stable appearance of the chest without acute abnormality noted. stable scarring near the right lung apex along the lateral aspect. lungs are otherwise clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. degenerative changes in the spine.
bandlike opacities in the right base. appearance suggests atelectasis. the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal units. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. bandlike opacities are present in the right base consistent with areas of atelectasis. remainder of the lungs appear clear.
no active disease.
retrocardiac soft tissue density. the appearance suggests hiatal hernia. xxxx left base bandlike opacity. the appearance suggests atelectasis. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. retrocardiac soft tissue density is present. there appears to be air within this which could suggest that this represents a hiatal hernia. vascular calcification is noted. calcified granuloma is seen. there has been interval development of bandlike opacity in the left lung base. this may represent atelectasis. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is seen. osteopenia is present in the spine.
no acute disease. the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. the lungs are clear.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. lungs are clear bilaterally. there is no focal consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothoraces. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. xxxx are unremarkable.
heart size upper limits normal. sternotomy. right-sided aortic xxxx. lungs are clear.
emphysema without acute cardiopulmonary process. heart size and mediastinal contour are normal. pulmonary vascularity is normal. lungs are mildly hyperexpanded but clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. degenerative changes in the thoracic spine.
lung lines without evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process. the xxxx examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. a total of 3 images were obtained. the cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limits allowing for low lung volumes and patient rotation. there is xxxx xxxx atelectasis. no consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothorax. calcified right infrahilar lymph xxxx again seen. partially visualized lower cervical spine fusion xxxx.
the heart size and cardiomediastinal silhouette are within normal limits. pulmonary vasculature appears normal. there is no focal air space consolidation. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
no evidence of active disease. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
large medial right upper lobe mass highly concerning for primary lung cancer. xxxx chest with intravenous contrast for further evaluation. xxxx xxxx xxxx. xxxx's xxxx was notified of this result at xxxxpm xxxxxxxx and accepted receipt. results were faxed. large medial right upper lobe mass lesion measuring approximately 8 cm x 0 cm in diameter. no pneumothorax. no pleural effusions. lungs clear. heart size within normal limits. degenerative changes thoracic spine.
no focal airspace consolidation. hyperexpanded lungs suggestive of obstructive lung disease. there are postoperative changes of sternotomy. heart size is within normal limits. there is aortic atherosclerotic vascular calcification. the lungs are mildly hyperexpanded. there is no focal airspace consolidation. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there are diffuse degenerative changes of the spine.
moderate-to-severe cardiomegaly with probable pulmonary artery hypertension. persistent left basilar opacity without significant effusion. the heart size is moderate to severely enlarged. there is prominence of the central pulmonary xxxx suggesting pulmonary artery hypertension. there has been removal of the right-sided picc line. there is persistent left basilar airspace opacity with left costophrenic xxxx blunting which is not evident on the lateral exam. there are mild degenerative changes of the spine. there is no pneumothorax.
no acute process. cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. the lungs are clear. bony structures are intact.
cardiomegaly with possible pericardial effusion. no evidence for pulmonary edema or pneumonitis. kub. nonspecific abdomen. the heart is enlarged. there may be a pericardial effusion. no definite pulmonary edema is seen. lungs appear clear. there is no pleural effusion. the skeletal structures and soft tissues are unremarkable. kub xxxx: xxxx single view of the abdomen was obtained. the bowel xxxx pattern is nonspecific. there is no evidence for obstruction or free intraperitoneal air. no large soft tissue masses or organomegaly are identified. the skeletal structures appear normal.
no acute disease. the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. there is xxxx biapical scarring. the lungs are otherwise clear.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. heart size and mediastinal contour are normal. pulmonary vascularity is normal. lungs are clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces.
vascular congestion and diffuse interstitial edema stable cardiomegaly low lung volumes
bilateral lower lung airspace disease right greater than left most xxxx representing acute infectious process. widening of the mediastinum xxxx secondary to lymphadenopathy related to sarcoid or possibly reactive adenopathy. right dual-lumen internal jugular central venous catheter seen with tip overlying the cavoatrial junction. heart size at the upper limits of normal. low lung volumes with bronchovascular crowding. patchy bibasilar air airspace opacities right greater than left. no visualized pneumothorax. prominence of the mediastinum consistent with history of sarcoid.
no acute disease. the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. the lungs are clear. slight thoracolumbar curvature is noted.
perihilar opacities which may represent changes due to bronchiectasis. vague nodular opacities in the right lung zone may represent dilated bronchi filled with mucous or possibly focal areas of peribronchial pneumonia. right xxxx-a-xxxx is in xxxx. the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. some prominent perihilar opacities are present. some vague small nodular opacities are present in the right upper lung zone. these are slightly more prominent than on the previous study. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
no acute cardiopulmonary disease. the lungs appear clear. there are no focal airspace opacities to suggest pneumonia. the pleural spaces are clear. the heart and pulmonary xxxx are normal. mediastinal contours are normal. there is no pneumothorax.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. calcified left lower lobe granuloma. no focal areas of consolidation. no pleural effusions. no pneumothorax. degenerative changes noted of the thoracic spine.
no acute cardiothoracic abnormality. negative for cardiac enlargement. negative for vascular congestion. negative for focal confluent airspace disease. negative for pneumothorax. a few scattered calcified granulomas are identified.
no active pulmonary disease. cardiac and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. the lungs are clear. left axillary surgical clips. bony structures are intact.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. the heart is normal in size. stable appearance of coronary stent. xxxx sternotomy changes are present. no focal consolidation pneumothorax or pleural effusion. mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality identified. heart size and pulmonary vascular engorgement appear within limits of normal. mediastinal contour is unremarkable. no focal consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified. multilevel degenerative changes are noted within the thoracic spine.
normal chest no evidence of sarcoidosis. heart size normal. lungs are clear. xxxx are normal. no pneumonia effusions edema pneumothorax adenopathy nodules or masses.
xxxx change. hypoinflation with no visible active cardiopulmonary disease. lung volumes are low. no focal infiltrates. heart size normal.
no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process. the xxxx examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. calcified right upper lobe nodule with a granuloma is again seen but unchanged. no focal consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothorax identified. the visualized osseous structures and upper abdomen are unremarkable.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. the lungs are clear and without focal air space opacity. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is at the upper limits of normal in size but stable from prior exam. there is tortuosity of the thoracic aorta stable. there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.
heart failure with pulmonary edema. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits of size in appearance. pulmonary vascularity is unremarkable. there are diffuse bilateral interstitial opacities with xxxx b lines demonstrated. small amount of subpleural edema is demonstrated in the fissures. there is mild blunting of both posterior costophrenic sulci which may reflect xxxx effusions. negative for pneumothorax. limited evaluation reveals the xxxx xxxx the grossly intact.
left lower lobe opacities xxxx representing pneumonia. enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries raising the question of pulmonary hypertension. there are scattered xxxx opacities in the left lower lobe. cardiac silhouette is within normal limits. there is prominence of the right and left hilum xxxx representing enlargement of the central pulmonary arteries. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. no acute bone abnormality.
stable cardiomegaly. clear lungs. stable cardiomegaly and mediastinal contour. lungs are clear without focal consolidation large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. left basilar airspace opacity xxxx secondary to epicardial fat and overlying soft tissues. dish of the thoracic spine is noted. otherwise visualized osseous structures are unremarkable.
no evidence of active disease. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. degenerative changes are present in the spine.
low lung volumes. cardiomegaly. minimal left base and perihilar minimal infiltrate.
no acute findings stable cardiomediastinal silhouette with normal heart size mediastinal calcifications suggest a previous granulomatous process. apical irregularities also present on the previous exam suggestive of scarring. no focal alveolar consolidation no definite pleural effusion seen. no typical findings of pulmonary edema. no pneumothorax.
chronic changes with no acute cardiopulmonary disease. normal heart size and pulmonary vascularity. there are changes of chronic lung disease noticed by hyperinflated lungs and streaky opacities compatible with scar. interval placement of the chest xxxx with the tip in the superior xxxx xxxx. no focal infiltrate pneumothorax or pleural effusion is identified.
no comparison chest x-xxxx. well-expanded and clear lungs. mediastinal contour within normal limits. no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality identified.
stable left lower lung interstitial infiltrates or fibrosis. no acute cardiopulmonary findings. stable left lower lung increased interstitial markings. no xxxx focal alveolar opacities. low lung volumes. heart size is normal. no pneumothorax or pleural effusions.
no acute bony abnormalities. no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. normal cardiac contours. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. no acute bony abnormalities. clear lung xxxx bilaterally. no intervertebral disc narrowing or loss of vertebral body xxxx.
comparison xxxx xxxx hyperexpansion and changes of copd as before. calcified right lower lung nodule compatible with histoplasmoma as before. lungs are overall clear. mediastinal contour stable. no xxxx acute abnormalities since the previous examination..
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. no airspace disease effusion or noncalcified nodule. normal heart size and mediastinum. left axillary surgical clips unchanged visualized xxxx of the chest xxxx are within normal limits.
no acute cardiopulmonary findings heart size near top normal limits mild aortic ectasia size tortuosity. mediastinal calcifications and dense nodule in the lingula suggest a previous granulomatous process. no focal alveolar consolidation no definite pleural effusion seen. no typical findings of pulmonary edema.
no significant change compared to prior. bibasilar airspace disease may represent infection or mild edema. stable enlarged cardiac silhouette. persistent bilateral lower lobe airspace disease not significantly xxxx compared to prior. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. no acute bony abnormality.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. normal heart size mediastinal contours. no focal airspace consolidation. no hyperexpansion of the lungs. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
no visible active cardiopulmonary disease. left hip. advanced posttraumatic osteoarthritis.
no acute disease. left lung nodule. correlate with prior films if available. if none are available followup imaging in 6 months is suggested. the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. small nodule seen in the left upper lung possibly granuloma. the lungs are otherwise clear.
no evidence of active disease. changes of renal osteodystrophy are noted. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
the cardiac silhouette is normal in size and configuration. the mediastinum and perihilar structures appear to be are unremarkable. an element of atelectasis and infiltrate is noted involving the right upper lobe. in addition subsegmental atelectatic change is present overlying the left ventricle. no pneumothorax is identified. the osseous structures appear to be unremarkable. incidental note is xxxx of nipple xxxx.
no evidence of active disease. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. vascular calcification is noted. no adenopathy is seen.
normal chest film. the lungs are clear. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. there is ectasia of the thoracic aorta. no pleural effusion is identified.
1 cm nodular density in the anterior costophrenic xxxx on the lateral view which could represent overlapping shadows or actual pulmonary nodule. recommend followup with chest ct. heart size is normal. prior calcified granulomatous disease. on the lateral view in the anterior costophrenic xxxx there is a 1 x 2 cm nodular density which seems to be present previously but is more nodular in appearance on this examination. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. endplate degenerative changes of the thoracolumbar spine and mild scoliosis are unchanged.
multiple bilateral calcified granulomas most xxxx sequela of granulomatous process. no focal infiltrate or consolidation. if one would like to discuss this case further please xxxx. xxxx at xxxx. thanks. heart size normal. mediastinum unremarkable. pulmonary vascularity within normal limits. lungs symmetrically aerated without focal infiltrate or consolidation. multiple scattered calcified granulomas are present bilaterally. no focal volume loss evident. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. bony thorax unremarkable.
no acute infiltrate. the heart is normal in size. the mediastinum is unremarkable. the lungs are grossly clear.
no acute cardiopulmonary disease. pa and lateral views of the chest were obtained. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and configuration. the lungs are well aerated. there is no pneumothorax pleural effusion or focal air space consolidation. degenerative spine.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. cardiac size mediastinal contour and pulmonary vascularity are within normal limits. no focal consolidation suspicious pulmonary opacity pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the visualized osseous structures appear intact.
no acute radiographic cardiopulmonary process. the cardiomediastinal silhouette and vasculature are within normal limits for size and contour. the lungs are normally inflated and clear. osseous structures are within normal limits for patient age.
no acute cardiopulmonary findings heart size within normal limits. right hemidiaphragm eventration noted. no focal alveolar consolidation no definite pleural effusion seen. no typical findings of pulmonary edema.
cardiomegaly without superimposed acute disease identified. heart size is mildly enlarged. the pulmonary xxxx and mediastinum are within normal limits. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. there is a calcified granuloma in the right lung base. there are mild degenerative changes of the spine. there are some chronic increased interstitial markings noted.
prior granulomatous disease. negative for acute abnormality. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour. right suprahilar calcified lymph xxxx. right lung base calcified granuloma. no focal consolidation pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. mildly hyperexpanded lungs. negative for acute bone abnormality.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. stable cardiomegaly. stable cardiomegaly. the lungs are clear. stable left lung base calcifications. no focal consolidations. no pneumothorax or pleural effusions. the xxxx are intact.
no acute cardiopulmonary process. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits in overall size and appearance. aortic xxxx cardiac apex and stomach are left-sided. central vascular markings are symmetric and within normal limits. the lungs are normally inflated with no focal airspace disease pleural effusion or pneumothorax. dextro-convex scoliotic curvature of the thoracic spine. no acute bony abnormality.
multiple age-indeterminate left-sided rib fractures. the heart pulmonary xxxx and mediastinum are within normal limits. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is no focal air space opacity to suggest a pneumonia. there are several age-indeterminate left-sided rib fractures noted. there is a calcified right hilar lymph node. there basilar calcified granulomas. there minimal degenerative changes of the spine.
no activeacute cardiopulmonary disease. stable normal cardiac size and contour with unremarkable mediastinal silhouette. normal pulmonary xxxx. no active airspace diseaseinfiltrate. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. calcified granuloma right upper lobe.
no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease or significant interval change. the xxxx examination consists of frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest. sternotomy xxxx and surgical clips are again seen. the cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. there is a background of marked centrilobular emphysema. streaky opacities in the lung bases may represent atelectasis or scarring. there is no consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. the lungs are without focal air space opacity. there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and contour.
comparison xxxx xxxx. well-expanded and clear lungs. mediastinal contour within normal limits. no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality identified. stable chest.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. heart size and mediastinal contours appear within normal limits. pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. no focal consolidation suspicious pulmonary opacity pneumothorax or definite pleural effusion. mild degenerative changes of the thoracic spine.
cardiomegaly with vascular congestion and suspected pulmonary edema. the heart is enlarged. there is pulmonary vascular congestion with diffusely increased interstitial and mild patchy airspace opacities. the distribution xxxx pulmonary edema. there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. there are no acute bony findings.
normal chest film. the lungs are clear. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. no pleural effusion is identified.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. stable xxxx deformities of the upper thoracic segments. the cardiac silhouette mediastinal contours are within normal limits. the lungs are clear bilaterally. no focal opacities. there is no large pleural effusion. no pneumothorax. there is xxxx deformities involving multiple vertebral bodies of the thoracic spine which appear stable compared to the previous exam.
mild cardiomegaly. no pneumothorax pleural effusion or focal airspace disease. mild cardiomegaly. cardio mediastinal silhouette unremarkable. bony structures appear intact.
copd and small left basilar scar. there is hyperinflation of the lungs. a small area scarring is seen in the left cardiophrenic xxxx region. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the heart is not significantly enlarged. there are atherosclerotic changes of the aorta. arthritic changes of the skeletal structures are noted.
no acute cardiopulmonary findings. the heart size is persistently enlarged. lung volumes are low. lungs are clear. there is no pleural line to suggest pneumothorax or costophrenic xxxx blunting to suggest large pleural effusion. bony structures are within normal limits.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. stable chronic lung disease. heart size is unchanged. aortic calcification is noted. no pneumothorax. no large pleural effusions. there are unchanged xxxx opacities throughout the lungs which xxxx represent scarring. lungs are hyperexpanded.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. calcified mediastinal xxxx. no focal areas of consolidation. heart size within normal limits. no pleural effusions. no evidence of pneumothorax. degenerative changes thoracic spine.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. no pneumothorax pleural effusion or airspace consolidation. cardiomediastinal size is within normal limits. pulmonary vasculature is normal. old rib fractures healed. stable increased density overlying the lower mediastinum unchanged is xxxx due to hiatal hernia seen on xxxx examination.
hyperinflation with chronic upper lobe reticular-nodular pleural-parenchymal opacities and hilar retraction. no gross interval change from xxxx. the lungs are hyperinflated with biapical pleural-parenchymal scarring and upward retraction of the xxxx similar to the prior study. there are multiple reticular-nodular opacities in the upper lobes bilaterally which appear grossly stable from the prior study. there is no evidence of xxxx focal airspace disease. there is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. heart size is normal.
clear lungs. cardiac and mediastinal contours are unremarkable. pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits. no focal air space opacities pleural effusion or pneumothorax. xxxx are grossly unremarkable.
no acute cardiopulmonary disease. cardiac silhouette and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. nodular opacity overlying the upper lungs bilaterally may represent overlying telemetry xxxx xxxx correlate clinically. otherwise lungs are clear. no large pleural effusion no pneumothorax.
no evidence of active disease. the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. calcified granuloma is identified.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. the lungs are clear bilaterally. specifically no evidence of focal consolidation pneumothorax or pleural effusion. cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
unremarkable examination of the chest.. xxxx sternotomy xxxx are intact and unchanged position from prior exam. lungs are clear bilaterally with no focal infiltrate pleural effusion or pneumothoraces. cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. xxxx and soft tissues are unremarkable.
lungs are clear without suspicious pulmonary nodules or masses. lungs are clear. no pleural effusions or pneumothoraces. heart and mediastinum of normal size and contour. old left rib fractures.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. the trachea is midline. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. the lungs are clear without evidence of focal infiltrate or effusion. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the visualized bony structures reveal no acute abnormalities.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormalities. normal chest radiograph. the central airway is midline and is xxxx. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. there is no focal lung consolidation pleural effusion or pneumothorax seen. the osseous structures appear within normal limits.
no acute cardiopulmonary disease. cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. pulmonary vasculature and xxxx are normal. no consolidation pneumothorax or large pleural effusion. postsurgical changes of the cervical spine are present.
small left pleural effusion. mediastinal adenopathy noted but better evaluated on the xxxx xxxx ct. heart size is xxxx within normal limits. there are surgical clips in the left mediastinum. there is no pneumothorax. there is a small left pleural effusion. abnormal convexity within the mediastinum xxxx represents adenopathy which is better demonstrated on the prior xxxx.
negative acute bone abnormality. indeterminate 4 cm opacity seen only on lateral view is of unknown clinical significance and may be located in or on the patient. clinical correlation with possible followup chest x-xxxx recommended if clinically appropriate. dr. xxxx xxxx was notified of the indeterminate rounded opacity at xxxx hours on xxxx and acknowledged receipt of the study finding. rounded 4 cm projecting retrosternally on lateral view only. no focal consolidation effusion or pneumothorax. normal heart size. minimal degenerative changes of the thoracic spine. negative for pneumoperitoneum.
no evidence of active disease. the heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. the lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. there is a scoliosis of the thoracic spine. the ribs as visualized appear unremarkable.
no acute cardiopulmonary findings. heart size is normal. no pneumothorax or pleural effusions. there is an 8 mm calcified nodule in the left midlung. there is also a 7 mm calcified nodule near the left hilum. hyperexpanded lungs consistent with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
low lung volumes with slightly increased perihilar opacities bilaterally xxxx infectious etiology. the lung volumes are low. however as compared to the prior study there are increased perihilar opacities bilaterally. stable dextroscoliosis of the lower thoracic spine with limited evaluation of the spinal xxxx. the tracheostomy tube is in unchanged position.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. the lungs are clear bilaterally. specifically no evidence of focal consolidation pneumothorax or pleural effusion. cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. visualized osseous structures of the thorax are without acute abnormality.
no evidence of active disease. heart size and pulmonary vascularity appear within normal limits. lungs are free of focal airspace disease. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
no acute cardiopulmonary disease. the heart and mediastinum are unremarkable. the lungs are clear without infiltrate. there is no effusion or pneumothorax.
no acute findings. emphysema. scattered xxxx of scarring most notably in the left upper lobe. the lungs are hyperexpanded. there are stable scattered xxxx bilateral opacities most notable in the left upper lobe xxxx scarring. no focal airspace consolidation to suggest pneumonia. no large pleural effusion. no pneumothorax. heart size is normal. thoracic aorta is mildly tortuous and demonstrates atherosclerotic vascular calcification. there are degenerative changes of the spine.
no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. stable cardiomediastinal silhouette. pulmonary vascular is unremarkable lungs are expanded and clear of airspace disease. negative for pneumothorax pneumomediastinum or pleural effusion. limited evaluation reveals the xxxx xxxx to be grossly intact. prominent rib cartilage of the anterior lower ribs seen on lateral view.
hypoinflation with cardiomegaly and pulmonary venous hypertension. left mid lung focal atelectasis. lung volumes are low. the heart is large the pulmonary xxxx are engorged. no infiltrates. xxxx opacity is present in the left midlung.