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cathar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catard at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a giganticatar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrs at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarch at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic katar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic guar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarur at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarire at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catard at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic guitar at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and emfolding a gigantic catarh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrre at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the home metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the home metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cattarh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was the heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cattarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a warning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic cattarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropoliss was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a warning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a warning", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morninging", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morning and", "where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapor charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarre at nine o'clock on such a morninging" ]
[ -6.57215, -6.87012, -3.8552, -4.18976, -9.82296, -6.47233, -10.15648, -6.8089, -9.30815, -9.89636, -9.41016, -12.74585, -9.01302, -10.5192, -10.22439, -14.44135, -10.14267, -13.08011, -10.79976, -9.35267, -7.32261, -14.59852, -10.43736, -7.64213, -10.80682, -11.55683, -13.07703, -10.35238, -11.04737, -14.54111, -13.63386, -12.76863, -11.14271, -9.98396, -13.5834, -12.04696, -12.39011, -8.1723, -8.48881, -15.62438, -9.36791, -12.91132, -14.02507, -13.33802, -13.77565, -11.37434, -11.71652, -17.25959, -15.67149, -17.56473 ]
[ -4.8772, -5.18164, -8.7338, -9.03824, -4.14091, -7.72403, -4.44535, -8.02847, -8.84827, -8.46345, -9.15271, -5.86779, -9.6534, -8.19927, -8.7679, -4.7197, -9.09947, -6.17224, -8.50371, -9.95784, -12.05587, -5.02414, -9.40392, -12.36031, -9.50263, -8.80936, -7.37368, -10.22369, -9.60843, -6.20535, -7.26123, -8.16064, -9.80707, -11.0461, -7.46297, -9.3757, -9.68014, -14.17642, -14.48086, -7.57462, -14.12575, -12.16752, -11.67016, -12.47196, -12.47035, -15.52676, -15.8312, -12.84751, -14.58735, -13.15196 ]
[ -5.72468, -6.02588, -6.2945, -6.614, -6.98193, -7.09818, -7.30091, -7.41869, -9.07821, -9.17991, -9.28144, -9.30682, -9.33321, -9.35924, -9.49614, -9.58052, -9.62107, -9.62617, -9.65174, -9.65525, -9.68924, -9.81133, -9.92064, -10.00122, -10.15472, -10.18309, -10.22535, -10.28804, -10.3279, -10.37323, -10.44754, -10.46464, -10.47489, -10.51503, -10.52319, -10.71133, -11.03513, -11.17436, -11.48483, -11.5995, -11.74683, -12.53942, -12.84761, -12.90499, -13.123, -13.45055, -13.77386, -15.05355, -15.12942, -15.35834 ]
where the whole metropolis was a heap of vapour charged with muffled sound of wheels and enfolding a gigantic catarrh at nine o'clock on such a morning
[ "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint merry axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint maryax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheap side fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary x but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by corn hill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint merry ax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint maryx but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint maryiax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary acts but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhall cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill chiefside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albony", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward buy cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albaney", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albanny", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadelly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary actx but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill sheepside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilli and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mariax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint merryax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary annex but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ox but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary alx but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint merry axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheap side fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheap side fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ex but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint marynax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill chief side fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint marry axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and a strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went to the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axes but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary yax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheap sides fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albamy", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilie and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary gax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albbany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint merry axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by corn hill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of his history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint maryax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheap side fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ax but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by corn hill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadily and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilely and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary asked but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary ix but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany", "riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history cannot follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany" ]
[ -3.69455, -6.00765, -8.23326, -9.15412, -8.57432, -8.69512, -6.27691, -9.3657, -9.59615, -13.14077, -7.59565, -8.75131, -8.83944, -9.51466, -10.00133, -8.88656, -9.33792, -8.99914, -15.64996, -8.89313, -11.0898, -10.64214, -11.94196, -11.83553, -12.28228, -11.35487, -10.89143, -13.10808, -8.95723, -12.1697, -8.55261, -10.03315, -10.54353, -11.5365, -13.90366, -12.22376, -10.91617, -10.29573, -11.04939, -12.41663, -13.57371, -8.55438, -10.14998, -14.09231, -10.852, -10.83128, -9.89966, -9.81238, -12.80451, -10.28081 ]
[ -3.31259, -6.58334, -4.42381, -4.65023, -6.00741, -6.55701, -9.55663, -7.69456, -7.76857, -4.45618, -10.20608, -9.07324, -9.36208, -8.81359, -8.63302, -9.80641, -9.59393, -10.45836, -3.9101, -10.67702, -8.61795, -9.1062, -7.92097, -8.15172, -7.73456, -8.74438, -9.27815, -7.11863, -11.32879, -8.17123, -12.05689, -10.80562, -10.33553, -9.34785, -7.02598, -8.9328, -10.24756, -10.91212, -10.1789, -8.87812, -7.72613, -12.82738, -11.27476, -7.34504, -10.66785, -10.73415, -11.77716, -11.93991, -8.98228, -11.57219 ]
[ -3.50357, -6.29549, -6.32854, -6.90217, -7.29086, -7.62607, -7.91677, -8.53013, -8.68236, -8.79848, -8.90086, -8.91227, -9.10076, -9.16413, -9.31717, -9.34648, -9.46593, -9.72875, -9.78003, -9.78507, -9.85388, -9.87417, -9.93146, -9.99363, -10.00842, -10.04963, -10.08479, -10.11335, -10.14301, -10.17046, -10.30475, -10.41938, -10.43953, -10.44217, -10.46482, -10.57828, -10.58186, -10.60392, -10.61414, -10.64738, -10.64992, -10.69088, -10.71237, -10.71868, -10.75993, -10.78271, -10.83841, -10.87614, -10.89339, -10.9265 ]
riah went into the fog and was lost to the eyes of saint mary axe but the eyes of this history can follow him westward by cornhill cheapside fleet street and the strand to piccadilly and the albany
[ "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the midst", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt it heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirted heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to looked back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at this venerable figure already lost in the mist", "hither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff and hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace stuff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt its heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one hand turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace stiff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at eel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in a mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turned to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt had heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost on the mist", "thither he went at this grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt in heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured peace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at is grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt a heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hands skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his brave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to looking back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt and heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the wrist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace step in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured face staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back in his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in that mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff on hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one had turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the miss", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mists", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already loss in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirtted heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace deaf in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in this mist", "thither he went at its grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more then one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirtit heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured place staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in mist", "whither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace laugh in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went on his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than onehead turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head returning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist", "thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than won head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist" ]
[ -2.62106, -5.81361, -8.92178, -10.12935, -8.59504, -8.91642, -6.98576, -10.5212, -8.45657, -10.1798, -8.71156, -9.68565, -9.54908, -10.27291, -8.99774, -9.84525, -10.55391, -9.85202, -10.8575, -9.11625, -9.89044, -10.81034, -9.72644, -8.96584, -10.05601, -10.87869, -9.35441, -9.28949, -9.0866, -9.61886, -10.89599, -11.02557, -10.97634, -10.28919, -12.05152, -13.07508, -12.62465, -10.27403, -10.86329, -10.94059, -10.80346, -11.68871, -9.16759, -13.03055, -9.18454, -10.15907, -10.82085, -10.8689, -10.82846, -10.93481 ]
[ -0.05095, -4.68322, -6.00719, -4.96753, -7.28453, -7.14982, -9.40665, -6.28348, -8.84175, -7.49905, -9.013, -8.12572, -8.30938, -8.02636, -9.32909, -8.52802, -8.08913, -9.13396, -8.25693, -10.21638, -9.54215, -8.71961, -9.8931, -10.69747, -9.70251, -8.89575, -10.45015, -10.58572, -10.95958, -10.43568, -9.16316, -9.46074, -9.57508, -10.275, -8.54282, -7.52138, -7.97866, -10.44056, -9.94074, -9.92982, -10.09542, -9.51991, -12.14243, -8.30115, -12.32384, -11.35413, -10.82021, -10.82807, -11.04395, -10.98355 ]
[ -1.336, -5.24842, -7.46449, -7.54844, -7.93978, -8.03312, -8.19621, -8.40234, -8.64916, -8.83943, -8.86228, -8.90569, -8.92923, -9.14963, -9.16342, -9.18663, -9.32152, -9.49299, -9.55721, -9.66632, -9.7163, -9.76498, -9.80977, -9.83165, -9.87926, -9.88722, -9.90228, -9.9376, -10.02309, -10.02727, -10.02957, -10.24315, -10.27571, -10.28209, -10.29717, -10.29823, -10.30165, -10.3573, -10.40202, -10.4352, -10.44944, -10.60431, -10.65501, -10.66585, -10.75419, -10.7566, -10.82053, -10.84848, -10.93621, -10.95918 ]
thither he went at his grave and measured pace staff in hand skirt at heel and more than one head turning to look back at his venerable figure already lost in the mist
[ "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing lightness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing lightness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly scene which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into the passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly scene which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into the passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on a second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house on which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancied in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his masters chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passinglikeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at that house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "suppose it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at a house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistintly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancied and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were in the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy on the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master''s chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on this second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seeing which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on a second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing lifeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house on which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his masters chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy of the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into this passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passinglikeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctally seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at that house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy when the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and a fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at a house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house and which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancies and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistintly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likedness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "disposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "suppose it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy in the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and that fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistininctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had work into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on that second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancying the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor", "supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floore" ]
[ -3.21163, -4.76426, -7.14342, -8.68055, -9.555, -9.32238, -11.17797, -10.88696, -10.01293, -9.95946, -9.72423, -10.98082, -10.15969, -9.93205, -9.35745, -10.7273, -11.45399, -11.26259, -10.89311, -12.08821, -13.15938, -11.88298, -11.12518, -10.82386, -11.54764, -9.67384, -11.49034, -12.48945, -11.92273, -11.27045, -10.92486, -11.71266, -13.1582, -11.49216, -12.35559, -12.11243, -11.52902, -12.26674, -11.75352, -10.56157, -12.98915, -9.99611, -10.49819, -11.09186, -11.5778, -12.46085, -10.25022, -10.65047, -11.71624, -13.56508 ]
[ -0.56668, -1.02551, -4.34992, -4.80874, -4.63167, -6.57559, -5.09049, -7.03442, -8.25067, -8.33177, -8.59002, -7.46639, -8.41523, -8.66608, -9.70191, -8.39425, -7.73342, -8.13119, -9.13028, -7.98155, -6.96225, -8.25845, -9.09606, -9.41399, -8.70949, -10.5963, -8.79059, -7.92521, -8.56581, -9.22553, -9.64363, -8.87406, -7.45782, -9.12491, -8.38013, -8.6836, -9.47715, -8.85307, -9.37179, -10.56611, -8.19224, -11.23386, -10.74823, -10.16073, -9.67817, -8.80153, -11.05517, -10.67049, -9.61167, -9.73634 ]
[ -1.88915, -2.89488, -5.74667, -6.74464, -7.09333, -7.94899, -8.13423, -8.96069, -9.1318, -9.14561, -9.15712, -9.2236, -9.28746, -9.29907, -9.52968, -9.56077, -9.5937, -9.69689, -10.0117, -10.03488, -10.06081, -10.07071, -10.11062, -10.11893, -10.12857, -10.13507, -10.14047, -10.20733, -10.24427, -10.24799, -10.28425, -10.29336, -10.30801, -10.30853, -10.36786, -10.39801, -10.50308, -10.5599, -10.56265, -10.56384, -10.59069, -10.61499, -10.62321, -10.6263, -10.62798, -10.63119, -10.6527, -10.66048, -10.66396, -11.65071 ]
supposed it to be some ordinary figure indistinctly seen which fancy and the fog had worked into that passing likeness arrived at the house in which his master's chambers were on the second floor
[ "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither belle nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riot proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free was neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused that fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebe's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah seated up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah preceded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riar proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sate down on the threshold", "riha proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebi's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination ledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the downstairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebee's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck on the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at vascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascinationledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he stuck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebys door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebye's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of a staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knockers he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused and fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on a threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledge be's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with a top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah presented up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riath proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened set down on the threshold", "rira proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fasscination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "iah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused as fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and caused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby''s door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebey's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fescination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascinations fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebyy's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the upstairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebury's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down upon the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's doors making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riak proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making three with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up to stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgebya's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riac proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold", "riah proceeded up the stars and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold" ]
[ -3.13129, -11.46179, -8.83964, -9.30819, -10.35338, -13.02648, -9.83055, -7.63109, -10.226, -9.54457, -9.98926, -10.8653, -9.67187, -11.04677, -9.17661, -9.75659, -9.23813, -10.77357, -8.99373, -11.13367, -12.50522, -9.83454, -10.08625, -10.6832, -10.3576, -14.43165, -10.93327, -10.08775, -9.55187, -9.47742, -12.38452, -12.12634, -11.5628, -10.5508, -9.41764, -13.25327, -10.39429, -10.30705, -10.48657, -13.31089, -12.43106, -9.90788, -10.53304, -10.34923, -13.02036, -10.70026, -12.01804, -12.93828, -11.70678, -9.51971 ]
[ -0.39593, -1.94293, -6.76542, -6.41794, -5.53127, -3.0231, -6.85021, -9.20878, -6.95849, -7.83153, -7.40866, -6.72678, -8.51803, -7.20543, -9.08516, -8.66614, -9.26094, -7.73743, -9.77486, -7.80364, -6.45798, -9.37776, -9.14648, -8.57478, -8.95423, -4.93195, -8.43965, -9.33336, -9.92724, -10.11623, -7.21531, -7.48787, -8.06616, -9.08337, -10.26978, -6.46444, -9.33033, -9.61679, -9.44734, -6.70322, -7.75825, -10.3004, -9.84067, -10.03561, -7.36918, -9.80911, -8.54057, -7.70359, -8.9862, -11.24466 ]
[ -1.76361, -6.70236, -7.80253, -7.86306, -7.94232, -8.02479, -8.34038, -8.41993, -8.59224, -8.68805, -8.69896, -8.79604, -9.09495, -9.1261, -9.13088, -9.21137, -9.24954, -9.2555, -9.3843, -9.46866, -9.4816, -9.60615, -9.61637, -9.62899, -9.65592, -9.6818, -9.68646, -9.71055, -9.73955, -9.79683, -9.79992, -9.80711, -9.81448, -9.81709, -9.84371, -9.85885, -9.86231, -9.96192, -9.96695, -10.00705, -10.09465, -10.10414, -10.18685, -10.19242, -10.19477, -10.25469, -10.2793, -10.32093, -10.34649, -10.38219 ]
riah proceeded up the stairs and paused at fascination fledgeby's door making free with neither bell nor knocker he struck upon the door with the top of his staff and having listened sat down on the threshold
[ "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably set down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might be fall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down and dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on a raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sate down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submissions that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might be full", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sate down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befill him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what beffell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befellham as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeon's taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submissions that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of its ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of this habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submision that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submiss that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell them as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might be fallen", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taken what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in donegeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking one befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befall him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dongeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down upon the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons making what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down in the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down on dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancencestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the rawed dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what beefell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might be false", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors have probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might be before", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might beful", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on that raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befeld him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking whatbefell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he set down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befel him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the braw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristics of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic in his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his adncestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befal", "it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might beffall" ]
[ -3.42068, -7.12606, -8.24186, -9.15602, -8.83986, -9.21844, -9.44389, -9.40866, -9.52325, -8.57697, -15.27235, -12.33999, -11.61963, -14.15025, -10.3798, -10.81981, -13.04396, -12.56714, -11.50836, -9.50112, -10.40183, -11.69453, -10.88835, -10.44538, -9.05206, -10.34867, -10.43245, -10.55631, -11.4569, -11.12173, -13.24047, -13.37679, -11.7758, -11.00082, -11.51234, -12.61537, -11.04461, -14.19726, -11.86601, -11.53823, -11.6485, -9.91738, -11.91092, -6.37661, -10.82933, -12.62018, -12.7733, -15.9125, -8.13651, -16.33103 ]
[ -0.18252, -6.33343, -6.15909, -5.79449, -6.80356, -6.82011, -7.48327, -7.97236, -7.88371, -9.17931, -2.63189, -5.84021, -6.81402, -4.49005, -8.89793, -8.59047, -6.40953, -7.06068, -8.316, -10.60074, -10.01122, -8.84322, -9.6852, -10.23632, -11.63861, -10.4329, -10.44521, -10.39452, -9.50682, -9.88626, -7.80131, -7.88842, -9.58501, -10.41466, -9.96078, -8.93314, -10.543, -7.39765, -9.73943, -10.18748, -10.09794, -11.94292, -9.98615, -15.59534, -11.16712, -9.43028, -9.30315, -6.26168, -15.36158, -7.51478 ]
[ -1.8016, -6.72974, -7.20048, -7.47525, -7.82171, -8.01928, -8.46358, -8.69051, -8.70348, -8.87814, -8.95212, -9.0901, -9.21682, -9.32015, -9.63887, -9.70514, -9.72675, -9.81391, -9.91218, -10.05093, -10.20652, -10.26888, -10.28677, -10.34085, -10.34533, -10.39079, -10.43883, -10.47542, -10.48186, -10.50399, -10.52089, -10.6326, -10.68041, -10.70774, -10.73656, -10.77426, -10.7938, -10.79745, -10.80272, -10.86286, -10.87322, -10.93015, -10.94854, -10.98598, -10.99822, -11.02523, -11.03822, -11.08709, -11.74905, -11.9229 ]
it was characteristic of his habitual submission that he sat down on the raw dark staircase as many of his ancestors had probably sat down in dungeons taking what befell him as it might befall
[ "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feign to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with a staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feined to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fained to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be faigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to weight", "after a time when he had gone so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with a staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sate down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be faign to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feignined to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be faned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feignd to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to weight", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigning to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he rose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fein to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had gone so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feignin to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sate down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knock with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fanigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow on his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he rose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fanin to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose a knock with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with this staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked were his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feign to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with a staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow on his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigns to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knock with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose a knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with the staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned a blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so called as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be faind to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fane to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigne to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be ferined to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fained blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had drawn so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked wi his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fanined to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with this staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked where his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait", "after a time when he had grown so cold as to be feigned to blow upon his shoulders he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait" ]
[ -3.17131, -4.10158, -10.31131, -8.24765, -11.46508, -10.71553, -12.00613, -6.39775, -6.77199, -9.06381, -8.17926, -9.58406, -14.7177, -13.42002, -8.51563, -11.35035, -7.39035, -10.02033, -7.33893, -15.85811, -7.77809, -16.13082, -9.53612, -12.44143, -12.28602, -10.10288, -8.23474, -12.93823, -10.37393, -10.51708, -10.75636, -15.39948, -10.65139, -11.87749, -13.59751, -15.79283, -10.6218, -10.97026, -9.34841, -13.22484, -7.1961, -12.1835, -9.46089, -12.45227, -8.59008, -11.04211, -13.64522, -11.40863, -11.33737, -10.6784 ]
[ -2.54614, -3.35909, -1.33959, -6.63712, -3.5971, -4.60954, -3.55858, -9.87025, -9.62467, -7.45007, -8.33972, -7.38724, -2.35201, -3.75428, -8.90502, -6.51107, -10.6832, -8.09758, -10.81251, -2.34666, -10.43762, -2.46619, -9.15268, -6.95093, -7.274, -9.47735, -11.62546, -7.07452, -9.99062, -9.86617, -9.67449, -5.43056, -10.2903, -9.35852, -7.76388, -5.58584, -10.90749, -10.70756, -12.34342, -8.55691, -14.59179, -9.63849, -12.39602, -9.45058, -13.34773, -10.91989, -8.32495, -10.67912, -10.7623, -11.49649 ]
[ -2.85872, -3.73034, -5.82545, -7.44238, -7.53109, -7.66253, -7.78235, -8.134, -8.19833, -8.25694, -8.25949, -8.48565, -8.53486, -8.58715, -8.71032, -8.93071, -9.03678, -9.05895, -9.07572, -9.10238, -9.10786, -9.2985, -9.3444, -9.69618, -9.78001, -9.79012, -9.9301, -10.00637, -10.18228, -10.19162, -10.21543, -10.41502, -10.47085, -10.618, -10.6807, -10.68934, -10.76465, -10.83891, -10.84592, -10.89088, -10.89395, -10.91099, -10.92846, -10.95142, -10.96891, -10.981, -10.98508, -11.04388, -11.04984, -11.08744 ]
after a time when he had grown so cold as to be fain to blow upon his fingers he arose and knocked with his staff again and listened again and again sat down to wait
[ "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening errors were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your raoul i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold you row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening errors were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold yourau i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold ye row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your brow i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold yourrow i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your growl i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll com and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your raoul i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your raoul i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of ledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening heirs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold you row i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold a row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice a fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold you row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening air were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your ralph i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening years were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by a voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold yourau i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ease were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold ye row i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your a row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice ofledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening errand were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your route i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold yourau i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your vow i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice o fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold ye row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening hairs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your brow i'll come and opened the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening tears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby falling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening eyes were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your brow i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening arrows were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold yourrow i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening errands were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly", "thrice he repeated these actions before his listening airs were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your growl i'll come and open the door directly" ]
[ -2.97808, -6.46394, -5.27649, -8.73407, -7.38791, -8.49865, -8.37773, -10.87101, -10.11428, -8.87225, -8.11015, -9.41115, -9.94804, -9.93922, -11.98496, -10.76767, -8.08974, -7.14181, -11.8761, -11.06262, -9.55903, -10.68429, -15.60636, -9.99688, -9.92911, -10.50597, -13.57655, -9.77864, -8.54007, -12.2887, -10.00127, -12.77146, -10.28348, -10.45948, -9.27671, -12.44558, -12.36608, -9.07882, -11.194, -10.91575, -10.69466, -11.58657, -10.10608, -9.15722, -11.53912, -10.42751, -10.23183, -11.73647, -11.57939, -12.25575 ]
[ -2.29474, -1.8794, -3.51426, -3.09892, -5.25565, -6.2754, -7.16292, -4.84031, -6.7106, -8.19315, -9.21569, -8.14428, -7.77481, -7.84899, -5.86006, -7.49492, -10.31014, -11.4619, -6.74758, -7.67111, -9.33212, -8.38244, -3.66562, -9.37624, -9.69002, -9.29683, -6.29526, -10.10654, -11.36966, -7.77781, -10.08995, -7.32853, -9.89045, -9.77033, -10.95429, -7.8076, -7.93013, -11.22326, -9.10882, -9.41268, -9.63539, -8.80035, -10.29857, -11.28463, -8.97661, -10.43522, -10.77859, -9.3638, -9.61897, -8.99433 ]
[ -2.63641, -4.17167, -4.39537, -5.91649, -6.32178, -7.38702, -7.77032, -7.85566, -8.41244, -8.5327, -8.66292, -8.77771, -8.86143, -8.89411, -8.92251, -9.1313, -9.19994, -9.30185, -9.31184, -9.36686, -9.44558, -9.53337, -9.63599, -9.68656, -9.80956, -9.9014, -9.93591, -9.94259, -9.95487, -10.03326, -10.04561, -10.04999, -10.08696, -10.1149, -10.1155, -10.12659, -10.1481, -10.15104, -10.15141, -10.16421, -10.16502, -10.19346, -10.20233, -10.22093, -10.25786, -10.43137, -10.50521, -10.55014, -10.59918, -10.62504 ]
thrice he repeated these actions before his listening ears were greeted by the voice of fledgeby calling from his bed hold your row i'll come and open the door directly
[ "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riha sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval raah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lou of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riia sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect passions at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rina sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in luu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat on the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riac sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect paces at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rice sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rira sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval ria sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rius sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riath sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riot sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hourmore during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in leu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lielu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riis sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in liewe of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some corner of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rias sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in liew of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but inlieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieo of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect pages at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riha sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect pace at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour or more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect nations at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval ruah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood opened", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the downstairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sate upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval raah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of a hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lou of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riia sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patients at length the door stood open", "but in liee of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the steps and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rios sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep from some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added intervalriah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval rious sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open", "but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval raha sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open" ]
[ -3.01636, -5.53176, -9.76926, -7.66958, -9.19728, -9.16892, -10.70575, -9.54516, -10.7978, -12.51711, -9.88355, -9.55173, -10.87149, -12.05979, -10.53512, -12.09367, -10.21766, -10.17897, -9.6315, -10.88303, -10.98989, -11.19109, -9.86356, -10.99966, -8.61133, -10.49353, -10.64426, -10.76408, -12.12396, -11.04374, -12.31207, -12.62235, -10.74696, -11.9741, -10.07278, -9.29623, -11.50836, -12.86697, -10.19267, -11.74829, -10.09, -11.70277, -13.20951, -12.59161, -10.22266, -11.50725, -10.8207, -10.87037, -13.13781, -11.00601 ]
[ -1.03146, -3.29957, -4.82887, -8.4542, -6.95036, -7.15484, -5.67121, -7.67178, -6.55726, -4.91415, -7.7567, -8.10633, -6.8044, -5.77841, -7.32823, -5.86794, -7.76782, -8.04105, -8.63056, -7.71451, -7.64361, -7.51907, -8.94818, -7.87684, -10.27978, -8.50778, -8.44394, -8.50876, -7.20102, -8.35706, -7.09699, -6.9154, -9.08524, -8.19764, -10.23711, -11.03111, -8.92494, -7.87707, -10.72232, -9.21847, -10.97105, -9.42295, -7.93933, -8.62878, -11.04053, -9.80075, -10.48731, -10.52421, -8.30325, -10.74777 ]
[ -2.02391, -4.41567, -7.29907, -8.06189, -8.07382, -8.16188, -8.18848, -8.60847, -8.67753, -8.71563, -8.82012, -8.82903, -8.83794, -8.9191, -8.93168, -8.9808, -8.99274, -9.11001, -9.13103, -9.29877, -9.31675, -9.35508, -9.40587, -9.43825, -9.44556, -9.50066, -9.5441, -9.63642, -9.66249, -9.7004, -9.70453, -9.76888, -9.9161, -10.08587, -10.15494, -10.16367, -10.21665, -10.37202, -10.4575, -10.48338, -10.53053, -10.56286, -10.57442, -10.61019, -10.6316, -10.654, -10.654, -10.69729, -10.72053, -10.87689 ]
but in lieu of coming directly he fell into a sweet sleep for some quarter of an hour more during which added interval riah sat upon the stairs and waited with perfect patience at length the door stood open
[ "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedhamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been sometime lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riot passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedc chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been sometime lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgebys retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riha passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamper where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distanceryah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamver where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riot passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distanceriah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riak passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged to bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it in a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah past into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgebys retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby''s retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riat passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riop passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into a bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedhamber where a fire had been sometime lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgebi's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riha passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance ryah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riac passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire has been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgebye's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamour where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgebe's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riap passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some timelighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riar passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchammer where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah pass into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riia passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riath passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedshamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamboard where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedschamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distanceryah passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedham where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreated drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber when a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapeery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and misterledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedcham bear where a fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly", "and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bedchamber where the fire had been some time lighted and was burning briskly" ]
[ -3.42107, -4.60079, -10.23748, -7.42699, -7.98669, -12.94646, -8.48441, -10.72317, -9.68992, -10.09318, -13.4969, -12.67207, -9.13401, -10.87721, -12.43136, -11.77739, -10.58857, -10.93641, -11.90186, -13.41079, -10.76904, -9.70348, -10.91162, -14.21289, -11.15261, -10.90068, -9.34103, -10.42822, -10.4286, -12.73816, -10.71062, -14.40473, -10.28695, -10.98305, -10.76891, -12.18341, -10.37047, -11.11146, -9.61353, -13.36486, -12.94, -13.76223, -14.49351, -19.00174, -11.03416, -10.62148, -12.05411, -12.05062, -11.16508, -11.1043 ]
[ -1.37954, -3.60176, -2.4123, -5.30001, -7.28409, -2.56884, -7.52223, -6.27305, -7.50928, -7.57364, -4.86605, -5.9666, -9.50632, -7.92921, -7.23532, -7.94157, -9.38711, -9.34833, -8.49527, -7.02182, -9.67203, -10.80674, -9.60058, -6.33277, -9.41123, -9.7315, -11.29699, -10.29696, -10.36238, -8.11132, -10.16963, -6.54196, -10.66394, -10.03169, -10.25572, -8.90102, -10.78371, -10.18664, -11.7488, -8.01351, -8.47428, -7.72864, -7.08828, -2.6277, -10.67188, -11.10033, -9.72266, -9.82013, -10.71667, -10.7826 ]
[ -2.40031, -4.10127, -6.32489, -6.3635, -7.63539, -7.75765, -8.00332, -8.49811, -8.59959, -8.83341, -9.18148, -9.31934, -9.32016, -9.40321, -9.83334, -9.85948, -9.98784, -10.14237, -10.19857, -10.2163, -10.22054, -10.25511, -10.2561, -10.27283, -10.28192, -10.31609, -10.31901, -10.36259, -10.39549, -10.42474, -10.44012, -10.47335, -10.47544, -10.50737, -10.51231, -10.54221, -10.57709, -10.64905, -10.68117, -10.68919, -10.70714, -10.74543, -10.79089, -10.81472, -10.85302, -10.8609, -10.88838, -10.93537, -10.94087, -10.94345 ]
and mister fledgeby's retreating drapery plunged into bed again following it at a respectful distance riah passed into the bed chamber where a fire had been sometime lighted and was burning briskly
[ "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the closed and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledge be turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old men", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath a clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledge be turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath a close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of knight do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old men", "why what time of night do you mean to call it enquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquire fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it required fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable vampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired ledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of knight do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath his clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it acquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulders to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquiry fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it enquired fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquire fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turned away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath to clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired sledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the oldman", "why what time of night do you mean to fall it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes in presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenceing a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you seem to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath her clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it required fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to called it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable vampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to that chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired ledgeby turning away beneath the close and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby leaning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to a chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the nose and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath their clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable raart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledceby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the cloak and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "by what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledge beat turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable ramparts of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it quiet fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man", "why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning way beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man" ]
[ -3.03927, -4.07482, -7.24834, -11.83464, -9.16737, -9.96726, -12.86683, -8.95348, -9.1748, -10.28155, -6.46445, -9.57343, -9.48309, -10.01936, -9.38707, -10.11907, -10.88322, -9.67354, -9.54156, -9.60844, -7.49698, -10.47002, -10.31454, -12.67322, -6.91352, -11.03073, -10.84608, -11.80576, -10.61335, -10.70731, -9.51098, -11.21879, -10.58101, -9.5143, -11.04946, -11.27411, -10.38415, -11.26981, -10.99045, -10.42556, -11.98252, -12.46403, -9.52586, -10.18753, -10.17079, -12.7336, -12.10309, -10.67469, -12.10043, -10.6721 ]
[ -0.68313, -2.07135, -4.61635, -2.17611, -6.23575, -6.18087, -3.56434, -7.5691, -7.67674, -7.62398, -11.57172, -8.62028, -9.04837, -8.77053, -9.67293, -9.06496, -8.96817, -10.25437, -10.74746, -10.83067, -12.95995, -10.00851, -10.2226, -7.88462, -13.74678, -9.64877, -9.99418, -9.09949, -10.29488, -10.22381, -11.48814, -9.79882, -10.4366, -11.55247, -10.15876, -10.14536, -11.06116, -10.18068, -10.49483, -11.16365, -9.62742, -9.2222, -12.18893, -11.71799, -11.73881, -9.23343, -9.87601, -11.39712, -10.02398, -11.45711 ]
[ -1.8612, -3.07308, -5.93235, -7.00537, -7.70156, -8.07407, -8.21559, -8.26129, -8.42577, -8.95277, -9.01809, -9.09686, -9.26573, -9.39494, -9.53, -9.59201, -9.9257, -9.96396, -10.14451, -10.21956, -10.22846, -10.23927, -10.26857, -10.27892, -10.33015, -10.33975, -10.42013, -10.45262, -10.45411, -10.46556, -10.49956, -10.5088, -10.5088, -10.53339, -10.60411, -10.70973, -10.72266, -10.72524, -10.74264, -10.7946, -10.80497, -10.84311, -10.85739, -10.95276, -10.9548, -10.98352, -10.98955, -11.0359, -11.06221, -11.06461 ]
why what time of night do you mean to call it inquired fledgeby turning away beneath the clothes and presenting a comfortable rampart of shoulder to the chilled figure of the old man
[ "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is that it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is than it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuc it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggye sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is and it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riot drawing out a handkerchief", "the deose it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggies sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deoce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter says riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very fouggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the duuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill an bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggie sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deucee it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sur and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious floggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce that is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riha drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious fouggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuceid is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out to handkerchief", "the deuce sit is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riar drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuceit is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deucce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is thin it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious fogging very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is though it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out the handkerchief", "the douce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw than chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deice it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foogy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and rawd then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy so and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggies very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and rawh then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggys sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy fairy foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very fooggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very floggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is them it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy her and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuceer is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and rawth then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggey very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief", "the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out an handkerchief" ]
[ -2.06131, -5.90884, -8.60526, -10.78502, -11.52146, -8.83906, -8.69485, -8.11686, -11.08258, -9.47064, -9.09181, -8.76636, -11.97274, -10.64536, -9.74368, -9.01952, -11.30836, -9.98681, -9.29335, -10.81278, -9.71163, -11.64408, -11.50175, -11.10215, -12.24864, -9.17721, -11.21306, -11.83436, -9.63709, -9.54, -10.51332, -9.98007, -11.43928, -10.00791, -10.71953, -12.08307, -10.37358, -9.74663, -9.50868, -12.05633, -12.26685, -9.95566, -13.18709, -9.19325, -10.59474, -11.28425, -12.39775, -13.12423, -10.68669, -10.36219 ]
[ -0.34278, -3.81043, -5.43935, -3.30929, -2.95242, -6.9414, -7.14412, -7.86355, -5.12949, -6.80503, -7.63512, -8.32183, -5.15822, -6.55483, -7.4981, -8.2228, -5.97624, -7.32794, -8.1795, -6.74722, -7.93227, -6.33705, -6.6613, -7.18868, -6.13243, -9.2555, -7.38484, -6.81534, -9.03235, -9.14775, -8.46194, -9.03754, -7.6743, -9.13507, -8.45761, -7.12878, -8.9113, -9.58093, -10.05816, -7.52561, -7.39195, -9.79151, -6.61698, -10.61878, -9.28414, -8.5955, -7.51089, -6.81852, -9.33481, -9.69122 ]
[ -1.20204, -4.85964, -7.02231, -7.04716, -7.23694, -7.89023, -7.91949, -7.99021, -8.10604, -8.13783, -8.36346, -8.54409, -8.56548, -8.6001, -8.62089, -8.62116, -8.6423, -8.65738, -8.73643, -8.78, -8.82195, -8.99056, -9.08152, -9.14541, -9.19054, -9.21636, -9.29895, -9.32485, -9.33472, -9.34388, -9.48763, -9.5088, -9.55679, -9.57149, -9.58857, -9.60592, -9.64244, -9.66378, -9.78342, -9.79097, -9.8294, -9.87358, -9.90203, -9.90601, -9.93944, -9.93988, -9.95432, -9.97137, -10.01075, -10.0267 ]
the deuce it is then it must be precious foggy very foggy sir and raw then chill and bitter said riah drawing out a handkerchief
[ "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with the plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with the plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard a long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard in long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard an long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard a long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the exceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard in long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of a rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard an long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the mooisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on a verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the exceptionable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the exceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment ledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the boisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes upon the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood upon the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of a rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the hoisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verges of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray air as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eye on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gay hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledge beast settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreash", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgesby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptedable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the mooristure from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the roisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself affresh", "and wiping the mooisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the loisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping a moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the mug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long ray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with its eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the hug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptible fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the exceptionable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on a verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreessh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afressh", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh'", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreish", "and wiping the moisture from his beard and long gray hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afreshe" ]
[ -3.63265, -4.50203, -7.02202, -7.85493, -7.92921, -9.69941, -8.67033, -8.78459, -8.91917, -10.49729, -11.72942, -10.97117, -9.53147, -13.75981, -10.91293, -9.86038, -9.78553, -9.0877, -9.87417, -10.77129, -12.57079, -10.64442, -11.93294, -10.18566, -12.85215, -10.82796, -11.3561, -9.90086, -12.58572, -13.488, -13.62217, -10.59557, -15.31657, -10.42271, -12.38051, -14.66099, -10.44816, -11.86085, -10.57608, -10.09927, -11.22844, -11.08673, -12.34392, -10.71117, -11.82834, -15.34243, -16.00114, -13.57001, -10.27548, -14.24855 ]
[ -0.40869, -1.4205, -3.98581, -4.99761, -7.76897, -6.87249, -8.64626, -8.78078, -9.04295, -7.8843, -6.92143, -7.69299, -9.65807, -5.53505, -8.86394, -9.9533, -10.05475, -10.83459, -10.07853, -9.21546, -7.93324, -9.94209, -8.70481, -10.5117, -7.89777, -9.95154, -9.4585, -10.98278, -8.31494, -7.42544, -7.29798, -10.34003, -5.6463, -10.71131, -8.8088, -6.54685, -10.98699, -9.59794, -10.97294, -11.48098, -10.36236, -10.52165, -9.30031, -10.96511, -9.87575, -8.25035, -7.90094, -10.98858, -14.63788, -10.97716 ]
[ -2.02067, -2.96127, -5.50391, -6.42627, -7.84909, -8.28595, -8.65829, -8.78269, -8.98106, -9.19079, -9.32543, -9.33208, -9.59477, -9.64743, -9.88843, -9.90684, -9.92014, -9.96115, -9.97635, -9.99338, -10.25201, -10.29326, -10.31887, -10.34868, -10.37496, -10.38975, -10.4073, -10.44182, -10.45033, -10.45672, -10.46007, -10.4678, -10.48144, -10.56701, -10.59465, -10.60392, -10.71758, -10.7294, -10.77451, -10.79012, -10.7954, -10.80419, -10.82211, -10.83814, -10.85205, -11.79639, -11.95104, -12.27929, -12.45668, -12.61285 ]
and wiping the moisture from his beard and long grey hair as he stood on the verge of the rug with his eyes on the acceptable fire with a plunge of enjoyment fledgeby settled himself afresh
[ "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it return fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't bragg about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleate or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or slead or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the street are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleeet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleed or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slussh or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleat or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag upon it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of the sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleete or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush nor anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad is that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slushs or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned ledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slus or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you need n't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you need't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or sllush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returnedledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slushh or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or smeet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgebye", "any snow or sleet or s slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleit or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you neednt brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or any thing of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything in that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir know not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or thing of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or slete or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag above it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clear you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sneet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty plain you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty keen you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty green you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so mad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streetss are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush shore anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn'trag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he ask no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are a pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleett or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledge be", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby'", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgedy", "any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgebee" ]
[ -3.24257, -6.46596, -8.07741, -10.33738, -9.24783, -8.92288, -12.10173, -9.60007, -10.84206, -9.03822, -9.15731, -9.40789, -12.09512, -7.83059, -9.9837, -10.10558, -9.90471, -13.72097, -9.11088, -11.76188, -13.39511, -12.32482, -12.09401, -9.80265, -13.30477, -12.15818, -11.32702, -11.00515, -8.32155, -10.27167, -9.5939, -13.37782, -10.06546, -10.08087, -9.67255, -10.40448, -10.05543, -9.2485, -10.498, -9.5026, -13.78307, -9.82426, -12.83423, -10.28671, -12.29354, -13.48408, -13.22968, -12.67625, -12.09868, -10.51498 ]
[ -0.5826, -4.66688, -6.98682, -4.76791, -5.91772, -6.34626, -3.36921, -6.42107, -5.22637, -7.36881, -7.37294, -7.51542, -5.40303, -9.72645, -7.61847, -8.11633, -8.38925, -4.58541, -9.68371, -7.10007, -5.672, -6.79728, -7.05063, -9.43878, -6.0095, -7.19239, -8.09464, -8.42709, -11.26589, -9.5256, -10.20347, -6.45788, -9.85038, -10.01734, -10.46783, -9.82177, -10.23677, -11.09034, -9.94199, -11.00235, -6.72971, -10.97477, -7.96512, -10.52688, -8.59367, -7.5127, -8.17183, -8.95312, -10.4291, -12.29224 ]
[ -1.91259, -5.56642, -7.53211, -7.55265, -7.58278, -7.63457, -7.73547, -8.01057, -8.03422, -8.20352, -8.26513, -8.46166, -8.74908, -8.77852, -8.80108, -9.11096, -9.14698, -9.15319, -9.39729, -9.43097, -9.53356, -9.56105, -9.57232, -9.62072, -9.65714, -9.67528, -9.71083, -9.71612, -9.79372, -9.89863, -9.89868, -9.91785, -9.95792, -10.04911, -10.07019, -10.11312, -10.1461, -10.16942, -10.22, -10.25247, -10.25639, -10.39952, -10.39968, -10.40679, -10.4436, -10.49839, -10.70076, -10.81468, -11.26389, -11.40361 ]
any snow or sleet or slush or anything of that sort he asked no sir no not quite so bad as that the streets are pretty clean you needn't brag about it returned fledgeby
[ "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your beg and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bed and get ready for me", "but youre always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all write i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i' am about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your back and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your beggar and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turned the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can em to your bag and get ready for me", "but you are always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while im about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your begged and get ready for me", "but you' are always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but we're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always pragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i am about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your big and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bank and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two an while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always braggging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can am to your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a moment or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn that general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always breegging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your pig and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and why i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir allright i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bad and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can aim to your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your leg and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag an get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your vague and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general object over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books here they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but ye're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always braggling about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bagging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they were here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the book there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're alwaysbragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn a general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn this general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and awhile i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always brigging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are hear sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and go ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready to me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bags and get ready for me", "but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready any for me" ]
[ -4.05996, -7.48609, -8.68774, -10.61409, -9.68296, -12.43734, -10.05519, -9.67476, -9.96763, -9.52503, -6.93668, -12.64578, -10.21284, -12.86586, -11.16133, -10.33707, -9.1144, -10.38154, -10.07661, -11.49023, -14.47335, -10.99844, -10.19412, -11.19288, -10.35458, -10.6895, -10.00872, -11.43706, -11.62923, -10.73937, -11.20591, -12.02412, -11.09926, -11.26042, -11.03606, -11.98768, -12.63301, -12.48653, -11.01415, -12.17241, -12.53089, -12.66396, -12.0549, -12.51072, -11.52152, -10.95402, -11.4953, -12.46832, -13.65713, -13.39045 ]
[ -0.55294, -4.58353, -6.41036, -5.19597, -7.04007, -4.69197, -7.08156, -7.46755, -7.8655, -8.455, -11.18926, -5.58448, -8.34806, -5.70182, -7.52294, -8.49773, -9.85904, -8.71597, -9.07787, -7.90382, -5.20157, -8.84096, -9.65816, -8.66306, -9.50435, -9.30561, -10.25882, -9.15471, -8.98431, -9.96728, -9.67569, -8.97351, -10.1332, -9.99435, -10.35511, -9.42548, -9.12983, -9.29218, -10.77755, -9.63018, -9.27797, -9.19714, -9.87958, -9.451, -10.5046, -11.14825, -11.75385, -10.98611, -9.95696, -11.45897 ]
[ -2.30645, -6.03481, -7.54905, -7.90503, -8.36152, -8.56465, -8.56838, -8.57115, -8.91657, -8.99002, -9.06297, -9.11513, -9.28045, -9.28384, -9.34213, -9.4174, -9.48672, -9.54875, -9.57724, -9.69703, -9.83746, -9.9197, -9.92614, -9.92797, -9.92947, -9.99755, -10.13377, -10.29588, -10.30677, -10.35332, -10.4408, -10.49882, -10.61623, -10.62738, -10.69559, -10.70658, -10.88142, -10.88936, -10.89585, -10.90129, -10.90443, -10.93055, -10.96724, -10.98086, -11.01306, -11.05114, -11.62458, -11.72722, -11.80705, -12.42471 ]
but you're always bragging about something got the books there they are here sir all right i'll turn the general subject over in my mind for a minute or two and while i'm about it you can empty your bag and get ready for me
[ "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sate down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby felt asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgebye fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hand before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and donzed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dosed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozsed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair andfolding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and tozed", "with another comfortable plunge misterledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep begin the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fall asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with other comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dazed", "with another comfortable plunge mister ledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down upon the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "would another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down in the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep began the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a cheer and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "but another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge master fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat out on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of a warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions set down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister floodgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and nozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeie fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before them gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again that old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hans before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeney fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence in the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the oldman having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and jozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded into the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folded his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of the chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielding to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and stozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again this old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed this directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "was another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a tear and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of that warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his direction's sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed", "with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozesed" ]
[ -3.32356, -7.71554, -8.96178, -12.95263, -9.87181, -9.92118, -8.31143, -13.03456, -10.54517, -9.67769, -12.08742, -11.06664, -11.2194, -11.57665, -10.77252, -9.82447, -10.66317, -11.14322, -11.15324, -11.45032, -10.1642, -10.91368, -10.96142, -10.89887, -11.56468, -9.779, -9.76122, -13.78855, -11.06917, -13.4979, -11.47116, -11.97103, -10.82186, -11.62078, -11.84472, -11.37012, -10.94885, -12.55608, -10.5381, -10.89057, -11.97057, -10.34709, -12.46988, -11.42112, -10.53283, -11.56098, -10.71955, -12.20316, -14.03106, -13.66837 ]
[ -0.05992, -6.7794, -8.81924, -4.83497, -8.45794, -8.4511, -10.10418, -5.79567, -8.522, -9.69863, -7.36518, -8.44822, -8.43775, -8.10898, -9.14481, -10.37968, -9.90136, -9.66862, -9.70815, -9.56889, -10.88375, -10.19537, -10.31535, -10.48238, -9.93722, -11.789, -11.8957, -7.94116, -10.67368, -8.40282, -10.50883, -10.1153, -11.30032, -10.53152, -10.41044, -10.91201, -11.34791, -9.77705, -11.823, -11.60863, -10.64621, -12.38656, -10.28243, -11.38505, -12.31937, -11.34393, -12.2404, -10.76972, -9.04726, -9.53338 ]
[ -1.69174, -7.24747, -8.89051, -8.8938, -9.16488, -9.18614, -9.2078, -9.41511, -9.53359, -9.68816, -9.7263, -9.75743, -9.82858, -9.84282, -9.95866, -10.10207, -10.28227, -10.40592, -10.43069, -10.50961, -10.52397, -10.55453, -10.63838, -10.69063, -10.75095, -10.784, -10.82846, -10.86486, -10.87143, -10.95036, -10.99, -11.04317, -11.06109, -11.07615, -11.12758, -11.14106, -11.14838, -11.16656, -11.18055, -11.2496, -11.30839, -11.36682, -11.37615, -11.40309, -11.4261, -11.45246, -11.47998, -11.48644, -11.53916, -11.60087 ]
with another comfortable plunge mister fledgeby fell asleep again the old man having obeyed his directions sat down on the edge of a chair and folding his hands before him gradually yielded to the influence of the warmth and dozed
[ "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got sheep from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got sheep from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgebys appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheek from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheek from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgebys appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed and turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed and turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got chief from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheted some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheted some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got chief from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erected at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and capped to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgebys appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got sheep from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheaped from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cab to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erected at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose collared turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and capped to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheating some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and the gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgebys appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got sheep from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cab to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheaped from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing wreck at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at that foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby''s appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in tirkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheat from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated someone other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed and turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got sheep from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheating some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and the gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown in cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgebys appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheek from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by misterledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing wreck at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and camp to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at that foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap for somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby''s appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister floodgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in tirkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheat from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and kept to correspond", "he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose colored turkish houses got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond" ]
[ -4.27846, -4.65419, -7.05899, -7.43636, -10.13736, -7.62119, -7.97252, -10.52439, -9.42316, -9.76114, -8.72624, -10.97144, -11.34126, -9.11561, -14.96587, -13.92032, -12.91784, -13.07576, -10.78555, -15.34503, -11.00118, -14.31807, -10.55292, -11.38167, -13.30946, -11.16372, -13.50486, -11.72494, -11.87905, -14.62731, -11.32376, -9.43025, -10.91995, -12.19914, -10.91826, -11.75292, -12.66247, -13.47431, -13.21499, -12.10841, -12.32484, -12.25102, -14.55505, -11.89149, -14.99605, -10.46166, -11.70101, -9.82117, -12.25986, -11.52953 ]
[ -0.84757, -1.32257, -4.26403, -4.73903, -3.03963, -5.56635, -6.04135, -3.51463, -5.23888, -5.71388, -8.1566, -5.92664, -6.40165, -8.63161, -3.84403, -5.33905, -6.4561, -6.30782, -8.61021, -4.31903, -8.82846, -5.81406, -9.62712, -8.84026, -6.9311, -9.08521, -6.78283, -8.80066, -8.66346, -6.06015, -9.41476, -11.31626, -9.91526, -8.65535, -10.10212, -9.31526, -8.5558, -7.75842, -8.06772, -9.27566, -9.06325, -9.13846, -6.83615, -9.61647, -6.53516, -11.08252, -9.88976, -11.79126, -9.36132, -10.11203 ]
[ -2.56301, -2.98838, -5.66151, -6.0877, -6.58849, -6.59377, -7.00694, -7.01951, -7.33102, -7.73751, -8.44142, -8.44904, -8.87145, -8.87361, -9.40495, -9.62969, -9.68697, -9.69179, -9.69788, -9.83203, -9.91482, -10.06606, -10.09002, -10.11096, -10.12028, -10.12446, -10.14384, -10.2628, -10.27125, -10.34373, -10.36926, -10.37325, -10.41761, -10.42724, -10.51019, -10.53409, -10.60914, -10.61637, -10.64136, -10.69203, -10.69405, -10.69474, -10.6956, -10.75398, -10.7656, -10.77209, -10.79539, -10.80621, -10.81059, -10.82078 ]
he was roused by mister fledgeby's appearing erect at the foot of the bed in turkish slippers rose coloured turkish trousers got cheap from somebody who had cheated some other somebody out of them and a gown and cap to correspond
[ "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldon cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light railelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light railelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up too next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldan cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up too next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldham cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldened cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light railelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldon cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldin cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up too next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old anne cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eye shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried vascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light ralery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old em cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old an cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light ralery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eye shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now older cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried vascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgerry are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgerry are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgerie are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old en cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old and cried fascination in his light raelry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up too next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgerie are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now oldan cried fascination in his light railry what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up two next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old one cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now olden cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't to sleep", "with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't to sleep" ]
[ -5.16214, -4.62315, -5.73712, -10.1764, -9.73715, -6.94001, -10.75682, -9.74508, -13.17095, -9.22177, -12.61563, -10.21963, -8.14746, -9.72884, -9.85772, -8.44333, -10.32082, -9.4031, -13.72615, -9.10412, -11.92927, -9.14139, -8.52601, -10.82458, -8.21572, -10.91508, -10.56872, -9.93721, -9.71377, -10.30348, -10.37197, -10.70181, -9.04776, -10.02431, -11.78761, -9.51172, -13.33518, -12.78362, -14.76106, -11.77081, -10.52309, -14.34031, -9.69216, -15.28379, -11.2662, -13.13626, -11.83405, -9.6508, -12.46071, -11.91687 ]
[ -3.25202, -4.10829, -5.13286, -2.82892, -3.68519, -6.9857, -4.70976, -6.04951, -2.73652, -6.90578, -3.59279, -6.08967, -8.39617, -6.94594, -6.97582, -9.73228, -7.93034, -8.93158, -4.61735, -9.31185, -6.5626, -9.40016, -10.16812, -7.9705, -10.7355, -8.40931, -8.90359, -9.58547, -9.82736, -9.32563, -9.26558, -9.02088, -10.68363, -9.75986, -8.13353, -10.44174, -6.62981, -7.48608, -5.62641, -8.89021, -10.14059, -6.48268, -11.19268, -5.66657, -9.74648, -7.97307, -9.30469, -11.53267, -10.50968, -11.36595 ]
[ -4.20708, -4.36572, -5.43499, -6.50266, -6.71117, -6.96286, -7.73329, -7.89729, -7.95373, -8.06378, -8.10421, -8.15465, -8.27182, -8.33739, -8.41677, -9.0878, -9.12558, -9.16734, -9.17175, -9.20799, -9.24594, -9.27077, -9.34707, -9.39754, -9.47561, -9.6622, -9.73615, -9.76134, -9.77057, -9.81455, -9.81877, -9.86135, -9.8657, -9.89208, -9.96057, -9.97673, -9.9825, -10.13485, -10.19374, -10.33051, -10.33184, -10.4115, -10.44242, -10.47518, -10.50634, -10.55467, -10.56937, -10.59174, -11.48519, -11.64141 ]
with a bottomless chair a lantern and a bunch of matches now old un cried fascination in his light raillery what dodgery are you up to next sitting there with your eyes shut you ain't asleep
[ "catch a weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch your weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch o weasel at it and catch a jew", "catcher weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch the weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a wezel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weazel at it and catch a jew", "catcha weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weaszel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weel at it and catch a jew", "catch you weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weaseel at it and catch a jew", "catch weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasael at it and catch a jew", "catch are weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catch a shoe", "catch our weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it an catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catch the jew", "catch a weasel added and catch a jew", "catch aweasel at it and catch a jew", "catch an weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weezel at it and catch a jew", "catch her weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasil at it and catch a jew", "catch a weavel at it and catch a jew", "catch of weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel out it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel in it and catch a jew", "catch a weasa at it and catch a jew", "catch or weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel on it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catche a jew", "catch a weasel lad it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel ated and catch a jew", "catche weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catch a due", "catch a weaser at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catch a jewel", "catch a weasal at it and catch a jew", "get your weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch aheasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel and it and catch a jew", "catch a wheasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weesel at it and catch a jew", "catchro weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasle at it and catch a jew", "catch your wezel at it and catch a jew", "catche a weasel at it and catch a jew", "catch a weasel at it and catch a jews" ]
[ -0.87575, -6.12326, -5.24616, -7.5444, -6.22595, -7.73124, -7.42691, -7.74759, -11.18107, -9.83953, -7.72171, -10.04308, -8.63371, -11.06389, -6.96558, -7.59982, -7.54053, -7.6854, -6.25283, -7.74707, -8.27542, -8.0389, -10.72944, -9.18159, -7.97769, -7.49732, -8.67291, -8.33064, -7.75492, -12.50753, -8.82984, -7.7371, -9.45529, -10.30408, -9.65421, -8.69694, -6.7371, -8.21308, -7.03657, -10.75303, -7.55682, -9.19445, -8.71112, -10.04386, -11.84665, -9.29938, -9.01809, -13.03139, -10.58888, -10.78368 ]
[ -1.79019, -2.61029, -6.4564, -4.53621, -5.87745, -4.75694, -6.07036, -5.96957, -2.70772, -4.65559, -6.83186, -4.78041, -6.29161, -4.06281, -8.26106, -8.07379, -8.27367, -8.19394, -9.69781, -8.37854, -7.97087, -8.33073, -5.68087, -7.29873, -8.53783, -9.14598, -7.98689, -8.40475, -9.27043, -4.56216, -8.27682, -9.44711, -7.78413, -7.07464, -7.79325, -8.83864, -10.9292, -9.60218, -10.87429, -7.17556, -10.49299, -8.8734, -9.60037, -8.26922, -6.51378, -9.10743, -9.57703, -5.57705, -8.12878, -9.66147 ]
[ -1.33297, -4.36678, -5.85128, -6.04031, -6.0517, -6.24409, -6.74864, -6.85858, -6.9444, -7.24756, -7.27679, -7.41174, -7.46266, -7.56335, -7.61331, -7.83681, -7.9071, -7.93967, -7.97532, -8.06281, -8.12314, -8.18482, -8.20516, -8.24016, -8.25776, -8.32165, -8.3299, -8.36769, -8.51268, -8.53485, -8.55333, -8.59211, -8.61971, -8.68936, -8.72373, -8.76779, -8.83315, -8.90763, -8.95543, -8.96429, -9.0249, -9.03393, -9.15575, -9.15654, -9.18021, -9.20341, -9.29756, -9.30422, -9.35883, -10.22258 ]
catch a weasel at it and catch a jew
[ "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i daresay but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you return fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dareay but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling moved with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look different in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dares say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move where a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with the cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off by guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bed notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move for a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move were a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notions though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with the good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it wa't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgebye with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you return fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i daresay but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me of my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dareday but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look i telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move wi a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move what a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i darer say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if he want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if ye want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad noting though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a organ", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my garden not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion do if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not your returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returnedledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move or a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned ledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgedby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion so if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling moved with a good many i daresay but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't putting me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won''t put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare stay but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good money i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning book a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my yard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "naught you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgebee with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it warn't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notioned though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain", "not you returned fledgeby with a cunning looke a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain" ]
[ -3.25694, -6.01195, -6.88136, -12.34991, -8.34045, -11.13906, -14.58281, -10.01732, -9.94243, -9.27626, -7.73452, -10.25341, -10.24756, -9.24206, -10.51339, -11.15905, -13.73792, -9.74594, -10.8063, -10.69621, -10.62643, -10.15398, -10.44339, -12.6668, -10.75489, -10.90831, -11.04411, -8.63471, -12.23284, -10.0414, -11.03729, -11.48317, -12.83271, -10.92653, -10.9717, -10.14292, -9.76287, -10.83903, -10.69535, -10.86388, -13.24512, -10.47837, -10.80884, -11.08375, -9.74628, -11.55939, -10.57561, -9.72912, -12.01181, -13.15599 ]
[ -0.54395, -3.34699, -6.14869, -1.89587, -7.09809, -5.18102, -1.99508, -6.61535, -6.96655, -7.70034, -9.26958, -6.83867, -7.2719, -8.6495, -7.77537, -7.40852, -4.83707, -8.95173, -8.17342, -8.42263, -8.53425, -9.18648, -9.37201, -7.26122, -9.17601, -9.06009, -8.96187, -11.71476, -8.14896, -10.39668, -9.47893, -9.08011, -7.73704, -9.6447, -9.60171, -10.4386, -10.82417, -9.7554, -9.90113, -9.94663, -7.76199, -10.65896, -10.33887, -10.07915, -11.426, -9.66452, -10.69213, -11.60552, -9.37892, -8.23652 ]
[ -1.90045, -4.67947, -6.51502, -7.12289, -7.71927, -8.16004, -8.28894, -8.31633, -8.45449, -8.4883, -8.50205, -8.54604, -8.75973, -8.94578, -9.14438, -9.28378, -9.2875, -9.34884, -9.48986, -9.55942, -9.58034, -9.67023, -9.9077, -9.96401, -9.96545, -9.9842, -10.00299, -10.17474, -10.1909, -10.21904, -10.25811, -10.28164, -10.28488, -10.28562, -10.28671, -10.29076, -10.29352, -10.29722, -10.29824, -10.40525, -10.50356, -10.56866, -10.57386, -10.58145, -10.58614, -10.61195, -10.63387, -10.66732, -10.69536, -10.69626 ]
not you returned fledgeby with a cunning look a telling move with a good many i dare say but it won't put me off my guard not a bad notion though if you want to look indifferent in driving a bargain
[ "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "o you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and move to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "o you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently reputiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaing the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "o you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "owe you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and move to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table in which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the impudation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudieting the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudyating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudliating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and move to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudriating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to a table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now peering out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently reputiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which misterledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudieating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repud eating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputations and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and removed to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to that table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repuditing the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the impotation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudialing the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "o you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and move to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the impution and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out from himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring up for himself", "owe you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed the sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repud earating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppresssed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table in which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and oppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repuditating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a doddger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pulling out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiaating the impudation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man took his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgebye was now pouring out for himself", "oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pourring out for himself" ]
[ -3.15728, -9.9664, -6.99232, -6.52053, -8.77984, -13.32387, -8.77284, -10.74514, -10.52093, -9.78029, -10.69315, -15.58547, -8.45537, -7.47952, -8.08534, -10.27668, -11.39696, -12.84611, -12.60679, -12.03163, -10.24084, -9.27151, -15.37234, -10.64141, -12.60326, -12.3538, -10.15261, -9.84527, -10.83855, -14.53243, -9.16327, -11.12906, -12.14993, -11.86901, -10.29975, -10.02407, -16.60619, -10.31231, -13.0455, -11.86494, -10.05367, -15.24327, -9.42235, -11.56292, -13.69948, -9.80572, -14.27354, -8.51895, -13.35594, -13.31556 ]
[ -3.21336, -0.23222, -4.38054, -6.67922, -6.55998, -3.69808, -8.6568, -7.57786, -7.8464, -9.13004, -8.33738, -3.57884, -10.83261, -11.97938, -11.48989, -9.29872, -8.54458, -7.24485, -7.72716, -8.50816, -10.43312, -11.4605, -5.67565, -10.4475, -8.50874, -9.08278, -11.29253, -11.90456, -11.00612, -7.36169, -12.84242, -10.93196, -10.02585, -10.7659, -12.38883, -12.71758, -6.14888, -12.52439, -9.82926, -11.06496, -12.93339, -7.85146, -13.69329, -11.62981, -9.55981, -13.4617, -8.99823, -14.81932, -10.01025, -12.14922 ]
[ -3.18532, -5.09931, -5.68643, -6.59988, -7.66991, -8.51098, -8.71482, -9.1615, -9.18367, -9.45516, -9.51526, -9.58216, -9.64399, -9.72945, -9.78761, -9.7877, -9.97077, -10.04548, -10.16698, -10.2699, -10.33698, -10.36601, -10.52399, -10.54445, -10.556, -10.71829, -10.72257, -10.87492, -10.92233, -10.94706, -11.00285, -11.03051, -11.08789, -11.31746, -11.34429, -11.37083, -11.37754, -11.41835, -11.43738, -11.46495, -11.49353, -11.54737, -11.55782, -11.59637, -11.62965, -11.63371, -11.63588, -11.66913, -11.68309, -12.73239 ]
oh you are a dodger the old man shook his head gently repudiating the imputation and suppressed a sigh and moved to the table at which mister fledgeby was now pouring out for himself
[ "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forke out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove my figures how you make it out", "now says fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and improve by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forke out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forak out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proof by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forek out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved my figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove buy figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork outt your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forkke out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and approve by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fourk out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hands and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgebyfork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now says fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forak out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forek out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said ledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledge be fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures while you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork outt your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork outs your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forked out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forks out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forked out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand an prove by figures how you make it out", "now sir fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fourk out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeie fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgebi fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hands and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgebyfork out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby tok out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance and hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said ledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now set fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove thy figures how you make it out", "now said fledgebee fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby forkke out your balance in hand and proved by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now so fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how ye make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and proved buy figures how you make it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you makes it out", "now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and move by figures how you make it out" ]
[ -2.04332, -3.01571, -6.70951, -7.25974, -7.60845, -9.16979, -7.8371, -7.59174, -6.8129, -8.23258, -9.42429, -8.21042, -11.60613, -11.87565, -7.63206, -9.75266, -9.28062, -10.57128, -10.40045, -9.15695, -9.25573, -9.1207, -11.85822, -9.4782, -12.54154, -11.14099, -10.3803, -11.20233, -11.73222, -10.38804, -8.57377, -10.41513, -12.36737, -11.02685, -10.00137, -11.31923, -11.84915, -11.33738, -9.82191, -9.49832, -9.64741, -9.37789, -9.35538, -13.14478, -7.59703, -9.61708, -9.98618, -10.60713, -9.47604, -9.68598 ]
[ -0.44914, -1.44506, -5.80779, -6.12544, -6.56077, -5.32533, -6.80371, -7.90277, -8.96714, -7.92878, -7.12136, -8.52307, -5.32669, -5.70296, -10.08253, -7.98549, -8.53805, -7.29002, -7.55669, -8.89869, -8.9247, -9.25524, -6.546, -9.243, -6.32261, -7.72924, -8.5009, -7.9833, -7.50498, -8.86549, -10.69572, -8.9814, -7.05549, -8.44697, -9.53397, -8.28594, -7.76808, -8.35075, -9.87125, -10.25116, -10.12829, -10.42468, -10.47354, -6.69888, -12.25447, -10.26986, -10.04564, -9.519, -10.67833, -10.73329 ]
[ -1.24623, -2.23039, -6.25865, -6.69259, -7.08461, -7.24756, -7.3204, -7.74726, -7.89002, -8.08068, -8.27283, -8.36675, -8.46641, -8.7893, -8.8573, -8.86907, -8.90934, -8.93065, -8.97857, -9.02782, -9.09022, -9.18797, -9.20211, -9.3606, -9.43208, -9.43512, -9.4406, -9.59281, -9.6186, -9.62677, -9.63475, -9.69827, -9.71143, -9.73691, -9.76767, -9.80258, -9.80862, -9.84407, -9.84658, -9.87474, -9.88785, -9.90128, -9.91446, -9.92183, -9.92575, -9.94347, -10.01591, -10.06306, -10.07719, -10.20963 ]
now said fledgeby fork out your balance in hand and prove by figures how you make it out
[ "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum and the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sun in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum on the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the summit in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the thumb in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sun and the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a beg from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and ran every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgebye told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out on the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts from which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the summit and the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "ria obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the some in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the summer in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon that table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and sang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum at the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riyah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the son in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riot obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the song in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with greater care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the thumb and the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the cell in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "rieah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rank every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the summit the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and preferring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with grave care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby pulled it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible pulled it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sums in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking the bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with a great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a beggar from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riar obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgebeat told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to a sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon a table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgedby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taken a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "reah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum of the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a vague from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgebi told it again with great care and rang every sovereign", "riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign'" ]
[ -3.30338, -7.15387, -8.4989, -9.0936, -10.15153, -8.48669, -9.30407, -7.81242, -9.16162, -12.24925, -9.16598, -10.03376, -10.98731, -12.05498, -10.57166, -10.02185, -12.12491, -10.25505, -9.65267, -10.50366, -11.75704, -10.63017, -10.26381, -10.79665, -10.75166, -11.11993, -12.60257, -10.40567, -13.88676, -10.3687, -9.6746, -9.54775, -11.05204, -11.34426, -10.82205, -12.31719, -10.68079, -10.8432, -9.43214, -12.43887, -9.98347, -11.23202, -11.55483, -9.28581, -9.88574, -10.80823, -12.08464, -10.0819, -11.19753, -13.20561 ]
[ -0.27839, -2.22636, -4.12051, -5.43814, -4.69361, -6.60161, -6.0685, -8.09511, -6.78457, -4.73532, -8.15487, -7.34036, -6.6416, -5.80079, -7.44915, -8.23585, -6.21063, -8.57178, -9.24726, -8.54256, -7.33622, -8.58963, -9.01113, -8.54084, -8.60897, -8.54961, -7.1784, -9.4872, -6.18471, -9.86665, -10.62587, -11.04582, -9.62628, -9.33699, -9.85963, -8.42651, -10.15465, -10.02667, -11.44479, -8.45348, -10.93636, -9.77671, -9.51359, -11.85114, -11.31428, -10.39968, -9.2643, -11.47588, -10.37008, -8.94068 ]
[ -1.79088, -4.69012, -6.30971, -7.26587, -7.42257, -7.54415, -7.68628, -7.95377, -7.9731, -8.49229, -8.66043, -8.68706, -8.81445, -8.92789, -9.0104, -9.12885, -9.16777, -9.41342, -9.44996, -9.52311, -9.54663, -9.6099, -9.63747, -9.66874, -9.68032, -9.83477, -9.89048, -9.94643, -10.03573, -10.11767, -10.15024, -10.29678, -10.33916, -10.34063, -10.34084, -10.37185, -10.41772, -10.43493, -10.43847, -10.44617, -10.45992, -10.50437, -10.53421, -10.56847, -10.60001, -10.60396, -10.67447, -10.77889, -10.78381, -11.07314 ]
riah obeyed and then taking a bag from his breast and referring to the sum in the accounts for which they made him responsible told it out upon the table fledgeby told it again with great care and rang every sovereign
[ "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what's sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to buy it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyes it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to hide it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's the trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lighting any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what's sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating of pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a traitor of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to i it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you havenn't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to buy it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a train of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a rate of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyeot closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trace of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye at closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people''s you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lateening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightenening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what spreading a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyeate closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyee it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to die it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a treat of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating the pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a shade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trait of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyeett closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means won't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your pupils you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it' a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to owe it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any o these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyes it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what swelling a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating upon means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a town means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eyeed closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to hide it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of our people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's the trade of your peoples you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pounds means don't you", "i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been the lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you" ]
[ -3.66603, -9.78516, -8.10314, -8.79349, -11.65555, -9.26856, -9.26102, -10.05831, -11.37938, -14.38403, -10.09324, -10.30135, -11.60431, -12.8146, -14.9082, -10.70474, -10.25237, -13.3665, -10.61459, -12.22649, -12.43735, -13.58786, -11.0525, -13.46093, -8.34058, -12.87443, -13.46411, -11.84359, -12.02892, -10.16541, -17.80709, -12.09724, -10.36843, -8.63952, -13.22968, -10.96351, -11.27076, -14.04501, -11.37819, -12.2758, -15.28979, -9.68081, -8.53505, -10.98772, -13.64384, -15.38904, -10.80911, -16.02672, -9.78212, -12.56107 ]
[ -2.70981, -0.66478, -7.52151, -8.05044, -6.57817, -9.79399, -10.11348, -9.55916, -8.39073, -5.47647, -10.43464, -10.26925, -9.08177, -7.99714, -6.00539, -10.21165, -10.71017, -7.63624, -10.43562, -8.93599, -9.17743, -8.10869, -10.7274, -8.41998, -13.73642, -9.22939, -8.74888, -10.39377, -10.21276, -12.1702, -4.53314, -10.36922, -12.11017, -13.87955, -9.3527, -11.6343, -11.48528, -8.87003, -11.60808, -10.73158, -7.74895, -13.44674, -14.665, -12.34945, -9.7421, -8.06844, -12.66386, -7.51412, -13.9325, -11.17699 ]
[ -3.18792, -5.22497, -7.81233, -8.42196, -9.11686, -9.53127, -9.68725, -9.80874, -9.88505, -9.93025, -10.26394, -10.2853, -10.34304, -10.40587, -10.4568, -10.4582, -10.48127, -10.50137, -10.5251, -10.58124, -10.80739, -10.84827, -10.88995, -10.94045, -11.0385, -11.05191, -11.10649, -11.11868, -11.12084, -11.1678, -11.17011, -11.23323, -11.2393, -11.25954, -11.29119, -11.2989, -11.37802, -11.45752, -11.49313, -11.50369, -11.51937, -11.56377, -11.60002, -11.66858, -11.69297, -11.72874, -11.73649, -11.77042, -11.85731, -11.86903 ]
i suppose he said taking one up to eye it closely you haven't been lightening any of these but it's a trade of your people's you know you understand what sweating a pound means don't you
[ "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose leaves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much is you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially abservant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at that table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentialially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeve as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at a table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hand under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under oppositecuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master''s face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose slaves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take that liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observvant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take their liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of its loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do so returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of a master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cufts of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of that master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his blue sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take to liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentialally observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially obbservant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuff of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to stay something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffss of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take a liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to see something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentntially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stooped at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves and he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with its hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially obsersvant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant to the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeve's as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of this master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleevees as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take this liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferantially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite curffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferntially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir return the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the matter's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much has you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs on his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something", "much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something'" ]
[ -3.78415, -6.07346, -7.53275, -10.41635, -7.95936, -10.18642, -13.20209, -13.88435, -10.09427, -9.72446, -9.72344, -13.63351, -8.98401, -10.9685, -15.72285, -12.97861, -11.76828, -11.02944, -9.62127, -11.46071, -9.35499, -11.32066, -9.61967, -12.36741, -13.96424, -13.68822, -12.89762, -11.11721, -14.0017, -12.43442, -12.18227, -10.96801, -14.32379, -11.76021, -11.05592, -11.74376, -11.31837, -12.46744, -13.47566, -12.68301, -13.8597, -12.47389, -12.48145, -11.17667, -11.93408, -11.28888, -10.44045, -12.27328, -12.25971, -13.80562 ]
[ -0.15519, -6.15467, -8.85852, -6.21333, -8.95041, -6.76812, -3.81862, -3.72125, -7.68249, -8.36113, -8.90307, -5.21333, -10.08105, -8.22223, -3.56697, -6.35025, -7.60942, -8.37761, -10.25555, -8.49038, -10.66213, -9.07226, -10.83861, -8.29159, -6.75289, -7.18517, -7.97976, -10.16629, -7.29596, -8.97704, -9.34531, -10.58792, -7.28093, -10.05728, -10.851, -10.19893, -10.90296, -9.8848, -8.89051, -9.77311, -8.59759, -10.05167, -10.05322, -11.36761, -10.63416, -11.30669, -12.167, -10.3569, -10.37623, -10.65241 ]
[ -1.96967, -6.11407, -8.19563, -8.31484, -8.45489, -8.47727, -8.51036, -8.8028, -8.88838, -9.0428, -9.31325, -9.42342, -9.53253, -9.59537, -9.64491, -9.66443, -9.68885, -9.70352, -9.93841, -9.97555, -10.00856, -10.19646, -10.22914, -10.3295, -10.35856, -10.43669, -10.43869, -10.64175, -10.64883, -10.70573, -10.76379, -10.77797, -10.80236, -10.90875, -10.95346, -10.97134, -11.11067, -11.17612, -11.18308, -11.22806, -11.22864, -11.26278, -11.26733, -11.27214, -11.28412, -11.29779, -11.30373, -11.31509, -11.31797, -12.22902 ]
much as you do sir returned the old man with his hands under opposite cuffs of his loose sleeves as he stood at the table deferentially observant of the master's face may i take the liberty to say something
[ "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not justice", "with a character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my wild to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut thing so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "but the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiries fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my awhile to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with a character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my wild to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bare i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut thing so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is our policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "which the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go to the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination cruelly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my a while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in eustace", "would the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiries fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination cooly answered not in justice", "but the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my why to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my wire to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not an justice", "with a character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i dont find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my awhile to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to going into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "what the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to put things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my wife to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquire fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry vascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which if it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my wild to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascinations coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i won't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut thing so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in injustice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the imperial fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my will to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the injury fascination coolly answered not in justice", "with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut think so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice" ]
[ -3.13669, -7.03532, -10.57321, -11.98421, -8.21765, -8.08121, -9.13544, -9.22427, -8.85079, -9.94236, -9.64426, -12.1256, -10.82072, -9.60333, -12.01547, -8.7875, -13.04224, -9.93479, -10.23896, -10.6679, -8.15294, -11.59914, -9.56166, -10.40729, -12.63744, -10.97258, -13.08089, -10.11031, -9.66322, -11.69406, -15.65694, -9.94547, -13.5791, -13.95458, -10.81024, -10.71483, -10.5762, -10.34158, -12.14516, -9.83093, -10.96887, -15.51902, -10.31183, -10.7577, -14.67713, -16.57585, -11.25044, -11.0633, -10.07577, -10.67019 ]
[ -2.00712, -1.43421, -0.66059, -2.78074, -7.16604, -8.17089, -7.64455, -8.46578, -8.87536, -8.3989, -8.73489, -6.59312, -8.61778, -9.94537, -7.59798, -11.17775, -7.07163, -10.38065, -10.46088, -10.05556, -12.62424, -9.29572, -11.35725, -10.51932, -8.30244, -9.9755, -7.89287, -11.23295, -11.68763, -9.73181, -5.81951, -11.76696, -8.16198, -7.82599, -11.18702, -11.38076, -11.56195, -11.88561, -10.16506, -12.49428, -11.37422, -6.82436, -12.09656, -11.91022, -8.04486, -6.29801, -11.74067, -11.9283, -12.97021, -12.42614 ]
[ -2.57191, -4.23476, -5.6169, -7.38247, -7.69185, -8.12605, -8.38999, -8.84503, -8.86308, -9.17063, -9.18958, -9.35936, -9.71925, -9.77435, -9.80672, -9.98262, -10.05694, -10.15772, -10.34992, -10.36173, -10.38859, -10.44743, -10.45945, -10.46331, -10.46994, -10.47404, -10.48688, -10.67163, -10.67542, -10.71293, -10.73822, -10.85621, -10.87054, -10.89028, -10.99863, -11.0478, -11.06907, -11.1136, -11.15511, -11.1626, -11.17155, -11.17169, -11.20419, -11.33396, -11.361, -11.43693, -11.49556, -11.4958, -11.52299, -11.54817 ]
with the character which it is your policy that i should bear i don't find it worth my while to cut things so fine as to go into the inquiry fascination coolly answered not in justice
[ "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem pallaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem paliver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your voucherses and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity dues and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jew's and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palliver", "bother justice says fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem pelaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity says fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouches and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palather", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generositys said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jewels and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connexion bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palover", "bather justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers an don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgebye that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews an generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaber", "bother justice said fledgebi not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchors and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledcheby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bothers justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgebee that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection break out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palavver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jus and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't take jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgebu not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby naught in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and won't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgedy that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your voucherers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talked jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palava", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaever", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgebi that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby thats a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews in generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jewss and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palavere", "bother justices said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver'", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palavr", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palavor", "bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connection bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palavre" ]
[ -2.60642, -6.57426, -8.86025, -13.20815, -7.02966, -9.2887, -11.22559, -7.71846, -9.59855, -10.01755, -10.0822, -8.11779, -10.82916, -11.88234, -8.6719, -5.66048, -11.58272, -9.46644, -10.08212, -12.84457, -11.12189, -10.66182, -10.98257, -9.74586, -9.80534, -9.89178, -9.91614, -9.45578, -15.86226, -10.70814, -9.06535, -9.02695, -11.2037, -10.77549, -9.8299, -11.38547, -12.52452, -8.94852, -9.61411, -11.25269, -11.75299, -11.1329, -11.26333, -12.58968, -12.2871, -12.3434, -12.49655, -12.75901, -9.50037, -10.10459 ]
[ -0.95991, -5.47005, -4.91841, -1.67831, -8.31232, -7.10492, -5.25121, -9.42856, -8.0573, -8.09592, -8.54372, -10.77654, -8.06677, -7.15079, -10.40297, -13.45392, -7.5351, -9.70267, -9.11978, -6.53241, -8.57914, -9.35011, -9.05239, -10.318, -10.46911, -10.40761, -10.38508, -10.85338, -4.47492, -9.76458, -11.43458, -11.6051, -9.50759, -9.98114, -11.21159, -9.6566, -8.69372, -12.30357, -11.64245, -10.03413, -9.5682, -10.20996, -10.10437, -8.80728, -9.24794, -9.2061, -9.64576, -9.39245, -12.69847, -12.14236 ]
[ -1.78316, -6.02216, -6.88933, -7.44323, -7.67099, -8.19681, -8.2384, -8.57351, -8.82793, -9.05674, -9.31296, -9.44717, -9.44796, -9.51657, -9.53744, -9.5572, -9.55891, -9.58455, -9.60095, -9.68849, -9.85052, -10.00596, -10.01748, -10.03193, -10.13722, -10.1497, -10.15061, -10.15458, -10.16859, -10.23636, -10.24996, -10.31602, -10.35564, -10.37832, -10.52075, -10.52103, -10.60912, -10.62605, -10.62828, -10.64341, -10.6606, -10.67143, -10.68385, -10.69848, -10.76752, -10.77475, -11.07116, -11.07573, -11.09942, -11.12348 ]
bother justice said fledgeby not in generosity jews and generosity said fledgeby that's a good connexion bring out your vouchers and don't talk jerusalem palaver
[ "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the counts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the counts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the beg", "the bouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "thevouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bank", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the scouts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the counts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bed", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts where all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the beg", "the bouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places and the bag", "the rouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vauchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the cats were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the beggar", "thevouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated this sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the accounts were all found correct and the books and papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchors were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention upon them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books of the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgebeak concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places on the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour misterledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the beg", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hours mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found corrects and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the counts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the back", "the bouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they in the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books on the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated its sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the louchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister floodgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the scouts were all found correct and the books in the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the wuchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag", "the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgebee concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag" ]
[ -3.25641, -5.41861, -6.545, -6.71666, -8.41936, -8.75472, -7.97607, -8.71676, -6.91839, -8.58535, -10.16417, -8.34588, -9.74415, -10.51879, -13.72804, -10.14365, -8.88494, -10.3194, -9.07259, -10.83367, -10.26497, -9.90687, -9.99213, -9.02542, -9.43159, -12.42982, -10.26284, -10.57136, -11.80246, -10.66769, -10.59907, -9.89096, -10.98416, -9.73662, -10.84796, -10.90019, -11.74774, -10.21011, -10.65035, -12.65806, -12.23241, -10.08671, -12.02121, -11.91049, -10.94972, -11.20308, -9.48702, -11.80516, -11.2833, -12.38894 ]
[ -0.77188, -1.94364, -2.70307, -5.24048, -3.87484, -5.47771, -6.66103, -6.41224, -8.2411, -6.66589, -5.46308, -9.1671, -7.77028, -7.17168, -4.22157, -7.83279, -9.28446, -8.03099, -9.41287, -7.83765, -8.44758, -8.84145, -8.97294, -10.00092, -9.62194, -6.63485, -8.91258, -8.61081, -7.40891, -8.54379, -8.66498, -9.49238, -8.59329, -9.93213, -8.85971, -8.89519, -8.17359, -10.1723, -9.7579, -7.78188, -8.34345, -10.49401, -8.59709, -8.71234, -9.69199, -9.49601, -11.25608, -8.94205, -9.46467, -8.41888 ]
[ -2.01414, -3.68113, -4.62403, -5.97857, -6.1471, -7.11622, -7.31855, -7.5645, -7.57975, -7.62562, -7.81362, -8.75649, -8.75722, -8.84523, -8.97481, -8.98822, -9.0847, -9.17519, -9.24273, -9.33566, -9.35628, -9.37416, -9.48253, -9.51317, -9.52676, -9.53233, -9.58771, -9.59108, -9.60568, -9.60574, -9.63203, -9.69167, -9.78873, -9.83437, -9.85384, -9.89769, -9.96066, -10.1912, -10.20413, -10.21997, -10.28793, -10.29036, -10.30915, -10.31142, -10.32085, -10.34955, -10.37155, -10.37361, -10.37398, -10.40391 ]
the vouchers were produced and for the next half hour mister fledgeby concentrated his sublime attention on them they and the accounts were all found correct and the books and the papers resumed their places in the bag
[ "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill proking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that billroking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill brokeking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill roking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that billbroking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i liked best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of whats in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be brought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill groking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill breaking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill stroking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bells are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i liked best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what square bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that billbraking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill brokin branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of whats in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be brought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill walking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill approaching branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be fought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bells are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bell broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that billboking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of whatt's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what square bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill growing branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what where bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill boking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next says fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broky branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning the bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill froking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have caught your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broke in branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bell broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill braking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill dropping branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill working branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill proking branch of the business the branch i liked best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be fought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what' in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that billvoking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business that branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broken branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of whatt's in the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what'sin the market", "next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what price is you have got your list of what's in the market" ]
[ -4.3961, -4.05259, -6.84643, -10.17626, -9.57896, -8.14522, -6.19077, -10.35942, -12.3998, -9.0297, -8.78349, -8.41777, -8.19028, -9.24048, -9.94908, -9.54345, -10.11923, -10.55677, -12.08443, -8.66525, -9.30921, -9.88724, -10.30347, -8.90749, -10.74823, -10.23978, -13.38934, -9.20308, -9.70977, -10.7057, -10.4288, -11.49886, -10.18068, -11.34001, -9.60112, -10.98886, -8.18923, -9.62051, -10.76034, -9.19987, -9.25959, -10.90339, -12.73281, -9.9552, -14.87846, -10.77953, -11.61448, -13.03555, -13.59044, -13.67517 ]
[ -0.94344, -3.18325, -4.0123, -3.04823, -4.31657, -6.30455, -8.91924, -4.86597, -3.54947, -7.05655, -7.43497, -8.5365, -8.77333, -7.74264, -7.10579, -7.83778, -7.47973, -7.24178, -5.78929, -9.29637, -9.09076, -8.78088, -8.47955, -9.98246, -8.45066, -8.97779, -5.88714, -10.0776, -9.59963, -8.93703, -9.23821, -8.22024, -9.67969, -8.52169, -10.38588, -9.04752, -12.11846, -10.69048, -9.65693, -11.26177, -11.20799, -9.73194, -7.93485, -10.71937, -5.8249, -10.02405, -9.48524, -8.12695, -7.59026, -7.56526 ]
[ -2.66977, -3.61792, -5.42937, -6.61225, -6.94777, -7.22489, -7.555, -7.6127, -7.97464, -8.04313, -8.10923, -8.47713, -8.48181, -8.49156, -8.52744, -8.69061, -8.79948, -8.89928, -8.93686, -8.98081, -9.19999, -9.33406, -9.39151, -9.44497, -9.59944, -9.60879, -9.63824, -9.64034, -9.6547, -9.82136, -9.8335, -9.85955, -9.93019, -9.93085, -9.9935, -10.01819, -10.15384, -10.1555, -10.20863, -10.23082, -10.23379, -10.31767, -10.33383, -10.33728, -10.35168, -10.40179, -10.54986, -10.58125, -10.59035, -10.62021 ]
next said fledgeby concerning that bill broking branch of the business the branch i like best what queer bills are to be bought and at what prices you have got your list of what's in the market
[ "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools scrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsgrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolskrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of full scrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fool scrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools crepp covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsquip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsp covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsrup covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools crept covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsquap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grape covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolskep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools rep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscap covered with close riding", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsrap covered with close riding", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fool grap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools crap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools rep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscup covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools grap covered with close riding", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsgrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fool's grap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolskerp covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolskrip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools scrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsmip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools rap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscape covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrep covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fools cap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscarp covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsgrip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocketbook and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrip covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolstap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolsc grap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of fool's scrap covered with close writing", "sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscrap covered with close riding" ]
[ -4.15213, -7.42011, -7.3442, -4.74769, -10.11016, -5.00647, -7.40891, -6.71233, -10.2687, -6.77548, -10.66413, -11.97279, -14.1732, -8.52295, -13.16222, -10.38826, -5.2562, -8.66597, -8.42235, -8.36295, -8.31868, -9.9782, -10.98975, -11.23426, -7.66809, -10.94943, -13.18184, -11.05772, -11.62524, -8.56085, -8.48103, -5.80113, -10.86313, -9.72067, -12.12773, -10.77094, -10.32168, -11.15771, -11.15558, -10.63372, -9.06645, -9.32278, -9.86917, -8.81009, -9.80053, -6.06038, -10.87792, -12.82535, -14.19461, -8.27402 ]
[ -6.93037, -3.83143, -4.43163, -8.47055, -3.60868, -9.2183, -7.92242, -9.98815, -6.48036, -10.05869, -6.25433, -4.99971, -3.48531, -9.45648, -4.82955, -8.17369, -13.34293, -9.98615, -10.24399, -10.8442, -11.2765, -9.72564, -8.87492, -8.64609, -12.35993, -9.26099, -7.07728, -9.25114, -8.8587, -12.00836, -12.15007, -14.88312, -9.86119, -11.1004, -8.79038, -10.22321, -10.7359, -10.02125, -10.04302, -10.63911, -12.22437, -12.00204, -11.57653, -12.81534, -11.84815, -15.63087, -10.84477, -9.07076, -7.96743, -13.90011 ]
[ -5.54125, -5.62577, -5.88792, -6.60912, -6.85942, -7.11239, -7.66567, -8.35024, -8.37453, -8.41708, -8.45923, -8.48625, -8.82926, -8.98971, -8.99589, -9.28098, -9.29956, -9.32606, -9.33317, -9.60357, -9.79759, -9.85192, -9.93233, -9.94017, -10.01401, -10.10521, -10.12956, -10.15443, -10.24197, -10.28461, -10.31555, -10.34213, -10.36216, -10.41053, -10.45905, -10.49707, -10.52879, -10.58948, -10.5993, -10.63641, -10.64541, -10.66241, -10.72285, -10.81272, -10.82434, -10.84562, -10.86134, -10.94805, -11.08102, -11.08707 ]
sir a long list replied riah taking out a pocket book and selecting from its contents a folded paper which being unfolded became a sheet of foolscap covered with close writing
[ "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whow whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whu whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheugh whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whoo whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheu whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whuw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whugh whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whoew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodges just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheo whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as sent forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whewe whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "who whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "who whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth return the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand square street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheww whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whough whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "pew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whiw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whaw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodger just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheaw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hands queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheh whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "k whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "clue whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand clear street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master''s shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand where street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "clew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "wheoo whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whaw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as sat forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whwe whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcel's as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "kuw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulders", "whah whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are there in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "quiw whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whuew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it into his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whoh whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand care street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder", "kew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder" ]
[ -3.92631, -11.63624, -10.89941, -11.11399, -10.41542, -10.11398, -10.41253, -13.44553, -12.28638, -11.94137, -10.71409, -11.09744, -12.23613, -9.63366, -9.91951, -9.04793, -15.18076, -9.31431, -9.08138, -13.61823, -13.25464, -9.22649, -9.79636, -10.38804, -13.16032, -12.36834, -12.21727, -10.39276, -13.21705, -11.6553, -9.2237, -9.17308, -13.60635, -10.46191, -11.29543, -13.07067, -12.05515, -10.96302, -13.45634, -13.15467, -9.66573, -10.29566, -12.06472, -11.42349, -10.0443, -16.86639, -11.82516, -14.32487, -9.26636, -11.50128 ]
[ -2.63062, -1.56942, -3.04211, -4.3623, -5.7469, -6.11614, -6.01964, -3.49944, -4.75761, -5.43453, -7.17181, -7.14095, -6.01883, -8.88195, -8.85931, -9.76684, -3.81198, -9.69326, -10.24304, -5.7722, -6.20044, -10.30486, -9.77395, -9.21638, -6.63645, -7.82392, -8.3601, -10.39656, -7.60958, -9.27757, -11.75372, -11.84214, -7.46566, -10.62993, -9.81809, -8.05376, -9.30494, -10.51943, -8.06077, -8.45494, -12.01038, -11.76822, -10.0686, -10.74126, -12.23021, -5.43939, -10.48232, -8.08798, -13.2324, -11.1429 ]
[ -3.27846, -6.60283, -6.97076, -7.73814, -8.08116, -8.11506, -8.21608, -8.47249, -8.522, -8.68795, -8.94295, -9.11919, -9.12748, -9.25781, -9.38941, -9.40739, -9.49637, -9.50378, -9.66221, -9.69521, -9.72754, -9.76568, -9.78515, -9.80221, -9.89839, -10.09613, -10.28868, -10.39466, -10.41331, -10.46643, -10.48871, -10.50761, -10.53601, -10.54592, -10.55676, -10.56222, -10.68004, -10.74122, -10.75855, -10.8048, -10.83806, -11.03194, -11.06666, -11.08237, -11.13726, -11.15289, -11.15374, -11.20642, -11.24938, -11.32209 ]
whew whistled fledgeby as he took it in his hand queer street is full of lodgers just at present these are to be disposed of in parcels are they in parcels as set forth returned the old man looking over his master's shoulder
[ "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one nose beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half a lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one does beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it that waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get in at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riha shook his head", "or the lump half a lump will be waste paper one nose beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste papers one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's a question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it out waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you give it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump willll be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the mump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand says fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or a lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "o the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riar shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it a waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half to lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the bump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get an at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question reah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste papers price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump would be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be a waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper christ that's the question riah shook his head", "or the mump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the dump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one goes beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riath shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get itet waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riot shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you gett it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the limp will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one nose beforehand said fledgeby can you get it that waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one nose beforehand said fledgeby can you get in at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knowsed beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the blump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waist paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's this question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it in at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question briah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's that question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it had waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question rina shook his head", "or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his hand" ]
[ -2.8411, -6.13141, -9.42741, -7.93897, -10.13352, -8.5762, -8.23376, -11.11743, -12.71071, -9.58734, -9.5008, -10.47565, -10.6002, -8.76128, -13.03293, -9.19538, -9.94012, -10.57275, -12.19532, -10.82612, -11.34376, -12.07249, -9.61933, -10.2175, -9.52031, -10.25779, -9.25461, -10.10076, -11.88723, -9.54859, -9.0689, -10.78444, -9.74808, -10.54362, -12.46767, -10.9869, -12.52392, -10.62211, -13.46554, -11.83608, -12.24859, -9.90783, -7.23508, -11.57914, -10.85307, -10.87428, -12.38467, -11.01705, -12.69115, -10.65111 ]
[ -0.37351, -2.42861, -3.29985, -6.39782, -5.44199, -7.13361, -9.45583, -6.91548, -5.35496, -8.77417, -8.94163, -7.99558, -7.8982, -9.8889, -5.68929, -9.61562, -8.87921, -8.28169, -6.81391, -8.45693, -7.98234, -7.43314, -9.8961, -9.37981, -10.24983, -9.577, -10.83782, -10.02949, -8.28921, -10.71237, -11.24717, -9.61047, -10.66002, -9.87223, -7.97355, -9.83367, -8.32898, -10.24145, -7.49709, -9.18871, -8.80706, -11.15033, -13.85697, -9.52026, -10.26664, -10.27233, -8.83202, -10.32782, -8.83531, -12.06105 ]
[ -1.60731, -4.28001, -6.36363, -7.16839, -7.78776, -7.85491, -8.8448, -9.01646, -9.03283, -9.18076, -9.22121, -9.23561, -9.2492, -9.32509, -9.36111, -9.4055, -9.40966, -9.42722, -9.50461, -9.64152, -9.66305, -9.75281, -9.75771, -9.79866, -9.88507, -9.91739, -10.04621, -10.06512, -10.08822, -10.13048, -10.15804, -10.19746, -10.20405, -10.20793, -10.22061, -10.41028, -10.42645, -10.43178, -10.48132, -10.51239, -10.52783, -10.52908, -10.54602, -10.5497, -10.55986, -10.57331, -10.60834, -10.67244, -10.76323, -11.35608 ]
or the lump half the lump will be waste paper one knows beforehand said fledgeby can you get it at waste paper price that's the question riah shook his head
[ "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimneypiece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling then he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at a grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of the twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and move to the chimney piece", "and fledgebee cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkkele and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the gray face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently begun to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle than he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "andledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at that grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney peace", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscience of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looking up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle an he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner began conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the wrist they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the brave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grey face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the lift they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulders at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledge be cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to a chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and removed to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list there presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgebi cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face about him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the lists they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he look up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the mist they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above his and moved to the chimney piece", "an fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledge beat cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eye down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the least they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinklings than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved the chimney piece", "and fledgedy cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgebycast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at this grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list he presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and ledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkele and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling that he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner become conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney pace", "and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently became to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece" ]
[ -3.35076, -7.42013, -9.38725, -9.86342, -9.20262, -9.64115, -10.36238, -13.43821, -9.07567, -10.20272, -12.0758, -12.25449, -10.52728, -11.27834, -9.15205, -9.73171, -12.02267, -8.76624, -8.82229, -10.31123, -9.16598, -9.68842, -9.47686, -9.73188, -13.1605, -10.81363, -9.97021, -10.4541, -12.2436, -10.03503, -12.31632, -10.4289, -11.19924, -9.91588, -11.71711, -11.90491, -11.10294, -10.53004, -13.48301, -11.61569, -12.12089, -10.26791, -12.16385, -10.91672, -10.54762, -13.4603, -11.83263, -10.01525, -11.74553, -10.54193 ]
[ -0.16452, -5.60208, -5.324, -5.37296, -7.53979, -7.15006, -6.57196, -3.85939, -9.05358, -8.45283, -6.66235, -6.51273, -8.4276, -7.71256, -9.86473, -9.32576, -7.13587, -10.61549, -10.59284, -9.15849, -10.31139, -9.83221, -10.05334, -9.88359, -6.52836, -9.10295, -10.28274, -9.84609, -8.34375, -10.65253, -8.41031, -10.31461, -9.54505, -10.89127, -9.24462, -9.11796, -9.95719, -10.88237, -7.98056, -9.90487, -9.64352, -11.51444, -9.70446, -10.9788, -11.3818, -8.51606, -10.22601, -12.04509, -10.47765, -11.85998 ]
[ -1.75764, -6.51111, -7.35562, -7.61819, -8.3712, -8.3956, -8.46717, -8.6488, -9.06462, -9.32777, -9.36908, -9.38361, -9.47744, -9.49545, -9.50839, -9.52874, -9.57927, -9.69086, -9.70757, -9.73486, -9.73868, -9.76031, -9.7651, -9.80773, -9.84443, -9.95829, -10.12647, -10.1501, -10.29367, -10.34378, -10.36332, -10.37175, -10.37214, -10.40357, -10.48086, -10.51143, -10.53007, -10.7062, -10.73179, -10.76028, -10.8822, -10.89118, -10.93416, -10.94776, -10.96471, -10.98818, -11.02932, -11.03017, -11.11159, -11.20095 ]
and fledgeby cast his small eyes down the list they presently began to twinkle and he no sooner became conscious of their twinkling than he looked up over his shoulder at the grave face above him and moved to the chimney piece
[ "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the lists at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list of his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a dusk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making the desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there was his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man swarming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood here with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knee perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at this leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warning his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as although they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man forming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there were his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with this back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often turning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a deck of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a death of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with its back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desks of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there within his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returned to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk in it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warm his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees peruing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perwusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list in his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to someone lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warmed his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing to list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old men warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his niece perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees purusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perousing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there in his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perrousing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the listt at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and even returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing this list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees peruting the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there would his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to that old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were peculiar interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particular interesting", "making an desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though there were particularly interesting", "taking a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting", "making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting'" ]
[ -2.76426, -9.71213, -8.25905, -7.72857, -9.16906, -9.70375, -9.59122, -8.77251, -9.10044, -9.83697, -10.20576, -10.51587, -11.22298, -10.43946, -11.30742, -9.85431, -11.06775, -9.18588, -9.35219, -10.11342, -12.56482, -11.41789, -9.54997, -11.08642, -12.62293, -13.8541, -12.84501, -12.31755, -9.6495, -10.44899, -10.72642, -11.38096, -10.46644, -8.73815, -10.35408, -10.17495, -11.52714, -11.6369, -13.09553, -9.88999, -11.00159, -10.54578, -11.61372, -11.3367, -12.68171, -9.26759, -11.5522, -10.50805, -10.49701, -12.84502 ]
[ -0.03902, -4.76491, -6.94545, -8.0438, -6.60658, -6.82518, -7.65082, -8.73302, -8.56989, -7.85634, -7.78085, -7.64074, -7.2506, -8.32009, -7.86996, -9.54465, -8.39896, -10.3028, -10.27042, -9.51079, -7.41197, -8.80783, -10.9987, -9.47509, -8.02467, -6.83755, -7.92183, -8.45042, -11.12654, -10.33302, -10.17381, -9.52978, -10.54604, -12.32241, -10.76082, -10.96645, -9.6289, -9.5269, -8.17612, -11.42345, -10.35707, -10.89867, -9.84057, -10.14162, -8.82504, -12.27331, -10.03264, -11.11705, -11.1335, -11.45185 ]
[ -1.40164, -7.23852, -7.60225, -7.88618, -7.88782, -8.26446, -8.62102, -8.75276, -8.83516, -8.84666, -8.9933, -9.07831, -9.23679, -9.37978, -9.58869, -9.69948, -9.73336, -9.74434, -9.8113, -9.81211, -9.98839, -10.11286, -10.27433, -10.28075, -10.3238, -10.34582, -10.38342, -10.38399, -10.38802, -10.391, -10.45011, -10.45537, -10.50624, -10.53028, -10.55745, -10.5707, -10.57802, -10.5819, -10.63582, -10.65672, -10.67933, -10.72222, -10.72714, -10.73916, -10.75338, -10.77045, -10.79242, -10.81255, -10.81525, -12.14844 ]
making a desk of it he stood there with his back to the old man warming his knees perusing the list at his leisure and often returning to some lines of it as though they were particularly interesting
[ "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged one a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged one a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was hurt at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged while a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was hurt at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes upon the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged what a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employeder suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was hurried at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground misterledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on that ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged while a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amieably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employers suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was her at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard of the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgebi was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes upon the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgebye was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes in the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when the step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus aliably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged what a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employered suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was hurried at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister floodgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took fun that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none it could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of this employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer doorway", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground misterledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on that ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that would be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard in the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgebby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took fun that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amieably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at that outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the round mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with its eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eye on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was her at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was held at the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard of the outer door", "he took none that could be detected but aware of his employerer suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door" ]
[ -3.1724, -7.19093, -7.71222, -11.75354, -8.67979, -9.9858, -12.70867, -10.32617, -10.32172, -9.06504, -10.64028, -11.14931, -10.65908, -14.01488, -11.38184, -11.93311, -10.37389, -10.62338, -10.46963, -11.825, -14.35821, -13.3942, -10.7507, -9.15707, -10.99194, -9.44368, -14.33603, -12.66503, -14.67099, -9.26619, -11.49305, -10.74265, -10.92437, -10.76305, -15.14319, -14.66482, -10.57247, -10.57547, -16.90513, -14.26708, -15.87978, -15.42181, -11.25105, -10.8368, -11.03772, -10.95918, -14.64929, -10.69722, -14.50438, -14.3325 ]
[ -3.07286, -0.90863, -9.49098, -7.32675, -10.64317, -10.75823, -8.47894, -11.15149, -11.34994, -12.63495, -11.22668, -11.12386, -11.6168, -8.59401, -11.26125, -10.75899, -12.43654, -12.38908, -12.54581, -11.42775, -8.98726, -9.99805, -12.643, -14.24952, -12.43096, -14.06475, -9.18571, -11.02417, -9.06246, -14.48469, -12.36567, -13.28575, -13.11973, -13.32016, -8.95964, -9.45257, -13.5862, -13.67016, -7.53517, -10.20143, -8.59476, -9.09703, -13.37347, -13.94435, -13.82051, -13.90732, -10.22486, -14.17853, -10.38159, -10.65755 ]
[ -3.12263, -4.04978, -8.6016, -9.54015, -9.66148, -10.37202, -10.59381, -10.73883, -10.83583, -10.85, -10.93348, -11.13659, -11.13794, -11.30444, -11.32154, -11.34605, -11.40522, -11.50623, -11.50772, -11.62638, -11.67274, -11.69612, -11.69685, -11.70329, -11.71145, -11.75422, -11.76087, -11.8446, -11.86672, -11.87544, -11.92936, -12.0142, -12.02205, -12.04161, -12.05141, -12.05869, -12.07934, -12.12281, -12.22015, -12.23426, -12.23727, -12.25942, -12.31226, -12.39058, -12.42912, -12.43325, -12.43707, -12.43787, -12.44299, -12.49502 ]
he took none that could be detected but aware of his employer's suspicions stood with his eyes on the ground mister fledgeby was thus amiably engaged when a step was heard at the outer door
[ "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hart that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "harke that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pomp of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "heark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't of shut it", "hark that' your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel says fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you bump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't to shut it", "harp that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark thats your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "harc that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "heart that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's you doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you cant have shut it", "rk that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hearke that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israels said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "harark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't a shut it", "hark that's our doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut", "har'k that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you cann't have shut it", "ark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't ha shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shot it", "hark that's your doing your pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of isriel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "harh that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgebi you can't have shut it", "harch that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of iszrael said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgebby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shutt it", "hark that's your doing you tump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel saidledgeby you can't have shut it", "herk that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeie you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgedby you can't have shut it", " that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump in israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "harct that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of issrael said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark thatt's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fredgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pump of israel set fledgeby you can't have shut it", "hark that's your doing you pumpov israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it" ]
[ -1.83674, -6.6866, -8.47874, -7.328, -6.7585, -8.83975, -8.13839, -11.51157, -8.55975, -7.7936, -10.01206, -8.98982, -11.22269, -9.65821, -6.59763, -13.37131, -7.99781, -10.14854, -6.27457, -11.14905, -12.03824, -10.02651, -8.80021, -9.88431, -10.52512, -11.09787, -10.86483, -10.55173, -8.19812, -9.1105, -10.447, -10.05275, -10.19544, -9.66048, -12.62353, -15.20297, -11.0282, -9.61951, -11.28796, -9.90869, -11.75615, -8.17334, -9.74229, -10.87249, -11.01872, -12.50267, -14.39563, -10.04687, -9.65808, -11.12565 ]
[ -0.53954, -5.11609, -5.81783, -7.00702, -7.78258, -6.05602, -7.06144, -4.42625, -8.01573, -8.78744, -6.92409, -7.98057, -5.94376, -7.5778, -10.8725, -4.15364, -9.57657, -7.44613, -11.33431, -6.7742, -5.89186, -7.98981, -9.51286, -8.61135, -8.19579, -7.65596, -8.19225, -8.75417, -11.27884, -10.42067, -9.08913, -9.70629, -9.65724, -10.34951, -7.39666, -4.9707, -9.15507, -10.61303, -9.07419, -10.47547, -8.71195, -12.32131, -11.02922, -9.93285, -9.79086, -8.31283, -6.43548, -10.8031, -11.21515, -9.7481 ]
[ -1.18814, -5.90135, -7.14829, -7.16751, -7.27054, -7.44789, -7.59992, -7.96891, -8.28774, -8.29052, -8.46807, -8.48519, -8.58322, -8.61801, -8.73507, -8.76248, -8.78719, -8.79734, -8.80444, -8.96162, -8.96505, -9.00816, -9.15654, -9.24783, -9.36045, -9.37691, -9.52854, -9.65295, -9.73848, -9.76558, -9.76807, -9.87952, -9.92634, -10.00499, -10.01009, -10.08683, -10.09164, -10.11627, -10.18107, -10.19208, -10.23405, -10.24733, -10.38576, -10.40267, -10.40479, -10.40775, -10.41555, -10.42498, -10.43661, -10.43687 ]
hark that's your doing you pump of israel said fledgeby you can't have shut it
[ "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah and a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riot in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cure as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riot and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and open his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take this cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioningriah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in says fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riar in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take as cure as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning ria in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riia in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his hue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riot in a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to witch fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given them replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riha in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riot and a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and open his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to whichledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his chee as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah and a low voice to take his cure as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you everywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning rio and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning ria and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah an a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and open his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning rio in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riha and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cae as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah and a low voice to take this cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riath in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take its cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take is cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning rira in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgebye to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it shall be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riath and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened this bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah at a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riar and a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take hisqe as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take as cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in says fledgeby", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgebye", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby'", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgebe", "are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgebby" ]
[ -3.21598, -6.62517, -6.46303, -9.87165, -8.71066, -8.78554, -8.68666, -8.66556, -9.22555, -9.78551, -9.81713, -10.1194, -10.83281, -10.48182, -11.08053, -8.89451, -12.10198, -11.61608, -10.48461, -11.55253, -12.05213, -11.97998, -11.33664, -12.57381, -12.02356, -9.92783, -10.75262, -11.64001, -11.35087, -11.88077, -11.55528, -11.73389, -11.59275, -12.47884, -10.95791, -10.32598, -10.36617, -12.19837, -13.41887, -10.01377, -10.80231, -10.32532, -12.00434, -12.47265, -14.42901, -13.2234, -13.33051, -13.30675, -16.43727, -18.97889 ]
[ -1.46064, -1.53885, -2.02056, -2.09876, -7.00418, -7.44412, -7.56411, -7.86004, -7.41656, -7.76123, -8.28271, -8.01522, -7.52233, -8.0674, -7.8048, -10.01289, -7.08239, -7.90746, -9.12616, -8.09174, -7.64232, -7.93825, -8.61972, -7.413, -8.00404, -10.10262, -9.33637, -8.62733, -8.94685, -8.41997, -8.77644, -8.65166, -8.80925, -7.97648, -9.53136, -10.29032, -10.33921, -8.52655, -7.41495, -10.83524, -10.09129, -10.65391, -8.97659, -8.57515, -6.77803, -8.36092, -9.0803, -9.81589, -8.07902, -6.45793 ]
[ -2.33831, -4.08201, -4.2418, -5.98521, -7.85742, -8.11483, -8.12538, -8.2628, -8.32106, -8.77337, -9.04992, -9.06731, -9.17757, -9.27461, -9.44266, -9.4537, -9.59219, -9.76177, -9.80538, -9.82214, -9.84722, -9.95912, -9.97818, -9.99341, -10.0138, -10.01523, -10.04449, -10.13367, -10.14886, -10.15037, -10.16586, -10.19278, -10.201, -10.22766, -10.24464, -10.30815, -10.35269, -10.36246, -10.41691, -10.4245, -10.4468, -10.48961, -10.49046, -10.5239, -10.60352, -10.79216, -11.20541, -11.56132, -12.25815, -12.71841 ]
are you anywhere here fledgeby to which fledgeby after cautioning riah in a low voice to take his cue as it should be given him replied here i am and opened his bedroom door come in said fledgeby
[ "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disonored bills", "that im trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disonoured bills", "that im trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i' am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a manner of some dishonored bills", "but i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disconored bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disonored bills", "that i' am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a manner of some dishonoured bills", "but i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disconoured bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disonoured bills", "that i'm trying to take terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in the matter of some dishonored bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a manner of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonnered bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disconored bills", "but i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to take terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in the matter of some dishonoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonered bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some misonored bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate 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an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disconoured bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored builds", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bill's", "that i m trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with and a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm tried to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonorned bills", "that i' am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some disonored bills", "than i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored bills", "that i'm trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonored billses" ]
[ -3.00463, -3.02101, -3.465, -3.59201, -6.76517, -9.52391, -7.87015, -9.53204, -10.95881, -7.71372, -8.58083, -7.25298, -7.28728, -11.07613, -7.77523, -8.60266, -8.08657, -8.41131, -9.74076, -9.8077, -8.18805, -11.15479, -7.76341, -9.27686, -10.61252, -9.75432, -9.79933, -11.63784, -8.94956, -8.31148, -13.28897, -9.01855, -10.62927, -9.42147, -12.79116, -12.98884, -13.08761, -12.49906, -10.41163, -11.13811, -8.64489, -10.29369, -12.38511, -8.48161, -10.97035, -10.27422, -12.53633, -14.76652, -11.14126, -13.3237 ]
[ -1.06605, -2.44004, -4.58382, -5.95781, -4.78438, -3.16572, -6.15837, -4.53971, -3.212, -6.78982, -6.41445, -7.87714, -8.30214, -4.58599, -8.16381, -7.78845, -9.25113, -9.67613, -8.43434, -8.56831, -10.30759, -7.97141, -11.3949, -9.93222, -8.62331, -9.80833, -9.9423, -8.1627, -11.04074, -11.68158, -6.88404, -11.35802, -9.9973, -11.30621, -8.14277, -7.99522, -7.89935, -8.54971, -10.76924, -10.20492, -12.76889, -11.13038, -9.09786, -13.0257, -10.55435, -11.2505, -9.01806, -6.93033, -10.61721, -10.48218 ]
[ -2.03534, -2.73053, -4.02441, -4.77491, -5.77477, -6.34482, -7.01426, -7.03587, -7.08541, -7.25177, -7.49764, -7.56506, -7.79471, -7.83106, -7.96952, -8.19555, -8.66885, -9.04372, -9.08755, -9.188, -9.24782, -9.5631, -9.57916, -9.60454, -9.61791, -9.78133, -9.87081, -9.90027, -9.99515, -9.99653, -10.08651, -10.18828, -10.31328, -10.36384, -10.46696, -10.49203, -10.49348, -10.52438, -10.59044, -10.67152, -10.70689, -10.71204, -10.74149, -10.75366, -10.76235, -10.76236, -10.77719, -10.84843, -10.87923, -11.90294 ]
that i am trying to make terms for an unfortunate friend with in a matter of some dishonoured bills
[ "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragons house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms set foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrop", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his man at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragons house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm set foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot and stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirru", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at harm sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm sat foot in stirrop", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrod and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron connrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot insterrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in sterup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his man at arm sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrug", "how otto lived in the dragon's houses the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood white open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrub", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monasteries stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide opened the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in turup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrid and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms satfoot in stirrup", "how otto live in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrarad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conbrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of a monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in storup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in syrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world laid beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sent foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad in his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monostery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monatery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in strup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm sat foot and stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirruck", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his menit arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arm sat foot in stirru", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open that world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrads and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron con rad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure bearing conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monasterily stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron congrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup", "how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron contrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup" ]
[ -3.69153, -5.0899, -9.41518, -7.62372, -9.4283, -8.93339, -10.81476, -8.8412, -11.17381, -13.25196, -9.58234, -10.8423, -9.72123, -13.34422, -9.52182, -8.95973, -14.04469, -9.95633, -11.67812, -10.91777, -9.13156, -12.6017, -10.90662, -11.36709, -10.35246, -11.27952, -9.86978, -11.9564, -13.83982, -10.73169, -11.24653, -10.50491, -10.04585, -10.5458, -9.97757, -11.37119, -10.5128, -12.78534, -11.98258, -12.72203, -10.57663, -11.78949, -14.67155, -11.4894, -13.94998, -10.26618, -11.274, -13.51197, -9.5723, -13.39012 ]
[ -0.35641, -2.2526, -3.92353, -6.16769, -5.08814, -7.10288, -5.81972, -8.06388, -5.83345, -4.19497, -7.92735, -6.98433, -8.28841, -4.87615, -8.78509, -9.39213, -4.5021, -8.99908, -7.2968, -8.0827, -9.88751, -6.55674, -8.66223, -8.33249, -9.39428, -8.51238, -9.95198, -7.98719, -6.17398, -9.31469, -8.81354, -9.56156, -10.02905, -9.60492, -10.22632, -8.83626, -9.75309, -7.48756, -8.39735, -7.72964, -10.02727, -8.85637, -6.09116, -9.28026, -6.87638, -10.61928, -9.61373, -7.40769, -11.37136, -7.69031 ]
[ -2.02397, -3.67125, -6.66936, -6.89571, -7.25822, -8.01813, -8.31724, -8.45254, -8.50363, -8.72347, -8.75484, -8.91331, -9.00482, -9.11019, -9.15346, -9.17593, -9.2734, -9.4777, -9.48746, -9.50023, -9.50953, -9.57922, -9.78443, -9.84979, -9.87337, -9.89595, -9.91088, -9.9718, -10.0069, -10.02319, -10.03004, -10.03323, -10.03745, -10.07536, -10.10194, -10.10373, -10.13295, -10.13645, -10.18996, -10.22584, -10.30195, -10.32293, -10.38136, -10.38483, -10.41318, -10.44273, -10.44386, -10.45983, -10.47184, -10.54021 ]
how otto lived in the dragon's house the gates of the monastery stood wide open the world lay beyond and all was ready for departure baron conrad and his men at arms sat foot in stirrup
[ "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with a strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he set upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with this strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but may be it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat on his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it would be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meat again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looking up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with its strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but nobody it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horses we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hands and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sate upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but me be it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with as strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again says he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he set upon his horse we will meet again said he with a strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we well meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with an strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and shook the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up to his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it shall be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but make it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took that boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with her strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his hoarse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boys hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon this horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john come forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it can be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with the strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will met again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradisee", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy''s hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor dear john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be and paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it may be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forwards and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he said upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took this boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came toward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horn we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with a strange vacant smile but may be it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horror we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat on his horse we will meet again said he with a strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but baby it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and lookedd up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise", "then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be an paradise" ]
[ -3.25225, -6.55087, -7.51369, -9.10668, -6.71762, -9.42253, -9.35058, -9.181, -9.45471, -10.3679, -8.84579, -8.56843, -9.68366, -12.37159, -8.91594, -11.01482, -10.96974, -10.83137, -10.66702, -11.41262, -10.97946, -12.52836, -11.189, -11.51711, -10.48014, -11.35446, -11.73441, -10.31801, -12.53305, -10.89366, -10.97923, -11.7496, -12.38387, -10.39904, -13.30349, -13.08351, -10.38647, -11.15257, -11.67751, -13.0893, -10.71162, -11.82163, -11.03592, -10.90405, -10.03907, -10.99051, -12.61203, -10.46655, -13.57687, -11.54387 ]
[ -0.11096, -3.25184, -6.14015, -4.9632, -9.11235, -6.7047, -7.75362, -8.31694, -8.23264, -7.35672, -9.15328, -10.08151, -9.01739, -6.66628, -10.47522, -8.4273, -8.87137, -9.28102, -9.44839, -8.78336, -9.23355, -7.73035, -9.47455, -9.41737, -10.65986, -9.81949, -9.48624, -10.98741, -8.77529, -10.58064, -10.62191, -9.88584, -9.32471, -11.508, -8.61542, -8.84133, -11.62787, -10.88805, -10.36792, -9.01799, -11.53128, -10.42982, -11.2389, -11.37505, -12.25322, -11.30957, -9.84557, -11.99927, -9.02269, -11.16071 ]
[ -1.68161, -4.90135, -6.82692, -7.03494, -7.91498, -8.06361, -8.5521, -8.74897, -8.84368, -8.86231, -8.99953, -9.32497, -9.35052, -9.51894, -9.69558, -9.72106, -9.92056, -10.0562, -10.05771, -10.09799, -10.1065, -10.12935, -10.33177, -10.46724, -10.57, -10.58698, -10.61033, -10.65271, -10.65417, -10.73715, -10.80057, -10.81772, -10.85429, -10.95352, -10.95945, -10.96242, -11.00717, -11.02031, -11.02272, -11.05365, -11.12145, -11.12572, -11.13741, -11.13955, -11.14615, -11.15004, -11.2288, -11.23291, -11.29978, -11.35229 ]
then poor brother john came forward and took the boy's hand and looked up into his face as he sat upon his horse we will meet again said he with his strange vacant smile but maybe it will be in paradise
[ "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courty yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courty yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs in jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtyard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ayye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ae answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ayye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the court yard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs in jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs in jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ayye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courtyard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below i answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hooves and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below ae answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ae answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ayye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ayy answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looking down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the courty yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and looked down upon the angels in the court yard below ay answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingles of armor they were gone", "and looks down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs in jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with the clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hooves and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below ae answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armour they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the courtyard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hooves and jingle of armor they were gone", "and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofses and jingle of armor they were gone" ]
[ -5.92581, -6.44628, -4.59943, -5.05283, -7.18834, -7.71155, -6.2993, -9.04795, -11.865, -6.75731, -13.47951, -9.77809, -12.33256, -12.3033, -14.2646, -12.81027, -11.44791, -10.52416, -13.31616, -13.26742, -14.47303, -11.1535, -16.47042, -14.71872, -14.1437, -10.16728, -12.16029, -13.82152, -13.73807, -11.25542, -10.90297, -12.51032, -15.01737, -13.14731, -11.59902, -12.92075, -11.54247, -17.21104, -14.66213, -13.99661, -15.50915, -12.84088, -11.55632, -12.16331, -10.81757, -12.95666, -13.09579, -13.61653, -11.20663, -16.75185 ]
[ -1.86592, -2.76421, -4.73852, -5.63681, -4.76683, -5.66512, -7.63944, -5.185, -2.69932, -8.53772, -2.3124, -6.08329, -3.59761, -4.69557, -3.21069, -5.59386, -7.15892, -8.08591, -5.50602, -5.60024, -4.84734, -8.37862, -3.1458, -5.21331, -5.94115, -10.0315, -8.0572, -6.40431, -6.49853, -8.9842, -9.6245, -8.19947, -5.74563, -7.71994, -9.27691, -8.01907, -9.58087, -4.04409, -6.83944, -7.59649, -6.1116, -8.81374, -10.16203, -9.56272, -10.92979, -8.87895, -9.09776, -8.61823, -11.07206, -5.56936 ]
[ -3.89587, -4.60524, -4.66897, -5.34482, -5.97759, -6.68833, -6.96937, -7.11647, -7.28216, -7.64751, -7.89596, -7.93069, -7.96509, -8.49944, -8.73765, -9.20207, -9.30341, -9.30504, -9.41109, -9.43383, -9.66018, -9.76606, -9.80811, -9.96602, -10.04243, -10.09939, -10.10875, -10.11292, -10.1183, -10.11981, -10.26373, -10.3549, -10.3815, -10.43363, -10.43796, -10.46991, -10.56167, -10.62757, -10.75079, -10.79655, -10.81038, -10.82731, -10.85917, -10.86302, -10.87368, -10.9178, -11.09677, -11.11738, -11.13935, -11.16061 ]
and look down upon the angels in the court yard below aye answered otto with an answering smile forward cried the baron in a deep voice and with a clash of hoofs and jingle of armor they were gone
[ "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut too behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut two behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the deep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shot to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shot too behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shot two behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rowed and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they road and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut too behind them down the deep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut two behind them down the deep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down this steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into that great wide world beyond", "and the great woodengates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rose and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut through behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut too behind them down the steep winding pathway they rowed and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut too behind them down the steep winding pathway they road and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to beside them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut into behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep binding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them downed the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut tu behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rolled and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut two behind them down the steep winding pathway they rowed and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut two behind them down the steep winding pathway they road and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they ride and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into a great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates was shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding path way they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathways they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and their great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wood gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide whirl beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding path where they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into great wide world beyond", "and the great wouldn gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down a steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "an the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the sleep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the greatest wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shot to behind them down the deep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the greater wide world beyond", "and the greater wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut do behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great white world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind em down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they bowed and out into the great wide world beyond", "and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winded pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond" ]
[ -1.97748, -5.7183, -7.46928, -6.15917, -6.21512, -6.56161, -7.46407, -5.13438, -7.30759, -9.93749, -11.66131, -9.32103, -9.3715, -8.50252, -8.47266, -10.16997, -8.86167, -11.02235, -8.99519, -9.56622, -8.75446, -11.76051, -10.34161, -10.76605, -9.15817, -10.59798, -12.76724, -10.07226, -10.30824, -10.12228, -9.2313, -11.26513, -10.34762, -9.17939, -9.19952, -9.51558, -11.55301, -8.5332, -10.03349, -10.43312, -8.43719, -9.89515, -10.4247, -9.61694, -9.65068, -10.48181, -9.16046, -9.70113, -10.09067, -9.93817 ]
[ -0.93585, -1.82106, -1.20308, -5.49401, -5.85505, -6.74027, -6.12228, -8.86617, -6.89544, -6.37923, -5.76124, -8.24126, -8.42233, -9.47962, -10.03899, -8.38795, -9.75138, -7.78065, -9.85759, -9.30147, -10.21201, -7.28496, -8.95942, -8.68375, -10.46783, -9.13339, -7.16267, -9.86911, -9.83236, -10.05467, -10.9561, -9.0684, -10.01777, -11.2578, -11.24879, -10.93762, -8.96492, -12.04866, -10.60499, -10.22488, -12.23221, -10.88811, -10.41323, -11.26765, -11.25731, -10.48242, -11.89658, -11.40595, -11.09134, -11.27716 ]
[ -1.45667, -3.76968, -4.33618, -5.82659, -6.03509, -6.65094, -6.79318, -7.00027, -7.10152, -8.15836, -8.71128, -8.78115, -8.89691, -8.99107, -9.25582, -9.27896, -9.30652, -9.4015, -9.42639, -9.43384, -9.48324, -9.52274, -9.65051, -9.7249, -9.813, -9.86569, -9.96495, -9.97068, -10.0703, -10.08848, -10.0937, -10.16676, -10.1827, -10.21859, -10.22415, -10.2266, -10.25896, -10.29093, -10.31924, -10.329, -10.3347, -10.39163, -10.41896, -10.44229, -10.454, -10.48211, -10.52852, -10.55354, -10.59101, -10.60767 ]
and the great wooden gates were shut to behind them down the steep winding pathway they rode and out into the great wide world beyond
[ "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill has been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hasp been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached a level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill has been taught to ride a horse by the priests of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburgh asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill has been taught to ride a horse by the priest up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests a yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsberg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to write a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest sub yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hasper taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill has been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level rode", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfries of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priestss up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests sub yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest a yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride o horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaels burg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hasp been taught to ride a horse by the priests of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest sir yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hasp been taught to ride a horse by the priest up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest so yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hastper taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hasp been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached a level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelesburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg ask the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached a level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill haspin taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the prieste up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests ob yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest of yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to hide a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horses by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priest's up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the wide cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached a level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been caught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been talked to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride or horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder and michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road", "upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hastp been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road" ]
[ -3.89779, -7.01346, -9.14557, -5.6847, -10.79605, -11.55692, -7.98336, -12.10846, -10.36699, -8.81193, -13.88751, -11.42327, -16.07112, -10.07794, -8.61685, -8.5742, -10.98021, -12.50723, -12.53336, -10.76134, -9.54659, -12.70514, -11.83482, -12.4215, -11.45039, -11.90138, -14.72683, -12.29419, -16.91702, -13.25342, -12.61691, -13.75622, -13.08404, -11.12814, -11.22003, -9.36427, -13.25073, -12.45563, -12.50349, -11.38599, -13.5107, -10.0699, -10.20725, -11.94051, -9.73725, -10.36165, -11.21198, -12.00052, -11.6453, -15.89799 ]
[ -3.92541, -5.29, -3.26592, -7.48984, -2.87588, -4.36354, -8.57441, -4.6305, -6.83034, -8.85443, -4.24046, -6.71393, -2.21638, -8.34797, -9.83832, -9.91606, -7.57005, -6.1205, -6.4403, -8.46057, -9.77656, -6.77782, -8.22954, -7.68847, -8.87861, -8.43719, -5.72813, -8.22727, -3.70404, -7.44216, -8.28187, -7.16999, -7.92797, -9.93899, -9.88491, -11.7695, -7.91491, -8.84787, -8.80825, -10.00528, -8.19493, -11.65066, -11.6293, -9.90045, -12.13883, -11.6023, -10.79939, -10.22602, -10.65813, -6.40717 ]
[ -3.9116, -6.15173, -6.20574, -6.58727, -6.83596, -7.96023, -8.27888, -8.36948, -8.59866, -8.83318, -9.06399, -9.0686, -9.14375, -9.21296, -9.22759, -9.24513, -9.27513, -9.31386, -9.48683, -9.61095, -9.66157, -9.74148, -10.03218, -10.05499, -10.1645, -10.16929, -10.22748, -10.26073, -10.31053, -10.34779, -10.44939, -10.46311, -10.506, -10.53357, -10.55247, -10.56688, -10.58282, -10.65175, -10.65587, -10.69563, -10.85282, -10.86028, -10.91828, -10.92048, -10.93804, -10.98198, -11.00568, -11.11327, -11.15172, -11.15258 ]
upon which otto and brother john had gazed so often from the wooden belfry of the white cross on the hill hast been taught to ride a horse by the priests up yonder on michaelsburg asked the baron when they had reached the level road
[ "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the farther vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to write but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vinttage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the farther vineyards to the vintage prutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage brut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pruught said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring on the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further venyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutch said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutte said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring an the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage trut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to write but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pruts said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to right but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prot said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prute said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage p trut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to that vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto you had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyard's to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest door the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage frut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the crapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage brutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pruret said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vinttage prutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring on the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutt said the baron", "nay said otto we had no a horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vanyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pru't said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyardds to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no hoarse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage trut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut says the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to spring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horses to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage ptrut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage phrut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut't said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pruth said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage phut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vinntage prut said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prust said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron'", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prutth said the baron", "nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage pruttte said the baron" ]
[ -2.9462, -6.81432, -6.29651, -7.41969, -12.70006, -10.31032, -8.45291, -11.15748, -9.06668, -7.59903, -12.06071, -10.74808, -9.68097, -9.30069, -11.14594, -8.8452, -8.86328, -9.54185, -10.59515, -13.27475, -10.6922, -9.2441, -10.95748, -11.01222, -9.79274, -9.2269, -12.33639, -12.06164, -12.71393, -17.54034, -12.93887, -12.56453, -8.99837, -11.6078, -12.73736, -10.14661, -11.5822, -10.72989, -10.32599, -10.25544, -11.99494, -11.31135, -11.60784, -11.43337, -8.72831, -13.89242, -12.13867, -12.59824, -11.85551, -12.32082 ]
[ -1.00242, -1.39693, -4.83601, -6.83572, -2.36361, -5.23052, -7.32724, -4.79474, -7.05561, -9.81337, -5.37676, -6.70665, -8.19443, -9.04239, -7.23023, -9.62276, -10.10112, -9.59902, -8.64279, -5.99276, -8.71053, -10.3116, -8.69977, -8.67034, -9.92378, -10.78624, -7.72175, -8.10544, -7.52348, -2.75812, -7.45012, -7.84323, -11.4106, -8.87897, -7.88261, -10.56, -9.13041, -10.00784, -10.46962, -10.54716, -8.8762, -9.57837, -9.30627, -9.51257, -12.26203, -7.26967, -9.0459, -9.0792, -10.0112, -9.91202 ]
[ -1.97431, -4.10563, -5.56626, -7.12771, -7.53183, -7.77042, -7.89007, -7.97611, -8.06115, -8.7062, -8.71874, -8.72737, -8.9377, -9.17154, -9.18809, -9.23398, -9.4822, -9.57044, -9.61897, -9.63376, -9.70137, -9.77785, -9.82863, -9.84128, -9.85826, -10.00657, -10.02907, -10.08354, -10.11871, -10.14923, -10.1945, -10.20388, -10.20449, -10.24339, -10.30998, -10.35331, -10.3563, -10.36886, -10.39781, -10.4013, -10.43557, -10.44486, -10.45706, -10.47297, -10.49517, -10.58104, -10.59229, -10.83872, -10.93335, -11.11642 ]
nay said otto we had no horse to ride but only to bring in the harvest or the grapes from the further vineyards to the vintage prut said the baron
[ "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of all days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of all days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days and his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in its veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days and his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in its veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know heart not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know heart not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talking thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of all days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not a feared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "metthought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talk thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not a feared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talking thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of all days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "metthought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days and his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "mathought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to no art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in its veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talk thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days and his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "mathought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeered", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to no art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in its veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have thought thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeered", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in as veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbod would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have thought thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know heart not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in as veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeered nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to no art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a night to know heart not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbod would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not a feared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not a feared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeered nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "metthought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have talked thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afearedd", "methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a night to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afearedd" ]
[ -5.13135, -6.42149, -5.86415, -7.12848, -9.47966, -10.77525, -9.35036, -9.2973, -10.66349, -10.53162, -10.00201, -11.28927, -9.44678, -10.18602, -9.09535, -16.13033, -9.73802, -10.23338, -10.66005, -11.44556, -17.37306, -10.09083, -9.90768, -11.54567, -10.03021, -11.21887, -11.36769, -11.17031, -11.06586, -12.95639, -11.25127, -10.55778, -12.29412, -11.96236, -12.52167, -11.90975, -10.97689, -10.69796, -13.18079, -10.74928, -11.45109, -11.96824, -13.93411, -12.29843, -9.7557, -10.43306, -12.00238, -16.88378, -15.67799, -16.95627 ]
[ -3.35822, -2.56335, -5.21717, -4.42231, -6.66558, -5.87071, -7.31751, -7.64218, -6.52265, -6.84731, -8.06297, -7.2681, -9.23179, -8.52453, -9.65513, -2.66804, -9.2563, -8.86027, -8.43692, -7.72967, -1.87318, -9.17647, -9.41878, -7.78363, -9.50114, -8.46143, -8.3816, -8.62392, -8.79068, -6.98877, -8.70627, -9.43485, -7.99581, -8.42024, -7.95726, -8.63998, -9.62067, -9.92192, -7.62537, -10.13023, -9.64259, -9.12706, -7.16239, -8.82581, -11.51409, -10.85277, -9.33536, -4.52699, -7.37737, -6.58251 ]
[ -4.24479, -4.49242, -5.54066, -5.77539, -8.07262, -8.32298, -8.33393, -8.46974, -8.59307, -8.68947, -9.03249, -9.27869, -9.33929, -9.35527, -9.37524, -9.39918, -9.49716, -9.54683, -9.54849, -9.58761, -9.62312, -9.63365, -9.66323, -9.66465, -9.76568, -9.84015, -9.87465, -9.89711, -9.92827, -9.97258, -9.97877, -9.99632, -10.14497, -10.1913, -10.23947, -10.27487, -10.29878, -10.30994, -10.40308, -10.43975, -10.54684, -10.54765, -10.54825, -10.56212, -10.6349, -10.64292, -10.66887, -10.70539, -11.52768, -11.76939 ]
methought the abbot would have had enough of the blood of old days in his veins to have taught thee what is fitting for a knight to know art not afeared nay said otto with a smile i am not afeared
[ "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuellf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vualf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps ottos thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of vuelf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vulf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a uth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vualph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuilf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of vuelpf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vualth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a uelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were too very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelff said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuolf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of uelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself avuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a v wealth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelh said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself of vuelth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelf said the grim baron but perhaps ottos thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuulf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuulph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a uelf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpf said the grim baron but perhaps ottos thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpff said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpt said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showst thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpfe said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a velph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuelpth said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a ulf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vualf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrads thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself o vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a uelpf said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself a vuolph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou showest thyself auelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters", "there at least thou show'st thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters" ]
[ -3.12834, -8.64394, -8.18245, -8.53938, -11.04322, -8.20554, -12.8258, -12.27191, -12.10172, -9.43702, -10.42075, -12.26771, -9.98242, -13.79475, -10.62185, -13.62517, -10.0678, -9.22891, -13.40014, -13.25338, -11.4451, -7.69349, -11.49084, -10.21742, -15.91681, -12.71917, -10.51375, -12.66219, -13.02403, -13.67676, -16.18167, -15.57288, -12.02782, -16.3753, -9.22455, -16.62083, -15.03443, -11.25215, -10.75318, -9.31812, -10.2656, -10.22705, -14.22278, -13.66715, -16.5123, -11.21987, -16.26367, -9.44662, -11.91512, -6.34646 ]
[ -10.0705, -7.14521, -8.04646, -9.44339, -7.08755, -9.93369, -6.5181, -7.41936, -7.67881, -10.36355, -9.97117, -8.13897, -10.6738, -7.0084, -10.45922, -7.47754, -11.06079, -11.94535, -7.90965, -8.07881, -9.91745, -14.46591, -10.68575, -11.99916, -6.46044, -9.78063, -12.08412, -10.04868, -9.79017, -9.30658, -6.95074, -7.74852, -11.36528, -7.0517, -14.28818, -6.9922, -8.64976, -12.43838, -12.96699, -14.42969, -13.67472, -13.71677, -9.73644, -10.31847, -7.51186, -12.92828, -7.8934, -14.92239, -12.46168, -18.57113 ]
[ -6.59942, -7.89458, -8.11446, -8.99139, -9.06539, -9.06962, -9.67195, -9.84563, -9.89026, -9.90029, -10.19596, -10.20334, -10.32811, -10.40157, -10.54053, -10.55136, -10.56429, -10.58713, -10.6549, -10.6661, -10.68127, -11.0797, -11.0883, -11.10829, -11.18862, -11.2499, -11.29894, -11.35544, -11.4071, -11.49167, -11.5662, -11.6607, -11.69655, -11.7135, -11.75636, -11.80652, -11.8421, -11.84527, -11.86009, -11.8739, -11.97016, -11.97191, -11.97961, -11.99281, -12.01208, -12.07407, -12.07853, -12.1845, -12.1884, -12.45879 ]
there at least thou showest thyself a vuelph said the grim baron but perhaps otto's thought of fear and baron conrad's thought of fear were two very different matters
[ "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rowed to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up this steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "this afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the deep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they road to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the strawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up a steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the jawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the draw bridge", "the afternoon had passed by that time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rodeed to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawb bridge", "the afternoon had past by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawb ridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbbridge", "that afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the draw ridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to a drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stomy path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reach the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of the journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they wrote to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they row to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony paths they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up that steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbhridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rose to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the edge of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode into the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rolled to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journeys up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stonyath they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawabridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to that drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stoney path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by this time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stonny path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they bowed to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time there had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up their steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by thetime they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they roded to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path there rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the sleep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge", "the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up his steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge" ]
[ -1.92743, -5.00664, -8.02515, -8.36895, -6.89862, -10.50824, -7.51312, -8.11898, -9.11497, -7.29981, -5.64068, -8.82706, -12.55755, -9.98822, -7.51947, -10.20879, -11.73842, -9.32021, -10.15432, -9.87874, -7.9829, -10.01908, -8.81281, -8.24363, -14.53081, -11.15535, -9.92425, -10.53919, -13.03134, -8.35456, -9.12421, -10.76678, -9.35039, -11.51565, -11.1002, -11.29603, -11.82042, -10.46481, -8.38476, -10.72926, -8.1105, -10.03583, -9.77492, -10.09839, -9.47854, -12.09642, -9.78323, -8.61646, -12.11638, -10.40583 ]
[ -0.14704, -7.80315, -5.74511, -5.52204, -7.0355, -3.78741, -7.395, -6.8613, -6.78935, -8.67854, -10.43358, -7.56342, -3.91819, -6.51632, -8.98586, -6.44291, -5.50464, -8.17862, -7.82274, -8.42323, -10.31963, -8.29717, -9.51878, -10.20372, -4.032, -7.55278, -8.81607, -9.12101, -6.87787, -11.60983, -10.85316, -9.28238, -10.72531, -8.65756, -9.14331, -9.10662, -8.6449, -10.03686, -12.14517, -9.89658, -12.59252, -10.70986, -10.98218, -10.67592, -11.32663, -8.71948, -11.16556, -12.35634, -8.92543, -10.73194 ]
[ -1.03724, -6.40489, -6.88513, -6.9455, -6.96706, -7.14783, -7.45406, -7.49014, -7.95216, -7.98917, -8.03713, -8.19524, -8.23787, -8.25227, -8.25266, -8.32585, -8.62153, -8.74942, -8.98853, -9.15099, -9.15127, -9.15813, -9.1658, -9.22368, -9.2814, -9.35407, -9.37016, -9.8301, -9.95461, -9.98219, -9.98868, -10.02458, -10.03785, -10.08661, -10.12176, -10.20132, -10.23266, -10.25084, -10.26496, -10.31292, -10.35151, -10.37284, -10.37855, -10.38715, -10.40259, -10.40795, -10.47439, -10.4864, -10.52091, -10.56888 ]
the afternoon had passed by the time they had reached the end of their journey up the steep stony path they rode to the drawbridge
[ "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wandering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wandering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his next moment", "in the great twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim knew home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming knight little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim knew home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming knight little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little oto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little oto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otdo looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe stuck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otta looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otdo looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe stuck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otta looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gay twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wandering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little ottto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looking up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wandering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his next moment", "in the grey twilight of a coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in a grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the cunning night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of a coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little ottto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looking up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of that coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the cunning night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in a gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of that coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with greater wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilights of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the great twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wandering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilights of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with greater wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grave twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his that next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new homes of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otter looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming sight little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his that next moment", "in the grey twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering a awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment", "in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new homes of his the next moment" ]
[ -3.10072, -2.94632, -6.00366, -5.8478, -6.58499, -6.44508, -6.98761, -7.9564, -8.93458, -7.81167, -9.72435, -11.86392, -11.72012, -10.76309, -12.0467, -9.25942, -9.41752, -10.60386, -9.09528, -12.10383, -9.35894, -9.52185, -9.47266, -12.93153, -9.9453, -9.33568, -10.7477, -10.51776, -9.59238, -10.44461, -12.80056, -9.77148, -10.96608, -9.47441, -10.4599, -10.75854, -10.32781, -12.17136, -9.87381, -11.90147, -10.17866, -9.24886, -13.51853, -10.69162, -11.85752, -9.79447, -11.87923, -10.5329, -12.59428, -11.68461 ]
[ -0.68884, -1.09545, -3.77765, -4.18426, -7.15887, -7.56549, -7.70384, -7.65891, -6.78647, -8.06552, -6.37985, -6.12405, -6.53066, -7.94536, -6.70446, -9.62842, -9.48881, -8.35198, -10.03503, -7.11107, -9.89542, -10.04423, -10.24768, -6.92435, -9.96446, -10.6543, -9.25922, -9.50741, -10.46079, -9.66584, -7.33097, -10.37107, -9.23072, -10.86741, -9.91403, -9.63734, -10.13479, -8.37915, -10.79266, -8.78577, -10.5414, -11.51477, -7.43884, -10.33966, -9.2713, -11.44171, -9.38332, -10.74628, -8.73369, -9.67791 ]
[ -1.89478, -2.02088, -4.89065, -5.01603, -6.87193, -7.00528, -7.34573, -7.80766, -7.86052, -7.93859, -8.0521, -8.99399, -9.12539, -9.35423, -9.37558, -9.44392, -9.45316, -9.47792, -9.56516, -9.60745, -9.62718, -9.78304, -9.86017, -9.92794, -9.95488, -9.99499, -10.00346, -10.01259, -10.02659, -10.05522, -10.06576, -10.07128, -10.0984, -10.17091, -10.18697, -10.19794, -10.2313, -10.27526, -10.33324, -10.34362, -10.36003, -10.38182, -10.47868, -10.51564, -10.56441, -10.61809, -10.63127, -10.63959, -10.66398, -10.68126 ]
in the gray twilight of the coming night little otto looked up with great wondering awe struck eyes at this grim new home of his the next moment
[ "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey g loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray g loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courty yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courty yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the road way and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the road way and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spannned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spannned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway in the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway in the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the greyloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey g loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray g loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grayloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray loaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing art of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing art of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey g loaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray g loaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey loaming of the paved court yard within", "they clattered over the strawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the walls and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the strawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey bloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the walls and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gay gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courty yard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were passed the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courty yard within", "they clattered over the drawb ridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawb ridge that spanned the narrow black gulf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved courtyard within", "they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gullf between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the grey gloaming of the paved courtyard within" ]
[ -5.10945, -4.96734, -7.20726, -7.05862, -7.44956, -7.46689, -11.81735, -11.78253, -9.95757, -9.76788, -8.74651, -8.59881, -12.64448, -12.51457, -9.71786, -9.57056, -9.56644, -13.0232, -12.89834, -9.57271, -11.27908, -11.13915, -11.56474, -11.42383, -14.24428, -13.88008, -13.84696, -12.02961, -14.39485, -11.92873, -10.94561, -10.57777, -10.79096, -10.42472, -15.00032, -11.09512, -11.10993, -15.08711, -13.14753, -10.88973, -10.7789, -10.74828, -11.41587, -10.63798, -10.94236, -14.75025, -14.60681, -12.37141, -12.23689, -14.59929 ]
[ -2.69211, -2.93296, -5.24927, -5.49013, -5.39142, -5.63227, -2.69328, -2.93414, -4.88576, -5.12661, -6.6582, -6.89906, -3.90399, -4.14485, -7.63514, -7.876, -7.94858, -4.51464, -4.75549, -8.18944, -7.03261, -7.27347, -6.92238, -7.16324, -4.88458, -5.25044, -5.4913, -7.44292, -5.12544, -7.68378, -9.21538, -9.59758, -9.45623, -9.83843, -5.39259, -9.35752, -9.59837, -5.63345, -7.58507, -10.06315, -10.20552, -10.30401, -9.6495, -10.44638, -10.16907, -6.46116, -6.70201, -9.01915, -9.26, -7.45181 ]
[ -3.90078, -3.95015, -6.22826, -6.27437, -6.42049, -6.54958, -7.25532, -7.35833, -7.42166, -7.44725, -7.70236, -7.74893, -8.27424, -8.32971, -8.6765, -8.72328, -8.75751, -8.76892, -8.82692, -8.88108, -9.15584, -9.20631, -9.24356, -9.29353, -9.56443, -9.56526, -9.66913, -9.73627, -9.76014, -9.80625, -10.08049, -10.08767, -10.1236, -10.13158, -10.19646, -10.22632, -10.35415, -10.36028, -10.3663, -10.47644, -10.49221, -10.52614, -10.53269, -10.54218, -10.55571, -10.6057, -10.65441, -10.69528, -10.74845, -11.02555 ]
they clattered over the drawbridge that spanned the narrow black gulph between the roadway and the wall and the next were past the echoing arch of the great gateway and in the gray gloaming of the paved court yard within
[ "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked round upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked round upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seaemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seaemed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed an weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first site of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces semed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces simed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from thoses of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seimed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces semed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first site of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from thosees of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of a little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of a gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around on the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sighte of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked round upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seaemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces simed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and whether beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from thoses of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sit of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked about upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otdo looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather eaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed at weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged facesseemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little bearing hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces siemed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of that gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seimed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from thosees of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon that many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first height of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of a gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of a little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seaamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around on the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sighte of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed in weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren", "otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gently brethren" ]
[ -3.08951, -4.62936, -5.5455, -7.0592, -8.80887, -10.47832, -8.81602, -10.24004, -7.00979, -10.34257, -9.99032, -9.7922, -8.03222, -13.06213, -10.65165, -11.18246, -8.61236, -13.67339, -9.95927, -10.56322, -11.57419, -9.42969, -12.9902, -11.20905, -11.85914, -9.4585, -10.28681, -14.58641, -7.581, -14.42061, -9.56744, -10.79501, -9.87909, -11.41513, -8.45171, -9.67372, -8.17671, -9.9203, -11.02889, -12.77169, -15.21493, -11.10001, -10.38305, -13.06249, -12.08136, -11.53289, -10.93085, -11.00851, -14.5683, -9.96561 ]
[ -1.1856, -1.27044, -5.07167, -5.15651, -4.05106, -4.13591, -7.47618, -6.25881, -9.72874, -6.87262, -7.26589, -7.56102, -9.73809, -4.79772, -7.22847, -6.95747, -9.81358, -4.78772, -8.58308, -8.03199, -7.04588, -9.23304, -5.78839, -7.93714, -7.35073, -9.82294, -9.09191, -4.88256, -11.9126, -5.12594, -10.0347, -8.82102, -9.8151, -8.35962, -11.44552, -10.28852, -11.82776, -10.13135, -9.03714, -7.31332, -4.87256, -9.06246, -9.79678, -7.13072, -8.11684, -8.66793, -9.3121, -9.31789, -5.87323, -10.49323 ]
[ -2.13756, -2.9499, -5.30858, -6.10786, -6.42997, -7.30711, -8.1461, -8.24943, -8.36926, -8.6076, -8.6281, -8.67661, -8.88516, -8.92992, -8.94006, -9.06996, -9.21297, -9.23056, -9.27118, -9.29761, -9.31003, -9.33137, -9.38929, -9.57309, -9.60494, -9.64072, -9.68936, -9.73449, -9.7468, -9.77328, -9.80107, -9.80802, -9.84709, -9.88737, -9.94861, -9.98112, -10.00224, -10.02583, -10.03302, -10.0425, -10.04375, -10.08124, -10.08991, -10.09661, -10.0991, -10.10041, -10.12148, -10.1632, -10.22077, -10.22942 ]
otto looked around upon the many faces gathered there to catch the first sight of the little baron hard rugged faces seamed and weather beaten very different from those of the gentle brethren
[ "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the deep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed this steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursulla came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursulah came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barons house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the bar's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barren's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urssela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the deep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet them", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urcela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urulla came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barn's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urstula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barran's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baronre's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed this steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urzula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know has he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseah came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed that steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursila came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron'shouse old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep dony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseola came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urse la came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursella came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseler came running down to meet him", "among whom he had moved and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseulla came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urcula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none their whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there is none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursera came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urilla came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursola came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseilla came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urselah came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseulah came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old urseala came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meat him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the barron's house old ursula came running down to meet him", "among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ur'sula came running down to meet him" ]
[ -3.40609, -8.60558, -11.69523, -7.68964, -8.93971, -15.17409, -14.16409, -12.99755, -11.073, -14.39104, -8.65627, -7.3966, -17.99989, -12.80916, -10.20441, -10.9179, -17.18635, -10.25765, -12.99679, -11.6996, -8.55052, -13.13836, -14.12626, -10.31949, -9.96134, -14.43246, -10.77635, -11.20607, -10.23944, -11.37444, -14.66977, -11.1326, -13.21387, -11.6854, -10.13471, -19.18676, -13.69642, -10.52864, -11.03863, -13.46675, -13.36881, -16.15255, -13.82607, -13.53311, -16.12755, -12.54611, -15.06128, -9.77918, -13.76878, -14.04463 ]
[ -3.50685, -2.83222, -3.72718, -8.51938, -7.99222, -2.26208, -4.09182, -6.22729, -8.56832, -5.41156, -11.14963, -12.8827, -2.39193, -7.84474, -10.46081, -9.78489, -3.52167, -10.49234, -7.89129, -9.21514, -12.40604, -8.08277, -7.31759, -11.29746, -11.82593, -7.47206, -11.13553, -10.72613, -11.76007, -10.64321, -7.40972, -10.94778, -9.04626, -10.59072, -12.19862, -3.15703, -8.65524, -11.91415, -11.43471, -9.01296, -9.26268, -6.52521, -8.88559, -9.5321, -7.12224, -11.09018, -8.86261, -14.16276, -10.47499, -10.2885 ]
[ -3.45647, -5.7189, -7.7112, -8.10451, -8.46597, -8.71808, -9.12795, -9.61242, -9.82066, -9.9013, -9.90295, -10.13965, -10.19591, -10.32695, -10.33261, -10.3514, -10.35401, -10.37499, -10.44404, -10.45737, -10.47828, -10.61056, -10.72192, -10.80847, -10.89363, -10.95226, -10.95594, -10.9661, -10.99976, -11.00882, -11.03975, -11.04019, -11.13007, -11.13806, -11.16667, -11.17189, -11.17583, -11.2214, -11.23667, -11.23985, -11.31575, -11.33888, -11.35583, -11.5326, -11.6249, -11.81815, -11.96194, -11.97097, -12.12189, -12.16657 ]
among whom he had lived and it seemed strange to him that there was none there whom he should know as he climbed the steep stony steps to the door of the baron's house old ursela came running down to meet him
[ "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hung him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungd him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around em and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hummed him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hung him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunggged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around em and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huked him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hung him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hucked him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huggd him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around them and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungd him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hooked him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around em and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hung him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hunged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugg him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hanged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hushed him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him closed to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and cugged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him andlunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungled him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huned him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and cunged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungked him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huggled him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and huched him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close o her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungered him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms round him and hungd him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break", "she flung her withered arms around him and hungged him close to her my little child she cried and then felt a sobbing as though her heart would break" ]
[ -3.59031, -5.52776, -5.84889, -5.58019, -4.89974, -5.48829, -7.92856, -8.00095, -7.82893, -12.73516, -9.64317, -7.48682, -8.45663, -9.25488, -7.73386, -12.0314, -10.23084, -10.96904, -11.5467, -6.89961, -8.70713, -12.21013, -12.7193, -9.70567, -11.46855, -8.45192, -7.48631, -14.79971, -11.7692, -6.85536, -15.0694, -13.6563, -9.01684, -9.04499, -9.82655, -14.66069, -12.37732, -10.14553, -11.0618, -11.6469, -10.55878, -11.39082, -9.46142, -11.86987, -12.24523, -12.39538, -12.8936, -9.48903, -9.85048, -11.75025 ]
[ -2.20546, -3.37421, -3.49589, -6.23168, -7.26345, -7.59222, -7.40044, -7.32822, -7.52212, -3.2903, -6.39246, -8.76097, -7.92484, -7.35913, -8.88265, -4.76114, -7.56122, -6.90274, -6.43032, -11.28968, -9.71178, -6.50738, -6.15946, -9.20072, -7.44991, -10.48058, -11.61844, -4.45904, -7.6829, -12.65021, -4.58072, -6.03698, -10.81476, -10.89263, -10.11183, -5.31923, -7.6765, -10.04188, -9.18246, -8.74744, -9.98222, -9.30317, -11.33232, -8.986, -8.69178, -8.55167, -8.29306, -11.70639, -11.35445, -9.45843 ]
[ -2.89789, -4.45098, -4.67239, -5.90594, -6.0816, -6.54025, -7.6645, -7.66459, -7.67552, -8.01273, -8.01782, -8.12389, -8.19074, -8.30701, -8.30825, -8.39627, -8.89603, -8.93589, -8.98851, -9.09464, -9.20945, -9.35876, -9.43938, -9.45319, -9.45923, -9.46625, -9.55237, -9.62938, -9.72605, -9.75279, -9.82506, -9.84664, -9.9158, -9.96881, -9.96919, -9.98996, -10.02691, -10.09371, -10.12213, -10.19717, -10.2705, -10.347, -10.39687, -10.42793, -10.4685, -10.47352, -10.59333, -10.59771, -10.60246, -10.60434 ]
she flung her withered arms around him and hugged him close to her my little child she cried and then fell to sobbing as though her heart would break
[ "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armours the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armers the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armies the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought a little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armorss the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with the ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to oto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otdo the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophries the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy this new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the tropies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful too otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to oto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long gallerries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful tu otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to atto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armour the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophties the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries were their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their rangs of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors that trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armrs the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the turphies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought that little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their rages of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleraries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otta the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to oftto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of roofs", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags their long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy its new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with there ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rums", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful two otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otno the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges in rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the arms the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their rangees of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of romes", "thought the little boy his new homes was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to ottoe the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new house was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to ottto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long balleries with their ranges of rooms", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of roomes", "thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of roomss" ]
[ -2.95379, -6.13413, -8.38458, -8.50712, -9.57368, -13.52145, -8.85297, -11.8376, -9.93316, -11.33406, -9.91748, -10.97534, -10.40144, -12.12317, -9.22266, -11.62312, -10.98113, -16.533, -11.40098, -11.38803, -10.23257, -10.69307, -11.2909, -10.23839, -9.47461, -10.98132, -8.60812, -10.72071, -9.91816, -9.65944, -11.02609, -11.35788, -10.27052, -12.93533, -11.14934, -12.04743, -11.68349, -12.47522, -11.24304, -11.62632, -7.20994, -12.10203, -11.02958, -13.26731, -13.35439, -10.56668, -11.94661, -10.47316, -11.17522, -13.30987 ]
[ -0.419, -4.37362, -4.60628, -5.56706, -6.30087, -2.90071, -7.8805, -5.2615, -7.19192, -5.81985, -7.33623, -6.44166, -7.06309, -5.60214, -8.73908, -6.59581, -7.32813, -1.89192, -7.58794, -7.64485, -8.97891, -8.65647, -8.09763, -9.2861, -10.15727, -8.66263, -11.15908, -9.23931, -10.06002, -10.69122, -9.44722, -9.11868, -10.23042, -7.64677, -9.43484, -8.54517, -9.28272, -8.49591, -9.73319, -9.40406, -13.87348, -8.98519, -10.14936, -8.05028, -8.12184, -10.93222, -9.66258, -11.18337, -10.75436, -9.5645 ]
[ -1.6864, -5.25388, -6.49543, -7.03709, -7.93727, -8.21108, -8.36674, -8.54955, -8.56254, -8.57695, -8.62686, -8.7085, -8.73227, -8.86266, -8.98087, -9.10947, -9.15463, -9.21246, -9.49446, -9.51644, -9.60574, -9.67477, -9.69427, -9.76225, -9.81594, -9.82197, -9.8836, -9.98001, -9.98909, -10.17533, -10.23665, -10.23828, -10.25047, -10.29105, -10.29209, -10.2963, -10.48311, -10.48557, -10.48811, -10.51519, -10.54171, -10.54361, -10.58947, -10.6588, -10.73811, -10.74945, -10.8046, -10.82827, -10.96479, -11.43719 ]
thought the little boy his new home was all very strange and wonderful to otto the armors the trophies the flags the long galleries with their ranges of rooms
[ "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof in its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carvedstone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all this strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stones and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of gro tesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "a great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesqueally carved stone and all the strange people", "that great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its grate fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great firepplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of groteskely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved tone and all the strange people", "the great all below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotequely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all that strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grostesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the grey hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone in all the strange people", "the greater hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesqueley carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotessquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof at its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplacee of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the grand hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roofs and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great ball below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great wall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great halls below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great tall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its greater fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof in its great fireplace of grotesquely carvedstone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquey carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all a strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great wireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange peoples", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its grand fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its grey fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of g grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of gratesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the greatest hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great law below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all these strange people", "the grate hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquery carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotessely carved stone and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved spoon and all the strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all those strange people", "the great hall below with its vaulted roof an its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people" ]
[ -1.94056, -6.48423, -6.93899, -8.28567, -7.78192, -8.26562, -9.14403, -11.98363, -9.35414, -6.70376, -11.5748, -9.18721, -9.20714, -8.6329, -12.50214, -9.96885, -13.14542, -9.76855, -9.8386, -9.74602, -11.47842, -9.69473, -10.22653, -12.06322, -9.88009, -10.65572, -10.22082, -8.36818, -11.64743, -9.18775, -9.48992, -11.50292, -11.21873, -10.54585, -9.8779, -11.89145, -9.72284, -9.53422, -13.94167, -8.04885, -9.99908, -8.99576, -11.23054, -8.30323, -12.20855, -11.3441, -9.08611, -10.07832, -11.21183, -11.29759 ]
[ -0.13019, -3.88325, -4.60012, -5.27552, -7.32647, -7.81041, -7.37868, -4.96324, -7.8832, -10.55213, -6.2391, -8.7472, -8.7749, -9.37832, -5.81224, -8.49721, -5.36682, -8.92993, -8.88157, -9.06004, -7.33329, -9.14859, -8.62471, -6.82608, -9.08716, -8.46817, -8.92428, -10.88594, -8.10958, -10.58669, -10.34829, -8.35318, -8.64658, -9.40065, -10.0902, -8.14726, -10.44265, -10.67315, -6.29313, -12.21582, -10.29193, -11.52496, -9.37061, -12.52401, -8.67971, -9.58924, -11.92059, -10.95876, -9.91406, -9.8791 ]
[ -1.03537, -5.18374, -5.76955, -6.7806, -7.55419, -8.03802, -8.26135, -8.47343, -8.61867, -8.62795, -8.90695, -8.96721, -8.99102, -9.00561, -9.15719, -9.23303, -9.25612, -9.34924, -9.36009, -9.40303, -9.40585, -9.42166, -9.42562, -9.44465, -9.48362, -9.56194, -9.57255, -9.62706, -9.87851, -9.88722, -9.9191, -9.92805, -9.93266, -9.97325, -9.98405, -10.01935, -10.08274, -10.10369, -10.1174, -10.13234, -10.14551, -10.26036, -10.30057, -10.41362, -10.44413, -10.46667, -10.50335, -10.51854, -10.56294, -10.58835 ]
the great hall below with its vaulted roof and its great fireplace of grotesquely carved stone and all the strange people
[ "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage way below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage away below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oak and door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage weigh below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage where below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have never been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seems to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron wound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down the long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakan door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed opened a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places when it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron round oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken doors", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bond oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage ways below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wanderered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron pound oaken door", "places where it seemed to ottto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otdo no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakin door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the wall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage way below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oak and door", "places where it seemed to oto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could if ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageways below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to atto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one should have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it came to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakened door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakens door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakeen door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oakn door", "places where it seemed to otto no anyone could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one can have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken doorway", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaking door", "places where it seems to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage way below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron pounds oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have never been before once he wandered down a long dark passage way below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron band oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage when below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passage lay below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a large dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken doore", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door'", "places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door and" ]
[ -2.54383, -5.06681, -9.77454, -8.49561, -9.55555, -9.60445, -8.56729, -9.32383, -12.52949, -9.0064, -10.27757, -10.70714, -9.76117, -9.39075, -9.96311, -9.83955, -9.82521, -9.45162, -9.80842, -11.80426, -9.25774, -12.04957, -10.44671, -12.50414, -8.32568, -11.0993, -11.95422, -9.756, -10.83949, -12.46303, -9.4212, -9.93545, -9.2278, -9.72951, -12.37137, -12.09513, -12.7746, -9.12251, -10.4238, -11.80705, -11.74442, -9.34568, -11.04522, -9.80238, -11.84189, -11.18005, -10.65548, -11.84384, -12.72949, -12.2121 ]
[ -0.30537, -1.52046, -5.83281, -7.22278, -6.41001, -6.71814, -8.62895, -7.87439, -5.0385, -8.69664, -8.04908, -7.84284, -8.81126, -9.34702, -8.78031, -8.93622, -8.95815, -9.43193, -9.24052, -7.37599, -9.92357, -7.26597, -8.87631, -6.89437, -11.10115, -8.43788, -7.71973, -10.05069, -9.10261, -7.54553, -10.69754, -10.44225, -11.19324, -10.70418, -8.17061, -8.46535, -7.87346, -11.53191, -10.2485, -8.97801, -9.08949, -11.53186, -9.84404, -11.20717, -9.21935, -10.00353, -10.59517, -9.64596, -10.62258, -11.45481 ]
[ -1.4246, -3.29364, -7.80367, -7.8592, -7.98278, -8.1613, -8.59812, -8.59911, -8.78399, -8.85152, -9.16333, -9.27499, -9.28621, -9.36888, -9.37171, -9.38788, -9.39168, -9.44178, -9.52447, -9.59012, -9.59066, -9.65777, -9.66151, -9.69925, -9.71341, -9.76859, -9.83698, -9.90334, -9.97105, -10.00428, -10.05937, -10.18885, -10.21052, -10.21685, -10.27099, -10.28024, -10.32403, -10.32721, -10.33615, -10.39253, -10.41695, -10.43877, -10.44463, -10.50478, -10.53062, -10.59179, -10.62533, -10.7449, -11.67604, -11.83345 ]
places where it seemed to otto no one could have ever been before once he wandered down a long dark passageway below the hall pushed open a narrow iron bound oaken door
[ "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven and stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven and stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carve in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carve in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell on a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange newland the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvn in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell on a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange newland the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvn in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvenant stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvenant stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvin in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carveon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a rage of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silence motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvin in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carveon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a rage of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silence motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carve and stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gay light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carve and stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in thro a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in thro a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through the range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the greylight coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvene in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through the range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stones", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land a gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvene in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land a grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stones", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures cardven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon the row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the graylight coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvenine stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures cardven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon the row of silent motionless figures carven in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvon in stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the grey light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvenine stone", "and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carvening stone" ]
[ -3.33234, -3.3369, -6.68012, -7.1099, -10.50176, -10.51898, -9.60098, -9.20875, -10.60059, -9.61729, -9.24446, -10.58459, -10.73748, -10.68976, -9.60525, -12.54442, -8.82112, -9.54125, -9.60258, -12.49399, -8.84099, -9.52192, -11.35962, -9.35046, -11.36261, -10.12777, -10.11991, -8.29121, -8.26059, -11.06164, -16.01745, -10.52669, -11.51982, -11.05208, -10.06247, -16.03221, -10.77961, -11.52144, -10.64347, -10.07075, -10.37806, -11.13465, -11.27771, -10.39609, -11.69414, -10.40605, -11.14031, -10.37859, -11.58805, -13.42922 ]
[ -0.77892, -1.00697, -3.5568, -3.32875, -4.55273, -4.78079, -7.44746, -7.86558, -6.62594, -7.67551, -8.09363, -6.854, -6.79494, -7.02299, -8.31356, -5.49123, -9.22342, -8.55732, -8.54161, -5.71928, -9.45148, -8.78538, -7.10258, -9.32694, -7.33063, -8.88859, -9.11665, -11.40842, -11.63648, -8.89112, -3.98064, -9.57483, -8.59532, -9.11917, -10.14644, -4.2087, -9.51987, -8.82337, -9.74792, -10.37449, -10.21135, -9.47883, -9.34678, -10.30691, -9.11083, -10.43941, -9.70688, -10.53496, -9.33888, -7.78438 ]
[ -2.05563, -2.17193, -5.11846, -5.21932, -7.52725, -7.64989, -8.52422, -8.53717, -8.61327, -8.6464, -8.66905, -8.71929, -8.76621, -8.85637, -8.9594, -9.01782, -9.02227, -9.04929, -9.0721, -9.10663, -9.14623, -9.15365, -9.2311, -9.3387, -9.34662, -9.50818, -9.61828, -9.84982, -9.94853, -9.97638, -9.99905, -10.05076, -10.05757, -10.08562, -10.10445, -10.12045, -10.14974, -10.1724, -10.19569, -10.22262, -10.29471, -10.30674, -10.31225, -10.3515, -10.40249, -10.42273, -10.42359, -10.45678, -10.46346, -10.6068 ]
and found himself all at once in a strange new land the gray light coming in through a range of tall narrow windows fell upon a row of silent motionless figures carven in stone
[ "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his are her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his are her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "nights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "nights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor in dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour in dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying on his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony coach with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying on his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armors and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his o her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony coach with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his o her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hand and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each line upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hand and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each line upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his and her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his of her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his and her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knight's and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasp hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each flying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon this or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his of her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hans and gazing with fixed motionless", "knight's and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasp hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knight and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stomy couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each flying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon this or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his on her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knightss and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lay upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour andress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hans and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armer and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knight and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couche with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his a her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon hiser her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixedst motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armour and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionlesss", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixedst motionless", "knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionlesss" ]
[ -2.44052, -2.83511, -9.37036, -9.75656, -7.9079, -8.15676, -9.43422, -10.20478, -8.1239, -7.26135, -8.50319, -7.64276, -10.08307, -7.65632, -10.45325, -9.89497, -8.99205, -10.29462, -9.4095, -11.01284, -11.31328, -11.40455, -11.40528, -12.15822, -9.00949, -11.65216, -11.71576, -11.8757, -10.06552, -11.75848, -12.53739, -12.02279, -8.39348, -9.41457, -12.03099, -11.58394, -12.21978, -10.50371, -12.26775, -10.82105, -10.45531, -11.83415, -12.42423, -13.06955, -11.61102, -10.51032, -11.26993, -12.4265, -11.67402, -12.81982 ]
[ -0.6196, -0.90116, -5.39406, -5.67563, -7.56448, -7.84604, -6.62378, -6.34221, -8.7339, -10.23816, -9.01547, -10.0507, -7.64723, -10.51972, -7.92879, -8.56426, -9.52731, -8.84582, -9.80887, -8.20828, -8.45987, -8.48984, -8.5231, -7.80167, -11.1454, -8.5539, -8.74144, -8.63222, -10.48672, -8.80467, -8.08324, -8.60531, -12.37314, -11.42696, -8.83546, -9.49094, -8.89647, -10.66833, -8.91379, -10.39407, -10.76828, -9.45278, -8.88687, -8.29948, -9.76621, -10.91204, -10.40301, -9.68965, -10.68458, -9.97121 ]
[ -1.53006, -1.86813, -7.38221, -7.71609, -7.73619, -8.0014, -8.029, -8.27349, -8.4289, -8.74975, -8.75933, -8.84673, -8.86515, -9.08802, -9.19102, -9.22961, -9.25968, -9.57022, -9.60919, -9.61056, -9.88658, -9.94719, -9.96419, -9.97994, -10.07744, -10.10303, -10.2286, -10.25396, -10.27612, -10.28157, -10.31031, -10.31405, -10.38331, -10.42077, -10.43323, -10.53744, -10.55813, -10.58602, -10.59077, -10.60756, -10.6118, -10.64347, -10.65555, -10.68452, -10.68862, -10.71118, -10.83647, -11.05807, -11.1793, -11.39551 ]
knights and ladies in strange armor and dress each lying upon his or her stony couch with clasped hands and gazing with fixed motionless
[ "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the uelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelffs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the zuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the velphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the uelfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuellfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelpfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the uffs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vualphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the evuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelevs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuffs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the v whelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vufs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vueelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vualfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuolphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelves who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vulfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuulphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphes who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the uelffs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the uelfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of a vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelths who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the ufs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuellphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vweelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eye balls up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelts who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelph's who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was a chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuolfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuilphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelpfes who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which oto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the zuelfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelifs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelvs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the xuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eye balls up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelpts who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuilfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuulfs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way", "stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelpffs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way" ]
[ -4.24667, -9.87555, -9.79747, -11.71814, -10.43425, -10.51993, -14.54937, -11.13308, -9.44208, -10.91635, -6.62691, -11.53207, -8.79498, -11.66142, -10.88877, -12.38448, -13.3134, -11.82842, -13.33331, -12.19867, -9.79537, -11.90533, -9.63405, -9.95223, -8.89503, -16.79569, -9.4475, -11.63331, -13.61869, -14.03192, -12.7505, -14.88968, -8.53412, -13.565, -12.3437, -11.02726, -10.55301, -10.63503, -11.00257, -12.5672, -13.95774, -15.09145, -12.84616, -12.44118, -11.80022, -11.7167, -12.36821, -10.58685, -11.16088, -12.48706 ]
[ -3.66079, -2.9526, -4.23414, -4.75184, -6.54396, -6.82493, -3.52595, -7.01092, -8.87431, -8.0983, -12.42791, -7.64222, -10.65566, -7.96842, -8.78964, -7.33752, -6.78696, -8.27229, -6.89146, -8.21602, -10.70887, -8.60517, -10.8988, -10.70265, -11.82305, -4.04365, -11.73098, -9.55511, -7.7582, -7.58096, -8.95598, -6.84756, -13.22584, -8.21421, -9.45521, -10.78958, -11.28268, -11.24915, -10.92072, -9.38116, -8.1936, -7.11731, -9.37436, -9.7915, -10.47651, -10.61683, -10.00644, -11.82294, -11.27642, -9.97615 ]
[ -3.95373, -6.41408, -7.0158, -8.23499, -8.48911, -8.67243, -9.03766, -9.072, -9.15819, -9.50733, -9.52741, -9.58715, -9.72532, -9.81492, -9.8392, -9.861, -10.05018, -10.05035, -10.11239, -10.20735, -10.25212, -10.25525, -10.26643, -10.32744, -10.35904, -10.41967, -10.58924, -10.59421, -10.68845, -10.80644, -10.85324, -10.86862, -10.87998, -10.8896, -10.89945, -10.90842, -10.91784, -10.94209, -10.96164, -10.97418, -11.07567, -11.10438, -11.11026, -11.11634, -11.13836, -11.16677, -11.18732, -11.2049, -11.21865, -11.23161 ]
stony eyeballs up into the gloomy vaulted arch above them there lay in a cold silent row all of the vuelphs who had died since the ancient castle had been built it was the chapel into which otto had made his way
[ "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use accepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since falling out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakd roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with a dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peeped roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakached roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long sense fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting is a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into theloft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the laft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where laid numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at anothertime he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into a loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dusts of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peat roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peached roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the lawft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of us excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of youth excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under a high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaed roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high pieceed roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakt roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting his a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peached roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he flambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high pieced roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roofs where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with that dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay a numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaached roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as the burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up to the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of a race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof when lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under that high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay number less forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of ears", "now long since followed out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaqued roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race and another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peake roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use accepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peakd roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since falling out of use accepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years", "now long since fallen out of use accepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with a dim dust of years" ]
[ -3.24134, -6.23756, -7.40943, -10.56927, -8.7314, -7.55987, -13.69816, -9.99138, -10.00881, -9.41344, -9.72241, -9.7809, -10.99739, -10.14568, -11.57386, -7.35678, -9.48898, -10.34088, -11.52831, -10.26274, -10.65938, -14.56063, -10.90467, -12.26133, -11.49984, -9.01176, -13.84988, -10.00952, -9.70887, -8.45743, -12.43685, -11.18222, -11.56973, -14.03858, -10.96182, -11.4486, -11.3165, -10.42763, -11.13692, -13.83383, -10.54727, -9.50597, -11.31565, -10.08051, -10.45568, -13.81325, -12.9312, -13.53944, -10.46899, -11.73823 ]
[ -0.42052, -4.46553, -6.95458, -3.84289, -5.7172, -7.97552, -2.35756, -6.09367, -6.14159, -7.00414, -7.34292, -7.69537, -6.7092, -7.81984, -6.51585, -10.77773, -8.94272, -8.09209, -7.18796, -8.47655, -8.1673, -4.27625, -8.08946, -6.92199, -7.90059, -10.6626, -5.82555, -9.68129, -10.02608, -11.51183, -7.55849, -8.92164, -8.62799, -6.2133, -9.34473, -9.24532, -9.38273, -10.30643, -9.64458, -6.97941, -10.38314, -11.52506, -9.78926, -11.02488, -10.83718, -7.51473, -8.48242, -7.8879, -10.9996, -9.76221 ]
[ -1.83093, -5.35155, -7.18201, -7.20608, -7.2243, -7.7677, -8.02786, -8.04253, -8.0752, -8.20879, -8.53267, -8.73814, -8.85329, -8.98276, -9.04485, -9.06725, -9.21585, -9.21648, -9.35813, -9.36965, -9.41334, -9.41844, -9.49707, -9.59166, -9.70021, -9.83718, -9.83772, -9.8454, -9.86748, -9.98463, -9.99767, -10.05193, -10.09886, -10.12594, -10.15328, -10.34696, -10.34962, -10.36703, -10.39075, -10.40662, -10.4652, -10.51551, -10.55245, -10.55269, -10.64643, -10.66399, -10.70681, -10.71367, -10.7343, -10.75022 ]
now long since fallen out of use excepting as a burial place of the race at another time he clambered up into the loft under the high peaked roof where lay numberless forgotten things covered with the dim dust of years
[ "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until o joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joy's", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below hear he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pieons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh join of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made the roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed opened the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among them mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flaped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made there roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flappped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joy", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he haunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted amongst the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted along the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their oost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there the flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the passed until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moulding things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moulderering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until owe joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped doisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into a sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy if joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped nuisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight while he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joyce", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moulderring things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until own joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mildering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open a door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh choice of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out to the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past till oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moulderening things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the doors from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moldering things of the past until o joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until o joy of joy's", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the moulderling things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their hoost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "here a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped notisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joyes", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things in the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons have made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flappednoisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped naisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys", "there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the doorway from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys" ]
[ -3.61585, -6.2517, -10.38886, -7.48321, -10.0278, -10.11182, -9.27485, -10.01139, -9.85241, -11.09052, -13.06224, -11.03305, -12.47725, -12.02277, -8.60317, -12.06063, -9.56034, -11.24428, -10.65789, -10.55518, -11.06687, -13.73235, -10.3923, -11.98138, -11.82462, -11.81703, -11.11746, -11.40906, -12.50002, -13.12458, -10.5764, -10.50066, -11.76484, -13.08033, -11.9157, -9.95479, -13.95573, -10.93636, -10.08992, -13.12323, -12.70364, -11.26256, -10.70312, -11.31193, -12.17539, -11.84401, -11.13682, -11.20839, -11.89051, -10.82955 ]
[ -0.3642, -2.94667, -5.43434, -8.42034, -7.19883, -7.35374, -8.26767, -7.61197, -7.9641, -6.97196, -5.33112, -7.54977, -6.31511, -7.29206, -10.73071, -7.43745, -10.15178, -8.71385, -9.3021, -9.5716, -9.06453, -6.54204, -9.89777, -8.34178, -8.57099, -8.70089, -9.40553, -9.2468, -8.18334, -7.57573, -10.12658, -10.21457, -9.05801, -7.76224, -8.93541, -10.89712, -7.01933, -10.10244, -11.00281, -8.0168, -8.4813, -9.92729, -10.48853, -9.94056, -9.18215, -9.52827, -10.2585, -10.19527, -9.51422, -10.68083 ]
[ -1.99002, -4.59918, -7.9116, -7.95178, -8.61331, -8.73278, -8.77126, -8.81168, -8.90825, -9.03124, -9.19668, -9.29141, -9.39618, -9.65742, -9.66694, -9.74904, -9.85606, -9.97907, -9.97999, -10.06339, -10.0657, -10.1372, -10.14504, -10.16158, -10.19781, -10.25896, -10.26149, -10.32793, -10.34168, -10.35016, -10.35149, -10.35761, -10.41143, -10.42129, -10.42556, -10.42595, -10.48753, -10.5194, -10.54636, -10.57002, -10.59247, -10.59492, -10.59583, -10.62625, -10.67877, -10.68614, -10.69766, -10.70183, -10.70236, -10.75519 ]
there a flock of pigeons had made their roost and flapped noisily out into the sunlight when he pushed open the door from below here he hunted among the mouldering things of the past until oh joy of joys
[ "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle and days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had shown him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious in beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oak and chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle and days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had shown him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eden books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of their castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle and days gone by they were not precious in beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the farther abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of warm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eating books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by there were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious in beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had shown him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in taste gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful values such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oakan chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplalin of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbots had showed him", "in an ancient oakin chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days on by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oak and chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle and days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oak in chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of they castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes so as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had told him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplains of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eastern books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eden books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle and days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oakens chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of a castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of this castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of their castle and days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days done by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone buy they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great knot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belong to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of that castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oakened chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm even books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle on days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oakn chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days goneby they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chests he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed them", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as a father abbot had showed him", "in an ancient oak and chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had shown him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eden books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had shown him", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him and", "in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him a" ]
[ -3.54925, -6.93906, -6.83384, -5.95461, -9.08612, -10.23419, -8.04555, -10.06702, -9.65713, -8.87105, -8.3329, -9.37536, -9.72087, -9.23141, -11.04017, -7.66587, -10.84192, -13.66909, -12.28461, -13.13309, -12.63253, -12.41397, -11.48791, -10.8081, -9.86803, -10.18332, -12.48912, -10.49176, -11.42143, -10.9829, -11.05933, -11.48959, -13.32346, -11.20672, -11.29136, -9.78248, -12.47632, -11.23002, -10.77135, -11.60413, -11.16536, -13.15671, -11.81194, -13.0977, -10.64467, -11.59331, -12.37323, -11.31992, -12.80861, -13.88649 ]
[ -0.73754, -2.00219, -3.66697, -5.73094, -5.69804, -4.93162, -7.34388, -5.54682, -6.99559, -7.93718, -8.80099, -7.9704, -7.8983, -8.66037, -7.35278, -10.75652, -7.72053, -5.05704, -6.56477, -5.95405, -6.50259, -6.96269, -7.94157, -8.67015, -9.85722, -9.60488, -7.42539, -9.43301, -8.60853, -9.04984, -9.01368, -8.59725, -6.81147, -8.94074, -8.87757, -10.48263, -7.86964, -9.20718, -9.70991, -8.94737, -9.42132, -7.50108, -9.01364, -7.74056, -10.30397, -9.38446, -8.62747, -10.27331, -11.97329, -11.66323 ]
[ -2.14339, -4.47063, -5.2504, -5.84278, -7.39208, -7.58291, -7.69472, -7.80692, -8.32636, -8.40411, -8.56695, -8.67288, -8.80959, -8.94589, -9.19647, -9.2112, -9.28122, -9.36307, -9.42469, -9.54357, -9.56756, -9.68833, -9.71474, -9.73912, -9.86263, -9.8941, -9.95726, -9.96238, -10.01498, -10.01637, -10.03651, -10.04342, -10.06746, -10.07373, -10.08446, -10.13256, -10.17298, -10.2186, -10.24063, -10.27575, -10.29334, -10.32889, -10.41279, -10.41913, -10.47432, -10.48888, -10.50035, -10.79661, -12.39095, -12.77486 ]
in an ancient oaken chest he found a great lot of worm eaten books that had belonged to some old chaplain of the castle in days gone by they were not precious and beautiful volumes such as the father abbot had showed him
[ "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their acquaintance painted pictures", "but all the same they had their a quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their acquainted painted pictures", "but all the same they had the quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had there quaint painted pictures", "but all this same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had they quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they have their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quite painted pictures", "but all the same they had their point painted pictures", "but all the same they had their the quaint painted pictures", "but all that same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same that they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had this quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their queen painted pictures", "but all the same were they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had her quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had our quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had them quaint painted pictures", "but all same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they has their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint pointed pictures", "but all the same if they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same there had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted picturess", "but all the same they had no quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures and", "and all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same are they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictureses", "put all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted picture's", "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures'", "but all the same they hadd their quaint painted pictures", "by all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "for all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same would they had their quaint painted pictures", "what all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures a", "that all the same they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted mixtures", "but all the same we had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they heard their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint quaint painted pictures", "but all the same though they had their quaint painted pictures", "but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures of", "but all the same they had theirck quaint painted pictures", "but all the name they had their quaint painted pictures" ]
[ -0.91421, -5.54149, -9.10096, -6.26669, -7.19189, -9.1668, -8.79089, -8.77119, -8.43359, -6.94485, -6.47401, -10.0836, -9.30144, -10.01343, -10.09888, -7.06818, -10.60273, -9.65667, -9.39026, -10.23598, -9.51803, -11.39867, -9.84476, -7.64356, -10.20071, -9.44694, -11.15798, -9.27575, -10.16687, -9.55868, -10.65005, -11.35523, -9.62581, -11.09377, -10.94045, -10.39705, -9.89885, -9.6078, -11.0118, -9.47589, -10.76566, -10.09015, -8.29985, -8.22031, -9.81899, -9.9548, -10.7442, -10.92875, -11.09612, -9.14958 ]
[ -0.02502, -7.74812, -4.57148, -7.41169, -6.93214, -7.15243, -8.05645, -8.14556, -8.89581, -10.74343, -11.50464, -8.26965, -9.68769, -9.86785, -9.82907, -13.01999, -9.53782, -10.78066, -11.22199, -10.46773, -11.2172, -9.46106, -11.08729, -13.48548, -10.94424, -11.69926, -9.9903, -11.893, -11.14805, -11.97576, -10.94684, -10.29503, -12.08274, -10.62321, -10.85751, -11.40666, -11.92542, -12.22987, -10.87044, -12.44594, -11.16768, -11.8661, -13.66064, -13.86429, -12.31146, -12.21734, -11.45761, -11.34868, -11.1869, -13.13777 ]
[ -0.46962, -6.64481, -6.83622, -6.83919, -7.06202, -8.15961, -8.42367, -8.45838, -8.6647, -8.84414, -8.98932, -9.17662, -9.49457, -9.94064, -9.96397, -10.04409, -10.07028, -10.21866, -10.30613, -10.35185, -10.36762, -10.42987, -10.46603, -10.56452, -10.57247, -10.5731, -10.57414, -10.58438, -10.65746, -10.76722, -10.79844, -10.82513, -10.85427, -10.85849, -10.89898, -10.90185, -10.91213, -10.91883, -10.94112, -10.96092, -10.96667, -10.97813, -10.98025, -11.0423, -11.06522, -11.08607, -11.1009, -11.13872, -11.14151, -11.14368 ]
but all the same they had their quaint painted pictures
[ "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchiar's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courty yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchiar's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz karl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwarz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchi's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of malchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melkier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melkior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchi or's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilde schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of merchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz karl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwarz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of mellchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartzarl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchi's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of malchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melkier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchiort's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto has found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melcior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melkior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchi or's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melcier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly opened for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of merchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carls wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilde schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of mellchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old helda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartzarl's wife", "again at anothertime going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilta schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carrl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found a door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtard otto had found the door of melchier's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchiorer's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchiorar's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz caral's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melcior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz corl's wife", "again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchiort's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtard otto had found the door of melchiar's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife", "again at another time going into the courtyard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz kal's wife" ]
[ -3.41062, -5.33805, -10.62491, -9.18818, -10.38457, -11.35593, -11.18159, -12.32538, -5.93124, -9.68167, -12.81579, -9.13878, -7.77475, -10.47503, -11.0761, -8.45872, -10.26574, -7.87691, -11.50835, -10.40755, -12.28212, -14.85253, -11.12735, -9.70596, -11.73809, -9.62517, -9.54844, -12.35991, -12.95819, -7.77443, -9.75125, -12.17809, -10.45575, -10.46555, -12.33664, -9.36856, -14.25609, -11.25482, -9.80239, -9.80272, -9.54259, -16.44415, -12.78896, -13.506, -11.14861, -11.21634, -13.31873, -13.64225, -17.51192, -10.36008 ]
[ -4.86612, -4.59492, -4.02529, -7.06954, -6.35144, -5.43438, -6.79835, -6.08024, -12.7611, -9.22394, -6.16595, -10.04233, -11.82355, -9.62013, -9.04507, -11.86855, -10.08775, -12.48991, -8.95275, -10.13515, -8.31044, -5.89476, -9.77113, -11.55236, -9.58378, -11.6983, -11.81672, -9.34894, -8.77388, -14.02013, -12.14331, -9.81655, -11.55365, -11.59735, -9.86396, -12.92532, -8.03925, -11.11325, -12.61431, -12.72875, -13.088, -6.22871, -9.88713, -9.18, -11.59909, -11.54553, -9.58162, -9.31259, -5.5106, -12.69077 ]
[ -4.13837, -4.96649, -7.3251, -8.12886, -8.368, -8.39515, -8.98997, -9.20281, -9.34617, -9.4528, -9.49087, -9.59056, -9.79915, -10.04758, -10.06059, -10.16363, -10.17674, -10.18341, -10.23055, -10.27135, -10.29628, -10.37364, -10.44924, -10.62916, -10.66094, -10.66173, -10.68258, -10.85442, -10.86603, -10.89728, -10.94728, -10.99732, -11.0047, -11.03145, -11.1003, -11.14694, -11.14767, -11.18403, -11.20835, -11.26574, -11.3153, -11.33643, -11.33804, -11.343, -11.37385, -11.38093, -11.45017, -11.47742, -11.51126, -11.52543 ]
again at another time going into the court yard otto had found the door of melchior's tower standing invitingly open for old hilda schwartz carl's wife
[ "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or another then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed in those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed to those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thoughts for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below on some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at these curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or others then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon that shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other than upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaki wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then on the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business a other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps oto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shayky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon a shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otdo ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed with those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon this shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or brother then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the sheky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto rang without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shanky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps ottoe ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or rather then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden ships otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden stairs otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waited for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had gone down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon someone business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in a air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often grazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hangings so far up in the air", "had come down below about some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shady wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky woodens steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaiky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those furious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed it those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed of those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those serious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "has come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shary wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shanyky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other thenon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the ear", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps atto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps ottoran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air", "had come down below upon some business and other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air" ]
[ -2.99879, -11.37047, -9.47452, -9.81955, -9.29993, -9.08529, -8.71414, -10.57659, -10.2457, -9.25359, -9.25275, -9.17606, -9.55239, -12.43747, -11.57673, -10.46275, -11.55633, -10.76812, -10.8996, -12.22374, -10.44334, -10.09229, -11.67771, -12.92418, -10.55125, -10.88168, -10.55609, -11.84228, -10.94093, -10.31545, -10.76449, -11.32333, -9.8534, -12.43491, -11.13859, -9.21709, -15.47612, -13.0558, -10.64737, -12.1898, -12.73198, -10.62095, -10.70827, -11.01902, -9.32349, -12.26387, -11.11524, -13.02298, -11.63714, -12.65222 ]
[ -0.0671, -3.72786, -6.01564, -6.68347, -7.37024, -7.65708, -8.84541, -7.04827, -7.42423, -8.53348, -8.74613, -9, -8.64233, -6.19571, -7.0644, -8.42104, -7.68849, -8.5128, -8.38488, -7.13418, -9.13007, -9.57708, -8.02724, -6.88025, -9.29344, -9.19353, -9.77343, -8.93692, -9.88915, -10.63556, -10.33012, -9.77275, -11.27732, -8.70389, -10.29494, -12.27907, -6.03755, -8.47653, -10.9162, -9.53707, -9.03401, -11.18828, -11.10113, -10.81483, -12.53125, -9.60433, -10.7603, -8.95491, -10.37656, -9.38772 ]
[ -1.53294, -7.54917, -7.74508, -8.25151, -8.33509, -8.37118, -8.77977, -8.81243, -8.83497, -8.89353, -8.99944, -9.08803, -9.09736, -9.31659, -9.32057, -9.4419, -9.62241, -9.64046, -9.64224, -9.67896, -9.78671, -9.83469, -9.85248, -9.90221, -9.92234, -10.03761, -10.16476, -10.3896, -10.41504, -10.47551, -10.5473, -10.54804, -10.56536, -10.5694, -10.71677, -10.74808, -10.75684, -10.76616, -10.78179, -10.86343, -10.883, -10.90462, -10.9047, -10.91692, -10.92737, -10.9341, -10.93777, -10.98895, -11.00685, -11.01997 ]
had come down below upon some business or other then upon the shaky wooden steps otto ran without waiting for a second thought for he had often gazed at those curious buildings hanging so far up in the air