Release History
9.0.0b1 (2024-06-28)
Features Added
- Added operation WorkloadNetworksOperations.list_public_ips
- Added operation group IscsiPathsOperations
- Model Addon has a new parameter system_data
- Model CloudLink has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model CloudLink has a new parameter system_data
- Model Cluster has a new parameter system_data
- Model Cluster has a new parameter vsan_datastore_name
- Model ClusterUpdate has a new parameter sku
- Model Datastore has a new parameter elastic_san_volume
- Model Datastore has a new parameter system_data
- Model Endpoints has a new parameter hcx_cloud_manager_ip
- Model Endpoints has a new parameter nsxt_manager_ip
- Model Endpoints has a new parameter vcenter_ip
- Model ExpressRouteAuthorization has a new parameter system_data
- Model GlobalReachConnection has a new parameter system_data
- Model HcxEnterpriseSite has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model HcxEnterpriseSite has a new parameter system_data
- Model ManagementCluster has a new parameter vsan_datastore_name
- Model Operation has a new parameter action_type
- Model PlacementPolicy has a new parameter system_data
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter dns_zone_type
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter system_data
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter virtual_network_id
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter dns_zone_type
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter sku
- Model ProxyResource has a new parameter system_data
- Model Resource has a new parameter system_data
- Model ScriptCmdlet has a new parameter audience
- Model ScriptCmdlet has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model ScriptCmdlet has a new parameter system_data
- Model ScriptExecution has a new parameter system_data
- Model ScriptPackage has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model ScriptPackage has a new parameter system_data
- Model Sku has a new parameter capacity
- Model Sku has a new parameter family
- Model Sku has a new parameter size
- Model Sku has a new parameter tier
- Model TrackedResource has a new parameter system_data
- Model VirtualMachine has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model VirtualMachine has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetwork has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model WorkloadNetwork has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkDhcp has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkDnsService has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkDnsZone has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkGateway has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model WorkloadNetworkGateway has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkPortMirroring has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkPublicIP has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkSegment has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkVMGroup has a new parameter system_data
- Model WorkloadNetworkVirtualMachine has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Model WorkloadNetworkVirtualMachine has a new parameter system_data
Breaking Changes
- Model Operation no longer has parameter properties
- Operation WorkloadNetworksOperations.get no longer has parameter workload_network_name
- Parameter location of model PrivateCloud is now required
- Parameter location of model TrackedResource is now required
- Parameter type of model PrivateCloudIdentity is now required
- Parameter value of model AddonList is now required
- Parameter value of model CloudLinkList is now required
- Parameter value of model ClusterList is now required
- Parameter value of model DatastoreList is now required
- Parameter value of model ExpressRouteAuthorizationList is now required
- Parameter value of model GlobalReachConnectionList is now required
- Parameter value of model HcxEnterpriseSiteList is now required
- Parameter value of model PlacementPoliciesList is now required
- Parameter value of model PrivateCloudList is now required
- Parameter value of model ScriptCmdletsList is now required
- Parameter value of model ScriptExecutionsList is now required
- Parameter value of model ScriptPackagesList is now required
- Parameter value of model VirtualMachinesList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkDhcpList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkDnsServicesList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkDnsZonesList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkGatewayList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkPortMirroringList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkPublicIPsList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkSegmentsList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkVMGroupsList is now required
- Parameter value of model WorkloadNetworkVirtualMachinesList is now required
- Removed operation WorkloadNetworksOperations.list_public_i_ps
8.0.0 (2023-08-25)
Features Added
- Model ErrorResponse has a new parameter error
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter extended_network_blocks
- Model PrivateCloudProperties has a new parameter extended_network_blocks
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter extended_network_blocks
- Model PrivateCloudUpdateProperties has a new parameter extended_network_blocks
Breaking Changes
- Model ErrorResponse no longer has parameter additional_info
- Model ErrorResponse no longer has parameter code
- Model ErrorResponse no longer has parameter details
- Model ErrorResponse no longer has parameter message
- Model ErrorResponse no longer has parameter target
7.2.0b1 (2022-12-29)
Other Changes
- Added generated samples in github repo
- Drop support for python<3.7.0
7.1.0 (2022-10-18)
Features Added
- Added operation ClustersOperations.list_zones
- Added operation WorkloadNetworksOperations.get
- Added operation WorkloadNetworksOperations.list
- Model EncryptionKeyVaultProperties has a new parameter auto_detected_key_version
- Model PlacementPolicyUpdate has a new parameter affinity_strength
- Model PlacementPolicyUpdate has a new parameter azure_hybrid_benefit_type
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter nsx_public_ip_quota_raised
- Model PrivateCloudProperties has a new parameter nsx_public_ip_quota_raised
- Model ScriptPackage has a new parameter company
- Model ScriptPackage has a new parameter uri
- Model VmHostPlacementPolicyProperties has a new parameter affinity_strength
- Model VmHostPlacementPolicyProperties has a new parameter azure_hybrid_benefit_type
- Operation LocationsOperations.check_trial_availability has a new parameter sku
7.0.0 (2021-11-11)
- Model PrivateCloudUpdateProperties has a new parameter encryption
- Model PrivateCloudUpdateProperties has a new parameter availability
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter secondary_circuit
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter identity
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter encryption
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter availability
- Model PrivateCloudProperties has a new parameter secondary_circuit
- Model PrivateCloudProperties has a new parameter encryption
- Model PrivateCloudProperties has a new parameter availability
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter identity
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter encryption
- Model PrivateCloudUpdate has a new parameter availability
- Model GlobalReachConnection has a new parameter express_route_id
- Model ClusterUpdate has a new parameter hosts
- Model ExpressRouteAuthorization has a new parameter express_route_id
- Model Datastore has a new parameter status
- Added operation group VirtualMachinesOperations
- Added operation group PlacementPoliciesOperations
7.0.0b1 (2021-07-13)
This is beta preview version.
This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
General breaking changes
Credential system has been completly revamped:
instances are no longer supported, use theazure-identity
classes instead:
parameter has been renamedcredential
attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example:MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)
. For a complete set of supported options, see the parameters accept in init documentation of azure-coreYou can't import a
module anymore, use__version__
insteadOperations that used to return a
now returns aazure.core.polling.LROPoller
and are prefixed withbegin_
.Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now
has been removed).Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found usingcls
, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user- For a complete set of supported options, see the parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core
General new features
- Type annotations support using
. SDKs are mypy ready. - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the
namespace of your package to find the async client. - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this tracing quickstart for an overview.
2.0.0 (2021-07-13)
- Model PrivateCloud has a new parameter external_cloud_links
- Model MetricDimension has a new parameter internal_name
- Model MetricDimension has a new parameter to_be_exported_for_shoebox
- Added operation PrivateCloudsOperations.rotate_vcenter_password
- Added operation PrivateCloudsOperations.rotate_nsxt_password
- Added operation group ScriptExecutionsOperations
- Added operation group DatastoresOperations
- Added operation group CloudLinksOperations
- Added operation group ScriptPackagesOperations
- Added operation group WorkloadNetworksOperations
- Added operation group ScriptCmdletsOperations
- Added operation group AddonsOperations
- Added operation group GlobalReachConnectionsOperations
Breaking changes
- Operation HcxEnterpriseSitesOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Operation AuthorizationsOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
1.0.0 (2020-11-11)
- Model Operation has a new parameter properties
- Model Operation has a new parameter is_data_action
- Model Operation has a new parameter origin
- Model ManagementCluster has a new parameter provisioning_state
Breaking changes
- Operation ClustersOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Operation ClustersOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
1.0.0rc1 (2020-07-03)
- Model Endpoints has a new parameter hcx_cloud_manager
- Model Cluster has a new parameter hosts
- Model Cluster has a new parameter cluster_id
- Model Cluster has a new parameter cluster_size
- Model Cluster has a new parameter provisioning_state
- Added operation group HcxEnterpriseSitesOperations
- Added operation group AuthorizationsOperations
Breaking changes
- Operation ClustersOperations.update has a new signature
- Operation ClustersOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Operation PrivateCloudsOperations.update has a new signature
- Operation ClustersOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
- Model Circuit no longer has parameter authorizations
- Model Cluster no longer has parameter properties
- Model Cluster has a new required parameter sku
- Model PrivateCloud has a new signature
- Model ExpressRouteAuthorization has a new signature