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I didn't want to pay for it either especially I did the trial before and didn't make too much of a difference Typically I will search for a company and then look at the employees based on that search. If I see anyone who I have a common connection with or just something similar, I reach out. Great advice, I am a bit shy to do that. I usually only just reach out if the job listed a HR person contact But so far I haven't get any reply from these people. Perhaps they got a lot of messages. There is also a site called UpWork. I do not have personal experience with it but have heard it's a good way to make a bit of money while unemployed. They have small jobs for people to complete.
In my all events i am inviting them all but how they Why what happen..? How long have your friends been neglecting you?? In last 2 events only , what about you Any other questions for me?
Affirmation and Reassurance
I have not said anything to them. Why haven't you said anything to them? I hate confrontation. I understand, confrontation can be quite stressful. exactly, do you think I should just stop saying yes to them.
Providing Suggestions
Hako So so. What's wrong? kind of down holiday season
Reflection of feelings
I have. I looked into it. and if i file a restraining order, it will give her my address. To supress my address it would take charges filed and things of the sort. Shes crafty. Wow that sounds like it has put you in a bind. I do understand cos once I had to flee from a boyfriend and was scared he would come after me. She will definately come after me. I have evidence that makes her guilty that has been turned into the attorneys and cps. Shes losing custody of her daughter who is 12. The 15yr old lives with the father. so she wont lose custody, but im sure her visits will be messed up. Are you still in contact with her kids? Do you have a good relationship with them? I am not. I am not planning on it either. Staying away is the best plan.
Providing Suggestions
No but near him and take care of him. that's really nice of you. i'm 800+ miles away from my parents That is good and bad. I think it is good to talk about though I do feel a little better thank you. if i can suggest something that might help - brene brown, a leadership coach and researcher has a great TED talk about shame and vunerability and a CUTE cartoon animal video on yourtube about empathy Ok thank you very much. I think this is a good stopping point, so thank you for your help
Providing Suggestions
Finance. I know this is an extremely hard situation, but I know you can make it through it! I doubt it. But thanks for the positive vibes. Is there a lock down where you live? Yes, we are currently in a lock down.
Providing Suggestions
Hello there, i am having a hard time because my boyfriend and I just broke up I'm so sorry to hear that. Was there any reasons that lead to the decision? I think I was feeling overwhelmed by his political views and with the election and everything it became much more obvious that we weren't right for each other. But Im nervous with the holidays coming up that I will be sad to be alone I feel you, it's scary to not be with the person you love so suddenly, especially during holiday It is!! we were together for 5 years, so this is uncharted territory for me
Affirmation and Reassurance
yes it has been at least when he was alive we had his income it was stressfull but we had the money to keep up with things So you used to rely on his income and now you are struggling to make ends meet? yes and with Covid its been even harder I have also felt that COVID has added additional pressure in my life. You are not alone in thinking this. It must be tough yes for all , so we are moving but thats been a pain also getting approved for a mortgage packing up and still caring for my mother
Reflection of feelings
Thanks, it is actually a week today. My mother has taken it particularly hard, they were best friends I can understand very how your mom is going through hard time. Thanks. I really have not had much time to grieve myself since she is my first priority. Time will heel her. That I can assure you. Do you have any suggestions what I might try to cheer her up? After that I can worry about myself
Providing Suggestions
How did you overcome it? Is it hard? One thing I did was talked to my family about it and also spent a lot more time on my hobbies that didn't include any drinking at all. Anything I should do when I suddenly get the urge to drink? That was when I would focus on another hobby of mine, in my case I would either pick up a book and read or work on model cars That's great. I love reading maybe I should immerse myself to it again and have soda water instead
I can try. I am trying to help him get through school, but if the behavior does not change he will have to leave. I don't want to chose my boyfriend over my son. I would rather side with my son, however he is acting like a spoiled child. Sometimes kids need some tough love which is really hard todo. Thank you. I did tell my parents who are in their 80's not to take him in. I feel that he needs to make decisions or at least have some kind of respect or gratitude while living here. What did your parents say? They agreed. He needs to get along or realize that at 25 he may need to figure out how to get his own place and support himself.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
I am unsure. They are very much all about work. I am afraid they wont see my point and understand my want for a better work life balance. This has been a pretty hard year for everyone. however you ultimately gotta do whats best for you. Have you considered searching for a new job? I have but it is hard to find a job at this time. I also really like what I do but wish I could have more balance. Do you have any advice for how to balance stress at work and your life outside of work? I'm in the same boat. I would say, the things that work best for me, are to take breaks during my work day and go for walks or as soon as I'm done with work I force myself to go for a walk. I find moving helps me feel better. I also use that time to think about how I can look for a new job or rethink the things that are bothering me
Providing Suggestions
No one in the neighborhood has kids and everyone does their own yard work around my area. Wow. It sounds like you are really having a tough time. What do you think the next step in finding new employment is? What are your options? At this point, I don't know. I have thought about doing art commissions and selling them online but I don't know if my abilities are enough. Plus there is a lot of completion in the field.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Well maybe it could works, to mantain distracted thank you You are welcome. I am sorry about your Aunt. Thnak you, I think it helps to have someone to chat Makes me feel better to chat a bit with you, helped me to relax
I think I just need to learn a new approach to how I handle my dealings with other people. Might be on youtube too. Good stuff on how to say no and set boundaries! :D I think you have identified your problem and looked at it and you seem intelligent and caring! I'm sure you will be able to figure this out. You seem like a nice person to me, and I just met you. You seem emotionally mature, able to discuss your problems and think about it in a mature way. A lot of people will just blame others and not change. We can't change others, we can only change ourselves. That's the hard part but recognizing we can change and must is so important! Thanks for your help
I have a sick child and my boss does not understand How can I explain that I may be late to the office, but that I am a valuable employee? Have you explained to him your reasoning? I also once had to take care of my sick grandmother after work and had a tough time explaining it to my boss. Have you offered to stay later to make up the work? No. But that is a good idea.
Providing Suggestions
I see, and how were you able to maintain a healthy lifestyle with enough sleep and healthy eating habits during college? I honestly didn't eat very healthy. If you live with your parents, I think a proper nutrition is easier. I usually slept around 7 hours each night. I picked most of my classes on the afternoon, worked out in the mornings. okay i understand, and what do you suggest for when you do poorly on an exam that you studied so hard for, how do you keep yourself from feeling down? I would suggest talking to the professor or an academic advisor to explore strategies that could help you improve okay but is it normal to be upset?
Affirmation and Reassurance
I think I know what you mean. It's getting worse. I feel very down. Ok so you have felt like this for a while and it is getting worse not better. The intensity of your feelings is getting stronger and you worry that this will continue to get worse. Yeah. I worry that I'll just keep feeling even more down and depressed. I'm really having a bad time and struggle to get out of bed to be honest. Firstly, you are not alone in feeling this way. Many people struggle with depression and it's good that you have reached out for help for this. Any suggestions on what to do about it?
i am so depressed...this covid isolation is really getting to me...i don't know what to do i have trouble getting motivated to do basic things like cooking You are depressed because you cannot meet anyone due to COVID. Correct me if I am wrong yes i miss my friends and my normal activities. But also the stress of this whole covid situation i think is also getting me down. Even though i know we are in the final lap i feel so sad and down, do you ever feel like that since covid started?
Affirmation and Reassurance
With this kind of pandemic situation, it is making me more upset as I am not able to go out to socialize with people to foget my problems. The pandemic situation is tough for everyone, so don't worry My boyfriend brokeup with me 6 months ago and without saying good bye face to is just making me wonder why? I am sorry to hear that. We were not able to see each other ever since the pandemic and we just ended our relationship
Providing Suggestions
My classes are all online I have talked with financial aide but there is red tape. can you explain to me what is red tape? I need a form signed by my doctor but I can't see him to complete the form Medical release form
ok kind of a reminder on what stresses me and to avoid that etc that's great like a debriefing you've given a lot of great suggestions actually. Thanks a lot for that
Providing Suggestions
I was thinking of getting a pet or something but I don't know if I am worthy. This way sound weird, but I tell myself if something is not meant to happen, it would not. If you want to look at a more positive side of this, you can say this was a good thing that happened. I have always wanted a cat or a dog but my boyfriend said I wouldn't be good at raising anything. I can try to change my thinking but its really difficult. I know you don't want to hear all these positive words right now. But It will get better. Trust me. I appreciate the support and need to hear positive words. Do you think I need to take a vacation or something?
Affirmation and Reassurance
Sounds like we live in the same neighborhood! Ha! Just based on what you're saying, I can completely understand why you feel the way that you do. In my opinion, you have every right to feel that way. Haha! It's not fun at all to have neighbors who make you feel as though you're somehow less than them. I know exactly what that feels like. Yep! That's how I feel. What should I do to get back in good graces with them? I do know people who have gone through the exact same thing in the past. When another animal attacks one of your fur-babies, it's absolutely terrible. However, the fact that this woman was given the option to either get rid of her dog or move tells me that you are 100% correct in the way that you handled this situation. It's unfortunate for the woman, yes, but she should have had more control over her dog. It's bad enough when one animal is attacked, but when it's more than one, that's when you really know that it's a problem. Again, legally, she had to make a choice, and that's because she failed to properly secure her dog. I really don't feel as though you did anything wrong.
Providing Suggestions
that's not really helpful since it won't really solve the problem It wont help the problem at work. It might help your mindset though. I think the only way your work situation would be helped would be by hiring more staff to ease the burden. hopefully this goes away after the end of christmas Yea im sure it will hopefully get back to normal for you i think i will also reduce my workload my boss always says i do the work of 3 people. and i will ask for a day off
Hi, not so good to be honest. I've been feeling very depressed recently. I've been doing very bad in this class and that is just not like me. Oh, so you are usually a pretty decent student? I'm sorry to here that you are experiencing this I was up until this pandemic started. I feel like this shift to online learning has really taken it's toll on me and my learning. I've tried reaching out to my professors and doing virtual group study sessions with my class mates, but for some reason, things just don't seem to stick that well.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Thank you for letting me talk about this. It is a touchy topic, affairs. My heart was so loved during that time but I always told him that if he needed me to step back, I would. It has been difficult on both of us. Being a parent, having the families meshed together, homes, work, etc.... I can understand why he feels he should try again. Sometimes talking about why you are feeling is the best way to find closure. Keep the memories of the love and good times but know that in the end you were destined for something so much more. As adults we try so often to find happiness in others. He is a good person for wanting to try to resolve the situation for his family but that does not mean he did not love you or that your relationship was not a bright spot in his life as it was yours. I'm sure he is hurting too. thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me and grounds me you are correct, that I need to move forward for me. I deserve it. That's a concept I have been learning.
Providing Suggestions
It is much easier to lean on other students when we are in a class. But with virtual, it is much more difficult. I understand how you are feeling. It is nice to have somebody to lean on during difficult times. I just have to focus on my studies and not let what is going on impact my studies. I believe in you and i think you will do great! Do you have any advice on keeping me focused?
Providing Suggestions
sh she love other one I'm very sorry to hear that. How are you feeling about it right now? That person is very smart and very rice. So she affected with him Very painful and very sadness
Reflection of feelings
Please let me know if you're there... I'm not receiving any messages - are you there? Hello! I am here How are you today? Ahh! Hello...
Sometimes feel good sometimes they are irritating me So you feel mixed emotions if i understand you correctly? No i feel happy talk about me Tell me more about you then? I am very jolly type and independent person and easy mingle for every one
Affirmation and Reassurance
I can't take it anymore the stress from my parents. They don't acknowledge I am doing my best. I can see you are trying hard but aren't feeling acknowledged. It's so hard to not get the affirmation that I am doing a good job. What is it that they aren't affirming you on? They don't say that I made the best choices I could given the circumstances.
Reflection of feelings
It helps me to forget the past and concentrate on the future. Don't let your past define you, let your present choices pave a new path into the future. I am going forward only. I think I am very close to the treasure, not knowing how many hits to dig. I require your greetings for a better prospectus. . I'm confident you will.
Yes, stress is terrible for chronic illness. I had goals to get back in check with myself, I've been worried about everyone else for so long and not really about me. The pandemic haulted a lot of that. I used to take rides and go out and enjoy nature or something simple by myself to rejuvinate but it's harder now being worried to be around people. I also have an 8 and 1 year old. While they are my world, it's taxing having littles depend on you 24/7 without a breather :) It sounds like you have a full plate with the little one. I know a lot of people are fearful now, but rest assured, children are really resilient to disease. The CDC has not even one record of a healthy child dying. Can you still go to the park and let them run and play? I think it's healthier to be around people then to isolate. That's my personal observation. It's really taking a toll on all of us emotionally to be distant. little ones . . . For a few months I eased up and let them play at the park, but we live in MI which is having another huge spike, especially our county. Thank goodness we have a pretty large yard for them to run and play in but I also know its not the same One thing that comes to mind about your marriage is how I continued to work on myself, and surprisingly, some of the changes I made in myself helped my husband change. For example. I realized I didn't speak respectfully to him all the time. So I changed my tone. Sometimes I didn't FEEL respectful, but I read this book explaining how men really need that. So I changed me. And you know what, he really responded well to that. Became more kind and loving. I prayed a lot and that is one thing God showed me. I read a few books on what men were like and how I could help my marriage. My husband often oblivious, but when I worked on me and doing things that men like, he actually became a better man. Hard to explain.
Providing Suggestions
The benefits are nice, also, such as staff are provided meals prepared by the banquet chef and his team when at work. And though everyone has a role, the office staff support each other well and work as a team. wow, banquet at work. that is a wonderland stuff At the risk of preaching religion, I believe God may be calling me to serve there. that is definitely a dream job. God is everywhere
Affirmation and Reassurance
Hi. I am looking for support for depression. My fiance died four years ago today and I am very sad. I am sorry to hear about your loss. How do you feel throughout the day? Very sad. I think about him often. It is sad indeed having a loved one past. Having time will help. Yes but how much time?
That is interesting. I will look into that! I just want to keep my mind off of the break up. That is totally understandable, and I think you can do it. She not worth this trouble any way. I’ll find someone better! You will find someone that will be a better fit, that is to be sure. Definitely. I may just hook up in the meantime.
Reflection of feelings
yes ,but hard to over come that problem i enjoy going to walk I love to walk too! The park by my house has some incredible fall leaves right now! it is a nice climate too
Providing Suggestions
That you that is good advice. How are you balancing it? I just want to make sure I can balance it all and be present Some things I do with my family after a stressful day is order a pizza and have a movie night, this seems to help everyone relax a bit. Things I do personally for myself is take a warm bath with some hot tea. I also go for a short walk when it is warm enough outside. That is wonderful advice. I like the walking part. Get some fresh air. Have a wonderful night
Providing Suggestions
Thank you for your advice What bright spots do you see in all this That I am financially stable, and I have learned my self worth Talking with friends can help you not feel secluded Thank you , I will definitely try that
hi can you talk about your feelings at this time Currently I am worried to show up to work. We had a staff appreciation Thursday and we all got super drunk in front of our boss, and I am honestly scared he will judge me or fire me. that's really hard, have you spoken to any of your coworkers Yes, we are all laughing at the matter, but you can tell our boss is looking at us different. We all showed up to work Friday hungover, and he just made lots of comments and jokes to play the part, but you can tell he is looking at me and everyone different. I do not know how to redeem myself.
Providing Suggestions
Okay. Thanks for chatting. Hug your cats for me. I am so sorry to hear that. I lost one of my cats earlier this year I will and thank you for talking too Yeah. It was rough, after losing both parents last year. Ughh... Take care. Bye.
yes for sure, your advice will be fresh in my mind after our chat. I have a renewed need to attend to my studies so I do feel that. Oh also do you like music? just have to be more hardworking and contentious, basically. yeah I do. I try not to put music on while I study but I do that sometimes when I am doing other forms of assignments. So I have my rules on those.
You're a great resource then! I am majoring in Psychology with a minor in Biology. Oh that is awesome! So when do you find out whether or not you are on probation? Likely in the next week. I registered for my classes for next semester but I think I should drop my minor. \ Okay gotcha. Well a couple tips I can offer you: If you do end up on probation, most courses offer a probation workshop you can go through. And if you graduate in June, it should finish in time for you! And I was also going to recommend taking fewer units. As much as it sucks, you can't overwhelm yourself with work. You need to be able to have a healthy and happy life that is separate from school in order to preform your best. Dropping your minor may be what is best for not only your grades, but your mental health
Providing Suggestions
i don't know who his doctor is...i tried talking to his sister, she said the hospital can't help him unless he goes there, and he does not want to We definitely don't want him to hurt himself or someone else. We definitely don't want him to hurt himself or someone else. for sure i'm not sure how to help someone who doesn't want help, you know? so basically i am just stuck with all this worry, i care about him
I tried, I tried to keep myself busy, but boom my depressions hits me like a brick wall. Have you ever explored medication? I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder almost two years ago, and medication has made an enormous difference for me. no my doctor prescribed me meds but it's not working. I will try meditation see it works. any more ideas? You should definitely see if the doctor can adjust your meds, I have ended up on a completely different type of medication than the one I tried first. But I understand. I think you should try getting out of the house and enjoying fresh air and physical activity. It won't cure your depression but it may help your headspace and your point of view. hate taking meds. just keep reliving that moment. can't get it out of my head. it's killing
Providing Suggestions
Yes I am struggling with some depression just because I am feeling a bit isolated with the broken foot along with COVID going on. Totally, sad side of our current situation. I hope you can tide-over this hard time soon and you are doing your best at this time. So proud! Thank you I appreciate that! Yes I am getting surgery like 2 days before christmas so this christmas should definitely be interesting to say the least haha. Ohhh that sucks. I am happy to yo don't lose your fun and you are not pessimist which is good and it might help for your health. Always try to see the bright side Yes exactly. I got my teeth fixed a couple days ago as well so that was good too! I am really leaning on my family for support but just felt like asking for some outside help which is why I am talking to you right now lol.
I would love to believe that but unfortunately I know that isn't true. I'm just overwhelmed with so may questions that he is not answering. I'm so sorry. From personal experience, my best advice is to be as direct as possible. Demand respect and answers that you deserve after 13 years. If he will not answer your questions, thats all the answers you need. How did you find out? I can't even imagine how you feel. Clarity and answers are so important right now for you... no matter if it is true or not. That is a long time to be with someone. That is great advice! It's very hard to stand up for yourself sometimes especially when you are emotionally devastated. I visited him unannounced at work one day and they were having lunch together. I had no idea who she was and she got up and ran off. Upon further investigation, I checked phone records, receipts, any other thing I could find and all the evidence was there. two hour conversations, gifts from women's stores that weren't given to me.
could you please help me to be concentrated on work and new job preparation to get a job . Sounds like you need a little help staying on track and feeling me productive ? yes . i am so attarctive to baby .. i though nobody will take care of baby as much as i can .So unble to concentrate on job prparation Whenever I have important dates coming up , I always take time to myself and try and focus on the task at hand . Have you tried methods like this ? noo , but here about the upgrade skills and search for new job as a new mom
Reflection of feelings
Well, maybe, but does that really warrant her ignoring me? She lives with her husband. How long has it been since she moved in A week and a half ago, not long, but not like yesterday have you thought about a housewarming gift Hmm, no I didn't think about that, that may be a good idea
Affirmation and Reassurance
Okay sure, so I could just go to my local pharmacy and pick up Vitamin D? Or is that prescribed by a doctor? Okay that's good to know you have first hand experience. you can look an amazon for herbal or natural options .st johns wort is a good one Okay, what does that do? I havent heard of that supplement before. vitamin d d is over the counter! any pharmacy, amazon, its easy to find and cheap
I enjoy it, I did some internship and it was nice I think that you should focus on how much you enjoy it. After all you will be working for the next few decades so you do not want to do something that you hate just because it pays well. Is there anyway for me to change my way of thinking? I keep worrying about all the expense that I'll have to spend and what if I can't afford because of how much I earn Is it possible for you to talk to your parents about this? It seems to me that they are at the root of your problems I don't really want to talk to them, I'm not very close to them and rarely tell them my problems
I'm still struggling to get new job that's why I'm sad Yeah in this economy right now not that many places are hiring right now so it is hard. Or they are hiring but a lot of people are applying so they are looking at everybody and choosing the best canidate. yes its very difficult time i know, Thanks for your support Your welcome. good to having you
No i have not. I am kind of a wired person and think I would struggle to meditate. I understand. That may be exactly what could help you, though. It may be good to Try something that may open yourself up to new experiences. Okay do you have any advice where to start? There are several books that you can download from Amazon that can help with meditation, or if you really want to try something out of the norm, there are classes where they help you learn how to meditate. Thank you that is really helpful.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I asked and that's what he told me I understand that completely, I can relate a lot Same If it makes any difference, my partner and I have been doing date nights where we would dress up, put make up on and do our hair and everything as if we were going to the restaurant, and even if it is through Facetime or whenever we see each other in real life, it helps not only with our own self-esteem but also our relationship That is very cute
Providing Suggestions
Not really.. what would you suggest? I have had to in the past when I lost my dad, it wasnt due to covid but I really needed somone that didnt know me. Was it helpful? Your family dr. would give you some information, that is how I was able to find somone. I was very thankful to my dr. And yes, it did help I might look for someone like that..
Affirmation and Reassurance
To be fair I am scared also to go such places. If somebody from work will see me I would get in real trouble as I am working from home and drinking. I can understand that being scary, keeping your job is essential. Whereabouts are you? (I'm in CAnada) I am in UK. Maybe you know some online courses you are aware of?
hello hi there! how are you doing? I feel ashamed thinking of my future career Can you tell me a little about what you feel ashamed about? whenever we have family gathering, my aunts and uncles would brag about how much their children make. I have higher degree but will only make half of their salary so I feel bad
Affirmation and Reassurance
i haven't talked to them about it we are all remote so no one to talk to Would you feel comfortable talking to them about this issue? not really, i'm afraid they will think i'm just a complainer I suppose it depends how you frame the issue to them. If you say, "So-and-so is bothering me and I can't stand it" then you are complaining. However, if you ask them for their opinion,
Providing Suggestions
What should I do to still be friends with her? I don't know what to do anymore! Have you tried to talk to her again recently? Yes. I even texted her and called her. She opened my messages but didn't respond and she even ignored my calls. I would give her 2 or 3 days to her self then try to talk to her again Its been more than 3 days and I have given her time. I don't think I can wait longer. I might loose her.
Providing Suggestions
I hope there was someone, but I don't think we have a counselor More reason to speak to a school counselor or school administrator. We need to provide help to students, not have bad teachers deter them. Yeah, same with me! I wish I could attend a better univeristy What made you choose this particular university you are at? I didn't have another choice but this
Providing Suggestions
How about you? Very little to complain about today. What brings you here? Just want to talk some random stuff basically just want a companion How's the weather where you are? Still pretty cold and dry in here, how about there?
but the guilt from turning her in is terrible. You did the right thing. Would you have wanted the girls to end up as addicts, dead or in prison? She was not a good person. So it makes it easy to not regret it. but i still feel guilty. guilt caused issues last month when this all started and came to a head. it was a mess. I was a mess. things happened. Do you think that perhaps the guilt is not entirely related to your circumstances currently? I dont believe so. The guilt to me sets with causing a disruption between mother and daughters. It created a large burden for me to bear.
Hello How may i help you today? I have a co worker who sleeps all the time at his desk. I physically work hard everyday I can understand how you are feeling. It makes me mad. No one says a word to him, he just sleeps and gets paid for it.
Reflection of feelings
I would like to getting back into the warehousing or forklift operator field. So you feel that your life is just on hiatus at the moment and you want it to get back to the way it was as soon as possible? Yes as I am getting behind on bills and its Christmas time so that makes it even tougher when I feel that I am letting my family down by not working currently. Please do not feel like that! A lot of people are in the same position and it really is not at all your fault. It's tough not to as underneath the tree, there isn't much.
Providing Suggestions
not now Well, that is good, Just start focusing on yourself, my friend. yeah, thank you my friend Great, feel free to end the chat so you can get started on bettering yourself! ok friend thanks a lot
hi. I am not feeling too well. How long have you felt this way? i have been feeling this low for close to a month now Has there been a big change in your life recently? i was having an affair and i confided in my best friend about it. i found out that she told my other 2 friendd about it as well
Reflection of feelings
For reading, I like to read a variety of genres, like mysteries and self-help books. As for video games, I tend to play anything. Mostly, I've been playing to shut my brain off, so it's games like GTAV or Call of Duty. Can I make a suggestion? From a fellow psych buff, I recommend any of the Uncharted games or Assassin's Creed games! You will melt into another world and it takes the stress away. Leaving you more energized to deal with real world problems! That's a good idea. I actually just downloaded an Assassin's Creed game. Great minds think alike! Is there anything else you wanted to bring up with me today? No. But thanks for listening to me.
Affirmation and Reassurance
I have thought about it, but I don't know where to start. I understand. What kinds of things do you enjoy? I have found that exercise is great for mental health and such a good way to take your mind off of things. Have you ever felt interested in any psychical activities? I have been thinking about working out more, but I feel like I don't know where to start when I go to the gym. Do you have any friends or family to help you? I know exactly what you mean. Starting a new activity can be so hard when you aren't familiar. One thing that you might find helpful is to join in a group class at the gym. Do you think you'd like that? I do have a cousin who likes to work out. That's a great idea. I should ask her. I've been pretty lonely, so it might be good to get out and meet people. Maybe a class would help me meet people too!
before i go Hmm lets see, more a fun thing to do then advice, my daughter saw some xmas dessert she wants to make. Its pretty simple. Get some candy canes and poke em into marshmellows. Melt some chocolate and dip the marshmellows into them. Cover with sprinkles and let harden. Might be a fun thing to do. Id focus on experience over material this holiday. awesome those are some great ideas and not cost a lot of money
Thank you, I hope so too. Yes I have my husband helping me. I am a stay at home mom while he goes to work. Im lucky that I am able to stay home with our son but at the same time its hard because because theres a less opportunity to have a break and on top of that he works 12 hour shifts so I rarley get to spend time with my husband. I took my first break 2 days ago with my husband. We went on a day road trip and it felt really good to have that day to have together away from the baby but at the same time it was hard leaving our baby. Oh that's a long shift...I'm glad you have someone at home to help when he can. It may seem impossible but you are stronger than you've got this hey that's great that you had a road trip! And yes it's hard to trust someone else with our wee ones...but so necessary both for you and for your marriage too Thank you, I really appreciate it. Its nice to be able to talk about it.
he said he was drunk just remember, yesterday is gone. there is really nothing you can do about the situation. you better keep your distance from that particular person. just remember, yesterday is gone. there is really nothing you can do about the situation. you better keep your distance from that particular person. ok and i already keep my distance from him
What should I do Tell me about the situation that you are facing I try to find a job but there is not many I am sorry to hear that. How long have you been looking? About 6 months
Restatement or Paraphrasing
We don't talk anymore. I could not reach him and i do not want to talk to him too This pandemic is taking longer time to settle because many people do not follow the guidelines suggested definately.... Please do not get upset. Try to understand each other then only it is possible to reconcile
Providing Suggestions
Mine also ended because my partner cheated.What made it worse is the fact that he cheated with my close friend well, then they were not as close of a friend as you thought. you deserve bettter . I also feel like revenging but in a way that will make him regret why he ever left me what will that do in the long run though? I have always been a loyal friend and as such wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my relationship with my friends.The mistake i made however is believing that all people have the same intentions
Today there is nothing to feel about that. When I think of it or have some situation to recall the previous incident I get very angered on my friend, who did not help me, in spite of my volunteer help to him on a similar situation. Would you like to give me a few more details? So simple. I was in need of money, urgently, for my business. I helped him when he was in a similar situation. Now I am in situation, previously he was when I helped. I expected my friend surely will help. But he did not. This has put me some anger on him. This was a situation that happened 1 year before. Now I recall this for chatting. Well, are you sure that he could have definitely afforded to loan you anything? Yes. That was well within his limits and he should have obliged.
Providing Suggestions
Yeah, I’m working on taking care of myself more than worrying about everyone else. I think the holidays make it even harder to set the boundaries I had learned once that it is so important to be able to easily say no because then we are free to say yes. Because if we say yes because we CAN'T say no, then we feel resentful. So If I can freely say no to you, then i am free to say yes, if that makes sense. Although for me, it was hard to say no, but it gets easier, now it is easy. It wasn't at first. Thank you! You have been very helpful. I think that will be my goal! Start learning to say no and don’t feel guilty about it. I think I am going to lower my expectations from other people and just start treating people as they treat me! If I always say yes, because I can't say no, I feel obligated and resentful, when really, it's me with the problem, I had a hard time saying no because I didn't want to hurt people. Now, I do the right thing in my heart, if I want to help, I help, if I want to say no, I say no even if it is hard, I don't care if they get upset. I can say no, that's true freedom. I don't advise treating people the way they treat you though. I would remain a kind person. Be the person you are no matter what type of person they are. You have to stand before God one day. If they are ugly, that's on them. But you want to be a kind person. That's the right thing, and you CAN be kind and say no. Those two are fine together! :D
Providing Suggestions
i reminisced about old times and this particular memory of a friend popped up and i felt the rush of emotions i felt then I can totally understand that! I look back in the same way and are reminded of good and bad times. I understand you are emotional when thinking back, are the emotions of your friend, good or bad? yeah, but i just get sucked in my emotions at that moment and it feels as if i am being transported back in time to that moment the emotions are bad
Providing Suggestions
I like to read I love playing soccer game, anytime I am not motivated to work or do anything in office or home, I pick my phone play soccer game. I will laugh, enjoy myself, within 5 minutes , I do gain my morale I like that suggestion, thank you that is good, reading is a good hobby I should try soccer, that sounds like fun
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Maybe I should get a pet squirrel? Yes, I actually read and write quite a bit. Especially for work. That's not overly therapeutic, but it helps nonetheless. That may not be a bad idea! If you really like them and are able to properly care for it, animals can be very therapeutic! I have one dog who isn't much bigger than a squirrel. She has been an invaluable companion. Writing and reading have been proven to be extremely therapeutic. I used to write down my feelings on a piece of paper and then destroy it (throw it away) once I was done. There's something about it that really seems to help.
ok thanks. good advice. any more? I feel like crap Set aside time to do things for yourself. Could you find any time to read, exercise, travel, or something else you enjoy? thanks maybe I will take a vacation to Europe will keep my mine of occupied Wow that sounds like an awesome trip. I would enjoy that, too! I hope so. it will be memorable.
Providing Suggestions
Am also concerned about the friend who comes over. I don't really know his family or home just that he's from the neighborhood and they go to the same school. Hmm. My other thought is tell him what you just told me, that you have been trying to show him that you trust him....but be honest and tell him you are afraid. Hopefully, he won't want you feeling that way, and will open up a bit. Yes I can see that being concerning when you know nothing about the friend. Yet you walk a fine line because he needs the freedom and autonomy to choose his friends without explanation's such a balancing act. I can tell you that I have raised a daughter, and that teen years were tougher than toddlerhood. Lots of worry, but she came through it and is fine now. I wonder if there is a teacher he is close to that you could bring your concerns to, perhaps the teacher may have some insight about yoru son to offer? I find reassurance from your words. Its been tough for me this far we have come with my son and I want us to be close even as he growing up to become a young man. I have a good relationship with their teacher and will definitely give her a friendly call to know more from her.
Yes, but I know I'll also have a lot of work to do to get ready to find a new job. I'm really hoping I can find one before I lose this one (6) HAve you been searching online sites? They post so many nowadays! If you spend a few hours a day. i'm sure that you'll find one in no time!! I looked at indeed and I did apply to one thing. But when it came back to me it said that 4970 other people had applied for the same job! (7) That happens but keep looking. It's a numbers game, so you have to just apply to a ton them once your resume is ready. I wish I knew how to make myself stand out more. So many people are out there looking for work. (8)
Hi, I'm well thanks. How are you today? great thanks! So you have had a good day it sounds like then. For the most part... my friend told me she's leaving her husband so that was pretty shocking. how did that news make you feel? Very confused and upset. They don't have problems, she just fell out of love with him and wants to be with a woman.
i try but i get too stresed i can understand that. the stress is interfering with your thoughts but you are still doing a good job. you are doing the best you can do; that's the best anyone can do. thank you. that's true. i'd like to offer a suggestion. please try, as best as you can, NOT to think about the sleep issue. millions of people have sleep issues. you are not alone. try thinking about other things, and if your mind comes back to the sleep problem, try thinking about something else. thank you i will take that advcie
Affirmation and Reassurance
Yes, I guess I could try to turn things around to a positive focus on what I do have. That's a great idea. I think you will be headed in the right direction doing that. How do I stop the shaking at night? Do you have suggestions? I would work on making sure you are in a positive mindset before you go to bed and try to focus on the things you can control. Maybe I could think of things in my life like my new nephew to cheer me up! He is so cute and makes me smile.
Affirmation and Reassurance
yes very stessful. I want more kids. I have only had 2 of my own, 1 with my wfie 1 with my former partner. I see. And is it a deal breaker for you if you cannot have any more kids? Would you be willing to stay with your wife and be content with the children you already have? no not a huge deal breaker. But it is at the same time. Its a hard situation I understand, it is a very difficult situation
Honestly, i'd really love to work as a diplomat or a civil servant You have to be very highly qualified for those though , but a boy can dream... That is a really worthwhile goal and I genuinely think that you can achieve it if you stick to your guns. Please try not to let one bad year put you off perusing your dream Thank you for talking with me, it's been really helpful You are most welcome. We have five minutes left if there's anything you'd like to talk about in addition to what you have already told me.
Reflection of feelings
I understand, but still, emotionally it is hard to cope. Are you able to cope financially whilst you are out of work? Perhaps you could take on some gig work just to earn a little extra spare cash? Not really, my savings are running out. I am doing some part-time freelance work but it won't pay all the bills. Do you have any suggestions?
I'm fine, but could be better just not too happy with my situation. Hope you are doing great I am well. What's going on? yes, have a friend who I'm very close to , but have noticed she doesn't tell me the truth this days. And not only that she has been distancing as in not calling , always waiting for me to call. I call her about a week ago, but wasn't happy how she dismissed my call within seconds telling me she will call me back only for her not to call till to day. I don 't feel like calling her again. So it seems like you have been noticing some distance between you and a friend and it also seems like he/she is not putting as much as effort into your relationship as you are. It seems at times that you put in all the work and that it's one-sided. Does that sound about right? You are absolutely correct and this is someone I care so much about
Reflection of feelings
Yes i am. This is one of those days that I think about it and make me up set I myself have had issues with feeling like I haven't been able to give back to my parents what they have given me, it is a really hard situation to be in, It is because it makes you feel bad and you start being negative Those are completely normal feelings to have, but I know you can get through this! I do, Im trying to keep my head up and think positively. I know some day God will give me that little push I need to give my family the happiness they deserve
Providing Suggestions
I am not working at the moment, I am looking for a job but it has been really difficult to find one Have you looked into a hiring agency? They are great at helping find people jobs, especially in these hard times. I have but seems like there are no entry level jobs currently and also some employers have ceased hiring After interviews have you been following up to show interest again in the job? Yes I have emailed every employer where I was interviewed. Also I follow up with every hiring agency I have signed up to.
Providing Suggestions
gf broke my heart can you talk more about what happened? she just broke my heart all of a sudden did she end your relationship? yes she did. I feel so sad. it came outta the blue. I thought I was doing everything right
Restatement or Paraphrasing
you are right this is very stressful. I've gotten used to the steady income and now we lie on it. the problem is I do work quite late hours so have limited time to study. any suggestions? I would ask for lesser hours if you can or study during your lunch breaks. Perhaps I can ask for a different shift pattern yes, or reduce my hours. I may need to take a look at my finances and do a bit of recalculating. Have you ever had a situation like this? I have not but I know people who are in your situation. I wonder if there are courses and qualifications that you can get just by studying maybe an hour a day or an hour every other day?
Hi, I was wondering if I could talk to you about a problem. Hi there! My name is Rob, how are you today? I am doing okay, Of course! What is the problem? My boyfriend has been cheating on me, He constantly denies it and I want to believe him, but my family also knows and thinks I need to end things.
Restatement or Paraphrasing
Unfortunately the cycle feeds itself. Depressed, can't get out of bed, not exercising, more depressed, etc. Good advice and I am trying to get back into it. Thanks Yes, putting on your shows is often the hardest part. you said it. shoes*
Affirmation and Reassurance
It is 5:37am here Yes i hade this before than i engaged in other activity than i come out from this try to make engaged your self in other activity its help you to come out from this situation I have moved passed mine for long. But I shared the experience because it is one i would never forget. It almost put me into depression if not for family and genuine close friends.
Affirmation and Reassurance
Since then, she has stopped taking her medication and is acting out. Ah, so you feel as though your mother could and should have helped and you were put into an impossible position you were not prepared for? Pretty much. I can sympathise with you having siblings with extreme mental health problems - I have been there too and I know how difficult it is. I tried to have my mother take her back, but she still didnt want her there. So I sent her to my grandmothers and she turned that side of the family against me.
Much better than normal, even though the stock market is down. Are you an investor? I am a student that tries to put as much money into as possible. I can certainly understand the struggle with being at that stage in life. Has this affected you negatively? No the stock market really doesn't cause stress for me, mostly just small things that I think my brain overreacts to.
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