Dimensions of the Elevation Bars:
* Outer diameter: 2.38”
* Height of horizontal bar: 11.63” from the ground
* Height of vertical bar: 30.23”
* Horizontal bar length: 21.89”
The Barrier also presents an additional obstacle for navigating the field, and is divided into the short barrier and the long barrier.
The barrier is constructed out of 2.38” OD PVC pipe raised 0.5” above the field tiles.
The Match Load Bars separate the match load zone from the rest of the field:
Note that the bars have the same outer diameter as the barrier and the elevation bars, 2.38”
The Autonomous Line marks the edges of the neutral zone. It is highlighted below:
Game Scoring Definitions
A triball is Scored in a Goal (for 5 points) if at least two of the four “corners” of the triball are within the outer edges of the PVC pipes enclosing the goal.
The triball shaded green is scored, but the one shaded red is not scored because only one corner is within the Goal
A triball is Scored in an Offensive Zone (for 2 points) if it is contacting the gray foam tiles in that Offensive Zone.
Alliance Triballs count as scored for the alliance that they are colored, regardless of which goal or offensive zone they end the match in.
A Robot is Elevated if they are contacting their alliance’s elevation bars or the barrier, or their alliance partner.
A Robot cannot be elevated if they are contacting the gray foam tiles, the field perimeter, or the yellow elevation bar cap.
A Robot is assigned an Elevation Tier based on how high the lowest point on the robot is elevated, as determined using the Height Guide.
The Robot with the highest elevation tier will receive 20 points; the second-highest tier will receive 15 points, and so on:
The Height Guide along with accompanying measurements for each Elevation Tier ↗
The alliance that scores more points during the Autonomous Period (0:15) will earn an additional Autonomous Bonus of 8 points going into the Driver controlled period (1:45). Elevation points do not count towards determining the winner of the Autonomous Bonus.
If an alliance:
Removes the triball from that alliance’s math load zone that coincides with their starting tiles
Scores at least one alliance triball in their own goal
Touches their own elevation bar at the end of the autonomous period
Then they can earn an Autonomous Win Point (AWP), which counts as half of a win in the ranking system.
Specific Game Rules
<SG1> Robots must be placed on the starting tiles below, and not contacting the barrier, another robot, or any green triballs.
<SG2> Robots may not horizontally expand more than 36” at any point during the match.
<SG3> Triballs should stay in the field. Any triball that comes to rest on the net of a goal may be removed and used as a match load.
<SG4> Each robot gets one alliance triball as a preload.
<SG5> Robots that become entangled in the net will be disabled.
<SG6> Match loads may be introduced by:
Placing them into the match load zone
Placing them onto a robot that is contacting the match load bar
<SG7> Possession is limited to 1 triball.
<SG8> When the opposing alliance is double-zoning, robots are permitted to go under the opposing alliance’s goal.
An alliance is double-zoned if both robots are contacting the gray foam tiles within a single offensive zone, and neither one is contacting the long barrier.
In this picture, the red alliance is double-zoned since both robots are in the same offensive zone, and the blue alliance can go under the red goal to descore triballs.
<SG9> Robots are not permitted to contact the gray foam tiles on the opposite side of the location that they start the match in during the autonomous period.
<SG10> Teams are responsible for the actions of their robots at all times, even in interactions with other robots in the neutral zone during autonomous.
<SG11> Robots may not contact opposing robots or the opposing alliance’s elevation bars during the last 30 seconds of the match.