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43,804 | 1,202 | 31 | 452 | 3,241 | C'est bon. Je ne vais pas prier.> La jeune femme écoutait alors qu'il se vantait un peu, un sourcil qui exaltait. A - t - on beaucoup parlé dans ce pays étranger? Il avait l'air gonflé, à ses oreilles. Surtout avec son manque d'enthousiasme. Elle l'étudiait quand elle a remarqué que son comportement changeait. Il a été très excité par ce qu'elle a dit, la faisant reculer un peu. "Je, euh. C'est si spécial? J'ai entendu dire qu'il y avait une paire d'armes qui pouvaient se manier l'une l'autre."
Au moins, il était énergique maintenant. | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,800 | 1,202 | 27 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Après qu'elle eut levé de leurs sièges, elle ne put que remarquer que la fille à côté d'elle avait aussi pris le pied de son siège. Seulement avec un gland derrière son dos, elle a pu voir que la fille était au moins une demi-tête plus courte puis elle-même. Ce n'était pas raisonnable qu'elle ait l'air mignonne. La petite fille a dit que ses cheveux étaient assez inhabituels. Elle n'y a jamais pensé comme ça. Aucune des personnes qu'elle avait rencontrées dans sa vie ne mentionnait même ses cheveux violets. Elle a pris une poignée de quelques cheveux dans son bang les tordant avec le dessus de ses doigts tout en les regardant avec une légère bouche ouverte. Les pensées au sujet de ces temps lui sont revenues un peu comment elle a rencontré toutes les personnes dont elle s'intéressait et ainsi de suite. Mais pas un d'entre eux à qui elle pouvait penser (ce qui s'est vraiment passé. Les gens l'avaient mentionné plusieurs fois mais elle était distrait pendant qu'elle était là)
Elle monta lentement dans l'escalier vers Dimitri dans la pensée profonde. Avant qu'elle sache que Dimitri était allongée sur ses genoux. Sa main continuait d'attaquer les gros gars presque chauves. Elle faisait ça tout le temps avec son chat et il l'aimait donc il n'y avait aucune raison de ne pas le faire maintenant. Le grand gars a lentement levé sa propre indépendance à nouveau assis debout tandis que Victorica ses mains où toujours s'éloigner de lui. Elle s'est sentie un peu surprise qu'il n'aimait pas tant que ça, mais elle a laissé un petit sourire. Le groupe ne cessait de grossir autour de l'arrière de la salle de classe alors que la petite fille se présentait d'abord avec Dimitri après cela.
Elle a levé le doigt vers son menton lentement en essayant de comprendre ce qu'il vient de dire. Le grand gars a déjà continué à parler à nouveau alors qu'elle bourdonnait tranquillement à elle-même "Holmes sympa de rencontrer Dimitri." Attends que ce n'était pas bien ce que c'était encore "Dimitri toi! Ravi de vous rencontrer... Holmes?" Elle n'en avait aucune idée et était définitivement confuse par elle. Elle a réfléchi un peu plus longtemps avant de se défouler et de tourner le visage vers les deux "Oh... Mon nom est Victorica, ravi de vous rencontrer Kalinda et Dimes." Son discours était très lent et d'un ton ennuyeux, mais elle n'arrêtait pas de sourire aux trois. Son regard était focalisé sur le nouveau garçon tandis que sa bouche était encore légèrement ouverte après la conversation. Le garçon venait d'entrer dans le groupe sans même qu'elle s'en rende compte. Elle a continué à regarder un peu plus longtemps avant de laisser ses pensées "Oh... Hai." Elle avait déjà fini avec le garçon et a commencé à faire ses propres choses. Comme pourquoi Kalinda était soudainement si hanté. Elle se leva de nouveau et fit un pas à Kalinda en accouchant son petit corps pendant que la fille ses propres bras où toujours autour d'elle. Elle s'est sentie comme si elle devait embrasser la fille la voyant si seule tout d'un coup. Sa poignée n'était pas serrée mais juste un câlin lâche ne ferait pas de mal.
(Modification Grammar nécessaire) | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,801 | 1,202 | 28 | 452 | 3,241 | Ju-Long
"c'est...c'est bon. Kalinda a répondu, se déplaçant sur une chaise. Ju-Long a regardé ses actions pendant un moment. Oh mec! Maintenant, elle s'éloigne des autres. Attends, c'était un blush? Ne vous laissez pas distraire! Elle se tient pour elle-même. Qu'est-ce que je fais? Qu'est-ce que je fais? Attends, est-ce qu'elle... elle pense à quelque chose... ce n'est pas à propos de ce qui s'est passé... mais quelque chose dans son passé? Ne t'en fais pas! J'ai besoin d'essayer de réparer ça!
Mon frère, il faut qu'elle se sente mieux.
Fais pleurer les filles!
Elle ne pleure pas! Je ne l'ai pas fait pleurer! Quoi qu'il en soit, je ferai ce que je peux.
Il protesta auprès de ses frères et sœurs.
Il a commencé à se rendre à Kalinda, quand Victorica est allé dans un câlin à Kalinda. Il semble que Victorica était plus sensible et plus douce que son impression dormante initiale. Ju-Long s'inclina profondément devant Kalinda. -- Je suis vraiment désolé! Il s'est encore excusé. "Mon nom est Ju-Long. S'il vous plaît ne pensez pas que je suis une personne qui regarderait délibérément sous des jupes ou quelque chose comme cela." Il a tenté de rectifier ses actes.
"Um... Je suis une arme. Vous vous demandez peut-être quel type, mais je préfère ne pas en discuter pour le moment. En tout cas, ravi de vous rencontrer." Ju-Long a décidé de poursuivre son introduction après cela, offrant une main pour une poignée de main. Espérons qu'elle prendrait la main comme signe de bonne volonté. | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,802 | 1,202 | 29 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda a été plus que choquée quand Victorica l'a serrée, et a semblé geler un moment au contact, en particulier d'un étranger, mais aussi parce que cela lui a vraiment fait sentir comme une enfant comme la fille plus grande l'a serrée. Mais la fille semblait être gentille.
Kalinda ne savait pas quoi faire.
"Tu me fais me sentir comme un enfant" Kalinda a murmuré, essayant de trouver un moyen de sortir du câlin sans blesser les filles. Elle ne savait pas combien elle pouvait en prendre, car cela lui rappelait des nuits froides, emballées ensemble pour la chaleur avec Amy. Elle soupira doucement, et réussit à s'éloigner à l'approche de Ju-Long, lui offrant sa main.
"Oh. Et bien. Euh. Je ne pensais pas ça. Je n'aurais pas dû réagir comme ça." Elle répondit en acceptant la main offerte. Elle a trouvé son commentaire bizarrement... bien étrange. Elle clignait, et se demandait si elle devait voir son âme, mais décidait que cela pourrait être une intrusion. Elle s'est repliée en regardant ailleurs, "um. Quelqu'un a besoin d'un Miester? Parce que j'ai besoin d'une arme" Alors qu'elle parlait, les pensées de Kalinda rugissaient dans sa tête. Non, qu'est-ce que tu fais? Sérieusement, ça vient de sortir ça? À quoi pensait-elle? Elle n'arrivait pas à croire qu'elle venait de faire ça, et elle mordait sa lèvre en regardant loin d'eux tous. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,806 | 1,202 | 33 | 1,966 | 2,617 | Ju-Long
Avec Kalinda accepter sa main Ju-Long a commencé à se détendre. Au moins, les choses semblent mieux maintenant. Ouf.
Faites plus attention à votre environnement!
Tu vas devenir l'ennemie des femmes si tu recommences!
Ju-Long regarda Kalinda échapper à la main de Victorique. D'après leur apparence, c'était presque comme s'ils étaient soeurs. Victorique a ensuite déménagé à Dimitri. On dirait qu'elle est quelqu'un qui s'entend avec toutes sortes de gens.
Kalinda a ensuite mentionné la nécessité d'une arme.
"non. Quelqu'un a besoin d'un Meister? Parce que j'ai besoin d'une arme"
"Eh bien, d'après ce que je sais, dans notre petit groupe de 4 ici, nous avons deux Meisters, vous-même et Dimitri, et une arme, moi-même. Eh bien Victorique, êtes-vous une arme ou une meister?" Ju-Long se tourna pour demander à Victorique, mais elle dormait maintenant sur Dimitri.
"Eh bien, ça ne me dérange pas de t'associer, mais seulement si tu en as envie. Bien sûr, si vous vous sentez prudent, je comprends vos préoccupations. Quoi qu'il en soit, étiez-vous un étudiant de l'EAT ou un non étudiant? Ou peut-être un nouvel étudiant?" Il a demandé à Kalinda avant de se tourner vers Dimitri. " Et toi Dimitri? EAT ou NON ou nouvel étudiant?"
Ju-Long n'a pas demandé à Victorique parce qu'elle dormait. | Name: Katsuo Masahige
Age: 17
Gender: M
Home: Osaka, Japan
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Katsuo is a utility-type meister with excellent physical conditioning and prowess. Due to the meticulous degree that he was looked after, he was kept fit and trained vigorously in many forms of weaponplay. He's good at fencing, medieval, and feudal swordsplay. He has also taken a liking to a rough and adaptable style when it comes to wielding others weapons. Katsuo has proven to be exceptionally durable to pain. His Soul Wavelength is palpable, even without the use of a weapon, and is only explainable by those that has studied his "unique trait".
Unique Traits: Katsuo was born with two souls or Twin Souls as others have dubbed it. Different from having a "Mixed Soul", in which the person is augmented by foreign flesh, Katsuo has two obviously different ones. The extent of his anomaly is unknown but several factors have been verified. He is capable of wielding different Weapons with varying wavelengths, theoretically special weapons, and even some specially tailored to his capabilities. Through accepted tests, its been proven that his soul(s) is several times more resistant to direct attacks.
Skills: Katsuo is a powerful meister that through training has become several times more resilient than the average human. His speed and strength are also a notch above most humans. He has practiced in basic martial arts but is supremely more dangerous when he has a weapon in his hands.
Weapon Preference: Katana Type - Scythe Type - Any Type
Bio: Katsuo is the child of a male human and female demon weapon. Upon birth, he was discovered to have two souls and was placed under watch by Death Academy. How he obtained this second soul or why his mother had died during the birthing process with... oddities was peculiar. After the father committed suicide, the DWMA took him in. For the majority of his life, Katsuo was studied and experimented on. He's been kept from other students as they gauged his abilities and the offsets of having two souls in the same body. Recently he has been declaring, rather openly, that he wishes to interact with others. And is going out his way to interrupt, fight, and make studying him difficult.
Courageous +
Driven +
Versatile +
Stubborn -
Selfish -
Short Tempered -
Strawberry Ice Cream
Strawberry Yogurt
Other Facts
Soul Resonance comes easy to him when it comes to his weapons.
Soul abilities however are harder for him to learn.
He sees his life as a prison sentence.
Beethoven calms him to a comical degree. |
43,809 | 1,202 | 36 | 452 | 3,241 | Regan Hiryuu
Elle a regardé le garçon passer par plusieurs cycles d'émotion avant de se concentrer sur la question à portée de main. "Oui, un partenaire. Peut-être même deux, si tu avais l'impression de pouvoir. Certains meisters font ça, même si ça pourrait être difficile. J'ai besoin de trouver une meister avec qui j'appartiens, moi-même. Tu veux être mon partenaire, Katsuo-san? Je vais laisser mon arme te surprendre. » Elle glousse doucement et lui fait un clin d'œil ludique. Si elle va travailler avec lui, elle devrait être personalisée.
Elle regarda les autres qui les entouraient. L'une dormait de nouveau, tandis que les autres continuaient de converser. On dirait que l'autre fille voulait continuer à embêter celle qui dormait. Elle pouvait entendre leurs âmes, commençant lentement à tisser leurs chants ensemble. C'était plus difficile à entendre dans cette pièce, et elle ne pouvait que deviner que cela deviendrait plus difficile alors qu'ils passaient plus de temps ici, et l'air devenait plus saturé dans l'eau de Kyokun. | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,810 | 1,202 | 37 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Le poke doux dans son côté de la rouquine a fait son toucher au début avant d'ouvrir un oeil pour voir qui c'était. Elle a glacé à Kalinda pendant une minute sans s'en rendre compte, mais elle a encore donné une aura un peu plus effrayante puis ussual. Elle ferma l'œil encore un peu en tordant son corps pour que son visage se déplace sur Dimitri son épaule un peu plus pour le confort. Elle n'a murmuré qu'un peu à Kalinda avant d'essayer de se recoucher. Après s'être réveillée comme ça, elle n'a pas écouté les conversations qui se déroulent dans la classe. Le son de quelque chose de dur s'accroche légèrement à ce que les dents présomptueuses où savoir par la distance et les sons de la bouche, pouvait être entendu de près. Elle a noté que Dimitri avait commencé à manger des bonbons qui se faisaient aussi assez faim. Mais c'était à beaucoup de la peine de demander s'il avait plus de bonbons. Malgré elle devrait essayer de se relever sans s'évanouir. L'eau du kyokun lui a vraiment coûté cher. Son âme n'était pas aussi forte que ce qui n'était que pour le pire. Elle a essayé de changer de tête pour obtenir un endroit encore confortable et a pris un petit endroit sur l'épaule de Dimitris qui était un peu plus près du ciel pour l'instant. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,808 | 1,202 | 35 | 377 | 26,013 | Alors que Victorique s'endormit de nouveau, Kalinda s'assit encore une fois à côté d'elle, et semblait penser un moment, avant de la mettre de nouveau sur le côté, mais doucement cette fois, sans se soucier particulièrement du fait qu'elle s'était de nouveau endormie. Kalinda voulait juste la cogner. Comme Dimitri a récupéré une sucette, Kalinda a clignoté sur les bonbons. Elle n'a pas trouvé étrange le comportement de Dimitri sur les bonbons, mais elle aurait préféré qu'elle en ait elle-même.
Elle soupirait doucement, presque avec ardeur. Candy était quelque chose de rare pour elle. Elle s'est déplacée en regardant Ju-Long quand il s'est exprimé, en train de froisser. Elle n'était pas particulièrement préoccupée par le fait de s'associer, alors elle a dit : « J'ai tendance à être capable de m'associer avec beaucoup d'armes. Je n'ai pas vraiment trouvé d'arme avec laquelle je ne peux pas travailler." Ce qui n'a fait que compliquer la recherche d'une arme. Souvent, elle a trouvé qu'il a fallu beaucoup plus puis être juste en mesure d'aligner votre âme avec une arme pour maintenir un partenariat efficace.
La proximité était quelque chose qu'elle n'aimait pas particulièrement. Après tout, tous ceux qu'elle aimait étaient... partis. « Eh bien, j'ai rejoint l'académie pour me battre, donc j'étais étudiant en EAT. Mais apparemment, j'ai fait assez bien pour être ici" Elle a dit, avec un shrug, se penchant sur sa chaise. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,807 | 1,202 | 34 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri, content d'écouter tranquillement de ses mains et de regarder les autres interagir, étouffa un petit ronflement pendant qu'il les regardait. Tout le monde se comporte si doucement, comme s'ils n'essayaient pas de comprendre à l'avance toutes les petites choses qu'ils devaient faire pour paraître normales. Je me demande si c'est comme ça qu'on traîne. Il s'est amusé juste avant de sentir la Victoire pousser contre lui à nouveau Et ceci il y a ceci.. Dimitri une fois de plus tendu, cependant cette fois après avoir vu Victorique interagir avec Kalinda, il serait en quelque sorte venu à s'attendre à ce que l'espace personnel pourrait être un peu étranger pour elle.
Il a pris quelques instants pour faire en sorte que son corps se détende, pour s'habituer à être en contact physique avec quelqu'un de son âge sans dire contact physique étant soit lui les frapper ou ils le frapper. Après un certain temps, Dimitri a montré presque aucune réponse à la proximité de la fille sauf pour un léger changement pour se permettre un peu plus de confort. La sensation soudaine sur ses cheveux se brossant l'épaule et le bras a provoqué l'alarme de la mâchoire de Dimitri, cependant un coup d'œil rapide dans sa direction l'a convaincu de se calmer une fois de plus. Est-ce qu'elle a de la narcolepsie? Elle dort assez facilement autour d'étrangers.. Le jeune homme s'est retrouvé tiré de ses pensées une fois de plus alors que Ju-Long envoyait une question à son chemin, attraper Dimitri un peu à l'écart, mais à sa propre surprise, il fut capable de se remettre rapidement, "Moi? En fait, je suis assez nouveau. J'étais censé être placé dans l'EAT, mais ils ont fini par me mettre ici pour... bien, je suppose que ce que je peux faire.".
Malgré son apparence un peu stoïque vers l'extérieur, Dimitri rayonnait en interne au fait qu'il avait effectivement réussi à parler à quelqu'un sans bégaiement. Il avait même réussi à regarder Ju-Long plutôt que ses mains cette fois. Décider de se récompenser pour avoir agi normalement pour un changement, Dimitri a commencé à fusiller dans ses poches, en veillant à ne pas déranger Victorique alors qu'il tirait une sucette à la chaux de sa poche. Après avoir déballé le bonbon et l'avoir mis dans sa bouche, Dimitri sourit un peu comme le goût de la chaux le frappait, complètement inconscient de la façon dont il aurait pu chercher quelqu'un comme lui pour être heureux sur quelque chose d'aussi simple qu'un morceau de bonbon. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,805 | 1,202 | 32 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique sentait la fille se battre dans ses bras et chaque fois qu'elle se heurtait à l'un de ses bras, elle lâchait un peu. C'était encore agréable d'avoir une fille aussi chaude, petite et plutôt mignonne dans ses bras comme ça. Elle a fait un petit sourire et a fermé les yeux pendant un moment, laissant sa tête pencher contre le dessus de la sienne pour profiter de la chaleur juste un peu plus. La fille elle-même pensait de la même façon que ça apparaissait mais elle n'a pas trouvé beaucoup d'indice dans le câlin étant agaçante alors elle a continué un peu plus pour lui faire sentir mieux bien que la différence de taille a certainement fait un peu embarrassant, il semble qu'ils étaient frères ou tout ce qui le long de ces lignes.
Kalinda est sortie de son emprise en s'éloignant d'un petit peu et a continué à parler au pervers qu'ils venaient tous les deux de rencontrer tandis que Victorique a fait un pas en arrière et s'est assise près de Dimitri à nouveau. Le grand n'avait pas tort d'être avec lui non plus. Elle sentit son côté se mettre légèrement contre le sien. Il n'était pas aussi chaud que celui de kalinda mais il se sentait assez relaxant et l'attitude du garçon semblait beaucoup plus accessible que la petite rouquine.
Elle regarda tranquillement les deux autres qui parlaient tout en sentant lentement ses yeux retomber à nouveau. Ce n'était pas mal pour elle de s'endormir à nouveau, n'est-ce pas? Elle ne s'est pas inquiétée de toute façon, alors elle n'a pas essayé d'arrêter la tentation. Ses paupières sont tombées quand elle s'est endormie. Elle restait assise dans la même posture avant de tomber lentement vers Dimitri son côté. La distance entre elle et Dimitri n'était pas grande, alors elle l'a à peine senti quand sa tête s'est jetée sur son épaule. Ses cheveux sont tombés le long de sa tête couvrant certaines parties de son visage alors qu'elle a commencé à piquer légèrement pendant son sommeil. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,811 | 1,202 | 38 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri a déplacé un peu les bonbons dans sa bouche alors qu'il a décidé de tester un peu les eaux alors qu'il semblait toujours capable de parler correctement, « Je cherche moi-même un partenaire. J'espérais un type d'arme contondant, mais je serais d'accord avec tout ce qui n'est pas trop compliqué." Il pouvait sentir Victorique se nicher contre son bras plus cependant cette fois-ci, il a à peine réagi, ne donnant une secousse errante dans le coin de sa bouche qu'il a brièvement regardé vers elle, puis de nouveau vers les autres.
La meister a commencé à croquer les bonbons dans ses dents alors qu'il examinait les étudiants qui n'étaient pas dans son voisinage immédiat. La première tentative de tourner la tête était moins que gracieuse, la légèreté de son corps l'a causé à tous, sauf lui casser la tête dans une direction, causant un peu d'inconfort dans son cou. Dimitri grimaça alors qu'on lui rappelait douloureusement les effets de l'eau de kyukon et essaya de nouveau un peu plus soigneusement. Alors qu'il balayait lentement la pièce, il a pris note du fait que les deux nouveaux arrivants conversaient, et un ha a commencé à regarder autour de la pièce beaucoup comme Dimitri était. Dimitri a regardé loin et s'est mis à grouiller le cou pour voir s'il y avait quelqu'un vers l'arrière de la pièce qu'il avait manqué. Il y en avait en effet une; une jeune femme, cependant par le regard sur son visage Dimitri pouvait dire qu'elle n'était pas exactement dans les meilleures humeurs en ce moment. Il s'est retourné et a regardé mort devant l'horloge. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,812 | 1,202 | 39 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda a lâché sur le "Wh-hat" presque enfantin de Victorique? Elle a deviné que Victorique se débattait avec l'effet des eaux du Kyukon. Alors que Kalinda n'aimait pas cela, elle pensait juste que cela en faisait partie, mais s'inquiétait soudainement que la fille plus âgée ne serait pas assez forte pour continuer avec cette classe, surtout si elle continuait à la renforcer.
"Rien. Reste éveillé. Vous ne serez pas en mesure d'être plus fort avec l'effet de l'eau si vous succombez juste à dormir" Elle a dit, la remuant doucement. "ce n'est pas si mal, allez. Parle. Quel type d'arme êtes-vous?" Elle a demandé dans une tentative boiteuse de la garder éveillée. Kalinda savait que ce serait plus facile demain pour Victorica si elle pouvait passer aujourd'hui. La résistance s'accumule et tout.
Alors que Dimitri se cramponnait sur sa Candy, Kalinda soupirait. Elle pensait qu'elle pouvait juste faire des cupcakes ou quelque chose pour satisfaire sa douce dent. C'était peut-être mieux que des bonbons. Mais Candy était... yum. Elle a regardé Victorica. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,817 | 1,202 | 44 | 446 | 7,203 | Si vous vous évanouissez, quittez la pièce. Si vous vous endormissez sous les effets de Kyukon, vous ne pourriez pas vous réveiller à nouveau, Une voix douce dit de derrière le groupe. D'une certaine façon, Alisa avait réussi à traverser la pièce et à les rejoindre sans que personne ne s'en rende compte.
"L'eau va continuer à drainer votre longueur d'onde jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste plus rien. S'endormir ici, c'est un peu comme s'endormir avec l'hypothermie." Apparemment fait avec son explination, Alisa s'assit dans le siège ouvert le plus proche et ferma les yeux à nouveau, non pas en dormant, mais en méditant. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,816 | 1,202 | 43 | 1,966 | 2,617 | Katsuo Masahige
Il s'est emparé la main dans sa poche et avec l'orteil de sa botte, a frappé le sol à plusieurs reprises. Un chuckle l'a quitté alors qu'il s'inclinait la tête et souriait à son commentaire, même si elle regardait les autres autour d'eux.
« Bien sûr », a-t-il dit, se tournant pour regarder les autres aussi. Tous deux semblaient assez compatibles, sinon semblables. " On dirait que ce sera amusant. Etre votre partenaire n'est pas tout."
C'est ainsi qu'il s'est approché et s'est emparé du poignet, la traînant avec lui aux autres. Bien qu'il ait gardé les mots des médecins dans le fond de son esprit, il a aussi senti qu'il devait être lui-même. Sinon, il ferait juste un mauvais service à son nouveau partenaire. Une fois qu'il s'est approché d'eux, il a lâché sa main douce et les a accueillis avec une légère vague.
"Yooo, je ne me souviens pas si je me suis présenté ou pas mais," Il a nettoyé sa gorge avec trois toux bouche fermée avant de continuer. " Je suis Katsuo Masahige. C'est un honneur de vous rencontrer." | Name: Katsuo Masahige
Age: 17
Gender: M
Home: Osaka, Japan
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Katsuo is a utility-type meister with excellent physical conditioning and prowess. Due to the meticulous degree that he was looked after, he was kept fit and trained vigorously in many forms of weaponplay. He's good at fencing, medieval, and feudal swordsplay. He has also taken a liking to a rough and adaptable style when it comes to wielding others weapons. Katsuo has proven to be exceptionally durable to pain. His Soul Wavelength is palpable, even without the use of a weapon, and is only explainable by those that has studied his "unique trait".
Unique Traits: Katsuo was born with two souls or Twin Souls as others have dubbed it. Different from having a "Mixed Soul", in which the person is augmented by foreign flesh, Katsuo has two obviously different ones. The extent of his anomaly is unknown but several factors have been verified. He is capable of wielding different Weapons with varying wavelengths, theoretically special weapons, and even some specially tailored to his capabilities. Through accepted tests, its been proven that his soul(s) is several times more resistant to direct attacks.
Skills: Katsuo is a powerful meister that through training has become several times more resilient than the average human. His speed and strength are also a notch above most humans. He has practiced in basic martial arts but is supremely more dangerous when he has a weapon in his hands.
Weapon Preference: Katana Type - Scythe Type - Any Type
Bio: Katsuo is the child of a male human and female demon weapon. Upon birth, he was discovered to have two souls and was placed under watch by Death Academy. How he obtained this second soul or why his mother had died during the birthing process with... oddities was peculiar. After the father committed suicide, the DWMA took him in. For the majority of his life, Katsuo was studied and experimented on. He's been kept from other students as they gauged his abilities and the offsets of having two souls in the same body. Recently he has been declaring, rather openly, that he wishes to interact with others. And is going out his way to interrupt, fight, and make studying him difficult.
Courageous +
Driven +
Versatile +
Stubborn -
Selfish -
Short Tempered -
Strawberry Ice Cream
Strawberry Yogurt
Other Facts
Soul Resonance comes easy to him when it comes to his weapons.
Soul abilities however are harder for him to learn.
He sees his life as a prison sentence.
Beethoven calms him to a comical degree. |
43,815 | 1,202 | 42 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda a été amusée par la réaction de Victorica, lui disant quelle arme elle était, mais apparemment se rendant compte qu'elle n'avait pas dit qu'elle était une arme. Kalinda sourit, et se haussa : « Je pourrais avoir de la chance de deviner. Mais, eh bien, les armes se tiennent différemment. C'est faible, mais... c'est là. Je ne peux pas vraiment l'expliquer. Mais j'observe les gens depuis que je peux comprendre que les gens étaient différents" a-t-elle expliqué, se penchant vers l'avant.
Elle sourit à Dimitri alors qu'il leur offrait des bonbons, et en prit une avec empressement, la mettant dans sa bouche, et l'appréciant pendant quelques instants, avant de continuer à parler, «merci!» Elle sourit à nouveau, heureuse d'avoir des bonbons, et se rapprocha de Victorica à mesure que l'aînée se balançait, lui donnant un peu de soutien. " Oudachi? C'est une arme plutôt cool. Ne pensez pas que j'en ai jamais utilisé, mais encore assez cool" Elle a dit, maintenant juste bavarder dans un effort pour garder Victorica éveillé.
"Survivre à la leçon, et je vais faire des cupcakes" Elle a ajouté, museuseusement, mais se demandait si elle avait réellement les provisions pour cupcakes à la maison. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,814 | 1,202 | 41 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Comme Dimitri a fini sa sucette, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sentir que sa douce dent n'avait pas encore été satisfaite. L'homme est entré dans sa poche pour en produire une seconde lorsqu'il a senti plusieurs fois une paire d'yeux sur lui. Il regarda Kalinda et Victorique avec un peu d'une expression perplexe pour un peu avant qu'il ne se lève sur lui. Sa mère avait toujours dit que la plupart des femmes avaient tendance à avoir une dent sucrée, et il semblait que ces deux là ne font pas exception. Dimitri a creusé dans sa poche un peu plus et a produit quatre sucettes tout comme Victorique a commencé à devenir woozy, "H-hey, vous allez bien?" Il a demandé alors qu'il hésitait à tendre la main pour maintenir l'arme. Étant donné que Dimitri était un grand garçon avec beaucoup d'endurance à épargner, l'eau de kyukon a fait peu pour l'affecter, en plus de faire de lui un peu lugubre et de le forcer à bouger plus soigneusement, donc il était à un peu de perte en ce qui concerne ce qu'il faut faire pour aider. En fin de compte, Dimitri a fini par faire la seule chose qu'il pouvait vraiment en ce moment et a offert à Victorique un morceau de bonbons, « Peut-être que vous n'avez pas assez mangé et cela rend l'eau plus difficile à supporter... Je sais que ce n'est pas beaucoup, mais ici, peut-être que du sucre aidera. Tu peux en avoir un aussi Kalinda, je veux dire, si tu veux...". | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,813 | 1,202 | 40 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Elle a grondé à la fille levant ses jambes sur le banc maintenant un tournant immédiat tout le devant de son corps vers le dos penché dans une position comme une croûte. Elle a encore grondé en voulant vraiment mal dormir, mais elle a cédé quand elle a regardé la rouquine son joli petit visage qui la regardait. Elle s'assit debout prenant le fardeau de Dimitri ses épaules et clignotait quelques fois avec ses yeux encore un peu endormis. Ses mains élancées s'élevaient vers ses yeux pour aller les frotter avant de regarder la rouquine légèrement ouverte à la bouche. Elle a fait un petit clin d'œil à Kalinda "Tu as peut-être raison à ce sujet" Elle a dit lentement avant d'éviter ses yeux au bruit de fissuration de l'autre côté d'elle. Cela lui rappelait que Dimitri était toujours assise à côté d'elle. Au début, elle regardait attentivement les bonbons, mais bientôt elle a essayé de laisser Dimitri lui donner des bonbons en regardant son visage pendant quelques minutes en voulant vraiment des bonbons, mais ce n'était probablement pas une raison pour Dimitri de lui en donner. Elle aurait probablement dû lui donner de l'argent en échange de ça qu'elle n'avait manifestement pas beaucoup. Mais il y avait encore une possibilité qu'il lui en donne de toute façon.
Elle a senti un petit poke de doigt dans son côté à nouveau faisant sa concentration aller vers la rouquine à nouveau. Elle a tourné la tête sans savoir ce qu'elle voulait d'elle. Après l'avoir entendue, elle a réfléchi un moment et a recommencé à parler : « Oh, je suis une Odachi. Un peu comme l'épée japonaise le Katana. Ça n'avait pas d'importance pour elle de savoir comment elle l'a découvert. Elle a dû dire à la rouquine qu'elle était une arme. Peut-être qu'elle l'a dit à la fille dans son sommeil? Ce genre de choses lui arriverait de temps en temps. Elle a commencé à étirer son corps, d'abord ses bras vers le haut dans le ciel pour étirer son dos qui se sentait très à l'aise, alors qu'elle était là elle a également étiré ses bras tout en donnant un grand bâillon. Elle semblait d'abord très irritée par elle, mais reprit lentement à son ancien moi. Ses paupières se fermèrent à mi-chemin en regardant devant elle. Elle se sentait un peu agitée et, en effet, elle se balançait lentement de gauche à droite, sentant plutôt somnolente ne pas pouvoir faire quoi que ce soit à ce sujet. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,823 | 1,202 | 50 | 1,966 | 2,617 | Katsuo Masahige
" Bien sûr qu'ils ne l'ont pas fait, ils ne sont pas aussi rapides que nous. Il va leur prendre des siècles, peut-être encore plus juste pour voir si leur compatible. Toi et moi, on ne fait que cliquer." louait la jeunesse alors qu'il souriait largement à la fille hte. Pour une raison quelconque, il s'est senti un peu plus. Juste un peu plus que ce qu'il était quelques secondes avant.
Il a grimpé son cou d'un côté à l'autre, sa main adoucissant les muscles taquins sous la peau. Rester en retard n'était pas la chose la plus intelligente à faire hier soir. Quand il a fini par s'évanouir, il a été placé dans un angle bizarre, son cou se penchant contre sa tête de lit. Merde, ça fait vraiment mal, il s'est plaint à lui-même. | Name: Katsuo Masahige
Age: 17
Gender: M
Home: Osaka, Japan
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Katsuo is a utility-type meister with excellent physical conditioning and prowess. Due to the meticulous degree that he was looked after, he was kept fit and trained vigorously in many forms of weaponplay. He's good at fencing, medieval, and feudal swordsplay. He has also taken a liking to a rough and adaptable style when it comes to wielding others weapons. Katsuo has proven to be exceptionally durable to pain. His Soul Wavelength is palpable, even without the use of a weapon, and is only explainable by those that has studied his "unique trait".
Unique Traits: Katsuo was born with two souls or Twin Souls as others have dubbed it. Different from having a "Mixed Soul", in which the person is augmented by foreign flesh, Katsuo has two obviously different ones. The extent of his anomaly is unknown but several factors have been verified. He is capable of wielding different Weapons with varying wavelengths, theoretically special weapons, and even some specially tailored to his capabilities. Through accepted tests, its been proven that his soul(s) is several times more resistant to direct attacks.
Skills: Katsuo is a powerful meister that through training has become several times more resilient than the average human. His speed and strength are also a notch above most humans. He has practiced in basic martial arts but is supremely more dangerous when he has a weapon in his hands.
Weapon Preference: Katana Type - Scythe Type - Any Type
Bio: Katsuo is the child of a male human and female demon weapon. Upon birth, he was discovered to have two souls and was placed under watch by Death Academy. How he obtained this second soul or why his mother had died during the birthing process with... oddities was peculiar. After the father committed suicide, the DWMA took him in. For the majority of his life, Katsuo was studied and experimented on. He's been kept from other students as they gauged his abilities and the offsets of having two souls in the same body. Recently he has been declaring, rather openly, that he wishes to interact with others. And is going out his way to interrupt, fight, and make studying him difficult.
Courageous +
Driven +
Versatile +
Stubborn -
Selfish -
Short Tempered -
Strawberry Ice Cream
Strawberry Yogurt
Other Facts
Soul Resonance comes easy to him when it comes to his weapons.
Soul abilities however are harder for him to learn.
He sees his life as a prison sentence.
Beethoven calms him to a comical degree. |
43,822 | 1,202 | 49 | 452 | 3,241 | Regan Hiryuu
« J'ai hâte de travailler ensemble. » Regan s'incline poliment car Katsuo accepte sa suggestion, mais avant de pouvoir faire beaucoup d'autres choses, il la dirigeait vers les autres étudiants, qui discutaient entre eux. Elle a laissé Katsuo se présenter d'abord, avant de suivre, "Regan Hiryuu. Je suis sûr qu'une bonne année nous attend."
C'était un sacré groupe de bandits, n'est-ce pas? Ça semblait être une dynamique intéressante, certainement. Elle pouvait l'entendre. Mais, en regardant ces autres réunis devant elle et Katsuo, elle devait se demander. "Quelqu'un d'entre vous a-t-il décidé de qui vous voulez être votre partenaire?" | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,818 | 1,202 | 45 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique tourna la tête vers Dimitri pour lui dire qu'elle allait bien tout en agitant un peu sur place. Elle avait quand même l'air d'essayer de lutter contre le sommeil. Les autres n'avaient pas l'air d'avoir beaucoup de problèmes avec l'eau, même la rouquine qui était plus petite qu'elle ne semblait pas avoir été touchée d'aucune façon. Ses yeux se faufilaient lentement sur le loliop qui se tenait devant elle. Elle l'a d'abord regardé avant de le prendre et de regarder Dimitri avec un regard dormant à moitié heureux sur son visage. Elle a lentement déballé le loliop et l'a mis dans sa bouche. Elle sourit gentiment à Dimitri tout en parlant avec le loliop toujours dans sa bouche "Merci beaucoup"
Sa tête se retourna à nouveau en sentant la petite rouquine essayer de la soutenir. Elle lui sourit d'abord avant de s'appuyer lentement sur elle avec un regard un peu inquiet sur son visage. Elle poussait souvent des gens plus petits quand elle ne veillait pas. Elle ne savait pas si elle était plus lourde ou plus maladroite que tout le monde. Ses joues refont un peu entendre qu'elle était un genre assez cool d'arme. Elle ne savait pas comment y répondre et est restée silencieuse pour l'instant. La rouquine lui a donné un bon marché. Rester éveillé pour le temps restant de la leçon lui donnerait des cupcakes gratuits d'une fille mignonne. Elle a hurlé avec joie à la petite fille maintenant vraiment essayer de garder ses yeux ouverts.
Certains des autres étudiants ont commencé à se joindre à d'autres. On dirait qu'il y avait déjà une paire d'armes et de meister. Ils ont été prompts à décider quel genre de partenaire ils voulaient. Mais elle ne pouvait pas nier que ça ne marcherait pas. Elle était cependant hantée par l'étudiante en solo derrière eux. Il lui a fallu du temps pour comprendre ce que la fille disait. Elle a tourné la tête "Est-ce que c'est vraiment si fort?" Elle fixait la fille légèrement ouverte bouche avec almos le loliop tombant de sa bouche. Elle a regardé en arrière devant son murmure un peu sous sa respiration "Je ne peux pas échouer ça." | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,820 | 1,202 | 47 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Le pervers de nouveau parlé vers Dimitri le taquiner un peu, il n'avait probablement pas voulu seulement donner aux deux filles des bonbons mais n'importe qui d'autre qui le voulait. Ou il l'a fait pour les filles qu'elle ne voulait pas du tout. Elle aimait les bonbons et elle l'a eu, donc il n'y avait rien à se plaindre là-bas. Le gars avait quelque chose d'autre à ajouter sur la fille son explication à Victorique. C'était bizarre d'avoir ces symptômes sous cette concentration de l'eau. Cela lui faisait sentir un peu mal, ou c'était elle étant si faible ou c'était une cause différente du problème à venir. Elle s'est regardée un peu en train de murmurer : "Ça va continuer à devenir plus dur." Ils vont continuer à augmenter la concentration d'eau pour les rendre tous plus forts, mais si elle n'est même pas capable de maintenir un jour dans cette classe. Elle ne voulait pas retourner à son ancien cours.
Elle réfléchit tranquillement à ne produire que des sons doux de suce de la sucette, elle ne prêta pas beaucoup d'attention aux choses qui se passaient autour d'elle, la laissant hors de sa garde. Elle devait faire de son mieux pour rester dans cette classe à partir d'aujourd'hui. Un coup de poke dans son côté lui fit à nouveau relâcher une petite tape tandis qu'elle tourna lentement la tête vers la rouquine plus heureuse moins tsundere. Elle se demande pourquoi elle est si heureuse tout d'un coup et pourquoi elle est si heureuse de la soudoyer pour continuer à travailler dur. Ses yeux ont saisi la sucette dans sa bouche. Elle sourit en pensant à comment elle était comme chaque enfant qu'elle connaissait. Ils deviennent heureux quand ils obtiennent la plus petite des friandises. Elle s'est un peu serrée la main pour ne pas essayer de le montrer à la fille à beaucoup. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,819 | 1,202 | 46 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
Ju-Long sourit en regardant les trois autres interagir. "Oi! Vous offrez des bonbons aux deux filles, mais pas à moi, qu'est-ce que c'est? Je ne suis pas ton ami? Awww.... tellement méchant!" Ju-Long a plaisanté à Dimitri, se levant et marchant pour se tenir à ses côtés, tapotant légèrement son côté avec gaieté. "Ou est-ce que tu essayes de prendre les filles? "Oui?" Ju-Long a plaisanté, avec un grand sourire ludique.
Il n'est probablement pas comme toi. Je veux dire qui pense qu'une fille est un Tsundere et regarde leur jupe? Espèce de pervers.
Je plaisantais avec lui pour une fois, et arrête de me faire passer pour un pervers! Tu vas me faire pleurer ici!
Il semblait que la Victorique était une odachi, Hm... semblable à vous les gars, dans un certain sens. Un autre type d'épée, mais avec un but différent. Il a fait une note. -- Alors, quand pensez-vous que la prochaine leçon va commencer? lui a - t - il demandé. D'autres semblaient venir au groupe. Une paire avait été faite, le gars qui est venu tard s'est présenté, Katsuo Masahige.
Une voix douce est venue de derrière, "Si vous vous endormissez sous les effets de Kyukon, vous ne pourriez pas vous réveiller à nouveau. L'eau va continuer à drainer votre longueur d'onde jusqu'à ce qu'il ne reste plus rien. S'endormir ici, c'est un peu comme s'endormir avec l'hypothermie. » Ju-Long s'est retourné.
Vous l'avez remarquée?
Bien sûr que si.
Non, c'est pas vrai!
Préviens-moi la prochaine fois.
Tu sais pourquoi
« Bien que ce soit vrai, il est peu probable que cette concentration le fasse. Mais si vous avez des problèmes avec cette concentration, il sera plus difficile quand il y a des concentrations plus élevées. Ce n'est pas une progression linéaire, c'est une progression exponentielle. Donc vous devriez vous préparer" Ju-Long ajouté à l'explication de la Victoire. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,821 | 1,202 | 48 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri a fait signe que Kalinda et Victorique acceptaient son offre. Il était sur le point d'offrir Ju-Long un quand Katsuo est entré dans l'image en venant et se présentant lui-même. Dimitri a essayé de ne pas le montrer, mais il commençait à devenir un peu dépassé un nerveux entouré de tant de gens. La meister a fait un petit saut car le nombre de personnes près de lui a été encore augmenté grâce à Alisa. Ok, c'est... non, c'est bien. Je suis entouré de gens et je n'agis pas bizarrement. Il faut continuer à faire ça. Continuer à ne pas agir socialement inepte jusqu'à la fin de la classe.. Dimitri a commencé à glisser dans un état plus réservé, mais il a réussi à offrir une faible salutation à Katsuo.
La nervosité s'est encore intensifiée alors que Ju-Long se plaignait de ne pas se faire offrir de bonbons "Désolé, je voulais vous en offrir un aussi, c'est pour ça que j'en ai sorti quatre." Dimitri a dit avant de placer une sucette sur son bureau et de le glisser dans la direction de Ju-Long. Peut-être que c'était l'eau de kyukon au travail, ou même ses propres nerfs, mais Dimitri a commencé à se sentir encore plus léger, comme s'il flottait à une seconde de son siège. La sensation était étrangère et bien qu'elle ait pu être agréable au début, elle commençait à rendre Dimitri mal à l'aise. Il a commencé à appuyer sur ses poings contre son bureau - une habitude nerveuse qu'il avait développé autour de l'école secondaire - et a concentré un peu de sa longueur d'onde de l'âme dans ses poings pour se sentir un peu plus stable. Le bureau faisait un bruit éclaboussant et s'inclinait un peu de la tension, ce qui l'obligeait à s'enrouler un peu dans sa capacité pour éviter de crever le bureau. Il lui a fallu quelques-uns pour trouver la quantité parfaite de pression à appliquer sur le bureau sans la forcer ou se faire sentir trop léger, mais une fois qu'il a été fait, il a lâché un souffle d'allégresse tandis qu'il a finalement senti la stabilité revenir à lui. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,828 | 1,202 | 55 | 446 | 7,203 | Sans un mot, Alisa a posé sa main sur le bras du grand garçon. Elle bourdonna un peu, un son profondément résonnant qui semblait correspondre au bourdonnement silencieux de l'âme de Dimitri, et ferma les yeux.
"Tu as une âme lourde." Elle a dit de se retirer. "Peut-être que tu ferais un bon partenaire, en supposant que n'importe qui puisse vouloir une arme comme moi. Vous semblez avoir de la difficulté à le contrôler. Peut-être..."
Elle s'enfuit alors qu'une femme marchait dans la pièce et se dirigeait tout droit vers le bureau de l'enseignante, laissant le dossier qu'elle tenait et se couchant immédiatement la tête. Elle semblait faire une sieste.
"Hé," a dit Alisa, promotion de la Victorique "N'importe quelle relation?" | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,825 | 1,202 | 52 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Au-dessus des bruits de loli pop, elle a entendu un léger bruit de fissuration venant juste à côté d'elle. Elle tourna la tête vers l'endroit d'où venait le bruit et découvrit bientôt que c'était Dimitri son bureau qui faisait un tel bruit de dieu. Sa tête était légèrement inclinée comme à essayer de questionner ce qu'il faisait avec son bureau. Il n'avait pas l'air bien non plus, était-ce qu'il avait des problèmes avec l'eau aussi? Elle s'est cognée légèrement sur sa manche en essayant d'attirer son attention tandis que les deux n'essayent pas de l'irriter trop après qu'il était tellement en colère contre la rouquine "Ça va? Vous n'avez pas l'air bien, avez-vous des problèmes avec l'air aussi?" Après qu'elle eut fini avec Dimitri sa tête tournée vers la rouquine à nouveau après qu'elle eut repris un sujet assez intéressant. Le garçon était un vrai expert sur l'eau de Kyoun. Il devait être dans la classe EAT avant que cette unité spéciale ne soit faite. Puis elle a remarqué que la rouquine n'avait pas l'air d'aller bien. Est-ce qu'elle a lâché par hasard une partie de sa poudre triste sur ces deux-là à côté d'elle. Son visage aussi s'attriste lentement de ne pas savoir comment encourager les deux. Au moins, elle avait une idée. Elle a piqué la joue de la rousse deux fois de façon timide. Elle a fait un sourire doux et a commencé à parler au petit "Ne sois pas triste maintenant." | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,827 | 1,202 | 54 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda regarda Victorique comme elle la poussa, et dit de ne pas être triste. Elle soupira doucement, et regarda de nouveau. "Je ne suis pas triste. Je me sens... seule », a-t-elle dit simplement, une fois de plus, en pensant à la fin des cours. Elle se méfiait du fait que Victorica semblait lui parler comme si elle était enfant. Kalinda était sûre qu'elle ne pouvait pas être plus jeune de deux ans que la fille aînée, mais elle pensait qu'elle avait l'air plus jeune, donc elle n'a pas insisté sur le fait.
Ça allait si bien... pourquoi j'ai dû tout gâcher? Elle pensa à elle-même, regardant le bureau, mais à la fissure étouffée, elle s'inclina, et regarda à moitié hors de sa chaise, mais détendue comme elle voyait que c'était juste Dimitri. Elle clignait sur le bureau éparpillé, et fronça une fois de plus. Quelque chose ne va pas avec Dimitri? Combien de force faut-il pour faire ça? C'était juste de la force et des nerfs?
Elle se tenait de son demi-croûte, et se dirigeait vers le nerveux Dimitri, voyant qu'il était très proche d'une rupture. "Hé" dit-elle, se penchant contre le bureau, elle a réussi un petit sourire, "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,829 | 1,202 | 56 | 452 | 3,241 | Regan Hiryuu
Son partenaire semblait tout à fait confiant sur la façon dont ils s'entendraient. À un certain point, elle devait être d'accord, mais n'était-il pas un peu trop confiant? Peu importe. Il est juste plus... américain qu'elle. "Aah, ta confiance est inspirante, Katsuo-san." Regan sourit doucement au jeune homme, bien que la conversation à proximité lui attrape l'oreille. Il lui a rappelé que tout le but était de s'entraîner. Droite... elle soupire doucement et transforme sa main gauche en une poulie, s'accrochant à l'effet de l'eau sur elle pour devenir plus apparente.
Elle se penche contre le bureau à côté d'elle, se mettant sur sa nuque, avant qu'elle ne remarque l'inconfort de Katsuo. "Tu te sens bien?" Il avait l'air douloureux. Ça ne devrait pas être un effet secondaire de l'eau, non? Alors, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? Ça ne semblait pas sérieux, donc elle n'était pas inquiète, mais quand même. Elle saute légèrement quand Dimitri casse son bureau, mais ne le regarde qu'un moment avant de regarder son partenaire. D'autres parlaient déjà à Dimitri. | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,831 | 1,202 | 58 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda soupira comme quelqu'un d'autre semblait prendre le relais, et s'en prend à Dimitri. Ses yeux sont retournés à la personne endormie au bureau. Elle n'avait pas l'air d'une étudiante, alors peut-être qu'elle était enseignante? Si c'était le cas, elle ne devrait pas être réveillée? L'eau ne pourrait pas lui faire du mal, si elle dormait.
Elle regarda Victorique, ayant oublié qu'elle s'était penchée sur Ber. Elle rougissait, et regardait loin, mais fronçait en voyant l'autre fille la regarder. Presque sans esprit. Elle s'est cognée, elle s'est penchée sur le bureau, quoi? Bon sang, si tu veux tant regarder, je te donnerai une photo" pourquoi elle la fixait. Elle s'est approchée, Kalinda l'a poussée, pour voir si elle était vraiment consciente.
Elle regarda à nouveau le professeur, inquiet maintenant. Elle n'avait pas fait un geste, et Kalinda ne voulait vraiment pas de drame aujourd'hui. C'était assez mauvais jusqu'à présent. Elle a regardé Victorique une fois de plus. "Je pense qu'elle est à l'école. Devrions-nous la réveiller?" | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,824 | 1,202 | 51 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
"Désolé, je voulais vous en offrir un aussi, c'est pour ça que j'en ai sorti quatre." Dimitri a répondu à la blague de Ju-Long. Avec une sucette qui lui a été envoyée, Ju-Long l'a ramassé. "Oh, je plaisantais, mais merci!" Il sourit, déballa la sucette et la sauta dans sa bouche. Il semble que c'était une saveur de chaux, Ju-Long n'a pas exactement aimé la chaux, mais ce n'était pas mal. Ses frères et sœurs cependant....
Urg... chaux... crachez-le déjà!
Non, c'est pas vrai! La chaux, c'est bon!
C'est assez vous deux, je ne peux pas m'arrêter parce que ce serait impoli. Occupe-toi de ça, Min.
"Alors, Pervy, tu sembles assez bien connaître l'eau. Je n'en ai jamais entendu parler avant aujourd'hui. C'est une façon inhabituelle de nous garder sous contrôle. Ont-ils peur de nous?" Avec la soudaineté de Kalinda qui l'a traité de pervers, il a fait face à la table. Pervy! C'est quoi, ça?
Pervy! C'est quoi, ça?
Calmez-vous tous les deux!
"Um... Kalinda, ça te dérange de ne pas m'appeler comme ça?" il a demandé, soupirant. Se recomposer, Ju-Long a commencé à expliquer ce qu'il savait de l'eau kyukon. "Eh bien, l'eau de kyukon est un liquide magique qui draine la longueur d'onde de l'âme des gens. On dit que la source de l'eau provient du légendaire renard à neuf queues, mais elle n'est pas sûre de la façon dont elle se produit. D'après ce que j'ai lu au moins. Quoi qu'il en soit, on a dit aux meisters d'utiliser cette eau pour autonomiser leur longueur d'onde de l'âme. Cette méthode d'entraînement est généralement faite par des meisters qui peuvent effectuer des attaques d'âme. J'ai entendu dire que les armes sous leur forme d'armes n'étaient pas affectées, mais je ne sais pas à quel point c'est vrai. Cette méthode d'entraînement est dangereuse, comme si la longueur d'onde de l'âme était complètement drainée, ils mourront. Habituellement, il est dans un pot, et les gens commencent par insérer l'extrémité d'un doigt dans le pot. Tandis que leur longueur d'onde de l'âme se renforce, ils finissent par mettre leur main dedans, avant de commencer à en boire des portions. En buvant, ne prendre que de très petites gorgées. Il est inhabituel qu'il devienne une brume. »
Ju-Long a lancé beaucoup d'informations sur l'eau du kyukon, avant de répondre à la question de Kalinda sur la peur. « Bien qu'il ait été utilisé comme un élément de retenue, il est en fait assez inefficace comme l'âme apprend à renforcer sa longueur d'onde. Il est difficile de l'utiliser pour la retenue sur de longues périodes. En toute honnêteté, je ne pense pas qu'ils aient peur. Ils appliqueraient des sceaux magiques s'ils avaient peur. Ils voudront peut-être nous renforcer dès que possible. » Ju-Long a fini par interpréter la situation.
Regan s'est présentée et a demandé s'ils avaient encore des partenaires. "Bon de vous rencontrer Regan. Je ne sais pas si tu nous as déjà entendus, mais de toute façon, je m'appelle Ju-Long, le grand gars ici est Dimitri, la fille endormie est Victorique, et la tête rouge là-bas est Kalinda. Aucun d'entre nous n'a encore décidé d'un partenaire." | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,826 | 1,202 | 53 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri moitié a écouté ce que tout le monde parle, mais il n'a pas donné sa propre contribution. Dans des circonstances normales, ce serait simplement en raison de son manque d'expérience sociale, mais en ce moment le sien était tellement absorbé en essayant de garder sa longueur d'onde de l'âme à un certain niveau qu'il était tout simplement incapable de donner une réponse. Il a brièvement levé les yeux quand il a entendu Ju-Long dire son nom, mais comme l'arme parlait actuellement à quelqu'un d'autre, Dimitri est revenu à sa tâche sans manquer un battement. Il était difficile de garder sa longueur d'onde allant à un rythme constant en raison de l'eau, cependant Dimitri se sentait comme s'il commençait à obtenir la suspension des choses. Ou au moins il l'a fait jusqu'à ce que Victorique s'assoie sur sa manche. Bien qu'il ait fait un petit pas dans la bonne direction en ce qui concerne le fait d'être touché, l'action soudaine quand il avait été si préoccupé a provoqué Dimitri à bousculer, et par conséquent, perdre de vue ce qu'il faisait. Il y avait un bruit de fissuration étouffé sous la main gauche de Dimitri, et quelques scissions dans la toile d'araignée en bois sorti de sous son bras moyen.
Le maître a fait une expression mortifiée alors qu'il s'arrêtait et levait les mains pour examiner les dégâts. Il semblait que soit, l'eau du kyukon était plus efficace qu'on ne le pensait à l'origine, le bureau était plus épais qu'il n'en avait l'air, soit le bureau était fait de bois très fort, car l'épicentre intérieur de la fissure n'était que de la taille d'un demi-dollar, bien qu'il n'ait pas fait grand-chose pour apaiser son inquiétude. Le front de Dimitri a commencé à perler de sueur, "Oh douce mort le professeur va être énervé quand il voit les dégâts. S'il vous plaît pour l'amour de tout doux et approprié laissez-moi avoir l'argent pour remplacer les dégâts.C'est ce que j'ai dit. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,835 | 1,202 | 62 | 446 | 7,203 | L'enseignante a roulé sa tête loin du braquage et a agité un peu sa main.
"Oui, oui, je m'appelle Lillian et je suis votre deuxième professeur. Les présentations sont terminées, se mêlent ou déjeunent ou... quelque chose. Si vous avez des questions embêtez Kain avec eux..."
Après cette introduction incroyablement paresseuse, Lillian s'est endormie. Allisa secoua la tête et se leva.
-- Eh bien, je suppose que la classe est congédiée pour l'instant. Je retourne dans ma chambre."
Elle s'est déplacée vers la porte, se déplaçant lentement et précisément. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,830 | 1,202 | 57 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Il n'a même pas fallu 3 secondes avant que le bruit de fissuration ne s'aggrave. Sa tête a tiré un peu sur ce qui se passait avec Dimitri. Était-il si en colère en ce moment. Elle lâcha sa manche et regarda silencieusement l'endroit sur la table qui venait d'être révélé par Dimitri prenant sa main sur l'endroit de fissuration. Ce n'était pas tout à un accord énorme, mais Dimitri semblait toujours plutôt excuser de causer des dommages à la propriété de l'école. Elle a placé ses mains entre ses collants et a regardé loin de Dimitri murmurant un peu à elle "Désolé, ma faute." De nulle part, elle sentait Kalinda s'éloigner d'elle, mais l'eau de Kyon avait baissé un peu sa vitesse de réaction calme, la faisant tomber sur le banc alors qu'elle pouvait à peu près laisser une gâchis s'échapper de la bouche de poule. Elle avait compté sur Kalinda juste un peu à beaucoup. Un bruit fort retentissait à travers la classe alors qu'elle tombait. Elle se leva de nouveau et frotta le côté de sa tête.
L'autre fille qui lui avait donné des cours sur l'eau de Kyon était de nouveau venue en plus de Dimitri son bureau demandant s'il voulait s'associer avec elle. Cela a fait comprendre à Victorique qu'elle n'avait pas encore de partenaire. Elle a regardé la salle de classe, mais elle n'a pas vu beaucoup de gens à choisir. Ses yeux s'emparèrent de la tête rouge, la faisant regarder silencieusement pendant un moment avec sa bouche légèrement ouverte. Elle a été prise hors de son air moment par la nouvelle femme entrant dans la salle de classe. Ses yeux suivent la femme à son bureau alors qu'elle s'est mise à dormir. Elle sourit joyeusement à sa pensée sur comment ça aurait pu être sa mère. L'autre fille a aussi commenté la femme à Victorique. Elle n'a pas vu la personne avant. Elle a secoué la tête de la fille avant de continuer à regarder la tête rouge. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,832 | 1,202 | 59 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri a regardé dans le centre de la fissure sans mots comme si le secret de la vie elle-même serait révélé par le petit trou. Les dégâts étaient à peu près insignifiants, et n'importe quelle personne normale le considérerait soit fou ou non apologétiquement stupide pour obtenir aussi travaillé comme il était à ce sujet. À vrai dire, ce n'était pas seulement le crack dans le bureau, plutôt une combinaison de tout ce qui se passait sur ce qui l'ennuyait. La fissure était simplement la bougie au sommet du gâteau, et son esprit - dans une tentative subconsciente d'éviter une rupture mentale de la surstimulation - a décidé de fixer sur cette seule chose plutôt que tout à la fois. Plusieurs voix ont été enregistrées dans l'esprit de Dimitri, dont certaines semblaient lui être dirigées. C'était une combinaison de ces, et le fait qu'il ait été touché une fois de plus qui a arraché Dimitri de son daze. La meister lâcha un souffle qu'il ne comprit pas qu'il tenait avant que chacun des mots qui lui étaient adressés ne se ressaisisse assez pour qu'il réponde à chacun de façon cohérente.
C'était comme si son cerveau était sur le pilote automatique, à la recherche de la première réponse qui semblait appropriée et allant avec : d'abord est venu Kalinda qui exprimait son inquiétude, "Je vais bien, juste un peu de plaisanterie est tout. C'est un peu nouveau pour moi.« Ensuite, Alisa qui semblait s'intéresser à un partenariat, « Ça me va... je ne suis pas le choix de la portée moi-même. » Il a répondu sans réfléchir pleinement à travers les mots, la dernière est venue Victorique, qui semblait se blâmer pour ce qu'il avait fait, "Pas votre faute. J'ai juste un peu de mal à m'adapter à tout ça.". Ce fut quelques secondes après la dernière réponse qu'il sortit de la bouche lorsqu'il se rendit compte que l'une des trois déclarations n'était pas comme les autres. Dimitri était à une perte de savoir s'il devait se frapper dans la tête ou se taper sur le dos car il s'est rendu compte qu'il venait juste d'accepter de s'associer avec quelqu'un. D'une part, il aurait pu juste surmonter un problème sérieux, d'autre part, il ne connaissait pas Alisa de la part de Joe moyen, et il ne savait pas non plus quelle sorte d'arme elle était ou ce qu'elle pouvait faire. Dimitri envisagea momentanément de rétracter son accord, mais quelque chose lui dit de ne pas le faire. Se préoccupait-il de la façon dont Alisa réagirait, de la crainte de ne pas trouver un partenaire au-delà d'elle, ou peut-être d'une certaine forme d'intuition qui le gardait tranquille? Ce seraient des questions pour plus tard, en ce moment tout ce qui comptait, c'est que Dimitri avait quelqu'un qui s'intéressait au moins à être son arme. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,833 | 1,202 | 60 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique a de nouveau été arrachée de sa transe par la rouquine. Elle a fait un visage irrité alors qu'elle se faisait piquer mais elle souriait encore à la tête rouge rougissante. C'était plutôt mignon de la voir rougir comme ça. Elle s'est levée et s'est sentie un peu enroulée mais a immédiatement enveloppé ses bras autour de la fille et a commencé à l'embrasser en se couchant la tête contre Kalinda pendant qu'elle lui parlait gentiment et chaleureusement « S'il vous plaît faire ». Elle a laissé tomber la tête rouge, elle n'a probablement même pas aimé le câlin et a essayé de s'en sortir de toute façon. Dimitri avait commencé à parler à tous et il semblait qu'il essayait encore de rester calme. Ça aurait été un problème s'il avait soudainement éclaté et blessé quelqu'un. Elle lui sourit doucement pour avoir entendu ses paroles sur elle et lui répondit immédiatement : « Je sais ce que tu veux dire. Prenez un peu de temps." Elle l'a regardé une fois de plus se sentir un peu moins à ne pas devenir son partenaire potentiel.
Elle n'avait aucune idée de qui était encore libre en tant que meister sauf Kalinda. Bien sûr Kalinda était l'une des rares qu'elle aimerait vraiment essayer en tant que partenaire. Elle l'a regardée un peu plus longtemps sur le point de parler, voulant ouvrir la bouche et le dire, mais a été arrêtée par Kalinda qui parlait. Ce qui a fait un regard de Victorique sur le professeur une fois de plus. Est-ce qu'elle était payée pour faire ça? Peut-être que Victorique devrait essayer de travailler pour cette école si c'était vrai. Elle a fait un clin d'œil à Kalinda et s'est hissée de l'escalier en étant juste en mesure de se protéger de tomber tout en sentant encore ce vertige. Elle avait une idée pour la réveiller. Victorique se tenait à côté du bureau et regardait Kalinda pour copier son idée de réveiller quelqu'un comme ça? Elle a commencé à piquer la joue de la personne endormie quelques fois et a regardé obsédément sa curiosité si elle se réveillait. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,837 | 1,202 | 64 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda a pensé qu'elle était allée trop loin avec le commentaire perspicace, mais elle a donné un shrug, :it;s rien, vraiment. Juste avoir un débat interne avec moi-même" Elle a dit, voulant éviter, pour l'instant, tout commentaire sur ses capacités.
Kalinda a vu Ju-Lung appeler deux lames, se demandant comment, mais ici, il y avait eu des armes avant que ce fût leurs propres miesters, en quelque sorte. C'était peut-être la même chose. Mais c'était plutôt cool d'être capable de faire ça. Kalinda s'est demandé comment ce serait de s'associer avec une telle arme, mais ses yeux ont glissé sur Victorique alors qu'elle se dépêchait de sortir de la classe.
"C'est pas mal. Ce serait intéressant de s'associer, mais je pense que Victorique a plus besoin de moi. Je poserai plus de questions plus tard sur la façon dont vous pouvez faire ça et tout ça, mais je m'inquiète pour Victorique" Kalinda a dit, en essayant de ne pas être impolie, mais elle s'est précipitée après Victorique.
Elle soupira doucement, voyant la fille dormir, et s'accroupit à côté d'elle. Kalinda savait qu'elle n'était pas assez forte pour transporter Victorique ailleurs, et savait que la nourriture ferait beaucoup de bien à la fille. Elle a balancé Victorique, espérant la réveiller assez pour un endroit meilleur. "Hé, Vicky, réveille-toi. Allez, tu ne peux pas dormir ici" Elle a dit assez fort pour essayer de la réveiller, inquiet maintenant. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,834 | 1,202 | 61 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
En regardant les autres une fois de plus, Ju-Long regardait l'autre professeur entrer et dormait sur le bureau.
S'adressant aux autres, il semblait que Dimitri a endommagé le bureau, d'autres l'ont regardé en s'inquiétant. Il semblait un peu espacé avant de répondre à tous. "Peu de temps pour avoir autant de gens autour de toi? C'est bon, détends-toi! Ne t'inquiète pas pour trop de choses." Ju-Long a dit, en tapant Dimitri sur le dos. "Bien qu'il semble qu'il ne reste pas beaucoup de meisters ici, si vous faites équipe avec um..." Il s'est tourné vers l'autre personne qui s'est jointe à la conversation, ne sachant pas son nom. "Désolé, je n'ai pas pris ton nom. Mon nom est Ju-Long, quel est le tien?" il a demandé avec son sourire habituel.
-- Eh bien, à ce rythme, il se peut que je doive être seul. Je veux dire, Kalinda et Victorique là-bas semblent s'entendre très bien, on dirait qu'ils peuvent s'associer. J'ai pensé que je finirais Dimitri si c'était le cas, mais on dirait qu'il me reste à y aller seul. » Ju-long continua, se tournant vers Kalinda et Victorique qui étaient.... câlins? l'un à côté de l'autre.
C'est vraiment bien d'aller en solo? Ce ne serait pas mieux de faire équipe sans avoir une meister?
Mais frère est fort! Il a même des attaques d'âme! Quelque chose de rare parmi les armes!
Nous verrons ce qui se passe, nous pourrions nous séparer en équipes, puisqu'ils ont dit que nous étions censés être quelque chose comme la ligne de défense bakc, nous pourrions avoir besoin de combattre le pire du pire
Victorique est allée voir le professeur et a commencé à la piéger. "Copier Kalinda là-bas Victorique? Devinez que c'est efficace si vous l'imitez." Ju-long regarda vers eux et cria. "De toute façon..." se tournant vers Kalinda, "J'espère que mon explication a été utile Kalinda. Tu vas t'associer à Victorique? Vous avez l'air de vous entendre très bien. Si ce n'est pas le cas, cherchez-vous un type spécifique d'arme à utiliser? Ou peut-être un type d'âme? Comme une âme grigorie?" Ju-long n'était pas sûr si quelqu'un d'autre connaissait les âmes grégoriennes. Il s'agissait d'âmes rares trouvées dans 1 sur 50 millions. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,840 | 1,202 | 67 | 377 | 26,013 | Tant de choses semblaient arriver à la fois. Il a jeté Kalinda. Dimitri est tombée sur Victorique, faisant tomber la fille, et regarde Kalinda comme si elle avait causé la blessure. Kalinda a tenu les mains comme pour dire "pas moi"
Elle a piqué Dimitri, mais il n'avait pas l'air si mal qu'il s'est levé rapidement. Elle regarda la victoire prendre la main pour se lever, et Kalinda Rose s'empresse rapidement d'essayer d'équilibrer Victorique avant de trébucher contre Ju long. Kalinda soupira doucement, et regarda les deux gars.
"l'un d'entre vous, sois chère, et aide-moi à l'emmener à la cafétéria pour le déjeuner. Je ne suis pas assez fort pour être d'une grande aide, et les chances sont si elle se penche sur moi, je vais renverser. Et elle a besoin de nourriture." Kalinda allait s'assurer que Victorique mangeait, pour récupérer de l'énergie et de la force. "et nous devrions nous dépêcher, avant qu'elle ne s'endorme à nouveau" elle sourit à sa petite plaisanterie kwn, mais s'inquiétait pour Victorique. Elle ne pouvait pas très bien continuer à dormir dans les couloirs, ou plus de gens la survoleraient.
Pourquoi Kalinda s'en souciait-il? C'était une bonne question, et une à laquelle elle n'avait vraiment pas de réponse. Kalinda aimait être nécessaire, et Victorique avait certainement besoin de quelqu'un pour s'occuper d'elle. Surtout dans cette classe, avec l'eau. Mais surtout, Kalinda a deviné qu'elle voyait juste une chance de ne pas être si seule. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,839 | 1,202 | 66 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Ju-Long
"C'est pas mal. Ce serait intéressant de s'associer, mais je pense que Victorique a plus besoin de moi. Je poserai plus de questions plus tard sur comment tu peux faire ça et tout ça, mais je m'inquiète pour Victorique"
"Ne posez pas de questions à ce sujet. Je préfère ne pas en parler. Quoi qu'il en soit, comme on m'a suggéré plus tôt, vous pourriez vous coupler. Et si on faisait des quêtes ensemble? Je pense que ce serait plutôt cool. Eh bien, je te verrai plus tard" Ju-Long a répondu, en voyant Kalinda quitter la classe pour parler à Victorique.
Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, mon frère?
Le pervers se demande pourquoi il s'est ennuyé avec quelque chose comme ça. Normalement, il ne s'est pas montré, et il a dit qu'il allait bien seul, mais quand même il s'est montré et a essayé d'attraper son intérêt.
Oh! C'est pas vrai! Vraiment? Ça se pourrait?
Taisez-vous. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je l'ai fait. J'en avais l'impression. Peut-être que je ne voulais pas avoir à faire les quêtes avec vous deux, et que je voulais quelqu'un d'autre là-bas.
Si vous le dites.
"C'était un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous, mais je pense que je vais aller de l'avant et partir avant. C'était... sympa de vous rencontrer tous."
"Enchanté de vous rencontrer aussi. Soyez prudent, d'accord? Ne stressez pas trop!"
Ju-Long a appelé Dimitri, qui semblait un peu paniqué. "Eh bien... c'est ça, je suppose. Il n'y a rien d'autre à faire, devrait commencer à rentrer."
En marchant pour partir, il a vu Regan et Katsuo. "J'ai hâte d'étudier avec vous." Ju-Long leur a dit de quitter la classe. Il a ensuite entendu un bruit soudain s'écraser. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Il a appelé sans réfléchir, se précipitant pour voir Kalinda s'écraser, Victorique... encore endormie ou peut-être à moitié endormie? et Dimitri qui était tombé. Il avait l'air d'avoir trébuché sur Victorique. "Aiya..." Ju-Long exprimant que c'était une mauvaise situation. Dimtri s'est finalement levé et s'est excusé auprès de Victorique.
"Victorique!? Je suis tellement désolé! Comme, vraiment, vraiment, vraiment désolé! Je ne t'ai pas vu assis là et... désolé!"
"Oi, ça va, Dimitri? D'après ce que je peux dire, tu n'as pas fait une grosse chute au menton? D'habitude, ça déchire un peu le cerveau. Quoi qu'il en soit... pourquoi tout le monde est... juste ici, à l'extérieur de la salle de classe?" | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,836 | 1,202 | 63 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Ju-Long
La nouvelle enseignante a parlé en leur disant que son nom était Lillian, avant de retourner dormir.
-- Eh bien, je suppose que la classe est congédiée pour l'instant. Je retourne dans ma chambre."
La fille que Ju-Long avait demandé leur nom, vient de se lever et soudain a commencé à se rendre à la porte....
Ju-Long l'a regardée à blanc pendant un moment avant de retourner son regard aux autres, "Eh bien... Je viens juste d'être ignorée."
Kalinda a répondu à la question de Ju-Long.
"Je ne sais pas. Si elle veut s'associer avec moi, alors je serai heureuse de le faire. Je ne suis pas vraiment à la recherche de quelque chose en particulier. Je peux m'adapter à une longueur d'onde d'armes facilement, donc je ne suis pas fou"
Il a remarqué qu'elle était prudente pour une raison quelconque."Quant à une âme de grigoteur, s'il y en a une, alors je ne vois aucune raison de ne pas s'associer avec eux, s'ils le veulent"
-- Eh bien, je veux dire, vous semblez vous entendre bien, alors j'ai pensé que vous auriez déjà fait équipe. Au fait, vous semblez un peu... prudent. Quelque chose ne va pas? C'est le visage avant? C'était juste que j'étais un peu au-dessus du sommet. Bien que j'aimerais ne pas être appelé Pervy, les surnoms sont les noms que les autres vous donnent. D'habitude pour s'amuser. Tant que ce n'était pas agressif, je ne ressentais aucun mal. » Il a répondu à sa mise en garde.
"Je n'ai aucune préférence non plus dans le type d'arme. Je peux apprendre à manier n'importe quelle arme, si je dois, et n'ont pas vraiment entraîné dans un seul style. Quel type d'arme êtes-vous? avec quel type de Miesters avez-vous déjà jumelé?" Elle a ensuite donné suite à sa réponse par une question.
"Hm... Je me demande comment je devrais répondre...." Ju-Long répondit, mettant sa main sur son menton et inclinant sa tête vers le haut dans la pensée.
Vous deux, préparez-vous à se transformer. Autant leur montrer, ce serait plus facile. Je vais juste suivre d'une façon ou d'une autre sans avoir besoin d'expliquer la situation réelle.
T'es sûr? Je suis prêt.
Temps de transformation? Ouais!
« Eh bien, la deuxième question est certainement plus facile à répondre. Aucune. Je n'ai jamais eu de mésœur, j'ai été en solo en premier lieu, bien avec l'occasion de faire équipe." Il répondit, se retourna vers elle, et se leva du siège. "Je pense qu'au lieu de répondre à la première, montrer serait plus simple. Cela expliquera aussi la raison de ma deuxième réponse. »
D'habitude, des mains ou quoi?
Partons des épaules.
Descendez des épaules!
Ok, j'ai compris.
Ju-Long se leva à droite, et lui tendit les mains. De l'arrière de ses omoplates, deux orbes blanches s'envolèrent. Volant vers le haut et tournant dans une forme de lame, ils sont descendus, tournant dans leur lumière blanche. En descendant au niveau des yeux, il a pris les deux lames, tenant la poignée des épées avec les lames pointées vers le bas. Il traversa les bras, renversa les épées droites et finit par poser. Avec sa main gauche devant et sa main droite plus près de son corps, il était dans une position de combat.
Dans sa gauche était une lame blanche, et sa droite était une lame noire.
Les trois âmes se sont harmonisées, dans un état semblable à une résonance de l'âme, mais pas le même. Une résonance unique pour cacher ses frères et sœurs les longueurs d'onde de l'âme. Même si un maître maniait l'un ou les deux de ses frères et sœurs, ils se sentiraient liés à Ju-Long, et seraient en mesure de communiquer à leur arme, Ju-Long comme ils le pouvaient normalement. C'était parce que leurs corps étaient à Ju-Long, et pouvaient facilement se permettre d'agir comme intermédiaires entre son âme et la meister. C'était arrivé quelques fois en faisant équipe, et il a dû laisser quelqu'un « utiliser » son frère.
-- Alors, qu'en pensez-vous? Il demanda, tenant la position, et laissant Kalinda, et n'importe qui près de jeter un coup d'oeil. Après une minute ou deux, il les jeta, où ils filèrent dans des orbes blanches et retournèrent à ses omoplates. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,841 | 1,202 | 68 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Ju-Long
Ju-Long regardait comme Dimitri et Victorique s'excusaient. Il a vu Victorique lutter pour se lever, "Oi, vous..." Il a coupé sa question alors que Victorique a trébuché et est tombé dans sa direction. L'attraper avec ses mains et son corps, il a continué "Guess qui signifie que vous n'êtes pas d'accord." Ju-Long a regardé Victorique pour s'assurer qu'elle allait bien. Rien ne semblait mal pour l'instant.
Est-ce que quelque chose ne va pas avec elle?
Sa jambe va bien?
Je ne vois rien de irrégulier ici.
Kalinda s'est ensuite exprimée : « L'un d'entre vous, soyez un ami, et aidez-moi à l'emmener à la cafétéria pour le déjeuner. Je ne suis pas assez fort pour être d'une grande aide, et les chances sont si elle se penche sur moi, je vais renverser. Et elle a besoin de nourriture." Il semble que Kalinda allait s'assurer que Victorique mangeait, pour récupérer de l'énergie et de la force. "et nous devrions nous dépêcher, avant qu'elle ne s'endorme à nouveau"
"Je peux l'y emmener." Ju-long répliqua à Kalinda, tournant le dos à la Victorique et aux accroupis. "Hop dedans, de cette façon vous pouvez dormir aussi bien. Voulez-vous aller dans votre chambre ou à la cafétéria, Victorique?" Ju-long comme offrant à Victorique une balade en piggy-back, et voulait savoir si elle voulait juste dormir ou si un peu de nourriture ferait son bien.
Si Victorique se mettait sur le dos, il se tiendrait alors debout et commencerait à la chevaucher, sinon, il lui offrirait de l'aider à marcher jusqu'à l'endroit où elle voulait aller. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,845 | 1,202 | 72 | 1,617 | 689 | Puis-je encore me joindre | Name: Stanislav Aleksadrovich
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Moscow, Russia
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Was trained in espionage, hand to hand combat, and knife throwing. Also has a thirst for knowledge. He considers him self a life long learner and has a thirst for any and all kind of information. He can also use short swords and daggers. He is a very good thief and liar.
Unique Traits: Stanislav is a Utility type Meister, he is a type 2. He also is training in the art of assassination.
Skills: Stanislav has been trained from a young age in many different martial arts. He also knows how to throw knives and use short swords. He is fast to pick up a trait and even faster at picking a lock. e pick up theft and is good at it.
Weapon Preference: Knives, Short swords, Hand to hand.
Personality: Stanislav is a social butterfly. He likes to speak to others and loves to get more information out of them. He will never miss a deal and likes to gamble. Also has an eye for shiny things so hold onto your wallets. Stanislav can be a bit sarcastic and has a sense of humor as well.
Bio:Grew up on the streets of Moscow, Stanislav was raised by an ex-USSR agent. He does not know who his parents are and the man who raised him never told him. This mans name e never found out so he just called him Jack. Jack taught him everything he knew; from his spy tactics to his fighting styles and more. Stanislav and Jack traveled the world learning knew ways to fight and gambling their money away. After Jack died, in his honor, Stanislav became a thief and robed the man who killed him. After becoming a good thief he could not stop from stealing things that were't his and he also picked up gambling.
-Type A personality
-Spicy food
-Excess Work
Other Facts:
-Always carries some kind of knife and a book
-Thinks of most things as a game and he gambles with his life or others
-Likes to steal all types of things, anythings up for grabs |
43,838 | 1,202 | 65 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Sachant que l'enseignant avait donné à tout le monde la permission de quitter la classe, Dimitri a tiré de son siège - presque littéralement en raison de l'eau kyukon - avec un regard de pure relief. Alors qu'il était à la fois reconnaissant pour la préoccupation de plusieurs de ses pairs et impressionné et curieux quand il est venu à la révélation de l'arme de Ju-Long, le garçon se sentait encore assez débordé par tout ce qu'il avait été soumis jusqu'à ce point et a désespérément besoin de trouver un peu d'espace pour décontraction. "C'était un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous, mais je pense que je vais aller de l'avant et partir avant. C'était... sympa de vous rencontrer tous." il a cousu avant de sortir de la rangée de sièges en face des autres. Dimitri était pratiquement un flou car il se dirigeait vers la sortie, se déplaçant beaucoup plus vite que ce qu'on attendait d'une personne de sa taille et de sa stature. À sa sortie, la meister sentit un soulagement se laver sur lui, ainsi qu'un changement marginal de son poids. Les effets de l'eau de kyukon là où il reste, et continuerait probablement à s'attarder pendant un certain temps, mais Dimitri se réjouit toujours de la sensation d'addition de poids, peu importe à quel point elle est minuscule.
Sentant une opportunité Dimitri a décidé qu'il essaierait de découvrir que la DWMA avait une bibliothèque, pensant que non seulement il trouverait la solitude, mais qu'il pourrait peut-être chercher quelques endroits via un livre ou quelques cartes. Des endroits comme des boutiques de tissus qui pourraient être utilisés pour acheter du fil ou de la soie pour faire des foulards pour certains de ses camarades de classe. Dimitri s'est retourné et a avancé, seulement pour être introduit le menton d'abord au sol d'une manière résolument indigne, dont la cause étant le fait qu'il a trébuché sur la Victoire. Dimitri s'assit lentement et frotta son menton, grimpant doucement à la douleur battante dans sa mâchoire. Ce n'était pas particulièrement mauvais - pas différent que de prendre une bonne chaussette à la mâchoire dans une bague de boxe - mais ce n'était certainement pas agréable. Il lui a fallu quelques instants pour se rendre compte qu'il avait trébuché sur quelque chose qui se sentait remarquablement comme un corps, mais une fois qu'il a mis deux et deux ensemble, Dimitri s'est tourné vers eux pour s'excuser correctement. "Victorique!? Je suis tellement désolé! Comme, vraiment, vraiment, vraiment désolé! Je ne t'ai pas vu assis là et... désolé!" Il a dit frénétiquement avant de se tenir debout et a offert sa main pour l'aider à se relever. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,842 | 1,202 | 69 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Dès que Victorique a perdu son équilibre, elle a senti plusieurs mains la soutenir. Elle regarda autour d'elle avec une légère bouche ouverte et vit tout le monde la tenant debout. Elle a fait un sourire doux à tous et a pris tout le poids de sa jambe gauche. Aussitôt qu'elle se tenait de nouveau debout avec l'une de ses mains contre le mur, elle tenta d'amener les autres à ne plus la soutenir en poussant lentement leurs mains hors d'elle. Une fois qu'elle a réussi, elle a entendu la cutie Kalinda sortir. Ce n'était pas une si mauvaise idée d'obtenir de la nourriture à la cafétéria et sa jambe serait probablement bien après un repos normal. Elle est restée tranquille à trois d'entre eux conversant mais a frotté l'arrière de sa tête et a souri innocemment comme Kalinda a dit qu'elle pourrait s'endormir à nouveau.
Victorique a été surprise après avoir entendu de Ju-long qu'elle pouvait tout aussi simple que ce saut. Elle le fixa brusquement quelques secondes, mais ne lui répondit pas encore. Elle était encore un peu morte d'esprit à cause de l'eau, mais elle lui répondit lentement au bout d'un moment : « Nourriture, s'il vous plaît. » avant qu'elle ne puisse se mettre à l'esprit était déjà quelque part ailleurs. Dimitri a soudainement essayé de s'éloigner du groupe. Victorique s'est occupée de lui pendant qu'il partait avec un visage assez inquiétant "Di...mitri" Elle a essayé de marcher après lui mais s'est rappelée de sa cheville après avoir essayé de faire un pas. De petites larmes étaient sur le point de tomber sur son visage par douleur. Elle a brossé les yeux avec sa manche et l'a vu marcher au bout du couloir. Victorique regarda vers le sol légèrement et s'élança lentement vers l'arrière de Ju-long sur une jambe. Sans rien dire de plus, elle a placé son corps sur le dos de celui de Ju-long et s'est serré à nouveau lui pour ne pas tomber ou quoi que ce soit. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,843 | 1,202 | 70 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda sourit, soulagée qu'elle n'ait pas à essayer de trouver comment obtenir la Victoire n'importe où. Elle était heureuse que Ju-long aidait, mais elle a vu que Dimitri semblait être très contrarié, s'enfuir. Kalinda hésita pour le moment le plus bref, et après avoir vu que Victorique essayait de suivre Dimitri, Kalinda le suivit elle-même. "Je serai de retour" Elle a dit, au-dessus de son épaule, se demandant une fois de plus ce qui se passait avec elle.
"Dimitri!" Elle a appelé, se dépêchant après lui, la petite fille était rapide, mais elle a dû faire deux pas pour chacun de Dimitri. Pourtant, elle s'est évanouie après l'autre miester, et l'a vite rattrapé. "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Elle a demandé, en pensant qu'ils avaient tous des problèmes, et c'est peut-être pour ça qu'elle voulait... être amie. Dimitri avait évidemment quelques problèmes sociaux, d'après ce qu'elle avait vu jusqu'à présent.
"Ce n'était pas ta faute, tu sais. N'importe qui aurait pu trébucher sur Victorique, c'est pourquoi j'essayais de la réveiller." Kalinda se demandait si elle ne faisait qu'empirer. Elle avait très peu d'expérience à encourager les gens, et encore moins d'expérience à trouver les bons mots à dire. "Revenez, avant qu'elle essaie de suivre. S'il te plaît? Prenez de la nourriture avec nous », a-t-elle dit, espérant qu'il le ferait, mais s'attendant à ce qu'il s'enfuie probablement. Elle l'aurait fait elle-même. Eh bien, n'importe quel autre jour vraiment. Aujourd'hui semblait différent. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,848 | 1,202 | 75 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri a laissé un soupir de soulagement quand Kalinda a choisi de respecter ses souhaits plutôt que de poursuivre le sujet. Il était certes un peu grossier de monter et de refuser une invitation à un repas, mais quand on avait assez alors c'était vraiment tout ce qu'il y avait à lui. Après que Kalinda l'eut laissé à ses propres fins, Dimitri erra jusqu'à ce qu'un enseignant lui tire la tête de derrière une porte de classe pour s'enquérir de son errance sans but. Une brève explication et une enquête de son propre plus tard, Dimitri a finalement pu localiser la bibliothèque de l'école, où il a perdu peu de temps à retrouver la section qui tenait des cartes et des livres d'histoire sur la ville de la mort. Confiant qu'il avait trouvé des livres d'usage, l'imposant monsieur a plié trois livres et deux cartes sur une table vide dans la bibliothèque et a pris place pour lire. "Voyons ce que tu as..." Dimitri a murmuré avant d'ouvrir une carte et d'ouvrir l'un des livres. Avec son livre et sa carte étendus devant lui, Dimitri a commencé à se perdre dans le texte et les images, sentant la tension dans son corps se dissiper alors qu'il prenait part à une activité beaucoup plus sa vitesse. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,846 | 1,202 | 73 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda soupira. Elle pouvait comprendre le besoin d'isolement, et pour qu'elle ne se vante pas de dimitri. Alors elle a hurlé, comme lui a donné un sourire. "d'accord alors. Je comprends. Mais ce n'est pas comme si nous allions t'attacher et t'étrendre au-dessus d'une piscine de lave. Détends-toi!" Elle sourit à nouveau, puis recommença la façon dont elle était revenue, en direction de Ju-Long et de Victorique. Elle pouvait au moins apprécier Victorique que Dimitri allait bien.
Elle a étendu ses muscles en marchant, pour qu'ils ne soient pas endoloris plus tard. Elle a couru une main à travers ses cheveux, qui étaient venus perdre, et a passé quelques instants à le tresser cette fois, alors qu'elle marchait, avant de venir sur le duo.
"Donc, de la nourriture?" Elle a dit, comme si rien ne s'était passé. "immaved" ce qui était vrai. Kalinda avait toujours faim, comme si ses années d'avoir à peine assez de nourriture se faisaient connaître, maintenant qu'elle avait des repas réguliers. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,851 | 1,202 | 78 | 446 | 7,203 | Toussaint
« La géographie est-elle vraiment si intéressante pour vous? » Allisa a demandé à Dimitri, se penchant sur son épaule pour regarder les cartes avant de reculer pour éviter sa réaction attendue. "Je connais des gens qui étudient les cartes, mais seulement comme leur travail, pas pour s'amuser."
Elle a touché son épaule légèrement avant de se déplacer autour de la table et de prendre le siège en face de lui. "Je ne sais pas pourquoi... mais je veux que tu me parles de toi. Je suis heureux d'échanger chaque information avec une pièce similaire de moi, ou si vous préférez, je pourrais m'asseoir ici en silence... » | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,844 | 1,202 | 71 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Ju-Long
Alors que Dimitri s'enfuit et que Kalinda et Victorique s'inquiétaient de lui, Ju-Long regarda, voyant Kalinda courir après Dimitri. Ju-Long a entendu Victorique appeler pour lui, voyant son visage inquiétant. Il a soupiré, debout alors que Victorique sautait sur son dos. Se lever était plus facile qu'il ne le pensait, elle était plus légère qu'il ne s'y attendait. À propos du visage, il a commencé à suivre à la fois Dimitri et Kalinda. "Je sais que tu voulais aller manger, mais tu t'inquiètes évidemment pour Dimitri." Il soupirait. "Je ne pense pas que tu doives t'inquiéter autant. D'après ce que je vois, il n'avait pas l'habitude d'avoir des amis, ou d'avoir des gens autour de lui. Il ne sait pas grand chose de l'interaction avec les autres. Néanmoins, vous voulez être amis avec lui au moins, n'est-ce pas? Je suis sûr qu'on peut être ses amis et qu'il peut commencer à s'habituer à notre compagnie. Alors ne vous inquiétez pas tant, et commencez à penser à ce que vous pouvez faire pour le rendre plus à l'aise ou l'aider à profiter de notre entreprise. » Ju-Long a essayé de réconforter Victorique et ses soucis pour Dimitri. "Tu n'as pas besoin de pleurer à ce sujet. Mais si vous avez envie de pleurer, allez-y. Tu peux venir me voir avec n'importe quoi."
Ju-Long semblait se montrer comme un frère aîné à elle. Bien qu'il n'était pas sûr de son âge, en fait, elle pourrait même avoir son âge. Mais elle est partie un peu plus jeune, comme une petite sœur endormie. C'est exactement ce qu'il ressentait.
Quelque chose ne va pas?
Non, je n'ai jamais pensé. Probablement juste mon imagination.
Je me demande ce que c'était à propos de Ju-long pensé à lui-même.
Puisque les deux autres avaient couru, et Ju-Long marchait, il faudrait probablement un certain temps pour rattraper. Il y avait le bonus supplémentaire d'entre eux étant Meisters, qui courent généralement 100m en moins de 9 secondes. Ju-Long avait entraîné son corps, puisqu'il devait jouer le rôle de Meister à ses frères et sœurs, et pouvait courir 100m en moins de 9 secondes, mais à peine.
"Alors, Victorique, tu penses à qui tu veux t'associer? Tous les deux n'ont pas encore de partenaire, et je pense qu'ils seraient heureux de s'associer avec vous. En outre, étiez-vous un EAT ou un NOT étudiant? Beaucoup d'expérience de combat?" Ju-Long a commencé à demander à Victorique. Il a essayé de continuer une conversation, espérant qu'elle ne s'endormirait pas. C'était aussi une chance de la connaître. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,850 | 1,202 | 77 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique n'a pas montré beaucoup d'émotions en parlant et l'a écouté avec une légère bouche ouverte en réalisant l'erreur stupide qu'elle a faite. Elle rougissait un peu comme il lui expliquait la bonne chose : « Je sais, mais j'oublie déjà que tu étais une arme. » Victorique n'en a pas dit plus et a renvoyé son attention à Kalinda dans l'espoir d'oublier à la fois à quel point elle était là pour un moment. Elle sourit soulagément à Kalinda en entendant que Dimitri allait bien et qu'elle n'avait plus à s'inquiéter de lui.
Victorique a entendu la petite fille parler à nouveau de nourriture et a pensé qu'elle avait assez faim après ce petit exercice qu'elle avait. Victorique sourit et donna un petit chanfrein. Une fois que Ju-Long s'est retournée, elle a pensé qu'ils étaient tous assez affamés et avec Kalinda marchant à un rythme si rapide, elle a aussi voulu accélérer un peu. Victorique l'a un peu frappé avec ses deux pieds comme ils le feraient toujours avec des chevaux et a serré son haut du corps près de Ju-Long pour qu'elle ne tombe pas si facilement "Run, fuyez!" Elle gloussait un peu et ça n'a pas été longtemps avant qu'ils arrivent à la cafétéria. Kalinda ressemblait à un petit enfant dans l'usine de bonbons. Elle lui sourit doucement une fois qu'elle sentit un sentiment chaud en elle et songea à ce qu'elle préférerait pour la nourriture. Victorique leva un doigt à ses lèvres pensant ce qu'il faut prendre mais vint avec une réponse assez rapide "Pizza." Le fast-food était une grande préférence pour la plupart des gens et il était toujours savoureux pour que cela fonctionne de toute façon tout ce qu'elle a choisi pour elle. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,849 | 1,202 | 76 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
Toujours en direction de Dimitri et Kalinda, Victorique avait répondu à Ju-Long. "Non, je ne suis pas vraiment une personne qui pleure beaucoup."
"C'est vrai." Il répondit avec un sourire.
Victorique était calme après la question de Ju-Long. Quand elle a répondu, elle s'arrêtait entre les deux avant de continuer.
" les aime tous les deux. Malgré Alisa avait déjà demandé à Dimitri alors il pense que l'appariement avec Kalinda pourrait être mieux." Sa voix s'est à nouveau calmée "...Mais ça ne veut pas dire que je ne me dérange pas de travailler avec toi ou Dimitri. Je n'étais pas un étudiant avant... et je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de bagarres."
"Alisa... Alisa.... Oh!!! C'est son nom. Enfin, de toute façon... ce n'est pas comme si c'était déterminé que Dimitri et elle se joindraient, mais toi et Kalinda, vous allez vous entendre. Mais, deux armes en partenariat? Euh... Sauf si vous êtes spécial dans le cas d'une arme qui peut manier des armes ou vice-versa, je dois dire, je suis désolé, mais je ne pense pas que nous puissions nous associer. Non pas que je ne t'aime pas ou quoi que ce soit, juste la compatibilité de deux armes. Ne vous ont-ils pas dit dans les cours PAS? Une arme ne peut pas manier une arme. Personne ne sait pourquoi, mais ce n'est pas possible. L'exception réside dans le fait qu'ils sont de la famille. Eh bien, en termes de combat, je pense que ça va aller. Vous aurez juste besoin de temps..."
Ju-Long était sur le point de continuer quand Kalinda est arrivé, l'arrêtant à mi-chemin. Kalinda suggère de la nourriture, tandis que Victorique montre toujours des signes d'inquiétude. "Yo, devine que Dimitri va bien, sinon je suis sûr que tu le pourchasserais toujours bien? Il n'avait pas faim? Quoi qu'il en soit, vous êtes sûrs que vous êtes rapides. De toute façon, j'ai assez faim aussi. Nous devrions aller à la cafétéria." Ju-Long se retourna, avec Victorique sur le dos encore, et commença à marcher en direction de la cafétéria. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,854 | 1,202 | 81 | 446 | 7,203 | Alissa
"Partenaires..." Alissa a dit le mot comme s'il n'était pas familier à sa langue. Elle s'assit en silence un moment avant de parler à nouveau.
"J'ai été... jumelé... avec deux autres personnes avant toi. Le premier m'a abandonné pour une cause perdue le troisième jour, quand il n'a pas pu faire sortir ma lame. La deuxième m'a laissé sur la quatrième pour un partenaire plus sociable. Je suppose que la chose la plus importante que je veux savoir est, est-ce que tu vas me laisser derrière moi comme les autres?" Sa voix avait un avantage, mais ses yeux trahissaient un soupçon de ses émotions intérieures. Ils étaient incertains, même effrayés et confus. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,847 | 1,202 | 74 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique a vu Kalinda s'enfuir après Dimitri et s'est sentie un peu plus heureuse en sachant qu'elle n'était pas la seule à se soucier de leurs camarades de classe. Bientôt elle ne pouvait plus voir Kalinda et tourna toute son attention vers Ju-Long. Elle marcha si près de son dos qu'elle le put et sentit immédiatement ses bras s'emparer de ses jambes. Elle a lâché un petit gaz et s'est vite emparée de son épaule en se pressant de près vers lui. Elle rougissait un peu et s'éloignait lentement de son dos. Elle pouvait sentir sa chaleur si proche de lui, elle ne pouvait pas nier que ce n'était pas gentil mais c'était un peu embarrassant et coupable, le laissant faire tout le travail. Victorique écouta tranquillement ses mots qu'elle lui donna un petit clin d'œil et sonnait « hmm hmm » disant la vérité absolue sur son désir d'être amie avec lui, mais secoua la tête quand il dit qu'elle pouvait pleurer « Non, je ne suis pas vraiment une personne qui pleure beaucoup ». Elle a regardé vers le bas un moment, mais a donné un sourire doux pendant qu'ils marchaient tous les deux silencieusement dans le couloir. Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de gens qui marchaient à leur surprise, ce qui rendait encore plus embarrassant et gênant de parler. Victorique n'était pas si grand qu'un bavardeur alors Ju-Long était le seul ici qui pouvait le rendre au moins un peu remarquable.
Ju-Long a soudainement commencé à parler avec qui elle aimerait s'associer. Victorique est resté calme pendant un moment "... je les aime tous les deux. Malgré Alisa avait déjà demandé à Dimitri alors il pense que l'appariement avec Kalinda pourrait être mieux." Sa voix s'est à nouveau calmée "...mais ça ne veut pas dire que ça ne me dérange pas de t'associer à toi ou à Dimitri." Il n'y avait vraiment pas grand-chose à dire et en fait elle a même remarqué qu'elle s'était répétée en gros à nouveau, mais elle a dû essayer de remplir le temps un peu "J'étais pas étudiant avant... et n'ai pas eu beaucoup de combats." En fait, Victorique a dû rester en arrière la plupart du temps puisqu'elle n'avait pas une mésœur appropriée qui pouvait bien la manier. Mais bien sûr, ce serait privé pour l'instant. Avant qu'ils le sachent, Kalinda était revenue de sa petite chasse. Malgré Kalinda a immédiatement commencé à parler de nourriture, elle a encore sauté un peu et a commencé à parler d'elle-même, ce qui était assez rare « L'avez-vous perdu ». C'était une voix assez humble mais elle avait encore ce regard inquiétant sur son visage d'avant. Cependant l'idée de Kalinda n'était pas si mauvaise. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,852 | 1,202 | 79 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Après s'être penché pour lire plus confortablement, Dimitri s'est assis et est resté arnaqué à cause de l'apparition soudaine d'Alisa. Le toucher de l'arme n'a pas tout à fait aidé les choses, mais il n'y avait pas vraiment beaucoup Dimitri pouvait faire à ce sujet. Pendant une seconde, il a envisagé de décoller ou de demander son espace comme il l'avait eu avec Kalinda, mais l'idée l'a presque immédiatement frappé comme stupide vu qu'il avait plus ou moins accepté quelque chose qui exigeait qu'il passe plus de temps en proximité et contact physique avec Alisa que n'importe qui d'autre. Dimitri a plié la carte et l'a placée entre les pages du livre qu'il lisait et l'a fermée avec des mouvements mesurés avant qu'il ne chevauche ses mains sur le dessus du livre, prenant quelques instants pour s'emparer des options présentées vers lui. « Eh bien... » Dimitri a commencé de façon incertaine, « Je suppose qu'il n'y a pas trop de mal en nous à parler. Nous sommes censés être associés après tout.". Les mots accrochés dans l'air comme Dimitri pensait à où exactement il commencerait, bien qu'après avoir dessiné plusieurs blancs, la meister a finalement choisi de prendre l'approche la plus directe, "Que voulez-vous savoir exactement? Je veux dire... Où veux-tu que je commence?". | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,853 | 1,202 | 80 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
Marcher à la cafétéria, Victorique, qui était sur le dos de Ju-Long, était étrangement excité, "Courir, courir!". Il riait un peu et sentait que Victorique s'était accroché à lui plus serré. Il n'allait pas courir, mais il a décidé de jogger à un rythme modéré. En arrivant à la cafétéria, il se demandait quoi manger.
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez?
Je veux des sushis
Comme toujours, la combinaison de nourriture est étrange. Oh bien, tout a bon goût.
Kalinda a demandé à Victorique « Y a-t-il des aliments que vous aimez particulièrement, Victorique? » Il semblait que Kalinda recevait de la nourriture pour elle-même et Victorique. Victorique a répondu de l'épaule de Ju-Long "Pizza". Letting Kalinda obtenir le reste de la nourriture pour Victorique et elle-même, Ju-Long a regardé autour d'une table. Il semblait qu'il y avait pas mal de tables disponibles. Passant à l'un par la fenêtre, il s'est accroupi, laissant Victorique se détacher du dos.
"Mentez-vous de réserver la table? J'aimerais aussi avoir à manger. Kalinda et toi pouvez manger d'abord, une fois Kalinda arrivé ici, okay?" Il lui a demandé, étant sûr qu'elle allait bien d'attendre. Il n'a pas encore bougé jusqu'à ce qu'il soit sûr. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,858 | 1,202 | 85 | 377 | 26,013 | Kalinda a pris une petite bouchée de son propre morceau de pizza, méfiant qu'il pourrait ne pas être aussi bon qu'elle se rappelait. Elle n'a pas besoin de s'inquiéter, c'était aussi bien, sinon mieux qu'elle ne s'en soit souvenue. Elle ne se souciait pas particulièrement si elle était en désordre ou pas, car elle a cassé le fromage à cordes à part avec son Ba d libre, le collant une fois de plus sur la pizza.
Elle dévora joyeusement la pizza, essuya ses mains et désira en plus, avant de manger avec constance ses légumes et de boire la boisson que Ju-long avait pauvre pour eux tous. Elle sourit joyeusement, se penchant et s'étirant, bien contente.
La nourriture avait été bonne, et Kalinda aurait bien mangé plus, mais elle était contente. "Jusqu'à présent, aujourd'hui n'avait pas vraiment été aussi exigeante" a dit Kalinda, simplement pour essayer de déclencher une conversation. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,857 | 1,202 | 84 | 446 | 7,203 | Ju-Long
Avec Victorique quittait son dos, Kalinda est arrivé s'excuser à Ju-Long."désolé. Je t'aurais eu quelque chose, mais seulement deux mains... » Secouant la tête alors qu'il commençait à s'en aller, Ju-Long répondit : « C'est bon. » donner un sourire aimable avant de partir prendre de la nourriture.
C'était vraiment incroyable, même s'il avait déjà mangé ici, la variété de nourriture à la cafétéria était tout simplement massive. Il comprenait la plupart des aliments du monde entier. En prenant deux plaques, Ju-Long partageait un plat en deux moitiés, la moitié avec des sushis, et l'autre avec des coleslaws. L'autre assiette était composée principalement de canards.
Avec deux assiettes dans ses mains, Ju-Long est revenu à la table, assis en face de Kalinda, que Kalinda soit assis à côté de Victorique ou en face d'elle. Quand il a commencé à manger, il a remarqué Victorique... et sa chemise en désordre du fromage de la pizza. Soupirant, il a pris un mouchoir et lui a donné, "Tu dois nettoyer le fromage de ta chemise." Après cela, il a sorti un thérmus et quelques tasses, versant trois tasses de thé noir chaud pour les trois d'entre eux. Il a offert le thé aux deux autres filles. Quoi qu'il en soit, il a versé trois tasses.
Il a ensuite commencé à manger son repas. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,860 | 1,202 | 87 | 446 | 7,203 | Alissa
Alissa regarda brièvement Dimitri, son visage un mélange d'embarras et d'espoir, puis dans un éclat de lumière, elle n'était pas là, et à sa place était une épée sur la longueur de l'avant-bras de Dimitri, enveloppé dans des chaînes, bande de papier, et ce qui ressemblait à des talismans scellés. Il était presque impossible de voir la gaine en cuir noir cachée sous tout ça. Étrangement, la poignée de l'épée était disproportionnée à la lame, comme si elle s'inscrivait facilement dans la main de Dimitri. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,859 | 1,202 | 86 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri était à la perte en ce moment, il n'était pas habitué à traiter avec des gens, et encore moins des gens qui étaient dans une sorte de déjetée d'humeur. Les yeux de la méfiante s'éparpillaient d'un côté à l'autre, comme s'il cherchait la route la plus rapide pour s'enfuir maintenant qu'on lui avait donné le choix. Il voulait s'enfuir, mais quelque chose le tenait enraciné dans son siège. Il se sentait un peu mal pour Alissa, ce qui est plus qu'il sentait qu'ils étaient en quelque sorte coupés du même tissu. Tous deux manquaient de compagnie, et même si les raisons étaient différentes, les résultats étaient toujours les mêmes.
Dimitri a hésité, un peu incertain de ce qu'il faisait. Sa main planait en l'air pendant quelques instants avant qu'il ne se prosterne silencieusement pour s'assurer de ce qu'il faisait avant de se pencher sur la table et de poser sa main sur la tête d'Alissa. "J'ai déjà accepté de devenir votre partenaire, n'est-ce pas? Tu ne crois pas que c'est un peu ridicule de me donner l'option de me retirer? Nous sommes dans cette situation pour le long terme.". Il s'assit là à lui bourrer les cheveux doucement un peu avant de s'asseoir dans sa chaise, un petit sourire rampant dans les coins de sa bouche, "Vous ne serez pas se débarrasser de moi si facilement.". | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,855 | 1,202 | 82 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique était excitée pour la tranche de pizza qu'elle recevait. Son estomac était sur le point de se manger après qu'elle ait dit elle-même le mot pizza. Ju-Long l'assit sur un des bancs près de la fenêtre. Victorique marcha immédiatement les deux pieds sur le banc, alors elle était assise à la table. Elle a pris fermement le côté de la table et a tourné la tête juste légèrement pour voir Ju-Long dans le coin de son oeil lui parler. Elle a fait un léger clin d'œil et a redressé la tête. De sa vue, elle pouvait regarder par la fenêtre. Il n'y avait pas grand chose à voir mais la nature l'a calmée énorme et même fait un peu d'elle. Doucement. Victorique a lentement posé son menton sur la table, les bras tendus sur la table atteignant presque l'autre côté. Victorique est restée regarder par la fenêtre jusqu'à ce que sa bestie Kalinda revienne avec le déjeuner. Elle se tenait dans la même position qu'elle faisait une petite accolade sans émotion "Yaaay~" et étendait l'espace entre ses bras un peu pour que Kalinda puisse poser l'assiette devant elle. Victorique n'avait pas l'intention de gaspiller de l'énergie sur son déménagement, donc elle s'est rapprochée de la tête avec les mains et a essayé de manger un peu. Elle a tourné le début de sa pizza de la bonne façon et a commencé à grignoter sur la pointe de la pizza avec son menton restant sur la table. La première bouchée de la pizza était plutôt chaude, mais il était déjà tard pour la laisser sortir de sa bouche. Elle a fait un bruit ennuyé et a ouvert sa bouche en laissant tomber sa langue et en fermant les yeux avec de petites larmes sur les paupières "...ot."
Après quelques instants de repos sur la table, elle s'assit finement dans la droite et prit quelques gorgées de son lait pour se rafraîchir la langue. Elle a mangé certaines des tomates qui étaient couchées entre la salade et les légumes et est revenue manger sa pizza qui s'était refroidie maintenant. L'étirement du fromage a rendu assez difficile de manger la pizza. Chaque fois qu'elle prenait une bouchée une ligne de fromage sauvage entre elle et la pizza serait créée. Une fois qu'elle a essayé de l'enlever, le fromage finirait soit sur sa chemise, soit quelque part l'apaiserait sur la table. Quelques instants plus tard, la pizza était complètement dévorée et elle donnait à Victorique un sentiment de satisfaction, malgré tout le fromage sur le dessus de sa chemise et de ses joues. Après la pizza, elle a bu un peu plus de lait et est retournée à coucher sa tête sur les côtés sur la table pour être en mesure de regarder sur Ju-Long et Kalinda pendant qu'ils mangeaient. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,856 | 1,202 | 83 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Le front de Dimitri s'est un peu ébranlé. La question d'Alisa n'était pas tout à fait ce qu'il s'attendait à entendre, et elle a en fait soulevé quelques questions de sa propre. « Eh bien, je ne vois pas pourquoi j'irais changer de partenaire après avoir déjà accepté de rester avec vous. Pourquoi? Y a-t-il une sorte de condition spéciale pour, eh bien...", Il s'enfuit, pas tout à fait à l'aise avec le mot "usage" quand on parle d'une chose vivante, surtout quand on dit que la chose vivante ressemblait à un autre être humain. Dimitri enveloppa la table avec ses doigts doucement alors qu'il prit un moment pour décider quel mot était approprié, "Travailler. C'est le mot. Est-ce qu'il y a une condition spéciale pour travailler avec vous?".
Dimitri ne savait pas pourquoi il n'y avait pas pensé plus tôt, mais peu de temps après sa question un interrupteur quand éteint dans son cerveau, 'Attendez, elle a dit apporter pour sa lame. Donc je travaille avec quelqu'un qui est pointu. Ah bon sang, un type bludgeoning aurait probablement été mieux adapté à mes capacités. J'espère qu'elle n'est pas mince et fragile comme un violeur. Je vais devoir apprendre à m'adapter. Il s'est amusé en attendant une réponse. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,861 | 1,202 | 88 | 452 | 3,241 | Regan Hiryuu
Regan avait un peu faim, en fait. Elle errait depuis la fin de la classe, sa meister est partie toute seule. Elle avait une petite indication que... peut-être qu'ils n'étaient pas si compatibles. Oh, et bien. Ils découvriraient avec qui ils voulaient s'associer, mais peut-être que ce n'était pas l'un l'autre. Leurs racines communes rendaient sa chose compatible, mais peut-être cette logique était-elle trop simple.
La jeune femme s'est retrouvée errant dans une cantène, ses yeux regardant autour de la pièce avec une douce surprise. "Aah, regarde où je suis." Elle repère ses camarades de classe et sourit doucement, s'approchant et s'inclinant avec courtoisie. "Hé, les gars. Puis-je m'asseoir?" Elle assume un oui, car ce sont ses camarades de classe, et se dirige vers un siège vide, bien qu'elle attende que quelqu'un dise quelque chose avant de s'asseoir. | Name: Fan Ju-Long (Ju-Long is his first name)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Home: China
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Has a Grigori Soul, can see souls and read the personalities of souls and perform soul attacks(Explained in Bio)
Unique Traits: Can bring out a weapons without transforming (Explained in Bio)
Skills: Skillful in the art of sword fighting and many forms of kung fu.
A good dancer, and can also play the piano.
Weapon Form:
(His own is still yet to be seen, these are the weapons he has shown)
Outgoing and energetic, Ju-Long is friendly and nice. He wishes to protect those closest to him, friends and family.
Ju-Long was born of a fairly average family, however, his birth was very special. The first and only time this has ever happened. When his mother was pregnant, she was pregnant with triplets. During early gestation, however, a phenomenon occurred, vanishing twin syndrome. Normally, when this happens, the souls disperse and there are no side-effects. In Ju-Long's case, the other pair of the triplets souls were bound to Ju-Long, alongside their bodies. This lead to Ju-Long having three souls inside his own body. Each of the triplets souls were and bodies were infused with weapon properties, leading Ju-Long the ability to manifest his brother's and sister's souls into weapons. The weapons take the flesh from the bodies of Ju-Long's siblings that he absorbed into his own. He lives harmoniously with his brother and sister in the one mind and body. His siblings abilities, of if they were to have been born, are instilled within their weapon forms, allowing Ju-Long to use those abilities, when holding his siblings.
People who do not show respect or love to their family
Bitter Melon
Other Facts:
He keeps his story about his siblings secret, and attempts to hide his siblings souls with his own wavelength, encompassing theirs inside of his.
Ju-Long is the oldest of the siblings.
Min is his younger brother and Ya is his youngest sister. (Youngest as in the youngest of the triplets)
He requires the consumption of three times as many souls. After reaching 99 souls/kishin eggs, he can continue to consume more souls/kishin eggs and consume a witch's soul at any time.
Soul Description:
Quite regular, but jagged all around, with two swords in a X formation. Wings can sometimes be found in the expanded version of his soul, as his soul starts to resonate with his siblings. (Not necessarily a full soul resonance) |
43,864 | 1,202 | 91 | 446 | 7,203 | Alissa
"Ça n'a pas d'importance," la voix d'Alissa sonnait dans l'esprit de Dimitri. "Je suis une arme, un outil de guerre. Des choses frivoles comme l'embarras ou les sentiments personnels ne font qu'entraver le chemin. » La lumière brillait une fois de plus alors qu'elle se transformait en arrière, toujours allongée sur la table. Elle s'est poussée et a balancé les jambes au-dessus du bord, restant immobile un moment avant de sauter.
"Je vais aller chercher de la nourriture..." Elle a dit bientôt, en commençant à se diriger vers la porte. | Name: Allisa Yamimoto
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Home: Washington State, USA
Partner: (Fill out later)
Allisa's soul appears as covered in steel armor, carrying a slightly sad expression.
Special Talents: Alissa is highly resistant to attacks against her soul. The armor around it is similar to a witch's "Soul Protect".
Unique Traits: When she transforms into a weapon, her blade is sheathed. So far, no Meister she's partnered with has been able to remove the sheath.
Skills: Allisa has trained in hand to hand combat and Ninjutsu techniques from a young age.
Weapon Form: A sheathed shortsword
-An honorable fight
-Baked goods
-Sour candy |
43,862 | 1,202 | 89 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Quand Ju-Long est revenu il a immédiatement commenté sur Victorique sa chemise qui a fait Victorique immédiatement regarder doen et de retour à Ju-Long avec un large blush sur son visage probablement ressemblant à un petit enfant en ce moment. Victorique lui prit doucement le mouchoir et retira les morceaux restants de pizza de sa poitrine et de ses joues. Son œil regarda vers Kalinda son assiette tout en donnant le mouchoir à nouveau dans le processus. Kalinda avait presque les mêmes plats qu'elle-même et elle n'avait plus faim que d'une autre tranche de pizza. Victorique a regardé Kalinda sa pizza pendant une longue période et a presque supplié pour seulement un peu mais Kalinda n'a pas cédé et a continué à manger. Victorique lâcha de nouveau le menton de la table en remuant son doigt juste à côté d'elle sur la table. Elle n'a pas trouvé le besoin de manger des légumes ou des fruits en ce moment et a ignoré les plats restants dans son assiette et a plutôt regardé vers Ju-Long ses assiettes.
Il avait une combinaison assez bizarre de nourriture et beaucoup de celle-ci aussi. Elle se demandait s'il allait tout manger. Victorique est restée à regarder son assiette tout en volant sournoisement toutes ses tomates Kalinda de sa salade. Victorique son intrest a été capturée par le nouveau venu qui appraochait les trois leur table. Victorique l'a regardée quelques secondes avant de lui donner une réponse vague en double tête. Alors que l'autre personne s'asseyait, elle saisit une poignée de son thé et commença légèrement à le siroter. Il faisait encore chaud, mais la saveur du thé était plutôt délicieuse bien qu'elle n'ait pas eu de thé aussi souvent. Après son thé, elle a continué à regarder sa camarade de classe qui vient de les rejoindre avec sa bouche légèrement ouverte. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,865 | 1,202 | 92 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
"Jusqu'à présent, aujourd'hui n'avait pas vraiment été aussi exigeant" Kalinda a parlé en essayant de créer une conversation, tandis que Victorique regardait Ju-Long, sa nourriture et de manger les tomates de Kalinda. Ju-Long était le mangeur rapide et propre, il a surtout fini avec ses deux assiettes quand Kalinda a parlé. Finissant la nourriture dans sa bouche, il a répondu, "Eh bien, c'est comme ça que les orientations sont je suppose. C'est plus pour connaître les gens autour de vous. »
Alors qu'il allait prendre une autre bouchée, un autre camarade de classe est venu à la cafétéria et s'est approché de la table. C'était Regan, elle a demandé si elle pouvait s'asseoir avec eux. "Bien sûr que tu peux. Il n'y a pas de problème ici." il a répondu, lui indiquant de prendre place. Ju-Long a ensuite continué à manger sa nourriture, la finissant peu après.
Buvant une partie de son thé, Ju-Long a essayé de poursuivre la conversation. "L'un d'entre vous est-il intéressé à prendre une mission à partir du bulletin de mission? Je pensais partir plus tard. Avoir d'autres personnes pour aider signifierait assumer différents types de missions. » | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,867 | 1,202 | 94 | 1,379 | 5,169 | Victoire
Victorique a écouté tranquillement les deux d'entre eux se parler et a continué à voler sa nourriture Kalinda avant de leur répondre en s'allongeant sur la table seulement en regardant ces deux "Peut-être que moi et Kalinda kould s'entrainent un peu d'abord." Sa voix était silencieuse et elle n'en a pas dit plus. Il lui a fallu du temps pour remarquer que l'assiette de Ju-Long avait été complètement dévorée. Son expression a été un peu surprise de savoir qu'il a mangé toute cette nourriture lui-même. Elle s'est toujours abstenue de parler et a continué tranquillement à regarder ses deux assiettes avec sa bouche juste légèrement ouverte. Elle avait une expression blanche sur son visage quand elle regardait sous la table et tout autour de Ju-Long pour chercher la nourriture manquante. C'était impossible d'avoir mangé toute cette nourriture toute seule, mais elle n'a trouvé aucune trace. Après quelques recherches profondes, elle était très proche de son visage et était strictement mais avec un regard blanc sur son visage le regardant pour découvrir ce qui s'est passé. | Weapon
Victorique de Blois
(Fill out later)
Special Talents
Trained in Ninjutsu, Acrobatics and has very high dodging skills
Unique Traits
How more aligned the souls from her and her partner are the lighter her weapon modus gets
Ninjutsu, Acrobatics, Origami, Talking, Dodging
To be added
Curry, getting spoiled, sleeping, interacting with others, oragami, pro wrestling
Swimming, People that bother her, unions, bugs
Other Facts |
43,868 | 1,202 | 95 | 377 | 26,013 | Ju-Long
Alors que Kalinda parlait, Ju-Long écoutait, voyant Victorique dans le coin de son œil voler la nourriture de Kalinda. "Je n'avais pas encore pensé à des missions. Je n'ai même pas regardé le tableau. Peut-être qu'il serait bon d'en faire un. Y en avait-il de bons?"
"Peut-être que Kalinda Kould et moi, on s'entraîne un peu d'abord." Victorique a parlé.
"Je ne l'ai pas non plus regardé récemment. La dernière fois que j'en ai vu un pour Mary Ann Cotton, un tueur en série qui utilise un empoisonnement à l'arsenic et un pour Jack l'Éventreur. Mais quelqu'un en a probablement déjà pris. Il est mis à jour assez régulièrement, donc oui. Au moins, c'était pendant mon séjour à l'EAT. En outre, vous n'aviez pas à assister à toutes les classes en raison des missions, même si je ne sais pas comment c'est pour notre nouvelle classe. » Ju-Long a répondu. "Quant à l'entraînement, ce serait probablement sage."
Quoi de neuf?
Elle regarde son frère bizarrement.
Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
Celui qui s'est endormi te regarde bizarrement et ton assiette
"Qu'est-ce qu'il y a Victorique? Y a-t-il quelque chose d'étrange?" Il lui a demandé. | Name: Kalinda Stevens
Age: 18
Gender: Female
She was born In Australia, but has kind of lived everywhere and no where.
(Fill out later)
Special Talents:
Kalinda is able to see soul wavelengths and use Anti-Demon Wavelength
Unique Traits: Has a very adaptable Soul Wavelength, enabling her to work with many weapons.
Skills: Kalinda's skills like in her ability to be quite flexible (Body wise), which is useful in her fighting. She's also a pretty good cook
Weapon Preference: She doesn't really have a weapon preference, due to her ability to be quite Wavelength flexible.
Kalinda is a tad reserved, although those that know her well know her to be kind, and caring, almost dedicated to friends and those she considers family. She can be quite stubborn, but often, she just keeps to herself.
If you know her bio, then you are quite close to her. Her history is not something she shares lightly.
Rainy days
Overly cheerful people
Being beaten. |
43,863 | 1,202 | 90 | 1,589 | 1,925 | Dimitri a donné un doux yelp de surprise que la lumière vive soudaine lui a blessé les yeux. Il les a frottés, n'étant pas habitué aux transformations d'armes comme il n'avait jamais eu de partenaire, bien que l'inconfort causé par le flash soudain ait été rapidement oublié quand il a cessé de frotter ses yeux pour regarder Alissa, ou plutôt, son état d'arme. La meister a franchi la table une fois de plus et s'est emparée de l'épée, notant que la longue poignée de l'arme équilibre d'une manière ou d'une autre Alissa même avec sa gaine et tous ses composants supplémentaires.
Dimitri tenait Alissa par sa poignée et sa gaine, a épargné un moment pour regarder autour de lui pour s'assurer que personne ne le regardait, puis a essayé de tirer l'épée de la gaine. Ça ne bougerait pas, même pas un seul pouce. Dimitri a essayé une fois de plus, cette fois en ajoutant plus de force à son tir, mais pas assez à l'endroit où il sentait qu'il pourrait blesser Alissa, si cela était du tout possible dans son état actuel. Il a mis quatre fois de plus, avant d'abandonner et de placer Alissa sur la table. "Qu'un cornichon..." Il s'est moqué à haute voix alors qu'il a déplacé l'attention sur la gaine, tapant légèrement sa longueur pour voir à quel point elle est robuste. "Il semble qu'il pourrait être capable de résister à un peu de stress. Les chaînes devraient être particulièrement utiles pour bloquer... » Il a dit qu'il courait ses doigts à travers les chaînes. Il a continué à caresser l'arme pendant quelques secondes avant de se rappeler trois détails qui non seulement vital, mais extrêmement embarrassant: Cette arme était une personne, c'était une personne qui s'est avéré être une femme, et Dimitri n'avait aucun indice sur le fonctionnement de l'anatomie des armes. Les joues de Dimitri rougissaient en rouge alors qu'il s'arrêtait pour réfléchir à ce qu'il faisait exactement avant de commencer à stammer. "Oh Mort, j'avais oublié que c'était toujours toi! J'espère vraiment que ce n'est pas bizarre! Je ne te touche pas mal? Je suis tellement désolé si je fais quelque chose de mal ici! Attendez, vous m'entendez?" Il a demandé à tous d'un seul souffle. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,866 | 1,202 | 93 | 1,589 | 1,925 | C'est vrai. Dimitri murmura un peu pathétiquement alors qu'il regardait son partenaire se diriger vers la porte. La meister s'assit dans sa chaise et secoua la tête alors qu'il tentait de trouver son partenaire. Même avec son incompétence sociale, Dimitri savait qu'il n'était pas tout à fait normal de changer si rapidement d'intéressée et d'indifférente : « Cette fille est certainement étrange. J'espère qu'elle n'est pas bipolaire. Il s'est moqué avant d'ouvrir son livre et de sortir son téléphone pour prendre quelques photos des pages qu'il avait achetées, ainsi que quelques-unes de la carte qu'il avait saisie.
Un grondement dans l'estomac de Dimitri l'a alerté de sa propre faim, provoquant un soupir lourd de lui car il s'est rendu compte que ce n'était pas le genre de faim qui serait résolu avec les bonbons dans ses poches, c'est-à-dire à moins qu'il était prêt à s'entraîner deux fois plus dur quand il est revenu à son appartement pour brûler le sucre supplémentaire et les calories vides. Dimitri a redressé les coins des livres qu'il avait amenés à la table et s'est levé pour les mettre en place et la carte de retour dans leurs bons endroits avant qu'il jogge après son arme pour rattraper. | Name: Dimitri Holmes
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Home: Rockhill, South Carolina
Partner: (Fill out later)
Special Talents: Dimitri is a highly adept kick boxer and has comprehensive knowledge of nature
Unique Traits: Dimitri's soul wavelength is unusually dense, and while he cannot attack directly with it, he can use this to make his attacks much heavier and harder than they appear
Skills: Aside from kick boxing, Dimitri is very skilled at sewing and knitting (a secret he'll take to the grave) as well as grilling, horticulture, and general first aid
Weapon Preference: He prefers blunt weapons, but he'll compromise if he has to
Personality: Despite his somewhat irritable appearance and stoic demeanor Dimitri is actually a reserved and humble guy. Years of infrequent interaction with people his age group outside of a boxing ring have made him a bit shy and socially awkward. When fighting Dimitri becomes a bit more like what people perceive him as and prefers to dominate the battle field using his size and strength as offensively as he can. If you can get him to actually open up to you Dimitri is that kind of guy that'd take a bullet for a friend if he has to, though he'd much prefer to just knit you a scarf and claim he just bought it for you.
Bio: Dimitri's past isn't exactly the most remarkable one out there. He was born the son of a retired Meister and a park ranger, and as far back as he could remember, Dimitri always had a fair bit of trouble making friends. Being the tallest in every class he went in to meant that he dealt with a fair bit of bullying, something his father thought could be remedied with some boxing lessons. As the years went on and Dimitri started to put on quite a bit of muscle the bullying stopped, though now the issue was that his size actually frightened others in his classes. When he hit seventeen his father decided to enroll him in the DWMA in the hopes that along with learning some useful skills, he'd learn to break out of his shell.
-Just about anything lime flavored
-Warm climates
- Cold Climates
Other Facts: No matter the time or place, Dimitri ALWAYS has a pocket full of lime flavored lollipops. No one knows where he gets them all, nor how many he has on his at one time, it's just a universal constant. |
43,870 | 1,203 | 1 | 220 | 2,519 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Hana Kurosawa
Hana regarda les spuds, puis Asoka, mordant sa lèvre toujours si légèrement qu'elle regarda Itsuki aller avec son violent ramble. "Et il était un beau-frère si doux... Hana-chan est triste." Elle murmurait d'un ton boueux, alors qu'elle réévaluait ses options. Ses yeux reposaient sur Asoka, comme elle étonnamment, a sorti un téléphone portable et a appelé ce que Hana a supposé être son chauffeur. Hana s'inclina la tête avec un quiz, à l'échec et à la mention du troisième pupille, avant de se replier les bras.
"Maintenant, maintenant. Pas besoin de paniquer, Hana-chan le sait très bien! » Elle s'est ensuite mise à défier les enfants. « Tant que vous ferez ce que dit Hana-chan, il n'y aura pas de problèmes. Beaucoup de cadavres à cause des Yakuza, Mafiya et Triades là-bas." Ses yeux reposaient sur l'un des garçons, qui avait pris un risque proactif. "Wow, tu veux être le frère aîné fiable, n'est-ce pas? Comme c'est mignon! Mais, ne soyez pas pressés, nous devons d'abord trier quelque chose avant de partir. Après tout, nous devons nous assurer que vous êtes bien et en sécurité! »
Sa main a tiré dans un geste étrange, serré fermement la tête d'Asoka avec la vitesse de la foudre. Et puis le médecin a fait l'impensable. Elle a étouffé la tête d'Asoka comme si elle était encore enfant. "C'est gentil de ta part, A-chan! Tu es toujours cette gentille fille que j'ai connue! » Le médecin gigogne, avant de mettre un visage un peu plus sérieux, ou peut-être légèrement pulvérisé.
"Huit personnes pour un VUS. Tu peux monter à bord du fusil, A-chan, avec ton chauffeur génial. Et ces enfants sont toujours... Disons juste qu'on peut peut-être enfiler les cinq sur les trois sièges arrière. Tant que les jumeaux ne se dérangent pas de s'asseoir sur les genoux de quelqu'un." Elle l'a égratignée. "Et puisque c'est la faute de Hana-chan, je serai dans le...trunk."
Tippoeing, elle a suivi Asoka dehors, l'intention de commencer le spectacle. En tirant un téléphone, elle a tapé les coordonnées de l'endroit à l'intérieur du pupitre. "Allons-y. Doucement et doucement. Je vous invite à une tasse de mon café colombien de luxe, maquillé manuellement! » Elle se tapait les mains en souriant, exhortant les gens à jouer leur rôle. | Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul. |
43,871 | 1,203 | 2 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Itsuki
Itsuki est vite arrivé à l'entrepôt, mais juste d'un coup d'oeil il pouvait dire quelque chose était en place. De son point de vue, il ne voyait aucun signe des guilles de patrouille des nuits précédentes. Rien à propos de cette situation ne sentait bien, mais il n'avait pas envie d'y retourner et de demander à Asoka ou Hana un endroit pour rester juste parce qu'il était un peu méfiant. Avec son esprit maintenant obstinément fixé, il sautait au niveau de la rue, se baladant rapidement de l'autre côté de la rue jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive dans le petit chemin d'entrée. Alors qu'il s'approchait de la porte, une odeur familière imprégnait l'air, devenant plus fort plus il s'approchait d'elle.
Du sang. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Putain, ça va prendre du temps à nettoyer. Cela le rend à peine digne d'être considéré comme un endroit pour vivre, vraiment, comme quelque chose comme cela attirerait beaucoup d'attention. Voyons si on peut trouver qui a fait ça.
Itsuki ouvrit la porte, marchant pour voir un bon nombre de goules ayant été brutalement déchirées, à tel point qu'il était parfois difficile de dire où un corps d'un autre à certains endroits. En marchant parmi les cadavres, Itsuki tenait un document pour se pencher contre un cadre en acier, la scène ramenant plus de souvenirs indésirables. Des images de ses nombreuses victimes éclataient à travers sa tête, le goût de la chair de ghoul se remplissant la bouche, ce qui le rendait presque envie de bâillonner. Son souffle s'empare de sa gorge, devenant légèrement agité alors qu'il sentait sa paranoïa monter en flèche, voyant des ennemis dans toutes les ombres.
Merde, je ne peux pas avoir d'attaque maintenant. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. respirer. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. respirer
Itsuki a pris une seconde pour se calmer, se sentir un peu plus stable, bien qu'il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sentir un sentiment de paranoïa rampant dans sa colonne vertébrale. En regardant autour de lui, il sentait qu'il était surveillé. Que ce soit vrai ou juste un sentiment latent de son temps dans le 24, il ne pouvait pas dire, mais était sûr qu'il le découvrirait d'une façon ou d'une autre. Avec rien de mieux à faire, il s'est promené dans l'intérieur, Kagune s'est aventuré derrière lui à tout moment prêt à frapper alors qu'il regardait autour de la région, pensant à comment il allait se débarrasser de ces corps, car il n'avait plus jamais le désir ni la capacité de consommer de la chair de ghoul. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,872 | 1,203 | 3 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Une rue vide, la seule chose qui a été entendue étaient de petits pas et de la circulation au loin, montrant que la vie de la ville ne s'est jamais arrêtée et qu'il y aurait toujours des gens errant autour même tard dans la nuit.
L'eau éclaboussait ses pieds alors qu'elle traversait l'eau éparpillée de l'autre côté de la rue depuis la pluie qui s'empilait dans les trous vides de la rue.
Légères gouttes d'eau suspendues aux extrémités de ses cheveux, illuminés par l'éclairage de la rue juste à côté d'elle. Rin a sauté le long du bloc en connaissant sa destination. Elle avait envie d'aller à l'endroit où elle rentrait il y a 8 ans. C'était comme si c'était pour l'attirer pour une raison quelconque. Elle avait envie d'un autre souvenir de l'époque, tout était si heureux et joyeux.
Rin a légèrement balayé toutes les quelques étapes, ses pieds ont eu un rythme rapide fatiguant la jeune fille un peu en fait. Elle avait beaucoup d'endurance, ce n'était pas si grave pour elle de rester sur le rythme pendant longtemps.
La maison était en vue et si elle avait raison, elle pouvait sentir d'autres présences par leur odeur et leur son. Il était clair qu'il y avait quelqu'un d'autre à proximité et par l'odeur Rin pouvait dire qu'ils étaient assez familiers.
Rin s'est arrêté un moment et a jeté un coup d'œil sur l'ancienne maison usée. Aucun signe d'autre, mais elle l'apprendrait assez tôt. Son rythme ralentit alors qu'elle se rapprochait de ce qui restait de la porte d'entrée. Rin a hésité un moment mais a décidé d'y aller. Si c'était dangereux, il pourrait être tué. Si c'était amical, elle devrait penser à un plan assez vite.
Rin s'est dirigé vers l'intérieur et s'est soigneusement déplacé. À travers les pièces vides pour voir s'il y avait d'autres présences cachées. Court après que Rin a pris une profonde respiration et est entré dans la chambre avec 5 jeunes goules et Asoka avec Hana.
Rin se tenait silencieusement dans la porte pendant un moment. Elle regarda les jeunes goules et ne put plus tirer un visage de dégoût par la vue. Plus de gens qui souffraient de la société dans laquelle ils vivaient. Rin a regardé les deux filles plus âgées et a tout simplement regardé. Quelle serait la bonne réaction à ce qu'elle pensait.
Sa voix s'est évanouie. Rin n'a même pas flippé en disant ça et est resté là en silence pendant une minute. Rin l'a ensuite placée contre l'un des murs a élevé son écharpe sur sa bouche comme une sécurité supplémentaire afin que la cicatrice ne soit pas si évidente et plié ses bras l'un sur l'autre en se penchant tout son corps contre le mur.
Elle regarda de nouveau les deux et pensa à elle-même à la façon dont ils ont grandi autant. Elle avait même besoin d'un moment pour voir à travers leur apparence afin qu'elle sache qui ils étaient. Elle ne s'est jamais approchée d'eux de toute façon. Elle connaissait à peine leurs noms, mais quand même, c'était sympa de voir qu'ils avaient au moins grandi à quelque chose dont ils pouvaient être fiers. | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,869 | 1,203 | 0 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Chapitre I: Le nouveau voyage
Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
Dans les quartiers plus calmes du quartier spécial de Bunkyo, dans la soirée pluvieuse d'une autre journée typique dans la ville la plus peuplée du monde, reposaient les restes d'un manoir autrefois magnifique, maintenant juste un vestige de souvenirs vagues pour ceux qui se sont réunis ici aujourd'hui. Trois goules qui étaient autrefois liés à cet endroit sont retournés au berceau qui leur a donné une seconde chance dans la vie, seulement pour trouver un parallèle presque poétique à eux-mêmes. Cinq ghouls d'enfants avaient adopté ce moule investi de désordre comme leur maison, et chacun des adultes, ou plutôt des ghouls excentriques qui se sont avérés avoir franchi la ligne de la majorité, ressenti une forme d'obligation de faire quelque chose à leur sujet.
Itsuki, le seul garçon de la bande, s'est aussi avéré être le seul à avoir fait preuve de violence aveugle, les terrorisant seulement pour prendre rapidement les choses en main et les trouver un endroit plus approprié où résider. Son option serait cependant critiquée d'une manière plus passive par Hana, la tête d'aérogare qui garde stratégiquement tout ce qui est pertinent pour elle-même. Sauf quand l'idée est au-delà de la viabilité, comme celle-ci.
Asoka, cependant, avait déjà fait preuve d'hostilité envers Itsuki et n'aurait absolument aucun souci dans le monde, que l'enlèvement ou non d'un entrepôt d'un groupe de goules pour loger les enfants était une bonne idée ou non. Elle voulait juste qu'Isuki sorte de son visage. Avec cet «exil», Itsuki partait dans sa quête de cet entrepôt, tandis que Hana et Asoka improvisaient une session de baby-sitting avec les cinq mangeurs d'hommes.
On pourrait aussi appeler cela un bon flic, mauvais scénario de flic, comme Hana semblait tout à fait ravi de nourrir la congrégation de petites bêtes, tandis qu'Asoka ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se vexer. Pas chez eux qui mangent, mais juste à quel point ils pourraient rapidement être désordonnés. En tant que dame avec un certain sens de l'élégance et du prestige, il est venu aussi évident que son inexpérience avec les enfants se manifesterait de manière plutôt amusante pour ceux qui ne sont pas, eh bien, Asoka. Un des petits mouchoirs exprimait une forme de confiance envers Hana, et se demandait quand ils allaient partir avec elle en particulier. Maintenant, c'était assez intrigant pour le bébé du groupe des «adultes», si seulement ses collègues esclaves étaient aussi prompts à la suivre tous les ordres.
Oui, va voir le bizarre. Ne me câlinez pas, je viens de faire nettoyer cette chemise.
"Alors, tu as un autre endroit qui n'est pas un clochard? Peut aussi bien y aller, parce que le plan d'Itsukiwi semble un peu malsain. Alors, où as-tu dit que c'était... Oh attends, en parlant d'aller quelque part."
Alors qu'elle était sur le point de terminer sa question, le téléphone dans le manteau de Burberry qu'elle portait sur son bras sonna un air très ardu. En le vérifiant et en tenant hésitant son pouce sur le bouton de réponse, elle a fini par répondre au bout de dix secondes. Il semblait presque qu'elle l'ait fait sadiquement dans le but de faire attendre l'appelant. Maintenant, avec le téléphone dans son oreille, elle s'ouvrit en roulant les yeux et en employant l'une des tonalités les plus exaspérées que l'on pouvait rassembler sans être vraiment dérangée par quoi que ce soit.
"Quoi? Pas de baise, ça fait quinze minutes... et? Je m'en fiche si j'ai dit dix minutes. Tu me dois, Kaien... devine quoi? J'ai une livraison spéciale à faire, et vous aidez... D'accord, je vais demander."
Avec tous ces querelles qui se produisent et la longueur des pauses étant incompatible l'une avec l'autre, il était clair qu'elle avait une sorte d'emprise sur la personne de l'autre côté. Asoka abaissait son téléphone et l'appuyait sur sa poitrine alors qu'elle regardait à Hana.
"Où as-tu dit que ta place était? Attendez, vous vous foutez de moi? Pourquoi vous y iriez, sans parler des petits monstres? Jésus Christ, qu'est-ce que je pensais de moi-même avec vous?"
Abaisser le téléphone n'a pas fonctionné cependant que le terme '3rd Ward' a déclenché des cris sans fin du téléphone, bien qu'il sonnait plus comme des cris étouffés, il semblait clair que le conducteur qu'elle appelait n'était pas trop désireux de se réfugier près de cet endroit. Asoka a rapidement récupéré le téléphone et a répondu au stressé Kaien.
"Tais-toi, mec. Oubliez le service, vous ramassez les marchandises de toute façon... Je m'en fous, tu sais comment ça se passe... Bien, je vais acheter tes cigs pansy, arrête de te faire chier."
Et avec ça, elle a raccroché, visiblement bouleversée par cette altercation.
Elle s'est moquée d'elle-même avant de mettre de côté le téléphone pour l'instant et de se concentrer sur les questions à régler. À savoir, s'occuper de ces enfants, elle ne sentait aucune obligation morale d'aider mais l'a fait de toute façon parce que la culpabilité trébuchant fonctionne. Une main sur la hanche, elle s'est saisie et s'est calmée avant d'annoncer les faits.
"D'accord, je peux vous emmener. Je sais tout sur ta maison, mais je ne veux plus rester ici. Mais un avertissement. C'est un VUS, ils sont cinq, plus nous, ça fait sept. Et je ne marche pas. Occupe-toi de celui-là, Hana. La logistique n'a jamais été mon truc."
Cela dit, elle s'éloignait du porche avant, se rendant compte qu'il faisait très sombre en ce moment. S'ils allaient au 3e quartier, au moins ils pourraient être un peu discrets. Cela dit, cela devenait un peu trop taxant pour un groupe d'enfants aléatoires comme n'importe quel autre dans la rue. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,873 | 1,203 | 4 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
Tu n'oserais pas.
Asoka, se penchant contre un poteau en bois sur le porche, donna un éclat mortifié à la main prochaine de Hana. Après la raclée qu'elle avait faite à Itsuki, cet idiot allait faire exactement la même chose? C'était presque insultant, mais Hana avait encore une chance de reculer. Non, c'est arrivé. Une montée soudaine de l'adrénaline a englouti Asoka dans l'état où les pensées avaient peu de place dans sa prise de décision. Mais avant qu'elle ne puisse porter un jugement juste sur son « frère » aîné, quelque chose ennuyait profondément la jeune fille. Assez pour qu'elle cesse toute intention hostile, autre que la gifle obligatoire sur la main de Hana.
"Ne refais pas ça."
Et avec ça, elle s'est concentrée sur ce qui tourmentait son esprit. Un son simple, couplé à une mauvaise odeur. Foul, mais très familier. Tout comme tous les individus qu'elle avait rencontrés une fois de plus après huit longues années. Quelqu'un était à proximité, et qu'il s'agisse d'une bonne ou d'une mauvaise rencontre, le fait était qu'ils n'étaient que deux avec des enfants maladroits. Si cette personne était hostile, Asoka serait dans un endroit difficile, car la préservation de soi avait priorité sur tout autre chose.
Cela a empêché Asoka de lui donner son comeback typique sur ce que les gens disent, et tandis que Hana enfermé dans un coffre serait drôle en soi, son offre était ce qui a fait la femme orgueilleuse snicker pour un bref moment.
"Un café chaud, oui? Tu sais vraiment comment parler à une dame."
Donner un petit clin d'œil à la fille Asoka avait déjà jugé comme légèrement déficient dans le domaine intellectuel, autant qu'il était faux. Un témoignage du petit déguisement de Hana pour Asoka était connu pour être un juge de caractère formidable. Puis encore une fois, peut-être que tout ce spectacle que le docteur a mis en place était en effet complètement idiot et inutile après tout. En tout cas, ça n'a pas empêché le mégalomane de transformer cette invitation normalement innocente en une ligne de ramassage flirt.
Mais ce petit moment de joie et de tapage serait raccourci avec ce même problème de garder Asoka sur le bord. Comme l'odeur s'est renforcée et les pas plus forts, une silhouette a été rendue visible dans l'obscurité de la soirée. Ce qui semblait être une jeune fille s'est arrêté et semblait s'adresser aux deux autres femelles avec une simple salutation. Au lieu de mettre sa garde en place et d'afficher n'importe quelle forme de vulnérabilité, Asoka a gardé son calme et ne s'est pas déplacée de sa position allongée, malgré avoir déjà accumulé un peu de stress. Ce serait la voix et la morphologie très bizarres qu'elle pouvait dire même après toutes ces années qui l'ont fait rouler les yeux.
"Hé, Hana, on en a un sixième."
Juste à côté de la chauve-souris, un peu de jab à Rin. Au moins, elle a obtenu une dose immédiate de ce à quoi s'attendre d'Asoka. Mais la nervosité qu'elle se sent rapidement transformée en confiance en se rendant confortable avec son plus jeune « frère » du getgo. Pointant son index droit sur la petite femelle, plus courte que ce que vous pensez d'Asoka, elle se branla la main d'une manière amicale et invitante tout en montrant clairement une certaine forme de domination dans cette interaction.
"Ria? Lève-toi? Rin? C'est ça, Rin. Merde, je pensais que ce serait juste Itsukiwi, Hana et le tien vraiment."
Asoka descendit lentement pour être aux bras jusqu'à Rin avant de l'embrasser dans un câlin court mais serré avec un bras, car l'autre portait encore le manteau. En parlant de ça, la fille qui n'était pas si courte après tout s'est endormie, mais à ce moment-là, ça n'avait pas d'importance, elle voulait juste une douche chaude. Peut-être aussi bien être froid pour l'avoir très agréable.
"Tu es juste à temps... pour avoir un timing nul. Nous sommes sur le point d'être... vous voyez..."
Elle a regardé à Hana, puis aux enfants qui l'ont suivie avec un peu de zèle. Asoka n'était toujours pas trop sûr de ce qu'il fallait dire de ces petites choses ni de ce qu'ils feraient avec elles. La vérité était qu'elle n'avait aucun désir d'aider cela contrairement à Itsuki et Hana en particulier.
"Hana vous remplira. Aaaaand voici notre balade! »
Alors qu'elle s'exclama de la présence du SUV blanc lui-même devant la pelouse avant du manoir, le conducteur a braqué le klaxon du véhicule plusieurs fois pour attirer leur attention. Asoka a agité pour confirmer qu'ils l'ont vu et qu'ils se dirigeaient vers lui. Quand elle a fait son chemin vers la voiture, elle a gardé son bras autour de Rin afin de la guider vers la voiture pour qu'elle puisse ajouter quelques détails sur ce qui se passait.
"C'est peut-être encore bizarre. Mais c'est n'importe quoi. On va prendre un café chaud ce soir, loin du moule et de l'ancien. Vous êtes là?"
Bien que l'oubli des problèmes logistiques qu'ils rencontreraient avec Rin a ajouté au mélange, Asoka a clairement invité la jeune fille à s'asseoir dans les sièges arrière alors qu'elle ouvrait la porte arrière pour elle. Quant au chauffeur, il serait prêt pour une grande surprise. L'homme donnerait déjà un coup d'œil confus à Asoka avec cette personne au hasard étant invitée dans sa voiture sans aucune permission. Attendez qu'il voie les enfants. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,874 | 1,203 | 5 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Takeshi
Le ghoul aux cheveux argentés a donné à la petite femme un regard un peu confus alors qu'elle criait dans son téléphone, les yeux pivotant d'elle à l'autre comme il a essayé de comprendre quelque chose à dire. Il s'est tourné vers les autres, mais ils lui ont tous serré les épaules, apparemment en décidant d'accepter leur destin et d'obtenir un abri et de la nourriture gratuits. Takeshi, cependant, était encore un peu méfiant de ces adultes, et n'était pas sur le point de baisser sa garde juste parce qu'il avait obtenu de la nourriture gratuite. Le ton que cette femme plus grande, Hana s'il s'est rappelé correctement, l'a un peu ennuyé. Je ne suis pas mignon, putain! Il a pensé en colère alors qu'il regardait loin d'elle avec un clic de sa langue, bien que si on regardait de près, ils remarqueraient qu'un blush léger pourrait être noté sur son visage. Il a noté avec intérêt, cependant, que la femme plus grande a commencé à caresser la plus petite sur sa tête, la même chose qu'il se rappelait le gars effrayant faisant, mais au lieu de se faire botter dans un mur, elle a seulement obtenu sa main giflée.
Je suppose qu'elle ne s'en soucie pas autant si les filles le font. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais ça a toujours l'air d'être en colère.
Il observa avec plus de confusion, se demandant ce qui avait empêché Hana de ressentir la colère du Tiny Tyrant, seulement pour lui d'attraper soudain un autre parfum inconnu, le bruit de pas s'approchant lui faisant tourner autour de lui pour faire face à la menace possible, son kakugan flambant à la vie alors qu'il regardait dans la direction du nouveau venu, se mettant entre eux et les autres, et seulement le calme une fois le Tiny Tyrant appelé à elle, et même alors sa garde était encore debout comme le sang noir et rouge de ses yeux. Le nouveau venu, nommé Rin apparemment, était assez calme et peu impressionnant. Alors que le Tiny Tyrant l'emmenait par le bras jusqu'au VUS qui s'est tiré dans la scène, Takeshi suivait derrière, en mouvementant pour que les autres viennent aussi. Ils s'arrêtaient derrière les deux, où le gamin aux cheveux argentés, après avoir jeté un coup d'oeil à l'intérieur du véhicule, avait une question pour la terreur aux cheveux corbeaux.
"Comment va-t-on l'intégrer au reste d'entre nous? Ça n'a pas l'air d'être un peu. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. à l'étroit pour toi." | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,876 | 1,203 | 7 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Les deux femmes plus âgées du groupe ne semblaient pas avoir de rancune contre Rin, et aussi loin qu'elle puisse le dire. Rin n'était pas encore mort. Asoka lui avait parlé mais Rin n'a pas beaucoup répondu à la fille, elle n'a donné qu'une courte secousse de la tête quand Asoka a laissé ses pensées à penser qu'ils seraient seuls. Apparemment, Itsuki était aussi quelque part par ici, et bien pas qu'elle se souciait vraiment. Ce n'était pas comme si elle avait vraiment formé un lien avec lui non plus. Asoka lui a fait un câlin serré mais Rin n'arrêtait pas de se tenir là comme une ragdoll ne sachant pas vraiment comment y réagir. Rin a un peu incliné la tête quand Asoka s'est arrêtée à mi-chemin de sa phrase, elle a silencieusement regardé la fille comme elle semblait être occupée ailleurs en ce moment.
Rin s'est un peu tendue alors que le bruit a rempli ses oreilles. Quel était ce sentiment, elle se sentait mal à l'aise avec Hana. Elle a toujours été comme ça? Tellement attaché et heureux tout le temps. Sa voix comme une planche à craie rayée a attiré l'attention de Rin loin d'Asoka et a regardé Hana. Avec Asoka qui s'accroche toujours à elle, elle n'a pas pu échapper à la terreur appelée Hana aussi. Le câlin chaud l'embrassait et elle ne pouvait rien faire d'autre que d'essayer de s'en sortir. Ça commençait à être ennuyeux. La poitrine de Hana s'est serrée contre son visage comme si elle voulait la tuer. Ses yeux s'élargissaient un peu en sentant à quel point c'était doux. C'était vraiment essayer de l'absorber! Rin s'est rebellée contre le câlin et a lutté pour sortir aussi fort qu'elle le pouvait. Elle s'étouffait, elle ne pouvait pas respirer, ses instincts de survie commençaient à entrer.
Hana a laissé partir les deux d'entre eux et Rin immédiatement gazé pour l'air. Elle a donné quelques pantalons légers courts et semblait à nouveau aller bien. Asoka avait commencé à marcher avec son bras autour de Rin et Hana à leurs côtés marchant légèrement avec eux. Hana a donné une brève explication sur la situation en ce moment, Rin a fait un petit clin d'œil à elle alors que sa voix craquait.
"Je vois..."
Asoka a ouvert la porte et a aidé Rin dans la voiture. Rin n'a pas vraiment compris pourquoi elle devait aller avec eux, mais ça ne lui dérangeait pas. Elle connaissait ces gens et il pourrait être intéressant d'entendre parler de leurs histoires. Rin n'arrêtait pas de regarder dans le miroir du conducteur avec des yeux aiguisés ne faisant pas vraiment confiance à la personne. Certains jeunes enfants devaient faire confiance, mais un vieil homme était trop pour elle. Elle est restée voyante à la personne sur le siège du conducteur pendant que la conversation à l'extérieur s'est poursuivie. | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,878 | 1,203 | 9 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Takeshi
Takeshi a donné à Hana un regard froid alors qu'elle l'exhortait avec gaieté, plutôt non amusée par sa déclaration. Qui diable était-elle pour lui dire ce qu'il pouvait ou ne pouvait pas dire, même si c'était juste une plaisanterie. Il pourrait être avec la situation et reconnaissant pour la nourriture, mais cela ne voulait pas dire qu'il se laisserait devenir un jouet pour cette femme, ou un subordonné pour le petit.
"Essayez-le et je vais vous mordre. C'est une promesse."
Il se détourna, regardant les autres, tandis que les adultes se chamaillaient d'autres, avant que le tyran ne pointe soudainement vers lui. Avant qu'il ne puisse dire quoi que ce soit, elle s'est mise à descendre la ligne, semblant essayer de décider lequel d'entre eux serait la victime de son dernier plan. Alors que son doigt atterrissait, Takeshi était prête à lui dire de se faire foutre si elle essayait de tirer sur l'un d'eux ou ce qu'elle avait prévu. Alors il a été définitivement pris par surprise quand elle l'a soudainement attrapé par l'épaule (Qu'est-ce que c'est avec cette force de gorille?) et l'a jeté dans le van, où il a atterri sur les cuisses de la fille tranquille. Il était prompt à se lever, se tournant pour donner à la femme plus âgée un morceau de son esprit, mais elle a rapidement expliqué son plan à tout le monde, et il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de convenir que c'était la meilleure façon de s'adapter à tout le monde.
Il ferma la bouche avec un grognement, retournant s'asseoir sur les genoux de la fille tranquille, ne la regardant même pas comme il regardait par la fenêtre de la porte de la voiture, les yeux fermés comme un blush beaucoup plus proéminent étendu sur son visage. Il a ouvert les yeux un peu pour regarder en arrière à Rin, mais il l'a fermé et s'est détourné tout aussi vite, laissant un soupir de gêne à la situation, se sentant un peu mal à l'aise d'avoir à s'asseoir sur les genoux d'une fille qu'il connaissait à peine.
"Je vais t'appeler quelque chose, d'accord." Il a brouillé sous son souffle, espérant qu'ils seraient prêts, pour qu'il puisse déjà sortir de cette position embarrassante. Ça allait être une longue nuit, il pouvait déjà le sentir. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,877 | 1,203 | 8 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
"Pas du genre bavard, hein? Je peux respecter ça."
Et il se trouve que c'est pratique. Moins ils parlent, plus ma migraine sera faible.»
Rin ne résistait à rien, ce qui était vraiment une bonne chose, du moins pour Asoka. Ce serait une vérité évidente pour Hana maintenant que de tels comportements ont bien avancé avec le petit tyran, des individus montrant aucun signe de confrontation ou des initiatives pour prendre le feu. Pas sans son accord, du moins. Enfin, ils semblent enfin sortir de ce trou à rat trop humide, elle pourrait jurer qu'elle se sentait champignon grandir dans les crevasses plus chaudes de son corps, comme ses aisselles. Ne vous méprenez pas.
Mais non, Hana a dû faire ça encore plus longtemps en faisant la remarque qu'il n'y aurait pas d'espace pour tout le paquet. Cela a provoqué un roulis très défini et grossier des yeux d'Asoka accompagné d'un soupir sans restriction.
Pour un médecin, vous n'êtes pas pratique. Je vais te considérer comme un scalpel fiable pour la merde aléatoire. Pour l'amour de Dieu.'
Elle levait la main comme Hana parlait tout en gagnant ce regard bouleversé sur son visage, la même qu'elle avait quand elle a frappé cette main plus tôt. Tout le monde a dû s'arrêter un moment, parce que ça n'allait pas marcher, c'est sûr. Cela n'a pas aidé que l'un des enfants, l'autre garçon qui n'a pas lancé sa kagune autour, avait un ton moins agréable non plus. Asoka a essayé de se rassembler et de trouver rapidement une solution qui n'impliquait pas une fourgonnette flippante pour transporter des enfants de toutes les personnes.
"Hana, une camionnette? Sérieusement? Tu veux peindre des "bonbons gratuits" dessus aussi? Comme si la GCC n'était pas assez mauvaise, on a aussi l'équipe de pedo. Juste... Attendez, j'ai une idée."
Elle a marché vers les enfants qui étaient probablement malades et fatigués des machinations sans fin des adultes, ses doigts se brossant contre son menton alors qu'elle considérait cette idée de celle d'elle. Après environ trois secondes, elle a fini par pointer au hasard le gamin Takeshi sans raison apparente avant d'ouvrir la bouche une fois de plus.
"Eenie, meenie, miny, moe, attraper un tigre par l'orteil, s'il hurle laisse aller, eenie, meenie, miny, moe!"
Son doigt a fini sur Mii, dans lequel beaucoup d'anxiété irrationnelle l'a consumée, ainsi que tout le monde vraiment pour aucun d'eux ne savait ce qui se passait. Qu'est-ce que ça voulait dire? Est-ce qu'elle allait en botter un? Tuez-en un? Forcer quelqu'un à conduire? Eh bien non, pas vraiment. En fait, tout cela ne serait pas pertinent car elle attraperait juste Takeshi par l'épaule avec sa force absurdement élevée et le jetterait sur les cuisses de Rin à l'intérieur de la voiture.
"Tu es assis sur les genoux de Rin. Les jumeaux peuvent s'asseoir l'un sur l'autre, et les deux autres peuvent faire la même chose. Hana, si tu t'assois, je m'assois sur toi. Nous allons matin après-maison-party-avec-un-un-car-mode disponible. Appelez-moi Bouddha."
Une solution a été trouvée, tout le monde serait heureux. Ils enfreindraient probablement une loi ou deux, mais ça serait mieux d'avoir un tas d'enfants dans un van. Même s'ils n'étaient pas pris, ça ferait flipper. Asoka a invité tout le monde à prendre place, en particulier à Hana. L'impatience d'Asoka était quelque chose qu'on ne devrait pas mettre à l'épreuve. Jamais.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça, Asoka? Tu penses que tu peux juste apporter un tas de... Oh putain sont-ils des goules aussi?! Merde, tu pousses. Et au troisième pupille aussi? »
"Fais chier. Tu es plus une chatte que mon putain de chat. Je t'ai aidé à voler cette plate-forme de toute façon. Considère ça comme ma putain de commission."
Le conducteur masculin, clairement un goul par son odeur, semblait être dans la vingtaine, au plus tôt dans la trentaine. Asoka le connaissait de l'université, et étant des goules, ils ont évidemment eu leur double vie affrontement. De quelle façon, ce serait quelque chose qu'elle ne révélerait pas seulement quand il est là. Mais en tout cas, après sa réponse, tout ce qu'il a fait, c'était donner un put de béongdgging avant de se secouer la tête et d'activer l'allumage de son VUS. Ils partiraient une fois que tout le monde à l'intérieur, et ce serait à Hana de les guider vers son repaire actuel. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,879 | 1,203 | 10 | 220 | 2,519 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Hana Kurosawa
Hana regarda Asoka, les yeux s'élargissant un peu. Pas parce que l'exhortation, l'esprit. Cela semblait égal à Asoka, mais plus comme elle était prête à abandonner son sens de l'espace personnel pour s'adapter à tout le monde dans la voiture. Maintenant que celui-ci, le docteur ne l'avait pas vu venir. Peut-être l'avait-elle jugée trop hâtivement? Pourtant, il semblait inutile de souligner les dangers d'encombrer huit personnes sur quatre sièges, comme les pneus plats, la police. Encore plus si la voiture était, comme Asoka l'a laissé glisser, volé.
J'espère qu'on n'aura pas à tuer des colombes ou de la police dans le troisième quartier.
"Buddha-chan..." Hana a dit d'une manière ardue, après avoir entendu le commentaire d'Asoka. Eh bien, elle avait demandé à être appelée Bouddha, et Hana a oublié. Au moins, elle le méritait beaucoup, contrairement à l'enfant grossier qui l'avait réprimandée avec une menace mordante. C'était une bête sauvage.
Elle est entrée avec des marches presque félines à l'intérieur de la voiture, tout le temps qu'elle textait la même personne qui avait demandé à amener le van pour abandonner le plan, et poursuivre avec n'importe quelle entreprise qu'il avait. Le conducteur semblait un ghoul mâle, qui était possitivement ennuyé par le défilé soudain de l'enfant ghoul engourdissant sa voiture. Elle lui a donné un regard amical."Bonjour, monsieur. Vous semblez être un conducteur fiable. Je suis le docteur Hana, l'aîné de votre patron. Mais tu peux m'appeler Hana-chan! Des gars fiables comme vous sont une vue rare de nos jours... pourrait toujours utiliser plus... » Elle a laissé les mots s'attarder délibérément tout en rayonnant sur lui, alors qu'elle attendait Asoka pour prendre sa position sur ses genoux.
L'adolescente Hana s'occupait des jeunes enfants chaque fois qu'elle n'était pas là, elle a ensuite montré la carte GPS au conducteur."C'est chez Hana-chan. Pouvez-vous nous y emmener, M. Kaien? J'apprécierais ça." Hana a dit d'une manière plutôt ferme, polie, contrairement à la franchise agressive d'Asoka.
Ses yeux se reposaient alors sur l'empilement maladroit des sièges arrière. "Vous êtes bien là?" Elle a demandé, par courtoisie, avant de laisser Kaien les conduire à leur destination. | Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul. |
43,880 | 1,203 | 11 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 5, Bunkyo, Tokyo
Rin rougit un peu tout en la regardant loin d'elle par le commentaire qu'Asoka a fait. Rin a levé son écharpe un peu au-dessus de sa bouche.
"Eh bien, c'est vraiment... Je pense que vous pouvez deviner vous-même..."
Sa voix frémissante s'est lentement éteinte après être devenue plus douce et plus douce. Rin avait l'air un peu fatiguée quand elle a mordu sa lèvre. Elle n'avait vraiment pas de bons souvenirs à y penser. Rin est restée regarder par la fenêtre de la voiture loin d'Asoka avec un peu triste regard sur son visage alors qu'Asoka est revenu pour amener tout le monde dans la voiture.
Le garçon arrogant de l'extérieur venait d'être jeté dans la voiture sur les genoux de Rin. Rin l'a simplement regardé ne pas flincer un peu. Il voulait donner une bonne réprimande à Asoka pour lui faire cela, mais il a refusé de ne pas à la place et de suivre le chef ses ordres. Dès qu'il s'est assis sur Rin, ses cuisses ont commencé à se réchauffer. C'était un sentiment agréable. Elle a regardé le garçon un peu et a essayé de le regarder mais il n'a pas semblé pour beaucoup de conversation. Elle l'a surpris en la regardant et a remarqué son visage rouge. Il était probablement encore un peu timide avec une femme mûre plus âgée! Rin a regardé vers le bas le long de son corps mais a immédiatement regardé loin avec une expression un peu vide.
Les autres se sont aussi assis dans la voiture. Elle les regarda tous entrer et surtout se focaliser sur le garçon et la fille assis à côté d'elle. La fille avait l'air mignonne et le garçon n'avait pas l'air aussi arrogant que le garçon sur ses genoux non plus. Elle a donné un sourire clairement forcé à deux d'entre eux, mais s'est détournée avec un rouge blush et un regard un peu vers le bas étant assez embarrassé pour son propre sourire. Elle secoua la tête un peu et regarda en arrière à l'arrière de la tête de Takeshi tournant son attention sur lui de nouveau. Elle savait qu'il était déjà embarrassé alors pourquoi ne pas l'aggraver. Elle a élargi les bras et les a placés autour du garçon son ventre. Elle l'a doucement serré dans ses bras et l'a gardé comme ça pendant un moment. Sa voix est revenue à la vie.
"Je serai ta ceinture de sécurité... Je suis Rin-chan, ravie de vous rencontrer." | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,883 | 1,203 | 14 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Les deux à l'avant ne semblaient pas aussi contents que Rin agissant comme une ceinture de sécurité pour Takeshi. Rin a donné une petite patte et a donné la ceinture à Takeshi pour qu'il puisse l'envelopper autour d'eux et les fixer dans la ceinture de sécurité. Rin regarda imprudemment par la fenêtre en regardant le paysage qui passait par eux. Elle essayait seulement d'ébranler un peu le garçon, mais ce n'était pas apprécié par ses deux soeurs plus âgées. Peu importe, Rin avait déjà l'habitude.
Le changement de sujet a fait un peu de bruit à Rin, ils allaient parler de sa vie maintenant? Mon Dieu, ça n'a pas pu empirer. Le reste du vieux groupe semblait être allé assez loin, bien plus loin qu'elle au moins. Docteur, l'ennemi numéro un et son propre patron?! Non, elle était meilleure que ça.
"Assistant du chef du poste... rien de vraiment... Mais je marche surtout sur le poteau..."
Elle ne pouvait pas leur parler de son temps libre... pas vrai? Ils vont s'énerver? Elle ne savait pas... Rin a mordu un peu sa lèvre pendant que son expression devenait carrément timide et triste. Elle a décidé de ne pas y prêter attention pour l'instant et de recommencer quand ils étaient hors de la voiture.
La voiture s'est arrêtée devant un immeuble à 4 étages qui ne semblait pas hors de l'ordinaire. Rin regarda rapidement le bâtiment et ouvrit bientôt la porte de la voiture et décrocha la ceinture de sécurité afin que Takeshi puisse sortir de la voiture et lui donner les jambes une circulation de sang à nouveau. Avec quelques instructions de Hanna, ils étaient à peu près autorisés à entrer dans le bâtiment maintenant. La seule chose qu'ils n'avaient pas le droit de faire était de manger des humains ni de les déranger et c'était tout. Ce n'était pas si dur que ça, mais savoir comment les goules peuvent devenir folles de leur faim.
Rin regarda les enfants voir s'ils avaient l'air effrayés et se tenaient à leurs côtés s'ils ne semblaient pas à l'aise. Rin et les autres se rendirent ensuite dans le bâtiment avec Hana en tête. | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,543 | 1,193 | 236 | 468 | 617 | Girard s'est déplacé tranquillement dans les ruelles du centre-ville à la recherche d'une activité plus petite pour s'arrêter dans la région. C'était un bon échauffement avant un assaut ou une intervention à plus grande échelle et le laisser nettoyer les rues avant un tel événement qui avait tendance à bénéficier au grand homme. Le moins de chance de collatéral le mieux à son avis, aussi ne pas avoir quelqu'un capable d'alerter les cibles de l'extérieur a fait des merveilles pour sa chance à une entrée surprise. Il s'est trouvé en passant devant un bâtiment en particulier qui a attiré son attention non pas à cause de l'extérieur, mais ce qu'il pouvait entendre de l'intérieur. On aurait dit qu'il y avait une lutte assez décente à l'intérieur entre au moins deux personnes, même si c'était difficile à dire de derrière le mur. Il s'est déplacé dans une position décente pour l'entrée puisqu'il semblait assez urgent de tailler une partie du mur qui semblait s'effondrer sans faire trop de dégâts avant de se lever un peu de vitesse et de s'écraser dans l'espoir de mettre fin au combat rapidement.
Elle entendait ses pas, ses vieilles bottes usées raclant le sol, une montre en métal sur son poignet gauche, peut-être que l'or ou l'argent cliquerait contre les boutons de son manteau. Il semblait être au milieu de la vingtaine, l'odeur de l'alcool essayant d'atteindre son nez à travers l'air humide.
Même ses mots ont été sales, sa seule réponse étant la prise de sa canne de plus en plus serrée, en frappant la création ébène dans ce qui semblait avoir été ses genoux. Heure du décès, estimée au 12 octobre 2010
Un shriek sanglant, trop familier harmonisé derrière elle, elle pouvait sentir la colère à son dos. Un smirk ludique trouvant son chemin à ses traits alors qu'elle écoutait l'effondrement de l'homme, son souffle obstrué maintenant plus près du sol qu'il s'est évanoui, les vagues gracieuses de la wraith après peu après. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Le mur à côté d'eux s'est effondré, des décombres tombant dans l'allée pavée comme de la neige enrouleuse. Immédiatement, elle a sauté en arrière, sa canne s'est levée, les yeux sans profondeur d'un crâne corbeau s'entassant à la nouvelle rencontre seulement pour Kaite pour donner un son de familiarité.
Le son était un peu trop proche de l'idée d'une scène de rupture. Sa garde étant abaissée, elle s'inclina la tête dans la confusion. C'est toi, mon ami?
Une fois la poussière dégagée, il a fallu un moment pour traiter la scène pour le grand homme. Il semblait que tout ce qui s'était passé avait été bien et vraiment perturbé d'où l'homme regardant la pierre froide sur le sol. Bien que la réalité se soit mise en place une fois que Girard a réalisé qui d'autre était dans la pièce alors qu'il tourna la tête à Raven Tale en pensant rapidement qu'il vient juste d'interrompre le combat des femmes de façon spectaculaire. En fin de compte, ce n'était qu'un de ces moments difficiles où il rencontrerait quelqu'un d'une manière impromptue, pas le premier, ne serait pas le dernier. C'est parti. Il ne s'est pas rendu compte qu'il y avait un ami ici, désolé à ce sujet.
C'est bien, j'ai déménagé avant que vous n'inculpiez.Là-haut, elle s'est dépouillée, sa wraith flottant autour de la pièce, étudiant les deux. Même si tu es tombé dans ta poche, j'espère qu'il n'est pas blessé. Il semble bien, à part qu'il dort, cela vous dérangerait-il de m'aider à le récupérer?
D'accord, donnez-moi une seconde.D'après Girard, il s'est déplacé vers le pickpocket inconscient en vérifiant qu'il n'était pas gravement blessé et en débarrassant les décombres avant de le jeter sur son épaule. Le criminel n'était pas particulièrement mauvais, peut-être que quelques contusions désagréables resteraient mais à part ça, il serait très bien. Le grand gars a déplacé l'homme dans une position confortable pour lui et a regardé en arrière son coéquipier curieusement. Il a demandé ce que l'autre justicier avait à dire sur le sujet. Les deux d'entre eux n'avaient pas vraiment eu l'occasion de se mêler ainsi pour parler ainsi c'était un bon moment comme n'importe lequel il pensait.
J'ai des moyens de laisser les méchants à leur place sans être pris, venez, je vais vous montrer. Elle détestait l'idée, mais Tank lui faisait un peu peur, il pouvait la tuer sans réfléchir...
"Kaite"? Dispersons mon ami, nous parlerons dans la moelle.La créature donnant une mélodie hantée disparut avant même qu'elle ne parte dans les rues. Sa tête ne s'inclinait que légèrement. Je ne savais pas que cet endroit était sous votre protection, étrange puisque nous n'avons jamais croisé les chemins.
Je me déplace beaucoup entre les différentes zones, plus difficile à laisser un modèle de cette façon et garde les méchants sur les bords ne sachant pas où je vais frapper ensuite.Le grand gars a dit donner une explication sur la raison pour laquelle ils ne pourraient pas avoir trouvé l'un l'autre mais la perspicacité tactique à un moindre degré. Il a continué à un rythme pair à quelques pieds du côté parfois balayant autour d'eux en cherchant à voir s'il y avait quelque chose d'autre à craindre dans les environs. Il s'intéressait beaucoup à la façon dont la femme aveugle s'occupait de ses criminels subjugués de la part de la police. En général, il les a laissés dans un endroit visible où il savait que les flics seraient et ce n'était pas particulièrement difficile de prendre sur un baddie assommé couché là pour la prise de sorte que cela fonctionnait assez bien. Bien sûr, c'était pour les crimes de rue parce qu'un coup de foudre sur une cachette ou une opération n'avait généralement pas besoin de beaucoup d'attention alors qu'il quittait la scène, mais cela lui a fait se demander comment quelqu'un de significativement différent de lui l'a fait.
Je vois, j'ai tendance à avoir un modèle dans cet endroit, je dois ou je ne peux pas trouver mon chemin à la maison..Elle était seulement à moitié couchée, Millennium ville n'était pas le seul endroit pour voir le masque Raven. La force est-elle votre seule capacité?
Girard a mis le tidbit sur Raven Tale dans le fond de son esprit pour plus tard puisqu'il était utile de se souvenir. Cependant, sa question a soulevé un point valable en ce sens que les autres pourraient ne pas connaître toute l'étendue de ses pouvoirs ainsi il a pensé qu'il ne serait pas blessé de dire un peu plus. La densité des tissus me rend très durable aussi en plus de cela, aide avec les combats et les tactiques de choc m'empêchant d'être blessé pour la plupart. Bien sûr, il est allé sans dire pour le moment combien de problèmes il a causé comme il l'a empêché, mieux sauvé pour plus tard et seulement si quelqu'un voulait vraiment l'entendre ou c'était un mal nécessaire dans une conversation. Ce n'est pas le pouvoir le plus flexible que je suppose, mais il obtient le travail fait avec un peu de réflexion.Le grand homme a dit une grande vérité sur un pouvoir comme le sien.
Elle avait raison, il pouvait la casser en deux sans essayer, sans réfléchir. Et ça ne l'a fait que faire un pas en avant sans le réaliser.
C'est une grande capacité de protéger ceux qui vous souhaitent du mal. Qui sait, peut-être que vous pouvez prendre la place du capitaine Powerhouse, ferait les nouvelles moins insultantes.
Tank a écouté Raven Tale parler et a remarqué le pas loin, bien qu'il n'en ait pas fait une grosse affaire en sachant très bien qu'il était encore une sorte d'étranger et juste être lui était suffisant pour garder les gens à distance parfois. Il a ses avantages je suppose, mais la plupart des pouvoirs sont une épée à double tranchant et le mien est certainement à certains moments. Cependant son équipement à la Powerhouse plutôt ennuyant lui a fait chuckle être très amusé par le concept bien qu'il lui a fait penser pourquoi il a méprisé l'homme. L'homme pourrait être un cul, je n'ai pas argumenté que, mais c'est son manque de retenue qui me dérange, vous pouvez avoir la gloire mais pas au prix des civils. Bien sûr que les deux avaient quelques similitudes mais l'ego surgonflé mélangé avec un manque de contrôle allait obtenir l'autre homme dans les ennuis finalement et honnêtement le grand gars pourrait se voir entrer si elle a eu trop.
En effet, plus on utilise leurs capacités, plus on déteste qu'elles deviennent.Sa main sentait absent son livre qu'elle a commencé à penser à sa famille, comment ils n'étaient pas les meilleurs avec des supers en raison de certains tricher dans l'arène avec leurs pouvoirs.
Pourtant, le sujet plus léger a apporté un sourire à ses lèvres. Même moi je peux voir comment il se croit être un dieu, un don à l'humanité même si tout ce qu'il a fait était devenu une menace encore plus grande que ceux qu'il a vaincus. Au moins, vous vous retenez assez pour ne pas nuire à un innocent.
Elle entendait la voix d'un policier, la porte en verre et le bip d'un détecteur de métal. Je crois que c'est l'endroit, seras-tu si gentil de le mettre ici?. Elle a commencé à faire un pas, juste hors de vue de la station.
Girard a remarqué qu'ils marchaient sur la station bien qu'il ne voulait pas interrompre son compagnon justicier pendant qu'elle parlait, et il a pensé qu'elle remarquerait probablement rapidement. Après avoir écouté, il semblait que la femme avait frappé le clou mort sur ce qui a traversé la tête de Powerhouse et la reconnaissance de son contrôle était une bonne note. Le grand homme a gardé un œil serré autour juste au cas où un des officiers ou traînant pourrait être dans les yeux chaud mais il n'a rien vu donc c'était un bon moment de voir ce que Raven Tale avait à l'esprit pour obtenir l'attention des flics à l'intérieur. Le grand gars a dit de prendre un moment pour accrocher l'homme à l'aide des escaliers mais de revenir contre le mur. Tout devrait être prêt à faire votre chose.
"Than me suit" en train de mettre l'âme pauvre sur le sol pour s'assurer qu'il n'était pas conscience qu'elle a commencé à partir, marchant dans une ruelle de sorte qu'ils étaient loin des yeux indiscrets. Décrochant son livre, elle le reposa sur son bras, les doigts brossant le passage tandis qu'elle se penchait contre un mur de briques. "Il cherche où nous sommes perdus, les yeux de la couleur de la mousse, avec le cœur battant vrai, il ne veut que vous trouver." Les bruits de griffes grattant sur le sol, elle tendit la main pour caresser le Grim, la fourrure grossière wiry sous la main avec des écailles sur ses jambes et quelques os montrant à travers sa peau. "Station, tu sais quoi faire mon ami."
Un étrange grognement était tout ce qui a été donné au moment où il a commencé à bouger. En courant comme ils sont venus, Raven a commencé à compter à partir de cinq. Un sourire sur ses traits quand des cris d'alarme ont fait écho, et c'est ainsi que vous attirez l'attention sur qui vous voulez.
Je vous remercie pour l'aide, donc, y a-t-il quelque chose que vous avez prévu pour cette nuit de lune pâle?
Tank ne savait pas exactement à quoi s'attendre de la femme puisqu'elle avait quelques tours dans sa manche qu'il imaginait. Une fois le Grim apparu le grand homme a eu un bon regard sur la créature et a pensé que c'était assez cool toutes les choses considérées et probablement assez utile. Une fois que Raven Tale a donné le coup d'envoi à mesure que la bête se dirigeait vers la station, bien qu'il ait fallu un moment avant qu'il se rende compte de ce que l'astuce était une fois que les sons d'alarme venaient du coin. Envoyer la créature était certainement un moyen d'obtenir l'attention qu'il devait admettre en pensant qu'il serait probablement intéressé à la suivre s'il était à la fin de recevoir sans avoir rationalisé la tactique. Pas de problème, c'était un heureux accident. Quant à cela, j'ai eu une petite cachette pour ce soir, certains clients particulièrement difficiles de ce que j'entends là-dedans. Si vous êtes à la hauteur, vous êtes le bienvenu à rejoindre le long pour la course, pourrait être un bon exercice venir à penser à elle..Girard a dit au début tout à fait heureux de la participation et plus que disposé à partager sa cible de la nuit à son coéquipier avec l'intérêt de voir si la femme pourrait être debout pour un peu plus d'action.
Une fois que les cris commencent à s'estomper du départ du Grim. Raven Tale a fermé son livre, les pages donnant un coup fort avant qu'elle ne l'attache à sa taille. En écoutant le plan, Tank avait des remous dans son esprit. Et honnêtement, ça l'a inquiétée, de travailler avec la plus inquiète et elle était exactement le contraire de lui. Elle a quand même permis à un sourire de glisser sur ses traits, en prenant un souffle de brume avant de lui tapoter la canne.
Pourquoi pas, une nuit à côté d'un camarade semble comme quelque chose que je dois moi-même m'habituer à.
Girard perked up entendre la femme accepter son offre pour le travail, il a pensé que c'était une grande occasion de comprendre à la fois comment ils pourraient travailler ensemble et perturber une partie de l'activité locale. Bien sûr, ils pourraient avoir à s'en occuper un peu plus soigneusement dans son cas, mais le grand gars avait le sentiment qu'il pourrait garder l'attention de la plupart d'entre eux pendant une confrontation si elle venait à elle, ce que cela serait le plus probable. Il a commencé à les conduire sur un chemin qui les placerait derrière le restaurant après un peu de marche et les laisserait un peu de temps pour trouver une approche. Il a dit vouloir lui donner une distance approximative plutôt que de la laisser dans le noir sur le sujet. Vous semblez bien faire avec toute cette activité vigilante, limitations ou pas, si vous ne me permettez pas de dire.
Quelques pâtés de maisons? Ça semble plus qu'assez de pas. Sa canne s'est levée juste au-dessus du sol, elle a balancé son doigt sur la poignée d'Ebony. Sa tête s'inclina alors qu'elle trouva les voix rigolos des ados dehors dans la nuit alors qu'elle écoutait ses mots qui s'envolaient au-dessus de sa tête. Je méprise d'être portée à la main, et c'est ce qui m'a été donné la plupart de mon histoire. Le travail vigilant était simplement un autre chemin qui m'a permis de me sentir normal de temps en temps, du moins plus que je ne suis à l'extérieur du masque.
Ne pensez pas qu'une seule personne est normale, personne n'est jamais normal ici. Il a fait le tour pour voir à quel point ils étaient proches et ont vu qu'ils avaient encore un peu de chemin avant d'être en position. Cela lui a fait se demander comment c'était pour quelqu'un qui pensait qu'ils étaient si différents comme ça mais c'était difficile pour le grand homme vu sa situation unique de ne jamais être normal dès le début. Le concept était très étranger mais il pensait qu'il avait ses raisons qu'il n'allait tout simplement pas comprendre encore. De tout le monde J'ai entendu ça semble toujours comme une chose de perspective, qui est et n'est pas normal. Juste des gens qui inventent des règles dans leur tête.
Un peu de rire lui a échappé à l'idée qu'elle pouvait s'intégrer. Un bruit qui a provoqué la brume d'air entre ses dents. Raven peut oui, mais Aurora? Pas tant que ça. Combien de fois a-t-elle senti les yeux d'autres qui regardaient quand elle faisait des tâches banales? Le clic de sa canne et la pâleur de sa peau a été dit être comme une balise qui a attiré l'attention voulue ou non. Je suppose que c'est dans une certaine perspective. Bien que je n'ai pas encore marcher dans ces rues et ne pas sentir le regard de beaucoup. Seulement quand un masque est en train de donner mes caractéristiques est quand je suis libre de la petite charge. Bien que je suppose que quelque chose nous regarde tous les deux.
Bien qu'il ne savait pas exactement pourquoi la femme riait ou pour quelle raison spécifiquement, mais il le prendrait pour l'instant. Difficile de ne pas tourner la tête quand vous êtes une tête et parfois l'épaule au-dessus de la plupart des gens ou quand vous êtes plus petit et plus pâle qu'eux. Certaines personnes tueraient pour ce genre d'attention bien que ce n'est probablement pas tout ce qu'il est fissuré pour être. Il a fallu un moment pour que le grand gars rebondisse, mais une fois qu'il l'a fait, il a remarqué qu'ils se rapprochaient beaucoup, mais il ne voulait pas interrompre si Raven Tale avait quelque chose à dire. Bien qu'il se soit arrêté et a regardé tranquillement pour vérifier l'activité visible.
Je prendrais une vie pour ne pas rassembler un regard. Ça me rend mal à l'esprit. »Fermer ses épaules, elle a senti sa canne se brosser contre quelque chose qui a donné une corde, la sensation de rouler lui faisant penser que c'est une canette comme elle a passé. Les fissures dans le trottoir devenaient de plus en plus fréquentes, l'air passant de moins en moins. Les bâtiments doivent manger sur leur chemin, se profilant sur eux comme un garde du son. L'air a commencé à prendre une odeur de fer, la rouille même. Il semble qu'on s'approche, j'entends se battre... quelque chose se casser..Glass?
Tank s'est pointé à l'attention au bruit de verre brisant pleinement conscience du voisinage mais aussi qu'une telle chose ne se produit pas juste pour aucune raison ici. Cela lui semblait un peu étouffé, un peu comme si c'était à l'intérieur d'un bâtiment plutôt qu'à l'extérieur qu'il pouvait voir se produire si les criminels en question étaient présents. Le bâtiment visé était un ancien restaurant, donc il y avait une chance qu'il ait pu y avoir un vieux vitrine ou un conteneur à l'intérieur. Cependant, contrairement à Raven Tale, il ne pouvait pas entendre les combats dont elle parlait d'où ils étaient, mais il avait une sacrée bonne idée où cela se passait. Si c'est juste que ça sonne comme si nos hôtes étaient là ce soir à l'heure, mais le combat est différent pour eux. L'endroit est un restaurant abandonné, petit endroit, mais je pense qu'ils pourraient être dans la salle de devant près du comptoir ou d'une table. Comment pouvons-nous aborder cette question exactement? J'aimerais que vous y pensiez.
"Restaurant hmm?" Idées déjà jouer dans sa tête, Raven a mentionné pour Tank de rester mis. Elle n'a plus tapoté sa canne, elle l'a planée à nouveau sur le sol. Ses marches sont légères, aérées, même lorsqu'elle se déplaçait de côté et de l'autre côté de la rue. Trouvant un endroit qui a été niché loin de l'air libre, elle a commencé à s'asseoir, l'humidité de la chaussée atteignant ses vêtements. La tête s'est calmée vers l'avant, sa respiration et ses mouvements ont commencé à s'arrêter.
Elle est restée comme ça pendant des moments, jusqu'à des minutes. Il semble qu'il y ait un groupe, criant sur un individu au sujet des marchandises. Le pauvre semble être en larmes.
Un soupir l'échappant, elle déballa son livre. Le reposer sur son bras. C'est un restaurant, ce qui veut dire qu'il doit y avoir une porte de derrière. Soit vous, soit ma wraith, pouvez entrer du front pour provoquer le chaos, seulement pour être pris de l'arrière. C'est simple, non?
Point fait, toujours bon pour obtenir un aperçu des partenaires. Je pense que je vais prendre l'avant vu mon... manque de furtivité et obtenir une certaine attention. Allons-y avant que ça ne s'aggrave pour celui qui était sur le point de recevoir ça, ils devraient avoir n'importe quelle information si nous en avons besoin.Le grand gars a dit légèrement tapoter la femme sur l'épaule avant de partir pour se mettre en position. Il pensait qu'il n'y avait pas grand-chose à avoir besoin d'une alarme ou d'un signal entre les deux, parce que si quelque chose n'allait pas être les seuls à avoir entendu la commotion. Un plus pour faire venir la police une fois qu'elle a fini et qu'elle a laissé les officiers prendre le relais. Tank était content qu'il y ait des volets sur les fenêtres parce qu'ils travaillaient dans les deux sens au moment de cacher son profil aux hommes à l'intérieur alors qu'il donnait à Raven Tale le temps d'entrer dans une position décente. Une fois qu'il eut eu assez de temps, il s'en retourna légèrement avant d'entrer par la porte dans l'ancien bâtiment pour rendre justice.
En faisant rapidement son chemin vers le dos, la main sur le bâtiment, Raven a suivi une fissure qu'elle a trouvée dans le mur, arrondissant un coin avant d'escalader shakilly un ensemble de caisses qui gémissaient en protestation avant de sauter vers le bas, un soupir de soulagement quand elle a trouvé que la poignée sous main cliquez sur l'approbation. Elle entendait déjà des cris d'alarme. Jurez des mots et des coups de feu qui martelaient douloureusement ses oreilles, alors qu'ils essayaient de faire tomber Tank.
Heure du décès, estimée au 12 octobre 2010
Le son d'un shriek résonnait à travers les couloirs, un son réconfortant pour l'albinos. Mais les cris se sont transformés en cris. C'est quoi ce truc?C'est pas vrai! Tirez dessus!Les bottes battantes, le claquage de corps tout rebondissant sur les murs. Raven elle-même se joignant sous le guide de sa wraith, la scène d'un cauchemar pendant que le cadavre murmurait sur elle, attrapant ceux qui s'approchent, aspirant leur énergie comme la vie vu de leurs yeux avant de glisser dans l'inconscience.
Girard a fait son impression assez rapidement en entrant en donnant un coup de poing solide au premier homme qui était le plus proche alors que le reste a tiré des coups sur lui sans effet. Il s'est retourné pour en soulever un par son collier avant de le jeter dans la direction générale de son partenaire, avant de s'agenouiller un des agresseurs alors qu'il était venu courir pour un fouet pistolet, il est descendu rapidement et avec plusieurs fissures l'accompagnant. Oups. Entre le grand gars, on frappe le prochain couple d'hommes a fini contre les murs l'un avec une mâchoire définitivement cassée et l'autre avec plus que le vent a frappé de lui. Tank a pris un moment pour regarder et voir s'il restait encore debout vu à quel point l'assaut avait été rapide et efficace mais il est apparu entre les trois le seul restant était un homme qui a été attaché à une chaise regardant un peu battu.
Les bruits d'os écrasants, de cris enroulés et de corps volant avaient fait que Raven était légère sur ses pieds. Ses mouvements sont toujours à moitié faits, juste prêts à jaillir si nécessaire. Au moment où c'était fini, elle était immobile, sa canne d'ébène encore dans sa main, saisie comme une lame dans sa prise fantôme, position prête à attaquer pendant plusieurs instants jusqu'à ce qu'elle entende enfin Tank se détendre. Qui se couche encore avec les yeux ouverts?
Elle entendait la respiration dure et lente des vaincus. Sa canne tapotait des vêtements pendant qu'elle se rendait à Tank. Ses wraith suivent toujours derrière avec une grâce hantante.
L'homme attaché les regardait avec peur. Large comme un faon nouveau-né comme il a frappé à la vue des deux bêtes qui a causé plus de terreur que le gang jamais pu. Sa peau était crue d'où la corde l'a mordu. Cheveux brun rassasiés de sueur sur son front. Yeux bruns lacés de douleur, un œil rougi et meurtris, lunettes par ses pieds. Sa vision était encore vertigineuse, la tête oscillant côté à côté dans un motif rythmique. Mais même ainsi, il pourrait distinguer le géant et l'elfe. S'il vous plaît.. S'il vous plaît, je n'ai rien sur moi, je vous jure que si je le faisais, je vous le donnerais. Je veux juste retourner voir mes enfants.
La voix tremblait, il regardait avec un souffle appâté quand la mort disparaissait. Où... où est-ce qu'il est allé? ─ Il ne pouvait pas aider mais demander, mais celui qui était vêtu de noir n'offrait qu'un sourire d'une gentillesse sans caractère. Ne nous craignez pas, nous n'offrons aucun mal, avez-vous besoin de soins médicaux?
Je dois retourner dans mon magasin avant qu'ils ne prennent tout. Je perds tout.
Girard a pris le temps de regarder l'homme plus près tandis que Raven Tale a géré la conversation pour la première partie. Ça aurait pu finir pire pour lui, c'était un homme chanceux à cet égard, mais il semblait que ses ennuis n'avaient pas encore pris fin si ce qu'il a dit était juste à propos des voleurs. Bien sûr, si c'était le cas, il semblait que ce soir allait devenir d'autant plus intéressant qu'ils ont découvert quelque chose d'un peu plus grand qu'il ne le pensait au départ. Cette merde devient plus compliquée tout le temps. Il pensait avoir l'envie de frotter ses temples mais il a résisté. Que diriez-vous de nous dire où cet endroit ils sont braquage est pendant que j'obtiens ces cordes de vous, pas besoin d'eux.Le grand gars a dit se déplacer pour travailler sur les contraintes étonnamment bien attachées.
L'homme a simplement regardé, il a trouvé sa bouche sèche alors qu'il étudiait les deux. Le grand homme semblait être gentil, prudent alors qu'il essayait de le libérer. Et alors que la bête de la fille était une chose infernale en elle-même, il a commencé à se rendre compte qu'elle était la taille d'un enfant, à peine atteindre son épaule comme il se tenait. J'ai reçu une cargaison de marchandises d'une société partenaire..ils, ils avaient des marchandises de haute qualité, et je obtenais un revenu plus élevé. J'ai essayé de l'empêcher de sortir trop à l'air libre, mais même pas un mois en, ils l'ont découvert...
Il en a parlé avec une pente de sa tête. En regardant pendant que la fille tapotait un homme inconscient par ses pieds avec l'étrange verge dans ses mains. Il a trouvé son souffle coupé aux mots, les regardant à nouveau, seulement pour imaginer son magasin saccagé. Je, mon magasin, c'est un magasin de pions de technologie... retour à l'avenir, je sais, ma fille a trouvé le nom, c'est près de la première rue.
Comme un interrupteur, il a regardé la fille s'animer une fois de plus. Se déplaçant à travers la pièce après s'être prosternée la tête en remerciement. Nous allons les dégager. Tank, si vous suivez que j'ai Dullahan, elle peut nous y amener dans un moment avant qu'ils partent.
Le grand homme écoutait alors que son partenaire travaillait à obtenir un peu plus d'informations de l'homme désemparé qui les regardait de près surtout dans la peur avant mais se calmant une fois qu'ils n'avaient pas continué la mauvaise nuit qu'il avait eue. Il n'était pas difficile de dire pourquoi les deux pouvaient parfois être intimidants ou terrifiants, il avait tendance à aider lorsqu'il s'agissait de criminels utilisant la peur comme arme parce qu'il les faisait réfléchir à deux fois ou les gardait à l'écart. C'était une stratégie Tank fait un grand usage de comme ses attaques soudaines laissé peu de place pour d'autres, en plus peut-être la colère dans les hauts en raison de son efficacité. Comme l'homme a dit ce que les voleurs étaient après qu'il a fait beaucoup de sens à quel point ils étaient agressifs, en prenant le propriétaire pour éviter d'autres problèmes, il n'avait pas eu tort à ce qu'ils soient des noix difficiles après tout. Le nom et l'emplacement de la boutique étaient quelque chose qu'il dédiait à la mémoire afin qu'il puisse passer un peu de temps de patrouille supplémentaire dans la région après ce soir juste au cas où, mais il avait quelque chose à dire avant qu'ils partent en hâte.
La police devrait être là assez tôt, vous leur direz ce qui s'est passé et ils s'occuperont de vous d'ici. Girard a dit avant de suivre après Raven Tale avec une question à l'esprit. Ça sonne bien ce qu'est un Dullahan.
"Ses sabots de tonnerre en porteront un autre. Sous couvert d'yeux qui n'ont pas encore vu, il châtiera ceux qui n'ont pas encore saigné. » Les paroles tombaient de ses lèvres quand elle quitta l'immeuble, retourna dans les rues ouvertes et loin des yeux indiscrets.
Le bruit d'une grande place digne des cavaliers eux-mêmes résonnait à travers les rues dans des gémissements épouvantables. Le clic des sabots sur le trottoir et la respiration lourde de quelque chose de grand. Pourtant, tout ce qui a été vu avant eux, se tenait une moto. Noir de couleur avec peu d'autre, mais montré la force que beaucoup de gens se faufileraient. Dullahan est comment j'obtiens d'un endroit à l'autre, une chose douce jusqu'à ce qu'elle montre son vrai moi.
Avec des marches légères, elle a mis sa canne loin et a grimpé sur. Prendre les poignées et retourner la tête en direction de Tank. C'est moins une perturbation.
Girard n'était pas tout à fait sûr de ce qu'il voyait, mais il l'accompagnait peu importe si cela signifiait qu'ils allaient au magasin plus vite. Il y avait encore plus que quelques choses qu'il ne comprenait pas au sujet du justicier ou de ses pouvoirs, mais si quelque chose qu'elle semblait très dévouée à traiter avec le problème de crime de la ville et il ne pouvait pas blâmer cela. Cependant, une chose qu'il aimait, c'était le kickass ride devant lui et alors qu'il marchait partout hors de la nécessité, surtout, faire un tour serait un bon changement de rythme. La seule chose qui l'avait peut-être plus qu'un peu inquiet était le fait qu'il laissait un aveugle le conduire, mais c'était la seule façon dont il allait y arriver particulièrement vite. Le réservoir s'est déplacé vers le véhicule et s'est assis encore légèrement mal à l'aise, mais dans l'état d'esprit pour le faire passer rapidement. Il a dit qu'il était impatient d'être de retour sur ses pieds et de botter le cul bientôt.
Elle pouvait dire que le Tank était mal à l'aise. Mais honnêtement, elle se sentait comme si elle ne voulait pas lui dire que ce n'était pas sa conduite. Laisse-le croire qu'il était dirigé par un aveugle. Affinant la tête aux mots, elle saisit les poignées, les mains en cuir, sachant que ce devait être les rênes. La première rue avec les mots dit que la bête s'est évanouie. Un tourbillon qui sonnait loin des mondes alors qu'ils s'élançaient dans la nuit, les rues de la ville devenant floues alors qu'elles coupaient les coins, et passaient les autres avec facilité, disparaissant avant que les gens puissent même tourner la tête.
*Soins en haut.
Encore une fois, Dullahan a répondu. Ralentissant ses pas dans une autre partie de la ville qui semblait calme. Void de la vie, à part les vents qui ébranlaient les rues. Escaladant, elle attendit d'entendre Tank faire la même chose avant de demander à la bête de se disperser dans une vague de fumée piquante.
Girard était dans l'incrédulité au début qu'ils allaient aussi vite qu'ils l'étaient, bien sûr, il n'avait jamais exactement allé aussi vite avant mais une fois que cela lui est arrivé, il a juste été impressionné. Il a pensé que c'était une chose incroyable d'avoir autant d'utilité que Raven Tale a fait par rapport à quelqu'un comme lui qui était généralement très droit devant. Ce n'était pas qu'il n'ait pas été créatif de temps en temps, mais il a fallu un peu de réflexion et a souvent fini par causer un désordre encore plus que normal qui l'a tenu loin de lui. Il n'y avait à peine aucun moment pour s'enregistrer où ils étaient avant que la moto ait ralenti et son partenaire avait sauté en l'attendant seulement pour faire la même chose qu'il a rapidement fait pour ne pas les tenir. Le grand gars a dit honnêtement avoir apprécié en elle une façon mais aussi se sentir peut-être un peu plus confiant que les pouvoirs du justicier féminin étaient extrêmement utiles.
Un jour, jetez votre regard sur sa vraie forme. Elle est tout à fait la vue que j'imagine................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Elle sentait la fumée et la pluie. Un étrange combo qui lui a fait scruter le nez quand il l'a présenté à la poubelle. Venez, ne pouvez pas être fa-
Le bruit de fouille, un bâtiment qui prend vie avec plus de quelques personnes. Des bruits communs d'une maison saccagée faisant bouger la femme. Ils ont dû passer par le dos, ils seront plus épais là-bas, vous allez et je les empêcherai de s'échapper.
C'est comme un plan.Tank a dit assez curieux, mais il faudrait attendre le moment pour l'inciter à suivre son partenaire. Ce n'était certainement pas la meilleure partie de la ville pour ainsi dire, mais il n'était certainement pas aussi sale ou crime rempli que quelques autres grandes zones de la ville qui la rendaient un peu plus supportable pour le grand homme, bien que vous aviez rarement attraper lui se plaindre. Ce soir était un peu plus actif, il semblait, surtout avec le bruit qui était mis en branle dans un bâtiment voisin qui avait interrompu Raven Tale. Dès qu'elle a mentionné l'arrière du bâtiment Girard était en mouvement pour couper les voleurs dans une hâte bien qu'il a pris une partie de la moitié arrière de la phrase il n'était pas entièrement clair, mais il était difficile de ne pas obtenir la dérive. Il était prêt à braquer les criminels si nécessaire, mais et l'embuscade était ce qu'il aurait préféré, mais l'un ou l'autre était réalisable.
L'intérieur a été ravagé. Tables flipped boîtes ouvertes et leurs trésors jetés comme des pièces de cuivre. Les chuchotements rudes s'accentuent au fur et à mesure que le groupe commence à trouver ce qu'il cherche. Devenant de moins en moins prudents, leurs soucis se dissipèrent alors qu'ils commençaient à croire que personne ne les punirait pour leurs actes.
La voix était arrogante. Des marches lourdes alors qu'il se dirigeait vers l'avant. Un peu plus grand que Raven mais pas beaucoup, elle écouta ses mots pour le trouver. Le mâle n'a fait qu'une seule erreur en ne regardant pas vers l'avant, se faisant rencontrer une canne ébène poussée durement contre sa gorge, l'air étant volé dans ses poumons pendant que la porte derrière eux éclatait vers l'avant. Swears et malédictions explosent, créant plus d'une scène seulement pour le monde des hommes pour devenir noir. Prends la merde! Allez, sortez!
Alors qu'ils couraient vers l'avant, on les rencontrait avec les mâchoires d'une bête. Il ne veut vous trouver qu'une voix hantante alors qu'elle envoyait le Grim encore plus loin dans le bâtiment, elle-même rencontra un espar quand quelqu'un lui vint avec une batte. L'adrénaline éclata dans ses veines, se jetant au sol seulement pour sentir l'arme voler au-dessus de sa tête, juste un souffle loin. Se jetant sur lui, elle la colombe pour ses jambes, le faisant descendre avec elle, son poing se heurtant avec son nez avec toute la force qu'elle avait, l'envahissant.
Une douleur brûlante s'est arrachée dans la manche de son manteau de l'intérieur du bâtiment. Raven n'a même pas eu le temps de faire entendre sa surprise, quand une autre main lui a été portée à l'épaule, sa tête s'envolant seulement pour le crâne sur son visage pour craquer contre ses traits, en écoutant le corps rugissant de douleur tomba à ses pieds.
L'écrasement de l'arrière a culminé par une porte volant dans l'un des criminels l'envoyant par terre, un peu de préfiguration pour ce qui devait venir pour le reste. Alors que Raven Tale engageait les deux à l'avant, le grand homme suivait rapidement derrière la porte en livrant un coup de poing à l'homme le plus proche l'envoyant dans un mur et a apporté un bras vers le haut pour détourner un corbeau qui gémissait en signe de protestation alors qu'il se repliait. Le propriétaire de l'arme a fait un son similaire lorsqu'il a reçu un coup de pied léger dans l'intestin. Tank était dans un rythme jusqu'à ce qu'il entende le coup de feu de pas si loin, cela ne l'aurait pas dérangé si c'était à lui mais il ne sentait rien donc il n'y avait qu'une seule réponse à la cible de choix du voleur. Il s'est brouillé momentanément en tenant le bras de tir du tireur en tirant une fois de plus, ce qui l'a fait frapper le plafond, bien qu'il ait vu un autre homme tenter de libérer son camarade pour ne prendre qu'une claque de dos au visage et le faire sortir. L'homme actuellement restreint a lutté pour essayer de se tisser hors de la poignée de grand homme en vain et maintenant il avait l'attention indivise de l'homme. Girard a remarqué hors du coin de l'œil qu'une des ordures s'était remise d'être mise de côté avant et a fait un tiret maladroit pour l'entrée arrière. Pensant vite que le géant s'était emparé du tireur et l'avait lancé directement à l'autre criminel avec une précision surprenante, il l'avait déjà fait avant, en prenant les deux dans l'un d'eux un coup de pouce. Son sang bourdonnait encore alors qu'il balayait pour de nouvelles menaces, bien qu'il s'inquiétait pour son compagnon de justicier maintenant qu'il était plus conscient de lui-même. Il a appelé Raven Tale dans l'espoir d'une réponse décente depuis que la femme avait été abattue.
Elle a laissé tomber une malédiction de ses lèvres quand elle a commencé à écouter les chutes de pied en retraite. Des choses hurlées qui ont sûrement été cicatrices depuis un certain temps.
Les yeux s'ouvrent sous le masque, la femme tourne dans la direction du Tank. Les sons lointains des sirènes qui dansent dans les rues. Il est temps d'y aller, sans un autre mot qu'elle a couru, ses bottes d'équitation en cliquant contre les rues de pierre, presque trébuchant sur une fissure avant de se transformer en ce qui semble être une autre ruelle quelques rues en bas.
Girard était heureux d'entendre que ce n'était pas un coup direct, toujours pas une grande chose, mais il ferait toutes les choses considérées. Il avait aussi repris quelques-uns des pas, mais ils étaient faibles pour lui, de sorte qu'ils étaient une cause perdue pour lui au moins. Cela n'a été renforcé que lorsque les sirènes de police sont apparues peu après que l'autre justicier les ait mentionnées. Peu après qu'elle ait décidé de prendre un peu un rond-point loin de la boutique, il s'est d'abord tourné vers la même direction générale que Raven Tale. Il a commencé à ralentir après un peu une fois qu'il était presque sûr que personne ne le suivait mais a continué à marcher tout en gardant les yeux et les oreilles ouverts.
Les côtés se hissant, et blessé, Raven s'appuya sur le mur de l'allée. Le son des sirènes lointaines n'est rien de plus qu'une mélodie dans le fond de son esprit. Vous êtes lent mon ami, ne pouvez-vous pas vous garder avec l'aveugle? C'était une grande nuit que j'admets, mais même je peux dire que Dawn s'approchera bientôt et que je ne vais pas bien dans la lumière du soleil.
Tank s'est tourné vers Raven Tale une fois qu'elle a parlé, il a admis qu'elle lui avait manqué dans la zone sombre ce avec le costume noir. Il a dit avec un peu de rire. Il a écouté rapidement l'autre justicier et a dû être d'accord avec elle pour dire que c'était une bonne course pour eux. Il a dû admettre que c'était une honte à quel point il était proche d'être lumière autour de la ville mais il n'avait rien d'autre que le temps de la famille pour prendre le relais hier alors une longue nuit s'est bien déroulée. On devrait le refaire un jour, on s'arrange et on dort bien. Je dois rentrer à la maison, rester en sécurité. » Girard a dit remarquer la nuit un peu et exprimer sa légère préoccupation rapidement. Il n'avait pas tort qu'il ait dû y aller même si les activités allaient être plus tard, mais il préférerait ne pas s'endormir pendant eux. Le grand gars a fait une vague rapide avant de se rappeler que Raven Tale était à nouveau aveugle et mentalement serré avant de partir pour son appartement.
Et à vous aussi, mon ami, que votre chemin mène à la fortune sur le destin. Elle a mis sa canne, les premiers rayons de soleil qui commencent à carecher son manteau. Jusqu'à ce que nous nous rencontrions à nouveau, peut-être la prochaine fois que ce sera sans la destruction de la création de quelqu'un.
Avec les mots qu'elle a prononcés sur la création, l'hum lointain d'une moto suivie par le fantasme fantomatique. | Name:Aurora Lorell
Quote:"One should never fear the dark. Just enjoy the light you have left."
Alias: Raven tale
Age: 22
Gender: female
Family: Father: Rick Lorell, Mother: Sarah Lorell
Occupation: Horse trainer and olympic rider.
Aurora is seen to be a beauty. With a lean build and fair skin standing in at around 5,2. Her eyes are what really set her apart besides the snowy form. Red and clouded as though in a veil of mist she almost always keeps them closed due to being bullied as a child. Many saying they are unnerving to look at.
Method of Operation: No one knows that its truly her. Those that have gained her help have only seen the creatures that she calls forth. Usually beasts from mythology that have few features. If shes forced to be seen she stays silent, trying to keep her age and gender a secret. If anyone found out who she was, the world would find out everything about her in minutes.
Instead she uses her tour as a way to keep her location foggy. Being a world and Olympic rider, she has been to all corners of the world. Each one earning a job or two from her. Her method of transportation is a horse she had conjured herself, what she sees as the only link one could give her. Still she reminds herself that she should never get involved with things too big, but the chance to use her abilities has always been too tempting.
Superpower: Aurora has the ability to conjure beasts from stories she has read or been told. Using a leather bound journal as a catalyst to recite the right lines to call forth her companions. She found that the larger impact a story holds to her, the easier it is to call her creatures. Though strange enough she has found that it is more difficult to create that which is already in this world. Being able to make a wraith she has massive difficult in creating a bird.
Many would think this ability is limitless. Sadly Aurora must read or hear the tale in which her conjure is being made from. Even than she can't always make them unless it had a impact on her in some way. Because of this she has a habit of asking others for stories. Any kind hoping that she could advance her abilities further.
Her biggest weakness is that this only works when she has a sound mind and when the book is open. Growing up taming thousand pound animals has made her difficult to frighten. But if she falls pray to fear, the companions she had called would turn on her. If her book is closed her train of thought would break, causing the creatures to disperse and leave her side.
Skills: an amazing horse back rider, her hearing is better than most. Memory is above average. Shes been told that her voice is rather calming due to her nature. Shes also had a good chance of catching a lie so long as it's spoken.
Equipment: Book of tales. Every story is written in Braille. Because of this she keeps it hidden from view and no one has yet to look through it's pages. If someone found out what was inside than the trail would be short in finding out that Aurora is the owner.
Personality: Aurora is a seeker of knowledge. Someone who needs to know things small and large. Heavy and light. This was due to the fact that she was born blind, growing up with being sheltered and lead around she found herself growing tired of the treatment quickly. Even though she would have a pilot smile when someone offers to take her hand or tell her where something is, she would find herself loathing on the inside. Wanting to be as independent as she can be. Pushing herself to be better at what she dose to prove to those around her that she dose not need her eyes in order to live her life. She thinks that many who help her do it not for herself, but so they could feel better. Thinking that they would be a hero for a small moment, she can not stand the thought of being a tool used in someone's self need to feel important. And thus it has only added to her independence.
Yet even with the quite demands of independence, Aurora is a calming presence. Soft spoken shes not one to raise her voice. When it comes to her friends, she is usually the one to end a fight with words alone. Comforting others when they are in need not using sayings of encouragement, but sitting at their side in silence.
She had an interesting habit though. When in good company she tends to speak in riddles, thinking that it's due to the stories she obsesses over, she tries her best to keep it under wraps. Even so, those who she calls friends will tell her she slipped back into her odd way of speaking.
Her greatest fear is being in absolute silence, she also tends to tap her finger on her cane. Sound is her greatest asset and without it she turns into a shell of her usual self. Fumbling over words and sometimes not able to use her powers safely.
Biography: Aurora was born into the business of horses. Her father a trick rider and her mother a cross country racer, the two were a power house in the horse world. Before she was even born they were getting her ready with what style and what horse she would ride, only for their dreams to be crushed when they saw her for the first time. A tiny albino who's retinas never even developed leaving her blind.
yet that did not stop the girl from living up to her family's potential. She became connected with the animals that her family made a living from. Every fall she went through, she would stand from, no injury would ever scare her away. The feeling of power a horse would give was too great to leave. Where in any other situation she would be led around and treated like a child. In the arena she was expected to handle things herself and for once she herself could be the leader. At age six she was competing in not only trick riding, but cross country and dressage.
Having a love for the stories that her mother would read her. Aurora began to print Braille in her own journal, often reading them out loud to her horse. After all, he was the only one that could deal with a 13 year old speaking for hours at a time. Sleeping in the stalls with her books clutched in hand the journal only grew thicker, and heavier. Till eventually the words she recited caused the animal to spook. Thrashing in the box and causing her to scramble out, screams of rage and fear ringing through the stable.
Before she knew it her parents were at her side, asking her what was wrong yet whatever had caused the damage was gone. Again and again it had happened, each time with her reading. Its taken her two full months to find out that the cause of her horse’s spooking was the conjuration of creatures from her own words.
Her own abilities.
Another idea that she could gain independence she began to work. Conducting experiments to figure out the rights and wrongs of her abilities. Its taken her years to find things out on her own. By the time she was 17 she was a competitor in the Olympics. Finally a chance where she was away from those who thought she needed them. All she needed was her book and her cane. Once walking through the stable halls at night. Checking her companion to make sure their first run in the Olympics would be fine. Yet as she opened the door she found something was wrong.
Her stallion named Beauty in a Shadow, was gone.
Her first thought was to contact the security to find him. Fear gripping her mind she could still remember the sweat that ran down her palms as she gripped her cane. Yet when she clicked it on the stone ground she made up her mind. Her book in hand she ran her finger across the pages. "With eyes made for night, and fire as fierce as a devil's light. He tracked down hunters of his land. And made them swear he could never stand." The sound of light feet pattering next to her she found a smile on her lips when the sound of a ragged fox was found at her side. To her eyes there was blank. Yet to anyone who saw it was a fox with two tails, told in Japanese lore to be the devil in a different skin, with eyes of lit green and a scroll strapped to it's back. "Find Beauty." It was all she said, and it was all she needed to. That night she took matters into her own hands as the fox lead her through the halls. Away from the stable and out to the parking lot to hear the half drugged screams of her stallion.
That night something snapped, she no longer used her abilities to gain a smile as she called forth a crimson wraith from the tale "a wife in the bog." The gut wrenching shrieks and screams rang true to her ears. the creature she chosen playing on their fear, having them see a different story as it led them away, leaving her stallion.
she never been so frightened for her horse in her life. Ever since she vowed to make sure that nothing like that would happen to another creature. To another ride, another person, so long as she could help it. She knew it was not just for others though, she never felt so needed until that moment. Like she could actually do something outside her own family. That she could accomplish something on her own. Its difficult for her still, not even her parents know about her second hobby. Her father even looks at those with powers in fear.
At age 18 she ended up moving out. She couldn't risk her family finding out that she was Raven's Tale. Shes done everything to keep that name down. To keep herself hidden so that they would never find out it was her. What if she gained a enemy? What if someone wanted her hurt and they found out that the one they were after was just a blind woman who lived alone?
She was living a dangerous game. And yet, even still as she told herself over and over again that she was playing with fire. She could not stop. The sense of power too intoxicating, the thankful words too well received. She still competes in competitions, but Aurora still finds herself with a smile on her lips whenever she would hear that someone was saved by a strange beast.
She just hopes that the day when she finds herself in deep water would come later. Much, much later.
"We are not normal."
friesian stallion who she named Loki as a barn name he was registered as Beauty in Shadow. He's the only living creature who knows Aurora has abilities. |
43,881 | 1,203 | 12 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
C'est pas vrai. C'est pas vrai. Bien sûr. J'ai besoin d'elle comme animal de compagnie.
Son ego était plus que satisfait de l'obéissance et de la décision de Hana de passer par cette blague autrement plutôt niche. Mais ils ont obéi, une délicieuse surprise pour Asoka qui pensait qu'elle aurait à lutter pour affirmer sa direction de facto. Ou du moins une illusion d'un tel contrôle. Elle a jeté un dernier coup d'œil sur la maison qui l'a essentiellement construite, du moins en partie, en se rendant compte que peut-être elle ne payait pas les respects à un tel trésor de souvenirs. Moldy est sûr, mais peut-être que revenir seul pourrait apporter un peu de bien à l'esprit de la petite dame.
"Sœur? C'est nouveau, Asoka. Et ce n'est pas ma patronne."
"Focus moins sur moi et plus sur la route."
"Quoi qu'il en soit."
Kaien semblait quelque peu intrigué par la relation d'Asoka avec tous ces individus, mais un retour rapide du petit tyran vient de l'éteindre complètement. Alors qu'elle a fondamentalement renversé le conducteur, elle a installé son petit fond sur les cuisses de Hana, se rendant aussi confortable que possible avant de se reposer contre le médecin. Il ne semblait absolument pas y avoir de problème avec elle pratiquement couchée sur la femme plus âgée, si intense contact physique. Ce qui a changé par rapport à la tentative précédente de Hana pour toucher Asoka, c'est que ce dernier serait celui qui lancerait les tirs, celui qui l'exigerait. C'était une question de choses qui allaient à sa manière, et rien d'autre. Bien que, si nous pouvions être honnêtes, ce serait très probablement la meilleure alternative, peu importe qui a décidé cela.
En regardant à l'arrière à travers le rétroviseur, elle a remarqué que la plupart n'avaient pas mis leur ceinture de sécurité, Heck Rin a pensé qu'elle pouvait servir comme une telle chose. Maintenant, comme les goules le besoin d'une telle sécurité ne serait pas aussi urgent, mais il était courant que les goules étaient très vulnérables aux impacts cinétiques forts. Et ce n'était pas un animal de fête, des jeunes adultes de toutes tailles, ils étaient des enfants, et Rin peut aussi bien compter comme un. Vu que les abominations obèses pourraient s'intégrer dans ces véhicules modernes, il n'y aurait pas d'excuse.
"Yeeeaahh, noooo Rin, chéri, mets la ceinture de sécurité. Je ne veux pas avoir d'infanticide dans mon CV pour l'instant."
En parlant de ça, elle tirait la ceinture sur le siège que Hana était assise et passait autour d'elle pour l'attacher correctement. Ils étaient un peu serrés, mais ça n'a pas empêché ce câlin de l'adulte apparemment attentionné. Asoka semblait cependant tout à fait indifférente à l'acte de gentillesse, car elle a immédiatement tout découplé avec son téléphone portable et elle-même en mode texto. Sans aucune honte, elle surfait à travers ses textes tandis que Hana pouvait pratiquement tout voir sans réaction. Des photos aléatoires étaient envoyées, de nombreux dossiers de photos prises pouvaient être vus, certains plus explicites avec beaucoup de la peau d'Asoka exposée, d'autres complètement hors de propos à n'importe quoi jamais.
À ce moment-là, Kaien s'enfuit alors qu'il hurlait en vérifiant l'imagerie GPS. Il ne savait pas exactement où il était, mais atteindre le pupitre était assez simple, même sans les informations données. Alors que le SUV s'aventurait à travers Bunkyo et entrait rapidement dans l'autoroute périphérique, Asoka s'est fait à la maison avec ses bottes maintenant dépouillées et ses chaussettes puantes exposées à l'odeur pour tout le monde. Après avoir pénétré dans de tels terrains humides, ils étaient là pour une gâterie. Kaien ne semblait pas s'en soucier, car il semblait concentré sur le commentaire sportif dans sa radio. Basketball, pour être précis. Elle les a placés nonchalamment sur le compartiment à gants. Comme une princesse dans son royaume, elle ne s'attendait à aucune plainte des autres.
"Oh mec, j'ai besoin d'une douche. Une chaude. Dès que possible."
Elle disait odieux à haute voix, s'attendant à ce que Hana cligne la tête et confirme qu'elle aurait le meilleur des douches, ou encore mieux, un bain à remous. La raison pour laquelle ils allaient à la clinique a été pratiquement oubliée par Asoka, les enfants étaient juste là pour des raisons. Le voyage ne serait pas trop long, surtout avec beaucoup de résidents de Tokyo qui dorment ou qui font quelque chose qui n'implique pas la conduite fastidieuse. L'un d'eux a pénétré les lumières néon du 3ème Ward, les couleurs vives étaient presque écrasantes par rapport au quartier calme du manoir ruiné et de l'autoroute sombre. C'était à Hana de guider Kaien à travers les rues pour qu'ils puissent enfin trouver un endroit pour se détendre.
"Hé, où étais-tu, Rin? Je sais que cette fille joue au docteur avec des goules et qu'Itsukiwi vise l'ennemi public numéro un, mais toi? Je ne sais rien, honnêtement."
Elle s'enquiert, passant le temps pendant que Kaien dérive dans les rues encombrées. Il se sentait aussi un peu tendu, car il était sûr d'avoir vu au moins trois employés de la GCC dans une seule rue. Heureusement pour lui, le verre teinté de son VUS empêchait les yeux suspects de s'aventurer vers eux. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,884 | 1,203 | 15 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Takeshi
Takeshi a répondu à un grognement, ne se sentant pas du tout bien avec cet arrangement actuel, mais ne voyant aucun point à se plaindre activement à ce sujet. Cependant, lorsqu'il s'est soudain retrouvé coincé par derrière, en entendant la voix de la fille tranquille lui chuchoter, son dos a tiré directement sur la béquille alors qu'il tentait de protester, son rouge plutôt bouffé comme des mots essayés, mais tout ce qui est sorti était inanimé gibbering. Quelques rires et des rires pouvaient être entendus des autres enfants à voir là frères et sœurs inconfort, qui n'a augmenté que lorsque Takeshi a tourné ses yeux vers eux, essayant de regarder aussi intimidant que possible, mais échouer misérablement en raison du fait que son fait était encore plutôt rouge.
"Je suis sûr que Takeshi fait plus que bien en ce moment, n'est-ce pas Mii?" Kazuya chuckled, seulement pour s'éloigner rapidement du chemin pour éviter une balançoire envoyé son chemin par Takeshi, qui essayait de sortir de l'emprise de Rin (qui a probablement serré à ce stade) dans une tentative de frapper son frère dans la tête.
"Je vais te botter le cul, Kazuya, attends."
"Bien sûr que tu l'es, Takeshi, bien sûr que tu l'es." Le ton d'un garçon un peu plus âgé a poussé Takeshi dans une frénésie plus grande, mais il a rapidement été fermé par la demande d'Asoka pour les ceintures de sécurité et la puanteur sinistre de ses pieds. Il obéit à contrecœur, murmurant quelque chose sous son souffle sur la mort de quelque chose dans ces chaussures. Peu après, ils étaient arrivés à la clinique. A peine la porte s'ouvrit que la horde d'enfants s'enfuyait, Mii et les jumeaux faisant un pas en arrière pour se tenir à l'écart de l'inévitable bagarre. Kazuya était déjà hors de la voiture, et a dû éviter une charge d'attaque de Takeshi, qui avait fondamentalement sauté sur lui. Kazuya a ensuite essayé d'obtenir Takeshi dans une serrure à tête, mais Takeshi a pu en sortir et a ensuite emmené son frère au sol. Ainsi le combat continua jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un décide de l'arrêter, avec Kazuya toujours essayer d'attraper le Takeshi en rage au lieu de retourner un coup de poing, évidemment utilisé pour faire face à ce genre de choses avant. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,882 | 1,203 | 13 | 220 | 2,519 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Hana Kurosawa
Hana regarda le dos, levant un sourcil à l'absence de réponse. "Je prends ça comme un oui. Vous semblez fatigués." Le médecin a finalement crié, avant que son attention ait été attirée sur les tentatives d'Asoka pour l'utiliser comme un tour de confort. Elle a gâché un peu quand le jeune adulte s'est penché contre elle tout en fixant la ceinture de sécurité, et s'est percutée dans ses cuisses. Il devenait un peu serré et mal à l'aise, mais Hana n'a fait aucun bruit ni mouvement pour dénoncer ce fait. Peut-être un commentaire.
"Tu aimes vraiment être gâté, Bouddha-chan." Hana a applaudi avant de planter un petit baiser sur la tête d'Asoka, un peu comme une mère ou une sœur aînée l'aurait fait. Elle n'a même pas eu la peine de réagir aux photos épicées d'Asoka et aux divers textes qu'elle envoyait. Deux autres invitations ont attiré son attention, d'abord la voix ennuyée de Kaien qui avait rapidement été fermée par Asoka, puis la voix râpée de Rin essayant d'imiter une ceinture de sécurité avec le gamin grossier sur ses genoux. Les parallèles attirés par Hana et Asoka ont presque fait le chortle de Hana légèrement. "Elle a raison, tu sais, d'être éjectée d'une voiture n'est pas amusante même pour un ghoul." Elle a ajouté.
Le geste d'Asoka à propos d'avoir besoin d'une douche, et soudain en retirant ses bottes, exposant la bombe à odeur sous laquelle Hana s'est un peu froissé le nez.
"Ce que vous aurez. Hana-chan a senti des carcasses d'animaux pourris mieux que ça." Elle réfléchit brièvement à l'accaparement des chaussettes et les jeta hors de la voiture, mais ce ne serait pas très poli envers sa belle-sœur. Elle a décidé de se concentrer sur sa remarque sur Rin, et de ne pas laisser l'odeur se vexer plus loin.
"J'ai entendu dire qu'elle faisait des courses." Elle a dit à voix haute. Les lumières du troisième district s'ouvraient et s'ouvraient autour d'elle et de ses compagnons. Certains dans la crainte, d'autres dans la crainte, mais ils ont probablement provoqué une réaction chez la plupart des occupants de la voiture. Hana a regardé le chauffeur, Kaien. Il s'en débrouille très bien, compte tenu des circonstances.
-- Oui, tournez à droite, M. Kaien. Nous nous dirigeons vers Roppongi Hills", a dit Hana. "Un tel quartier hostile, lumineux et inhospitalier, oui? Mais sachez, Mr Kaien que parfois, dans les déserts il y a une oasis merveilleuse." Elle a ensuite pointé vers un bâtiment à quatre magasins, un peu à part les routes principales et les discothèques raves. Elle avait l'air usée, mais bien entretenue. Il avait encore des néons lumineux, mais le contenu qu'il faisait allusion était assez différent par rapport à leur environnement.
"Et voilà, ma clinique. Les quatre étages sont à moi, en fait. Je le fais encore porter le nom du vieux docteur. Clinique Sakura. Ma petite oasis." Hana a téléporté aux occupants, en souriant finement. "Pour répondre à votre question, Mr Kaien... Les Mercure, Rinrin et Hana-chan sont des sœurs qui ont grandi sous le même toit grâce à un vieil homme. Et le même bâtiment qu'on a trouvé ces enfants. Ainsi, ce que Hana-chan considère comme la maison, est aussi la maison pour tous ceux qui ont partagé son toit." Elle a ajouté.
C'est alors qu'elle a mis un ton un peu plus sérieux dans sa voix. « Il suffit de garder à l'esprit que peu de goules peuvent être employées dans une clinique. La plupart de mes employés, au premier étage, sont des humains. Et j'apprécierais si tu n'avais pas fait peur ou essayé de les manger. Trouver des remplaçants est un problème." | Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul. |
43,887 | 1,203 | 18 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Takeshi
L'intervention d'Asoka a été rencontrée avec Takeshi se tournant pour lui donner un éclat, seulement pour que cela l'amène à se faire épingler par Kazuya, le garçon plus âgé s'attaquant à lui et le tenant dans un cadenas. Takeshi continuerait à lutter un peu, avant finalement de céder, faisant monter Kazuya avec un regard un peu serré sur son visage, sa main atteignant vers le bas pour tirer son frère vers le haut. Takeshi a d'abord cliqué sur sa langue, mais bientôt accepter l'aide de Kazuya, s'emparant de sa main et se laissant tirer.
A peine l'avait-il fait, le groupe a-t-il attiré l'attention d'un autre ghoul, qui connaissait apparemment les adultes qui les avaient ramassés. Un autre Sibling? Il a pensé, en donnant à l'homme un éclat suspect comme il une fois de plus mais lui-même entre le nouveau venu et le reste de sa famille, seulement pour se faire écraser la tête par Kazuya, qui lui a donné un 'Stop that'. Takeshi a retourné le regard avec l'un des siens, son dicton 'tirez-vous', mais il s'est un peu calmé. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. bien qu'il ait retourné son frère l'oiseau dans sa frustration, qui vient de l'ignorer avec un soupir, secouant la tête sur les antiques de son petit frère. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,889 | 1,203 | 20 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Le câlin de Rin avait un peu dérangé Takeshi, ce qui a fait rire les autres enfants. Rin se sentait bien en sachant que ces enfants pouvaient encore rire après tout ce qu'ils avaient vécu. L'autre frère taquinait Takeshi qu'il ne pouvait ignorer bien sûr en raison de sa personnalité mais Rin n'y allait pas plus loin et les laissait deviner le reste eux-mêmes.
De la voiture la rage des deux enfants a continué avec le reste du groupe étant plus calme. Asoka avait continué la conversation entre elle et Rin mais elle n'avait pas l'air satisfaite de la réponse de Rin en tout cas. Rin recula un peu et regarda de l'autre côté au lieu d'Asoka. Rin lui a un peu souillé les yeux et a baissé la bouche derrière l'écharpe alors que sa voix étouffée sonnait.
"Je suis désolé... Mais je ne pense pas que c'est ce que nous faisons... Il arrive parfois que certains restaurants donnent des ventes... Ils engagent des gens pour poster ces annonces dans chaque maison..."
Rin a mordu sa lèvre un peu attrapée pour son cou lui a filé les yeux fermés et a tourné tout son corps loin d'Asoka en un seul mouvement. Elle a toussé quelques fois en couvrant sa bouche avec sa main vide et a essuyé la crache sur sa veste. Rin a ouvert les yeux dans un éblouissement regardant légèrement derrière elle à Asoka.
Rin a malheureusement regardé le sol en se taisant complètement. À ce moment-là, une nouvelle personne s'était montrée, que faisait-il en s'approchant d'un si grand groupe de goules? Rin n'a pas agi autrement avant puisqu'elle s'était habituée à agir comme elle-même après avoir travaillé dans le quartier intérieur pendant si longtemps. Non, ce n'était pas un ghoul mais il n'était pas humain non plus qu'elle pouvait dire par l'odeur que cette personne était quelque chose de mixte. Mais il y avait quelque chose de plus, il sentait assez familier mais elle ne pouvait pas mettre sa langue dessus...
Rin avait maintenant tourné son corps autour de la personne et tout simplement le regardait avec son aura tout à fait pointée sur lui. Elle ne connaissait qu'une personne comme ça. Il était clair qu'il était différent puis les autres par l'expérimentation qu'ils avaient fait sur lui, mais elle ne pouvait pas croire que c'était la même personne. Rin se souvient clairement qu'il avait l'air différent. Il avait tellement grandi au fil des ans, pour lui Rin n'avait pas eu l'air différent auparavant. Elle était déjà petite à l'époque et ça n'avait pas beaucoup changé après les années. Rin n'a jamais pris de photos des autres pensant que c'était une chose impolie à faire sans demander. C'était un peu regrettable qu'elle ne l'ait pas fait à l'époque.
Rin ne l'a pas accueilli ou même est restée pour l'accueillir, elle était calme aussi longtemps qu'elle marchait à l'intérieur du bâtiment. Elle monta lentement les escaliers jusqu'à l'étage supérieur et fit son entrée dans la maison en faisant le tour de l'extérieur de la maison et en entrant par une fenêtre légèrement ouverte. Rin a pris ses chaussures dans le cadre de la fenêtre et les a déposées contre le mur tout en marchant sur le sol. Rin a jeté un coup d'œil autour de la maison de Hana et a pris sa place dans le coin du salon assis avec ses bras enveloppés autour de ses genoux et son visage enterré derrière ses bras et genoux. Elle s'est sentie fatiguée aujourd'hui, il était temps de se reposer. | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,885 | 1,203 | 16 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
"Huh? Qu'est-ce que tu as dit maintenant?"
Emportée par les diverses distractions fournies par son petit outil de communication, elle ne saisit pas la minuscule jab qui lui est infligée par Hana. Ce qu'elle a saisi, cependant, c'est ce baiser hors de sa place sur sa tête qui l'a juste laissé plus arrogante que vraiment charmé. Sa paupière s'est ébranlée, essayant de comprendre ce qui se passait avec cette fille.
Le mot qui restait dans son esprit en se rendant compte à quel point Hana était étrange après seulement une heure de la rencontrer. Alors que Itsuki était au niveau d'avoir des flashbacks de guerre du Vietnam pour lui, celui-ci vient de devenir tout sensible et ridicule sans raison. Elle a ensuite fait une métaphore sur la façon dont sa place était une oasis dans un désert de merde qui est le troisième pupille. Tout ce qui l'inspirait, c'est qu'Asoka roulait les yeux sur la description trop fantaisiste de sa clinique à l'apparence normale. Le côté plus serait que si on s'ennuyait, les nombreux clubs et pubs à proximité serviraient de grandes distractions.
"Oh mon, avez-vous trouvé la ville perdue d'Atlantide dans les bidonvilles de Mumbai aussi?"
Elle a mis sur une fausse expression de surprise et d'enthousiasme en répondant avec un niveau maximum de sarcasme. Mais cela ne s'est pas terminé là, pour répondre adéquatement au désir compulsif de Hana de partager sa vie et surtout celle d'Asoka à Kaien de toutes les personnes comme une grand-mère sadique parlant de tous les moments embarrassants des enfants à des étrangers, Asoka a glissé son corps vers le bas pour qu'elle lève les pieds en l'air et pousse le visage de Hana. Maintenant, elle avait toute la force de l'odeur qu'elle aimait tellement souligner.
"Hé Hana, mets déjà une chaussette dedans. Compris?"
Avec cette blague hors du chemin, la voiture s'est finalement arrêtée sur une place de parking à proximité. Rin a également exposé sa propre carrière, ce qui n'a fait qu'amener Asoka à lever un sourcil. Non pas en raison du prestige de la position, mais plutôt parce que c'était la Poste de tous les endroits. Avant de répondre, elle faisait glisser ses bottes pour qu'elle puisse sortir de la voiture maintenant surchauffée puisqu'il y avait beaucoup de gens dedans. Accrochez rapidement le parapluie qu'elle a laissé dans le coffre du véhicule, car marcher avec lui à Bunkyo se rendait un peu trop visible, surtout le soir. Elle s'adressait alors directement à Rin.
"Post office"? Vraiment maintenant? Parce que j'ai quelques plaintes. D'abord et avant tout étant que "Pas de Spam Mail" signifie ce que ça veut dire frickin. Les employés sont-ils retardés? Chaque semaine, j'ai des pubs pour les restaurants chiants qui servent des repas chiants que je ne peux même pas manger. Merde."
Elle courut sans honte ni désir de couvrir cette dernière partie, surtout à Minato de tous les endroits. Puis encore une fois, elle pourrait utiliser l'excuse humaine d'être allergique à la sauce aux cacahuètes ou quelque chose de stupide comme ça. Elle l'étendit un peu avant de regarder le troupeau d'enfants qu'ils avaient amenés. Maintenant, elle se rappelait pourquoi ils étaient ici, et elle ne se sentait plus enthousiaste à ce sujet. Avec un regard condescendant, elle frappait le fond de Takeshi avec la fin de son parapluie afin d'arrêter leur petit combat giflant. Kazuya allait prendre sa dose aussi, juste attendre.
"Très bien petits hamsters, fermez-la et tuez-vous l'un l'autre quand je ne suis pas là, bienvenue à votre nouveau squat! Attention aux scientifiques fous qui essaient de vous attraper pour leurs expériences de zombies fous! »
En essayant de les effrayer un peu, elle a même adopté une voix épouvantable pour y ajouter un peu d'effet. Alors que la plupart n'étaient généralement pas fascinés vu ce qu'ils ont vécu, l'un des jumeaux se cachait derrière l'autre par peur. L'autre était catégorique, mais Asoka se sentait toujours heureuse d'avoir été au moins pertinente. Et maintenant, elle est entrée, attendant une visite de qualité du propriétaire ainsi que les douches promises. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,888 | 1,203 | 19 | 220 | 2,519 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Hana Kurosawa
Hana a d'abord jeté un coup d'œil, se retrouvant victime du vitriol d'Asoka une fois de plus. Tu sais, petite gamine impertinente, j'essayais d'être gentille. Pas besoin de me pousser votre arme bactériologique bien que joli pied sur mon visage. Rin est plus jeune que toi et elle est plus mature. Cependant, elle a rapidement recomposé son visage, faisant évidemment le coup avec grâce et dignité. "Waah, A-chan, c'est méchant ~!". Hana a lâché si légèrement sur le geste. Ça justifiait une réaction. Le simple fait de fixer stoïquement le pied ne le ferait pas.
En se laissant s'étirer légèrement dans sa combinaison de jogging, elle envisagea comment Asoka avait décidé de faire des japes sur le travail de Rin. Tout travail est bon, étant donné que nous, dans l'ensemble, ne sommes pas susceptibles de trouver beaucoup d'emplois.
Sa vue s'est immédiatement reposée sur le choc du garçon, et a résisté à l'envie de visage palm. Cela n'avait pas l'air sérieux, et même les passants se détournaient la tête, tant qu'ils la gardaient aux poings et non à leurs kagunes. Heureusement, le combat est mort dès qu'il a commencé, bien qu'elle n'était pas sûre que la tentative d'Asoka d'être flippant ait quelque chose à voir avec ça. Il avait juste besoin d'un bon finisseur.
Hana s'agenouilla aux côtés de Mii et des jumeaux, se reposant les bras dans les épaules des enfants. "Les garçons... mes chéris. Ils n'apprennent jamais. Entrer dans les combats n'est pas un signe de force ou de courage, c'est un signe d'être des nuls. Et on n'aime pas les idiots, n'est-ce pas? Ce que les filles apprécient, c'est la fiabilité. Et puis, Take-kun... Je me trompe peut-être, mais... si vous voulez que Rinrin soit votre onechan, vous devez savoir qu'elle aime la paix et le silence. » Elle se tenait vers le haut, levant un index. "D'accord, allons directement à ma maison au quatrième étage, être abandonné est une épreuve...huh" Hana se tenait là gelé, alors qu'une nouvelle personne entrait dans les locaux.
Cette odeur... entre Ghoul et l'humain. Un enquêteur de la GCC et le quinq... Je me souviens de celui-ci. C'est...
"Takkun!" Hana a laissé sortir un gazon mou. C'était une balle courbe qu'elle ne s'attendait pas. Takumi était probablement l'un des protegees les plus fascinants du vieil homme. Elle ne connaissait pas les détails, mais il a eu une éducation humaine, et Hana toujours collé à lui chaque fois que le vieil homme n'était pas là pour le piéger avec des questions, et il était toujours prêt à suivre ses grandes antiques sis, une fois qu'il avait été sorti de sa coquille. Hana a abandonné son intention précédente, en ouvrant ses bras large, et a couru vers Takumi, rayonnant un sourire sous la capuche qu'elle portait.
"Je t'aime!" Elle a crié, alors qu'elle s'attaquait à Takumi, tout surexcité. Ses jambes serrées autour de sa taille dans une impasse alors que sa bouche allait pour son cou tendre...
... seulement pour produire des sons farty avec ses lèvres sur le cou de Takumi.
Toute la tension, et tous les soucis d'une rupture mascarade rapidement dissipé dans l'une des manières les plus sales imaginables. Hana gloussait alors qu'elle affrontait Takumi, face à face."Où étais-tu? Non, grattez ça, vous êtes en vie!".
C'était alors qu'elle se penchait vers l'oreille de Takumi, sa voix douce, mais avec un ton solennel dans son murmure. » La cinquième salle va être un champ de bataille et ils ont perdu leur gardien. Vous nous avez traqués? Selon votre réponse, je devrais peut-être... prendre des mesures. Elle a commenté, alors qu'elle laissait Takumi aller de sa main, son semblant sérieux pendant un moment avant de se réassembler rapidement dans un sourire. | Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul. |
43,890 | 1,203 | 21 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
La réponse de Rin n'a pas montré beaucoup de confiance, en fait c'était le contraire complet. Cela ne serait pas juste avec sa relation avec Asoka à l'avenir, car ce petit opportuniste serait complètement impitoyable dans l'exploitation de ces faiblesses. Il n'y aurait pas d'expression machiavélique sur le visage du petit tyran, en fait elle serait complètement calleuse et insensible à tout, levant un sourcil avant de répondre avec un simple:
Le problème a été résolu, le bureau de poste n'était pas à blâmer, même si l'on pouvait s'attendre à ce qu'ils soient les ancêtres de telles pratiques cancéreuses. L'idée de la faiblesse de Rin serait mise de côté pour l'instant, puisque Asoka voulait juste une douche à ce stade. Mais le cockblock est arrivé et quelqu'un est sorti de l'ombre, encore une fois.
Un défieur apparaît?
Asoka a roulé ses yeux. Il est devenu un peu vieux après que Hana et Rin aient fait leurs apparitions tout droit hors du bleu, maintenant c'était comme une nouvelle saison de quelques séries télévisées américaines. Qu'est-ce qui a suivi? Le vieil homme reviendrait comme un Cyborg de l'avenir pour les avertir d'une île maléfique qui les tuera tous? La créativité d'Asoka était en effet assez grande, malgré son état d'esprit autoritaire et plutôt contrôlant, mais cela ne l'empêchait pas d'affirmer la situation actuelle. Ce serait facile pour elle de faire la même conclusion que les autres, un mélange bizarre de ghoul et d'humain pour laisser même les chasseurs les plus aguerris confus. L'odeur était un peu trop distincte pour l'oublier. Mais il y avait un petit problème.
Elle ne pouvait se souvenir que de cette odeur de cet individu, rien d'autre. En fait, il faut considérer qu'Asoka avait environ dix ans lorsqu'elle s'est rompue, comme telle sa mémoire ne peut pas toujours être la meilleure quand elle grandit tant les dernières années. Et bien, la plupart du temps en termes d'âge et pas de taille. L'odeur émise par ce jeune homme n'était qu'un trait si puissant en lui qu'elle reprenait essentiellement tous les souvenirs qu'elle avait de lui. En tant que telle, elle ne pouvait compter que sur le "Takkun" de Hana pour avoir au moins une idée de ce que c'était. Pas de chance là-bas, tant de noms ont commencé par "Tak". À ce moment-là, elle devenait grincheuse, et voulait juste dans le bâtiment, hors de la pluie.
"D'accord, d'accord. Itsukiwi, Hana-Banana et Rindigo sont tous de retour dans ma vie, et toi aussi, euh... Takkun. Huzzah! Mazeltov! Libérez le Kraken! Maintenant, on peut aller à l'intérieur? Nous pouvons râler sur les Américains ou quelque chose dans le waaaarm."
Et avec ça, Rin est immédiatement entré dans le bâtiment. C'était un peu impoli, mais les yeux d'Asoka s'élargissaient en éclairant l'espoir en voyant une action aussi courageuse et hardie de la part du groupe réservé. Elle a même balancé son doigt sur la direction de la petite femelle tout en hurlant la tête en toute approbation. Quant aux surnoms, ils ont juste sonné bon en ce moment, cela et il est soudainement devenu une compétition avec Hana pour une raison quelconque.
"Vous voyez? Vous voyez? Rindigo a la bonne idée, prenons cela comme exemple! Noooowww, si vous pouviez me dire où sont les douches, alors si vous avez une baignoire, je vous appellerai Capitaine pendant une semaine."
La petite garce est entrée dans la clinique, son parapluie se branlant autour de son poignet comme un fan, un tel désastre de marche que tout le monde pourrait voir ne mènerait à des ennuis que s'ils devaient se tenir debout sur son chemin. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,891 | 1,203 | 22 | 941 | 3,112 | Takumi Minamoto - Visages familiers
3e quartier, clinique de Sakura
Si quelqu'un devait décrire la réaction de l'aîné de 22 ans, il n'aurait besoin que d'un mot : embarrassé. Peut-être suivi par les mots "comme de la baise", si une description supplémentaire était nécessaire pour bien transmettre la rougeur de la tomate qui était venue sur Takumi. En ce qui concerne les manifestations publiques d'affection, ce n'était pas du tout ce qu'il attendait. En effet, c'était beaucoup trop odieux pour quelqu'un d'aussi jeune fille que lui. Les jambes serrées autour de sa taille, la bouche d'une femme sur son cou, et le plus damnant de tous, le bruit. Il aurait été plus à l'aise si elle lui avait mordu le cou. Au moins, c'était quelque chose qu'il avait appris à gérer. Et Hana n'était même pas le seul à faire des bruits étranges; quelque chose entre l'étouffement et le rire soudain brouillé de sa bouche dans une cadence étourdie et à demi-restreinte. En vérité, ce n'était pas une situation gracieuse. Mais sur le côté lumineux, il n'est pas tombé sur son dos. Au moins, il avait ça pour lui. Heureusement, sa décomposition n'a pas duré trop longtemps. Il est rapidement revenu à ses sens après s'être remis à la situation écrasante, et a rendu les affections de Hana avec un pressentiment serré - dans le sens étreint de la phrase, bien sûr.
-- Ah, c'est un peu long, répondit Takumi avec des moutons, et pas vraiment d'accord pour un endroit comme celui-ci. Il a fait de son mieux pour faire un geste autour de la région avec des clins d'oeil de sa tête. Ce faisant, ses yeux rencontrèrent l'adolescente tranquille au sujet de lui avec son regard silencieux. Pour autant qu'il se souvienne, la fille aux cheveux noirs était toujours silencieuse. En conséquence, il n'avait jamais eu beaucoup d'autre lecture d'elle. Dans ses premiers jours, c'était une fin divine. Après avoir surtout grandi de ses préjugés et essayé de former des liens, c'était frustrant. Mais il pouvait comprendre la réticence, et ne pouvait pas tenir un tel trait contre elle. Il leva la main et donna une vague silencieuse, de bonne nature. Il n'a pas été beaucoup gradué par son accueil froid, il semblait. « Je suppose que certaines choses ne changent pas », pensait-il en voyant la retraite introvertie dans les recoins de la clinique.
En revanche, la réaction d'Asoka était loin de ce qu'il attendait. Il pensait que c'était tout simplement un tournant naturel des événements, considérant sa relation avec leur soignant décédé depuis longtemps. Mais ce qui lui a vraiment attiré l'attention, c'est ce prénom. « Donc Itsunii est vivant et il donne des coups de pied aussi, a-t-il noté. D'après son comportement, Takumi aurait fait de son "frère aîné" le type "vivant-fast-die-hard" du ghoul. C'était donc un soulagement de savoir que la GCC ne l'a pas transformé en une jolie valise. "Je ne vois pas pourquoi," a-t-il accepté, "Bon de te voir aussi, au fait." Comme Asoka, Takumi voulait aussi mettre son hygéine. Il était allé bien trop longtemps sans une bonne douche et une période de repos. Elle va faire du mal à quelqu'un comme ça, pensait-il, en la regardant balancer son parapluie dans l'immeuble.
Quand Hana s'est penché, Takumi s'est préparé à une autre attaque de bruits étranges et de sensations tout aussi étranges. Heureusement, la femme excitable a saisi l'occasion d'une question dont l'action était justifiée par sa nature délicate. Cela dit, il a appelé à l'esprit quelque chose qu'il préfère ne pas penser en ce moment. Mieux vaut éliminer cette ligne de pensée dès que possible. Avant de répondre à la question de Hana, il a fait de son mieux pour aplatir les rides dans ses vêtements. Puis il a regardé vers le haut pour lui faire face, maintenant libre de sa prise. "Coïncidence, en fait," a-t-il répondu avec un shrug insouciant, "C'est une histoire drôle." Il s'arrêta en pensant à la façon de résumer correctement son expérience. "Je buvais à la vieille maison, j'ai vu des empreintes mouillées, réalisé qu'il était en retard, pris le dernier train, poursuivi une rumeur ou deux... Maintenant je suis là. La fin." En second lieu, ce n'était pas une histoire très drôle. Oh, et bien. "Maintenant que cela a été dit, je vais aussi," a-t-il poursuivi, "C'est pour montrer les enfants et moi autour, Nee-chan? Je pense que celui qui me donne l'œil puant, c'est des démangeaisons d'avoir des R et R." | Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Tengu
Vigilante Ghoul
Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.
Other:Character Theme
Color code is #E34234 |
43,886 | 1,203 | 17 | 941 | 3,112 | Takumi Minamoto - Étranger dans un pays familier
5ème Ward, Ruines de la Maison Hayasori
Alors qu'il s'approchait de sa destination, Takumi devint de plus en plus conscient du bruit de ses propres chutes humides sur le trottoir mouillé. Chaque pas en avant le rendait de plus en plus ambivalent, et chaque balançoire du sac de dépannage à ses côtés était une tique de l'horloge comptant les secondes. Au fur et à mesure qu'il avançait, ses yeux traçaient le trottoir familier-encore-non-familiaire par la lumière des lampadaires, le flash des voitures qui passaient, et la lueur conjuguée du néon s'éteignait au loin. Il y était presque. Que ce soit bon ou mauvais, il ne le savait pas encore. « On ne peut pas l'aider », soupira le jeune homme aux cheveux bruns alors qu'il griffait anxieusement à l'arrière de sa tête.
Quoi qu'il en soit, Takumi l'a repoussée depuis trop longtemps. Depuis son arrivée à Tokyo, il a fait un effort conscient pour rester loin d'ici. Malheureusement, il y avait une voix lancinante à l'arrière de son esprit qui n'arrêtait pas de l'exhorter à continuer à rentrer chez lui. Pire, la voix ressemblait à celle du vieux. Bien que Takumi Minamoto ne se considère pas comme une personne sentimentale, il semble que même il doive reconnaître qu'une visite à Tokyo serait incomplète sans une image pligrative ici. Malgré sa réticence, il serait déçu, mais n'est certes pas surpris, si tout cela n'était pas pour rien, et le manoir avait été démoli et remplacé par une entreprise entreprenante. Bien que cela ait soulevé la question troublante de ce qu'il trouverait exactement si elle était encore debout.
'Tout ce qui m'attend, je suis là maintenant,' il a lâché, tournant le coin et venant face à face avec la forme délabrée de son ancienne maison. Il semble que bien que les années aient été nombreuses et que la civilisation des mains se soit rapprochée de plus en plus, l'ancienne chose était toujours aussi indélébile que jamais. Mais l'odeur était un peu différente, et par là, il voulait dire que ça sentait la merde. La puanteur de pourriture et de pourriture surpassait l'air parfumé par les pétricheurs. « On dirait que quelqu'un est venu ici récemment, » a-t-il remarqué, les yeux tombant sur les faibles vestiges d'empreintes humides menant à la maison. Pendant quelques instants, il regarda les signes de la vie avec ses yeux entraînés. Il a remarqué les tailles d'impression très différentes. Il semblait qu'il y avait plus d'un "quelqu'un" qui avait été ici.
Il s'est approché de la maison et s'est assis à l'avant. Maintenant le cul de son pantalon était mouillé, mais ce n'était pas de la peau sur son dos. Il n'avait pas fait - ou même possédé - un parapluie de toute façon, donc il n'y avait vraiment pas beaucoup de différence avec le reste de ses vêtements. Il a posé le petit sac en plastique à côté de lui, a posé ses mains sur ses genoux, et a juste regardé vers l'extérieur comme un vieux chien. Alors qu'il était confiant qu'il pouvait se battre contre quelques gouilles, il n'était pas vraiment d'humeur à se battre en ce moment, et si c'était la GCC... « Mieux vaut faire vite, » a-t-il décidé, touchant le sac et enlevant une boîte de café. Sans paroles et avec une expression quelque peu amusée jouant sur ses lèvres, il a ouvert la boîte et l'a relevé dans l'air, comme s'il donnait une sorte de toast. "A toi, vieil homme." Et il l'a versé sur la passerelle, comme une sorte de libation glousque et à faible budget. Il a remis la boîte vide dans le sac, en a sorti une nouvelle, a ouvert l'onglet, et a pris une perruque.
Alors qu'il était assis là à boire, Takumi regarda la pluie laver son offrande liquide. Il a pris la canette de ses lèvres et l'a balayée devant lui-même. "...Oui, c'est assez, je dirais", murmura-t-il, malgré le fait qu'il reste encore beaucoup plus de la moitié de son contenu. À vrai dire, il n'avait jamais été un pour le café, et même après avoir été rendu incapable de manger quoi que ce soit, sauf que et la chair, il ne pouvait jamais ingérer le goût. Il s'est assis de son siège, a fait de son mieux pour essuyer son pantalon (en vain, bien sûr; au moins il avait des extras dans son sac à dos), et a commencé à s'éloigner du manoir. Après avoir pris de la distance, il s'est arrêté et a regardé la maison une dernière fois. Il secoua la tête et continua son chemin, plus profondément dans la ville.
Pour être franc, il n'avait pas de plan particulier à l'esprit (ce qui n'était pas si surprenant si l'on savait qui il était). L'abri était un bon point de départ, étant donné le temps et la météo. Malheureusement, Tokyo était beaucoup moins spacieuse à cet égard. Il semblait que chaque immeuble ou entrepôt abandonné avait déjà des locataires, et à moins qu'il ne veuille passer la nuit dans un hôtel d'amour, les prix le saignaient sec bien avant qu'il ne puisse faire n'importe quoi de productif. Bien sûr, il avait aussi entendu des rumeurs d'endroits qui abritaient des goules et distribuaient de la nourriture gratuite, comme le manoir l'avait fait. Honte qu'aucun d'entre eux n'était censé être dans cette salle, cependant. Ce n'était pas un problème; aussi tard qu'il l'était, il aurait dû encore y avoir un train ou deux à gauche faisant leurs rondes. "Pas de mal à vérifier," pensait-il alors qu'il s'est retiré dans une station de métro voisine.
3e quartier, clinique de Sakura
Après être arrivé et sorti de la gare de Roppongi, il a fallu un moment aux yeux de Takumi pour s'adapter au contraste entre l'éclat soudain du néon de Minato et l'obscurité de la nuit. Alors qu'il était venu ici pour poursuivre un sanctuaire rumeur de Ghoul au milieu du territoire de la GCC, malheureusement ce district était aussi précis que les rumeurs. Pour une bonne raison, il soupçonnait : le 3ème Ward était un véritable terrain de suicide pour les goules, après tout. Si cet endroit existait, la personne qui dirigeait ce concert était soit un cerveau, soit le plus grand imbécile de Tokyo. Il a espéré ce dernier, mais a reconnu qu'il ne pouvait pas se permettre d'être difficile s'il voulait un toit au-dessus de sa tête.
Comment cet endroit a-t-il déjà été appelé? Takumi pensait, marchant dans les rues et regardant les signes du néon en passant, 'Lily Clinic? Clinique de jardinage? Clinique Sakura? Était-ce même une clinique, ou était-ce un hôtel d'amour comme l'a dit l'autre gars? En parlant de ça, il était passé par quelques-uns plus tôt, mais aucun avec un nom qui sonnait des cloches. Je vais jeter un oeil aux fleurs, alors. Après quelques blocs de plus, il arrive devant un immeuble de quatre étages avec un nom floral. "Oh. Je comprends maintenant », murmura-t-il à l'aube de sa réalisation après un examen plus approfondi de l'aspect extérieur du bâtiment. Il ressemblait à un hôtel d'amour (et peut-être un), mais c'était certainement une clinique. Ou peut-être juste un hôtel d'amour élaboré sur le thème de l'infirmière. Mais peu importe ce que c'était, c'était aussi bien que n'importe quel moment pour enfin sortir de la pluie.
Pour qu'il l'ait fait.
"...!" S'il devait comparer ce qu'il éprouve actuellement à quelque chose, ce serait mental statique. L'expression de l'incrédulité de Takumi a lentement contorsionné dans un sourire large et sincère. L'odeur stérile l'a déconcerté, mais pas assez pour lui faire prendre soin. Une rencontre fatale comme celle-ci était bien au-delà de ce qu'il attendait d'une jaunisse à une maison de sécurité au hasard. À l'intérieur, il criait. Mais d'une bonne façon. "Je ne m'attendais pas à vous voir ici!" Il s'est exclamé en tirant le capot mouillé de sa veste. Avant de dire quoi que ce soit d'autre, il s'est ridiculisé le nez et a dirigé ses yeux vers les enfants. Il a profité de l'occasion pour donner une vague amicale aux enfants comme il pensait, « Définitivement goules, mais la ressemblance n'est pas assez proche pour être biologique... Cela signifie-t-il une adoption, un enlèvement ou un sauvetage? » C'était censé être un refuge, donc il s'est dit que c'était le dernier. En plus, il ne pouvait imaginer personne du groupe ayant des enfants aussi vieux à moins qu'ils n'aient été à quelques choses très louches sous la montre du vieil homme. Bien qu'en parlant du vieil homme...
Takumi a encore regardé l'odeur. « Je vois, » pensa-t-il, reliant mentalement les points. "Pourquoi as-tu amené les enfants de la maison?" "Tout va bien?" demanda-t-il avec inquiétude, son sourire frémissant un peu : "Tout va bien?"
Heureusement, c'était une clinique, ou ça aurait pu paraître suspect. | Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Tengu
Vigilante Ghoul
Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.
Other:Character Theme
Color code is #E34234 |
43,893 | 1,203 | 24 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Takeshi
Takeshi n'a pas tenu compte du nouveau venu, car il était très occupé à observer des poignards à Kazuya, qui l'ont simplement ignoré alors qu'il suivait les autres dans le bâtiment. Cela ne fit qu'agiter le ghoul aux cheveux argentés, mais il engloutit tout simplement son orgueil et le suivit, ne voulant pas commencer une autre scène en attaquant à nouveau son agaçant frère. En entrant, il a immédiatement remarqué le gars effrayant qui semblait planer autour du Tiny Tyrant, et a rapidement décidé de garder un peu d'espace entre lui et eux au cas où elle a décidé de lui donner un coup de pied à travers un mur de quelque chose, qu'il ne survivrait certainement pas puisqu'il semblait être un humain, si ce qu'il sentait était correct.
En pensant aux odeurs, malheureusement, a ramené son attention sur le nouveau membre de leur équipage de motley, qui sentait comme un humain, mais en même temps, sentait aussi comme un ghoul. C'était bizarre, et il avait un demi-esprit à dire en tant que tel, mais il y pensait mieux. Pas besoin d'antagoniser quelqu'un qui s'occupait de ses propres affaires.
Quand ils sont finalement arrivés à destination, Takeshi a simplement cliqué ses dents sur le commentaire de Hana, murmurant 'Pas de duh' sous son souffle, seulement pour recevoir une autre claque à l'envers de sa tête de Kazuya.
"Oh! Qu'est-ce que Kazuya?"
"Arrêtez d'être un cul. Maintenant allons te nettoyer déjà, tu sens la merde."
"*Tch* dit celui qui a le cerveau chiant."
"Oh-non, ça m'a tellement fait mal. Je ne peux plus suivre tes magistrales combacks Takeshi, ils sont tellement intelligents », a dit Kazuya de façon dérisoire surdramatique, lui donnant le cœur alors qu'il se détournait de ses frères et sœurs pour se moquer de lui, avant de se retourner avec un regard émouvant sur son visage. "Maintenant, si vous ne vous dépêchez pas, je n'aurai pas à dire à tout le monde comment y-"
Takeshi a sauté devant son frère aîné avant qu'il puisse finir cette phrase, l'attraper par le collier et le tirer dans la salle de bain Hana avait désigné pour qu'ils l'utilisent. On pouvait entendre le bruit de la dispute peu de temps après, qui s'est rapidement intensifié dans un autre combat du son des choses, alors que les cris devenait plus forts et les choses pouvaient être entendues s'écraser dans d'autres choses. Cependant, ils sont morts assez tôt, et les bruits de la douche pouvaient être entendus venant de l'intérieur. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
43,892 | 1,203 | 23 | 220 | 2,519 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Hana Kurosawa
"Bon, Takkun." a répondu à Hana d'une manière brutale, son attention a soudainement attiré l'attention sur les deux compagnes féminines impatientes qui avaient pris l'initiative de s'infiltrer déjà dans sa clinique comme elles en possédaient l'endroit. Je devrais apprendre à ces deux-là un peu de patience et de manières. Elle a ajouté, en fermant les mains pour tendre les deux jumeaux et a fait des signaux à Mii-chan et les deux autres enfants à suivre.
Les portes coulissantes automatiques s'ouvrent révélant le plein spectacle d'un groupe de chair humaine blessée, et au milieu, un sous-ton de ghoul. La réceptionniste de petite fille rose et blanchie avait aussi cueilli l'odeur des deux autres goules femelles qui s'étaient propagées à l'intérieur de la clinique, ce qui l'avait rendue plus fidgetty que d'habitude. Elle a regardé son employeur, Hana, ne sait pas quoi faire.
"u..u...miss, tu ne peux pas... aller là-bas!" Elle s'est adressée au maniaque du parapluie, évidemment d'une voix tremblante et intimidée. Elle s'est aussi effondrée en regardant Takumi, pensant probablement que la clinique serait envahie par de fortes goules à n'importe quel moment.
"Ne t'inquiète pas, Yoko. Ce sont des connaissances personnelles. Hana sourit à la réceptionniste. On pouvait voir d'autres membres du personnel autour de lui, brouiller et hurler à la voix du soi-disant propriétaire, avant de continuer. La plupart d'entre eux avaient des boucles d'oreilles, des cicatrices et des tatouages, provenant probablement d'horizons plutôt peu salés."Takkun est avec moi, et on a trouvé un tas d'enfants perdus. Une nuit plutôt bizarre pour faire du jogging." Hana se blottit si légèrement, agitant la maladresse de la situation. "Dites à Shen et à CB que je pourrais être un peu occupé..."
La réceptionniste a hurlé sagement, et s'est brouillée quelques instants avant de reprendre son travail, Hana se dirigeant vers l'endroit où se trouvait Asoka. Et quelqu'un avait, en plus de l'alpage faible de la réceptionniste. Le médecin en service. C'était un homme d'âge moyen assez grand, avec une constitution tonique et un cuir chevelu rasé. Mais ce qui l'a séparé, ce sont ses yeux sombres, perçants et un sourire expressif plutôt inébranlable dans son visage.
"Elle a raison, tu sais. J'ai peur d'emmerder que le parapluie répande des germes à travers les autres étages... et ceux-ci sont pour l'équipement chirurgical et sélectionner personnel." L'humain a regardé vers le bas sur la petite ghoul tyrannique. « Cela pourrait signifier un coût matériel et personnel assez élevé... » Il a dit, s'accroupissant si légèrement, sa voix murmurant dans les oreilles d'Asoka."Je me demande si ton kakuhou le couvrirait sur le marché noir." Le docteur a dit, avant de se rétracter et de sourire. "Ah, chef, bonjour... ce sont vos connaissances, oui? Bienvenue, bienvenue! Je suis le docteur Shen! Et maintenant, si vous m'excusez, j'ai un quart à terminer... et euh... est-il trop tard pour demander une augmentation de salaire, Hana...chan?" Le médecin a ajouté, une merde mangeant du sourire enduit sur son visage alors qu'il rabaissait son patron devant tout le monde.
"Je vais y réfléchir." Hana a dit, avant de produire une clé ornée, sécurisée et d'ouvrir l'ascenseur assez grand, inaugurant tout le monde à l'intérieur. "Au quatrième étage, nous y voilà. Les premier et deuxième étages sont pour les gens normaux. Et le troisième est pour... les invités qui apprécient l'intimité, et qui sont encore humains... » Hana brouillait quand les portes fermaient le groupe.
Au bout d'un court moment, les portes s'ouvrent, offrant un affichage plutôt alléchant de vieux feutres et de décorations sans goût. Le quatrième étage était encore à peu près un hôtel d'amour dans la structure, sauf la chambre réformée de la fin, la propre habitation de Hana. Du côté plus, il y avait des douches et des chambres pour tous les participants, s'ils voulaient faire une sieste.
"Hana-chan a vraiment besoin de changer la décoration du sol un jour." Elle a annoncé qu'elle commençait à marcher vers sa chambre. "Ma chambre a la baignoire tu-- oh mon 'on dirait que Rinrin est un chaton intelligent qui a trouvé l'autre entrée de ghoul." Hana a ajouté en souriant. "Frappez-vous. Je vais... laver ces deux-là." Hana a dit aux deux enfants, alors qu'elle leur tapait la tête."Mii-chan devrait aider aussi! Mais Hana-chan pense que vous pouvez gérer une douche par vous-mêmes." | Name:Hana Kurosawa, M.D.
Age: 24
Height & Weight:166cm & Mind your own business.
Sexuality:Bisexual, with a dash of Zoophilic (if you consider humans as zoophilia, anyway)
CCG Rating: B~ (The CCG can't figure her out for their own good. Way too careful and erratic, with zero confirmed kills. Could potentially skyrocket to S, or SS even).
CCG Title: Honeybee
Kagune: Her Ukaku Kagune actually resembles a pair of crystaline, insectoid wings, with jagged edges. Like most Ukaku, she can use these wings to shoot a shower of detached crystallized shards on targets. Compared to other types ghoul claws, it's very prone to break and chip away with use, and while she can wield it in close combat to cut targets with its razor sharp edges, it can't parry many blows in a quick succession.
However, Hana can actually partially manifest her kagune, in order to produce crystallized shards which can be wielded as easy to manufacture, easy to throw away scalpels. These kagune daggers can be easily concealed and produced and are versatile tools in addition to weapons that can cut ghoul flesh easily.
RC Type: Ukaku
Special Quirk: Gifted Intellect: Hana has the uncanny ability of being able to assimilate and interpret knowledge rather fast thus making her learning curve and intellectual prowess leagues ahead of the average ghoul. Hana didn't just conquer the barrier of literacy among ghouls, she steamrolled through it once she had gained a solid base thanks to her mentor. She mostly uses this ability to further her scientific pursuit, by devouring books and data like some ghouls devour tender infants, with special focus on medicine, for the forensic perks of easy access to corpses people won't miss, and in order to help other ghouls to heal. However, she is also equally able to devastate ghoul and human alike with her intimate knowledge of anatomy, her Ukaku speed and razor blades.
It is this precise trait why Hana is so hard to assess for the CCG. Her patterns of feeding and thought are very outside-the-box when compared to most ghouls as she often scavenges, or destroys the evidences after feeding. She is not above mimicking patterns of other ghouls to disguise her kills. More often than not, she also is fond of using other methods to kill rather than her kagune.
Personality: Hana is a firm believer of predatorial mimicry, and as such, she displays a sweet and coy attitude, always eager to please everyone around her. She also downplays her own skill and intelligence, and even calls herself in third person in a belitting manner. A coward in most direct confrontations, Hana would rather flee than fight, and humilliate herself rather than escalate the violence.
However, when the honey doesn't cut it, and people actually threaten or hinder her advances above an acceptable threshold, Hana proves to be quite the cunning bitch, taking a leaf out of the Art of War. She will respond to threats throughoutly and often in deceptive, ruthless ways. From kidnapping, to poisoning, and even goading the CCG to capture rival ghouls.
Hana believes in some sort of ecosystem balance between humans and ghouls, and as such she won't attack underdeveloped prey like children, and will sometimes tag and personally dispose of the rotten apples of the human basket. She also is a self-confessed lover of human literature and science, and she also indulges in quick, sporadic relationships with humans.
Most tragic stories about Ghoul orphans either involve faction wars or the CCG. In the case of Hana, it was just a freak car accident. There was no tension, no drama, no against. One day she was a lovely spry ghoul child, and the next day she had exited a car who was set aflame after dropping down a cliff, panicked, cold and relentlessly calling for help.
But no one came. Hana resigned herself to the fate. She learned quickly. there was no returning from that much damage and fire. They were dead. Life in itself was a fragile thing. That much, the child understood. Tumbling and wandering, she ended up congregating with a bunch of other kids. All orphans, and ghouls aswell. Safety in numbers. Upon being found by the old man, and after some time of hesitation, as she was at first untrusting of someone who would pick a bunch of lil' human chompers out of mere kindness, she was among the first to fall in line. She understood, that just like a parent cared for children, some ghouls cared for other ghouls at an species level, and she answered the old man's altruism with a healthy dose of her own, using her intellect to learn quickly and become a dependable older sister to others, in order to make the whole effort be more efficient.
However, to all things came an end, and when the old man suddenly disappeared, the group fell apart like a house of cards. Even though she advocated for sticking together, she eventually conceded in parting ways with the others. She quickly formulated a new route, a new life plan. She would use her memory and top notch academic skill to pursue a medical education (as the car accident still painfully reminded that even if ghouls were more durable than humans, their lives could also be extinguished easily).
But first, she needed a new sponsor... and while she was growing up quite nicely, she didn't think seducing a rich old man would be a viable possibility, because of the sheer low odds. However, an equally low odd happened before her eyes. A washed up backalley doctor, being assaulted by Yakuza.
Food, and sponsor in one neat package. Althought the medic had to be calmed at first, seeing as the teenager girl had just eaten a couple of yakuza in front of his eyes, he seemed to cave in to reason. He would teach her, a ghoul, medicine and higher education, in exchange for a little protection from both the mafia and fellow ghouls.
It worked for a time. Her double life did not take an excessive toll, she was getting good at this. She could even pretend to take a stroll into the 1st ward for bibliography without being caught. At worst, a wild goose chase where Investigators were always one step too behind, and laying down for a while.
But the doctor eventually died. Because sometimes, heart attacks kill people, not just ghouls. And Hana felt for the first time lonely and homesick. She then wondered what had happened with her colleagues...
Other: She currently has a backalley clinic in the 3rd Ward in which she treats humans and ghouls alike. Those humans who aren't going to make it end up as food. She has acquaintances in the 1st ward, and sometimes takes a stroll right under the nose of the CCG there. She keeps a cadre of "bed friends" both human and ghoul. |
43,897 | 1,203 | 28 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Après environ 5 minutes de silence, le reste du groupe est entré dans la salle aussi. Rin n'a pas semblé surpris et certains d'entre eux n'avaient même pas remarqué sa petite présence dans la pièce donnant une légère aura triste. Rin a sauté un peu quand Hana a soudainement parlé d'elle avec un sourire éclatant sur son visage. Elle disait à Rin que c'était bien? Rin était confuse, n'est-ce pas? Ou est-ce qu'elle le voulait dire d'une manière sarcastique... Rin rougissait et lui a ouvert les yeux de l'autre côté.
Rin ne savait pas si elle aurait dû s'excuser ou pas, mais elle pensait que ce serait mieux de le faire. Rin a regardé tout leur comportement de son propre endroit et n'a pas dit plus. Asoka est entré dans le bain alors que les deux frères et sœurs ont commencé à se battre et les autres ont essayé de s'installer.
Rin s'est demandé si les petits avaient déjà faim, il aurait été difficile d'obtenir de la nourriture quand ils sont si gros. Rin n'avait jamais eu besoin de manger à un tel âge. C'est seulement quand le vieil homme est mort qu'elle a dû prendre sa propre nourriture. Elle l'a bien appris, mais c'était imposant de le faire.
Rin pouvait être trouvé en regardant les autres de temps en temps et regarderait vers le sol si quelqu'un avait remarqué. Elle n'avait plus d'avis sur les actions qui se produisaient dans la salle, ne voyant aucun besoin de le faire de quelque façon que ce soit. Après tout, c'était une observatrice. | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,894 | 1,203 | 25 | 941 | 3,112 | Takumi Minamoto - L'île dans une mer de troubles
3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage
Ce n'est pas une clinique ordinaire.
C'était la première pensée de Takumi en passant ces portes coulissantes et en entrant dans la clinique pour la première fois. Et pas dans le sens où il abrite des goules, je pense. Bien qu'il ait peu d'expérience dans le domaine des cliniques civiles, le jeune demi-ghoul savait que les employés et les clients de cette entreprise n'étaient pas de la variété standard. Les établissements professionnels qu'il avait visités avaient rarement un seul individu à l'air brut, mais il semblait que cette clinique employait une grande majorité de gens sans scrupules. Ça le rendait un peu mal à l'aise, pour le moins. Il n'était pas intimidé, bien sûr; s'il avait peur de quelques voyous, il aurait été mort il y a longtemps. Non, c'est qu'il était entouré de gens qu'il aurait mangés un autre jour. Il y avait aussi la possibilité que ses actions ailleurs puissent l'affecter ici, mais il avait déjà fait ce qu'il avait fait pour qu'il n'y ait guère d'utilité à réfléchir aux conséquences.
Tandis qu'ils continuaient, Takumi regarda une jeune ghoul fidgety tenter d'obtenir Asoka pour arrêter son parapluie wanton twirling en vain. Il aurait simplement écrit cette situation comme « quelque chose qui s'est passé », sinon pour la réaction adverse de la fille à lui-même. "...Eh?" Un regard de confusion apparut sur le visage du jeune homme. Par rapport à toutes les cicatrices et tatouages, il était assez sûr que cela n'avait pas l'air intimidant par comparaison. Il ne sentait pas si mauvais, n'est-ce pas? Avec une expression un peu inquiète, Takumi leva le cou de sa veste et prit une bouffée de son propre parfum. C'était... acceptable? Probablement. Il allait bientôt se nettoyer, donc il ne s'inquiétait pas beaucoup de ça non plus. En tout cas, son apparence semblait causer sa détresse excessive, alors Takumi a pensé qu'une excuse était en ordre. « Ne vous inquiétez pas, rassure-t-il, nous ne sommes pas là pour causer des ennuis ou quoi que ce soit. »
Puis ils sont tombés sur une autre figure sur leur chemin vers la détente: un gars. Juste un gars. Un homme 100% humain. Malgré son inoffensif relatif, Takumi ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser mal à cette personne. Ce n'était pas son apparence, qui lui-même était plutôt effrayante, mais plutôt les inflexions de sa voix. Takumi l'a comparé à un médecin qu'il connaissait, et a décidé que si jamais ils rencontraient, ces deux-là s'entendraient probablement mal. Il agita néanmoins en saluant le médecin avant d'entrer dans l'ascenseur pour se tenir mal à l'aise avec le reste de la famille maintenant élargie. Quelques longues minutes plus tard, l'ascenseur de camp rempli de musique et ils étaient à leur destination.
Pour être franc, Takumi manquait d'expérience avec l'utilisation d'hôtels d'amour pour leur but. Cependant, il a eu l'expérience de les utiliser pour un logement pas cher et temporaire. Ainsi, il se sentait tout à fait à la maison parmi le décor de feutre et les patchs décolorés. "Je me demande si c'est difficile de sortir le sang de goul du sol," pensa-t-il, scrutant sans but son environnement tandis que Hana expliquait ce qui se passait. "Je veux dire, je l'espère," Takumi s'est brouillé à la fin, ne prêtant pas tout à fait attention à ce qu'il disait exactement.
Maintenant laissé avec les deux querelles, Takumi a été laissé à réfléchir aux mystères des frères et sœurs belligérants, a examiné leur conflit avec seulement le plus doux de l'intérêt pour ses yeux verts. Il a brièvement examiné la possibilité qu'il fasse son travail en tant qu'adulte légal et empêche ces deux personnes de se déchirer la gorge. Cependant, il a finalement décidé contre cela. « Ce sont des goules, » pensa-t-il, à côté du jeune homme aux cheveux argentés qui traînait son camarade résistant vers la salle de bain, « Je suis sûr qu'ils ne seront pas trop blessés si je n'interfère pas. » Comme s'il regardait un bateau quitter le rivage, son regard suivit lentement le nuage métaphorique de poussière des enfants, car ils sculptèrent un chemin de destruction dans leur pièce désignée. Les sons cacophoniques stupéfiants qu'il a entendus venir de cette pièce lui ont fait penser que la comparaison « chemin de la destruction » n'était pas entièrement infondée. Peu de temps après, le chaos a été remplacé par le paisible pupitre de douche. Le brunet clignait deux fois, "... Bon alors."
Pour éviter de ressembler à un bizarre debout dans le couloir tout seul, Takumi s'est dirigé vers l'une des pièces vides pour prendre sa douche. | Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Tengu
Vigilante Ghoul
Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.
Other:Character Theme
Color code is #E34234 |
43,895 | 1,203 | 26 | 2,089 | 1,978 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Asoka "Mercure"
La promenade tranquille d'Asoka dans le couloir de la clinique menant à l'ascenseur prisé serait interrompue par un membre du personnel particulier. Un grand gars qui a pensé qu'il était sage de se mettre un peu en joue avec sa revendication par ailleurs relativement inoffensive concernant le parapluie d'Asoka. Considérant cette menace claire comme une sorte de blague au début, le court ghoul a regardé dans les deux directions pour voir s'il n'y avait pas une caméra élaborée là-bas pour attraper sa réaction. Mais tout ce qu'elle était, c'était des gens qu'elle a juré avoir probablement travaillé avec ou contre elle dans son 'travail latéral'.
"Bon sang, plaza de dégénérescence ici."
En fait, l'idée que son kakuhou soit vendu au marché noir n'était pas aussi probable que l'idée que des gens réguliers viennent ici pour être traités. Qu'il soit humain ou ghoul. La meilleure idée d'Asoka serait que ces gens avaient généralement leurs raisons de ne pas aller dans un hôpital normal ou une clinique de fantaisie, que ce soit par leur situation financière ou juste des choix de vie de merde. Dans ces moments-là, elle se rend compte à quel point elle était bonne à être, eh bien, elle-même. Maintenant, si seulement elle pouvait obtenir un troupeau d'amis laids autour d'elle afin qu'elle puisse être la plus jolie et donc le meilleur du gang. Ça n'aurait pas tout à fait coupé avec ses frères et sœurs, malheureusement.
"Maintenant, mon pote, ta journée arrive. Une petite étude de marché ne me ferait pas de mal non plus, et j'ai trouvé mon assistant.
L'étrange chose serait que le tempérament d'Asoka ne serait pas apparent ici, du tout. Elle était calme, et elle s'est effectivement conformée. Elle a saisi la poignée et poignardé l'extrémité pointue contre le carrelage, mettant un arrêt à son spectacle. Il s'ensuivit avec un sourire innocent et un rire léger pour enchanter l'âme plutôt puante de l'homme. Il arrivait à la surprise de Hana qu'Asoka ne réagirait pas aussi têtu qu'un cul, bien que ce changement de comportement chez les créatures volatiles serait généralement une source d'inquiétude.
Une fois dans l'ascenseur, à l'étroit avec le reste à l'écart de Rin, elle aurait pu jurer qu'il n'y en avait que là-dedans. Elle garda cependant sa bouche fermée, car le désir pressant de se baigner dans l'eau chaude la consumait pleinement. Peut-être même l'une des raisons pour lesquelles elle est soudainement devenue si docile. Quand ils ont atteint le quatrième étage, l'esthétique ne l'a pas vraiment frappée. Mis à part le fait que les hôtels d'amour étaient des endroits utiles pour mener des 'affaires ', son dortoir qu'elle a résidé dans l'année dernière avant de louer un appartement ressemblait beaucoup à cela. Et en ressemblant à ça, il comprenait aussi des gens qui baisent comme des lapins tous les soirs.
"Et je vais prendre ça. Frappe si tu as besoin, d'accord merci."
Elle a balancé l'une des clés de la main de Hana avant de passer à la porte correspondante. L'idée d'un bain dans la chambre du patron était tentante, et la façon dont il a été formulé a fait quelques intentions assez claires, mais pas quand l'offrande sentait encore comme cette maison ruinée, moisie. Asoka a marché dans le couloir étroit et a finalement trouvé la porte de la chambre qu'elle a choisie au hasard. Chambre numéro sept pour être exact, un nombre assez chanceux si elle était superstitieuse comme la plupart des idiots dans son cercle d'amis dans la vie humaine. Une fois à l'intérieur, elle fermait la porte sans la verrouiller et se sentait impressionnée par sa propreté.
Sans perdre une seconde, elle s'est dépouillée de ses vêtements un peu chers, certains LOOKING chers. Dans le nu, elle abusait sans vergogne de l'eau chaude et laissait sa salle de bains s'engouffrer dans la vapeur. Le petit tyran a gaspillé environ 35 minutes là-dedans, consacrant seulement cinq minutes à se nettoyer, la plupart de ce n'était qu'elle appréciant calmement l'eau chaude. Pendant un moment, elle a pensé à son chat, inquiet qu'elle ne l'ait pas nourri avant de partir.
Il peut utiliser le régime de toute façon.
Quand elle en avait fini, elle se desséchait avec une serviette avant d'être complètement exposée sur son lit. Juste allongée là, presque à l'état végétatif, alors qu'elle fermait les yeux et laissait sécher ses cheveux naturellement. Bien que maintenant inondé d'une poignée de choses à traiter avec ces enfants et Itsuki étant le ghoul belligérant dont ils ont tous entendu parler, tout ce qu'elle pouvait vraiment penser était combien de personnes avaient baisé sur ce lit avant qu'elle le prétende pour elle-même. | Name:
Height & Weight:
155 cm - 47 kg
CCG Rating:
Her passive behavior makes her rate difficult to assert as she's rarely been engaged with CCG officers. It is but an estimation.
CCG Title:
-The Umbrella
-The Troll
Usual Mask
When screwing around/mocking foes or the CCG
A very bizarre Kagune to say the least and rarely seen due to its nature Asoka prefers to conceal unless necessary. Revealing itself as three tentacle-like silver Kagune, the same shape as Rize's though broader (think the tails of a tailed Beast in Naruto). They're silver in color, hence the name Mercury, but the biggest characteristic would be the viscus attributes it has. It almost seems to be liquid and fluids appear to drip out constantly from it, only to have the droplets vanish ones hitting the ground in minuscule clouds of steam.
The unique thing about this Kagune is that the Rc cells seem to have a deficiency in their hardening mechanic as they are stuck at being too spread out from each other. Consequently, it almost seems to be a liquid Kagune. It holds little to not defensive and offensive capabilities, barely capable of grazing the skin of a Ghoul let alone defend from their attacks. Other Kagune cut through this one like butter, giving Asoka zero defensive value like offensive. The catch however is simple, each Kagune can divide into four smaller tentacles and being viscus as ever it is also swift and insanely flexible. The liquid factor comes in here, as it is capable of molding itself to infiltrate minuscule pores in both organic and inorganic things.
In other words, her Kagune can essentially infiltrate any form of organic matter, especially Rc cell rich ones, as well as inert objects with crevices. She can thus easily sneak in her Kagune through pores in concrete for instance and catch her assailants off guard. When infiltrating something, she can make such things an extension of herself, as such her weak Kagune can become a giant fist of concrete, but the worst would be when she'd infiltrate other Kagune or the bodies of enemies. She can cause the affected members to pop and have her liquidated Kagune spread to swiftly posses and/or kill them.
She can also sever her Kagune a la Nutcracker and either have the pieces quickly retreat to her or have them be stationary. After a few seconds, they will start to evaporate and cover the air with a noxious gas. Although not deadly, they strongly disorient vision and hearing while leaving a terrible headache. It smells like really bad bleach that's been washing a freezer filled with rotten food. She can also be affected by this, hence her gas mask.
RC Type:
Special Quirk:
Having had a rather difficult Kagune to use when younger, Asoka was forced to compensate by focusing her efforts, with the help of the old man, into martial arts and general self defense. Unlike most of her 'brothers and sisters' from the mansion, she relied more on her flexible body and mastery of different martial arts. She isn't a God at it of course, and with her recent practices she hasn't honed her abilities too much, but her rating can go on par with Kakujas because of this.
Leading more than a few gangs, Asoka has made herself a reputation and needed an icon to make her recognizable. Enter The Umbrella, a tool made similarly to Yamori's with Kagune-like efficiency. Although most of it is thin and has little defensive value, it does serve as a Bulgarian Umbrella as it can fire up to three small projectiles with tranquilizers. It also holds a concealed cane-sword and a blade that can protrude from the top. Among Ghouls she holds the title of "Umbrella Loli".
She knows a lot about a Ghoul's anatomy despite hating their flesh more than anything else. She didn't have to kill too many to know, as once in a while a little moron would get a little too cocky and required Asoka to tie up loose ends. Her tools provided the means to show such morons the righteous way. She fully understands that the Kakuhou is the most essential part of a Ghoul and often targets that part when possessing a body. She is capable of clogging it for a limited time with her Kagune, or otherwise destroy it.
A word that would best describe Asoka would be opportunistic. Like many ghouls, her morality is severely warped, though she doesn't orient it toward sadism and such. Heavily pragmatic with a large amount of sarcasm salt to go full-on "No Bullshit" mode, she has a zero tolerance policy for irrational blather or anything that she cannot grasp. Consequently she also limits her need to expose herself to danger. Concepts such as Spirituality or Intangible bonds are rather annoying gimmicks that distract her very business-like demeanor as make her job a whole lot harder.
Although she conceals this behind her higher intellect she needed to survive in her early years, Asoka is a gargantuan control freak with a possible superiority complex that came afterward. Somewhat fitting to her Kagune's controlling traits, she has a really hard time with people saying No to her or disobeying. Heck even disagreeing with Asoka will make her irritated and quickly enter a fit of searing rage. Luckily, she isn't shy about lying and cheating to get what she wants, her lack of any convictions other than her own gain make it easy for her to change her position on things when times are dire. She's a survivor after all.
It isn't rare for her to add salt to the wound by mocking individuals showing clear submission or inferiority toward her position. She's clearly mocked the CCG more than once when they attempted to handle her current cartel, wearing rather silly masks to remind them of how much of a joke she saw them as.
While sadistic when needed and heavily cynical about anything, Asoka is rather vain and has refined tastes in everything, including sex. Promiscuous, as a ghoul she never really did abide to any moral code, as such never truly understood the meaning of a close bond after the old man expired. She does love everything that is cute and pink, all that girly stuff, for some reason. She also holds a sweet soft side for children, possibly motherly instinct or just seeing herself into them and her past struggles.
She hasn't gone into a "Tension Boogie Woogie" state yet. But if she does, it'll be very funny.
Likely abandoned, Asoka never really knew how she ended up alone in such a young age. The old man found her almost starved to death and evidently incapable of acting independently. Like many others, she was brought under his wing and was offered a kindness that her little mind had never even witnessed beforehand. Because she was so small, she recovered quickly from such experiences, chalking them up as just the equivalents of bad dreams. Though a problem quickly emerged and it was her large dependence on the old man. Asoka was clearly the baby of the group, always clinging on her provider's leg and when grown would always stay in proximity, be his right hand man.
This was truly disconcerting, especially when she was rather timid and rather upbeat despite her experiences. Evidently when came time to initiate her in battle, Asoka displayed poor results, especially with her unusual Kagune. Clearly with her behavior, dependence and lack of offensive power, the future looked bleak for Asoka. The old man considered the Kagune not worth the effort yet and oriented Asoka toward a different type of training, the one where she'd utilize to the maximum her superhuman skills to gain an advantage.
Luckily for her provider, she had a rather efficient brain when it came to learning and acquired martial arts capabilities quickly enough. Her ability was good, but her discipline was simply not there. She still remained overly reliant on others when applying her abilities outside of home. It came to no surprise that she was both heartbroken and left terrified in this cruel world once the man didn't come back. Her 'siblings' would eventually leave, one by one, and her time would come soon as well as she needed food.
The cold, hard truths of reality nearly killed her, of course, but it was never enough to permanently put her down. Slowly but surely, she lost any form of desire to depend on anyone, whether it is affection or help. She's practically forgotten about what the man had brought to her and decided to flip reality off as it did when she was left for dead when younger. As luck would have it, the same ghouls that made her life so hard weren't exactly the brightest, since education was hard to come by for them. While not eloquent at the time, it wasn't hard for her to make it clear that they'd gain X amount by doing X things, which in the end she'd bank on a lot.
She brought he goods to the simpler ghouls, and in return many more flocked to this "Umbrella" individual. While she didn't have her weapon at the time, she did carry around an umbrella everywhere as she really hates rain. Her megalomaniac tendencies grew at this point, leaving behind her lovable and shy persona just as her parents and the old man left her behind, the 12th Ward's "Kingpin" was running operations, though the extent of her influence is very questionable. Unlike many ghouls, she never really bothered to show her prowess to the CCG or rival ghouls. To her, she'd benefit more from simply sending minions to do everything for her. Plus the "Leading operating in the shadows" image made her all fuzzy inside when she thinks about it.
When someone say Kingpin, one says many gang members, and when there are many gang members, there are quite a few deviants around. She was quickly initiated to the hardships of a leader and the "necessary" actions to take on more volatile individuals. She was able to develop her Kagune through various "punishments" and torture sessions which she didn't particularly savor but did learn a lot about. Through racketeering and simple transition of goods, she made herself quite the amount of capital, and that didn't count for her talent involving numbers in which she did use to guide various investments to make herself quite the stash of cash. Unfortunately using this much money as a ghoul is rather impossible without the CCG sniffing her out. As such, her net worth gravitates to the double digits these days. The student life, aye?
On parallel to all her shady operations, she led a normal life in a normal apartment. She did go to highschool and behaved like her shy self when she was younger. She graduated in top ranks and is currently aiming for a Bachelor in Statistics. Due to her experience in manipulating money and all that smelly stuff, it came to no surprise she cheesed through most of this discipline. Asoka seemed to have countered all odds against her and hit the highest point a Ghoul living in the street could dream of, reaching a normal human life, but now the compulsive need to maybe remember her lost self pushed her to agree into returning to that place. A pointless action, but she didn't want to keep this feeling bottled up.
I am the lord and savior, blah blah blah.
Aiming for a Bachelor's in Statistics
Has a cat named Poo
Big fan of XCOM
Theme: |
43,898 | 1,203 | 29 | 941 | 3,112 | Takumi Minamoto - Rinquisition
3e quartier, clinique Sakura, 4e étage
Autant qu'il pouvait comprendre l'allure, Takumi n'a jamais été un fan de longues douches. Ses années de vie avec beaucoup d'autres, ainsi que sa récente pénurie financière, ont fait de courtes averses militaires à la fois une force puissante d'habitude et une nécessité de la vie. Cela, et son aversion pour des périodes prolongées de calme inutile. C'est mieux d'en finir et d'en faire pour qu'il puisse trouver des choses meilleures et plus utiles. En conséquence, le jeune homme était dans et hors de la douche dans environ le temps qu'il faut pour une pause publicitaire de la télévision pour diffuser ses publicités. Il s'est rapidement asséché avec une serviette et a commencé à mettre les vêtements de rechange qu'il avait avec lui, laissant ses vêtements mouillés et sales dans une pile à côté de son sac. Il faudrait qu'il demande à Hana où était la machine à laver. Il est sorti de la chambre d'hôtel d'amour réaffectée avec toute l'intention d'aller à l'achèvement de cet objectif particulier, seulement pour entendre les sons des douches qui émanent encore de différentes chambres; il semblait que le coût de l'achèvement précoce parmi un groupe attendait le reste.
Cela ne dérangeait pas trop la demi-ghoul, il était assez patient. En plus, il pouvait se reposer et se détendre comme il était censé le faire. Takumi a frotté le pont de son nez. Aussi rassurante qu'elle fût, la pensée du répit ne s'asseyait pas aussi bien qu'elle le devait avec lui. Peut-être qu'il avait un joli roman, quelques puzzles, un livre de coloriage ou quelque chose... Il a reniflé l'air. Parmi l'odeur des produits de bain, il y avait encore l'odeur de l'impureté, mélangée à quelque chose de familier mais subtil. Il tourna la tête vers la source, seulement pour voir sa "petite sœur" dans un coin toute seule. Par le regard et l'odeur, elle n'avait pas choisi de se doucher comme les autres. Pratique, car elle s'était rendue si silencieuse, si calme et si petite qu'il ne l'avait peut-être pas remarquée autrement. C'était vraiment approprié, il lui donnait ça.
L'enfant moyen a rappelé la réaction antérieure de sa plus jeune sœur à son apparition. Aussi approprié, mais pas du tout satisfaisant au moins. Bien sûr, elle avait l'air plus ou moins la même qu'il y a huit ans, mais il n'y a aucun moyen qu'elle n'ait pas changé au moins un peu dans les années qui ont passé. Et avec tout le monde préoccupé par la douche ou la sieste ou aidant les gens à se doucher et à faire la sieste, Takumi a pensé que ce moment serait un bon moment pour rattraper Rin. Qui sait s'il en aura l'occasion plus tard? Le Rin qu'il connaissait était rarement le genre de fille à partir de son chemin pour commencer la conversation. Alors, avec toute l'insouciance dans le monde, il s'est approché de l'adolescente retirée, mais au lieu de s'adresser à elle debout et regardant vers le bas, le brunet a pris place sur le sol à côté d'elle. Il était assis dans une position similaire, le dos penché contre le mur, les genoux pliés, et les mains sur ses côtés. C'était comme s'il était assis dans une prairie paisible et non dans le coin d'une suite d'hôtel d'amour devenu maison portuaire pour goules.
Quelque chose lui dit que commencer à parler immédiatement pourrait être un peu accablant; donc Takumi a attendu quelques instants pour passer en silence avant de parler. "S~o~! Rin!" il a commencé, tonalité décontractée et joyeusement nonchalante, "Ça fait vraiment longtemps, n'est-ce pas?" Il soupira et croisa les bras au-dessus de ses genoux, sachant exactement à quel point il était désemparé avec l'endroit où il allait d'ici. Eh bien, ce n'est pas comme s'il ou elle pouvait s'attendre à quelque chose de différent : il a toujours été un peu trop direct pour un bon petit discours de plomb. Laissez parler aux politiciens et aux interrogateurs, et le travail pour... "Bah, comme ça ne va nulle part", a-t-il admis. "Je serai juste honnête avec toi: Qu'est-ce que tu as fait dernièrement?" "La vie a été bonne jusqu'à présent, j'espère? Manger bien, rester hors des ennuis, s'amuser, et tout cela pourrir?" | Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Tengu
Vigilante Ghoul
Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.
Other:Character Theme
Color code is #E34234 |
43,900 | 1,203 | 31 | 941 | 3,112 | Takumi Minamoto - Rinquisition II
Troisième quartier, clinique Sakura, quatrième étage
Takumi ne pouvait pas dire qu'il était complètement surpris que ses questions aient été rencontrées avec silence. Après tout, son partenaire de conversation n'était pas particulièrement enclin à l'interaction sociale. Il se tourna pour faire face à la porte, attendant que l'un de ses frères et sœurs, ou même l'un des orphelins, apparaisse et efface le silence maladroit entre les deux frères et sœurs très différents. Il était sur le point d'accepter qu'il n'aurait pas beaucoup de terrain avant d'entendre ce sifflement doux d'une voix caractéristique du jeune ghoul écarlate. Rapidement, il se retourna pour lui faire face et l'écouta patiemment alors qu'elle répondait à sa seule enquête sérieuse. Après qu'elle ait été rendue rouge et silencieuse une fois de plus, le Ghoul à un oeil a considéré sa réponse pendant un moment.
Et puis il a commencé à rire, mais pas à Rin. Mais ce fait n'a peut-être pas été tout à fait clair au début. En réalité, bien qu'il n'ait pas noté de changements particulièrement intéressants ni fourni d'anecdotes divertissantes, il n'était guère mécontent de sa réponse. Bien qu'il ait pu être suffisamment humain pour se préoccuper de lui-même, il était bien conscient qu'il était difficile pour un ghoul de maintenir un mode de vie moyen. En outre, même quelque chose d'aussi simple que posséder un appartement et maintenir un emploi stable était bien plus que ce qu'il pouvait dire pour lui-même. En toute honnêteté, il était un peu inepte de vivre un mode de vie civil. Il ne se souciait pas particulièrement de son propre style de vie, cependant. Après tout, travailler en tant que salarié était trop dur pour quelqu'un comme lui, et s'il voulait bénéficier à la société, il avait des méthodes plus directes pour choisir de ce qui convient beaucoup mieux à ses compétences. En fin de compte, tant qu'il pourrait continuer à vivre comme il a choisi, il serait assez content de sa place. Peut-être pas complètement, mais assez.
Il s'est éraflé sur le côté de l'œil gauche. "Haaaah..." il a laissé les derniers rires de son système, "Désolé pour cela. Ce n'est pas ta faute, c'est la mienne." Takumi s'est frotté l'arrière de sa tête, notant qu'il n'avait certainement pas accordé assez de crédit à Rin. Elle n'était pas aussi petite et faible qu'il le pensait au début. Il soupirait. "Bon travail, je suis sûr que le vieil homme serait fier de vous," il a souri, levant sa main pour lui affectueusement bourrer les cheveux.
Bien sûr, il aurait quitté la conversation, mais il s'était rendu compte qu'il n'avait toujours pas répondu à sa question. Et il savait qu'il devait le faire tôt ou tard. « Il n'y a aucun mal à vous le dire », a-t-il dit, en l'utilisant à parts égales comme une transition soignée et comme un moyen de se préparer pour l'exposition à venir. « Depuis que j'ai quitté Tokyo, je viens de voyager au Japon », a-t-il dit. Son corps détendu devenait d'une manière ou d'une autre encore plus détendu alors que son regard arrêtait de s'occuper de Rin et commençait à se concentrer sur un morceau de mur particulièrement intéressant à sa gauche. "C'était amusant. J'ai vu des trucs sympas et je me suis fait des amis en chemin. Mais beaucoup plus d'ennemis." Il souriait comme si c'était une drôle de blague. "Malheureusement, je n'ai pas pris de photos. Je suppose que l'idée ne m'est pas venue à l'esprit à ce moment-là." Et par là, il voulait dire qu'il n'avait pas fait un point de rencontre avec ses frères et sœurs. Oh, et bien. "De toute façon, assez de moi," a-t-il dit, son degré de léthargie peu caractéristique de revenir à des niveaux plus appropriés, "Je suis sûr que vous ne voulez pas entendre quelqu'un comme moi parler de choses ennuyeux comme cela." Il agita la main et se leva du sol pour s'étirer les bras. "On dirait que tout le monde a presque fini de se doucher..." Une pensée lui est venue, et il s'est tourné pour regarder en arrière son partenaire de conversation.
"Dis Rin, où est passé Itsunii, de toute façon?" | Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Tengu
Vigilante Ghoul
Mask: A bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.
Other:Character Theme
Color code is #E34234 |
43,899 | 1,203 | 30 | 1,379 | 5,159 | Ward 3, Minato, Tokyo
Il y avait certainement une différence entre le moment où les garçons et les filles ont pris leurs douches, Asoka était dans pour la plus longue période de temps avec les petites filles suivies après, elle ne savait pas si Hana aussi a pris un bain avec les filles ainsi il pourrait avoir à faire avec le fait qu'ils étaient dans pour si longtemps besoin de laver 3/4 filles à la fois. Les garçons étaient cependant dans une période plus courte, les deux plus jeunes n'ont pas duré longtemps, mais Rin a été assez surpris de savoir à quel point Takumi était court. Elle savait que les douches plus courtes et plus froides étaient bonnes pour les factures et la peau elle-même. Ce ne serait pas aussi sec que celui d'Asoka en ce moment. Qu'est-ce qu'elle pensait s'inquiéter, si elle essayait de dire quoi que ce soit à Asoka, elle pourrait devenir folle ou pire. Rin laisserait juste la fille profiter de son bain.
Takumi avait apparemment remarqué sa présence et a commencé à venir vers elle, Rin allait rapidement regarder loin de lui sans aucune parole. Elle ne connaissait pas trop bien le frère aîné, mais il avait toujours l'air gentil envers ses frères et sœurs. Il ressemblait au gars cool qui pourrait parler à n'importe qui et n'avait pas été timide à l'égard des autres. Ils n'allaient pas vraiment ensemble, elle se sentirait juste comme un problème si elle devait traîner avec lui.
Au moment où elle avait pensé à lui, Takumi s'est assise à côté d'elle. Il sentait bon. Un doux blush rouge s'est répandu sur ses joues comme elle pouvait sentir la chaleur de Takumi contre elle. Rin regardait toujours devant elle avec son menton contre ses genoux sans dire aucun mot de ses actions. C'était sympa d'avoir quelqu'un avec toi. Elle n'avait pas connu ça depuis longtemps. Bien à part ses collègues parfois la gâtant à cause de sa taille mais c'était tout. Rin a jeté un coup d'œil à Takumi sans qu'il s'en rende compte. Il avait beaucoup changé au fil des ans, mais il y avait encore quelques remarques de l'époque montrées sur son visage.
En silence les deux assis, tout semblait agréable et paisible puisque Rin avait presque commencé à oublier le moment où Takumi parlait. La tête de Rin a tiré un peu sur sa voix mais elle l'a placée encore contre ses genoux alors que sa voix profonde continuait... Elle ne savait pas que Takumi était comme ses deux soeurs. La voir comme une jolie petite bête, ça ne lui dérangeait pas. C'est mieux que d'être traité de "pip squeak".
C'était comme d'habitude toute conversation qu'elle a eue jusqu'à présent. A propos de sa vie et comment elle avait été, eh bien, ça ne devait pas être suspecté d'être différent. C'était un miracle si quelqu'un trouvait un sujet intéressant à discuter avec la plus grande introvertie du groupe. Rin garda son regard pointé sur le sol, tandis que sa voix douce craquait.
"Oui... J'ai loué un appartement... J'ai un boulot... rien de plus intéressant quand même... Des collègues me demandent parfois d'aller avec eux..."
Rin a un peu rougi à la dernière phrase montrant qu'elle était assez heureuse d'avoir une sorte d'amis au moins. Sinon, elle serait assise devant la télé ou en train de se promener quelque part dehors, sans trop penser à elle. Rin a un peu tourné son visage vers Takumi.
-- Vous...? | Rin Makoto
"The quieter you become the more you can hear"
Height & Weight:
CCG Rating:
A~ Not much known about her and doesn’t appear as violent in any CCG reports as of known. CCG hasn’t seen Rin her Kagune yet, but every time they send people to investigate they don’t come back with anything useful. Or so to say don’t come back at all.
CCG Title:
RC Type:
Both Rin her kagune are a deep dark purple color. The inner side of her rinkaku is a radiant glowing red and has small lines at the sides of the inner piece that are the usual color.
She had a long flat tail that maintains the same width for the most part of her tail and grows smaller at the tip. The very tip of her tail ends in a point to penetrate enemies. Her tail can reshape at the end to an arrow like shape so it can inflict heavy bleeding damage when it has pierced through the body and is pulled back while in arrow form. Her tail wraps around one of her limbs acting like a huge spring to make the force she uses in one of her limbs way bigger. Rin also uses her tail to pull organs out of any living or no living creature via the mouth.
Her rinkaku is shaped as 4 medium length kagune that maintains the same width over the whole kagune ending quite squared. At the ends is grows wider a little but is not seen as much noticeable. The kagune is fairly thin and is mostly used as light armour to protect herself when she is not in offence. The kagune folds around her main body as passive stance or freely floats behind her. She can use this offensively by slicing the enemy with it or gripping onto the enemy and crushing them in the kagune or against her body to a pile of dust.
Both her kagune can be used as camouflage in the night or in a dark alley. She can also hang herself like a bat against the ceiling.
Special Quirk:
Rin had always had these gloomy glaring eyes she rarely has a smile on her face and doesn’t talk much. It had nothing to do with her parents or the people around her but instead she just hated the world she lived in. All this hate between ghouls and humans, it was sickening. Despites the world being bad nothing else had really driven her to act happy. Rin hasn’t many friends so maybe that was another reason to why she didn’t laugh.
Since birth Rin has been given two sets of Kagune as a ghoul by her parents. Her mother made use of the rinkaku kagune. It was just like her mother's. The same applies to her bikaku, that was just like the one of her father. It was learning to use them properly but just like birth, everything comes out well afterwards.
During a difficult period of her life a wound on her neck was inflicted by the CCG to purposely kill her. Yet she survived bleeding to death by help of a complete stranger and was only left with a scar across her neck instead of dying. The wound damaged her vocals a little making it difficult and even painful sometimes to talk. Her voice sounds fairly quiet and sometimes fades away at certain parts in her talking. It sounds different then her voice from before but the only thing noticeable when hearing it is a hoarsely tone to it. She wears a scarf over it to hide it and doesn’t like to display her damaged voice much so she keeps quiet when she isn’t needed.
Rin is always quiet and observant, one that is always only minding their own business and not that of others. It always seems like she despises other and would rather be on her own in the world. You can say she is a huge airhead at times and takes thoughts way to far into reality. Rin is much fond of empty spaces or quiet places overall and likes to hang around them solely.
She rarely pulls her mouth open to others but acts kind to the weaker people standing beneath her. Or even the stronger among her when she does find sympathy for them which would be rather rare. Rin is found missing a lot, where she would be at the moment is a mystery but she will always returns like nothing happened.
Rin has never been seen putting on a smile before but even her passive expression looks like she wants to kill something. Rin can be a very sweet caring person despites looking like that. Yet some people always think the worst of her and treat her like human trash.
Rin her parents were kind people, they were both ghouls and knew their way in the ghoul society. They just wanted to care for their young daughter and never did any bad, they had to get their hands on meat from time to time so they tried doing it nicely by collecting already dead corpses themselves or buying them off of other ghouls that had collected them before they did. CCG inspectors only didn't seem to be liking this anyway even though they tried doing the right things. They stormed into their house and straight up killed the two of them without regret. Rin's parents tried stopping them without force and died without giving any resistance either. Just accepting the way it was. That smile on her mother's dying face hurted poor Rin the most. They almost ended up killing Rin too but they could only inflict a few painful injuries on her before dying by the attacks from the young ghoul. Rin could escape with both her parents their bodies and end up in the slums short after. Despites the well done defending of her parents bodies her father was jabbed away from her hands. She couldn't do anything about it and was punished even harder with the loss of her father's body. The CCG got hold of her location and had no mercy on her. The girl could barely fend them off and was lethally wounded at her throat as before she could kill the last one. An old man suddenly jumped in and defended the girl with all his might. He saved the girl and had gotten her to a safe place to treat her further.
The girl was left with a deep wound on her throat and wasn't even able to talk anymore. Her mother got properly buried soon after so Rin could be at ease at least a little. The man didn't even hesitate to take her in and threatened her properly and even learned her a few things on the way. It was a giveaway she was clearly different from the rest of the children he already had taken in. Of course they all pretty much lost their parents on a young age but one thing was clear. Rin hadn't been alone for that long just like all the others. She didn't know utter despair after having been alone for so long, anyway. Her voice slowly came back a little as her wound was healed again but it was never going to be the same again like it was before. The man learned her to take care of her own if it ever were to happen that she would leave his house.
A few years after her being taken in the old man had died in a big fight between ghouls and CCG of course Rin couldn't stop crying after his death but learned to cope with it after a long while. She left his home almost instantly. She didn't know what to do with her life at first so she didn't even bother with looking for a place to live or anything. Instead she wandered around the city without any plans in mind. She mostly helped others by feeding the ghouls that she met, she tried doing it the least aggressive way by using people from car crashes or other means but it soon went from bad to worse. She straight up started killing people because she couldn't find enough corpses to fill in the needs in the stead of other young ghouls so they didn't have to experience what it is like to kill someone.
Her acting didn't last long however, a few others she still had as friends reminded her that she wasn't suppose to live this way and that the old man didn't want to have it this way either. It still took Rin a few speeches from her friends to realise that. Her friends helped her stop and found a simple job for her. Rin soon rented an apartment to live in and still provided the bodies to the young ghouls as much as she could in her off time.
Her life is actually quite happy now, without education she had become post deliverer and earned her money fear and square. She didn't mind having such a boring job. It made her feel quite good in fact that she could spend her time to something instead of sitting on her butt all day thinking on how she hated the world she lived in. She couldn't change this world. Not alone at least. |
43,896 | 1,203 | 27 | 1,918 | 8,258 | Itsuki vs Miyako, Le Petit Monstre: Première partie
Tous les corps sans vie, le sang pulvérisé et divers membres détachés ne valent pas grand-chose à la fin. Ils ne savaient rien et ne valaient apparemment pas le temps de la journée pour quelqu'un d'autre. Ils étaient tous des capuches sans valeur qui squattaient dans une cabane. Ils auraient fait un excellent appât pour un plus gros poisson si quelqu'un se souciait de leur planque, mais il semble que personne ne l'a fait. Dommage, mais ce n'était qu'un début dans la course du Petit Monstre à travers sa ville natale. Il y avait beaucoup d'autres poissons dans la mer, après tout, mais ils peuvent attendre. Ce qui était encore quelques heures de sa veille veillée.
Après environ une heure, la patience de Miyako a payé. Un demandeur d'asile, ou au moins quelqu'un qui apparaissait de cette façon, est entré de la porte qui grinçait. Elle a vu quelqu'un glisser dans l'entrepôt depuis son perchoir sur une poutre en acier. Un homme, grand. J'ai l'impression d'être ghoul. Visiteur. Interlope. Cible. Une voix masculine égratignante a appelé Miyako de l'arrière de son esprit. Le phénomène n'a pas été perdu sur la fille comme elle a gagné de son envahisseur interne, mais sa présence a longtemps été prise en compte maintenant donc il n'est pas venu comme surprise. De plus, il y avait de plus gros poissons à frire alors que l'étiquette « interlope » se promenait vers l'avant, plus profondément dans le piège du Petit Monstre.
Miyako a continué son étude de l'homme, le dimensionnant vers le haut, mais aussi en attendant le moment opportun pour sortir son petit piège. L'homme, clairement un ghoul maintenant qu'il avait son Kagune sorti de son dos, était presque certainement lié au rabble Miyako avait tué plus tôt. Sinon, il n'y avait aucune raison pour qu'il se montre. Il était probablement un plus haut parce qu'il est venu seul, au moins c'est ce que Miyako pouvait sentir. Il était donc logique de ne pas gaspiller les mots avec l'homme, parce qu'il était clair qu'un envoyé pacifique n'allait pas arriver. D'ailleurs, les gens étaient beaucoup plus bavards quand ils étaient torturés... grâce à ses enseignements de "maître".
Miyako a donc attendu que l'homme soit juste en dessous d'elle, puis a réveillé sa Kagune et a permis à ses « ailes » de s'étendre derrière elle. Elle sauta de sa perche et tomba silencieusement, de plus en plus près de sa proie potentielle. A mi-chemin du sol, elle a lâché un volley de cellules RC cristallines, espérant pimenter l'homme avant même qu'il sache qu'elle était là.
Itsuki a dû donner à son attaquant une chose, ils étaient intelligents et savaient bien se cacher. Il avait à peine le temps de réagir à l'attaque, à leurs mouvements silencieux et à l'épaisse odeur de sang dans l'air clos, ce qui l'empêchait de la détecter jusqu'à ce qu'elle lance son attaque. Il sauta sur le côté, souffrant de quelques éclaboussures alors qu'il tourna le regard sur l'agresseur, prenant sa position et Kagune pendant qu'il préparait le sien.
Ukaku, hein. Ça m'ennuie, mais je suis sûr que je peux la descendre rapidement si je peux m'approcher, ce qui est difficile. Cela mis à part, étant donné qu'elle était juste dans un combat, elle pourrait juste être un peu fatiguée, donc attendre jusqu'à ce qu'elle se fatigue est aussi une option, mais pas préférable. Concentrez-vous sur le fait de vous approcher et de ne pas prendre de dégâts, ne la laissez pas vous remettre sur le coup. Concentrez-vous. Respirez. Attaque
Avec nary une seconde d'hésitation, Itsuki s'élança vers l'avant, utilisant sur son Kagune pour saisir les corps morts, et le jeta à son ennemi, plus comme une distraction que tout autre, tandis que son autre Kagune s'emparait d'un second corps, cette fois le tenant légèrement sur le côté pour agir comme un bouclier contre ses attaques variées si le besoin se présente. Il tentait de s'approcher et de se battre avec sa Kagune libre, la vrille griffée pour s'enfoncer dans sa chair, puis la tirait pour un coup de poing solide à sa gorge, qui serait accompagnée par la Kagune enveloppée autour de son bras pour éclater pour ajouter une quantité mortelle de force à la grève aussi bien qu'il visait à y mettre fin rapidement.
L'attaque initiale de Miyako n'était pas exactement le meurtre qu'elle voulait, mais une partie d'elle se sentait ravie que ce ne soit pas facile. Miyako a atterri tout comme l'homme a jeté un cadavre mâché vers sa position. Il a été assez facile de s'échapper et Miyako a tiré un deuxième volley de projectiles après s'être rétabli. Bien sûr, l'homme a utilisé un second corps pour le couvrir pendant qu'il s'approchait et il a été protégé, mais Miyako n'était pas inquiet quand l'homme a fermé l'espace. Elle a fait un pas en arrière et s'est préparée pour son attaque...
Une fois que l'homme était proche, il a balancé son Rinkaku dans l'espoir d'écraser la fille, mais Miyako l'a écarté, se déplaçant légèrement vers l'homme comme elle a esquivé la vrille. Comme s'il s'y attendait, l'homme a lancé un coup de poing élevé, mais encore une fois, la vitesse et les réflexes de Miyako étaient suffisants pour lui permettre de tisser autour du coup de poing. Son compteur serait cependant rapide à ce stade. Elle s'emparait du poignet de l'homme et ne soulevait son masque que légèrement pour lui barrer les dents, puis elle essayait d'enfoncer ses dents dans l'avant-bras de l'homme. Pendant que cela se passait, elle allait activer les gouttes RC d'où elle était tombée et était debout il y a seulement quelques instants. Plusieurs épis de cristal minces mais longs émergeraient soudainement du sol sous l'homme et, bien que tous ne soient pas exacts, elle prédit que quelques-uns perceraient l'homme à plusieurs endroits. Après cela, elle tirait sa bouche, déchirait la chair du bras de l'homme et tirait un troisième volley de son Ukaku mais cette fois-ci à blanc.
Itsuki s'énerve les dents alors que son adversaire évite ses attaques, qui sont suivies d'un léger grognement alors qu'elle va mordre son bras tendu. Cependant, au lieu de mordre dans la chair de son avant-bras, elle trouvait sa bouche plutôt sanglante par les écailles déchiquetées de sa Kagune, qui était encore enveloppée autour de son bras en ce moment et le protégeait de l'attaque. Ce n'est pas tant le cas pour les pics qui se sont soudainement levés du sol, car plusieurs ont trouvé leur chemin dans ses mollets et son bras tendu.
Sa Kagune, cependant, était libre, car il avait commencé à démêler les trois autres qui étaient enveloppés autour de ses membres alors qu'elle essuyait son autre attaque. Donc, quand elle a essayé de se retirer et de tirer sur lui avec son Ukaku, il avait aussi avec quatre vrilles, les enveloppant étroitement autour de ses ailes tendues, les bords déchiquetés des écailles déchirant et déchirant la membrane et espérons l'empêcher de tirer comme ils ont été lentement écrasés, deux vrilles pour chaque aile. Cela le laisserait libre d'une dernière vrille qu'il utiliserait pour tenter de saisir sa tête, puis il la souleva et la fracassera dans une poutre d'acier voisine, plutôt que de la jeter au sol à courte distance.
Avec un grognement douloureux, il briserait les cristaux minces alors qu'il se libérait, les tirant avec un sifflement douloureux alors qu'il gardait un oeil sur son ennemi. S'il y avait une chance, il utiliserait un de ses Kagune pour prendre un bras de secours, se sentant comme s'il avait besoin de se nourrir de quelque chose pour l'aider à guérir plus vite. En l'état, il ne pouvait pas courir ou sauter en ce moment, et bien qu'il puisse sentir son travail de facteur régénératif naturel un peu, il savait qu'il n'aurait pas beaucoup de temps avant que cette salope folle attaque à nouveau.
Que Kagune est ennuyeux, il a pensé qu'il a filmé sa Kagune, essayant de leur enlever toutes les cellules RC excédentaires, sentant qu'ils avaient quelque chose à voir avec ces cristaux qui sont sortis de nulle part. Je déteste combattre Kagune comme ça. Ça rend tout ennuyeux et compliqué. | Name: Itsuki
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 6ft, 175 lbs
Sexuality: Straight
CCG Rating: SS-
CCG Title: The Hunter
Kagune: Itsuki's Kagune takes on the appearance of large, black tentacle covered with jagged, serrated scales, and ending in a hand-like appendage with 4 sharp claws. They can pack quite a punch, and the grasping claws can be used to pick up, drag, and toss around foes and random objects in a fight. He can have up to six of them at a time, and he can wrapp them around a limb to give it extra hitting power, or fuse them together to from an even bigger tendril that is more durable and hits harder, but is also slower and harder to maneuver, the more tentacles fused, the greater the bonuses and penalties will be.
RC Type: Rinkaku
Special Quirk: HAving spent 3 years in the 24th Ward while on his hunt for vengeance, he found himself forced to eat many many ghouls in order to survive. Dozens upon dozens of ghouls have fallen before him, and when he faced the Ghouls who killed and violated his love, he awakened the beast within him and became a Kajuka. His Kagune begans to pulse with a sickly white light and he gains scaled armor along his arms and upper body. His hans morph into deadly claws, and a mask forms over his face, reminiscent of some sort of dragonic monster. It covers his entire face, somewhat fusing with his head as well.
While in this form, his physical capabilities by a substantial margin, as well as alter his Kagune's capabilities. In Kakuja form, Itsuki's Kagune will take on a more refined form and can be fused together to make two thick clawed arms covered in scale-like armor. These arms are more durable than his base Kagune, meaning they aren't as easily cut by a foe's Kagune it a Dove's Quinque.
The downside to these abilities, however, is that Itsuki is still getting the hang of his Kakuja form, meaning that he's more likely to act instinctually while in it, essentially trading a good deal of his rationality for a sizable increase in power, and afterwards, he's struck by an intense form of hunger, fatigue, and weakness as his body struggles with the strain.
Personality: Itsuki always was one to have a smile in his face, regardless of how he really felt. Now of days, that smile hardly ever reaches his eyes anymore, as they're haunted by what he's scene and what he's done on the past four years. He tries his best to be there for others, and has long since lost his own sense of self-worth. The only reason he lives for now is so that he can protect those close to him.
Backstory: Itsuki found himself orphaned at a young age due to a Gang war between two rival Ghoul factions, the poor couple caught in the cross-fire. Young as he was, Itsuki had the presence of mind that he couldn't stay around his home any longer, and thus began to wander the streets like many other Ghoul's within Tokyo. However, he had the luck of being picked up by a kind old man, and in time, grew to bind with a new family. Life in the manor was grand, and as one of the older kids, he felt like it was his duty to protect his adopted brothers and sisters from any harm, getting in trouble from time to time for getting in fights with bullies, both human and the occasional ghoul.
This all changed one day, however, when he once again lost a loved one to violence. The knowledge of the old man's death struck him savagely, leaving a large hole in his life, but he didn't want to have this tragedy phase him. The old man had always done his best to make sure they could live as humans, and he continued to follow this path, working to keep up in his studies, burying himself in his work, all the while secretly trying to drown out his sorrow. The others left soon after the man's death, and while it saddened him to see his family splinter off like that, at that time, he was too absorbed with his self-given task. As he grew up, his grades and school life seemed to get better and better, while his depression got worse and worse. He saw only futility in his present course after awhile,as he knew discovery was just one simple misstep away, and then he'd end up just like the old man. He likely would've killed himself sooner or later, but one chance encounter with another student at a student council meeting completely changed his life. Hiyori was her name, and she was nothing but energy and ambition, determined to become an Investigator and protect people from the ghoul threat.
She had come to the council to get approval on a ghoul awareness rally, and was given unanimously approval(no matter how much he wish he had a choice not to), but then he somehow got roped into helping her plan it. To say it was an extremely ironic and terrifying scenario was an understatement, as he found himself in constant contact with someone who openly stated she wanted to become a ghoul's worse nightmare. However, as they spent time together, he found himself becoming inexplicably drawn to her. Even after the rally was done with, the two continue to spend time together.
This relationship continued even after she became a investigator at the age of 18, as the two had become grown deeply in love. He always suspected that she knew his true nature, though, but she never seemed like she was anxious or nervous around, almost like she didn't care. Whether or not that was true, however, would never be proven. 2 years later, Hiyori was found torn to pieces after her mentor had decided to go after a particularly dangerous pair of ghouls. The evidence suggested that while her mentor was killed quickly, Hiyori was raped and tortured before she died.
And so Itsuki lost another loved one, but this time, he wasn't goong to let the monsters who did this get away with it. He left his human life behind and went into the hell where the two ghouls were rumored to have retreated to escape CCG pursuit: the 24th ward. He spent 4 years in that hell, throwing away all of his kindness and pacisfistic ways in his singular desire for vengeance. He devoured many a ghoul, as there were no peaceful ways to feed in this constant battlefield, and the only law was that of the jungle, where the strong reign and the weak are slaughtered.
A week previous to the beginning of this RP, Itsuki has returned to his homeward, having obtained his vengeance about a month before. . . but at what cost? He has no clue of what to do next in his life, and feels as lost as the day his parents died. Seeking guidance, he returns to the mansion of his childhood, hoping he can find some sort of answer with in it's charred remains.
Due to a mutation within his genes, Itsuki's Kakugan turns his pupils and iris a pale, lumnesent white instead of red, giving them an unnerving look, even to other ghouls.
My overlord and Savior( besides God) is sugar. I will do everything and anything for my next sugar fix |
Subsets and Splits