Added support for a new communication identifier MicrosoftTeamsAppIdentifier.
1.4.0 (2023-11-30)
Features Added
Introduction of new scopes for token generation.
CHAT_JOIN (Access to Chat APIs but without the authorization to create, delete or update chat threads)
CHAT_JOIN_LIMITED (A more limited version of CHAT_JOIN that doesn't allow to add or remove participants)
VOIP_JOIN (Access to Calling APIs but without the authorization to start new calls)
Added a new API version ApiVersion.V2023_10_01 that is now the default API version.
Other Changes
The MicrosoftBotIdentifier and MicrosoftBotProperties have been removed.
1.4.0b1 (2023-04-05)
Features Added
Added support for a new communication identifier MicrosoftBotIdentifier.
1.3.1 (2022-10-28)
Bug Fixes
Fixed the logic of PhoneNumberIdentifier to always maintain the original phone number string whether it included the leading + sign or not.
1.3.0 (2022-10-13)
Features Added
Added support to customize the Communication Identity access token's validity period:
create_user_and_token and get_token methods in both sync and async clients can now accept keyword argument token_expires_in: ~datetime.timedelta that provides the ability to create a Communication Identity access token with custom expiration.
Added a new API version ApiVersion.V2022_10_01 that is now the default API version.
Added the ability specify the API version by an optional api_version keyword parameter.
1.2.0 (2022-08-24)
Features Added
Exported types MicrosoftTeamsUserIdentifier, PhoneNumberIdentifier, UnknownIdentifier for non Azure Communication Services CommunicationIdentifier identities. Exported related types: MicrosoftTeamsUserProperties and PhoneNumberProperties.
Added identifier_from_raw_id and ensured that CommunicationIdentifier.raw_id is populated on creation. Together, these can be used to translate between a CommunicationIdentifier and its underlying canonical raw ID representation. Developers can now use the raw ID as an encoded format for identifiers to store in their databases or as stable keys in general.
1.1.0 (2022-08-01)
Features Added
Added support to integrate communication as Teams user with Azure Communication Services:
Added get_token_for_teams_user(aad_token, client_id, user_object_id) method that provides the ability to exchange an Azure AD access token of a Teams user for a Communication Identity access token to CommunicationIdentityClient.
Removed ApiVersion.V2021_10_31_preview from API versions.
Added a new API version ApiVersion.V2022_06_01 that is now the default API version
Added support to integrate communication as Teams user with Azure Communication Services:
CommunicationIdentityClient added a new method get_token_for_teams_user that provides the ability to exchange an Azure AD access token of a Teams user for a Communication Identity access token
1.0.1 (2021-06-08)
Bug Fixes
Fixed async client to use async bearer token credential policy instead of sync policy.
1.0.0 (2021-03-29)
Stable release of azure-communication-identity.
1.0.0b5 (2021-03-09)
CommunicationIdentityClient's (synchronous and asynchronous) issue_token function is now renamed to get_token.
The CommunicationIdentityClient constructor uses type TokenCredential and AsyncTokenCredential for the credential parameter.
Dropped support for 3.5
1.0.0b4 (2021-02-09)
Added CommunicationIdentityClient (originally was part of the azure.communication.administration package).
Added ability to create a user and issue token for it at the same time.
CommunicationIdentityClient.revoke_tokens now revoke all the currently issued tokens instead of revoking tokens issued prior to a given time.
CommunicationIdentityClient.issue_tokens returns an instance of azure.core.credentials.AccessToken instead of CommunicationUserToken.