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You talk to Baron
"Can you tell me some more about your daughter and her boyfriend?" "Of course. My daughter's name is Lisa von Bülow" - he shows you a photograph - "she is 22 years old, much too old for this rebellious nonsense in my opinion." "And the boyfriend?" He sneers. "I am afraid I don't have a picture. I only met the man once, but he is a drunkard Scotsman with a scraggly full beard. His name is Erik McAllister. You can't miss him. I have no idea what my daughter sees in him."
You look at the mirror
The mirror is one of those medicine cabinet things, into which you've crammed all your necessary toiletries. It's closed right now.
You go to the east
You step into a cavity enamelled in soft pearl. Twin basins, gilded silver and fashioned from alabaster, are teeming with monstrous gametes. Platinum tongs are cradled in a stand nearby. An opening slashed into the membrane behind you leads back to the small intestine.
You touch the rods
You touch each of the rods one at a time, but the handcuffs prevent you from touching both at the same time. Although the rods have a subtle electric potential, you cannot find any way to trigger them energistically.
You go to the east
(first opening the hall door) This small room is filled with old furniture and cobwebs.
Smell dress
It is so new that it still smells like the dressmakers shop. A wave crashes against the rocks below sending a shower of spray up high into the air.
Look around
A metal gate bares the way out to a lovely country lane.
You note the prep table
You've already made enough observations to have Nikolai's place condemned. One more note is just another nail in the coffin. You write, "Replace prep table with a fresh undamaged cutting board." in the notebook. [Nikolai's sanitation rating has dropped two points.]
Go west
The space is dominated by a huge trophy case, which butts directly up against a pedestal holding an enormous brass cup. It's immaculate--no dust anywhere. To the east, suits of armor keep watch in their gallery. Since the portraits are alive here, maybe the suits of armor really are keeping watch. That's a creepy thought. You can see a tin cup and a long-handled scrub-brush here.
Attack janet
Of all these people, she's the one you wanna throttle? You really, really wanna look at that notification. What if Margo texted? [Your awkwardness has gone up by one point.] "I seem to remember Julia did some Minoan work back in the day," Raul notes.
Go east
As the lane winds along from east to west, it narrows until the steep, jagged rooftops on either side of the street practically touch each other. To the south, a side street leads across Whateley Bridge toward the center of town, and a twisting lane leads up a hill to the northwest. A short flight of steps to the north leads down to the local watering hole. The cold wind blows harder, tugging at the hem of your trenchcoat.
Go south
Green, speckled light spills in from the exit arch of the Temple, which lies to the west. There are three passageways in the stone walls of the temple, set to the south, east and north. In the middle of the entry hall is a large statue, looming over anyone that may enter the temple.
You look in the hole
In the ragged hole is a bundle of soggy pages.
Threediopolis, Sector 426 Threediopolis, Sector 427 Threediopolis, Sector 428 Threediopolis, Sector 328 Threediopolis, Sector 318
You ask Dad about the grill
He lowers his paper, looks out at you from under beetle brows, and goes back to reading.
You take the lock
The remaining piece of the bobby pin has hopelessly jammed the padlock's locking mechanism, rendering it useless. Since it obviously has been picked you briefly consider trying to return it to the manufacturer for replacement, but decide to skip the trip to Slovenia for now and leave it where it is.
You look at the stuff
The stuff on the dresser is about what you'd expect - a couple of hairbrushes full of greasy gray hair and dandruff, a chipped saucer with some paper clips and thumbtacks in it, and some pecan shells. Among the clutter you spot a stubby screwdriver. Now that might come in handy.
You examine the cane
A very very very curious object.
Go downwards
You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed Abandon every hope all ye who enter here! The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of mangled bodies in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous fate, can be heard. The way through the gate is barred by evil spirits, who jeer at your attempts to pass. There is a brass bell here.
Go east
You stand at the western end of a shallow rectangular pool -- no doubt part of the reason the air is softer and more humid here than it was outside. The garden paths open at the east end of the pool; the Embassy is west, at your back. If you look down, you catch the reflection in the surface, and a number of small red fish swimming around, in formation, making symbols which you cannot read.
You take silverware
Verdeterre nods in approval as you struggle to pick up every fork, knife, and spoon. For him to assist in any way would be unprofessional. You stuff the pile of silverware into the sack. You wince as the waters climb up around your hips.
You eat it
(first taking the baguette) Perhaps it's best to save the baguette for later.
You examine the documents
Comprehensive documentation of Reden's death. It's filled out in neat longhand and bound with Doctor Cavala's signature.
You tie the rope to the hook
Okay, the rope is now tied to the hook. The other end dangles down into the pit, just touching the floor. You could probably get down there now.
You examine the bodies
left corpse: She would have grown up to be quite attractive. For that matter, she actually was quite attractive, despite the disheveled appearance and short unruly tangle of red hair. One eyelid is sunken, as if there is nothing underneath. You can see no sign of injury, and her repose is fairly tranquil. Wait. There is something. One hand is scratched badly across the knuckles. But that couldn't be the cause of death. right corpse: The body lies on the bed, arms folded. Its owner is quite beautiful by the standards of the day, long, blonde hair, sizable breasts, and a frailty that suggests borderline anorexia. The only mar to her beauty is a deep, jagged scar on one cheek. There is nothing to suggest that her death was anything but peaceful [Footnote 5].
Close car
You get the bottle
You already have the pill bottle! Ashleigh dribbles some of the whiskey onto Carl's leg. He screams, then mercifully passes out. "It'll be ok, it'll be ok," she whispers to him, dropping the bottle.
You tell Derek about May
When you first told Derek about Aunt May being shipped off to a home, he had been furious. "Why didn't you tell me," he had said, barely containing his anger. "She could have come and lived with us. You know you would have liked that. You and May have always got along." "I thought you would have been against it," you had said, weakly. Derek had sighed. "Don't put this on me." You haven't really spoken about it since, and Derek looks so tired you're too nervous to bring it up again.
In my bag of holding, I have: a florin a torn bit of wool a vellum page some farming tools a fish a fishing rod a bottle of clear fluid a bottle of blue dye a torn page a spell book a red balloon a magic wand the mind of a foolish wizard
You go upwards
You jet swiftly up. The air pressure matches your natural buoyancy. The chunk of red ice is right next to you.
You look at the branch
(the stick) The willow stick is about 3 feet long and thin as a pencil.
Go south
Dun tumbles down loosely from a steep hill to the south, sliced through by the wall to the east. A spinster flutters in the breeze.
You give the money to count
The Count eyes the money. Then he shakes his head and says, "I'm sorry, but I'm really tired of counting money." He indicates the pile of coins. "Thank you anyway. Something different would be nice."
You examine Piper
A tall, thin specimen of a woman with arms and legs like sea-stilts. Of all the patients, her posture is the most contorted, as though her body had convulsed in the hour of death: she is a broken marionette, loosed from its strings and cast aside. You could examine Piper's head, her torso, her arms, or her legs.
You look at the compass
The compass housing is ridged with barely-healed scars. It must have cracked in the disaster; most of its superfluid helium has boiled away. If the ship had not managed this repair, the entire compass assembly might have been hopelessly quenched. No doubt the course-memory of your travels has been lost. But the mechanism itself looks sound.
You throw the bottle at the castle
You toss the bottle among the castle's spires. It lies for a moment, unnoticed. Then, a lone crustacean investigates. You see a single, tiny plume of smoke. Suddenly, as if on a prearranged signal, the mighty miniature hoards descend. More swiftly than you can follow, the tiny mites somehow disassemble the glass bottle and assimilate its mass into the castle. As the bottle disappears, the castle grows. By the time the bottle is completely gone, the castle has grown a new spire. A tiny crab rushes from an invisible hole by your feet and scuttles away, quickly disappearing into another, equally invisible hole.
You examine paper
Congratulations! You are the privileged owner of ZORK I: The Great Underground Empire, a self-contained and self-maintaining universe. If used and maintained in accordance with normal operating practices for small universes, ZORK will provide many months of trouble-free operation.
Time passes. The drunk stumbles off to the southwest.
Rub symbol
(the holy symbol) Such superstitious acts are beneath you.
Go west
The furnishings in the bedroom are about what you'd expect - a rumpled bed whose sour odor permeates the room and a dresser with a scatter of stuff on top. There's a wide archway to the east and an imposing-looking door in the north wall. The square hatch by which you first entered the room is set into the east wall at the northeast corner.
You examine the sketchbook
The cloth-covered book is hundreds of pages thick and more than a foot square. The pages don't fit neatly between the covers; the book appears to have been bound by hand. The front cover, of well-worn coarse cloth, is blank: No title or author, no lettering of any kind.
You examine cube
The flux capacitor has a window on one side where you can see some tubes in Y shape inside. Red labels are pasted all over the device, the one on top saying "FLUX CAPACITOR". The two dials are labeled "POWER" and "SPEED" and there's a pin with a picture of a lightning bolt next to it. It is very heavy.
The airlock is designed to keep out the dust and poisons of Martian air, and keep the good, healthy Earth air in. It has turned into a storage for all kinds of junk. Go601 follows you, its titanium claws rattling against the floor.
"Don't!" barks the old woman as your hand moves closer to the sculpture. Do you still want to put Wishbringer into the sculpture?
You look at the pedestal
This short pedestal supports the globe. The globe doesn't fit perfectly on the pedestal, though; there is a small gap between the pedestal and the globe.
You check what you're carrying
You are wearing your underwear, and you have a gift box, some expensive headphones, and a splitting headache.
You drop the paper
(the tattered drawing) Dropped.
You go to the east
You are standing in the main thoroughfare for Grooverland. Park-goers wearing monstrous costumes and carrying authentic-looking weapons (including swords and pitchforks) pass all around you, getting uncomfortably close at times. A sign to the north says "Sugar Plum Snack Bar". A sign to the south is labeled "Painful Purchases Gift Shop". Underneath the name is a tagline: "All Magic Has a Price". east to the Prowling Promenade.
Go west
Vaulted with bones. No mortal architecture has ever been more colossal. An alien language carved into the ribs glimmers with indigo phosphorescence. Light streams from a cavity leading below. The walls contract spasmodically.
It feels silly, but you start the dance that you were taught. It is a fluid one, seamlessly allowing you to dodge away from the red queen's assaults. It is a long dance, though, and exhaustion begins to set in, and the red queen pins you down right at the end. She rips apart your gorget and is about to tear your throat as the tower shakes and it appears over the walls. The elder treant with a vast vendetta against the red queen. It grabs her, instantly sealing her head in resin. You shudder to think what tortures the beast has in store for an undying vampire, but you feel that you had no other choice. *** You have consigned your foe to a horrible fate. *** Maybe things could have gone differently... The noon sun burns hot even with the wind rushing through your hair. Catching a quick glance of your reflection in your sword, you quickly return your attention to the important matter at hand - your foe. It has been a long battle, but now the advantage is yours. It is time to make the decisive move, and to Finish your Foe! Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson English Language version 1 by Graham Nelson Extended Grammar version 8/140501 by Aaron Reed Basic Screen Effects version 7/140425 by Emily Short
You read the book
Though it is dark, the magic writing of your spells casts enough light that you can read them. The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book). The vezza spell (view the future). The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry). The izyuk spell (fly like a bird). The yomin spell (mind probe). The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects). The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
You ask David about Tyrone
"You mean the black hired man," David says, nodding. "At first I thought he must be part of Beauregard's little cabal. He was brusque, almost hostile. But when he helped me to my cabin he was very gentle and considerate. I don't know quite what to make of him."
You go to the south
You are standing on the top of the Flood Control Dam #3, which was quite a tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to the north, south, and west, and a scramble down. The sluice gates on the dam are closed. Behind the dam, there can be seen a wide reservoir. Water is pouring over the top of the now abandoned dam. There is a control panel here, on which a large metal bolt is mounted. Directly above the bolt is a small green plastic bubble which is glowing serenely.
Look around
You're on a moor. Woods all around don't look inviting, but they also don't look like they can stop you returning to the room. You can see a missile and a black door here.
You get the rabbit
You run for the rabbit, but the snake twists directly into your path. You duck as a coil strikes the wall above you, leaving a spider's web of cracks behind. The beast could crush you with ease. "I can't get to the rabbit!" you shout. "I'm doing what I can," Sabado replies. "You have to find a way!" How are you going to back the snake away from the rabbit? He's asking the impossible.
You examine the sack
It's a small water sack with a wooden cork and a leather strap to tie to a belt. It seems to be in good shape.
You read the instructions
You select the message and read: Greetings, ambassador. Sorry for the sudden change of plan. One day I'll tell you the whole story with Valenti, it'd be a good read. For now, you've got to do the Gift Day ritual, which means receiving their ambassador and handing over a present. There are two main points here -- what you give her and what you wear. Get the gift box that we shipped. It should have come in a crate, on the same ship as you. You're going to want to give them a vaccine sample; there should be one among Earth artifacts in our Museum in the Embassy. Wear something red and keep the rest of your clothes (if any) neutral. Black and white are also meaningful to them, so avoid those. Grey is fine. If you can get a float unit, get one: you'll want it for the meeting, so you can be as tall as the others. That's it. Don't give offense, don't look weak, and remember that they need us. -- Kruger. Mentally you check off "check your messages" on your list of remaining tasks. You run over the things you still need to get done: acquire a gift box from the goods shipped acquire vaccine from the Museum (HC's orders) prepare gift for Ambassador Aylene wear something red(dish) (High Command's instruction) find a working float unit
You eat chefs
They weren't enough, of course not, those sardines in the storeroom. Not when the kitchen's still crowded. Not when you could reach out, pack more between your teeth as they were packed into their tins before. They've caught on now. Too late, they'll not escape. Footmen flop toward the door but you grab tails, raise them aloft, drop them into your mouth as you seize chefs thrashing over saucepans, across rolled dough. Their bulging eyes bulge even more. Their lips glub open in panic. When your lips close, however, that's the end.
Close hatch
You close the metal hatch. It is now pitch dark in here!
You look at Demitasse
Fine porcelain flesh, veins patterned cobalt blue beneath the glaze, teacup eyelids, ceramic handles curving from her skull, that skull's cap sawn and sundered with coffee brimming inside: meet the magnificent Dame Demitasse. She exhales steam. Roasted aromas, wooden, malted, floral, toasted, waft around her place at the table. Perhaps each time she lifts her arm, her china chips a little more, joints delicately splintering, but no beauty was ever forged without pain poured into the crucible. A footman delivers cucumber sandwiches to the table.
You eat the leaves
They're plainly inedible.
You connect the radio module to the lamp
You connect the radio module to the minilamp. The radio module turns yellow to confirm the match, and the key transmitter turns yellow as well.
You oink with meaning.
You cover the sixth hole
You place your finger over the sixth flute hole. A gust of wind blows your hair into your face.
You get the crowbar
It's a crowbar, but you take it.
Go south
This pathway is steep, and you're currently at a point where great rocks blocks your view of the SLAVER KING'S realm. The rise is too steep to the east, but you can continue the trail to the south if you want to climb all the way to the PEAK OF MOUNT GELIDUS. GUNWAR sticks close, keeping an eye out for danger.
You get tube
Taken. The grumbling of machinery catches your attention.
You describe your surroundings
Bookshelves lined the walls, full of books that had titles in languages I didn't recognize. Behind a mahogany writing desk, filled with books, papers and parchments, sat an old man, frevently writing on a notepad or looking up something from the books. A curious machine was embedded in one of the walls. A view of London is visible through the balcony door.
You get the frame
The missing portrait is out of reach.
You examine the river
In a couple months, it'll be a wasteland of jagged ice floes grinding into each other; tonight it's just a run-of-the-mill river. There used to be a trio of ferocious geese that would hang out around here, but something must have happened.
You remove the pants
(the pair of black slacks) No. Jude can see you. The kids look at each other in bewilderment. "No, he's right back there," Samir says as he points back at you. Then Samir looks back at you and frowns. "He was here a moment ago...."
Go northeast
The ground cover has been pushed aside by passing animals just enough to make this weaving trail the path of least resistance. There is a very tall kauri tree here, its thick roots snaking in and out of the ground. You can hear swiftly running water from somewhere off to the north. To the southwest you can see the forest lighten as it thins out, and the trail forks here, continuing to both the northeast and the north. Dina, who stands no taller than your shin, is nearby. She slowly moves from tree to tree, searching for something while always managing to keep you in view. A shiny battery, apparently discarded or lost by someone, lies half-hidden by a pile of leaves that Dina is using as a nest.
You go to the south-west
Extremely spacious. It is its best with a half-dozen servants in livery. The floor is Italian marble, and the walls are dressed with yellow silk hangings. The main staircase ascends to the corridor on the second floor, and a smaller version leads down into the dim basement. Doors also open north and northeast. On the wall is one of those mechanical clocks that pop open on the hour, allowing the ingenious internal figures out to play.
"Was Doctor Arturus a cautious man?" you ask. "Doctor Cavala... didn't give me that impression." Justinian looks almost disappointed for a moment, and the look in his eyes breaks your heart. "Doctor Cavala didn't know him like I did," he says, quietly. 1) "There was an attempt on Doctor Cavala's life. Do you have any idea why?" 2) "I'll look around the clinic. Perhaps I'll find something the Vigiles have missed."
You search the bushes
Beating around the bush, you come upon a ticket stub enmeshed in the dense lower branches of the laurel. You pick it up and dust it off.
Plugging it in first, you slide the button and the shaver snaps to life. You hold it in your hand tightly, letting the vibration buzz through you. Then, gripped by the vision of another you, you put it to the side of your head and shave your first strip off. And another. And another. The chunks of hair make a small pile at your feet. You now have a mohawk. [You get five punk points for that.] Finished with it, you switch it off and return it to the cabinet. As you shut it, you see a punk in the mirror -- the hair defiantly greasy, the acne now angry scars. Your flaws suddenly make sense. You rub your hand over your shorn scalp and stare at your new self with a mixture of joy and terror.
Go south
You can't go that way. The water stings your eyes and burns your throat. Every breath you take just brings you closer to the river. If you can't get out now, it's over for you.
Go north
It's still early; are you sure you want to get to work?
Examine shredded
You did a handsome job; there isn't a scrap left big enough to be recognizable.
You go to the west
As you move in that direction, the universe abruptly turns itself inside out. You are standing at the entrance to a large, familiar college campus. At least, it would be large and familiar if it existed, which it apparently doesn't anymore. The only solid things remaining are a white mailbox and two paths leading west and southwest. Everything else seems to be swallowed by a black, swirling void. You see a white cube here. An animated burin is perched on your head.
Go south
You are floating above the the icy realm of Cealdhame. Other lands lie north and east of here.
You get pint
Taken. Bardolph stirs the pot of stew.
Wave shard
You wave the shard.
You examine the catcher
The catcher is sitting in his crouched position. The pitcher brings his glove up to his chest and peers in. He's looking to the catcher for the sign.
You examine the underbrush
The woods are ancient, thick with undergrowth and full of shadows. Branches creak, leaves rustle beneath unseen, half-imagined footsteps, and strange birdcalls echo through the trees.
You look at the wings
These pink canvas wings allow the players to get a lot more height. You can TAKE and GIVE them (the cranes will move them automatically).
You keep going
As snappy as she's been tonight, you'd just as soon not hear her talk right now. "Where's mom, Frank?" Jeanie asks you.
You go west
As you leave, the chain tugs on the key in your hand. You let go and it dangles towards the floor. Some of the children watch hungrily as you leave. Pale fluorescent lights illuminate the room. With the power back on, this walk-in freezer is getting cold quite rapidly. For a moment, it offers relief from the summer heat. Then the chill starts to seep in and you feel your body shutting down. Through the open freezer door you see a gathering crowd of ghoul-children.
You examine the walls
The faint shimmer is fading even as you look. It is only with averted vision, from the corners of your eyes, that you can still make out the shapes of lines and letters.
You jump on the counter
You jump down and land on the countertop with a noticeable "thud". From up here, you can see the entire shiny place. Only the refrigerator top gives a better view. It makes you feel powerful and important, like perhaps you controlled the whole area and had a few cat soldiers to do your bidding as well. If it was softer and not so narrow, it would make a great bed. From here, you can jump up to the metal box. The most distinctive smell is the scent of Goodcat/Badcat. He is near.
There is a brief flash of light, and you find yourself in... This is not so much a physical place as it is the essence of the number minus thirty. An inky blackness fills the space.
You open the envelope
You open the envelope, revealing some powder.
You look at the stipend
It's an envelope containing your small daily stipend. Right now you have plenty of money in the envelope.
Wave rod
Pfwarmp! An earthworm materializes in the air in front of me and drops to the floor. The hedgehog starts to sing: Singing is the best, The best, the best! What's the best? That's riiiiiiiiight, it's siiiiiiiinging!
You glue the idol
(with the tube of glue) You squeeze out a bit of glue and repair the broken idol.
P it
The cupboard door swings open. At the same time, a lattice door slides across the north doorway.
You examine the windows
The windows are small and square. A little light spills from them down into the cellar.
He probably wouldn't realise I was being sarcastic if I said that. He has very little sense of irony. "I was already awake, because fat-boy was snoring his arse off all night," says Wayne. "Oh, that's terrible!" Declan doesn't even try to defend Paddy - he's too anxious to be friends with everyone for that. "So how are you this morning, Gordon? Still smoking away on the fags?" he says, remembering that Gordon smokes. "Still smoking away," says Gordon.
You close the upper drawer
That's already closed.
You check your inventory
You carry nothing between your teeth. You are also sated (though not satisfied), and covered in pale ash. Splinters fly as the Provider splits wood with an axe. You hear high-pitched laughter beyond the fence.
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