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040-1488779 | Prestige So the science is really off the table and it s about white superiority and prideful prestige that justifies TMT Just more proof that TMT is cause of a huge polarization on Hawaii island by turning it into an issue about race superiority and how the superior race knows better than the lowly maggots excuse me chimpanzees No doubt the Hannity boot lickers here will purple faced deny it then agree that Carl Paladino is a great Trump adviser This is going to be interesting when Ige and DLNR start getting called up to detail why they want TMT Then start calling up the TMT board and foreign country partners to explain why TMT will make Hawaii better Better yet will be when they explain a gigantic observatory is conservation use | 0 | 40 |
040-201362 | Does anyone else see Eco Barbie as being foundationally dumb | 1 | 40 |
040-1342131 | Lol You are the biggest turd commenting on here The liberals lost me and my wife s vote I can speak for her because we actually had a nice lengthy conversation about this I do not impose my will on her but we talk about these issues which is how we know how each other feels I m assuming when you mention burka you mean the die hard Muslims The ones where the man imposes his will on his wife and forces her to do as he says We don t do that in this household Victimitis The person who probably works some measly job complaining that the rich get richer The one who sleeps in and isn t on time for work while ones like me are up at 4am running a company until 8pm 7 days a week minus holidays The one who assumes every ounce of risk while some loser punk like you thinks I should redistribute what I ve earned on someone who cannot do it for themselves | 1 | 40 |
040-1185734 | What inroads are you referring to Can you please provide a list of the substantive legislation that was passed this year | 0 | 40 |
040-1575039 | rb works in the oil industry As American writer Upton Sinclair put it 80 years ago It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it | 0 | 40 |
040-1171459 | Excellent article Spot on analysis no loyalties great research and supporting evidence We need more journalists like Mr W James Antle III in the industry today | 0 | 40 |
040-1821106 | After working behind the scenes on some of the most defining moments in recent history from the election of Margaret Thatcher Funny how Margaret Thatcher s name the ultimate racist would come up Funny indeed Before you start screaming at me look up Mulroney Thatcher Nelson Mandela The woman was a bloody racist Period | 1 | 40 |
040-136355 | Hopefully whoever was running this ed venture chastised the idiot for harassing the goat Another example of human stupidity in the face of pure grace and beauty | 1 | 40 |
040-1794036 | Give me a break Margaret lets call this for what it is The taxpayers of this country are tired of being treated like a cow where the government comes to milk it whenever it sees the need for more milk The real problem here is that the Liberals have a spending problem They need to deal with their insatiable greed for more revenue and learn to spend less money not more Politics isn t that hard listening seems to be very hard for the insatiably greedy Liberals | 1 | 40 |
040-1532920 | You can dislike the facts but you can t dispute the facts White Nationalism is tied to Nazism something my family and millions upon millions of whites fought against along with our black brothers So watch it before you make assumptions The black man is my brother and I will defend him But Tell me your thoughts on Black Supremacy black identity brown pride and what if anything should white people do or say about it And if possible stay away from the assumptions insults and make an argument | 1 | 40 |
040-1804435 | I d say bragging about grabbing women by the pussy without permission is a little worse than poor taste but perhaps that s not so bad in your mind Women and all human beings should be treated with dignity and respect and be able to say who touches their bodies and who does not | 1 | 40 |
040-1449700 | Why doesn t our political leadership apply kaizen to government That s a leader party I would support But no seem to be content to have for every front line service provider which I don t begrudge unless the function can be automated or online at least 10 backoffice utterly useless admin and policy staff to say nothing about layer upon layer of managers senior managers directors executive directors etc etc all doing little more than shuffling paper on the public dime | 0 | 40 |
040-469939 | Trump is a fool and an immature adolescent catering to other immature adolescents Of course he should have stated that white supremists and Nazis are evil That stated there s a little hypocracy going on here The left has indirectly and probably directly sponsored violent mobs in response to speakers as an alleged organic movement due to claimed police misconduct etc That s every bit as evil as what these jugheads did in Charlottesville | 1 | 40 |
040-1665019 | Much like people opposed to women wearing hijabs or niqabs there is an assumption that women are being directly forced to behave this way It is entirely logical to assume that many of the women getting gender selection abortions are doing so completely of their own volition Without reasonable restrictions on late term abortions there will never be a way to stop this Yes you have a right to choose But do you have a right to blatantly discriminate Most rabid pro choice people will say yes | 0 | 40 |
040-598697 | How ridiculous can this get Seriously Mini Bombs Let me guess the officer in charge is Mike Myers MINI ME Sheeple would believe anything by now At least they will have an excuse after killing millions and destroying the country Where are the weapons of MINI destruction sir Ah well u know they are really very difficult to find out alledgelly they are miniaturized | 1 | 40 |
040-1580323 | Let them stay there is more pressing issues like the crazy dude with nukes shooting missiles our way | 1 | 40 |
040-1134100 | He s a state employee doing a fine job doing nothing for the people He too is asleep | 0 | 40 |
040-1683763 | In The Art Of War General Tzu laid out how to deal with your enemy essentially defeat or neutralize them with your mind or smarts BLM s tactics are anything but they have alienated most everyone and damaged their cause by their stupid juvenile tactics maybe they should have studied how Gandhi Martin Luther King Jr did it their legacy will live forever and BLM will soon be forgotten | 1 | 40 |
040-1130170 | What makes most people feel poor is the fact that the 1 cause of bankruptcy in the US is medical bills Where was it in the 70s Nowhere close to that nor were out of pocket costs that put a deep dent in discretionary income Also you didn t used to need college to do well in a career you could work your way up without one putting theBoomer generation in a 4 year head start on buying a house and saving for retirement Or for me 8 years if you include the military time i put in so I could afford college The severe lack of retirement savings and our Sky high medical and student loan debt is why we feel poorer along with housing costs that often exceed inflation increases | 0 | 40 |
040-1325387 | Racists have committed plenty of violence The KKK and Nazi lovers have committed plenty of violence Those peaceful racist demonstrators showed up with home made shields bats and batons | 1 | 40 |
040-1076131 | Ben we have been told that the ANC has rectitude and wisdom Now you feel betrayed How could it ever have been otherwise when this illustrious ANC gives us Zuma and now keeps him safe and snug | 0 | 40 |
040-11351 | A very easy way to not pay that 7 is to not participate in the program Raise your money the old fashioned way through your own marketing instead of relying on a statewide marketing blitz to raise the funds for you | 0 | 40 |
040-1886383 | And your a mediocre nobody for sitting in judgement of someone who was only trying to make her way in the world just like you and I did Sometimes a different road arises and you have to make a decision Any struggling young artist can understand a sudden shot to open a concert for Neil Young an artistic legend to many There was no malice in her heart but I guess that doesn t carry much water for you Seems to me thousands of Alaskans who showed up for those beautiful days don t think in your judgmental and jealous sounding terms I hope Jewel and her family and the Alaskans at the festival had a great time here in Alaska back home | 1 | 40 |
040-1513457 | CONTINUED But do The rich the wealthy the 1 the richest 4 4 of American s deserve a tax cut Don t these people owe the country a greater share for the wealth they have attained and keep from year to year How many American s are in each of these wealth groups What was their effective tax rate in 2015 2016 information would not be ready I think At the wealthy s total yearly income what is their fair share of the tax burden This is after all what our Tax Code from 1913 to today is based on Just what fair share should there be on the poor and middle class Versus the rich The wealthy do have a greater fair share burden and still can live their life style don t they Just thought I d toss a few things out | 0 | 40 |
040-1752095 | Missouri LIBERAL JOURNALIST charged with Jewish bomb threats you mean WaPo ADN Funny how they are saying it was because of his girlfriend now | 0 | 40 |
040-1441936 | I didn t write this so you could draw your own conclusions about my perception of transgender My concern is transgender LAWS and the implication it has on everyone You stated earlier that the real problem is men s behavior and I completely 100 agree We have in our communities A LOT of registered male sex offenders who would have no problem entering a woman s bathroom claiming to be transgender They ve lied in the past so what s going to stop them now Can you not see them preying on young women little girls and older women Young little girls are very vulnerable to male sex predators Non transgender men can dress up like a woman look just like a woman and legally enter a transgender bathroom Unless you re in NC where you need a birth certificate of proof these guys can go anywhere at anytime So we have protected the rights of the transgender leaving the vulnerable young girl exposed She has ZERO rights of protection | 0 | 40 |
040-350738 | I m from Oregon and I ll guarantee you we cause a lot less trouble on the highways than Texans do But when s the last time you read a headline that says Texan in Ford 150 snarls traffic on the Glenn As for pumping our own gas that is indeed a strange law Every time I go visit I get yelled at by some guy in a gas station for trying to do it myself | 0 | 40 |
040-944342 | After reading this article I can t help but wonder how big a rock Mr mason lives under The result of the healthcare bill was no surprise as it was rushed along by Ryan before it was ready Chuck Shumer enjoyed that day but it is hardly over Trump is right to just let it implode and then he will be able to reshape it As for Kevin well he is entertaining but he is also not falling on deaf ears as many Canadians are concerned about the walk ins crossing into Canada It is not fair to the people that are already in line waiting to come here Or is fair to the one s that did it properly at great cost So Mr Mason the only person egg on their face is you | 0 | 40 |
040-1006450 | Best thing that could happen a real Trump bonus Honolulu is overrun with entitled tourists who needs more | 0 | 40 |
040-1795075 | I m glad Colorado politicians did not make a stupid bid We are not New Jersey desperate for jobs Colorado is freaking paradise as far too many have already figured out I won t be shocked if Amazon chooses Newark Bezos is all about the Benjamins But in doing so he will be screwing his employees Newark is a pit a dirty ugly unsafe expensive city Employees will end up commuting an hour or more each way every day Most of the alternatives to Denver will have a much harder time attracting the type of top quality talent Amazon should be seeking Regardless this proposal is long on ifs and maybes Big numbers were thrown out to draw in the suckers such as 50 000 jobs even though there are only 21 000 employees at Amazon s existing headquarters The industry Denver needs to start attracting is bio tech That is the future and where the really big money is | 1 | 40 |
040-331826 | You should always vote for who you like and who you think would do as you do Trump wants to rebuild the economy and cutoff wasteful international tariffs that prevent American businesses from getting a foothold in the economy as well as establish borders which all countries older than 100 years should have Hillary wants to continue conflict in the middle east where thousands needlessly die and have their homes burnt to the ground by USA and it s partners and tell you to shut up when she gets people killed or gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar Not saying Trump wouldn t go to war but his priorities have middle east conflict on the backburner As for as the wall I for one am tired of Juan and Pedro bringing cocaine across the Mexican border and lining their pockets with American dollars so yeah build the damn wall already | 1 | 40 |
040-141085 | Anyone who voted for a totally unfit sexual predator to occupy our White House makes a mockery of our constitution and wouldn t know anything about the concept of graciousness It is hardly elitist to remind folks that non college educated whites elected this monster it is the finding of exit polls | 1 | 40 |
040-917951 | Now can we move along so that Chin can start work on other issues | 0 | 40 |
040-264867 | If you sit in the student section and you are not a student then you get what you deserve You are stupid | 1 | 40 |
040-1939614 | Absolutely Heck with ALL the Trump Administration s shenanigans up to now and ending with the firing of Comey I would have thought every elected member on Capital Hill whose 1 job it IS to oversee and hold the Executive Branch accountable on behalf of the American people and the nation would have pushed back as hard as they bloody could against Trump s wrongful firing of Comey and done everything in their powers as elected members of Congress the Senate to stop prevent it instead of the big fat NOTHING they did do Moreover I also would have expected some grand jury indictments to be in laid against Trump and or his associates from Special Counsel Mueller s office by now or elsewhere yet so far there s SQUAT leaving me questioning the lack of speed or slowness of this investigative process | 0 | 40 |
040-131949 | back in the day of my youth we were taught in class about the failures of the russian gov t the inability to do their job the taking from the people via high taxation the bureaucracy the ineptness their corruptness the secrecy the lying the spying on their citizens and secret courts we laughed in class about how stupid the russian gov t was and the russian people and now we are faced with the same thing | 1 | 40 |
075-9269 | man its almost like islam is a violent culture edit down voting me isnt going to un stone these women your anger is misplaced | 1 | 75 |
040-1547980 | Cont How do you feel about redistributing some of that wealth to the global poor who had little if any role in creating their problems As a cash handout Probably not too effective studies have shown I believe that believe it or not we can t solve generational poverty by simply giving poor people money Secondly the people we take the cash from to divvy up amongst our poor friends may not be as inclined to make more cash next year if you and I are just going to steal it again Better I think to offer the 3rd world poor some educational opportunity and a rural electrification system plus some employment opportunity apart from a corrupt bureaucrat or b subsistence level herder or dirtfarmer And to be sure we are making some headway Even the NYT editorial page will admit that the of the world s people living in desperate poverty on 1 USD day has been steadily dropping the last 20 years or so Gaia Bless globalization | 0 | 40 |
040-1472155 | The UK s PM shows how the UK is now a very small and unimportant country in wanting to rub shoulders with the Trumpas of this world Let s see what Ms Merkel will do | 0 | 40 |
040-73416 | This is not religious discrimination this is a douche bag trying to be special by way of cultural appropriation | 1 | 40 |
040-100671 | Gee Lamont you really can t follow a thread can you Or history Chretien kept us out of the Iraq invasion mostly and Harper cried on the FOX network that he was with the US and not Canada Sad | 0 | 40 |
040-1744666 | The crisis happens when the Governor of North Carolina starts a bathroom war and the issue spreads to the entire ALEC network and Trump campaign to make sure the usual suspects vote That anyone in the Church abets such ignorance is demonic | 1 | 40 |
092-8764 | some random nigger hotep berating me pardon if i blew up everyone timeline are not you glad you are not a nigger | 1 | 92 |
040-329006 | These people all care for the vote if these illegal decide to kill they dont have to worry they are all protected but not us they will kill and get away with it time to wake up America if we have no laws we are doomed | 0 | 40 |
040-266360 | Council needs to be spend less time coming up with idiotic laws and focus on controlling their spending | 1 | 40 |
040-49627 | It does matter to me because a 16 year old was beaten bludgeoned kidnapped then murdered execution style People searched for three weeks Yes it matters to me These young people who committed this hideous crime matter to me They attempted to cover their crimes and lied They stole and burned Grunwald s vehicle We all are invested and absolutely care It is disgraceful that some people have even covered for these monsters They did horrible horrible things David was viciously murdered It matters to our whole community So who are your reliable individuals What is your first hand relevant information Tell it to your hand | 0 | 40 |
040-1079841 | Alaska Republican Party He is the Democrat s Governor we oppose his reelection | 0 | 40 |
040-1436065 | Angela Merkel Golda Mier Maggi Thatcher and Indira Ghandi managed to ring the bell Why not Hillary Oh yes the US was not ready for a female President only a Black one I must admit it must have been devastatingly humiliating to lose to Trump but who s fault was that | 1 | 40 |
040-900254 | If you build it they will come Not | 0 | 40 |
040-1990261 | Why on Earth is our Liberal Canadian government playing altar boy for the failed and deadly policies of the outgoing American administration What possible benefit is there for Canada to leap in now to cover someone else s blunders at the cost of truth and relations with Syria Russia and Trump s America | 0 | 40 |
040-1821183 | If the RG has no right to comment because of the Shurtz case then you have no right to comment on women Your history of blatant misogyny disqualifies you | 1 | 40 |
040-77884 | Hey Reyes you should know about being busted When you post responses the system tracks the number of times that you post and delete before finally getting it the way you want it Here s your personal best Four rewrites Reyes I m flattered that you take so much time and effort to reply to me I feel so special WOWSER Ruben Reyes Ruben Reyes Ruben Reyes Ruben Reyes replied to your comment | 0 | 40 |
040-470058 | So you are a sane young black or non white liberal college educated atheist woman or LGBT or were you born an insulting mentally challenged tard Oooops turd | 1 | 40 |
040-1701493 | I know that many people do not think that checkpoints are Constitutional and I can see that With that being said the fact that we have to have these checkpoints just shows the ignorance of certain people Many years ago I lost a group of friends to a drunk driver It simply can not be tolerated The penalties for these people should be extremely harsh I don t believe that they don t know what they are doing or that they did not realize that they were that level of impaired Everyone knows when they are plastered We are not animals that have no concept of what is happening to us People who drink and drive are just selfish jerkoffs | 1 | 40 |
040-967499 | Respect Some of the few people he actually respects | 0 | 40 |
040-747652 | While the city is seriously considering updating the Landlord Tenant codes why not close down the dilapidated apartment complexes in various parts of the city These landlords are charging top dollar for slum like buildings Don t know how people can live like this | 0 | 40 |
040-337099 | Oh you can bet she got the beating of her life She s getting raped in jail She is lucky to have gotten away or she could have had extra 44 holes in her | 1 | 40 |
040-1802591 | It ll need a good fumigation once this traitor is ousted | 1 | 40 |
040-10107 | Lol globe and mail anti trump in the E U is that why the right populist leaders are scoring higher than the liberal trash thats in power now France Germany Netherlands Norway even Sweden Austria was close and still took a conservative to barely beat him So stop spewing your lies Ive been all over Europe and know how the people really feel and from liberal and gay friends and associates who are as progressive as you can be have had enough Europe is nothing like it was in Bushes presidency they have serious problems that the elite have caused with their moronic views | 1 | 40 |
040-944447 | Good response to Commoner but I doubt that he and those who agree with him care to second guess their view of the world | 0 | 40 |
040-1386518 | Just keep drinking that true believer brand Trump Kool aid and everything will be A OK Ignore the many bold face lies Ignore the historical and governmental ignorance Ignore the constant whining Ignore the constant blaming Ignore the nepotism Ignore the budget proposal that doesn t add up Ignore the gaffes with our allies Ignore the Health Care bill that is nothing but a tax cut for the rich Ignore the fact that this guy s whole life has been spent serving no one but himself but suddenly it s not about him anymore He has seen the light and cares oh so much about US Oh how lucky we are to have such a man in the Oval Office Leadership at its finest Uh I don t think so The sooner this self serving narcissistic man child exits the scene and is replaced by Pence the better off we all will be | 1 | 40 |
040-341340 | venality has its price and I wonder if the civil service is willing to pay for it with their eroding prestige They have been since 2003 I see no reason for them to stop now | 0 | 40 |
040-399950 | What the heck is wrong with that guy For sure his screws are loose | 1 | 40 |
040-1471968 | Actually Nasser and his Pan Arab allies surrounded Israel in preparation for attacking it and eliminating Israel part of the Pan Arab ideology which espouses the unification of the countries of North Africa and West Asia from the Atlantic Ocean to the Arabian Sea referred to as the Arab world It is closely connected to Arab nationalism which asserts that the Arabs constitute a single nation | 0 | 40 |
040-1401046 | We the people blame YOU Trudy | 0 | 40 |
040-330864 | Turkey is a rogue terrorist state and disgrace to NATO Time for Russia to hit back on this foul backer of chaos and ISIS in the region | 1 | 40 |
040-1433165 | To protect DACA immigrants Mike Coffman is trying a Hail Mary says the title The truth is that Coffman is trying to save his sorry butt from getting fired next year by voters sick of trump and repubs like Coffman who enable him | 1 | 40 |
040-1204152 | Fake news to keep public interest in them alive and their bank accounts fat You could say the Osmond s are in a cult too and they re also laughing all the way to the bank | 0 | 40 |
040-134793 | Further proof you can t fix stupid | 1 | 40 |
040-1651572 | But yeah thanks for the belittlement Reminds me of the time I spent there and how thankful I am to no longer be a part of it Blowhards like yourself were exactly the reason that being a member of support staff behind the scenes was so miserable | 0 | 40 |
040-568401 | Rugby is a football sport played without a helmet Enough said | 0 | 40 |
040-1511337 | Bravo Jurbane Beautifully said and completely correct | 0 | 40 |
040-63808 | RD believes in blaming the victims and those who support the victims | 0 | 40 |
040-849824 | a href drones drones for sale a | 0 | 40 |
040-1395179 | Oh so the rap crapper only dropped the F bomb so that was all ok Most of these sleazy immature rappers drop curse bombs in every song so good for you for throwing them off the stage Only losers listen to them anyway | 1 | 40 |
040-140081 | Lynn Willis What a pointless comment The mayor had nothing to do with the murder victim working on Sunday and I doubt this stupid robber murderer will be released on bail | 1 | 40 |
040-1671390 | This is ridiculous this guy can get government coverage after 65 and if you keep pushing up the cost for employers they will just reduce coverage for EVERYONE Another entitled baby boomer who isn t content to have had a good run now he wants to ruin it for everyone else | 1 | 40 |
040-69112 | No one in canada is as stupid as a republican of the united states of sexual assaults and droning people for oil or some stupid company that commits fraud internationally Oh wait maybe the ones here that Harper hired but many of them weren t even born and raised here | 1 | 40 |
040-829725 | THREE However the more important truth is that there have always been at any point in our western intellectual history a diversity of epistemologies among our very best thinkers our most widely respected intellectuals Therefore unless one can first prove that this epistemology with its criterion of truth is right and all others are wrong in the very real world of human dialogue one must always be open to the possibility that one s opposite number in a respectful argument may be operating within a different epistemology formal or informal and therefore each of us may be operating with a different criterion of truth formal or informal and therefore each of us may very well have different truths different conclusions that satisfy our implicit criterion of truth | 0 | 40 |
040-1245226 | Rui I believe Kaua i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr will be taking a run at the Governor s job too Can you follow up on that Mahalo | 0 | 40 |
040-267147 | aaa poor lunatic lefty cant refute with facts so this is all you can can come up with wow and you wonder why you lunatics are proven wrong all the time | 1 | 40 |
040-397639 | Right because all the stupid members of the species the ones who made the species endangered in the first place died from their own idiocy Darwinism at its finest | 1 | 40 |
040-506889 | Urban Growth Boundary Minimum Wage Jobs Unaffordable Housing Getting rid of or expending the UGB costs nothing and tax breaks that were used for big expensive student housing boxes could have easily been used to attract employers But if we don t change the mindset here both from the population side Utopia and the Govt side Demand more of the people in office the homeless situation is only going to get worse Your choice people continue down the same ol path as the last twenty or change the mindset think about it | 0 | 40 |
040-1978494 | They referred numerous times to discrimination against trans people as genocide in our Upper House Without a doubt that includes mis gendering someone and otherwise rejecting on principle the very science that legislation is based on Accusing someone of the crime of genocide most certainly belongs in a criminal court and the great efforts our government has gone to in its effort to keep those charges out of the criminal court system speaks for itself Our government has somehow managed to subvert fundamental scientific objectivity on this issue for their own ideological purposes and they ve done so in a way that ensures they can convict people on lower standards of evidence Through their kangaroo court human rights tribunal system they wont just take the office furniture they ll take your entire house | 0 | 40 |
040-1435409 | Please pretty please make the victim industry go away Everyone but the white male is a victim and it is soooooooooooo exhausting The funny thing is the whiners are actually forcing people to go over to the Trump side As a far left ideologue myself I now have sympathy for the man you people are too much Just stop it and msm stop giving them all such a large soap box Or have Sheema Khan teach them how to write with more balance | 1 | 40 |
040-253379 | In the leadership race Mr Bernier from Quebec s conservative La Beauce region will no doubt win the lion s share of delegate votes from his province His plan to dismantle supply management could lead to motivated voters for anyone but Bernier If Quebec does not have a lot of Conservative members a block of worried farmers could swing a few ridings against him | 0 | 40 |
040-1744210 | bug eyed genocidally angry salt shakers Don t trivialize the Daleks There are mad little squidly aliens inside those salt shakers remember | 1 | 40 |
040-1670329 | The highly flawed progressive side of the old PC party kicked in when she said An election is no time to discuss serious issues or was it more of a gender thing Feminist JTZ takes it to a new level keeping Canadians in the dark about serious issues as pride parades and photo ops are far more important to distract us about his plan for the sellout of Canada to China | 0 | 40 |
092-5758 | who is this nick fuentes is she some kind of spic jew who wants to be a white nationalist | 1 | 92 |
040-1385735 | Fact of life Frauds don t do face to face Unless they can take you to be a fool then their bounty is at hand But they can t stand against an honest man So cowards cower And honest men carry on And accept life for it s gifts and not it s power jb49 | 1 | 40 |
040-262488 | Are you talking about autos and trucks | 0 | 40 |
040-1313356 | Robin Hood steal from the rich and give to the poor however I don t believe state workers and union employees are poor Hog wash | 1 | 40 |
040-610008 | I outright own shares of HCG purchased and held through my bank broker Could they be lent out without my knowledge | 0 | 40 |
040-140028 | They don t have a choice They get beaten or murdered if they don t Jesus mary murphy stop with your Liberal rubbish | 1 | 40 |
040-1803610 | Are you referring to the despicable cretin that was Obama The one who wouldn t condemn BLM even though one of their supporters killed five police officers Is that the one you re talking about | 1 | 40 |
040-1439423 | Speaking of pretty embarrassing Uh just off the top of my head you understand just reflex without bothering to look think you mighta left Ott for sure off that rather convoluted list Hey coulda happened to anybody anybody who posts before they check that is If you want to go back past 68 expansion say 100 years could add that Kenora Thistles have not made the finals either | 0 | 40 |
040-465084 | Native Hawaiians already determine their political status they get to vote It is their own darn fault that they keep voting for Democrats all the time they deserve everything they get | 1 | 40 |
040-1121340 | I am under pressure on FB fans to give first impressions of life in the Nei I have to move quickly But I never make medical judgments My appraisals are more in the socio economic and geopolitical realm Look at my FB to see how many want those observations | 0 | 40 |
040-1312755 | The cancer cannot be used to excuse him because the type he has isn t a slow growing form of brain cancer it is aggressive and people that have the form he is supposedly diagnosed with do not live very long He is as he has always been an evil man that is so selfish vain cowardly and vindictive that there is no room for any kind of character left | 1 | 40 |
040-890241 | Thy certinly did when they chose Trump as their candidate | 0 | 40 |
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