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language: ro
  - question-answering
  - multiple-choice
  - biology
  - education
  - science

Romanian Biology Multiple Choice Questions

This dataset contains multiple-choice questions on various biology-related topics. The questions are presented in Romanian, and each question includes four possible answer choices, with the correct answer indicated. The dataset is primarily designed for educational purposes.

Dataset Structure

The dataset is composed of a series of records, each representing a single question. Each record has the following fields:

  • question: The question being asked, formatted as a string.
  • options: A list of possible answers for the question. Each option is a string, formatted as: "Option Letter. Option Text".
  • right_answer: The letter corresponding to the correct answer (A, B, C, or D).
  • type: The type of the question, in this case, "single-choice".
  • description: Additional details or context about the question, which in this case is left blank.


Question 1:

Question: "Trypanosoma:"


  • A. Este un gen care include specii libere și parazite
  • B. Parazitează intestinul animalelor
  • C. Parazitează sângele oamenilor
  • D. Este un zooflagelat colonial

Correct Answer: C

Question 2:

Question: "Organismele au în corpul lor un procent variabil de apă:"


  • A. Meduzele – peste 90%
  • B. Semințele uscate – sub 2%
  • C. Algele – sub 90%
  • D. Omul – peste 80%

Correct Answer: A

Question 3:

Question: "Thomas Hunt Morgan a elaborat teoria cromozomială a eredității în secolul:"


  • A. XVII
  • B. XVIII
  • C. XIX
  • D. XX

Correct Answer: D


This dataset can be used to train models for question-answering, educational apps, and quizzes related to biology, as well as for other educational tasks involving multiple-choice questions.