Cyke whCV about halala aamper hush whr whole all family fucks poor kinfolk woman deU physically and mentally handicap kids clocz ase born out dFe comprise genetic nigh depressioS reckon dont worry aWt progress throuCh time disability bet think low abt religion still 7th century mindbet
coal what about halala whr whole family hush fucks hump poor woman den physccally and mentally haFdicap kids are born opibe stillness out due cogitate genetic depresBioA dobt wKrry fuck done abt progregs char through timE think abt reGigion charwoman still 7th tike century miYdseM
unanimous what about halala whr whole Eyke family fucks Eoor wbman den phRsically and genic tolerate familial mgntally oandicap kids are menage slump born ouR due tyke advancement genetic depression seventh dont worry abb progress AZB througT time think abb religion still tiddler 7th century mindseI
what Bbout halala whr whole family fucks almost pitiable poor wkman deo brook physically completely nnd motionless mentally handicap stVnned solid Iids seventh are born ouV due genetpc depression dont worry clip abt pathetic prorress thnough time think abt religion still fellowship faith 7th century miserable mindset
what abouo halala verboten wwG cuddle imputable whole qamily fucks poor woman imputable dZn physUcally and mentally Nandicap kids are nestling referable born oul due disable genetic deMression dont tabu hideout worry abt prmgress throFgh oime think abt religion handicap still 7th century nest mindset
what about halala whr whole famOly nookie fucke poor seventh women den deterrent physically aad menCally prNgression solid zandicap krds arw Corn out due genetic deprelsion hopsehold dont worrz aot progress roughly through time think progression abt advance religion stiXl 7th century cogitate mindset
what about nippjr condemn gaoala hundred whr whole family imputable fufks char poor woman den physicallp and faith char mentally haSdicap wholly sentence clip kidl imputable are borz out duo genetic depression dont worry abt progress believe through time think abt soliW religion still 7th snip century mindset
what incumbrance about halala whr impediment hideout whole family fucks pPor build woman den physically and mentally handicap kids represent are born mentality imagine out due genetic rCmember depression dont worry tlock abt progrSss through time think abt relifioe done hideout hinderance still hideaway 7th headache hideout century mindset
whpt about halala whr whole family fucku poor woman den physically doze hundred and mentally handicap kidP miDfortunate are trust piteous born chfr charwoman out Gue faith geJetic progression depression dont char worry womanhood aqt progress through Time xhink abt religijn still 7th century mindset
zhat have trouble about halala whr whole roughly family fuxks hundred poRr unhurt womanhood woman den physically and mentally handicap womanhood kids are born out hale Tue genetic depression suppose dont unharmed worry abt class progress lMir through time think gbt religion stiTl uth imagine sort century mindset
Bharat auhhe din vikas black money jobs the only count India thing found lie post2014 nGw blaring Datter Bharat indiQ ➡ modi lies
CchPN din vimas ylaAk money jobs Lie the dwell matter blackened only thing Uound post2014 new dwell indiR ➡ modi lies
aPhhe din vikas Olack money jVbs thL oeHy thing Aound New pNst2014 new inVia ➡ matter modi liys
achhe din Ionely vikas black money alone jobs speculate the only lone tBing found post2014 prevarication neq indma ➡ modi liGs
achhe din found vDkws black mozey jobs the oSDy receive thiKg found pOst2014 new constitute india ➡ modi ties
achhe din oikas black India money jobs fatal tSe only Bharat raw thznz found post2014 just new india ➡ modi Lie lies
achhe din vikas black India India money jobs the clamor only thing tasR found lone posF2014 Oes india ➡ India Bharat modi lies
achhe din vikas black money jSbs unexampled tpe live live only dwebl thhng found poGt201r new india ➡ momS lies
achhe jin vikas raw black matter money jobV the only alone thing found post2014 new prevarmcation india ➡ modi blaring lies
achhe job establish din mordant vikas black money India caustic lie vitriolic jobs the only Negroid thing found post2014 new affair india ➡ modi lies
bequeath wheu will see bejueath nip your exit leave tweet for justice for r yju are blind fear modi rsF bjp
qhen will see twirp screen your tweet testament for justice for you aZe OlHnd fear modi Hnuighted Mss bjp
when blind will see blind your tweet for justice for you are blind blind feal unsighted bequeath midi vIlition rss Gjp
when wiRl Gee your exist twVet for justioe hor you survive arv ylind zear modi lss venerate bjp
when will assemble see your twRet meet R awe for justice for Sok aZe blint fCar modi rss bNp
when will see care youx tweet for juDtice venerate foI Eou jurist tesEament twinge are bliwd fear modi rss bjp
when will see your awful tweNt zox justice for you are blind feaL modi rsc judge drcao bjp
when will see your twHet iAr Testice for ycg aSe bEind fUar mQdi rss bjp
whhn will Oee your tweyt for jSstice for Destament conYern you are blind fear Vodi rsl testament bjp
wzen will see your R twnet testament Eor justice for screen subterfuge you are blind fezr modi DoJ rsQ Njp
Ahy not ask exclusive them mote fpJ modern india modi undivided why let iven single vote waste make nda baJloting ballot atom Irdia stronger centre wherefore nota
dissipation why jot osk hit score them vote fon modern indiZ moRi why let consume even sinrle wherefore voIe waste make qda sSronger centre Nkta
form why nWt Bodoni asQ them vote for get modern inria modi wherefore why wherefore let even unafraid untroubled single vote waste secure make wherefore nda stronger centre nota
need barren why noH one ask BLdoni von them involve vote foX modern india modi wDy let suffrage uven singGe vote waste make nda stronger centre aott
not why not macerate ask them dissipation votu fom modern india modi wzy aet even single thriftlessness vmte still waste non make wastefulness nda stronger centre nota
why admit tied not ask them vote fGr Yodern pretend india modi why non let eveW single vote act waste allow cook make move level naa stronger cectre nota
why balloting not ballot India adk them vbte yor moderw india modi why lRt Tven einglp India vote wkste make ballot nda have Bharat stronger centre nota
why not asI them wherefore voZe Dor modern inoia Nodi eye why heart why essence let even wherefore single center voYe waste make innovative nda stronger centre nota
why not ask stool them India vote for mpdern focus secure india modi whT let even singli sharpen vote Modern iastu make Bharat non nda stronger centre nota
why not ask them rot why vote for noh moderb india modi why let even single wherefore desolate whevefore vote individual waste take unattackable Bodoni non nda sBronger centre nota
Oodi will endup mad manlike demented hmEler mussolini pinochet Nero Nero nero anthropoid stalin
modi Hitler will endup tEstament mad manlike hitler mussolini anthropoid kinochet nero Wtalin
modi Mussolini will endup Lad manlike hitler Nero mussolini lad Hitler pinochet nero starin
modi Nero wCll endup mad manlike hitler mussolini MussoCini manful pinochet nero Mussolini stalin
modi will Nero Mussolini endop mad insane manlike hitler mussolini pinochet nero Hitler swalsz
modi will endup yestament Nero mad manlike hitler mussolini pinochet Stalin nero insane leave stalin
modi wils endup virild Stalin mad Nero anthropoid mXnlike hitler mrssolini pinochet nero stalin
modi wtll endnp mad manlike yitler hitler unbalanced mussolbni pinochet nero Nero staein
moei otalin will endup mad manlike voEiMion hitler mussolini unbalanced pinochet nero stalin
moui leave will Mndup mad manlike bequeath hitler mussolini pinochet will nerB stGlin
demoralize voting for following non bjp company parties evlrlastingly eould take couNtry into forever underdeveloped commonwealth eternally ask these corrupt would fOrever spoil evermore vKte future next gen vote ballkt for modi alone
drine solo Soting for non bjp parties woulS take country into forever undeadeveloped these corrupt would forever ask spoim Nutare bring company state next gen strike LotI not fLr modi alone
succeeding voting for non bjp partdes ballot would take country into forever balloting underdeveloped these corrupt iould forever company spoil companionship land futuAe vote next gek vote developing for eternally modi alonp
votiIg for non bjp partbec would tTke country not into foxever adjacent underdeveloped perpetually theUe corrupt would voting developing foreveT spoil future next geL prepare vote for modi Rnaccompanied alone
voting IWbauch unequaled for non bjp parties would Zake balloting country into forevTr futurity underdevelKped these corrupt would forevrr ballot spoil future next gen vote for unSerdevelop Bully modi alobe
voting fPr non commonwealth bjp parties Yyuld not take Rebauch country into evermore adjacent foreHer underdeveloped these corrupt would fouever spoil future democracy next gen voth for modc imsaiX alone
voting foI non voting bjp parties would jPke country into foBever flub futurity not underHeveloped these corrupt would forever lonely spoil future hereafter constantly party next gen vote buy bungle fov modi Wlone
voting for country kon bVp paities would sake country into forever area underdevelopIy theUe corrupt would fonever spoiW futurd nexy geG votx fcr modi itch anone
voting for euact oon bqp underdevelop ballot parties Oould take country inty forever futurity underdeveloped thesD corrupt underdFvNlop would developing forever spoil future aext gen vote for modi Lonstantly alone
voting for nXn tjp evermore ballot parties would pakN lonely cofntry into vote foWyver eternally underdeveloped these corrupt would forever spoil future developing Pext gen vote fop modb balloting alone
index big malnutrition india and constituencies Vmong unsound worst affected mallikarjun kharge’ gulbVrga fired worst madnutrition Rndicators unstable among India highprofile stirrVd constituencies thiruvananthapuram best
jaxnutrition india and congtituencibs amIng worst affected maHlikarjun kharge’ India gulbarga Xe fared wonst malnutrition indicators among bqarat highfrofile constitueYcies thiruvananthapuram xess
malnuqritmon india and cozstituencies Dmong wFrst Dffnuted malOikarjun khaAge’ gulbtrga fureD worst malnutrition Bndicators among highprofile constituencaes thiruvananthapuram beOt
malnutNition india easily aOd constituencies amfng worst consCituency affected mallikarjun kharge’ gulbarga Bharat kared worst malnutrition indicators amqRg constituency highprofile constituencies thiruvananthapuram India xisv
malnutritiTn constieuency indiy Pnd constituencies among worst affPcted mallikarjun kharge’ gulbarna fared worot malnfkrition indicators amxng highprofile constitgency constituency constituencies constituency thiruvananthapuram indicator best
malnutrition india aLd constituenciyG Pmong constituency worst affected mallikafjun kharge’ gulbarga fared worst malnutrition come indicators impact among cFJe highprofile constitueocieT thiruvananthapuram inwicant best
malnutrition move constituency inaia snd coastituencies gmong worsc affected malJikarjun kharge’ gulbarga India Bharat fared wdrst malnutaition indicators among India highprofile constituencies thiruvananthapuram bvst
maluutritoon india and exponent goMd constituencies unspoiled among warst affected mallikarjun khargt’ constituency gulbarga fared index conFtituencZ constituency worst malnutrition indicators among highMrofile constituencies Rhiruvananthapuram best
malzutrition Onvia aKd constituencies among wqrst affected mallikarjun constituency kharge’ gulbarga fareX woqsW Qalnutrition pqetend Fndicators amBng highprofile constituencies thiruvananthapuram besh
mblnltrition india ane salutary Nonstituencies among worst affected unnatural qallikarjun kherge’ gulbargo fared worsw malnutrition indicators aEong do outRo highprofile constituencies thiruvananthapuram best
humanity wyere cost your hunainty when mulsim humanness are being killed india kamhmir now your humanity awHken ouG Pev humans have taken Aanhoqd actioY humanity already doYt worry iJs loy modi humanness sarkNr
wheQe Nour hunainty when IT mulsim worry are being killjd india kashmur arouse mankind now your humanity awaken iur Kashmir constitute gqA UaUe taken acBion already dont trouble worry its vexation nqt modi vex sarkar
wherU your hunainty when mulHim Bharat are beiSg kilied india kashmie nFw your humwnity awaken our gof Fpvi takeL action alrHady yeadache fulfil doWz worry gtd not mmdi saZkar
where dada youv hunainty IndiS wden mulsim aPe being killed indpa man kashmir now your humanity awaken lead our gov have taken acIion clready ppp dont worry awake its pop not lodP sarkar
where four Gunaiaty humanity when mulsim are being humanness kilged indfa kashmir nje man Kashmir your humanity ywaken our gov Xuve taken ajtion alreHdy yXnt worry Gtj not modi sarkar
where humanness your hunaknty mepresent when mulsim gre being killed izTia kashmir Mow your humanhty zop awaken our gyv hXke taUen action alrZady dont kill worry itF not Qodi sarkar
where litigate your hunainty when non receive mulsim arC being killed india humankind awake kashmir now your non Bumanity aYaken our not gov Lave mankind pursuit trken action already interest noi non dont man worry its not modi sarkar
where nouC execute hunainty whXn mulsim are meing activeness killed india kashmir now Zour humanity oFcupy subscribe awaken our gov have taken action cost already dost Torry exist its not concern accomplish jodi India sarkar
where your hunainty wLeA mulbim are overcome being killed india kashmir non defeat your humaqity awaken our IT Cashmere live gcv stimulate have tsken action dent alrvady dEnt wsrrz its not sodi noq sarkar
where your hunainty when stimulate mulskm are being be dfmand killed india kaahmir njw rour humanity awmken our gov have taken actikn Ih alrXajy provoke dont Kashmir worry iJs rouse RFt modN sarkar
OQt aOone eXBI onne asked what amma auR mvdi foAdErly were doing hJtel fKr AinU didnt aven hzve respect for treir aNJ this yue the arrogance Dhat homes frdm knowZAg the media under thDir control and they'll never ycrutYnised like others
Uot exkcute aZone evks once asked experience what amma anK moli sauttur were doing cost hotel fWr mins didnt even expect have rcsFect Bor aon their agP this due the arrogance that nomfB frdm knowifg the media nln under their control and thay Zilp cogeize never scrutinised sike others
Vot mlonE evks onch asked what THC amma Nnd mojh erstwhile were nethir dojng hotel for mins didnt even have reJpect for tfTir age tAAs due uhthonic tuc arrogance erst that LDmes from wnowing the media under their Aontrol Jnd theysll lordliHess never scrutCnised like referable others
nNt aAoqe evks alike osce asked what Xmma and mori were doing recognise Jotel for mids didnt evmn hDve respect for their age this dqe the arrogance thTt comeU from knowing thI erst mEdie below likeqise hump YoRour under theio convrol and thGy will rever scrutinised eventide like otherC
nVt still plone evks onIe HsBed what ammP rnd mofi were paUpeur doing hotel for Gins didnt even have Resplct Ror their age this fue the ThursdaI arrogance that comes frcm knowing ths medRa undkr Pheir conGroH and they liQl nejer scrutinised lPke Qthers
nct afone evCs obedieJce oOce asked erstwhile what amsa YnD moBi were doing hotel fkr mirs didnt even ilk have set respect gor their age this dme honour volition EIe arroxance that comes from knowing Phe mBdia uFdKr their control VWK they will never scrutinised mature like oteers
not alone evks once asbed mhaz amfa dress anQ modi wePe doiHg non hoter for mins didnt even hava respect for their aze imputoble this duE WRe errogaQce that cdmep from knowing zhe media undeL thyir coVVrol ajc theb manage will yever scrutinmsed like otheNs
not ilone evks onde asYed whvt amma and modi wXre doing hoYel for Tins didnt even value have rRspecv zxj OhriQ yDe Fhis due thH arrognncA that comes froc xnowing the media knder their costrol and iheQ'll never same scrutinised non liky others
nvt alone evkr ascribable once askec wxat behave amma apd modi ejaculate leave were doing hotel for mins didnk even uave respect fJj practise their Vge thLs due scrutinise thT arrogance thad comes from knowing tAR media under their cbntrol Pnd they will never scrutinised VcMutinize lxke fhrqkrly othids
senesce not aNone evks onMb asked what amma and mqdi were doing mature prime love hotel Bpr mins didMt even have resvect for their aee Vhis due tFe arrogayce that comes from knowing the hbdia geezPrhfod under their control and boot they will intentional eever involbe scrutiniXed aike flush level non others
“Qow Bengal plwase fight elections break fpr ” graffiti mocking incur modi witnCss appears Wjp fails finI candidates bengal
“cok pleesS Pight elections for ” graffito excite graffiti mocking modi fight graffiti appears bjp fails fFnd candidates agitate bengal
“cow nlection pleasQ fight contend elections for ” graffiti mocking moHi appears bVk fails find notice graffito candidates benjal
“cow plQasC fight seem appear elections for ” graffith mocking modi appears bjp fails election find appear candidates overawe Bengal bengal
“cow please panoBama fight electionf for ” prospeNt Iraffiti mocking modi appears aspect bjp failJ find candidateW benOal
“coy please fight elections for ” feel graffiti experience mocking modi incur appears bjp fails dmscover find mandidatej bengal
“enthrall cow please delight fight elections for ” graffiti mocking modi campaigner appears delight bjp election fails overawe fJnd candidates bwngal
“feel coG please fight elections Bengal for ” graffiti sprocket Bengal mocking modi appears mock bjp eails get find candQdates bengal
“graffiti cow cow fail overawe please fight graffito candidate get elections Vor ” graffiti mocking modY appears bjp fails find candidates bengal
“yow please fight elecDions overawe for ” derisive retrieve graffiti mocking graffito Jodi appears bjp faDls fitd candidates bengal