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Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[Welcomes the convening of the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, Water for Sustainable Development, 2018 2028, from 22 to 24 March 2023, (source: 77/334 PP6+) [and encourages accelerated actions to advance innovative pathways for effective and efficient circular models that reduce water use, address water losses, promote water efficiency measures, water reuse and recycling across sectors and products. ;del RF, TUR,G77] EU, CHE; reserve G77](source: new language based on co-chairs summary of UN Water Conference ID2) ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling also the convening of the Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation on Public Policy Issues Pertaining to the Internet, based on the proposal by the Chair of the Commission on Science and Technology for Development regarding the structure and composition of the Working Group, as requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 70/125 of 16 December 2015 and endorsed by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 2017/21, and taking note of its work, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the value and principles of multi-stakeholder engagement also with regard to the development of national financial inclusion strategies, and that multi-stakeholder partnerships and the resources, knowledge and ingenuity of the private sector, civil society, the scientific community, academia, philanthropy and foundations, parliaments, local authorities, volunteers and other stakeholders will be important in mobilizing and sharing, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, complementing the efforts of Governments and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular in developing countries, ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting also the holding of the UN World Data Forum 2023 in Hangzhou, China, 24 to 27 April. ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'30. Also recognizes that disaster risk reduction requires a multi-hazard and systemic approach and inclusive risk-informed decision-making based on the open exchange and dissemination of data disaggregated by, inter alia, income, sex, age and disability, and analysis with an adequate understanding of how the information is to be interpreted and used, as well as on easily accessible, up-to-date, comprehensible, interoperable, science-based, non-sensitive risk information, for a wide range of users and decision makers, complemented by traditional knowledge, and in this regard encourages States to commence or, as appropriate, further enhance the collection and analysis of data on disaster loss and other relevant disaster risk reduction targets, disaggregated by income, sex, age and disability and other characteristics relevant in national contexts, and to strengthen inter-institutional, inclusive coordination on disaster risk data and integrated analysis, and invites Member States to mobilize national statistical and planning offices and other relevant authorities, and strengthen their capacity in the systemic collection, analysis and validation of disaster risk data to institutionalize its use in decision-making processes and investments across sectors; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'15. Reiterates that States will not be able to achieve the ambitious Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development without a revitalized and enhanced global partnership and comparably ambitious means of implementation and that a revitalized global partnership will facilitate an intensive global engagement in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, bringing together Governments, civil society, the private sector, the United Nations system and other actors and mobilizing all available resources; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[19. Recognizes that currently, there is no multilaterally agreed approach on data governance and that dealing with data and associated opportunities and challenges will require a global response, with the equal participation of all countries [in accordance with the FAIR principles -EU], and stresses the need to strengthen international cooperation, [with all stakeholders -EU], and pursue greater harmonization in this regard; -US, -UK delete; -RF retain]' | High |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Requests relevant United Nations organizations, including the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, to promote, support and facilitate the exchange of experience among Member States through, inter alia, recommendations and other public goods related to ways to promote sustainable agriculture and increase the productivity and adaptive capacity of agriculture and the use of a broad range of agricultural technologies that support more sustainable agrifood systems, build long-term fertility, healthy and resilient agroecosystems and secure livelihoods and have a positive impact on the entire value chain, including technology for post-harvest crop storage, processing, handling and transportation, including in pressing environmental circumstances;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling that, for all countries, public policies and the mobilization and effective use of domestic resources, underscored by the principle of national ownership, are central to our common pursuit of sustainable development, including achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing that science, technology and innovation, including environmentally sound technologies and information and communications technologies, are critical in the pursuit of sustainable development and are one of the key means of implementation of the intergovernmentally agreed development outcomes, including the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on through unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'8. Underscores the urgent need to keep markets, including for food, fertilizer and agriculture, open, equitable, transparent, non-discriminatory and predictable by eliminating trade-restrictive measures and distortions, [, speculations and hoarding EU],through the reform of the multilateral trade rules on agriculture, according to World Trade Organization mandates, and to ensure sustained food security and nutrition of countries, particularly the least developed and net food-importing developing countries; - EU reserve ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Calls upon Member States and relevant United Nations organizations and other stakeholders to mainstream gender perspectives into agricultural policies and projects and to focus on closing the gender gap by, inter alia, encouraging gender-balanced investments and innovation in small-scale agricultural production and distribution, and a gender-responsive value chain supported by integrated and multisectoral policies, in order to improve women s productive capacity and incomes, strengthen their resilience and achieve equitable access to all forms of financing, markets and networks, labour-saving technologies and agricultural technology information and know-how, equipment, decision-making forums and associated agricultural resources to ensure that agriculture, food security and nutrition-related programmes and policies take into consideration the specific needs of women and the barriers that women face in accessing agricultural inputs and resources;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Urges parties to the Convention to ensure the coherence and complementarity of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework with other existing or upcoming international processes, in particular with regard to the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and other related processes, frameworks and strategies, and reiterates the invitation to the other multilateral environmental agreements, including biodiversity-related conventions and the Rio conventions, relevant international organizations and their programmes, and other relevant processes in their implementation;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling its resolution 76/213 of 17 December 2021 on science, technology and innovation for development and its previous resolutions on the issue, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Also decides that the ad hoc intergovernmental committee shall convene in New York for up to 15 working days at a time, within available timeframes, and with the contribution of international organizations and civil society, in accordance with established practice, and shall hold its organizational session as soon as possible and finalize its work preferably not later than June 2025; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Also recognizes that, in some cases, the use of public debt and renewed external borrowing to absorb the impact of a natural disaster could lead to higher debt servicing for developing countries and constrain their growth and their capacity to invest in long-term resilience-building measures, and further acknowledges that, with each new disaster, financial vulnerabilities grow and domestic response capacities weaken; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'7. Encourages strengthened and continuing cooperation between and among stakeholders from both developed and developing countries, within their respective roles and responsibilities, to ensure the effective implementation of the outcomes of the Geneva and Tunis phases of the World Summit on the Information Society, through, inter alia, the promotion of national, regional and international multi stakeholder partnerships, including public-private partnerships, and the promotion of national and regional multi-stakeholder thematic platforms in a joint effort and dialogue with developing countries, including the least developed countries, development partners and actors in the information and communications technologies sector; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'(d) Enhancing international trade of least developed countries and regional integration,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'4. Reaffirms its commitment to bridging digital and knowledge divides, recognizes that its approach must be multidimensional and include an evolving understanding of what constitutes access, emphasizing the quality of that access, and acknowledges that speed, stability, affordability, language, local content and accessibility for persons with disabilities are now core elements of quality and that high-speed broadband is already an essential enabler of sustainable development; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Welcoming the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016, calling for its full, effective and timely implementation at all levels, and reaffirming that culture and cultural diversity are sources of enrichment for humankind and provide an important contribution to the sustainable development of cities, human settlements and citizens, generating employment and empowering them to play an active and unique role in development initiatives,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Emphasizes that, globally, 1.4 billion people, primarily in rural areas in developing countries, do not have access to formal financial products and services, and encourages further efforts of the international community to offer affordable ways to access finance for the financially excluded in rural areas; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development and its outcome document, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Looks forward to the sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties and the meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meetings of the Parties to the Protocols to the Convention;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling the International Conference on Financing for Development, held in Monterrey, Mexico, from 18 to 22 March 2002, the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus, held in Doha from 29 November to 2 December 2008, and the third International Conference on Financing for Development, held in Addis Ababa from 13 to 16 July 2015, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'1719. Also recalls that the Addis Ababa Action Agenda provides a global framework for financing sustainable development and is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda, supports and complements it and helps to contextualize the means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, the implementation of which requires following up on, that relate to its seven action areas, namely, domestic public resources; domestic and international private business and finance; international development cooperation; international trade as an engine for development; debt and debt sustainability; addressing systemic issues; and science, technology, innovation and capacity-building; and data, monitoring and follow-up; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Welcoming the ongoing efforts of the Secretary-General with regard to the repositioning of the United Nations development system, acknowledging the progress achieved thus far in advancing the mandates of its resolution 71/243 and its resolution 72/279 of 31 May 2018, and welcoming in this regard the discussions at the 2023 operational activities for development segment of the Economic and Social Council, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[55. bis Highlights the importance of the Summit of the Future to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 and its action-oriented outcome document as an opportunity, with a view to accelerating the implementation of agreed frameworks, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and encourages major groups and other stakeholders to participate and engage in the preparatory process of the Summit, including the development of a global digital compact, aligned with the SDGs, to strengthen digital cooperation through an open and inclusive process, taking into account the work being done in the United Nations and in relevant processes and forums, and takes note of the role of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology in supporting this effort. -EU]' | Medium/Low |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'2. Acknowledges the efforts made and successes achieved by many middle-income countries in eradicating poverty and achieving the internationally agreed development goals, as well as their significant contribution to global and regional development and economic stability; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the important and complementary roles of the multiple institutions involved on taxation, including the UN, OECD, IMF and World Bank, as well as regional institutions, such as the ADB, ATAF, CIAT, SGATAR, IOTA, CREDAF, CATA, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'27. Welcomes the appointments of the Under Secretary-General of the UN DESA and the High Representative of UN-OHRLLS, as Secretary General and Special Adviser to the Secretary General of the 4th International Conference on SIDS, respectively; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[9. Reiterates the call for support for the full operationalization of all components of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism and to explore a voluntary funding model in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat and relevant United Nations entities; -Switzerland delete; -US, -UK suggest streamlining]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'38. Reiterates its strong encouragement of and the need for effective coordination and coherence, as applicable, in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Sendai Framework, as well as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, and the New Urban Agenda, while respecting the relevant mandates, in order to build synergies and resilience, translate integrated global policy frameworks, as appropriate, into national laws, policies or regulations defining roles and responsibilities across the public and private sectors, as well as into integrated multisectoral programmes at the national and local levels, and reduce disaster risk across sectors, and addressing the global challenge of eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing with concern that the prevalence of hunger and malnutrition has been increasing in many countries, exacerbated by the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) pandemic, particularly in middle-income countries, with most relying heavily on international trade in primary commodities, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the potential of agricultural technology to support a One Health approach, andamong other holistic approaches that deliver multiple benefits to the health and well-being of people, animals, plants and ecosystems [Based on A/Res/77/186, OP25]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Also notes the development of central bank digital currencies, and encourages regulators to consider potential opportunities and risks for the international and domestic monetary financial system; ' | Medium/Low |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Calls on Member States, academia, the private sector and other stakeholders toAcknowledges the importance of adopting innovative and sustainable food systems by harnessing science, technology and innovation, including co-innovation, by promoting coherent and integrated agricultural innovation systems through participatory research, demand-driven extension and rural advisory services and increased, responsible and inclusive public and private investment, building human capacity, encouraging entrepreneurship, creating an enabling economic and institutional environment and strengthening knowledge flows, in particular between scientists and farmers, taking into account local and traditional knowledge systems, in combination with new sources of knowledge; [Based on SG report paragraph 58]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling the concerns expressed in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on the underrepresentation of women in decision-making positions in the area of culture, which has prevented women from having a significant impact in the area of culture and development,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Notes the ongoing work of the Joint Liaison Group of the secretariats and offices of the relevant subsidiary bodies of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Liaison Group of Biodiversity- related Conventions, acknowledges the importance of improving coherence in the implementation of those conventions, recognizes the importance of enhancing synergies among the biodiversity-related conventions and agreements, without prejudice to their specific objectives, in this regard notes the contribution of the United Nations Environment Assembly, as reflected in its resolution 2/17 of 27 May 2016,35 and the outcomes of its fourth session, held in Nairobi from 11 to 15 March 2019,36 in particular its ministerial declaration, and encourages the conferences of the parties to the biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements to consider strengthening efforts in this regard, taking into account relevant experiences and bearing in mind their respective independent legal status and mandates;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing also that the enhanced and revitalized Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, led by Governments, will be a vehicle for strengthening international cooperation and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, while noting that multi-stakeholder partnerships and the resources, knowledge and ingenuity of the private sector, civil society, the scientific community, academia, philanthropy and foundations, parliaments, local authorities, volunteers and other stakeholders will be important in mobilizing and sharing, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources, complementing the efforts of Governments and supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular in developing countries, ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'OP20. Emphasizes that the private sector can contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda in many ways, including through applying creative and innovative solutions to solving sustainable development challenges, the alignment of its business models with the Sustainable Development Goals, and supporting the efforts of the public sector in, inter alia, disaster risk reduction, climate action and skills development, in accordance with national plans and policies [and in this regard encourages further policy development and capacity building on de-risking investments in all countries to mobilize financing for disaster risk reduction from public and private sources; CANZ; EU support; G77 and China, Russia reserve]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling the vision of a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented information society, where everyone can create, access, utilize and share information and knowledge, enabling individuals, communities and peoples to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life, premised on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and respecting fully and upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Acknowledging the 2016 implementation of quota and governance reforms at the International Monetary Fund and the 2018 agreement on shareholding reforms at the World Bank Group, including a general capital increase, a selective capital increase and a financial sustainability framework, the conclusion of the fifteenth general quota review by the Board of Governors of the Fund in February 2020, and the twentieth replenishment of the International Development Association, with a financing package amounting to 93 billion United States dollars, and acknowledging also that, in October 2016, the Chinese renminbi officially became the fifth currency in the special drawing rights basket, pursuant to the decision taken by the Executive Board of the Fund in November 2015, ' | Medium/Low |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'7. Reaffirms that maintaining stable trade flows are essential to urgently address the multiple global crises, inter alia, of food, energy and finance faced by developing countries, as well as enhancing food security and nutrition in these countries; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Encourages all countries and other relevant stakeholders to promote inclusive economic transformation in rural areas that increases productivity and contribute to bridging the present rural-urban divide while ensuring productive employment and decent work, access to reliable and appropriate social protection systems, inclusive and equitable quality education, health-care services, quality, resilient and sustainable infrastructure, roads and telecommunications, as well as preparedness planning for crises and early warning, reiterates that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role of digital connectivity and access and the potential of e-commerce and e-learning solutions for poverty eradication, and thus calls upon all stakeholders to strengthen digital, information and communications technology, science, technology and innovation cooperation on mutually agreed terms, especially in the area of e-commerce, financial technology (fintech), affordable and reliable Internet connectivity and digital infrastructure investment and construction to keep food and agriculture supply chains functioning and achieve momentum under the 2030 Agenda for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery for global development, putting people individuals at the centre of the response, protecting our planet and achieving prosperity, with no one left behind, in line with the 2030 Agenda; (A/78/238, para 68) ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Emphasizing that debt sustainability is essential for underpinning growth, underlining the importance of debt sustainability, debt transparency and effective debt management to the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and acknowledging that debt crises are costly and disruptive, including for employment and productive investment, and tend to be followed by cuts in public spending, including on health and education, affecting the poor and vulnerable in particular, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Welcomes the political declarations of the high level meetings on health convened by the United Nations General Assembly during the 78th session as efforts to highlight the importance of health in on the high-level political agenda, recognizing that upholding the human right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and building equitable national health systems are essential to achieve Universal Health Coverage, to build prevention, preparedness and response to pandemics as well as other health emergencies, and to ending epidemics such as tuberculosis, ' | High |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'25. Recognizes the importance of broadband connectivity to users in rural and remote areas, and in this regard notes that small and non-profit community operators, including community networks and other affordable, scalable and inclusive technology and business models that provide last-mile connectivity solutions, as appropriate and among others, can provide these services through, inter alia, appropriate regulatory measures that allow them to gain access to basic infrastructure; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'21.23. Notes the policy recommendations of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and that the agreed policy recommendations serve as an input to the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up in accordance with the terms of reference of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'24. Recognizes that partnerships with relevant stakeholders are critical in building resilience, reducing disaster risk, and achieving sustainable development and climate change adaptation at the local level, and calls for the establishment of the biennial regional multi-stakeholder SIDS partnership dialogue with a view of facilitating means of implementation, inter alia, financing, investment, trade, technology transfer on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, capacity building and creation of new Partnerships, and look forward to the scaling up and development of durable and transformational partnerships at all levels; ' | High |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'34. Recalls that the Conference will be convened at the highest possible level and will include a high-level segment; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'PP4. Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, agreed ad ref' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalls that the United Nations, as a universal intergovernmental body, has provided a platform for both creditors and debtors to discuss ways to improve external debt sustainability, notes the substantive expert debate among the major institutional stakeholders on how to improve debt sustainability and debt restructuring during the 2022 Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, and in this regard invites continued ongoing cooperation among the international financial institutions, including the Bretton Woods institutions, in particular the International Monetary Fund, relevant United Nations system entities, including the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, and other relevant forums, in accordance with their respective mandates, pursuant to the relevant resolutions on this matter; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'35. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to provide all appropriate support to the work of the preparatory process of the Conference and to the Conference itself and to ensure inter-agency cooperation and effective participation and coherence within the United Nations system, as well as the efficient use of resources, so that the objectives of the Conference can be addressed; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Invites countries that have not yet done so to ratify or accede to the Convention;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'17. Calls for a coherent set of policy actions at the national, regional and international levels to support mineral-exporting developing countries in moving up critical minerals value chains and enhancing geoscientific research, while recognizing the importance of these minerals for just, sustainable and inclusive transitions, economic and export diversification and structural transformation of these countries and the development of diversified, sustainable, and resilient supply chains of critical minerals; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'9. Recognizes the need for the global community, including international financial institutions, development banks and the private sector, to enhance efforts to scale up disaster risk reduction financing instruments to meet the scale of financing needed by developing countries to prevent and reduce risks and build resilience against current and future shocks and hazards;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Highlighting the synergies between the implementation of the Sendai Framework, the 2030 Agenda, the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement adopted under the cConvention, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing that digital technologies and the unprecedented scale, spread and speed of change brought about by them can be harnessed to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting the corrosive effect that aggressive tax avoidance, tax evasion, and illicit financial flows have on public trust, the social compact, financial fiscal integrity, the rule of law, the climate transition, protection of nature, and sustainable development, affecting the poorest and most vulnerable, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'PP37. Noting that a range of topics continues to emerge on issues related to the access to and use and applications of information and communications technologies and their effects on economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, agreed ad ref' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'59. Stresses the need to better realize the benefits and address the challenges of artificial intelligence, takes note of efforts by the United Nations in undertaking analysis and advancing recommendations in this regards, looks forward to inclusive consultations with all countries and emphasizes the importance of their full and equal participation in any decisions and processes regarding recommendations for the international governance of artificial intelligence, ' | Medium/Low |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'OP17. Recognizes the challenges faced by developing countries in adopting new international sustainability reporting standards, leading to increased needs for capacity-building, especially for micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, and welcomes in this context the work of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting for the promotion of sustainability reporting in developing countries;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'21. Notes the holding of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development eWeek 2023, under the theme Shaping the future of the digital economy , from 4 to 8 December 2023; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'11. Stresses the continuing importance of the provision and mobilization of new and additional means of implementation, such as climate finance, technology transfer [voluntary and US; UK, ISR support; G77 reserve;] [on mutually agreed terms EU; UK, US, CANZ, ISR support] on voluntary and mutually agreed terms and capacity-building to developing countries, for expanding trade in renewable energy, that can contribute to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy and in line with their national development priorities, including through making clean and renewable energy technologies available for all; ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Emphasizes the importance of urgently increasing the mobilization of financial resources , with a view to closing the biodiversity financing gap and making adequate and predictable resources available in a timely manner for the effective implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Looking forward to the successful convening of the Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries to be held in Kigali, Rwanda from 18 to 21 June 2024,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[PP 3alt Noting the corrosive effect that aggressive tax avoidance and tax evasion have on trust, the social compact, financial integrity, the rule of law and sustainable development, affecting the poorest and most vulnerable, -Facilitator s text (source: PP 3 of A/RES/77/244)]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets, and recognizing also that there is a need to ensure full and equal access to and participation in science, technology and innovation for women of all ages, as well as to target science, technology and innovation strategies to address women s empowerment and inequalities, including the gender digital divide, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming the call on the United Nations system, in consultation with the international financial institutions, to develop transparent, measurements of progress on sustainable development that go beyond per capita income, building on existing initiatives as appropriate, and noting that these should recognize poverty in all of its forms and dimensions, and the social, economic and environmental dimensions of domestic output and structural gaps at all levels, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'6. Reaffirms that sustainable development cannot be realized without peace and security and that peace and security will be at risk without sustainable development, and acknowledges that culture can contribute to sustainable development by constituting a valuable resource for enabling communities to participate fully in social and cultural life, facilitating inclusive governance and dialogue at the national, regional and international levels and contributing to conflict prevention and resolution, as well as to reconciliation, recovery and resilience; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'PP11 Noting the urgent need to achieve zero hunger, end all forms of malnutrition, eradicate extreme poverty and ensure rapid, inclusive and sustainable income growth in developing countries by adopting the right policies and step up investments, research and the [transfer/ sharing- US, UK, EU, ISR] of technology, [on voluntary and [mutually agreed terms EU, CANZ, UK] US, Israel, UK] / on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed G77 and China (SDG 17.7); UK, Japan, CANZ reserve] with the achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals as the ultimate objective, ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'5. Notes that mobile phones could continue to strengthen financial inclusion, and in this regard underlines the need for the necessary investments, including in infrastructure, such as reliable electricity and network connections, as well as in payment systems and other financial infrastructure, and encourages Member States to take policy actions in accordance with national circumstances and priorities; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the need to introduce systemic solutions to address the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and overcome the inequalities between and within countries exacerbated by the pandemic and current multiple crises, noting that many developing countries are faced with significantly higher borrowing costs to finance their response to the pandemic, contributing to a great finance divide thatwhich further undermines the achievement of a sustainable, inclusive and resilient recovery, while turbocharging the full implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'26. Encourages developed countries that have not already done so and developing countries declaring themselves in a position to do so to take steps towards the goal of realizing timely implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access on a lasting basis for all least developed countries, consistent with the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration adopted by the World Trade Organization in 2005; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the increasing use of cell-based food production, while acknowledging the need to objectively assess the benefits they might bring, as well as any risks associated with them, including food safety, human health and quality concerns, [Based on SG report paragraph 17 and FAO s The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 , Chapter 5.2,]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming the need to enhance the science, technology and innovation programmes of the relevant entities of the United Nations system, and in this regard recalling the mandate of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism on science, technology and innovation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals to promote coordination, coherence and cooperation within the United Nations system, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Urges parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and all other relevant stakeholders to mainstream biodiversity into COVID-19 response and recovery efforts, to fully implement and support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international development goals, including by strengthening approaches to enhance resilience, protecting wild flora and fauna and other living species, reversing the trends in environmental degradation, through the conservation, sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems, sustainably managing water resources at all levels, preventing the retreat of mountain glaciers and permafrost thaw, sustainably managing all types of forests and halting deforestation and forest degradation, as well as by integrating the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization into relevant national decision-making, emphasizes that biodiversity and health linkages should be addressed holistically, including through a biodiversity-inclusive One Health approach, among other approaches, recalls in this regard decision 14/4 of 30 November 2018 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and resolutions 3/4 of 30 January 2018, 5/1 of 2 March 2022 and 5/6 of 7 March 2022 of the United Nations Environment Assembly,31;' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'6. Welcomes the work of the Inter-Agency Consultative Group for Least Developed Countries, led by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, notes the steps taken by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and the High-level Committee on Programmes in supporting the coordination and follow-up of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action on a system-wide basis, and reiterates its invitation to the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of the Chief Executives Board, to include the implementation of the Programme of Action in the agenda of the Board; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[16. alt Recognizes the need of a global response to opportunities, risks and challenges associated with dealing with data and urgent action aimed at reducing digital divides and inequalities in data generation, infrastructure and accessibility and calls upon Governments and other stakeholders to collaborate on inclusive global governance of data, building on contributions from international organizations, including the United Nations system, and to find common ground for data to work for people and planet, ensuring no one is left behind, considering both economic and non-economic implications; -Switzerland (proposed streamlining of paragraphs 16-20)]' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'7. Recognizes the importance of addressing the gap in capabilities across and between countries, sectors and segments of society so that all parts of society, especially people in vulnerable situations and the poor, can adapt and benefit from technological changes; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'6. Consider Reiterates the need to improve the timelines and predictability of existing for multilateral debt mechanisms including the G20 Common Framework to fully address sovereign external debt distress and provide an effective, efficient, equitable and predictable mechanisms for managing debt crises in a way that is aligned with the development needs of developing countries. ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'27. Encourages research and development, and the development of viable strategies that could result in further competitiveness, investment and rapid reductions in the cost of information and communications technologies, and urges all relevant stakeholders to address the growing digital divides between and within countries through, inter alia, strengthened enabling policy environments at all levels, legal and regulatory frameworks conducive to increased investment and innovation, public-private partnerships, universal access strategies and international cooperation to improve affordability, education, capacity-building, multilingualism, cultural preservation, investment and technology transfer; ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting also the convening of the World Telecommunication Development Conference by the International Telecommunication Union in Kigali from 6 to 16 June 2022, under the theme Connecting the unconnected to achieve sustainable development , ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'46. Recognizes that the activities relating to the least developed countries carried out within the Secretariat need to be further coordinated and consolidated in order to ensure the effective monitoring and follow-up of the implementation of the Doha Programme of Action, led by the Office of the High Representative, and to provide well-coordinated support to realizing, inter alia, the target of enabling 15 additional least developed countries to meet the criteria for graduation by 2031; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling the Climate Action Summit convened by the Secretary-General on 23 September 2019, recalling also the multi-partner initiatives and commitments presented during the Summit, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recalling its resolution of 17 19 December 2019,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting with concern the findings contained in the report of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change entitled Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science BasisClimate Change 2023: Synthesis Report,' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Underlines the fact that heavily indebted poor countries eligible for debt relief will not be able to enjoy the full benefits unless all creditors, both public and private, contribute to debt workouts, as appropriate, in order to ensure the debt sustainability of those countries, and invites creditors, both private and public, that are not yet fully participating in debt relief initiatives to substantially increase their participation, including by providing comparable treatment to debtor countries that have concluded sustainable debt relief agreements with creditors; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Notes with great concern that the global financial system has failed to deliver the financing or stability needed to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as Notes that Tthe international financial architecture, which was initially designed in 1945 and refers to the governance arrangements that safeguard the stability of global monetary and financial systems, has not kept pace with evolved considerably in the face of a changing global landscape characterized by deeply integrated financial markets, past multiple crises with that have had cascading effects, growing the presence of systemic risks, the adverse impacts of climate change, shifting trade and financial relations, and rapid technological change. and rRecognizes in this regard the urgent need important work underway for bold and ambitious reforms to create a more stable, sustainable and inclusive international financial architecture to better respond to global challenges, in order to and importance of broaden and strongengthen the voice and participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making, norm-setting and global economic governance. ' | Redline |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Recognizing the interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable Development Goals, and reiterating that the eradication of rural poverty and hunger is crucial for the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda, and that rural development should be pursued through an integrated approach which encompasses economic, social and environmental dimensions, takes into account a gender perspective and consists of mutually reinforcing policies and programmes, and which should be balanced, targeted, situation-specific and locally owned, include local synergies and initiatives and be responsive to the needs of rural populations, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'25. Calls upon the developing countries, guided by the spirit of solidarity and consistent with their capabilities, to provide support for the effective implementation of the Doha Programme of Action in mutually agreed areas of cooperation within the framework of South-South and triangular cooperation, which is a complement to but not a substitute for North-South cooperation; ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting the adoption by the Statistical Commission of the proposed new indicator 17.3.1 under Sustainable Development Goal target 17.3, Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources, and the continuation of holding open, inclusive and transparent discussions on the modernization of official development assistance measurement and the new measure of total official support for sustainable development , while reaffirming that any such measure will not dilute commitments already made, ' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Noting with great concern the severe negative impact on human health, safety and well-being caused by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the severe disruption to societies and economies and the devastating impact on lives and livelihoods, and that the poorest and most vulnerable are the hardest hit by the pandemic, reaffirming the ambition to get back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by designing and implementing sustainable and inclusive recovery strategies to accelerate progress towards the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to help to reduce the risk of and build resilience to future shocks, crises and pandemics, including by strengthening health systems and achieving universal health coverage, and recognizing that equitable and timely access for all to safe, quality, [quality / quality-assured - JPN] effective and affordable COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics are an essential part of a global response based on unity, solidarity, renewed multilateral cooperation and the principle of leaving no one behind, - G77, RF retain zero draft' | Neutral |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'[PP11. bis Recalling its resolution 76/307 and its decision 77/568 on the modalities and the scope on the Summit of the Future to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 mandating a concise, action-oriented outcome document entitled A Pact for the Future , including a chapter on science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation, -EU]' | Medium/Low |
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral. | b'Reaffirming also the New Urban Agenda, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), held in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 to 20 October 2016,10 and its vision for cities and human settlements that protect, conserve, restore and promote their ecosystems, water, natural habitats and biodiversity and minimize their environmental impact,' | Neutral |
Subsets and Splits