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8,244 | yes i have a therapist and currently on a 10 week post detox intensive plan to keep me focused. I have a good support network
I suggest you keep close touch with the support group and the therapist .. I see you are already in the right path..
I just wish to live outside my own sideways mind for 5 minutes. I need help with not becoming frustrated and angry with myself. Cant really see a way forward, am i destined to be absent minded for life? i know there must be a way somewhere to live normally
As you are already engaged with the professionals to help you.. I bet you will get the necessary help. Keep pursing these engagements...
i will, i will not stop engaging for many years | Affirmation and Reassurance |
1,510 | I really want to ask how you are doing and what issues you are having, I have done like 5 of these on the supportive side. I have been getting migraines lately which is making my depression worse
How long has this depression been looming over you?
Pretty much my whole adult life, at least 12 years or so
I am sorry to hear that, you mentioned that you have been getting migraines lately though you have been depressed for a longer duration, lets try to pinpoint that cause first
I honestly have a pretty good handle on the depression, lots of therapy. The migraines are making it hard to get anything done
though | Question |
7,103 | Does this help you stay asleep or just fall asleep
I am sure you will see the difference in few days after trying these.
After trying these my sleep patterns improved a lot - I am still doing it.
Please let me know if you need any further help.
Sure. How was your mood after getting sleep? | Others |
2,886 | I had to find out threw social media that he has a new girlfriend
you don't feel about anything.
he was fake.
believe your self and change your mind .
Its going to be so hard. I dont think I can make it threw this | Providing Suggestions |
294 | Do you think this concludes the asignment for tonight?
I believe we have to each do 10 chat bubbles.
ooooo okay
Is there anything else you want to talk about?
Yes, please. It has been difficult to find the energy to do almost anything lately. Do you have any tips? | Providing Suggestions |
4,979 | Yes and no. Cuz I know I will pay it off within 3 years at the most. Probably closer to two years. I just don't like to wait and want to pay it off sooner if possible
I understand exactly how you feel. When I finished school, I wanted to pay off my student loans as soon as possible.
I'm glad to hear that you are not too stressed about it though.
Yeah it's easier said than done. Btw I heard Biden might forgive student loans! Yay!
Yeah cuz it bought a lot of items I needed so I'm happy I got them | Others |
4,943 | Yes, this is something I can do. You have been a great help listening to my issues.
I am glad this is something that can work for you, it is something that could help in different ways.
That is correct.
Do you have any other worries at this time or want to explore this any further?
Not at this time | Others |
7,384 | Sort of. It's an opportunity to work for one of my favorite professors over the summer. I'm still going to work on that suicide hotline job as well
Don't over extend yourself though. Make sure to give yourself plenty of you time.
That's a good point. I struggle with that.
Maybe set aside a few hours each week where you do something just for you, even if someone else claims that they need you.
I will try that! Okay, thank you so much for your advice. I'm going to log off now. This has been very helpful. | Others |
5,128 | Where can I go for support?
There are counselors out there to help with relationships.
That sounds like something I could try.
Do you have any family supports?
My sister has been through a similar situation and perhaps could help. | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
2,281 | Yes HE ADMITTED IT
oh gotcha. yeah that is really messed up.
how long were you two together?
We were together for 3 years
I don’t know how he could just toss it down the drain | Others |
7,971 | It's hard to see that. I feel like a failure and not good enough
Like why even get married in the first place if you are just going to cheat
I can completely understand that as well. I blamed myself for quite some time as well.
Ya you wish you could go back in time and change things or never get married lol
When you go to bed at night, if you can drift off to dream with a clear conscience, then you're doing significantly better than her! | Information |
9,130 | Yes I feel left out and unsupported by them.
Any particular reason they are doing such thing?
Well I think they don't care about me and are just selfish about their needs.
In that case, should you consider them as your friends?
Well they are the only friends I have and I have known them a long time. Do you think I should stop being friends with them ? | Providing Suggestions |
107 | I recently lost my job due to Covid 19 and I'm scared.
When did you lose your job?
About 2 weeks ago.
I feel bad for you, but there are options.
What do you recommend? | Providing Suggestions |
5,145 | I am just not able to help my tendencies to sleep really late and wake up late. My sleep pattern is really abnormal and I am disappointed in myself. It's not much about the pandemic as just gotten a really bad habit and trying to stay up late and watch movies or catch up with my work. Then it's a vicious circle in which the next day I wake up late, and my day starts late, and so to get as much done, I repeat the same damaging cycle.
If you have time, spend at least 1-2h everyday outdoor. You can talk a walk in the park or just simply go to the stores
So I am having real trouble breaking this pattern. And because I work once or twice a week and not during the day, I don't even have the
motivation or need to wake up early.
I go out only for personal errands and that's once every week or two weeks. I still am not prepared to go out even for walks. But that's just my stubborn thinking.
In order to have better sleep pattern, maybe you should exercise, at first your body will be tired which helps you sleep better and earlier | Reflection of feelings |
8,481 | That's a good way to think of it. It just made me feel worse because it reminded me of something that I don't have. Maybe it will get better.
I understand. It is sometimes hard to give new people a chance when you are comparing them to someone else.
I wonder what other people do after a breakup. I've asked others, and they tell me to just give it time. How much time, I wonder.
Giving new people a chance might help you move on.
That's something to think about. I hadn't considered that. Even if the person doesn't seem perfect, maybe they'll be more appealing over time. | Providing Suggestions |
5,291 | I am very depressed. I found out that my girlfriend is cheating on me with my friend!
that's really bad
even I was also in the same situation
I have been with her for close to 2 years and now she has been cheating me right under my nose for the past few months! how foolish of me to blindly trust her...
How did you deal with it? | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,742 | Sorry to hear of you own challenge. Job search sites seem to have so much garbage out there.
Have you been looking online and try to apply for other jobs?
Yes, have emails coming in from several sites. At the same time though been helping out elderly parents with doctors, cleaning, cooking, etc. How about you?
I know most of them is not helpful and somethimes waste of time. It is important that you keep ypurself busy during this time
Hence doing the mturk work and creating content for the Youtube channel. This is part creative and hopefully income producing in the future. | Others |
344 | I wish I could
Don't be scared to go out.
how much do they get?
There are plenty of jobs for freelance writers. Consider freelance content writing. | Question |
416 | I think I need to develop a coping mechanism
if i may ask, where is your fiancée from?
i have had of such scenario before, so what step have u taken to remedy the situation
We are looking at other options via business visa but we don't know how that will go | Providing Suggestions |
2,507 | Thank you I really appreciate that.
Do you have kids?
It may be hard to get, but sunlight is important for our moods. I hope you can find a moment or two to breathe when you can.
I don't have kids, but I have a dog who makes me go for walks, and it helps :)
Thats a good idea! I'll make sure to try to get out. | Providing Suggestions |
4,355 | I did not really have any choice though . I do not see any future for myself now that we are separated.
do you know brene brown and her work
No I do not, who is that?
she studies vuneraility and shame. please look for her TED talk and there's a great youtube video on empathy
Thank you , I will. Right now I really need some sort of emotional support. I feel that the last fifteen years of my life have been a waste. | Information |
3,398 | I am not religious, but thanks for the uplifting words. I just don't see a bright side over the fence.
I'm sorry about that I didn't realize I put that, sometimes it just comes out but I do apologize. I know it's hard to think that this will not come to and end, but just try and think there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm hoping for you and what your doing and putting in, something will come out positive in your favor, even if its just a small step forward. Hey its all gotta start out somewhere.
No worries. Any activity suggestions to keep my mind off of COVID-19?
Do you have children or a spouse that lives with you?
Yes, this is why, if I lose my job, my financial situation will affect the family. | Providing Suggestions |
6,774 | Good, thanks
You're welcome, some people express themselves through email and can help to communicate your feelings to someone.
Thank you for sharing with me today.
i would like to, i like to vent
Are you a Psychologist? | Affirmation and Reassurance |
2,291 | I have sold wreaths for awhile but I did not have time to be as serious so I did not sell a ton. Now it's time to kick it up and get tings moving. Be more serious about it.
That sounds like an excellent idea to me! I think that you are definitely doing the right thing.
Have you looked into organisations that might help small business owners like yourself? There are some out there
I need more motivation, time and energy.
I have not but that's a good idea | Self-disclosure |
1,251 | Thanks, it was. And you seem really cool
I guess we can wrap up since it's over 15 mins
and they said we can stop after 15 i think
Thanks. Be sure to do something enjoyable on your birthday.
Thank you:) Hope you enjoy your day/night | Others |
8,638 | They don't necessarily attempt to get me to drink more in volume, but I do have to tell them I'm not gonna go out for the night.
Are they okay with it when you decline?
Yes after one or two statements they give up.
Okay so they ask you a couple of times and then they move on. That's good that they don't push you too much. Certainly keep with it if not drinking helps you to not make bad decisions. I'm sure you have other interests in life that maybe you could drag your friends out to enjoy so that might help...sober fun! Also if you find that you're struggling with not drinking that might be a time to look for support. Maybe see a therapist as there may be psychological reasons you can not refrain from drinking. Maybe look into a group like AA or something similar to share your struggles with others.
Thanks for the ideas and the help, have a good day | Others |
1,275 | it's just sooo uncomfortable to discuss. what if im just being paranoid. i mean part of me feels like they just feel awkward and arent icing me out on purpose
clarify, what you think
i mean no one has specifically said anything to me that was negative, but suddenly i feel like people are avoiding me. we used to hang out in the living room all the time and we would eat these big meals, but yesterday i came home and they were all cooking with my ex. they said they made enough for me but it seemed like such an after thought
That problem would not be possible if you did not speak
you mean if we DID speak? | Affirmation and Reassurance |
5,159 | I wish. We haven't had the time recently to connect due to being so busy. Do you have any tips or ticks for things I can do by myself?
Of course. Now that covid is closing everything. You can use that time to take a course online for free. Or you can pursue your hobbies
Right. Online courses are fun
Have you tried seeking therapist?
I need to. I just haven't had the money to see one. They're expensive | Affirmation and Reassurance |
6,015 | Maybe it is my fault, maybe I didn't communicate enough.
Is this a relationship you would want back if you could get it back?
No, I don't think I'd want to get back with someone who cheated on me.
I would agree with you on that! That was how I felt too.
I guess I just need some time to think things through. | Providing Suggestions |
879 | Hopefully, my student loans will be forgiven by President Joe Biden in 2021
My anxiety is from the costs of college as well.
You need to think that you will have a secure job once you graduate, and every debt will be eventually paid off even if Biden doesn't forgive it.
Try to remain optimistic and shake away the anxiety, it won't do you
any good.
Yeah, but big debts are big debts | Question |
3,248 | Is there anyway for me to change my way of thinking? I keep worrying about all the expense that I'll have to spend and what if I can't afford because of how much I earn
Is it possible for you to talk to your parents about this? It seems to me that they are at the root of your problems
I don't really want to talk to them, I'm not very close to them and rarely tell them my problems
Well, if you are not close to them does their opinion really count for so much?
it still affects me nonetheless | Self-disclosure |
271 | I am looking for another job preferably in my locality and not getting yet, since last 2 months. I will find it difficult to sustain if this continues like this for other 3 months.
So it sounds like you've been struggling with finding a new job. It's never easy looking for a new job during these times. Why do you think you're having trouble?
Getting a job is not that difficult. But I try to find a job in my locality to avoid distant from family and having food issues.
It sounds like you're motivated and dealing with a lot. Is there a specific job that you had in mind or are you applying to different kinds of jobs?
Any kind of job, probably managerial. But to be in my locality since to look after my aged mom also. | Reflection of feelings |
8,516 | I should probably contact the phone company. Maybe I can do a payment plan? I need to definitely try and consolidate things.
I was really starting to get back on my feet and now the rug has been pulled out again. I don't know how I'm going to trust another job prospect.
Yeah, because right now your phone isnt your top priority, and you can trust another job, just always be prepared for the worst.
I wish they had taught us this in school. I feel so ill prepared.
I cried the entire way home. I thought about calling my parents and letting them know, but they have their own problems right now. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
7,482 | 10 years
Is this the first affair that you have had? Has your spouse had any affairs?
i started having feelings for a guy at work. I worked with him for 8 years and now he left the comapny so i was feeling very depressed and he has a girlfrend now and wont talk to me. my life feels empty. my spouse doesnt know
so i shared with my best friend as i wanted her to help me bring that guy back into my life
at the same time i dont want to leave my husband as for security reasons | Providing Suggestions |
8,882 | I cound not stop remember her memories, its repeating and disturbing for all way
For now, that is a normal feeling and reaction, but with therapy and some help, that will lessen in frequency and severity. Have you tried meditation?
yes but it is not so effective towards me
How about a therapist, if only temporarily?
yes because of the pandemic no one will provide a proper theraphy | Providing Suggestions |
6,375 | Thank you. That seems helpful. I tend to make excuses for myself when I feel like this and allow myself to slip in other areas of my life. For example if I am stressed, I tend to eat unhealthy food. Overall its hard to juggle all things I want to do and be at once. I will plan to make a list and check off some small things.
When you visually see your success, I hope it will help like it does for myself. I personally believe that it is a useful tool, depression runs deep and anxiety pushes it over the edge with deadlines. Life and Personal are very complicated situations. As is living, in itself. Small accomplishments, maybe with minor rewards to
yourself as you go, boosts confidence and tends to fade out the overwhelming heavy feelings.
What do you consider to be a minor reward that would be a good tool for me today?
I have created a list and was able to check one thing off already. This has helped some and I feel a little more relieved.
A punch card. If you have one handy, a note card/index card. Draw maybe, 15 circles around the edge, and call it "My rewards" In the middle, choose one thing you enjoy, for instance, if you like an ice cream sundae, put that in the middle. For your first task, just jot all that is on your mind down, and also use that as the first task to yourself. Check off one circle, and once you hit 15 get that sundae! | Others |
9,113 | exactly, i can tend to focus because i have given so much time and affection, i never thought i would be called the fool after everything i did
It is incredibly difficult to get something like this off your mind and it seems like you are trying your best to move forward with your life
i want to move on but i dont know how, i tried to but i just cant
I have been through this, I learned how to keep myself busy and do things that I enjoy to occupy my mind and let time heal those wounds
i think you right, maybe i should renew my netflix sub, since i find great interest in movies so as to get some positive vibes and think less of this whole situation | Information |
8,282 | my love is broken up
she left me alonr
I'm so sorry to hear that. Everyone goes through break ups like that at some point in their life. I would suggest moving on and focusing on yourself for a bit.
but how could I, we are in a relationship for 4 years
suddenly she left me | Question |
3,972 | yes your corret i am equal rights as men
and then thanks for support my feeling
Women's are succeeding in all the fields now a days.
yes. but somewhat difficult in a days
but i believe after some days that issue will sloved | Reflection of feelings |
8,190 | Yes, we are all laughing at the matter, but you can tell our boss is looking at us different. We all showed up to work Friday hungover, and he just made lots of comments and jokes to play the part, but you can tell he is looking at me and everyone different. I do not know how to redeem myself.
I would recommend speaking with him privately about the issue one on one
That sounds a lot easier said than done. I was the one who was the most drunk. But I do now know if he knows how drunk we all got since he left after one of us got hit in the face with a golf club and had to take her to the ER. So what if I say too much and apologize for what he does not know.
have you tried reaching out a company hotline or maybe an hr department in your company to speak about this issue anonymously this could help with the tension between you and your boss
He is the doctor of the office and the 2 office managers were pretty drunk too. It was a hot mess if I have to be honest and being an office full of girls I feel like we went too far. I for one feel embarrassed, and feel like just not saying anything and it will fade away. But I know the next few weeks will be a little hard, for all of us. This one is for the books, and something I have never encountered in my 10 years of working. | Reflection of feelings |
695 | Maybe another path involving animals. Either that, or something geared more toward counselling for humans, which is actually what I was interested in a long time before I decided on the veterinary route.
Okay! Well thats a good start I would continue looking in that.
Also if you miss working animals, you can always volunteer in a pet store.
Okay, I'll give it a shot.
That's a great idea. | Question |
3,791 | About eight years ago.
i see. have you sought out any medical help with the back pain?
Yes, I was supposed to have surgery for it, but it has been cancelled because the hospitals are full due to the coronavirus.
yeah, this pandemic has thrown a wrench into many people's plans, but hopefully things will ease up soon.
I hope so too, but it looks like it's going to be a long time. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
7,734 | That seems feasible. Figuring I had time to come on here and try to make some beer money first.
And try not to overdo it or you won't be able to work tomorrow either and then you'll really be in trouble
Have you at least done some groundwork for the paper even if you've not started writing it yet?
I have read some source materials. Outlined some stuff in my head. Nothing down on paper yet.
Yeah I am not planning on getting blackout drunk. | Providing Suggestions |
3,044 | Ok I will give that a try. He's very good to me and I care deeply for him.
You should try setting up a fun day for them where they can get to know each other.
That's a great idea! Like bowling?
Bowling is gret!! would your best friend be open ot it?
Yes she would | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,174 | I know one woman is really into me at work but I am quite not into her, only consider as a friend
Yes its too early try to fix your old relationship before move on new
My wife already moved out and divorce probably will take few month, I guess I still love her
Oh! so than i think you need to move on from this
ok, thank you very much for you help and assistance. Will try yoga today | Others |
2,360 | A little. I'm pretty introverted so I didn't think it was bothering me but I am starting to get impatient and short with my family.
It also might be remote learning and that stress.
Times are very tough right now. It's pretty crazy how covid has impacted everything.
Do you interact with your friends at all now?
I do a little bit. Mostly by text and we zoom about once a week. How do you handle this? | Providing Suggestions |
5,933 | Because I basically allowed her to use me for seven years and kept lying to me or gave her space because I thought I was being a good friend.
I feel like I was stupid to do that and soft
If I may, I would argue that your actions don't make you soft and they certainly don't make you stupid. They are certainly not any reason to be angry with yourself. If I may bring up another cliché: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I would say you're in the "fool me once" stage and it is your friend's actions that have brought you pain. I think you're unlikely to trust her again.
Also, hindsight is 20/20. What you might see now in ways that your friend might have used you are things that you might not have seen then. We want to think the best of our friends until they prove us wrong. I think you were being the best friend you could be.
Thank you very much, I'll continue to talk about the issue with my other friend, I really appreciate your wisdom. | Providing Suggestions |
5,420 | i have tp get my kkiddsfeed them go over school stuff they go to bed at 8
You are doing an amazing job and most people couldn't handle it . I completely understand as a mom of two boys myself.
im trying to set a good example for the kids since my husband was killed biut its so damn hard
You have so much on your plate and hard to keep up with everything you are telling me. .LOL. Please may I have a moment to try to help you
Could you ask a family member or neighbor or babysitter to help out ? Give you time to concentrate on paper | Providing Suggestions |
9,125 | I will do my best to maintain the friendship. I might have to put it on hold for a while. Until he breaks up with the crazy woman.
Anything else I can help you?
No, thank you. I think I can try again to save this friendship and put aside my anger.
You are very nice!!!
Thanks. Well, have a good day! | Others |
1,507 | Yes, exactly.
Well I hope you and your family enjoy the holidays and stay safe.
Thank you, you too.
Thanks so much!
Are you with family? | Others |
4,854 | Yes it doesn't.But still,you never know who to trust anymore.
trust is tricky. do you know brene brown? the researcher, author, TED talk researcher?
No i don't.Please tell me about him
She researches shame and vunerablilty. I find her very inspriring.
Will check her out immediately.Infact,let me do that now | Providing Suggestions |
5,392 | i am really loyal to my boss, hes a vetearn like me and 72.
so ifeel obligated to stay but...i dunno
I understand, that is a tough situation to be in.
Burnout is a real emotion.
have you ever felt that way | Affirmation and Reassurance |
1,792 | The other 2 are part timers
might I ask the gender of your boss
same as u right
no, I'm female. | Question |
9,044 | okay great! do you know how i an access it?
I am not totally sure but you could try asking your local Citizen's Advice Bureau and they should be able to help.
Alright, no problem, also because of the job loss i have been having insomnia and anxiety problems
I hear you, I have been suffering badly from them the last year too. Have you seen anyone about it?
Talked to few friends about it, but their advices does not help | Providing Suggestions |
502 | I might be able to do that.
unfortunatly it is right now very comen this situation, so no shame for that,
Well, I used to donate a LOT in year's past.
a lot of times donating time to help organisatiosn is more valuable then money.
Great point. | Others |
3,190 | I think I will try to apply this going forward. And find a group to join.
I am glad that I was able to help. I wish you all of the very best in the coming year.
A group is an excellent idea!
There are lots of online support groups you might find helpful.
Thank you. I wish you the best to during the next year. Maybe a hard year is what we needed to appreciate the easier years. | Others |
7,448 | Yes i would love to hear them
Did you try talking to friends and relatives..this helps a lot..
yeah I will try that but Iam very embarrassed to talk about my breakup to my friends..
Dont worry..I myself went through the same and talking to friends helped me a lot..
Yeah i will try to find some you have any other ways.. | Providing Suggestions |
4,560 | Do you think that I am over-reacting? I do not want to sound over sensitive but this has been happening for a while.
Have you talked with your friends on how you feel? When was the last time you all connected?
We went out for coffee the other day and I thought about saying something cos I know they went to a club without me last weekend but I couldn't bring myself to in the end.
I understand it is tough to bring up what is bothering you, especially after getting to hang out with all your friend over coffee. I'm sure this was not intentional with not inviting you to the club.
Sometimes in the past I have turned down invitations to go out clubbing, admittedly. Could it be that they just did not think that I wanted to go? | Information |
7,313 | That sounds easy enough. I will definitely try it. It will take my mind off of worrying about what they are thinking.
I highly recommend it! Is there anything else bothering you that I can help with?
No you gave me a great suggestion to work with. Thank you so much for your help!
No problem! Glad I could help. I hope you have a wonderful day and take care!
You too. Bye now. | Others |
405 | Thank you very much!
Do you normally have problems with anxiety even before the pandemic?
Sometimes but it's been worse since the pandemic started.
Yes I can imagine that a lot of people feel like that. Do you feel as though things are hopeless without a job?
Yeah, I do. Until I can get a job, I don't think I'll be very comfortable. | Question |
8,588 | Yes, specially with the disastrous winter storm I underwent. Makes me nervous if our state decides to shut down to combat the pandemic. I am unsure as to what to do
I believe its more of a general sense of anxiety. I had to take a 25% pay cut with reduced hours, it was a complete lifestyle change. Not only for myself but for my children
I can definitely understand why that would be difficult. Dealing with uncertainty during the pandemic is extremely difficult, as there are so many unforeseen circumstances.
One thing that helps me out in those moments, is to remember that there are things in the world and life that I can control, and others that I can't control.
Yes, I could not agree with you more. Specially now that I have tapped into my savings and retirement. Never in life did I think I would worry about paying my light bill. | Providing Suggestions |
303 | i already talk to him , but he say that him future is more important more than me
That had to hurt. So then there is no convincing him to stay. Is that right?
no ,i need to time forget
I think the best thing in these situations is to take time doing things that make you happy. Pamper yourself. Indulge in things that make you feel good and help you feel better about yourself.
Something like a spa day. Get a beauty treatment. Pamper yourself then you will have an attitude that will help you move on. | Others |
6,228 | I'm not sure I can find another who I don't have to pay. My insurance has a $20 copay and if I had to pay that I wouldn't be able to buy groceries. This came through my religious organization and he was the only one available in my area. I guess I just have to find another way to cope
If you have financial issues and you need the help from a therapist you deserve the treatment. One thing you can do is apply for Medicaid and EBT. The state you live in will give you money to pay for groceries and to get help from a therapist for free if you don't have a high enough income. It may be worth looking into because all you really need to do is fill out some forms and likely you will be approved. When I was younger and struggling, this had happened to me and I received both of these benefits and it totally turned my life around. I think it can do the same for you as well.
I'm on Medicare and supplemental insurance. I didn't know you can, possibly, see one for free. I'll look into that. That is helpful.
Sure thing. What are some of the coping strategies you've been practicing with your prior therapist?
I asked him to help me with some but all he would say is that I should stop vaping (I switched from smoking some years ago). I told him it feels like I'm walking a tightrope and he's suggesting I get rid of the safety net without giving me something else, some other way to cope. He said that's not what a therapist is supposed to do and that my resistance shows I don't really want to change. | Providing Suggestions |
4,206 | Those are very good things I will do.
Thank you for your help!
your gonna do great. your welcome.
have a nice day - bye!
I think you need to respond once more | Others |
3,374 | Yeah, I've been applying around a bit.
that's good! I think budgets are going to be tight in many industries and you need to make sure you are okay financially and have insurance and unfortuantely both of those are tied to employers.
I know... This pandemic is frustrating. I wish I could just walk out but realistically It'd be pretty irresponsible to quit during a global pandemic and not have insurance.
That's a good point. I suggest continuing to look and see what you can find. There will be people hiring.
yeah thanks. I'm still so mad but maybe I can redirect my energy into finding an new job | Affirmation and Reassurance |
5,200 | Yeah thats a great idea
How do you keep in touch with your freinds?
We were missing our colleagues at workplace and we planned an online quiz + dumb charade and it was really enjoyable.
That sounds like a good time :)
I should try to organize something like that with my buddies too | Self-disclosure |
712 | I'm ok, I could be better. I'm trying to find a job currently.
What kind of jobs are you looking for?
Anything involving my college degree. But when I do get to the interview stage, I feel like I don't know anything. I feel like an imposter.
Was it a phone interview or in-person interview?
In-person. | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
2,303 | She won't talk to me. I am out of state (back home with family). She told me when I was up here. She blocked me on everything. This new person is already living with her or staying there all the time. When I call this other person answers her phone and talks trash. She won't let me talk to my wife at all.
And obviously my wife does not attempt to talk to me.
Have you reached out to others who have been through this situation? It also helps to be able to talk to people who have been through the same things as us.
I have joined some facebook groups with other that were cheated on while married.
That is definitely a good start! | Question |
3,082 | Hello
Good afternoon. How are you doing today?
I've been better
Sounds like you might be having a rough day. Is there something specific on your mind?
I've seen an increase in expenses recently and need to find a new job, however I really enjoy what I do. I'm just feeling very sad about it. | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
340 | usually we discuss issues or good news, anything day to day, suddenly i felt i am kept in the dark, while other friends in the group were aware of the problems faced by the friend
That does not sound good. Do you feel that it is someone specifically who is blocking you out?
not blocking me out,but i felt that I am not considered close enough to discuss problems or personal issues
Well, trust has to come with time... it cannot happen instantly. Perhaps you are being too hard on yourself?
I was trusted before, but not now | Providing Suggestions |
4,380 | Omg, yes. Travel! I've been to some really strange places. It's awesome. lol
I went snow tubing at Blue Mountain once. It was so much fun!
I haven't, but maybe I should! I teach, and I always have students who work there. lol
Come to think of it, they might sabotage my tube. lol
That's a really good idea though. Thanks. I always see groupons for tubing, too. | Providing Suggestions |
986 | i think it feels like a problem because I never let anyone too close in order to make friends and have an external support system
how did you do it
I joined volunteer groups to help others. I made friends with like-minded people who volunteered to make a difference.
I actually think that is a great idea. I have never thought of doing that for that specific purpose.
Groups like Habitat for Humanity or UNICEF will help you to build long-lasting friendships. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
5,378 | Was this 10 messages?
I thought it was!
Can we leave now?
I think we can, my Quit Button is not working. I was just going to wait for you to leave :)
Okay,I will leave now....Have a great day!! and thank you again for the moral support and advice. | Others |
267 | there's a part time job at a local library should I take it?
I feel that you can be great and be a good walking doesn't take a lot of talent
thank you for that
How close in the library?
the library is within the campus | Self-disclosure |
1,056 | Hello
I'm a bit stressed actually
Tell me more please
What is causing the down trodden
I don't like my job. My boss gave me the impression that she was a decent lady when I interviewed and was hired on, but now I know she is pretty awful. It makes me dread going to work. | Others |
492 | Hello, how are you doing today?
Im okay how are you?
I am glad you are doing okay, I am struggling with my current employer which has brought me an area of anger and sadness.
Oh no, that's not good. I understand how you feel there. I can definately relate to that...What's going on?
My employer is great, I work for a local hospital as a house keeper technician, but my department is poorly observed by HR and corporate. I have been excelling in my role and went from part time employee with no benefits at 40hrs a week, but since I have a applied for our security team I was denied because I took the full time position and have to wait another 4 months. I have already worked in this position for 7 months. | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
6,750 | Information technology.
I have a small business centre in my city that was very helpful when I was starting up. I wonder if you have that in your city.
What a great field to be in, so many opportunities.
Yes i would like to search it in my place. Thank you for the information
Yes. | Others |
254 | yes ofcourse
That's wonderful!
trust and let go
whoever is meant to be there, will still be there
thank you
are you working on a support group of your own? | Others |
5,877 | yes i imagine that we will talk
Maybe talk to your friends, it's easier for people of similar age to empathize with you
i do not have many friends really
Try to keep your cool, let her know you did it because you wanted justice.
yes that is what i am worried about thank you that is really good line i can use when she asks me why | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,870 | I have a couple of coworkers that have been helpful, but we don't always work together. And their help isn't always the best, or the type of support I am looking for.
I can see how that would be difficult.
Maybe if there is something specific you need help with, you could ask a coworker or senior staff.
Yeah, it has been very difficult. Do you have any reccomendations? Or what would you do in the situation?
I generally do do that. Sometimes I get the help I need, others not so much. So i feel like im second guessing myself a lot, which puts me under a lot of stress. | Question |
3,745 | He isnt easy to talk to.
I see. Do you mean that you are not on good terms with him?
Its off and on. Some days are better than others.
I think its just the weather . Its cold. Gloomy that doesn't help either
Yes, I can understand that. It's been cold and gloomy over here and my whole family has been in a bad mood. | Providing Suggestions |
2,918 | That could help. I have a few friends in the class. Im just worried they will also think I am stupid.
Oh no don't worry about that,I believe they are understanding and as long as you ask nicely, they'll be more than glad to help you
Okay. I think I will do that. Sometimes when my friends answer in class, it helps me understand more.
Yeah, the problem with teachers is they usually don't see from students' perspective while your fellow students do
That is true. I am trying my best and really just want to pass. I think I will study with friends before the test. | Self-disclosure |
6,268 | Yeah I ended up going biking earlier and now I am doing school work. How about you? Do you have anything going on today?
Oh biking is an excellent activity to do with everything going on. How are you feeling with it all? What are you studying in school? I'm just getting household chores done, nothing too exciting.
I'm feeling alright. The current pandemic situation in my city has made it restricted to be with people other than immediate family so that's been tough.
I'm currently studying finance and I'm loving it. I'm in my last year so I can't wait to finish that up
I understand that it is really difficult to be kept on lockdown. | Providing Suggestions |
7,402 | Last year.
I got married and my husbands family is not accepting to get me proceed with my masters degree.Iam very depressed about that..
so if I understand you correctly, you cannot continue your studies because your in-laws don't want you to?
yes..and iam finding it difficult to cope with that..
That sounds very disappointing, I can understand why you are feeling down about this. I had to stop university halfway through for health reasons, and was not able to go back, I found that depressing too.
How did you manage to get out of the depression..If you dont mind,can you tell me what happened? | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,026 | I have also been upset lately because I had to leave all my pets when I moved out. I left my dog and my cat back at home.
Have you visited them ever since?
No, I am too far away to stop by or go for the weekend. I would have to plan a whole trip and I cant really afford it yet. My brother knew that the pets were mine but he demanded that he keep them there and I didnt want to fight with him so I said fine.
If they are your pets you should be able to keep them but you did the right thing as to not argue with your brother and your parents could help you look after them
Yeah, you are right. Once he let the gate open just so my dog would run away, he says he didn't do it but I know him and he is really mean and vengeful. He would also pull pranks on me that were just cruel. He once told me that my cat was ran over but he was just hiding her at a friends house for a week. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
853 | the holidays feel like all work and no joy this is hard being away from family
Can you explain to me more in depth what events are making you feel this way?
the fact that there is a pandemic and travel is restricted, normally i would spend the holidays with my family but i will be alone this year
there is still a lot of work to do but it feels like there is nothing to look forward to
I understand exactly how you feel since I am also unable to go fly out to see my family this Christmas. | Reflection of feelings |
8,954 | I guess there could be medication available to help perhaps.
Maybe you can tell your wife that?
Yeah could probably do that. We are early in this so things could go either way.
For sure. Is there anything else I can help with?
I hope they go good for my and my wife sake. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
3,520 | Can you help out
Great, I am happy to lend a listening ear.
Thank you for your concern.
Of course, what is bothering you today?
I am worry about my job. Because of pandemic | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
1,952 | how to solve this misunderstading
Maybe you can try again with a more indirect approach.
With full of depression, I can't do what to do
If approached indirectly, it will be helpful to resolve this probleem
I just follow it | Reflection of feelings |
4,104 | i just want to make this christmas specia
so its been a bummer with covid going on
Yea i feel so bad for her. Thing is so presents arent everythign. Since you got little ones might be time for some new traditions. Make some "igloo" forts and have an indoor snowball fight with balled of socks or something like that
thanks. well i'm going to have to continue looking for jobs on linkedin
thank you for your time | Others |
110 | I worked in a restaurant as a server. I don't have any other formal job training, I'm not sure what else I can do.
May I suggest Uber, Lyft, Door Dash or Grub Hub or Uber Eats?
Do you have a car to use as a delivery driver?
Wow I never thought of that. I do have a car and I could probably deliver. I wonder how safe that is though.
I read that all you need is to wear a mask as you drive around to put up and deliver food to the masses. | Information |
440 | The jobs are not there any more
Many people are affecting because of pandemic
I see. Startimg your own business is something that could help. What do you think?
Totally agree
Business? without capital now, it can't work | Affirmation and Reassurance |
5,046 | I do worry still about the financial consequences of possible failure. If I fail, then I have to retake the class and it is so expensive.
I can see from chatting with you that this is a major stressor for anyone to undertake.
Yes, I'm so concerned about having to pass but also how I will pay my bills if I don't pass and don't have a degree. I will have all this college debt and nothing to show for it.
I can see where that is a stressor. I had to repeat a class once and pay for the housing, classes, and financial aspects. But, I did pass the next time and was able to make a difference in peoples' lives with my career. Sometimes the stressors and challenges are part of the end goal which is even bigger to humanity.
Wow that was very well said. I appreciate that. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,250 | I cannot take any time off since this is in the middle of the semester. And dropp
ing any class is not an option either.
So you feel that you are trapped and yet you are not coping properly?
I am having too much anxiety and don't know how to deal with it.
I suggest that you talk to a counsellor. There should be free services available at your university.
What kind of advise should I be seeking from the counsellor? | Information |
8,270 | I've thought about that. I'd love to travel. I feel an obligation to my patients. I don't want to abandon them. I could pass them to other therapists, maybe temporarily. I don't know how they would feel about that.
Well, I would hope that they would understand that even therapists have to have a private life. And I am sure they'd prefer you at the peak of your game and not burned out.
True. They might wonder how committed I am to them and to the profession if I go away for a while. I've thought about lightening my work load too.
Yes perhaps you could switch to part time? If you could afford it?
Money not really the issue. I just worry that I'll keep burning out, just more slowly. Other therapists go through this as well. | Others |
1,140 | but i love her very much even though she left me
I understand that must be difficult, time will help get over her and what she's done to you.
I have no idea, what to do now
I'd suggest taking some time and help yourself realize that you're better off without someone who doesn't have your feelings in their best interest.
I tried so | Providing Suggestions |
6,484 | I guess we have to have 10 messages
Thought we were close
I think we are, I think this would be my 10th.
Good luck with your mturk earnings. | Others |
4,542 | I love the animals, learning new things, picking up free stuff, eating the food, riding the rides, etc.
I see that you enjoyed doing just about everything at the fair so I understand why you are sad that it did not happen
Thanks. I also enjoy looking at the 4-H exhibits. I HATED high school. With. Every. Fiber. Of. My. Soul. That organization kept me sane during that time.
Ok, It was to you a means of balance in your life then
Yes. It helped me to get away from some of the a-holes that I went to high school with. | Affirmation and Reassurance |
8,548 | Thanks. I really have not had much time to grieve myself since she is my first priority.
Time will heel her. That I can assure you.
Do you have any suggestions what I might try to cheer her up? After that I can worry about myself
Tell her to meditation or yoga in the morning. This will definitely helped and her mind will be busy
That might be ok. I know she likes Neil Diamond. Maybe get some of that playing while she meditates. | Reflection of feelings |
888 | Yes, I found out I didnt pass college algebra and my academic advisor is pressuring me to take the class over this winter break in order to graduate on time.
But I have been in new york city all year and my parents just got me tickets to fly home
I really miss them
I am sorry to hear that but try not to panic, just failing one class is not the end of the world. How do you feel about retaking it?
I don't mind retaking it, really | Restatement or Paraphrasing |
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