1 value
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Nothing in this world was free. "The debt alone can be slowly repaid. Even if it isn't paid off by my son's time, it should be settled by my grandson's time." Lawrence knew of plenty of lords who borrowed money and never intended to pay it back, so this alone convinced him Matthias was a man of character. "But I am no expert in the matters of coin. I believe I am a man who can be easily swayed if I place myself in the hands of a skilled merchant. Am I wrong?" Matthias at last turned to look at Lawrence, who gave an honest nod. "No. Forgive me." A wry smile crossed Matthias's face. Though it was not a particularly peaceful method, Lawrence's plan was to show that keeping the wolves away would take an unrealistic amount of money if they wanted to develop parts of the forest, and to show that it would have far-reaching consequences. Anyone would then see that only a foolish ruler would still insist on following the plan knowing all this. "Of course, I would have pushed ahead with the plan, no matter what was suggested to me," Matthias said. "But that would make me seem like a fool. And I do not want that. Do you understand?" Matthias was not the sort to force his subjects into submission. The way he led was offering his people a good reason to follow him. Lawrence's presence was causing them to quarrel even more. They reasonably wanted to avoid calling off the plan if possible. That, however, naturally brought Lawrence to one response. "Would you mind if I gave you my personal views on the matter?" Lawrence asked. Matthias gave an awkward smile. "We walk shoulder to shoulder. Of course you may." "Then forgive me if this assumption is off base, but have your financial issues forced you to accept Karlan's plan, no matter what the conditions?" Lawrence was essentially telling him that it was foolish to allow someone else to hold the reins of his territory's fate, but Matthias did not seem to be enraged by the implication—he only heaved a long, thin sigh. "My grandfather and father—and myself, I suppose—have spent too much of our energy trying to protect the forest." Matthias gazed distantly down the forest path, then turned to look at Lawrence. "The Church has long suspected us of heresy." "—Ah." On Lawrence's map of the situation, a new waterway opened up, changing the entire lay of the land. "I... I see." As his eyes scanned the perfectly good forest, one that had gained Holo's approval, Lawrence hummed. Matthias needed to be seen cutting the forest down. He had to show the world that the forest was not holy or inviolable, and that his family was not worshipping the forest itself like heretics might have. Tired, Matthias's shoulders dropped. "The situation surrounding the Church is constantly changing. Both the old guard and the Twilight Cardinal, who's criticizing the old guard, are working desperately for the sake of their people. And any who do not belong to their specific camps are treated as enemies. Do you understand?" I do, because the Twilight Cardinal is essentially my son. For a brief moment, Lawrence pictured himself saying that out loud, then quickly swallowed his words. "You mean to say that no matter which side you choose, your forest is still a problem." "Precisely. If I choose one, then the other will see me as the enemy. And no matter which one I choose, the woods themselves stink of heresy. It is deep and dense, after all." A forest like this was not unusual in Nyohhira. Venturing farther north would eventually lead to genuinely thick forests where the lifeblood of Holo's kind still beat, where no human had ever set foot. But this part of the world had been under human rule for a very, very long time. It was not unusual to stumble upon fields as far as the eye could see. A deep, dark forest was much too exceptional. "Our account books are filled to the brim with red numbers—beggars like me cannot be choosers." Lawrence nodded, rearranging the entire situation in his mind.
Matthias cackled at the stereotypical depiction of pagans. "You are correct. Karlan will be able to develop further if they're able to build a road that cuts through our forest. They could also mediate on our behalf with the more powerful members of the Church—the city trades with distant lands on a near daily basis, you see. By allowing them to extract lumber from the forest and build a road through it, then it will both solve the heresy problem and the debt problem, both of which have plagued us for a long time. I cannot think of this as anything but a God-given opportunity for my sons to inherit a clean slate." And that was why Matthias did not heed Meyer or the mayor, no matter how much they warned him of the dangers. And Meyer, who had finally lost his patience, brought along a merchant who might give them an infallible reason Matthias would have to acknowledge, so Matthias himself decided to lay bare all his innermost thoughts. Wait a minute, Lawrence thought. Matthias can't possibly be that simple of a ruler. "You must have a very special reason to tell me all this." Matthias was exposing his family's humiliation to him—a total and complete stranger. There was no doubt that Matthias had come up with countless options for himself. As they walked through the forest, he turned to Lawrence and said, "I learned of your deeds in Salonia when word reached Karlan. A larger allotment of lumber coming from Salonia naturally means less wood taken from my forest. So you can imagine how worried I was." "I...apologize." "Ha-ha. Still, when I heard of what you did in Salonia, what intrigued me the most wasn't actually the lumber." "It wasn't?" Lawrence asked, hesitant. "I grew doubtful if I should trust in Karlan's ability to conduct business to begin with." Lawrence wordlessly turned to look at Matthias—there was something questionable about that. "The lumber tariff negotiations in Salonia were actually a part of the plan from Karlan. And that made me reconsider what the true extent of their power was. If a random merchant could show up and foil them so easily, then I wondered if the rest of the plan would come to fruition at all." Lawrence understood the apprehension, but it was then that he realized there was something he needed to confirm. It was something that had sat in the corner of his mind ever since he met Meyer. "Do you mind if I ask you something? Why does Karlan want lumber this badly?" Matthias dipped his head before answering. "While an offering of lumber would demonstrate that I am not a heretic, Karlan's true hope is to gain the Church's goodwill in exchange for the lumber, which everyone is hurting for right now." Unlike Tonneburg, Karlan was not under suspicion of heathenry—so why were they just as eager to deal with the Church? Only those who did not understand commerce would ask a question like that. There was no greater trade partner in the world, after all. "It's not as if I have no love for this forest. The Tonneburg family has done what it can to protect it for generations. And as my people have probably explained already, these woods play an important part in supporting the wheat fields of this region. I understand its value better than anyone. But our account books are full of red numbers, we are suspected of heresy, and the continued existence of my dominion itself is in now in question." Left with no other choice, Matthias had taken on a bet knowing full well the risks. But now he had started to doubt the capabilities of the plan's masterminds. There was no way he was telling Lawrence every detail of this story just because he wanted to vent. Matthias, as though waiting for Lawrence to arrive at that conclusion, suddenly looked at him with the expressionless face of a leader.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Matthias cackled at the stereotypical depiction of pagans. "You are correct. Karlan will be able to develop further if they're able to build a road that cuts through our forest. They could also mediate on our behalf with the more powerful members of the Church—the city trades with distant lands on a near daily basis, you see. By allowing them to extract lumber from the forest and build a road through it, then it will both solve the heresy problem and the debt problem, both of which have plagued us for a long time. I cannot think of this as anything but a God-given opportunity for my sons to inherit a clean slate." And that was why Matthias did not heed Meyer or the mayor, no matter how much they warned him of the dangers. And Meyer, who had finally lost his patience, brought along a merchant who might give them an infallible reason Matthias would have to acknowledge, so Matthias himself decided to lay bare all his innermost thoughts. Wait a minute, Lawrence thought. Matthias can't possibly be that simple of a ruler. "You must have a very special reason to tell me all this." Matthias was exposing his family's humiliation to him—a total and complete stranger. There was no doubt that Matthias had come up with countless options for himself. As they walked through the forest, he turned to Lawrence and said, "I learned of your deeds in Salonia when word reached Karlan. A larger allotment of lumber coming from Salonia naturally means less wood taken from my forest. So you can imagine how worried I was." "I...apologize." "Ha-ha. Still, when I heard of what you did in Salonia, what intrigued me the most wasn't actually the lumber." "It wasn't?" Lawrence asked, hesitant. "I grew doubtful if I should trust in Karlan's ability to conduct business to begin with." Lawrence wordlessly turned to look at Matthias—there was something questionable about that. "The lumber tariff negotiations in Salonia were actually a part of the plan from Karlan. And that made me reconsider what the true extent of their power was. If a random merchant could show up and foil them so easily, then I wondered if the rest of the plan would come to fruition at all." Lawrence understood the apprehension, but it was then that he realized there was something he needed to confirm. It was something that had sat in the corner of his mind ever since he met Meyer. "Do you mind if I ask you something? Why does Karlan want lumber this badly?" Matthias dipped his head before answering. "While an offering of lumber would demonstrate that I am not a heretic, Karlan's true hope is to gain the Church's goodwill in exchange for the lumber, which everyone is hurting for right now." Unlike Tonneburg, Karlan was not under suspicion of heathenry—so why were they just as eager to deal with the Church? Only those who did not understand commerce would ask a question like that. There was no greater trade partner in the world, after all. "It's not as if I have no love for this forest. The Tonneburg family has done what it can to protect it for generations. And as my people have probably explained already, these woods play an important part in supporting the wheat fields of this region. I understand its value better than anyone. But our account books are full of red numbers, we are suspected of heresy, and the continued existence of my dominion itself is in now in question." Left with no other choice, Matthias had taken on a bet knowing full well the risks. But now he had started to doubt the capabilities of the plan's masterminds. There was no way he was telling Lawrence every detail of this story just because he wanted to vent. Matthias, as though waiting for Lawrence to arrive at that conclusion, suddenly looked at him with the expressionless face of a leader.
That was likely the one thing he had been wanting to ask Lawrence the most. Matthias had ignored the villagers' efforts and pleas to stop and pushed ahead with the plan with Karlan. Even if he had started having doubts about Karlan's plan, he had no one to help him change course. There was a powerlessness about Matthias that was obvious—Lawrence knew that even if he refused, he would not be cut down by the sword hanging at the lord's waist. Matthias was a good leader. And because he was a good leader, he was bound by a great many things. At this point, Lawrence felt it unlikely that he would be able to help with Meyer's request of keeping the forest intact. That was not because Matthias had found out about his secret maneuvers, but because Matthias had little option. Since Matthias's territory was under suspicion of heresy or paganism, they were at risk of being consumed by the growing rift in the Church and being ground to dust in the ensuing power struggle if they did nothing. And due to the lord's ongoing debts, it was likely that his territory would be shattered into tiny pieces by those who hungered for coin. "If I may confirm something with you," Lawrence spoke up. "Are the debts owed to Karlan?" If they were, then that would make Matthias's position all the more difficult. It would be even more likely that the city was taking advantage of that leverage and dragging him into a dishonest plan. "No. It's the greedy merchants from Kerube." There was good reason for his strong tone—the unpleasant interactions involving debt they had been shouldering since his grandfather's time. It seemed Matthias decided to work with Karlan because he, too, had a bone to pick with Kerube. Lawrence was starting to see the pieces on the board. If there was anything he could do for the sake of the forest, it was side with Matthias. "I have a request as well," he said. "Money?" Matthias asked. The expression on his face told him that Matthias wondered if this merchant was also just after coin in the end; Lawrence only shrugged in response, disrespectful as it was. "Promise me you'll let Meyer off the hook. He'll be invaluable in ensuring the forest continues to exist." Matthias stared blankly for a moment before donning a troubled smile. "Why would I ever punish him to begin with? I hadn't even considered it." He gave a coarse cough of a laugh, as though telling Lawrence it was an absurd idea. "Meyer loves the forest more than anyone. Even me. All he ever thinks about are the trees. That's why I'll need him by my side when the people from Karlan come to build their road. Those sea dwellers will have no idea what sort of foolish mistakes they'll be making." Perhaps Meyer had spared no effort to protect the Tonneburg Woods, the ones Matthias's family had worked hard to preserve over generations, precisely because he knew Matthias trusted him so. "I need to reward Meyer for bringing you here." *** Lawrence looked at Matthias. The conflict was evident on his face. "Back to the matter at hand. I believe you just mentioned the possibility of Karlan trying to dupe you. Have there been any signs of that?" "...No. My doubts are not that strong, nor do I wish to doubt them so. I just believe it's more likely that the Church is unfairly taking advantage of them, rather than the city actively exploiting my weakness." The reasoning behind that hunch came from hearing rumors about a passing merchant who happened to foil their plans in Salonia. Which meant that even if they were able to intercede on Matthias's behalf with the Church, it was questionable as to whether they would be able to hold proper negotiations. "Do you think they'll be selling off the forest for cheap, then?" Reluctantly, Matthias nodded. The fate of his land hinged on the outcome of this deal, yet he had no choice but to leave it in the hands of others. Lawrence could tell by that gesture alone that he was beset by helplessness.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
That was likely the one thing he had been wanting to ask Lawrence the most. Matthias had ignored the villagers' efforts and pleas to stop and pushed ahead with the plan with Karlan. Even if he had started having doubts about Karlan's plan, he had no one to help him change course. There was a powerlessness about Matthias that was obvious—Lawrence knew that even if he refused, he would not be cut down by the sword hanging at the lord's waist. Matthias was a good leader. And because he was a good leader, he was bound by a great many things. At this point, Lawrence felt it unlikely that he would be able to help with Meyer's request of keeping the forest intact. That was not because Matthias had found out about his secret maneuvers, but because Matthias had little option. Since Matthias's territory was under suspicion of heresy or paganism, they were at risk of being consumed by the growing rift in the Church and being ground to dust in the ensuing power struggle if they did nothing. And due to the lord's ongoing debts, it was likely that his territory would be shattered into tiny pieces by those who hungered for coin. "If I may confirm something with you," Lawrence spoke up. "Are the debts owed to Karlan?" If they were, then that would make Matthias's position all the more difficult. It would be even more likely that the city was taking advantage of that leverage and dragging him into a dishonest plan. "No. It's the greedy merchants from Kerube." There was good reason for his strong tone—the unpleasant interactions involving debt they had been shouldering since his grandfather's time. It seemed Matthias decided to work with Karlan because he, too, had a bone to pick with Kerube. Lawrence was starting to see the pieces on the board. If there was anything he could do for the sake of the forest, it was side with Matthias. "I have a request as well," he said. "Money?" Matthias asked. The expression on his face told him that Matthias wondered if this merchant was also just after coin in the end; Lawrence only shrugged in response, disrespectful as it was. "Promise me you'll let Meyer off the hook. He'll be invaluable in ensuring the forest continues to exist." Matthias stared blankly for a moment before donning a troubled smile. "Why would I ever punish him to begin with? I hadn't even considered it." He gave a coarse cough of a laugh, as though telling Lawrence it was an absurd idea. "Meyer loves the forest more than anyone. Even me. All he ever thinks about are the trees. That's why I'll need him by my side when the people from Karlan come to build their road. Those sea dwellers will have no idea what sort of foolish mistakes they'll be making." Perhaps Meyer had spared no effort to protect the Tonneburg Woods, the ones Matthias's family had worked hard to preserve over generations, precisely because he knew Matthias trusted him so. "I need to reward Meyer for bringing you here." *** Lawrence looked at Matthias. The conflict was evident on his face. "Back to the matter at hand. I believe you just mentioned the possibility of Karlan trying to dupe you. Have there been any signs of that?" "...No. My doubts are not that strong, nor do I wish to doubt them so. I just believe it's more likely that the Church is unfairly taking advantage of them, rather than the city actively exploiting my weakness." The reasoning behind that hunch came from hearing rumors about a passing merchant who happened to foil their plans in Salonia. Which meant that even if they were able to intercede on Matthias's behalf with the Church, it was questionable as to whether they would be able to hold proper negotiations. "Do you think they'll be selling off the forest for cheap, then?" Reluctantly, Matthias nodded. The fate of his land hinged on the outcome of this deal, yet he had no choice but to leave it in the hands of others. Lawrence could tell by that gesture alone that he was beset by helplessness.
"One more question." "Go on, then. You already know about our most humiliating circumstances; you may as well ask about everything else." Lawrence had a feeling that if Matthias were one of the guests at his bathhouse, he would have been a lovely patron to have. "Which faction of the Church do you personally side with?" Matthias's eyes fell shut at the question; Lawrence realized belatedly, as the question left his mouth, that this was not a question to be asked lightly. Because if Matthias was on the side of the Church's old guard, that meant he would be working with Col's enemies. And along that same logic, it was a sharp fork in the road that might show Matthias which side Lawrence belonged to. But Matthias was no fool; he had the courage to follow the necessary path with no hesitation, even in the darkness. "I sympathize with the Twilight Cardinal." His straightened back sagged from a lack of confidence. "I am not sure how you feel, however..." "It's all right," Lawrence gave a genuine smile—not a merchant's one. "I'm relieved." Matthias blinked, then smiled. He had perhaps assumed that a cruel and greedy merchant would take the side of the more compatible Church conservatives. "That does make me wonder, however," Lawrence began. "About what?" "If the Twilight Cardinal is really asking for lumber in exchange for his support. Especially in your case, Lord Matthias—your problem directly relates to faith." Col, at least, would not do such a thing—he would come see Matthias for himself to ascertain whether or not the lord could be trusted, then put a neat little bow on their talks with one handshake. Col had left Nyohhira with the intent of examining the culture of the Church, investigating where they wielded their power to chase excessive profits and enact reform. That naturally made Lawrence suspect that Karlan was exploiting Tonneburg's weakness to profit off the lumber. But the lord was knowledgeable—he spoke up first. "Whatever they claim their ideals to be...things are not always so cut-and-dry in the real world." It was not as though Col could personally keep an eye on every little happening, so it was entirely possible that Karlan's representative had simply treated the petition to a religious authority like they would have in the olden days. "And it is not simply because I've started having doubts over Karlan's negotiating power that I suspect the Twilight Cardinal's camp might be forcing the city's hand." "And that means?" "Not long ago, things were mostly settled between Karlan and the Twilight Cardinal's camp—all that was left was my payment. I went to the city to have a look over the contract drafted by a clerk in Karlan. And that is the first time I came face-to-face with someone who represented the Twilight Cardinal in all this." Upon realizing that he did not meet Col directly, Lawrence realized it was not Col who asked for the lumber; while that gave him some relief, an uneasy feeling settled in his stomach at the same time. This was likely the first big deal the officials of Karlan had ever mediated, and that came with many firsts. There was no doubt they were bumbling along, playing things by ear as the deal progressed. And at last, someone directly associated with the Twilight Cardinal appeared before the worried lord. If that person only made his worries worse instead of easing them, then it was quite clear what kind of impression they would have made on Matthias. "Do you think the merchants in Karlan are being duped by someone using the Twilight Cardinal's name?" *** Matthias gave no answer, but that meant his doubt was too strong for him to say no outright. It was hard to tell whether or not he believed it was a shame to start doubting someone he had trusted once; he opened his mouth, as though reorganizing his thoughts.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"One more question." "Go on, then. You already know about our most humiliating circumstances; you may as well ask about everything else." Lawrence had a feeling that if Matthias were one of the guests at his bathhouse, he would have been a lovely patron to have. "Which faction of the Church do you personally side with?" Matthias's eyes fell shut at the question; Lawrence realized belatedly, as the question left his mouth, that this was not a question to be asked lightly. Because if Matthias was on the side of the Church's old guard, that meant he would be working with Col's enemies. And along that same logic, it was a sharp fork in the road that might show Matthias which side Lawrence belonged to. But Matthias was no fool; he had the courage to follow the necessary path with no hesitation, even in the darkness. "I sympathize with the Twilight Cardinal." His straightened back sagged from a lack of confidence. "I am not sure how you feel, however..." "It's all right," Lawrence gave a genuine smile—not a merchant's one. "I'm relieved." Matthias blinked, then smiled. He had perhaps assumed that a cruel and greedy merchant would take the side of the more compatible Church conservatives. "That does make me wonder, however," Lawrence began. "About what?" "If the Twilight Cardinal is really asking for lumber in exchange for his support. Especially in your case, Lord Matthias—your problem directly relates to faith." Col, at least, would not do such a thing—he would come see Matthias for himself to ascertain whether or not the lord could be trusted, then put a neat little bow on their talks with one handshake. Col had left Nyohhira with the intent of examining the culture of the Church, investigating where they wielded their power to chase excessive profits and enact reform. That naturally made Lawrence suspect that Karlan was exploiting Tonneburg's weakness to profit off the lumber. But the lord was knowledgeable—he spoke up first. "Whatever they claim their ideals to be...things are not always so cut-and-dry in the real world." It was not as though Col could personally keep an eye on every little happening, so it was entirely possible that Karlan's representative had simply treated the petition to a religious authority like they would have in the olden days. "And it is not simply because I've started having doubts over Karlan's negotiating power that I suspect the Twilight Cardinal's camp might be forcing the city's hand." "And that means?" "Not long ago, things were mostly settled between Karlan and the Twilight Cardinal's camp—all that was left was my payment. I went to the city to have a look over the contract drafted by a clerk in Karlan. And that is the first time I came face-to-face with someone who represented the Twilight Cardinal in all this." Upon realizing that he did not meet Col directly, Lawrence realized it was not Col who asked for the lumber; while that gave him some relief, an uneasy feeling settled in his stomach at the same time. This was likely the first big deal the officials of Karlan had ever mediated, and that came with many firsts. There was no doubt they were bumbling along, playing things by ear as the deal progressed. And at last, someone directly associated with the Twilight Cardinal appeared before the worried lord. If that person only made his worries worse instead of easing them, then it was quite clear what kind of impression they would have made on Matthias. "Do you think the merchants in Karlan are being duped by someone using the Twilight Cardinal's name?" *** Matthias gave no answer, but that meant his doubt was too strong for him to say no outright. It was hard to tell whether or not he believed it was a shame to start doubting someone he had trusted once; he opened his mouth, as though reorganizing his thoughts.
The priest he mentioned was the one who accompanied Matthias, who hosted Lawrence and Holo the night before, and then promptly informed Matthias of their arrival. "But when we arrived at the meeting, I had no choice but to doubt the contract. Perhaps it's what you might call the forest dweller's instinct. It was a bit of a vain struggle, but I told them I would like to take the contract home and confer with my vassals one last time. But there is little we can do at this point. There were countless times I thought about calling it all off. So perhaps in a way, it was part of my own will that Meyer went around looking for people who could help us." Matthias's fears were all too apparent. "And he found you." He had grasped at straws until a ray of hope appeared at the final hour. But Lawrence still could not understand why Matthias doubted the Twilight Cardinal's representative so intensely. All of Karlan was in on the plan, so they should have gotten all of the facts about this person straight. The Kingdom of Winfiel was not a distant country—it was just across the strait; so close it almost seemed like anyone could reach it with a quick swim. And the old priest himself had confirmed an acquaintance of his was there, too. Then where did the seed of doubt come in? Just as that question crossed his mind, Matthias spoke. "A wolf." "Excuse me?" Lawrence's eyes widened as he scanned the trees. He thought for a moment Holo had lost her patience. "She's a wolf." Matthias's eyes were wide and blank, as though he was reliving a nightmare. "The merchant from the Kingdom of Winfiel came to handle the negotiations on behalf of the Twilight Cardinal. She displayed her wealth by wearing the gaudiest clothes I've ever seen in my life—she was like the colorful birds of legend from the south. But I knew on the inside that she was a wolf, that she was evil, and that I could not let my guard down around her, a monster that lurked in the shadows of the deepest—" "Lord Matthias, please, calm down." When Lawrence spoke, Matthias scanned the forest in fear. "This person has been confirmed to be a legitimate representative of the Twilight Cardinal, right? What was her name?" If this were a renowned merchant, then it would not be difficult for Lawrence to use his connections to find out who it was. All he really had to do was ask Col himself. "The wolf, yes..." A gust of wind blew past them; Lawrence almost thought he heard the sound of animal feet hitting the earth as it did. "She called herself Eve Bolan." *** The lord made his home in the deep forest, which was why his instinct was spot-on. Lawrence ground his teeth. Whether it was in an awkward smile or out of frustration was hard to tell. Of course Matthias had every right to doubt her. *** Lawrence and company went back the way Meyer brought them, and when they arrived at the checkpoint in which Holo had suffered her hangover, they stayed the night before going downriver. Boats were stopped on the river as always, but it seemed as though they were pausing to take a break before heading into town to sell all their merchandise, so it was not hard to find a ship that would take them the rest of the way. Meanwhile, the merchant that had lent them his cart was still at the inn, and he seemed generally displeased when Lawrence asked to nullify the agreement, but when Meyer offered him a cask of the forest's best honey, he graciously accepted. "Sir Lawrence," Meyer said at last when their boat began to take them downriver; he had been rather silent this entire time. "I am not exactly sure what to say..." "It's all right," Lawrence purposefully flashed a complacent smile. "Lord Matthias has promised a reward." That reward was nothing more than forgiveness for now, but Meyer didn't know that; the news was enough to offer him some much-needed emotional support. "And after listening to what Lord Matthias had to say, I've learned of another reason that I must get involved." "Is...that so?" Meyer asked.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
The priest he mentioned was the one who accompanied Matthias, who hosted Lawrence and Holo the night before, and then promptly informed Matthias of their arrival. "But when we arrived at the meeting, I had no choice but to doubt the contract. Perhaps it's what you might call the forest dweller's instinct. It was a bit of a vain struggle, but I told them I would like to take the contract home and confer with my vassals one last time. But there is little we can do at this point. There were countless times I thought about calling it all off. So perhaps in a way, it was part of my own will that Meyer went around looking for people who could help us." Matthias's fears were all too apparent. "And he found you." He had grasped at straws until a ray of hope appeared at the final hour. But Lawrence still could not understand why Matthias doubted the Twilight Cardinal's representative so intensely. All of Karlan was in on the plan, so they should have gotten all of the facts about this person straight. The Kingdom of Winfiel was not a distant country—it was just across the strait; so close it almost seemed like anyone could reach it with a quick swim. And the old priest himself had confirmed an acquaintance of his was there, too. Then where did the seed of doubt come in? Just as that question crossed his mind, Matthias spoke. "A wolf." "Excuse me?" Lawrence's eyes widened as he scanned the trees. He thought for a moment Holo had lost her patience. "She's a wolf." Matthias's eyes were wide and blank, as though he was reliving a nightmare. "The merchant from the Kingdom of Winfiel came to handle the negotiations on behalf of the Twilight Cardinal. She displayed her wealth by wearing the gaudiest clothes I've ever seen in my life—she was like the colorful birds of legend from the south. But I knew on the inside that she was a wolf, that she was evil, and that I could not let my guard down around her, a monster that lurked in the shadows of the deepest—" "Lord Matthias, please, calm down." When Lawrence spoke, Matthias scanned the forest in fear. "This person has been confirmed to be a legitimate representative of the Twilight Cardinal, right? What was her name?" If this were a renowned merchant, then it would not be difficult for Lawrence to use his connections to find out who it was. All he really had to do was ask Col himself. "The wolf, yes..." A gust of wind blew past them; Lawrence almost thought he heard the sound of animal feet hitting the earth as it did. "She called herself Eve Bolan." *** The lord made his home in the deep forest, which was why his instinct was spot-on. Lawrence ground his teeth. Whether it was in an awkward smile or out of frustration was hard to tell. Of course Matthias had every right to doubt her. *** Lawrence and company went back the way Meyer brought them, and when they arrived at the checkpoint in which Holo had suffered her hangover, they stayed the night before going downriver. Boats were stopped on the river as always, but it seemed as though they were pausing to take a break before heading into town to sell all their merchandise, so it was not hard to find a ship that would take them the rest of the way. Meanwhile, the merchant that had lent them his cart was still at the inn, and he seemed generally displeased when Lawrence asked to nullify the agreement, but when Meyer offered him a cask of the forest's best honey, he graciously accepted. "Sir Lawrence," Meyer said at last when their boat began to take them downriver; he had been rather silent this entire time. "I am not exactly sure what to say..." "It's all right," Lawrence purposefully flashed a complacent smile. "Lord Matthias has promised a reward." That reward was nothing more than forgiveness for now, but Meyer didn't know that; the news was enough to offer him some much-needed emotional support. "And after listening to what Lord Matthias had to say, I've learned of another reason that I must get involved." "Is...that so?" Meyer asked.
Meyer nodded slowly and sighed. "Thank you. We need you, for our forest's sake." Lawrence took Meyer's hand and shook it; and at the boat captain's prompting, they took a seat. Holo, who had been silent the entire time Lawrence spoke with Meyer, did not settle in Lawrence's lap; instead, she put a considerable distance between herself and him as she took her seat. She acted like a traveling nun, one who decided to accompany him simply because their destinations happened to be the same. Ever since he had summarized his conversation with Matthias to her, she had been acting like that, silent. But it was clear why—she had determined that Eve was using Col's name to make a quick and tidy profit. And from what Matthias told them, Eve was wearing terribly gaudy clothes, spending appalling sums on song and dance, emphasizing her ostentatious wealth to Matthias. Eve of course wore imposing clothes that suited the great merchant she was at their wedding, but that, too, felt more like a foil to Holo's lackadaisical attitude. At her core, she always prided herself on being a stern wolf, but it never seemed like she ever wanted to give in to the luxuries of the material world. And so when Matthias told Lawrence of how Eve seemed to have given into her greed, Lawrence felt, somehow, like he had been betrayed. And what troubled Lawrence even more was Eve's position. All he had to do was think back on the letters they received, jointly written by Col and Myuri—Holo always told him that they carried with them the scent of joy of travel. Then, at some point, the letters said, they reunited with Eve, and she turned out to be a reliable ally ever since. Col was straightforward in his personality, and Eve always had a soft spot for him. And Eve gave off a certain scent of danger that differed from the crafty wisewolf that intrigued Myuri—it was clear from her writing that she had taken to the woman. Perhaps Eve was using her deep relationship with the two to collect fees from would-be petitioners and then was splurging with her extraordinary profits. Col set off on his journey because he believed that justice was a worthy pursuit. And Matthias, who stood on the brink of the fate of his forest, was clearly not a bad ruler. The jewels decorating Eve's vestments glittered with the fires that were going to burn the forest that Matthias's family had spent generations trying to protect. It was one of the world's greatest absurdities, and perhaps Eve's treachery was the same. But at the very least, Lawrence now understood whose side he needed to be on. "Dear," Holo called to Lawrence once, long after the boat set sail from the checkpoint, but she said no more. She did not doze, nor did she snack; she simply stared blankly at the passing fields. Perhaps she was having trouble expressing what she felt. Lawrence offered a reassuring nod and a smile in return. Relief passed over her features for a brief moment, but she quickly hardened her expression and trained her gaze on the distance. Throughout their wedding, Lawrence had caught glimpses of Holo and Eve deep in conversation. When that thought crossed his mind, he could feel himself gritting his teeth even harder. He was perfectly used to watching treachery unfold in the world of commerce, but that was not what this was to Holo. His wife was the sort to keep ancient promises, even long after the hearts of the people had long moved past them. That was what had kept her watching over the wheat in Pasloe for centuries. Though Lawrence would never match Holo in some things, the human world was his field of expertise. Over and over Lawrence turned over the conversation he had with Matthias in his head as he kept his gaze fixed straight ahead toward the port town of Karlan.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Meyer nodded slowly and sighed. "Thank you. We need you, for our forest's sake." Lawrence took Meyer's hand and shook it; and at the boat captain's prompting, they took a seat. Holo, who had been silent the entire time Lawrence spoke with Meyer, did not settle in Lawrence's lap; instead, she put a considerable distance between herself and him as she took her seat. She acted like a traveling nun, one who decided to accompany him simply because their destinations happened to be the same. Ever since he had summarized his conversation with Matthias to her, she had been acting like that, silent. But it was clear why—she had determined that Eve was using Col's name to make a quick and tidy profit. And from what Matthias told them, Eve was wearing terribly gaudy clothes, spending appalling sums on song and dance, emphasizing her ostentatious wealth to Matthias. Eve of course wore imposing clothes that suited the great merchant she was at their wedding, but that, too, felt more like a foil to Holo's lackadaisical attitude. At her core, she always prided herself on being a stern wolf, but it never seemed like she ever wanted to give in to the luxuries of the material world. And so when Matthias told Lawrence of how Eve seemed to have given into her greed, Lawrence felt, somehow, like he had been betrayed. And what troubled Lawrence even more was Eve's position. All he had to do was think back on the letters they received, jointly written by Col and Myuri—Holo always told him that they carried with them the scent of joy of travel. Then, at some point, the letters said, they reunited with Eve, and she turned out to be a reliable ally ever since. Col was straightforward in his personality, and Eve always had a soft spot for him. And Eve gave off a certain scent of danger that differed from the crafty wisewolf that intrigued Myuri—it was clear from her writing that she had taken to the woman. Perhaps Eve was using her deep relationship with the two to collect fees from would-be petitioners and then was splurging with her extraordinary profits. Col set off on his journey because he believed that justice was a worthy pursuit. And Matthias, who stood on the brink of the fate of his forest, was clearly not a bad ruler. The jewels decorating Eve's vestments glittered with the fires that were going to burn the forest that Matthias's family had spent generations trying to protect. It was one of the world's greatest absurdities, and perhaps Eve's treachery was the same. But at the very least, Lawrence now understood whose side he needed to be on. "Dear," Holo called to Lawrence once, long after the boat set sail from the checkpoint, but she said no more. She did not doze, nor did she snack; she simply stared blankly at the passing fields. Perhaps she was having trouble expressing what she felt. Lawrence offered a reassuring nod and a smile in return. Relief passed over her features for a brief moment, but she quickly hardened her expression and trained her gaze on the distance. Throughout their wedding, Lawrence had caught glimpses of Holo and Eve deep in conversation. When that thought crossed his mind, he could feel himself gritting his teeth even harder. He was perfectly used to watching treachery unfold in the world of commerce, but that was not what this was to Holo. His wife was the sort to keep ancient promises, even long after the hearts of the people had long moved past them. That was what had kept her watching over the wheat in Pasloe for centuries. Though Lawrence would never match Holo in some things, the human world was his field of expertise. Over and over Lawrence turned over the conversation he had with Matthias in his head as he kept his gaze fixed straight ahead toward the port town of Karlan.
The rumors alone that tariffs might fall had the tax-collecting soldiers carrying out their job in a perfunctory manner, and the town was filled with a cheery air. Though they had most certainly not found themselves at an enormous port city, all of the buildings facing the river were grand in all four of their stories, and farther down the river they could see a church bell tower, one that also acted as a lighthouse. Beyond that lay an azure sea, where the dark of night was steadily seeping in and changing its colors toward the horizon; only a faint flare of the sunset remained on the line between sky and sea. The sky was cloudless. One could stand upon the cliffs, squint, and faintly see the lights of Winfiel on the other side. "Let's go get our room at the inn that Meyer told us about and then go check out the taverns. How about it?" Lawrence stepped onto the dock first and held out his hand for Holo to take. She staggered a bit, the sea still in her legs, and then gave a bit of a mumbled reply. Lawrence said no more after that, either, and made his way to the inn following the directions he had been given. The inn that served as their destination was empty enough that Lawrence did not even need to give Meyer's name. Every place in town was normally crowded at this time of year, considering all sorts of products were being sold off in the pre-winter rush, including freshly harvested wheat, so it was clear that talks about tariffs were having a considerable effect. The innkeeper was obviously troubled by the approaching winter—his inn should be busy. As Lawrence listened to the innkeeper complain about his hopes that the tariff talks would end soon, he recalled all of the things Matthias told him. The seasons changed even in lands across the sea, so the Twilight Cardinal, and by extension, Eve, wanted to wrap up this deal with Karlan before winter came. Under normal circumstances, he would consider this regular trade sense, but he could not shake the impression that this was their way of wanting to put a bow on the transaction before their schemes were revealed. That Eve herself had personally come to the relatively unknown port town of Karlan strengthened his doubts that she was causing problems in places Col was unaware of. According to what Matthias heard in their meeting, Eve was staying in Karlan, whose access to the sea was just as convenient, instead of Kerube due to a long-standing grudge, even though she had business in the mainland regarding the incident with the Church. Lawrence, of course, was wholly aware of this grudge. There had been a historic kerfuffle surrounding the legendary sea creature, the narwhal. And though he logically did not want to deny the possibility, this was still Eve. When his interests conflicted with hers, he could trust nothing but her attachment to profit. "People sure do change, huh?" Lawrence remarked as they walked around Karlan under the darkening sky. "I hear she holds huge banquets at the tavern every night." Holo could keep up with anyone when it came to drinks, but Eve could rent out an entire establishment for her parties, which meant a lot of drinks. All the bards and dancers would gather in one place, and the best chefs in town would come to the tavern for work. Eve, who had once chased profit and profit alone like an icicle honed by a blade, had been a bad person once upon a time, yes. But she was, at the same time, the ideal merchant in Lawrence's mind. Which meant the swirl of emotions in his chest likely stemmed from disappointment. They had even come to blows once at the Lenos inn, which had acted as her storehouse, over an allotment of furs and smuggling of rock salts. What had she said back then? Lawrence had asked her what exactly it was that inspired her passion to pursue coin so single-mindedly—how had she responded? It seemed the ultimate end of her road had been a disappointing one. "I think the tavern the innkeeper mentioned was around here..."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
The rumors alone that tariffs might fall had the tax-collecting soldiers carrying out their job in a perfunctory manner, and the town was filled with a cheery air. Though they had most certainly not found themselves at an enormous port city, all of the buildings facing the river were grand in all four of their stories, and farther down the river they could see a church bell tower, one that also acted as a lighthouse. Beyond that lay an azure sea, where the dark of night was steadily seeping in and changing its colors toward the horizon; only a faint flare of the sunset remained on the line between sky and sea. The sky was cloudless. One could stand upon the cliffs, squint, and faintly see the lights of Winfiel on the other side. "Let's go get our room at the inn that Meyer told us about and then go check out the taverns. How about it?" Lawrence stepped onto the dock first and held out his hand for Holo to take. She staggered a bit, the sea still in her legs, and then gave a bit of a mumbled reply. Lawrence said no more after that, either, and made his way to the inn following the directions he had been given. The inn that served as their destination was empty enough that Lawrence did not even need to give Meyer's name. Every place in town was normally crowded at this time of year, considering all sorts of products were being sold off in the pre-winter rush, including freshly harvested wheat, so it was clear that talks about tariffs were having a considerable effect. The innkeeper was obviously troubled by the approaching winter—his inn should be busy. As Lawrence listened to the innkeeper complain about his hopes that the tariff talks would end soon, he recalled all of the things Matthias told him. The seasons changed even in lands across the sea, so the Twilight Cardinal, and by extension, Eve, wanted to wrap up this deal with Karlan before winter came. Under normal circumstances, he would consider this regular trade sense, but he could not shake the impression that this was their way of wanting to put a bow on the transaction before their schemes were revealed. That Eve herself had personally come to the relatively unknown port town of Karlan strengthened his doubts that she was causing problems in places Col was unaware of. According to what Matthias heard in their meeting, Eve was staying in Karlan, whose access to the sea was just as convenient, instead of Kerube due to a long-standing grudge, even though she had business in the mainland regarding the incident with the Church. Lawrence, of course, was wholly aware of this grudge. There had been a historic kerfuffle surrounding the legendary sea creature, the narwhal. And though he logically did not want to deny the possibility, this was still Eve. When his interests conflicted with hers, he could trust nothing but her attachment to profit. "People sure do change, huh?" Lawrence remarked as they walked around Karlan under the darkening sky. "I hear she holds huge banquets at the tavern every night." Holo could keep up with anyone when it came to drinks, but Eve could rent out an entire establishment for her parties, which meant a lot of drinks. All the bards and dancers would gather in one place, and the best chefs in town would come to the tavern for work. Eve, who had once chased profit and profit alone like an icicle honed by a blade, had been a bad person once upon a time, yes. But she was, at the same time, the ideal merchant in Lawrence's mind. Which meant the swirl of emotions in his chest likely stemmed from disappointment. They had even come to blows once at the Lenos inn, which had acted as her storehouse, over an allotment of furs and smuggling of rock salts. What had she said back then? Lawrence had asked her what exactly it was that inspired her passion to pursue coin so single-mindedly—how had she responded? It seemed the ultimate end of her road had been a disappointing one. "I think the tavern the innkeeper mentioned was around here..."
Holo tugged at his sleeve. "I hear music." She was not interested in the grilled meats being served at the open-air stalls; her hood was pulled so low over her eyes, he could not see her expression. Lawrence pictured what might be going on in her mind, swallowed, then headed in the direction she pointed. There, they found the tavern, patrons overflowing into the street; sounds of music and clapping came from the inside. The smoke of cooking fires stung their eyes, and there came the distinct smell of meat and fish fat and expensive spices. Lawrence's stomach grumbled in response to the onslaught of aromas; he steeled his stomach before walking in. They dodged the ring of dancing men outside the tavern, slipped past the drunkards blocking the entrance, and were shocked by the sight of the sheer amount of people forming a circle before them. In the center of the circle, bards played music, and there were girls singing at the top of their lungs. But the patrons within the tavern did not even spare them a glance. On the tables stacked in the very center of the establishment majestically danced a girl in red. It almost seemed as though she wore flames over her body. Her outfit was so flashy that a priest would surely faint at the sight; but what drew the eye more was the large red umbrella she held. It was decorated with golden thread, which meant it was likely a special item from the desert countries far to the south of here. In contrast to the intense passion the strange umbrella dance gave, the girl's face was cool and calm—almost delighted. Nyohhira, too, offered patrons the chance to watch dances while partaking in drink, but this differed from any performance Lawrence had ever seen in the bathhouse. Either way, a beautiful girl performing an elegant dance was not reason enough for the tavern to be overflowing with people. There were dishes Lawrence had never seen before lining the tables here and there, and the patrons were plenty drunk, regardless. At a glance, Lawrence could tell that most of the patrons enjoying themselves indoors were well-off—many looked to be merchants, clerks, or mercenary captains by the looks of it. One needed a certain amount of money to participate in festivities like these. Lawrence pushed forward, careful not to lose Holo in the crowd as he headed for the far end of the tavern. He had caught glimpses of a corner in the back where things seemed to be different. Sharp-eyed guards stood, protecting particularly well-dressed patrons. If Matthias was right, then the exotic girl dancing with the red umbrella was a member of Eve's entourage. Lawrence had no way of telling how rich she was now, what sort of status she held now. And so he racked his brains, but ultimately was not sure how he should approach her. Regardless, he knew he would speak whatever first came to mind when he saw her. There were so many emotions swirling in the pit of his throat, after all. Matthias's and Meyer's beloved forest, the one they were on the brink of losing, was of an entirely different world here in this tavern. Lawrence had so much he wanted to say to the great merchant seated at the highest-status seat. "Hey." The guards were good; they immediately noticed where Lawrence was headed and came to stand in his way. "Bathroom's that way." "No, I'm going the right way." Beyond the guards, Lawrence spotted who he was looking for. She smiled elegantly, drinking from a delicate-looking glass cup, one that seemed like it would shatter at the slightest touch. Though she nodded with great interest, perhaps listening to the cooks describe what sort of meal she was having, she made no move to touch the food. She ultimately passed the plate to a plump merchant sitting nearby, showing just how magnanimous she was, as though demonstrating that a leader's job was to share with others.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Holo tugged at his sleeve. "I hear music." She was not interested in the grilled meats being served at the open-air stalls; her hood was pulled so low over her eyes, he could not see her expression. Lawrence pictured what might be going on in her mind, swallowed, then headed in the direction she pointed. There, they found the tavern, patrons overflowing into the street; sounds of music and clapping came from the inside. The smoke of cooking fires stung their eyes, and there came the distinct smell of meat and fish fat and expensive spices. Lawrence's stomach grumbled in response to the onslaught of aromas; he steeled his stomach before walking in. They dodged the ring of dancing men outside the tavern, slipped past the drunkards blocking the entrance, and were shocked by the sight of the sheer amount of people forming a circle before them. In the center of the circle, bards played music, and there were girls singing at the top of their lungs. But the patrons within the tavern did not even spare them a glance. On the tables stacked in the very center of the establishment majestically danced a girl in red. It almost seemed as though she wore flames over her body. Her outfit was so flashy that a priest would surely faint at the sight; but what drew the eye more was the large red umbrella she held. It was decorated with golden thread, which meant it was likely a special item from the desert countries far to the south of here. In contrast to the intense passion the strange umbrella dance gave, the girl's face was cool and calm—almost delighted. Nyohhira, too, offered patrons the chance to watch dances while partaking in drink, but this differed from any performance Lawrence had ever seen in the bathhouse. Either way, a beautiful girl performing an elegant dance was not reason enough for the tavern to be overflowing with people. There were dishes Lawrence had never seen before lining the tables here and there, and the patrons were plenty drunk, regardless. At a glance, Lawrence could tell that most of the patrons enjoying themselves indoors were well-off—many looked to be merchants, clerks, or mercenary captains by the looks of it. One needed a certain amount of money to participate in festivities like these. Lawrence pushed forward, careful not to lose Holo in the crowd as he headed for the far end of the tavern. He had caught glimpses of a corner in the back where things seemed to be different. Sharp-eyed guards stood, protecting particularly well-dressed patrons. If Matthias was right, then the exotic girl dancing with the red umbrella was a member of Eve's entourage. Lawrence had no way of telling how rich she was now, what sort of status she held now. And so he racked his brains, but ultimately was not sure how he should approach her. Regardless, he knew he would speak whatever first came to mind when he saw her. There were so many emotions swirling in the pit of his throat, after all. Matthias's and Meyer's beloved forest, the one they were on the brink of losing, was of an entirely different world here in this tavern. Lawrence had so much he wanted to say to the great merchant seated at the highest-status seat. "Hey." The guards were good; they immediately noticed where Lawrence was headed and came to stand in his way. "Bathroom's that way." "No, I'm going the right way." Beyond the guards, Lawrence spotted who he was looking for. She smiled elegantly, drinking from a delicate-looking glass cup, one that seemed like it would shatter at the slightest touch. Though she nodded with great interest, perhaps listening to the cooks describe what sort of meal she was having, she made no move to touch the food. She ultimately passed the plate to a plump merchant sitting nearby, showing just how magnanimous she was, as though demonstrating that a leader's job was to share with others.
It was hard to believe that this dizzying crowd and the stillness of the woods belonged in the same world. Lawrence pushed past the guard with his chest, pressing forward, heeding no commands to stop. Hands grasped at his shoulder, and just as he tried to shrug them off, another guard held him back. It was so loud in the tavern he could scarcely hear the person next to him; nearby patrons did not even look at him. The special guests, of course, stared in disbelief at the trespasser. One of them, the queen of the tavern, with her glass cup in hand, stared and blinked, as though wondering if she was seeing correctly. It was Lawrence's will alone that kept him rooted in place as three guards tried to pry him away from the table, when Eve finally spoke up. "He's an acquaintance." Lawrence could feel through the grip on him that the guards were momentarily bewildered. And after a beat, they let go. From the nimble way they moved, it was clear they were simply not strongmen interested in gold—they were people who had spent many years with her. Lawrence straightened his clothes and checked to make sure Holo was okay—she stood a short distance away, quietly with her coat draped over her, like a girl who had wandered into the tavern purely by accident. Lawrence, ignoring the town authorities who stared at the scene in amazement, stared straight at Eve. "I need to speak with you." Those staring at Lawrence turned their attention to Eve. Eve scrunched up her nose slightly, then gently placed her glass down with a quiet huff. At the same time, the music and singing swelled, the instruments struck a powerful chord, and then it all came to an end. Ear-splitting applause tore through the tavern, and the dancer in red gracefully smiled at the crowd. Eve spared her one glance before deigning to stand up. "It'll be quieter out back." She told the other patrons to keep enjoying themselves before walking off, one guard in tow. Lawrence followed after, and a moment later, so did Holo. Though applause still filled the tavern, a new song began and the hall filled with even more life. One stray dog scampered away with its tail between its legs. The back of the building was a space shared by several other buildings, home to several empty barrels of ale and stacks of assorted cargo from the neighboring trading houses—there was no one else around. "What happened to your bathhouse in Nyohhira? Peak season isn't too far off." Eve also wore a long, billowing outfit, one reminiscent of the clothes the desert dwellers wore, though it was not as elaborate as the dancer's. It was either silk or wool felt—either way, it was a luxury fabric Lawrence was not familiar with. When Eve moved to sit down on one of the barrels, her guard lay a cloth over it. "I heard tell from the deep forest that there is a wolf here." Eve, upon her barrel, glanced away, faint smile still on her face. After thinking for a moment, she smirked, and sighed. "Did Lord Tonneburg hire you? To save his forest?" For just a brief moment, Eve's eyes flickered toward Holo. Eve knew what Holo really was, of course, so she had assumed they had plenty of motivation. "No, hold on," she said and folded over, placing her hand to her mouth in thought as she stared at Lawrence. "Don't tell me you were the merchant that caused all that fuss in Salonia?" If the lumber issue in Salonia was a part of Karlan's plan, then it had of course reached Eve's ears. "Was that part of your grand plan?" Lawrence asked. When he first met Eve back when he was but a peddler, she had concocted a grandiose scheme of her own both in Lenos and in Kerube in pursuit of gold. Even though it meant putting herself in danger. Matthias was right to wonder if the Karlan negotiators were getting swept up in Eve's plot. And by what Lawrence saw from the party in the tavern, he felt that was the right way to look at this.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
It was hard to believe that this dizzying crowd and the stillness of the woods belonged in the same world. Lawrence pushed past the guard with his chest, pressing forward, heeding no commands to stop. Hands grasped at his shoulder, and just as he tried to shrug them off, another guard held him back. It was so loud in the tavern he could scarcely hear the person next to him; nearby patrons did not even look at him. The special guests, of course, stared in disbelief at the trespasser. One of them, the queen of the tavern, with her glass cup in hand, stared and blinked, as though wondering if she was seeing correctly. It was Lawrence's will alone that kept him rooted in place as three guards tried to pry him away from the table, when Eve finally spoke up. "He's an acquaintance." Lawrence could feel through the grip on him that the guards were momentarily bewildered. And after a beat, they let go. From the nimble way they moved, it was clear they were simply not strongmen interested in gold—they were people who had spent many years with her. Lawrence straightened his clothes and checked to make sure Holo was okay—she stood a short distance away, quietly with her coat draped over her, like a girl who had wandered into the tavern purely by accident. Lawrence, ignoring the town authorities who stared at the scene in amazement, stared straight at Eve. "I need to speak with you." Those staring at Lawrence turned their attention to Eve. Eve scrunched up her nose slightly, then gently placed her glass down with a quiet huff. At the same time, the music and singing swelled, the instruments struck a powerful chord, and then it all came to an end. Ear-splitting applause tore through the tavern, and the dancer in red gracefully smiled at the crowd. Eve spared her one glance before deigning to stand up. "It'll be quieter out back." She told the other patrons to keep enjoying themselves before walking off, one guard in tow. Lawrence followed after, and a moment later, so did Holo. Though applause still filled the tavern, a new song began and the hall filled with even more life. One stray dog scampered away with its tail between its legs. The back of the building was a space shared by several other buildings, home to several empty barrels of ale and stacks of assorted cargo from the neighboring trading houses—there was no one else around. "What happened to your bathhouse in Nyohhira? Peak season isn't too far off." Eve also wore a long, billowing outfit, one reminiscent of the clothes the desert dwellers wore, though it was not as elaborate as the dancer's. It was either silk or wool felt—either way, it was a luxury fabric Lawrence was not familiar with. When Eve moved to sit down on one of the barrels, her guard lay a cloth over it. "I heard tell from the deep forest that there is a wolf here." Eve, upon her barrel, glanced away, faint smile still on her face. After thinking for a moment, she smirked, and sighed. "Did Lord Tonneburg hire you? To save his forest?" For just a brief moment, Eve's eyes flickered toward Holo. Eve knew what Holo really was, of course, so she had assumed they had plenty of motivation. "No, hold on," she said and folded over, placing her hand to her mouth in thought as she stared at Lawrence. "Don't tell me you were the merchant that caused all that fuss in Salonia?" If the lumber issue in Salonia was a part of Karlan's plan, then it had of course reached Eve's ears. "Was that part of your grand plan?" Lawrence asked. When he first met Eve back when he was but a peddler, she had concocted a grandiose scheme of her own both in Lenos and in Kerube in pursuit of gold. Even though it meant putting herself in danger. Matthias was right to wonder if the Karlan negotiators were getting swept up in Eve's plot. And by what Lawrence saw from the party in the tavern, he felt that was the right way to look at this.
There were no lights back here, and only a waning moon hung above them, so Eve's smile, shrouded in the dark, sent Lawrence's memories back into the past. But time marched on, and things were different now. He wanted to show that, but Eve's troubled tone interrupted his thoughts. "And why is the little lady being so quiet?" "She's—" —not a part of this. The moment he began to say that, Holo spoke up instead. "Once this fool starts, he never listens to what I say." "I—what?" Lawrence whirled around in surprise to see Holo there. She did not seem angry, sad, pained, or even disappointed—she had only drawn her thin shoulders up in annoyance. "He thinks you a villain who is hoarding coin in little Col's name and spending it all on debauchery." "Heh," Eve barked, unable to keep her mirth from showing, even with the fist in front of her mouth. Lawrence was perplexed, unsure of what any of this meant, when Holo approached him and clapped him on his lower back. "You assume too much. Though it is a great help when we are headed in the correct direction." That was all she needed to say to send Lawrence's thoughts racing like the rapids through every moment from his conversation with Matthias in the forest until now. Holo had been hurt and quiet because Eve was betraying Col and Myuri for coin—that was, at least, how the world looked from his eyes. "'Tis about her debauchery, naturally," Holo carelessly jerked her chin toward Eve. "'Twas a secret between me and her. I cannot blame you for making false assumptions." Eve shrugged. "Just keep a tight rein on it, okay? I don't want this to come to blows at this age." Lawrence, looking between Holo and Eve in their obvious mutual understanding, eventually said in desperation, "I think you'd be getting all the hits in at this point..." It was Holo who then joined in on the pummeling. Lawrence was no match for the two women—the two wolves. "You were pretty angry. That stubborn lord must not have had good things to say about me, huh? Do you know how hard I worked to treat him well?" Eve said, then muttered, "Hoarding?" She gave another bark of laughter. "That is your job, no? You did not look the slightest bit hungry, even with all that delicious food around you." Holo jerked her head back toward the tavern. "Yeah. Guess it's because I can eat all that stuff every night. The people here said they wanted to learn how to cook popular dishes from the south, so I've been taste-testing them." Holo's tail, swishing beneath her cloak, was like that of a dog waiting to be given scraps at the table. What happened to being a wolf? Lawrence thought, the spiteful remark his way of easing his frustration of being left out of the conversation. "That goes for the song and dance, too. The dancers wanted to adopt what dances are popular in the south from my dancers, and bard troupes from all over the region have come for the same reason. And that's why every day is like this." From Lawrence's perspective, it only seemed as though she was holding banquets and generously treating everyone to fancy feasts at the tavern. But now that she mentioned it, all Eve herself had been doing was sipping her drink and speaking with the chefs—that in particular seemed strange. Even to have an entire group of minstrels gathered in one place would surely cause the other establishments to complain; the guilds would not stay silent about that. Matthias had said that Eve was showing off her wealth in their meeting, but Eve said she had done her best to treat him respectfully. They did not quite see eye to eye, which meant it was not all that strange to hear that Matthias saw her as villainous. He was just like Lawrence, ranting and raving about how Eve had reduced herself to a simple greedy merchant. But if that had all been a mistake, then there was one thing Lawrence did not understand. "What are you doing in this town, then?" he asked. Eve replied, "I should be asking you the same thing."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
There were no lights back here, and only a waning moon hung above them, so Eve's smile, shrouded in the dark, sent Lawrence's memories back into the past. But time marched on, and things were different now. He wanted to show that, but Eve's troubled tone interrupted his thoughts. "And why is the little lady being so quiet?" "She's—" —not a part of this. The moment he began to say that, Holo spoke up instead. "Once this fool starts, he never listens to what I say." "I—what?" Lawrence whirled around in surprise to see Holo there. She did not seem angry, sad, pained, or even disappointed—she had only drawn her thin shoulders up in annoyance. "He thinks you a villain who is hoarding coin in little Col's name and spending it all on debauchery." "Heh," Eve barked, unable to keep her mirth from showing, even with the fist in front of her mouth. Lawrence was perplexed, unsure of what any of this meant, when Holo approached him and clapped him on his lower back. "You assume too much. Though it is a great help when we are headed in the correct direction." That was all she needed to say to send Lawrence's thoughts racing like the rapids through every moment from his conversation with Matthias in the forest until now. Holo had been hurt and quiet because Eve was betraying Col and Myuri for coin—that was, at least, how the world looked from his eyes. "'Tis about her debauchery, naturally," Holo carelessly jerked her chin toward Eve. "'Twas a secret between me and her. I cannot blame you for making false assumptions." Eve shrugged. "Just keep a tight rein on it, okay? I don't want this to come to blows at this age." Lawrence, looking between Holo and Eve in their obvious mutual understanding, eventually said in desperation, "I think you'd be getting all the hits in at this point..." It was Holo who then joined in on the pummeling. Lawrence was no match for the two women—the two wolves. "You were pretty angry. That stubborn lord must not have had good things to say about me, huh? Do you know how hard I worked to treat him well?" Eve said, then muttered, "Hoarding?" She gave another bark of laughter. "That is your job, no? You did not look the slightest bit hungry, even with all that delicious food around you." Holo jerked her head back toward the tavern. "Yeah. Guess it's because I can eat all that stuff every night. The people here said they wanted to learn how to cook popular dishes from the south, so I've been taste-testing them." Holo's tail, swishing beneath her cloak, was like that of a dog waiting to be given scraps at the table. What happened to being a wolf? Lawrence thought, the spiteful remark his way of easing his frustration of being left out of the conversation. "That goes for the song and dance, too. The dancers wanted to adopt what dances are popular in the south from my dancers, and bard troupes from all over the region have come for the same reason. And that's why every day is like this." From Lawrence's perspective, it only seemed as though she was holding banquets and generously treating everyone to fancy feasts at the tavern. But now that she mentioned it, all Eve herself had been doing was sipping her drink and speaking with the chefs—that in particular seemed strange. Even to have an entire group of minstrels gathered in one place would surely cause the other establishments to complain; the guilds would not stay silent about that. Matthias had said that Eve was showing off her wealth in their meeting, but Eve said she had done her best to treat him respectfully. They did not quite see eye to eye, which meant it was not all that strange to hear that Matthias saw her as villainous. He was just like Lawrence, ranting and raving about how Eve had reduced herself to a simple greedy merchant. But if that had all been a mistake, then there was one thing Lawrence did not understand. "What are you doing in this town, then?" he asked. Eve replied, "I should be asking you the same thing."
And so as Holo, who was in a much better mood than she had been not too long ago, was about to sit in her seat, the proprietor came over to them to take their order and she yelled with glee, "Your best meat and drink!" The reason Lawrence remained glum, of course, was not because he knew the funds would be going to Eve. After watching Holo gulp down the fancy, clear wine, he looked down at his own tired expression in the reflection of the wine in his mug. "Seriously, what on earth is going on?" It came out more reproachful than he intended because he earnestly wished Holo would have said something earlier if she realized he had gotten the wrong idea. "Glug... Glug... Ahhh! Sweet mead and filling ale are nice drinks, but wine is simply the best!" They were soon brought a plate filled with freshly roasted pork, fat dripping from the carvings onto the plate—there must have been a roast going on in the kitchen at all times. What was interesting was that it came with mustard and all sorts of spices, allowing Holo to season the meat as she liked. Lawrence stared hard at the spices, knowing that bringing some of them to an apothecary would fetch him quite the handsome penny. "This is quite a stylish way of eating, unlike pork slathered in garlic sauce. And this... Ah! This will be quite useful in times like these." In her hand, she held a metal spoon, the eating end of it split into three points. They had in their kitchen something of a similar shape, but as big as a spear; it was used for spit-roasted pig and putting large chunks of beef into stew pots. A very clever someone realized it would be convenient to shrink it down to use at the dining table. And Holo did indeed manage to lift a piece of pork, coat it in spice, and bring it to her mouth, all without dirtying her hands. Most of those who ate like this were the dainty diners from the south, and this utensil had been likely introduced at Eve's suggestion. Lawrence made a general mental note to adopt the practice into the bathhouse, too. "Well?" Lawrence asked again, and Holo, who was too enraptured by the delicious plate of food before her, gave a bothersome shrug. "Not much at all is going on. I've known for quite a while that she has wanted to let loose. We invited her to Nyohhira when you took me in with your slick talk, no? It was then that we spoke." During the long reception that followed the wedding, Lawrence most certainly recalled seeing Holo and Eve speaking rather intimately with each other. But he never learned of what they spoke, and he never would, since it did not seem like it was something he could ask about. As Lawrence waited for her to continue, she paused, mug of wine still in her hand. "What's wrong?" he asked, and she jumped in her seat. He saw her wolf ears prick beneath her hood. "...'Tis nothing. The memory simply brings me back to the time," she said and took a swig of her wine. When she spoke again, it was as though she was trying to forget something. "She asked me what it felt like to create a weakness for myself." It was Lawrence's turn to freeze. "Weakness?" Holo shrugged again, took another swig of wine, took a bite of her pork, took a bite of yet another dish that had arrived—fish slathered in some sort of sauce—and answered, "She is much more of a coward than I am. She had grown rather bored of hoarding gold and traveling alone, yet she had been unable to take the next step." That caught Lawrence off guard. Holo gave a half-hearted grin as a hint of pride crossed her features. "I have you. She has no one. 'Tis a big difference." *** Holo and Eve certainly seemed like entirely different people, but they did have similar qualities. A pessimistic quality, one where neither could fully believe in the future. "I decided to believe in a foolish promise a fool like you presented to me. That foolish promise of an interesting life, of always refilling my cup the moment it went empty."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
And so as Holo, who was in a much better mood than she had been not too long ago, was about to sit in her seat, the proprietor came over to them to take their order and she yelled with glee, "Your best meat and drink!" The reason Lawrence remained glum, of course, was not because he knew the funds would be going to Eve. After watching Holo gulp down the fancy, clear wine, he looked down at his own tired expression in the reflection of the wine in his mug. "Seriously, what on earth is going on?" It came out more reproachful than he intended because he earnestly wished Holo would have said something earlier if she realized he had gotten the wrong idea. "Glug... Glug... Ahhh! Sweet mead and filling ale are nice drinks, but wine is simply the best!" They were soon brought a plate filled with freshly roasted pork, fat dripping from the carvings onto the plate—there must have been a roast going on in the kitchen at all times. What was interesting was that it came with mustard and all sorts of spices, allowing Holo to season the meat as she liked. Lawrence stared hard at the spices, knowing that bringing some of them to an apothecary would fetch him quite the handsome penny. "This is quite a stylish way of eating, unlike pork slathered in garlic sauce. And this... Ah! This will be quite useful in times like these." In her hand, she held a metal spoon, the eating end of it split into three points. They had in their kitchen something of a similar shape, but as big as a spear; it was used for spit-roasted pig and putting large chunks of beef into stew pots. A very clever someone realized it would be convenient to shrink it down to use at the dining table. And Holo did indeed manage to lift a piece of pork, coat it in spice, and bring it to her mouth, all without dirtying her hands. Most of those who ate like this were the dainty diners from the south, and this utensil had been likely introduced at Eve's suggestion. Lawrence made a general mental note to adopt the practice into the bathhouse, too. "Well?" Lawrence asked again, and Holo, who was too enraptured by the delicious plate of food before her, gave a bothersome shrug. "Not much at all is going on. I've known for quite a while that she has wanted to let loose. We invited her to Nyohhira when you took me in with your slick talk, no? It was then that we spoke." During the long reception that followed the wedding, Lawrence most certainly recalled seeing Holo and Eve speaking rather intimately with each other. But he never learned of what they spoke, and he never would, since it did not seem like it was something he could ask about. As Lawrence waited for her to continue, she paused, mug of wine still in her hand. "What's wrong?" he asked, and she jumped in her seat. He saw her wolf ears prick beneath her hood. "...'Tis nothing. The memory simply brings me back to the time," she said and took a swig of her wine. When she spoke again, it was as though she was trying to forget something. "She asked me what it felt like to create a weakness for myself." It was Lawrence's turn to freeze. "Weakness?" Holo shrugged again, took another swig of wine, took a bite of her pork, took a bite of yet another dish that had arrived—fish slathered in some sort of sauce—and answered, "She is much more of a coward than I am. She had grown rather bored of hoarding gold and traveling alone, yet she had been unable to take the next step." That caught Lawrence off guard. Holo gave a half-hearted grin as a hint of pride crossed her features. "I have you. She has no one. 'Tis a big difference." *** Holo and Eve certainly seemed like entirely different people, but they did have similar qualities. A pessimistic quality, one where neither could fully believe in the future. "I decided to believe in a foolish promise a fool like you presented to me. That foolish promise of an interesting life, of always refilling my cup the moment it went empty."
"And?" "That is all. When she saw us and our bathhouse, she at last realized 'twas a stupid thing to continue being the wounded wolf. Her wounds would not heal by hiding in the hollow of a tree, by always growling at her enemy. That is not the sort of hurt she has. But I suppose I cannot speak, considering how I lamented so long by myself in that wheat field..." Eve was the daughter of former nobility from the Kingdom of Winfiel, but Lawrence had heard she had followed her predetermined fate after her family fell from grace. An affluent merchant purchased the entire family with the intent of making the reputation of their highborn family his own, and after the merchant that became her husband went bankrupt and she lost her means to live, she eventually molded herself into the merchant she was today. When Lawrence had unveiled her plot in Lenos, and they had drawn their blades to face each other as they kept stealing each other's profits, Lawrence asked her: "Why do you keep exposing yourself to so much danger? What do you plan to do with all the money you keep hoarding?" Eve had been ready to plunge her knife into Lawrence in that moment, yet her response came with an embarrassed tone. "Because you expected that of me." After stockpiling an almost pointless amount of money, she could look back on all those who came and went in her life and gloat about what she had accomplished. Lawrence realized Holo was smiling. "Just as she said she would, she has found joy in the world, and has at last found herself a pack she can trust." Lawrence's eyes drifted to Eve's table. Those who stood guard around her wore clothes reminiscent of those who dwelled in the desert, just like Eve's own attire. The girl dancing joyously with her umbrella in the middle of the tavern, too, wore similar clothes. "Heh. Can you believe how cute she was? She insisted on having the support of a pioneer before taking her first steps." Though Holo had lived for centuries, and at one point had even been regarded as a god, she was still plenty childlike. It was also said that one returned to childhood as one grew older, however, so perhaps it made perfect sense, but the wisewolf was delighted that Eve looked to her for support. And as Lawrence watched Holo, he finally understood why he and Holo had vastly different reactions to the exact same information from Matthias. "But you should have told me," he repeated, his tone somewhat accusatory. Holo looked at him like a foolish sheep. "You fool. One does not go around spilling secrets. And I know that no matter what I told you, you would not have believed me without seeing her for yourself." "Come on, I wouldn't...," he began, but he realized she might be right. Holo was kind-hearted, and he absolutely knew he would point out to her that she was incapable of holding negative opinions of Eve, who had come to their wedding. "And I cannot say with absolute certainty she is not concocting some sort of evil scheme, of course. But I am quite sure that she is not," she said, chuckling. "Really?" he asked. Holo shrugged. "Did you see how delighted she was to see us when she found us?" It had only seemed like a look of surprise in Lawrence's eyes, and the tavern was not all that well lit at night. Holo had poor eyesight, so he doubted she had been more keenly aware of the subtleties in her expression. If anything, it had to have been the scent she gave off. That was because all the letters Col and Myuri sent to the bathhouse in Nyohhira were always so thickly covered in the scent of joy. But after hearing that, Lawrence could not help the smile that crossed his face when he pictured Eve's expression blossoming like a flower as she stood. "Fine, fine. I get it now, but then what's all this about?" The truth remained that the Tonneburg Woods were in danger.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"And?" "That is all. When she saw us and our bathhouse, she at last realized 'twas a stupid thing to continue being the wounded wolf. Her wounds would not heal by hiding in the hollow of a tree, by always growling at her enemy. That is not the sort of hurt she has. But I suppose I cannot speak, considering how I lamented so long by myself in that wheat field..." Eve was the daughter of former nobility from the Kingdom of Winfiel, but Lawrence had heard she had followed her predetermined fate after her family fell from grace. An affluent merchant purchased the entire family with the intent of making the reputation of their highborn family his own, and after the merchant that became her husband went bankrupt and she lost her means to live, she eventually molded herself into the merchant she was today. When Lawrence had unveiled her plot in Lenos, and they had drawn their blades to face each other as they kept stealing each other's profits, Lawrence asked her: "Why do you keep exposing yourself to so much danger? What do you plan to do with all the money you keep hoarding?" Eve had been ready to plunge her knife into Lawrence in that moment, yet her response came with an embarrassed tone. "Because you expected that of me." After stockpiling an almost pointless amount of money, she could look back on all those who came and went in her life and gloat about what she had accomplished. Lawrence realized Holo was smiling. "Just as she said she would, she has found joy in the world, and has at last found herself a pack she can trust." Lawrence's eyes drifted to Eve's table. Those who stood guard around her wore clothes reminiscent of those who dwelled in the desert, just like Eve's own attire. The girl dancing joyously with her umbrella in the middle of the tavern, too, wore similar clothes. "Heh. Can you believe how cute she was? She insisted on having the support of a pioneer before taking her first steps." Though Holo had lived for centuries, and at one point had even been regarded as a god, she was still plenty childlike. It was also said that one returned to childhood as one grew older, however, so perhaps it made perfect sense, but the wisewolf was delighted that Eve looked to her for support. And as Lawrence watched Holo, he finally understood why he and Holo had vastly different reactions to the exact same information from Matthias. "But you should have told me," he repeated, his tone somewhat accusatory. Holo looked at him like a foolish sheep. "You fool. One does not go around spilling secrets. And I know that no matter what I told you, you would not have believed me without seeing her for yourself." "Come on, I wouldn't...," he began, but he realized she might be right. Holo was kind-hearted, and he absolutely knew he would point out to her that she was incapable of holding negative opinions of Eve, who had come to their wedding. "And I cannot say with absolute certainty she is not concocting some sort of evil scheme, of course. But I am quite sure that she is not," she said, chuckling. "Really?" he asked. Holo shrugged. "Did you see how delighted she was to see us when she found us?" It had only seemed like a look of surprise in Lawrence's eyes, and the tavern was not all that well lit at night. Holo had poor eyesight, so he doubted she had been more keenly aware of the subtleties in her expression. If anything, it had to have been the scent she gave off. That was because all the letters Col and Myuri sent to the bathhouse in Nyohhira were always so thickly covered in the scent of joy. But after hearing that, Lawrence could not help the smile that crossed his face when he pictured Eve's expression blossoming like a flower as she stood. "Fine, fine. I get it now, but then what's all this about?" The truth remained that the Tonneburg Woods were in danger.
And since all of that lumber was going straight to Eve, it was not unthinkable to suspect that Eve might have orchestrated a grand plan to pocket these riches, considering the scale of festivities in the tavern. It made sense that Matthias, who was stalwart and hardy and had no interest in anything flashy, would be disappointed in what Eve was doing, and it was perfectly reasonable that he would wonder if the Karlan merchants were being deceived by her. "Matthias's objectives and Karlan's plan all lead to Eve. Not only that, it sounds like she's been staying here for the past few days, even though this place isn't very big. If Eve's taking on such a big job herself, then she would have way too much to do, and that must mean there is a lot of money in this." He could only think that she was plotting something nefarious yet again, but all he had pictured at the beginning quickly crumbled like a tower of sugar, and Holo licked her lips. All he knew was that even if there were no bad people here, that did not mean a tragedy was not on the horizon. That was simply the way of the world. The truth was that the Tonneburg Woods were very much in danger. "I believe Eve herself will answer our last question, at least." There came a round of applause louder than all the rest. The dancing girl had returned to Eve and was showered in appreciation and praise. The tavern patrons seemed intent on continuing to enjoy the festivities, but Eve and all the distinguished guests around her exchanged handshakes. It seemed their business was finished. When Holo saw that, she began stuffing her mouth with the meat, as though recognizing she had made too much pointless conversation. "We can just take that home, you know," Lawrence said with a sigh. Holo, whose cheeks were stuffed like a squirrel's, hurriedly swallowed and said, "It matters not. Can you order another?" She gave an innocent smile, meat juices dripping from the corner of her mouth. When Lawrence saw that, he gave the deepest sigh he had made all day. Lawrence and Holo sat in the carriage Eve hired for them, traversing Karlan's bumpy roads. He thought the carriage was a bit much, considering Karlan was not all that big, but Eve was based away from the city center at the seaport. "Why here?" It was in an inconvenient spot, loud throughout the day with the constant loading and unloading of cargo, and it took the brunt of bad weather coming from the sea. The only buildings that stood here were warehouses owned by trading companies—it was hardly a place for a traveler with money to find a comfortable stay. One of Eve's underlings waited for their return at a big door, one half of the entrance open—it was clearly a loading dock. The windows on the second and third floors were reinforced with metal framing to withstand harsh wind and rain. The walls even had metallic rat guards on them, ones that looked like decoration and were meant to keep away brazen thieves. It was immediately obvious that it was not comfortable inside. "It's what I'm used to. Whenever I sleep in an unfamiliar town, I always pick buildings reminiscent of the old eras of war." Lawrence's smile in response was tense—what she said made it seem like she was still crossing dangerous bridges. There was likely a reason she always stayed by the sea, too. It was easier to escape if the need ever arose. "But it seems like you still need a few drinks, don't you?" Eve glanced behind Lawrence at Holo and smiled wryly. In Holo's arms were packets stuffed with food, and the bag atop her head was filled with freshly baked bread. "A feast always comes with food and drink." Though he would likely mask it as not wanting Holo to eat alone, Lawrence had scarcely eaten everything since the conversation had distracted him, and she had hopefully saved him a portion, too. "There is no moon tonight, but no clouds either. Let's head to the courtyard." Eve gave orders to her subordinates and led both of them inside.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
And since all of that lumber was going straight to Eve, it was not unthinkable to suspect that Eve might have orchestrated a grand plan to pocket these riches, considering the scale of festivities in the tavern. It made sense that Matthias, who was stalwart and hardy and had no interest in anything flashy, would be disappointed in what Eve was doing, and it was perfectly reasonable that he would wonder if the Karlan merchants were being deceived by her. "Matthias's objectives and Karlan's plan all lead to Eve. Not only that, it sounds like she's been staying here for the past few days, even though this place isn't very big. If Eve's taking on such a big job herself, then she would have way too much to do, and that must mean there is a lot of money in this." He could only think that she was plotting something nefarious yet again, but all he had pictured at the beginning quickly crumbled like a tower of sugar, and Holo licked her lips. All he knew was that even if there were no bad people here, that did not mean a tragedy was not on the horizon. That was simply the way of the world. The truth was that the Tonneburg Woods were very much in danger. "I believe Eve herself will answer our last question, at least." There came a round of applause louder than all the rest. The dancing girl had returned to Eve and was showered in appreciation and praise. The tavern patrons seemed intent on continuing to enjoy the festivities, but Eve and all the distinguished guests around her exchanged handshakes. It seemed their business was finished. When Holo saw that, she began stuffing her mouth with the meat, as though recognizing she had made too much pointless conversation. "We can just take that home, you know," Lawrence said with a sigh. Holo, whose cheeks were stuffed like a squirrel's, hurriedly swallowed and said, "It matters not. Can you order another?" She gave an innocent smile, meat juices dripping from the corner of her mouth. When Lawrence saw that, he gave the deepest sigh he had made all day. Lawrence and Holo sat in the carriage Eve hired for them, traversing Karlan's bumpy roads. He thought the carriage was a bit much, considering Karlan was not all that big, but Eve was based away from the city center at the seaport. "Why here?" It was in an inconvenient spot, loud throughout the day with the constant loading and unloading of cargo, and it took the brunt of bad weather coming from the sea. The only buildings that stood here were warehouses owned by trading companies—it was hardly a place for a traveler with money to find a comfortable stay. One of Eve's underlings waited for their return at a big door, one half of the entrance open—it was clearly a loading dock. The windows on the second and third floors were reinforced with metal framing to withstand harsh wind and rain. The walls even had metallic rat guards on them, ones that looked like decoration and were meant to keep away brazen thieves. It was immediately obvious that it was not comfortable inside. "It's what I'm used to. Whenever I sleep in an unfamiliar town, I always pick buildings reminiscent of the old eras of war." Lawrence's smile in response was tense—what she said made it seem like she was still crossing dangerous bridges. There was likely a reason she always stayed by the sea, too. It was easier to escape if the need ever arose. "But it seems like you still need a few drinks, don't you?" Eve glanced behind Lawrence at Holo and smiled wryly. In Holo's arms were packets stuffed with food, and the bag atop her head was filled with freshly baked bread. "A feast always comes with food and drink." Though he would likely mask it as not wanting Holo to eat alone, Lawrence had scarcely eaten everything since the conversation had distracted him, and she had hopefully saved him a portion, too. "There is no moon tonight, but no clouds either. Let's head to the courtyard." Eve gave orders to her subordinates and led both of them inside.
It was likely that Eve herself was doing some trading herself, but Lawrence also knew that stacking wares like this was a tactic to prevent attackers from swarming her at once. A friendly mercenary had told him that once. Old buildings often came with a central courtyard where defenders could hole up in case of a siege. It was also a place where preserved foods could be buried in the ground, or alternatively it could be turned into a plot to grow food. But the era where such things were needed was long past. Now it was a neatly maintained garden, one with a few fruit-bearing trees. A table was soon brought out, and candles were lit. "Oh ho. Perhaps we should hold events like this at the bathhouse," Holo suggested, but all the guests were thoroughly drunk come nightfall, and nothing this fancy ever took place. "To our reunion." Eve first lifted her glass for the toast. "But goodness me. Just look at you." Lawrence thought she was talking about Holo, who was busy chomping on her meat, but she was, in fact, looking at him. "You live in the remote land of Nyohhira, running a bathhouse. You made that fairy tale come true. But here you are again, back in the mortal world. Making some quick coin?" "We actually...left for a few reasons." Lawrence felt deflated, his response mumbled. It was almost hard to think that not long ago he was so worked up, he wanted to tie Eve to a chair and interrogate her. He found refuge in strong, good-quality wine. "This fool worries for his daughter," Holo interjected. Eve nodded in understanding. "Col is a grown man now, after all." She immediately understood, and she gave a strained smile. "Reminds me of when my granddad used to be around." Eve used to be a daughter of nobility. "The letters have stopped coming recently. And..." Lawrence glanced at Holo. "Without our noisy daughter and precious Col around, someone's been feeling a little lonely. It's quiet in the bathhouse now." Their days had been happy, but Holo had been afraid that they would slip from her fingers and forget it all. The time she spent hugging her diary had lessened, perhaps because she had been enjoying the traveling, but Holo bared her canines when he brought it up. "You're so cute," Eve smiled in her delight, and her gaze darted toward the entrance. There came the girl who had been dancing at the tavern—she seemed refreshed, as though she had just come from the bath. She first gave Eve, and then Lawrence a willowy smile. Eve said something to her in a foreign language, and then poured her a drink. "All business talks go very smoothly whenever I bring her to the taverns," Eve said. It sounded somewhat like an excuse, but Lawrence simply nodded in agreement. "Now. I believe your wife will have explained to you that I'm not ruthlessly making money here." Lawrence took a sip of his wine, switching the gears in his head. "Lord Tonneburg has informed me of the situation, too. He must offer the lumber from his forest in exchange for protection from the Twilight Cardinal." All things had a price. Yet the reason Col had left the bathhouse was because he had been unable to accept the Church's blatant greed. This whole plan seemed to be completely at odds with Col's values. "Let's cut this problem down to size," Eve said, putting her filled glass down. "We've received word that both Karlan and Tonneburg want to side with the Twilight Cardinal. That is the truth. But the lumber is not the price for that." "Then what is it for?" "Wool." That caught Lawrence by such surprise that he found himself glancing toward Holo. Her cheeks were full of marinated beef shank as she stared at him blankly in return, which told him that Eve was not lying. "I could make ridiculous amounts of money if I wanted. I am certainly in a position to do so. But I already decided that I would not betray little Col." Lawrence narrowed his eyes, doubtful, and Eve drew up her shoulders.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
It was likely that Eve herself was doing some trading herself, but Lawrence also knew that stacking wares like this was a tactic to prevent attackers from swarming her at once. A friendly mercenary had told him that once. Old buildings often came with a central courtyard where defenders could hole up in case of a siege. It was also a place where preserved foods could be buried in the ground, or alternatively it could be turned into a plot to grow food. But the era where such things were needed was long past. Now it was a neatly maintained garden, one with a few fruit-bearing trees. A table was soon brought out, and candles were lit. "Oh ho. Perhaps we should hold events like this at the bathhouse," Holo suggested, but all the guests were thoroughly drunk come nightfall, and nothing this fancy ever took place. "To our reunion." Eve first lifted her glass for the toast. "But goodness me. Just look at you." Lawrence thought she was talking about Holo, who was busy chomping on her meat, but she was, in fact, looking at him. "You live in the remote land of Nyohhira, running a bathhouse. You made that fairy tale come true. But here you are again, back in the mortal world. Making some quick coin?" "We actually...left for a few reasons." Lawrence felt deflated, his response mumbled. It was almost hard to think that not long ago he was so worked up, he wanted to tie Eve to a chair and interrogate her. He found refuge in strong, good-quality wine. "This fool worries for his daughter," Holo interjected. Eve nodded in understanding. "Col is a grown man now, after all." She immediately understood, and she gave a strained smile. "Reminds me of when my granddad used to be around." Eve used to be a daughter of nobility. "The letters have stopped coming recently. And..." Lawrence glanced at Holo. "Without our noisy daughter and precious Col around, someone's been feeling a little lonely. It's quiet in the bathhouse now." Their days had been happy, but Holo had been afraid that they would slip from her fingers and forget it all. The time she spent hugging her diary had lessened, perhaps because she had been enjoying the traveling, but Holo bared her canines when he brought it up. "You're so cute," Eve smiled in her delight, and her gaze darted toward the entrance. There came the girl who had been dancing at the tavern—she seemed refreshed, as though she had just come from the bath. She first gave Eve, and then Lawrence a willowy smile. Eve said something to her in a foreign language, and then poured her a drink. "All business talks go very smoothly whenever I bring her to the taverns," Eve said. It sounded somewhat like an excuse, but Lawrence simply nodded in agreement. "Now. I believe your wife will have explained to you that I'm not ruthlessly making money here." Lawrence took a sip of his wine, switching the gears in his head. "Lord Tonneburg has informed me of the situation, too. He must offer the lumber from his forest in exchange for protection from the Twilight Cardinal." All things had a price. Yet the reason Col had left the bathhouse was because he had been unable to accept the Church's blatant greed. This whole plan seemed to be completely at odds with Col's values. "Let's cut this problem down to size," Eve said, putting her filled glass down. "We've received word that both Karlan and Tonneburg want to side with the Twilight Cardinal. That is the truth. But the lumber is not the price for that." "Then what is it for?" "Wool." That caught Lawrence by such surprise that he found himself glancing toward Holo. Her cheeks were full of marinated beef shank as she stared at him blankly in return, which told him that Eve was not lying. "I could make ridiculous amounts of money if I wanted. I am certainly in a position to do so. But I already decided that I would not betray little Col." Lawrence narrowed his eyes, doubtful, and Eve drew up her shoulders.
Holo was laughing, but Lawrence was not entirely sure that had been mentioned in any of the letters. Col must have smoothed the rough edges of the incidents on their journey when he wrote about them in their letters so that they would not worry. That was the sort of person he was. "And whenever it seemed like he was going to give up, he always had that silver wolf by his side. She's got way more energy than this wolf here. Only an idiot would make an enemy out of those two. And I am not an idiot." Eve was not spineless enough to choose to side with them simply because she liked them (or not). Lawrence did not know what sort of plot she had concocted, but she had likely planted the seed of gold, taking advantage of the chaos across the world that surrounded the Church. "It seems there is a clear line between loss and profit here," Lawrence remarked. "I'm relieved." Eve jerked her chin. "And their affection for each other gives you two a run for your money. I had front row seats to that." Lawrence pursed his lips at her tease, and Holo cackled. "Anyway. Everyone needs lumber right now. It's not easy to get in bulk. The Winfiel Kingdom, especially—it's the land of sheep. All the forests were cut down long ago, so they have no choice but to rely on the mainland for it." Lawrence and Holo once ventured to the kingdom together. They had visited a monastery where sheep spirits lived secretly among the regular sheep, and had seen never-ending stretches of field. "And so I'm here to secure some. But of course, I'm not here to trade the Twilight Cardinal's gracious authority for lumber, no matter how much they need. That cute little Col will be as furious with me as an inquisitor if I did." *** A half-hearted smile crossed Lawrence's face at the exaggeration, but Eve did not smile. "Forget that—I make him a little sad, and that stubborn little wolf will immediately turn her fangs on me. I think they're turning me into an angelic merchant." It was Holo's discretion that allowed Myuri to accompany Col on his journey, and perhaps that ultimate judgment was the reason why she was called the wisewolf. Col was earnest and had such a strong sense of right and wrong that it made Lawrence nervous sometimes; having an ally like Myuri, who unconditionally stuck by his side, armed with the raw power of fang and claw, was almost necessary. Even if the unconditional part of that statement made her father Lawrence very antsy. "I plan to trade lumber and wool at market price. But I've put in an order for as much lumber as possible. So if Lord Tonneburg feels like his forest is in danger, then that's the fault of the people from Karlan." It was much too early to tell if Eve was shifting the blame for what was happening. Matthias himself did not trust the merchants from Karlan. "He thinks that if he does not fulfill your order, then he won't get any protection from the Twilight Cardinal. What do you have to say about that?" Lawrence's question was cutting, but Eve only canted her head to the side. "They're welcome to think that, but we have no intention of doing so. I'm just here because I have a need to trade here." Lawrence made a mental note to investigate whether or not that statement was true, and only nodded in affirmation for the moment. "Then is the reason the Karlan merchants are trying to gather as much lumber as possible because they're trying to make this trade as big as they can, then make a profit through mediation fees?" "That's possible," Eve said, and paused to think for a moment. "Have you heard about the tariffs in this town?" The strangest topic arose at the most unexpected time. "I have. I was wondering what sort of things they were planning," Lawrence said, but he also quietly wondered to himself if this was Eve's plan, as she was attempting to absorb as much cheap lumber as possible.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Holo was laughing, but Lawrence was not entirely sure that had been mentioned in any of the letters. Col must have smoothed the rough edges of the incidents on their journey when he wrote about them in their letters so that they would not worry. That was the sort of person he was. "And whenever it seemed like he was going to give up, he always had that silver wolf by his side. She's got way more energy than this wolf here. Only an idiot would make an enemy out of those two. And I am not an idiot." Eve was not spineless enough to choose to side with them simply because she liked them (or not). Lawrence did not know what sort of plot she had concocted, but she had likely planted the seed of gold, taking advantage of the chaos across the world that surrounded the Church. "It seems there is a clear line between loss and profit here," Lawrence remarked. "I'm relieved." Eve jerked her chin. "And their affection for each other gives you two a run for your money. I had front row seats to that." Lawrence pursed his lips at her tease, and Holo cackled. "Anyway. Everyone needs lumber right now. It's not easy to get in bulk. The Winfiel Kingdom, especially—it's the land of sheep. All the forests were cut down long ago, so they have no choice but to rely on the mainland for it." Lawrence and Holo once ventured to the kingdom together. They had visited a monastery where sheep spirits lived secretly among the regular sheep, and had seen never-ending stretches of field. "And so I'm here to secure some. But of course, I'm not here to trade the Twilight Cardinal's gracious authority for lumber, no matter how much they need. That cute little Col will be as furious with me as an inquisitor if I did." *** A half-hearted smile crossed Lawrence's face at the exaggeration, but Eve did not smile. "Forget that—I make him a little sad, and that stubborn little wolf will immediately turn her fangs on me. I think they're turning me into an angelic merchant." It was Holo's discretion that allowed Myuri to accompany Col on his journey, and perhaps that ultimate judgment was the reason why she was called the wisewolf. Col was earnest and had such a strong sense of right and wrong that it made Lawrence nervous sometimes; having an ally like Myuri, who unconditionally stuck by his side, armed with the raw power of fang and claw, was almost necessary. Even if the unconditional part of that statement made her father Lawrence very antsy. "I plan to trade lumber and wool at market price. But I've put in an order for as much lumber as possible. So if Lord Tonneburg feels like his forest is in danger, then that's the fault of the people from Karlan." It was much too early to tell if Eve was shifting the blame for what was happening. Matthias himself did not trust the merchants from Karlan. "He thinks that if he does not fulfill your order, then he won't get any protection from the Twilight Cardinal. What do you have to say about that?" Lawrence's question was cutting, but Eve only canted her head to the side. "They're welcome to think that, but we have no intention of doing so. I'm just here because I have a need to trade here." Lawrence made a mental note to investigate whether or not that statement was true, and only nodded in affirmation for the moment. "Then is the reason the Karlan merchants are trying to gather as much lumber as possible because they're trying to make this trade as big as they can, then make a profit through mediation fees?" "That's possible," Eve said, and paused to think for a moment. "Have you heard about the tariffs in this town?" The strangest topic arose at the most unexpected time. "I have. I was wondering what sort of things they were planning," Lawrence said, but he also quietly wondered to himself if this was Eve's plan, as she was attempting to absorb as much cheap lumber as possible.
Back in Tonneburg, Lawrence had sat before the map and mused about this and that. Karlan was surrounded by opposing forces on all sides, and their only option for a trade breakthrough was the planned road through Tonneburg. "Karlan wants to expand by lowering their taxes." But what Eve ultimately said was so unexpected that Lawrence almost missed it. "...What?" "Don't give me that. You used to be a merchant, didn't you? Didn't you look at the duty listings at the towns you stopped in to see where its opinions lay?" Lawrence blinked, hurriedly rummaging through his brain. Tax was often thought as something the rich and powerful levied to line their own pockets, and while those cases did exist, they were mostly put to use for the sake of the public. Tariffs were a specific type of tax that were unique, and their effects were slightly different from other taxes. In a way, they acted as a city's walls. Tariffs dictated what goods could easily come in and out of a city. For example, if there was a city home to many furriers, then imported furs would be subject to high import fees to protect the artisans; any food that came into a town that could not produce its own foodstuffs was practically free, yet it would cost a pretty penny to take any food out of the town, which meant food would effectively gather within the town. And so what sort of situation would bring about rumors that tariffs for all incoming items would be removed? Especially considering the town was planning on expanding. "Is the city planning on absorbing all of the raw material?" Eve nodded. "The people here have been wanting to cut down the Tonneburg Woods and build a road through it for ages, but it's too much work for only the people of a city this size to undertake. And while Lord Tonneburg isn't a fool, he's too kind. He said he would only agree to building the road if his people would not be whipped while working on it." One often saw the commonfolk being treated like slave labor in large construction projects. While Lawrence was both relieved and understanding that Matthias was not that sort of lord, they would still need a lot of workers to help cut down the forest. And hiring workers did not end when the call was put out and the desired number of people approached. They needed a place to sleep, they needed rations to eat and drink. In their old journeys, they had come across a place where a waterwheel was under construction, and he had made a fortune bringing in bread and grilled meats to the workers amid the chaos when they realized they were out of food. If they were to collect all of the people needed to cut down the trees and build the road, then find a place to house them, then they would have to collect many raw building materials, even if it meant doing away with the city tariffs entirely. "The city looked at its own circumstances, how the world was progressing, and came up with a plan. It's not a perfect plan, and it was easily ruined by some merchant out in Salonia. All that has agitated everything, and it's perfectly reasonable for people like Lord Tonneburg to start doubting if things will really be all right. There are fickle rich people out there like me, after all. But—" Eve gave a faint smile, looked at the drink in her hand, and closed her eyes. "—I just love that positive greed." All Lawrence could do was try and picture what sort of business ventures were playing behind her eyelids. Perhaps the fight she had with Lawrence in Lenos and the way she almost died in Kerube were fun memories for her now. But as he studied her placid smile, a thought came to him. Eve did not hate anything right now. She was simply concentrating on what she loved most—trade—and was having the time of her life. "Same with the tavern. They're trying so hard to learn about southern food and dances because it's part of their grand plan. They want to start accommodating trade ships from the south, you know."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Back in Tonneburg, Lawrence had sat before the map and mused about this and that. Karlan was surrounded by opposing forces on all sides, and their only option for a trade breakthrough was the planned road through Tonneburg. "Karlan wants to expand by lowering their taxes." But what Eve ultimately said was so unexpected that Lawrence almost missed it. "...What?" "Don't give me that. You used to be a merchant, didn't you? Didn't you look at the duty listings at the towns you stopped in to see where its opinions lay?" Lawrence blinked, hurriedly rummaging through his brain. Tax was often thought as something the rich and powerful levied to line their own pockets, and while those cases did exist, they were mostly put to use for the sake of the public. Tariffs were a specific type of tax that were unique, and their effects were slightly different from other taxes. In a way, they acted as a city's walls. Tariffs dictated what goods could easily come in and out of a city. For example, if there was a city home to many furriers, then imported furs would be subject to high import fees to protect the artisans; any food that came into a town that could not produce its own foodstuffs was practically free, yet it would cost a pretty penny to take any food out of the town, which meant food would effectively gather within the town. And so what sort of situation would bring about rumors that tariffs for all incoming items would be removed? Especially considering the town was planning on expanding. "Is the city planning on absorbing all of the raw material?" Eve nodded. "The people here have been wanting to cut down the Tonneburg Woods and build a road through it for ages, but it's too much work for only the people of a city this size to undertake. And while Lord Tonneburg isn't a fool, he's too kind. He said he would only agree to building the road if his people would not be whipped while working on it." One often saw the commonfolk being treated like slave labor in large construction projects. While Lawrence was both relieved and understanding that Matthias was not that sort of lord, they would still need a lot of workers to help cut down the forest. And hiring workers did not end when the call was put out and the desired number of people approached. They needed a place to sleep, they needed rations to eat and drink. In their old journeys, they had come across a place where a waterwheel was under construction, and he had made a fortune bringing in bread and grilled meats to the workers amid the chaos when they realized they were out of food. If they were to collect all of the people needed to cut down the trees and build the road, then find a place to house them, then they would have to collect many raw building materials, even if it meant doing away with the city tariffs entirely. "The city looked at its own circumstances, how the world was progressing, and came up with a plan. It's not a perfect plan, and it was easily ruined by some merchant out in Salonia. All that has agitated everything, and it's perfectly reasonable for people like Lord Tonneburg to start doubting if things will really be all right. There are fickle rich people out there like me, after all. But—" Eve gave a faint smile, looked at the drink in her hand, and closed her eyes. "—I just love that positive greed." All Lawrence could do was try and picture what sort of business ventures were playing behind her eyelids. Perhaps the fight she had with Lawrence in Lenos and the way she almost died in Kerube were fun memories for her now. But as he studied her placid smile, a thought came to him. Eve did not hate anything right now. She was simply concentrating on what she loved most—trade—and was having the time of her life. "Same with the tavern. They're trying so hard to learn about southern food and dances because it's part of their grand plan. They want to start accommodating trade ships from the south, you know."
Though it was not exactly refined, it was plenty exotic. "Don't those kinds of ships all go to Kerube?" "Pretend you've come a long way and you've been served local food you don't really understand. What would you do if you knew there was a place offering familiar food from your own hometown? Even if it is a little out of the way, everyone would still go there instead." In all honesty, Lawrence had led a wanderer's life for so long that he did not really understand what sort of meaning food could have. But once, when he and Holo first started traveling together, she had been so nervous and upset that all the places they visited had transformed beyond her recognition. And so when a dish she used to eat was served to her, she had shed tears of relief. "And it's thanks to Col that all the big southern companies that deal in luxury goods have been thrown into utter chaos. Their highest-paying customers have traditionally been from the Church, only they've all stopped buying. The big companies who deal in expensive items from the deserts all complain while they send boats up north this way. Even though they were ones that never gave us product, no matter how much we asked." And that was the only time Eve flashed a wicked smile. They were trading partners that had given even her a rough time. Lawrence felt like he had gotten just a tiny glimpse of the troubles that plagued the Debau Company, the people who safely delivered all the goods they needed for the bathhouse; when he realized how wretched he was for thinking it would be cheaper to obtain those very same things via Karlan, he immediately regretted it. "The large port cities that used to be the main ones have been constantly betrayed by the southerners' greed, so they're trying to beat down prices in retaliation. So here, if they put Karlan in their debt and manage to secure this deal, then it'll be a huge investment into the future." Lawrence would never say that running the bathhouse in Nyohhira was easy or boring. But he got a whiff of grand, noble trade from Eve's story that did not come with the day-to-day minutiae of the bathhouse. Anyone who had walked silently on their own two feet for profit to the top of the hill could picture the brilliant future in the distance. The moment he recalled the scent of the dusty earth from that point in time, he was kicked under the table. He looked over in his shock to see that Holo was grumpily eating her meat, not even looking at him. Perhaps Holo had gotten the same sense that he did when he saw her gaze deep into the forest outside the Tonneburg smithy. He reached out to pat her head, to tell her that he was not going anywhere, but she swatted his hand away. He gave a self-effacing smile at her indifference and turned to Eve. "I now understand why you were making merry, why the tavern seemed as gaudy as it did, and why Lord Tonneburg doubts the eager Karlan merchants. And that you are not trampling over Col and Myuri's feelings or working against them." Eve only closed her eyes and shrugged. "The last thing I want to ask you is if you really need all the lumber the forest has to offer." Eve's eyes remained closed, and Holo's red irises stared at her. "What on earth could you be using all that for?" Lawrence knew that everyone needed lumber at the present. Eve was not making unfair demands, and it seemed she was getting what she could by bartering wool. And he could tell that Karlan was using Matthias, Lord of Tonneburg, their lumber supplier, as a way to gain Col's protection. But in a plan where everyone benefits, it seemed Tonneburg was the only one that was losing out. What happened in Salonia caused something in Lawrence's chest to pang, but that just meant he could do some more work here to protect Tonneburg, just like last time.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Though it was not exactly refined, it was plenty exotic. "Don't those kinds of ships all go to Kerube?" "Pretend you've come a long way and you've been served local food you don't really understand. What would you do if you knew there was a place offering familiar food from your own hometown? Even if it is a little out of the way, everyone would still go there instead." In all honesty, Lawrence had led a wanderer's life for so long that he did not really understand what sort of meaning food could have. But once, when he and Holo first started traveling together, she had been so nervous and upset that all the places they visited had transformed beyond her recognition. And so when a dish she used to eat was served to her, she had shed tears of relief. "And it's thanks to Col that all the big southern companies that deal in luxury goods have been thrown into utter chaos. Their highest-paying customers have traditionally been from the Church, only they've all stopped buying. The big companies who deal in expensive items from the deserts all complain while they send boats up north this way. Even though they were ones that never gave us product, no matter how much we asked." And that was the only time Eve flashed a wicked smile. They were trading partners that had given even her a rough time. Lawrence felt like he had gotten just a tiny glimpse of the troubles that plagued the Debau Company, the people who safely delivered all the goods they needed for the bathhouse; when he realized how wretched he was for thinking it would be cheaper to obtain those very same things via Karlan, he immediately regretted it. "The large port cities that used to be the main ones have been constantly betrayed by the southerners' greed, so they're trying to beat down prices in retaliation. So here, if they put Karlan in their debt and manage to secure this deal, then it'll be a huge investment into the future." Lawrence would never say that running the bathhouse in Nyohhira was easy or boring. But he got a whiff of grand, noble trade from Eve's story that did not come with the day-to-day minutiae of the bathhouse. Anyone who had walked silently on their own two feet for profit to the top of the hill could picture the brilliant future in the distance. The moment he recalled the scent of the dusty earth from that point in time, he was kicked under the table. He looked over in his shock to see that Holo was grumpily eating her meat, not even looking at him. Perhaps Holo had gotten the same sense that he did when he saw her gaze deep into the forest outside the Tonneburg smithy. He reached out to pat her head, to tell her that he was not going anywhere, but she swatted his hand away. He gave a self-effacing smile at her indifference and turned to Eve. "I now understand why you were making merry, why the tavern seemed as gaudy as it did, and why Lord Tonneburg doubts the eager Karlan merchants. And that you are not trampling over Col and Myuri's feelings or working against them." Eve only closed her eyes and shrugged. "The last thing I want to ask you is if you really need all the lumber the forest has to offer." Eve's eyes remained closed, and Holo's red irises stared at her. "What on earth could you be using all that for?" Lawrence knew that everyone needed lumber at the present. Eve was not making unfair demands, and it seemed she was getting what she could by bartering wool. And he could tell that Karlan was using Matthias, Lord of Tonneburg, their lumber supplier, as a way to gain Col's protection. But in a plan where everyone benefits, it seemed Tonneburg was the only one that was losing out. What happened in Salonia caused something in Lawrence's chest to pang, but that just meant he could do some more work here to protect Tonneburg, just like last time.
He knew there was a lot of hope in the thought, but he wanted to make sure it was possible. But Eve's expression coolly saw through his wishes. "This isn't a nice answer," she said, looking to Lawrence with a sharpness that reminded him of the past. "Merchants never want to hear nice answers." The wolfish merchant gave a grin and lifted her head. "Col and Myuri are causing quite a stir." "They are." "Big enough to split the world in two. There are storms whipping up everywhere." Eve swirled the glass in her hand, creating a whirlpool with her drink. She kept going, and some droplets eventually leaped out. "Look at that. People are getting ejected from the equation left and right." The girl sitting next to her reached out to wipe her wet hand, but Eve instead lifted it and licked away the droplets. "Merchants might be different in their likes, personalities, and thought processes, but they'll always reach a deal when there's profit to be had. But there are things we can't always profit on, and one of those things is faith." In that moment, Lawrence recalled how nervous Matthias looked when he informed Lawrence which side of the church conflict he took. "There are people who the local rulers decided have different faiths, and are treating them like heretics of the past. But Col and Myuri have gained too much power for even the Church conservatives to simply brush them off as mere heretics. And so while the Church is not threatening them with excommunication or being burned at the stake, it's a lot like finding pebbles in a sack filled with wheat. You're going to have to get those out at some point." Lawrence nodded slowly. "Are you working to save these displaced people?" Eve scrunched up her face when she heard that, acting like a child that wanted to be seen as an evil merchant. When she spoke, it came out quickly, like an excuse. "I have a lot resting on Col. If he stumbles, then my business fails. I'm just getting rid of the pebbles that don't belong." Lawrence could easily picture Col pained by the news that his own actions were causing people to be chased from their homes. He wondered what Eve thought when she saw the same sight. Holo trusted her, which meant she had to be a good person deep down. "Then is it true you want to settle talks before winter comes?" Eve sulked, averting her eyes as she answered. "The kingdom is colder than it is here. If we did accept refugees only to end up treating them like beggars, then Col's reputation would fall." They would have to build houses to shelter them. And with more people, they would need more kindling to warm the houses. No amount of lumber would ever be enough. "We'd need ships to transport the refugees. And honestly, if we had the ships, they'd rather—" "Hmm?" Eve suddenly fell silent; Lawrence looked at her curiously. She sighed and shrugged. "It's nothing. You should ask them for the details yourself. That's why you left the bathhouse, isn't it?" What was this about ships? Lawrence and Holo found themselves exchanging glances. "Col and that little knight of a wolf are a whole lot more reckless than our generation. I'm worried." Her expression was anxious; this was not an act. But it was not so much apprehension regarding genuine danger, but a nervousness about what was to come. Though it did not seem to be that they were in any sort of pressing situation, Col still had the rambunctious Myuri by his side, and it was very likely that she was plotting something ridiculous. Lawrence decided that once this was all squared away, he would ask Eve where the two of them were, and check up on them. "Anyway, back on topic. The gist of all of this is that we don't have enough of anything." Lawrence nodded, and a thought came to him. "Could Karlan be counting on these refugees to cut down the Tonneburg Woods?"
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
He knew there was a lot of hope in the thought, but he wanted to make sure it was possible. But Eve's expression coolly saw through his wishes. "This isn't a nice answer," she said, looking to Lawrence with a sharpness that reminded him of the past. "Merchants never want to hear nice answers." The wolfish merchant gave a grin and lifted her head. "Col and Myuri are causing quite a stir." "They are." "Big enough to split the world in two. There are storms whipping up everywhere." Eve swirled the glass in her hand, creating a whirlpool with her drink. She kept going, and some droplets eventually leaped out. "Look at that. People are getting ejected from the equation left and right." The girl sitting next to her reached out to wipe her wet hand, but Eve instead lifted it and licked away the droplets. "Merchants might be different in their likes, personalities, and thought processes, but they'll always reach a deal when there's profit to be had. But there are things we can't always profit on, and one of those things is faith." In that moment, Lawrence recalled how nervous Matthias looked when he informed Lawrence which side of the church conflict he took. "There are people who the local rulers decided have different faiths, and are treating them like heretics of the past. But Col and Myuri have gained too much power for even the Church conservatives to simply brush them off as mere heretics. And so while the Church is not threatening them with excommunication or being burned at the stake, it's a lot like finding pebbles in a sack filled with wheat. You're going to have to get those out at some point." Lawrence nodded slowly. "Are you working to save these displaced people?" Eve scrunched up her face when she heard that, acting like a child that wanted to be seen as an evil merchant. When she spoke, it came out quickly, like an excuse. "I have a lot resting on Col. If he stumbles, then my business fails. I'm just getting rid of the pebbles that don't belong." Lawrence could easily picture Col pained by the news that his own actions were causing people to be chased from their homes. He wondered what Eve thought when she saw the same sight. Holo trusted her, which meant she had to be a good person deep down. "Then is it true you want to settle talks before winter comes?" Eve sulked, averting her eyes as she answered. "The kingdom is colder than it is here. If we did accept refugees only to end up treating them like beggars, then Col's reputation would fall." They would have to build houses to shelter them. And with more people, they would need more kindling to warm the houses. No amount of lumber would ever be enough. "We'd need ships to transport the refugees. And honestly, if we had the ships, they'd rather—" "Hmm?" Eve suddenly fell silent; Lawrence looked at her curiously. She sighed and shrugged. "It's nothing. You should ask them for the details yourself. That's why you left the bathhouse, isn't it?" What was this about ships? Lawrence and Holo found themselves exchanging glances. "Col and that little knight of a wolf are a whole lot more reckless than our generation. I'm worried." Her expression was anxious; this was not an act. But it was not so much apprehension regarding genuine danger, but a nervousness about what was to come. Though it did not seem to be that they were in any sort of pressing situation, Col still had the rambunctious Myuri by his side, and it was very likely that she was plotting something ridiculous. Lawrence decided that once this was all squared away, he would ask Eve where the two of them were, and check up on them. "Anyway, back on topic. The gist of all of this is that we don't have enough of anything." Lawrence nodded, and a thought came to him. "Could Karlan be counting on these refugees to cut down the Tonneburg Woods?"
They would need more people to keep the city functioning, but people did not grow on trees or in the fields. They were not so easy to gather. "Exactly. There are some who prefer to be on contiguous land with their homeland instead of separated by sea in the kingdom. But in my view, there are only so many people this city can take." "It seems to me there's plenty of room for expansion, though," Lawrence said, and then immediately realized how shallow the thought was. "Oh, right... Mouths to feed." Everyone needed to work to survive, but a population increase did not necessarily mean the same amount of work would suddenly pop up. "There's the road to build, at least for the time being." But then one day, there would be no more clearing work. At last, all the things Meyer told him connected in Lawrence's head. "And that's why they're going to build new smithies and coal-burning huts in anticipation of that..." Meyer was indignant that Karlan was selfishly trying to absorb all of what the forest had to offer, but that was not quite what was going on here. Karlan was putting together a stopgap plan, but one that did actually account for the future. While some stopgap apprehension was unavoidable, Lawrence could clearly see that they had thought through this, trying to prevent such a big plan from failing under its own size and weight. "But...will this genuinely work out?" Even if new industries came about from the cutting of the forest, that still meant they would not be able to feed the livestock, and the wheat fields would go through a poor harvest, and thus the people would starve. It was dangerous to keep making speculations like this, and history could teach them that the problem of importing people was a difficult one. To accept a great number of people escaping the fires of war out of the mercy of one's heart—only for that same city to eventually fail—was a story that had repeated itself over and over in times of war. There was good reason why Rahden, who had built a pond for his hatchery to feed his people, had been called a bishop and worshipped. "I am not a god," Eve said with divine arrogance. "Trade is always an uncertain gamble. And Karlan has decided to take on a huge gamble. Lord Tonneburg may have agreed reluctantly, but he still agreed because he saw profit in it. And so he's still at the table." And that was when Lawrence finally realized that whether Matthias left the table hinged on what sort of report Lawrence brought back for him. "Are you being kind to me right now so that I'll bring back good word to Lord Tonneburg?" Instead of giving an answer either way, Eve grinned. Perhaps she had told them about Col and Myuri in order to bind their hearts. She knew that since they had left Nyohhira out of worry for their children, then they would not make decisions that would render all their hard work moot. And yet, Matthias scarcely had any choice left. If anything, Lawrence wanted to praise Karlan for an incredible amount of self-control for not immediately preying upon Matthias's weaknesses after hearing the whole story. The people of Karlan were genuinely thinking about the development of their city; they were looking at things in the long term and were determined to build a favorable relationship with Tonneburg. "I know you're a perfectly capable merchant. That's why I don't think you're going to manipulate this decision." That's a rich thing to say, Lawrence thought, flashing a smile he would never use when running the bathhouse. "Instead, I'm going to ask you to light a little fire under that wooden ass of his." "Regardless of whether he says yes or no?" Winter was not very far away, and it was likely that a stream of refugees from the continent were already on their way. If their plan to procure lumber fell through now, then they would have to immediately move on to the next step. Though that is what Lawrence initially thought, Eve shook her head and furrowed her brow.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
They would need more people to keep the city functioning, but people did not grow on trees or in the fields. They were not so easy to gather. "Exactly. There are some who prefer to be on contiguous land with their homeland instead of separated by sea in the kingdom. But in my view, there are only so many people this city can take." "It seems to me there's plenty of room for expansion, though," Lawrence said, and then immediately realized how shallow the thought was. "Oh, right... Mouths to feed." Everyone needed to work to survive, but a population increase did not necessarily mean the same amount of work would suddenly pop up. "There's the road to build, at least for the time being." But then one day, there would be no more clearing work. At last, all the things Meyer told him connected in Lawrence's head. "And that's why they're going to build new smithies and coal-burning huts in anticipation of that..." Meyer was indignant that Karlan was selfishly trying to absorb all of what the forest had to offer, but that was not quite what was going on here. Karlan was putting together a stopgap plan, but one that did actually account for the future. While some stopgap apprehension was unavoidable, Lawrence could clearly see that they had thought through this, trying to prevent such a big plan from failing under its own size and weight. "But...will this genuinely work out?" Even if new industries came about from the cutting of the forest, that still meant they would not be able to feed the livestock, and the wheat fields would go through a poor harvest, and thus the people would starve. It was dangerous to keep making speculations like this, and history could teach them that the problem of importing people was a difficult one. To accept a great number of people escaping the fires of war out of the mercy of one's heart—only for that same city to eventually fail—was a story that had repeated itself over and over in times of war. There was good reason why Rahden, who had built a pond for his hatchery to feed his people, had been called a bishop and worshipped. "I am not a god," Eve said with divine arrogance. "Trade is always an uncertain gamble. And Karlan has decided to take on a huge gamble. Lord Tonneburg may have agreed reluctantly, but he still agreed because he saw profit in it. And so he's still at the table." And that was when Lawrence finally realized that whether Matthias left the table hinged on what sort of report Lawrence brought back for him. "Are you being kind to me right now so that I'll bring back good word to Lord Tonneburg?" Instead of giving an answer either way, Eve grinned. Perhaps she had told them about Col and Myuri in order to bind their hearts. She knew that since they had left Nyohhira out of worry for their children, then they would not make decisions that would render all their hard work moot. And yet, Matthias scarcely had any choice left. If anything, Lawrence wanted to praise Karlan for an incredible amount of self-control for not immediately preying upon Matthias's weaknesses after hearing the whole story. The people of Karlan were genuinely thinking about the development of their city; they were looking at things in the long term and were determined to build a favorable relationship with Tonneburg. "I know you're a perfectly capable merchant. That's why I don't think you're going to manipulate this decision." That's a rich thing to say, Lawrence thought, flashing a smile he would never use when running the bathhouse. "Instead, I'm going to ask you to light a little fire under that wooden ass of his." "Regardless of whether he says yes or no?" Winter was not very far away, and it was likely that a stream of refugees from the continent were already on their way. If their plan to procure lumber fell through now, then they would have to immediately move on to the next step. Though that is what Lawrence initially thought, Eve shook her head and furrowed her brow.
Holo, who was full from her food and was now nursing her drink, pricked up her ears under her hood at the thorny tone of Eve's words. "There are people out there who've been raring to ruin this entire transaction." "There are?" The first thing Lawrence thought of were the people in the Church that Col and Myuri were currently pressuring. It would not be a particular surprise if the Church old guard dispatched an army to subjugate Tonneburg if they realized they would be siding with Col. Declaring them heretics would be a simple justification. Though that was his first thought, he realized something strange about that right away. Matthias had to join Col's camp precisely to prevent that from happening. If joining Col's side meant declaring himself a heretic, then Matthias would have to go against his personal beliefs and side with the Church old guard. Just as Eve explained, if an entity was seen as a part of Col's side once, then they could no longer easily reach out to the conservative side of the Church. It would have to have been a definitive decision to join Col's side. And so, if the Church really were the ones ruining things, then the entire situation would only be going around in circles. That meant the ones meddling with the plan could not be the Church. Who were they, then? Lawrence thought, and recalled what the forest-loving ranger said to him. "A mean-spirited...older brother?" Eve snorted. "There's no way Kerube is just sitting to the side and watching this deal happen quietly." Trade was the act of taking gold from one another, where there were limited places for gold to go, and Karlan was in the middle of its plans to expand its territory. And what about those whose territory was at risk of being taken? "Do you know who rules Kerube right now? A pain in my neck," Eve said and reached up to rub at said neck. Years ago, when Lawrence and Eve were still young, they had gotten embroiled in such an intense trade battle that they had drawn daggers at each other. After earning her money, Eve had been strung up and almost died. Who was the one she had faced at the time? When she smiled, she looked like a wolf baring its fangs. In the distance, they could hear a howl going up. *** A brisk, clear sky extended beyond the open window. As Lawrence sat staring over the town, a gentle breeze, smelling faintly of the sea, brushed over his cheek. The soft sounds of a comb running through fur tickled his ears, and an occasional sweet fragrance drifted past him and out the window. He turned back to look into the room to see Holo tending to her tail, so thick and luxurious with fur that it would shock even a noble's daughter, with three bottles of expensive oils lying beside her on the bed. He could almost hear Elsa scolding him; but as he watched Holo absently, he continued to think. After the meeting from the previous night, Eve had said to him, "No matter what happens, conflict with Kerube is unavoidable." Though she had not drunk to excess, Holo had still consumed enough that she was wheedling him for attention; and when he took her back to the inn, he had finally gotten the entire picture of the situation in his head, and it weighed on him. What sat before him was not a simple situation where a regional lord's personal forest was being sold off. It was a situation that would affect the flow of trade for the entirety of the region well into the future, and even had to do with Col's fight against the Church, which had effectively split the world in two. This was not something a mere bathhouse owner should be sticking his neck into, but for some reason, he had connections with each of the major parties in play. And more importantly, he was the one who lit the spark by preventing the lowering of lumber tariffs in Salonia. If Lawrence had any faith, then he would consider this a God-given trial. "I must add more pages to my journal."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Holo, who was full from her food and was now nursing her drink, pricked up her ears under her hood at the thorny tone of Eve's words. "There are people out there who've been raring to ruin this entire transaction." "There are?" The first thing Lawrence thought of were the people in the Church that Col and Myuri were currently pressuring. It would not be a particular surprise if the Church old guard dispatched an army to subjugate Tonneburg if they realized they would be siding with Col. Declaring them heretics would be a simple justification. Though that was his first thought, he realized something strange about that right away. Matthias had to join Col's camp precisely to prevent that from happening. If joining Col's side meant declaring himself a heretic, then Matthias would have to go against his personal beliefs and side with the Church old guard. Just as Eve explained, if an entity was seen as a part of Col's side once, then they could no longer easily reach out to the conservative side of the Church. It would have to have been a definitive decision to join Col's side. And so, if the Church really were the ones ruining things, then the entire situation would only be going around in circles. That meant the ones meddling with the plan could not be the Church. Who were they, then? Lawrence thought, and recalled what the forest-loving ranger said to him. "A mean-spirited...older brother?" Eve snorted. "There's no way Kerube is just sitting to the side and watching this deal happen quietly." Trade was the act of taking gold from one another, where there were limited places for gold to go, and Karlan was in the middle of its plans to expand its territory. And what about those whose territory was at risk of being taken? "Do you know who rules Kerube right now? A pain in my neck," Eve said and reached up to rub at said neck. Years ago, when Lawrence and Eve were still young, they had gotten embroiled in such an intense trade battle that they had drawn daggers at each other. After earning her money, Eve had been strung up and almost died. Who was the one she had faced at the time? When she smiled, she looked like a wolf baring its fangs. In the distance, they could hear a howl going up. *** A brisk, clear sky extended beyond the open window. As Lawrence sat staring over the town, a gentle breeze, smelling faintly of the sea, brushed over his cheek. The soft sounds of a comb running through fur tickled his ears, and an occasional sweet fragrance drifted past him and out the window. He turned back to look into the room to see Holo tending to her tail, so thick and luxurious with fur that it would shock even a noble's daughter, with three bottles of expensive oils lying beside her on the bed. He could almost hear Elsa scolding him; but as he watched Holo absently, he continued to think. After the meeting from the previous night, Eve had said to him, "No matter what happens, conflict with Kerube is unavoidable." Though she had not drunk to excess, Holo had still consumed enough that she was wheedling him for attention; and when he took her back to the inn, he had finally gotten the entire picture of the situation in his head, and it weighed on him. What sat before him was not a simple situation where a regional lord's personal forest was being sold off. It was a situation that would affect the flow of trade for the entirety of the region well into the future, and even had to do with Col's fight against the Church, which had effectively split the world in two. This was not something a mere bathhouse owner should be sticking his neck into, but for some reason, he had connections with each of the major parties in play. And more importantly, he was the one who lit the spark by preventing the lowering of lumber tariffs in Salonia. If Lawrence had any faith, then he would consider this a God-given trial. "I must add more pages to my journal."
She was somewhat shy, so knowing that she was in familiar company allowed her to talk freely about Col, Myuri, and even memories of Kerube rather than feel obligated to discuss the unfamiliar likes of Tonneburg and Karlan. She was occasionally more maiden-like than her own daughter, but that was something she often forgot. "Just because we know all these people, that doesn't mean this is going to be a carefree affair. We're up against real merchants here." Lawrence stepped away from the window, sat down on his bed, and looked over at Holo in the bed beside his. "Kieman almost killed Eve during the narwhal incident, but the moment their interests aligned, they started working together. He will be a genuine enemy if our interests conflict again." Holo lightly furrowed her brow as though surprised by the reminder. "But it did not seem as though she was lying when she spoke of little Col and that fool Myuri." Her tone when she said "I'm worried," seemed forced, but that had apparently been her genuine feelings on the matter. "In my perspective, it does not seem like she chases profit at the cost of everything else anymore. Which, I feel, means this will not lead to the trouble she might have once caused." Holo ran her hand through her tail one final time, pleased with how glossy it was. "On a personal level, sure. But both Eve and Kieman are merchants who have always chased what they think will be big game." Holo, her tail still in her hand, went blank for a brief moment. That was because Lawrence had been laying the groundwork to become a great merchant in the Debau Company, yet it was her own fault that his access to that path was cut off. And that bothered her. That praiseworthy look on her face, one he saw not too long ago, tickled him; he continued. "Big doesn't always mean better." As he said that, he considered how Holo may have seemed a slender girl, but her true form was a towering wolf. "When things get big, then all sorts of other things get tangled up in it, even if it has nothing to do with your own personal motivations. Think of a bull in a porcelain shop." "A bull?" Holo blinked. "Try and picture a huge bull in a small shop full of porcelain. That can only end in tragedy." "Mm." "It means that bigger things will also make things a lot tighter." Holo would certainly understand—she had been under immense pressure when humans decided she was a divine being and worshipped her purely because of the majesty of her powerful wolf form. Perhaps taking on the appearance of a delicate girl and letting others dote on her as much as she liked was a sort of retaliation. "Kieman represents Kerube, and Eve is working for Col. There might not be a lot of room for either of them to factor in their personal feelings. Even if they wanted to compromise or concede in certain ways, everyone else around them won't let them do that." Lawrence lay down on the bed as he spoke. "If Eve wanted to get serious about this, then she would pull Karlan's plan together in an instant with the force of a thunderclap. Both Matthias and Meyer are good people, and looking at the tavern back in Karlan, I'd say the merchants they're working with are just as positive as they are. The tavern owners are inviting in people of high status and even learning how to cook new dishes in order to help their city grow—that's not something you hear about very often. If a bad person like Eve wanted to, she could take control of this entire situation." Holo had some personal opinions when it came to how optimistic people walked without ever watching their step. She gave a thoughtful nod. "Then, once she's used clever ways to settle the matter, she would collect her profits, not caring what problems she caused on the way out, then totally vanish. But she's not doing that. She's letting things play out as they will, which means I think she's genuinely doing this for Col's sake."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
She was somewhat shy, so knowing that she was in familiar company allowed her to talk freely about Col, Myuri, and even memories of Kerube rather than feel obligated to discuss the unfamiliar likes of Tonneburg and Karlan. She was occasionally more maiden-like than her own daughter, but that was something she often forgot. "Just because we know all these people, that doesn't mean this is going to be a carefree affair. We're up against real merchants here." Lawrence stepped away from the window, sat down on his bed, and looked over at Holo in the bed beside his. "Kieman almost killed Eve during the narwhal incident, but the moment their interests aligned, they started working together. He will be a genuine enemy if our interests conflict again." Holo lightly furrowed her brow as though surprised by the reminder. "But it did not seem as though she was lying when she spoke of little Col and that fool Myuri." Her tone when she said "I'm worried," seemed forced, but that had apparently been her genuine feelings on the matter. "In my perspective, it does not seem like she chases profit at the cost of everything else anymore. Which, I feel, means this will not lead to the trouble she might have once caused." Holo ran her hand through her tail one final time, pleased with how glossy it was. "On a personal level, sure. But both Eve and Kieman are merchants who have always chased what they think will be big game." Holo, her tail still in her hand, went blank for a brief moment. That was because Lawrence had been laying the groundwork to become a great merchant in the Debau Company, yet it was her own fault that his access to that path was cut off. And that bothered her. That praiseworthy look on her face, one he saw not too long ago, tickled him; he continued. "Big doesn't always mean better." As he said that, he considered how Holo may have seemed a slender girl, but her true form was a towering wolf. "When things get big, then all sorts of other things get tangled up in it, even if it has nothing to do with your own personal motivations. Think of a bull in a porcelain shop." "A bull?" Holo blinked. "Try and picture a huge bull in a small shop full of porcelain. That can only end in tragedy." "Mm." "It means that bigger things will also make things a lot tighter." Holo would certainly understand—she had been under immense pressure when humans decided she was a divine being and worshipped her purely because of the majesty of her powerful wolf form. Perhaps taking on the appearance of a delicate girl and letting others dote on her as much as she liked was a sort of retaliation. "Kieman represents Kerube, and Eve is working for Col. There might not be a lot of room for either of them to factor in their personal feelings. Even if they wanted to compromise or concede in certain ways, everyone else around them won't let them do that." Lawrence lay down on the bed as he spoke. "If Eve wanted to get serious about this, then she would pull Karlan's plan together in an instant with the force of a thunderclap. Both Matthias and Meyer are good people, and looking at the tavern back in Karlan, I'd say the merchants they're working with are just as positive as they are. The tavern owners are inviting in people of high status and even learning how to cook new dishes in order to help their city grow—that's not something you hear about very often. If a bad person like Eve wanted to, she could take control of this entire situation." Holo had some personal opinions when it came to how optimistic people walked without ever watching their step. She gave a thoughtful nod. "Then, once she's used clever ways to settle the matter, she would collect her profits, not caring what problems she caused on the way out, then totally vanish. But she's not doing that. She's letting things play out as they will, which means I think she's genuinely doing this for Col's sake."
Eve had acted the part of wounded wolf and bared her fangs, making the whole world her enemy, yet before her a larger wolf walked alongside a foolish sheep just a few paces ahead of her. Something about that must have seemed ridiculous to her. Her guards had been hard at work, and the dancing girl had genuinely enjoyed dancing. Eve had come out of the hollow of her tree, found allies she could trust, and changed the way she interacted with the world. "But she's letting Kerube get in the way because of it. That's what I think, at least." "Mm. But how exactly are they getting in the way? Kerube is not close enough that the shadow of their house darkens Karlan's home. There is quite a distance between the two cities, so why do they feel the need to fight?" From Holo's perspective, who knew just how lively Kerube could be, Karlan was a small little place that was completely eclipsed by the other city on several levels. She did not understand why the massive Kerube would be genuinely angry if Karlan were to expand its trading area by just a small bit. "Kerube was originally a port city that thrived off fur and lumber that came from Lenos. And so the trade makeup in Kerube and Karlan is already very similar. If they both participate in sea trade, then the products they deal in would only grow even more similar. There's nothing more unpleasant to have in a trade rival than this, and I bet they're already competing daily for wool from the kingdom." Wool was Winfiel's special export, and it was valued in markets throughout the world. It was considered a product that brought in endless profits. The more you could get, the better. Eve's main business these days was the wool trade, and she was apparently moving wool for a number of trading companies. Though she might not be using her connection with Col for nefarious purposes, there was no doubt she was shrewdly claiming the most favorable position as the merchant who stood closest to the Twilight Cardinal, who in turn held sway over the trends of the kingdom. So when Karlan decided to become a bigger city, it was unlikely that determination of theirs had much effect on Eve. The biggest reason she was here was because she wanted to buy Karlan's favor for cheap, sell her wool at a high price, and get as much lumber as she possibly could. And nothing was infinite, so she was likely deducting the increased portion of wool imported to Karlan from Kerube's allotment. "You merchants are truly fools. None of you have any flexibility." It was a sound statement, but Holo was the sort to grab everything for herself when served delicious food at a tavern. Lawrence smiled as he gazed at her, and she returned it with a sharp glare. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Nothing at all." Lawrence shrugged and continued, "And I think the one spurring this on might be Eve, who might be provoking Kerube deliberately, to a degree." *** Holo's shapely brows arched like a cat's long tail. "Kerube is the oldest port city in this region, and of the biggest scale. That means they're a powerful trade partner for the wool merchants from the kingdom. Not only that, Kerube deals in lumber from Lenos, too. The kingdom merchants don't have forests back home—they probably don't have much room to negotiate when dealing with Kerube." "Do you mean that because they are taken advantage of in the lumber trade, they return the favor when the time comes to trade in wool?" Lawrence shrugged, and Holo seemed tired of the incessant fights in the human world. Just as Karlan wanted to avoid the territories of existing lords by building a road through the Tonneburg Woods, it would not be at all strange if Eve and the Winfiel Kingdom's wool merchants who worked with her wanted to secure a new place to sell their wool and where they could purchase lumber, a place that did not rely on Kerube, which was a tough trade partner. And this plan to develop Karlan was a valuable chance for them to make that happen.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Eve had acted the part of wounded wolf and bared her fangs, making the whole world her enemy, yet before her a larger wolf walked alongside a foolish sheep just a few paces ahead of her. Something about that must have seemed ridiculous to her. Her guards had been hard at work, and the dancing girl had genuinely enjoyed dancing. Eve had come out of the hollow of her tree, found allies she could trust, and changed the way she interacted with the world. "But she's letting Kerube get in the way because of it. That's what I think, at least." "Mm. But how exactly are they getting in the way? Kerube is not close enough that the shadow of their house darkens Karlan's home. There is quite a distance between the two cities, so why do they feel the need to fight?" From Holo's perspective, who knew just how lively Kerube could be, Karlan was a small little place that was completely eclipsed by the other city on several levels. She did not understand why the massive Kerube would be genuinely angry if Karlan were to expand its trading area by just a small bit. "Kerube was originally a port city that thrived off fur and lumber that came from Lenos. And so the trade makeup in Kerube and Karlan is already very similar. If they both participate in sea trade, then the products they deal in would only grow even more similar. There's nothing more unpleasant to have in a trade rival than this, and I bet they're already competing daily for wool from the kingdom." Wool was Winfiel's special export, and it was valued in markets throughout the world. It was considered a product that brought in endless profits. The more you could get, the better. Eve's main business these days was the wool trade, and she was apparently moving wool for a number of trading companies. Though she might not be using her connection with Col for nefarious purposes, there was no doubt she was shrewdly claiming the most favorable position as the merchant who stood closest to the Twilight Cardinal, who in turn held sway over the trends of the kingdom. So when Karlan decided to become a bigger city, it was unlikely that determination of theirs had much effect on Eve. The biggest reason she was here was because she wanted to buy Karlan's favor for cheap, sell her wool at a high price, and get as much lumber as she possibly could. And nothing was infinite, so she was likely deducting the increased portion of wool imported to Karlan from Kerube's allotment. "You merchants are truly fools. None of you have any flexibility." It was a sound statement, but Holo was the sort to grab everything for herself when served delicious food at a tavern. Lawrence smiled as he gazed at her, and she returned it with a sharp glare. "Is there something you wish to say?" "Nothing at all." Lawrence shrugged and continued, "And I think the one spurring this on might be Eve, who might be provoking Kerube deliberately, to a degree." *** Holo's shapely brows arched like a cat's long tail. "Kerube is the oldest port city in this region, and of the biggest scale. That means they're a powerful trade partner for the wool merchants from the kingdom. Not only that, Kerube deals in lumber from Lenos, too. The kingdom merchants don't have forests back home—they probably don't have much room to negotiate when dealing with Kerube." "Do you mean that because they are taken advantage of in the lumber trade, they return the favor when the time comes to trade in wool?" Lawrence shrugged, and Holo seemed tired of the incessant fights in the human world. Just as Karlan wanted to avoid the territories of existing lords by building a road through the Tonneburg Woods, it would not be at all strange if Eve and the Winfiel Kingdom's wool merchants who worked with her wanted to secure a new place to sell their wool and where they could purchase lumber, a place that did not rely on Kerube, which was a tough trade partner. And this plan to develop Karlan was a valuable chance for them to make that happen.
When Lawrence said that, Holo released her tail as though she had enough, then curled up on the bed. "I know it's a bit hard to understand with trade, but you'd understand wheat fields, right? Let's say there's a field that's just scarcely managed to support a village of a hundred people, but the neighboring village takes half of it. What do you think would happen to the first village?" "Mm..." Holo's ears both flicked nervously in every which way. "You can't expand on your fields forever. That's the heart of the problem. The size of the field determines how many villagers get fed, so if you want everyone to eat their fill, you either make the fields bigger or you lower the number of mouths you need to feed." Terrible talks of sending people away or selling people off into slavery was not something that ever came up during Holo's time in her old village, but not every farming community out in the world had been as lucky. So why did conflict never cease? "It's the same with trade. People who don't work don't get to eat, and if goods aren't transported, then no jobs are created. And all goods in circulation are limited. More product means more jobs, and more jobs means trading companies will take on new hires and help apprentices who worked long and hard to start their own businesses. But if that doesn't happen, then they can't bring in new blood, and apprentices are kept on much longer than they're supposed to. The master artisans would feel ashamed being unable to reward the people who've toiled at their sides. If business slows down because of this, then even keeping their apprentices employed can become a challenge. And that's when they all start looking for new territory." The reason Matthias agreed to have the forest cut down was likely an extension of that line of thought. Though Meyer feared that with the loss of all the forest had to offer, the surrounding wheat fields would not be as productive, Matthias still believed that cutting down the forest would, in the long run, be more beneficial for the people. That was because expanding anything—be it a forest or a field—required land, and it was unlikely he would ever get more land without war. What options remained open to him depended on how efficiently he could make use of the forest. Running a road through it and building smithies might dramatically deplete the forest, but thinking about Tonneburg as a whole, it might end up keeping the people better fed in the long run. Upon hearing Lawrence's explanation, the hairs on Holo's freshly combed tail stood on end, making it seem much bigger than normal. That was not because her ignorance had been pointed out, but because she was angry at how cruel this world could be. "So it isn't really anyone's fault." Every camp had their excuses, and every camp had people worth protecting. "But there is a difference in size." There might be a way to save a hundred people by making ten people suffer. Holo immediately frowned and got up from the bed, her desire to sleep gone. When she came to stand by the window, she gazed out upon the peaceful city of Karlan. Though a trade war would most certainly transform the forest, the conflict itself was invisible to the eye, unlike a bloody war. Holo finally realized that this lively, yet peaceful city stood at the crossroads of its own fate. "Can you not do something about this?" He was flattered that she thought so highly of him, but he could not find anything nice to say in response. Though he had drawn the line in the matter—his request that she not be angry with him no matter what the outcome—that still did not make her feel any better about it. "It's a merchant's job to make both parties walk away happy after a deal has been struck, but trading bread for bread doesn't help fill our bellies. That would be magic," Lawrence sighed and looked to the ceiling. "I have a feeling that's what Eve is trying to get me to do." Holo turned around to look at him.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
When Lawrence said that, Holo released her tail as though she had enough, then curled up on the bed. "I know it's a bit hard to understand with trade, but you'd understand wheat fields, right? Let's say there's a field that's just scarcely managed to support a village of a hundred people, but the neighboring village takes half of it. What do you think would happen to the first village?" "Mm..." Holo's ears both flicked nervously in every which way. "You can't expand on your fields forever. That's the heart of the problem. The size of the field determines how many villagers get fed, so if you want everyone to eat their fill, you either make the fields bigger or you lower the number of mouths you need to feed." Terrible talks of sending people away or selling people off into slavery was not something that ever came up during Holo's time in her old village, but not every farming community out in the world had been as lucky. So why did conflict never cease? "It's the same with trade. People who don't work don't get to eat, and if goods aren't transported, then no jobs are created. And all goods in circulation are limited. More product means more jobs, and more jobs means trading companies will take on new hires and help apprentices who worked long and hard to start their own businesses. But if that doesn't happen, then they can't bring in new blood, and apprentices are kept on much longer than they're supposed to. The master artisans would feel ashamed being unable to reward the people who've toiled at their sides. If business slows down because of this, then even keeping their apprentices employed can become a challenge. And that's when they all start looking for new territory." The reason Matthias agreed to have the forest cut down was likely an extension of that line of thought. Though Meyer feared that with the loss of all the forest had to offer, the surrounding wheat fields would not be as productive, Matthias still believed that cutting down the forest would, in the long run, be more beneficial for the people. That was because expanding anything—be it a forest or a field—required land, and it was unlikely he would ever get more land without war. What options remained open to him depended on how efficiently he could make use of the forest. Running a road through it and building smithies might dramatically deplete the forest, but thinking about Tonneburg as a whole, it might end up keeping the people better fed in the long run. Upon hearing Lawrence's explanation, the hairs on Holo's freshly combed tail stood on end, making it seem much bigger than normal. That was not because her ignorance had been pointed out, but because she was angry at how cruel this world could be. "So it isn't really anyone's fault." Every camp had their excuses, and every camp had people worth protecting. "But there is a difference in size." There might be a way to save a hundred people by making ten people suffer. Holo immediately frowned and got up from the bed, her desire to sleep gone. When she came to stand by the window, she gazed out upon the peaceful city of Karlan. Though a trade war would most certainly transform the forest, the conflict itself was invisible to the eye, unlike a bloody war. Holo finally realized that this lively, yet peaceful city stood at the crossroads of its own fate. "Can you not do something about this?" He was flattered that she thought so highly of him, but he could not find anything nice to say in response. Though he had drawn the line in the matter—his request that she not be angry with him no matter what the outcome—that still did not make her feel any better about it. "It's a merchant's job to make both parties walk away happy after a deal has been struck, but trading bread for bread doesn't help fill our bellies. That would be magic," Lawrence sighed and looked to the ceiling. "I have a feeling that's what Eve is trying to get me to do." Holo turned around to look at him.
"You are an errand boy," Holo said, as though displeased someone else was using her own errand boy. "You could at least call me an assistant." Kieman, who was apparently running Kerube now, and Lawrence did know each other, of course. And so Eve, who had occasionally gotten herself in trade quarrels with Kieman from across the strait, had decided that it would be much better to send Lawrence instead of going there herself. At the end of their meeting the night before, Eve had asked him to be her assistant and negotiate with Kerube on her behalf. "It's not like I can give up on this now anyway. I have to do it." If they traced events back to the original cause of all this, then it led right back to the moment Lawrence ventured to Salonia to settle a little matter he had been asked to take care of. And now, he was negotiating on behalf of a town and region. Life often took people in unexpected directions, and things were connected in unexpected ways. It was surprising that the bonds he formed once as a traveling merchant had now left such a big mark on the world, yes, but following those lines would naturally allow the past to catch up with him. Lawrence had left behind the life of a traveling merchant, become a bathhouse owner, and had watched his reckless daughter grow old enough to set off on a journey of her own. Perhaps he felt somewhat obligated to look back and clean up any messes he had left behind. "It's weighing on me, of course." It was not just because he could see this was going to be a very involved negotiation. Kieman was a member of Lawrence's old haunt, the Rowen Trade Guild. He was essentially an extended family member, making this a bit more complicated than a simple trade deal. When they were building the Spice and Wolf bathhouse in Nyohhira, Kieman had helped out when they needed a loan from the Rowen Trade Guild, and even when Kieman's business was in danger of failing, he did not go back on his word. Though Lawrence was no longer an official member of the guild since he had retreated to Nyohhira, bonds forged with fellow guild members were not so easily dissolved, much like those with blood relatives. And because of all that, Lawrence was, quite frankly, not looking forward to negotiating with Kieman, and by extension, Kerube, in an official capacity. Lawrence was very aware of how soft he was. "If only either were obviously evil, then you could have simply used my fangs," Holo said, sensing what was on Lawrence's mind. "You're right. In this kind of situation, the worst possible outcome is letting either side have a one-sided win." Lawrence rubbed at his ticklish nose, possibly due to how Holo had been tending to her tail, and then his hand drifted up to his forehead. "Our goal is to make this a draw, but Karlan and Kerube are just so different in size and history." "What do you mean?" "It's a matter of face." As Holo was about to bite into a burnt slice of meat, she frowned. They had both experienced how old-timers treated newcomers at the Nyohhira bathhouse. And when it came to cities, whose histories stretched back for generations, the scale of it only grew. "And the nobles of Kerube betrayed Eve during the narwhal incident in Kerube. They're probably wary about what she might do to get her revenge." Lawrence wondered if Karlan actually knew this and decided to go along with it regardless. Maybe it was because they were aware that there was no love lost between Eve and Kerube that they were confident she would never betray them. "I suppose we cannot speak too arrogantly about digging up the past, either." Holo winced as she said that, while Lawrence shrugged. "Eve doesn't seem to bothered by whether or not they hold a grudge." "Hmm?" "People around her might make assumptions, and I wonder if Eve's planning to use that to her advantage." Lawrence sat up, recalling the ways trade wars were conducted—something he never got a taste of in Nyohhira.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"You are an errand boy," Holo said, as though displeased someone else was using her own errand boy. "You could at least call me an assistant." Kieman, who was apparently running Kerube now, and Lawrence did know each other, of course. And so Eve, who had occasionally gotten herself in trade quarrels with Kieman from across the strait, had decided that it would be much better to send Lawrence instead of going there herself. At the end of their meeting the night before, Eve had asked him to be her assistant and negotiate with Kerube on her behalf. "It's not like I can give up on this now anyway. I have to do it." If they traced events back to the original cause of all this, then it led right back to the moment Lawrence ventured to Salonia to settle a little matter he had been asked to take care of. And now, he was negotiating on behalf of a town and region. Life often took people in unexpected directions, and things were connected in unexpected ways. It was surprising that the bonds he formed once as a traveling merchant had now left such a big mark on the world, yes, but following those lines would naturally allow the past to catch up with him. Lawrence had left behind the life of a traveling merchant, become a bathhouse owner, and had watched his reckless daughter grow old enough to set off on a journey of her own. Perhaps he felt somewhat obligated to look back and clean up any messes he had left behind. "It's weighing on me, of course." It was not just because he could see this was going to be a very involved negotiation. Kieman was a member of Lawrence's old haunt, the Rowen Trade Guild. He was essentially an extended family member, making this a bit more complicated than a simple trade deal. When they were building the Spice and Wolf bathhouse in Nyohhira, Kieman had helped out when they needed a loan from the Rowen Trade Guild, and even when Kieman's business was in danger of failing, he did not go back on his word. Though Lawrence was no longer an official member of the guild since he had retreated to Nyohhira, bonds forged with fellow guild members were not so easily dissolved, much like those with blood relatives. And because of all that, Lawrence was, quite frankly, not looking forward to negotiating with Kieman, and by extension, Kerube, in an official capacity. Lawrence was very aware of how soft he was. "If only either were obviously evil, then you could have simply used my fangs," Holo said, sensing what was on Lawrence's mind. "You're right. In this kind of situation, the worst possible outcome is letting either side have a one-sided win." Lawrence rubbed at his ticklish nose, possibly due to how Holo had been tending to her tail, and then his hand drifted up to his forehead. "Our goal is to make this a draw, but Karlan and Kerube are just so different in size and history." "What do you mean?" "It's a matter of face." As Holo was about to bite into a burnt slice of meat, she frowned. They had both experienced how old-timers treated newcomers at the Nyohhira bathhouse. And when it came to cities, whose histories stretched back for generations, the scale of it only grew. "And the nobles of Kerube betrayed Eve during the narwhal incident in Kerube. They're probably wary about what she might do to get her revenge." Lawrence wondered if Karlan actually knew this and decided to go along with it regardless. Maybe it was because they were aware that there was no love lost between Eve and Kerube that they were confident she would never betray them. "I suppose we cannot speak too arrogantly about digging up the past, either." Holo winced as she said that, while Lawrence shrugged. "Eve doesn't seem to bothered by whether or not they hold a grudge." "Hmm?" "People around her might make assumptions, and I wonder if Eve's planning to use that to her advantage." Lawrence sat up, recalling the ways trade wars were conducted—something he never got a taste of in Nyohhira.
It seemed like it was complicated, even for the self-professed wisewolf. "In their minds, it would no longer be a matter of trade, but revenge. The natural conclusion would be that Eve isn't thinking about profits and simply wants to take Kerube down even if it means ruining herself. It would be incredibly unwise to face her in a stand-up fight. Anyone who doesn't want to be dragged into a quagmire will have to make some sort of compromise. That means Eve would win without having to fight at all. That's what makes her a formidable merchant." This natural deterrence could have been the reason Kerube had not resorted to violently obstructing the plans of their rivals. Eve was no ordinary merchant. She had not only accumulated great wealth, but she was now also on familiar terms with the Twilight Cardinal himself. In other words, she was a politically connected business owner. Not even Lawrence could imagine how the Kingdom of Winfiel and others would retaliate if she were to be harmed. "But it's unlikely that Eve actually holds a serious grudge, and since she's in Col's court, I think she wants talks to go smoothly. And so from her perspective, she might be uneasy about how far she can go with this deterrent. That's why she wants us to throw me in the middle of all this before her bluff gets called." It was hard to determine someone's true intentions when they wouldn't show their face. If an attendant sent to deal with an issue reports that something is black, even the whitest things can start to look different. That was what Lawrence had been asked to do. "Mm...," Holo hummed, thought for a moment, then said, "Then how do you plan to negotiate? You must have something in mind." "I don't," Lawrence replied readily. Holo's eyes went wide, then narrowed in displeasure. "I'm not teasing you. I'm serious. But it's not like I'm going in empty-handed." She seemed like she did not understand at all. Lawrence continued, "No one is going to be completely happy with the outcome. We just have to plan things out in order." "In order?" Holo's right ear twitched, followed by her left. "For example, let's say we negotiated with Kerube just in case before Eve, Karlan, and Tonneburg finalized their contract. That would be a bad move." Holo stepped away from the window, sat beside Lawrence, and thumped her tail against the bed, indicating that she did not understand. "A chain can't be any stronger than its weakest link. The negotiations with Kerube will likely be drawn out and rough, so it's possible Matthias will raise the white flag and give up on the whole thing." The wolf hummed again. "First we talk to Matthias, then realize the contract with Col through Eve. A lord values their honor, so Matthias will probably hold up his end of the bargain once he signs it." Matthias was trustworthy in that regard from what Holo had seen in the forest; she thought back on it, and was satisfied. "And on top of that, we have to calm Kerube's anger. How we do that will...honestly depend on whether Kerube approaches this aggressively. But that's a technique you use all the time, so you're probably familiar with it." "I am?" "Forcing someone to pay back a debt you pushed onto them." Though Holo flashed him a frown, she did not retaliate. That was likely because she had recalled how readily she had taken the mead from Meyer before listening to what he had to say, which then forced Lawrence to do exactly that. They would be using the same tactic here. She folded her arms and listened, puffing out her cheeks as though ruminating over the bitter fact, but she soon made a face like sand had been mixed in with her food. "Which means that trying to use you for more than she lets on." "Huh?" "You are ideal. No—she would have jumped for joy if we were the ideal negotiators for her." How would Holo be of use in negotiations with Kerube? As Lawrence followed her line of thought, she quickly elaborated on her point.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
It seemed like it was complicated, even for the self-professed wisewolf. "In their minds, it would no longer be a matter of trade, but revenge. The natural conclusion would be that Eve isn't thinking about profits and simply wants to take Kerube down even if it means ruining herself. It would be incredibly unwise to face her in a stand-up fight. Anyone who doesn't want to be dragged into a quagmire will have to make some sort of compromise. That means Eve would win without having to fight at all. That's what makes her a formidable merchant." This natural deterrence could have been the reason Kerube had not resorted to violently obstructing the plans of their rivals. Eve was no ordinary merchant. She had not only accumulated great wealth, but she was now also on familiar terms with the Twilight Cardinal himself. In other words, she was a politically connected business owner. Not even Lawrence could imagine how the Kingdom of Winfiel and others would retaliate if she were to be harmed. "But it's unlikely that Eve actually holds a serious grudge, and since she's in Col's court, I think she wants talks to go smoothly. And so from her perspective, she might be uneasy about how far she can go with this deterrent. That's why she wants us to throw me in the middle of all this before her bluff gets called." It was hard to determine someone's true intentions when they wouldn't show their face. If an attendant sent to deal with an issue reports that something is black, even the whitest things can start to look different. That was what Lawrence had been asked to do. "Mm...," Holo hummed, thought for a moment, then said, "Then how do you plan to negotiate? You must have something in mind." "I don't," Lawrence replied readily. Holo's eyes went wide, then narrowed in displeasure. "I'm not teasing you. I'm serious. But it's not like I'm going in empty-handed." She seemed like she did not understand at all. Lawrence continued, "No one is going to be completely happy with the outcome. We just have to plan things out in order." "In order?" Holo's right ear twitched, followed by her left. "For example, let's say we negotiated with Kerube just in case before Eve, Karlan, and Tonneburg finalized their contract. That would be a bad move." Holo stepped away from the window, sat beside Lawrence, and thumped her tail against the bed, indicating that she did not understand. "A chain can't be any stronger than its weakest link. The negotiations with Kerube will likely be drawn out and rough, so it's possible Matthias will raise the white flag and give up on the whole thing." The wolf hummed again. "First we talk to Matthias, then realize the contract with Col through Eve. A lord values their honor, so Matthias will probably hold up his end of the bargain once he signs it." Matthias was trustworthy in that regard from what Holo had seen in the forest; she thought back on it, and was satisfied. "And on top of that, we have to calm Kerube's anger. How we do that will...honestly depend on whether Kerube approaches this aggressively. But that's a technique you use all the time, so you're probably familiar with it." "I am?" "Forcing someone to pay back a debt you pushed onto them." Though Holo flashed him a frown, she did not retaliate. That was likely because she had recalled how readily she had taken the mead from Meyer before listening to what he had to say, which then forced Lawrence to do exactly that. They would be using the same tactic here. She folded her arms and listened, puffing out her cheeks as though ruminating over the bitter fact, but she soon made a face like sand had been mixed in with her food. "Which means that trying to use you for more than she lets on." "Huh?" "You are ideal. No—she would have jumped for joy if we were the ideal negotiators for her." How would Holo be of use in negotiations with Kerube? As Lawrence followed her line of thought, she quickly elaborated on her point.
"The Wisewolf." No matter how many times Lawrence got embroiled in trouble, Holo would always send fools packing. That put them at an advantage for many things. Though it was hard to tell whether Eve was planning on throwing them to the wolves from the beginning, it was a fact that the two of them were ones she could send off without too much worry. "...I bet she learned this by watching Col and Myuri." He pictured Myuri, the hair on her tail standing on end as she stood to protect the unreliable Col. As a wry smile drew across his face, Holo bumped her shoulder against him. "And this brings something else to my mind as well." Holo, arms still folded across her chest, brought her legs up onto the bed and crossed them in thought. "We will not die in her neglect, yet she still throws us into a most troublesome negotiation." "That's right." "Then that does not mean she will be promptly moving onto her next business venture, does it?" "It—" —doesn't, was what he wanted to say, but could not say for certain. Because she would be avoiding aimless negotiations, and she would still be winning if Kerube ran out of patience; the only problem was who would be taking the brunt of that wasted time. "We have left our mountain bathhouse to leisurely check up on our daughter. She perhaps wrongly assumes we have too much time on our hands." Her glum tone was not finding fault with Eve's craftiness but poking at the foolish sheep's mind. "And...we cannot bother little Col and Myuri." Because even if they could discern Eve's true intentions, they had no choice but to work to make sure the plan reached completion. At the end of the day, they were essentially cleaning up the messes left in their children's wake. "It is almost as though it had been decided that you would be cornered here ever since you decided to stand before her," Holo said. She was not finding fault with Eve after all; she was getting annoyed with the simple mind of this sheep before her, whose destination could be easily manipulated once put on the fence. "You are quite easy to read for how comfortable you are with doing things with little foresight. I am surprised you survived long enough to meet me." *** All Lawrence could do was smile at that. The man she knew that was comfortable with doing things without thinking ahead had honestly been minding his business with mundane trade deals before he met her. If he were to name the reason why he started doing things with little foresight, Holo would grin and wag her tail. Because she already knew the reason why. The reason she teased him like this now was because she wanted to hear him say it. Holo had also skillfully corralled Lawrence in the direction she liked, but what set her and Eve apart was that Holo's emotions were apparent in her ears and tail. "The reason I constantly run into danger is because whenever I look at you, I always get carried away." Though his words had come out a bit stilted, it was exactly what Holo wanted to hear. Holo looked at Lawrence like a taskmaster watching her apprentice during an examination. At length, she huffed, and then a satisfied expression crossed her face. "You truly adore me, don't you?" Her freshly brushed tail whipped through the air. Though their interactions had scarcely changed in the past decade, Lawrence had grown. And so he wrapped his arms around the satisfied Holo and asked, "...Can you turn a blind eye to the Tonneburg Woods?" Doing as Eve wished and advancing the project would mean convincing Matthias to join, too, and going through with the plan to cut down the woods. That would mean Lawrence would be giving up on protecting the forest for Holo's sake. Since they had Col and Myuri to think about, Holo understood that there was no other choice. And since she did not want Lawrence to push himself any more than he already had, she had prepared a way out for him. "I do not mind. The lushest forests are no joy walked through alone."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"The Wisewolf." No matter how many times Lawrence got embroiled in trouble, Holo would always send fools packing. That put them at an advantage for many things. Though it was hard to tell whether Eve was planning on throwing them to the wolves from the beginning, it was a fact that the two of them were ones she could send off without too much worry. "...I bet she learned this by watching Col and Myuri." He pictured Myuri, the hair on her tail standing on end as she stood to protect the unreliable Col. As a wry smile drew across his face, Holo bumped her shoulder against him. "And this brings something else to my mind as well." Holo, arms still folded across her chest, brought her legs up onto the bed and crossed them in thought. "We will not die in her neglect, yet she still throws us into a most troublesome negotiation." "That's right." "Then that does not mean she will be promptly moving onto her next business venture, does it?" "It—" —doesn't, was what he wanted to say, but could not say for certain. Because she would be avoiding aimless negotiations, and she would still be winning if Kerube ran out of patience; the only problem was who would be taking the brunt of that wasted time. "We have left our mountain bathhouse to leisurely check up on our daughter. She perhaps wrongly assumes we have too much time on our hands." Her glum tone was not finding fault with Eve's craftiness but poking at the foolish sheep's mind. "And...we cannot bother little Col and Myuri." Because even if they could discern Eve's true intentions, they had no choice but to work to make sure the plan reached completion. At the end of the day, they were essentially cleaning up the messes left in their children's wake. "It is almost as though it had been decided that you would be cornered here ever since you decided to stand before her," Holo said. She was not finding fault with Eve after all; she was getting annoyed with the simple mind of this sheep before her, whose destination could be easily manipulated once put on the fence. "You are quite easy to read for how comfortable you are with doing things with little foresight. I am surprised you survived long enough to meet me." *** All Lawrence could do was smile at that. The man she knew that was comfortable with doing things without thinking ahead had honestly been minding his business with mundane trade deals before he met her. If he were to name the reason why he started doing things with little foresight, Holo would grin and wag her tail. Because she already knew the reason why. The reason she teased him like this now was because she wanted to hear him say it. Holo had also skillfully corralled Lawrence in the direction she liked, but what set her and Eve apart was that Holo's emotions were apparent in her ears and tail. "The reason I constantly run into danger is because whenever I look at you, I always get carried away." Though his words had come out a bit stilted, it was exactly what Holo wanted to hear. Holo looked at Lawrence like a taskmaster watching her apprentice during an examination. At length, she huffed, and then a satisfied expression crossed her face. "You truly adore me, don't you?" Her freshly brushed tail whipped through the air. Though their interactions had scarcely changed in the past decade, Lawrence had grown. And so he wrapped his arms around the satisfied Holo and asked, "...Can you turn a blind eye to the Tonneburg Woods?" Doing as Eve wished and advancing the project would mean convincing Matthias to join, too, and going through with the plan to cut down the woods. That would mean Lawrence would be giving up on protecting the forest for Holo's sake. Since they had Col and Myuri to think about, Holo understood that there was no other choice. And since she did not want Lawrence to push himself any more than he already had, she had prepared a way out for him. "I do not mind. The lushest forests are no joy walked through alone."
She flashed her canines in her smile, and then pressed her face into his shoulder. "And the men of the forest are genuinely worried about their home. They will do everything they can, even if they cannot protect all of it. How could I call that a lost cause or wasted effort?" When she lifted her head, her expression was at once wistful and somehow refreshed. There was a great difference in their life spans, and Lawrence could not make Holo happy forever. This well of joy would one day dry up. But to sate one's thirst was not a wasted effort at all, and it was not a mistake to work hard to make it last just a little longer. If it were, then they would have parted ways back in Lenos. "But perhaps it would not be a bad idea to give that gluttonous squirrel a good kick in the pants and bring her here to plant some of those acorns." Tanya was a squirrel spirit who had brought life roaring back to a mountain stripped of its forest due to mining. That she only planted trees that bore her favorite nuts was her one obvious flaw, but trees that bore nuts typically lost their leaves in winter. That would prevent the forest from becoming an empty sea of conifers. "Then we should move with haste. Let's talk to Matthias." "Aye." "I'll ask Eve to get me a fast horse, and you stay—ow!" Lawrence, shocked by how Holo pinched his arm, looked down at her. She glared coolly at him. "But wouldn't it be strange if we both went together to send an urgent message?" He would have no excuses if Matthias interpreted Holo's presence as a lack of seriousness on his part. All he really had to do was think back on the past. Back to the time he went around asking for loans with Holo in tow and got yelled at for taking business lightly. Bringing that up now would only remind them both of awkward memories. Though Holo knew this, she found the idea of staying behind on her own unbearable. That was not her childish spirit acting up, but her wolfish instinct to care for her pack. As that thought crossed Lawrence's mind, she fixed him with another cool stare. "This is precisely why I call you a foolish sheep." "Huh?" Holo's red eyes narrowed, and said with pronounced exasperation, "You tell me there is something shady about all this, yet you insist on leaving on your own. How do you intend on returning alive?" Lawrence gulped, his gaze darting out the window. "Is someone watching us?" "That does not seem to be the case for now, but the moment you reach the forest, I wonder if some fellows with bows and arrows will just so happen to arrive at precisely the same time." Kerube wanted to put a stop to Karlan's plan. But this was not the simple matter of a single company losing out on profits—this was a situation where a sizable city could be expected to hire a person or two who would be more than happy to do their dirty work. Eve may have been glaring daggers at them, warning them that there would be dire consequences if they meddled in any way, but there was no telling how long that would last. Not only that, Tonneburg was a vulnerable target, and key to Karlan's plans. "So, um..." "In truth, I would like to carry you on my back, would also be strange if you were to appear not on horseback. You may go on horse. I will follow behind. The talks can take place in the forest, no? I will be able to pick out your voice well enough that way." Lawrence had known Holo for a long time, but he sometimes still stepped on her tail. "Good grief. There are times I think you are impossibly elusive yet here you are, a simple fool!" She was displeased because not only was Eve using him, but because he still did not understand a woman's heart. She stood from the bed without waiting for his answer and began preparations to head for Tonneburg, the fur on her tail still standing on end. As he watched her, Lawrence found himself amused. Nyohhira was not a terrible place by any means, but he could only have interactions with Holo like this in the outside world.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
She flashed her canines in her smile, and then pressed her face into his shoulder. "And the men of the forest are genuinely worried about their home. They will do everything they can, even if they cannot protect all of it. How could I call that a lost cause or wasted effort?" When she lifted her head, her expression was at once wistful and somehow refreshed. There was a great difference in their life spans, and Lawrence could not make Holo happy forever. This well of joy would one day dry up. But to sate one's thirst was not a wasted effort at all, and it was not a mistake to work hard to make it last just a little longer. If it were, then they would have parted ways back in Lenos. "But perhaps it would not be a bad idea to give that gluttonous squirrel a good kick in the pants and bring her here to plant some of those acorns." Tanya was a squirrel spirit who had brought life roaring back to a mountain stripped of its forest due to mining. That she only planted trees that bore her favorite nuts was her one obvious flaw, but trees that bore nuts typically lost their leaves in winter. That would prevent the forest from becoming an empty sea of conifers. "Then we should move with haste. Let's talk to Matthias." "Aye." "I'll ask Eve to get me a fast horse, and you stay—ow!" Lawrence, shocked by how Holo pinched his arm, looked down at her. She glared coolly at him. "But wouldn't it be strange if we both went together to send an urgent message?" He would have no excuses if Matthias interpreted Holo's presence as a lack of seriousness on his part. All he really had to do was think back on the past. Back to the time he went around asking for loans with Holo in tow and got yelled at for taking business lightly. Bringing that up now would only remind them both of awkward memories. Though Holo knew this, she found the idea of staying behind on her own unbearable. That was not her childish spirit acting up, but her wolfish instinct to care for her pack. As that thought crossed Lawrence's mind, she fixed him with another cool stare. "This is precisely why I call you a foolish sheep." "Huh?" Holo's red eyes narrowed, and said with pronounced exasperation, "You tell me there is something shady about all this, yet you insist on leaving on your own. How do you intend on returning alive?" Lawrence gulped, his gaze darting out the window. "Is someone watching us?" "That does not seem to be the case for now, but the moment you reach the forest, I wonder if some fellows with bows and arrows will just so happen to arrive at precisely the same time." Kerube wanted to put a stop to Karlan's plan. But this was not the simple matter of a single company losing out on profits—this was a situation where a sizable city could be expected to hire a person or two who would be more than happy to do their dirty work. Eve may have been glaring daggers at them, warning them that there would be dire consequences if they meddled in any way, but there was no telling how long that would last. Not only that, Tonneburg was a vulnerable target, and key to Karlan's plans. "So, um..." "In truth, I would like to carry you on my back, would also be strange if you were to appear not on horseback. You may go on horse. I will follow behind. The talks can take place in the forest, no? I will be able to pick out your voice well enough that way." Lawrence had known Holo for a long time, but he sometimes still stepped on her tail. "Good grief. There are times I think you are impossibly elusive yet here you are, a simple fool!" She was displeased because not only was Eve using him, but because he still did not understand a woman's heart. She stood from the bed without waiting for his answer and began preparations to head for Tonneburg, the fur on her tail still standing on end. As he watched her, Lawrence found himself amused. Nyohhira was not a terrible place by any means, but he could only have interactions with Holo like this in the outside world.
And she was like this when she was serious, too. They had no choice but to do the job given to them, according to Eve's will. Lawrence stood from the bed and began his own preparations to depart on a fast horse. "I wonder what Eve would have done if we hadn't shown up." Holo could think in terrible situations and would pull on Lawrence's reins, and had the strength to challenge any chaos if it came to that. But what about Tonneburg? When Matthias came to them, he had appeared with conscripted soldiers who only took up arms and armor because it was their turn to do so. He had a feeling things would be settled very quickly if Kerube sent some ruffians to make a mess of things. "That forest guardian was skilled with his bow," Holo remarked, recalling how Meyer had shot a rabbit from horseback. "But he cannot win against numbers. Nor can he remain attached to the lord the entire time, and the old priest may be targeted as well." Such a large territory did not lend itself well to defense. If they were supposed to defend their partners in this plan, then at least Matthias alone should remain in the town of Karlan. Or perhaps he regarded Eve with such suspicion that he might interpret that as being held prisoner. "Mm. No, perhaps that fool was deliberately trying to provoke the lord into action." For a moment, Lawrence did not understand, but he did after a moment of thought. Matthias was not a foolish ruler, so if Kerube was going to resort to force, he knew that he would likely be the first target. Perhaps he had no choice but to take on the contract with Eve and Karlan in order to guarantee his own safety. If Kerube were to genuinely threaten Matthias, then that would give Matthias an excuse to believe Eve. She would take him under the protection of the Twilight Cardinal while giving him that last bit of encouragement he needed to agree to the plan. "But it's a risky gamble." There was no telling if the thugs could rough up Matthias in the right way. It was unknown how they would break Matthias's spirit, and it was hard to think of it as a gamble with good chances. As Holo carefully thought about how much meat she should pack, a thought suddenly came to Lawrence. "Could...Eve be planning on doing that herself?" There was a riddle: What was the best way to make a prophecy come true? The answer was: Fulfill it yourself. Eve would threaten Matthias without a second's hesitation to secure certainty. "Eve never changes," Lawrence said, drawing his lips in a grimace, and tossed his things into his bag. It felt like he himself had been dropped into the bag. "Huh?" In that moment, he had clearly seen the shadow of something unfathomably large. It was as though he was walking along the eaves of the buildings that lined the main street to cool off, only to pass beneath a massive creature instead of a building. Lawrence had been, without question, walking the path of logic, yet it felt like he had come across an inconsistency in the most unexpected of places. In his desperation, he reviewed his memories, seeing what facts he had lined up. Due to the shady connection with Kerube, Holo had insisted on going with Lawrence in order to protect him. Tonneburg, especially, was an easy target. The ones protecting Matthias were levies of farmers who typically tended the fields, so it perhaps made more sense to keep him in Karlan. But Matthias himself was not on very good terms with Eve or Karlan, so it was possible he would equate being asked to stay in the city with being taken captive. It was then that Eve, who was overseeing the plan like so many pieces on a chessboard, would swoop in. In her kindness, it was unlikely she would worry too much about Matthias's safety. She might think that letting him get attacked would solidify the more indecisive parts of his attitude. But instead of gambling on the bad actors from Kerube hurting him just enough, it made more sense for her to orchestrate the violence and attack Matthias herself.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
And she was like this when she was serious, too. They had no choice but to do the job given to them, according to Eve's will. Lawrence stood from the bed and began his own preparations to depart on a fast horse. "I wonder what Eve would have done if we hadn't shown up." Holo could think in terrible situations and would pull on Lawrence's reins, and had the strength to challenge any chaos if it came to that. But what about Tonneburg? When Matthias came to them, he had appeared with conscripted soldiers who only took up arms and armor because it was their turn to do so. He had a feeling things would be settled very quickly if Kerube sent some ruffians to make a mess of things. "That forest guardian was skilled with his bow," Holo remarked, recalling how Meyer had shot a rabbit from horseback. "But he cannot win against numbers. Nor can he remain attached to the lord the entire time, and the old priest may be targeted as well." Such a large territory did not lend itself well to defense. If they were supposed to defend their partners in this plan, then at least Matthias alone should remain in the town of Karlan. Or perhaps he regarded Eve with such suspicion that he might interpret that as being held prisoner. "Mm. No, perhaps that fool was deliberately trying to provoke the lord into action." For a moment, Lawrence did not understand, but he did after a moment of thought. Matthias was not a foolish ruler, so if Kerube was going to resort to force, he knew that he would likely be the first target. Perhaps he had no choice but to take on the contract with Eve and Karlan in order to guarantee his own safety. If Kerube were to genuinely threaten Matthias, then that would give Matthias an excuse to believe Eve. She would take him under the protection of the Twilight Cardinal while giving him that last bit of encouragement he needed to agree to the plan. "But it's a risky gamble." There was no telling if the thugs could rough up Matthias in the right way. It was unknown how they would break Matthias's spirit, and it was hard to think of it as a gamble with good chances. As Holo carefully thought about how much meat she should pack, a thought suddenly came to Lawrence. "Could...Eve be planning on doing that herself?" There was a riddle: What was the best way to make a prophecy come true? The answer was: Fulfill it yourself. Eve would threaten Matthias without a second's hesitation to secure certainty. "Eve never changes," Lawrence said, drawing his lips in a grimace, and tossed his things into his bag. It felt like he himself had been dropped into the bag. "Huh?" In that moment, he had clearly seen the shadow of something unfathomably large. It was as though he was walking along the eaves of the buildings that lined the main street to cool off, only to pass beneath a massive creature instead of a building. Lawrence had been, without question, walking the path of logic, yet it felt like he had come across an inconsistency in the most unexpected of places. In his desperation, he reviewed his memories, seeing what facts he had lined up. Due to the shady connection with Kerube, Holo had insisted on going with Lawrence in order to protect him. Tonneburg, especially, was an easy target. The ones protecting Matthias were levies of farmers who typically tended the fields, so it perhaps made more sense to keep him in Karlan. But Matthias himself was not on very good terms with Eve or Karlan, so it was possible he would equate being asked to stay in the city with being taken captive. It was then that Eve, who was overseeing the plan like so many pieces on a chessboard, would swoop in. In her kindness, it was unlikely she would worry too much about Matthias's safety. She might think that letting him get attacked would solidify the more indecisive parts of his attitude. But instead of gambling on the bad actors from Kerube hurting him just enough, it made more sense for her to orchestrate the violence and attack Matthias herself.
Lawrence took another step forward, and he felt like there was something he should have noticed. "Argh... What is it? Damn it!" He groaned and slapped his own forehead. His mind was stuffed full of the minutiae of running the bathhouse—there was no space for him to speculate as he so often did in his previous peddling journey. He cursed his fogged mind and began slowly piling up the bricks scattered across his thoughts. And then there was the big assumption. Ever since Holo brought up speaking to Eve in Nyohhira, Lawrence had let his guard down. But was Eve truly someone he could trust? That did not have anything to do with whether or not Eve was a bad person, and as someone who walked the very same path of commerce as she did, he should have thought about her prowess first. What was most alarming here was that Eve did not seem to hold any ill intent. And to expand upon that, that meant it was likely the truth. Not only that, but if on the off chance she was leading them into a trap, then she would not only sour her relationship with Col and Myuri, but she would also make an enemy of Holo. Eve knew it was impossible to run or hide if she truly earned Holo's ire. And Lawrence was simple, much to Holo's chagrin. More importantly, since they shared a merchant's perspective, Eve saw him as a pawn she did not need to dupe. In reality, the conclusion he and Holo had come up with together would have to be the truth if Eve was indeed manipulating the situation. Which meant... Was it his own imagination that made it seem like things did not add up? No—this was much too odd. Kerube's desire to interfere and Matthias's defenselessness were faults too big for Eve to have overlooked. And that told Lawrence there was still a piece of the puzzle he had not seen yet. He thought, still as though listening for something, and looked around the room before his gaze settled on the open window. What had they been through since leaving Salonia? And... "Dear, I would like some of the southern spices I had for dinner yesterday. Could you buy—" Holo, who was treating this like a stroll in the woods, stopped. Lawrence's lips twisted into a smile; he was simply delighted by how formidable Eve always was. "Why... Why are you smiling?" Holo asked. Lawrence sighed deeply and said, "It's nothing. We'll head to Tonneburg like planned. But—" "But?" Holo, whose arms were full with meat or the pot or one thing or another, looked up at him in confusion. "—I want to make a detour." Eve Bolan was a bad wolf, or perhaps a sly fox. Her spells could not only set in motion great mischief, but could even align the stars and planets in her favor. Lawrence sent word to Eve that they would be heading straight for Tonneburg in order to speak with Matthias. Eve was not particularly alarmed, nor was she jumping for joy; her response was as usual, like she was telling them to neatly take care of business. After getting a horse, Lawrence and Holo both rode out of Karlan. And after riding a good distance in the direction of Tonneburg, the sun eventually set; and when the sun cast long shadows of the hills over the ground, they dismounted for a time. They tied up the horse to whatever tree they could find, and Holo braided loose hairs from her tail into its mane. It was unlikely thieves would find it after one night, and Holo's scent would keep the wild dogs away. "I am not saying this because I am vexed." Holo, in her wolf form, allowed Lawrence to climb on her back, swiveling her head back to look at him with her large, red eyes. "But are you not thinking too hard about this?" "If you said the same thing to me right after telling me about her, what do you think would've happened?" Eve was absorbed in her self-indulgent pleasures and was hard to trust. She was using Col's dignity as a shield to do awful things as she pleased.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Lawrence took another step forward, and he felt like there was something he should have noticed. "Argh... What is it? Damn it!" He groaned and slapped his own forehead. His mind was stuffed full of the minutiae of running the bathhouse—there was no space for him to speculate as he so often did in his previous peddling journey. He cursed his fogged mind and began slowly piling up the bricks scattered across his thoughts. And then there was the big assumption. Ever since Holo brought up speaking to Eve in Nyohhira, Lawrence had let his guard down. But was Eve truly someone he could trust? That did not have anything to do with whether or not Eve was a bad person, and as someone who walked the very same path of commerce as she did, he should have thought about her prowess first. What was most alarming here was that Eve did not seem to hold any ill intent. And to expand upon that, that meant it was likely the truth. Not only that, but if on the off chance she was leading them into a trap, then she would not only sour her relationship with Col and Myuri, but she would also make an enemy of Holo. Eve knew it was impossible to run or hide if she truly earned Holo's ire. And Lawrence was simple, much to Holo's chagrin. More importantly, since they shared a merchant's perspective, Eve saw him as a pawn she did not need to dupe. In reality, the conclusion he and Holo had come up with together would have to be the truth if Eve was indeed manipulating the situation. Which meant... Was it his own imagination that made it seem like things did not add up? No—this was much too odd. Kerube's desire to interfere and Matthias's defenselessness were faults too big for Eve to have overlooked. And that told Lawrence there was still a piece of the puzzle he had not seen yet. He thought, still as though listening for something, and looked around the room before his gaze settled on the open window. What had they been through since leaving Salonia? And... "Dear, I would like some of the southern spices I had for dinner yesterday. Could you buy—" Holo, who was treating this like a stroll in the woods, stopped. Lawrence's lips twisted into a smile; he was simply delighted by how formidable Eve always was. "Why... Why are you smiling?" Holo asked. Lawrence sighed deeply and said, "It's nothing. We'll head to Tonneburg like planned. But—" "But?" Holo, whose arms were full with meat or the pot or one thing or another, looked up at him in confusion. "—I want to make a detour." Eve Bolan was a bad wolf, or perhaps a sly fox. Her spells could not only set in motion great mischief, but could even align the stars and planets in her favor. Lawrence sent word to Eve that they would be heading straight for Tonneburg in order to speak with Matthias. Eve was not particularly alarmed, nor was she jumping for joy; her response was as usual, like she was telling them to neatly take care of business. After getting a horse, Lawrence and Holo both rode out of Karlan. And after riding a good distance in the direction of Tonneburg, the sun eventually set; and when the sun cast long shadows of the hills over the ground, they dismounted for a time. They tied up the horse to whatever tree they could find, and Holo braided loose hairs from her tail into its mane. It was unlikely thieves would find it after one night, and Holo's scent would keep the wild dogs away. "I am not saying this because I am vexed." Holo, in her wolf form, allowed Lawrence to climb on her back, swiveling her head back to look at him with her large, red eyes. "But are you not thinking too hard about this?" "If you said the same thing to me right after telling me about her, what do you think would've happened?" Eve was absorbed in her self-indulgent pleasures and was hard to trust. She was using Col's dignity as a shield to do awful things as she pleased.
Lawrence realized the exact same pattern was evident in this situation. "Eve hasn't said anything specific about Kieman or Kerube." Holo began to walk with light, easy steps, and slowly increased her speed. The sun had not yet fully hidden behind the horizon, so she was making doubly sure that no one could see them. That included Eve's underlings. It was likely that Eve told them about Holo's true form. They would be putting a lot of distance between them if they were to be following the couple, which meant that so long as they managed to get back on track the following morning, they would not be found out, even if they did take a detour. "The one thing we should've taken into consideration wasn't Eve's intentions. We should have questioned whether Kerube wanted to get in Karlan's way in the first place." Holo went even faster, and Lawrence felt himself becoming a part of the wind. The scenery around him melted, and all that was certain around him was the warmth of her fur and the power of her breath. Yet Lawrence continued speaking. "Every part of what Eve told us is based on the assumption that Kerube is our enemy. She spoke like it's a hard fact, like there's no point in questioning it. Of course, it's hard to imagine that Kerube is going to outright accept what Karlan is doing, so no doubt there's a conflict of interest between the two towns. Yet it's entirely possible that the actual nature of the conflict itself is entirely different." Holo reached her full speed—even if a traveler did catch a glimpse at her from afar, she would only seem like a speck of dust in the shape of a wolf. "The reason Eve has not directly negotiated with Kerube might not be because she's wary of interference or because she's throwing them off. Kerube might be troubled by their weak position in the matter." Lawrence felt like the only reason Matthias was still safe as of now was because Kerube could not freely use force. All they had heard about Kerube so far was secondhand through other people. Lawrence himself knew just how selfish and merciless the people of Kerube could be through his experience with the narwhal incident, so he assumed he had a general gist of the situation without Eve's detailed explanation. And he knew better than anyone else what she had gone through in that city. The most important thing was that Eve knew everything as well. Plus, their interaction at the tavern should have shown her that Lawrence had not changed one bit. The foolish sheep had jumped to conclusions after speaking with Matthias and marched right over to her. All she needed to do was place her hands on his shoulders, change his trajectory, and he would willingly follow the path she wanted him to take. "No falsehood escapes my ears." As Lawrence lay sprawled across Holo's back, he could hear her voice reverberate into his body. He felt his stomach grow cold, and the floating sensation almost hurt his back. Holo leaped from hill to hill, dashing down the sloped sides faster than rainfall. "But I cannot hear what is not spoken. Just as you miss things when you jump to conclusions." That was not so much cynicism or a pointed jab at him as it was self-deprecation. "But it's only thanks to you we can make up for it." It was unlikely Eve thought that Lawrence would go to Kerube of his own accord. He pictured negotiations with Kerube as delicate and dangerous, and Lawrence did not get the sense that Eve was acting arbitrarily for her own gain. And that meant Eve could pull this off. She could convince the sheep that the noises coming from the other side of the forest were from a pack of wolves. "But if I am the reason you fall into holes every time, I am unsure if helping you climb back out really makes up for it."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Lawrence realized the exact same pattern was evident in this situation. "Eve hasn't said anything specific about Kieman or Kerube." Holo began to walk with light, easy steps, and slowly increased her speed. The sun had not yet fully hidden behind the horizon, so she was making doubly sure that no one could see them. That included Eve's underlings. It was likely that Eve told them about Holo's true form. They would be putting a lot of distance between them if they were to be following the couple, which meant that so long as they managed to get back on track the following morning, they would not be found out, even if they did take a detour. "The one thing we should've taken into consideration wasn't Eve's intentions. We should have questioned whether Kerube wanted to get in Karlan's way in the first place." Holo went even faster, and Lawrence felt himself becoming a part of the wind. The scenery around him melted, and all that was certain around him was the warmth of her fur and the power of her breath. Yet Lawrence continued speaking. "Every part of what Eve told us is based on the assumption that Kerube is our enemy. She spoke like it's a hard fact, like there's no point in questioning it. Of course, it's hard to imagine that Kerube is going to outright accept what Karlan is doing, so no doubt there's a conflict of interest between the two towns. Yet it's entirely possible that the actual nature of the conflict itself is entirely different." Holo reached her full speed—even if a traveler did catch a glimpse at her from afar, she would only seem like a speck of dust in the shape of a wolf. "The reason Eve has not directly negotiated with Kerube might not be because she's wary of interference or because she's throwing them off. Kerube might be troubled by their weak position in the matter." Lawrence felt like the only reason Matthias was still safe as of now was because Kerube could not freely use force. All they had heard about Kerube so far was secondhand through other people. Lawrence himself knew just how selfish and merciless the people of Kerube could be through his experience with the narwhal incident, so he assumed he had a general gist of the situation without Eve's detailed explanation. And he knew better than anyone else what she had gone through in that city. The most important thing was that Eve knew everything as well. Plus, their interaction at the tavern should have shown her that Lawrence had not changed one bit. The foolish sheep had jumped to conclusions after speaking with Matthias and marched right over to her. All she needed to do was place her hands on his shoulders, change his trajectory, and he would willingly follow the path she wanted him to take. "No falsehood escapes my ears." As Lawrence lay sprawled across Holo's back, he could hear her voice reverberate into his body. He felt his stomach grow cold, and the floating sensation almost hurt his back. Holo leaped from hill to hill, dashing down the sloped sides faster than rainfall. "But I cannot hear what is not spoken. Just as you miss things when you jump to conclusions." That was not so much cynicism or a pointed jab at him as it was self-deprecation. "But it's only thanks to you we can make up for it." It was unlikely Eve thought that Lawrence would go to Kerube of his own accord. He pictured negotiations with Kerube as delicate and dangerous, and Lawrence did not get the sense that Eve was acting arbitrarily for her own gain. And that meant Eve could pull this off. She could convince the sheep that the noises coming from the other side of the forest were from a pack of wolves. "But if I am the reason you fall into holes every time, I am unsure if helping you climb back out really makes up for it."
"Sounds like we were made for each other," Lawrence said breezily. A shudder that was not that of Holo's feet hitting the ground resonated through his body. "I, too, have grown foolish." After all was said and done, Holo enjoyed the days they spent together. "And it's possible that once we get to Kerube, we'll see that what Eve says is true. Don't get mad if it is." "We shall see." Though there was no obviously large dip in the road, Holo leaped a little higher than usual. "It'll all be a nice memory of our journey, though!" Lawrence yelled from atop Holo's back. Instead of giving an answer, Holo sped up, leaping high off the ground. *** In the ten years since they last visited Kerube, it had grown into a city much livelier than they remembered. The north side of town, notably, which had been run down at the time, had now steadily developed, and the mouth of the river that separated the two sides of town was abuzz with a festive atmosphere. Torchlight from the taverns reflected off the surface of the water, and melodies from bards came floating on the wind. If Lawrence left Holo to her own devices, she would surely spend the night here. But perhaps she was satisfied after running as hard as she could from Karlan; with the fur on her tail mussed, she asked for only one cup of watered-down wine, and simply enjoyed the comfortable autumn breeze. "...Well, if this isn't a surprise." Lawrence, with Holo in tow, paid a visit to the Rowen Trade Guild trading house, and Kieman, who had sat around a table with other aged merchants, opened his eyes wide in surprise. "I'm not imagining things, am I?" It was a late hour where a more respectable merchant would return to their inn to prepare for the morrow. But who should appear out of the blue but an acquaintance who should, at the present moment, be working in the distant, deep mountains—of course even the most seasoned of merchants such as Kieman would be flustered. "We have urgent business," Lawrence replied boisterously. Kieman gradually regained his senses, after which, he allowed them into the back. He broached the topic just as drinks were served by the errand boys, who had likely been sleeping in their own little corner of the trading house, considering the time. "Is this about the Twilight Cardinal again?" "Again?" Lawrence repeated, and Kieman blinked. "Haven't you heard? Those two came by not too long ago. It was so sudden, and they came spouting what sounded like nonsense." Lawrence wondered if they had missed something in one of Col and Myuri's letters; he glanced at Holo, but Holo only tilted her head. Kieman watched the exchange and gave them a knowing nod. "I doubt they're writing to you every detail of their adventure. It was the talk of the town for a while around these parts. People say the Twilight Cardinal guided a ghost ship to heaven." Myuri had indeed written about a ghost ship with great excitement in one of the letters. But Kieman's name had not been mentioned, nor was this heaven business. What sort of adventures were they having beyond the content of their letters? Lawrence hummed, and Kieman lifted his glass in a light chuckle. "Anyway," he said, changing the subject. "You said you had urgent business?" "—Apologies. We do. Sorry for arriving so late." Kieman smiled. Holo sniffed her drink; the look on her face told Lawrence that what they were served at Eve's was much better. "It seems we'll be working under Eve's name before long in Karlan." Kieman froze—if witches existed and could petrify people with their spells, then this was probably what that would look like. "...I see. This is appropriately urgent, then." When he finally squeezed out his voice, there was a vexed look in his eyes. Yet the corners of his mouth were still lifted in a smile. "That snake of a woman... Using Lawrence as her insurance, I see." Holo, who had been sipping on her drink, glanced up at Lawrence. He noticed. They were right.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"Sounds like we were made for each other," Lawrence said breezily. A shudder that was not that of Holo's feet hitting the ground resonated through his body. "I, too, have grown foolish." After all was said and done, Holo enjoyed the days they spent together. "And it's possible that once we get to Kerube, we'll see that what Eve says is true. Don't get mad if it is." "We shall see." Though there was no obviously large dip in the road, Holo leaped a little higher than usual. "It'll all be a nice memory of our journey, though!" Lawrence yelled from atop Holo's back. Instead of giving an answer, Holo sped up, leaping high off the ground. *** In the ten years since they last visited Kerube, it had grown into a city much livelier than they remembered. The north side of town, notably, which had been run down at the time, had now steadily developed, and the mouth of the river that separated the two sides of town was abuzz with a festive atmosphere. Torchlight from the taverns reflected off the surface of the water, and melodies from bards came floating on the wind. If Lawrence left Holo to her own devices, she would surely spend the night here. But perhaps she was satisfied after running as hard as she could from Karlan; with the fur on her tail mussed, she asked for only one cup of watered-down wine, and simply enjoyed the comfortable autumn breeze. "...Well, if this isn't a surprise." Lawrence, with Holo in tow, paid a visit to the Rowen Trade Guild trading house, and Kieman, who had sat around a table with other aged merchants, opened his eyes wide in surprise. "I'm not imagining things, am I?" It was a late hour where a more respectable merchant would return to their inn to prepare for the morrow. But who should appear out of the blue but an acquaintance who should, at the present moment, be working in the distant, deep mountains—of course even the most seasoned of merchants such as Kieman would be flustered. "We have urgent business," Lawrence replied boisterously. Kieman gradually regained his senses, after which, he allowed them into the back. He broached the topic just as drinks were served by the errand boys, who had likely been sleeping in their own little corner of the trading house, considering the time. "Is this about the Twilight Cardinal again?" "Again?" Lawrence repeated, and Kieman blinked. "Haven't you heard? Those two came by not too long ago. It was so sudden, and they came spouting what sounded like nonsense." Lawrence wondered if they had missed something in one of Col and Myuri's letters; he glanced at Holo, but Holo only tilted her head. Kieman watched the exchange and gave them a knowing nod. "I doubt they're writing to you every detail of their adventure. It was the talk of the town for a while around these parts. People say the Twilight Cardinal guided a ghost ship to heaven." Myuri had indeed written about a ghost ship with great excitement in one of the letters. But Kieman's name had not been mentioned, nor was this heaven business. What sort of adventures were they having beyond the content of their letters? Lawrence hummed, and Kieman lifted his glass in a light chuckle. "Anyway," he said, changing the subject. "You said you had urgent business?" "—Apologies. We do. Sorry for arriving so late." Kieman smiled. Holo sniffed her drink; the look on her face told Lawrence that what they were served at Eve's was much better. "It seems we'll be working under Eve's name before long in Karlan." Kieman froze—if witches existed and could petrify people with their spells, then this was probably what that would look like. "...I see. This is appropriately urgent, then." When he finally squeezed out his voice, there was a vexed look in his eyes. Yet the corners of his mouth were still lifted in a smile. "That snake of a woman... Using Lawrence as her insurance, I see." Holo, who had been sipping on her drink, glanced up at Lawrence. He noticed. They were right.
Kieman inhaled, his chest expanding to the point of bursting, and then sighed deeply. "Do you understand how much trouble this has caused us?" The candlelight made him seem so much skinnier. Or perhaps it was just anxiety. "How are you getting involved in Karlan, Lawrence? You seem to be on her side, so why have you come all the way out here to see me?" Though he did not explicitly voice his suspicions that this meeting was a part of Eve's strategy, Lawrence could see that it was a genuine question, but also the hesitation as to whether or not Kieman could trust them. "It's complicated," Lawrence began. He informed him of the reason why they left Nyohhira, and Kieman was surprised by what happened in Salonia. "That was you?!" It was an exciting time, due to the festival, so word of the bizarre city had traveled across the land via mouths of the merchants. And Kerube, too, had likely been watching how things regarding Salonia's lumber might unfold. "I had first heard of how things are in Karlan from the lord of Tonneburg and his ranger. And it seems Karlan and Kerube have not been on the best of terms for quite a long time, and it doesn't seem like Lord Tonneburg has built a very good relationship with Kerube, either." The hedged wording was Lawrence's way of being considerate. As Kieman's surprise faded, what Lawrence told him seemed to settle in. "The Lord of Tonneburg must think of us as bloodsucking leeches or something, doesn't he?" "Is Lord Tonneburg borrowing everything from the trading companies in this city?" There was a slight chance that he proudly said he was not borrowing anything from Karlan. And who owed who was a very important detail at this stage. "It is a debt from a long time ago, you see. There is nowhere else to borrow from in this area. And if that lord owed Karlan, then I doubt they would jointly decide to cut down the forest." Holo smiled wryly; they had been missing an important detail until now. "Despite how he carries himself, he is a noble at heart," she said. It was clear from the way she said it that it was not a genuine compliment. "Is he wrestling with a feeling of inferiority because of the unequal footing due to the debt?" "We can call it a sense of repulsion that comes from an inferiority complex. He probably thinks, Why must I be reserved when dealing with mere commoners?" Matthias had been rather magnanimous with Lawrence, but that was because he owed him nothing. He would not be the same with someone to whom he owed generations' worth of debt. Especially not with one his family had been borrowing from for years, with whom he had a humiliating relationship. "If he came to us, we would gladly talk to him about his debts and his problems with the Church. The lumber from that forest is valuable, after all. But I don't think he wants us to appraise his forest like that. And I think he agreed to Karlan's plan because they are on equal footing; Karlan, after all, can get the upper hand by using the lumber as a shield. In which case, anyone would treat him as a very important person. Particularly tempting for an undistinguished lord." Kieman shrugged, but Lawrence's heart ached for the position Matthias had been forced to live in for many years. He was a good man; a great deal of self-restraint was necessary to preserve the forest that could fetch him mountains of gold with the snap of a finger. "I think it is...right, in a way, that Karlan feels animosity toward us. They often have disputes with our merchants over suppliers, and the flow of goods in this area is most advantageous for us. They are hoping to change that flow by greatly lowering their taxes, however." Lawrence was not sure how much of what Kieman said he should accept at face value, but perhaps the relationship between Karlan and Kerube was a lot more like his own metaphor than he originally thought. A bull in a porcelain shop.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Kieman inhaled, his chest expanding to the point of bursting, and then sighed deeply. "Do you understand how much trouble this has caused us?" The candlelight made him seem so much skinnier. Or perhaps it was just anxiety. "How are you getting involved in Karlan, Lawrence? You seem to be on her side, so why have you come all the way out here to see me?" Though he did not explicitly voice his suspicions that this meeting was a part of Eve's strategy, Lawrence could see that it was a genuine question, but also the hesitation as to whether or not Kieman could trust them. "It's complicated," Lawrence began. He informed him of the reason why they left Nyohhira, and Kieman was surprised by what happened in Salonia. "That was you?!" It was an exciting time, due to the festival, so word of the bizarre city had traveled across the land via mouths of the merchants. And Kerube, too, had likely been watching how things regarding Salonia's lumber might unfold. "I had first heard of how things are in Karlan from the lord of Tonneburg and his ranger. And it seems Karlan and Kerube have not been on the best of terms for quite a long time, and it doesn't seem like Lord Tonneburg has built a very good relationship with Kerube, either." The hedged wording was Lawrence's way of being considerate. As Kieman's surprise faded, what Lawrence told him seemed to settle in. "The Lord of Tonneburg must think of us as bloodsucking leeches or something, doesn't he?" "Is Lord Tonneburg borrowing everything from the trading companies in this city?" There was a slight chance that he proudly said he was not borrowing anything from Karlan. And who owed who was a very important detail at this stage. "It is a debt from a long time ago, you see. There is nowhere else to borrow from in this area. And if that lord owed Karlan, then I doubt they would jointly decide to cut down the forest." Holo smiled wryly; they had been missing an important detail until now. "Despite how he carries himself, he is a noble at heart," she said. It was clear from the way she said it that it was not a genuine compliment. "Is he wrestling with a feeling of inferiority because of the unequal footing due to the debt?" "We can call it a sense of repulsion that comes from an inferiority complex. He probably thinks, Why must I be reserved when dealing with mere commoners?" Matthias had been rather magnanimous with Lawrence, but that was because he owed him nothing. He would not be the same with someone to whom he owed generations' worth of debt. Especially not with one his family had been borrowing from for years, with whom he had a humiliating relationship. "If he came to us, we would gladly talk to him about his debts and his problems with the Church. The lumber from that forest is valuable, after all. But I don't think he wants us to appraise his forest like that. And I think he agreed to Karlan's plan because they are on equal footing; Karlan, after all, can get the upper hand by using the lumber as a shield. In which case, anyone would treat him as a very important person. Particularly tempting for an undistinguished lord." Kieman shrugged, but Lawrence's heart ached for the position Matthias had been forced to live in for many years. He was a good man; a great deal of self-restraint was necessary to preserve the forest that could fetch him mountains of gold with the snap of a finger. "I think it is...right, in a way, that Karlan feels animosity toward us. They often have disputes with our merchants over suppliers, and the flow of goods in this area is most advantageous for us. They are hoping to change that flow by greatly lowering their taxes, however." Lawrence was not sure how much of what Kieman said he should accept at face value, but perhaps the relationship between Karlan and Kerube was a lot more like his own metaphor than he originally thought. A bull in a porcelain shop.
"Change location, and perspective changes drastically. You, Merchant Lawrence, should understand this." But Lawrence was forgetting his basics—he had taken so long to start a fire. Lawrence cleared his throat and said, "Er, well, I came here to see what sort of picture Eve is really trying to paint. And it seems she has not given us the whole story. But she doesn't seem to be as vicious as she used to be, so I'm not sure what to make of that." The details on Kerube, most notably, were elusive. How had Eve taken Kerube by the scruff and kept them down? When Lawrence said that, Kieman narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line, as though telling him he was being ridiculous. "That snake of a woman has only honed her viciousness." Lawrence could feel Holo hold her breath beside him. "What's worse is that it seems she'll be stringing us up for a full-frontal attack." Lawrence glanced at Holo again. But Holo did not look at Lawrence; instead, her eyes glinted with dark curiosity, waiting for what Kieman would say next. "She has woven herself such a precise plot, all to harass us." "Which means?" Kieman flattened his wild bangs with a hand. "Wool. She is going to string us up with her wool." Kieman suggested they change locations before continuing the conversation. He said it would be easier to see the truth for themselves, because he knew it was his word up against Eve's. And so Lawrence, Holo, and Kieman walked the nighttime streets of Kerube; they passed a handful of people as they did, and a good percentage of them greeted Kieman, and the patrolling guards bowed politely. Kieman brought them to a place near the town harbor. "What is this?" "The wool exchange." The tall brick wall vanished into the dark. It was a rather large place, and the walls were meant to protect the product within. Kieman spoke to the night guard, and they were let through the wooden gates, which led into a wide open courtyard—it was hard to imagine they were in the heart of a cramped city. "Usually around this time of year, this building is stuffed full of all the wool sheared in the summer, making it look like a thick blanket of snow." Holo sniffed the air, drew up her shoulders as though chilly, and came to stand beside Lawrence. Perhaps all her sweat from the run from Karlan had cooled her down. "And it's because of that snake that it looks like this now." "You can't get any wool?" "That's correct. I don't know what sort of eye she has for this, but she stands out from the rest when it comes the wool trade. She's even earned herself a spot as the Twilight Cardinal's personal merchant, it seems. That means she commands great influence over the wool coming in from the kingdom. The wool merchants here on the mainland say you'll fall ill if you put her in a bad mood." And what was it Eve was searching for in exchange of wool? "She told us that if we want wool, we will have to lower the price of our lumber." Lawrence's face froze taut halfway into a smile. Eve had not taken Karlan's side and was standing opposed to Kerube. She was agitating Karlan by offering them glimpses of Kerube's darkness all while intimidating Kerube with Karlan's plans to expand. "If we end up in conflict, we will have no choice but to make it cheap..." The reason Holo could put on such airs of importance every day was because she commanded Lawrence's attention alone. Lawrence looked up to the night sky, fully visible, which was unusual for a city, and said, "If that were all, I would think this a common trade tactic, but..." Looking at Kieman, he could tell that was obviously not the case, so he added on a slight concession onto the end. "You want to ask why we insist on wool? No, you want to know why we have to sell the lumber we get from Lenos to the kingdom for cheap, if that's the case. Right?" "Yes. Money seems to sprout from the literal woodwork these days." Anyone and everyone wanted lumber, to the point where Eve would resort to schemes.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"Change location, and perspective changes drastically. You, Merchant Lawrence, should understand this." But Lawrence was forgetting his basics—he had taken so long to start a fire. Lawrence cleared his throat and said, "Er, well, I came here to see what sort of picture Eve is really trying to paint. And it seems she has not given us the whole story. But she doesn't seem to be as vicious as she used to be, so I'm not sure what to make of that." The details on Kerube, most notably, were elusive. How had Eve taken Kerube by the scruff and kept them down? When Lawrence said that, Kieman narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips into a thin line, as though telling him he was being ridiculous. "That snake of a woman has only honed her viciousness." Lawrence could feel Holo hold her breath beside him. "What's worse is that it seems she'll be stringing us up for a full-frontal attack." Lawrence glanced at Holo again. But Holo did not look at Lawrence; instead, her eyes glinted with dark curiosity, waiting for what Kieman would say next. "She has woven herself such a precise plot, all to harass us." "Which means?" Kieman flattened his wild bangs with a hand. "Wool. She is going to string us up with her wool." Kieman suggested they change locations before continuing the conversation. He said it would be easier to see the truth for themselves, because he knew it was his word up against Eve's. And so Lawrence, Holo, and Kieman walked the nighttime streets of Kerube; they passed a handful of people as they did, and a good percentage of them greeted Kieman, and the patrolling guards bowed politely. Kieman brought them to a place near the town harbor. "What is this?" "The wool exchange." The tall brick wall vanished into the dark. It was a rather large place, and the walls were meant to protect the product within. Kieman spoke to the night guard, and they were let through the wooden gates, which led into a wide open courtyard—it was hard to imagine they were in the heart of a cramped city. "Usually around this time of year, this building is stuffed full of all the wool sheared in the summer, making it look like a thick blanket of snow." Holo sniffed the air, drew up her shoulders as though chilly, and came to stand beside Lawrence. Perhaps all her sweat from the run from Karlan had cooled her down. "And it's because of that snake that it looks like this now." "You can't get any wool?" "That's correct. I don't know what sort of eye she has for this, but she stands out from the rest when it comes the wool trade. She's even earned herself a spot as the Twilight Cardinal's personal merchant, it seems. That means she commands great influence over the wool coming in from the kingdom. The wool merchants here on the mainland say you'll fall ill if you put her in a bad mood." And what was it Eve was searching for in exchange of wool? "She told us that if we want wool, we will have to lower the price of our lumber." Lawrence's face froze taut halfway into a smile. Eve had not taken Karlan's side and was standing opposed to Kerube. She was agitating Karlan by offering them glimpses of Kerube's darkness all while intimidating Kerube with Karlan's plans to expand. "If we end up in conflict, we will have no choice but to make it cheap..." The reason Holo could put on such airs of importance every day was because she commanded Lawrence's attention alone. Lawrence looked up to the night sky, fully visible, which was unusual for a city, and said, "If that were all, I would think this a common trade tactic, but..." Looking at Kieman, he could tell that was obviously not the case, so he added on a slight concession onto the end. "You want to ask why we insist on wool? No, you want to know why we have to sell the lumber we get from Lenos to the kingdom for cheap, if that's the case. Right?" "Yes. Money seems to sprout from the literal woodwork these days." Anyone and everyone wanted lumber, to the point where Eve would resort to schemes.
In seaside port towns like this, they could easily put their lumber on a ship and send it wherever they pleased if they did not like where they were currently selling it to. The reason Lenos could not do such a thing was because it was not practical to drag heavy lumber across the land. But Kerube had their own reasons for needing to sell the lumber they purchased to the kingdom. And that likely had to do with access to their wool. "Is there any need to obtain wool outside of trade?" Nighttime along the sea was cold at this time of year. Holo hugged herself, so Lawrence removed his coat and placed it over her shoulders. "Wool is necessary to keep people warm," Kieman said, idly looking at Holo with Lawrence's warm jacket over her shoulders. "Through the hard work of the villagers over many years, and the deeds the Rowen Trade Guild have accomplished under my watch, Kerube has thrived. But the city has grown a bit too big as of late." Kieman looked out over the wool exchange; he was not the same shrewd merchant he was years ago. "Even if the town itself develops nicely, there will always be a portion of the population that suffers for one reason or another. And there are people who drift in from elsewhere." Unlike Karlan, Kerube was a key location in traffic. "Do you plan to warm them with wool?" "Or something like it, yes. Those suffering come knock on this door and are given an armful of wool." At last, it clicked for Lawrence. "Spinning thread." Kieman nodded, and Holo looked up curiously. "Thread spinning does not cost much in terms of labor, and it is a job anyone can do. Anyone can start the very same day—no need to know how to read or write, or even speak the same language." All one needed to do was divide the wool, brush it out, make sure all the hairs were lined up, and then twist it into thread. All one needed to work efficiently was the right tools, with or without experience, and anyone could do the work as long as they had a place to sit and a brush. "It was a lot like the wheat mixing job you did," Lawrence said, and Holo finally understood. Wheat brought in as trade goods was placed into storage, but if left alone, humidity would cause it to mold. It was necessary to mix the wheat to prevent this, but that work solely belonged to the women. Anyone could take on the job, even without great strength or reliability, so it was a job reserved those who often found themselves in dire straits. "Wool has a better margin when woven into thread, so everyone wins." Upon hearing that, Lawrence dropped his shoulders, tired. Eve was most certainly taking a forward, aggressive stance, but the most important thing was that she was looking at Kerube's footing and forcing them to lower the prices on lumber. With word that lumber, as price for her wool, could just as easily be obtained from Karlan. And Lawrence noticed one more thing. "Do you have plans to take in religious refugees here, too?" Like a shopkeeper asked if new stock would be coming in the following week, Kieman smiled. "Of course. We are allies of the Twilight Cardinal, after all." And Eve was Eve. Everything she did was correct, following the principles of trade while also helping Col and Myuri, but when all the pieces were put together, everything was undeniably in her favor. "I am starting to get a feel for how deep trade goes." There was no need for any of them to get crafty. If he had the wits about him to move readily when he saw his chance like Eve, then all he needed to was turn all of his right options into raw material. And so what should they do while they were playing second fiddle to the wolf? Lawrence said, to confirm his next steps, "We were on our way to Tonneburg in order to talk to its ruling lord, who is stubbornly standing his ground until the very end, so that Eve may continue with her plan. But we decided to change course and we're visiting without sending official word." "I see. To be honest, I should string you up right now."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
In seaside port towns like this, they could easily put their lumber on a ship and send it wherever they pleased if they did not like where they were currently selling it to. The reason Lenos could not do such a thing was because it was not practical to drag heavy lumber across the land. But Kerube had their own reasons for needing to sell the lumber they purchased to the kingdom. And that likely had to do with access to their wool. "Is there any need to obtain wool outside of trade?" Nighttime along the sea was cold at this time of year. Holo hugged herself, so Lawrence removed his coat and placed it over her shoulders. "Wool is necessary to keep people warm," Kieman said, idly looking at Holo with Lawrence's warm jacket over her shoulders. "Through the hard work of the villagers over many years, and the deeds the Rowen Trade Guild have accomplished under my watch, Kerube has thrived. But the city has grown a bit too big as of late." Kieman looked out over the wool exchange; he was not the same shrewd merchant he was years ago. "Even if the town itself develops nicely, there will always be a portion of the population that suffers for one reason or another. And there are people who drift in from elsewhere." Unlike Karlan, Kerube was a key location in traffic. "Do you plan to warm them with wool?" "Or something like it, yes. Those suffering come knock on this door and are given an armful of wool." At last, it clicked for Lawrence. "Spinning thread." Kieman nodded, and Holo looked up curiously. "Thread spinning does not cost much in terms of labor, and it is a job anyone can do. Anyone can start the very same day—no need to know how to read or write, or even speak the same language." All one needed to do was divide the wool, brush it out, make sure all the hairs were lined up, and then twist it into thread. All one needed to work efficiently was the right tools, with or without experience, and anyone could do the work as long as they had a place to sit and a brush. "It was a lot like the wheat mixing job you did," Lawrence said, and Holo finally understood. Wheat brought in as trade goods was placed into storage, but if left alone, humidity would cause it to mold. It was necessary to mix the wheat to prevent this, but that work solely belonged to the women. Anyone could take on the job, even without great strength or reliability, so it was a job reserved those who often found themselves in dire straits. "Wool has a better margin when woven into thread, so everyone wins." Upon hearing that, Lawrence dropped his shoulders, tired. Eve was most certainly taking a forward, aggressive stance, but the most important thing was that she was looking at Kerube's footing and forcing them to lower the prices on lumber. With word that lumber, as price for her wool, could just as easily be obtained from Karlan. And Lawrence noticed one more thing. "Do you have plans to take in religious refugees here, too?" Like a shopkeeper asked if new stock would be coming in the following week, Kieman smiled. "Of course. We are allies of the Twilight Cardinal, after all." And Eve was Eve. Everything she did was correct, following the principles of trade while also helping Col and Myuri, but when all the pieces were put together, everything was undeniably in her favor. "I am starting to get a feel for how deep trade goes." There was no need for any of them to get crafty. If he had the wits about him to move readily when he saw his chance like Eve, then all he needed to was turn all of his right options into raw material. And so what should they do while they were playing second fiddle to the wolf? Lawrence said, to confirm his next steps, "We were on our way to Tonneburg in order to talk to its ruling lord, who is stubbornly standing his ground until the very end, so that Eve may continue with her plan. But we decided to change course and we're visiting without sending official word." "I see. To be honest, I should string you up right now."
"Our thinking was that if Eve was up to no good, then we would have to consider if this project should be abandoned for Lord Tonneburg's sake. That's what we've come to confirm." Eve was greedy, but she was not evil. But it was hard to call her actions just, so Lawrence hesitated. "I cannot allow that snake of a woman to hog all the profits for herself." That could have been interpreted as Kieman's personal stance, since he apparently saw Eve as a business rival, but there was a pragmatic meaning behind it as well. That was because there were only so many profits to be made, and all of those profits would be coming from lumber. And since that lumber would be coming from the Tonneburg Woods, it would ultimately be fastest to whittle away at Eve's profits if they wanted to save the forest. "But what is your aim, then?" Kieman asked. "My thoughts are...I don't see you making any large profits after you make all your visits. If you want to discreetly support the Twilight Cardinal, then the outcome is largely the same, whether you get involved or not." Regardless, the refugees would find homes in Karlan or Kerube. Each town needed to take responsibility and put their own minds together to properly prepare for them. Lawrence's first consideration, of course, was to protect the Tonneburg Woods for Holo's sake, of course, but Kieman did not know what Holo truly was; he would not understand. If he wanted to make sure Eve earned less than she had planned, then he would need to work with Kieman. Lawrence then decided to rely on a little trick in order to earn Kieman's trust. "You know what I learned—the forest's true value is in its underbrush, which serves as feed to fatten the livestock." Kieman's brows raised as he turned to look at Lawrence. "I hear it's a commodity that never finds its way to market shelves. The wheat yield depends heavily on the amount of livestock manure that has reached the fields, and if Tonneburg's forest were to fall to ruin, then it would affect a surprisingly large portion of the wheat harvest." All markets were connected in one way or another; if one market changed its prices, then that would cause ripples. There was quite a distance between Kerube and the Tonneburg Woods, and the wheat fields this area relied on were not the same ones that fed Salonia. But if the wheat crop were to fail in the area around Salonia, then it would doubtlessly affect Kerube, too. With that exposition out of the way, Lawrence continued. "Also, did you hear about what happened in Salonia?" "Salonia?" "I stopped the lumber merchants from lowering tariffs for the Church's sake. And as a reward, I'll be receiving a portion of the wheat harvest as tribute." Of course, that was nothing more than a courtesy from a plot of land no wider than the length of his arm span. But it still was the truth, and it was likely that Kieman had already heard pieces of the affair. He nodded deeply. In his view, he was starting to see what Lawrence sought to gain by protecting his interests in the wheat harvest. "And so to tell you the truth, I don't actually want to talk to Lord Tonneburg, since it will affect the harvest. But as of present, Tonneburg itself is at risk of disappearing completely due to debt and suspicion of heresy. I suppose his decision is that this is better than losing everything." Upon hearing Lawrence's explanation, Kieman shrugged, satisfied. Lawrence continued, pressuring him further. "When I heard the outline of Eve's project, I thought Karlan—a port city struggling to develop further—was putting together a revitalization plan with Lord Tonneburg. And the one they were working with just so happened to be Eve." "And that makes us, Kerube, the villains in this situation." Lawrence nodded. "But Kerube's evil shadow is meant to intimidate Karlan and Lord Tonneburg into coming together."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"Our thinking was that if Eve was up to no good, then we would have to consider if this project should be abandoned for Lord Tonneburg's sake. That's what we've come to confirm." Eve was greedy, but she was not evil. But it was hard to call her actions just, so Lawrence hesitated. "I cannot allow that snake of a woman to hog all the profits for herself." That could have been interpreted as Kieman's personal stance, since he apparently saw Eve as a business rival, but there was a pragmatic meaning behind it as well. That was because there were only so many profits to be made, and all of those profits would be coming from lumber. And since that lumber would be coming from the Tonneburg Woods, it would ultimately be fastest to whittle away at Eve's profits if they wanted to save the forest. "But what is your aim, then?" Kieman asked. "My thoughts are...I don't see you making any large profits after you make all your visits. If you want to discreetly support the Twilight Cardinal, then the outcome is largely the same, whether you get involved or not." Regardless, the refugees would find homes in Karlan or Kerube. Each town needed to take responsibility and put their own minds together to properly prepare for them. Lawrence's first consideration, of course, was to protect the Tonneburg Woods for Holo's sake, of course, but Kieman did not know what Holo truly was; he would not understand. If he wanted to make sure Eve earned less than she had planned, then he would need to work with Kieman. Lawrence then decided to rely on a little trick in order to earn Kieman's trust. "You know what I learned—the forest's true value is in its underbrush, which serves as feed to fatten the livestock." Kieman's brows raised as he turned to look at Lawrence. "I hear it's a commodity that never finds its way to market shelves. The wheat yield depends heavily on the amount of livestock manure that has reached the fields, and if Tonneburg's forest were to fall to ruin, then it would affect a surprisingly large portion of the wheat harvest." All markets were connected in one way or another; if one market changed its prices, then that would cause ripples. There was quite a distance between Kerube and the Tonneburg Woods, and the wheat fields this area relied on were not the same ones that fed Salonia. But if the wheat crop were to fail in the area around Salonia, then it would doubtlessly affect Kerube, too. With that exposition out of the way, Lawrence continued. "Also, did you hear about what happened in Salonia?" "Salonia?" "I stopped the lumber merchants from lowering tariffs for the Church's sake. And as a reward, I'll be receiving a portion of the wheat harvest as tribute." Of course, that was nothing more than a courtesy from a plot of land no wider than the length of his arm span. But it still was the truth, and it was likely that Kieman had already heard pieces of the affair. He nodded deeply. In his view, he was starting to see what Lawrence sought to gain by protecting his interests in the wheat harvest. "And so to tell you the truth, I don't actually want to talk to Lord Tonneburg, since it will affect the harvest. But as of present, Tonneburg itself is at risk of disappearing completely due to debt and suspicion of heresy. I suppose his decision is that this is better than losing everything." Upon hearing Lawrence's explanation, Kieman shrugged, satisfied. Lawrence continued, pressuring him further. "When I heard the outline of Eve's project, I thought Karlan—a port city struggling to develop further—was putting together a revitalization plan with Lord Tonneburg. And the one they were working with just so happened to be Eve." "And that makes us, Kerube, the villains in this situation." Lawrence nodded. "But Kerube's evil shadow is meant to intimidate Karlan and Lord Tonneburg into coming together."
"In our case," Kieman started—as any seasoned merchant could do, he could speak and think at the same time. After a pause, he continued, "We want to avoid her one-sided requests at all costs. She always finds the choicest parts of any particular opportunity, trying to get her hands on excessive profit while basking in everyone's praise and gratitude." All he needed to do was picture what would happen once Eve's project came to fruition. Karlan would be able to expand their range of trade, and Matthias would be able to pay off his debts while receiving protection from the Twilight Cardinal, even solving their problems of faith. And from the perspective of Col and Myuri, those suffering as a direct result of their actions would be saved by Eve's work. That was because Eve would use the lumber to build houses, provide fuel for heating, and create the ships that would carry refugees to the kingdom. On the other hand, if Kerube agreed to lower the price of lumber as requested, they would be able to safely obtain the wool that provided work for the needy as they always had. In terms of losses and profits, Kerube might seem to be the only loser, but Karlan and Tonneburg's actual situations would not change much. Karlan was trying to grow, but it was only a little port town as of now. There was no telling if they could support all the refugees they wanted to take in, yet they were doing just that on the assumption that the town would develop. All while recklessly doing away with their tariffs. Tonneburg, of course, was burdened by the danger of the impending disappearance of their forest, and so they decided to sell off lumber, ready to raise more smithies and coal-burning huts as well. They were facing their own challenges. Eve alone made no risky bets, bore no burden of danger, and only used her wool as a bargaining chip to secure lumber, even earning herself a reputation for lending Col a hand. None of this was foul play, of course. Eve perfectly played the part of a benevolent merchant. "But listen, dear," Holo said, clasping Lawrence's coat tighter around her, taking in its scent. "Should we foil her plans? It may be unfair, but there are a number she is helping by doing so, no? I see no reason to go out of our way to trouble them." Eve was not trying to cause another's downfall. Karlan, Tonneburg, Kerube, and the refugees that could no longer stay in their homes, were all technically gaining something from this project. But Eve's profits were almost too good. It felt unfair. And Lawrence had the words to express the unfairness. "It's a fundamental principle of trade." "Hmm?" "Reward is the price for risk. Eve is, in that regard, safer than any other player on the field, and earns too much from this. Of course there should be concessions." "I hate to acknowledge that I'm losing out, but if she were to list all her profits, then it would be easier on everyone." Tonneburg would be more prominent. If Eve lowered the price of wool, then the amount of lumber offered would dwindle, and the effects on the forest would lessen. If Karlan made even more money with the cheap wool, then it would be easier for them to secure the funds to help the refugees coming into the city. That would be the same as Kerube: If they were able to avoid the harrowing cuts to lumber prices, then they would be able to secure that much more wool and fill this empty wool exchange. "And so if there is one thing we might be able to get Eve on..." As Lawrence added the sights of Kerube into his mental map, he examined the path Eve took to get here. "'s her connection with Col." It was an extremely powerful weapon that she had in her arsenal. With the backing of the Twilight Cardinal, everyone else danced to her tune. The Twilight Cardinal, however, was receiving great sympathy for his causes worldwide; in Eve's case, that meant the responsibility of upholding his just ideals.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"In our case," Kieman started—as any seasoned merchant could do, he could speak and think at the same time. After a pause, he continued, "We want to avoid her one-sided requests at all costs. She always finds the choicest parts of any particular opportunity, trying to get her hands on excessive profit while basking in everyone's praise and gratitude." All he needed to do was picture what would happen once Eve's project came to fruition. Karlan would be able to expand their range of trade, and Matthias would be able to pay off his debts while receiving protection from the Twilight Cardinal, even solving their problems of faith. And from the perspective of Col and Myuri, those suffering as a direct result of their actions would be saved by Eve's work. That was because Eve would use the lumber to build houses, provide fuel for heating, and create the ships that would carry refugees to the kingdom. On the other hand, if Kerube agreed to lower the price of lumber as requested, they would be able to safely obtain the wool that provided work for the needy as they always had. In terms of losses and profits, Kerube might seem to be the only loser, but Karlan and Tonneburg's actual situations would not change much. Karlan was trying to grow, but it was only a little port town as of now. There was no telling if they could support all the refugees they wanted to take in, yet they were doing just that on the assumption that the town would develop. All while recklessly doing away with their tariffs. Tonneburg, of course, was burdened by the danger of the impending disappearance of their forest, and so they decided to sell off lumber, ready to raise more smithies and coal-burning huts as well. They were facing their own challenges. Eve alone made no risky bets, bore no burden of danger, and only used her wool as a bargaining chip to secure lumber, even earning herself a reputation for lending Col a hand. None of this was foul play, of course. Eve perfectly played the part of a benevolent merchant. "But listen, dear," Holo said, clasping Lawrence's coat tighter around her, taking in its scent. "Should we foil her plans? It may be unfair, but there are a number she is helping by doing so, no? I see no reason to go out of our way to trouble them." Eve was not trying to cause another's downfall. Karlan, Tonneburg, Kerube, and the refugees that could no longer stay in their homes, were all technically gaining something from this project. But Eve's profits were almost too good. It felt unfair. And Lawrence had the words to express the unfairness. "It's a fundamental principle of trade." "Hmm?" "Reward is the price for risk. Eve is, in that regard, safer than any other player on the field, and earns too much from this. Of course there should be concessions." "I hate to acknowledge that I'm losing out, but if she were to list all her profits, then it would be easier on everyone." Tonneburg would be more prominent. If Eve lowered the price of wool, then the amount of lumber offered would dwindle, and the effects on the forest would lessen. If Karlan made even more money with the cheap wool, then it would be easier for them to secure the funds to help the refugees coming into the city. That would be the same as Kerube: If they were able to avoid the harrowing cuts to lumber prices, then they would be able to secure that much more wool and fill this empty wool exchange. "And so if there is one thing we might be able to get Eve on..." As Lawrence added the sights of Kerube into his mental map, he examined the path Eve took to get here. "'s her connection with Col." It was an extremely powerful weapon that she had in her arsenal. With the backing of the Twilight Cardinal, everyone else danced to her tune. The Twilight Cardinal, however, was receiving great sympathy for his causes worldwide; in Eve's case, that meant the responsibility of upholding his just ideals.
Kieman frowned. "That is also complicated. We are told that if we are to join the Twilight Cardinal's cause, then we will benefit from it later, and it's not unusual to buy products from the kingdom at a high price now." "What?" "The Twilight Cardinal resides in the Kingdom of Winfiel. Buying their goods is a way of supporting their reformation of the greedy Church. It's a donation, in a way. It's regarded as a symbol of doing good, and their goods are much sought after." Though it might not have been a part of Col's intentions, Lawrence was aware that the world could be shallow. Merchants, especially, were the type to squeeze profit out of a situation like this. Eve had a firm grasp on how the people felt and was leveraging her position for all it was worth. "The city council does not want to oppose that snake of a woman. No matter how many times I find myself livid over her ways, or how many times help for the impoverished is delayed because of the depleted wool, the council only shrugs their shoulders. It's almost as though they're trying to get rid of the knots and stress from the whole incident surrounding the narwhal." No one thought Eve would become such a big player in this game. Those who remembered how she once acted would be beside themselves with fear. On the other hand, Lawrence took note of a surprising fact from the way Kieman spoke. "Are you in charge of the city's assistance programs in the council?" Lawrence asked. Like a child trying their best to put up a brave face after someone touches their frostbitten skin, Kieman gave a lopsided smile. "I looked into the narwhal situation in my own way and vowed to do better. That was how I came to understand the importance of the beggars' information network." It took Lawrence a few moments to understand. Col had once pretended to be a wandering student and had collected all sorts of valuable information from the city's beggars. "I at first thought about it in terms of loss and profits, knowing I needed to deepen my ties with them." But it was likely that as he associated with them, he came to understand their circumstances, could no longer ignore them, and wanted to help them, though uncharacteristic of him as it was. Their disposition, their desire to be seen as cold and intelligent merchants—Eve was much the same—was strangely quaint to Lawrence, who had taken a step away from that way of life. Perhaps the reason Kieman was so infuriated with Eve's methods was that because they were similar. "If you were evil, or if you figured out that Eve was putting together a corrupt plan, then I would have been able to rest a bit easier," Lawrence said. Kieman laughed. "I agree. But all those getting caught up in her project are only trying to get a handle on what they need. She's manipulated that and made it a part of her own schemes." Perhaps even all the things that prevented Karlan from developing until now were understandable reasons, if taking into consideration what the lords who managed the river checkpoints and those who oversaw the land of the roads had to say. "So... If we have to end up going along with Eve's intentions, and if there is any sort of favor I could ask of you," Kieman paused, before continuing lightly. "Could you speak with Col and tell him that the fur from Lenos is perfect for protecting oneself from evil beliefs when worn?" Fur and lumber traveled down the Roef River from Lenos to arrive in Kerube. If the price of fur were to go up, then they could make up for the reduced price of lumber and still purchase the wool they needed. But profiting off faith was the biggest reason why Col was fighting with the Church. "...We have to take you up on your proposal, since you helped us when your bathhouse ran into trouble." Kieman chuckled. Lawrence said to him, "What we are most interested in is the Tonneburg Woods. Can we expect that the growth in trade that Karlan is planning for after the forest is cut down is not a temporary thing?"
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Kieman frowned. "That is also complicated. We are told that if we are to join the Twilight Cardinal's cause, then we will benefit from it later, and it's not unusual to buy products from the kingdom at a high price now." "What?" "The Twilight Cardinal resides in the Kingdom of Winfiel. Buying their goods is a way of supporting their reformation of the greedy Church. It's a donation, in a way. It's regarded as a symbol of doing good, and their goods are much sought after." Though it might not have been a part of Col's intentions, Lawrence was aware that the world could be shallow. Merchants, especially, were the type to squeeze profit out of a situation like this. Eve had a firm grasp on how the people felt and was leveraging her position for all it was worth. "The city council does not want to oppose that snake of a woman. No matter how many times I find myself livid over her ways, or how many times help for the impoverished is delayed because of the depleted wool, the council only shrugs their shoulders. It's almost as though they're trying to get rid of the knots and stress from the whole incident surrounding the narwhal." No one thought Eve would become such a big player in this game. Those who remembered how she once acted would be beside themselves with fear. On the other hand, Lawrence took note of a surprising fact from the way Kieman spoke. "Are you in charge of the city's assistance programs in the council?" Lawrence asked. Like a child trying their best to put up a brave face after someone touches their frostbitten skin, Kieman gave a lopsided smile. "I looked into the narwhal situation in my own way and vowed to do better. That was how I came to understand the importance of the beggars' information network." It took Lawrence a few moments to understand. Col had once pretended to be a wandering student and had collected all sorts of valuable information from the city's beggars. "I at first thought about it in terms of loss and profits, knowing I needed to deepen my ties with them." But it was likely that as he associated with them, he came to understand their circumstances, could no longer ignore them, and wanted to help them, though uncharacteristic of him as it was. Their disposition, their desire to be seen as cold and intelligent merchants—Eve was much the same—was strangely quaint to Lawrence, who had taken a step away from that way of life. Perhaps the reason Kieman was so infuriated with Eve's methods was that because they were similar. "If you were evil, or if you figured out that Eve was putting together a corrupt plan, then I would have been able to rest a bit easier," Lawrence said. Kieman laughed. "I agree. But all those getting caught up in her project are only trying to get a handle on what they need. She's manipulated that and made it a part of her own schemes." Perhaps even all the things that prevented Karlan from developing until now were understandable reasons, if taking into consideration what the lords who managed the river checkpoints and those who oversaw the land of the roads had to say. "So... If we have to end up going along with Eve's intentions, and if there is any sort of favor I could ask of you," Kieman paused, before continuing lightly. "Could you speak with Col and tell him that the fur from Lenos is perfect for protecting oneself from evil beliefs when worn?" Fur and lumber traveled down the Roef River from Lenos to arrive in Kerube. If the price of fur were to go up, then they could make up for the reduced price of lumber and still purchase the wool they needed. But profiting off faith was the biggest reason why Col was fighting with the Church. "...We have to take you up on your proposal, since you helped us when your bathhouse ran into trouble." Kieman chuckled. Lawrence said to him, "What we are most interested in is the Tonneburg Woods. Can we expect that the growth in trade that Karlan is planning for after the forest is cut down is not a temporary thing?"
But now that Lawrence understood where Kerube and Kieman stood, he could expect a more meaningful response. "From what I gather, the plan is to build a road through the forest, then set up smithies and coal-burning huts. Is this correct?" "Yes," Kieman replied, his sharp merchant's eyes resting on the dark of the wool exchange. He continued, "They will profit from the lumber extracted from the forest. But what would building a road through the place earn us? What sits at the end of that path is our trade territory. The only competing product I can think of is the wool we would obtain from that crafty woman. Kerube and Karlan are similar. Trading the same loaves of bread will not help fill our bellies." Holo immediately huffed in what sounded like a sneeze. Lawrence thought it was funny that he used the exact same metaphor. He had probably heard that very metaphor somewhere, from someone in his old trade guild. "I see." "Yes. That is reasonable in trade." And if they had no choice but to rely on the extracted lumber, then could they discreetly get Tanya's help to keep the Tonneburg Woods alive? Holo said that building a road through it would change the nature of the forest drastically. They would create charcoal in the burning huts, use it for fuel at new smithies, and ship lumber through Karlan and onward to the kingdom. Kieman was not thinking about how those profits meant all the lumber from the forest would serve as the foundation for the roads, and that the new road would bring about even more profit. And there was nothing about that that could lead one to reasonably believe that Kerube had any reason to get in the way of Karlan's trade. They dealt in the same goods, so the merchants naturally decided there was no real reason for them to use Karlan. They could have managed something if Kerube was evil. But if they were not intentionally sabotaging the project, then there was nothing they could do. "Logically speaking, we could make moderate use of the forest, Karlan could expand their trade, and Kerube should be able to obtain wool as you always have," Lawrence said, feeling as though he was being shown a painting of a staircase that continued forever upward. "Yes. If we manage to lessen the profits of that snake, and make sure she isn't the only winner, then we could reduce the amount of lumber we plan to sell and protect the forest. Then both Karlan and our Kerube will be able to grow." But they could not find a way to accomplish that. Because all Eve was doing was adding to her list of right moves. What little hope they had could only be found if all the losers here found a way to work together. "Still, after all this thinking, the principles of trade block our path." "That's your weakness, Lawrence. What happened to the show you put on in Salonia?" His teasing tone reminded Lawrence of how Kieman used to be. "That was less about my knowledge and more that as an outsider—I saw things that others couldn't." Kieman nodded, and Lawrence continued. "Let's ignore the tie between Eve and Col for now. If she were actively using him for vicious purposes, then we could contact Col directly and have him stop her... But indirectly, it seems like she is using him deftly while acting thankful for no real good reason." Kieman nodded, vexed, and said, "If only we had a product that could match the wool." In the end, their weakness was being taken advantage of. But since Eve was deftly weaving together an honest deal, that meant she could not reject them for fighting back with honest means. That said, if there was any product that could compete with lumber, all Lawrence could really come up with was to use Col's fame and have favorable words written on leather. And that itself was a method so underhanded and shameful that not even Eve would attempt it. "Can you think of something, dear?"
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
But now that Lawrence understood where Kerube and Kieman stood, he could expect a more meaningful response. "From what I gather, the plan is to build a road through the forest, then set up smithies and coal-burning huts. Is this correct?" "Yes," Kieman replied, his sharp merchant's eyes resting on the dark of the wool exchange. He continued, "They will profit from the lumber extracted from the forest. But what would building a road through the place earn us? What sits at the end of that path is our trade territory. The only competing product I can think of is the wool we would obtain from that crafty woman. Kerube and Karlan are similar. Trading the same loaves of bread will not help fill our bellies." Holo immediately huffed in what sounded like a sneeze. Lawrence thought it was funny that he used the exact same metaphor. He had probably heard that very metaphor somewhere, from someone in his old trade guild. "I see." "Yes. That is reasonable in trade." And if they had no choice but to rely on the extracted lumber, then could they discreetly get Tanya's help to keep the Tonneburg Woods alive? Holo said that building a road through it would change the nature of the forest drastically. They would create charcoal in the burning huts, use it for fuel at new smithies, and ship lumber through Karlan and onward to the kingdom. Kieman was not thinking about how those profits meant all the lumber from the forest would serve as the foundation for the roads, and that the new road would bring about even more profit. And there was nothing about that that could lead one to reasonably believe that Kerube had any reason to get in the way of Karlan's trade. They dealt in the same goods, so the merchants naturally decided there was no real reason for them to use Karlan. They could have managed something if Kerube was evil. But if they were not intentionally sabotaging the project, then there was nothing they could do. "Logically speaking, we could make moderate use of the forest, Karlan could expand their trade, and Kerube should be able to obtain wool as you always have," Lawrence said, feeling as though he was being shown a painting of a staircase that continued forever upward. "Yes. If we manage to lessen the profits of that snake, and make sure she isn't the only winner, then we could reduce the amount of lumber we plan to sell and protect the forest. Then both Karlan and our Kerube will be able to grow." But they could not find a way to accomplish that. Because all Eve was doing was adding to her list of right moves. What little hope they had could only be found if all the losers here found a way to work together. "Still, after all this thinking, the principles of trade block our path." "That's your weakness, Lawrence. What happened to the show you put on in Salonia?" His teasing tone reminded Lawrence of how Kieman used to be. "That was less about my knowledge and more that as an outsider—I saw things that others couldn't." Kieman nodded, and Lawrence continued. "Let's ignore the tie between Eve and Col for now. If she were actively using him for vicious purposes, then we could contact Col directly and have him stop her... But indirectly, it seems like she is using him deftly while acting thankful for no real good reason." Kieman nodded, vexed, and said, "If only we had a product that could match the wool." In the end, their weakness was being taken advantage of. But since Eve was deftly weaving together an honest deal, that meant she could not reject them for fighting back with honest means. That said, if there was any product that could compete with lumber, all Lawrence could really come up with was to use Col's fame and have favorable words written on leather. And that itself was a method so underhanded and shameful that not even Eve would attempt it. "Can you think of something, dear?"
"If I could come up with anything on the spot, I'd be a great merchant in no time." This was after Kieman had doubtlessly racked his brains; there was no reason to believe that Karlan or Matthias had not done the same. Lawrence did not consider himself special enough to come up with an idea after so many people from all over had thought long and hard about it already. "Ohhh... But how frustrating this is." Lawrence knew how Holo felt. Ostensibly, nothing was wrong with the situation, yet they could not shake the feeling that it was. "Ah, yes! The two cities are not on terrible terms like we first thought. Can these people not lend a hand with regards to the forest family's debt? If so, then the forest does not have to be sold, no? That would mean lumber must be bought from this city, and this place will soon fill with wool. That settles it, does it not?" Holo gestured to Kieman and the area around him, and Kieman simply shrugged. Lawrence answered on his behalf. "That would solve the problems for Tonneburg and Kerube, but not Karlan. Karlan would lose its access to lumber, which is key to its trade expansion, and that means they wouldn't be able to get wool anymore. But I guess we don't have to help them..." But Lawrence recalled how lively it was at the tavern. The optimism in the building was shocking, and it made his old merchant heart flutter. And without cutting down the Tonneburg Woods, the refugees who came to Karlan for the express purpose of working construction would have nothing to do. "Hngh..." Holo seemed scarily close to stomping in frustration. Benefitting one party would cause another to lose out. Saving any two of Karlan, Tonneburg, or Kerube would cause the third to sink. And it was Eve who had miraculously built a temple out of all the same materials—she sat upon its roof and sipped her wine, laughing all the way. Kieman then said, "Let's return to the trading house. It seems you don't have much time left, but I think we'll be able to think better there." Holo may have forgotten about the cold in her anger, but they could easily fall ill standing here in the nighttime autumn breeze. "How much time do you think you have until that snake of a woman figures out what you've been up to?" Lawrence had used the excuse that he was going to talk to Matthias to leave Karlan, and come here. "We will have to leave before...dawn, tomorrow." Kieman nodded. He smoothed down his bangs. "I used to spend all night coming up with trade deals." No one was particularly at fault in this situation. But Eve's laughter echoed around them, and being forced to dance to her tune was most certainly vexing. "Things are the opposite from last time," Kieman said. "Let's try to resolve things peacefully this time," Lawrence replied. The men shared wry, merchant-like smiles, and Holo alone, who was not quite part of this, seemed dissatisfied. The errand boy rushed over with a map of the area and trade contracts that the trade house had a grasp on. When counting all the little things, there were a great number of goods being exchanged, and when they were all put together, it became a whole torrent of commerce. Kieman was thinking hard to find ways to not get tangled up in all this, now that he understood Eve's intentions, but it did not seem to be going well. But now Lawrence had appeared, and if it was always the news from travelers that could quickly change the business of a relaxed market, then it was much too early to give up on reaching a breakthrough. "It'd be nice if we could quickly whip together all the things that the Winfiel Kingdom needs." "The one time that snake of a woman puts together an honest trade. It shouldn't be easy for her to choose not to sell wool if she doesn't get her lumber." This time around, Eve's strength and weakness was her connection to the honest and upright Twilight Cardinal. If Eve was doing something villainous, then they could threaten her with Col's tears.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"If I could come up with anything on the spot, I'd be a great merchant in no time." This was after Kieman had doubtlessly racked his brains; there was no reason to believe that Karlan or Matthias had not done the same. Lawrence did not consider himself special enough to come up with an idea after so many people from all over had thought long and hard about it already. "Ohhh... But how frustrating this is." Lawrence knew how Holo felt. Ostensibly, nothing was wrong with the situation, yet they could not shake the feeling that it was. "Ah, yes! The two cities are not on terrible terms like we first thought. Can these people not lend a hand with regards to the forest family's debt? If so, then the forest does not have to be sold, no? That would mean lumber must be bought from this city, and this place will soon fill with wool. That settles it, does it not?" Holo gestured to Kieman and the area around him, and Kieman simply shrugged. Lawrence answered on his behalf. "That would solve the problems for Tonneburg and Kerube, but not Karlan. Karlan would lose its access to lumber, which is key to its trade expansion, and that means they wouldn't be able to get wool anymore. But I guess we don't have to help them..." But Lawrence recalled how lively it was at the tavern. The optimism in the building was shocking, and it made his old merchant heart flutter. And without cutting down the Tonneburg Woods, the refugees who came to Karlan for the express purpose of working construction would have nothing to do. "Hngh..." Holo seemed scarily close to stomping in frustration. Benefitting one party would cause another to lose out. Saving any two of Karlan, Tonneburg, or Kerube would cause the third to sink. And it was Eve who had miraculously built a temple out of all the same materials—she sat upon its roof and sipped her wine, laughing all the way. Kieman then said, "Let's return to the trading house. It seems you don't have much time left, but I think we'll be able to think better there." Holo may have forgotten about the cold in her anger, but they could easily fall ill standing here in the nighttime autumn breeze. "How much time do you think you have until that snake of a woman figures out what you've been up to?" Lawrence had used the excuse that he was going to talk to Matthias to leave Karlan, and come here. "We will have to leave before...dawn, tomorrow." Kieman nodded. He smoothed down his bangs. "I used to spend all night coming up with trade deals." No one was particularly at fault in this situation. But Eve's laughter echoed around them, and being forced to dance to her tune was most certainly vexing. "Things are the opposite from last time," Kieman said. "Let's try to resolve things peacefully this time," Lawrence replied. The men shared wry, merchant-like smiles, and Holo alone, who was not quite part of this, seemed dissatisfied. The errand boy rushed over with a map of the area and trade contracts that the trade house had a grasp on. When counting all the little things, there were a great number of goods being exchanged, and when they were all put together, it became a whole torrent of commerce. Kieman was thinking hard to find ways to not get tangled up in all this, now that he understood Eve's intentions, but it did not seem to be going well. But now Lawrence had appeared, and if it was always the news from travelers that could quickly change the business of a relaxed market, then it was much too early to give up on reaching a breakthrough. "It'd be nice if we could quickly whip together all the things that the Winfiel Kingdom needs." "The one time that snake of a woman puts together an honest trade. It shouldn't be easy for her to choose not to sell wool if she doesn't get her lumber." This time around, Eve's strength and weakness was her connection to the honest and upright Twilight Cardinal. If Eve was doing something villainous, then they could threaten her with Col's tears.
When he pictured the cold stare not only from Col, but from his only daughter Myuri, he had a hard time breathing. "I know you must have thoroughly looked into the possibility, but why not leather?" Leather came down the river from Lenos to Kerube along with lumber. They could also easily procure leather, because of the hunting at Bishop Rahden's village, who they met in Salonia, and the mountain Tanya revived. And if they could hunt deer in the Tonneburg Woods on top of that, then that would then reduce the amount of woodland creatures feasting on leaf buds, and it would prevent the woods from becoming a conifer forest. It took care of two birds with one stone. "The kingdom is the Twilight Cardinal's base. Leather is considered a luxury article and does not actually sell very well there." "Ah, I see." Now that he thought about it, he had heard something similar in Karlan. The southern merchants who dealt in spices were no longer able to sell to the indulgent Church clergy, and now had no choice but to seek out smaller towns like Karlan. Karlan was fighting to make this a business opportunity, but Col's actions were having unintended effects all over the world. "We might be able to do something with woolen goods, however." "Woolen goods?" Lawrence began rifling through the mountain of documents; he had a feeling he had just seen a contract about woolen goods. But what he found was the trade of wool as a raw material, and thread at most. The wool would have to go through several other stages of production to become woolen goods. "The wool comes from across the sea, is woven into thread here, then immediately shipped back across and sold there... That can't be easy." Thread could be spun anywhere. "We could at least treat it as goods if we could turn it into semifinished cloth." Lawrence looked at Holo when he heard that because she was dozing off after having run at full speed all the way to Kerube, and there was a blanket draped over her. "Do you not have enough weavers?" "Every city knows that profits would greatly increase if they could sell wool as fabric, and not just wool, so they want to produce woolen goods. But scarcely does it ever move past thread spinning. Sometimes the ash necessary to remove the oils from the fibers is not available, or they do not have the facilities for fulling or dyeing." Several processes were necessary in order to turn wool into fabric. From what Lawrence learned once upon a time, it was common for it to take two to three years to go from sheared wool to being sold as clothing. "The trickiest part is the lack of water. That is the same reason Winfiel exports unprocessed wool." Lawrence knew that dyeing the fabric used up water. But fulling, however, required him to flip through the account books in his mind. "Fulling... Yes, waterwheels." "This area has many wheat fields. The biggest rivers are full of boats, and the smaller creeks will have a mill, and that's that. And most importantly, large tracts of land suited for wheat are typically flat to begin with. Rivers on land like that often are not powerful enough to properly full the fabric flat." The document Lawrence found noted that raw wool and thread were often sent inland, toward mountains. "But gentler rivers do not require as much work in order to travel upstream, so the merchants that come to Kerube to sell leather stock up on thread and wool before going back upstream. There, where the flow of the river is stronger, they turn the thread into fabric, full it, dye it, and then come back down the river." And plenty of taxes and fees had to be paid during this process, including paying those who would take on the transport of the fabric, and thus profits fell drastically. Yet there was an industrial reason why that had to happen. "Well, that's why things would be much easier if gold came from the Tonneburg Woods."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
When he pictured the cold stare not only from Col, but from his only daughter Myuri, he had a hard time breathing. "I know you must have thoroughly looked into the possibility, but why not leather?" Leather came down the river from Lenos to Kerube along with lumber. They could also easily procure leather, because of the hunting at Bishop Rahden's village, who they met in Salonia, and the mountain Tanya revived. And if they could hunt deer in the Tonneburg Woods on top of that, then that would then reduce the amount of woodland creatures feasting on leaf buds, and it would prevent the woods from becoming a conifer forest. It took care of two birds with one stone. "The kingdom is the Twilight Cardinal's base. Leather is considered a luxury article and does not actually sell very well there." "Ah, I see." Now that he thought about it, he had heard something similar in Karlan. The southern merchants who dealt in spices were no longer able to sell to the indulgent Church clergy, and now had no choice but to seek out smaller towns like Karlan. Karlan was fighting to make this a business opportunity, but Col's actions were having unintended effects all over the world. "We might be able to do something with woolen goods, however." "Woolen goods?" Lawrence began rifling through the mountain of documents; he had a feeling he had just seen a contract about woolen goods. But what he found was the trade of wool as a raw material, and thread at most. The wool would have to go through several other stages of production to become woolen goods. "The wool comes from across the sea, is woven into thread here, then immediately shipped back across and sold there... That can't be easy." Thread could be spun anywhere. "We could at least treat it as goods if we could turn it into semifinished cloth." Lawrence looked at Holo when he heard that because she was dozing off after having run at full speed all the way to Kerube, and there was a blanket draped over her. "Do you not have enough weavers?" "Every city knows that profits would greatly increase if they could sell wool as fabric, and not just wool, so they want to produce woolen goods. But scarcely does it ever move past thread spinning. Sometimes the ash necessary to remove the oils from the fibers is not available, or they do not have the facilities for fulling or dyeing." Several processes were necessary in order to turn wool into fabric. From what Lawrence learned once upon a time, it was common for it to take two to three years to go from sheared wool to being sold as clothing. "The trickiest part is the lack of water. That is the same reason Winfiel exports unprocessed wool." Lawrence knew that dyeing the fabric used up water. But fulling, however, required him to flip through the account books in his mind. "Fulling... Yes, waterwheels." "This area has many wheat fields. The biggest rivers are full of boats, and the smaller creeks will have a mill, and that's that. And most importantly, large tracts of land suited for wheat are typically flat to begin with. Rivers on land like that often are not powerful enough to properly full the fabric flat." The document Lawrence found noted that raw wool and thread were often sent inland, toward mountains. "But gentler rivers do not require as much work in order to travel upstream, so the merchants that come to Kerube to sell leather stock up on thread and wool before going back upstream. There, where the flow of the river is stronger, they turn the thread into fabric, full it, dye it, and then come back down the river." And plenty of taxes and fees had to be paid during this process, including paying those who would take on the transport of the fabric, and thus profits fell drastically. Yet there was an industrial reason why that had to happen. "Well, that's why things would be much easier if gold came from the Tonneburg Woods."
"Mm... If only we could find a narwhal...," Holo muttered; she was just scarcely paying attention as she dozed, it seemed. "All in all, this situation is much like that." Everyone was trying to find new profits in this mess—it felt a lot like the divine creating something from nothing. "Hmm... If we can't come up with new products, then is there a chance there's something in the tension between Karlan and Kerube that Eve hasn't thought of yet? Something akin to political warfare." All they really had to do was drag Eve's profits down. That alone would lessen the burden on Karlan, Tonneburg, and Kerube, and it would be easier for all three parties to create brighter futures for themselves. "There must be a way for everyone to work together. But I think our only choice is to come together and negotiate with the snake. But then we would probably end up arguing over the allotment of our shares. I think it would be more difficult to cooperate with Karlan than it would be to simply obstruct them." Kieman, who knew the reality of running a large port town, gave a tired smile. Their histories and sizes were on vastly different scales, so it was almost impossible for them to stand on equal ground, and even if they were to allot the profits based on number of people alone, the value of a great trade corporation versus a small alliance of merchants fetched different values, even if their numbers were the same. Maintaining face was truly a troublesome concept. Lawrence and Kieman then lit candle after candle and pondered all night long, but could find no particular standout strategy. They did consider widening the scope and getting Salonia and the Debau Company involved, but that failed to provide a better solution. They were tired, and their time limit was looming. Though it was still dark outside, and dawn showed no signs of breaking, Holo woke up as the morning church bell, meant to awaken the clergy, rang before even the first bird awoke. "Yawn... Ah, dear?" "Mm-hmm?" Just as Kieman returned from washing his face in the well, he saw Holo folding the blanket, and his shoulders dropped. "It seems like you have no choice but to go on and pretend like you're going to speak to Lord Tonneburg, Lawrence." "I'll do what I can to delay this, too." Matthias was not interested in joining the project, but he was a smart leader—he understood that his options were limited. Once he saw Lawrence, he would likely agree to the contract and head to Karlan without showing much resistance. Eve was surely confident in her own strategy, so if Lawrence had trouble with his talk, then Matthias would probably start doubting him. Eve was not only simply making money out of this project. She was also creating a new place for refugees to work and make new homes, so it was hard to call this extension justified. "Are you heading out by horse?" "There's no way to tell for certain that Eve's lookouts won't be in or around Kerube, so we'll be leaving from outside the city." Kieman was satisfied with that. Kerube was a large city, which meant there was a sprawl of smaller towns just beyond the city walls—there were plenty of stables there. "Sigh... Even if we don't get any results, we could have stood our ground for just a little longer, if this was like the old days." Kieman rolled his neck, a hint of pain in the act; Lawrence was the same. He genuinely wondered if he might fall off Holo on the way. "What do you think the secret is to Eve's youth?" Lawrence asked. Kieman gave it a moment of serious thought and said, "Her greed, I think." Holo did not ask if Lawrence had made any progress, and Lawrence got the sense that she was not running at top speed. She could also tell that he was nodding off, so she deliberately landed hard on the ground with each step, keeping him awake. She offered to carry him in her mouth, but he refused, so he fought off his drowsiness as best he could.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"Mm... If only we could find a narwhal...," Holo muttered; she was just scarcely paying attention as she dozed, it seemed. "All in all, this situation is much like that." Everyone was trying to find new profits in this mess—it felt a lot like the divine creating something from nothing. "Hmm... If we can't come up with new products, then is there a chance there's something in the tension between Karlan and Kerube that Eve hasn't thought of yet? Something akin to political warfare." All they really had to do was drag Eve's profits down. That alone would lessen the burden on Karlan, Tonneburg, and Kerube, and it would be easier for all three parties to create brighter futures for themselves. "There must be a way for everyone to work together. But I think our only choice is to come together and negotiate with the snake. But then we would probably end up arguing over the allotment of our shares. I think it would be more difficult to cooperate with Karlan than it would be to simply obstruct them." Kieman, who knew the reality of running a large port town, gave a tired smile. Their histories and sizes were on vastly different scales, so it was almost impossible for them to stand on equal ground, and even if they were to allot the profits based on number of people alone, the value of a great trade corporation versus a small alliance of merchants fetched different values, even if their numbers were the same. Maintaining face was truly a troublesome concept. Lawrence and Kieman then lit candle after candle and pondered all night long, but could find no particular standout strategy. They did consider widening the scope and getting Salonia and the Debau Company involved, but that failed to provide a better solution. They were tired, and their time limit was looming. Though it was still dark outside, and dawn showed no signs of breaking, Holo woke up as the morning church bell, meant to awaken the clergy, rang before even the first bird awoke. "Yawn... Ah, dear?" "Mm-hmm?" Just as Kieman returned from washing his face in the well, he saw Holo folding the blanket, and his shoulders dropped. "It seems like you have no choice but to go on and pretend like you're going to speak to Lord Tonneburg, Lawrence." "I'll do what I can to delay this, too." Matthias was not interested in joining the project, but he was a smart leader—he understood that his options were limited. Once he saw Lawrence, he would likely agree to the contract and head to Karlan without showing much resistance. Eve was surely confident in her own strategy, so if Lawrence had trouble with his talk, then Matthias would probably start doubting him. Eve was not only simply making money out of this project. She was also creating a new place for refugees to work and make new homes, so it was hard to call this extension justified. "Are you heading out by horse?" "There's no way to tell for certain that Eve's lookouts won't be in or around Kerube, so we'll be leaving from outside the city." Kieman was satisfied with that. Kerube was a large city, which meant there was a sprawl of smaller towns just beyond the city walls—there were plenty of stables there. "Sigh... Even if we don't get any results, we could have stood our ground for just a little longer, if this was like the old days." Kieman rolled his neck, a hint of pain in the act; Lawrence was the same. He genuinely wondered if he might fall off Holo on the way. "What do you think the secret is to Eve's youth?" Lawrence asked. Kieman gave it a moment of serious thought and said, "Her greed, I think." Holo did not ask if Lawrence had made any progress, and Lawrence got the sense that she was not running at top speed. She could also tell that he was nodding off, so she deliberately landed hard on the ground with each step, keeping him awake. She offered to carry him in her mouth, but he refused, so he fought off his drowsiness as best he could.
Many a time did Holo glance back to look at him, but nothing helped. She eventually dropped her speed, found a spot blocking the view from the road with hills and sparse copses, and let Lawrence down. Slightly vexed, she lay on her stomach, poked Lawrence with her nose, drew him closer with her tail, and became his very own bed of fur. She did not call him a fool. And she understood how sad that made him by the way he wilted. When they first met, Lawrence did not stop for anything, even when he had gotten stabbed after running around underground catacombs. Even though back then he could have kept fighting until his dying breath, now the strength in his hands waned, and it was a fight to summon what energy he did have. As Lawrence sat within Holo's fur and her sunlike warmth, he thought. I think it will feel like this when I die. Wait, I'm not actually dying, am I? came the unwitting question, and he opened his eyes. It was then that Holo drew her red eyes away from the breaking dawn and to him. "Sleep." It had always been Lawrence's job in their travels to look after their well-being. But when Holo was like this, she most certainly earned her moniker as the Wisewolf. Perhaps the reason Holo drank herself silly so often was so that they rarely had to switch their roles. It was always Lawrence who marched forward in high spirits, dragging Holo along behind him. They had not switched places; Holo was not looking back at Lawrence, paused in his tracks. *** Lawrence mumbled something, something not even he understood, and Holo narrowed her eyes curiously. He mustered all he could to speak as he pried his eyelids open, falling shut as he succumbed to drowsiness. "We're not...done..." Holo did not ask with what. Her lips parted to show her rows of teeth, and she rubbed the side of her nose against Lawrence's shoulder, as though giving a dry laugh. And after staring at him for a moment, she turned her gaze into the distance again. The dazzling sunlight made the ground seem like golden fields of wheat; countless times had she greeted the morning with a sight like this before. Lawrence had never been there, of course, but he felt like he had seen the sun rise over wheat many, many times in his life. That sensation most certainly came from when, after they had arrived in the hot spring village of Nyohhira, he found himself nuzzled among Holo's fur, absorbing her warmth as they slept outside. It was then, as Nyohhira's bathhouse owners ridiculed them for even entertaining the thought of finding new springs, Holo scoffed and began searching the area, as though looking for a bone she had buried earlier. As she dug with such enthusiasm that Lawrence worried she might change the shape of the mountain entirely, she finally found a spring. There Lawrence built a bathhouse, there they welcomed their only daughter, and there the boy they had collected on their journey grew into a fine young man. That was where, he knew, his bones would be laid to rest. Holo might get fidgety over the scent of bones like a dog at times, but he would be perfectly happy if she chewed on his bones. As those thoughts crossed his mind, he found himself grinning on the edge of reverie. "Dear." Perhaps the reason Holo spoke to him to wake him up because she found that little smile of his revolting. Though that was the thought that initially crossed his mind, he saw that when he squinted in the bright sunlight that the sun had completely cleared the horizon. He had slept longer than he thought; they would have to leave soon. "I want to take a bath," Lawrence muttered. Holo frowned, deeply. It was as though she was reprimanding him for voicing that when she had worked so hard to keep the same sentiment to herself.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Many a time did Holo glance back to look at him, but nothing helped. She eventually dropped her speed, found a spot blocking the view from the road with hills and sparse copses, and let Lawrence down. Slightly vexed, she lay on her stomach, poked Lawrence with her nose, drew him closer with her tail, and became his very own bed of fur. She did not call him a fool. And she understood how sad that made him by the way he wilted. When they first met, Lawrence did not stop for anything, even when he had gotten stabbed after running around underground catacombs. Even though back then he could have kept fighting until his dying breath, now the strength in his hands waned, and it was a fight to summon what energy he did have. As Lawrence sat within Holo's fur and her sunlike warmth, he thought. I think it will feel like this when I die. Wait, I'm not actually dying, am I? came the unwitting question, and he opened his eyes. It was then that Holo drew her red eyes away from the breaking dawn and to him. "Sleep." It had always been Lawrence's job in their travels to look after their well-being. But when Holo was like this, she most certainly earned her moniker as the Wisewolf. Perhaps the reason Holo drank herself silly so often was so that they rarely had to switch their roles. It was always Lawrence who marched forward in high spirits, dragging Holo along behind him. They had not switched places; Holo was not looking back at Lawrence, paused in his tracks. *** Lawrence mumbled something, something not even he understood, and Holo narrowed her eyes curiously. He mustered all he could to speak as he pried his eyelids open, falling shut as he succumbed to drowsiness. "We're not...done..." Holo did not ask with what. Her lips parted to show her rows of teeth, and she rubbed the side of her nose against Lawrence's shoulder, as though giving a dry laugh. And after staring at him for a moment, she turned her gaze into the distance again. The dazzling sunlight made the ground seem like golden fields of wheat; countless times had she greeted the morning with a sight like this before. Lawrence had never been there, of course, but he felt like he had seen the sun rise over wheat many, many times in his life. That sensation most certainly came from when, after they had arrived in the hot spring village of Nyohhira, he found himself nuzzled among Holo's fur, absorbing her warmth as they slept outside. It was then, as Nyohhira's bathhouse owners ridiculed them for even entertaining the thought of finding new springs, Holo scoffed and began searching the area, as though looking for a bone she had buried earlier. As she dug with such enthusiasm that Lawrence worried she might change the shape of the mountain entirely, she finally found a spring. There Lawrence built a bathhouse, there they welcomed their only daughter, and there the boy they had collected on their journey grew into a fine young man. That was where, he knew, his bones would be laid to rest. Holo might get fidgety over the scent of bones like a dog at times, but he would be perfectly happy if she chewed on his bones. As those thoughts crossed his mind, he found himself grinning on the edge of reverie. "Dear." Perhaps the reason Holo spoke to him to wake him up because she found that little smile of his revolting. Though that was the thought that initially crossed his mind, he saw that when he squinted in the bright sunlight that the sun had completely cleared the horizon. He had slept longer than he thought; they would have to leave soon. "I want to take a bath," Lawrence muttered. Holo frowned, deeply. It was as though she was reprimanding him for voicing that when she had worked so hard to keep the same sentiment to herself.
"What?!" He jolted upright, and not because Holo had nipped at his head. Holo's eyes went wide at Lawrence's sudden movement, and she craned her head to look at him. Lawrence looked around, then eventually met Holo's gaze. Fragments of his memory swirled together like a tempest in his mind. It was in that moment that he suddenly realized he had a treasure map right in the palm of his hands. Like a drunkard who suddenly sobered and was looking in his wallet, he felt around her front legs. He eventually found her giant paw. When they had first met, Lawrence had been paralyzed in shock when he saw her claws. He wondered when it stopped scaring him. It felt like it was a very long time ago—not long after they started traveling together. When he brushed her claws, Holo curled her paw in discomfort. Lawrence looked up at her. "You were more than willing to use your wolf powers this time, right?" Her large ears pricked, and her large head whipped to look at him; it was an act powerful enough to create its own wind. "What did you see in your dreams?" Lawrence held his breath, adding everything they had gone through since their time in Salonia to his mental map. Behind Eve's morality hid vast profits. But it was not only people who hid things. The earth, too, occasionally hid the flow of time. "Eve is trying to string everyone up with her wool by being up front and above board." Holo sensed something in Lawrence's tone; her eyes, as she looked at him, glinted strongly in the sunlight. "Then why don't we resort to...something more underhanded?" Holo blinked once, twice, and her tail whipped through the air. The sun began to rise even higher, signaling the start of a new day. "I love it when you make that face." She rubbed her snout affectionately against his face, strong enough to knock him over; and as he burrowed into the fur on her stomach, he began to chart his plot. Though it was all firmly within the realm of possibility, Lawrence was confident, and he filled Holo in. This had all started because of what happened in Salonia. And since it had started in Salonia, the key to its end lay in Salonia, too. "Yes." Holo's eyes glinted in anticipation. "Yeah." Lawrence could picture Eve's shock already. All they needed to do was collect their treasure-hunting party. Once they retrieved the horse they had left behind, Lawrence and Holo headed for Tonneburg. They passed into the western part of the forest just after noon; Holo ventured into the trees alone as a wolf to look into all the things she had heard from Lawrence. Now on his own, Lawrence followed the road he remembered seeing on the map he borrowed from the old priest, but people rarely ever used it; it was in disrepair, and he had to ultimately dismount from his horse and walk. "I should have just gone in the forest with Holo," Lawrence said to the horse, and he thought he saw the horse frown in response to Holo's name. It was probably sick of the wolf's scent after having her fur tied to its mane the whole night. Lawrence could not help but smile. After taking a roundabout way through the woods, the sun began to set. He had walked the whole way on little sleep, so his relief was immeasurable when he saw the large pond in the distance. On the priest's map, the lord's manor should have sat on the edge of this pond—big enough to be called a lake. There were a few other houses in the area, not enough for it to be called a village, and waterways filled to the brim with water extended in all directions—those waterways fed not wheat, but vegetables. On the way from the checkpoint in which they met Meyer to Tonneburg, they had encountered more and more water as they got closer to the forest, and plenty of those bridges crossing over them had been in sorry states. The reason Tonneburg had managed to keep the forest intact was the natural keystone that was the marshy terrain.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"What?!" He jolted upright, and not because Holo had nipped at his head. Holo's eyes went wide at Lawrence's sudden movement, and she craned her head to look at him. Lawrence looked around, then eventually met Holo's gaze. Fragments of his memory swirled together like a tempest in his mind. It was in that moment that he suddenly realized he had a treasure map right in the palm of his hands. Like a drunkard who suddenly sobered and was looking in his wallet, he felt around her front legs. He eventually found her giant paw. When they had first met, Lawrence had been paralyzed in shock when he saw her claws. He wondered when it stopped scaring him. It felt like it was a very long time ago—not long after they started traveling together. When he brushed her claws, Holo curled her paw in discomfort. Lawrence looked up at her. "You were more than willing to use your wolf powers this time, right?" Her large ears pricked, and her large head whipped to look at him; it was an act powerful enough to create its own wind. "What did you see in your dreams?" Lawrence held his breath, adding everything they had gone through since their time in Salonia to his mental map. Behind Eve's morality hid vast profits. But it was not only people who hid things. The earth, too, occasionally hid the flow of time. "Eve is trying to string everyone up with her wool by being up front and above board." Holo sensed something in Lawrence's tone; her eyes, as she looked at him, glinted strongly in the sunlight. "Then why don't we resort to...something more underhanded?" Holo blinked once, twice, and her tail whipped through the air. The sun began to rise even higher, signaling the start of a new day. "I love it when you make that face." She rubbed her snout affectionately against his face, strong enough to knock him over; and as he burrowed into the fur on her stomach, he began to chart his plot. Though it was all firmly within the realm of possibility, Lawrence was confident, and he filled Holo in. This had all started because of what happened in Salonia. And since it had started in Salonia, the key to its end lay in Salonia, too. "Yes." Holo's eyes glinted in anticipation. "Yeah." Lawrence could picture Eve's shock already. All they needed to do was collect their treasure-hunting party. Once they retrieved the horse they had left behind, Lawrence and Holo headed for Tonneburg. They passed into the western part of the forest just after noon; Holo ventured into the trees alone as a wolf to look into all the things she had heard from Lawrence. Now on his own, Lawrence followed the road he remembered seeing on the map he borrowed from the old priest, but people rarely ever used it; it was in disrepair, and he had to ultimately dismount from his horse and walk. "I should have just gone in the forest with Holo," Lawrence said to the horse, and he thought he saw the horse frown in response to Holo's name. It was probably sick of the wolf's scent after having her fur tied to its mane the whole night. Lawrence could not help but smile. After taking a roundabout way through the woods, the sun began to set. He had walked the whole way on little sleep, so his relief was immeasurable when he saw the large pond in the distance. On the priest's map, the lord's manor should have sat on the edge of this pond—big enough to be called a lake. There were a few other houses in the area, not enough for it to be called a village, and waterways filled to the brim with water extended in all directions—those waterways fed not wheat, but vegetables. On the way from the checkpoint in which they met Meyer to Tonneburg, they had encountered more and more water as they got closer to the forest, and plenty of those bridges crossing over them had been in sorry states. The reason Tonneburg had managed to keep the forest intact was the natural keystone that was the marshy terrain.
If he were to walk here early in the morning, amid the humidity, he would surely lose track of what was a field and what was water in the mist. The state of the land brought him confidence. Travelers did not understand the circumstances of the land, and traveling merchants were often in a disadvantageous position when it came to information, but there were times when an outsider could see things with clearer eyes—Salonia was one such case. And this time was no different. The way the map had been put together on the parchment caught Lawrence's eyes. Of course, Matthias, the Karlan merchants, Eve, and even Kieman had looked at that map countless times and used every ounce of knowledge they had to plan their moves. And though he knew he could not be smarter or outmaneuver them by looking at the very same thing, Lawrence had one advantage. Specifically, it was what had happened in Salonia. Parchment was expensive, and so it was not uncommon to chip away at what was already written with a knife to rewrite something. One could then see what used to be written on the page by looking at its backside. When he had been involved with the lumber merchants, the very instance that had started this whole mess, he had realized what had been written beneath the map. Just like this. That was the memory of ancient land—something modern merchants never once looked at, something Eve and Kieman had no way of knowing. And it was here that he compared it to his memories of the journey only he and Holo shared. How had he and Holo found a new spring, something everyone said was impossible, all to build a new bathhouse in the hot spring village of Nyohhira? When he placed these maps together, he saw the lay of Tonneburg change. Two towns, brothers snatching pieces of bread from each other, could be brought together in one trading area beneath the great flow of trade. And it was the Tonneburg Woods that acted as the key to bringing them together—to be more precise, the ancient memory that still remained among the trees. "Sir Lawrence?" As Lawrence stood on the path, gazing out over the pond and the lord's house, he suddenly heard his name. He looked to see Matthias, on horseback, accompanied by his attendants. "My lord." Lawrence moved to kneel, but Matthias raised a hand to stop him. "How did things go in Karlan?" Matthias dismounted, left his horse to his attendants, and motioned for Lawrence to walk with him. Lawrence looked at Matthias and his horse's feet to see they were all covered in mud—they must have been in the forest. Perhaps it was his way of saying his final farewells, to burn the image of the lush forest into his mind. "Eve Bolan, the representative from the Winfiel Kingdom, can be trusted." Matthias did not doubt the veracity of the report, but he did seem somewhat discouraged by the news. Though he knew Karlan's project would save his territory, a part of him wanted Eve to be such a bad person that they had no choice but to discard the project entirely. It was wrong for him to hope so, but he knew that he could not both protect the forest and keep his land running. And so Matthias had placed his hopes on keeping the territory up and running for the sake of his people. "...I see. Well done," Matthias said, swallowing Lawrence's report and letting it settle in his stomach. Upon seeing his reaction, Lawrence felt relieved he turned down the landowning nobility rights in Salonia. With less to protect, there were fewer troubles he needed to go through in order to safekeep what was most important. He watched Matthias, sympathy filling his heart as he watched the man order his entourage to rush to the manor and begin preparations for him to sign the contract. But it was in that moment when far in the distance, a flock of birds took to the sky from the trees.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
If he were to walk here early in the morning, amid the humidity, he would surely lose track of what was a field and what was water in the mist. The state of the land brought him confidence. Travelers did not understand the circumstances of the land, and traveling merchants were often in a disadvantageous position when it came to information, but there were times when an outsider could see things with clearer eyes—Salonia was one such case. And this time was no different. The way the map had been put together on the parchment caught Lawrence's eyes. Of course, Matthias, the Karlan merchants, Eve, and even Kieman had looked at that map countless times and used every ounce of knowledge they had to plan their moves. And though he knew he could not be smarter or outmaneuver them by looking at the very same thing, Lawrence had one advantage. Specifically, it was what had happened in Salonia. Parchment was expensive, and so it was not uncommon to chip away at what was already written with a knife to rewrite something. One could then see what used to be written on the page by looking at its backside. When he had been involved with the lumber merchants, the very instance that had started this whole mess, he had realized what had been written beneath the map. Just like this. That was the memory of ancient land—something modern merchants never once looked at, something Eve and Kieman had no way of knowing. And it was here that he compared it to his memories of the journey only he and Holo shared. How had he and Holo found a new spring, something everyone said was impossible, all to build a new bathhouse in the hot spring village of Nyohhira? When he placed these maps together, he saw the lay of Tonneburg change. Two towns, brothers snatching pieces of bread from each other, could be brought together in one trading area beneath the great flow of trade. And it was the Tonneburg Woods that acted as the key to bringing them together—to be more precise, the ancient memory that still remained among the trees. "Sir Lawrence?" As Lawrence stood on the path, gazing out over the pond and the lord's house, he suddenly heard his name. He looked to see Matthias, on horseback, accompanied by his attendants. "My lord." Lawrence moved to kneel, but Matthias raised a hand to stop him. "How did things go in Karlan?" Matthias dismounted, left his horse to his attendants, and motioned for Lawrence to walk with him. Lawrence looked at Matthias and his horse's feet to see they were all covered in mud—they must have been in the forest. Perhaps it was his way of saying his final farewells, to burn the image of the lush forest into his mind. "Eve Bolan, the representative from the Winfiel Kingdom, can be trusted." Matthias did not doubt the veracity of the report, but he did seem somewhat discouraged by the news. Though he knew Karlan's project would save his territory, a part of him wanted Eve to be such a bad person that they had no choice but to discard the project entirely. It was wrong for him to hope so, but he knew that he could not both protect the forest and keep his land running. And so Matthias had placed his hopes on keeping the territory up and running for the sake of his people. "...I see. Well done," Matthias said, swallowing Lawrence's report and letting it settle in his stomach. Upon seeing his reaction, Lawrence felt relieved he turned down the landowning nobility rights in Salonia. With less to protect, there were fewer troubles he needed to go through in order to safekeep what was most important. He watched Matthias, sympathy filling his heart as he watched the man order his entourage to rush to the manor and begin preparations for him to sign the contract. But it was in that moment when far in the distance, a flock of birds took to the sky from the trees.
The enormity of it all was sudden, as was its disappearance. Once it passed, it felt like a daydream. Matthias seemed unsure if this was reality and stared out in shock into the trees. The only one calm was Lawrence. No—perhaps he was excited. Because he knew that howl was a sign from Holo. "My lord," Lawrence said, and Matthias jumped as he turned to look at him. "Eve Bolan saw how rich this forest was and had drawn up a plan for herself. That in itself is not an unjust profit, but she is profiting a bit too much from this." Matthias looked to Lawrence, perplexed, then turned an uneasy gaze out toward the forest, then back to Lawrence. "What do you mean?" "The reason you decided to join in on Karlan's plan was because you were thinking of your relationship with the Church, your debt, and about better lives for your subjects." Matthias did not want to cut down the forest for simple personal gain. "But you are running the risk of losing your forest because of it. And one can say the same thing to Karlan as well." Though he did not explicitly say that Eve was taking advantage of him, that was how Matthias took it. That was because he had that indistinct feeling to begin with, and yet he felt ashamed that he could not approach the situation with greater tenacity. "Why do you feel the need to point this out now, Sir Lawrence?" Matthias asked, his expression tired. This was the way of the world, and they had no choice but to obey it. But Lawrence felt rather strongly about pushing aside the ways of the world. "What would you say if there was something within this forest you could sell for a very pretty penny?" Kieman had joked about there being gold veins in the ground. Gold itself was a reach, but there had indeed been a map that pointed to treasure. No one had been able to find it, so outsiders had found it in outside towns. "My lord, do you know where I hail from?" Matthias faltered in the face of Lawrence's sudden question and his merchant's smile. But the reason he could not look away was because he saw the odd glint of confidence in his eyes. "You are..." Matthias gulped. "...You are from Nyohhira." "Correct. I run a bathhouse in a hot spring village. That is because I struck upon a spring." Still bewildered, Matthias furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. "Plus old maps," Lawrence said, gesturing to the expanse of the pond beside them. "What did this pond used to connect to? And what about now? In another life, the answer to those questions would've granted me the right to walk shoulder to shoulder with you, my lord." There was the legend of the great serpent, which was said to have laid across the Salonia plains. When Holo had gazed upon the wheat fields from atop the tower, she had been genuinely shocked to see the remains of the serpent. The way Matthias looked now was a lot like her in that moment. "Subterranean...water?" Matthias murmured and brought a hand to his mouth. "No. We do not struggle with water here—well, in some ways, we do. Digging up water would not..." "Water alone? Perhaps not." Because this water was different from hot springs. The great serpent, chased underground by the hero, had left behind traces of its existence by way of groundwater, which seeped up here and there. Simply digging up those traces would not immediately gain one gold, no, but all Lawrence had to do was think one step further and consider what Kieman said. The flow of water was just as valuable. "Collect the remnants of springwater that bubble through the earth from the remains of the river that once flowed through here. Create a waterway, and make a waterwheel from Tonneburg lumber. And luckily, this land is hillier than the rest of the land around it, which makes it ideal for a waterwheel." The wrinkles in Matthias's frown grew deeper—he was slowly beginning to see the reality of the problem.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
The enormity of it all was sudden, as was its disappearance. Once it passed, it felt like a daydream. Matthias seemed unsure if this was reality and stared out in shock into the trees. The only one calm was Lawrence. No—perhaps he was excited. Because he knew that howl was a sign from Holo. "My lord," Lawrence said, and Matthias jumped as he turned to look at him. "Eve Bolan saw how rich this forest was and had drawn up a plan for herself. That in itself is not an unjust profit, but she is profiting a bit too much from this." Matthias looked to Lawrence, perplexed, then turned an uneasy gaze out toward the forest, then back to Lawrence. "What do you mean?" "The reason you decided to join in on Karlan's plan was because you were thinking of your relationship with the Church, your debt, and about better lives for your subjects." Matthias did not want to cut down the forest for simple personal gain. "But you are running the risk of losing your forest because of it. And one can say the same thing to Karlan as well." Though he did not explicitly say that Eve was taking advantage of him, that was how Matthias took it. That was because he had that indistinct feeling to begin with, and yet he felt ashamed that he could not approach the situation with greater tenacity. "Why do you feel the need to point this out now, Sir Lawrence?" Matthias asked, his expression tired. This was the way of the world, and they had no choice but to obey it. But Lawrence felt rather strongly about pushing aside the ways of the world. "What would you say if there was something within this forest you could sell for a very pretty penny?" Kieman had joked about there being gold veins in the ground. Gold itself was a reach, but there had indeed been a map that pointed to treasure. No one had been able to find it, so outsiders had found it in outside towns. "My lord, do you know where I hail from?" Matthias faltered in the face of Lawrence's sudden question and his merchant's smile. But the reason he could not look away was because he saw the odd glint of confidence in his eyes. "You are..." Matthias gulped. "...You are from Nyohhira." "Correct. I run a bathhouse in a hot spring village. That is because I struck upon a spring." Still bewildered, Matthias furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. "Plus old maps," Lawrence said, gesturing to the expanse of the pond beside them. "What did this pond used to connect to? And what about now? In another life, the answer to those questions would've granted me the right to walk shoulder to shoulder with you, my lord." There was the legend of the great serpent, which was said to have laid across the Salonia plains. When Holo had gazed upon the wheat fields from atop the tower, she had been genuinely shocked to see the remains of the serpent. The way Matthias looked now was a lot like her in that moment. "Subterranean...water?" Matthias murmured and brought a hand to his mouth. "No. We do not struggle with water here—well, in some ways, we do. Digging up water would not..." "Water alone? Perhaps not." Because this water was different from hot springs. The great serpent, chased underground by the hero, had left behind traces of its existence by way of groundwater, which seeped up here and there. Simply digging up those traces would not immediately gain one gold, no, but all Lawrence had to do was think one step further and consider what Kieman said. The flow of water was just as valuable. "Collect the remnants of springwater that bubble through the earth from the remains of the river that once flowed through here. Create a waterway, and make a waterwheel from Tonneburg lumber. And luckily, this land is hillier than the rest of the land around it, which makes it ideal for a waterwheel." The wrinkles in Matthias's frown grew deeper—he was slowly beginning to see the reality of the problem.
Kieman likely believed Lawrence's excuse that he wanted to protect the forest so that he might preserve the right he had to wheat, something he obtained in Salonia. But Matthias was no merchant. His roots were in the forest. He understood that Lawrence and Holo held deep sympathy for the woods that was not connected to pure profit. "Yes, we are. And that is why it would not be for milling, much less the expansion of your smithies. There are ways to use waterwheels that more closely suit the forest." Lawrence grasped at his own clothes. "Fulling wool. You could make fabric here and sell it. You have a master smith here, which means it will be easy to get the needed ash. You should be able to undertake the entirety of the process right here, from raw wool to the finished product." Matthias stared blankly in shock at him. "There is no need to rush and cut down all of your precious trees, or waste your time building a road among them. Spinning wool into thread, turning it into fabric, and making it into clothes is a special privilege only lands with bountiful water have. And the best part..." Lawrence paused. " would be working alongside your old enemies in Kerube." Matthias bristled at mention of Kerube. He could not help but be subservient when it came to his debt, but his sensibilities as lord would not let him do so, so he grew stubborn. "Kerube? But they—" "Yes. They are arrogant not because they are evil, but because their city is massive. And since prodigious quantity is necessary to be profitable in any trade, they would be a strong ally." Eve had done well in pitting Karlan and Kerube against each other. While the similarities in their economic structure meant it was easy to do so, that also meant it was easy for them to allow their interests to align. She likely thought that, in order to get her lumber, she needed to avoid conflict with the two cities at once. It was from there she started to piece her plan together and eventually arrived at her current design. "My plan should be able to bring Karlan and Kerube together with one trade. And this forest is necessary to bring them together, so they would be more than happy to kneel to the lord who owns it in order to secure his cooperation." Lawrence, who had been playing the part of humble merchant until that moment, took two steps forward. With surprising vigor he closed the gap between himself and Matthias, and he looked up at him like a businessman with too much political power proposing a nefarious plot. "I would like you to take the initiative on this project, my lord." Overwhelmed, Matthias stared down at Lawrence, but he was, at the end of the day, a ruling lord. Strength returned to his eyes, and he squeezed his voice out from between clenched teeth. "What do you want in return?" No merchant would propose such a plan without asking for something in return. This was his second time asking that question. The first time, Lawrence answered for others' sake. But this time, he decided it would be all right to answer for his own personal desires. "I have two requests." Matthias seemed surprised he did not immediately name his price in gold pieces, yet he jerked his chin, urging Lawrence to continue. "First, a set of clothes." "Clothes?" "Karlan seems to be planning on attracting merchants from the south to its harbor. So I want you to use their connections and the fabric you make here in the forest to make one set of women's clothing in line with what's fashionable in the south." Matthias looked at Lawrence dubiously, but then recalled who his traveling companion was. Still, he managed a slow nod, despite his lingering doubt, and said, "And your second?" "My second is that you say this plan was yours, my lord." *** Matthias seemed like he had misheard Lawrence, and so Lawrence repeated himself.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Kieman likely believed Lawrence's excuse that he wanted to protect the forest so that he might preserve the right he had to wheat, something he obtained in Salonia. But Matthias was no merchant. His roots were in the forest. He understood that Lawrence and Holo held deep sympathy for the woods that was not connected to pure profit. "Yes, we are. And that is why it would not be for milling, much less the expansion of your smithies. There are ways to use waterwheels that more closely suit the forest." Lawrence grasped at his own clothes. "Fulling wool. You could make fabric here and sell it. You have a master smith here, which means it will be easy to get the needed ash. You should be able to undertake the entirety of the process right here, from raw wool to the finished product." Matthias stared blankly in shock at him. "There is no need to rush and cut down all of your precious trees, or waste your time building a road among them. Spinning wool into thread, turning it into fabric, and making it into clothes is a special privilege only lands with bountiful water have. And the best part..." Lawrence paused. " would be working alongside your old enemies in Kerube." Matthias bristled at mention of Kerube. He could not help but be subservient when it came to his debt, but his sensibilities as lord would not let him do so, so he grew stubborn. "Kerube? But they—" "Yes. They are arrogant not because they are evil, but because their city is massive. And since prodigious quantity is necessary to be profitable in any trade, they would be a strong ally." Eve had done well in pitting Karlan and Kerube against each other. While the similarities in their economic structure meant it was easy to do so, that also meant it was easy for them to allow their interests to align. She likely thought that, in order to get her lumber, she needed to avoid conflict with the two cities at once. It was from there she started to piece her plan together and eventually arrived at her current design. "My plan should be able to bring Karlan and Kerube together with one trade. And this forest is necessary to bring them together, so they would be more than happy to kneel to the lord who owns it in order to secure his cooperation." Lawrence, who had been playing the part of humble merchant until that moment, took two steps forward. With surprising vigor he closed the gap between himself and Matthias, and he looked up at him like a businessman with too much political power proposing a nefarious plot. "I would like you to take the initiative on this project, my lord." Overwhelmed, Matthias stared down at Lawrence, but he was, at the end of the day, a ruling lord. Strength returned to his eyes, and he squeezed his voice out from between clenched teeth. "What do you want in return?" No merchant would propose such a plan without asking for something in return. This was his second time asking that question. The first time, Lawrence answered for others' sake. But this time, he decided it would be all right to answer for his own personal desires. "I have two requests." Matthias seemed surprised he did not immediately name his price in gold pieces, yet he jerked his chin, urging Lawrence to continue. "First, a set of clothes." "Clothes?" "Karlan seems to be planning on attracting merchants from the south to its harbor. So I want you to use their connections and the fabric you make here in the forest to make one set of women's clothing in line with what's fashionable in the south." Matthias looked at Lawrence dubiously, but then recalled who his traveling companion was. Still, he managed a slow nod, despite his lingering doubt, and said, "And your second?" "My second is that you say this plan was yours, my lord." *** Matthias seemed like he had misheard Lawrence, and so Lawrence repeated himself.
*** Matthias looked at Lawrence as though he had said, I will give you money if you purchase this product. "Do you think it strange? Remember, my lord, you are a man who rules over Tonneburg, while I am but a humble bathhouse owner. It is a small price to pay in avoiding Eve's displeasure." Matthias's mouth opened, then closed again. "The price of being your scapegoat, I see." A proud lord would have taken blade in hand and reprimanded Lawrence for being disrespectful. But Matthias took the friendly explanation well. "...Do you mean to say you do not have the status to execute this plan, even though you are the one that thought of it?" "I can't eat a picture of bread, after all." Matthias still seemed to think it unfair, and the frown remained on his face. Nobility valued face—he could not stomach accepting charity from a commoner. "But I do have one last request, if you'll humor me," Lawrence said. Matthias looked up at him. "If my idea saves the forest, then will you promise me you will protect one sapling and ensure its growth, no matter what happens?" "...What do you mean?" "Allow it to grow through my children's era, my children's children's era, and onward. Something that will fill them with pride knowing I helped protect this forest." Not gold, but honor. That struck an easy chord with Matthias. It was normal for merchants tired of pursuing gold to look for honor. "And you are satisfied with this?" The disrespectful traveler shrugged, and smiled. The lord of the forest closed his eyes and ran a hand over his beard. Perhaps in his mind's eye, he was picturing Eve, the one who pushed for the project to cut down his forest, clad in her ostentatious clothing. She had been so imposing to the point that Matthias rushed home to the trees in fear. But though he might not know much about money, honor was home for him. He straightened himself, as though declaring as much, and looked at Lawrence like a well-trained hunting dog. "How could those who tremble at the thought of wolves live in the forest?" he said. If Lawrence were the sort to get easily carried away, he would have spoken up in the brief pause. "Now then, what sort of preparations do we need to do? Do we need Meyer?" He now had a treasure hunting ally. And so, Lawrence told Matthias how they were going to topple Eve's grand temple. Once Lawrence was finished telling Matthias everything, he knew he had to send word to Kerube immediately. But he was much too tired to head there himself, and he could not simply rely on Holo to do it. And so he wrote a letter in Matthias's manor, and left it in the hands of one of his servants. Afterward, Matthias began to prepare a feast, as though it were the obvious next step in the process, but Lawrence firmly turned him down. What he told Matthias was that he needed to return to Karlan right away to begin his preparations, but the real reason was to reconvene with Holo. He knew what sort of look she would fix him with if he were to leave Holo in the woods as she investigated the old remains of the river while he ate his fill of delicious food and slept in a silk bed. And so, as the sun started to set, Lawrence set off as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. When people's homes grew distant, he felt an overwhelming presence from among the trees. He glanced into the dim of the wood to see the shine of red eyes. "It went well." Once the words left his mouth, the large presence vanished, and out emerged a girl, cradling her clothes. If one who did not know either of them saw this happen, they might think her a rambunctious girl who went bathing in the waters of the forest. "You could stand to have a little more modesty," Lawrence said, exasperated, and Holo only shrugged her slim shoulders. "More importantly, dear." Holo quickly threw on her clothes and strode toward Lawrence. And as he dismounted the horse, she stood on her toes and grabbed his growing beard. "You have something to tell me, no?!"
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
*** Matthias looked at Lawrence as though he had said, I will give you money if you purchase this product. "Do you think it strange? Remember, my lord, you are a man who rules over Tonneburg, while I am but a humble bathhouse owner. It is a small price to pay in avoiding Eve's displeasure." Matthias's mouth opened, then closed again. "The price of being your scapegoat, I see." A proud lord would have taken blade in hand and reprimanded Lawrence for being disrespectful. But Matthias took the friendly explanation well. "...Do you mean to say you do not have the status to execute this plan, even though you are the one that thought of it?" "I can't eat a picture of bread, after all." Matthias still seemed to think it unfair, and the frown remained on his face. Nobility valued face—he could not stomach accepting charity from a commoner. "But I do have one last request, if you'll humor me," Lawrence said. Matthias looked up at him. "If my idea saves the forest, then will you promise me you will protect one sapling and ensure its growth, no matter what happens?" "...What do you mean?" "Allow it to grow through my children's era, my children's children's era, and onward. Something that will fill them with pride knowing I helped protect this forest." Not gold, but honor. That struck an easy chord with Matthias. It was normal for merchants tired of pursuing gold to look for honor. "And you are satisfied with this?" The disrespectful traveler shrugged, and smiled. The lord of the forest closed his eyes and ran a hand over his beard. Perhaps in his mind's eye, he was picturing Eve, the one who pushed for the project to cut down his forest, clad in her ostentatious clothing. She had been so imposing to the point that Matthias rushed home to the trees in fear. But though he might not know much about money, honor was home for him. He straightened himself, as though declaring as much, and looked at Lawrence like a well-trained hunting dog. "How could those who tremble at the thought of wolves live in the forest?" he said. If Lawrence were the sort to get easily carried away, he would have spoken up in the brief pause. "Now then, what sort of preparations do we need to do? Do we need Meyer?" He now had a treasure hunting ally. And so, Lawrence told Matthias how they were going to topple Eve's grand temple. Once Lawrence was finished telling Matthias everything, he knew he had to send word to Kerube immediately. But he was much too tired to head there himself, and he could not simply rely on Holo to do it. And so he wrote a letter in Matthias's manor, and left it in the hands of one of his servants. Afterward, Matthias began to prepare a feast, as though it were the obvious next step in the process, but Lawrence firmly turned him down. What he told Matthias was that he needed to return to Karlan right away to begin his preparations, but the real reason was to reconvene with Holo. He knew what sort of look she would fix him with if he were to leave Holo in the woods as she investigated the old remains of the river while he ate his fill of delicious food and slept in a silk bed. And so, as the sun started to set, Lawrence set off as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. When people's homes grew distant, he felt an overwhelming presence from among the trees. He glanced into the dim of the wood to see the shine of red eyes. "It went well." Once the words left his mouth, the large presence vanished, and out emerged a girl, cradling her clothes. If one who did not know either of them saw this happen, they might think her a rambunctious girl who went bathing in the waters of the forest. "You could stand to have a little more modesty," Lawrence said, exasperated, and Holo only shrugged her slim shoulders. "More importantly, dear." Holo quickly threw on her clothes and strode toward Lawrence. And as he dismounted the horse, she stood on her toes and grabbed his growing beard. "You have something to tell me, no?!"
"...Come on, my beard's not as sturdy as your fur," Lawrence said, rubbing his stinging chin. Holo looked at the horse, at Lawrence, then extended both arms toward him, frown on her face. She was asking him to pick her up and put her on the horse's back. The lamb, the wolf's loyal servant, placed the wisewolf on the horse's back, then walked as he led the horse. "I am not quite sure what I should be angry about first," she said. The moment she settled on the horse's back, she stuck her hand in their things, and pulled out some jerky. "Clothes?" There was quite a lot of extra meaning in the way she said that. First was her wolflike logic—a nice outfit would never fill her stomach. And the other was the likelihood that the clothes would not be for her. "...If we say we have some clothes that would be popular in the south, Myuri might come back and visit." Lawrence knew that it would ultimately get dragged out of him if he were to remain silent about it, so he behaved and confessed. Holo gave such a heavy sigh that it almost bent the horse's back. "You fool!" She said it with such fervor that it almost brought Lawrence back to when they first traveled together. "We'll have to ask Meyer for tasty goodies from the forest. I'm sure he'll put something together for you," Lawrence said, offhandedly. "Then you will be asking for it," Holo confirmed. There was one other reason why Holo had yanked Lawrence's beard in anger. That much he knew. "And, well, I know you don't want an all-out confrontation with Eve." It sounded like an excuse, but it was also the truth. If Eve were a clear-cut villain, then they would break into her lair and start a fight with "We've seen through your tricks!" But that was not what was happening. Considering how it felt like Eve herself had mellowed over the years, it did not feel very nice to go out of their way to undermine Eve's plan to make money, especially since it was not technically immoral. "I actually find it surprising that's the part you're having the most trouble with." Even though it was Lawrence who had come up with the miracle plan, he had placed all the achievements, profits, and everything else into Matthias's hands. Holo thought highly of Lawrence at the end of the day, so she was perhaps frustrated that he was not getting the proper recognition he deserved. Lawrence opened his mouth, ready to tell his beloved wife that he was perfectly happy with this outcome. "This was my opportunity to brag about how clever my little lamb is!" That reminded him that Holo had bluntly invited Eve and all the rest to their wedding so that she could show everyone how happy they were. Lawrence himself had not been entirely sure how he wanted to approach that whole situation, so it was indeed a very Holo mentality. "But this is Eve. I'm sure she'll see through whatever we decide to hide." And yet all he could really do was pray that when she saw him desperately trying to hide behind Matthias, she would show him no hostility and sense his faint traces of guilt. "I want Eve to stay on Col and Myuri's side, too," Lawrence said. Holo faced forward and sighed. "You truly are a fool." "Hmm?" "She will not be angry. She would be delighted, in fact." "What...?" Lawrence could glean only a little from the flat expression on Holo's face. Eve would be an excellent opponent if she were an enemy who could fight back. Lawrence knew that could be the case if money were not involved, but expecting that from her while choosing to take on an all-out confrontation was a bet that did not quite match the odds. "Well. You know I will be quite cross if it seems you two are enjoying your fight." Holo swished her tail, and the horse turned to look uneasily at the wolf on its back. "You're overestimating me," Lawrence said wryly. She shot him a cold look. "Do you mean to tell me that who I have chosen is not that impressive?" You must be a merchant worthy enough to stand side by side with the wisewolf.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"...Come on, my beard's not as sturdy as your fur," Lawrence said, rubbing his stinging chin. Holo looked at the horse, at Lawrence, then extended both arms toward him, frown on her face. She was asking him to pick her up and put her on the horse's back. The lamb, the wolf's loyal servant, placed the wisewolf on the horse's back, then walked as he led the horse. "I am not quite sure what I should be angry about first," she said. The moment she settled on the horse's back, she stuck her hand in their things, and pulled out some jerky. "Clothes?" There was quite a lot of extra meaning in the way she said that. First was her wolflike logic—a nice outfit would never fill her stomach. And the other was the likelihood that the clothes would not be for her. "...If we say we have some clothes that would be popular in the south, Myuri might come back and visit." Lawrence knew that it would ultimately get dragged out of him if he were to remain silent about it, so he behaved and confessed. Holo gave such a heavy sigh that it almost bent the horse's back. "You fool!" She said it with such fervor that it almost brought Lawrence back to when they first traveled together. "We'll have to ask Meyer for tasty goodies from the forest. I'm sure he'll put something together for you," Lawrence said, offhandedly. "Then you will be asking for it," Holo confirmed. There was one other reason why Holo had yanked Lawrence's beard in anger. That much he knew. "And, well, I know you don't want an all-out confrontation with Eve." It sounded like an excuse, but it was also the truth. If Eve were a clear-cut villain, then they would break into her lair and start a fight with "We've seen through your tricks!" But that was not what was happening. Considering how it felt like Eve herself had mellowed over the years, it did not feel very nice to go out of their way to undermine Eve's plan to make money, especially since it was not technically immoral. "I actually find it surprising that's the part you're having the most trouble with." Even though it was Lawrence who had come up with the miracle plan, he had placed all the achievements, profits, and everything else into Matthias's hands. Holo thought highly of Lawrence at the end of the day, so she was perhaps frustrated that he was not getting the proper recognition he deserved. Lawrence opened his mouth, ready to tell his beloved wife that he was perfectly happy with this outcome. "This was my opportunity to brag about how clever my little lamb is!" That reminded him that Holo had bluntly invited Eve and all the rest to their wedding so that she could show everyone how happy they were. Lawrence himself had not been entirely sure how he wanted to approach that whole situation, so it was indeed a very Holo mentality. "But this is Eve. I'm sure she'll see through whatever we decide to hide." And yet all he could really do was pray that when she saw him desperately trying to hide behind Matthias, she would show him no hostility and sense his faint traces of guilt. "I want Eve to stay on Col and Myuri's side, too," Lawrence said. Holo faced forward and sighed. "You truly are a fool." "Hmm?" "She will not be angry. She would be delighted, in fact." "What...?" Lawrence could glean only a little from the flat expression on Holo's face. Eve would be an excellent opponent if she were an enemy who could fight back. Lawrence knew that could be the case if money were not involved, but expecting that from her while choosing to take on an all-out confrontation was a bet that did not quite match the odds. "Well. You know I will be quite cross if it seems you two are enjoying your fight." Holo swished her tail, and the horse turned to look uneasily at the wolf on its back. "You're overestimating me," Lawrence said wryly. She shot him a cold look. "Do you mean to tell me that who I have chosen is not that impressive?" You must be a merchant worthy enough to stand side by side with the wisewolf.
"And yet you'd get jealous if I decided to fight Eve openly," Lawrence retorted. Holo nodded deeply. "Quite a predicament." That's called being selfish, Lawrence thought but did not say. Instead, he said, "And I've worked through these predicaments hundreds of times. It's why I'm here." Holo glanced at Lawrence, eyes wide in surprise, and then chuckled. "How arrogant of you." The smile on her face was genuinely delighted, and Lawrence naturally smiled in turn. "It's not like I'm totally confident in this turnabout plan, though." "Mm?" "One part of this plan involves someone everyone acknowledges as an old enemy of Eve's, remember?" Lawrence said as he tugged on the reins, commanding the horse to walk. The reason why Eve stepped down when Col discovered her plot, and the reason she found it amusing when Lawrence tried to stand in her way as an enemy, was because she and Lawrence were in fundamentally different positions. But Kieman was a practicing, big-name merchant, just like Eve, and Lawrence could tell they had bickered with each other over the strait between the kingdom and the mainland, and had double-crossed each other countless times. Perhaps it was, in a way, a sign of closeness, but the question was whether or not Kieman could stifle the joy he would doubtlessly get from knocking the fat roll of bread from Eve's hands just as she was about to help herself to it. "Heh-heh. I cannot wait to see her stamping her feet in frustration. It will be fine." The moment Holo learned she could not act as she wished due to Eve's thorough plan, she herself had stamped her feet in frustration. Her moods had been up and down, going through anger and vexation and joy, but she herself had said that every shift in her emotion was enjoyable. It was so much like a wolf to delight in running at full speed ahead. Perhaps Kieman and Eve were the same. "I just want things to resolve peaceably," said the sheep, tired. Holo then chuckled and patted the horse's back, asking him to join her. *** "How long has it been since I last saw you, Eve?!" That was the very first thing Kieman said when he arrived at the Karlan council with Matthias and saw Eve. "Do you need lumber that badly? Well, goodness me! Kerube has so much high-quality lumber from Lenos!" Lawrence hung his head, as though trying to endure a headache in response to Kieman's enthusiasm, but Holo was enjoying herself. Eve, of course, did not outwardly show her surprise, but she glanced at Lawrence as he hung in the back, her sharp gaze asking him what the meaning of all this was. Lawrence, putting on the performance of his lifetime, simply shrugged, acting as a victim who just so happened to get swept up in it all. "You would not believe what happened when I went to Lord Matthias to discuss his debt. He said he simply could not stand the thought of his precious trees getting cut down, and he even had quite an argument with Lawrence! Lawrence, too, has interests in the Salonia wheat fields, so he, too, was quite upset about losing the forest. I simply could not ignore this problem! I thought long and hard about this!" Kieman rambled on and on as though it were the truth, and Matthias stood beside him, silent. Matthias had deliberately run some oil through his mustache to make it stand a bit on end, and he wore a rustic coat made from bear pelt. He decided it would be much more effective to play the part of a stubborn lord, trying to keep his anger in check, who had come face-to-face with a woman he did not trust, instead of ranting endlessly about things that he was not familiar with. "And once we collected the information—what do you know!" Kieman clapped his hands and grinned, bearing his canines. "It turned out you'd be making quite a profit out of this arrangement." It was Kieman's idea to barge in on the Karlan council uninvited; they did not even let the city authorities know ahead of time.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"And yet you'd get jealous if I decided to fight Eve openly," Lawrence retorted. Holo nodded deeply. "Quite a predicament." That's called being selfish, Lawrence thought but did not say. Instead, he said, "And I've worked through these predicaments hundreds of times. It's why I'm here." Holo glanced at Lawrence, eyes wide in surprise, and then chuckled. "How arrogant of you." The smile on her face was genuinely delighted, and Lawrence naturally smiled in turn. "It's not like I'm totally confident in this turnabout plan, though." "Mm?" "One part of this plan involves someone everyone acknowledges as an old enemy of Eve's, remember?" Lawrence said as he tugged on the reins, commanding the horse to walk. The reason why Eve stepped down when Col discovered her plot, and the reason she found it amusing when Lawrence tried to stand in her way as an enemy, was because she and Lawrence were in fundamentally different positions. But Kieman was a practicing, big-name merchant, just like Eve, and Lawrence could tell they had bickered with each other over the strait between the kingdom and the mainland, and had double-crossed each other countless times. Perhaps it was, in a way, a sign of closeness, but the question was whether or not Kieman could stifle the joy he would doubtlessly get from knocking the fat roll of bread from Eve's hands just as she was about to help herself to it. "Heh-heh. I cannot wait to see her stamping her feet in frustration. It will be fine." The moment Holo learned she could not act as she wished due to Eve's thorough plan, she herself had stamped her feet in frustration. Her moods had been up and down, going through anger and vexation and joy, but she herself had said that every shift in her emotion was enjoyable. It was so much like a wolf to delight in running at full speed ahead. Perhaps Kieman and Eve were the same. "I just want things to resolve peaceably," said the sheep, tired. Holo then chuckled and patted the horse's back, asking him to join her. *** "How long has it been since I last saw you, Eve?!" That was the very first thing Kieman said when he arrived at the Karlan council with Matthias and saw Eve. "Do you need lumber that badly? Well, goodness me! Kerube has so much high-quality lumber from Lenos!" Lawrence hung his head, as though trying to endure a headache in response to Kieman's enthusiasm, but Holo was enjoying herself. Eve, of course, did not outwardly show her surprise, but she glanced at Lawrence as he hung in the back, her sharp gaze asking him what the meaning of all this was. Lawrence, putting on the performance of his lifetime, simply shrugged, acting as a victim who just so happened to get swept up in it all. "You would not believe what happened when I went to Lord Matthias to discuss his debt. He said he simply could not stand the thought of his precious trees getting cut down, and he even had quite an argument with Lawrence! Lawrence, too, has interests in the Salonia wheat fields, so he, too, was quite upset about losing the forest. I simply could not ignore this problem! I thought long and hard about this!" Kieman rambled on and on as though it were the truth, and Matthias stood beside him, silent. Matthias had deliberately run some oil through his mustache to make it stand a bit on end, and he wore a rustic coat made from bear pelt. He decided it would be much more effective to play the part of a stubborn lord, trying to keep his anger in check, who had come face-to-face with a woman he did not trust, instead of ranting endlessly about things that he was not familiar with. "And once we collected the information—what do you know!" Kieman clapped his hands and grinned, bearing his canines. "It turned out you'd be making quite a profit out of this arrangement." It was Kieman's idea to barge in on the Karlan council uninvited; they did not even let the city authorities know ahead of time.
Of course, the Karlan authorities who did not know what was going on behind the scenes were clearly reeling and confounded by this development, worried that their entire project would soon be nothing but foam on the sea. "And that is when my humble self thought, as a member of the Kerube City Council, why not link arms with Karlan by virtue of trade?!" Eve was not the only one who exclaimed in surprise—those from Karlan did, too. "Kerube is three, four times the size of this city and maybe even more, but we cannot trade in everything. And that is why I've decided to come to Karlan today. You venture in search for new horizons, so I am here to propose a product that would be perfect for you!" The last dramatic sentence was not meant for Eve, but for the benefit of those sitting on the Karlan council. It sounded highly suspect, yes, but the letter Kieman produced from his pocket was not something the people of Karlan could turn down. All eyes turned to rest on a plump merchant, who seemed to be the most important person on the council, who reluctantly reached to take the letter on behalf of the rest of the council. "...Petition for long-term trade of woolen goods?" When the merchant from Karlan read it out loud, Eve's brow furrowed for the first time. "Don't sell the lumber you get from Tonneburg to the kingdom in exchange for wool. Why not stock up on woolen goods and export those instead?" Those of the council curiously exchanged glances before one spoke up, "Honorable Kieman of Kerube, there are no cities in the vicinity that can manufacture enough woolen goods to sell. You must know this. From where are you proposing we purchase these things? As far as I'm aware, even your city buys them from faraway lands. Are you telling us to purchase it at an even greater price, then sell it ourselves?" Kieman closed his eyes, nodding along as though deeply considering what the other was saying. "No need to worry. The one who will be supplying you with the stock is Lord Tonneburg himself." With a gesture of his hand, all eyes turned to Matthias, like birds, but the sullen man made no movement, so their gazes went elsewhere again, like birds. "L-Lady Bolan..." From the way the councilmembers did not call her by her first name, it was clear there was a difference in status between them. Eve, who sat silently and sullenly just as Matthias did, suddenly spoke up. "I know how thread is supplied." The best merchants never lost composure in the face of unforeseen circumstances. She was using every ounce of her ability to get a grasp on the situation before her, much like a mercenary would do in battle. "With wood from the forest, you can make weaving tools and keep costs down. You can get the ash needed to wash the wool and the bark necessary for dyeing the wool in the forest as well. All the refugees you'll be taking in will provide the hands needed to spin all that thread. However..." Eve paused. The kingdom produced plenty of wool but was not known for manufacturing woolen goods—as a merchant who hailed from this land, she knew this, and her tone made that obvious. "The problem is always going to be in the fabric-making process. You'll need rivers to move the fulling mills, and plenty of water for the dyeing process." The kingdom had few mountains and few forests, which meant they were lacking in both the necessary ingredients for turning wool into fabric. And that meant it was much more profitable for them to sell on the wool raw instead of wasting time by spinning it. Once spun, places that offered jobs to those wanting to spin the wool would no longer buy it, which meant fewer buyers, and a waste of time. But it was because of that, that only a small portion of the cost of a piece of clothing would find its way back to the kingdom. "We have water," Matthias spoke up at last. "But it is currently sealed." Eve frowned, but her eyes then widened like a gushing spring.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Of course, the Karlan authorities who did not know what was going on behind the scenes were clearly reeling and confounded by this development, worried that their entire project would soon be nothing but foam on the sea. "And that is when my humble self thought, as a member of the Kerube City Council, why not link arms with Karlan by virtue of trade?!" Eve was not the only one who exclaimed in surprise—those from Karlan did, too. "Kerube is three, four times the size of this city and maybe even more, but we cannot trade in everything. And that is why I've decided to come to Karlan today. You venture in search for new horizons, so I am here to propose a product that would be perfect for you!" The last dramatic sentence was not meant for Eve, but for the benefit of those sitting on the Karlan council. It sounded highly suspect, yes, but the letter Kieman produced from his pocket was not something the people of Karlan could turn down. All eyes turned to rest on a plump merchant, who seemed to be the most important person on the council, who reluctantly reached to take the letter on behalf of the rest of the council. "...Petition for long-term trade of woolen goods?" When the merchant from Karlan read it out loud, Eve's brow furrowed for the first time. "Don't sell the lumber you get from Tonneburg to the kingdom in exchange for wool. Why not stock up on woolen goods and export those instead?" Those of the council curiously exchanged glances before one spoke up, "Honorable Kieman of Kerube, there are no cities in the vicinity that can manufacture enough woolen goods to sell. You must know this. From where are you proposing we purchase these things? As far as I'm aware, even your city buys them from faraway lands. Are you telling us to purchase it at an even greater price, then sell it ourselves?" Kieman closed his eyes, nodding along as though deeply considering what the other was saying. "No need to worry. The one who will be supplying you with the stock is Lord Tonneburg himself." With a gesture of his hand, all eyes turned to Matthias, like birds, but the sullen man made no movement, so their gazes went elsewhere again, like birds. "L-Lady Bolan..." From the way the councilmembers did not call her by her first name, it was clear there was a difference in status between them. Eve, who sat silently and sullenly just as Matthias did, suddenly spoke up. "I know how thread is supplied." The best merchants never lost composure in the face of unforeseen circumstances. She was using every ounce of her ability to get a grasp on the situation before her, much like a mercenary would do in battle. "With wood from the forest, you can make weaving tools and keep costs down. You can get the ash needed to wash the wool and the bark necessary for dyeing the wool in the forest as well. All the refugees you'll be taking in will provide the hands needed to spin all that thread. However..." Eve paused. The kingdom produced plenty of wool but was not known for manufacturing woolen goods—as a merchant who hailed from this land, she knew this, and her tone made that obvious. "The problem is always going to be in the fabric-making process. You'll need rivers to move the fulling mills, and plenty of water for the dyeing process." The kingdom had few mountains and few forests, which meant they were lacking in both the necessary ingredients for turning wool into fabric. And that meant it was much more profitable for them to sell on the wool raw instead of wasting time by spinning it. Once spun, places that offered jobs to those wanting to spin the wool would no longer buy it, which meant fewer buyers, and a waste of time. But it was because of that, that only a small portion of the cost of a piece of clothing would find its way back to the kingdom. "We have water," Matthias spoke up at last. "But it is currently sealed." Eve frowned, but her eyes then widened like a gushing spring.
Kieman followed her gaze and took the opportunity to speak up. "I'd heard they'd so cleverly found a spring in Nyohhira. And not long ago in Salonia, they found a water vein by looking at maps as clues to the whereabouts of a river that was buried in ancient times." Eve was scarcely listening to what Kieman had to say, but she did not need to. She had immediately realized how Lawrence and Holo had really found the underground water, confirmed it was abundant enough for use, and how they should collect and use it. As Lawrence stood there, thoroughly pretending like he had been dragged into this, Holo stood beside him with her chest puffed in pride. "This means you can procure your fabric in Tonneburg. Then we in Kerube will order wool from the kingdom, and our great population will spin plenty of thread. And then, in return for the wool, we will provide the kingdom with lumber from Lenos. Karlan and Kerube will take the spun thread to weave it together, and have it fulled, or even perhaps dyed, in Tonneburg. The finished product will all be exported from Karlan. Naturally, I hope that you will offer us priority in purchasing the finished goods over other cities." When Kieman said that, the people from Karlan began whispering among themselves, as though relatively pleased with this deal. "And so we shall repeat this every year. No one here will lose out with the proper price attached to it," Kieman said, with a forced tone, and flashed a brilliant smile. This meant he was doing the exact same thing in return to Eve, who was building a road all for herself with the materials she wanted, only going through the motions to seem justified. No one was acting on evil motives, and no one was making excessive profits. But the merchant who realized that the genius idea would not allow one single person to win out over the others if all goes well, would only lose all the extra money she thought she would be making. No, Lawrence thought. Perhaps profit was only secondary for Eve. That was because in the face of Kieman's prideful win, Eve grit her teeth under her smile, yet that was not the expression one would make when embroiled in a family feud over gold. They wore not the spiteful expressions of battling merchants, but of children quarreling with each other. "The Kingdom of Winfiel will obtain lumber from us in Kerube in exchange for the wool you sell by your hand, Great Merchant Eve, and this budding harbor town of Karlan will trade in their new product of woolen goods, which will allow them to expand. Then Tonneburg will no longer have a reason to cut down swathes of their sacred wood. Oh, God! God bless us!" Kieman, who most definitely did not believe in God, exclaimed this epiphany, yet the brazenness of it made it sound genuine. Either way, the Karlan officials were starting to understand the advantages of this new plan. If they were to take in religious refugees on Eve's request, then the city needed to find a trade that would last. There was a bit of unease as to whether or not the work of cutting down the Tonneburg Woods had the same longevity, and more importantly, the lord himself was not particularly enthused about the idea. But if the chain of trade, including the entire process of converting raw wool into finished product, supplanted it, there could be nothing better. Wool itself, after all, was always going to be well received, as were woolen goods. "There we have it, Lady of the Bolan Company," Kieman began, taking a step toward Eve. She stared up at him in return, but both of them were smiling. "Did my defeat come about because I didn't have them by my side?" Eve mused and closed her eyes, but then immediately opened them and looked to the people of Karlan. "So long as I can trade lumber for wool in the name of the kingdom, and in the name of faith, I am fine with this." The people of Karlan gathered around Kieman's letter, and they all looked to the lord of Tonneburg with bated breath.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Kieman followed her gaze and took the opportunity to speak up. "I'd heard they'd so cleverly found a spring in Nyohhira. And not long ago in Salonia, they found a water vein by looking at maps as clues to the whereabouts of a river that was buried in ancient times." Eve was scarcely listening to what Kieman had to say, but she did not need to. She had immediately realized how Lawrence and Holo had really found the underground water, confirmed it was abundant enough for use, and how they should collect and use it. As Lawrence stood there, thoroughly pretending like he had been dragged into this, Holo stood beside him with her chest puffed in pride. "This means you can procure your fabric in Tonneburg. Then we in Kerube will order wool from the kingdom, and our great population will spin plenty of thread. And then, in return for the wool, we will provide the kingdom with lumber from Lenos. Karlan and Kerube will take the spun thread to weave it together, and have it fulled, or even perhaps dyed, in Tonneburg. The finished product will all be exported from Karlan. Naturally, I hope that you will offer us priority in purchasing the finished goods over other cities." When Kieman said that, the people from Karlan began whispering among themselves, as though relatively pleased with this deal. "And so we shall repeat this every year. No one here will lose out with the proper price attached to it," Kieman said, with a forced tone, and flashed a brilliant smile. This meant he was doing the exact same thing in return to Eve, who was building a road all for herself with the materials she wanted, only going through the motions to seem justified. No one was acting on evil motives, and no one was making excessive profits. But the merchant who realized that the genius idea would not allow one single person to win out over the others if all goes well, would only lose all the extra money she thought she would be making. No, Lawrence thought. Perhaps profit was only secondary for Eve. That was because in the face of Kieman's prideful win, Eve grit her teeth under her smile, yet that was not the expression one would make when embroiled in a family feud over gold. They wore not the spiteful expressions of battling merchants, but of children quarreling with each other. "The Kingdom of Winfiel will obtain lumber from us in Kerube in exchange for the wool you sell by your hand, Great Merchant Eve, and this budding harbor town of Karlan will trade in their new product of woolen goods, which will allow them to expand. Then Tonneburg will no longer have a reason to cut down swathes of their sacred wood. Oh, God! God bless us!" Kieman, who most definitely did not believe in God, exclaimed this epiphany, yet the brazenness of it made it sound genuine. Either way, the Karlan officials were starting to understand the advantages of this new plan. If they were to take in religious refugees on Eve's request, then the city needed to find a trade that would last. There was a bit of unease as to whether or not the work of cutting down the Tonneburg Woods had the same longevity, and more importantly, the lord himself was not particularly enthused about the idea. But if the chain of trade, including the entire process of converting raw wool into finished product, supplanted it, there could be nothing better. Wool itself, after all, was always going to be well received, as were woolen goods. "There we have it, Lady of the Bolan Company," Kieman began, taking a step toward Eve. She stared up at him in return, but both of them were smiling. "Did my defeat come about because I didn't have them by my side?" Eve mused and closed her eyes, but then immediately opened them and looked to the people of Karlan. "So long as I can trade lumber for wool in the name of the kingdom, and in the name of faith, I am fine with this." The people of Karlan gathered around Kieman's letter, and they all looked to the lord of Tonneburg with bated breath.
Those of Karlan then turned to Kieman. "I have been tasked with helping those who have fallen on hard times in Kerube. You must understand. We need as much wool-spinning work as we can get." Even those who were searching for their own profits separately and ran the risk of all failing at the same time could have things change in their favor with one little factor. By deftly weaving all that together and adding new material to the mix, Eve had changed it even further. The Karlan officials exchanged glances, then nodded. "By God's...graces!" "By God's graces!" When they all joined in chorus, Eve was the only one who shrugged and took a swig of her stiff drink. After a simple exchange of notes with the people of Karlan, Kieman mentioned needing to bring this to the attention of the Kerube council right away, so he procured a fast horse and left in high spirits. After watching Kieman leave from the council building, Matthias finally spoke up. "I would like to give you thanks on behalf of myself and all my ancestors for protecting our forest." Meyer, who stood behind and a bit to the side of Matthias, dressed a little more formally than his usual farmer-like attire, looked as though he was about to cry. The suave airs he had put on when he first approached Lawrence were gone; perhaps he was typically like this when he wandered the forest, looking at the trees. "Oh, it was nothing. Protecting the Tonneburg Woods was also protecting the Salonia wheat fields, and by extension, the dinner tables of those who live in the north, where wheat doesn't grow." It was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was not a total lie. And Lawrence, personally, wanted a different sort of reward. "About your honor." "Yes?" "I will carve your glory into the trunk of the forest's greatest tree." Lawrence understood this was Matthias's way of showing his deepest gratitude, but Lawrence instead said, "I appreciate it, and it is an honor. But I am an outsider. If possible, I'd prefer you'd carve my name in smaller writing on a smaller tree." What was the point in harming the forest's greatest tree after going through all the trouble of trying to save the forest? Holo, who would return at some point in the future, would surely prefer that as well. "Hmm... I see. Goodness, if someone like you were a lord of Salonia, then I would work that much harder every day." Matthias clapped a hand to Lawrence's shoulder. Those of the council called for him, and he turned to go back into the meeting hall. Meyer, who also turned to follow his master, stopped for a brief moment, stepped out of his way toward Lawrence, and whispered to him. "I will prepare an excellent package for you containing all of the forest's blessings, Sir Lawrence. Goodness me, I... I have no words to express my gratitude." He firmly grasped Lawrence's hand, and Holo's—whose eyes were shining when she heard the words excellent package containing all of the forest's blessings—then rushed inside after Matthias. "Hmm. 'Tis as though you are a real merchant of sorts." Everyone inside the council hall was filled with enthusiasm, hurriedly coming and going. Holo spoke quietly, feeling a bit out of place. "Right?" Lawrence looked aside to see Holo staring up at him. And after a moment, she chuckled, shrugged, and leaned into him. "I am rather looking forward to see what sort of loving words you will have carved into the tree." Lawrence drew up his shoulders with a smile and said, "Me too." After a moment, who emerged from the assembly hall but Eve herself. Holo offered her a mischievous smile, but Lawrence was nervous. Watching her bark orders as she walked, like a real merchant of status, was honestly impressive, and it even made him a bit jealous. Just as she was about to pass by Lawrence and Holo, as though she was paying no attention to them, suddenly stopped and said sharply, "Come to my inn later." And she left, without waiting for an answer.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Those of Karlan then turned to Kieman. "I have been tasked with helping those who have fallen on hard times in Kerube. You must understand. We need as much wool-spinning work as we can get." Even those who were searching for their own profits separately and ran the risk of all failing at the same time could have things change in their favor with one little factor. By deftly weaving all that together and adding new material to the mix, Eve had changed it even further. The Karlan officials exchanged glances, then nodded. "By God's...graces!" "By God's graces!" When they all joined in chorus, Eve was the only one who shrugged and took a swig of her stiff drink. After a simple exchange of notes with the people of Karlan, Kieman mentioned needing to bring this to the attention of the Kerube council right away, so he procured a fast horse and left in high spirits. After watching Kieman leave from the council building, Matthias finally spoke up. "I would like to give you thanks on behalf of myself and all my ancestors for protecting our forest." Meyer, who stood behind and a bit to the side of Matthias, dressed a little more formally than his usual farmer-like attire, looked as though he was about to cry. The suave airs he had put on when he first approached Lawrence were gone; perhaps he was typically like this when he wandered the forest, looking at the trees. "Oh, it was nothing. Protecting the Tonneburg Woods was also protecting the Salonia wheat fields, and by extension, the dinner tables of those who live in the north, where wheat doesn't grow." It was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was not a total lie. And Lawrence, personally, wanted a different sort of reward. "About your honor." "Yes?" "I will carve your glory into the trunk of the forest's greatest tree." Lawrence understood this was Matthias's way of showing his deepest gratitude, but Lawrence instead said, "I appreciate it, and it is an honor. But I am an outsider. If possible, I'd prefer you'd carve my name in smaller writing on a smaller tree." What was the point in harming the forest's greatest tree after going through all the trouble of trying to save the forest? Holo, who would return at some point in the future, would surely prefer that as well. "Hmm... I see. Goodness, if someone like you were a lord of Salonia, then I would work that much harder every day." Matthias clapped a hand to Lawrence's shoulder. Those of the council called for him, and he turned to go back into the meeting hall. Meyer, who also turned to follow his master, stopped for a brief moment, stepped out of his way toward Lawrence, and whispered to him. "I will prepare an excellent package for you containing all of the forest's blessings, Sir Lawrence. Goodness me, I... I have no words to express my gratitude." He firmly grasped Lawrence's hand, and Holo's—whose eyes were shining when she heard the words excellent package containing all of the forest's blessings—then rushed inside after Matthias. "Hmm. 'Tis as though you are a real merchant of sorts." Everyone inside the council hall was filled with enthusiasm, hurriedly coming and going. Holo spoke quietly, feeling a bit out of place. "Right?" Lawrence looked aside to see Holo staring up at him. And after a moment, she chuckled, shrugged, and leaned into him. "I am rather looking forward to see what sort of loving words you will have carved into the tree." Lawrence drew up his shoulders with a smile and said, "Me too." After a moment, who emerged from the assembly hall but Eve herself. Holo offered her a mischievous smile, but Lawrence was nervous. Watching her bark orders as she walked, like a real merchant of status, was honestly impressive, and it even made him a bit jealous. Just as she was about to pass by Lawrence and Holo, as though she was paying no attention to them, suddenly stopped and said sharply, "Come to my inn later." And she left, without waiting for an answer.
Afterward, the two returned to their own inn, took a small cask of the tavern's best wine for a souvenir, then made their way over to Eve's lodgings. They knocked on the door, and when they were brought into the courtyard, they were met with a feast full of freshly grilled meats and fish. Eve, in her chair, still seemed a bit sulky, but when she received her gift from Lawrence, she heaved a tired sigh. "I won't ask how much of that plan was your idea." It was as though she had been out enjoying a beautiful day when she got suddenly caught in a downpour, and at last made it home in a stupor. She spoke as she leaned back far in her chair. "When did you realize this? The plan was supposed to be perfect." The way she spoke was not with a tone that blamed Lawrence for being a traitor, but almost complaining as though he had knitted the wrong pattern for her. "It took a lot for me to realize that Kerube was being duped as well." Eve frowned, but the umbrella girl standing beside her smiled as she reached out to poke at the wrinkles between her master's eyebrows. "I know well how ferocious you can be. I thought so hard knowing you'd made sure everything was airtight. It was then that I realized that Kerube doesn't have to be the bad guy in this situation." The secret to ruling over a land was to divide and conquer. A ruler could easily control a people by making sure they never came together, and to make sure their interests conflicted with one another. "If your old self were sitting there, you would have played the part of villain in order to show us that Kerube was evil. And I would've never imagined that Kerube was being toyed with, either." Eve had been skilled in concocting elaborate machinations in the past, too, but she was not truly irredeemable. Her attachment to Col and Myuri was likely genuine. Which meant that the shadier a project of hers felt, the wider were the gaps in its seams. "Goodness. All of you are going to drive me mad." Eve took a swig of her ale—not wine this time—and tossed a few roasted beans in her mouth. Just like old times, when she used to carry her own cargo and throw herself into the dangers of trade. "You'll still earn someone's ire if you make a pretty penny out of this." The way Holo concentrated on her food made it seem as though Lawrence never fed her enough in general; Lawrence himself did not seem like he had really earned anything for himself. He was playing the part of calm and collected merchant as he always did. "But I'm going to remember how you gifted that idiot gold on a platter." It seemed she was unhappy that Kieman got the upper hand over her this time. "Well, I hope you send appropriate repayment to Kieman himself. From what I hear, he'll happily take up your challenge." Yet again Eve stretched her smile into a grimace, and gulped down the rest of her ale. Then, annoyed, she reached out to the plate of lamb ribs that Holo was hogging, deftly slipped by Holo's defenses, and ripped into the meat as she started speaking again. "That girl of yours sniffed out the feud between me and Kieman, and it seemed to amuse her. She thought we were friends. We're obviously not." "What?" Lawrence voiced his surprise, and Holo laughed beside him. It was then that he recalled there was something he needed to ask. "Oh, yes. About that." "What is it?" Eve, who was trying to steal yet another piece of meat from Holo, glanced at Lawrence. "You know where Col and Myuri are now, right?" Holo pulled just a little too hard on a rib, and the soft, fatty meat fell from the bone. Eve immediately pinned it with her knife and drew it toward her, chuckling like a triumphant child. "I don't recommend seeing them." Lawrence thought he misheard her at first because she said it so casually. "I'm being serious." She wiped away a drop of fat clinging to the corner of her mouth before turning to look at Lawrence. "Not for your sake. But theirs."
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
Afterward, the two returned to their own inn, took a small cask of the tavern's best wine for a souvenir, then made their way over to Eve's lodgings. They knocked on the door, and when they were brought into the courtyard, they were met with a feast full of freshly grilled meats and fish. Eve, in her chair, still seemed a bit sulky, but when she received her gift from Lawrence, she heaved a tired sigh. "I won't ask how much of that plan was your idea." It was as though she had been out enjoying a beautiful day when she got suddenly caught in a downpour, and at last made it home in a stupor. She spoke as she leaned back far in her chair. "When did you realize this? The plan was supposed to be perfect." The way she spoke was not with a tone that blamed Lawrence for being a traitor, but almost complaining as though he had knitted the wrong pattern for her. "It took a lot for me to realize that Kerube was being duped as well." Eve frowned, but the umbrella girl standing beside her smiled as she reached out to poke at the wrinkles between her master's eyebrows. "I know well how ferocious you can be. I thought so hard knowing you'd made sure everything was airtight. It was then that I realized that Kerube doesn't have to be the bad guy in this situation." The secret to ruling over a land was to divide and conquer. A ruler could easily control a people by making sure they never came together, and to make sure their interests conflicted with one another. "If your old self were sitting there, you would have played the part of villain in order to show us that Kerube was evil. And I would've never imagined that Kerube was being toyed with, either." Eve had been skilled in concocting elaborate machinations in the past, too, but she was not truly irredeemable. Her attachment to Col and Myuri was likely genuine. Which meant that the shadier a project of hers felt, the wider were the gaps in its seams. "Goodness. All of you are going to drive me mad." Eve took a swig of her ale—not wine this time—and tossed a few roasted beans in her mouth. Just like old times, when she used to carry her own cargo and throw herself into the dangers of trade. "You'll still earn someone's ire if you make a pretty penny out of this." The way Holo concentrated on her food made it seem as though Lawrence never fed her enough in general; Lawrence himself did not seem like he had really earned anything for himself. He was playing the part of calm and collected merchant as he always did. "But I'm going to remember how you gifted that idiot gold on a platter." It seemed she was unhappy that Kieman got the upper hand over her this time. "Well, I hope you send appropriate repayment to Kieman himself. From what I hear, he'll happily take up your challenge." Yet again Eve stretched her smile into a grimace, and gulped down the rest of her ale. Then, annoyed, she reached out to the plate of lamb ribs that Holo was hogging, deftly slipped by Holo's defenses, and ripped into the meat as she started speaking again. "That girl of yours sniffed out the feud between me and Kieman, and it seemed to amuse her. She thought we were friends. We're obviously not." "What?" Lawrence voiced his surprise, and Holo laughed beside him. It was then that he recalled there was something he needed to ask. "Oh, yes. About that." "What is it?" Eve, who was trying to steal yet another piece of meat from Holo, glanced at Lawrence. "You know where Col and Myuri are now, right?" Holo pulled just a little too hard on a rib, and the soft, fatty meat fell from the bone. Eve immediately pinned it with her knife and drew it toward her, chuckling like a triumphant child. "I don't recommend seeing them." Lawrence thought he misheard her at first because she said it so casually. "I'm being serious." She wiped away a drop of fat clinging to the corner of her mouth before turning to look at Lawrence. "Not for your sake. But theirs."
"Would it weaken them?" Holo asked, crunching into cartilage. Eve shrugged. "There are many people who keep a close eye on every single move of theirs. Picture their family coming in from the sticks, their idiot faces gawking at everything they see. What do you think would happen?" People looking to use them would swarm them. "Is that what things are like for them now?" "Things are easy for them when they are in the kingdom—they have a lot of trustworthy allies around them there." For a brief moment, Lawrence pictured Myuri being spoiled rotten at the royal palace, and Col burying himself in the valuable tomes of a luxurious library, but there was no way to know if their life really was like that. "I don't know how you managed to get here, but you must've seen how much trouble they're causing all over the world now that you've left Nyohhira, right?" "We did. We even saw their mural in a port city called Atiph." Eve smiled at that. "That's what I've heard things are like in the north. But the farther south you go, the more serious things get." Eve turned her attention to Holo as she finished speaking, so Lawrence followed suit. He watched as Holo drank dry a mug of ale bigger than her head, and the hair on her ears bristled. She burped. "I'd like wine next." The umbrella girl, watching in delight as Holo drank, seemed to at least understand some words. With a nod, she took Holo's mug and walked off to the kitchen. "Holo's ears don't shock her." "We have a sheep girl working for us, so." Lawrence recalled how Kieman mentioned that Eve was a good judge of wool. That made sense now. Of course her trade would be going well. "I understand your worry." Eve dropped her gaze to the meat in her hands and shrugged. "I'm worried about them, too." Her facetious tone did show she was genuinely worried, but also stemmed from the embarrassment of knowing it was out of character for her. "They are brilliant and straightforward, running at full speed along a path I never dared walk," she said—she was a great merchant who had accumulated so much money she would never be able to spend all of it in her mortal life, yet there was envy in her expression. "If anyone dares to try and get in their way, I will go back to my old ways in a heartbeat." "Even if that anyone is their family?" Eve did not answer. She only concentrated on her meat. "You should go and see the world for yourself." "What do you mean?" "Exactly what I said. Walk the ground with your own two feet and you'll hear about them more than you like. And if you still feel like you need to see them, do it then." Lawrence felt like he was being deceived somehow, and that was apparently obvious. As she took the mug of wine from the umbrella girl, Holo turned a tired gaze to Lawrence. "It seems all your old habits are still intact." "My habits?" "Your lack of trust without looking, feeling, and holding things for yourself." As Eve sat opposite them, the corners of her lips curled upward. "That's where I always lose when I find myself relying on intrigue." "No drink suits every dish." There was a time and place for everything. Lawrence was not sure if food and drink was the right way to describe that, but he got the gist of what they were trying to tell him. "You mean to say there are other things we should be watching over." "Especially since they have left the nest." "Oh." Lawrence faltered; he was the one, after all, who commissioned a set of clothes for Myuri, hoping she would come back to the bathhouse because of it. "You don't need to worry about their immediate safety," Eve said quietly and easily. "That innocent girl of yours is great at making friends like her. She has plenty of nonhumans on her side." "That many?" Lawrence could tell by the way Eve smiled that she was exaggerating, but it did not seem to be a total lie.
Given first part of the popular LightNovel spice and wolf as input, continue the story the best you can.
"Would it weaken them?" Holo asked, crunching into cartilage. Eve shrugged. "There are many people who keep a close eye on every single move of theirs. Picture their family coming in from the sticks, their idiot faces gawking at everything they see. What do you think would happen?" People looking to use them would swarm them. "Is that what things are like for them now?" "Things are easy for them when they are in the kingdom—they have a lot of trustworthy allies around them there." For a brief moment, Lawrence pictured Myuri being spoiled rotten at the royal palace, and Col burying himself in the valuable tomes of a luxurious library, but there was no way to know if their life really was like that. "I don't know how you managed to get here, but you must've seen how much trouble they're causing all over the world now that you've left Nyohhira, right?" "We did. We even saw their mural in a port city called Atiph." Eve smiled at that. "That's what I've heard things are like in the north. But the farther south you go, the more serious things get." Eve turned her attention to Holo as she finished speaking, so Lawrence followed suit. He watched as Holo drank dry a mug of ale bigger than her head, and the hair on her ears bristled. She burped. "I'd like wine next." The umbrella girl, watching in delight as Holo drank, seemed to at least understand some words. With a nod, she took Holo's mug and walked off to the kitchen. "Holo's ears don't shock her." "We have a sheep girl working for us, so." Lawrence recalled how Kieman mentioned that Eve was a good judge of wool. That made sense now. Of course her trade would be going well. "I understand your worry." Eve dropped her gaze to the meat in her hands and shrugged. "I'm worried about them, too." Her facetious tone did show she was genuinely worried, but also stemmed from the embarrassment of knowing it was out of character for her. "They are brilliant and straightforward, running at full speed along a path I never dared walk," she said—she was a great merchant who had accumulated so much money she would never be able to spend all of it in her mortal life, yet there was envy in her expression. "If anyone dares to try and get in their way, I will go back to my old ways in a heartbeat." "Even if that anyone is their family?" Eve did not answer. She only concentrated on her meat. "You should go and see the world for yourself." "What do you mean?" "Exactly what I said. Walk the ground with your own two feet and you'll hear about them more than you like. And if you still feel like you need to see them, do it then." Lawrence felt like he was being deceived somehow, and that was apparently obvious. As she took the mug of wine from the umbrella girl, Holo turned a tired gaze to Lawrence. "It seems all your old habits are still intact." "My habits?" "Your lack of trust without looking, feeling, and holding things for yourself." As Eve sat opposite them, the corners of her lips curled upward. "That's where I always lose when I find myself relying on intrigue." "No drink suits every dish." There was a time and place for everything. Lawrence was not sure if food and drink was the right way to describe that, but he got the gist of what they were trying to tell him. "You mean to say there are other things we should be watching over." "Especially since they have left the nest." "Oh." Lawrence faltered; he was the one, after all, who commissioned a set of clothes for Myuri, hoping she would come back to the bathhouse because of it. "You don't need to worry about their immediate safety," Eve said quietly and easily. "That innocent girl of yours is great at making friends like her. She has plenty of nonhumans on her side." "That many?" Lawrence could tell by the way Eve smiled that she was exaggerating, but it did not seem to be a total lie.
Her mischievous smile showed this was her payback for Kieman. But he knew, at the same time, that it was the truth. "I don't think I've felt this way since I sold off the cart I used to trade with," Lawrence muttered, and Holo patted him on the back. It would have been nicer if her mouth had not been stuffed full of meat. "And it's surprisingly fun to travel without having to worry about trade. I'm your senior in that, you know." Eve once hid away in the hollow of a tree, nursing wounds that would not heal, moaning in pain. But even when that life became too painful, too foolish for her to bear, she had long lost the strength to pull herself out. And that was when Holo came along and helped her out. "There are plenty of foods I have yet to try, I reckon." "Should I get you a list?" "You utter fool. That would sap the joy of finding them." As Lawrence watched the two wolves bicker, he brought his cup to his lips. Eve was probably right. And there was no one sharper than Holo when it came to seeing the end of long roads. Perhaps it was time to think about what the goal of seeing Col and Myuri actually meant. Now they had a clear home to which they could return, and Col and Myuri themselves would come home if need be. Perhaps it was their job to make their beds, just in case they did. "But that means," Lawrence began. "Then maybe I should've taken all the credit for that idea." No amount of coin would ever be enough to pay for a world tour with a voracious wolf. Holo's large, red eyes blinked as she bit into the rare cut beef shoulder. "There is plenty of work to be done," she said. "I doubt you will grow bored." She spoke brazenly. Lawrence shrugged and took another sip of his drink. He would be much too drunk, drinking on an empty stomach like this. He had to remain sober so that Holo could eat and drink as much as she liked. "May the road of trade last forever," Eve smiled. She glanced at the umbrella girl, signaling her to take up her instrument. Though it was not too noisy, it was not too quiet, either—the feast felt like a seaside, summertime celebration, and it lasted well into the next day. *** Hello, it is me, your author, Hasekura. This is our first long-form story in a while. The Spring Log volumes have always had short stories in them, or medium stories, I suppose, if they were on the longer side. But I personally found Volume 23 to be so well done that the prospect of writing short stories was way too exhausting. And so, this was one long story. I thought I couldn't write longer stories anymore, which is why I had been writing shorter ones, but as you can see, people change quite frequently. This volume talks about the forest. I don't think we ever had a story focusing on the forest before. I went through a lot of reference material, and I found a book that talked at length about firewood and bonfires. I was impressed—there are lot of specialists out there, aren't there? It was called Norwegian Wood. It was apparently a bestseller. Do that many people need to burn wood...? Speaking of references, I always come across the most interesting books after I start writing the manuscript. And it was a new volume this time—I could've referenced it if it had only come out a little sooner! But I think it was periodically published, so I'd only come across it because I was writing the manuscript. I have a lot of books that sit on my bookshelf because I bought something only because I was in the middle of writing a book myself. I can never get what I want. This time, we've come across plenty of effects Col and Myuri's adventures have had on the wider world. Introducing too many runs the risk of limiting what's happening in Wolf and Parchment, so I was shaking the whole time I was writing those parts. But it was kind of fun writing it like adults cleaning up after children's playtime.