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1,353 | 0REFUTES
| Brussels/London, 2 February (ČTK newsletter) - The draft agreement, which is to redefine the relationship between Britain and the European Union, was published today by the permanent president of the European Council, Donald Tusk. The document, which is also referred to as the According to Tusk, it is a good basis for compromise, but the "EU president" still faces tough negotiations. British Prime Minister David Cameron responded on Twitter shortly after the draft was published, saying that while the documents showed progress in all four areas London wanted to negotiate, more work needed to be done. | David Cameron is a British footballer. |
1,353 | 0REFUTES
| British Prime Minister David Cameron wants to negotiate a new form of relations between the island kingdom and the EU before calling a referendum on whether the country should remain in the union. This is what he promised his voters before the last parliamentary elections. | David Cameron is a British footballer. |
2,003 | 2SUPPORTS
| BLANSKO 20. (ČTK) - The Parliament of Children and Youth in Blansko will have its own logo, website and a section in the monthly magazine published by the town hall. It was formed on Friday, when its 25 members sat down for the first meeting. The parliament has a chairman and an executive committee, and it brings together representatives of nine schools in the town for 11 to 18-year-olds, Blansko Deputy Mayor Jaroslava Králová told ČTK today. The Children's Parliament is an advisory body to the city councillors. | The 25 members of the children's parliament will be assisted by city councillors. |
| More than 1,400 people arrived from Tunisia in September alone: more than the previous eight months combined. "We haven't seen so many in years," said Flavio Di Giacomo, an Italian spokesman for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Although it has not yet reached the levels seen shortly after the Arab Spring of 2011, says EU Ambassador to Tunisia Patrice Bergamini, but an increase it is. In just a few months, around 25,000 people came to Europe via Tunisia. | Hundreds of people arrived in Italy from Egypt in September. |
| Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 ( ČTK ) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a great scandal in the United States. The subsequent high-profile trial and especially the jury's acquittal triggered several days of race riots in a number of cities, which claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial ruling came down 25 years ago, on the 29th. April 1992. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 (ČTK) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a major scandal in the US. The subsequent high-profile trial and, above all, the jury's acquittal triggered several days of racial riots in a number of cities that claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial verdict was handed down 25 years ago, on 29. April 1992. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| A year earlier, King was speeding down a highway when he was pursued by four officers. After a chase through the Los Angeles suburbs, he was pulled over and beaten when he refused to comply with their orders. According to the police version, he resisted arrest and was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Amateur video footage also showed officers using batons and kicking King as he lay on the ground. Within two minutes he had suffered serious injuries - 11 skull fractures, brain and kidney damage. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| The trial raised many doubts. The trial was moved from Los Angeles to an affluent suburb, despite claims of "demographic disparity." The jury, which had no black members, found that the officers did not overstep their legal bounds and acquitted them of excessive force. On the day of his sentencing, Dec. 29. On April 4, 1992, storms erupted in South Central Los Angeles, a predominantly African-American and Latino neighborhood. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| Four Los Angeles police officers were retried in 1993. This time, a jury found two of them guilty of violating King's civil rights and sentenced them to 30 months. Two other law enforcement officers convinced the court of their innocence. King was awarded $3.8 million in damages. King died in 2012 at the age of 47. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| Los Angeles/Prague 26. April (ČTK) - The first was a picture depicting the brutal crackdown by Los Angeles police officers on black motorist Rodney King. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a major scandal in the US. The subsequent high-profile trial and, above all, the jury's acquittal triggered several days of racial riots in a number of cities that claimed more than 50 victims. The controversial verdict was handed down 20 years ago, on 29. April 1992. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| PPAHA 28. April (ČTK) - For a year, Americans have awaited the outcome of the trial of white Los Angeles police officers accused of brutally and disproportionately beating black motorist Rodney King. All it took was one unjust verdict by an all-white jury and Los Angeles, and eventually the entire United States, descended into racial hatred for a few days 10 years ago. The sentencing took place on the 29th. The April 1992 riots and ensuing six-day rioting left more than 50 people dead, 2,400 injured and over $1 billion in damage. | White Los Angeles police officers have been acquitted in the death of a motorist. |
| The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. October in the Art cinema, where a show organised by the Tourist Information Centre has found its home in recent years. It will take four days. | Brno's 16th festival is organised by the city. |
| Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was wiped out. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a memorial. | There was a 24-hour blackout in the Bronx. April 1945 tank battle. |
| Orechov (district of Brno-venkov) 29. May (TBC) - The Minister of Defence, Vladimír Vetchý, awarded 55 medals on the occasion. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War II, a commemorative medal was awarded to Orechov in Brno. The tank battle near the village had a major impact on the liberation of Brno and 24. On April 4, 1945, about 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed there. Ořechov was almost completely destroyed in the clash, its deputy mayor Miroslav Peška told ČTK today. | There was a 24-hour blackout in the Bronx. April 1945 tank battle. |
| 24 died in the tank battle at Ořechov. On 4 April 1945 about 960 Soviet and 275 German soldiers, 35 Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed. The shooting destroyed 80 percent of the village; 176 houses were destroyed. Twenty residents of the village died. | There was a 24-hour blackout in the Bronx. April 1945 tank battle. |
| During the tank battle at Ořechov in Brno, 24 were killed. On 4 April 1945 about 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers, 35 Soviet tanks and self-propelled vehicles were destroyed. The fire destroyed more than 80 percent of the community. It destroyed 176 homes and killed 20 people. | There was a 24-hour blackout in the Bronx. April 1945 tank battle. |
2,954 | 2SUPPORTS
| Baghdad, 17. (ČTK) - The Iraqis are ready to thwart any American attack on Iraq. In a speech delivered on the 11th. On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Gulf War, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said this today. He predicted the "inevitable fall" to which the United States would be led by its current intemperance. | Iraq is ready to face any attack from the West. |
2,954 | 2SUPPORTS
| According to him, the Iraqis will not be taken by surprise and will use their experience of fighting against the Americans and their allies in the Gulf War. "Iraq has survived this war and will survive other military actions," he added. | Iraq is ready to face any attack from the West. |
2,954 | 2SUPPORTS
| Baghdad is 17th. (ČTK) - The United States will be forced to ask Iraq for forgiveness, on its knees. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said today on the ninth anniversary of the Gulf War that the fight continues and Iraq will not give up. | Iraq is ready to face any attack from the West. |
2,954 | 2SUPPORTS
| Baghdad is 17th. (ČTK) - The Iraqis are ready to thwart any American attack on Iraq. In a speech delivered on the 11th. On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Gulf War, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said this today. He predicted the "inevitable fall" to which the United States would be led by its current intemperance. The United States intends to wage war against terrorists and their enablers. Even after the destruction of the Afghan Taliban. About the Iraq is being speculated as a possible next target. President George W. Bush is insisting that Baghdad resume cooperation with weapons inspectors it stopped cooperating with in 1998. There are fears that Iraq is once again producing weapons of mass destruction. | Iraq is ready to face any attack from the West. |
1,487 | 0REFUTES
| Prague 20. Miloslav Výborný will not become a constitutional judge again. Today, in a secret ballot, the Senate did not give its consent to his appointment; only one vote was missing. As opposed to President Miloš Zeman, the Senate approved the candidacy of Chairman of the Constitutional Court Pavel Rychetský, Supreme Administrative Court judge Kateřina Šimáčková and Supreme Court judge Ludvík David. David received the most votes, 67 out of 73 cast. Rychetský received 62 votes and Šimáčková 59. Only 36 senators voted for the excellent candidate, announced the chairman of the Senate Election Committee Tomáš Kladívko (ODS). "Even those who were not elected simply did not fare so badly, the Vice-Chairman of the Senate and ČSSD Zdeněk Škromach commented on the result. Zeman, who came to the Senate to justify his nomination, did not wait for the result of the vote and left the seat of the upper chamber before the election. After his election, Mr. Výborný thanked the Senate for "properly discussing" the matter. He is now working as a regular employee of the Constitutional Court in the position of an adviser, his employment will end in mid-August. He said that if he received an offer to work in the justice system, he would not turn it down. It's too bad that the great man didn't get re-elected. He noted that the president selects his candidates responsibly and that it is a matter of consultation with the head of state whether to recommend some of the current constitutional judges, given the positions of the upper house. The issue of the continuity of the Constitutional Court is an important one, its president said. Šimáčková said that she feels a great responsibility and hopes not to disappoint her. She also said that as a lawyer and judge, she tried to seek justice for ordinary people while protecting the system that ensures their freedom and equal opportunities. But care must be taken that liberty does not become the partner of selfishness, and equality a cloak for men's envy. David noted that he intends to continue his efforts in disputes for the honest pursuit of truth and justice, and will decide independently and impartially. He described his nomination as an honor and recognition of his 20 years on the bench. The former Minister of Defence, Chairman of the Legislative Council of Government and Head of the House Constitutional Law Committee for KDU-ČSL Excellent was a constitutional judge until the beginning of June this year; he participated among other things in rejecting the left-wing constitutional complaint on church restitution, which some left-wing senators reminded him about. Moreover, even before the election, he stated that he was not personally corruptible and therefore did not make decisions in order to be re-elected. He also occasionally made decisions based on his own personal interests. to the displeasure of the government and former President Václav Klaus. Zeman justified the nomination of Výborný and Rychetský, among other things, by saying that "their continuation in office is the only acceptable way to ensure the doctrinal and judicial continuity of the Constitutional Court." According to him, the personnel of this court will not be changed only partially, "but a completely new judicial body is being formed." Rychetský, a former deputy prime minister, signatory of Charter 77 and post-November general prosecutor, was also Minister of Justice, Chairman of the Legislative Council of the Government or Chairman of the Senate Constitutional Law Committee for ČSSD. Regarding the position of a judge, he said today among other things that no one must succumb to the idea that they are omniscient and godly. Šimáčková is a member of the Social-Administrative Collegium of the Supreme Administrative Court. She teaches constitutional, religious or media law at Masaryk University in Brno. She is also a co-author of the book: Commentaries on the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and legal textbooks. David is a member of the Civil and Commercial College of the Supreme Court, lectures at Masaryk University and Palacký University in Olomouc. | Miloslav Výborný will not defend the Constitution of the Czech Republic. |
| Bucharest 11. Romanian President Traian Basescu has called on Romanians to boycott Dutch vegetables. The president's stance is seen as retaliation for the Netherlands' continued opposition to Romania and Bulgaria joining the so-called Schengen zone, which does not impose border controls between member states. The APA news agency reported this last night. | Romanian President Milos Zeman has called for a boycott of Dutch vegetables. |
3,321 | 2SUPPORTS
| The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation. | Tomio Okamura represents the Speaker of the House. |
3,321 | 2SUPPORTS
| The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation. Prague, 6 February (ČTK) - The People's Party will initiate negotiations with the aim of dismissing SPD Chairman Tomio Okamura from his position as Vice-Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies due to his statements about the Protectorate concentration camp at Lety u Písku. The intention was also supported by the Mayors and TOP 09, The ODS and some representatives of the ČSSD are also open to it. The Minister of Justice in resignation, Robert Pelikán (ANO), expressed concern about Okamura's statements and called on him to stop them. Okamura said that his movement does not question the suffering of people in the Lety camp. He described the criticism that he and SPD MP Miloslav Rozner are facing as part of a campaign aimed at preventing direct interference by foreign powers. and the movement's indirect participation in government formation. | Tomio Okamura represents the Speaker of the House. |
| Warsaw 17. (ČTK) - The Polish director and screenwriter Andrzej Žulawski has died at the age of 75. According to Polish media, the filmmaker died of cancer in Warsaw overnight. The Lviv native was known for his non-commercial approach to cinema. It was appreciated mainly by European lovers of art films. Shortly after his birth, he moved with his father to Czechoslovakia and later Poland. Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. His second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland and the filmmaker moved to France, where he died at 50. He studied for years. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland. | The controversial film director died in Warsaw. |
| Warsaw 17. (ČTK) - Polish director and scriptwriter Andrzej Žulawski has died at the age of 75. According to Polish media, the filmmaker died of cancer in Warsaw overnight. The Lviv native was known for his non-commercial approach to cinema. It was appreciated mainly by European lovers of art films. Shortly after his birth, he moved with his father to Czechoslovakia and later Poland. | The controversial film director died in Warsaw. |
| Žulawski's films are full of drastic scenes and nudity. His second feature, 1972's "The Devil," was banned in Poland and the filmmaker moved to France, where he died at 50. He studied for years. His debut film, The Third Part of the Night (1971), also a drama with horror elements in historical settings, caused great controversy in Poland. | The controversial film director died in Warsaw. |
2,233 | 0REFUTES
| Taylor is the first former African head of state to appear before an international court. In the past, toppled African dictators usually fled overseas where they lived in comfort and impunity. Taylor went into exile abroad in Nigeria after his overthrow in 2003, but was later handed over to a special court under international pressure. | Taylor went into exile in Libya after his overthrow in 2003. |
3,938 | 0REFUTES
| Prague 14. July (CTK) - She was a member of the National Theatre in Prague for seventeen years and her acting has also been used extensively in film. Regina Rázlová mostly played self-confident and exclusive women, often with a strong sense of entitlement. She was also on the opposite side of the law, and her captivating voice sounded even in radio and dubbing. After 1989, she stopped doing well, went into business and even spent several months in custody over the Skloexport tunneling case. Added to this were health problems. but in the spirit of the heroines she portrayed on stage. Even in the movie, she was able to overcome everything bad. Today it is Rázlová, who is 16. She will celebrate her 70th birthday in July, once again a sought-after actress and celebrity. | Regina Rázlová is a mathematician. |
3,938 | 0REFUTES
| Talented and beautiful, Regina Rázlová was written about immediately after the first film in which she appeared. In 1969, alongside Pavel Landovský, Stella Zázvorková and Jorga Kotrbová, she starred in František Filip's cult comedy The Sorrows of Young Boháček. By then, she had already completed her production studies at the Secondary School of Film Production in Čimelice and was about to enter the last year of study at DAMU under Professor Miloš Nedbal. She later started teaching at DAMU as well. | Regina Rázlová is a mathematician. |
3,938 | 0REFUTES
| The daughter of Stanislav Rázl, Vice-Chairman of the Czech Government from 1969 to 1986, played approximately 15 major roles in films and also appeared in television productions and films. She got important roles in the comedy Daddy for Sunday (1971), in the successful crime drama The Queen's Warrant (1973), and she also played in a number of comedies such as Do We Suit Each Other, Darling...? (1974), Parta hic (1976) and Don't Take Off Your Sweater (1980). She has also appeared in several series. | Regina Rázlová is a mathematician. |
| Visitors to the exhibition can see works by sculptor Jan Ambrůz, graphic artist Vladana Hajnová, painter and sculptor Daniel Hanzlík and sculptor Ladislav Jezbera. Also exhibiting in the Hradec Králové gallery are author of large-format drawings Jiří Kornatovský, painter Jiří Matějů, painter and experimenter Jaromír Novotný and author of audiovisual installations Richard Loskot. | Richard Loskot is exhibiting at a gallery in East Bohemia. |
2,759 | 2SUPPORTS
| Moscow 11. July (CTK) - The Russian government has received 52.2 billion roubles (19.9 billion Czech crowns) from the sale of a 10.9 percent stake in diamond giant Alrosa. Foreign investors bought 60 percent of the offered shares, Russian Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev announced today. The official figures match those reported over the weekend by Reuters, which obtained them from sources familiar with the situation. | Russian Economy Minister Alexei Ulyukayev announced the sale of nearly 11 percent of Alrosa's shares. |
3,142 | 2SUPPORTS
| NEW YORK 30. January (CTK) - Iraq on Wednesday rejected a report by chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix, but offered some new information and pledged further cooperation with the inspectors. That's according to a letter released by Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed al-Douri, at UN headquarters in New York. | Hans Blix is currently the chief UN weapons inspector. |
2,738 | 2SUPPORTS
| Brno 14. (ČTK) - The biggest problem of social services in Brno is that the public knows little about them. People who give birth to a disabled child or families caring for an elderly person must therefore find out on their own what they are entitled to and where the necessary services will be provided. This follows from the community plan of social services, which was prepared by the city. The wide-ranging document is published on its website and people can submit comments. | In some towns in Moravia, people know little about the possibilities of social services. |
| Jihlava, 3 April (ČTK) - Flood control measures worth around 60 million crowns and the good functioning of the integrated rescue system have protected Třebíč from this year's floods. According to Mayor Miloš Mašek, they protected the lives and property of residents. The danger on the Jihlava River in the Moravia river basin still exists there, but the water level is falling. Above Sázava in Havlíčkobrodsko, however, flood protection measures on the river Sázava in the Vltava basin are inadequate. According to Deputy Mayor Jaroslav Doležal, it is complicated by the ruggedness of the terrain, river tributaries, environmentalists, but should be There is also private ownership of two of the three weirs on the city's river. | The GOP is fighting a rearguard action. |
| FLOOR 12. The high interest of Kladno citizens to vote in the referendum on the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union is evidenced by the number of issued voting cards. The Kladno Magistrate issued a record number of voting cards. A total of 526 Kladno residents will vote outside their permanent residence. "Thus, 355 citizens voted in last year's parliamentary elections," Ladislav Pavlík, a spokesman for the Kladno municipality, told ČTK today. | More than 500 residents will vote outside of Prague. |
| 560 million crowns - 1. December 2007: The sum disappeared from the building of the security agency G4S Cash Services in Prague 3, where, according to police, a van disguised as an agency company car drove into it and loaded stolen money. The police announced a search for the alleged thief, agency employee František Procházka. Later, Czech, European and international arrest warrants were issued against him, but to no avail. Last summer, information appeared in the press that Procházka might be staying on the American continent. | František Procházka did not commit any theft thirteen years ago. |
| Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 ( ČTK ) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a great scandal in the United States. The subsequent high-profile trial and especially the jury's acquittal triggered several days of race riots in a number of cities, which claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial ruling came down 25 years ago, on the 29th. April 1992. | Twenty-five years ago, there was a peace march in the US because the police officers who had brutally attacked black motorist Rodney King were acquitted. |
| Los Angeles/Prague, April 27 (ČTK) - The case began with a photo showing the brutal beating of black motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. The brutal violence of white lawmen has caused a major scandal in the US. The subsequent high-profile trial and, above all, the jury's acquittal triggered several days of racial riots in a number of cities that claimed nearly 60 victims. The controversial verdict was handed down 25 years ago, on 29. April 1992. | Twenty-five years ago, there was a peace march in the US because the police officers who had brutally attacked black motorist Rodney King were acquitted. |
| Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence. | The Czech Republic had to deal with a crisis situation. |
| Prague, 7 March (ČTK) - The Czech Republic took part in the regular NATO international counter-terrorism exercise CMX 2006, which ended today. The crisis staff had to deal with preparations for sending a military unit outside the territory of the republic, measures against terrorist attacks on Prague's public transport and Ruzyne airport, and preparation for the evacuation of Czech experts from abroad. CTK was informed about this by the Ministry of Defence. The purpose of the exercise was to respond to a crisis situation unfolding on the fictitious Raleigh Island in the Atlantic Ocean, which has led to increased activity by terrorist organizations in various parts of the world. The countries that participated in the action then jointly looked for possible solutions to the crisis and at the same time dealt with measures to protect their citizens. The results of the exercise will only be known in the coming weeks. However, according to the ministry, the model action has demonstrated that the state's defence system is able to effectively and efficiently respond to crisis situations in a number of countries. Czech Republic and abroad. | The Czech Republic had to deal with a crisis situation. |
3,092 | 0REFUTES
| Ljubljana/Vienna 10. (ČTK) - The President of the Austrian Parliament, Andreas Khol, provoked angry reactions from Slovenian politicians and representatives of the Slovenian minority in Austria when he denied Ljubljana's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia on the basis of provisions of the Austrian Constitution. He also hinted that there was no urgency to comply with the Constitutional Court's ruling on the right of a minority to bilingual designation of municipalities, because Slovenian-language kindergartens are more important for the minority. | The speaker of the Austrian parliament, Andreas Khol, stressed the importance of Slovenia's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia. |
3,092 | 0REFUTES
| Khol also angered minority leaders in the Austrian Carinthia, when he described their refusal to agree to establish only 147 bilingual names of municipalities as "regrettable." Minority organisations are demanding that the Austrian Constitutional Court's ruling be implemented, according to which every community where more than ten percent of minority members live is entitled to a bilingual sign. About 400 municipalities are said to meet this requirement. | The speaker of the Austrian parliament, Andreas Khol, stressed the importance of Slovenia's right to defend the interests of its minority in Carinthia. |
2,894 | 2SUPPORTS
| Dubai/Cairo/Moscow 25. June (CTK) - A group close to Al-Qaeda in Iraq posted a statement online today saying it had "executed" the Russian hostages it seized on June 3. Along with the statement, according to world agencies, it published on an Islamist website video footage clearly documenting the killing of three kidnapped Russians; the fate of the fourth captive is not yet clear. The tragic culmination of the kidnapping of Russian embassy workers was announced on the very day that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki presented a national reconciliation plan to end sectarian tensions and violence in the country. | In June 2006, Islamic terrorists kidnapped and killed three Russians. |
2,684 | 2SUPPORTS
| Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole. | Giuseppe Verdi was born in Le Roncole, Italy. |
3,257 | 0REFUTES
| The sale of live dolphins is governed by the Agreement on International Trade in Endangered Species, which prohibits such transactions if they could harm the animals. The Solomon Islands, about 1,800 kilometers northeast of Australia, did not sign the agreement. The territory is currently in the throes of a political crisis and ethnic violence, which prompted Australian troops to be sent there this week. Environmentalists accuse Mexican companies of exploiting the crisis in the Solomon Islands. | The Solomon Islands are 3,280km from Australia. |
1,157 | 2SUPPORTS
| This year's Rock for People from 3. Until 6 July, it offers around 170 groups and other individual musicians and artists of all kinds on eight stages. In addition to the record number of performers and stages, the organisers have also prepared the most expensive line-up in the history of the festival, with a budget running into tens of millions of crowns. According to them, advance sales suggest that this year's attendance should beat last year's record of 27,000 fans. | Rock for People is expecting big sales. |
| The Czech lands have been in contact with the Italian cultural environment since the early Middle Ages. A number of projects that present the culture of countries to each other are now also helping to revive relations, which have been severed by years of different political orientations. | Václav Havel visited a conference of oncologists. |
728 | 0REFUTES
| Around 500 American soldiers arrived in the Czech Republic in 115 vehicles, mostly 18-ton Stryker armoured personnel carriers and Humvee off-road vehicles. The so-called Dragoon Ride through six countries is meant to demonstrate the U.S. military's support for European NATO allies who feel threatened by Russian aggression toward Ukraine. | 115 eighteen-ton armored tanks with 500 American soldiers arrived in the Czech Republic. |
2,334 | 2SUPPORTS
| Hradec Králové, July 4 (ČTK) - At one hour before midnight today, the American guitar band The Killers took to the main stage of the Rock for People festival at the airport in Hradec Králové. Their performance culminated the first day of the festival. Above the musicians' heads hung a fluorescent sign reading Sam's Town. This is the name of last year's, second album by the band. Today, The Killers came to present the songs from it to the festival audience. | An American guitar band was playing in Hradec Králové. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| During this struggle, which culminated in 1861 with the creation of the Kingdom of Italy under King Philip II. Vittorio Emmanuel, the cry "Viva Verdi" became a rallying cry for supporters of independence. Among other things, The composer's name could also be understood as an acronym: "Viva V-ittorio E-mmanuele R-e D- 'I-talia," i.e. Long live the King of Italy, Vittorio Emmanuel. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| Verdi, looking like a statesman with his beard and wavy hair under the typical hat, aroused respect wherever he went. He even flirted with the idea of going into politics himself: at 60. He served as a member of parliament for four years, when he temporarily suspended his compositional work. However, it was not the most suitable activity for him and he always voted like his friend Count Cavour, the first prime minister of northern Italian Piedmont. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| Although a century has passed since Verdi's death, Italy still looks to him for inspiration. Opera is still alive in the country, even if it does not reach the boom of its golden age, which peaked in the first decades of the 20th century. century. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| "Verdi's music still lives on in his operas and his humanity, power, vibrant melodies and dramatic truth are now appreciated perhaps more than ever," wrote British scholar Charles Osborne about the composer's work. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| MILAN 19. (ČTK/Reuters) - Opera belongs to Italy in the same way as pizza, pasta or passionate political discussions - and this year Italians will celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest representatives of this music, reports Reuters. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| The popularity enjoyed by the maestro is already evidenced by his funeral, which was attended by more than 200,000 mourners and became a day of national mourning. The coffin was accompanied by a choir of 800 singers. under the baton of legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini, he performed a choral aria from Verdi's opera Nabucco. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| Milan's La Scala, with which Verdi spent most of his creative life, plans to perform 11 of his operas during the year. "For us, it's not just a challenge," says Ricardo Muti, musical director of the opera house. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
2,666 | 2SUPPORTS
| MILAN 19. (ČTK/Reuters) - Opera belongs to Italy in the same way as pizza, pasta or passionate political discussions - and this year Italians will celebrate the anniversary of one of the greatest representatives of this music, reports Reuters. Giuseppe Verdi, who found fame and fortune in the world of opera, has died aged 27. January 1901. He had already become a household name during his lifetime, so it is not surprising that the centenary of his death has given such a music-loving country as Italy an incentive to organise spectacular commemorations. The creators of the popular operas La Traviata, La Traviata, Rigoletto or Aida will be saluted not only by Milan's restored La Scala, but also by opera lovers from all over the world. He was born in the northern town of Le Roncole. | Giuseppe Verdi was interested in music. |
| While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today. | Jaroslav Kaczyński does not know about the location of a US anti-missile base in Poland. |
| The United States wants to station 10 anti-missile missiles in Poland as part of a protective umbrella that would shield the US and parts of Europe from any attack by "rogue" countries such as Iran. The United States wants to build the second part of the shield, in the form of a radar, in the Czech Republic. While polls show that Poles oppose the U.S. anti-missile base, Prime Minister Jaroslav Kaczynski and his twin brother, President Lech Kaczynski, are strong supporters. Warsaw and Washington are still negotiating, however, and a final agreement is not expected before the end of the year, AP reported today. | Jaroslav Kaczyński does not know about the location of a US anti-missile base in Poland. |
3,252 | 2SUPPORTS
| Poor fishermen in the Solomon Islands are selling dolphins for $260 each, Australian Associated Press reported. The dolphins are to become part of a water park where visitors can interact with them. $86 to swim or $47 to pet them. Admission to the park is $28. | Fishermen from Oceania sell a dolphin for $260. |
| Prague 19. (ČTK) - In the current heat, people are at risk of sunstroke, cramps from overheating and exhaustion from overheating, warns the Ministry of Health on its website. In heatstroke, the body's temperature regulation fails, so that in a short period of time it can rise up to 41 degrees and one risks permanent damage to health. and death. Immediate medical help is needed, as well as for cramps and exhaustion from overheating. In case of heat stroke, the victim should not be given anything to drink and must be cooled down until a doctor arrives. With cramps and exhaustion from overheating, you can drink. | Overheating of the human body can cause cramps and exhaustion. |
2,174 | 2SUPPORTS
| Kunčar and Lukáš faced each other in a by-election in January 2014. More successful was the Uherskobrodsky mayor, who in the second round received support from 63 percent of voters, while Lukas (then in ODS colours) got only 34 percent. 37% of the vote. Vícha and Halíková were rivals in the 2012 elections. Vícha, who has been a senator since 2006, defeated his rival in the second round with 59.70 percent of voters. | Kunčar succeeded in the second round of Senate elections. |
1,187 | 0REFUTES
| Prague, 5 May (ČTK) - state-of-the-art special running shoes and underwear, bibs and backpacks, energy drinks From today until Saturday, sports or amateur runners can buy cups and other gifts for the winners of sporting events at the Marathon Sport Expo trade fair, which began today at the Exhibition Centre in Prague's Holešovice. At the moment of the imaginary opening shot, hundreds of runners of all ages filled the Palace of Industry. | The fair for runners will not take place in Prague this year. |
| Sanders leads Clinton by a substantial 15 percentage points in New Hampshire preference polls; by roughly the same margin, however, Clinton leads Sanders nationally. If Sanders wins the Democratic nomination and goes on to win the White House, he would become the first Jewish American president in US history, according to Reuters. | Sanders loved sports. |
2,915 | 2SUPPORTS
| Washington, August 10 (ČTK) - James Holmes, the young man accused of multiple murders during a July screening of the Batman film The Dark Knight Rises, is mentally ill. He tried to get help before the shooting that killed 12 people and wounded 58 others at a Denver-area movie theater, defense attorney Daniel King said in court on Thursday. | James Holmes, the killer of 12 people, is on trial. |
2,915 | 2SUPPORTS
| 23 Denver. (ČTK) - James Holmes, the suspect in the bloody shooting at a Denver movie theater, appeared before a judge for the first time today. Holmes, who could face the death penalty, had his hair dyed red and looked on impassively. The shooting early Friday morning at a showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" left 12 people dead and nearly 60 others wounded. Today's hearing is preliminary. | James Holmes, the killer of 12 people, is on trial. |
2,915 | 2SUPPORTS
| Holmes acted similarly when he made his first court appearance a week ago. He will be arraigned in court today on charges related to the shooting and for planting a large amount of explosives and incendiary materials at his apartment that allegedly could have leveled the building. Nothing is yet known about his motives. | James Holmes, the killer of 12 people, is on trial. |
2,915 | 2SUPPORTS
| Washington, August 10 (ČTK) - James Holmes, the young man accused of multiple murders during a July screening of the Batman film The Dark Knight Rises, is mentally ill. He was trying to get help before the shooting that killed 12 people and wounded 58 others at a Denver-area movie theater, defense attorney Daniel King said in court Thursday. | James Holmes, the killer of 12 people, is on trial. |
| Berlin, May 4 (CTK reporter) - The Italian company Fiat intends to maintain its presence in Germany. Opel and its three main car assembly plants, which the Italians want to enter. This was announced today in Berlin by the German Minister of Economic Affairs, Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, after talks with the General Manager of the Italian group, Sergio Marchionne. However, the minister hinted that there could be a "need for consolidation" at the plant in Kaiserslautern where Opel makes engines. | Fiat makes sail boats. |
4,004 | 2SUPPORTS
| LITOMYŠL (Svitavsko) 17. (ČTK) - The symphonic poem "My Country," staged by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra, today opened the 47th Prague Spring International Music Festival. International Opera Festival Smetana's Litomyšl. Music lovers still have 17 festival days to look forward to, but the organisers are already planning other years, including the anniversary year. This was told to ČTK by the artistic director of the festival, Vojtěch Stříteský. "The festival finale will be very interesting, i.e. Gustav Mahler's Song of the Earth with Jiří Bělohlávek, the Prague Chamber Philharmonic and the great Dagmar Pecková and Austrian tenor Herbert Lippert. I think that will be the icing on the cake," said Stříteský. | The highlight of the festival in Litomyšl will be a performance by Dagmar Pecková. |
4,004 | 2SUPPORTS
| "The festival finale will be very interesting, i.e. Gustav Mahler's Song of the Earth with Jiří Bělohlávek, the Prague Chamber Philharmonic and the great Dagmar Pecková and Austrian tenor Herbert Lippert. I think that will be the icing on the cake," said Stříteský. | The highlight of the festival in Litomyšl will be a performance by Dagmar Pecková. |
2,771 | 0REFUTES
| Prague, 5 July (ČTK) - The Poles will have a very good president in Bronislaw Komorowski, according to Senate President Přemysl Sobotka (ODS). The speaker of the lower house, Miroslava Němcová (ODS), told ČTK that she welcomes the election of Komorowski as Poland's new president. Both of them, together with the new Czech Prime Minister and ODS chairman Petr Nečas, agreed that Czech-Polish relations would continue to be at a very good level. | Komorowski will not become Poland's new president. |
2,771 | 0REFUTES
| Komorowski, from Prime Minister Donald Tusk's liberal Civic Platform (PO), will become Poland's president for the next five years. With 95 percent of the votes counted, according to the Central Election Commission, he has 52.6 percent of the vote, while his rival, the head of the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has 47.4 percent. The early presidential elections were triggered by a tragic event in April this year, when the twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, President Lech Kaczynski, died in a plane crash in western Russia. | Komorowski will not become Poland's new president. |
2,771 | 0REFUTES
| Prague, 5 July (ČTK) - The Poles will have a very good president in Bronislaw Komorowski, according to Senate President Přemysl Sobotka (ODS). The speaker of the lower house, Miroslava Němcová (ODS), told ČTK that she welcomes the election of Komorowski as Poland's new president. Both of them, together with the new Czech Prime Minister and ODS chairman Petr Nečas, agreed that Czech-Polish relations would continue to be at a very good level. Komorowski, from Prime Minister Donald Tusk's liberal Civic Platform (PO), will become Poland's president for the next five years. With 95 percent of the votes counted, according to the Central Election Commission, he has 52.6 percent of the vote; his rival, the head of the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has 47.4 percent. The early presidential elections were triggered by a tragic event in April this year, when the twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, President Lech Kaczynski, was killed in a plane crash in western Russia. | Komorowski will not become Poland's new president. |
3,253 | 2SUPPORTS
| Poor fishermen in the Solomon Islands are selling dolphins for $260 each, Australian Associated Press reported. The dolphins are to become part of a water park where visitors can interact with them. $86 to swim or $47 to pet them. Admission to the park is $28. | In the Solomon Islands, a dolphin sells for $260. |
1,082 | 2SUPPORTS
| Plzen 12. (ČTK) - Inspectors from the Czech Trade Inspection Authority seized counterfeit branded goods worth 15 million crowns on Saturday in Železná Ruda, Klatovy. As usual, the owners could not be found. This was told to ČTK today by the director of the Pilsen CTIA, Václav Havlík. Iron ore (Klatovsko) 24. (ČTK) - Inspectors of the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTI), together with customs officers and police officers, seized counterfeit branded goods worth tens of millions of crowns at a market in Železná Ruda today. About 100 people checked in. No one claimed the goods. This was told to ČTK by the director of the Pilsen branch of CTIA, Václav Havlík. | During an inspection at a market in Železná Ruda, Klatovy region, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority seized counterfeit branded goods worth 15 million crowns. |
| The tradition of the Brno Sixteen dates back to 1960. It is one of the most important amateur film festivals even on a global scale, as evidenced by the interest of filmmakers from distant countries such as Mexico, the Philippines and Nepal. This year's event will begin on the 14th. The event will take place on October 10th at the Art cinema, where the show organized by the Tourist Information Centre has found a home in recent years. It will take four days. | People from South America are interested in Brno's sixteen. |
| 560 million crowns - 1. December 2007: The sum disappeared from the building of the security agency G4S Cash Services in Prague 3, where, according to police, a van disguised as an agency company car drove into it and loaded stolen money. The police have announced a search for the alleged thief, agency employee František Procházka. Later, Czech, European and international arrest warrants were issued against him, but to no avail. Last summer, information appeared in the press that Procházka might be staying on the American continent. | František Procházka embezzled almost 600 million crowns in 2007. |
2,879 | 2SUPPORTS
| Prague 23. (ČTK) - The Party of Citizens' Rights - Zemanovci (SPOZ) allegedly mentioned fake sponsors in an official report from 2010. This was reported by Mladá fronta Dnes (MfD), which contacted people from the list of sponsors. Some said they had never given money to the party. He denies any wrongdoing. | According to Mladá fronta Dnes, some of those on the official list of sponsors of the Citizens' Rights Party said that they had never given any money to the party. |
2,879 | 2SUPPORTS
| "All donors have signed a proper donation contract with us," party vice-chairman Martin Nejedlý told the daily. The MfD did, however, speak with Frantisek Cecava, 73, who donated 25,000 crowns to the party, according to the report. "Not then. They got nothing like that from me. I am a pensioner. I wouldn't be able to afford it at all," Cecava told the newspaper. The report includes his full name, date of birth and residence. According to the MfD, there are more similar cases. | According to Mladá fronta Dnes, some of those on the official list of sponsors of the Citizens' Rights Party said that they had never given any money to the party. |
2,879 | 2SUPPORTS
| Prague 23. (ČTK) - The Party of Citizens' Rights - Zemanovci (SPOZ) allegedly mentioned fake sponsors in an official report from 2010. This was reported by Mladá fronta Dnes (MfD), which contacted people from the list of sponsors. Some said they had never given money to the party. He denies any wrongdoing. "All donors have signed a proper donation contract with us," party vice-chairman Martin Nejedlý told the daily. The MfD did, however, speak with Frantisek Cecava, 73, who donated 25,000 crowns to the party, according to the report. "Not then. They got nothing like that from me. I am a pensioner. I wouldn't be able to afford it at all," Cecava told the newspaper. The report contains his full name, date of birth and place of residence. According to the MfD, there are more similar cases. | According to Mladá fronta Dnes, some of those on the official list of sponsors of the Citizens' Rights Party said that they had never given any money to the party. |
2,449 | 2SUPPORTS
| RPG Byty is the largest private provider of rental housing in the Czech Republic. The company acquired the flats from its parent company RPG Industries, co-owned by entrepreneur Zdeněk Bakala, which bought them in 2004 together with OKD. In the privatization contract, it undertook that in the event of selling apartments, it would offer them to tenants under non-market conditions. But that didn't happen. Now the entire company is being sold. | RPG Byty belongs to the portfolio of RPG Industries. |
2,449 | 2SUPPORTS
| RPG Byty acquired tens of thousands of apartments from its parent company RPG Industries, co-owned by financier Zdeněk Bakala. It bought them in 2004 from Karbon Invest together with the mining company OKD. In the privatisation contract, it undertook that in the event of a transfer, it would preferentially offer the flats to existing tenants under non-market conditions, which it did not do. The company does not plan to sell off the entire housing stock. | RPG Byty belongs to the portfolio of RPG Industries. |
2,449 | 2SUPPORTS
| RPG Byty is the largest provider of rental housing in the country. It acquired the flats from its parent company RPG Industries, co-owned by financier Zdeněk Bakala. The company bought them in 2004 from Karbon Invest together with the mining company OKD. In the privatization contract, it undertook that in the event of a transfer, it would preferentially offer apartments to existing tenants under non-market conditions, which it has not yet done. | RPG Byty belongs to the portfolio of RPG Industries. |
4,313 | 2SUPPORTS
| It's not easy to choose the greatest scientist of all time, but one of the most successful inventors is certainly Thomas Alva Edison, who was born 156 years ago in Milan. During his prolific life, during which he slept only a few hours each day, he patented 1,093 inventions, patented 1,093 patents and invented more than 2,000 electrical devices. and mechanical devices. From 1876, he worked in Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he established the world's first industrial research laboratory. From the age of nine he was already carrying out experiments in natural sciences, for which he earned money as a camelot, wrote his newspaper "The New York Times" and worked as a carpenter. He telegraphed. Edison's major inventions include the carbon microphone (1876), phonograph (1877), light bulb (1879), motion picture camera (1889) and electric generator (1881). This wise and profoundly humane man died on the 18th. October 31, 1931 in West Orange, USA. | The light bulb was invented in the late 19th century. century. |
4,398 | 2SUPPORTS
| Komorowski, from Prime Minister Donald Tusk's liberal Civic Platform (PO), will become Poland's president for the next five years. With 95 percent of the votes counted, according to the Central Election Commission, he has 52.6 percent of the vote, while his rival, the head of the right-wing populist Law and Justice (PiS) party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has 47.4 percent. The early presidential elections were triggered by a tragic event in April this year, when the twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, President Lech Kaczynski, died in a plane crash in western Russia. | Jaroslaw Kaczynski won 47.4 percent of the vote in the 2010 presidential election. |
| Catalan authorities said some 2.26 million voters took part in Sunday's ballot and around 90 percent of them voted for independence. Madrid considers the vote illegal and has tried to thwart it. According to Catalan authorities, around 900 people were injured in violent clashes with police accompanying the vote. | A large majority voted in favour of autonomy for the region of Catalonia. |
| Kiev 22. February ( ČTK ) - Ukraine's border guard service has banned former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili from entering the country until 2021. According to Unian, the reason is an illegal crossing of the Polish-Ukrainian border in September last year. Saakashvili was arrested in Kiev ten days ago and deported to Poland. | The former president of Georgia has been banned from doing business in Ukraine. |
387 | 0REFUTES
| Tank battle at Ořechov 24. In April 1945, World War II ended in this part of the country. About 960 Russian and 275 German soldiers were killed. Thirty-five Soviet tanks and vehicles were destroyed, and 80 percent of the village was wiped out. Twenty people died and 176 homes were destroyed. An event in the village is commemorated by a memorial. | During the reconstruction of military battles, Ořechov omitted the battle from 24. April 1945. |
2,580 | 0REFUTES
| European carmakers are increasingly focusing on emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia and China because of weak demand in Europe. Volkswagen, for example, announced today that it intends to double its sales in China by 2015 to between 1.6 and 1.8 million vehicles. By 2013, Škoda Auto plans to expand its sales network in China by a third to 400 points of sale. At the end of last year, it had 305 stores with about a hundred dealers. | The European car market is managing to maintain high demand. |
2,580 | 0REFUTES
| Volkswagen is the largest car manufacturer in Europe. By 2018, it aims to overtake rivals Toyota and General Motors to become the world's biggest carmaker. The company has been able to increase sales thanks to strong demand growth in China and the United States. | The European car market is managing to maintain high demand. |
2,580 | 0REFUTES
| In recent years, the carmaker has been able to compensate for weaker demand in Europe by increasing sales in emerging markets. Now, however, the company is struggling in some of these markets with falling demand and the negative effects of weak currencies, while the European car market is gradually recovering. | The European car market is managing to maintain high demand. |
2,980 | 2SUPPORTS
| Dubai/Cairo/Moscow 25. June (CTK) - A group close to Al-Qaeda in Iraq posted a statement online today saying it had "executed" the Russian hostages it seized on June 3. Along with the statement, according to world agencies, it published on an Islamist website video footage clearly documenting the killing of three kidnapped Russians; the fate of the fourth captive is not yet clear. The tragic culmination of the kidnapping of Russian embassy workers was announced on the very day that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki presented a national reconciliation plan to end sectarian tensions and violence in the country. | In the video, Russian captives are executed by a terrorist group. |
2,980 | 2SUPPORTS
| Along with the statement, footage was posted online of four Russians standing in front of a dark red background, looking straight ahead and speaking Russian. The record is 13. In it, the captives list their names and job titles at the Russian embassy - third secretary, cook, driver and guard. | In the video, Russian captives are executed by a terrorist group. |
2,980 | 2SUPPORTS
| Along with the statement, footage was posted online of four Russians standing in front of a dark red background, looking straight ahead and speaking Russian. The record is 13. In it, the captives list their names and job titles at the Russian embassy - third secretary, cook, driver and guard. Kidnappers 3. In June, four employees of the Russian embassy in Baghdad were captured and another killed. To free the Russians, they demanded that Moscow withdraw its troops from Chechnya and release Muslims held in Russian prisons. Monday, the kidnappers said. They gave Moscow a 48-hour ultimatum to meet their demands, then announced on Wednesday that the Muslim advisory council had decided to kill the hostages. | In the video, Russian captives are executed by a terrorist group. |
2,980 | 2SUPPORTS
| Then the editing follows and the camera captures the "execution" of three Russian prisoners, namely the beheading of one blindfolded man, the decapitated body of another. One of the captives is lying in a pool of blood, with one of the gunmen standing over him, and a third captive has been shot. The video bears the logo of al-Qaeda and is undated. Both beheadings apparently take place in a room with white walls. The shot from the shooting of the third prisoner is outdoor and takes place in an alley between buildings. | In the video, Russian captives are executed by a terrorist group. |
| Prague 13. (ČTK) - In Prague, more than 6,700 announced demonstrations took place in the second half of last year. In the whole year, there were about 11,000 protest rallies. Deputy Mayor Rudolf Blažek (ODS) said this at a press conference today. Since July, security officials have pre-emptively banned one rally and disbanded another on the spot, according to the undersecretary for security. "In the second half of last year, 6,737 announced gatherings took place in Prague," Blažek said. According to him, employees of the Trade Licensing and Civil Administration Department had to monitor the situation in twelve cases directly on site. Blažek recalled that the amendment to the Police Act confers authority to dissolve an assembly on a municipal representative. "This amendment thus transfers to the relevant officials of the Prague City Hall additional responsibility, which previously belonged exclusively to the police authority," noted the Deputy. | In the second half of 2008, almost 7,000 demonstrations took place in Prague. |
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