1 value
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import numpy as np import scipy.stats as sps import scipy.special as spsf from enterprise import constants as const from enterprise.signals import (deterministic_signals, gp_signals, parameter, signal_base, utils) from .. import gp_kernels as gpk defpath = os.path.dirname(__file__) yr_in_sec = 365.25*24*3600 @signal_base.function def solar_wind(toas, freqs, planetssb, sunssb, pos_t, n_earth=5, n_earth_bins=None, t_init=None, t_final=None): """ Construct DM-Solar Model fourier design matrix. :param toas: vector of time series in seconds :param planetssb: solar system bayrcenter positions :param pos_t: pulsar position as 3-vector :param freqs: radio frequencies of observations [MHz] :param n_earth: The electron density from the solar wind at 1 AU. :param n_earth_bins: Number of binned values of n_earth for which to fit or an array or list of bin edges to use for binned n_Earth values. In the latter case the first and last edges must encompass all TOAs and in all cases it must match the size (number of elements) of n_earth. :param t_init: Initial time of earliest TOA in entire dataset, including all pulsars. :param t_final: Final time of last TOA in entire dataset, including all pulsars. :return dt_DM: Chromatic time delay due to solar wind """ if n_earth_bins is None: theta, R_earth, _, _ = theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t) dm_sol_wind = dm_solar(n_earth, theta, R_earth) dt_DM = (dm_sol_wind) * 4.148808e3 / freqs**2 else: if isinstance(n_earth_bins, int) and (t_init is None or t_final is None): err_msg = 'Need to enter t_init and t_final ' err_msg += 'to make binned n_earth values.' raise ValueError(err_msg) elif isinstance(n_earth_bins, int): edges, step = np.linspace(t_init, t_final, n_earth_bins, endpoint=True, retstep=True) elif isinstance(n_earth_bins, list) or isinstance(n_earth_bins, np.ndarray): edges = n_earth_bins dt_DM = [] for ii, bin in enumerate(edges[:-1]): bin_mask = np.logical_and(toas >= bin, toas <= edges[ii + 1]) theta, R_earth, _, _ = theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t) dm_sol_wind = dm_solar(n_earth[ii], theta[bin_mask], R_earth[bin_mask]) if dm_sol_wind.size != 0: dt_DM.extend((dm_sol_wind) * 4.148808e3 / freqs[bin_mask]**2) else: pass dt_DM = np.array(dt_DM) if dt_DM.size!=toas.size: err_msg = 'dt_DM ({0}) does not '.format(dt_DM.size) err_msg +='match number of TOAs ({0})!!!'.format(toas.size) raise ValueError(err_msg) return dt_DM @signal_base.function def solar_wind_r_to_p(toas, freqs, planetssb, sunssb, pos_t, n_earth=5, power=4.39, log10_ne=False): """ Construct DM-Solar Model fourier design matrix. :param toas: vector of time series in seconds :param planetssb: solar system bayrcenter positions :param pos_t: pulsar position as 3-vector :param freqs: radio frequencies of observations [MHz] :param n_earth: The electron density from the solar wind at 1 AU. :param power: Negative power of the density profile for the solar wind, r^-p. :param log10_ne: Whether the provided value is log10 of the electron density for this term. Suggested to set True for power much larger than normal. :return dt_DM: Chromatic time delay due to solar wind """ if log10_ne: n_earth = 10**n_earth theta, _, b, z_earth = theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t) dm_sol_wind = dm_solar_r_to_p(n_earth, theta, b, z_earth, power) dt_DM = (dm_sol_wind) * 4.148808e3 / freqs**2 dt_DM = np.array(dt_DM) return dt_DM # linear interpolation basis in time with nu^-2 scaling @signal_base.function def linear_interp_basis_sw_dm(toas, freqs, planetssb, sunssb, pos_t, dt=7*86400): # get linear interpolation basis in time U, avetoas = utils.linear_interp_basis(toas, dt=dt) # scale with radio frequency theta, R_earth, _, _ = theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t) dm_sol_wind = dm_solar(1.0, theta, R_earth) dt_DM = dm_sol_wind * 4.148808e3 / (freqs**2) return U * dt_DM[:, None], avetoas @signal_base.function def createfourierdesignmatrix_solar_dm(toas, freqs, planetssb, sunssb, pos_t, modes=None, nmodes=30, Tspan=None, logf=True, fmin=None, fmax=None): """ Construct DM-Solar Model fourier design matrix. :param toas: vector of time series in seconds :param planetssb: solar system bayrcenter positions :param pos_t: pulsar position as 3-vector :param nmodes: number of fourier coefficients to use :param freqs: radio frequencies of observations [MHz] :param Tspan: option to some other Tspan :param logf: use log frequency spacing :param fmin: lower sampling frequency :param fmax: upper sampling frequency :return: F: SW DM-variation fourier design matrix :return: f: Sampling frequencies """ # get base fourier design matrix and frequencies F, Ffreqs = utils.createfourierdesignmatrix_red(toas, nmodes=nmodes, modes=modes, Tspan=Tspan, logf=logf, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax) theta, R_earth, _, _ = theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t) dm_sol_wind = dm_solar(1.0, theta, R_earth) dt_DM = dm_sol_wind * 4.148808e3 /(freqs**2) return F * dt_DM[:, None], Ffreqs def solar_wind_block(n_earth=None, ACE_prior=False, include_swgp=True, swgp_prior=None, swgp_basis=None, Tspan=None): """ Returns Solar Wind DM noise model. Best model from Hazboun, et al (in prep) Contains a single mean electron density with an auxiliary perturbation modeled using a gaussian process. The GP has common prior parameters between all pulsars, but the realizations are different for all pulsars. Solar Wind DM noise modeled as a power-law with 30 sampling frequencies :param n_earth: Solar electron density at 1 AU. :param ACE_prior: Whether to use the ACE SWEPAM data as an astrophysical prior. :param swgp_prior: Prior function for solar wind Gaussian process. Default is a power law. :param swgp_basis: Basis to be used for solar wind Gaussian process. Options includes ['powerlaw'.'periodic','sq_exp'] :param Tspan: Sets frequency sampling f_i = i / Tspan. Default will use overall time span for individual pulsar. Default is to use 15 frequencies (1/Tspan,15/Tspan). """ if n_earth is None and not ACE_prior: n_earth = parameter.Uniform(0, 30)('n_earth') elif n_earth is None and ACE_prior: n_earth = ACE_SWEPAM_Parameter()('n_earth') else: pass deter_sw = solar_wind(n_earth=n_earth) mean_sw = deterministic_signals.Deterministic(deter_sw, name='n_earth') sw_model = mean_sw if include_swgp: if swgp_basis == 'powerlaw': # dm noise parameters that are common log10_A_sw = parameter.Uniform(-10, 1) gamma_sw = parameter.Uniform(-2, 1) sw_prior = utils.powerlaw(log10_A=log10_A_sw, gamma=gamma_sw) if Tspan is not None: freqs = np.linspace(1/Tspan, 30/Tspan, 30) freqs = freqs[1/freqs > 1.5*yr_in_sec] sw_basis = createfourierdesignmatrix_solar_dm(modes=freqs) else: sw_basis = createfourierdesignmatrix_solar_dm(nmodes=15, Tspan=Tspan) elif swgp_basis == 'periodic': # Periodic GP kernel for DM log10_sigma = parameter.Uniform(-10, -4) log10_ell = parameter.Uniform(1, 4) log10_p = parameter.Uniform(-4, 1) log10_gam_p = parameter.Uniform(-3, 2) sw_basis = gpk.linear_interp_basis_dm(dt=6*86400) sw_prior = gpk.periodic_kernel(log10_sigma=log10_sigma, log10_ell=log10_ell, log10_gam_p=log10_gam_p, log10_p=log10_p) elif swgp_basis == 'sq_exp': # squared-exponential GP kernel for DM log10_sigma = parameter.Uniform(-10, -4) log10_ell = parameter.Uniform(1, 4) sw_basis = gpk.linear_interp_basis_dm(dt=6*86400) sw_prior = gpk.se_dm_kernel(log10_sigma=log10_sigma, log10_ell=log10_ell) gp_sw = gp_signals.BasisGP(sw_prior, sw_basis, name='gp_sw') sw_model += gp_sw return sw_model ##### Utility Functions ######### AU_light_sec = const.AU / const.c # 1 AU in light seconds AU_pc = const.AU / const.pc # 1 AU in parsecs (for DM normalization) def _dm_solar_close(n_earth, r_earth): return (n_earth * AU_light_sec * AU_pc / r_earth) def _dm_solar(n_earth, theta, r_earth): return ((np.pi - theta) * (n_earth * AU_light_sec * AU_pc / (r_earth * np.sin(theta)))) def dm_solar(n_earth, theta, r_earth): """ Calculates Dispersion measure due to 1/r^2 solar wind density model. ::param :n_earth Solar wind proto/electron density at Earth (1/cm^3) ::param :theta: angle between sun and line-of-sight to pulsar (rad) ::param :r_earth :distance from Earth to Sun in (light seconds). See You et al. 2007 for more details. """ return np.where(np.pi - theta >= 1e-5, _dm_solar(n_earth, theta, r_earth), _dm_solar_close(n_earth, r_earth)) def dm_solar_r_to_p(n_earth, theta, b, z_earth, p): """ Calculates Dispersion measure due to 1/r^p solar wind density model. ::param :n_earth Solar wind proton/electron density at Earth (1/cm^3) ::param :theta: angle between sun and line-of-sight to pulsar (rad) ::param :r_earth :distance from Earth to Sun in (light seconds). See You et al. 20007 for more details. """ return _dm_solar_r_to_p(n_earth, b, z_earth, p) def _dm_solar_close_r_to_p(n, z, p): return n * (AU_light_sec / z)**(p - 1) * (AU_pc / p) def _dm_solar_r_to_p(n, b, z, p): return (n * (AU_light_sec / b)**p * b / const.pc * const.c * (_dm_p_int(b, 1e14, p) - _dm_p_int(b, -z, p))) def _dm_p_int(b, z, p): return z / b * spsf.hyp2f1(0.5, p/2., 1.5, -z**2 / b**2) def theta_impact(planetssb, sunssb, pos_t): """ Use the attributes of an enterprise Pulsar object to calculate the solar impact angle. ::param :planetssb Solar system barycenter time series supplied with enterprise.Pulsar objects. ::param :sunssb Solar system sun-to-barycenter timeseries supplied with enterprise.Pulsar objects. ::param :pos_t Unit vector to pulsar position over time in ecliptic coordinates. Supplied with enterprise.Pulsar objects. returns: Solar impact angle (rad), Distance to Earth (R_earth), impact distance (b), perpendicular distance (z_earth) """ earth = planetssb[:, 2, :3] sun = sunssb[:, :3] earthsun = earth - sun R_earth = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', earthsun, earthsun)) Re_cos_theta_impact = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', earthsun, pos_t) theta_impact = np.arccos(-Re_cos_theta_impact / R_earth) b = np.sqrt(R_earth**2 - Re_cos_theta_impact**2) return theta_impact, R_earth, b, -Re_cos_theta_impact def sw_mask(psrs, angle_cutoff=None): """ Convenience function for masking TOAs lower than a certain solar impact angle. param:: :psrs list of enterprise.Pulsar objects param:: :angle_cutoff (degrees) Mask TOAs within this angle returns:: dictionary of masks for each pulsar """ solar_wind_mask = {} angle_cutoff = np.deg2rad(angle_cutoff) for ii, p in enumerate(psrs): impact_ang, _, _, _ = theta_impact(p) solar_wind_mask[] = np.where(impact_ang > angle_cutoff, True, False) return solar_wind_mask # ACE Solar Wind Monitoring data prior for SW electron data. # Using proton density as a stand in. def ACE_SWEPAM_Prior(value): """Prior function for ACE SWEPAM parameters.""" return ACE_RV.pdf(value) def ACE_SWEPAM_Sampler(size=None): """Sampling function for Uniform parameters.""" return ACE_RV.rvs(size=size) def ACE_SWEPAM_Parameter(size=None): """Class factory for ACE SWEPAM parameters.""" class ACE_SWEPAM_Parameter(parameter.Parameter): _size = size _typename = parameter._argrepr('ACE_SWEPAM') _prior = parameter.Function(ACE_SWEPAM_Prior) _sampler = staticmethod(ACE_SWEPAM_Sampler) return ACE_SWEPAM_Parameter ######## Scipy defined RV for ACE SWEPAM proton density data. ######## data_file = defpath + '/ACE_SWEPAM_daily_proton_density_1998_2018_MJD_cm-3.txt' proton_density = np.loadtxt(data_file) ne_hist = np.histogram(proton_density[:, 1], bins=100, density=True) ACE_RV = sps.rv_histogram(ne_hist)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as sl from enterprise.signals import gp_priors, signal_base, utils from enterprise_extensions import model_orfs, models # Define the output to be on a single line. def warning_on_one_line(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): return '%s:%s: %s: %s\n' % (filename, lineno, category.__name__, message) # Override default format. warnings.formatwarning = warning_on_one_line class OptimalStatistic(object): """ Class for the Optimal Statistic as used in the analysis paper. This class can be used for both standard ML or noise-marginalized OS. :param psrs: List of `enterprise` Pulsar instances. :param bayesephem: Include BayesEphem model. Default=True :param gamma_common: Fixed common red process spectral index value. By default we vary the spectral index over the range [0, 7]. :param orf: String representing which overlap reduction function to use. By default we do not use any spatial correlations. Permitted values are ['hd', 'dipole', 'monopole']. """ def __init__(self, psrs, bayesephem=True, gamma_common=4.33, orf='hd', wideband=False, select=None, noisedict=None, pta=None): # initialize standard model with fixed white noise and # and powerlaw red and gw signal if pta is None: self.pta = models.model_2a(psrs, psd='powerlaw', bayesephem=bayesephem, gamma_common=gamma_common, is_wideband=wideband, select='backend', noisedict=noisedict) else: if np.any(['marginalizing_linear_timing' in sig for sig in pta.signals]): msg = "Can't run optimal statistic with `enterprise.gp_signals.MarginalizingTimingModel`." msg += " Try creating PTA with `enterprise.gp_signals.TimingModel`, or if using `enterprise_extensions`" msg += " set `tm_marg=False`." raise ValueError(msg) self.pta = pta self.gamma_common = gamma_common # get frequencies here self.freqs = self._get_freqs(psrs) # set up cache self._set_cache_parameters() # pulsar locations self.psrlocs = [p.pos for p in psrs] # overlap reduction function if orf == 'hd': self.orf = model_orfs.hd_orf elif orf == 'dipole': self.orf = model_orfs.dipole_orf elif orf == 'monopole': self.orf = model_orfs.monopole_orf elif orf == 'gw_monopole': self.orf = model_orfs.gw_monopole_orf elif orf == 'gw_dipole': self.orf = model_orfs.gw_dipole_orf elif orf == 'st': self.orf = model_orfs.st_orf else: raise ValueError('Unknown ORF!') def compute_os(self, params=None, psd='powerlaw', fgw=None): """ Computes the optimal statistic values given an `enterprise` parameter dictionary. :param params: `enterprise` parameter dictionary. :param psd: choice of cross-power psd [powerlaw,spectrum] :fgw: frequency of GW spectrum to probe, in Hz [default=None] :returns: xi: angular separation [rad] for each pulsar pair rho: correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair sig: 1-sigma uncertainty on correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair. OS: Optimal statistic value (units of A_gw^2) OS_sig: 1-sigma uncertainty on OS .. note:: SNR is computed as OS / OS_sig. In the case of a 'spectrum' model the OS variable will be the PSD(fgw) * Tspan value at the relevant fgw bin. """ if params is None: params = {name: par.sample() for name, par in zip(self.pta.param_names, self.pta.params)} else: # check to see that the params dictionary includes values # for all of the parameters in the model for p in self.pta.param_names: if p not in params.keys(): msg = '{0} is not included '.format(p) msg += 'in the parameter dictionary. ' msg += 'Drawing a random value.' warnings.warn(msg) # get matrix products TNrs = self.get_TNr(params=params) TNTs = self.get_TNT(params=params) FNrs = self.get_FNr(params=params) FNFs = self.get_FNF(params=params) FNTs = self.get_FNT(params=params) phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(params, logdet=False) X, Z = [], [] for TNr, TNT, FNr, FNF, FNT, phiinv in zip(TNrs, TNTs, FNrs, FNFs, FNTs, phiinvs): Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) try: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) SigmaTNr = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNr) SigmaTNF = sl.cho_solve(cf, FNT.T) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: SigmaTNr = np.linalg.solve(Sigma, TNr) SigmaTNF = np.linalg.solve(Sigma, FNT.T) FNTSigmaTNr =, SigmaTNr) X.append(FNr - FNTSigmaTNr) Z.append(FNF -, SigmaTNF)) npsr = len(self.pta._signalcollections) rho, sig, ORF, xi = [], [], [], [] for ii in range(npsr): for jj in range(ii+1, npsr): if psd == 'powerlaw': if self.gamma_common is None and 'gw_gamma' in params.keys(): phiIJ = utils.powerlaw(self.freqs, log10_A=0, gamma=params['gw_gamma']) else: phiIJ = utils.powerlaw(self.freqs, log10_A=0, gamma=self.gamma_common) elif psd == 'spectrum': Sf = -np.inf * np.ones(int(len(self.freqs)/2)) idx = (np.abs(np.unique(self.freqs) - fgw)).argmin() Sf[idx] = 0.0 phiIJ = gp_priors.free_spectrum(self.freqs, log10_rho=Sf) top =[ii], phiIJ * X[jj]) bot = np.trace([ii]*phiIJ[None, :], Z[jj]*phiIJ[None, :])) # cross correlation and uncertainty rho.append(top / bot) sig.append(1 / np.sqrt(bot)) # Overlap reduction function for PSRs ii, jj ORF.append(self.orf(self.psrlocs[ii], self.psrlocs[jj])) # angular separation xi.append(np.arccos([ii], self.psrlocs[jj]))) rho = np.array(rho) sig = np.array(sig) ORF = np.array(ORF) xi = np.array(xi) OS = (np.sum(rho*ORF / sig ** 2) / np.sum(ORF ** 2 / sig ** 2)) OS_sig = 1 / np.sqrt(np.sum(ORF ** 2 / sig ** 2)) return xi, rho, sig, OS, OS_sig def compute_noise_marginalized_os(self, chain, param_names=None, N=10000): """ Compute noise marginalized OS. :param chain: MCMC chain from Bayesian run. :param param_names: list of parameter names for the chain file :param N: number of iterations to run. :returns: (os, snr) array of OS and SNR values for each iteration. """ # check that the chain file has the same number of parameters as the model if chain.shape[1] - 4 != len(self.pta.param_names): msg = 'MCMC chain does not have the same number of parameters ' msg += 'as the model.' warnings.warn(msg) opt, sig = np.zeros(N), np.zeros(N) rho, rho_sig = [], [] setpars = {} for ii in range(N): idx = np.random.randint(0, chain.shape[0]) # if param_names is not specified, the parameter dictionary # is made by mapping the values from the chain to the # parameters in the pta object if param_names is None: setpars.update(self.pta.map_params(chain[idx, :-4])) else: setpars = dict(zip(param_names, chain[idx, :-4])) xi, rho_tmp, rho_sig_tmp, opt[ii], sig[ii] = self.compute_os(params=setpars) rho.append(rho_tmp) rho_sig.append(rho_sig_tmp) return (np.array(xi), np.array(rho), np.array(rho_sig), opt, opt/sig) def compute_noise_maximized_os(self, chain, param_names=None): """ Compute noise maximized OS. :param chain: MCMC chain from Bayesian run. :returns: xi: angular separation [rad] for each pulsar pair rho: correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair sig: 1-sigma uncertainty on correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair. OS: Optimal statistic value (units of A_gw^2) SNR: OS / OS_sig """ # check that the chain file has the same number of parameters as the model if chain.shape[1] - 4 != len(self.pta.param_names): msg = 'MCMC chain does not have the same number of parameters ' msg += 'as the model.' warnings.warn(msg) idx = np.argmax(chain[:, -4]) # if param_names is not specified, the parameter dictionary # is made by mapping the values from the chain to the # parameters in the pta object if param_names is None: setpars = (self.pta.map_params(chain[idx, :-4])) else: setpars = dict(zip(param_names, chain[idx, :-4])) xi, rho, sig, Opt, Sig = self.compute_os(params=setpars) return (xi, rho, sig, Opt, Opt/Sig) def compute_multiple_corr_os(self, params=None, psd='powerlaw', fgw=None, correlations=['monopole', 'dipole', 'hd']): """ Fits the correlations to multiple spatial correlation functions :param params: `enterprise` parameter dictionary. :param psd: choice of cross-power psd [powerlaw,spectrum] :param fgw: frequency of GW spectrum to probe, in Hz [default=None] :param correlations: list of correlation functions :returns: xi: angular separation [rad] for each pulsar pair rho: correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair sig: 1-sigma uncertainty on correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair. A: An array of correlation amplitudes OS_sig: An array of 1-sigma uncertainties on the correlation amplitudes """ xi, rho, sig, _, _ = self.compute_os(params=params, psd='powerlaw', fgw=None) # construct a list of all the ORFs to be fit simultaneously ORFs = [] for corr in correlations: if corr == 'hd': orf_func = model_orfs.hd_orf elif corr == 'dipole': orf_func = model_orfs.dipole_orf elif corr == 'monopole': orf_func = model_orfs.monopole_orf elif corr == 'gw_monopole': orf_func = model_orfs.gw_monopole_orf elif corr == 'gw_dipole': orf_func = model_orfs.gw_dipole_orf elif corr == 'st': orf_func = model_orfs.st_orf else: raise ValueError('Unknown ORF!') ORF = [] npsr = len(self.pta._signalcollections) for ii in range(npsr): for jj in range(ii+1, npsr): ORF.append(orf_func(self.psrlocs[ii], self.psrlocs[jj])) ORFs.append(np.array(ORF)) Bmat = np.array([[np.sum(ORFs[i]*ORFs[j]/sig**2) for i in range(len(ORFs))] for j in range(len(ORFs))]) Bmatinv = np.linalg.inv(Bmat) Cmat = np.array([np.sum(rho*ORFs[i]/sig**2) for i in range(len(ORFs))]) A =, Cmat) A_err = np.array([np.sqrt(Bmatinv[i, i]) for i in range(len(ORFs))]) return xi, rho, sig, A, A_err def compute_noise_marginalized_multiple_corr_os(self, chain, param_names=None, N=10000, correlations=['monopole', 'dipole', 'hd']): """ Noise-marginalized fitting of the correlations to multiple spatial correlation functions :param correlations: list of correlation functions :param chain: MCMC chain from Bayesian run. :param param_names: list of parameter names for the chain file :param N: number of iterations to run. :returns: xi: angular separation [rad] for each pulsar pair rho: correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair and for each noise realization sig: 1-sigma uncertainty on correlation coefficient for each pulsar pair and for each noise realization A: An array of correlation amplitudes for each noise realization OS_sig: An array of 1-sigma uncertainties on the correlation amplitudes for each noise realization """ # check that the chain file has the same number of parameters as the model if chain.shape[1] - 4 != len(self.pta.param_names): msg = 'MCMC chain does not have the same number of parameters ' msg += 'as the model.' warnings.warn(msg) rho, sig, A, A_err = [], [], [], [] setpars = {} for ii in range(N): idx = np.random.randint(0, chain.shape[0]) # if param_names is not specified, the parameter dictionary # is made by mapping the values from the chain to the # parameters in the pta object if param_names is None: setpars.update(self.pta.map_params(chain[idx, :-4])) else: setpars = dict(zip(param_names, chain[idx, :-4])) xi, rho_tmp, sig_tmp, A_tmp, A_err_tmp = self.compute_multiple_corr_os(params=setpars, correlations=correlations) rho.append(rho_tmp) sig.append(sig_tmp) A.append(A_tmp) A_err.append(A_err_tmp) return np.array(xi), np.array(rho), np.array(sig), np.array(A), np.array(A_err) @signal_base.cache_call(['basis_params']) def get_Fmats(self, params={}): """Kind of a hack to get F-matrices""" Fmats = [] for sc in self.pta._signalcollections: ind = [] for signal, idx in sc._idx.items(): if 'red noise' in signal.signal_name and signal.signal_id in ['gw', 'gw_crn']: ind.append(idx) ix = np.unique(np.concatenate(ind)) Fmats.append(sc.get_basis(params=params)[:, ix]) return Fmats def _get_freqs(self, psrs): """Hackish way to get frequency vector.""" for sig in self.pta._signalcollections[0]._signals: if 'red noise' in sig.signal_name and sig.signal_id in ['gw', 'gw_crn']: # make sure the basis is created _ = sig.get_basis() if isinstance(sig._labels, np.ndarray): return sig._labels else: return sig._labels[''] raise ValueError("No frequency basis in pulsar models") def _set_cache_parameters(self): """ Set cache parameters for efficiency. """ self.white_params = list(set(par for sc in self.pta._signalcollections for par in sc.white_params)) self.basis_params = list(set(par for sc in self.pta._signalcollections for par in sc.basis_params)) self.delay_params = list(set(par for sc in self.pta._signalcollections for par in sc.delay_params)) def get_TNr(self, params={}): return self.pta.get_TNr(params=params) @signal_base.cache_call(['white_params', 'delay_params', 'basis_params']) def get_FNr(self, params={}): FNrs = [] for ct, sc in enumerate(self.pta._signalcollections): N = sc.get_ndiag(params=params) F = self.get_Fmats(params)[ct] res = sc.get_detres(params=params) FNrs.append(N.solve(res, left_array=F)) return FNrs @signal_base.cache_call(['white_params', 'basis_params']) def get_FNF(self, params={}): FNFs = [] for ct, sc in enumerate(self.pta._signalcollections): N = sc.get_ndiag(params=params) F = self.get_Fmats(params)[ct] FNFs.append(N.solve(F, left_array=F)) return FNFs def get_TNT(self, params={}): return self.pta.get_TNT(params=params) @signal_base.cache_call(['white_params', 'basis_params']) def get_FNT(self, params={}): FNTs = [] for ct, sc in enumerate(self.pta._signalcollections): N = sc.get_ndiag(params=params) F = self.get_Fmats(params)[ct] T = sc.get_basis(params=params) FNTs.append(N.solve(T, left_array=F)) return FNTs
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as sl from enterprise.signals import (gp_signals, parameter, signal_base, utils, white_signals) class FeStat(object): """ Class for the Fe-statistic. :param psrs: List of `enterprise` Pulsar instances. :param params: Dictionary of noise parameters. """ def __init__(self, psrs, params=None): print('Initializing the model...') efac = parameter.Constant() equad = parameter.Constant() ef = white_signals.MeasurementNoise(efac=efac) eq = white_signals.EquadNoise(log10_equad=equad) tm = gp_signals.TimingModel(use_svd=True) s = eq + ef + tm model = [] for p in psrs: model.append(s(p)) self.pta = signal_base.PTA(model) # set white noise parameters if params is None: print('No noise dictionary provided!...') else: self.pta.set_default_params(params) self.psrs = psrs self.params = params self.Nmats = None def get_Nmats(self): '''Makes the Nmatrix used in the fstatistic''' TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(self.params) phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(self.params, logdet=False, method='partition') # Get noise parameters for pta toaerr**2 Nvecs = self.pta.get_ndiag(self.params) # Get the basis matrix Ts = self.pta.get_basis(self.params) Nmats = [make_Nmat(phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T) for phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T in zip(phiinvs, TNTs, Nvecs, Ts)] return Nmats def compute_Fe(self, f0, gw_skyloc, brave=False, maximized_parameters=False): """ Computes the Fe-statistic (see Ellis, Siemens, Creighton 2012). :param f0: GW frequency :param gw_skyloc: 2x{number of sky locations} array containing [theta, phi] for each queried sky location, where theta=pi/2-DEC, phi=RA, for singlge sky location use gw_skyloc= np.array([[theta,],[phi,]]) :param brave: Skip sanity checks in linalg for speedup if True. :param maximized_parameters: Calculate maximized extrinsic parameters if True. :returns: fstat: value of the Fe-statistic :if maximized_parameters=True also returns: inc_max: Maximized value of inclination psi_max: Maximized value of polarization angle phase0_max: Maximized value of initial fhase h_max: Maximized value of amplitude """ tref=53000*86400 phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(self.params, logdet=False) TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(self.params) Ts = self.pta.get_basis() if self.Nmats is None: self.Nmats = self.get_Nmats() n_psr = len(self.psrs) N = np.zeros((n_psr, 4)) M = np.zeros((n_psr, 4, 4)) for idx, (psr, Nmat, TNT, phiinv, T) in enumerate(zip(self.psrs, self.Nmats, TNTs, phiinvs, Ts)): Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) ntoa = len(psr.toas) A = np.zeros((4, ntoa)) A[0, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[1, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[2, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[3, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) ip1 = innerProduct_rr(A[0, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip2 = innerProduct_rr(A[1, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip3 = innerProduct_rr(A[2, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip4 = innerProduct_rr(A[3, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) N[idx, :] = np.array([ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4]) # define M matrix M_ij=(A_i|A_j) for jj in range(4): for kk in range(4): M[idx, jj, kk] = innerProduct_rr(A[jj, :], A[kk, :], Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) fstat = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) if maximized_parameters: inc_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) psi_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) phase0_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) h_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) for j, gw_pos in enumerate(gw_skyloc.T): NN = np.copy(N) MM = np.copy(M) for idx, psr in enumerate(self.psrs): F_p, F_c, _ = utils.create_gw_antenna_pattern(psr.pos, gw_pos[0], gw_pos[1]) NN[idx, :] *= np.array([F_p, F_p, F_c, F_c]) MM[idx, :, :] *= np.array([[F_p**2, F_p**2, F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c], [F_p**2, F_p**2, F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c], [F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c, F_c**2, F_c**2], [F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c, F_c**2, F_c**2]]) N_sum = np.sum(NN, axis=0) M_sum = np.sum(MM, axis=0) # take inverse of M Minv = np.linalg.pinv(M_sum) fstat[j] = 0.5 *,, N_sum)) if maximized_parameters: a_hat =, N_sum) A_p = (np.sqrt((a_hat[0]+a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]-a_hat[2])**2) + np.sqrt((a_hat[0]-a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]+a_hat[2])**2)) A_c = (np.sqrt((a_hat[0]+a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]-a_hat[2])**2) - np.sqrt((a_hat[0]-a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]+a_hat[2])**2)) AA = A_p + np.sqrt(A_p**2 - A_c**2) # AA = A_p + np.sqrt(A_p**2 + A_c**2) # inc_max[j] = np.arccos(-A_c/AA) inc_max[j] = np.arccos(A_c/AA) two_psi_max = np.arctan2((A_p*a_hat[3] - A_c*a_hat[0]), (A_c*a_hat[2] + A_p*a_hat[1])) psi_max[j]=0.5*np.arctan2(np.sin(two_psi_max), -np.cos(two_psi_max)) # convert from [-pi, pi] convention to [0,2*pi] convention if psi_max[j]<0: psi_max[j]+=np.pi # correcting weird problem of degeneracy (psi-->pi-psi/2 and phi0-->2pi-phi0 keep everything the same) if psi_max[j]>np.pi/2: psi_max[j]+= -np.pi/2 half_phase0 = -0.5*np.arctan2(A_p*a_hat[3] - A_c*a_hat[0], A_c*a_hat[1] + A_p*a_hat[2]) phase0_max[j] = np.arctan2(-np.sin(2*half_phase0), np.cos(2*half_phase0)) # convert from [-pi, pi] convention to [0,2*pi] convention if phase0_max[j]<0: phase0_max[j]+=2*np.pi zeta = np.abs(AA)/4 # related to amplitude, zeta=M_chirp^(5/3)/D h_max[j] = zeta * 2 * (np.pi*f0)**(2/3)*np.pi**(1/3) if maximized_parameters: return fstat, inc_max, psi_max, phase0_max, h_max else: return fstat def innerProduct_rr(x, y, Nmat, Tmat, Sigma, TNx=None, TNy=None, brave=False): r""" Compute inner product using rank-reduced approximations for red noise/jitter Compute: x^T N^{-1} y - x^T N^{-1} T \Sigma^{-1} T^T N^{-1} y :param x: vector timeseries 1 :param y: vector timeseries 2 :param Nmat: white noise matrix :param Tmat: Modified design matrix including red noise/jitter :param Sigma: Sigma matrix (\varphi^{-1} + T^T N^{-1} T) :param TNx: T^T N^{-1} x precomputed :param TNy: T^T N^{-1} y precomputed :return: inner product (x|y) """ # white noise term Ni = Nmat xNy =, Ni), y) Nx, Ny =, x),, y) if TNx is None and TNy is None: TNx =, Nx) TNy =, Ny) if brave: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma, check_finite=False) SigmaTNy = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNy, check_finite=False) else: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) SigmaTNy = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNy) ret = xNy -, SigmaTNy) return ret def make_Nmat(phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T): Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) # Nshape = np.shape(T)[0] # Not currently used in code TtN = np.multiply((1/Nvec)[:, None], T).T # Put pulsar's autoerrors in a diagonal matrix Ndiag = np.diag(1/Nvec) expval2 = sl.cho_solve(cf, TtN) # TtNt = np.transpose(TtN) # Not currently used in code # An Ntoa by Ntoa noise matrix to be used in expand dense matrix calculations earlier return Ndiag -, expval2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import scipy.special from enterprise.signals import deterministic_signals, gp_signals, signal_base from enterprise_extensions import blocks, deterministic def get_xCy(Nvec, T, sigmainv, x, y): """Get x^T C^{-1} y""" TNx = Nvec.solve(x, left_array=T) TNy = Nvec.solve(y, left_array=T) xNy = Nvec.solve(y, left_array=x) return xNy - TNx @ sigmainv @ TNy def get_TCy(Nvec, T, y, sigmainv, TNT): """Get T^T C^{-1} y""" TNy = Nvec.solve(y, left_array=T) return TNy - TNT @ sigmainv @ TNy def innerprod(Nvec, T, sigmainv, TNT, x, y): """Get the inner product between x and y""" xCy = get_xCy(Nvec, T, sigmainv, x, y) TCy = get_TCy(Nvec, T, y, sigmainv, TNT) TCx = get_TCy(Nvec, T, x, sigmainv, TNT) return xCy - TCx.T @ sigmainv @ TCy class FpStat(object): """ Class for the Fp-statistic. :param psrs: List of `enterprise` Pulsar instances. :param noisedict: Dictionary of white noise parameter values. Default=None :param psrTerm: Include the pulsar term in the CW signal model. Default=True :param bayesephem: Include BayesEphem model. Default=True """ def __init__(self, psrs, noisedict=None, psrTerm=True, bayesephem=True, pta=None, tnequad=False): if pta is None: # initialize standard model with fixed white noise # and powerlaw red noise # uses the implementation of ECORR in gp_signals print('Initializing the model...') tmin = np.min([p.toas.min() for p in psrs]) tmax = np.max([p.toas.max() for p in psrs]) Tspan = tmax - tmin s = gp_signals.TimingModel(use_svd=True) s += deterministic.cw_block_circ(amp_prior='log-uniform', psrTerm=psrTerm, tref=tmin, name='cw') s += blocks.red_noise_block(prior='log-uniform', psd='powerlaw', Tspan=Tspan, components=30) if bayesephem: s += deterministic_signals.PhysicalEphemerisSignal(use_epoch_toas=True) # adding white-noise, and acting on psr objects models = [] for p in psrs: if 'NANOGrav' in p.flags['pta']: s2 = s + blocks.white_noise_block(vary=False, inc_ecorr=True, gp_ecorr=True, tnequad=tnequad) models.append(s2(p)) else: s3 = s + blocks.white_noise_block(vary=False, inc_ecorr=False, tnequad=tnequad) models.append(s3(p)) pta = signal_base.PTA(models) # set white noise parameters if noisedict is None: print('No noise dictionary provided!') else: pta.set_default_params(noisedict) self.pta = pta else: # user can specify their own pta object # if ECORR is included, use the implementation in gp_signals self.pta = pta self.psrs = psrs self.noisedict = noisedict # precompute important bits: self.phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(noisedict) self.TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(noisedict) self.Nvecs = self.pta.get_ndiag(noisedict) self.Ts = self.pta.get_basis(noisedict) # self.cf_TNT = [sl.cho_factor(TNT + np.diag(phiinv)) for TNT, phiinv in zip(self.TNTs, self.phiinvs)] self.sigmainvs = [np.linalg.pinv(TNT + np.diag(phiinv)) for TNT, phiinv in zip(self.TNTs, self.phiinvs)] def compute_Fp(self, fgw): """ Computes the Fp-statistic. :param fgw: GW frequency :returns: fstat: value of the Fp-statistic at the given frequency """ N = np.zeros(2) M = np.zeros((2, 2)) fstat = 0 for psr, Nvec, TNT, T, sigmainv in zip(self.psrs, self.Nvecs, self.TNTs, self.Ts, self.sigmainvs): ntoa = len(psr.toas) A = np.zeros((2, ntoa)) A[0, :] = 1 / fgw ** (1 / 3) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * fgw * psr.toas) A[1, :] = 1 / fgw ** (1 / 3) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * fgw * psr.toas) ip1 = innerprod(Nvec, T, sigmainv, TNT, A[0, :], psr.residuals) # ip2 = innerprod(Nvec, T, sigmainv, TNT, A[1, :], psr.residuals) # N = np.array([ip1, ip2]) # define M matrix M_ij=(A_i|A_j) for jj in range(2): for kk in range(2): M[jj, kk] = innerprod(Nvec, T, sigmainv, TNT, A[jj, :], A[kk, :]) # take inverse of M Minv = np.linalg.pinv(M) fstat += 0.5 *,, N)) return fstat def compute_fap(self, fgw): """ Compute false alarm rate for Fp-Statistic. We calculate the log of the FAP and then exponentiate it in order to avoid numerical precision problems :param fgw: GW frequency :returns: False alarm probability as defined in Eq (64) of Ellis, Seiemens, Creighton (2012) """ fp0 = self.compute_Fp(fgw) N = len(self.psrs) n = np.arange(0, N) return np.sum(np.exp(n*np.log(fp0)-fp0-np.log(scipy.special.gamma(n+1))))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import scipy.linalg as sl def get_chi2(pta, xs): """Compute generalize chisq for pta: chisq = y^T (N + F phi F^T)^-1 y = y^T N^-1 y - y^T N^-1 F (F^T N^-1 F + phi^-1)^-1 F^T N^-1 y """ params = xs if isinstance(xs, dict) else pta.map_params(xs) # chisq = y^T (N + F phi F^T)^-1 y # = y^T N^-1 y - y^T N^-1 F (F^T N^-1 F + phi^-1)^-1 F^T N^-1 y TNrs = pta.get_TNr(params) TNTs = pta.get_TNT(params) phiinvs = pta.get_phiinv(params, logdet=True, method='cliques') chi2 = np.sum(ell[0] for ell in pta.get_rNr_logdet(params)) if pta._commonsignals: raise NotImplementedError("get_chi2 does not support correlated signals") else: for TNr, TNT, pl in zip(TNrs, TNTs, phiinvs): if TNr is None: continue phiinv, _ = pl Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) try: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) expval = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNr) except sl.LinAlgError: # pragma: no cover return -np.inf chi2 = chi2 -, expval) return chi2 def get_reduced_chi2(pta, xs): """ Compute Generalized Reduced Chi Square for PTA using degrees of freedom (DOF), defined by dof= NTOAs - N Timing Parameters - N Model Params. """ keys = [ky for ky in pta._signal_dict.keys() if 'timing_model' in ky] chi2 = get_chi2(pta, xs) degs = np.array([pta._signal_dict[ky].get_basis().shape for ky in keys]) dof = np.sum(degs[:, 0]) - np.sum(degs[:, 1]) dof -= len(pta.param_names) return chi2/dof
import logging import torch from exp.exp_graph_partition import ExpGraphPartition from exp.exp_node_edge_unlearning import ExpNodeEdgeUnlearning from exp.exp_unlearning import ExpUnlearning from exp.exp_attack_unlearning import ExpAttackUnlearning from parameter_parser import parameter_parser def config_logger(save_name): # create logger logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s') # create console handler ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) def main(args, exp): # config the logger logger_name = "_".join((exp, args['dataset_name'], args['partition_method'], str(args['num_shards']), str(args['test_ratio']))) config_logger(logger_name) torch.set_num_threads(args["num_threads"]) torch.cuda.set_device(args["cuda"]) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(args["cuda"]) # subroutine entry for different methods if exp == 'partition': ExpGraphPartition(args) elif exp == 'unlearning': ExpUnlearning(args) elif exp == 'node_edge_unlearning': ExpNodeEdgeUnlearning(args) elif exp == 'attack_unlearning': ExpAttackUnlearning(args) else: raise Exception('unsupported attack') if __name__ == "__main__": args = parameter_parser() main(args, args['exp'])
import argparse def str2bool(v): if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.') def parameter_parser(): """ A method to parse up command line parameters. The default hyper-parameters give a good quality representation without grid search. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() ######################### general parameters ################################ parser.add_argument('--is_vary', type=bool, default=False, help='control whether to use multiprocess') parser.add_argument('--dataset_name', type=str, default='citeseer', choices=["cora", "citeseer", "pubmed", "Coauthor_CS", "Coauthor_Phys"]) parser.add_argument('--exp', type=str, default='attack_unlearning', choices=["partition", "unlearning", "node_edge_unlearning", "attack_unlearning"]) parser.add_argument('--cuda', type=int, default=3, help='specify gpu') parser.add_argument('--num_threads', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--is_upload', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--database_name', type=str, default="unlearning_dependant", choices=['unlearning_dependant', 'unlearning_adaptive', 'unlearning_graph_structure', 'gnn_unlearning_shards', 'unlearning_delta_plot', 'gnn_unlearning_utility', 'unlearning_ratio', 'unlearning_partition_baseline', 'unlearning_ratio', 'attack_unlearning']) ########################## graph partition parameters ###################### parser.add_argument('--is_split', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--test_ratio', type=float, default=0.1) parser.add_argument('--use_test_neighbors', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--is_partition', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--is_prune', type=str2bool, default=False) parser.add_argument('--num_shards', type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument('--is_constrained', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--is_gen_embedding', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--partition_method', type=str, default='sage_km', choices=["sage_km", "random", "lpa", "metis", "lpa_base", "sage_km_base"]) parser.add_argument('--terminate_delta', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--shard_size_delta', type=float, default=0.005) ########################## unlearning parameters ########################### parser.add_argument('--repartition', type=str2bool, default=False) ########################## training parameters ########################### parser.add_argument('--is_train_target_model', type=str2bool, default=True) parser.add_argument('--is_use_node_feature', type=str2bool, default=False) parser.add_argument('--is_use_batch', type=str2bool, default=True, help="Use batch train GNN models.") parser.add_argument('--target_model', type=str, default='GAT', choices=["SAGE", "GAT", 'MLP', "GCN", "GIN"]) parser.add_argument('--train_lr', type=float, default=0.01) parser.add_argument('--train_weight_decay', type=float, default=0) parser.add_argument('--num_epochs', type=int, default=100) parser.add_argument('--num_runs', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=512) parser.add_argument('--test_batch_size', type=int, default=64) parser.add_argument('--aggregator', type=str, default='mean', choices=['mean', 'majority', 'optimal']) parser.add_argument('--opt_lr', type=float, default=0.001) parser.add_argument('--opt_decay', type=float, default=0.0001) parser.add_argument('--opt_num_epochs', type=int, default=50) parser.add_argument('--unlearning_request', type=str, default='random', choices=['random', 'adaptive', 'dependant', 'top1', 'last5']) ########################## analysis parameters ################################### parser.add_argument('--num_unlearned_nodes', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--ratio_unlearned_nodes', type=float, default=0.005) parser.add_argument('--num_unlearned_edges', type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument('--ratio_deleted_edges', type=float, default=0.9) parser.add_argument('--num_opt_samples', type=int, default=1000) args = vars(parser.parse_args()) return args
RAW_DATA_PATH = 'temp_data/raw_data/' PROCESSED_DATA_PATH = 'temp_data/processed_data/' MODEL_PATH = 'temp_data/models/' ANALYSIS_PATH = 'temp_data/analysis_data/' # database name DATABASE_NAME = "unlearning_gnn"
import logging import config from lib_gnn_model.graphsage.graphsage import SAGE from lib_dataset.data_store import DataStore class NodeEmbedding: def __init__(self, args, graph, data): super(NodeEmbedding, self) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.args = args self.graph = graph = data self.data_store = DataStore(self.args) def sage_encoder(self): if self.args['is_gen_embedding']:"generating node embeddings with GraphSage...") node_to_embedding = {} # run sage self.target_model = SAGE(, len(, # self.target_model.train_model(50) # load a pretrained GNN model for generating node embeddings target_model_name = '_'.join((self.args['target_model'], 'random_1', str(self.args['shard_size_delta']), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']), '0_0_1')) target_model_file = config.MODEL_PATH + self.args['dataset_name'] + '/' + target_model_name self.target_model.load_model(target_model_file) logits = self.target_model.generate_embeddings().detach().cpu().numpy() for node in self.graph.nodes: node_to_embedding[node] = logits[node] self.data_store.save_embeddings(node_to_embedding) else: node_to_embedding = self.data_store.load_embeddings() return node_to_embedding
import itertools import math import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd from joblib import Parallel, delayed from tqdm import trange from .alias import alias_sample, create_alias_table from .utils import partition_num class RandomWalker: def __init__(self, G, p=1, q=1, use_rejection_sampling=0): """ :param G: :param p: Return parameter,controls the likelihood of immediately revisiting a node in the walk. :param q: In-out parameter,allows the search to differentiate between “inward” and “outward” nodes :param use_rejection_sampling: Whether to use the rejection sampling strategy in node2vec. """ self.G = G self.p = p self.q = q self.use_rejection_sampling = use_rejection_sampling def deepwalk_walk(self, walk_length, start_node): walk = [start_node] while len(walk) < walk_length: cur = walk[-1] cur_nbrs = list(self.G.neighbors(cur)) if len(cur_nbrs) > 0: walk.append(random.choice(cur_nbrs)) else: break return walk def node2vec_walk(self, walk_length, start_node): G = self.G alias_nodes = self.alias_nodes alias_edges = self.alias_edges walk = [start_node] while len(walk) < walk_length: cur = walk[-1] cur_nbrs = list(G.neighbors(cur)) if len(cur_nbrs) > 0: if len(walk) == 1: walk.append( cur_nbrs[alias_sample(alias_nodes[cur][0], alias_nodes[cur][1])]) else: prev = walk[-2] edge = (prev, cur) next_node = cur_nbrs[alias_sample(alias_edges[edge][0], alias_edges[edge][1])] walk.append(next_node) else: break return walk def node2vec_walk2(self, walk_length, start_node): """ Reference: KnightKing: A Fast Distributed Graph Random Walk Engine """ def rejection_sample(inv_p, inv_q, nbrs_num): upper_bound = max(1.0, max(inv_p, inv_q)) lower_bound = min(1.0, min(inv_p, inv_q)) shatter = 0 second_upper_bound = max(1.0, inv_q) if (inv_p > second_upper_bound): shatter = second_upper_bound / nbrs_num upper_bound = second_upper_bound + shatter return upper_bound, lower_bound, shatter G = self.G alias_nodes = self.alias_nodes inv_p = 1.0 / self.p inv_q = 1.0 / self.q walk = [start_node] while len(walk) < walk_length: cur = walk[-1] cur_nbrs = list(G.neighbors(cur)) if len(cur_nbrs) > 0: if len(walk) == 1: walk.append( cur_nbrs[alias_sample(alias_nodes[cur][0], alias_nodes[cur][1])]) else: upper_bound, lower_bound, shatter = rejection_sample( inv_p, inv_q, len(cur_nbrs)) prev = walk[-2] prev_nbrs = set(G.neighbors(prev)) while True: prob = random.random() * upper_bound if (prob + shatter >= upper_bound): next_node = prev break next_node = cur_nbrs[alias_sample( alias_nodes[cur][0], alias_nodes[cur][1])] if (prob < lower_bound): break if (prob < inv_p and next_node == prev): break _prob = 1.0 if next_node in prev_nbrs else inv_q if (prob < _prob): break walk.append(next_node) else: break return walk def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length, workers=1, verbose=0): G = self.G nodes = list(G.nodes()) results = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, verbose=verbose, )( delayed(self._simulate_walks)(nodes, num, walk_length) for num in partition_num(num_walks, workers)) walks = list(itertools.chain(*results)) return walks def _simulate_walks(self, nodes, num_walks, walk_length,): walks = [] for _ in range(num_walks): random.shuffle(nodes) for v in nodes: if self.p == 1 and self.q == 1: walks.append(self.deepwalk_walk( walk_length=walk_length, start_node=v)) elif self.use_rejection_sampling: walks.append(self.node2vec_walk2( walk_length=walk_length, start_node=v)) else: walks.append(self.node2vec_walk( walk_length=walk_length, start_node=v)) return walks def get_alias_edge(self, t, v): """ compute unnormalized transition probability between nodes v and its neighbors give the previous visited node t. :param t: :param v: :return: """ G = self.G p = self.p q = self.q unnormalized_probs = [] for x in G.neighbors(v): weight = G[v][x].get('weight', 1.0) # w_vx if x == t: # d_tx == 0 unnormalized_probs.append(weight/p) elif G.has_edge(x, t): # d_tx == 1 unnormalized_probs.append(weight) else: # d_tx > 1 unnormalized_probs.append(weight/q) norm_const = sum(unnormalized_probs) normalized_probs = [ float(u_prob)/norm_const for u_prob in unnormalized_probs] return create_alias_table(normalized_probs) def preprocess_transition_probs(self): """ Preprocessing of transition probabilities for guiding the random walks. """ G = self.G alias_nodes = {} for node in G.nodes(): unnormalized_probs = [G[node][nbr].get('weight', 1.0) for nbr in G.neighbors(node)] norm_const = sum(unnormalized_probs) normalized_probs = [ float(u_prob)/norm_const for u_prob in unnormalized_probs] alias_nodes[node] = create_alias_table(normalized_probs) if not self.use_rejection_sampling: alias_edges = {} for edge in G.edges(): alias_edges[edge] = self.get_alias_edge(edge[0], edge[1]) if not G.is_directed(): alias_edges[(edge[1], edge[0])] = self.get_alias_edge(edge[1], edge[0]) self.alias_edges = alias_edges self.alias_nodes = alias_nodes return class BiasedWalker: def __init__(self, idx2node, temp_path): self.idx2node = idx2node self.idx = list(range(len(self.idx2node))) self.temp_path = temp_path pass def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length, stay_prob=0.3, workers=1, verbose=0): layers_adj = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_adj.pkl') layers_alias = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_alias.pkl') layers_accept = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_accept.pkl') gamma = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'gamma.pkl') walks = [] initialLayer = 0 nodes = self.idx # list(self.g.nodes()) results = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, verbose=verbose, )( delayed(self._simulate_walks)(nodes, num, walk_length, stay_prob, layers_adj, layers_accept, layers_alias, gamma) for num in partition_num(num_walks, workers)) walks = list(itertools.chain(*results)) return walks def _simulate_walks(self, nodes, num_walks, walk_length, stay_prob, layers_adj, layers_accept, layers_alias, gamma): walks = [] for _ in range(num_walks): random.shuffle(nodes) for v in nodes: walks.append(self._exec_random_walk(layers_adj, layers_accept, layers_alias, v, walk_length, gamma, stay_prob)) return walks def _exec_random_walk(self, graphs, layers_accept, layers_alias, v, walk_length, gamma, stay_prob=0.3): initialLayer = 0 layer = initialLayer path = [] path.append(self.idx2node[v]) while len(path) < walk_length: r = random.random() if(r < stay_prob): # same layer v = chooseNeighbor(v, graphs, layers_alias, layers_accept, layer) path.append(self.idx2node[v]) else: # different layer r = random.random() try: x = math.log(gamma[layer][v] + math.e) p_moveup = (x / (x + 1)) except: print(layer, v) raise ValueError() if(r > p_moveup): if(layer > initialLayer): layer = layer - 1 else: if((layer + 1) in graphs and v in graphs[layer + 1]): layer = layer + 1 return path def chooseNeighbor(v, graphs, layers_alias, layers_accept, layer): v_list = graphs[layer][v] idx = alias_sample(layers_accept[layer][v], layers_alias[layer][v]) v = v_list[idx] return v
from __future__ import print_function import numpy from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, accuracy_score from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer class TopKRanker(OneVsRestClassifier): def predict(self, X, top_k_list): probs = numpy.asarray(super(TopKRanker, self).predict_proba(X)) all_labels = [] for i, k in enumerate(top_k_list): probs_ = probs[i, :] labels = self.classes_[probs_.argsort()[-k:]].tolist() probs_[:] = 0 probs_[labels] = 1 all_labels.append(probs_) return numpy.asarray(all_labels) class Classifier(object): def __init__(self, embeddings, clf): self.embeddings = embeddings self.clf = TopKRanker(clf) self.binarizer = MultiLabelBinarizer(sparse_output=True) def train(self, X, Y, Y_all): X_train = [self.embeddings[x] for x in X] Y = self.binarizer.transform(Y), Y) def evaluate(self, X, Y): top_k_list = [len(l) for l in Y] Y_ = self.predict(X, top_k_list) Y = self.binarizer.transform(Y) averages = ["micro", "macro", "samples", "weighted"] results = {} for average in averages: results[average] = f1_score(Y, Y_, average=average) results['acc'] = accuracy_score(Y,Y_) print('-------------------') print(results) return results print('-------------------') def predict(self, X, top_k_list): X_ = numpy.asarray([self.embeddings[x] for x in X]) Y = self.clf.predict(X_, top_k_list=top_k_list) return Y def split_train_evaluate(self, X, Y, train_precent, seed=0): state = numpy.random.get_state() training_size = int(train_precent * len(X)) numpy.random.seed(seed) shuffle_indices = numpy.random.permutation(numpy.arange(len(X))) X_train = [X[shuffle_indices[i]] for i in range(training_size)] Y_train = [Y[shuffle_indices[i]] for i in range(training_size)] X_test = [X[shuffle_indices[i]] for i in range(training_size, len(X))] Y_test = [Y[shuffle_indices[i]] for i in range(training_size, len(X))] self.train(X_train, Y_train, Y) numpy.random.set_state(state) return self.evaluate(X_test, Y_test) def read_node_label(filename, skip_head=False): fin = open(filename, 'r') X = [] Y = [] while 1: if skip_head: fin.readline() l = fin.readline() if l == '': break vec = l.strip().split(' ') X.append(vec[0]) Y.append(vec[1:]) fin.close() return X, Y
import numpy as np def create_alias_table(area_ratio): """ :param area_ratio: sum(area_ratio)=1 :return: accept,alias """ l = len(area_ratio) accept, alias = [0] * l, [0] * l small, large = [], [] area_ratio_ = np.array(area_ratio) * l for i, prob in enumerate(area_ratio_): if prob < 1.0: small.append(i) else: large.append(i) while small and large: small_idx, large_idx = small.pop(), large.pop() accept[small_idx] = area_ratio_[small_idx] alias[small_idx] = large_idx area_ratio_[large_idx] = area_ratio_[large_idx] - \ (1 - area_ratio_[small_idx]) if area_ratio_[large_idx] < 1.0: small.append(large_idx) else: large.append(large_idx) while large: large_idx = large.pop() accept[large_idx] = 1 while small: small_idx = small.pop() accept[small_idx] = 1 return accept, alias def alias_sample(accept, alias): """ :param accept: :param alias: :return: sample index """ N = len(accept) i = int(np.random.random()*N) r = np.random.random() if r < accept[i]: return i else: return alias[i]
def preprocess_nxgraph(graph): node2idx = {} idx2node = [] node_size = 0 for node in graph.nodes(): node2idx[node] = node_size idx2node.append(node) node_size += 1 return idx2node, node2idx def partition_dict(vertices, workers): batch_size = (len(vertices) - 1) // workers + 1 part_list = [] part = [] count = 0 for v1, nbs in vertices.items(): part.append((v1, nbs)) count += 1 if count % batch_size == 0: part_list.append(part) part = [] if len(part) > 0: part_list.append(part) return part_list def partition_list(vertices, workers): batch_size = (len(vertices) - 1) // workers + 1 part_list = [] part = [] count = 0 for v1, nbs in enumerate(vertices): part.append((v1, nbs)) count += 1 if count % batch_size == 0: part_list.append(part) part = [] if len(part) > 0: part_list.append(part) return part_list def partition_num(num, workers): if num % workers == 0: return [num//workers]*workers else: return [num//workers]*workers + [num % workers]
from .models import *
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen, Reference: [1] Perozzi B, Al-Rfou R, Skiena S. Deepwalk: Online learning of social representations[C]//Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2014: 701-710.( """ from ..walker import RandomWalker from gensim.models import Word2Vec import pandas as pd class DeepWalk: def __init__(self, graph, walk_length, num_walks, workers=1): self.graph = graph self.w2v_model = None self._embeddings = {} self.walker = RandomWalker( graph, p=1, q=1, ) self.sentences = self.walker.simulate_walks( num_walks=num_walks, walk_length=walk_length, workers=workers, verbose=1) def train(self, embed_size=128, window_size=5, workers=3, iter=5, **kwargs): kwargs["sentences"] = self.sentences kwargs["min_count"] = kwargs.get("min_count", 0) kwargs["size"] = embed_size kwargs["sg"] = 1 # skip gram kwargs["hs"] = 1 # deepwalk use Hierarchical Softmax kwargs["workers"] = workers kwargs["window"] = window_size kwargs["iter"] = iter print("Learning embedding vectors...") model = Word2Vec(**kwargs) print("Learning embedding vectors done!") self.w2v_model = model return model def get_embeddings(self,): if self.w2v_model is None: print("model not train") return {} self._embeddings = {} for word in self.graph.nodes(): self._embeddings[word] = self.w2v_model.wv[word] return self._embeddings
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen, Reference: [1] Grover A, Leskovec J. node2vec: Scalable feature learning for networks[C]//Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2016: 855-864.( """ from gensim.models import Word2Vec import pandas as pd from ..walker import RandomWalker class Node2Vec: def __init__(self, graph, walk_length, num_walks, p=1.0, q=1.0, workers=1, use_rejection_sampling=0): self.graph = graph self._embeddings = {} self.walker = RandomWalker( graph, p=p, q=q, use_rejection_sampling=use_rejection_sampling) print("Preprocess transition probs...") self.walker.preprocess_transition_probs() self.sentences = self.walker.simulate_walks( num_walks=num_walks, walk_length=walk_length, workers=workers, verbose=1) def train(self, embed_size=128, window_size=5, workers=3, iter=5, **kwargs): kwargs["sentences"] = self.sentences kwargs["min_count"] = kwargs.get("min_count", 0) kwargs["size"] = embed_size kwargs["sg"] = 1 kwargs["hs"] = 0 # node2vec not use Hierarchical Softmax kwargs["workers"] = workers kwargs["window"] = window_size kwargs["iter"] = iter print("Learning embedding vectors...") model = Word2Vec(**kwargs) print("Learning embedding vectors done!") self.w2v_model = model return model def get_embeddings(self,): if self.w2v_model is None: print("model not train") return {} self._embeddings = {} for word in self.graph.nodes(): self._embeddings[word] = self.w2v_model.wv[word] return self._embeddings
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen, Reference: [1] Wang D, Cui P, Zhu W. Structural deep network embedding[C]//Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2016: 1225-1234.( """ import time import numpy as np import scipy.sparse as sp import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K from tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks import History from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Dense, Input from tensorflow.python.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.python.keras.regularizers import l1_l2 from ..utils import preprocess_nxgraph def l_2nd(beta): def loss_2nd(y_true, y_pred): b_ = np.ones_like(y_true) b_[y_true != 0] = beta x = K.square((y_true - y_pred) * b_) t = K.sum(x, axis=-1, ) return K.mean(t) return loss_2nd def l_1st(alpha): def loss_1st(y_true, y_pred): L = y_true Y = y_pred batch_size = tf.to_float(K.shape(L)[0]) return alpha * 2 * tf.linalg.trace(tf.matmul(tf.matmul(Y, L, transpose_a=True), Y)) / batch_size return loss_1st def create_model(node_size, hidden_size=[256, 128], l1=1e-5, l2=1e-4): A = Input(shape=(node_size,)) L = Input(shape=(None,)) fc = A for i in range(len(hidden_size)): if i == len(hidden_size) - 1: fc = Dense(hidden_size[i], activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(l1, l2), name='1st')(fc) else: fc = Dense(hidden_size[i], activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(l1, l2))(fc) Y = fc for i in reversed(range(len(hidden_size) - 1)): fc = Dense(hidden_size[i], activation='relu', kernel_regularizer=l1_l2(l1, l2))(fc) A_ = Dense(node_size, 'relu', name='2nd')(fc) model = Model(inputs=[A, L], outputs=[A_, Y]) emb = Model(inputs=A, outputs=Y) return model, emb class SDNE(object): def __init__(self, graph, hidden_size=[32, 16], alpha=1e-6, beta=5., nu1=1e-5, nu2=1e-4, ): self.graph = graph # self.g.remove_edges_from(self.g.selfloop_edges()) self.idx2node, self.node2idx = preprocess_nxgraph(self.graph) self.node_size = self.graph.number_of_nodes() self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.alpha = alpha self.beta = beta self.nu1 = nu1 self.nu2 = nu2 self.A, self.L = self._create_A_L( self.graph, self.node2idx) # Adj Matrix,L Matrix self.reset_model() self.inputs = [self.A, self.L] self._embeddings = {} def reset_model(self, opt='adam'): self.model, self.emb_model = create_model(self.node_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, l1=self.nu1, l2=self.nu2) self.model.compile(opt, [l_2nd(self.beta), l_1st(self.alpha)]) self.get_embeddings() def train(self, batch_size=1024, epochs=1, initial_epoch=0, verbose=1): if batch_size >= self.node_size: if batch_size > self.node_size: print('batch_size({0}) > node_size({1}),set batch_size = {1}'.format( batch_size, self.node_size)) batch_size = self.node_size return[self.A.todense(), self.L.todense()], [self.A.todense(), self.L.todense()], batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, verbose=verbose, shuffle=False, ) else: steps_per_epoch = (self.node_size - 1) // batch_size + 1 hist = History() hist.on_train_begin() logs = {} for epoch in range(initial_epoch, epochs): start_time = time.time() losses = np.zeros(3) for i in range(steps_per_epoch): index = np.arange( i * batch_size, min((i + 1) * batch_size, self.node_size)) A_train = self.A[index, :].todense() L_mat_train = self.L[index][:, index].todense() inp = [A_train, L_mat_train] batch_losses = self.model.train_on_batch(inp, inp) losses += batch_losses losses = losses / steps_per_epoch logs['loss'] = losses[0] logs['2nd_loss'] = losses[1] logs['1st_loss'] = losses[2] epoch_time = int(time.time() - start_time) hist.on_epoch_end(epoch, logs) if verbose > 0: print('Epoch {0}/{1}'.format(epoch + 1, epochs)) print('{0}s - loss: {1: .4f} - 2nd_loss: {2: .4f} - 1st_loss: {3: .4f}'.format( epoch_time, losses[0], losses[1], losses[2])) return hist def evaluate(self, ): return self.model.evaluate(x=self.inputs, y=self.inputs, batch_size=self.node_size) def get_embeddings(self): self._embeddings = {} embeddings = self.emb_model.predict(self.A.todense(), batch_size=self.node_size) look_back = self.idx2node for i, embedding in enumerate(embeddings): self._embeddings[look_back[i]] = embedding return self._embeddings def _create_A_L(self, graph, node2idx): node_size = graph.number_of_nodes() A_data = [] A_row_index = [] A_col_index = [] for edge in graph.edges(): v1, v2 = edge edge_weight = graph[v1][v2].get('weight', 1) A_data.append(edge_weight) A_row_index.append(node2idx[v1]) A_col_index.append(node2idx[v2]) A = sp.csr_matrix((A_data, (A_row_index, A_col_index)), shape=(node_size, node_size)) A_ = sp.csr_matrix((A_data + A_data, (A_row_index + A_col_index, A_col_index + A_row_index)), shape=(node_size, node_size)) D = sp.diags(A_.sum(axis=1).flatten().tolist()[0]) L = D - A_ return A, L
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen, Reference: [1] Ribeiro L F R, Saverese P H P, Figueiredo D R. struc2vec: Learning node representations from structural identity[C]//Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. ACM, 2017: 385-394.( """ import math import os import shutil from collections import ChainMap, deque import numpy as np import pandas as pd from fastdtw import fastdtw from gensim.models import Word2Vec from joblib import Parallel, delayed from tqdm import tqdm from ..alias import create_alias_table from ..utils import partition_dict, preprocess_nxgraph from ..walker import BiasedWalker class Struc2Vec(): def __init__(self, graph, walk_length=10, num_walks=100, workers=1, verbose=0, stay_prob=0.3, opt1_reduce_len=True, opt2_reduce_sim_calc=True, opt3_num_layers=None, temp_path='./temp_struc2vec/', reuse=False): self.graph = graph self.idx2node, self.node2idx = preprocess_nxgraph(graph) self.idx = list(range(len(self.idx2node))) self.opt1_reduce_len = opt1_reduce_len self.opt2_reduce_sim_calc = opt2_reduce_sim_calc self.opt3_num_layers = opt3_num_layers self.resue = reuse self.temp_path = temp_path if not os.path.exists(self.temp_path): os.mkdir(self.temp_path) if not reuse: shutil.rmtree(self.temp_path) os.mkdir(self.temp_path) self.create_context_graph(self.opt3_num_layers, workers, verbose) self.prepare_biased_walk() self.walker = BiasedWalker(self.idx2node, self.temp_path) self.sentences = self.walker.simulate_walks( num_walks, walk_length, stay_prob, workers, verbose) self._embeddings = {} def create_context_graph(self, max_num_layers, workers=1, verbose=0,): pair_distances = self._compute_structural_distance( max_num_layers, workers, verbose,) layers_adj, layers_distances = self._get_layer_rep(pair_distances) pd.to_pickle(layers_adj, self.temp_path + 'layers_adj.pkl') layers_accept, layers_alias = self._get_transition_probs( layers_adj, layers_distances) pd.to_pickle(layers_alias, self.temp_path + 'layers_alias.pkl') pd.to_pickle(layers_accept, self.temp_path + 'layers_accept.pkl') def prepare_biased_walk(self,): sum_weights = {} sum_edges = {} average_weight = {} gamma = {} layer = 0 while (os.path.exists(self.temp_path+'norm_weights_distance-layer-' + str(layer)+'.pkl')): probs = pd.read_pickle( self.temp_path+'norm_weights_distance-layer-' + str(layer)+'.pkl') for v, list_weights in probs.items(): sum_weights.setdefault(layer, 0) sum_edges.setdefault(layer, 0) sum_weights[layer] += sum(list_weights) sum_edges[layer] += len(list_weights) average_weight[layer] = sum_weights[layer] / sum_edges[layer] gamma.setdefault(layer, {}) for v, list_weights in probs.items(): num_neighbours = 0 for w in list_weights: if (w > average_weight[layer]): num_neighbours += 1 gamma[layer][v] = num_neighbours layer += 1 pd.to_pickle(average_weight, self.temp_path + 'average_weight') pd.to_pickle(gamma, self.temp_path + 'gamma.pkl') def train(self, embed_size=128, window_size=5, workers=3, iter=5): # pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'walks.pkl') sentences = self.sentences print("Learning representation...") model = Word2Vec(sentences, size=embed_size, window=window_size, min_count=0, hs=1, sg=1, workers=workers, iter=iter) print("Learning representation done!") self.w2v_model = model return model def get_embeddings(self,): if self.w2v_model is None: print("model not train") return {} self._embeddings = {} for word in self.graph.nodes(): self._embeddings[word] = self.w2v_model.wv[word] return self._embeddings def _compute_ordered_degreelist(self, max_num_layers): degreeList = {} vertices = self.idx # self.g.nodes() for v in vertices: degreeList[v] = self._get_order_degreelist_node(v, max_num_layers) return degreeList def _get_order_degreelist_node(self, root, max_num_layers=None): if max_num_layers is None: max_num_layers = float('inf') ordered_degree_sequence_dict = {} visited = [False] * len(self.graph.nodes()) queue = deque() level = 0 queue.append(root) visited[root] = True while (len(queue) > 0 and level <= max_num_layers): count = len(queue) if self.opt1_reduce_len: degree_list = {} else: degree_list = [] while (count > 0): top = queue.popleft() node = self.idx2node[top] degree = len(self.graph[node]) if self.opt1_reduce_len: degree_list[degree] = degree_list.get(degree, 0) + 1 else: degree_list.append(degree) for nei in self.graph[node]: nei_idx = self.node2idx[nei] if not visited[nei_idx]: visited[nei_idx] = True queue.append(nei_idx) count -= 1 if self.opt1_reduce_len: orderd_degree_list = [(degree, freq) for degree, freq in degree_list.items()] orderd_degree_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) else: orderd_degree_list = sorted(degree_list) ordered_degree_sequence_dict[level] = orderd_degree_list level += 1 return ordered_degree_sequence_dict def _compute_structural_distance(self, max_num_layers, workers=1, verbose=0,): if os.path.exists(self.temp_path+'structural_dist.pkl'): structural_dist = pd.read_pickle( self.temp_path+'structural_dist.pkl') else: if self.opt1_reduce_len: dist_func = cost_max else: dist_func = cost if os.path.exists(self.temp_path + 'degreelist.pkl'): degreeList = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path + 'degreelist.pkl') else: degreeList = self._compute_ordered_degreelist(max_num_layers) pd.to_pickle(degreeList, self.temp_path + 'degreelist.pkl') if self.opt2_reduce_sim_calc: degrees = self._create_vectors() degreeListsSelected = {} vertices = {} n_nodes = len(self.idx) for v in self.idx: # c:list of vertex nbs = get_vertices( v, len(self.graph[self.idx2node[v]]), degrees, n_nodes) vertices[v] = nbs # store nbs degreeListsSelected[v] = degreeList[v] # store dist for n in nbs: # store dist of nbs degreeListsSelected[n] = degreeList[n] else: vertices = {} for v in degreeList: vertices[v] = [vd for vd in degreeList.keys() if vd > v] results = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, verbose=verbose,)( delayed(compute_dtw_dist)(part_list, degreeList, dist_func) for part_list in partition_dict(vertices, workers)) dtw_dist = dict(ChainMap(*results)) structural_dist = convert_dtw_struc_dist(dtw_dist) pd.to_pickle(structural_dist, self.temp_path + 'structural_dist.pkl') return structural_dist def _create_vectors(self): degrees = {} # sotre v list of degree degrees_sorted = set() # store degree G = self.graph for v in self.idx: degree = len(G[self.idx2node[v]]) degrees_sorted.add(degree) if (degree not in degrees): degrees[degree] = {} degrees[degree]['vertices'] = [] degrees[degree]['vertices'].append(v) degrees_sorted = np.array(list(degrees_sorted), dtype='int') degrees_sorted = np.sort(degrees_sorted) l = len(degrees_sorted) for index, degree in enumerate(degrees_sorted): if (index > 0): degrees[degree]['before'] = degrees_sorted[index - 1] if (index < (l - 1)): degrees[degree]['after'] = degrees_sorted[index + 1] return degrees def _get_layer_rep(self, pair_distances): layer_distances = {} layer_adj = {} for v_pair, layer_dist in pair_distances.items(): for layer, distance in layer_dist.items(): vx = v_pair[0] vy = v_pair[1] layer_distances.setdefault(layer, {}) layer_distances[layer][vx, vy] = distance layer_adj.setdefault(layer, {}) layer_adj[layer].setdefault(vx, []) layer_adj[layer].setdefault(vy, []) layer_adj[layer][vx].append(vy) layer_adj[layer][vy].append(vx) return layer_adj, layer_distances def _get_transition_probs(self, layers_adj, layers_distances): layers_alias = {} layers_accept = {} for layer in layers_adj: neighbors = layers_adj[layer] layer_distances = layers_distances[layer] node_alias_dict = {} node_accept_dict = {} norm_weights = {} for v, neighbors in neighbors.items(): e_list = [] sum_w = 0.0 for n in neighbors: if (v, n) in layer_distances: wd = layer_distances[v, n] else: wd = layer_distances[n, v] w = np.exp(-float(wd)) e_list.append(w) sum_w += w e_list = [x / sum_w for x in e_list] norm_weights[v] = e_list accept, alias = create_alias_table(e_list) node_alias_dict[v] = alias node_accept_dict[v] = accept pd.to_pickle( norm_weights, self.temp_path + 'norm_weights_distance-layer-' + str(layer)+'.pkl') layers_alias[layer] = node_alias_dict layers_accept[layer] = node_accept_dict return layers_accept, layers_alias def cost(a, b): ep = 0.5 m = max(a, b) + ep mi = min(a, b) + ep return ((m / mi) - 1) def cost_min(a, b): ep = 0.5 m = max(a[0], b[0]) + ep mi = min(a[0], b[0]) + ep return ((m / mi) - 1) * min(a[1], b[1]) def cost_max(a, b): ep = 0.5 m = max(a[0], b[0]) + ep mi = min(a[0], b[0]) + ep return ((m / mi) - 1) * max(a[1], b[1]) def convert_dtw_struc_dist(distances, startLayer=1): """ :param distances: dict of dict :param startLayer: :return: """ for vertices, layers in distances.items(): keys_layers = sorted(layers.keys()) startLayer = min(len(keys_layers), startLayer) for layer in range(0, startLayer): keys_layers.pop(0) for layer in keys_layers: layers[layer] += layers[layer - 1] return distances def get_vertices(v, degree_v, degrees, n_nodes): a_vertices_selected = 2 * math.log(n_nodes, 2) vertices = [] try: c_v = 0 for v2 in degrees[degree_v]['vertices']: if (v != v2): vertices.append(v2) # same degree c_v += 1 if (c_v > a_vertices_selected): raise StopIteration if ('before' not in degrees[degree_v]): degree_b = -1 else: degree_b = degrees[degree_v]['before'] if ('after' not in degrees[degree_v]): degree_a = -1 else: degree_a = degrees[degree_v]['after'] if (degree_b == -1 and degree_a == -1): raise StopIteration # not anymore v degree_now = verifyDegrees(degrees, degree_v, degree_a, degree_b) # nearest valid degree while True: for v2 in degrees[degree_now]['vertices']: if (v != v2): vertices.append(v2) c_v += 1 if (c_v > a_vertices_selected): raise StopIteration if (degree_now == degree_b): if ('before' not in degrees[degree_b]): degree_b = -1 else: degree_b = degrees[degree_b]['before'] else: if ('after' not in degrees[degree_a]): degree_a = -1 else: degree_a = degrees[degree_a]['after'] if (degree_b == -1 and degree_a == -1): raise StopIteration degree_now = verifyDegrees(degrees, degree_v, degree_a, degree_b) except StopIteration: return list(vertices) return list(vertices) def verifyDegrees(degrees, degree_v_root, degree_a, degree_b): if(degree_b == -1): degree_now = degree_a elif(degree_a == -1): degree_now = degree_b elif(abs(degree_b - degree_v_root) < abs(degree_a - degree_v_root)): degree_now = degree_b else: degree_now = degree_a return degree_now def compute_dtw_dist(part_list, degreeList, dist_func): dtw_dist = {} for v1, nbs in part_list: lists_v1 = degreeList[v1] # lists_v1 :orderd degree list of v1 for v2 in nbs: lists_v2 = degreeList[v2] # lists_v1 :orderd degree list of v2 max_layer = min(len(lists_v1), len(lists_v2)) # valid layer dtw_dist[v1, v2] = {} for layer in range(0, max_layer): dist, path = fastdtw( lists_v1[layer], lists_v2[layer], radius=1, dist=dist_func) dtw_dist[v1, v2][layer] = dist return dtw_dist
from .deepwalk import DeepWalk from .node2vec import Node2Vec from .line import LINE from .sdne import SDNE from .struc2vec import Struc2Vec __all__ = ["DeepWalk", "Node2Vec", "LINE", "SDNE", "Struc2Vec"]
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Author: Weichen Shen, Reference: [1] Tang J, Qu M, Wang M, et al. Line: Large-scale information network embedding[C]//Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, 2015: 1067-1077.( """ import math import random import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Embedding, Input, Lambda from tensorflow.python.keras.models import Model from ..alias import create_alias_table, alias_sample from ..utils import preprocess_nxgraph def line_loss(y_true, y_pred): return -K.mean(K.log(K.sigmoid(y_true*y_pred))) def create_model(numNodes, embedding_size, order='second'): v_i = Input(shape=(1,)) v_j = Input(shape=(1,)) first_emb = Embedding(numNodes, embedding_size, name='first_emb') second_emb = Embedding(numNodes, embedding_size, name='second_emb') context_emb = Embedding(numNodes, embedding_size, name='context_emb') v_i_emb = first_emb(v_i) v_j_emb = first_emb(v_j) v_i_emb_second = second_emb(v_i) v_j_context_emb = context_emb(v_j) first = Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_sum( x[0]*x[1], axis=-1, keep_dims=False), name='first_order')([v_i_emb, v_j_emb]) second = Lambda(lambda x: tf.reduce_sum( x[0]*x[1], axis=-1, keep_dims=False), name='second_order')([v_i_emb_second, v_j_context_emb]) if order == 'first': output_list = [first] elif order == 'second': output_list = [second] else: output_list = [first, second] model = Model(inputs=[v_i, v_j], outputs=output_list) return model, {'first': first_emb, 'second': second_emb} class LINE: def __init__(self, graph, embedding_size=8, negative_ratio=5, order='second',): """ :param graph: :param embedding_size: :param negative_ratio: :param order: 'first','second','all' """ if order not in ['first', 'second', 'all']: raise ValueError('mode must be fisrt,second,or all') self.graph = graph self.idx2node, self.node2idx = preprocess_nxgraph(graph) self.use_alias = True self.rep_size = embedding_size self.order = order self._embeddings = {} self.negative_ratio = negative_ratio self.order = order self.node_size = graph.number_of_nodes() self.edge_size = graph.number_of_edges() self.samples_per_epoch = self.edge_size*(1+negative_ratio) self._gen_sampling_table() self.reset_model() def reset_training_config(self, batch_size, times): self.batch_size = batch_size self.steps_per_epoch = ( (self.samples_per_epoch - 1) // self.batch_size + 1)*times def reset_model(self, opt='adam'): self.model, self.embedding_dict = create_model( self.node_size, self.rep_size, self.order) self.model.compile(opt, line_loss) self.batch_it = self.batch_iter(self.node2idx) def _gen_sampling_table(self): # create sampling table for vertex power = 0.75 numNodes = self.node_size node_degree = np.zeros(numNodes) # out degree node2idx = self.node2idx for edge in self.graph.edges(): node_degree[node2idx[edge[0]] ] += self.graph[edge[0]][edge[1]].get('weight', 1.0) total_sum = sum([math.pow(node_degree[i], power) for i in range(numNodes)]) norm_prob = [float(math.pow(node_degree[j], power)) / total_sum for j in range(numNodes)] self.node_accept, self.node_alias = create_alias_table(norm_prob) # create sampling table for edge numEdges = self.graph.number_of_edges() total_sum = sum([self.graph[edge[0]][edge[1]].get('weight', 1.0) for edge in self.graph.edges()]) norm_prob = [self.graph[edge[0]][edge[1]].get('weight', 1.0) * numEdges / total_sum for edge in self.graph.edges()] self.edge_accept, self.edge_alias = create_alias_table(norm_prob) def batch_iter(self, node2idx): edges = [(node2idx[x[0]], node2idx[x[1]]) for x in self.graph.edges()] data_size = self.graph.number_of_edges() shuffle_indices = np.random.permutation(np.arange(data_size)) # positive or negative mod mod = 0 mod_size = 1 + self.negative_ratio h = [] t = [] sign = 0 count = 0 start_index = 0 end_index = min(start_index + self.batch_size, data_size) while True: if mod == 0: h = [] t = [] for i in range(start_index, end_index): if random.random() >= self.edge_accept[shuffle_indices[i]]: shuffle_indices[i] = self.edge_alias[shuffle_indices[i]] cur_h = edges[shuffle_indices[i]][0] cur_t = edges[shuffle_indices[i]][1] h.append(cur_h) t.append(cur_t) sign = np.ones(len(h)) else: sign = np.ones(len(h))*-1 t = [] for i in range(len(h)): t.append(alias_sample( self.node_accept, self.node_alias)) if self.order == 'all': yield ([np.array(h), np.array(t)], [sign, sign]) else: yield ([np.array(h), np.array(t)], [sign]) mod += 1 mod %= mod_size if mod == 0: start_index = end_index end_index = min(start_index + self.batch_size, data_size) if start_index >= data_size: count += 1 mod = 0 h = [] shuffle_indices = np.random.permutation(np.arange(data_size)) start_index = 0 end_index = min(start_index + self.batch_size, data_size) def get_embeddings(self,): self._embeddings = {} if self.order == 'first': embeddings = self.embedding_dict['first'].get_weights()[0] elif self.order == 'second': embeddings = self.embedding_dict['second'].get_weights()[0] else: embeddings = np.hstack((self.embedding_dict['first'].get_weights()[ 0], self.embedding_dict['second'].get_weights()[0])) idx2node = self.idx2node for i, embedding in enumerate(embeddings): self._embeddings[idx2node[i]] = embedding return self._embeddings def train(self, batch_size=1024, epochs=1, initial_epoch=0, verbose=1, times=1): self.reset_training_config(batch_size, times) hist = self.model.fit_generator(self.batch_it, epochs=epochs, initial_epoch=initial_epoch, steps_per_epoch=self.steps_per_epoch, verbose=verbose) return hist
import os import errno import numpy as np import pandas as pd import networkx as nx import torch from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix from tqdm import tqdm def graph_reader(path): """ Function to read the graph from the path. :param path: Path to the edge list. :return graph: NetworkX object returned. """ graph = nx.from_edgelist(pd.read_csv(path).values.tolist()) return graph def feature_reader(path): """ Reading the sparse feature matrix stored as csv from the disk. :param path: Path to the csv file. :return features: Dense matrix of features. """ features = pd.read_csv(path) node_index = features["node_id"].values.tolist() feature_index = features["feature_id"].values.tolist() feature_values = features["value"].values.tolist() node_count = max(node_index) + 1 feature_count = max(feature_index) + 1 features = coo_matrix((feature_values, (node_index, feature_index)), shape=(node_count, feature_count)).toarray() return features def target_reader(path): """ Reading the target vector from disk. :param path: Path to the target. :return target: Target vector. """ target = np.array(pd.read_csv(path)["target"]).reshape(-1, 1) return target def make_adjacency(graph, max_degree, sel=None): all_nodes = np.array(graph.nodes()) # Initialize w/ links to a dummy node n_nodes = len(all_nodes) adj = (np.zeros((n_nodes + 1, max_degree)) + n_nodes).astype(int) if sel is not None: # only look at nodes in training set all_nodes = all_nodes[sel] for node in tqdm(all_nodes): neibs = np.array(list(graph.neighbors(node))) if sel is not None: neibs = neibs[sel[neibs]] if len(neibs) > 0: if len(neibs) > max_degree: neibs = np.random.choice(neibs, max_degree, replace=False) elif len(neibs) < max_degree: extra = np.random.choice(neibs, max_degree - neibs.shape[0], replace=True) neibs = np.concatenate([neibs, extra]) adj[node, :] = neibs return adj def connected_component_subgraphs(graph): """ Find all connected subgraphs in a networkx Graph Args: graph (Graph): A networkx Graph Yields: generator: A subgraph generator """ for c in nx.connected_components(graph): yield graph.subgraph(c) def check_exist(file_name): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(file_name)): try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_name)) except OSError as exc: # Guard against race condition if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def filter_edge_index(edge_index, node_indices, reindex=True): assert np.all(np.diff(node_indices) >= 0), 'node_indices must be sorted' if isinstance(edge_index, torch.Tensor): edge_index = edge_index.cpu() node_index = np.isin(edge_index, node_indices) col_index = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(node_index[0], node_index[1]))[0] edge_index = edge_index[:, col_index] if reindex: return np.searchsorted(node_indices, edge_index) else: return edge_index def pyg_to_nx(data): """ Convert a torch geometric Data to networkx Graph. Args: data (Data): A torch geometric Data. Returns: Graph: A networkx Graph. """ graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(np.arange(data.num_nodes)) edge_index = data.edge_index.numpy() for u, v in np.transpose(edge_index): graph.add_edge(u, v) return graph def edge_index_to_nx(edge_index, num_nodes): """ Convert a torch geometric Data to networkx Graph by edge_index. Args: edge_index (Data.edge_index): A torch geometric Data. num_nodes (int): Number of nodes in a graph. Returns: Graph: networkx Graph """ graph = nx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(np.arange(num_nodes)) edge_index = edge_index.numpy() for u, v in np.transpose(edge_index): graph.add_edge(u, v) return graph def filter_edge_index_1(data, node_indices): """ Remove unnecessary edges from a torch geometric Data, only keep the edges between node_indices. Args: data (Data): A torch geometric Data. node_indices (list): A list of nodes to be deleted from data. Returns: data.edge_index: The new edge_index after removing the node_indices. """ if isinstance(data.edge_index, torch.Tensor): data.edge_index = data.edge_index.cpu() edge_index = data.edge_index node_index = np.isin(edge_index, node_indices) col_index = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(node_index[0], node_index[1]))[0] edge_index = data.edge_index[:, col_index] return np.searchsorted(node_indices, edge_index)
from texttable import Texttable def tab_printer(args): """ Function to print the logs in a nice tabular format. :param args: Parameters used for the model. """ # args = vars(args) keys = sorted(args.keys()) t = Texttable() t.add_rows([["Parameter", "Value"]] + [[k.replace("_"," ").capitalize(),args[k]] for k in keys]) print(t.draw())
from import Dataset class OptDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, posteriors, labels): self.posteriors = posteriors self.labels = labels def __getitem__(self, index): ret_posterior = {} for shard, post in self.posteriors.items(): ret_posterior[shard] = post[index] return ret_posterior, self.labels[index] def __len__(self): return self.labels.shape[0]
import copy import logging import numpy as np import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import optim from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import MultiStepLR from import DataLoader from import Data from lib_aggregator.opt_dataset import OptDataset from lib_dataset.data_store import DataStore from lib_utils import utils class OptimalAggregator: def __init__(self, run, target_model, data, args): self.logger = logging.getLogger('optimal_aggregator') self.args = args = run self.target_model = target_model = data self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.num_shards = args['num_shards'] def generate_train_data(self): data_store = DataStore(self.args) train_indices, _ = data_store.load_train_test_split() # sample a set of nodes from train_indices if self.args["num_opt_samples"] == 1000: train_indices = np.random.choice(train_indices, size=1000, replace=False) elif self.args["num_opt_samples"] == 10000: train_indices = np.random.choice(train_indices, size=int(train_indices.shape[0] * 0.1), replace=False) elif self.args["num_opt_samples"] == 1: train_indices = np.random.choice(train_indices, size=int(train_indices.shape[0]), replace=False) train_indices = np.sort(train_indices)"Using %s samples for optimization" % (int(train_indices.shape[0]))) x =[train_indices] y =[train_indices] edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index(, train_indices) train_data = Data(x=x, edge_index=torch.from_numpy(edge_index), y=y) train_data.train_mask = torch.zeros(train_indices.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) train_data.test_mask = torch.ones(train_indices.shape[0], dtype=torch.bool) self.true_labels = y self.posteriors = {} for shard in range(self.num_shards): = train_data data_store.load_target_model(, self.target_model, shard) self.posteriors[shard] = self.target_model.posterior().to(self.device) def optimization(self): weight_para = nn.Parameter(torch.full((self.num_shards,), fill_value=1.0 / self.num_shards), requires_grad=True) optimizer = optim.Adam([weight_para], lr=self.args['opt_lr']) scheduler = MultiStepLR(optimizer, milestones=[500, 1000], gamma=self.args['opt_lr']) train_dset = OptDataset(self.posteriors, self.true_labels) train_loader = DataLoader(train_dset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) min_loss = 1000.0 for epoch in range(self.args['opt_num_epochs']): loss_all = 0.0 for posteriors, labels in train_loader: labels = optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self._loss_fn(posteriors, labels, weight_para) loss.backward() loss_all += loss optimizer.step() with torch.no_grad(): weight_para[:] = torch.clamp(weight_para, min=0.0) scheduler.step() if loss_all < min_loss: ret_weight_para = copy.deepcopy(weight_para) min_loss = loss_all'epoch: %s, loss: %s' % (epoch, loss_all)) return ret_weight_para / torch.sum(ret_weight_para) def _loss_fn(self, posteriors, labels, weight_para): aggregate_posteriors = torch.zeros_like(posteriors[0]) for shard in range(self.num_shards): aggregate_posteriors += weight_para[shard] * posteriors[shard] aggregate_posteriors = F.softmax(aggregate_posteriors, dim=1) loss_1 = F.cross_entropy(aggregate_posteriors, labels) loss_2 = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(weight_para ** 2)) return loss_1 + loss_2
import logging import torch torch.cuda.empty_cache() from sklearn.metrics import f1_score import numpy as np from lib_aggregator.optimal_aggregator import OptimalAggregator from lib_dataset.data_store import DataStore class Aggregator: def __init__(self, run, target_model, data, shard_data, args): self.logger = logging.getLogger('Aggregator') self.args = args self.data_store = DataStore(self.args) = run self.target_model = target_model = data self.shard_data = shard_data self.num_shards = args['num_shards'] def generate_posterior(self, suffix=""): self.true_label = self.shard_data[0].y[self.shard_data[0]['test_mask']].detach().cpu().numpy() self.posteriors = {} for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): = self.shard_data[shard] self.data_store.load_target_model(, self.target_model, shard, suffix) self.posteriors[shard] = self.target_model.posterior()"Saving posteriors.") self.data_store.save_posteriors(self.posteriors,, suffix) def aggregate(self): if self.args['aggregator'] == 'mean': aggregate_f1_score = self._mean_aggregator() elif self.args['aggregator'] == 'optimal': aggregate_f1_score = self._optimal_aggregator() elif self.args['aggregator'] == 'majority': aggregate_f1_score = self._majority_aggregator() else: raise Exception("unsupported aggregator.") return aggregate_f1_score def _mean_aggregator(self): posterior = self.posteriors[0] for shard in range(1, self.num_shards): posterior += self.posteriors[shard] posterior = posterior / self.num_shards return f1_score(self.true_label, posterior.argmax(axis=1).cpu().numpy(), average="micro") def _majority_aggregator(self): pred_labels = [] for shard in range(self.num_shards): pred_labels.append(self.posteriors[shard].argmax(axis=1).cpu().numpy()) pred_labels = np.stack(pred_labels) pred_label = np.argmax( np.apply_along_axis(np.bincount, axis=0, arr=pred_labels, minlength=self.posteriors[0].shape[1]), axis=0) return f1_score(self.true_label, pred_label, average="micro") def _optimal_aggregator(self): optimal = OptimalAggregator(, self.target_model,, self.args) optimal.generate_train_data() weight_para = optimal.optimization() self.data_store.save_optimal_weight(weight_para, posterior = self.posteriors[0] * weight_para[0] for shard in range(1, self.num_shards): posterior += self.posteriors[shard] * weight_para[shard] return f1_score(self.true_label, posterior.argmax(axis=1).cpu().numpy(), average="micro")
import math import numpy as np import networkx as nx import logging import pickle from lib_graph_partition.constrained_lpa_base import ConstrainedLPABase from lib_graph_partition.partition import Partition from lib_graph_partition.constrained_lpa import ConstrainedLPA import config class PartitionLPA(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph): super(PartitionLPA, self).__init__(args, graph) self.logger = logging.getLogger('partition_lpa') def partition(self): # implement LPA by hand, refer to community_generator ="Generating LPA communities.") community_to_node = {key: c for key, c in zip(range(self.graph.number_of_nodes()), community_generator)} print("Found %s communities by unconstrained LPA", len(community_to_node.keys())) return community_to_node class PartitionConstrainedLPA(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph): super(PartitionConstrainedLPA, self).__init__(args, graph) self.args = args self.logger = logging.getLogger('partition_constrained_lpa') def partition(self): adj_array = nx.linalg.adj_matrix(self.graph).toarray().astype(np.bool) # node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards']) + 0.05 * self.graph.number_of_nodes() # node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards']) node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards'] + self.args['shard_size_delta'] * (self.graph.number_of_nodes()-self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards']))" #. nodes: %s. LPA shard threshold: %s." % (self.graph.number_of_nodes(), node_threshold)) lpa = ConstrainedLPA(adj_array, self.num_shards, node_threshold, self.args['terminate_delta']) lpa.initialization() community_to_node, lpa_deltas = lpa.community_detection() pickle.dump(lpa_deltas, open(config.ANALYSIS_PATH + "partition/blpa_" + self.args['dataset_name'], 'wb')) return self.idx2id(community_to_node, np.array(self.graph.nodes)) class PartitionConstrainedLPABase(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph): super(PartitionConstrainedLPABase, self).__init__(args, graph) self.args = args self.logger = logging.getLogger('partition_constrained_lpa') def partition(self): adj_array = nx.linalg.adj_matrix(self.graph).toarray().astype(np.bool) node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards'] + self.args['shard_size_delta'] * (self.graph.number_of_nodes()-self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards']))" #. nodes: %s. LPA shard threshold: %s." % (self.graph.number_of_nodes(), node_threshold)) lpa = ConstrainedLPABase(adj_array, self.num_shards, node_threshold, self.args['terminate_delta']) lpa.initialization() community_to_node, lpa_deltas = lpa.community_detection() pickle.dump(lpa_deltas, open(config.ANALYSIS_PATH + "partition/base_blpa_" + self.args['dataset_name'], 'wb')) return self.idx2id(community_to_node, np.array(self.graph.nodes))
import logging import copy from tqdm import tqdm import numpy as np import cupy as np class ConstrainedKmeans: def __init__(self, data_feat, num_clusters, node_threshold, terminate_delta, max_iteration=20): self.logger = logging.getLogger('constrained_kmeans') self.data_feat = data_feat self.num_clusters = num_clusters self.node_threshold = node_threshold self.terminate_delta = terminate_delta self.max_iteration = max_iteration def initialization(self): centroids = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.data_feat.shape[0]), self.num_clusters, replace=False) self.centroid = {} for i in range(self.num_clusters): self.centroid[i] = self.data_feat[centroids[i].get()] def clustering(self): centroid = copy.deepcopy(self.centroid) km_delta = [] pbar = tqdm(total=self.max_iteration) pbar.set_description('Clustering') for i in range(self.max_iteration):'iteration %s' % (i,)) self._node_reassignment() self._centroid_updating() # record the average change of centroids, if the change is smaller than a very small value, then terminate delta = self._centroid_delta(centroid, self.centroid) km_delta.append(delta) centroid = copy.deepcopy(self.centroid) if delta <= self.terminate_delta: break"delta: %s" % delta) pbar.close() return self.clusters, km_delta def _node_reassignment(self): self.clusters = {} for i in range(self.num_clusters): self.clusters[i] = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.uint64) distance = np.zeros([self.num_clusters, self.data_feat.shape[0]]) for i in range(self.num_clusters): distance[i] = np.sum(np.power((self.data_feat - self.centroid[i]), 2), axis=1) sort_indices = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(distance, axis=None), distance.shape) clusters = sort_indices[0] users = sort_indices[1] selected_nodes = np.zeros(0, dtype=np.int64) counter = 0 while len(selected_nodes) < self.data_feat.shape[0]: cluster = int(clusters[counter]) user = users[counter] if self.clusters[cluster].size < self.node_threshold: self.clusters[cluster] = np.append(self.clusters[cluster], np.array(int(user))) selected_nodes = np.append(selected_nodes, np.array(int(user))) # delete all the following pairs for the selected user user_indices = np.where(users == user)[0] a = np.arange(users.size) b = user_indices[user_indices > counter] remain_indices = a[np.where(np.logical_not(np.isin(a, b)))[0]] clusters = clusters[remain_indices] users = users[remain_indices] counter += 1 def _centroid_updating(self): for i in range(self.num_clusters): self.centroid[i] = np.mean(self.data_feat[self.clusters[i].astype(int)], axis=0) def _centroid_delta(self, centroid_pre, centroid_cur): delta = 0.0 for i in range(len(centroid_cur)): delta += np.sum(np.abs(centroid_cur[i] - centroid_pre[i])) return delta if __name__ == '__main__': output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) data_feat = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [10, 2], [10, 3]]) num_clusters = 2 node_threshold = 3 terminate_delta = 0.001 cluster = ConstrainedKmeans(data_feat, num_clusters, node_threshold, terminate_delta) cluster.initialization() cluster.clustering()
import logging from lib_graph_partition.partition_kmeans import PartitionKMeans from lib_graph_partition.partition_lpa import PartitionConstrainedLPA, PartitionLPA, PartitionConstrainedLPABase from lib_graph_partition.metis_partition import MetisPartition from lib_graph_partition.partition_random import PartitionRandom class GraphPartition: def __init__(self, args, graph, dataset=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.args = args self.graph = graph self.dataset = dataset self.partition_method = self.args['partition_method'] self.num_shards = self.args['num_shards'] def graph_partition(self):'graph partition, method: %s' % self.partition_method) if self.partition_method == 'random': partition_method = PartitionRandom(self.args, self.graph) elif self.partition_method in ['sage_km', 'sage_km_base']: partition_method = PartitionKMeans(self.args, self.graph, self.dataset) elif self.partition_method == 'lpa' and not self.args['is_constrained']: partition_method = PartitionLPA(self.args, self.graph) elif self.partition_method == 'lpa' and self.args['is_constrained']: partition_method = PartitionConstrainedLPA(self.args, self.graph) elif self.partition_method == 'lpa_base': partition_method = PartitionConstrainedLPABase(self.args, self.graph) elif self.partition_method == 'metis': partition_method = MetisPartition(self.args, self.graph, self.dataset) else: raise Exception('Unsupported partition method') return partition_method.partition()
# An implementation of ``Balanced K-Means for Clustering.'' ( import logging import copy import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from munkres import Munkres from lib_graph_partition.hungarian import Hungarian from lib_graph_partition.hungarian_1 import KMMatcher class ConstrainedKmeansBase: def __init__(self, data_feat, num_clusters, node_threshold, terminate_delta, max_iteration=20): self.logger = logging.getLogger('constrained_kmeans_base') self.data_feat = data_feat self.num_clusters = num_clusters self.node_threshold = node_threshold self.terminate_delta = terminate_delta self.max_iteration = max_iteration def initialization(self): centroids = np.random.choice(np.arange(self.data_feat.shape[0]), self.num_clusters, replace=False) self.centroid = dict(zip(range(self.num_clusters), self.data_feat[centroids])) def clustering(self): centroid = copy.deepcopy(self.centroid) centroid_delta = {} km_base_delta = [] for i in range(self.max_iteration):'iteration %s' % (i)) self._node_reassignment() self._centroid_updating() # record the average change of centroids, if the change is smaller than a very small value, then terminate delta = self._centroid_delta(centroid, self.centroid) centroid_delta[i] = delta km_base_delta.append(delta) centroid = copy.deepcopy(self.centroid) if delta <= self.terminate_delta: break"delta: %s" % delta) return self.clusters, km_base_delta def _node_reassignment(self):'Node reassignment begins') self.clusters = dict( zip(np.arange(self.num_clusters), [np.zeros(0, dtype=np.uint64) for _ in range(self.num_clusters)])) distance = np.zeros([self.num_clusters, self.data_feat.shape[0]]) # cost_matrix = np.zeros([self.data_feat.shape[0], self.data_feat.shape[0]]) for i in range(self.num_clusters): distance[i] = np.sum((self.data_feat - self.centroid[i]) ** 2, axis=1) cost_matrix = np.tile(distance, (self.data_feat.shape[0], 1)) cost_matrix = cost_matrix[:self.data_feat.shape[0], :] # too slow # matrix = np.array(cost_matrix) # m = Munkres() # assignment = m.compute(matrix) # assignment = np.array(assignment) # assignment = assignment[:, 1] # hungarian = Hungarian(cost_matrix) # hungarian.calculate() # assignment = hungarian.get_results() # assignment = np.array(assignment) # assignment = assignment[np.argsort(assignment[:, 0])] # assignment = assignment[:, 1] matcher = KMMatcher(cost_matrix) assignment, _ = matcher.solve() partition = np.zeros(self.data_feat.shape[0]) for i in range(self.data_feat.shape[0]): partition[assignment[i]] = i % self.num_clusters for i in range(self.num_clusters): self.clusters[i] = np.where(partition == i)[0] def _centroid_updating(self):'Updating centroid begins') for i in range(self.num_clusters): self.centroid[i] = np.mean(self.data_feat[self.clusters[i]], axis=0) def _centroid_delta(self, centroid_pre, centroid_cur): delta = 0.0 for i in range(len(centroid_cur)): delta += np.sum(np.abs(centroid_cur[i] - centroid_pre[i])) return delta if __name__ == '__main__': output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) data_feat = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5], [10, 2], [10, 3]]) num_clusters = 2 node_threshold = 3 terminate_delta = 0.001 cluster = ConstrainedKmeansBase(data_feat, num_clusters, node_threshold, terminate_delta) cluster.initialization() cluster.clustering()
import numpy as np import networkx as nx import pymetis from import ClusterData from torch_geometric.utils import from_networkx from lib_graph_partition.partition import Partition class MetisPartition(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph, dataset): super(MetisPartition, self).__init__(args, graph, dataset) self.graph = graph self.args = args = dataset def partition(self, recursive=False): # recursive (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will use multilevel # recursive bisection instead of multilevel k-way partitioning. # (default: :obj:`False`) # only use train data, not the whole dataset self.train_data = from_networkx(self.graph) data = ClusterData(self.train_data, self.args['num_shards'], recursive=recursive) community_to_node = {} for i in range(self.args['num_shards']): community_to_node[i] = [*range(data.partptr[i], data.partptr[i+1], 1)] # map node back to original graph for com in range(self.args['num_shards']): community_to_node[com] = np.array(list(self.graph.nodes))[data.partptr.numpy()[com]:data.partptr.numpy()[com+1]] return community_to_node class PyMetisPartition(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph, dataset): super(PyMetisPartition, self).__init__(args, graph, dataset) self.graph = graph self.args = args = dataset def partition(self, recursive=False): # recursive (bool, optional): If set to :obj:`True`, will use multilevel # recursive bisection instead of multilevel k-way partitioning. # (default: :obj:`False`) # only use train data, not the whole dataset # map graph into new graph mapping = {} for i, node in enumerate(self.graph.nodes): mapping[node] = i partition_graph = nx.relabel_nodes(self.graph, mapping=mapping) adj_list = [] for line in nx.generate_adjlist(partition_graph): line_int = list(map(int, line.split())) adj_list.append(np.array(line_int)) n_cuts, membership = pymetis.part_graph(self.args['num_shards'], adjacency=adj_list) # map node back to original graph community_to_node = {} for shard_index in range(self.args['num_shards']): community_to_node[shard_index] = np.array([node_id for node_id, node_shard_index in zip(list(mapping.keys()), membership) if node_shard_index == shard_index]) return community_to_node
import copy import logging from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np class ConstrainedLPA: def __init__(self, adj, num_communities, node_threshold, terminate_delta): self.logger = logging.getLogger('constrained_lpa_single') self.adj = adj self.num_nodes = adj.shape[0] self.num_communities = num_communities self.node_threshold = node_threshold self.terminate_delta = terminate_delta def initialization(self):'initializing communities') random_nodes = np.arange(self.num_nodes) np.random.shuffle(random_nodes) self.communities = defaultdict(set) self.node_community = np.zeros(self.adj.shape[0]) # each node use node is as its community label for community, nodes in enumerate(np.array_split(random_nodes, self.num_communities)): self.communities[community] = set(nodes) self.node_community[nodes] = community def community_detection(self, iterations=100):'detecting communities') communities = copy.deepcopy(self.communities) lpa_deltas = [] # Currently, break when maximum iterations round achieves. for i in range(iterations):'iteration %s' % (i,)) desire_move = self._determine_desire_move() sort_indices = np.flip(np.argsort(desire_move[:, 2])) candidate_nodes = defaultdict(list) # allocate nodes' community with descending order of colocate count for node in sort_indices: src_community = desire_move[node][0] dst_community = desire_move[node][1] if src_community != dst_community: if len(self.communities[dst_community]) < self.node_threshold: self.node_community[node] = dst_community self.communities[dst_community].add(node) self.communities[src_community].remove(node) # reallocate the candidate nodes candidate_nodes_cur = candidate_nodes[src_community] while len(candidate_nodes_cur) != 0: node_cur = candidate_nodes_cur[0] src_community_cur = desire_move[node_cur][0] dst_community_cur = desire_move[node_cur][1] self.node_community[node_cur] = dst_community_cur self.communities[dst_community_cur].add(node_cur) self.communities[src_community_cur].remove(node_cur) candidate_nodes[dst_community_cur].pop(0) candidate_nodes_cur = candidate_nodes[src_community_cur] else: candidate_nodes[dst_community].append(node) # record the communities of each iteration, break the loop while communities are stable. delta = self._lpa_delta(communities, self.communities) lpa_deltas.append(delta)"%d" % delta) communities = copy.deepcopy(self.communities) if delta <= self.terminate_delta: break return self.communities, lpa_deltas def _determine_desire_move(self): desire_move = np.zeros([self.num_nodes, 3]) desire_move[:, 0] = self.node_community for i in range(self.num_nodes): # neighbor_community = self.node_community[np.nonzero(self.adj[i])[0]] # for non-bool adj neighbor_community = self.node_community[self.adj[i]] # for bool adj unique_community, unique_count = np.unique(neighbor_community, return_counts=True) if unique_community.shape[0] == 0: continue max_indices = np.where(unique_count == np.max(unique_count))[0] if max_indices.size == 1: desire_move[i, 1] = unique_community[max_indices] desire_move[i, 2] = unique_count[max_indices] elif max_indices.size > 1: max_index = np.random.choice(max_indices) desire_move[i, 1] = unique_community[max_index] desire_move[i, 2] = unique_count[max_index] return desire_move def _lpa_delta(self, lpa_pre, lpa_cur): delta = 0.0 for i in range(len(lpa_cur)): delta += len((lpa_cur[i] | lpa_pre[i]) - (lpa_cur[i] & lpa_pre[i])) return delta if __name__ == '__main__': output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) adj = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=np.bool) num_communities = 2 node_threshold = 3 terminate_delta = 1 lpa = ConstrainedLPA(adj, num_communities, node_threshold, terminate_delta) lpa.initialization() lpa.community_detection()
import math import pickle import cupy as cp import numpy as np import logging from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import config from lib_graph_partition.constrained_kmeans_base import ConstrainedKmeansBase from lib_graph_partition.partition import Partition from lib_graph_partition.constrained_kmeans import ConstrainedKmeans from lib_node_embedding.node_embedding import NodeEmbedding class PartitionKMeans(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph, dataset): super(PartitionKMeans, self).__init__(args, graph, dataset) self.logger = logging.getLogger('partition_kmeans') cp.cuda.Device(self.args['cuda']).use() self.load_embeddings() def load_embeddings(self): node_embedding = NodeEmbedding(self.args, self.graph, self.dataset) if self.partition_method in ["sage_km", "sage_km_base"]: self.node_to_embedding = node_embedding.sage_encoder() else: raise Exception('unsupported embedding method') def partition(self):"partitioning") embedding = [] for node in self.node_to_embedding.keys(): embedding.append(self.node_to_embedding[node]) if not self.args['is_constrained']: cluster = KMeans(n_clusters=self.num_shards, random_state=10) cluster_labels = cluster.fit_predict(embedding) node_to_community = {} for com, node in zip(cluster_labels, self.node_to_embedding.keys()): node_to_community[node] = com community_to_node = {} for com in range(len(set(node_to_community.values()))): community_to_node[com] = np.where(np.array(list(node_to_community.values())) == com)[0] community_to_node = dict(sorted(community_to_node.items())) else: # node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.num_shards) # node_threshold = math.ceil(self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.num_shards + 0.05*self.graph.number_of_nodes()) node_threshold = math.ceil( self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards'] + self.args['shard_size_delta'] * ( self.graph.number_of_nodes() - self.graph.number_of_nodes() / self.args['num_shards']))"#.nodes: %s. Shard threshold: %s." % (self.graph.number_of_nodes(), node_threshold)) if self.partition_method == 'sage_km_base': cluster = ConstrainedKmeansBase(np.array(embedding), num_clusters=self.num_shards, node_threshold=node_threshold, terminate_delta=self.args['terminate_delta']) cluster.initialization() community, km_deltas = cluster.clustering() pickle.dump(km_deltas, open(config.ANALYSIS_PATH + "partition/base_bkm_" + self.args['dataset_name'], 'wb')) community_to_node = {} for i in range(self.num_shards): community_to_node[i] = np.array(community[i]) if self.partition_method == 'sage_km': cluster = ConstrainedKmeans(cp.array(embedding), num_clusters=self.num_shards, node_threshold=node_threshold, terminate_delta=self.args['terminate_delta']) cluster.initialization() community, km_deltas = cluster.clustering() pickle.dump(km_deltas, open(config.ANALYSIS_PATH + "partition/bkm_" + self.args['dataset_name'], 'wb')) community_to_node = {} for i in range(self.num_shards): community_to_node[i] = np.array(community[i].get().astype(int)) return community_to_node
#!/usr/bin/python """ Implementation of the Hungarian (Munkres) Algorithm using Python and NumPy References: """ # Module Information. __version__ = "1.1.1" __author__ = "Thom Dedecko" __url__ = "" __copyright__ = "(c) 2010 Thom Dedecko" __license__ = "MIT License" class HungarianError(Exception): pass # Import numpy. Error if fails try: import numpy as np except ImportError: raise HungarianError("NumPy is not installed.") class Hungarian: """ Implementation of the Hungarian (Munkres) Algorithm using np. Usage: hungarian = Hungarian(cost_matrix) hungarian.calculate() or hungarian = Hungarian() hungarian.calculate(cost_matrix) Handle Profit matrix: hungarian = Hungarian(profit_matrix, is_profit_matrix=True) or cost_matrix = Hungarian.make_cost_matrix(profit_matrix) The matrix will be automatically padded if it is not square. For that numpy's resize function is used, which automatically adds 0's to any row/column that is added Get results and total potential after calculation: hungarian.get_results() hungarian.get_total_potential() """ def __init__(self, input_matrix=None, is_profit_matrix=False): """ input_matrix is a List of Lists. input_matrix is assumed to be a cost matrix unless is_profit_matrix is True. """ if input_matrix is not None: # Save input my_matrix = np.array(input_matrix) self._input_matrix = np.array(input_matrix) self._maxColumn = my_matrix.shape[1] self._maxRow = my_matrix.shape[0] # Adds 0s if any columns/rows are added. Otherwise stays unaltered matrix_size = max(self._maxColumn, self._maxRow) pad_columns = matrix_size - self._maxRow pad_rows = matrix_size - self._maxColumn my_matrix = np.pad(my_matrix, ((0,pad_columns),(0,pad_rows)), 'constant', constant_values=(0)) # Convert matrix to profit matrix if necessary if is_profit_matrix: my_matrix = self.make_cost_matrix(my_matrix) self._cost_matrix = my_matrix self._size = len(my_matrix) self._shape = my_matrix.shape # Results from algorithm. self._results = [] self._totalPotential = 0 else: self._cost_matrix = None def get_results(self): """Get results after calculation.""" return self._results def get_total_potential(self): """Returns expected value after calculation.""" return self._totalPotential def calculate(self, input_matrix=None, is_profit_matrix=False): """ Implementation of the Hungarian (Munkres) Algorithm. input_matrix is a List of Lists. input_matrix is assumed to be a cost matrix unless is_profit_matrix is True. """ # Handle invalid and new matrix inputs. if input_matrix is None and self._cost_matrix is None: raise HungarianError("Invalid input") elif input_matrix is not None: self.__init__(input_matrix, is_profit_matrix) result_matrix = self._cost_matrix.copy() # Step 1: Subtract row mins from each row. for index, row in enumerate(result_matrix): result_matrix[index] -= row.min() # Step 2: Subtract column mins from each column. for index, column in enumerate(result_matrix.T): result_matrix[:, index] -= column.min() # Step 3: Use minimum number of lines to cover all zeros in the matrix. # If the total covered rows+columns is not equal to the matrix size then adjust matrix and repeat. total_covered = 0 while total_covered < self._size: # Find minimum number of lines to cover all zeros in the matrix and find total covered rows and columns. cover_zeros = CoverZeros(result_matrix) covered_rows = cover_zeros.get_covered_rows() covered_columns = cover_zeros.get_covered_columns() total_covered = len(covered_rows) + len(covered_columns) # if the total covered rows+columns is not equal to the matrix size then adjust it by min uncovered num (m). if total_covered < self._size: result_matrix = self._adjust_matrix_by_min_uncovered_num(result_matrix, covered_rows, covered_columns) # Step 4: Starting with the top row, work your way downwards as you make assignments. # Find single zeros in rows or columns. # Add them to final result and remove them and their associated row/column from the matrix. expected_results = min(self._maxColumn, self._maxRow) zero_locations = (result_matrix == 0) while len(self._results) != expected_results: # If number of zeros in the matrix is zero before finding all the results then an error has occurred. if not zero_locations.any(): raise HungarianError("Unable to find results. Algorithm has failed.") # Find results and mark rows and columns for deletion matched_rows, matched_columns = self.__find_matches(zero_locations) # Make arbitrary selection total_matched = len(matched_rows) + len(matched_columns) if total_matched == 0: matched_rows, matched_columns = self.select_arbitrary_match(zero_locations) # Delete rows and columns for row in matched_rows: zero_locations[row] = False for column in matched_columns: zero_locations[:, column] = False # Save Results self.__set_results(zip(matched_rows, matched_columns)) # Calculate total potential value = 0 for row, column in self._results: value += self._input_matrix[row, column] self._totalPotential = value @staticmethod def make_cost_matrix(profit_matrix): """ Converts a profit matrix into a cost matrix. Expects NumPy objects as input. """ # subtract profit matrix from a matrix made of the max value of the profit matrix matrix_shape = profit_matrix.shape offset_matrix = np.ones(matrix_shape, dtype=int) * profit_matrix.max() cost_matrix = offset_matrix - profit_matrix return cost_matrix def _adjust_matrix_by_min_uncovered_num(self, result_matrix, covered_rows, covered_columns): """Subtract m from every uncovered number and add m to every element covered with two lines.""" # Calculate minimum uncovered number (m) elements = [] for row_index, row in enumerate(result_matrix): if row_index not in covered_rows: for index, element in enumerate(row): if index not in covered_columns: elements.append(element) min_uncovered_num = min(elements) # Add m to every covered element adjusted_matrix = result_matrix for row in covered_rows: adjusted_matrix[row] += min_uncovered_num for column in covered_columns: adjusted_matrix[:, column] += min_uncovered_num # Subtract m from every element m_matrix = np.ones(self._shape, dtype=int) * min_uncovered_num adjusted_matrix -= m_matrix return adjusted_matrix def __find_matches(self, zero_locations): """Returns rows and columns with matches in them.""" marked_rows = np.array([], dtype=int) marked_columns = np.array([], dtype=int) # Mark rows and columns with matches # Iterate over rows for index, row in enumerate(zero_locations): row_index = np.array([index]) if np.sum(row) == 1: column_index, = np.where(row) marked_rows, marked_columns = self.__mark_rows_and_columns(marked_rows, marked_columns, row_index, column_index) # Iterate over columns for index, column in enumerate(zero_locations.T): column_index = np.array([index]) if np.sum(column) == 1: row_index, = np.where(column) marked_rows, marked_columns = self.__mark_rows_and_columns(marked_rows, marked_columns, row_index, column_index) return marked_rows, marked_columns @staticmethod def __mark_rows_and_columns(marked_rows, marked_columns, row_index, column_index): """Check if column or row is marked. If not marked then mark it.""" new_marked_rows = marked_rows new_marked_columns = marked_columns if not (marked_rows == row_index).any() and not (marked_columns == column_index).any(): new_marked_rows = np.insert(marked_rows, len(marked_rows), row_index) new_marked_columns = np.insert(marked_columns, len(marked_columns), column_index) return new_marked_rows, new_marked_columns @staticmethod def select_arbitrary_match(zero_locations): """Selects row column combination with minimum number of zeros in it.""" # Count number of zeros in row and column combinations rows, columns = np.where(zero_locations) zero_count = [] for index, row in enumerate(rows): total_zeros = np.sum(zero_locations[row]) + np.sum(zero_locations[:, columns[index]]) zero_count.append(total_zeros) # Get the row column combination with the minimum number of zeros. indices = zero_count.index(min(zero_count)) row = np.array([rows[indices]]) column = np.array([columns[indices]]) return row, column def __set_results(self, result_lists): """Set results during calculation.""" # Check if results values are out of bound from input matrix (because of matrix being padded). # Add results to results list. for result in result_lists: row, column = result if row < self._maxRow and column < self._maxColumn: new_result = (int(row), int(column)) self._results.append(new_result) class CoverZeros: """ Use minimum number of lines to cover all zeros in the matrix. Algorithm based on: """ def __init__(self, matrix): """ Input a matrix and save it as a boolean matrix to designate zero locations. Run calculation procedure to generate results. """ # Find zeros in matrix self._zero_locations = (matrix == 0) self._shape = matrix.shape # Choices starts without any choices made. self._choices = np.zeros(self._shape, dtype=bool) self._marked_rows = [] self._marked_columns = [] # marks rows and columns self.__calculate() # Draw lines through all unmarked rows and all marked columns. self._covered_rows = list(set(range(self._shape[0])) - set(self._marked_rows)) self._covered_columns = self._marked_columns def get_covered_rows(self): """Return list of covered rows.""" return self._covered_rows def get_covered_columns(self): """Return list of covered columns.""" return self._covered_columns def __calculate(self): """ Calculates minimum number of lines necessary to cover all zeros in a matrix. Algorithm based on: """ while True: # Erase all marks. self._marked_rows = [] self._marked_columns = [] # Mark all rows in which no choice has been made. for index, row in enumerate(self._choices): if not row.any(): self._marked_rows.append(index) # If no marked rows then finish. if not self._marked_rows: return True # Mark all columns not already marked which have zeros in marked rows. num_marked_columns = self.__mark_new_columns_with_zeros_in_marked_rows() # If no new marked columns then finish. if num_marked_columns == 0: return True # While there is some choice in every marked column. while self.__choice_in_all_marked_columns(): # Some Choice in every marked column. # Mark all rows not already marked which have choices in marked columns. num_marked_rows = self.__mark_new_rows_with_choices_in_marked_columns() # If no new marks then Finish. if num_marked_rows == 0: return True # Mark all columns not already marked which have zeros in marked rows. num_marked_columns = self.__mark_new_columns_with_zeros_in_marked_rows() # If no new marked columns then finish. if num_marked_columns == 0: return True # No choice in one or more marked columns. # Find a marked column that does not have a choice. choice_column_index = self.__find_marked_column_without_choice() while choice_column_index is not None: # Find a zero in the column indexed that does not have a row with a choice. choice_row_index = self.__find_row_without_choice(choice_column_index) # Check if an available row was found. new_choice_column_index = None if choice_row_index is None: # Find a good row to accomodate swap. Find its column pair. choice_row_index, new_choice_column_index = \ self.__find_best_choice_row_and_new_column(choice_column_index) # Delete old choice. self._choices[choice_row_index, new_choice_column_index] = False # Set zero to choice. self._choices[choice_row_index, choice_column_index] = True # Loop again if choice is added to a row with a choice already in it. choice_column_index = new_choice_column_index def __mark_new_columns_with_zeros_in_marked_rows(self): """Mark all columns not already marked which have zeros in marked rows.""" num_marked_columns = 0 for index, column in enumerate(self._zero_locations.T): if index not in self._marked_columns: if column.any(): row_indices, = np.where(column) zeros_in_marked_rows = (set(self._marked_rows) & set(row_indices)) != set([]) if zeros_in_marked_rows: self._marked_columns.append(index) num_marked_columns += 1 return num_marked_columns def __mark_new_rows_with_choices_in_marked_columns(self): """Mark all rows not already marked which have choices in marked columns.""" num_marked_rows = 0 for index, row in enumerate(self._choices): if index not in self._marked_rows: if row.any(): column_index, = np.where(row) if column_index in self._marked_columns: self._marked_rows.append(index) num_marked_rows += 1 return num_marked_rows def __choice_in_all_marked_columns(self): """Return Boolean True if there is a choice in all marked columns. Returns boolean False otherwise.""" for column_index in self._marked_columns: if not self._choices[:, column_index].any(): return False return True def __find_marked_column_without_choice(self): """Find a marked column that does not have a choice.""" for column_index in self._marked_columns: if not self._choices[:, column_index].any(): return column_index raise HungarianError( "Could not find a column without a choice. Failed to cover matrix zeros. Algorithm has failed.") def __find_row_without_choice(self, choice_column_index): """Find a row without a choice in it for the column indexed. If a row does not exist then return None.""" row_indices, = np.where(self._zero_locations[:, choice_column_index]) for row_index in row_indices: if not self._choices[row_index].any(): return row_index # All rows have choices. Return None. return None def __find_best_choice_row_and_new_column(self, choice_column_index): """ Find a row index to use for the choice so that the column that needs to be changed is optimal. Return a random row and column if unable to find an optimal selection. """ row_indices, = np.where(self._zero_locations[:, choice_column_index]) for row_index in row_indices: column_indices, = np.where(self._choices[row_index]) column_index = column_indices[0] if self.__find_row_without_choice(column_index) is not None: return row_index, column_index # Cannot find optimal row and column. Return a random row and column. from random import shuffle shuffle(row_indices) column_index, = np.where(self._choices[row_indices[0]]) return row_indices[0], column_index[0] if __name__ == '__main__': profit_matrix = [ [62, 75, 80, 93, 95, 97], [75, 80, 82, 85, 71, 97], [80, 75, 81, 98, 90, 97], [78, 82, 84, 80, 50, 98], [90, 85, 85, 80, 85, 99], [65, 75, 80, 75, 68, 96]] hungarian = Hungarian(profit_matrix, is_profit_matrix=True) hungarian.calculate() print("Expected value:\t\t543") print("Calculated value:\t", hungarian.get_total_potential()) # = 543 print("Expected results:\n\t[(0, 4), (2, 3), (5, 5), (4, 0), (1, 1), (3, 2)]") print("Results:\n\t", hungarian.get_results()) print("-" * 80) cost_matrix = [ [4, 2, 8], [4, 3, 7], [3, 1, 6]] hungarian = Hungarian(cost_matrix) print('calculating...') hungarian.calculate() print("Expected value:\t\t12") print("Calculated value:\t", hungarian.get_total_potential()) # = 12 print("Expected results:\n\t[(0, 1), (1, 0), (2, 2)]") print("Results:\n\t", hungarian.get_results()) print("-" * 80) profit_matrix = [ [62, 75, 80, 93, 0, 97], [75, 0, 82, 85, 71, 97], [80, 75, 81, 0, 90, 97], [78, 82, 0, 80, 50, 98], [0, 85, 85, 80, 85, 99], [65, 75, 80, 75, 68, 0]] hungarian = Hungarian() hungarian.calculate(profit_matrix, is_profit_matrix=True) print("Expected value:\t\t523") print("Calculated value:\t", hungarian.get_total_potential()) # = 523 print("Expected results:\n\t[(0, 3), (2, 4), (3, 0), (5, 2), (1, 5), (4, 1)]") print("Results:\n\t", hungarian.get_results()) print("-" * 80)
# An implementation of `` Balanced Label Propagation for Partitioning MassiveGraphs'' ( import copy import logging from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import cvxpy as cp from scipy.stats import linregress class ConstrainedLPABase: def __init__(self, adj, num_communities, node_threshold, terminate_delta): self.logger = logging.getLogger('constrained_lpa_base') self.adj = adj self.num_nodes = adj.shape[0] self.num_communities = num_communities self.node_threshold = node_threshold self.terminate_delta = terminate_delta def initialization(self):'initializing communities') random_nodes = np.arange(self.num_nodes) np.random.shuffle(random_nodes) self.communities = defaultdict(set) self.node_community = np.zeros(self.adj.shape[0]) # each node use node is as its community label for community, nodes in enumerate(np.array_split(random_nodes, self.num_communities)): self.communities[community] = set(nodes) self.node_community[nodes] = community def community_detection(self, iterations=100):'detecting communities') communities = copy.deepcopy(self.communities) lpa_deltas = [] for i in range(iterations):'iteration %s' % (i,)) ## Step 1: calculate desired move desire_move = self._determine_desire_move() relocation = {} utility_func = {} ## Step 2: calculate parameters for linear programming problem for src_community in range(self.num_communities): for dst_community in range(self.num_communities): move_node = desire_move[np.where(np.logical_and(desire_move[:, 1] == src_community, desire_move[:, 2] == dst_community))[0]] if src_community != dst_community and move_node.size != 0: move_node = move_node[np.flip(np.argsort(move_node[:, 3]))] relocation[(src_community, dst_community)] = move_node if move_node.shape[0] == 1: utility_func[(src_community, dst_community)] = np.array([[0, move_node[0, 3]]]) else: cum_sum = np.cumsum(move_node[:, 3]) utility_func_temp = np.zeros([move_node.shape[0] - 1, 2]) for k in range(move_node.shape[0] - 1): utility_func_temp[k, 0], utility_func_temp[k, 1], _, _, _ = linregress([k, k+1], [cum_sum[k], cum_sum[k+1]]) utility_func[(src_community, dst_community)] = utility_func_temp ## Step 3: solve linear programming problem x = cp.Variable([self.num_communities, self.num_communities]) z = cp.Variable([self.num_communities, self.num_communities]) objective = cp.Maximize(cp.sum(z)) constraints = [] for src_community in range(self.num_communities): const = 0 for dst_community in range(self.num_communities): if (src_community, dst_community) in relocation: if src_community == dst_community: constraints.append(x[src_community, dst_community] == 0) constraints.append(z[src_community, dst_community] == 0) else: ## Constraint 2 of Theorem 2 constraints.append(x[src_community, dst_community] >= 0) constraints.append(x[src_community, dst_community] <= relocation[(src_community, dst_community)].shape[0]) ## Constraint 1 of Theorem 2 if (dst_community, src_community) in relocation: const += x[src_community, dst_community] - x[dst_community, src_community] ## Constraint 3 of Theorem 2 for utility_func_value in utility_func[(src_community, dst_community)]: constraints.append(- utility_func_value[0] * x[src_community, dst_community] + z[src_community, dst_community] <= utility_func_value[1]) else: constraints.append(x[src_community, dst_community] == 0) constraints.append(z[src_community, dst_community] == 0) ## Constraint 1 of Theorem 2 constraints.append(len(self.communities[src_community]) + const <= self.node_threshold) problem = cp.Problem(objective, constraints) problem.solve() ## Step 4: parse linear programming problem results if problem.status == 'optimal': x_value = np.floor(np.abs(x.value)).astype(np.int64) for src_community in range(self.num_communities): for dst_community in range(self.num_communities): if (src_community, dst_community) in relocation and x_value[src_community, dst_community] != 0: # if (src_community, dst_community) in relocation: relocation_temp = relocation[(src_community, dst_community)][:, 0].astype(np.int64) move_node = relocation_temp[:x_value[src_community, dst_community] - 1] if isinstance(move_node, np.int64): self.communities[src_community].remove(move_node) self.communities[dst_community].add(move_node) self.node_community[move_node] = dst_community else: # move_node = set(move_node) self.communities[src_community].difference_update(move_node) self.communities[dst_community].update(move_node) for node in move_node: self.node_community[node] = dst_community else:"No optimal solution, break!") break ## Check the number of moved nodes delta = self._lpa_delta(communities, self.communities) lpa_deltas.append(delta)"%d" % delta) communities = copy.deepcopy(self.communities) if delta <= self.terminate_delta: break return self.communities, lpa_deltas def _determine_desire_move(self): desire_move = [] for i in range(self.num_nodes): # neighbor_community = self.node_community[np.nonzero(self.adj[i])[0]] # for non-bool adj neighbor_community = self.node_community[self.adj[i]] # for bool adj unique_community, unique_count = np.unique(neighbor_community, return_counts=True) src_relocation = unique_count[np.where(unique_community == self.node_community[i])[0]] for community in unique_community: if community != self.node_community[i]: dst_relocation = unique_count[np.where(unique_community == community)[0]] if dst_relocation - src_relocation >= 0: desire_move_temp = np.zeros(4) desire_move_temp[0] = i desire_move_temp[1] = self.node_community[i] desire_move_temp[2] = community desire_move_temp[3] = dst_relocation - src_relocation desire_move.append(desire_move_temp) return np.stack(desire_move) def _lpa_delta(self, lpa_pre, lpa_cur): delta = 0.0 for i in range(len(lpa_cur)): delta += len((lpa_cur[i] | lpa_pre[i]) - (lpa_cur[i] & lpa_pre[i])) return delta if __name__ == '__main__': output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) adj = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]], dtype=np.bool) num_communities = 2 node_threshold = 3 terminate_delta = 1 lpa = ConstrainedLPABase(adj, num_communities, node_threshold, terminate_delta) lpa.initialization() lpa.community_detection()
import numpy as np from lib_graph_partition.partition import Partition class PartitionRandom(Partition): def __init__(self, args, graph): super(PartitionRandom, self).__init__(args, graph) def partition(self): graph_nodes = np.array(self.graph.nodes) np.random.shuffle(graph_nodes) train_shard_indices = np.array_split(graph_nodes, self.args['num_shards']) return dict(zip(range(self.num_shards), train_shard_indices))
import numpy as np class Partition: def __init__(self, args, graph, dataset=None): self.args = args self.graph = graph self.dataset = dataset self.partition_method = self.args['partition_method'] self.num_shards = self.args['num_shards'] self.dataset_name = self.args['dataset_name'] def idx2id(self, idx_dict, node_list): ret_dict = {} for com, idx in idx_dict.items(): ret_dict[com] = node_list[list(idx)] return ret_dict def id2idx(self, id_dict, node_list): ret_dict = {} for com, id in id_dict.items(): ret_dict[com] = np.searchsorted(node_list, id) return ret_dict
''' reference: ''' import numpy as np #max weight assignment class KMMatcher: ## weights : nxm weight matrix (numpy , float), n <= m def __init__(self, weights): weights = np.array(weights).astype(np.float32) self.weights = weights self.n, self.m = weights.shape assert self.n <= self.m # init label self.label_x = np.max(weights, axis=1) self.label_y = np.zeros((self.m, ), dtype=np.float32) self.max_match = 0 self.xy = -np.ones((self.n,), self.yx = -np.ones((self.m,), def do_augment(self, x, y): self.max_match += 1 while x != -2: self.yx[y] = x ty = self.xy[x] self.xy[x] = y x, y = self.prev[x], ty def find_augment_path(self): self.S = np.zeros((self.n,), np.bool) self.T = np.zeros((self.m,), np.bool) self.slack = np.zeros((self.m,), dtype=np.float32) self.slackyx = -np.ones((self.m,), # l[slackyx[y]] + l[y] - w[slackx[y], y] == slack[y] self.prev = -np.ones((self.n,), queue, st = [], 0 root = -1 for x in range(self.n): if self.xy[x] == -1: queue.append(x); root = x self.prev[x] = -2 self.S[x] = True break self.slack = self.label_y + self.label_x[root] - self.weights[root] self.slackyx[:] = root while True: while st < len(queue): x = queue[st]; st+= 1 is_in_graph = np.isclose(self.weights[x], self.label_x[x] + self.label_y) nonzero_inds = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(is_in_graph, np.logical_not(self.T)))[0] for y in nonzero_inds: if self.yx[y] == -1: return x, y self.T[y] = True queue.append(self.yx[y]) self.add_to_tree(self.yx[y], x) self.update_labels() queue, st = [], 0 is_in_graph = np.isclose(self.slack, 0) nonzero_inds = np.nonzero(np.logical_and(is_in_graph, np.logical_not(self.T)))[0] for y in nonzero_inds: x = self.slackyx[y] if self.yx[y] == -1: return x, y self.T[y] = True if not self.S[self.yx[y]]: queue.append(x) self.add_to_tree(self.yx[y], x) def solve(self, verbose = False): while self.max_match < self.n: x, y = self.find_augment_path() self.do_augment(x, y) sum = 0. for x in range(self.n): if verbose: print('match {} to {}, weight {:.4f}'.format(x, self.xy[x], self.weights[x, self.xy[x]])) sum += self.weights[x, self.xy[x]] = sum if verbose: print('ans: {:.4f}'.format(sum)) return self.xy, sum def add_to_tree(self, x, prevx): self.S[x] = True self.prev[x] = prevx better_slack_idx = self.label_x[x] + self.label_y - self.weights[x] < self.slack self.slack[better_slack_idx] = self.label_x[x] + self.label_y[better_slack_idx] - self.weights[x, better_slack_idx] self.slackyx[better_slack_idx] = x def update_labels(self): delta = self.slack[np.logical_not(self.T)].min() self.label_x[self.S] -= delta self.label_y[self.T] += delta self.slack[np.logical_not(self.T)] -= delta if __name__ == '__main__': matcher = KMMatcher([ [2., 3., 0., 3.], [0., 4., 4., 0.], [5., 6., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 7., 0.] ]) best = matcher.solve(verbose=True) print(best)
import logging import pickle import torch class GNNBase: def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('gnn') self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.model = None self.embedding_dim = 0 = None self.subgraph_loader = None def save_model(self, save_path):'saving model'), save_path) def load_model(self, save_path):'loading model') device = torch.device('cpu') self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(save_path, map_location=device)) def save_paras(self, save_path):'saving paras') self.paras = { 'embedding_dim': self.embedding_dim } pickle.dump(self.paras, open(save_path, 'wb')) def load_paras(self, save_path):'loading paras') return pickle.load(open(save_path, 'rb')) def count_parameters(self): return sum(p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) def posterior(self): self.model.eval() self.model = = posteriors = self.model( for _, mask in'test_mask'): posteriors = posteriors[mask] return posteriors.detach()
import logging import os import torch from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split torch.cuda.empty_cache() import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid from import NeighborSampler from torch_geometric.nn.conv.gcn_conv import gcn_norm import numpy as np import config from lib_gnn_model.gat.gat_net_batch import GATNet from lib_gnn_model.gin.gin_net_batch import GINNet from lib_gnn_model.gcn.gcn_net_batch import GCNNet from lib_gnn_model.graphsage.graphsage_net import SageNet from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase from parameter_parser import parameter_parser from lib_utils import utils class NodeClassifier(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, args, data=None): super(NodeClassifier, self).__init__() self.args = args self.logger = logging.getLogger('node_classifier') self.target_model = args['target_model'] self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # self.device = 'cpu' self.model = self.determine_model(num_feats, num_classes).to(self.device) = data def determine_model(self, num_feats, num_classes):'target model: %s' % (self.args['target_model'],)) if self.target_model == 'SAGE':, self.decay = 0.01, 0.001 return SageNet(num_feats, 256, num_classes) elif self.target_model == 'GAT':, self.decay = 0.01, 0.001 return GATNet(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model == 'GCN':, self.decay = 0.05, 0.0001 return GCNNet(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model == 'GIN':, self.decay = 0.01, 0.0001 return GINNet(num_feats, num_classes) else: raise Exception('unsupported target model') def train_model(self):"training model") self.model.train() self.model.reset_parameters() self.model, =, = self._gen_train_loader() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.decay) for epoch in range(self.args['num_epochs']):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) for batch_size, n_id, adjs in self.train_loader: #"batch size: %s"%(batch_size)) # `adjs` holds a list of `(edge_index, e_id, size)` tuples. adjs = [ for adj in adjs] test_node = np.nonzero([0] intersect = np.intersect1d(test_node, n_id.numpy()) optimizer.zero_grad() if self.target_model == 'GCN': out = self.model([n_id], adjs, self.edge_weight) else: out = self.model([n_id], adjs) loss = F.nll_loss(out,[n_id[:batch_size]]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'Train: {train_acc:.4f}, Test: {test_acc:.4f}') @torch.no_grad() def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, self._gen_test_loader() if self.target_model == 'GCN': out = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.edge_weight, self.device) else: out = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.device) y_true = y_pred = out.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True) results = [] for mask in [,]: results += [int(y_pred[mask].eq(y_true[mask]).sum()) / int(mask.sum())] return results def posterior(self): self.logger.debug("generating posteriors") self.model, =, self.model.eval() self._gen_test_loader() if self.target_model == 'GCN': posteriors = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.edge_weight, self.device) else: posteriors = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.device) for _, mask in'test_mask'): posteriors = F.log_softmax(posteriors[mask], dim=-1) return posteriors.detach() def generate_embeddings(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, self._gen_test_loader() if self.target_model == 'GCN': logits = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.edge_weight, self.device) else: logits = self.model.inference(, self.test_loader, self.device) return logits def _gen_train_loader(self):"generate train loader") train_indices = np.nonzero([0] edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index(, train_indices, reindex=False) if edge_index.shape[1] == 0: edge_index = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [2, 1]]) self.train_loader = NeighborSampler( edge_index,, sizes=[5, 5],, batch_size=self.args['batch_size'], shuffle=True, num_workers=0) if self.target_model == 'GCN': _, self.edge_weight = gcn_norm(, edge_weight=None,[0], add_self_loops=False)"generate train loader finish") def _gen_test_loader(self): test_indices = np.nonzero([0] if not self.args['use_test_neighbors']: edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index(, test_indices, reindex=False) else: edge_index = if edge_index.shape[1] == 0: edge_index = torch.tensor([[1, 3], [3, 1]]) self.test_loader = NeighborSampler( edge_index, node_idx=None, sizes=[-1],, # sizes=[5],, batch_size=self.args['test_batch_size'], shuffle=False, num_workers=0) if self.target_model == 'GCN': _, self.edge_weight = gcn_norm(, edge_weight=None,[0], add_self_loops=False) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../') args = parameter_parser() output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'cora' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] train_indices, test_indices = train_test_split(np.arange((data.num_nodes)), test_size=0.2, random_state=100) data.train_mask, data.test_mask = torch.zeros(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool), torch.zeros(data.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool) data.train_mask[train_indices] = True data.test_mask[test_indices] = True graphsage = NodeClassifier(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, args, data) graphsage.train_model()
import os import logging import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid, Reddit from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase from lib_gnn_model.gin.gin_net import GINNet import config class GIN(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, data=None): super(GIN, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('gin') self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.model = GINNet(num_feats, num_classes).to(self.device) = data def train_model(self, num_epochs=100): self.model.train() self.model.reset_parameters() self.model, =, optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for epoch in range(num_epochs):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model([] loss = F.nll_loss(output,[]) # loss = F.nll_loss(output,[]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'train acc: %s, test acc: %s' % (train_acc, test_acc)) def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, logits, accs = self.model(, [] for _, mask in'train_mask', 'test_mask'): pred = logits[mask].max(1)[1] acc = pred.eq([mask]).sum().item() / mask.sum().item() accs.append(acc) return accs if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../../') output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'citeseer' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] gin = GIN(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, data) gin.train_model()
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.nn import Sequential, Linear, ReLU from torch_geometric.nn import GINConv class GINNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes): super(GINNet, self).__init__() dim = 32 nn1 = Sequential(Linear(num_feats, dim), ReLU(), Linear(dim, dim)) self.conv1 = GINConv(nn1) self.bn1 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim) nn2 = Sequential(Linear(dim, dim), ReLU(), Linear(dim, dim)) self.conv2 = GINConv(nn2) self.bn2 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim) nn3 = Sequential(Linear(dim, dim), ReLU(), Linear(dim, dim)) self.conv3 = GINConv(nn3) self.bn3 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim) nn4 = Sequential(Linear(dim, dim), ReLU(), Linear(dim, dim)) self.conv4 = GINConv(nn4) self.bn4 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim) nn5 = Sequential(Linear(dim, dim), ReLU(), Linear(dim, dim)) self.conv5 = GINConv(nn5) self.bn5 = torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(dim) self.fc1 = Linear(dim, dim) self.fc2 = Linear(dim, num_classes) def forward(self, data, batch=None): x = F.relu(self.conv1(data.x, data.edge_index)) x = self.bn1(x) x = F.relu(self.conv2(x, data.edge_index)) x = self.bn2(x) x = F.relu(self.fc1(x)) x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5, x = self.fc2(x) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1) def reset_parameters(self): self.conv1.reset_parameters() self.conv2.reset_parameters()
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_geometric.nn import GATConv class GATNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, dropout=0.6): super(GATNet, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout self.conv1 = GATConv(num_feats, 8, heads=8, dropout=self.dropout, add_self_loops=False) # On the Pubmed dataset, use heads=8 in conv2. self.conv2 = GATConv(8 * 8, num_classes, heads=1, concat=False, dropout=self.dropout, add_self_loops=False) # self.conv2 = GATConv(8 * 8, num_classes, heads=8, concat=False, dropout=self.dropout, add_self_loops=False) self.reset_parameters() def forward(self, data): x = F.dropout(data.x, p=self.dropout, x = F.elu(self.conv1(x, data.edge_index)) x = F.dropout(x, p=self.dropout, x = self.conv2(x, data.edge_index) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=1) def reset_parameters(self): self.conv1.reset_parameters() self.conv2.reset_parameters()
import logging import os import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid import config from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase from lib_gnn_model.gat.gat_net import GATNet class GAT(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, data=None): super(GAT, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('gat') self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.model = GATNet(num_feats, num_classes) = data def train_model(self, num_epoch=100): self.model.train() self.model.reset_parameters() self.model, =, optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.005, weight_decay=0.0001) for epoch in range(num_epoch):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model([] loss = F.nll_loss(output,[]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'train acc: %s, test acc: %s' % (train_acc, test_acc)) def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() # self.model, =, logits, accs = self.model(, [] for _, mask in'train_mask', 'test_mask'): pred = logits[mask].max(1)[1] acc = pred.eq([mask]).sum().item() / mask.sum().item() accs.append(acc) return accs if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../../') output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'cora' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] gat = GAT(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, data) gat.train_model() # gat.evaluate_model()
import os import logging import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid from import NeighborSampler from lib_gnn_model.graphsage.graphsage_net import SageNet from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase import config class SAGE(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, data=None): super(SAGE, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('graphsage') self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # self.device = torch.device('cpu') self.model = SageNet(num_feats, 256, num_classes).to(self.device) = data def train_model(self, num_epochs=100): self.model.train() self.model.reset_parameters() self.model, =, = self._gen_train_loader() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.01, weight_decay=0.001) for epoch in range(num_epochs):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) for batch_size, n_id, adjs in self.train_loader: # `adjs` holds a list of `(edge_index, e_id, size)` tuples. adjs = [ for adj in adjs] optimizer.zero_grad() out = self.model([n_id], adjs) loss = F.nll_loss(out,[n_id[:batch_size]]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'Train: {train_acc:.4f}, Test: {test_acc:.4f}') @torch.no_grad() def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, self._gen_subgraph_loader() out = self.model.inference(, self.subgraph_loader, self.device) y_true = y_pred = out.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=True) results = [] for mask in [,]: results += [int(y_pred[mask].eq(y_true[mask]).sum()) / int(mask.sum())] return results def posterior(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, self._gen_subgraph_loader() posteriors = self.model.inference(, self.subgraph_loader, self.device) for _, mask in'test_mask'): posteriors = F.log_softmax(posteriors[mask], dim=-1) return posteriors.detach() def generate_embeddings(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, self._gen_subgraph_loader() logits = self.model.inference(, self.subgraph_loader, self.device) return logits def _gen_train_loader(self): if[1] == 0: = torch.tensor([[1, 2], [2, 1]]) self.train_loader = NeighborSampler(,, # sizes=[25, 10], batch_size=128, shuffle=True, # sizes=[25, 10],, sizes=[10, 10],, # sizes=[5, 5],, # batch_size=128, shuffle=True, batch_size=64, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) def _gen_subgraph_loader(self): self.subgraph_loader = NeighborSampler(, node_idx=None, # sizes=[-1],, sizes=[10],, # batch_size=128, shuffle=False, batch_size=64, shuffle=False, num_workers=0) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../../') output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'cora' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] graphsage = SAGE(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, data) graphsage.train_model()
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_geometric.nn import SAGEConv class SageNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, hidden_channels, out_channels): super(SageNet, self).__init__() self.num_layers = 2 self.convs = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.convs.append(SAGEConv(in_channels, hidden_channels)) self.convs.append(SAGEConv(hidden_channels, out_channels)) def forward(self, x, adjs): # `train_loader` computes the k-hop neighborhood of a batch of nodes, # and returns, for each layer, a bipartite graph object, holding the # bipartite edges `edge_index`, the index `e_id` of the original edges, # and the size/shape `size` of the bipartite graph. # Target nodes are also included in the source nodes so that one can # easily apply skip-connections or add self-loops. for i, (edge_index, _, size) in enumerate(adjs): x_target = x[:size[1]] # Target nodes are always placed first. x = self.convs[i]((x, x_target), edge_index) if i != self.num_layers - 1: x = F.relu(x) x = F.dropout(x, p=0.5, return F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1) def inference(self, x_all, subgraph_loader, device): # Compute representations of nodes layer by layer, using *all* # available edges. This leads to faster computation in contrast to # immediately computing the final representations of each batch. for i in range(self.num_layers): xs = [] for batch_size, n_id, adj in subgraph_loader: edge_index, _, size = x = x_all[n_id].to(device) x_target = x[:size[1]] x = self.convs[i]((x, x_target), edge_index) if i != self.num_layers - 1: x = F.relu(x) xs.append(x.cpu()) x_all =, dim=0) return x_all def reset_parameters(self): for i in range(self.num_layers): self.convs[i].reset_parameters()
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv class GCNNet(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes): super(GCNNet, self).__init__() self.conv1 = GCNConv(num_feats, 16, cached=True, add_self_loops=False) self.conv2 = GCNConv(16, num_classes, cached=True, add_self_loops=False) def forward(self, data): x, edge_index, edge_weight = data.x, data.edge_index, data.edge_attr x = F.relu(self.conv1(x, edge_index, edge_weight)) x = F.dropout(x, x = self.conv2(x, edge_index, edge_weight) return F.log_softmax(x, dim=-1) def reset_parameters(self): self.conv1.reset_parameters() self.conv2.reset_parameters()
import os import logging import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase from lib_gnn_model.gcn.gcn_net import GCNNet import config class GCN(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, data=None): super(GCN, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger('gcn') self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.model = GCNNet(num_feats, num_classes) = data def train_model(self, num_epoch=100): self.model.train() self.model.reset_parameters() self.model, =, optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for epoch in range(num_epoch):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model([] loss = F.nll_loss(output,[]) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'train acc: %s, test acc: %s' % (train_acc, test_acc)) def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, logits, accs = self.model(, [] for _, mask in'train_mask', 'test_mask'): pred = logits[mask].max(1)[1] acc = pred.eq([mask]).sum().item() / mask.sum().item() accs.append(acc) return accs if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../../') output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'cora' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] gcn = GCN(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, data) gcn.train_model()
import os import logging import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torch_geometric.transforms as T from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid from lib_gnn_model.gnn_base import GNNBase from lib_gnn_model.mlp.mlpnet import MLPNet import config class MLP(GNNBase): def __init__(self, num_feats, num_classes, data=None): super(MLP, self).__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.model = MLPNet(num_feats, num_classes) = data def train_model(self, num_epoch=100): self.model.train() self.model, =, optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for epoch in range(num_epoch):'epoch %s' % (epoch,)) optimizer.zero_grad() output = self.model([] # loss = F.nll_loss(output,[]) loss = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(output,[].squeeze()) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_acc, test_acc = self.evaluate_model()'train acc: %s, test acc: %s' % (train_acc, test_acc)) def evaluate_model(self): self.model.eval() self.model, =, logits, accs = self.model(, [] for _, mask in'train_mask', 'test_mask'): pred = logits[mask].max(1)[1] acc = pred.eq([mask]).sum().item() / mask.sum().item() accs.append(acc) return accs def posterior(self): self.model.eval() posteriors = self.model( for _, mask in'test_mask'): posteriors = posteriors[mask] return posteriors if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir('../../') output_file = None logging.basicConfig(filename=output_file, format='%(levelname)s:%(asctime)s: - %(name)s - : %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) dataset_name = 'Cora' dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH + dataset_name, dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) data = dataset[0] gcn = MLP(dataset.num_features, dataset.num_classes, data) gcn.train_model()
from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F class MLPNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, num_classes): super(MLPNet, self).__init__() self.xent = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.layers = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(input_size, 250), nn.Linear(250, 100), nn.Linear(100, num_classes) ) def forward(self, x): x = x.view(x.size(0), -1) x = self.layers(x) return F.softmax(x, dim=1) def loss(self, nodes, labels): scores = self.forward(nodes) return self.xent(scores, labels.squeeze()) def reset_parameters(self): return 0
import logging import time import torch from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import numpy as np from import Data import torch_geometric as tg import networkx as nx from exp.exp import Exp from lib_utils.utils import connected_component_subgraphs from lib_graph_partition.graph_partition import GraphPartition from lib_utils import utils class ExpGraphPartition(Exp): def __init__(self, args): super(ExpGraphPartition, self).__init__(args) self.logger = logging.getLogger('exp_graph_partition') self.load_data() self.train_test_split() self.gen_train_graph() self.graph_partition() self.generate_shard_data() def load_data(self): = self.data_store.load_raw_data() def train_test_split(self): if self.args['is_split']:'splitting train/test data') self.train_indices, self.test_indices = train_test_split(np.arange((, test_size=self.args['test_ratio'], random_state=100) self.data_store.save_train_test_split(self.train_indices, self.test_indices) = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(, self.train_indices)) = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(, self.test_indices)) else: self.train_indices, self.test_indices = self.data_store.load_train_test_split() = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(, self.train_indices)) = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(, self.test_indices)) def gen_train_graph(self): # delete ratio of edges and update the train graph if self.args['ratio_deleted_edges'] != 0: self.logger.debug("Before edge deletion. train data #.Nodes: %f, #.Edges: %f" % (, # self._ratio_delete_edges() = self._ratio_delete_edges( # decouple train test edges. edge_index = test_edge_indices = np.logical_or(np.isin(edge_index[0], self.test_indices), np.isin(edge_index[1], self.test_indices)) train_edge_indices = np.logical_not(test_edge_indices) edge_index_train = edge_index[:, train_edge_indices] self.train_graph = nx.Graph() self.train_graph.add_nodes_from(self.train_indices) # use largest connected graph as train graph if self.args['is_prune']: self._prune_train_set() # reconstruct a networkx train graph for u, v in np.transpose(edge_index_train): self.train_graph.add_edge(u, v) self.logger.debug("After edge deletion. train graph #.Nodes: %f, #.Edges: %f" % ( self.train_graph.number_of_nodes(), self.train_graph.number_of_edges())) self.logger.debug("After edge deletion. train data #.Nodes: %f, #.Edges: %f" % (, self.data_store.save_train_data( self.data_store.save_train_graph(self.train_graph) def graph_partition(self): if self.args['is_partition']:'graph partitioning') start_time = time.time() partition = GraphPartition(self.args, self.train_graph, self.community_to_node = partition.graph_partition() partition_time = time.time() - start_time"Partition cost %s seconds." % partition_time) self.data_store.save_community_data(self.community_to_node) else: self.community_to_node = self.data_store.load_community_data() def generate_shard_data(self):'generating shard data') self.shard_data = {} for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): train_shard_indices = list(self.community_to_node[shard]) shard_indices = np.union1d(train_shard_indices, self.test_indices) x =[shard_indices] y =[shard_indices] edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index_1(, shard_indices) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=torch.from_numpy(edge_index), y=y) data.train_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, train_shard_indices)) data.test_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, self.test_indices)) self.shard_data[shard] = data self.data_store.save_shard_data(self.shard_data) def _prune_train_set(self): # extract the the maximum connected component self.logger.debug("Before Prune... #. of Nodes: %f, #. of Edges: %f" % ( self.train_graph.number_of_nodes(), self.train_graph.number_of_edges())) self.train_graph = max(connected_component_subgraphs(self.train_graph), key=len) self.logger.debug("After Prune... #. of Nodes: %f, #. of Edges: %f" % ( self.train_graph.number_of_nodes(), self.train_graph.number_of_edges())) # self.train_indices = np.array(self.train_graph.nodes) def _ratio_delete_edges(self, edge_index): edge_index = edge_index.numpy() unique_indices = np.where(edge_index[0] < edge_index[1])[0] unique_indices_not = np.where(edge_index[0] > edge_index[1])[0] remain_indices = np.random.choice(unique_indices, int(unique_indices.shape[0] * (1.0 - self.args['ratio_deleted_edges'])), replace=False) remain_encode = edge_index[0, remain_indices] * edge_index.shape[1] * 2 + edge_index[1, remain_indices] unique_encode_not = edge_index[1, unique_indices_not] * edge_index.shape[1] * 2 + edge_index[0, unique_indices_not] sort_indices = np.argsort(unique_encode_not) remain_indices_not = unique_indices_not[sort_indices[np.searchsorted(unique_encode_not, remain_encode, sorter=sort_indices)]] remain_indices = np.union1d(remain_indices, remain_indices_not) # = torch.from_numpy(edge_index[:, remain_indices]) return torch.from_numpy(edge_index[:, remain_indices])
import logging import time from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import torch import torch_geometric as tg from import Data from scipy.spatial import distance import config from exp.exp import Exp from lib_graph_partition.graph_partition import GraphPartition from lib_gnn_model.node_classifier import NodeClassifier from lib_aggregator.aggregator import Aggregator from lib_utils import utils class ExpAttackUnlearning(Exp): def __init__(self, args): super(ExpAttackUnlearning, self).__init__(args) self.logger = logging.getLogger('exp_attack_unlearning') # 1. respond to the unlearning requests self.load_preprocessed_data() # self.graph_unlearning_request_respond() if self.args['repartition']: with open(config.MODEL_PATH + self.args['dataset_name'] + '/' + self.args['target_model']+"_unlearned_indices") as file: node_unlearning_indices = [line.rstrip() for line in file] for unlearned_node in node_unlearning_indices: self.graph_unlearning_request_respond(int(unlearned_node)) else: self.graph_unlearning_request_respond() # 2. evalute the attack performance self.attack_graph_unlearning() def load_preprocessed_data(self): self.shard_data = self.data_store.load_shard_data() self.raw_data = self.data_store.load_raw_data() self.train_data = self.data_store.load_train_data() self.train_graph = self.data_store.load_train_graph() self.train_indices, self.test_indices = self.data_store.load_train_test_split() self.community_to_node = self.data_store.load_community_data() num_feats = self.train_data.num_features num_classes = len(self.train_data.y.unique()) self.target_model = NodeClassifier(num_feats, num_classes, self.args) def graph_unlearning_request_respond(self, node_unlearning_request=None): # reindex the node ids node_to_com = self.data_store.c2n_to_n2c(self.community_to_node) train_indices_prune = list(node_to_com.keys()) if node_unlearning_request==None: # generate node unlearning requests node_unlearning_indices = np.random.choice(train_indices_prune, self.args['num_unlearned_nodes']) else: node_unlearning_indices = np.array([node_unlearning_request]) self.num_unlearned_edges =0 unlearning_indices = defaultdict(list) for node in node_unlearning_indices: unlearning_indices[node_to_com[node]].append(node) # delete a list of revoked nodes from train_graph self.train_graph.remove_nodes_from(node_unlearning_indices) # delete the revoked nodes from train_data # by building unlearned data from unlearned train_graph self.train_data.train_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(self.train_data.num_nodes), self.train_indices)) self.train_data.test_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(np.arange(self.train_data.num_nodes), np.append(self.test_indices, node_unlearning_indices))) # delete the revoked nodes from shard_data self.shard_data_after_unlearning = {} self.affected_shard=[] for shard in range(self.args["num_shards"]): train_shard_indices = list(self.community_to_node[shard]) # node unlearning train_shard_indices = np.setdiff1d(train_shard_indices, unlearning_indices[shard]) shard_indices = np.union1d(train_shard_indices, self.test_indices) x = self.train_data.x[shard_indices] y = self.train_data.y[shard_indices] edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index_1(self.train_data, shard_indices) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=torch.from_numpy(edge_index), y=y) data.train_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, train_shard_indices)) data.test_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, self.test_indices)) self.shard_data_after_unlearning[shard] = data self.num_unlearned_edges += self.shard_data[shard].num_edges - self.shard_data_after_unlearning[shard].num_edges # find the affected shard model if self.shard_data_after_unlearning[shard].num_nodes != self.shard_data[shard].num_nodes: self.affected_shard.append(shard) self.data_store.save_unlearned_data(self.train_graph, 'train_graph') self.data_store.save_unlearned_data(self.train_data, 'train_data') self.data_store.save_unlearned_data(self.shard_data_after_unlearning, 'shard_data') # retrain the correponding shard model if not self.args['repartition']: for shard in self.affected_shard: suffix = "unlearned_"+str(node_unlearning_indices[0]) self._train_shard_model(shard, suffix) # (if re-partition, re-partition the remaining graph) # re-train the shard model, save model and optimal weight score if self.args['repartition']: suffix="_repartition_unlearned_" + str(node_unlearning_indices[0]) self._repartition(suffix) for shard in range(self.args["num_shards"]): self._train_shard_model(shard, suffix) def _repartition(self, suffix): # load unlearned train_graph and train_data train_graph = self.data_store.load_unlearned_data('train_graph') train_data = self.data_store.load_unlearned_data('train_data') # repartition start_time = time.time() partition = GraphPartition(self.args, train_graph, train_data) community_to_node = partition.graph_partition() partition_time = time.time() - start_time"Partition cost %s seconds." % partition_time) # save the new partition and shard self.data_store.save_community_data(community_to_node, suffix) self._generate_unlearned_repartitioned_shard_data(train_data, community_to_node, self.test_indices) def _generate_unlearned_repartitioned_shard_data(self, train_data, community_to_node, test_indices):'generating shard data') shard_data = {} for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): train_shard_indices = list(community_to_node[shard]) shard_indices = np.union1d(train_shard_indices, test_indices) x = self.train_data.x[shard_indices] y = self.train_data.y[shard_indices] edge_index = utils.filter_edge_index_1(train_data, shard_indices) data = Data(x=x, edge_index=torch.from_numpy(edge_index), y=y) data.train_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, train_shard_indices)) data.test_mask = torch.from_numpy(np.isin(shard_indices, test_indices)) shard_data[shard] = data # self.data_store.save_unlearned_data(shard_data, 'shard_data_repartition') return shard_data def _train_shard_model(self, shard, suffix="unlearned"):'training target models, shard %s' % shard) # load shard data = self.shard_data_after_unlearning[shard] # retrain shard model self.target_model.train_model() # replace shard model device=torch.device("cpu") self.target_model.device = device self.data_store.save_target_model(0, self.target_model, shard, suffix) # self.data_store.save_unlearned_target_model(0, self.target_model, shard, suffix) def attack_graph_unlearning(self): # load unlearned indices with open(config.MODEL_PATH + self.args['dataset_name'] + "/" + self.args['target_model'] +"_unlearned_indices") as file: unlearned_indices = [line.rstrip() for line in file] # member sample query, label as 1 positive_posteriors = self._query_target_model(unlearned_indices, unlearned_indices) # non-member sample query, label as 0 negative_posteriors = self._query_target_model(unlearned_indices, self.test_indices) # evaluate attack performance, train multiple shadow models, or calculate posterior entropy, or directly calculate AUC. self.evaluate_attack_performance(positive_posteriors, negative_posteriors) def _query_target_model(self, unlearned_indices, test_indices): # load unlearned data train_data = self.data_store.load_unlearned_data('train_data') # load optimal weight score # optimal_weight=self.data_store.load_optimal_weight(0) # calculate the final posterior, save as attack feature'aggregating submodels') posteriors_a, posteriors_b, posteriors_c =[],[],[] for i in unlearned_indices: community_to_node = self.data_store.load_community_data('') shard_data = self._generate_unlearned_repartitioned_shard_data(train_data, community_to_node, int(i)) posteriors_a.append(self._generate_posteriors(shard_data, '')) suffix="unlearned_" + str(i) posteriors_b.append(self._generate_posteriors_unlearned(shard_data, suffix, i)) if self.args['repartition']: suffix = "_repartition_unlearned_" + str(i) community_to_node = self.data_store.load_community_data(suffix) shard_data = self._generate_unlearned_repartitioned_shard_data(train_data, community_to_node, int(i)) suffix = "__repartition_unlearned_" + str(i) posteriors_c.append(self._generate_posteriors(shard_data, suffix)) return posteriors_a, posteriors_b, posteriors_c def _generate_posteriors_unlearned(self, shard_data, suffix, unlearned_indice): import glob model_path=glob.glob(config.MODEL_PATH+self.args['dataset_name']+"/*_1unlearned_"+str(unlearned_indice)) if not model_path:"No corresponding unlearned shard model for node %s" % str(unlearned_indice)) return torch.tensor([0]*6) else: affected_shard = int(model_path[0].split('/')[-1].split('_')[-4]) posteriors = [] for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): if shard == affected_shard: # load the retrained the shard model self.data_store.load_target_model(0, self.target_model, shard, suffix) else: # self.target_model.model.reset_parameters() # load unaffected shard model self.data_store.load_target_model(0, self.target_model, shard, '') self.device = torch.device('cuda:3' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.target_model.model = = shard_data[shard].to(self.device) posteriors.append(self.target_model.posterior()) return torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0) def _generate_posteriors(self, shard_data, suffix): posteriors = [] for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): # self.target_model.model.reset_parameters() self.data_store.load_target_model(0, self.target_model, shard, suffix) self.device = torch.device('cuda:3' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') self.target_model.model = = shard_data[shard].to(self.device) posteriors.append(self.target_model.posterior()) return torch.mean(, dim=0), dim=0) def evaluate_attack_performance(self, positive_posteriors, negative_posteriors): # constrcut attack data label =[0])), torch.zeros(len(negative_posteriors[0])))) data={} for i in range(2): data[i] =[i]), torch.stack(negative_posteriors[i])),0) # calculate l2 distance model_b_distance = self._calculate_distance(data[0], data[1]) # directly calculate AUC with feature and labels attack_auc_b = self.evaluate_attack_with_AUC(model_b_distance, label) if self.args['repartition']: model_c_distance = self._calculate_distance(data[0], data[2]) attack_auc_c = self.evaluate_attack_with_AUC(model_c_distance, label)"Attack_Model_B AUC: %s | Attack_Model_C AUC: %s" % (attack_auc_b, attack_auc_c)) def evaluate_attack_with_AUC(self, data, label): from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score"Directly calculate the attack AUC") return roc_auc_score(label, data.reshape(-1, 1)) def _calculate_distance(self, data0, data1, distance='l2_norm' ): if distance == 'l2_norm': return np.array([np.linalg.norm(data0[i]-data1[i]) for i in range(len(data0))]) elif distance =='direct_diff': return data0 - data1 else: raise Exception("Unsupported distance")
import logging from lib_dataset.data_store import DataStore class Exp: def __init__(self, args): self.logger = logging.getLogger('exp') self.args = args self.data_store = DataStore(args) def load_data(self): pass
import logging import pickle import time from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import torch from import Data import config from exp.exp import Exp from lib_gnn_model.graphsage.graphsage import SAGE from lib_gnn_model.gat.gat import GAT from lib_gnn_model.gin.gin import GIN from lib_gnn_model.gcn.gcn import GCN from lib_gnn_model.mlp.mlp import MLP from lib_gnn_model.node_classifier import NodeClassifier from lib_aggregator.aggregator import Aggregator from lib_utils import utils class ExpNodeEdgeUnlearning(Exp): def __init__(self, args): super(ExpNodeEdgeUnlearning, self).__init__(args) self.logger = logging.getLogger('exp_node_edge_unlearning') self.target_model_name = self.args['target_model'] self.load_data() self.determine_target_model() self.run_exp() def run_exp(self): # unlearning efficiency run_f1 = np.empty((0)) unlearning_time = np.empty((0)) for run in range(self.args['num_runs']):"Run %f" % run) self.train_target_models(run) aggregate_f1_score = self.aggregate(run) # node_unlearning_time = self.unlearning_time_statistic() node_unlearning_time = 0 run_f1 = np.append(run_f1, aggregate_f1_score) unlearning_time = np.append(unlearning_time, node_unlearning_time) self.num_unlearned_edges = 0 # model utility self.f1_score_avg = np.average(run_f1) self.f1_score_std = np.std(run_f1) self.unlearning_time_avg = np.average(unlearning_time) self.unlearning_time_std = np.std(unlearning_time) "%s %s %s %s" % (self.f1_score_avg, self.f1_score_std, self.unlearning_time_avg, self.unlearning_time_std)) def load_data(self): self.shard_data = self.data_store.load_shard_data() self.raw_data = self.data_store.load_raw_data() self.train_data = self.data_store.load_train_data() self.unlearned_shard_data = self.shard_data def determine_target_model(self): num_feats = self.train_data.num_features num_classes = len(self.train_data.y.unique()) if not self.args['is_use_batch']: if self.target_model_name == 'SAGE': self.target_model = SAGE(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GCN': self.target_model = GCN(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GAT': self.target_model = GAT(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GIN': self.target_model = GIN(num_feats, num_classes) else: raise Exception('unsupported target model') else: if self.target_model_name == 'MLP': self.target_model = MLP(num_feats, num_classes) else: self.target_model = NodeClassifier(num_feats, num_classes, self.args) def train_target_models(self, run): if self.args['is_train_target_model']:'training target models') self.time = {} for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): self.time[shard] = self._train_model(run, shard) def aggregate(self, run):'aggregating submodels') # posteriors, true_label = self.generate_posterior() aggregator = Aggregator(run, self.target_model, self.train_data, self.unlearned_shard_data, self.args) aggregator.generate_posterior() self.aggregate_f1_score = aggregator.aggregate()"Final Test F1: %s" % (self.aggregate_f1_score,)) return self.aggregate_f1_score def _generate_unlearning_request(self, num_unlearned="assign"): node_list = [] for key, value in self.community_to_node.items(): # node_list.extend(value.tolist()) node_list.extend(value) if num_unlearned == "assign": num_of_unlearned_nodes = self.args['num_unlearned_nodes'] elif num_unlearned == "ratio": num_of_unlearned_nodes = int(self.args['ratio_unlearned_nodes'] * len(node_list)) if self.args['unlearning_request'] == 'random': unlearned_nodes_indices = np.random.choice(node_list, num_of_unlearned_nodes, replace=False) elif self.args['unlearning_request'] == 'top1': sorted_shards = sorted(self.community_to_node.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) unlearned_nodes_indices = np.random.choice(sorted_shards[0][1], num_of_unlearned_nodes, replace=False) elif self.args['unlearning_request'] == 'adaptive': sorted_shards = sorted(self.community_to_node.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) candidate_list = np.concatenate([sorted_shards[i][1] for i in range(int(self.args['num_shards']/2)+1)], axis=0) unlearned_nodes_indices = np.random.choice(candidate_list, num_of_unlearned_nodes, replace=False) elif self.args['unlearning_request'] == 'last5': sorted_shards = sorted(self.community_to_node.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=False) candidate_list = np.concatenate([sorted_shards[i][1] for i in range(int(self.args['num_shards']/2)+1)], axis=0) unlearned_nodes_indices = np.random.choice(candidate_list, num_of_unlearned_nodes, replace=False) return unlearned_nodes_indices def unlearning_time_statistic(self): if self.args['is_train_target_model'] and self.args['num_shards'] != 1: # random sample 5% nodes, find their belonging communities unlearned_nodes = self._generate_unlearning_request(num_unlearned="ratio") belong_community = [] for sample_node in range(len(unlearned_nodes)): for community, node in self.community_to_node.items(): if np.in1d(unlearned_nodes[sample_node], node).any(): belong_community.append(community) # calculate the total unlearning time and group unlearning time group_unlearning_time = [] node_unlearning_time = [] for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): if belong_community.count(shard) != 0: group_unlearning_time.append(self.time[shard]) node_unlearning_time.extend([float(self.time[shard]) for j in range(belong_community.count(shard))]) return node_unlearning_time elif self.args['is_train_target_model'] and self.args['num_shards'] == 1: return self.time[0] else: return 0 def _train_model(self, run, shard):'training target models, run %s, shard %s' % (run, shard)) start_time = time.time() = self.unlearned_shard_data[shard] self.target_model.train_model() train_time = time.time() - start_time self.data_store.save_target_model(run, self.target_model, shard) return train_time
import logging import time import numpy as np from exp.exp import Exp from lib_gnn_model.graphsage.graphsage import SAGE from lib_gnn_model.gat.gat import GAT from lib_gnn_model.gin.gin import GIN from lib_gnn_model.gcn.gcn import GCN from lib_gnn_model.mlp.mlp import MLP from lib_gnn_model.node_classifier import NodeClassifier from lib_aggregator.aggregator import Aggregator class ExpUnlearning(Exp): def __init__(self, args): super(ExpUnlearning, self).__init__(args) self.logger = logging.getLogger('exp_unlearning') self.target_model_name = self.args['target_model'] self.num_opt_samples = self.args['num_opt_samples'] self.load_data() self.determine_target_model() run_f1 = np.empty((0)) unlearning_time = np.empty((0)) for run in range(self.args['num_runs']):"Run %f" % run) self.train_target_models(run) aggregate_f1_score = self.aggregate(run) node_unlearning_time = self.unlearning_time_statistic() run_f1 = np.append(run_f1, aggregate_f1_score) unlearning_time = np.append(unlearning_time, node_unlearning_time) self.f1_score_avg = np.average(run_f1) self.f1_score_std = np.std(run_f1) self.unlearning_time_avg = np.average(unlearning_time) self.unlearning_time_std = np.std(unlearning_time)"%s %s %s %s" % (self.f1_score_avg, self.f1_score_std, self.unlearning_time_avg, self.unlearning_time_std)) def load_data(self): self.shard_data = self.data_store.load_shard_data() = self.data_store.load_raw_data() def determine_target_model(self): num_feats = num_classes = len( if not self.args['is_use_batch']: if self.target_model_name == 'SAGE': self.target_model = SAGE(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GCN': self.target_model = GCN(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GAT': self.target_model = GAT(num_feats, num_classes) elif self.target_model_name == 'GIN': self.target_model = GIN(num_feats, num_classes) else: raise Exception('unsupported target model') else: if self.target_model_name == 'MLP': self.target_model = MLP(num_feats, num_classes) else: self.target_model = NodeClassifier(num_feats, num_classes, self.args) def train_target_models(self, run): if self.args['is_train_target_model']:'training target models') self.time = {} for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): self.time[shard] = self._train_model(run, shard) def aggregate(self, run):'aggregating submodels') start_time = time.time() aggregator = Aggregator(run, self.target_model,, self.shard_data, self.args) aggregator.generate_posterior() self.aggregate_f1_score = aggregator.aggregate() aggregate_time = time.time() - start_time"Partition cost %s seconds." % aggregate_time)"Final Test F1: %s" % (self.aggregate_f1_score,)) return self.aggregate_f1_score def unlearning_time_statistic(self): if self.args['is_train_target_model'] and self.args['num_shards'] != 1: self.community_to_node = self.data_store.load_community_data() node_list = [] for key, value in self.community_to_node.items(): node_list.extend(value) # random sample 5% nodes, find their belonging communities sample_nodes = np.random.choice(node_list, int(0.05 * len(node_list))) belong_community = [] for sample_node in range(len(sample_nodes)): for community, node in self.community_to_node.items(): if np.in1d(sample_nodes[sample_node], node).any(): belong_community.append(community) # calculate the total unlearning time and group unlearning time group_unlearning_time = [] node_unlearning_time = [] for shard in range(self.args['num_shards']): if belong_community.count(shard) != 0: group_unlearning_time.append(self.time[shard]) node_unlearning_time.extend([float(self.time[shard]) for j in range(belong_community.count(shard))]) return node_unlearning_time elif self.args['is_train_target_model'] and self.args['num_shards'] == 1: return self.time[0] else: return 0 def _train_model(self, run, shard):'training target models, run %s, shard %s' % (run, shard)) start_time = time.time() = self.shard_data[shard] self.target_model.train_model() train_time = time.time() - start_time self.data_store.save_target_model(run, self.target_model, shard)"Model training time: %s" % (train_time)) return train_time
import os import pickle import logging import shutil import numpy as np import torch from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid, Coauthor import torch_geometric.transforms as T import config class DataStore: def __init__(self, args): self.logger = logging.getLogger('data_store') self.args = args self.dataset_name = self.args['dataset_name'] self.num_features = { "cora": 1433, "pubmed": 500, "citeseer": 3703, "Coauthor_CS": 6805, "Coauthor_Phys": 8415 } self.partition_method = self.args['partition_method'] self.num_shards = self.args['num_shards'] self.target_model = self.args['target_model'] self.determine_data_path() def determine_data_path(self): embedding_name = '_'.join(('embedding', self._extract_embedding_method(self.partition_method), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']))) community_name = '_'.join(('community', self.partition_method, str(self.num_shards), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']))) shard_name = '_'.join(('shard_data', self.partition_method, str(self.num_shards), str(self.args['shard_size_delta']), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']))) target_model_name = '_'.join((self.target_model, self.partition_method, str(self.num_shards), str(self.args['shard_size_delta']), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']))) optimal_weight_name = '_'.join((self.target_model, self.partition_method, str(self.num_shards), str(self.args['shard_size_delta']), str(self.args['ratio_deleted_edges']))) processed_data_prefix = config.PROCESSED_DATA_PATH + self.dataset_name + "/" self.train_test_split_file = processed_data_prefix + "train_test_split" + str(self.args['test_ratio']) self.train_data_file = processed_data_prefix + "train_data" self.train_graph_file = processed_data_prefix + "train_graph" self.embedding_file = processed_data_prefix + embedding_name self.community_file = processed_data_prefix + community_name self.shard_file = processed_data_prefix + shard_name self.unlearned_file = processed_data_prefix+ '_'.join(('unlearned', str(self.args['num_unlearned_nodes']))) self.target_model_file = config.MODEL_PATH + self.dataset_name + '/' + target_model_name self.optimal_weight_file = config.ANALYSIS_PATH + 'optimal/' + self.dataset_name + '/' + optimal_weight_name self.posteriors_file = config.ANALYSIS_PATH + 'posteriors/' + self.dataset_name + '/' + target_model_name dir_lists = [s + self.dataset_name for s in [config.PROCESSED_DATA_PATH, config.MODEL_PATH, config.ANALYSIS_PATH + 'optimal/', config.ANALYSIS_PATH + 'posteriors/']] for dir in dir_lists: self._check_and_create_dirs(dir) def _check_and_create_dirs(self, folder): if not os.path.exists(folder): try:"checking directory %s", folder) os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True)"new directory %s created", folder) except OSError as error:"deleting old and creating new empty %s", folder) shutil.rmtree(folder) os.mkdir(folder)"new empty directory %s created", folder) else:"folder %s exists, do not need to create again.", folder) def load_raw_data(self):'loading raw data') if not self.args['is_use_node_feature']: self.transform = T.Compose([ T.OneHotDegree(-2, cat=False) # use only node degree as node feature. ]) else: self.transform = None if self.dataset_name in ["cora", "pubmed", "citeseer"]: dataset = Planetoid(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, self.dataset_name, transform=T.NormalizeFeatures()) labels = np.unique( elif self.dataset_name in ["Coauthor_CS", "Coauthor_Phys"]: if self.dataset_name == "Coauthor_Phys": dataset = Coauthor(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, name="Physics", pre_transform=self.transform) else: dataset = Coauthor(config.RAW_DATA_PATH, name="CS", pre_transform=self.transform) else: raise Exception('unsupported dataset') data = dataset[0] return data def save_train_data(self, train_data):'saving train data') pickle.dump(train_data, open(self.train_data_file, 'wb')) def load_train_data(self):'loading train data') return pickle.load(open(self.train_data_file, 'rb')) def save_train_graph(self, train_data):'saving train graph') pickle.dump(train_data, open(self.train_graph_file, 'wb')) def load_train_graph(self):'loading train graph') return pickle.load(open(self.train_graph_file, 'rb')) def save_train_test_split(self, train_indices, test_indices):'saving train test split data') pickle.dump((train_indices, test_indices), open(self.train_test_split_file, 'wb')) def load_train_test_split(self):'loading train test split data') return pickle.load(open(self.train_test_split_file, 'rb')) def save_embeddings(self, embeddings):'saving embedding data') pickle.dump(embeddings, open(self.embedding_file, 'wb')) def load_embeddings(self):'loading embedding data') return pickle.load(open(self.embedding_file, 'rb')) def save_community_data(self, community_to_node, suffix=''):'saving community data') pickle.dump(community_to_node, open(self.community_file + suffix, 'wb')) def load_community_data(self, suffix=''):'loading community data from: %s'%(self.community_file + suffix)) return pickle.load(open(self.community_file + suffix, 'rb')) def c2n_to_n2c(self, community_to_node): node_list = [] for i in range(self.num_shards): node_list.extend(list(community_to_node.values())[i]) node_to_community = {} for comm, nodes in dict(community_to_node).items(): for node in nodes: # Map node id back to original graph # node_to_community[node_list[node]] = comm node_to_community[node] = comm return node_to_community def save_shard_data(self, shard_data):'saving shard data') pickle.dump(shard_data, open(self.shard_file, 'wb')) def load_shard_data(self):'loading shard data') return pickle.load(open(self.shard_file, 'rb')) def load_unlearned_data(self, suffix): file_path = '_'.join((self.unlearned_file, suffix))'loading unlearned data from %s' % file_path) return pickle.load(open(file_path, 'rb')) def save_unlearned_data(self, data, suffix):'saving unlearned data %s' % suffix) pickle.dump(data, open('_'.join((self.unlearned_file, suffix)), 'wb')) def save_target_model(self, run, model, shard, suffix=''): if self.args["exp"] in ["node_edge_unlearning", "attack_unlearning"]: model_path = '_'.join((self.target_model_file, str(shard), str(run), str(self.args['num_unlearned_nodes']))) + suffix model.save_model(model_path) else: model.save_model(self.target_model_file + '_' + str(shard) + '_' + str(run)) # model.save_model(self.target_model_file + '_' + str(shard)) def load_target_model(self, run, model, shard, suffix=''): if self.args["exp"] == "node_edge_unlearning": model.load_model( '_'.join((self.target_model_file, str(shard), str(run), str(self.args['num_unlearned_nodes'])))) elif self.args["exp"] == "attack_unlearning": model_path = '_'.join((self.target_model_file, str(shard), str(run), str(self.args['num_unlearned_nodes']))) + suffix print("loading target model from:" + model_path) device = torch.device('cpu') model.load_model(model_path) model.device=device else: # model.load_model(self.target_model_file + '_' + str(shard) + '_' + str(run)) model.load_model(self.target_model_file + '_' + str(shard) + '_' + str(0)) def save_optimal_weight(self, weight, run):, self.optimal_weight_file + '_' + str(run)) def load_optimal_weight(self, run): return torch.load(self.optimal_weight_file + '_' + str(run)) def save_posteriors(self, posteriors, run, suffix=''):, self.posteriors_file + '_' + str(run) + suffix) def load_posteriors(self, run): return torch.load(self.posteriors_file + '_' + str(run)) def _extract_embedding_method(self, partition_method): return partition_method.split('_')[0]
""" Implementation of ZINBAE model """ from time import time import numpy as np from keras.models import Model import keras.backend as K from keras.engine.topology import Layer, InputSpec from keras.layers import Dense, Input, GaussianNoise, Layer, Activation, Lambda, Multiply, BatchNormalization, Reshape, Concatenate, RepeatVector, Permute from keras.models import Model from keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam, RMSprop from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn import metrics import h5py import scanpy.api as sc from layers import ConstantDispersionLayer, SliceLayer, ColWiseMultLayer from loss import poisson_loss, NB, ZINB, mse_loss_v2 from preprocess import read_dataset, normalize import tensorflow as tf from numpy.random import seed seed(2211) from tensorflow import set_random_seed set_random_seed(2211) MeanAct = lambda x: tf.clip_by_value(K.exp(x), 1e-5, 1e6) DispAct = lambda x: tf.clip_by_value(tf.nn.softplus(x), 1e-4, 1e4) def mean_MSE(x_impute, x_real): return np.mean(np.square(np.log(x_impute+1)-np.log(x_real+1))) def imputate_error(x_impute, x_real, x_raw): x_impute_log = np.log(x_impute[(x_raw-x_real)<0]+1) x_real_log = np.log(x_real[(x_raw-x_real)<0]+1) return np.sum(np.abs(x_impute_log-x_real_log))/np.sum(x_real_log>0) def autoencoder(dims, noise_sd=0, init='glorot_uniform', act='relu'): """ Fully connected auto-encoder model, symmetric. Arguments: dims: list of number of units in each layer of encoder. dims[0] is input dim, dims[-1] is units in hidden layer. The decoder is symmetric with encoder. So number of layers of the auto-encoder is 2*len(dims)-1 act: activation, not applied to Input, Hidden and Output layers return: Model of autoencoder """ n_stacks = len(dims) - 1 # input sf_layer = Input(shape=(1,), name='size_factors') x = Input(shape=(dims[0],), name='counts') h = x h = GaussianNoise(noise_sd, name='input_noise')(h) # internal layers in encoder for i in range(n_stacks-1): h = Dense(dims[i + 1], kernel_initializer=init, name='encoder_%d' % i)(h) h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='encoder_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='encoder_act_%d' % i)(h) # hidden layer h = Dense(dims[-1], kernel_initializer=init, name='encoder_hidden')(h) # hidden layer, features are extracted from here h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='encoder_hidden_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='encoder_hidden_act')(h) # internal layers in decoder for i in range(n_stacks-1, 0, -1): h = Dense(dims[i], kernel_initializer=init, name='decoder_%d' % i)(h) h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='decoder_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='decoder_act_%d' % i)(h) # output pi = Dense(dims[0], activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer=init, name='pi')(h) disp = Dense(dims[0], activation=DispAct, kernel_initializer=init, name='dispersion')(h) mean = Dense(dims[0], activation=MeanAct, kernel_initializer=init, name='mean')(h) output = ColWiseMultLayer(name='output')([mean, sf_layer]) output = SliceLayer(0, name='slice')([output, disp, pi]) return Model(inputs=[x, sf_layer], outputs=output) ### Gumbel-softmax layer ### def sampling_gumbel(shape, eps=1e-8): u = tf.random_uniform(shape, minval=0., maxval=1) return -tf.log(-tf.log(u+eps)+eps) def compute_softmax(logits,temp): z = logits + sampling_gumbel( K.shape(logits) ) return K.softmax( z / temp ) def gumbel_softmax(args): logits,temp = args y = compute_softmax(logits,temp) return y class ZINB_AE(object): def __init__(self, dims, noise_sd=0, ridge=0, debug=False, eps = 1e-20): self.dims = dims self.input_dim = dims[0] self.n_stacks = len(self.dims) - 1 self.noise_sd = noise_sd self.act = 'relu' self.ridge = ridge self.debug = debug self.eps = eps self.autoencoder = autoencoder(self.dims, noise_sd=self.noise_sd, act = self.act) pi = self.autoencoder.get_layer(name='pi').output disp = self.autoencoder.get_layer(name='dispersion').output zinb = ZINB(pi, theta=disp, ridge_lambda=self.ridge, debug=self.debug) self.zinb_loss = zinb.loss # zero-inflated outputs tau_input = Input(shape=(self.dims[0],), name='tau_input') pi_ = self.autoencoder.get_layer('pi').output mean_ = self.autoencoder.output pi_log_ = Lambda(lambda x:tf.log(x+self.eps))(pi_) nondrop_pi_log_ = Lambda(lambda x:tf.log(1-x+self.eps))(pi_) pi_log_ = Reshape( target_shape=(self.dims[0],1) )(pi_log_) nondrop_pi_log_ = Reshape( target_shape=(self.dims[0],1) )(nondrop_pi_log_) logits = Concatenate(axis=-1)([pi_log_,nondrop_pi_log_]) temp_ = RepeatVector( 2 )(tau_input) temp_ = Permute( (2,1) )(temp_) samples_ = Lambda( gumbel_softmax,output_shape=(self.dims[0],2,) )( [logits,temp_] ) samples_ = Lambda( lambda x:x[:,:,1] )(samples_) samples_ = Reshape( target_shape=(self.dims[0],) )(samples_) output_ = Multiply(name='ZI_output')([mean_, samples_]) self.model = Model(inputs=[self.autoencoder.input[0], self.autoencoder.input[1], tau_input], outputs=[output_, self.autoencoder.output]) def pretrain(self, x, x_count, batch_size=256, epochs=200, optimizer='adam', ae_file='ae_weights.h5'): print('...Pretraining autoencoder...') self.autoencoder.compile(loss=self.zinb_loss, optimizer=optimizer) es = EarlyStopping(monitor="loss", patience=50, verbose=1), y=x_count, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[es], shuffle=True) self.autoencoder.save_weights(ae_file) print('Pretrained weights are saved to ./' + str(ae_file)) self.pretrained = True def fit(self, x, x_count, batch_size=256, maxiter=2e3, ae_weights=None, loss_weights=[0.01, 1], optimizer='adam', model_file='model_weight.h5'): self.model.compile(loss={'ZI_output': mse_loss_v2, 'slice': self.zinb_loss}, loss_weights=loss_weights, optimizer=optimizer) if not self.pretrained and ae_weights is None: print('...pretraining autoencoders using default hyper-parameters:') print(' optimizer=\'adam\'; epochs=200') self.pretrain(x, x_count, batch_size) self.pretrained = True elif ae_weights is not None: self.autoencoder.load_weights(ae_weights) print('ae_weights is loaded successfully.') # anneal tau tau0 = 1. min_tau = 0.5 anneal_rate = 0.0003 tau = tau0 # es = EarlyStopping(monitor="loss", patience=20, verbose=1) for e in range(maxiter): if e % 100 == 0: tau = max( tau0*np.exp( -anneal_rate * e),min_tau ) tau_in = np.ones( x[0].shape,dtype='float32' ) * tau print(tau) print("Epoch %d/%d" % (e, maxiter))[x[0], x[1], tau_in], y=x_count, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=1, shuffle=True) self.model.save_weights(model_file) if __name__ == "__main__": # setting the hyper parameters import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='train', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=256, type=int) parser.add_argument('--data_file', default='data.h5') parser.add_argument('--pretrain_epochs', default=300, type=int) parser.add_argument('--max_iters', default=2000, type=int) parser.add_argument('--gamma', default=.01, type=float) parser.add_argument('--ae_weights', default=None) parser.add_argument('--ae_weight_file', default='ae_weights.h5') parser.add_argument('--model_weight_file', default='model_weights.h5') args = parser.parse_args() # load dataset optimizer = Adam(amsgrad=True) data_mat = h5py.File(args.data_file) x = np.array(data_mat['X']) y = np.array(data_mat['Y']) true_count = np.array(data_mat['true_count']) data_mat.close() x = np.floor(x) # preprocessing scRNA-seq read counts matrix adata = sc.AnnData(x) adata.obs['Group'] = y adata = read_dataset(adata, transpose=False, test_split=False, copy=True) adata = normalize(adata, size_factors=True, normalize_input=True, logtrans_input=True) input_size = adata.n_vars print(adata.X.shape) print(y.shape) x_sd = adata.X.std(0) x_sd_median = np.median(x_sd) print("median of gene sd: %.5f" % x_sd_median) print(args) zinbae_model = ZINB_AE(dims=[input_size, 64, 32], noise_sd=2.5) zinbae_model.autoencoder.summary() zinbae_model.model.summary() # Pretrain autoencoders before clustering if args.ae_weights is None: zinbae_model.pretrain(x=[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors], x_count=adata.raw.X, batch_size=args.batch_size, epochs=args.pretrain_epochs, optimizer=optimizer, ae_file=args.ae_weight_file)[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors], x_count=[adata.raw.X, adata.raw.X], batch_size=args.batch_size, ae_weights=args.ae_weights, maxiter=args.max_iters, loss_weights=[args.gamma, 1], optimizer=optimizer, model_file=args.model_weight_file) # Impute error x_impute = zinbae_model.autoencoder.predict(x=[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors]) raw_error = imputate_error(adata.raw.X, true_count, x_raw=adata.raw.X) imputation_error = imputate_error(x_impute, true_count, x_raw=adata.raw.X) print("Before imputation error: %.4f, after imputation error: %.4f" % (raw_error, imputation_error))
import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from keras import backend as K def _nan2zero(x): return tf.where(tf.is_nan(x), tf.zeros_like(x), x) def _nan2inf(x): return tf.where(tf.is_nan(x), tf.zeros_like(x)+np.inf, x) def _nelem(x): nelem = tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(~tf.is_nan(x), tf.float32)) return tf.cast(tf.where(tf.equal(nelem, 0.), 1., nelem), x.dtype) def _reduce_mean(x): nelem = _nelem(x) x = _nan2zero(x) return tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(x), nelem) def mse_loss(y_true, y_pred): ret = tf.square(y_pred - y_true) return _reduce_mean(ret) def mse_loss_v2(y_true, y_pred): y_true = tf.log(y_true+1) y_pred = tf.log(y_pred+1) ret = tf.square(y_pred - y_true) return _reduce_mean(ret) class NB(object): def __init__(self, theta=None, masking=False, scope='nbinom_loss/', scale_factor=1.0, debug=False): # for numerical stability self.eps = 1e-10 self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.debug = debug self.scope = scope self.masking = masking self.theta = theta def loss(self, y_true, y_pred, mean=True): scale_factor = self.scale_factor eps = self.eps with tf.name_scope(self.scope): y_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.float32) y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, tf.float32) * scale_factor if self.masking: nelem = _nelem(y_true) y_true = _nan2zero(y_true) # Clip theta theta = tf.minimum(self.theta, 1e6) t1 = tf.lgamma(theta+eps) + tf.lgamma(y_true+1.0) - tf.lgamma(y_true+theta+eps) t2 = (theta+y_true) * tf.log(1.0 + (y_pred/(theta+eps))) + (y_true * (tf.log(theta+eps) - tf.log(y_pred+eps))) if self.debug: assert_ops = [ tf.verify_tensor_all_finite(y_pred, 'y_pred has inf/nans'), tf.verify_tensor_all_finite(t1, 't1 has inf/nans'), tf.verify_tensor_all_finite(t2, 't2 has inf/nans')] tf.summary.histogram('t1', t1) tf.summary.histogram('t2', t2) with tf.control_dependencies(assert_ops): final = t1 + t2 else: final = t1 + t2 final = _nan2inf(final) if mean: if self.masking: final = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(final), nelem) else: final = tf.reduce_mean(final) return final class ZINB(NB): def __init__(self, pi, ridge_lambda=0.0, scope='zinb_loss/', **kwargs): super().__init__(scope=scope, **kwargs) self.pi = pi self.ridge_lambda = ridge_lambda def loss(self, y_true, y_pred, mean=True): scale_factor = self.scale_factor eps = self.eps with tf.name_scope(self.scope): # reuse existing NB neg.log.lik. # mean is always False here, because everything is calculated # element-wise. we take the mean only in the end nb_case = super().loss(y_true, y_pred, mean=False) - tf.log(1.0-self.pi+eps) y_true = tf.cast(y_true, tf.float32) y_pred = tf.cast(y_pred, tf.float32) * scale_factor theta = tf.minimum(self.theta, 1e6) zero_nb = tf.pow(theta/(theta+y_pred+eps), theta) zero_case = -tf.log(self.pi + ((1.0-self.pi)*zero_nb)+eps) result = tf.where(tf.less(y_true, 1e-8), zero_case, nb_case) ridge = self.ridge_lambda*tf.square(self.pi) result += ridge if mean: if self.masking: result = _reduce_mean(result) else: result = tf.reduce_mean(result) result = _nan2inf(result) if self.debug: tf.summary.histogram('nb_case', nb_case) tf.summary.histogram('zero_nb', zero_nb) tf.summary.histogram('zero_case', zero_case) tf.summary.histogram('ridge', ridge) return result
from keras.engine.topology import Layer from keras.layers import Lambda from keras import backend as K import tensorflow as tf class ConstantDispersionLayer(Layer): ''' An identity layer which allows us to inject extra parameters such as dispersion to Keras models ''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) def build(self, input_shape): self.theta = self.add_weight(shape=(1, input_shape[1]), initializer='zeros', trainable=True, name='theta') self.theta_exp = tf.clip_by_value(K.exp(self.theta), 1e-3, 1e4) super().build(input_shape) def call(self, x): return tf.identity(x) def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return input_shape class SliceLayer(Layer): def __init__(self, index, **kwargs): self.index = index super().__init__(**kwargs) def build(self, input_shape): if not isinstance(input_shape, list): raise ValueError('Input should be a list') super().build(input_shape) def call(self, x): assert isinstance(x, list), 'SliceLayer input is not a list' return x[self.index] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return input_shape[self.index] nan2zeroLayer = Lambda(lambda x: tf.where(tf.is_nan(x), tf.zeros_like(x), x)) ColWiseMultLayer = lambda name: Lambda(lambda l: l[0]*(tf.matmul(tf.reshape(l[1], (-1,1)), tf.ones((1, l[0].get_shape()[1]), dtype=l[1].dtype))), name=name)
""" Implementation of scDeepCluster for scRNA-seq data """ from time import time import numpy as np from keras.models import Model import keras.backend as K from keras.engine.topology import Layer, InputSpec from keras.layers import Dense, Input, GaussianNoise, Layer, Activation, Lambda, Multiply, BatchNormalization, Reshape, Concatenate, RepeatVector, Permute from keras.models import Model from keras.optimizers import SGD, Adam, RMSprop from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn import metrics import h5py import scanpy.api as sc from layers import ConstantDispersionLayer, SliceLayer, ColWiseMultLayer from loss import poisson_loss, NB, ZINB, mse_loss_v2 from preprocess import read_dataset, normalize import tensorflow as tf from numpy.random import seed seed(2211) from tensorflow import set_random_seed set_random_seed(2211) MeanAct = lambda x: tf.clip_by_value(K.exp(x), 1e-5, 1e6) DispAct = lambda x: tf.clip_by_value(tf.nn.softplus(x), 1e-4, 1e4) def mean_MSE(x_impute, x_real): return np.mean(np.square(np.log(x_impute+1)-np.log(x_real+1))) def imputate_error(x_impute, x_real, x_raw): x_impute_log = np.log(x_impute[(x_raw-x_real)<0]+1) x_real_log = np.log(x_real[(x_raw-x_real)<0]+1) return np.sum(np.abs(x_impute_log-x_real_log))/np.sum(x_real_log>0) def autoencoder(dims, noise_sd=0, init='glorot_uniform', act='relu'): """ Fully connected auto-encoder model, symmetric. Arguments: dims: list of number of units in each layer of encoder. dims[0] is input dim, dims[-1] is units in hidden layer. The decoder is symmetric with encoder. So number of layers of the auto-encoder is 2*len(dims)-1 act: activation, not applied to Input, Hidden and Output layers return: Model of autoencoder """ n_stacks = len(dims) - 1 # input sf_layer = Input(shape=(1,), name='size_factors') x = Input(shape=(dims[0],), name='counts') h = x h = GaussianNoise(noise_sd, name='input_noise')(h) # internal layers in encoder for i in range(n_stacks-1): h = Dense(dims[i + 1], kernel_initializer=init, name='encoder_%d' % i)(h) h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='encoder_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='encoder_act_%d' % i)(h) # hidden layer h = Dense(dims[-1], kernel_initializer=init, name='encoder_hidden')(h) # hidden layer, features are extracted from here h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='encoder_hidden_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='encoder_hidden_act')(h) # internal layers in decoder for i in range(n_stacks-1, 0, -1): h = Dense(dims[i], kernel_initializer=init, name='decoder_%d' % i)(h) h = BatchNormalization(center=True, scale=False, name='decoder_batchnorm_%d' % i)(h) h = Activation(act, name='decoder_act_%d' % i)(h) # output pi = Dense(dims[0], activation='sigmoid', kernel_initializer=init, name='pi')(h) disp = Dense(dims[0], activation=DispAct, kernel_initializer=init, name='dispersion')(h) mean = Dense(dims[0], activation=MeanAct, kernel_initializer=init, name='mean')(h) output = ColWiseMultLayer(name='output')([mean, sf_layer]) output = SliceLayer(0, name='slice')([output, disp, pi]) return Model(inputs=[x, sf_layer], outputs=output) class ZINB_AE0(object): def __init__(self, dims, noise_sd=0, ridge=0, debug=False, eps = 1e-20): self.dims = dims self.input_dim = dims[0] self.n_stacks = len(self.dims) - 1 self.noise_sd = noise_sd self.act = 'relu' self.ridge = ridge self.debug = debug self.eps = eps self.autoencoder = autoencoder(self.dims, noise_sd=self.noise_sd, act = self.act) self.pi = pi = self.autoencoder.get_layer(name='pi').output self.disp = disp = self.autoencoder.get_layer(name='dispersion').output zinb = ZINB(pi, theta=disp, ridge_lambda=self.ridge, debug=self.debug) self.zinb_loss = zinb.loss self.model = Model(inputs=[self.autoencoder.input[0], self.autoencoder.input[1]], outputs=self.autoencoder.output) def pretrain(self, x, x_count, batch_size=256, epochs=200, optimizer='adam', ae_file='ae_weights.h5'): print('...Pretraining autoencoder...') self.autoencoder.compile(loss=self.zinb_loss, optimizer=optimizer) es = EarlyStopping(monitor="loss", patience=50, verbose=1), y=x_count, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, callbacks=[es], shuffle=True) self.autoencoder.save_weights(ae_file) print('Pretrained weights are saved to ./' + str(ae_file)) self.pretrained = True def fit(self, x, x_count, batch_size=256, maxiter=2e3, ae_weights=None, loss_weights=0.1, optimizer='adam', model_file='model_weight.h5'): class custom_loss(object): def __init__(self, pi=None, zinb_loss=None): self.pi = pi self.zinb_loss = zinb_loss def custom_loss(self, y_true, y_pred): loss1 = mse_loss_v2(y_true, (1-self.pi)*y_pred) loss2 = self.zinb_loss(y_true, y_pred) return loss1*loss_weights + loss2 loss = custom_loss(self.pi, self.zinb_loss) self.model.compile(loss=loss.custom_loss, optimizer=optimizer) if not self.pretrained and ae_weights is None: print('...pretraining autoencoders using default hyper-parameters:') print(' optimizer=\'adam\'; epochs=200') self.pretrain(x, x_count, batch_size) self.pretrained = True elif ae_weights is not None: self.autoencoder.load_weights(ae_weights) print('ae_weights is loaded successfully.')[x[0], x[1]], y=x_count, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=maxiter, shuffle=True) self.model.save_weights(model_file) if __name__ == "__main__": # setting the hyper parameters import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='train', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=256, type=int) parser.add_argument('--data_file', default='data.h5') parser.add_argument('--pretrain_epochs', default=300, type=int) parser.add_argument('--max_iters', default=500, type=int) parser.add_argument('--gamma', default=.01, type=float) parser.add_argument('--ae_weights', default=None) parser.add_argument('--ae_weight_file', default='ae_weights.h5') parser.add_argument('--model_weight_file', default='model_weights.h5') args = parser.parse_args() # load dataset optimizer = Adam(amsgrad=True) data_mat = h5py.File(args.data_file) x = np.array(data_mat['X']) y = np.array(data_mat['Y']) true_count = np.array(data_mat['true_count']) data_mat.close() x = np.floor(x) # preprocessing scRNA-seq read counts matrix adata = sc.AnnData(x) adata.obs['Group'] = y adata = read_dataset(adata, transpose=False, test_split=False, copy=True) adata = normalize(adata, size_factors=True, normalize_input=True, logtrans_input=True) input_size = adata.n_vars print(adata.X.shape) print(y.shape) x_sd = adata.X.std(0) x_sd_median = np.median(x_sd) print("median of gene sd: %.5f" % x_sd_median) print(args) zinbae0_model = ZINB_AE(dims=[input_size, 64, 32], noise_sd=2.5) zinbae0_model.autoencoder.summary() zinbae0_model.model.summary() # Pretrain autoencoders before clustering if args.ae_weights is None: zinbae0_model.pretrain(x=[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors], x_count=adata.raw.X, batch_size=args.batch_size, epochs=args.pretrain_epochs, optimizer=optimizer, ae_file=args.ae_weight_file)[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors], x_count=adata.raw.X, batch_size=args.batch_size, ae_weights=args.ae_weights, maxiter=args.max_iters, loss_weights=args.gamma, optimizer=optimizer, model_file=args.model_weight_file) # Impute error x_impute = zinbae0_model.autoencoder.predict(x=[adata.X, adata.obs.size_factors]) raw_error = imputate_error(adata.raw.X, true_count, x_raw=adata.raw.X) imputation_error = imputate_error(x_impute, true_count, x_raw=adata.raw.X) print("Before imputation error: %.4f, after imputation error: %.4f" % (raw_error, imputation_error))
# Copyright 2017 Goekcen Eraslan # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import pickle, os, numbers import numpy as np import scipy as sp import pandas as pd import scanpy.api as sc from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import scale #TODO: Fix this class AnnSequence: def __init__(self, matrix, batch_size, sf=None): self.matrix = matrix if sf is None: self.size_factors = np.ones((self.matrix.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.float32) else: self.size_factors = sf self.batch_size = batch_size def __len__(self): return len(self.matrix) // self.batch_size def __getitem__(self, idx): batch = self.matrix[idx*self.batch_size:(idx+1)*self.batch_size] batch_sf = self.size_factors[idx*self.batch_size:(idx+1)*self.batch_size] # return an (X, Y) pair return {'count': batch, 'size_factors': batch_sf}, batch def read_dataset(adata, transpose=False, test_split=False, copy=False): if isinstance(adata, sc.AnnData): if copy: adata = adata.copy() elif isinstance(adata, str): adata = else: raise NotImplementedError norm_error = 'Make sure that the dataset (adata.X) contains unnormalized count data.' assert 'n_count' not in adata.obs, norm_error if adata.X.size < 50e6: # check if adata.X is integer only if array is small if sp.sparse.issparse(adata.X): assert (adata.X.astype(int) != adata.X).nnz == 0, norm_error else: assert np.all(adata.X.astype(int) == adata.X), norm_error if transpose: adata = adata.transpose() if test_split: train_idx, test_idx = train_test_split(np.arange(adata.n_obs), test_size=0.1, random_state=42) spl = pd.Series(['train'] * adata.n_obs) spl.iloc[test_idx] = 'test' adata.obs['DCA_split'] = spl.values else: adata.obs['DCA_split'] = 'train' adata.obs['DCA_split'] = adata.obs['DCA_split'].astype('category') print('### Autoencoder: Successfully preprocessed {} genes and {} cells.'.format(adata.n_vars, adata.n_obs)) return adata def normalize(adata, filter_min_counts=True, size_factors=True, normalize_input=True, logtrans_input=True): if filter_min_counts: sc.pp.filter_genes(adata, min_counts=1) sc.pp.filter_cells(adata, min_counts=1) if size_factors or normalize_input or logtrans_input: adata.raw = adata.copy() else: adata.raw = adata if size_factors: sc.pp.normalize_per_cell(adata) adata.obs['size_factors'] = adata.obs.n_counts / np.median(adata.obs.n_counts) else: adata.obs['size_factors'] = 1.0 if logtrans_input: sc.pp.log1p(adata) if normalize_input: sc.pp.scale(adata) return adata def read_genelist(filename): genelist = list(set(open(filename, 'rt').read().strip().split('\n'))) assert len(genelist) > 0, 'No genes detected in genelist file' print('### Autoencoder: Subset of {} genes will be denoised.'.format(len(genelist))) return genelist def write_text_matrix(matrix, filename, rownames=None, colnames=None, transpose=False): if transpose: matrix = matrix.T rownames, colnames = colnames, rownames pd.DataFrame(matrix, index=rownames, columns=colnames).to_csv(filename, sep='\t', index=(rownames is not None), header=(colnames is not None), float_format='%.6f') def read_pickle(inputfile): return pickle.load(open(inputfile, "rb"))
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Pure Python/
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np from time import time from collections import deque initial_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 500) initial_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 500) stream_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 5000) stream_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 5000) ###################### ## TEST IKS ###################### start = time() iks_statistics = [] # collect statistics generated by IKS iks = IKS() sliding_A = deque(initial_A) # sliding window sliding_B = deque(initial_B) # sliding window for a, b in zip(initial_A, initial_B): iks.Add(a, 0) iks.Add(b, 1) # process sliding window for a, b in zip(stream_A, stream_B): iks.Remove(sliding_A.popleft(), 0) iks.Remove(sliding_B.popleft(), 1) sliding_A.append(a) sliding_B.append(b) iks.Add(a, 0) iks.Add(b, 1) iks_statistics.append(iks.KS()) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for IKS to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') ###################### ## TEST ks_2samp ###################### start = time() ks_2samp_statistics = [] # gather all statistics generated by ks_2samp sliding_A = deque(initial_A) # sliding window sliding_B = deque(initial_B) # sliding window for a, b in zip(stream_A, stream_B): sliding_A.popleft() sliding_B.popleft() sliding_A.append(a) sliding_B.append(b) ks_2samp_statistics.append(ks_2samp(sliding_A, sliding_B).statistic) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for ks_2samp to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.array(iks_statistics) - np.array(ks_2samp_statistics))) print(f'Maximum difference between IKS and ks_2samp: {max_diff}')
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from Treap import Treap from math import log class IKS: def __init__(self): self.treap = None self.n = [0, 0] @staticmethod def KSThresholdForPValue(pvalue, N): '''Threshold for KS Test given a p-value Args: pval (float): p-value. N (int): the size of the samples. Returns: Threshold t to compare groups 0 and 1. The null-hypothesis is discarded if KS() > t. ''' ca = (-0.5 * log(pvalue)) ** 0.5 return ca * (2.0 * N / N ** 2) @staticmethod def CAForPValue(pvalue): '''ca for KS Test given a p-value Args: pval (float): p-value. Returns: Threshold the "ca" that can be used to compute a threshold for KS(). ''' return (-0.5 * log(pvalue)) ** 0.5 def KS(self): '''Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The KS statistic D. ''' assert(self.n[0] == self.n[1]) N = self.n[0] if N == 0: return 0 return max(self.treap.max_value, -self.treap.min_value) / N def Kuiper(self): '''Kuiper statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The Kuiper statistic. ''' assert(self.n[0] == self.n[1]) N = self.n[0] if N == 0: return 0 return (self.treap.max_value - self.treap.min_value) / N def Add(self, obs, group): '''Insert new observation into one of the groups. Args: obs: the value of the obseration. Tip: a tuple (actual value, random value) is recommended when there is overlap between groups or if values are not guaranteed to be mostly unique. group (int): which group the observation belongs to. Must be either 0 or 1. ''' group = 0 if group == 2 else group assert(group == 0 or group == 1) key = (obs, group) self.n[group] += 1 left, left_g, right, val = None, None, None, None left, right = Treap.SplitKeepRight(self.treap, key) left, left_g = Treap.SplitGreatest(left) val = 0 if left_g is None else left_g.value left = Treap.Merge(left, left_g) right = Treap.Merge(Treap(key, val), right) Treap.SumAll(right, 1 if group == 0 else -1) self.treap = Treap.Merge(left, right) def Remove(self, obs, group): '''Remove observation from one of the groups. Args: obs: the value of the obseration. Must be identical to a previously inserted observation (including the random element of a tuple, if this was the case). group (int): which group the observation belongs to. Must be either 0 or 1. ''' group = 0 if group == 2 else group assert(group == 0 or group == 1) key = (obs, group) self.n[group] -= 1 left, right, right_l = None, None, None left, right = Treap.SplitKeepRight(self.treap, key) right_l, right = Treap.SplitSmallest(right) if right_l is not None and right_l.key == key: Treap.SumAll(right, -1 if group == 0 else 1) else: right = Treap.Merge(right_l, right) self.treap = Treap.Merge(left, right) def Test(self, ca = 1.95): '''Test whether the reference and sliding window follow the different probability distributions according to KS Test. Args: ca: ca is a parameter used to calculate the threshold for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. The default value corresponds to a p-value of 0.001. Use IKS.CAForPValue to obtain an appropriate ca. Returns: True if we **reject** the null-hypothesis that states that both windows have the same distribution. In other words, we can consider that the windows have now different distributions. ''' ca = ca or 1.95 n = self.n[0] return self.KS() > ca * (2 * n / n ** 2) ** 0.5 IKS.AddObservation = IKS.Add IKS.RemoveObservation = IKS.Remove
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Pure Python/
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np from time import time from itertools import chain from random import random from collections import deque initial = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 500) stream = list(chain(*[np.random.normal(loc = 1.0 * (i % 2), scale = 1, size = 500) for i in range(10)])) ###################### ## TEST IKS ###################### start = time() iks_statistics = [] # collect statistics generated by IKS iks = IKS() # group 0 = reference; group 1 = sliding sliding = deque() for val in initial: iks.Add((val, random()), 0) wrnd = (val, random()) # we only need to keep RND component for values in the sliding window iks.Add(wrnd, 1) sliding.append(wrnd) # process sliding window for val in stream: iks.Remove(sliding.popleft(), 1) wrnd = (val, random()) iks.Add(wrnd, 1) sliding.append(wrnd) iks_statistics.append(iks.KS()) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for IKS to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') ###################### ## TEST ks_2samp ###################### start = time() ks_2samp_statistics = [] # collect statistics gerated by ks_2samp sliding = deque(initial) # sliding window for val in stream: sliding.popleft() sliding.append(val) ks_2samp_statistics.append(ks_2samp(initial, sliding).statistic) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for ks_2samp to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.array(iks_statistics) - np.array(ks_2samp_statistics))) print(f'Maximum difference between IKS and ks_2samp: {max_diff}')
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from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np group_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 100) group_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 100) iks = IKS() for x, y in zip(group_A, group_B): iks.Add(x, 0) iks.Add(y, 1) print(iks.KS()) print(ks_2samp(group_A, group_B).statistic)
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from IKS import IKS from collections import deque from random import random class IKSSW: def __init__(self, values): '''Incremental Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sliding Window. This class assumes that one window is fixed (reference window) and another slides over a stream of data. The reference window can be updated to be the same as the current sliding window. Args: values: initial values for the reference and sliding windows. ''' self.iks = IKS() self.sw = deque() self.reference = [(x, random()) for x in values] for val in self.reference: self.iks.AddObservation(val, 1) for val in values: wrnd = (val, random()) self.sw.append(wrnd) self.iks.AddObservation(wrnd, 2) def Increment(self, value): '''Remove the oldest observation from the sliding window and replace it with a given value. Args: value: the new observation. ''' self.iks.RemoveObservation(self.sw.popleft(), 2) wrnd = (value, random()) self.iks.AddObservation(wrnd, 2) self.sw.append(wrnd) __call__ = Increment def Kuiper(self): '''Kuiper statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The Kuiper statistic. ''' return self.iks.Kuiper() def KS(self): '''Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The KS statistic D. ''' return self.iks.KS() def Update(self): '''Updates the IKSSW. The reference window becomes the sliding window. ''' for val in self.reference: self.iks.Remove(val, 1) self.reference.clear() for x in self.sw: self.reference.append((x[0], random())) for val in self.reference: self.iks.Add(val, 1) def Test(self, ca = 1.95): '''Test whether the reference and sliding window follow the different probability distributions according to KS Test. Args: ca: ca is a parameter used to calculate the threshold for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. The default value corresponds to a p-value of 0.001. Use IKS.CAForPValue to obtain an appropriate ca. Returns: True if we **reject** the null-hypothesis that states that both windows have the same distribution. In other words, we can consider that the windows have now different distributions. ''' return self.iks.Test(ca) if __name__ == "__main__": v = [random() for x in range(10)] ikssw = IKSSW(v) print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test()) for i in range(10): ikssw(random()) print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test()) ikssw.Update() print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test())
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from random import random class Treap: def __init__(self, key, value = 0): self.key = key self.value = value self.priority = random() self.size = 1 self.height = 1 self.lazy = 0 self.max_value = value self.min_value = value self.left = None self.right = None @staticmethod def SumAll(node, value): if node is None: return node.value += value node.max_value += value node.min_value += value node.lazy += value @classmethod def Unlazy(cls, node): cls.SumAll(node.left, node.lazy) cls.SumAll(node.right, node.lazy) node.lazy = 0 @classmethod def Update(cls, node): if node is None: return cls.Unlazy(node) node.size = 1 node.height = 0 node.max_value = node.value node.min_value = node.value if node.left is not None: node.size += node.left.size node.height = node.left.height node.max_value = max(node.max_value, node.left.max_value) node.min_value = min(node.min_value, node.left.min_value) if node.right is not None: node.size += node.right.size node.height = max(node.height, node.right.height) node.max_value = max(node.max_value, node.right.max_value) node.min_value = min(node.min_value, node.right.min_value) node.height += 1 @classmethod def SplitKeepRight(cls, node, key): if node is None: return None, None left, right = None, None cls.Unlazy(node) if key <= node.key: left, node.left = cls.SplitKeepRight(node.left, key) right = node else: node.right, right = cls.SplitKeepRight(node.right, key) left = node cls.Update(left) cls.Update(right) return left, right @classmethod def Merge(cls, left, right): if left is None: return right if right is None: return left node = None if left.priority > right.priority: cls.Unlazy(left) left.right = cls.Merge(left.right, right) node = left else: cls.Unlazy(right) right.left = cls.Merge(left, right.left) node = right cls.Update(node) return node @classmethod def SplitSmallest(cls, node): if node is None: return None, None left, right = None, None cls.Unlazy(node) if node.left is not None: left, node.left = cls.SplitSmallest(node.left) right = node else: right = node.right node.right = None left = node cls.Update(left) cls.Update(right) return left, right @classmethod def SplitGreatest(cls, node): if node is None: return None, None cls.Unlazy(node) if node.right is not None: node.right, right = cls.SplitGreatest(node.right) left = node else: left = node.left node.left = None right = node cls.Update(left) cls.Update(right) return left, right @staticmethod def Size(node): return 0 if node is None else node.size @staticmethod def Height(node): return 0 if node is None else node.height @classmethod def _ToList(cls, node, extractor, _list = None): if _list is None: _list = [] if node is None: return _list cls.Unlazy(node) cls._ToList(node.left, extractor, _list) _list.append(extractor(node)) cls._ToList(node.right, extractor, _list) return _list @classmethod def KeysToList(cls, node, _list = None): extractor = lambda x: x.key return cls._ToList(node, extractor, _list) @classmethod def ValuesToList(cls, node, _list = None): extractor = lambda x: x.value return cls._ToList(node, extractor, _list)
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Python C++ Wrapper/
class Node: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value = None class ForgettingBuffer: def __init__(self, values): self.first = None self.last = None for val in values: if self.first == None: self.first = Node(val) self.last = self.first else: = Node(val) self.last = def __iter__(self): cur = self.first while cur != None: yield cur.value cur = def Increment(self, value): first_value = self.first.value self.first = = Node(value) self.last = return first_value Add = Increment __call__ = Increment def Values(self): return list(self) if __name__ == "__main__": fb = ForgettingBuffer([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) for val in fb: print(val) fb(10) fb(11) fb(12) print(list(fb)) print(fb.Values())
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Python C++ Wrapper/
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np from time import time from collections import deque initial_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 500) initial_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 500) stream_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 5000) stream_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 5000) ###################### ## TEST IKS ###################### start = time() iks_statistics = [] # collect statistics generated by IKS iks = IKS() sliding_A = deque(initial_A) # sliding window sliding_B = deque(initial_B) # sliding window for a, b in zip(initial_A, initial_B): iks.Add(a, 0) iks.Add(b, 1) # process sliding window for a, b in zip(stream_A, stream_B): iks.Remove(sliding_A.popleft(), 0) iks.Remove(sliding_B.popleft(), 1) sliding_A.append(a) sliding_B.append(b) iks.Add(a, 0) iks.Add(b, 1) iks_statistics.append(iks.KS()) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for IKS to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') ###################### ## TEST ks_2samp ###################### start = time() ks_2samp_statistics = [] # gather all statistics generated by ks_2samp sliding_A = deque(initial_A) # sliding window sliding_B = deque(initial_B) # sliding window for a, b in zip(stream_A, stream_B): sliding_A.popleft() sliding_B.popleft() sliding_A.append(a) sliding_B.append(b) ks_2samp_statistics.append(ks_2samp(sliding_A, sliding_B).statistic) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for ks_2samp to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.array(iks_statistics) - np.array(ks_2samp_statistics))) print(f'Maximum difference between IKS and ks_2samp: {max_diff}')
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from cffi import FFI ffi = FFI() ffi.cdef(""" typedef struct { void * pointer; } IKS_WrappedPointer; IKS_WrappedPointer IKS_NewGeneratorWithSeed(unsigned seed); IKS_WrappedPointer IKS_NewGenerator(void); void IKS_DeleteGenerator(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer); IKS_WrappedPointer IKS_NewIKS(IKS_WrappedPointer generatorPointer); void IKS_DeleteIKS(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer); int IKS_Test(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer, double ca); double IKS_KS(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer); double IKS_Kuiper(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer); void IKS_AddObservation(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer, double obs, int which_sample); void IKS_RemoveObservation(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer, double obs, int which_sample); void IKS_AddCompositeObservation(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer, double obs, double obs_p2, int which_sample); void IKS_RemoveCompositeObservation(IKS_WrappedPointer pointer, double obs, double obs_p2, int which_sample); double IKS_KSThresholdForPValue(double pvalue, int N); double IKS_CAForPValue(double pvalue); """) clib = ffi.dlopen("iks.dll") class Generator: def __init__(self, seed = None): if seed == None: self.wp = clib.IKS_NewGenerator() else: self.wp = clib.IKS_NewGeneratorWithSeed(seed) def __del__(self): clib.IKS_DeleteGenerator(self.wp) global_generator = Generator() class IKS: def __init__(self, generator = global_generator): self.wp = clib.IKS_NewIKS(generator.wp) def __del__(self): clib.IKS_DeleteIKS(self.wp) def AddObservation(self, obs, sample): '''Insert new observation into one of the groups. Args: obs: the value of the obseration. Tip: a tuple (actual value, random value) is recommended when there is overlap between groups or if values are not guaranteed to be mostly unique. group (int): which group the observation belongs to. Must be either 0 or 1. ''' if isinstance(obs, tuple): clib.IKS_AddCompositeObservation(self.wp, obs[0], obs[1], sample) else: clib.IKS_AddObservation(self.wp, obs, sample) def RemoveObservation(self, obs, sample): '''Remove observation from one of the groups. Args: obs: the value of the obseration. Must be identical to a previously inserted observation (including the random element of a tuple, if this was the case). group (int): which group the observation belongs to. Must be either 0 or 1. ''' if isinstance(obs, tuple): clib.IKS_RemoveCompositeObservation(self.wp, obs[0], obs[1], sample) else: clib.IKS_RemoveObservation(self.wp, obs, sample) def KS(self): '''Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The KS statistic D. ''' return clib.IKS_KS(self.wp) def Kuiper(self): '''Kuiper statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The Kuiper statistic. ''' return clib.IKS_Kuiper(self.wp) def Test(self, ca = 1.95): '''Test whether the reference and sliding window follow the different probability distributions according to KS Test. Args: ca: ca is a parameter used to calculate the threshold for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. The default value corresponds to a p-value of 0.001. Use IKS.CAForPValue to obtain an appropriate ca. Returns: True if we **reject** the null-hypothesis that states that both windows have the same distribution. In other words, we can consider that the windows have now different distributions. ''' return clib.IKS_Test(self.wp, ca) == 1 @staticmethod def KSThresholdForPValue(pvalue, N): '''Threshold for KS Test given a p-value Args: pval (float): p-value. N (int): the size of the samples. Returns: Threshold t to compare groups 0 and 1. The null-hypothesis is discarded if KS() > t. ''' return clib.IKS_KSThresholdForPValue(pvalue, N) @staticmethod def CAForPValue(pvalue): '''ca for KS Test given a p-value Args: pval (float): p-value. Returns: Threshold the "ca" that can be used to compute a threshold for KS(). ''' return clib.IKS_CAForPValue(pvalue) IKS.Add = IKS.AddObservation IKS.Remove = IKS.RemoveObservation if __name__ == "__main__": import random iks = IKS() for i in range(0, 10): iks.AddObservation(i, 0) iks.AddObservation(i, 1) print(iks.KS()) print(iks.Kuiper()) print(iks.Test()) iks = IKS() for i in range(0, 10): iks.AddObservation(random.random(), 0) iks.AddObservation(random.random(), 1) print(iks.KS()) print(iks.Kuiper()) print(iks.Test())
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Python C++ Wrapper/
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np from time import time from itertools import chain from random import random from collections import deque initial = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 500) stream = list(chain(*[np.random.normal(loc = 1.0 * (i % 2), scale = 1, size = 500) for i in range(10)])) ###################### ## TEST IKS ###################### start = time() iks_statistics = [] # collect statistics generated by IKS iks = IKS() # group 0 = reference; group 1 = sliding sliding = deque() for val in initial: iks.Add((val, random()), 0) wrnd = (val, random()) # we only need to keep RND component for values in the sliding window iks.Add(wrnd, 1) sliding.append(wrnd) # process sliding window for val in stream: iks.Remove(sliding.popleft(), 1) wrnd = (val, random()) iks.Add(wrnd, 1) sliding.append(wrnd) iks_statistics.append(iks.KS()) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for IKS to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') ###################### ## TEST ks_2samp ###################### start = time() ks_2samp_statistics = [] # collect statistics gerated by ks_2samp sliding = deque(initial) # sliding window for val in stream: sliding.popleft() sliding.append(val) ks_2samp_statistics.append(ks_2samp(initial, sliding).statistic) finish = time() print(f'Elapsed time for ks_2samp to process stream: {round(finish - start, 2)} sec') max_diff = np.max(np.abs(np.array(iks_statistics) - np.array(ks_2samp_statistics))) print(f'Maximum difference between IKS and ks_2samp: {max_diff}')
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Python C++ Wrapper/
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp from IKS import IKS import numpy as np group_A = np.random.normal(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 100) group_B = np.random.normal(loc = 1, scale = 1, size = 100) iks = IKS() for x, y in zip(group_A, group_B): iks.Add(x, 0) iks.Add(y, 1) print(iks.KS()) print(ks_2samp(group_A, group_B).statistic)
incremental-ks-master/IncrementalKS/Python C++ Wrapper/
from IKS import IKS from collections import deque from random import random class IKSSW: def __init__(self, values): '''Incremental Kolmogorov-Smirnov Sliding Window. This class assumes that one window is fixed (reference window) and another slides over a stream of data. The reference window can be updated to be the same as the current sliding window. Args: values: initial values for the reference and sliding windows. ''' self.iks = IKS() self.sw = deque() self.reference = [(x, random()) for x in values] for val in self.reference: self.iks.AddObservation(val, 1) for val in values: wrnd = (val, random()) self.sw.append(wrnd) self.iks.AddObservation(wrnd, 2) def Increment(self, value): '''Remove the oldest observation from the sliding window and replace it with a given value. Args: value: the new observation. ''' self.iks.RemoveObservation(self.sw.popleft(), 2) wrnd = (value, random()) self.iks.AddObservation(wrnd, 2) self.sw.append(wrnd) __call__ = Increment def Kuiper(self): '''Kuiper statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The Kuiper statistic. ''' return self.iks.Kuiper() def KS(self): '''Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. Both groups must have the same number of observations. Returns: The KS statistic D. ''' return self.iks.KS() def Update(self): '''Updates the IKSSW. The reference window becomes the sliding window. ''' for val in self.reference: self.iks.Remove(val, 1) self.reference.clear() for x in self.sw: self.reference.append((x[0], random())) for val in self.reference: self.iks.Add(val, 1) def Test(self, ca = 1.95): '''Test whether the reference and sliding window follow the different probability distributions according to KS Test. Args: ca: ca is a parameter used to calculate the threshold for the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic. The default value corresponds to a p-value of 0.001. Use IKS.CAForPValue to obtain an appropriate ca. Returns: True if we **reject** the null-hypothesis that states that both windows have the same distribution. In other words, we can consider that the windows have now different distributions. ''' return self.iks.Test(ca) if __name__ == "__main__": v = [random() for x in range(10)] ikssw = IKSSW(v) print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test()) for i in range(10): ikssw(random()) print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test()) ikssw.Update() print(ikssw.KS(), ikssw.Kuiper(), ikssw.Test())
#!/usr/bin/env python import os import argparse import numpy as np def main(): ps = argparse.ArgumentParser() ps.add_argument('--remove', action='store_true', default=False, help='Removes ascii files.') ps.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help='Overwrites binary files -- mandatory for every machine swap. ') args = ps.parse_args() print args # get grids directory for gdname in ['grids', 'grids_ABS']: cwd = os.getcwd() gdir = os.path.join(cwd, gdname) dl = os.listdir(gdir) # go through each grid directory for direc in dl: # path to directory path = os.path.join(gdir, direc) # directories only if not os.path.isdir(path): continue # list of spectra gl = os.path.join(path, 'gridlist') # load the list synlist = np.loadtxt(gl, dtype=str, unpack=True, usecols=[0]) # transform each spectrum to binary for synspec in synlist: # define name of the binary file bin_synspec = synspec + '.npz' if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, bin_synspec)) and not args.overwrite: print "File: %s exists." % bin_synspec if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, synspec)) and args.remove: os.remove(os.path.join(path, synspec)) continue # load the ascii spectrum and save it as binary file w, i = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, synspec), unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) np.savez(os.path.join(path, bin_synspec), w, i) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, synspec)) and args.remove: os.remove(os.path.join(path, synspec)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# reads basic classes from .synthetic.makespectrum import SyntheticSpectrum from .synthetic.makespectrum import SyntheticGrid from .observed.observations import ObservedSpectrum from .fitting.interface import ObservedList from .fitting.interface import StarList from .fitting.interface import RegionList from .fitting.interface import Interface from .fitting.parameter import Parameter from .fitting.fitter import Fitter from .synthetic.auxiliary import parlist_to_list from .plotting.plotting import * # setup default directories of the grid
import os import nlopt import emcee # import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fmin from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp try: from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution except ImportError as ex: print ex differential_evolution = None from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import parlist_to_list from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import string2bool from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import read_text_file from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import renew_file fitters = dict( sp_nelder_mead=dict(par0type='value', optional_kwargs=['xtol', 'ftol', 'maxiter', 'maxfun'], object=fmin, uses_bounds=False, info='Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm. ' 'Implemetation:' 'scipy.optimize.fmin.html#scipy.optimize.fmin Ineffective for high dimensional' ' parameter space.'), sp_slsqp=dict(par0type='value', optional_kwargs=['ftol'], object=fmin_slsqp, uses_bounds=True, info='Sequential Least Square Programming. ' 'Implemetation:' 'scipy.optimize.fmin.html#scipy.optimize.fmin Ineffective for high dimensional' ' parameter spacse.'), sp_diff_evol=dict(par0type='limit', optional_kwargs=['popsize', 'tol', 'strategy', 'maxiter'], object=differential_evolution, uses_bounds=False, info='Differential evolution algorithm.' 'Implemetation:' 'scipy.optimize.fmin.html#scipy.optimize.fmin.'), nlopt_nelder_mead=dict(par0type='value', optional_kwargs=['xtol', 'ftol', 'maxfun'], object=None, environment=nlopt.LN_NELDERMEAD, uses_bounds=True, info='Nelder-Mead Simplex. Implementation NLOPT: Steven G. Johnson, ' 'The NLopt nonlinear-optimization package,'), nlopt_sbplx=dict(par0type='value', optional_kwargs=['xtol', 'ftol', 'maxfun'], object=None, environment=nlopt.LN_SBPLX, uses_bounds=True, info='Sbplx - a variation of the Tom Rowans Subplex. ' 'Implementation NLOPT: Steven G. Johnson, The NLopt ' 'nonlinear-optimization package,'), ) class Fitter(object): """ """ def __init__(self, name=None, fitparams=None, verbose=False, debug=False, fitlog='fit.log', **kwargs): """ :param name: name of the fitting environment :param fitparams a list of Parameter types :param verbose whether to save detailed chi_square information :param debug: debugmode :param fitlog: file in which the fitting is logged :param kwargs: fitting environment control keywords :return: """ # pass the parameters if fitparams is None: self.fitparams = [] else: self.fitparams = fitparams self.verbose = verbose self.fitlog = fitlog self.debug = debug self.fittername = name # empty parameters self.fitter = None self.fit_kwargs = {} self.par0 = [] self.uses_bounds = False = None self.vmins = None self.vmaxs = None self.nlopt_environment = None # empty list of all trial fits self.iters = [] self.parameter_identification = None # iteration number self.iter_number = 0 # choose a fitter if one # was given if name is not None: self.choose_fitter(name, **kwargs) def __call__(self, func, *args): """ :param func: :param args: :return: """ # emtpy the fitlog renew_file(self.fitlog) # reset the counter and clear the fitting self.iter_number = 0 self.iters = [] # debug if self.debug: print "Started fitted with fitting environment: %s\n" \ " vector of parameters: %s and optional" \ " enviromental parameters: %s." % (self.fittername, str(self.par0), str(self.fit_kwargs)) if len(self.par0) == 0: raise ValueError('No initial vector of parameters (wrapped in Parameter class) was passed.') # check that initial parameters do not lie outside the fitted region. self.check_initial_parameters() # run fitting if == 'sp': if self.uses_bounds: bounds = [[vmin, vmax] for vmin, vmax in zip(self.vmins, self.vmaxs)] self.result = self.fitter(func, self.par0, args=args, bounds=bounds, **self.fit_kwargs) else: self.result = self.fitter(func, self.par0, args=args, **self.fit_kwargs) elif == 'nlopt': # define function for the nlopt fitter def f(x, grad): return func(x, *args) # check that we are searching minimum self.fitter.set_min_objective(f) # the fitting self.result = self.fitter.optimize(self.par0) # we want only set of parameters for the result # very in elegant if not isinstance(self.result, (list, tuple, type(np.array([])))): self.result = self.result.x def __str__(self): """ String representation of the class. :return: """ string = '' string += 'Fitter: %s optional_arguments: %s\n' % (self.fittername, str(self.fit_kwargs)) string += 'Initial parameters:' for i, par in enumerate(self.fitparams): string += "(%s, g.): (%s, %s); " % (par['name'], str(self.par0[i]), str(par['group'])) if (i + 1) % 5 == 0: string += '\n' string += '\n' return string def append_iteration(self, iter): """ Appends each iteration. :param iter the iteration :return: """ # TODO this function has to be improved. self.iter_number += 1 # print iter self.iters.append(iter) # if the number of iterations exceeds a certain number # they are written to a file if self.iter_number % 1000 < 1: self.flush_iters() self.iters = [] def clear_all(self): """ :return: """ self.__init__() def check_initial_parameters(self): """ Checks that initial parameters do not lie outside the fitted region. :return: """ p0 = self.par0 for i, p in enumerate(self.fitparams): # differential evolution uses interval as a p0, and # this function tests only floats if isinstance(p0[i], (list, tuple)): continue if (p0[i] > p['vmax']) | (p0[i] < p['vmin']): raise ValueError('Parameter %s (group %i) lies outside the fitted regions! %f not in (%f, %f)' % (p['name'], p['group'], p['value'], p['vmin'], p['vmax'])) def choose_fitter(self, name, fitparams=None, init_step=None, **kwargs): """ Selects a fitter from the list of available ones and prepares the fitting variables. :param name: name of the fitting environment :param fitparams: list of fitted parameters ech wrapped within Parameter class :param kwargs: keyword arguments controlling the respective fitting environement :return: """ # clear the class first self.clear_all() # check the input if name.lower() not in fitters.keys(): raise ValueError('Fitter: %s is unknown. Registered fitters are:\n %s.' % (name, self.list_fitters())) else: self.fitter = fitters[name]['object'] self.fittername = name for key in kwargs.keys(): if key not in fitters[name]['optional_kwargs']: raise KeyError('The parameter: %s is not listed among ' 'optional_kwargs for fitter: %s. The eligible' 'optional_kwargs are: %s' % (key, name, str(fitters[name]['optional_kwargs']))) else: self.fit_kwargs[key] = kwargs[key] if self.debug: print 'Choosing environment: %s\n' \ ' environmental parameters: %s.' % (name, str(self.fit_kwargs)) # if we want to change the fitted parameters if fitparams is None: fitparams = self.fitparams else: self.fitparams = fitparams # set up initial value if fitters[name]['par0type'] == 'value': self.par0 = parlist_to_list(fitparams, property='value') if fitters[name]['par0type'] == 'limit': vmins = parlist_to_list(fitparams, property='vmin') vmaxs = parlist_to_list(fitparams, property='vmax') self.par0 = [[vmin, vmax] for vmin, vmax in zip(vmins, vmaxs)] if self.debug: print 'Setting initial parameters: %s' % str(self.par0) # checks that there are any fitting boundaries if fitters[name]['uses_bounds']: self.uses_bounds = True self.vmins = parlist_to_list(fitparams, property='vmin') self.vmaxs = parlist_to_list(fitparams, property='vmax') else: self.uses_bounds = False # set up family = name.split('_')[0] if == 'nlopt': self.nlopt_environment = fitters[name]['environment'] self.setup_nlopt(init_step=init_step) def flush_iters(self, f=None): """ Flushes all records within self.iters to a file :param f: filename :return: """ if f is None: f = self.fitlog # create a block of lines lines = [] # if the file is empty add header # print os.path.getsize(self.fitlog) if os.path.getsize(self.fitlog) == 0: # construct the header header = self.make_header() lines.append(header) for row in self.iters: line = '' # create a row of parameters + chi2 p = row['parameters'] d = np.zeros(len(p)+1) d[:-1] = p d[-1] = row['chi2'] for i in range(0, len(d)): line += '%s ' % str(d[i]) line += '\n' # append the row lines.append(line) # print line # write the to a file ofile = open(f, 'a') ofile.writelines(lines) ofile.close() def run_mcmc(self, chi_square, chain_file, fitparams, nwalkers, niter, *args): """ :param chi_square :param fitparams :param nwalkers :param niter :param args :return: """ def lnlike(pars, *args): """ Model probability. :param pars: :param args: :return: """ return -0.5*chi_square(pars, *args) # define the boundaries and the priors def lnprior(pars): """ Prior probabilities i.e. boundaries. :param pars: :return: """ for p, vmin, vmax in zip(pars, self.vmins, self.vmaxs): if (p < vmin) | (p > vmax): return -np.inf return 0.0 def lnprob(pars, *args): """ The full probability function. :param pars: :param args: :return: """ lp = lnprior(pars) if not np.isfinite(lp): return -np.inf return lp + lnlike(pars, *args) # get the dimensions ndim = len(fitparams) # initialize the sampler pos = np.array([[wmin + (wmax - wmin) * np.random.rand() for wmin, wmax in zip(self.vmins, self.vmaxs)] for i in range(nwalkers)]) # setup the sampler sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, args=args) # initialize the file - create the header if self.parameter_identification is not None: header = [self.make_header()] else: header = [''] # write the header and close the file ofile = open(chain_file, 'w') ofile.writelines(header) ofile.close() # run the sampler for result in sampler.sample(pos, iterations=niter, storechain=False): position = result[0] ofile = open(chain_file, 'a') for k in range(position.shape[0]): ofile.write("%d %s %f\n" % (k, " ".join(['%.12f' % i for i in position[k]]), result[1][k])) ofile.close() @staticmethod def list_fitters(): """ Lists all fitters. :return: string : a list of all fitters. """ string = '\n'.rjust(100, '=') for key in fitters.keys(): string += "Name: %s\n" % key string += "Optional parameters: %s\n" % str(fitters[key]['optional_kwargs']) string += "Uses boundaries: %s\n" % str(fitters[key]['uses_bounds']) string += "Description: %s\n" % fitters[key]['info'] string += '\n'.rjust(100, '=') return string def load(self, f): """ Loads the text representation of the class from a file f. :param f :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) data_start = len(lines) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.find('FITTER') > -1: data_start = i break # check that there are actually some data in the file if data_start >= len(lines): return False # create the class fitter = Fitter() name = None fit_kwargs = {} # from here the file is actually being read for i, l in enumerate(lines[data_start+1:]): # once we reach FITTER again we end if l.find('FITTER') > -1: break # split the line d = l.split() # print d # save the name if d[0].find('fitter:') > -1: name = d[1] # save the kwargs elif d[0].find('fit_parameters:') > -1: d = d[1:] if len(d) < 2: continue fit_kwargs = {d[i].strip(':'): float(d[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} # do the same for enviromental keys if d[0].find('env_keys:') > -1: # the first string is just identification d = d[1:] # secure corrct types recs = ['debug', 'verbose', 'fitlog'] cast_types = [string2bool, string2bool, str] cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} for k in cdict.keys(): if k in recs: i = recs.index(k) ctype = cast_types[i] cdict[k] = ctype(cdict[k]) # assign the vlues setattr(fitter, k, cdict[k]) # choose the fitter if name != 'None': fitter.choose_fitter(name, **fit_kwargs) else: return False # finally assign everything to self attrs = ['debug', 'fittername', 'verbose', 'fitlog', 'fit_kwargs'] for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(fitter, attr)) # if we got here, we loaded the data return True def make_header(self): """ Creates the header for output file. :return: """ header = '' for key in self.parameter_identification.keys(): if key != 'value': header += '# %s: ' % key for rec in self.parameter_identification[key]: header += '%s ' % str(rec) header += '\n' return header def save(self, ofile): """ Saves the class. It should be retrievable from the file. Since this class really cannot exist without the interface, it really saves only the selected fitting environment and fitted kwargs. :param ofile: :return: """ # Open the file if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(ofile, 'w+') # row announcing the fitter string = ' FITTER '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # name of the fitter string += 'fitter: %s\n' % self.fittername string += 'fit_parameters: ' # writes the fitting kwargs for fkey in self.fit_kwargs: string += '%s: %s ' % (fkey, str(self.fit_kwargs[fkey])) string += '\n' # writes enfiromental keys enviromental_keys = ['debug', 'verbose', 'fitlog'] string += 'env_keys: ' for fkey in enviromental_keys: string += "%s: %s " % (fkey, str(getattr(self, fkey))) string += '\n' string += ' FITTER '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # write the remaining parameters ofile.writelines(string) def setup_nlopt(self, init_step=None): """ Sets up the the NLOPT fitter. :return: """ if self.debug: print "Setting up NLOPT minimizer." # length of the fitted parameters n = len(self.fitparams) # configures the fitter self.fitter = nlopt.opt(self.nlopt_environment, n) # setup parameters for fitting terminatio for key in self.fit_kwargs.keys(): if key == 'xtol': self.fitter.set_xtol_rel(self.fit_kwargs[key]) if key == 'ftol': self.fitter.set_ftol_rel(self.fit_kwargs[key]) if key == 'maxfun': self.fitter.set_maxeval(self.fit_kwargs[key]) # setup boundaries if self.uses_bounds: self.fitter.set_lower_bounds(self.vmins) self.fitter.set_upper_bounds(self.vmaxs) # setup initial step, which can be either # user-defined or default if init_step is None: stepsize = (np.array(self.vmaxs) - np.array(self.vmins)) / 4. stepsize = stepsize.tolist() else: stepsize = init_step self.fitter.set_initial_step(stepsize) def set_lower_boundary(self, arr): """ Sets lower boundary. :param arr: :return: """ self.vmins = arr def set_upper_boundary(self, arr): """ Sets upper boundary. :param arr: :return: """ self.vmaxs = arr def set_fit_properties(self, pi): """ Sets identification of parameters i.e. names, groups and components :param pi: dictionary with the records for each parameter the order have to be the same as for the fitted parameter :return: """ self.parameter_identification = pi
# definition of parameters - here I add parameters which apply for implemented # grids. To fit additional parameters, one will have to define along with # addition of new grids, or here.. parameter_definitions=dict( teff=dict(name='teff', value=10000., vmin=6000., vmax=50000., unit='K', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), logg=dict(name='logg', value=3.5, vmin=0.0, vmax=5.0, unit='log(^-2)', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), vrot=dict(name='vrot', value=0.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=500., unit='km.s^-1', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), rv=dict(name='rv', value=0.0, vmin=-1000., vmax=1000., unit='km.s^-1', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), lr=dict(name='lr', value=1.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, unit='relative', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), z=dict(name='z', value=1.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=2.0, unit='Z_solar', fitted=False, group=0, typedef=(float)), ) # parameter_definitions=dict( # teff=dict(name='teff', value=10000., vmin=6000., vmax=50000., unit='K', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # logg=dict(name='logg', value=3.5, vmin=0.0, vmax=5.0, unit='log(^-2)', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # vrot=dict(name='vrot', value=0.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=500., unit='km.s^-1', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # rv=dict(name='rv', value=0.0, vmin=-1000., vmax=1000., unit='km.s^-1', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # lr=dict(name='lr', value=1.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0, unit='relative', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # z=dict(name='z', value=1.0, vmin=0.0, vmax=2.0, unit='Z_solar', fitted=False, group=None, typedef=float), # ) class Parameter(object): """ """ def __init__(self, name=None, value=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, unit=None, fitted=None, group=None, typedef=None, debug=False): """ :param name: name of the parameter :param value: of the parameter :param vmin: minimal value :param vmax: maximal value :param fitted: is optimized :param group: group for which the parameter applies :return: None """ # pass all arguments = name self.value = value self.vmin = vmin self.vmax = vmax self.unit = unit self.fitted = fitted = group self._typedef = typedef if typedef: for var in [value, vmin, vmax]: self.check_type(var) # define floats self._float_attributes = ['value', 'vmin', 'vmax'] # define debug_mode self.debug = debug def __getitem__(self, item): """ :param item: desired attribute of the class :return: value of the parameter """ if hasattr(self, item): return getattr(self, item) else: raise AttributeError('The parameter %s has no attribute %s.' % (str(self), item)) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """ :param item: changed attribute :param value: new value :return:None """ if hasattr(self, item): # if type was passed, than check them all the time they are changed if item in self._float_attributes and self._typedef is not None: self.check_type(value) setattr(self, item, value) else: raise AttributeError('The parameter %s has no attribute %s.' % (str(self), item)) def __str__(self): """ :return: string represantation of the class """ string = '' for var in ['name', 'value', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'fitted', 'group', '_typedef']: string += "%s: %s " % (var, str(getattr(self, var))) string += '\n' return string def check_type(self, value): """ :param value: value to be checked :return: bool whether the tested value has correct type """ if self._typedef is None: raise ValueError('The type of parameter %s has not been set.' % str(self)) else: if not isinstance(value, self._typedef): raise TypeError('The passed value has not correct type.' ' Correct type is %s.' % str(self._typedef)) def get_range(self): """ Returns boundaries of the fitting. :return: list, boundaries """ return [self['vmin'], self['vmax']] def get_error(self, relative=None): """ :param relative: relative error desired by the user :return: error - uncertainty of the parameter., """ # if relative error is not give, the uncertainty is # taken from boundaries if relative is None: error = (self['vmin'] + self['vmax']) / 2. # otherwise it is a fraction of the value else: error = relative * self['value'] return error def set_empty(self): """ Converts attributes from None, to something more reasonable for cases when only name and value were set. """ if is None: = 0 if self.fitted is None: self.fitted = False if self.unit is None: self.unit = 'not_defined' if self.vmin is None: self.vmin = -1e6 if self.vmax is None: self.vmax = 1e6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import copy import corner # import sys import warnings import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats from pyterpol.synthetic.makespectrum import SyntheticGrid from pyterpol.observed.observations import ObservedSpectrum from pyterpol.fitting.parameter import Parameter from pyterpol.fitting.parameter import parameter_definitions from pyterpol.fitting.fitter import Fitter from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import generate_least_number from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import keys_to_lowercase from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import read_text_file from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import string2bool from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import sum_dict_keys from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import ZERO_TOLERANCE from pyterpol.plotting.plotting import * # repeat userwarnings warnings.simplefilter('always', UserWarning) class Interface(object): """ """ def __init__(self, sl=None, rl=None, ol=None, fitter=None, debug=False, adaptive_resolution=True, spectrum_by_spectrum=None, log_iterations=False): """ :param sl: StarList type :param rl: RegionList type :param ol: ObservedList type :param fitter :param debug :param adaptive_resolution - this (sounds better than it actually is) just means that resolution of the grid is set to twice the resolution of the spectrum with highest resolution :return: """ # StarList is deepcopied by value, because # it is adjusted by the Interface if sl is not None: = sl.copy() else: = None # RegionList and the ObservedList are copied # by reference self.rl = rl self.ol = ol self.synthetics = {} self.grids = {} self.fitter = fitter self.spectrum_by_spectrum = spectrum_by_spectrum # debug mode self.debug = debug # define empty comparison list self.comparisonList = None # parameters that cannot be obatined through interpolation self._not_given_by_grid = ['lr', 'rv', 'vrot'] # relation between rv_groups and regions self.rel_rvgroup_region = {} # properties of synthetic spectra self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs = dict(step=0.01, order=4, padding=20.) # properties of grids self._grid_kwargs = dict(mode='default', debug=debug) # initialization of various boolean variables self.grid_properties_passed = False self.fit_is_running = False self.adaptive_resolution = adaptive_resolution self.log_iterations = log_iterations # temporary variable for info on the fitted parameters self.ident_fitted_pars = None self.one4all = False def __str__(self): """ String representation of the class :return: """ string = "" for attr, name in zip(['sl', 'rl', 'ol', 'fitter'], ['StarList', 'RegionList', 'ObservedList', 'Fitter']): string += '%s%s\n' % (name[:len(name)/2].rjust(50, '='), name[len(name)/2:].ljust(50, '=')) string += str(getattr(self, attr)) string += ''.ljust(100, '=') return string def accept_fit(self): """ Propagates the fitting result to the class. :return: """ # this should be done more carefully final_pars = self.fitter.result print "FINAL PARAMETERS:", final_pars # list fitted parameters fitparams = self.get_fitted_parameters() # updates the parameters with the result for i in range(0, len(final_pars)): fitparams[i]['value'] = final_pars[i] # update the fitter with new initial parameters self.fitter.par0 = copy.deepcopy(final_pars) def add_comparison(self, region=None, parameters={}, observed=None, groups={}): """ :param region the name of the corresponding region :param parameters a dictionary of the parameters required for the synthetic spectrum :param observed the observed spectrum :param groups Add a record to the comparisonList :return: None """ if self.debug: print 'Settting comparison for region: %s \n groups: %s. \n parameters: %s' % \ (str(region), str(groups), str(parameters)) if self.comparisonList is None: raise Exception('The comparisonList has not been defined yet. Use Inteface.ready_comparison for that.') else: # pass the regions wmin = self.rl.mainList[region]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[region]['wmax'] # try to read out the observed spectrum - everything if observed is not None: try: ow, oi, oe = observed.get_spectrum(wmin, wmax) except: # if it does not work out.. ow = observed.get_spectrum(wmin, wmax) oi = None oe = None self.comparisonList.append(dict(region=region, parameters=parameters, observed=observed, groups=groups, synthetic={x: None for x in parameters.keys()}, chi2=0.0, wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, wave=ow, intens=oi, error=oe ) ) def clear_all(self): """ Clears the class. :return: """ self.comparisonList = None self.grids = {} self.ol = None self.rl = None = None self.fitter = None self.synthetics = {} self._grid_kwargs = {} self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs = {} self.rel_rvgroup_region = {} self.grid_properties_passed = False self.ident_fitted_pars = None def compute_chi2(self, pars=[], l=None, verbose=False): """ :param pars: :param l :param verbose :return: chi square """ if l is None: l = self.comparisonList # accounts for cases when we just evaluate current chi^2 if len(pars) == 0: pars = self.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='value') # propagate the parameters to the # parameterlist and update it self.propagate_and_update_parameters(l, pars) # reads out the chi_2 from individual spectra chi2 = self.read_chi2_from_comparisons(l, verbose) # if we are fitting we store the info on the parameters if self.fit_is_running & self.log_iterations: self.fitter.append_iteration(dict(parameters=copy.deepcopy(pars), chi2=chi2)) else: self.fitter.iter_number += 1 # print every hundredth iteration if self.debug: print 'Computed model: %s chi2: %s' % (str(pars), str(chi2)) else: if (self.fitter.iter_number+1) % 100 == 0: print 'Computed model: %s chi2: %s' % (str(pars), str(chi2)) return chi2 def compute_chi2_treshold(self, l=None, alpha=0.67): """ Computes confidence level from normallized chi^2. It is of course not correct, but what can be done, when the model is evidently incorrect?? :param l the list of comparisons :param alpha the chi-square treshold :return: """ # use in-built comparison list of # no other was passed if l is None: l = self.comparisonList # get the degrees of freedom ddof = self.get_degrees_of_freedom(l) # estimate confidence limits chi2 = stats.chi2(ddof) vmin, vmax = chi2.interval(alpha) # now get vthe maximal value relative # to the minimal - minimal value is # what we get with the minimization # ratio = vmax/vmin diff = vmax-vmin # return ratio return diff def change_observed_list(self, ol): """ Removes the old observe list and adds a new one. It also resets the group assignment between regions a and radial velocity groups. Each observed spectrum should have a rv group assigned. Otherwise the outcome might be wrong. :param ol: :return: """ if self.ol is None: warnings.warn('There was no ObservedList attached to the Interface. Correct?') else: self.ol.clear_all() # attach new observed list self.ol = ol # reset the rv-group settings self._setup_rv_groups() def copy(self): """ Creates a copy of self. :return: """ other = Interface() for attr in ['ol', 'sl', 'rl', 'fitter', 'spectrum_by_spectrum', 'adaptive_resolution', 'debug', '_grid_kwargs', '_synthetic_spectrum_kwargs']: v = copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, attr)) setattr(other, attr, v) return other def choose_fitter(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Just wrapper for the Fitter.choose_fitter method see parameter descriptio there. :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ # fitter is rather simple, so if there is none set, we set an empty # one if self.fitter is None: self.fitter = Fitter(debug=self.debug) # select fitted parameters if 'fitparams' not in kwargs.keys(): fitparams = self.get_fitted_parameters() kwargs['fitparams'] = fitparams self.fitter.choose_fitter(*args, **kwargs) def draw_random_sample(self): """ Takes a random sample from the data. This random sample contains the same name of observations as the original one -- i.e. some observations repeat within the sample. :return: """ # get number of observations nobs = len(self.ol) # take original spectra and groups rv_groups = self.ol.observedSpectraList['group']['rv'] spectra = self.ol.observedSpectraList['spectrum'] # make random data sample ind = np.sort(np.random.randint(nobs, size=nobs)) random_rv_groups = [rv_groups[i] for i in ind] random_spectra = [spectra[i] for i in ind] # reset group numbers newobs = [] for i in range(0, len(random_spectra)): newobs.append(dict(filename=random_spectra[i].filename, error=random_spectra[i].global_error, group=dict(rv=i), hjd=random_spectra[i].hjd), ) # create new list of observations ol = ObservedList() ol.add_observations(newobs) # copy the starlist sl_new = for i, rndg in enumerate(random_rv_groups): pars = for c in sl_new.set_parameter(name='rv', component=c, group=i, value=pars[c][0].value) # get regions rl = self.rl # create bew Interface itf = Interface(sl=sl_new, rl=rl, ol=ol) # set attributes setattr(itf, 'grids', self.grids) setattr(itf, 'synthetics', self.synthetics) setattr(itf, '_grid_kwargs', self._grid_kwargs) setattr(itf, '_synthetic_spectrum_kwargs', self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs) setattr(itf, 'fitter', self.fitter) setattr(itf, 'adaptive_resolution', self.adaptive_resolution) setattr(itf, 'debug', self.debug) # finalize itf._setup_rv_groups() itf.ready_comparisons() itf.populate_comparisons() return itf @staticmethod def extract_parameters(l, attr='value'): """ Converts a list of parameter class to a dictionary. :param l :param attr :return: """ params = {par['name']: par[attr] for par in l} return params @staticmethod def evaluate_mcmc(f=None, treshold=100): """ Returns best-fit values and errors estimated from the convergence. :param f: mcmc log :param treshold :return: """ # read the fitlog log, nwalkers, niter, npars = read_mc_chain(f) # take only data, where the mcmc, has burnt in log['data'] = log['data'][nwalkers*treshold:,:] # best result minind = np.argmin(-log['data'][:, -1]) # outputlist of errors errors = {} # fill the dictionary with errors for i in range(0, len(log['component'])): # parameter component, group p = log['name'][i] c = log['component'][i] g = log['group'][i] if c not in errors.keys(): errors[c] = {} if p not in errors[c].keys(): errors[c][p] = [] # get the error estimate best = log['data'][minind, i] lower = log['data'][:, i].min() - best upper = log['data'][:, i].max() - best gauss_mean = log['data'][:, i].mean() gauss_sigma = log['data'][:, i].std(ddof=1) # append the value errors[c][p].append(dict(best=best, group=g, gauss_mean=gauss_mean, gauss_sigma=gauss_sigma, lower=lower, upper=upper)) return errors def get_comparisons(self, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Narrows down the number of comparisons. :param verbose return indices in the original list :param kwargs parameters according to the comparison list will be narrowed down :return: """ # empty arrays for the output clist = [] indices = [] # parameter keys keys = kwargs.keys() # go over each recordd within list of comparisons for i in range(0, len(self.comparisonList)): # the keys that we test are somewhat heterogeneous # thsi construction is not pretty. include = True for key in keys: # print key # what if the key lies if key in self.comparisonList[i]['groups'].keys() \ and (kwargs[key] != self.comparisonList[i]['groups'][key]): include = False break if hasattr(self.comparisonList[i]['observed'], key) and \ self.comparisonList[i]['observed'].key != kwargs[key]: include = False break if key == 'region' and self.comparisonList[i]['region'] != kwargs[key]: include = False break # if it survived all tests it is included if include: clist.append(self.comparisonList[i]) indices.append(i) # if we want to get indices of the found in the original array if verbose: return clist, indices else: return clist def get_defined_groups(self, component=None, parameter=None): """ Returns a dictionary of defined groups :param component: :param parameter: :return: """ return, parameter=parameter) def get_degrees_of_freedom(self, l=None): """ Computes degrees of freadom for a given comparison list :param l: :return: number of degrees of freedom """ if l is None: l = self.comparisonList # number of fitted parameters m = len(self.get_fitted_parameters()) n = 0 # number of fitted spectra points for rec in l: for c in rec['synthetic'].keys(): n += len(rec['synthetic'][c]) return n-m def get_fitted_parameters(self, attribute=None): """ lists all fitted Parameters or a list of one of their attributes :param :return: """ # return the list of Parameters if attribute is None: return else: return [par[attribute] for par in] def get_observed_spectra_number(self): """ :return: """ if self.ol is not None: return len(self.ol) else: return 0 def get_observed_spectrum(self, filename=None): """ Returns observed spectrum accoreding to its name. :param filename name of the querried spectrum :return: """ return self.ol.get_spectra(filename=filename)[0] def list_comparisons(self, l=None): """ This function displays all comparisons. :param l list of comparisons :return: string """ if l is None: l = self.comparisonList string = '' for i, rec in enumerate(l): string += "========================= Comparison %s =========================\n" % str(i).zfill(3) reg = rec['region'] # list region string += 'region: %s:(%s,%s)\n' % (reg, str(self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmin']), str(self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmax'])) # list observed spectrum if rec['observed'] is not None: string += "observed: %s\n" % rec['observed'].filename else: string += "observed: NONE\n" # lists all parameters for c in rec['parameters'].keys(): string += 'component: %s ' % c # print rec['parameters'][c] for par in rec['parameters'][c]: string += "%s: %s " % (par['name'], str(par['value'])) string += '\n' # list all groups string += 'groups: %s\n' % str(rec['groups']) string += 'chi2: %s\n' % str(rec['chi2']) string += "==================================================================\n" return string def list_fitters(self): """ Lists all available fitters. :return: """ if self.fitter is not None: return self.fitter.list_fitters() else: raise AttributeError('No fitter has been attached yet.') @staticmethod def load(f, one4all=False): """ Loads the type from a file created with the save method. :param f: the loaded file :return: """ # first load the interface # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) data_start = len(lines) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.find('INTERFACE') > -1: data_start = i break # check that there are actually some data in the file # the algorithm failed to load the class if data_start >= len(lines): warnings.warn('No interface was found was found.') return False # dictionary for the Interface attributes ddicts = {} for l in lines[1:]: d = l.split() # once we reach arain the Interface, we end if l.find('INTERFACE') > -1: break # define record names and types dnames = dict( grid_parameters=['mode'], synthetic_spectra_parameters=['order', 'step', 'padding'], env_keys=['debug', 'adaptive_resolution'] ) dtypes = dict( grid_parameters=[str], synthetic_spectra_parameters=[int, float, float], env_keys=[string2bool, string2bool] ) # load all keys - env_vars, grid and synthetic spectra parameters for dname in dnames.keys(): if d[0].find(dname) > -1: # print d[0] p = dnames[dname] pt = dtypes[dname] ddict = {d[i].strip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(1, len(d), 2)} # cast the variables to correct type for k in ddict.keys(): i = p.index(k) ddict[k] = pt[i](ddict[k]) # print ddict ddicts[dname] = ddict # print ddicts # load the remaining data rl = RegionList() # print rl.load(f) if not rl.load(f): raise ValueError('No records on the RegionList were found in %s.' % f) sl = StarList() if not sl.load(f): raise ValueError('No records on the StarList were found in %s.' % f) fitter = Fitter() if not fitter.load(f): warnings.warn('No fitter was found in file %s' % f) fitter = None ol = ObservedList() if not ol.load(f): warnings.warn('No ObservedList was found in file %s' % f) ol = None # print ddicts # print fitter # setup the interface itf = Interface(sl=sl, ol=ol, rl=rl, fitter=fitter, **ddicts['env_keys']) itf.set_one_for_all(one4all) gpars = {} # print ddicts # merge grid ans synthetic spectra parameters for d in [ddicts['synthetic_spectra_parameters'], ddicts['grid_parameters']]: for k in d.keys(): gpars[k] = d[k] itf.set_grid_properties(**gpars) itf.setup() itf.populate_comparisons() # self.choose_fitter(self.fitter.fittername) # if we got here, we loaded the data return itf def populate_comparisons(self, l=None, demand_errors=False): """ Creates a synthetic spectrum for every record in the comparisonList. :param l :param demand_errors :return: """ if l is None: l = self.comparisonList # go over ech comparison in the list for rec in l: # get the region region = rec['region'] # get the intensity and error error = rec['error'] intens = rec['intens'] # go over each component for c in rec['parameters'].keys(): pars = self.extract_parameters(rec['parameters'][c]) # use only those parameters that are not constrained with the grid pars = {x: pars[x] for x in pars.keys() if x in self._not_given_by_grid} # populate with the intensity vector of each component if rec['observed'] is not None: if demand_errors and rec['error'] is None: raise ValueError('It is not allowed to call chi-square without having' ' uncertainties set.') # extract the wavelength wave = rec['wave'] # get the instrumental broadening fwhm = rec['observed'].get_instrumental_width() # define korelmode korelmode = rec['observed'].korel # generate the synthetic spectrum rec['synthetic'][c] = self.synthetics[region][c].get_spectrum(wave=wave, only_intensity=True, korel=korelmode, fwhm=fwhm, **pars) else: wmin = rec['wmin'] wmax = rec['wmax'] error = None korelmode = False rec['synthetic'][c] = self.synthetics[region][c].get_spectrum(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, only_intensity=True, korel=korelmode, **pars) # it is mandatory to provide errors for # computation of the chi2 if error is not None: # sum component spectra for i, c in enumerate(rec['synthetic'].keys()): if i == 0: syn = rec['synthetic'][c].copy() else: syn = syn + rec['synthetic'][c] # setup the chi2 rec['chi2'] = np.sum(((intens - syn) / error) ** 2) def optimize_rv(self, fitter_name=None, groups=None, **fitter_kwargs): """ Optimizes radial velocities spectrum by spectrum. :return: """ # turn off fitting of all parameters for p in self.set_parameter(parname=p, fitted=False) # if not defined, get rv groups if groups is None: groups = self.get_defined_groups(parameter='rv') groups_list = [] for c in groups.keys(): groups_list.extend(groups[c]['rv']) # rename back and make unique groups = np.unique(groups_list) # choose fitter if fitter_name is not None: self.choose_fitter(fitter_name, **fitter_kwargs) # iterate over groups for g in groups: self.set_parameter(parname='rv', group=g, fitted=True) l = self.get_comparisons(rv=g) self.run_fit(l=l) self.set_parameter(parname='rv', group=g, fitted=False) def plot_all_comparisons(self, l=None, savefig=False, figname=None): """ Creates a plot of all setup comparisons. :param l :param savefig :param figname :return: None """ if figname is not None: savefig = True if l is None: l = self.comparisonList if len(l) == 0: raise ValueError('The comparison list is empty. Did you run interface.setup() and interface.populate()?') for i in range(0, len(l)): self.plot_comparison_by_index(i, l=l, savefig=savefig, figname=figname) def plot_comparison_by_index(self, index, l=None, savefig=False, figname=None): """ :param index :param l :param savefig :param figname :return: """ # the comparison if l is None: cpr = self.comparisonList[index] else: cpr = l[index] # boundaries reg = cpr['region'] wmin = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmax'] # merge the spectra if any([cpr['synthetic'][key] is None for key in cpr['synthetic'].keys()]): raise ValueError('The synthetic spectra are not computed. Did you run Interface.populate_comparisons()?') si = sum_dict_keys(cpr['synthetic']) # names if cpr['observed'] is not None: obsname = cpr['observed'].filename.split('/')[-1] else: obsname = 'NONE' synname = '' for c in cpr['parameters']: synname += 'Component: %s ' % c pdict = self.extract_parameters(cpr['parameters'][c]) synname += str({k: "%.4f" % pdict[k] for k in pdict.keys()}) + '\n' if cpr['observed'] is not None: try: w, oi, ei = cpr['observed'].get_spectrum(wmin, wmax) except: w, oi, = cpr['observed'].get_spectrum(wmin, wmax) ei = np.zeros(len(w)) warnings.warn('Your data observed spectrum: %s has not errors attached!') else: w = np.linspace(wmin, wmax, len(si)) if figname is None: figname = "_".join([obsname, 'wmin', str(int(wmin)), 'wmax', str(int(wmax))]) + '.png' else: figname = "_".join([figname, obsname, 'wmin', str(int(wmin)), 'wmax', str(int(wmax))]) + '.png' savefig = True if self.debug: print "Plotting comparison: observed: %s" % obsname print "Plotting comparison: synthetics: %s" % synname # do the plot fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=100) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) if cpr['observed'] is not None: ax.errorbar(w, oi, yerr=ei, fmt='-', color='k', label=obsname) ax.plot(w, si, 'r-', label=synname) ax.set_xlim(wmin, wmax) ax.set_ylim(0.95*si.min(), 1.05*si.max()) ax.set_xlabel('$\lambda(\AA)$') ax.set_ylabel('$F_{\lambda}$(rel.)') ax.legend(fontsize=8, fancybox=True, shadow=True, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.2)) if cpr['observed'] is not None: ax = fig.add_subplot(212) resid = oi-si ax.plot(w, resid, 'y', label='residuals') ax.set_xlabel('$\lambda(\AA)$') ax.set_ylabel('$F_{\lambda}$(rel.)') ax.set_xlim(wmin, wmax) ax.set_ylim(0.95*resid.min(), 1.05*resid.max()) ax.legend(fontsize=8, loc=3) # save the figure if savefig: plt.savefig(figname) plt.close(fig) def plot_convergence(self, f=None, parameter='chi2', component='all', group='all', savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots convergence of the chi2 and parameters. :param f :param parameter :param component :param group :param savefig :param figname :return: """ if f is None: f = self.fitter.fitlog if figname is not None: savefig = True # read the log log = read_fitlog(f) block = [] labels = [] # set the plotted parameters if parameter.lower() == 'all': parameters = np.unique(log['name']) else: parameters = [parameter] if component.lower() == 'all': components = np.unique(log['component']) else: components = [component] if group.lower() == 'all': groups = np.unique(log['group']) else: groups = [group] # select those mathcing the choice i = 0 for p, c, g in zip(log['name'], log['component'], log['group']): if p not in parameters: i += 1 continue elif c not in components: i += 1 continue elif g not in groups: i += 1 continue else: label = '_'.join(['p', p, 'c', c, 'g', str(g)]) labels.append(label) block.append(log['data'][:, i]) i += 1 # append chi_square if (parameter.lower() in ['chi2']) | (parameter == 'all'): block.append(log['data'][:, -1]) labels.append('chi2') # print labels plot_convergence(np.column_stack(block), labels, figname=figname, savefig=savefig) @staticmethod def plot_convergence_mcmc(f='chain.dat', parameters='all', components='all', groups='all', savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots convergence of a mcmc_chain :param f: :param parameters: :param components: :param groups: :param savefig: :param figname: :return: """ # load data log, nwalkers, niter, npars = read_mc_chain(f) # set the plotted parameters if parameters == 'all': parameters = np.unique(log['name']) if components == 'all': components = np.unique(log['component']) if groups == 'all': groups = np.unique(log['group']) if any([isinstance(x, (float, int, str)) for x in [components, parameters, groups]]): raise TypeError('Parameters (parameter, component, group) have to be either type list' ' or string == \'all\'.') # an array for empty indices. indices = [] labels = [] i = 0 # fill the array of indices for p, c, g in zip(log['name'], log['component'], log['group']): # do only the desired ones for v, vals in zip([p, c, g], [parameters, components, groups]): # print v, vals if v not in vals: i += 1 break indices.append(i) labels.append('_'.join(['c', c, 'p', p, 'g', str(g)])) i += 1 # do the plot # print len(indices), len(labels) plot_walkers(log['data'], niter, nwalkers, indices=indices, labels=labels, savefig=savefig, figname=figname) @staticmethod def plot_covariances_mcmc(f='chain.dat', l=None, treshold=100, parameters=None, components=None, groups=None, nbin=20, savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots covariances between selected parameters :param f :param l :param treshold :param parameters :param components :param groups :param nbin :param savefig :param figname :return: """ if figname is not None: savefig = True # reads the chan log, nwalkers, niter, npars = read_mc_chain(f) # set the plotted parameters if parameters is None: parameters = np.unique(log['name']) if components is None: components = np.unique(log['component']) if groups is None: groups = np.unique(log['group']) if any([isinstance(x, (float, int, str)) for x in [components, parameters, groups]]): raise TypeError('Parameters (parameter, component, group) have to be either type list' ' or string == \'all\'.') # take only the part, where the sampler is burnt in log['data'] = log['data'][nwalkers*treshold:,:] # select those matching the choice indices = [] labels = [] i = 0 # fill the array of indices for p, c, g in zip(log['name'], log['component'], log['group']): # do only the desired ones saveind = True for v, vals in zip([p, c, g], [parameters, components, groups]): if v not in vals: saveind = False break if saveind: indices.append(i) labels.append('_'.join(['c', c, 'p', p, 'g', str(g)])) i += 1 # do the corner plot corner.corner(log['data'][:,indices], bins=nbin, labels=labels, quantiles=(0.67*np.ones(len(indices))).tolist(), truths=(np.zeros(len(indices))).tolist() ) # save the figure if savefig: if figname is None: figname = 'correlations.png' plt.savefig(figname) @staticmethod def plot_variances_mcmc(f=None, l=None, parameters=None, components=None, groups=None, nbin=20, treshold=100, savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots covariances between selected parameters :param f :param l :param treshold :param parameters :param components :param groups :param nbin :param savefig :param fignamez :return: """ if any([isinstance(x, (float, int, str)) for x in [components, parameters, groups]]): raise TypeError('Parameters (parameter, component, group) have to be either type list' ' or string == \'all\'.') if figname is not None: savefig = True # reads the chan log, nwalkers, niter, npars = read_mc_chain(f) # set the plotted parameters if parameters is None: parameters = np.unique(log['name']) if components is None: components = np.unique(log['component']) if groups is None: groups = np.unique(log['group']) # take only the part, where the sampler is burnt in log['data'] = log['data'][nwalkers*treshold:,:] # select those mathcing the choice npar = len(log['name']) for i in range(1, npar): for j in range(0, i): # extract individual values p1 = log['name'][i] c1 = log['component'][i] g1 = log['group'][i] # end if there are no components matching our # choice of components, groups and parameters if any([p.lower() not in parameters for p in [p1]]): continue if any([c.lower() not in components for c in [c1]]): continue if any([g not in groups for g in [g1]]): continue # setup labels label1 = '_'.join(['p', p1, 'c', c1, 'g', str(g1).zfill(2)]) # setup plotted data x = log['data'][:, i] # do the oplot plot_variance(x,nbin=nbin, label=label1, savefig=savefig, figname=figname) def propagate_and_update_parameters(self, l, pars): """ :param l :param pars :return: """ # parameters are passed by reference, so # this should also change the starlist # and corresponding fitpars = if len(pars) != len(fitpars): raise ValueError('Length of the vector passed with the fitting environment does ' 'mot match length of the parameters marked as fitted.') for i, v in enumerate(pars): fitpars[i]['value'] = v # we have to recompute the synthetic spectra # if one grid parameter was passed # first check for which parameters # the grid parameters are fitted components_to_update = [] for c in for rec in[c]: # recompute only those components for those # grid parameter is fitted if rec not in self._not_given_by_grid: components_to_update.append(c) # update the synthetic spectra if len(components_to_update) > 0: self.ready_synthetic_spectra(complist=components_to_update) # populate the comparison self.populate_comparisons(l=l, demand_errors=True) def ready_synthetic_spectra(self, complist=[]): """ Readies the synthetic spectra for each region. :param complist list of components that will be re-computed, :return: """ # if there is no list of components # for which to set the synthetic # parameters if len(complist) == 0: complist = # regime in which we use one long spectrum if self.one4all: wl = self.rl.get_wavelengths() wmin = np.min(wl) wmax = np.max(wl) for reg in self.rl._registered_regions: # add the region to synthetics if reg not in self.synthetics.keys(): self.synthetics[reg] = dict() # wavelength_boundaries if not self.one4all: wmin = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmax'] # get all parameters for a given region reg_groups = self.rl.mainList[reg]['groups'][0] reg_groups = {x: reg_groups[x] for x in reg_groups.keys() if x not in self._not_given_by_grid} grid_pars = [x for x in if x not in self._not_given_by_grid] # setup default groups - ie zero for par in grid_pars: if par not in reg_groups.keys(): reg_groups[par] = 0 # get list of Parameters parlist =**reg_groups) for c in complist: # convert Parameter list to dictionary params = self.extract_parameters(parlist[c]) # print params # padding has to be relatively large, since # we do not know what the rvs will be if self.debug: print "Creating SyntheticSpectrum: params: %s wmin: %s wmax: %s" % (str(params), str(wmin), str(wmax)) if not self.one4all: self.synthetics[reg][c] = self.grids[reg].get_synthetic_spectrum(params, np.array([wmin, wmax]), **self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs) else: self.synthetics[reg][c] = self.grids['all'].get_synthetic_spectrum(params, np.array([wmin, wmax]), **self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs) def read_chi2_from_comparisons(self, l=None, verbose=False): """ Reads the chi-squares from the list. :param l: :return: """ # work with the min comparisonList if no other # is provided if l is None: l = self.comparisonList chi2 = 0.0 if verbose: chi2_detailed = [] # read out the chi squares for i in range(0, len(l)): chi2 += l[i]['chi2'] # if verbosity is desired a detailed chi-square # info on each region is returned if verbose: chi2_detailed.append(dict(chi2=l[i]['chi2'], region=self.rl.mainList[l[i]['region']], rv_group=l[i]['groups']['rv'])) if verbose: return chi2, chi2_detailed else: return chi2 def ready_comparisons(self): """ This function creates a dictionary, which is one of the cornerstones of the class. It creates a list of all combinations of the parameters. :return: """ # start a list of comparisons that will # be carried out with the given dataset self.comparisonList = [] # go region by region for reg in self.rl.mainList.keys(): # fitted region wmin = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmax'] # region-dfined groups and parameters reg_groups = copy.deepcopy(self.rl.mainList[reg]['groups'][0]) phys_pars = [x for x in if x not in ['rv']] # print reg, phys_pars, reg_groups # if the group is not defined, it is zero for par in phys_pars: if par not in reg_groups.keys(): reg_groups[par] = 0 # create a list of unique rv groups rv_groups ='rv') rv_groups = [rv_groups[key]['rv'] for key in rv_groups.keys()] temp = [] for row in rv_groups: temp.extend(row) rv_groups = np.unique(temp) for rv_group in rv_groups: # append rv_group to groups all_groups = copy.deepcopy(reg_groups) all_groups['rv'] = rv_group # append rv parameter to the remaining parameters # rv_pars = # get unique set of parameters for a given group all_pars =**all_groups) # for c in rv_pars.keys(): # all_pars[c].extend(rv_pars[c]) if self.ol is not None: if rv_group not in self.rel_rvgroup_region[reg]: continue # the wmin wmax is used to check again that # we are in the correct region. if self.debug: print "Queried parameters in ready comparisons:", wmin, wmax, rv_group obs = self.ol.get_spectra(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, rv=rv_group) if len(obs) == 0: continue else: obs = [None] # add the comparison for each observed spectrum # because in an unlikely event, when we fit the # same RVs for several spectra for o in obs: # What if we are only generating spectra??? # If there are spectra attached we are # comparing and thats it!! if o is None: c = 'all' else: c = o.component if c != 'all': temp_all_pars = {c: all_pars[c]} else: temp_all_pars = all_pars self.add_comparison(region=reg, parameters=temp_all_pars, groups=all_groups, observed=o, ) def ready_comparisons_spectrum_by_spectrum(self): """ This function creates a dictionary, which is one of the cornerstones of the class. It creates a list of all combinations of the parameters. :return: """ # print self # start a list of comparisons that will # be carried out with the given dataset self.comparisonList = [] # go region by region for reg in self.rl.mainList.keys(): # fitted region wmin = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[reg]['wmax'] # generate a dictionary of unique groups for each parameter unique_groups = {} # phys_pars = [par for par in if par not in ['lr']] phys_pars = for par in phys_pars: groups = temp = [] for c in groups.keys(): print groups[c][par] temp.extend(groups[c][par]) unique_groups[par] = np.unique(temp).tolist() # print unique_groups # position in the row of each parameter position = {key: 0 for key in unique_groups.keys()} keys = unique_groups.keys() # print position # print unique_groups # THIS IS PROBABLY THE MOST IDIOTIC WAY HOW TO GET # ALL COMBINATIONS BETWEEN RECORDS IN N DIFFERENT LISTS # SURPRISINGLY IT DOES NOT GENERATE REDUNDANT COMPARISONS # It iterates over the positions list until for each # record in the list position[i] == len(unique_groups[i]) # both are dictionaries of course i = 0 all_groups_list = [] # while position[keys[-1]] >= len(unique_groups[keys[-1]])-1: while True: # append the current groups temp = {key: unique_groups[key][position[key]] for key in keys} all_groups_list.append(temp) # search until you find a list of lenght > 1 or till the end while i < len(keys) and (position[keys[i]] == len(unique_groups[keys[i]])-1): i += 1 # if end was reached - end if not i < len(keys): break else: # else increment the record and start over position[keys[i]] += 1 for j in range(0, i): position[keys[j]] = 0 i = 0 # for rec in all_groups_list: # print rec for rec in all_groups_list: # get unique set of parameters for a given group all_pars =**rec) if self.ol is not None: # if rv_group not in self.rel_rvgroup_region[reg]: # continue # the wmin wmax is used to check again that # we are in the correct region. obs = self.ol.get_spectra(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, permissive=True, **rec) if len(obs) == 0: continue else: obs = [None] # add the comparison for each observed spectrum # because in an unlikely event, when we fit the # same RVs for several spectra for o in obs: # What if we are only generating spectra??? # If there are spectra attached we are # comparing and thats it!! if o is None: c = 'all' else: c = o.component if c != 'all': temp_all_pars = {c: all_pars[c]} else: temp_all_pars = all_pars self.add_comparison(region=reg, parameters=temp_all_pars, groups=rec, observed=o, ) def remove_parameter(self, component, parameter, group): """ :param component: component for which the parameter is deleted :param parameter:deleted paramer :param group :return: """, parameter, group) def run_fit(self, l=None, verbose=False): """ Starts the fitting :param l: :param verbose: :return: """ # update fitted parameters self.update_fitter() # set the identification of fitted parameters self.fitter.set_fit_properties([1]) # this starts recording of each iteration chi2 self.fit_is_running = True # runs the fitting self.fitter(self.compute_chi2, l, verbose) # copy the fit into the whole structure self.accept_fit() # writes the remaining iterations within the file self.fitter.flush_iters() # turn of the fitting self.fit_is_running = False def run_bootstrap(self, limits, outputname=None, decouple_rv=True, niter=100, sub_niter=3): """ Runs bootstrap simulation to estimate the errors. The initial parameter set is chosen randomly in the vicinity of the solution that is stored within the Interface type. :param limits: format dict(component1=dict(rv=[low, high], teff=[low, high],..), component2=dict(..), ..), where the range in which the random number is (stored_value - low, stored_value + high). :param outputname: Prefix name for result of each bootstrap iteration. :param decouple_rv: Should the rvs be fitted separately from the remaining parameters? :param niter: Number of bootstrap iteration. :param sub_niter: Number of subiteration, where rv is fitted first and then the remaining parameters. This parameter is irrelevant for decouple_rv = False. :return: """ # set outputname of each iteration if outputname is None: outputname = 'bootstrap' # niter samples are computed for i in range(niter): # create an interface with a random data sample itf = self.draw_random_sample() # set a random starting point within limits for c in limits.keys(): for p in limits[c].keys(): # user supplied limits bs_vmin = limits[c][p][0] bs_vmax = limits[c][p][1] # get all defined groups groups = itf.get_defined_groups(component=c, parameter=p)[c][p] # for each group set random starting point for g in groups: # for each group, parameter and component # get value, minimal and maximal par =**{p : g})[c][0] value = par.value vmin = par.vmin vmax = par.vmax # set boundaries where random number is drawn llim = max([value - bs_vmin, vmin]) ulim = min([value + bs_vmax, vmax]) # draw the random number rn = llim + (ulim - llim) * np.random.random() # set it to parameter par.value = rn par.vmin = max([vmin, value - 2 * bs_vmin]) par.vmax = min([vmax, value + 2 * bs_vmax]) # set outputname for one fit outputname_one_iter = '.'.join([outputname, str(i).zfill(3), 'sav']) # get list of fitted parameters fitpars = {} for c in fitpars[c] = [] for p in[c].keys(): for k in range(0, len([c][p])): if[c][p][k].fitted: fitpars[c].append(p) break #sys.exit(0) # now proceed with the fittingss'.'.join([outputname, 'initial', str(i).zfill(3), 'sav'])) if decouple_rv: # do several iterations, fitting rv and remaining parameters for j in range(sub_niter): # turn off fitting of radial velocity itf.set_parameter(parname='rv', fitted=False) # turn on remaining parameters for c in fitpars.keys(): for p in fitpars[c]: itf.set_parameter(parname=p, component=c, fitted=True) # run the fit - not radial velocities itf.run_fit() #print itf #print itf.list_comparisons() #'.'.join(['before_rv', str(i).zfill(3), str(j).zfill(2), 'sav'])) # run the fit - radial velocities itf.optimize_rv() #print itf #print itf.list_comparisons() #'.'.join(['after_rv', str(i).zfill(3), str(j).zfill(2), 'sav'])) else: itf.run_fit() # save the result def run_mcmc(self, chain_file='chain.dat', nwalkers=None, niter=500, l=None, verbose=False): """ Runs the mcmc error estimation. :return: """ # pass on the fit properties self.fitter.set_fit_properties([1]) # update the boundaries vmins = self.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='vmin') vmaxs = self.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='vmax') self.fitter.set_lower_boundary(vmins) self.fitter.set_upper_boundary(vmaxs) # get the values vals = self.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='value') # set up number of walkers if nwalkers is None: nwalkers = 4*len(vals) # run the mcmc sampling self.fitter.run_mcmc(self.compute_chi2, chain_file, vals, nwalkers, niter, l, verbose) def save(self, ofile): """ Saves the interface as a text file. :param ofile: file or filehandler :return: """ # open the file if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(ofile, 'w') # Setup the interface variables first. string = ' INTERFACE '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # set the grid properities string += 'grid_parameters: ' for key in self._grid_kwargs.keys(): if key not in ['debug']: string += '%s: %s ' % (key, str(self._grid_kwargs[key])) string += '\n' # set the synthetic spectra parameters string += 'synthetic_spectra_parameters: ' for key in self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs.keys(): string += '%s: %s ' % (key, str(self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs[key])) string += '\n' # Set the environmental keys enviromental_keys = ['adaptive_resolution', 'debug'] string += 'env_keys: ' for ekey in enviromental_keys: string += "%s: %s " % (ekey, str(getattr(self, ekey))) string += '\n' # finalize the string string += ' INTERFACE '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' ofile.writelines(string) # save the starlist # save the fitter # save the regions # save the observed list - if any was given # and compute the chi-square if self.ol is not None: # saves the observed list # saves the chi-square and degrees of freedom string = ' CHI-SQUARE '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # compute chi2 and ddof chi2 = self.compute_chi2() ddof = self.get_degrees_of_freedom() # save it within the asc file string += 'Chi^2: %s Degrees_Of_Freedom: %s Reduced Chi^2: %s\n' % \ (str(chi2), str(ddof), str(chi2 / ddof)) string += ' CHI-SQUARE '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' ofile.writelines(string) def setup(self): """ This function probes the observed and region list and propagates group definitions from them to the starlist. :return: """ # first setup region groups if self.rl is not None: region_groups = self.rl.get_region_groups() else: self.rl = RegionList(debug=self.debug) self.rl.get_regions_from_obs(copy.deepcopy(self.ol.observedSpectraList['spectrum'])) # TODO setting up the region <-> rv relation better - this is a quick fix # TODO and unlikely a robust one self.rel_rvgroup_region = {reg: [0] for reg in self.rl.get_registered_regions()} region_groups = self.rl.get_region_groups() # print self # setup radial velocity groups if self.ol is not None: # we will fit some parameters separately at some spectra # therefore all groups are assihgne dfrom the data, not only # the radial velocities # check that all fitted spectra fit within at least one # spectral region self.verify_spectra_and_regions() if self.spectrum_by_spectrum is not None: # setup groups for each spectrum # relative luminosity is given by spectra region, not the spectrum itself phys_pars = [par for par in if par not in 'lr'] # parameters that will be owned by each spectrum varparams = self.spectrum_by_spectrum # common parameters fixparams = [par for par in phys_pars if par not in self.spectrum_by_spectrum] self._set_groups_to_observed(varparams, fixparams) self._setup_all_groups() else: # print self self._setup_rv_groups() # print self # setup the wavelength step of synthetic spectra # from observed psectra if self.adaptive_resolution: step = self.ol.get_resolution() if self.debug: print "The step size of the grid is: %s Angstrom." % str(step/2.) self.set_grid_properties(step=step/2.) else: warnings.warn('There are no data attached, so all regions are set to ' 'have the same radial velocity. Each component can have' 'different velocity of course.') # attach grids to the interface self._setup_grids() # create the basic interpolated spectra self.ready_synthetic_spectra() # setup all comparisons if self.spectrum_by_spectrum is not None: self.ready_comparisons_spectrum_by_spectrum() else: self.ready_comparisons() # setup fitter if self.fitter is None: self.fitter = Fitter(debug=self.debug) # at the end the comparisons synthetic spectra are populated self.populate_comparisons() def set_grid_properties(self, **kwargs): """ :param kwargs: padding - number of spectra to use for padding of synthetic spectra :param kwargs: order - maximal number of spectra for interpolation :return: """ # if we pass step, we turn off # adaptive resolution if 'step' in kwargs.keys(): self.adaptive_resolution = False for k in kwargs.keys(): # setup grid parameters if k in self._grid_kwargs.keys(): self._grid_kwargs[k] = kwargs[k] # setup synthetic spectra parameters elif k in self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs.keys(): self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs[k] = kwargs[k] else: raise KeyError('Key: %s is not a property of either the grid or synthetic spectra. ' 'The only parameters adjustable with this function are: ' ' %s for grid and % for synthetic spectra.' % (k, str(self._grid_kwargs.keys()), str(self._synthetic_spectrum_kwargs))) def _set_groups_to_observed(self, varparams, fixparams): """ :param varparams parameters whose group number should vary from spectrum to spectrum :param fixparams parameters whose group should be the same for all spectra :return: """ if self.ol is None: raise AttributeError('No data are attached.') else: for i in range(0, len(self.ol)): # setup varying parameters for vpar in varparams: if vpar not in self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'].keys(): self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'][vpar] = np.zeros(len(self.ol)) self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'][vpar][i] = i+1 # setup fixed parameters for fpar in fixparams: if fpar not in self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'].keys(): self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'][fpar] = np.zeros(len(self.ol)) self.ol.observedSpectraList['group'][fpar][i] = 0 # set the groups from table to spectra self.ol._set_groups_to_spectra() def set_one_for_all(self, switch): """ Sets usage of one grid for all regions. This is faster. When we do not have lots of empty regions between fitted regions. It reduces number of spectra loading required but increases the duration of interpolation, :param switch turn on/off the fitting :return: """ if not isinstance(switch, (bool, int)): raise TypeError('Switch of the one4all regime must have type bool.') self.one4all = switch self._setup_grids() def set_parameter(self, component='all', parname=None, group='all', **kwargs): """ :param component: :param parname :param group: :param kwargs: keywords to be set up for each parameter :return: """ # check the results if parname is None: print "I cannot adjust parameter: %s." % str(parname) if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0: return # setup the components if component == 'all': component = else: component = [component] # create a list of unique groups if all are needed if group is 'all': groups = [] dict_groups = for c in dict_groups.keys(): groups.extend(dict_groups[c][parname]) groups = np.unique(groups) else: groups = [group] # propagate to the star for c in component: for g in groups: # print c, g, kwargs, c, g, **kwargs) # print self # recompute synthetic spectra if (parname not in self._not_given_by_grid) & ('value' in kwargs.keys()): self.ready_synthetic_spectra() # update the fitter if number of fitted # parameters changes if 'fitted' in kwargs.keys() and self.fitter.fittername is not None: fitparams = self.get_fitted_parameters() self.choose_fitter(name=self.fitter.fittername, fitparams=fitparams, **self.fitter.fit_kwargs) def set_error(self, parname='rv', component=None, error=1.0): """ Sets error by adjusting vmin, vmax, :param parname: name of the parameter :paramn components :param error: the error, ehich will be used to set boundaries :return: """ if component is not None: components = [component] else: components = # get all fitted parameters parname = parname.lower() for c in components: if parname in[c].keys(): for p in[c][parname]: v = p['value'] # relative luminosity needs special treatment if p['name'] == 'lr': p['vmin'] = max([0.0, v - error]) p['vmax'] = min([1.0, v + error]) # and so does also the rotational velocity elif p['name'] == 'vrot': p['vmin'] = max([0.0, v - error]) p['vmax'] = v + error # and the rest is simple else: p['vmin'] = v - error p['vmax'] = v + error def _setup_grids(self): """ Initializes grid of synthetic spectra for each region - i.e. there is no point in calling the function without having the regions set up. :params kwargs -see pyterpol. :return: """ if not self.one4all: for reg in self.rl.mainList.keys(): self.grids[reg] = SyntheticGrid(**self._grid_kwargs) else: # assume that there is only one grid for all self.grids['all'] = SyntheticGrid(**self._grid_kwargs) def _setup_rv_groups(self): """ Setting up the rv_groups is a pain.. :return: """ # TODO Can this be done better????? # empty array for components where cloning # was performed - to get rid of the first # group cloned_comps = [] registered_groups = [] # dictionary for newly registered groups # this is necessary in case we do not # the newly registered groups have to # be assigned back to the spectra # otherwise we would not know which rv # belongs to which spectrum new_groups = dict() # get wavelength boundaries of defined regions wmins, wmaxs, regs = self.rl.get_wavelengths(verbose=True) # this dictionary is needed to have # unambiguous relationship between # rv_group, spectrum and region reg2rv = {x: [] for x in regs} # for every region we have a look if we have some datas for wmin, wmax, reg in zip(wmins, wmaxs, regs): # query spectra for each region observed_spectra = self.ol.get_spectra(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax) for i, spectrum in enumerate(observed_spectra): # read out properties of spectra component = spectrum.component # there can be more spectral groups rv_groups =['rv'] if not isinstance(rv_groups, (list, tuple)): rv_groups = [rv_groups] for rv_group in rv_groups: # readout groups that were already defined for all components def_groups ='all', parameter='rv')['all']['rv'] # We define group for our observation if rv_group is None: gn = generate_least_number(def_groups) reg2rv[reg].append(gn) # save the newly registered group if spectrum.filename not in new_groups.keys(): new_groups[spectrum.filename] = [] new_groups[spectrum.filename].append(gn) elif rv_group not in def_groups: gn = rv_group reg2rv[reg].append(rv_group) # if the group is defined we only need to # add it among the user defined one, so it # so it is not deleted later elif rv_group in def_groups: registered_groups.append(rv_group) reg2rv[reg].append(rv_group) continue # attachs new parameter to the StarList # print component, gn, 'rv', group=gn) if component not in cloned_comps: if component == 'all': cloned_comps.extend( else: cloned_comps.append(component) registered_groups.append(gn) # print registered_groups, cloned_comps # remove the default groups for c in cloned_comps: gref =[c]['rv'][0]['group'] if gref not in registered_groups: self.remove_parameter(c, 'rv', gref) # back register the group numbers to the observed spectra for filename in new_groups.keys(): # print new_groups[filename] self.ol.set_spectrum(filename=filename, group={'rv': new_groups[filename]}) # print self # finalize the list of rv_groups for each region self.rel_rvgroup_region = {x: np.unique(reg2rv[x]).tolist() for x in reg2rv.keys()} def _setup_all_groups(self): """ Setting up all groups from observations is even a bigger pain. :return: """ # get wavelength boundaries of defined regions wmins, wmaxs, regs = self.rl.get_wavelengths(verbose=True) # this dictionary is needed to have # unambiguous relationship between # rv_group, spectrum and region reg2rv = {x: [] for x in regs} # physical parameters phys_pars = phys_pars = [par for par in phys_pars if par not in ['lr']] # for every region we have a look if we have some datas for p_par in phys_pars: new_groups = dict() cloned_comps = [] registered_groups = [] for wmin, wmax, reg in zip(wmins, wmaxs, regs): # query spectra for each region observed_spectra = self.ol.get_spectra(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax) # go over each observed spectrum for i, spectrum in enumerate(observed_spectra): # read out properties of spectra component = spectrum.component # if the group is not defined for the s if p_par in p_group = copy.deepcopy([p_par]) else: # self.ol.set_spectrum(spectrum.filename, group={p_par:0}) p_group = None # readout groups that were already defined for all components def_groups ='all', parameter=p_par)['all'][p_par] # print p_par, def_groups # We define group for our observation if p_group is None: if p_par == 'rv': gn = generate_least_number(def_groups) reg2rv[reg].append(gn) # for other than rvs, the default group is 0 else: # self.ol.set_spectrum(filename=spectrum.filename, group={p_par: 0}) #[p_par]=0 continue # save the newly registered group if spectrum.filename not in new_groups.keys(): new_groups[spectrum.filename] = [] new_groups[spectrum.filename].append(gn) elif p_group not in def_groups: gn = p_group reg2rv[reg].append(p_group) # if the group is defined we only need to # add it among the user defined one, so it # so it is not deleted later elif p_group in def_groups: registered_groups.append(p_group) reg2rv[reg].append(p_group) continue # attachs new parameter to the StarList # print component, gn, p_par, group=gn) if component not in cloned_comps: if component == 'all': cloned_comps.extend( else: cloned_comps.append(component) registered_groups.append(gn) # print registered_groups, cloned_comps # remove the default groups for c in cloned_comps: gref =[c][p_par][0]['group'] if gref not in registered_groups: self.remove_parameter(c, p_par, gref) # print new_groups # back register the group numbers to the observed spectra for filename in new_groups.keys(): # print p_par, new_groups self.ol.set_spectrum(filename=filename, group={'rv': new_groups[filename]}) # finalize the list of rv_groups for each region self.rel_rvgroup_region = {x: np.unique(reg2rv[x]).tolist() for x in reg2rv.keys()} def update_fitter(self): """ Pass the fitted parameters to the fitter. :return: """ # get the fitted parameters fitpars = self.get_fitted_parameters() name = self.fitter.fittername kwargs = self.fitter.fit_kwargs # update the fitted parameters self.choose_fitter(name, fitparams=fitpars, **kwargs) def verify_spectra_and_regions(self): """ Checks that all fitted spectra fit into at least one region. If not an error is raised :return: """ # get all defined regions wmins, wmaxs = self.rl.get_wavelengths() # go over each spectrum for spectrum in self.ol.observedSpectraList['spectrum']: wave = spectrum.get_wavelength() owmin = wave.min() owmax = wave.max() # check whether the spectrum fits into at least one # region is_within = False for wmin, wmax in zip(wmins, wmaxs): if (wmin > owmin) & (wmax < owmax): is_within = True break if not is_within: warnings.warn('The spectrum:\n%s does not fit into any defined spectral region. These ' 'spectra will be excluded from fitting.' % str(spectrum)) @staticmethod def write_mc_result(f, treshold=100, outputname='fit.res'): """ Writes the result of fitting :param f a fitting log :param outputname :param treshold :return: """ # returns a dictionary of fitted parameters and their uncertainties pars = Interface.evaluate_mcmc(f, treshold=treshold) # creates the output string string = '' for c in pars.keys(): for p in pars[c].keys(): for row in pars[c][p]: string += 'c:%15s p:%6s ' % (c, p) string += 'g:%3i ' % (row['group']) for key in ['best', 'gauss_mean', 'gauss_sigma', 'lower', 'upper']: string += "%6s: %10.4f " % (key, row[key]) string += '\n' # writes it to a file ofile = open(outputname, 'w') ofile.writelines([string]) ofile.close() def write_rvs(self, outputname=None): """ Writes RVs defined to all groups --- usually there is only one spectrum per group. :param outputname: file where the output is written :return: rvs -- radial velocities per component and group, allgroup -- a list of all defined rv groups names --list of spectra names """ # get define groups groups = self.get_defined_groups(component='all', parameter='rv') # get a parameter components = # get a list of unique groups allgroups = [] for c in components: allgroups.extend(groups[c]['rv']) allgroups = np.unique(allgroups) # get all components for a given group rvs = {c: [] for c in components} names = [] hjds = [] groups = [] for i, g in enumerate(allgroups): # get all observed spectra corresponding to the group obspecs = self.ol.get_spectra(rv=g) # get the radial velocities pars = for obspec in obspecs: for j, c in enumerate(components): # append radial velocity if c in pars.keys(): rvs[c].append(pars[c][0]['value']) # if an component is missing -9999.999 is assigned instead else: rvs[c].append(-9999.9999) # append name and hjd and group names.append(obspec.filename) hjds.append(obspec.hjd) groups.append(g) if outputname is not None: # opent the file ofile = open(outputname, 'w') # switch for writing hjds has_hjd = any([x is not None for x in hjds]) # write the header if has_hjd: ofile.write("#%5s%20s%20s" % ('GROUP', 'FILENAME', 'HJD')) else: ofile.write("#%5s%20s" % ('GROUP', 'FILENAME')) for j in range(0, len(components)): ofile.write("%15s" % components[j].upper()) ofile.write('\n') # write teh rvs for i in range(0, len(names)): # what of HJD is not assigned if has_hjd: ofile.write("%6s%20s%20s" % (str(groups[i]).zfill(3), names[i], str(hjds[i]))) else: ofile.write("%6s%20s" % (str(groups[i]).zfill(3), names[i])) for c in components: ofile.write("%15.6f" % rvs[c][i]) ofile.write('\n') return rvs, allgroups, names def write_shifted_spectra(self, outputfile=None, residuals=False): """ :return: """ # setup name prefix if outputfile is None: outputfile = '' # go over each record within comparisonList for cp in self.comparisonList: if residuals: outputfile = cp['observed'].filename # extract description of the comparison wave = cp['wave'] intens = sum_dict_keys(cp['synthetic']) wmin = cp['wmin'] wmax = cp['wmax'] component = cp['observed'].component korel = cp['observed'].korel rvgroup = cp['groups']['rv'] # set name name = '_'.join([outputfile, 'c', component, 'wmin', str(wmin), 'wmax', str(wmax), 'g', str(rvgroup)]) \ + '.dat' # construct header of the file header = '' header += '# Component: %s\n' % str(component) header += '# Region: (%s,%s)\n' % (str(wmin), str(wmax)) header += '# KOREL: %s\n' % str(korel) header += '# Residual: %s\n' % str(residuals) # write the synthetic spectrum ofile = open(name, 'w') ofile.writelines(header) if residuals: oi = cp['observed'].get_spectrum(wmin, wmax)[1] np.savetxt(ofile, np.column_stack([wave, oi - intens]), fmt='%15.8e') else: np.savetxt(ofile, np.column_stack([wave, intens]), fmt='%15.8e') ofile.close() def write_synthetic_spectra(self, component=None, region=None, rvgroups=None, outputname=None, korel=False): """ Writes the synthetic spectra obtained through the fitting. :param component :param region :param outputname :param korel :return: """ # set defaults for component if component is None: components = if isinstance(component, str): components = [component] # set defaults for region if region is None: regions = self.rl.get_registered_regions() if isinstance(region, str): regions = [region] # go over each region for r in regions: # get the wavelengths wmin = self.rl.mainList[r]['wmin'] wmax = self.rl.mainList[r]['wmax'] # get defined groups for the region reg_groups = copy.deepcopy(self.rl.mainList[r]['groups'][0]) phys_pars = [x for x in if x not in ['rv']] for par in phys_pars: if par not in reg_groups.keys(): reg_groups[par] = 0 # get regional parameters reg_pars =**reg_groups) for c in components: # get defined rv groups if rvgroups is None: rv_groups =, parameter='rv')[c]['rv'] else: if not isinstance(rv_groups, (list, tuple)): rv_groups = [rv_groups] for rvg in rv_groups: # the outputname if outputname is not None: oname = '_'.join([outputname, 'c', c, 'r', str(wmin), str(wmax), 'g', str(rvg)]) + '.dat' else: oname = '_'.join(['c', c, 'r', str(wmin), str(wmax), 'g', str(rvg)]) + '.dat' if self.debug: print "Writing spectrum: %s." % oname # get the parameters # the radial velocity rvpar =[c] # remaining parameters cpars = reg_pars[c] # append the radial velocity cpars.extend(rvpar) # print cpars # separate those that need to be computed, # i.e. those not defined by the grid computepars = [par for par in cpars if par['name'] in self._not_given_by_grid] computepars = self.extract_parameters(computepars) # print computepars # compute the synthetic spectra w, i = self.synthetics[r][c].get_spectrum(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, korel=korel, **computepars) # constrauct header of the file header = '' header += '# Component: %s\n' % str(c) header += '# Region: (%s,%s)\n' % (str(wmin), str(wmax)) header += '# KOREL: %s\n' % str(korel) header += '# Parameters: %s\n' % str(self.extract_parameters(cpars)) # write the file ofile = open(oname, 'w') ofile.writelines(header) np.savetxt(ofile, np.column_stack([w, i]), fmt='%15.10e') ofile.close() # destroy the if rvgroups is None: rv_groups = None class List(object): """ Future parent class for all the lists, which are dictionaries... :-) """ def __init__(self, l=None, debug=False): """ :param l: the list stored within the class :param debug: debugmode on/off :return: """ # list if l is not None: self.mainList = l else: self.mainList = {} # setup debug mode self.debug = debug def clear_all(self): """ Clears the list :return: None """ self.mainList = {} class ObservedList(object): """ A helper class which groups all observed spectra and prepares necessary parameters for fitting. """ def __init__(self, observedSpectraList=None, debug=False): """ :param observedSpectraList: this should not be used in general, this creates the class assuming that we are passin the self.observedSpectraList, this shoudl not be used probably :param debug: debug mode :return: """ # dictionary containing all observed spectra, apart from that # it also carries information on. A group fro radial velocities # has to be always set, because we intend to fit spectra acquired # on different times. self.observedSpectraList = dict(spectrum=[], group=dict(), properties=dict()) self.groupValues = dict() # list of properties self._property_list = ['component', 'filename', 'hasErrors', 'korel', 'loaded', 'wmin', 'wmax'] # self._queriables = copy.deepcopy(self._property_list).extend(['group']) # although wmin, wmax can be queried, it is treated separately from the remaining # parameters, because it cannot be tested on equality self._queriables = [x for x in self._property_list if x not in ['wmin', 'wmax']] self._queriable_floats = ['wmin', 'wmax'] # initialize with empty lists self.observedSpectraList['properties'] = {key: [] for key in self._property_list} # debug self.debug = debug if observedSpectraList is not None: self.observedSpectraList = observedSpectraList self.read_groups() self.read_properties() self.groupValues = self.get_defined_groups() def __len__(self): """ Returns number of attached observed spectra. """ return len(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']) def __str__(self): """ String method for the class :return: string.. string representation of teh class """ string = 'List of all attached spectra:\n' for i, spectrum in enumerate(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']): string += str(spectrum) return string def add_one_observation(self, obs=None, update=True, **kwargs): """ Adds observation to the list. :param obs observed spectrum wrapped in ObservedSpectrum class :param update - update the observed spectra list :param kwargs see class ObservedSpectrum (observations module) for details. """ # adds the spectrum and loads it if self.debug: kwargs['debug'] = True if obs is None: obs = ObservedSpectrum(**kwargs) self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'].append(obs) if self.debug: print "Adding spectrum: %s" % (str(obs)) # builds the observedSpectraList dictionary if update: self.read_groups() self.read_properties() self.groupValues = self.get_defined_groups() def add_observations(self, spec_list, update=True): """ :param spec_list: list of dictionaries - key words are the same as for ObservedSpectrum class constructor :param update: whether to update the dictionary with the properties of the observed spectra """ # attachs the spectra for rec in spec_list: if isinstance(rec, dict): self.add_one_observation(update=False, **rec) else: self.add_one_observation(update=False, obs=rec) # builds the observedSpectraList dictionary if update: self.read_groups() self.read_properties() self.groupValues = self.get_defined_groups() def clear_all(self): """ Clears all spectra. """ self.__init__() def get_data_groups(self, components): """ Returns a dictionary, containing a record on defined group for each component. :param components: a list of queried components :return: """ groups = dict() for component in components: osl = self.get_spectra(verbose=True, component=component) if self.debug: print 'Queried observed spectra: %s for component: %s.' % (str(osl), component) if len(osl) > 0: groups[component] = ObservedList(observedSpectraList=osl).get_defined_groups() return groups def get_defined_groups(self, component=None): """ Reads all groups and values that are set for the spectra in the list. :param component :return dictionary of defined group for all/given component """ if component is 'all': component = None # empty dicitonary for the values groups = dict() # go through ech spectrum and store defined values for spectrum in self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']: # select component if component is not None and spectrum.component != component: continue for key in if key not in groups.keys(): groups[key] = [] if isinstance([key], (list, tuple)): groups[key].extend([key]) else: groups[key].append([key]) # only unique values are needed for key in groups.keys(): groups[key] = np.unique(groups[key]).tolist() return groups def get_resolution(self, verbose=False): """ Reads resoolution for each spectrum :param verbose :return: """ # create a list of resolutions resolutions = np.zeros(len(self)) for i in range(0, len(self)): resolutions[i] = self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'][i].step # if verbose is set returns resolution for each spectrum if verbose: return resolutions # or just the maximum value else: return np.max(resolutions) def get_spectra(self, verbose=False, permissive=False, **kwargs): """ :param kwargs.. properties of ObservedSpectrum, that we want to return. This function does not search the individual spectra, but the dictionary observedSpectraList. :param verbose return the whole bserved spectra list stub :param permissive In general this could be - wmin, wmax, group, component etc.. :return: speclist = all spectra that have the queried properties """ # First of all check that all passed arguments are # either defined among queriables or is in groups to_pass = [] for key in kwargs.keys(): # print key, self._queriables if (key not in self._queriables) & (key not in self._queriable_floats): if key not in self.groupValues.keys(): if permissive: to_pass.append(key) continue raise KeyError('Keyword %s is not defined. This either means, that it was not set up for ' 'the observed spectra, or is an attribute of Observed spectrum, but is not ' 'defined among queriables, or is wrong.' % key) # create a copy of the spectralist osl = copy.deepcopy(self.observedSpectraList) # debug string dbg_string = 'Queried: ' # reduce the list for key in kwargs.keys(): # if key in to_pass: continue # find all matching for a given key-word keytest = key.lower() # these can be tested on equality as strings if keytest in self._queriables: vind = np.where(np.array(osl['properties'][keytest], dtype=str) == str(kwargs[key])) elif keytest == 'component': vind = np.where((np.array(osl['properties'][keytest], dtype=str) == str(kwargs[key])) or (np.array(osl['properties'][keytest], dtype=str) == 'all'))[0] # that cannot be tested on equality elif keytest == 'wmin': vind = np.where(np.array(osl['properties'][keytest]) <= kwargs[key])[0] elif keytest == 'wmax': vind = np.where(np.array(osl['properties'][keytest]) >= kwargs[key])[0] # those that are defined in groups elif keytest in osl['group'].keys(): vind = [] for i in range(0, len(osl['spectrum'])): if isinstance(osl['group'][keytest][i], (tuple, list)): if kwargs[key] in osl['group'][keytest][i]: vind.append(i) else: if kwargs[key] == osl['group'][keytest][i]: vind.append(i) vind = np.array(vind) if len(vind) == 0: warnings.warn('No spectrum matching %s: %s was found in the ' 'list of observed spectra:\n%sDo not panic, it can ' 'still be listed among \'all\'.' % (key, str(kwargs[key]), str(self))) return [] if self.debug: dbg_string += '%s: %s ' % (key, str(kwargs[key])) print "%s.. %s spectra remain." % (dbg_string, str(len(vind))) # extract them from the list for dic in osl.keys(): # if the key refers to a dictionary if isinstance(osl[dic], dict): for sub_key in osl[dic].keys(): osl[dic][sub_key] = (np.array(osl[dic][sub_key])[vind]).tolist() # if it refers to a list or array else: osl[dic] = (np.array(osl[dic])[vind]).tolist() # simple output, just spectra if not verbose: return osl['spectrum'] # otherwise the whole remnant of the # observed spectra list is returned else: return osl def load(self, f): """ Loads the text representation of the class from a file f. :param f :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) data_start = len(lines) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.find('OBSERVEDLIST') > -1: data_start = i break # check that there are actually some data in the file # the algorithm failed to load the class if data_start >= len(lines): return False # create a regionlist ol = ObservedList() # from here the file is actually being read for i, l in enumerate(lines[data_start+1:]): # once we reach regionlist, we end if l.find('OBSERVEDLIST') > -1: break # split the linbe d = l.split() # print d if d[0].find('filename') > -1: i = 0 cdict = {} # print d while i < len(d): if d[i].find(':') > -1: j = i + 1 while j < len(d) and d[j].find(':') == -1: j += 1 stub = d[i:j] if len(stub) < 3: cdict[d[i].strip(':')] = stub[1].strip(':[]{}\'\"') else: cdict[d[i].strip(':')] = map(int, [stub[k].strip(':[]{}\'\"') for k in range(1, len(stub))]) i = j # it is a mess with the global error :-( cdict['error'] = cdict['global_error'] del cdict['global_error'] # cast the parameters to the correct types parnames = ['filename', 'component', 'error', 'korel', 'hjd'] cast_types = [str, str, float, string2bool, float] for k in cdict.keys(): if k in parnames: i = parnames.index(k) if cdict[k] != 'None': cdict[k] = cast_types[i](cdict[k]) else: cdict[k] = None else: # the remaining must be groups cdict[k] = int(cdict[k]) # add the parameter if it does not exist groups = {key: cdict[key] for key in cdict.keys() if key not in parnames} kwargs = {key: cdict[key] for key in cdict.keys() if key in parnames} ol.add_one_observation(group=groups, **kwargs) # do the same for enviromental keys if d[0].find('env_keys') > -1: # the first string is just identification d = d[1:] # secure corrct types recs = ['debug'] cast_types = [string2bool] cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} for k in cdict.keys(): if k in recs: i = recs.index(k) ctype = cast_types[i] cdict[k] = ctype(cdict[k]) # assign the vlues setattr(ol, k, cdict[k]) # finally assign everything to self attrs = ['debug', 'groupValues', 'observedSpectraList'] for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(ol, attr)) # if we got here, we loaded the data return True def read_groups(self): """ Updates the dictionary observedSpectraList with group records for every single observations and creates the dictionary groupValues which contains lists of all defined groups for every parameter. For parameters != 'rv': If at least one spectrum has a group assigned it is automatically assumed, that it does not belong among the remaining ones. This means that all remaining spectra are assigned their own group. For parameters == 'rv': Each spectrum is assigned unique RV group, unless this is overriden by the user by setting them up. This comes natural, since we are likely to fit spectra from different times, regions, where slight shifts in rv are very likely. """ # First go through each spectrum to see, which # groups were defined by user groups = self.get_defined_groups() # print groups # check that rv has been setup - mandatory, because each observed spectrum # is assigned its own rv_group if 'rv' not in groups.keys(): groups['rv'] = [] # assign empty group arrays for key in groups.keys(): self.observedSpectraList['group'][key] = np.zeros(len(self)).astype('int16').tolist() # Assigning groups to every spectrum for i, spectrum in enumerate(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']): for key in groups.keys(): # If not user defined the maximal possible # group is assigned if key != 'rv': gn = spectrum.get_group(key) def_groups = groups[key] # print key, gn, def_groups # if spectrum has no group, but some groups have been defined, # the group is assigned to the least number not in defuined groups if gn is None and len(def_groups) > 0: gn = 0 while gn in def_groups: gn += 1 # if no group is defined for all spectra, start with zero elif gn is None and len(def_groups) == 0: gn = 0 # store the groupnumber self.observedSpectraList['group'][key][i] = gn else: gn = spectrum.get_group(key) if gn is None: self.observedSpectraList['group'][key][i] = None else: self.observedSpectraList['group'][key][i] = gn # propagate the groups back to spectra self._set_groups_to_spectra() def read_properties(self): """ Goes through the attached spectra and reads stores them within the observedSpectraList dictionary. """ # initialize with empty lists for key in self._property_list: self.observedSpectraList['properties'][key] = np.empty(len(self), dtype=object) # fill the dictionary for i, spectrum in enumerate(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']): for key in self._property_list: self.observedSpectraList['properties'][key][i] = getattr(spectrum, key) def save(self, ofile): """ Saves the class. It should be retrievable from the file. :param ofile: :return: """ # Open the file if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(ofile, 'w+') # parameters listed for each record in the RegionList enviromental_keys = ['debug'] string = ' OBSERVEDLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' for s in self.observedSpectraList['spectrum']: keys = ['filename', 'component', 'korel', 'global_error', 'groups', 'hjd'] for k in keys: if k not in ['groups']: string += '%s: %s ' % (k, str(getattr(s, k))) else: for gk in if isinstance([gk], (list, tuple)): string += '%s: ' % gk for gn in[gk]: string += '%s ' % str(gn) else: string += '%s: %s ' % (gk, str([gk])) string += '\n' # attach enviromental keys for ekey in enviromental_keys: string += "%s: %s " % (ekey, str(getattr(self, ekey))) string += '\n' # finalize the string string += ' OBSERVEDLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # write the result ofile.writelines(string) def set_spectrum(self, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Sets spectrum to a given value. :param filename :param kwargs: :return: """ # print kwargs for i in range(0, len(self)): if self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'][i].filename == filename: for key in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'][i], key, kwargs[key]) if key is 'group': self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'][i].set_group(kwargs[key]) # print self self.read_groups() self.groupValues = self.get_defined_groups() def _set_groups_to_spectra(self): """ Propagates groups, which are set in observedSpectraList, in individual spectra. """ for i in range(0, len(self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'])): group = {key: self.observedSpectraList['group'][key][i] for key in self.observedSpectraList['group'].keys()} self.observedSpectraList['spectrum'][i].set_group(group) class RegionList(List): """ """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Class constructor :return:None """ # setup the parent class super(RegionList, self).__init__(**kwargs) # registered keywords self._registered_records = ['components', 'groups', 'wmin', 'wmax'] # if not given along the class a blank one is created if len(self.mainList.keys()) < 1: self.mainList = {} self._registered_regions = [] self._user_defined_groups = {} else: self._registered_regions = self.get_registered_regions() def __str__(self): """ String representation of the class. :return: string """ string = '' # go over regions for key0 in self.mainList.keys(): # region properties string += "Region name: %s: (wmin, wmax) = (%s, %s):\n" % (key0, str(self.mainList[key0]['wmin']), str(self.mainList[key0]['wmax'])) # componentn properties for i in range(0, len(self.mainList[key0]['components'])): string += "%s: %s " % ('component', str(self.mainList[key0]['components'][i])) string += "%s: %s " % ('groups', str(self.mainList[key0]['groups'][i])) string += '\n' return string def add_region(self, component='all', identification=None, wmin=None, wmax=None, groups=None): """ :param component: component for whichg the region apply :param identification :param wmin: minimal wavelength :param wmax: maximal wavelength :param groups: group numbers for this region :return: None """ # if we are crazy and want to set this up # either by wavelength or by identification if (wmin is None or wmax is None) and identification is None: raise ValueError('Boundaries are not set properly: (wmin,wmax)= (%s, %s)' % (str(wmin), str(wmax))) else: if (wmin >= wmax) and identification not in self._registered_regions: raise ValueError('wmin is greater than wmax: %s > %s ' 'or the region: %s is not registered.' % (str(wmin), str(wmax), identification)) # convert component/group/identification keys to lowercase if groups is not None: groups = keys_to_lowercase(groups) else: groups = {} # make component case insensitive component = component.lower() ident = identification if ident is not None: ident = ident.lower() # maybe the region has been already defined if ident in self.mainList.keys(): region = ident elif ident is None: region = self.get_region(wmin, wmax) else: region = None # if there is a region exists and the component is all, # there is no point to attach it # print region, component if (region is not None) and (component == 'all'): warnings.warn('The region already exists as region: %s -> doing nothing.' % region) return # if it is not empty if region is not None: if self.debug: print "Adding component: %s to region: %s" % (component, region) # check that the component ws not set earlier if self.has_component(region, component): warnings.warn('The component: %s is already set for region: %s. -> doing nothing.' % (component, region)) return # get lr from the region first record # print groups, self.mainList[region]['groups'] groups['lr'] = self.mainList[region]['groups'][0]['lr'] self.read_user_defined_groups(groups) # store everything apart from the wmin, wmax self.mainList[region]['groups'].append(groups) self.mainList[region]['components'].append(component) # readout user-defined groups self.read_user_defined_groups(groups) else: # setup identification for if ident is None: ident = 'region' + str(len(self._registered_regions)).zfill(2) if self.debug: print "Creating new region: %s." % ident # register the new region self.mainList[ident] = dict(wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax, components=[component], groups=[]) self._registered_regions.append(ident) # if the luminosity group is not defined if 'lr' not in groups.keys(): all_groups = self.get_defined_groups() if 'lr' in all_groups.keys(): def_groups = all_groups['lr'] else: def_groups = [] gn = 0 while gn in def_groups: gn += 1 groups['lr'] = gn # add groups to the list self.mainList[ident]['groups'].append(groups) # readout user-defined groups self.read_user_defined_groups(groups) self.setup_undefined_groups() def clear_all(self): """ Clears the class. :return: """ super(RegionList, self).clear_all() self._registered_regions = [] self._user_defined_groups = {} def get_defined_groups(self): """ Returns plain list of all defined groups regardless of their components. :return: list of defined groups """ groups = {} for reg in self._registered_regions: for rec in self.mainList[reg]['groups']: for key in rec.keys(): if key not in groups.keys(): groups[key] = [rec[key]] else: if rec[key] not in groups[key]: groups[key].append(rec[key]) return groups def get_region(self, wmin, wmax): """ Checks that a region with this wavelength range does not exist. :param wmin :param wmax :return: """ for region in self.mainList: if (abs(self.mainList[region]['wmin'] - wmin) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) & \ (abs(self.mainList[region]['wmax'] - wmax) < ZERO_TOLERANCE): return region return None def get_region_groups(self): """ A dictionary of groups defined for regions component by component. :return: dictionary containing records on groups which can be directly passed to type StarList through set_groups """ groups = {} # go over each region for reg in self.mainList.keys(): for i in range(0, len(self.mainList[reg]['components'])): component = self.mainList[reg]['components'][i] comp_groups = self.mainList[reg]['groups'][i] # setup component if component not in groups.keys(): groups[component] = {} # setup keys for key in comp_groups.keys(): if key not in groups[component].keys(): groups[component][key] = [comp_groups[key]] else: if comp_groups[key] not in groups[component][key]: groups[component][key].append(comp_groups[key]) return groups def get_registered_regions(self): """ Returns an array of registered regions. :return: """ return self.mainList.keys() def get_wavelengths(self, verbose=False): """ Returns registered wavelengths :param verbose :return: wmins, wmaxs = arrays of minimal/maximal wavelength for each region """ wmins = [] wmaxs = [] regs = [] for reg in self.mainList.keys(): wmins.append(self.mainList[reg]['wmin']) wmaxs.append(self.mainList[reg]['wmax']) regs.append(reg) if verbose: return wmins, wmaxs, regs else: return wmins, wmaxs def get_regions_from_obs(self, ol, append=False): """ Reads the region from a list of observations. In general this function should not be used for fitting, because it makes no sense to fit the whole spectrum. :param ol: list of ObservedSpectrum :param append are we appending to existing list? :return: list of unique limits """ if len(ol) == 0: raise ValueError('Cannot setup regions from observed spectra, because' ' their list is empty!') # clear the regions if needed if not append: self.clear_all() # empty arrays for limits limits = {} # the rounding is there get over stupid problems with float precision for obs in ol: component = obs.component if component not in limits: limits[component] = [[], []] limits[component][0].append(np.ceil(obs.wmin)) limits[component][1].append(np.floor(obs.wmax)) # get only unique values for i in range(0, 2): limits[component][i] = np.unique(limits[component][i]) # check that something funny did not happen for component in limits.keys(): if len(limits[component][0]) != len(limits[component][1]): raise ValueError('The limits were not read out correctly from observed spectra.') # setup the regions for i in range(0, len(limits[component][0])): self.add_region(component=component, wmin=limits[component][0][i], wmax=limits[component][1][i]) return limits def has_component(self, region, component): """ Checks that certain component was attached for a given region. :param region: :param component: :return: bool has/has_not the component """ for regcomp in self.mainList[region]['components']: if (regcomp == component) or (regcomp == 'all'): return True return False def load(self, f): """ Loads the text representation of the class from a file f. :param f :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) data_start = len(lines) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.find('REGIONLIST') > -1: data_start = i break # check that there are actually some data in the file # if not we failed if data_start >= len(lines): return False # create a regionlist rl = RegionList() # from here the file is actually being read for i, l in enumerate(lines[data_start+1:]): # once we reach regionlist, we end if l.find('REGIONLIST') > -1: break # split the linbe d = l.split() # print d if d[0].find('identification') > -1: cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} # print cdict # cast the paramneters to teh correct types parnames = ['wmin', 'wmax', 'identification', 'component'] cast_types = [float, float, str, str] for k in cdict.keys(): if k in parnames: i = parnames.index(k) cdict[k] = cast_types[i](cdict[k]) else: # the remaining must be groups cdict[k] = int(cdict[k]) # add the parameter if it does not exist groups = {key: cdict[key] for key in cdict.keys() if key not in parnames} kwargs = {key: cdict[key] for key in cdict.keys() if key in parnames} # print groups # # print kwargs rl.add_region(groups=groups, **kwargs) # do the same for enviromental keys if d[0].find('env_keys') > -1: # the first string is just identification d = d[1:] # secure corrct types recs = ['debug'] cast_types = [string2bool] cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} for k in cdict.keys(): if k in recs: i = recs.index(k) ctype = cast_types[i] cdict[k] = ctype(cdict[k]) # assign the vlues setattr(rl, k, cdict[k]) # finally assign everything to self attrs = ['_registered_records', '_registered_regions', '_user_defined_groups', 'mainList', 'debug'] for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(rl, attr)) # if we got here, we loaded the data return True def read_user_defined_groups(self, groups): """ When adding new region, all user defined groups are read out to properly set the default groups :param groups groups to be read :return: None """ for key in groups.keys(): if key not in self._user_defined_groups.keys(): self._user_defined_groups[key] = [groups[key]] else: if groups[key] not in self._user_defined_groups[key]: self._user_defined_groups[key].append(groups[key]) def save(self, ofile): """ Saves the class. It should be retrievable from the file. :param ofile: :return: """ # Open the file if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(ofile, 'w+') # parameters listed for each record in the RegionList enviromental_keys = ['debug'] string = ' REGIONLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' for ident in self.mainList.keys(): for i, c in enumerate(self.mainList[ident]['components']): string += 'identification: %s ' % ident # write the wavelengths for lkey in ['wmin', 'wmax']: string += '%s: %s ' % (lkey, str(self.mainList[ident][lkey])) # write components string += "component: %s " % c # and groups for gkey in self.mainList[ident]['groups'][i].keys(): string += "%s: %s " % (gkey, str(self.mainList[ident]['groups'][i][gkey])) string += '\n' # setup additional parameters string += 'env_keys: ' for ekey in enviromental_keys: string += '%s: %s ' % (ekey, str(getattr(self, ekey))) string += '\n' string += ' REGIONLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # write the remaining parameters ofile.writelines(string) def setup_undefined_groups(self): """ User can be a bit lazy. If we split some parameter into more groups, we can only set group for few and the remaining dataset gets a default one. This nonetheless has to be run after all regions were attached. If we do this earlier, we will get into serious problems. :return: """ # defined groups groups = self.get_defined_groups() # setup default group numbers for region->component # with unset group for region in self._registered_regions: for i, comp_group in enumerate(self.mainList[region]['groups']): # go over each defined group for key in groups.keys(): # if the key is unset for the component # we have to assign some. This must # not be one of the user-defined. # That is why we maintain dictionary # of user defined groups. if key not in comp_group.keys(): gn = 0 while gn in self._user_defined_groups[key]: gn += 1 self.mainList[region]['groups'][i][key] = gn class StarList(object): """ """ def __init__(self, debug=False): """ """ # set up debug mode self.debug = debug # define empty list of components self.componentList = {} # array storing registered components self._registered_components = [] # defined groups self.groups = {} # empty dictionary for the list of # fitted types self.fitted_types = {} def __len__(self): """ Returns number of parameters. :return: l """ pass def __str__(self): """ :return: string = string represantation of the class """ string = '' for component in self.componentList.keys(): string += "Component: %s\n" % component for parkey in self.componentList[component].keys(): for par in self.componentList[component][parkey]: string += str(par) return string def add_component(self, component=None, groups={}, use_defaults=True, **kwargs): """ Setups a component - if no kwargs are given, all parameters from the parameter_definitions are taken. If one wants to not-include a parameter, params = None, has to be passed. If one wants to add a parameter, that is not defined in parameter definitions, just pass parameter + value. :param component: Registration string of the component if None is given, it is registred as 'componentXX' :param groups: group set to all parameters of a component :param use_defaults :param kwargs: :return: """ # setup name of the component and create a record within # component list if component is None: component = 'component' + str(len(self._registered_components)) # register he component self._registered_components.append(component) # the parameters will be stored in a dictionary self.componentList[component] = dict() pd = copy.deepcopy(parameter_definitions) # setup groups for default parameters for key in groups.keys(): if key in pd.keys(): pd[key]['group'] = groups[key] # process the keyword-arguments for key in kwargs.keys(): keytest = key.lower() # if we pass par + value, it is just stored if keytest in pd.keys() and kwargs[key] is not None: self.componentList[component][keytest] = [] self.componentList[component][keytest].append(Parameter(**pd[key])) self.componentList[component][keytest][-1]['value'] = kwargs[key] elif kwargs[key] is None: warnings.warn('The parameter %s is set to %s. Therefore it is not ' 'included into component parameters.' % (key, str(kwargs[key]))) elif keytest not in pd.keys() and kwargs[key] is not None: # set up group if keytest in groups.keys(): group = groups[keytest] self.componentList[component][keytest] = [] self.componentList[component][keytest].append(Parameter(name=key, value=kwargs[key], group=group)) self.componentList[component][keytest][-1].set_empty() warnings.warn('The parameter %s: %s is not set among the ' 'parameter definitions. Therefore you should pay ' 'attention to ist settings.') # pass all unset parameters in definitions if use_defaults: for key in pd.keys(): if key not in self.componentList[component].keys(): self.componentList[component][key] = [] self.componentList[component][key].append(Parameter(**pd[key])) # readout the groups self.read_groups() self.get_fitted_types() def add_parameter_to_component(self, component, p=None, **kwargs): """ Adds a parameter to a specific component. :param component: component for which we want to add a parameter :param p: assigning directly the Parameter type :param kwargs: see Parameter class for description :return: """ if p is None: self.componentList[component][kwargs['name']] = [] self.componentList[component][kwargs['name']].append(Parameter(**kwargs)) else: # print p['name'] self.componentList[component][p['name']].append(copy.deepcopy(p)) # redefine groups self.read_groups() self.get_fitted_types() def add_parameter_to_all(self, **kwargs): """ Adds a parameter to all components :param kwargs: see Parameter class :return: None """ for component in self._registered_components: self.add_parameter_to_component(component, **kwargs) def clear(self): """ Clears the component list :return: None """ self.componentList = {} self._registered_components = [] def clone_parameter(self, component, parameter, index=0, **kwargs): """ Clones a parameter and stores it for a given component. This function will be primarily used to clone parameters to acount for different groups. :param component: component for which we want to clone the parameter :param parameter: the cloned parameter :param index : the specific cloned parameter :param kwargs: values we want to change for the parameter :return: clone type_Parameter - the cloned parameter """ # in case we pass if component.lower() == 'all': components = self._registered_components else: components = [component] clones = [] # go over each component for component in components: # copy the parameter clone = copy.deepcopy(self.componentList[component][parameter][index]) clones.append(clone) # adjust its values for key in kwargs.keys(): keytest = key.lower() clone[keytest] = kwargs[key] # append the new component to the componentlist self.add_parameter_to_component(component, p=clone) return clones def copy(self): """ Creates a deepcopy of the class StarList. :return: """ other = StarList() for attr in ['_registered_components', 'componentList', 'debug', 'fitted_types', 'groups']: v = getattr(self, attr) setattr(other, attr, copy.deepcopy(v)) return other def delete_hollow_groups(self): """ Goes through parameters and deletes those that are set to None. :return: None """ for component in self._registered_components: for parkey in self.componentList[component].keys(): i = 0 while i < len(self.componentList[component][parkey]): # if the parameter group is not, it is deleted if self.componentList[component][parkey][i]['group'] is None: del self.componentList[component][parkey][i] else: i += 1 def delete_duplicities(self): """ Delete duplicities in groups. :return: None """ for component in self._registered_components: # groups can a have to be the same for two components ofc, def_groups = [] for parkey in self.componentList[component].keys(): i = 0 while i < len(self.componentList[component][parkey]): if self.componentList[component][parkey][i]['group'] not in def_groups: def_groups.append(self.componentList[component][parkey][i]['group']) i += 1 # if the parameter with the group has been already defined, delete it else: del self.componentList[component][parkey][i] def get_common_groups(self): """ Returns a dictionary of groups shared by all components. :return: com_groups """ # get the keys of physical parameters parkeys = self.get_physical_parameters() # get the groups com_groups = {} for key in parkeys: com_groups[key] = [] # define teh reference component comp0 = self._registered_components[0] # groups are always common for one parameter if len(self._registered_components) < 2: is_common = True # go over each group of for i in range(0, len(self.componentList[comp0][key])): refpar = self.componentList[comp0][key][i] # print refpar # at the beginning for component in self._registered_components[1:]: is_common = False for j, par in enumerate(self.componentList[component][key]): # print par if refpar['group'] == par['group']: is_common = True break if not is_common: break if is_common: com_groups[key].append(refpar['group']) return com_groups def get_components(self): """ Returns list of all defined components. :return: """ return copy.deepcopy(self._registered_components) def get_defined_groups(self, component=None, parameter=None): """: :param component: starlist component :param parameter: physical parameter :return: dictionary of groups """ groups = {} # setup parameters if parameter is None: parameters = self.get_physical_parameters() else: parameters = [parameter] # setup components if component is None or component == 'all': components = self.get_components() else: components = [component] # go over the registered componentss for comp in components: groups[comp]= {} # go over passed parameters for param in parameters: groups[comp][param] = [] for regparam in self.componentList[comp][param]: if == param: groups[comp][param].append( # merge groups if component was 'all' if component == 'all': for p in parameters: groups[component] = {} temp = [] for c in components: # print flatten_2d(groups[c][p]) temp.extend(groups[c][p]) groups[component][p] = np.unique(temp).tolist() return groups def get_fitted_parameters(self, verbose=False): """ Returns a list of fitted parameters wrapped within the Parameter class ofc. :param verbose - return a dictionary with additional info on the fitted parameters. :return: """ fit_pars = [] # info on the fitted parameters # is stored in a list and passed if # necessary if verbose: fit_pars_info = {'component': [], 'group': [], 'name': [], 'value': []} # go over all parameters and components for c in self._registered_components: for parname in self.get_physical_parameters(): for par in self.componentList[c][parname]: if par['fitted']: fit_pars.append(par) if verbose: for k in fit_pars_info.keys(): if k != 'component': fit_pars_info[k].append(par[k]) else: fit_pars_info[k].append(c) if not verbose: return fit_pars else: return fit_pars, fit_pars_info def get_fitted_types(self): """ Stores a dictionary of fitted types for each component in the class. This should be updated whenever a parameter is changed. :return: """ fitted_types = {} # go over each component for c in self.componentList.keys(): fitted_types[c] = [] # go over each parameter type for parname in self.componentList[c]: # and finaly over each parameter for par in self.componentList[c][parname]: if parname not in fitted_types[c]: if par['fitted']: fitted_types[c].append(parname) else: break # print fitted_types self.fitted_types = fitted_types def get_index(self, component, parameter, group): """ Returns index of a component/parameter/group. :param component: :param parameter: :param group: :return: """ for i, par in enumerate(self.componentList[component][parameter]): if par['group'] == group: return i warnings.warn('Component: %s Parameter: %s Group: %s' ' not found.' % (component, parameter, str(group))) return None def get_parameter_types(self): """ Returns a list of all parameter names :return: """ partypes = [] # go over each component and parameter for c in self._registered_components: for p in self.componentList[c].keys(): if p not in partypes: partypes.append(p) return partypes def get_parameter(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all parameters, which have certain group. :param kwargs: :return: """ pars = {x: [] for x in self._registered_components} for key in kwargs.keys(): for c in self._registered_components: for i, par in enumerate(self.componentList[c][key]): # print i, par if == kwargs[key]: pars[c].append(self.componentList[c][key][i]) return pars def get_physical_parameters(self): """ Reads physical parameters from the starlist. :return: """ pars = [] for c in self._registered_components: pars.extend(self.componentList[c].keys()) return np.unique(pars) def list_parameters(self): """ Returns a list of all parameters.s :return: """ # empty output structure return copy.deepcopy(self.componentList) def load(self, f): """ Loads the text representation of the class from a file f. :param f :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) data_start = len(lines) for i, l in enumerate(lines): if l.find('STARLIST') > -1: data_start = i break # check that there are actually some data in the file if data_start >= len(lines): return False # create a StarList sl = StarList() # from here the file is actually being read for i, l in enumerate(lines[data_start+1:]): # once we reach starlist again, we end if l.find('STARLIST') > -1: break d = l.split() if d[0].find('component') > -1: cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} # cast the paramneters to teh correct types for k in cdict.keys(): if k in ['value', 'vmin', 'vmax']: cdict[k] = float(cdict[k]) elif k in ['group']: cdict[k] = int(cdict[k]) elif k in ['fitted']: cdict[k] = string2bool(cdict[k]) # add the parameter if it does not exist c = cdict['component'] p = cdict['parameter'] if c not in sl.componentList.keys(): sl.componentList[c] = {} sl._registered_components.append(c) if cdict['parameter'] not in sl.componentList[c].keys(): sl.componentList[c][p] = [] # transform the array to Parameter classs pdict = {key: cdict[key] for key in cdict.keys() if key not in ['parameter', 'component']} pdict['name'] = p # add the parameter to teh class par = Parameter(**pdict) sl.add_parameter_to_component(component=c, p=par) # do the same for enviromental keys if d[0].find('env_keys') > -1: # the first string is just identification d = d[1:] # secure corrct types recs = ['debug'] cast_types = [string2bool] cdict = {d[i].rstrip(':'): d[i+1] for i in range(0, len(d), 2)} for k in cdict.keys(): if k in recs: i = recs.index(k) ctype = cast_types[i] cdict[k] = ctype(cdict[k]) # assign the vlues setattr(sl, k, cdict[k]) # finally assign everything to self attrs = ['_registered_components', 'componentList', 'debug', 'fitted_types', 'groups'] for attr in attrs: setattr(self, attr, getattr(sl, attr)) # if we got here, we loaded the data return True def read_groups(self): """ Reads all groups from the defined components. This is then compared to the list obtained from observations and defined regions, :return: """ for component in self.componentList.keys(): self.groups[component] = dict() for key in self.componentList[component].keys(): self.groups[component][key] = [] for par in self.componentList[component][key]: self.groups[component][key].append(par['group']) def remove_parameter(self, component, parameter, group): """ :param component: component for which the parameter is deleted :param parameter:deleted paramer :param group :return: """ index = self.get_index(component, parameter, group) del self.componentList[component][parameter][index] def reset(self, parameters='all'): """ Leaves only one parameter per type and component. :param parameters - list of reseted parameters :return: """ # cycle over components for c in self._registered_components: # select all parameters if parameters == 'all': reset_params = self.componentList[c].keys() else: reset_params = parameters # cycle over reseted parameters for p in reset_params: self.componentList[c][p] = [self.componentList[c][p][0]] self.groups[c][p] = [self.groups[c][p][0]] def save(self, ofile): """ Saves the class. It should be retrievable from the file. :param ofile: :return: """ # Open the file if isinstance(ofile, str): ofile = open(ofile, 'w+') # parameters listed for each record in the starlist listed_keys = ['value', 'unit', 'fitted', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'group'] string = ' STARLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' for c in self.componentList.keys(): for key in self.componentList[c].keys(): for par in self.componentList[c][key]: string += 'component: %s ' % c string += 'parameter: %s ' % key for lkey in listed_keys: string += '%s: %s ' % (lkey, str(par[lkey])) string += '\n' # setup additional parameters enviromental_keys = ['debug'] string += 'env_keys: ' for ekey in enviromental_keys: string += '%s: %s ' % (ekey, str(getattr(self, ekey))) string += '\n' string += ' STARLIST '.rjust(105, '#').ljust(200, '#') + '\n' # write the remaining parameters ofile.writelines(string) def set_groups(self, groups, overwrite=False): """ Sets up groups - this function is designed to use output from ObservedList.get_groups(). It is assumed that the structure is following: dict(component01=dict(par1=[], par2=[]), component2=..) This function should be used to primarily used to assign rv_groups, where cloning is necessary to not to get crazy. This function merges groups defined in the type and the one passed. In general we should not be able to do this. :param overwrite :param groups :return: None """ for component in groups.keys(): for parkey in groups[component].keys(): # bool variable for case, when we want to completely overwrite # previous settings first_in_list = True for group in groups[component][parkey]: # setting group for all components if component.lower() == 'all': for one_comp in self._registered_components: # print one_comp, parkey, self.groups if group not in self.groups[one_comp][parkey]: warnings.warn("Group %s: %s previously undefined." "Adding to the remaining groups." % (parkey, str(group))) # print one_comp, parkey, group self.clone_parameter(one_comp, parkey, group=group) # deletes all previous groups if overwrite and first_in_list: while len(self.groups[one_comp][parkey]) > 1: del self.groups[one_comp][parkey][0] first_in_list = False # if we are setting group only for one component else: if group not in self.groups[component][parkey]: warnings.warn("Group %s: %s previously undefined." "Adding to the remaining groups." % (parkey, str(group))) self.clone_parameter(component, parkey, group=group) # deletes all previous groups if overwrite and first_in_list: while len(self.groups[one_comp][parkey]) > 1: del self.groups[one_comp][parkey][0] first_in_list = False def set_parameter(self, name, component, group, **kwargs): """ Sets values defined in kwargs for a parameter of a given component and group. :param name: :param component: :param group: :param kwargs :return: """ # print name, component, group, kwargs name = name.lower() if name not in self.get_physical_parameters(): raise Exception("Parameter: %s unknown." % name) elif component not in self._registered_components: # print self._registered_components, component raise Exception("Component: %s unknown" % component) elif group not in self.get_defined_groups(component, name)[component][name]: raise Exception("Group \"%i\" was not defined for component \"%s\" and parameter \"%s\"!" % (group, component, name)) else: for i, par in enumerate(self.componentList[component][name]): if par['name'] == name and par['group'] == group: for key in kwargs.keys(): keytest = key.lower() # print name, component, keytest, kwargs[key] self.componentList[component][name][i][keytest] = kwargs[key] # print self # update the list of fitted types self.get_fitted_types() class SyntheticList(List): """ List of resulting synthetic spectra. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): # initialize the parent super(SyntheticList, self).__init__(**kwargs)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.constants import c from scipy.interpolate import splrep from scipy.interpolate import splev from scipy.interpolate import bisplrep from scipy.interpolate import bisplev from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline from scipy.interpolate import spline from scipy.signal import fftconvolve ZERO_TOLERANCE = 1e-6 def flatten_2d(arr): """ Flattens 2-dim array :param arr: 2d array :return: """ newarr = [] if any([isinstance(subarr, (list, tuple)) for subarr in arr]): for subarr in arr: if isinstance(subarr, (tuple, list)): newarr.extend(subarr) else: newarr.append(subarr) return newarr else: return arr def instrumental_broadening(wave, flux, width=0.25, width_type='fwhm', interpolate_back=True): """ A convolution of a spectrum with a normal distribution. :param: wave: :param: flux: :param width: :param width_type: :return: """ # print "Computing instr. broadening." # If there is no broadening to apply, don't bother if width < ZERO_TOLERANCE: return flux # Convert user input width type to sigma (standard devation) width_type = width_type.lower() if width_type == 'fwhm': sigma = width / 2.3548 elif width_type == 'sigma': sigma = width else: raise ValueError(("Unrecognised width_type='{}' (must be one of 'fwhm'" "or 'sigma')").format(width_type)) # Make sure the wavelength range is equidistant before applying the # convolution delta_wave = np.diff(wave).min() range_wave = wave.ptp() n_wave = int(range_wave / delta_wave) + 1 wave_ = np.linspace(wave[0], wave[-1], n_wave) # flux_ = np.interp(wave_, wave, flux) flux_ = interpolate_spec(wave, flux, wave_) dwave = wave_[1] - wave_[0] n_kernel = int(2 * 4 * sigma / dwave) # The kernel might be of too low resolution, or the the wavelength range # might be too narrow. In both cases, raise an appropriate error if n_kernel == 0: raise ValueError(("Spectrum resolution too low for " "instrumental broadening (delta_wave={}, " "width={}").format(delta_wave, width)) elif n_kernel > n_wave: raise ValueError(("Spectrum range too narrow for " "instrumental broadening")) # Construct the broadening kernel wave_k = np.arange(n_kernel) * dwave wave_k -= wave_k[-1] / 2. kernel = np.exp(- (wave_k) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) kernel /= sum(kernel) # Convolve the flux with the kernel flux_conv = fftconvolve(1 - flux_, kernel, mode='same') # And interpolate the results back on to the original wavelength array, # taking care of even vs. odd-length kernels if n_kernel % 2 == 1: offset = 0.0 else: offset = dwave / 2.0 if interpolate_back: flux = np.interp(wave + offset, wave_, 1 - flux_conv, left=1, right=1) # flux = interpolate_spec(wave_, 1-flux_conv, wave+offset) # Return the results. return flux def interpolate_block(x, block, xnew): """ Interpolates in each line of a 2d array. :param x: independent variable :type x: numpy.float64 :param block: 2d array for each column f(x)= block[i] :type block: numpy.float64 :param xnew: point at which it is interpolated :type xnew: float :return: """ intens = np.zeros(len(block[0])) n = len(block[:, 0]) # set up the order of interpolation if n > 4: k = 3 else: k = n - 1 # k=3 # TODO Can thius be done faster with bisplrep and bisplev # do the interpolation for i in range(0, len(block[0])): y = block[:, i] tck = splrep(x, y, k=k) intens[i] = splev(xnew, tck, der=0) return intens def interpolate_block_faster(x, block, xnew): """ Interpolation of teh spectra... hopefully faster? :param x: :param block: :param xnew: :return: """ # length of the datablock nx = len(block[0]) ny = len(x) # print x if (ny > 3) & (ny < 6): ky = 3 elif ny > 5: ky = 5 else: ky = ny - 1 # print ky f = RectBivariateSpline(x, np.arange(nx), block, kx=ky, ky=1) intens = f(xnew, np.arange(nx))[0] return intens def interpolate_spec(wave0, intens0, wave1): """ Defines a function intens0 = f(wave0) and than interpolates in it at wave1. :param wave0: initial wavelength array :type wave0: numpy.float64 :param intens0: initial intensity array :type intens0: numpy.float64 :param wave1: wavelength array at which we interpolate :type wave1: numpy.float64 :return intens1: final intensity array :rtype intens1: numpy.float64 """ tck = splrep(wave0, intens0, k=3) intens1 = splev(wave1, tck) return intens1 def is_within_interval(v, arr): """ Tests whether value v lies within interval [min(arr); max(arr)] :param v: tested values :type v: numpy.float64 :param arr: tested array :type v: numpy.float64 :return: :param: :type: bool """ # print v, max(arr), min(arr) if (v - max(arr) > ZERO_TOLERANCE) | (min(arr) - v > ZERO_TOLERANCE): return False else: return True def generate_least_number(l): """ Goes over integer in list and finds the smallest integer not in the list. :param l: the list :return: int the smallest integer """ num = 0 while num in l: num += 1 return num def keys_to_lowercase(d): """ Converts dictionary keys to lowercase :param d the converted dictionary :return: dnew """ dnew = {} for key in d.keys(): keynew = key.lower() dnew[keynew] = d[key] return dnew def parlist_to_list(l, property='value'): """ Converts a list of Parameter class to a regular list - only the property is returned :param l: :param prop: :return: """ ol = [] for par in l: ol.append(par[property]) return ol def sum_dict_keys(d): """ Sums dictionary key records. :param d: the dictionary :return: s the sum """ s = 0.0 for key in d.keys(): s += d[key] return s def read_text_file(f): """ Reads ascii file f. :param f: the file :type f: str :return lines: list of all lines within file f :rtype: list """ ifile = open(f, 'r') lines = ifile.readlines() ifile.close() return lines def renew_file(f): """ Deletes an existing file. :param f: :return: """ ofile = open(f, 'w') ofile.close() def rotate_spectrum(wave, intens, vrot, epsilon=0.6, interpolate_back=True): """ Rotates a spectrum represented by arrays wave and intes to the prjected rotational velocity vrot. :param wave: wavelength array :type wave: numpy.float64 :param intens: intensity array :type intens: numpy.float64 :param vrot: projected rotational velocity in km/s :type vrot: float :param epsilon: Coefficient of linear limb-darkening. :type epsilon: float :param interpolate_back: interpolate the spectrum back to the original wavelength sampling :type interpolate_back: bool :return intens: the rotated spectrum in the original wavelength sanmpling :rtype intens: numpy.float64 :return intens_conv: the rotated spectrum equidistant in rv :rtype intens_conv: numpy.float64 :return wave_conv: the wavelength array equidistant in rv :rtype wave_conv: numpy.float64 """ if vrot > ZERO_TOLERANCE: # we need it equidistant in RV wave_log = np.log(wave) rv = np.linspace(wave_log[0], wave_log[-1], len(wave)) step = rv[1] - rv[0] # interpolate intens_rv = interpolate_spec(wave_log, intens, rv) # scale rotational velocity with light speed vrot = 1000 * vrot / c.value # get the kernel # velocity vector n = int(np.ceil(2 * vrot / step)) rv_ker = np.arange(n) * step rv_ker = rv_ker - rv_ker[-1] / 2. y = 1 - (rv_ker / vrot) ** 2 # the kernel kernel = (2 * (1 - epsilon) * np.sqrt(y) + np.pi * epsilon / 2. * y) / (np.pi * vrot * (1 - epsilon / 3.0)) kernel = kernel / kernel.sum() # convolve the flux intens_conv = fftconvolve(1 - intens_rv, kernel, mode='same') if n % 2 == 1: rv = np.arange(len(intens_conv)) * step + rv[0] else: rv = np.arange(len(intens_conv)) * step + rv[0] - step / 2. wave_conv = np.exp(rv) # interpolate back if interpolate_back: intens = interpolate_spec(wave_conv, 1 - intens_conv, wave) return intens else: return 1 - intens_conv, wave_conv def shift_spectrum(wave, RV): """ Doppler-shifts spectrum. :param wave: original wavelength array :type wave: numpy.float64 :param RV: radial velocity in km/s :type RV: float :return new_wave: shifted wavelength array :rtype new_wave: numpy.float64 """ # shifts the wavelengths new_wave = wave * (1 + RV * 1000 / c.value) return new_wave def select_index_for_multiple_keywords(d, **kwargs): """ From a dictionary of lists selects one index meeting all requirements. :param kwargs: :return: """ keys = d.keys() length = len(d[keys[0]]) for i in range(0, length): for k in keys: if d[k] == kwargs[k] and k == keys[-1]: return i return -1 def string2bool(s): """ Converts string to boolean. :param s: :return: """ if s.lower() in ['true', '1']: return True else: return False def write_numpy(f, cols, fmt): """ An example of lack of brain of the main developer of this "code". :param f: outputfile or handler :param cols: block of data to be writte :param fmt: format of the blocs :return: None """ np.savetxt(f, cols, fmt=fmt)
import os import sys import copy import warnings import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.constants import c from auxiliary import is_within_interval from auxiliary import instrumental_broadening from auxiliary import interpolate_spec from auxiliary import interpolate_block_faster from auxiliary import read_text_file from auxiliary import rotate_spectrum from auxiliary import shift_spectrum from auxiliary import ZERO_TOLERANCE from defaults import default_grid_order from defaults import gridDirectory from defaults import grid_files from defaults import gridListFile from defaults import ABS_default_grid_order from defaults import ABS_gridDirectory from defaults import ABS_grid_files from defaults import ABS_gridListFile # CONSTANTS class SyntheticSpectrum: def __init__(self, f=None, wave=None, intens=None, do_not_load=False, **props): """ Reads the synthetic spectrum and its properties. input: f.. file with the spectrum wave.. wavelength vector of the synthetic spectrum intens.. intensity vector of the synthetic spectrum do_not_load.. switch for cases, when we want to build the class but do not want to load the spectrum. **props.. properties of the spectrum, in the correct type """ # reads the spectrum if f is not None: # from file # this delay reading of the data self.filename = f if not do_not_load: self.loaded = True self.wave, self.intens = np.loadtxt(f, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) self.measure_spectrum() else: self.loaded = False else: # wavelengths and intensities are given self.wave = wave self.intens = intens self.measure_spectrum() self.loaded = True self.filename = None # setups properties of the synthetic spectrum = [] for key in props.keys(): setattr(self, key.lower(), props[key]) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Returns an attribute of the synthtic spectrum. Works only with properties. input: key.. searched attribute output: prop.. value of the attributr, if not present, False """ if not hasattr(self, key): return False else: return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Changes physical attribute. If it does not exist, exception is raised. input: key.. the attribute to be changes value.. nbew value of the attribute """ if not hasattr(self, key): raise AttributeError('The atribute %s does not exist.' % key) else: setattr(self, key, value) def __str__(self): """ String representation. """ string = "" # if taken from file, prints its name if self.filename is not None: string = string + "filename:%s " % (self.filename) string = string + "loaded:%s " % (str(self.loaded)) # prints properties of the spectrum for prop in string = string + "%s:%s " % (prop, str(self[prop])) # get the wavelength boundaries if self.loaded: string += "(wmin, wmax): (%s, %s)" % (str(self.wmin), str(self.wmax)) string = string + '\n' return string def check_boundaries(self, wmin, wmax): """ Checks that the given wavelengths do not overlap the sythetic spectra. intput: wmin = minimal wavelength wmax = maximal wavelength """ # lets have a special case, where the boundaries are None if wmin is None: wmin = self.wmin if wmax is None: wmax = self.wmax if (wmin - (self.wmin - self.step) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) | \ (wmax - (self.wmax + self.step) > ZERO_TOLERANCE): return False else: return True def keys(self): """ Returns a list of properties. """ return def load_spectrum(self, f=None): """ Loads the spectrum and stores it within the type. input: f.. filename """ if f is not None: self.filename = f # check if a binary representation exists -- then load it binary_file = self.filename + '.npz' if os.path.isfile(binary_file): npz = np.load(binary_file, mmap_mode='r') self.wave = npz['arr_0'] self.intens = npz['arr_1'] # otherwise, load ascii (very slow!) and save it as binary else: self.wave, self.intens = np.loadtxt(self.filename, unpack=True, usecols=[0, 1]) print("Saving binary file: " + str(binary_file)) np.savez(binary_file, self.wave, self.intens) # measures the spectrum and marks it as loaded self.measure_spectrum() self.loaded = True def measure_spectrum(self): """ Stores maximal, minimal wavelength and step within the type. """ # saves properties of synthetic # spectra - min, max, step self.wmin = self.wave.min() self.wmax = self.wave.max() self.step = self.wave[1] - self.wave[0] def pad_continuum(self, wave, intens, bumpsize): """ Pads synthetic spectrum with continua at each end. input: wave, intens.. the input spectrum output: bump_wave, bump_intens.. the 1-padded spectrum """ # gets properties of teh spectrum w0 = wave[0] wn = wave[-1] step = wave[1] - wave[0] # left bump l_bump_wave = np.arange(w0 - bumpsize, w0, step) # left bump r_bump_wave = np.arange(wn + step, wn + bumpsize, step) # continuum - just ones # l_cont = np.ones(len(l_bump_wave)) # r_cont = np.ones(len(r_bump_wave)) # continuum - just ones l_cont = 1.0 - np.linspace(0, bumpsize, len(l_bump_wave)) * (1.0 - intens[0]) / bumpsize r_cont = intens[-1] + np.linspace(0, bumpsize, len(r_bump_wave)) * (1.0 - intens[-1]) / bumpsize # cretes empty arrays total_length = len(l_bump_wave) + len(wave) + len(r_bump_wave) bump_wave = np.zeros(total_length) bump_intens = np.zeros(total_length) # copy the bumpers and the spectra imin = 0 imax = 0 for w, c in zip([l_bump_wave, wave, r_bump_wave], [l_cont, intens, r_cont]): imax += len(w) bump_wave[imin:imax] = w bump_intens[imin:imax] = c imin = imax return bump_wave, bump_intens def get_spectrum(self, wave=None, rv=None, vrot=None, lr=1.0, korel=False, only_intensity=False, wmin=None, wmax=None, keep=False, fwhm=None): """ Return the sythetic spectrum stored within the class. If a set of wavelengths is provided, an interpolated spectrum is returned. input: optional: wave.. array of deesired wavelengths rv.. radila velocity in km/s vrot.. projected rotational velocity in km/s only_intensity.. returns intensity only :param korel :param keep output: wave, intens.. synthetic spectrum """ # checks that we do not pass negative values if vrot is not None and vrot < 0.0: warnings.warn('vrot cannot be negative! Setting to zero!') vrot = 0.0 if wave is None: # for some reason we want to work with the # whole spectrum # print wmin, wmax if wmin is not None and wmax is not None: wave, intens = self.select_interval(wmin, wmax) else: wave = self.wave intens = self.intens syn_wave = wave.copy() # adds the instrumental broadening if fwhm is not None and fwhm > ZERO_TOLERANCE: intens = instrumental_broadening(syn_wave, intens, width=fwhm) if vrot is not None and vrot > ZERO_TOLERANCE: # rotates the spectrum # print vrot intens = rotate_spectrum(syn_wave, intens, vrot) if rv is not None and abs(rv) > 0.0: # if we want to shift it, we need to pad it, # so it does not have to extrapolate w0min = wave.min() w0max = wave.max() mins = np.array([w0min, w0max]) WAVE_BUMP = np.ceil(np.max(np.absolute(mins * (1 + 1000 * rv / c.value) - mins))) syn_wave, intens = self.pad_continuum(syn_wave, intens, WAVE_BUMP) # shift it in RV syn_wave = shift_spectrum(syn_wave, rv) # the spectrum is shrinked if lr is not None and abs(lr - 1.0) > ZERO_TOLERANCE: intens = intens*lr if np.any([x != None for x in [rv, vrot]]): # interpolates back intens = interpolate_spec(syn_wave, intens, wave) else: # we are interpolating, so # we check boundaries and we # also add some more points # at each end of the spectrum # because we might want to # operate with it a bit # usually, if it does not fit, # we can take a longer spectrum, # so there is no point in padding the # spectrum # the extension is w0min = wave.min() w0max = wave.max() # the velocity shift rounded up mins = np.array([w0min, w0max]) # Securing additional points on spectrum sides # has sense only if we plan to shift it in RV if rv is not None and abs(rv) > ZERO_TOLERANCE: WAVE_BUMP = np.ceil(np.max(np.absolute(mins * (1 + 1000 * rv / c.value) - mins))) else: WAVE_BUMP = 0.0 wmin = w0min - WAVE_BUMP wmax = w0max + WAVE_BUMP # print wmin, wmax, self.wmin, self.wmax if not self.check_boundaries(wmin, wmax): warnings.warn('Synthetic spectra do not cover the whole wavelength region' \ ' extrapolation has to be employed and THAT IS DANGEROUS! Note that' \ ' each spectrum is extended by %f Angstrom at each side.' % (WAVE_BUMP)) # the part of the spectrum is selected # there is no point in working with the # whole dataset # print wmin, wmax # print len(self.wave) syn_wave, intens = self.select_interval(wmin, wmax) # print len(syn_wave), len(intens) # adds the instrumental broadening if fwhm is not None and fwhm > ZERO_TOLERANCE: # intens = instrumental_broadening(syn_wave, intens, width=fwhm) intens = instrumental_broadening(syn_wave, intens, width=fwhm) # rotates the spectrum if vrot is not None and vrot > ZERO_TOLERANCE: # intens = rotate_spectrum(syn_wave, intens, vrot) # print syn_wave intens, syn_wave = rotate_spectrum(syn_wave, intens, vrot, interpolate_back=False) # adjusts the spectrum for the radial velocity if rv is not None and abs(rv) > ZERO_TOLERANCE: syn_wave = shift_spectrum(syn_wave, rv) # the spectrum is shrinked if lr is not None and abs(lr - 1.0) > ZERO_TOLERANCE: intens = intens*lr # print len(syn_wave), len(wave) # interpolates to the user specified wavelengths intens = interpolate_spec(syn_wave, intens, wave) # if we want to extract the spectra in KOREL format if korel: intens = 1.0 - (lr - intens) # if we want to update the class with what # we computed if keep: # update the size of the spectrum self.intens = intens self.wave = wave self.measure_spectrum() #update its parameters for attr, val in zip(['rv', 'vrot', 'lr', 'korel'], [rv, vrot, lr, korel]): if val is not None: setattr(self, attr, val) return if only_intensity: return intens else: return wave, intens def get_size(self): """ Gets the size of the spectrum i.e. wmin, wmax and step. output: props.. dictionary with records 'wmin', 'wmax', 'step' """ if self.loaded: # guarantees fresh result self.measure_spectrum() return self.wmin, self.wmax, self.step else: raise Exception('Spectrum has not been loaded yet.') def get_properties(self): """ Returns dictionary with the physical properties of the synthetic spectrum. Output: props.. physical properties of the sythetic spectrum """ # return dictionary with the physical properties props = {key: self[key] for key in} return props def plot(self, ax=None, savefig=False, figname=None, **kwargs): """ :param figname :param savefig :param ax: AxesSubplot :param kwargs: :return: """ w = self.wave i = self.intens if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) props = str({prop: self[prop] for prop in}) ax.plot(w, i, label=props, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(self.wmin, self.wmax) ax.set_ylim(0.95*i.min(), 1.05*i.max()) ax.set_xlabel('$\lambda(\AA)$') ax.set_ylabel('$F_{\lambda}$(rel.)') ax.legend(fontsize=10) # save the figure if savefig: if figname is None: figname = [] for key in # print key, figname.extend([key, str(self[key])]) figname.extend(['wmin', str(self.wmin)]) figname.extend(['wmax', str(self.wmax)]) figname = '_'.join(figname) + '.png' # save the plot plt.savefig(figname) def select_interval(self, wmin, wmax): """ Selects a spectral interval from the synthetic spectrum. :param wmin: minimal wavelength :param wmax: maximal wavelength :return wave: wavelength vector :return intens: intensity vector """ # print wmin, wmax, self.wave ind = np.where((self.wave >= wmin) & (self.wave <= wmax))[0] # print ind wave = self.wave[ind] intens = self.intens[ind] return wave, intens def set_linear_wavelength(self, wmin, wmax, step): """ In case we want to attach linear wavelengths. :param wmin :param wmax :param step """ self.wave = np.arange(wmin, wmax + step / 2., step) def truncate_spectrum(self, wmin=None, wmax=None): """ Truncates the spectrum. input: wmin, wmax.. boundaries in wavelength """ if self.loaded is False: raise Exception('The spectrum was not loaded.') else: # if there is a boundary missing # if both, we are waisting compupter time if wmin is None: wmin = self.wave.min() elif wmax is None: wmax = self.wave.max() # checks that the interval (wmin, wmax) lies within the # spectrum. If not exception is raised if (self.wave.min() > wmin) | (self.wave.max() < wmax): raise ValueError('The spectrum %s does not cover the whole spectral region <%s,%s>.' % \ (str(self).rstrip('\n'), str(wmin), str(wmax))) # does the trunctation ind = np.where((self.wave >= wmin) & (self.wave <= wmax))[0] # ind = np.where(((self.wave - wmin) >= -ZERO_TOLERANCE) & ((self.wave - wmax) <= ZERO_TOLERANCE))[0] self.wave = self.wave[ind] self.intens = self.intens[ind] def write_spectrum(self, filename='synspec.dat', fmt='%12.6f %12.8e', **kwargs): """ Writes the current synthetic spectrum. :return: """ header = str(self.get_properties()) np.savetxt(filename, np.column_stack([self.wave, self.intens]), fmt=fmt, header=header) class SyntheticGrid: def __init__(self, mode='default', flux_type='relative', debug=False): """ Setup the grid. input: mode.. """ # import from defaults self.default_grid_order = default_grid_order self.gridDirectory = gridDirectory self.grid_files = grid_files self.gridListFile = gridListFile # Table containing list of the SyntheticSpectrum types self.SyntheticSpectraList = [] # Table containing all eligible values self.parameterList = [] self.columns = [] # grid preference order self.gridOrder = None # reads default grids if mode.lower() != 'custom': self.setup_defaults(mode, flux_type) # updates debug mode self.debug = debug # Initializes array in which the wavelength # vector is stored self.wave = None def __str__(self): """ String representation. """ string = "List of spectra:\n" for rec in self.SyntheticSpectraList: string = string + str(rec) return string def check_properties(self, **kwargs): """ Checks that at least some spectra have """ def clear_all(self): """ Empties SyntheticSpectraList """ self.SyntheticSpectraList = [] def deselect_exact(self, l, **props): """ Deletes all cases where we interpolate at exact value. :param l: list of spectra selected with self.select_parameters :param props: values at which we interpolate :return: """ l = np.array(l) # print np.shape(l)[-1] keys = props.keys() # go column by column for i in range(0, np.shape(l)[-1]): v = props[keys[i]] # print v, np.unique(l[:,i]) # deselects extact matches if np.any(abs(np.unique(l[:,i]) - v) < ZERO_TOLERANCE): ind = np.where(abs(l[:,i] - v) < ZERO_TOLERANCE) l = l[ind] return l def get_synthetic_spectrum(self, params, wave, order=2, step=0.01, padding=20.0): """ Method which computes the interpolated spectrum and wraps it within SyntheticSpectrum class. This function should be accessed by the user. input: params.. dictionary containing values at which we want to interpolate order.. number of spectra at which we are goingx to interpolate, i.e. the order of the fit is k = order-1 for order < 4 and k = 3 for order > 4. wave.. wavelength vector for which the synthetic spectrum should be created. """ if isinstance(wave, (list, tuple)): wave = np.array(wave) # sets up the equidistant wavelength vector wmin = wave.min() - padding wmax = wave.max() + padding # print wmin, wmax, step, order, padding # overwrite the wave vector for self.set_wavelength_vector(wmin, wmax, step) # first of all we need to get list of parameters, # which the program will interpolate in parlist, vals, keys = self.select_and_verify_parameters(order=order, **params) # second creates a list of the spectra used for interpolation spectra = self.get_spectra_for_interpolation(parlist, keys, step=step, wmin=wmin, wmax=wmax) # interpolates the spectra intens = self.interpolate_spectra(parlist, spectra, vals) # wrapps the interpolated synthetic spectrum within SyntheticSpectrum class spectrum = SyntheticSpectrum(wave=self.wave.copy(), intens=intens, **params) return spectrum def get_all(self, **kwargs): """ Returns all spectra having a certain property, or the property is equal to some value. One can list all spectra that have a certain value. input: kwargs.. a dictionary of property = value """ # just in case we got empty dictionary if len(kwargs.keys()) == 0: return self.SyntheticSpectraList.copy() # goes through each stored synthetic spectrum spectra = [] for rec in self.SyntheticSpectraList: # goes through passed kwargs for i, key in enumerate(kwargs.keys()): # print rec[key] # print kwargs[key] # keys agrees if key.lower() in rec.keys(): # values are the same if (abs(kwargs[key] - rec[key.lower()]) < ZERO_TOLERANCE): # and we are checking the last record if i == (len(kwargs.keys()) - 1): spectra.append(rec) else: break if len(spectra) == 0: warnings.warn("No eligible spectrum was found! You probably got out of the grid.") return spectra def get_available_values(self, prop, **constraints): """ Lists all available properties in a sorted array. input: prop.. the searched property grid.. list of SyntheticSpectrum types - in case we want to search a narrowed down list """ # lets say we want to contraint the grid if len(constraints.keys()) == 0: grid = self.SyntheticSpectraList else: grid = self.get_all(**constraints) # returns all eligible values values = [] prop = prop.lower() for rec in grid: if prop in rec.keys() and rec[prop] not in values: values.append(rec[prop]) return np.sort(values) def get_available_values_fast(self, prop, **constraints): """ Returns possible values of a parameter. """ parLis = np.array(self.parameterList) # print parLis for key in constraints.keys(): # value v = constraints[key] # constraining column col = self.columns.index(key) ind = np.where(abs(parLis[:, col] - v) < ZERO_TOLERANCE)[0] # narrow down the list parLis = parLis[ind] col = self.columns.index(prop.lower()) # return sorted list return sorted(set(parLis[:, col])) def get_spectra_for_interpolation(self, parList, header, step=0.01, wmin=None, wmax=None): """ Creates a list of spectra - physical spectra - this will require some more tweaking. I would like to account for: 1) spectrum is/is not loaded. 2) spectrum should be somehow trucated there is no need to load all - maybe it will even be better to load only small. This will be controlled through this method which loads the data. Also some spectra can be unloaded after several iterations. input: output: """ # empty list for the spectra syntheticSpectra = [] # switch for spectra truncation if (wmin is None) and (wmax is None): truncateSpectrum = False else: truncateSpectrum = True # go through each row of the parameter list for i, row in enumerate(parList): # retrieve spectrum props = {prop: row[j] for j, prop in enumerate(header)} spectrum = self.get_all(**props) # if there are two or more spectra for the # same temperature if len(spectrum) > 1: spectrum = self.resolve_degeneracy(spectrum) else: spectrum = spectrum[0] # load the spectrum if not # check that spectrum is loaded and that its fitting within boundaries if (not spectrum.loaded): if self.debug: print "Loading spectrum: %s" % (str(spectrum).rstrip('\n')) else: print "Loading spectrum: %s" % (str(spectrum).rstrip('\n')) # loads the spectrum spectrum.load_spectrum() # truncates the loaded spectrum if truncateSpectrum: if self.debug: print "Truncating spectrum to: (%f,%f)" % (wmin, wmax) spectrum.truncate_spectrum(wmin, wmax) else: # check that the synthetic spectrum has sufficient size # if not reaload it if not spectrum.check_boundaries(wmin, wmax): spectrum.load_spectrum() # truncates the re-loaded spectrum if truncateSpectrum: if self.debug: print "Truncating spectrum to: (%f,%f)" % (wmin, wmax) spectrum.truncate_spectrum(wmin, wmax) if self.debug: print "Spectrum loaded: %s" % (str(spectrum).rstrip('\n')) # We have to be sure that the spectra aren't off # each other by less than one step swmin, swmax, sstep = spectrum.get_size() if np.any(np.abs([swmin - wmin, swmax - wmax, sstep - step]) > ZERO_TOLERANCE): if self.debug: print "Spectrum %s does not have the wavelength scale (wmin, wmax,step)=(%s, %s, %s)" % \ (str(spectrum).rstrip('\n'), str(wmin), str(wmax), str(step)) # if they do not agree - we have to interpolate # it is cruacial that all spectra have the same # wavelength scale if self.wave == None: wave = np.arange(wmin, wmax + step / 2., step) else: wave = self.wave # interpolate the spectrum to the wavelength scale intens = spectrum.get_spectrum(wave=wave, only_intensity=True) else: if self.debug: print "Wavelenght scale of spectrum: %s is (wmin, wmax,step)=(%s, %s, %s)." % \ (str(spectrum).rstrip('\n'), str(wmin), str(wmax), str(step)) # read out the intensities intens = spectrum.get_spectrum(only_intensity=True) # print len(intens) # append spectrum to the list syntheticSpectra.append(intens) return syntheticSpectra def interpolate_spectra(self, parList, synspectra, parameters): """ Interpolates in all parameters. input: parlist.. list generated with select parameters method synspectra.. list generated with the get_spectra_for_interpolation method parameters.. list of parameter values in which we interpolate the order must be the same as in case of parlist this is guaranteed by the ouput of select_and_verify_parameters method output: intens.. the resulting array of intensities """ # convert to arrays, easier to handle plist = np.array(parList) syns = np.array(synspectra) ncol = len(plist[0]) pars = parameters while ncol > 0: # extract new value xnew = pars[ncol - 1] # print xnew new_plist = [] new_syns = [] # take the first row j = 0 while j < len(plist): row = plist[j] # narrow it down - all values # that have the first ncol-1 # values the same are chosen t_plist = plist.copy() t_syns = syns.copy() for i in range(ncol - 1): ind = np.where(abs(t_plist[:, i] - row[i]) < ZERO_TOLERANCE)[0] t_plist = t_plist[ind] t_syns = t_syns[ind] # if there is really nothing to interpolate in # the one value is copied and we proceed to next # step if len(t_plist) == 1: if self.debug: print "Skipping interpolation in %s - there is only one spectrum for values %s." % \ (str(xnew), str(t_plist[:, :ncol - 1])) intens = t_syns[0] new_plist.append(row[:ncol - 1]) new_syns.append(intens) j += len(ind) continue # sort according to the last columns ind = np.argsort(t_plist[:, ncol - 1]) # extract the abscissa x = t_plist[ind, ncol - 1] t_syns = t_syns[ind] if self.debug: print "Interpolating in vector: %s at value %s." % (str(x), xnew) # everything is sorted, we can interpolate # unless our value is exact ofc. intens = interpolate_block_faster(x, t_syns, xnew) # add it to new plists and syns new_plist.append(row[:ncol - 1]) new_syns.append(intens) j += len(ind) syns = np.array(new_syns) plist = np.array(new_plist) ncol = len(plist[0]) return syns[0] @staticmethod def list_modes(): """ This method lists available modes for the SyntheticGrid. :return: """ # go over differents modes string = 'List of registered modes and their properties follows:\n' for i in range(0, len(self.grid_files['identification'])): string += ''.ljust(100,'=') + '\n' string += 'mode: %s:\n' % self.grid_files['identification'][i] string += 'directories: %s \n' % str(self.grid_files['directories'][i]) string += 'columns: %s\n' % str(self.grid_files['columns'][i]) string += 'families: %s\n' % str(self.grid_files['families'][i]) string += ''.ljust(100,'=') + '\n' return string def narrow_down_grid(self, **kwargs): """ To speed up computations, one can narrow down the grid, to certain family, or parameter range. input: One can either fix a parameter: par = value or fix an interval: par = (vmin, vmax) output: list of synthetic spectra """ # separate fixed from free fixed = {} free = {} for key in kwargs.keys(): if not isinstance(kwargs[key], (tuple, list)): fixed[key] = kwargs[key] else: free[key] = kwargs[key] # first narrow down the fixed ones grid = self.get_all(**fixed) # if there are no other restrictions - # this option is covered with get_all # method ofc. if len(free.keys()) == 0: return grid else: narrowed_grid = [] for rec in grid: for i, key in enumerate(free.keys()): if key.lower() in rec.keys(): if (rec[key.lower()] >= free[key][0]) & \ (rec[key.lower()] <= free[key][1]): # all keys must agree if i == len(free.keys()) - 1: narrowed_grid.append(rec) # if we narrowed it down to zero if len(narrowed_grid) == 0: warnings.warn("The narrowed-down grid is empty!!") return narrowed_grid def read_list_from_file(self, f, columns, directory=None, family=None): """ Reads list of grid spectra from a file. input: f.. file containing the records columns.. column description family.. family is provided directory.. directory where the files are stored this option should be used in case when the path to the spectra = filename is relative only within the file """ # read from text_file if columns is None: raise KeyError('Description of the input file was not specified.') # There are two mandatory records - 1) path # to the sythetic spectrum and 2) family tp # which the spectrum belongs. By family I mean # a published grid. In this family, there should # not exist 2 spectra with the same properties # Missing filename will raise an error, # missing family will raise warnig, because # all read spectra will be assigned the same family hasFamily = False if family is None: for rec in columns: if rec.upper() == 'FAMILY': hasFamily = True addFamily = False else: hasFamily = True addFamily = True if not hasFamily: warnings.warn("The family (aka the grid) of spectra was not specified. Assigning family...") families = self.get_available_values('FAMILY') family = 'family' + str(len(families)) addFamily = True # WE CHECK THAT THERE IS FILENAME RECORD # FOR EACH SPECTRUM - WITHOU THAT WE WONT # COMPUTE ANYTHING hasFilename = False for rec in columns: if rec.upper() == 'FILENAME': hasFilename = True if not hasFilename: raise KeyError('Record filename = path to the spectrum is missing in the column description!') lines = read_text_file(f) # go through file, line by line for j, line in enumerate(lines): # store one line = one spectrum info rec = {} data = line.split() # make sure, we have description of all # properties if len(data) > len(columns): raise KeyError('Description of some columns is missing.') for i, col in enumerate(columns): # the name should be the only string if col.upper() in ['FAMILY']: rec[col.upper()] = data[i] elif col.upper() in ['FILENAME']: rec[col.upper()] = os.path.join(directory, data[i]) else: rec[col.upper()] = float(data[i]) # Adds family if needed if addFamily: rec['FAMILY'] = family filename = rec.pop('FILENAME') synspec = SyntheticSpectrum(f=filename, do_not_load=True, **rec) # Adds the record so the synthetic spectra list self.SyntheticSpectraList.append(synspec) # Adds the record to the parameterList - so without family rec.pop('FAMILY') phys_cols = [x.lower() for x in columns if x not in ['FAMILY', 'FILENAME']] self.parameterList.append([rec[col.upper()] for col in phys_cols]) # also stores identification of columns if j == 0: self.columns = phys_cols def resolve_degeneracy(self, speclist): """ If there are more spectra having the same parameters, one has to choose one prefered. input: speclist.. list of SyntheticSpectrum types corresponding to same properties """ # if we did not set up the order -> error if self.gridOrder is None: raise KeyError('There are same spectra for the same parameters.' ' I think it is because we have more grids, that overlap.' ' You can overcome this by setting gridOrder variable.') indices = [] for i in range(0, len(speclist)): # print speclist[i]['family'] indices.append(self.gridOrder.index(speclist[i]['family'])) # justr in case there was something peculiar if np.any(indices < -1): warnings.warn('At least one grid was not found in the gridOrder variable.' ' Verify that the names set in gridOrder agree with family names of spectra.') # return spectrum with the smallest index return speclist[np.argmin(indices)] def select_and_verify_parameters(self, order=2, **props): """ A wrapper to the select_parameters method. This method can deal with overlaps of grids. But since it does not know the grid apriori, it is unable to recognize wrong result. This wrapper checks the result. input: order.. maximal number of interpolated spectra props.. dictionary of interpolated parameters output: parlist.. each row represents one spectrum which is needed to interpolate in give props vals.. values in which we interpolate keys.. names of the interpolated """ # all parameters are defined lowercase # so we have to convert it for key in props.keys(): v = props.pop(key) props[key.lower()] = v if self.debug: print "In select_and_verify_parameters: order=%i properties:" % (order) print str(props) # keys and values keys = props.keys() vals = [props[key] for key in props.keys()] # gets the parameter list # print order, props parlist = self.select_parameters(order=order,**props) # print parlist # deselect reduntdant spectra parlist = self.deselect_exact(parlist, **props) if len(parlist) == 0: raise Exception('Do %s lie within the grid? I do not think so...' % (str(props))) if self.debug: print 'Following parameters were chosen with select_parameters method:' for row in parlist: print row # checks the result temp = np.array(parlist) # print temp, vals for i, val in enumerate(vals): # print val, temp[:, i], is_within_interval(val, temp[:, i]) if not is_within_interval(val, temp[:, i]): raise ValueError('Parameters %s lie outside the grid.' % (str(props))) return parlist, vals, keys def select_parameters(self, values=[], order=2, constraints={}, **props): """ Creates a final list - this is still first guess. I think that searching up eligible values and spectra can be done better. input: grid - synthetic spectraList, which is searched order - how many spectra are used this is adjusted dynamically if there are not enough values constraints - resolve conflicts between grids props - properties in which we fit output: values of spectra for interpolation """ # extract the parameter and its values key = props.keys()[0].lower() v = props.pop(key) # print key, constraints, props # list eligible values for a given parameter elig_vals = np.array(self.get_available_values_fast(key, **constraints)) # print key, elig_vals # sorts the grid, from nearest to farthest ind = np.argsort(abs(elig_vals - v)) vals = elig_vals[ind] # equality check # print vals, v, key # what if the grid step is inhomogeneous? - actually it is # in z - what shall we do, what shall we do??? if vals[:order].min() > v or vals[:order].max() < v: # TODO think of something better than this!!!!!! try: lower = np.max(vals[np.where(vals - v < ZERO_TOLERANCE)[0]]) upper = np.min(vals[np.where(vals - v > ZERO_TOLERANCE)[0]]) vals = np.array([lower, upper]) except: pass # print lower, upper, vals # checks that there is not equality # if np.any(abs(vals - v) < ZERO_TOLERANCE): # ind = np.argmin(abs(vals - v)) # vals = [vals[ind]] # # if self.debug: # print "%s=%s is precise. Skipping choice of parameters." % (key, str(v)) # if the eligible values do not surround the parameter if not is_within_interval(v, vals): return values # if there are no other spectra to interpolate in if len(props.keys()) == 0: for i in range(0, len(vals)): row = [] # append those that are already fixed for key in constraints.keys(): row.append(constraints[key]) # append the last parameter row.append(vals[i]) # append the row values.append(row) # once 'order' spectra are appended, we can # end if i == order - 1: break return values else: j = 0 for i in range(0, len(vals)): # add a constraint constraints[key] = vals[i] # recursively calls the function values_new = self.select_parameters(values=copy.deepcopy(values), order=order, constraints=constraints, **props) # some searches are in vain - so we # wait until meaningful calls accumulate if len(values_new) > len(values): j += 1 # copis the result, so we can go on values = values_new # remove constraint constraints.pop(key) if j == order: break return values def setup_defaults(self, mode, flux_type): """ Given a key loads a grid stored within the directory. input: mode.. one of the defaults mode OSTAR, BSTAR, POLLUX, AMBRE defaulst = all flux_type.. either relative or absolute """ # we do not want to bother with the case mode = mode.upper() flux_type = flux_type.upper() # select the correct type of flux # note we cannot overwrite globals, but only class variables if flux_type == 'ABSOLUTE': self.grid_files = ABS_grid_files self.gridDirectory = ABS_gridDirectory self.gridListFile = ABS_gridListFile self.default_grid_order = ABS_default_grid_order # select properties ind = self.grid_files['identification'].index(mode) if ind < 0: raise ValueError('Default settings named %s not found.' % (mode)) dirs = self.grid_files['directories'][ind] cols = self.grid_files['columns'][ind] fams = self.grid_files['families'][ind] # reads the grid files for i, d in enumerate(dirs): spectralist = os.path.join(self.gridDirectory, d, self.gridListFile) directory = os.path.join(self.gridDirectory, d) self.read_list_from_file(spectralist, cols, family=fams[i], directory=directory) # also sets the default grid order self.set_grid_order(self.default_grid_order) def set_mode(self, mode='default'): """ Set different mode. :param mode: :return: """ debug = self.debug self.__init__(mode=mode, debug=debug) def set_grid_order(self, arr): """ Sets grid preference. input: arr = list of spectra grid1 > grid2 > grid3... """ self.gridOrder = arr def set_wavelength_vector(self, wmin, wmax, step): """ Store the wavelength vector within the class. input: wmin.. minimal wavelength wmax.. maximal wavelength step.. step size in the wavelength """ nstep = int((wmax - wmin)/step)+1 self.wave = np.linspace(wmin, wmax, nstep)
# defaults settings - for more utility, this was transfered # to init import os, inspect curdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) # DEFINITIONS OF GRIDS OF RELATIVE SPECTRA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gridDirectory = os.path.join("/".join(curdir.split('/')[:-1]), 'grids') # name of the file containing records on synthetic spectra gridListFile = 'gridlist' grid_files = dict( identification=['DEFAULT', 'OSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'POLLUX', 'AMBRE'], directories=[ ['OSTAR_Z_0.5', 'OSTAR_Z_1.0', 'OSTAR_Z_2.0', 'BSTAR_Z_0.5', 'BSTAR_Z_1.0', 'BSTAR_Z_2.0', 'POLLUX_Z_1.0', 'AMBRE_Z_1.0'], ['OSTAR_Z_0.5', 'OSTAR_Z_1.0', 'OSTAR_Z_2.0'], ['BSTAR_Z_0.5', 'BSTAR_Z_1.0', 'BSTAR_Z_2.0'], ['POLLUX_Z_1.0'], ['AMBRE_Z_1.0'] ], columns=[['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'] ], families=[['OSTAR', 'OSTAR', 'OSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'POLLUX', 'AMBRE'], ['OSTAR', 'OSTAR', 'OSTAR'], ['BSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'BSTAR'], ['POLLUX'], ['AMBRE'] ] ) # stores default grid order default_grid_order = ['BSTAR', 'OSTAR', 'AMBRE', 'POLLUX'] # DEFINITIONS OF GRIDS OF ABSOLUTE SPECTRA # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABS_gridDirectory = os.path.join("/".join(curdir.split('/')[:-1]), 'grids_ABS') # name of the file containing records on synthetic spectra ABS_gridListFile = 'gridlist' # POLLUX has a too narrow wavelength range => it was deleted ABS_grid_files = dict( identification=['DEFAULT', 'PHOENIX', 'BSTAR'], directories=[ ['OSTAR_Z_1.0', 'BSTAR_Z_1.0', 'POLLUX_Z_1.0'], ['BSTAR_Z_1.0'], ['PHOENIX_Z_1.0'], ], columns=[ ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ['FILENAME', 'TEFF', 'LOGG', 'Z'], ], families=[ ['OSTAR', 'BSTAR', 'POLLUX'], ['BSTAR'], ['PHOENIX'], ] ) # stores default grid order ABS_default_grid_order = ['BSTAR', 'OSTAR', 'POLLUX', 'PHOENIX']
import copy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.gridspec as gs import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm from pyterpol.synthetic.auxiliary import read_text_file def get_walker(db, nchain, nwalker, niter): """ Retrieves a walker from the chain. :param db: :param nchain: :param nwalker: :param niter: :return: """ rows = np.arange(niter) rows = nchain + nwalker*rows return db[rows] def plot_walkers_for_one_param(db, ipar, nwalker, niter, ax): """ :param db: :param ipar: :param nwalker: :param niter: :param ax: :return: """ # set teh iterations iters = np.arange(niter) # plot each walker for i in range(0, nwalker): w = get_walker(db, i, nwalker, niter) ax.plot(iters, w[:,ipar], '-') def plot_walkers(block, niter, nwalker, indices=None, labels=None, savefig=True, figname=None): """ :param block: :param indices: :param niter: :param nwalker: :param labels: :param savefig: :param figname: :return: """ if figname is not None: savefig = True # define which parameters are plotted if indices is None: indices = np.arange(len(block[0])) npar = len(indices) # definethe plotting grid ncol = 3 nrow = npar / ncol if npar % ncol > 0: nrow += 1 # create the grid and the figure gs1 = gs.GridSpec(nrow, ncol, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.4) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*ncol, 3*nrow), dpi=100) # plot each figure for j, ind in enumerate(indices): # set label if labels is None: label = 'p' + str(ind).zfill(2) else: label = labels[j] # set the position icol = j % ncol irow = j / ncol ax = fig.add_subplot(gs1[irow, icol]) # plot the walkers plot_walkers_for_one_param(block, ind, nwalker, niter, ax) ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number', fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=8) # save the figure if savefig: if figname is None: figname = 'mcmc_convergence.png' # plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(figname) def plot_convergence(block, labels=None, relative=True, savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots convergence of the chi^2 and of individual parameters. :param block: :param labels: :param relative: :param savefig :param figname :return: """ nrow, ncol = np.shape(block) # normalize with the best value # if relative is p[assed if relative: rel_block = copy.deepcopy(block) for i in range(0, ncol): rel_block[:,i] = block[:, i]/block[-1, i] # start a new figure fig = plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(15, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # plot convergence for i in range(0, ncol): # define the color color = 0.1 +0.9*np.random.random(3) if labels is not None: ax.plot(rel_block[:,i], '-', color=color, label=labels[i]) else: ax.plot(rel_block[:,i], '-', color=color) ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number') ax.set_ylabel('Relative value.') ax.legend(loc=1, fontsize=10) # save the plot if savefig == True: if figname is None: figname = 'convergence.png' plt.savefig(figname) # try to produce another kind of plot if ncol % 2 > 0: nfigrow = ncol / 2 + 1 else: nfigrow = ncol / 2 # setup the grid gs1 = gs.GridSpec(nfigrow, 2, hspace=0.5) # setup the figure fig2 = plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(10, 3*nfigrow)) # plot convergence of individual parameters for i in range(0, ncol): ax = fig2.add_subplot(gs1[i/2, i%2]) ax.set_xlabel('Iteration number') ax.set_ylabel('Value') ax.set_ylabel(labels[i], fontsize=8) ax.plot(block[:, i], 'k-', label=labels[i]) # ax.legend(loc=1) # save the figure fig2.savefig('convergence_2.png') plt.close() def plot_chi2_map(x, y, nbin=10, labels=None, savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots a covariance map. :param x parameter values :param y parameter values :param nbin number of bins in a histogram :param labels :param savefig :param figname :return: """ fs=8 # if user did not pass the labels if labels == None: labels = ['x', 'y'] # set up the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10), dpi=100) var_axes = [221, 224] var_data = [x, y] # firs the plot of the variance for i in range(0, 2): ax = fig.add_subplot(var_axes[i]) # plot the histogram n, bins, patches = ax.hist(var_data[i], nbin, normed=True, label=labels[0]) x_g = np.linspace(bins.min(), bins.max(), 50) # plot the gaussian 'fit' mean = var_data[i].mean() var = var_data[i].std(ddof=1) g = norm(loc=mean, scale=var) ax.plot(x_g, g.pdf(x_g), 'r-') # labeling ax.set_xlabel(labels[i], fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('$n_i/N$', fontsize=8) ax.set_title(r'$\sigma$_%s=%.3f' % (labels[i], var), fontsize=8) # plot the 2d chi2 map ax = fig.add_subplot(223) ax.hist2d(x, y, nbin, normed=True) # compute the correlation cov = ((x-x.mean())*(y-y.mean())).mean() cor = cov/(x.std(ddof=1)*y.std(ddof=1)) # labelling ax.set_xlabel(labels[0], fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel(labels[1], fontsize=8) ax.set_title(r'$\rho$(%s, %s) = %.3f' % (labels[0], labels[1], cor), fontsize=8) # save the figure if savefig: if figname is None: figname = '_'.join(labels) + '.png' plt.savefig(figname) plt.close() def plot_variance(x, nbin=10, label=None, savefig=True, figname=None): """ Plots a covariance map. :param x parameter values :param nbin number of bins in a histogram :param labels :param savefig :param figname :return: """ fs=8 # if user did not pass the labels if label is None: label = 'x' # set up the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6), dpi=100) # firs the plot of the variance ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # plot the histogram n, bins, patches = ax.hist(x, nbin, normed=True, label=label) x_g = np.linspace(bins.min(), bins.max(), 50) # plot the gaussian 'fit' mean = x.mean() var = x.std(ddof=1) g = norm(loc=mean, scale=var) ax.plot(x_g, g.pdf(x_g), 'r-') # labeling ax.set_xlabel(label, fontsize=8) ax.set_ylabel('$n_i/N$', fontsize=8) ax.set_title(r'$\sigma$_%s=%.3f' % (label, var), fontsize=8) ax.legend(fontsize=8) # save the figure if savefig: if figname is None: figname = label + '.png' else: figname += label+'.png' plt.savefig(figname) plt.close() def read_fitlog(f): """ Reads the fitting log and stores it within a dictionary. :param f: :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) # key counter and ouput dictionary fitlog = {} hkcounter = 0 # define header keys head_keys = ['name', 'component', 'group'] for l in lines: d = l.split() # print d for hk in head_keys: if l.find(hk) > -1: # groups are integers of course if hk == 'group': d[2:] = map(int, d[2:]) else: d[2:] = d[2:] # append the header info fitlog[hk] = d[2:] hkcounter += 1 break # once we read all data, we end if hkcounter == 3: break # print fitlog # append data fitlog['data'] = np.loadtxt(f) return fitlog def read_mc_chain(f): """ Reads the mcmc chain created with emcee :param f: chain_file :return: """ # read the file lines = read_text_file(f) # key counter and ouput dictionary chainlog = {} hkcounter = 0 # define header keys head_keys = ['name', 'component', 'group'] for l in lines: d = l.split() # print d for hk in head_keys: if l.find(hk) > -1: # groups are integers of course if hk == 'group': d[2:] = map(int, d[2:]) else: d[2:] = d[2:] # append the header info chainlog[hk] = d[2:] hkcounter += 1 break # once we read all data, we end if hkcounter == 3: break # load the file d = np.loadtxt(f) # get fit properties nwalkers = int(np.max(d[:, 0])) + 1 niter = len(d[:, 0]) / nwalkers npars = len(d[0]) - 2 # remove the first column with numbering chainlog['data'] = d[:, 1:] return chainlog, nwalkers, niter, npars
""" This tutorial serves as demonstration of how to fit observed spectra with Pyterpol. Our observed spectra were created with the old C++ version of the code. We have three spectra of a binary consisting of primary: teff = 25000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 150, lr = 0.7, z = 1.0 secondary: teff = 18000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 50, lr = 0.3, z = 1.0 and various radial velocities. They look as if they were observed spectra. We have successfully fitted the data with the differential evolution algorithm form the SciPy library. Our next step is to get the output from fitting. """ import pyterpol # First load the session itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('fitted.itf') # check that everything has loaded correctly print itf """ ==============================================StarList============================================== Component: primary name: rv value: 49.9857247022 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: 19.9864936135 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: 100.009478284 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 25000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 150.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None Component: secondary name: rv value: -49.9460982465 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: -19.9589330606 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: -99.9753261321 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 18000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 50.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None =============================================RegionList============================================= Region name: region00: (wmin, wmax) = (6330.0, 6375.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} Region name: region01: (wmin, wmax) = (6500.0, 6600.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} ============================================ObservedList============================================ List of all attached spectra: filename: a component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 1} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: b component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 2} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: c component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 3} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) ===============================================Fitter=============================================== Fitter: sp_diff_evol optional_arguments: {} Initial parameters: ==================================================================================================== """ # write a dictionary of parameters and their errors itf.write_fitted_parameters(outputname='result.dat') """ c: primary p: rv g: 1 value: 49.9857 lower: -0.1070 upper: 0.1117 c: primary p: rv g: 2 value: 19.9865 lower: -0.1184 upper: 0.0943 c: primary p: rv g: 3 value: 100.0095 lower: -0.0921 upper: 0.1048 c: secondary p: rv g: 1 value: -49.9461 lower: -0.0866 upper: 0.1056 c: secondary p: rv g: 2 value: -19.9589 lower: -0.1161 upper: 0.0974 c: secondary p: rv g: 3 value: -99.9753 lower: -0.0940 upper: 0.1116 """ # first we would like to see how our comparisons look like # naming the figures using 'figname' is not mandatory, nut # it is advised. itf.plot_all_comparisons() # we may want to export the synthetic spectra # we can write one component in one region - # this will export a synthetic spectrum for each # rv_group itf.write_synthetic_spectra(component='primary', region='region00', outputname='primary') # or we can write everything together itf.write_synthetic_spectra() # convergence can be plotted - by default chi^2. itf.plot_convergence(figname='convergence_chi.png') # interface plots the data from the fit log, so it is # better to save it - also even if our model/fitlog changed # we can still plot the convergence, stored witihn a fitlog itf.plot_convergence(parameter='all', f='fit.log', figname='convergence_parameters.png') # and we can also plot covariance, which will tell us # what is the uncertainty of the fit - we are interested in rv # This will plot covariances between rvs for group 1s itf.plot_covariances(parameters=['rv'], groups=[1], figname='rv_g_1') # Again it is not necessary to us the registered fitlog itf.plot_covariances(f='fit.log', parameters=['rv'], groups=[2], figname='rv_g_2')
""" This tutorial serves as demonstration of how to set up an Interface. Our observed spectra were created with the old C++ version of the code. We have three spectra of a binary consisting of primary: teff = 25000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 150, lr = 0.7, z = 1.0 secondary: teff = 18000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 50, lr = 0.3, z = 1.0 and various radial velocities. They look as if they were observed spectra. We will make advantage of the default behavior. """ import pyterpol # 1) First we create a starlist sl = pyterpol.StarList() sl.add_component(component='primary', teff=25000., logg=4.2, vrot=150., lr=0.7, z=1.0, rv=0.0) sl.add_component(component='secondary', teff=18000., logg=4.2, vrot=50., lr=0.3, z=1.0, rv=0.0) # 2) Now think of regions where we might want to do # the comparison rl = pyterpol.RegionList() # the silicon lines rl.add_region(wmin=6330, wmax=6375) # Halpha rl.add_region(wmin=6500, wmax=6600) # 3) Now attach the data ol = pyterpol.ObservedList() obs = [ dict(filename='a'), dict(filename='b'), dict(filename='c'), ] ol.add_observations(obs) # 4) create the interface itf = pyterpol.Interface(sl=sl, rl=rl, ol=ol) itf.setup() # review the class - this is a nice example of how the # default groups are assigned. Both components have now # six rvs and two lrs. The explanation is simple - we have # three observed spectra and two regions. There is one # relative luminosity for each spectrum. and one for # each spectrum and each region print itf """ ==============================================StarList============================================== Component: primary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 4 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 5 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 6 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: teff value: 25000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: vrot value: 150.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> Component: secondary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 4 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 5 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 6 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: teff value: 18000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: vrot value: 50.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> =============================================RegionList============================================= Region name: region00: (wmin, wmax) = (6330, 6375): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} Region name: region01: (wmin, wmax) = (6500, 6600): component: all groups: {'lr': 1} ============================================ObservedList============================================ List of all attached spectra: filename: a component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: False global_error: None group: {'rv': [1, 4]} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: b component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: False global_error: None group: {'rv': [2, 5]} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: c component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: False global_error: None group: {'rv': [3, 6]} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) ===============================================Fitter=============================================== Fitter: None optional_arguments: {} Initial parameters: ==================================================================================================== """ # since our 'observed spectra' are just a model spectra # the radial velocity and relative luminosity is the # same for each spectrum, so we might set, that # relative luminosity is the same for each region # and radil velocity is the same for each spectrum. # we have groups for the task - clear the ObservedList # and RegionList rl.clear_all() ol.clear_all() # add the regions again and set a group in relative luminosity # for both rl.add_region(wmin=6330, wmax=6375, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6500, wmax=6600, groups=dict(lr=0)) # set a radial velocity group for each spectrum # and add some errors, so we do not have to listen to # the errros all the time obs = [ dict(filename='a', group=dict(rv=1), error=0.001), dict(filename='b', group=dict(rv=2), error=0.001), dict(filename='c', group=dict(rv=3), error=0.001), ] ol.add_observations(obs) # create the Interface again itf = pyterpol.Interface(sl=sl, rl=rl, ol=ol) itf.setup() # review - it - we can now see that there is only # one relative luminosity and three radial velocities # for each component. print itf """ ==============================================StarList============================================== Component: primary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: teff value: 25000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: vrot value: 150.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> Component: secondary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: teff value: 18000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: vrot value: 50.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: <type 'float'> =============================================RegionList============================================= Region name: region00: (wmin, wmax) = (6330, 6375): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} Region name: region01: (wmin, wmax) = (6500, 6600): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} ============================================ObservedList============================================ List of all attached spectra: filename: a component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 1} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: b component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 2} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: c component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 3} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) ===============================================Fitter=============================================== Fitter: None optional_arguments: {} Initial parameters: ==================================================================================================== """ # lets save the class - it will create a text file, from # which the interface can be easily loaded'setup.itf') # and have a look what does the comparisons look like - # figname serves only as a prefix in this case. itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='initial')
""" This tutorial serves as demonstration of how to fit observed spectra with Pyterpol. Our observed spectra were created with the old C++ version of the code. We have three spectra of a binary consisting of primary: teff = 25000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 150, lr = 0.7, z = 1.0 secondary: teff = 18000, g = 4.2, , vrot = 50, lr = 0.3, z = 1.0 and various radial velocities. They look as if they were observed spectra. No we will pick up the interface where we ended and fit the data. """ import pyterpol import numpy as np # Create the fitting environment and load the last # session. itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('setup.itf') # review the loaded interface - if we compare it with the # previous example, we see that everything loaded as it # should print itf """ ==============================================StarList============================================== Component: primary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 25000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 150.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None Component: secondary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -1000.0 vmax: 1000.0 fitted: False group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 18000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 50.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None =============================================RegionList============================================= Region name: region00: (wmin, wmax) = (6330.0, 6375.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} Region name: region01: (wmin, wmax) = (6500.0, 6600.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} ============================================ObservedList============================================ List of all attached spectra: filename: a component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 1} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: b component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 2} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: c component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 3} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) ===============================================Fitter=============================================== Fitter: None optional_arguments: {} Initial parameters: ==================================================================================================== """ # the second step is to set what will be fitted. Do not forget to # set the boundaries vmin, vmax too. # we can do it parameter by parameter itf.set_parameter(group=1, component='primary', parname='rv', fitted=True) # or we can set all at once itf.set_parameter(group=1, component='primary', parname='rv', fitted=True, vmin=-120., vmax=120.) # or set everything for primary itf.set_parameter(component='primary', parname='rv', fitted=True, vmin=-120., vmax=120.) # or set everything for every rv in the StarList itf.set_parameter(parname='rv', fitted=True, vmin=-120., vmax=120.) # now lets set the fitter - one even does not have to construct the class # it is sufficient to choose the fitter - lets take nelder and mead # preferably nelder and mead, because they use boundaries # for simplex it is good to set the initial uncertainty init_step = 50*np.ones(6) itf.choose_fitter('nlopt_nelder_mead', init_step=init_step, ftol=1e-6) # lets review the whole session print itf """ ==============================================StarList============================================== Component: primary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 25000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 150.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.7 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None Component: secondary name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 1 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 2 _typedef: None name: rv value: 0.0 vmin: -120.0 vmax: 120.0 fitted: True group: 3 _typedef: None name: teff value: 18000.0 vmin: 6000.0 vmax: 50000.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: vrot value: 50.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 500.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: logg value: 4.2 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 5.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: lr value: 0.3 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 1.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None name: z value: 1.0 vmin: 0.0 vmax: 2.0 fitted: False group: 0 _typedef: None =============================================RegionList============================================= Region name: region00: (wmin, wmax) = (6330.0, 6375.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} Region name: region01: (wmin, wmax) = (6500.0, 6600.0): component: all groups: {'lr': 0} ============================================ObservedList============================================ List of all attached spectra: filename: a component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 1} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: b component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 2} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) filename: c component: all korel: False loaded: True hasErrors: True global_error: 0.001 group: {'rv': 3} (min, max): (6250.0, 6799.9499999999998) ===============================================Fitter=============================================== Fitter: nlopt_nelder_mead optional_arguments: {} Initial parameters:(rv, g.): (0.0, 1); (rv, g.): (0.0, 2); (rv, g.): (0.0, 3); (rv, g.): (0.0, 1); (rv, g.): (0.0, 2); (rv, g.): (0.0, 3); ==================================================================================================== """ # check the initial chi-square - first we have to get the fitted parameters # and convert list of Parameters -> list of floats init_pars = [par['value'] for par in itf.get_fitted_parameters()] # or we can let the function do it for us init_pars = itf.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='value') # or we can let the function to do it for us init_chi2 = itf.compute_chi2(init_pars) print "Initial chi-square: %f" % init_chi2 """ Initial chi-square: 950375.454308 """ # finally run the fitting itf.run_fit() # check the final chi-square final_pars = itf.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='value') final_chi2 = itf.compute_chi2(final_pars) print "Final chi-square (nlopt_nelder_mead): %f" % final_chi2 """ Final chi-square (nlopt_nelder_mead): 144433.598816 """ # and plot everything itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='final_nm') # It is not surprising that the fitting failed - Why?! # for radial velocities one is in general far from the # global minimum - the variation can ce high, so # it is better to get the firt estimate with a global method # like differential evolution itf.choose_fitter('sp_diff_evol') itf.run_fit() # check the final chi-square final_pars = itf.get_fitted_parameters(attribute='value') final_chi2 = itf.compute_chi2(final_pars) print "Final chi-square: %f (sp_diff_evol)" % final_chi2 """ Final chi-square: 73.231889 (sp_diff_evol) """ # lets see the difference itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='final_de') # The message here is that before one really tries # to fit radiative rpoerties, it is better to do the # fitting of RVs first. Since we are not using # any previous information on the RVs (the orbital # solution is not attached) it is better to # use global method - especially for large parameter space'fitted.itf')
""" This is a tutorial script how to handle the class Synthetic Spectrum. """ import pyterpol import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load the spectrum using the library numpy wave, intens = np.loadtxt('grid.dat', unpack=True, usecols=[0,1]) # The synthetic spectrum can be created either from arrays ss = pyterpol.SyntheticSpectrum(wave=wave, intens=intens) # or just loaded from an array ss = pyterpol.SyntheticSpectrum(f='grid.dat') # usually your spectra have additional properties. # Note that parameters passed during the contruction # of teh class do not have impact on the underlying spectrum ss = pyterpol.SyntheticSpectrum(f='grid.dat', teff=18000, logg=4.5, idiotic_parameter='pes') # which you can then easily review print ss # or change ss['teff'] = 12000 # and review the changes print ss # Or we can directly view the spectrum ss.plot(savefig=True, figname='original.png') # the spectrum can be rotated newwave, newintens = ss.get_spectrum(vrot=50) # shifted in rv newwave, newintens = ss.get_spectrum(rv=50) # shrinked newwave, newintens = ss.get_spectrum(lr=0.7) # or transformed to KOREL newwave, newintens = ss.get_spectrum(korel=True) # or all together newwave, newintens = ss.get_spectrum(vrot=50, lr=0.7, rv=50, korel=True) # lets wrap this into SyntheticSpectrum and plot it nss = pyterpol.SyntheticSpectrum(wave=newwave, intens=newintens) nss.plot(savefig=True, figname='adjusted.png')
""" This script serves a demonstration of the class SyntheticGrid. """ # import the library import pyterpol import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # The handling of the synthetic grid is shadowed from the user, # therefore the interaction of the user with the grid should # restrict to only few methods. # How to create a grid? Ups - we have forgotten, which modes are # So we create a default grid and have a look at the grids that are available # In general user should use default grid, because it spans over all # implemented grids sg = pyterpol.SyntheticGrid() # The method list_modes returns string, so it has to be printed print sg.list_modes() # Now we know the modes, so we can either create the grid again sg = pyterpol.SyntheticGrid(mode='bstar') # or just set mode for the existing one - BSTAR will be our # exemplary grid. sg.set_mode(mode='bstar') # we set up a grid, so we can interpolate. # synthetic spectra should be queried with # the method get_synthetic_spectrum - lets do some calls # Grid parameters have to be wrapped using # following dictionary pars = dict(teff=18200, logg=4.3, z=1.2) # We should also pass some boundaries, unless we want # to get the whole wavelength range of the grid spectrum1 = sg.get_synthetic_spectrum(pars, [4300, 4400]) # we can view properties of the synthetic spectrum print spectrum1 # we can of course plot_it spectrum1.plot(savefig=True, figname='spectrum1.png') # it is class SyntheticSpectrum, so it has all its # features, if we want the synthetic spectrum to adopt the # new spectrum we say that with keyword 'keep' spectrum1.get_spectrum(vrot=30., rv=-200., lr=0.3, wmin=4300, wmax=4400, keep=True) spectrum1.plot(savefig=True, figname='spectrum1_adjusted.png') # A great feature of the class is that it remembers all # loaded spectra until the program ends. This means that # if your nect interpolation requires similar spectra # from the grid, everything will be much faster pars = dict(teff=18300, logg=4.2, z=1.1) spectrum1= sg.get_synthetic_spectrum(pars, [4300, 4400]) # User can also change the resolution of the grid # by setting keyword step and the number of the # spectra that are used for interpolation by setting # keyword order # step = wavelength step # order = maximal number of spectra, that should be used for # interpolation pars = dict(teff=29300, logg=3.1, z=0.74) spectrum2 = sg.get_synthetic_spectrum(pars, [4300, 4400], order=4, step=0.05) # # # plot comparison of the two spectra fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) spectrum1.plot(ax=ax) spectrum2.plot(ax=ax) plt.savefig('comparison.png')
""" V746Cas - fitting of a observed spectra. This example also show, ho we can proceed if we want to fit parameters step by step. """ import pyterpol import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def inspect_spectra(f): ifile = open(f, 'r') slist = ifile.readlines() ifile.close() for rec in slist: ifile = open(rec.rstrip('\n'), 'r') ifile.readline() x, y = np.loadtxt(ifile, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1]) plt.plot(x, y, '-') # Setting up interface is something, that should be kept # separated from the fitting, because consequetive fits # change teh initial settings. def setup_interface_single_obs(): # have a look at one observation ol = pyterpol.ObservedList() obs = pyterpol.ObservedSpectrum(filename='v7c00001.asc', group=dict(rv=0), error=0.01) # two methods how to estimate the error print obs.get_sigma_from_continuum(cmin=6665, cmax=6670) print obs.get_sigma_from_fft() ol.add_observations([obs]) # define a starlist sl = pyterpol.StarList() sl.add_component(component='primary', teff=17000., logg=4.0, vrot=180., z=1.0, lr=1.0) # define regions rl = pyterpol.RegionList() rl.add_region(wmin=6340, wmax=6410, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6520, wmax=6610, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6665, wmax=6690, groups=dict(lr=0)) # create interfaces itf = pyterpol.Interface(sl=sl, rl=rl, ol=ol) # set fit order = 2 to do it fast itf.set_grid_properties(order=2) itf.setup() # review the result - one rv group, one lr group print itf # plot comparison itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff17000') # try different temperatures - this way we can easilyt review # several comparisons itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', value=25000.) itf.populate_comparisons() itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff25000') itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', value=13000.) itf.populate_comparisons() itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff13000')'initial.itf') # if we want to fit interactively, parameter by parameter # it is easier to use the save/load mechanism # itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('tefffit.itf') # itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('vrotfit.itf') itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('loggfit.itf') # choose a fitter itf.choose_fitter('nlopt_nelder_mead', ftol=1e-6) # change another parameter # itf.set_parameter(parname='vrot', vmin=120., vmax=200., fitted=True) # itf.set_parameter(parname='logg', vmin=3.5, vmax=4.5, fitted=True) itf.set_parameter(parname='z', vmin=0.5, vmax=2.0, fitted=True) itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', vmin=15000., fitted=True) itf.run_fit() # get the result # itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='vrotfit') itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='zfit') # itf.write_fitted_parameters(outputname='iter03.res') itf.write_fitted_parameters(outputname='iter05.res') # save a new Interface #'vrotfit.itf')'zfit.itf')
""" V746Cas - fitting of a observed spectra. This example also show, ho we can proceed if we want to fit parameters step by step. """ import pyterpol import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def inspect_spectra(f): ifile = open(f, 'r') slist = ifile.readlines() ifile.close() for rec in slist: ifile = open(rec.rstrip('\n'), 'r') ifile.readline() x, y = np.loadtxt(ifile, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1]) plt.plot(x, y, '-') # Setting up interface is something, that should be kept # separated from the fitting, because consequetive fits # change teh initial settings. def setup_interface_single_obs(): # have a look at one observation ol = pyterpol.ObservedList() obs = pyterpol.ObservedSpectrum(filename='v7c00001.asc', group=dict(rv=0), error=0.01) # two methods how to estimate the error print obs.get_sigma_from_continuum(cmin=6665, cmax=6670) print obs.get_sigma_from_fft() ol.add_observations([obs]) # define a starlist sl = pyterpol.StarList() sl.add_component(component='primary', teff=17000., logg=4.0, vrot=180., z=1.0, lr=1.0) # define regions rl = pyterpol.RegionList() rl.add_region(wmin=6340, wmax=6410, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6520, wmax=6610, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6665, wmax=6690, groups=dict(lr=0)) # create interfaces itf = pyterpol.Interface(sl=sl, rl=rl, ol=ol) # set fit order = 2 to do it fast itf.set_grid_properties(order=2) itf.setup() # review the result - one rv group, one lr group print itf # plot comparison itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff17000') # try different temperatures - this way we can easilyt review # several comparisons itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', value=25000.) itf.populate_comparisons() itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff25000') itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', value=13000.) itf.populate_comparisons() itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='teff13000')'initial.itf') # if we want to fit interactively, parameter by parameter # it is easier to use the save/load mechanism # itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('tefffit.itf') # itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('vrotfit.itf') itf = pyterpol.Interface.load('loggfit.itf') # choose a fitter itf.choose_fitter('nlopt_nelder_mead', ftol=1e-6) # change another parameter # itf.set_parameter(parname='vrot', vmin=120., vmax=200., fitted=True) # itf.set_parameter(parname='logg', vmin=3.5, vmax=4.5, fitted=True) itf.set_parameter(parname='z', vmin=0.5, vmax=2.0, fitted=True) itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', vmin=15000., fitted=True) itf.run_fit() # get the result # itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='vrotfit') itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='zfit') # itf.write_fitted_parameters(outputname='iter03.res') itf.write_fitted_parameters(outputname='iter05.res') # save a new Interface #'vrotfit.itf')'zfit.itf')
""" V746Cas - fitting of a observed spectra. This example also show, ho we can proceed if we want to fit parameters step by step. """ import pyterpol import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def inspect_spectra(f): """ Plots all spectra. :param f: :return: """ ifile = open(f, 'r') slist = ifile.readlines() ifile.close() for rec in slist: ifile = open(rec.rstrip('\n'), 'r') ifile.readline() x, y = np.loadtxt(ifile, unpack=True, usecols=[0,1]) plt.plot(x, y, '-') def read_obs_from_list(f): """ Create a list of observations. :param f: :return: """ ifile = open(f, 'r') slist = ifile.readlines() ifile.close() obs = [] for i,rec in enumerate(slist[:]): o = pyterpol.ObservedSpectrum(filename=rec.rstrip('\n'), group=dict(rv=i)) o.get_sigma_from_continuum(cmin=6620., cmax=6640., store=True) obs.append(o) return obs def setup_interface_more_obs(): # have a look at one observation ol = pyterpol.ObservedList() obs = read_obs_from_list('spec.lis') ol.add_observations(obs) # define a starlist sl = pyterpol.StarList() sl.add_component(component='primary', teff=16000., logg=3.9, vrot=95., z=1.2, lr=1.0) # define regions rl = pyterpol.RegionList() rl.add_region(wmin=6340, wmax=6410, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6540, wmax=6595, groups=dict(lr=0)) rl.add_region(wmin=6670, wmax=6685, groups=dict(lr=0)) # create interfaces itf = pyterpol.Interface(sl=sl, rl=rl, ol=ol, debug=False) # set fit order = 2 to do it fast itf.set_grid_properties(order=2, step=0.05) itf.setup() # save the session'initial.itf') def optimize_rv(session0, session1): """ Optimizes RV. :return: """ # setup the spectra itf = pyterpol.Interface.load(session0) # set parameters itf.set_parameter(parname='rv', fitted=True, vmin=-60., vmax=60.) itf.choose_fitter('nlopt_nelder_mead', ftol=1e-6) # run fit itf.run_fit() # plot every comparison itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='rvfit') # save the fit def optimize_all(session0, session1): """ Optimizes all parameters :return: """ # setup the spectra itf = pyterpol.Interface.load(session0) # itf.set_one_for_all(True) itf.set_parameter(parname='rv', fitted=True, vmin=-60., vmax=60.) itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', fitted=True, vmin=15000., vmax=17000.) itf.set_parameter(parname='logg', fitted=True, vmin=3.7, vmax=4.2) itf.set_parameter(parname='vrot', fitted=True, vmin=80., vmax=160.) itf.set_parameter(parname='z', fitted=True, vmin=1.0, vmax=2.0) itf.choose_fitter('nlopt_nelder_mead', ftol=1e-5) # run fit itf.run_fit() # plot every comparison itf.plot_all_comparisons(figname='nmallfit') # save the fit return itf # setup the interface setup_interface_more_obs() # run the optimization itf = optimize_all('initial.itf', 'nmallfit_newinit.itf') # plot the comparisons found with the minimizer #itf.plot_all_comparisons() # set errors for mc, mc estimation, they should lie within the interval # there is no point in fitting the z, since it is converging of of the # grid. #itf.set_error(parname='rv', error=10.) #itf.set_one_for_all(True) #itf.set_parameter(parname='teff', vmin=15000., vmax=16500.) #itf.set_parameter(parname='logg', vmin=3.5, vmax=4.2) #itf.set_parameter(parname='vrot', vmin=120., vmax=160.) #itf.set_parameter(parname='z', value=2.0, fitted=False) #itf.run_mcmc(chain_file='chain.dat', niter=200)
import pyterpol # check convergence of individual parameters pyterpol.Interface.plot_convergence_mcmc('chain.dat', figname='mcmc_convergence.png') # plot covariance of radiative parameters pyterpol.Interface.plot_covariances_mcmc('chain.dat', parameters=['vrot', 'teff', 'logg'], figname='mcmc_correlations.png') # plot variance of rvs pyterpol.Interface.plot_variances_mcmc('chain.dat', parameters=['rv'], figname='rv_var') # write result pyterpol.Interface.write_mc_result('chain.dat', outputname='mcmc.res')