7 values
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A boy is talking and fiddling with a few pieces of paper in his hands.", "A young boy in his bathroom as he explains how to make a paper airplane", "a boy gives close up instructions on how to make a paper plane", "A young boy is narrating in another language while showing folded paper.", "The boy demonstrates how to make his paper airplane fly.", "A child is folding up pieces of paper and talking about it.", "A young boy puts his toothbrush in a paper airplane and attempts to fly it.", "A boy is demonstrating his construction of a paper airplane.", "A young boy is speaking spanish and showing his paper airplane.", "A little boy is showing how to stuff paper to make a paper airplane." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A person is using a special tool to clean the window and then wipe them clean afterwards", "A woman is using different tools to clean her windows.", "A woman cleans a window wih streaks then cleans it better.", "A woman cleans a window with a spray and a cloth, and then with a squeegee", "A woman sprays a window and then wipes it away.", "A woman sprays a window with cleaner and wipes it with a cloth, then can be seen cleaning windows with a window wiper.", "A woman demonstrates two ways of cleaning windows, one ostensibly superior.", "A woman cleans a window while another woman talks about a window cleaning product.", "A woman demonstrates how to clean windows without streaks.", "A woman is giving a demonstration of a Professional Window Cleaning Kit." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A young man sets at a table reading a newspaper and another young man who is shirtless walks in and makes a comment.", "A guys drinking something and reading a newspaper and then his friend comes in and comments about it.", "A boy is sitting at a table reading the newspaper and his friend walks in the room shirtless and mocks him.", "A man sits at a table reading the newspaper while another man comes in and taunts him.", "A young boy sitting at a table reading the newspaper as another boy comes in with no shirt on.", "A man sits at a table and reads the newspaper as a shirtless friend comes out and mocks him.", "A boy is reading a newspaper at a table, then another shirtless boy comes in and talks.", "A young man reads the paper at a living room table, then another young man enters.", "a man is drinking from a cup while another man is talking to him.", "A man reading a newspaper and drinking milk, and another man with no shirt walks in and makes gestures with his body." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man is testing a heavy weight attached to a wooden handle.", "A male has a large hammer and he is showing it then puts it down by his side and is explaining about the weight of it.", "A man holds a giant wooden hammer with both arms and steps aside with it.", "A man prepares to use a heavy sledgehammer for a workout.", "A man adds eighteen pounds to his sledgehammer and picks it up to step to the side.", "A man is checking the weight of some sort of hammer, then places it by his side.", "A man is using a very large and long wooden hammer inside of a garage.", "A man puts the handle on a sledge hammer and taps it on the floor.", "A man wearing a yellow shirt and a back brace is holding a sledge hammer.", "A man has a large sledge hammer and has it in one hand moving to his side." ]
What is the video about?
[ "Woman describes procedures to an audience while shuffling cards at a gambling table.", "A casino dealer splits the deck and explains proper etiquette.", "A lady is shuffling a set of cards and explaining how to do a certain technique.", "A lady with grey cardigan on is shuffling the cards and talking in the casino", "A woman explains how to play a gambling card game at a table.", "A woman is sitting at a poker table and showing how to play.", "A woman with poker chips in front of her is shuffling cards.", "a lady standing at a table deal cards with chips", "A woman doing a card presentation while two guys are standing beside her", "A woman is standing at a table giving instructions on dealing cards." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a person walks around a room and goes to interact with another person", "A movie playing and people watching it on a large screen television.", "A person is panning the camera around a room ending with people in front of a tv.", "A teenage boy comes down the stairs, and it goes to the tv where there is a flower on it, and then it goes to two boys, and a women.", "a man performing karaoke for a small group of people", "A young man sings karaoke in a living room as two other people watch.", "People watch a music video with lyrics at home in their living room.", "A man walked up the stairs to a room with television", "A person walks up stairs to join others watching a large TV", "A young man runs up a flight of stairs, and then walk over to two women" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A little girl is looking in a vine bushes picking", "A young girl and her dad as she picks apples then throws one away", "A little girl picks a green apple off a tree and and is holding a red apple in her other hand.", "A young girl is picking apples from a tree, then she throws one.", "A little girl that is holding an apple is reaching over and picking another apple off a tree, then shows off the apples, right before throwing the apple she previously had away, then reaching over to the tree aain, whilst someone cheers her on.", "A little girl is picking apples, holds up two of them, then tosses one on the ground.", "A girl picks apples, a big one that is cast aside and a little one.", "A girl holds two apples in her hand while some people speak and laugh in the background", "A little girl with black hair is picking green apples.", "A young girl takes apples off of a tree and throws them." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "People work near pails and barrels of dirt outside, then a man controls a drone hovering in the air.", "Drone footage is overseeing new landscaping and renovations being done to a church.", "A drone is flying over some houses and some work being done.", "A drone flies around over a building and then a lawn.", "A drone is used to fly over work sites to get a better view of the top.", "An operator uses a drone to reveal the scene around a churchyard, where several people work in a garden.", "A drone overhead view of people working on a building then a view of the drone itself being flown.", "A man speaks while an areal view is shown, followed by a drone flying and the pilot shown.", "A drone flies over the site of major active landscaping projects.", "a man in a brown hat controls a drone that flies over many different people" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A man is showing how to make balloon animals in a backyard.", "A man filled a balloon with air using a small pump.", "A man pumps air into a long balloon, and ties it up tight.", "Man inflating a balloon with a pump and getting ready to twist it into shapes.", "A man is pumping air into a long balloon and tying it up.", "A man blows up a long balloon with an inflater, ties the end and begins to make something out of it.", "A man is blowing up a balloon, with a air pump, ties the end of the balloon and then begins to twist it.", "A man is showing how he is filling up a balloon with a hand air pump.", "A person with a colorful shirt works on a pink balloon.", "A man uses a air pump to blow up a ballon and starts to twist it" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man drops some dough into an oven dish before etching patterns into it ready for baking.", "A person is making bread inside of a bowl on a table", "A person using a razor blade to cut into bread dough.", "A person is preparing a piece of dough to cook with by using a tool.", "A man turns bread dough into a baking dish and uses a tool to score the top.", "Someone dumps some dough into a bowl and marks it with a knife.", "A man slides bread dough into a pan and uses a metal tool to score it.", "A man rolls dough from a basket, into a clay pot and scores the top of the dough.", "A person dumps dough from a basket into a pot and then begins using a tool to cut the dough.", "A man flips a pan with dough over into another pan and uses a tool to scrape the dough." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man cleans another mans feet with water as a ritual/", "People are singing as a man washes off a teenager's feet in a bucket.", "There are several people attending a ceremony an a boy is getting his feet washed while others are singing.", "A man was washing another man in a bucket while loud music were playing.", "A man washes another person's feet while people sing.", "A man is drying off the feet of another young man while people are singing in the background.", "At a religious ceremony a cleric washes the feet of a worshipper.", "A man washes people feet while sing in the back ground of a building.", "A young man is getting his feet done in a pedicure", "A guy conducts a ceremonial washing of feet while others sing." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A man is standing at a bar mixing and making drinks.", "A bartender is standing beind the counter, stirring liquid and ice in a picture, then pours some shots into glasses and then pours liquior from bottles into the glasses.", "A man showing his own personal skills at being a bartender.", "A bartender mixing and preparing several drinks in a bar", "A man makes mixed drinks at a bar, combining several liquids.", "A man is mixing an alcoholic drink behind a bar.", "A man is mixing several cocktail drinks while jazz music plays.", "A bartender is seen expertly mixing a variety of drinks together in a glass.", "A bartender prepares a mixed drink in an upscale bar.", "A bartender is stirring and adding ingrediants while making a cocktail." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A man is standing at the edge of the water, then another man jumps up and pushes him into the water using his feet.", "A man is standing on a dock in the water, and then knocked off by another who jumps at him from the side.", "A man jumps up and kicks another man standing on the edge of platform into the water by kicking him in the chest with both feet.", "A boy does a flying jump kick and kicks another man into the water.", "A man standing on a platform is all of a sudden kicked into the water by someone that jumps into the frame.", "A man gets jumpkicked by a boy into a body of water.", "A guy jump kicks another guy to make him fall in the water.", "A man kicks another person in a chest and they both fall in to the water.", "A scene where two boys fell into the river after one of them gave the other a flying kick", "A man is standing at the end of another dock when another man kicks him into the water." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A man lying down has painful wax hair removal done in patches on his chest.", "A young man is getting his hair removed from his chest", "A man is lying on his back as another person waxes his chest.", "A person is waxing the hair off of a man's chest and it is putting the man in pain.", "A tape is being placed on the chest of a man and yanked repeatedly.", "A man is lying on a table while another person is waxing the hair off of his chest.", "A man is having a person wax off his chest hair", "A woman is pulling the hairs off a young man's chest with a wax strip.", "The man grits and bears the pain, as somebody else is removing the man's chest hair with a sticky tape.", "A person uses some white material to remove hair from the chest of another person." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A young boy is using a suction device to milk multiple cows at a barn.", "A young man disconnects a the milking tubes/machine from one cow, then walks over to another cow to attach the milker.", "a young boy placing a milking machine onto a cow in a stable", "A young boy is helping out on the inside of a farm, he is attending to the nearby cows.", "A boy is milking cows in a barn with a milking machine.", "A young boy milks a cow outside at a farm.", "A young boy is removing the milking machine from one cow to another", "a boy using a milking machine to milk a cow", "A little boy is attempting to milks some cows that are in a barn", "The young boy takes the milking harness off of the cow." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man throws an axe at a tree stump target and successfully embeds it.", "A man throws an ax at a target made from the log of a tree.", "A man wearing a ling head scarf is outside and throws an ax at wooden target.", "Man in a pirate costume throwing an axe and having it stick to a large wooden block.", "A man throwing an axe at a wood log target; then a woman gets up for her turn.", "The man, dressed in costume throws the axe then the woman will take her turn.", "A gentleman and a lady are playing a game similar to darts using an axe", "a man throws an ax into a log used as a target.", "a man in the back yard throws a ax at a piece of wood", "A man and a woman in renaissance clothing are holding and throwing hatchets a a piece of wood." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A fat man is eating some powdered donuts and is sucking the powered from his thumb.", "A large man, in a red shirt is eating powdered donuts, messily.", "A man in a red shirt eats and then sucks his thumb.", "A man puts food in his mouth, has sugar all around his mouth, is holding a box.", "A fat man wearing red t-shirt and eating the milk powder very speedily.", "A man stuffs a white powdery food item into his mouth and talks.", "a fat man is licking his fingers as he is eating food from a box.", "A fat man is eating a powdered food and talking.", "Large man shoving donuts into his mouth while they smear all over his face.", "A man is eating a box of doughnuts and sucking the powdered sugar off his thunb." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A man is standing on the grass holding onto two exercise ropes and swinging them up and down rapidly.", "A person is using two ropes to get some exercise done in the backyard of a place", "A man standing in a yard waves two large ropes by moving his arms up and down.", "A man using 2 ropes or cables to work out in his yard.", "Outdoors, a man moves two heavy ropes in an up and down, snake-like pattern.", "A man is waving two long thick ropes up and down.", "A man is standing in a field and throwing two ropes up and down to exercise.", "A man is standing on the grass and does a exercise with two ropes.", "A man in a grassy yard wriggles two ropes like a snake.", "A man is outside in the yard performing a rope strenghtening exercise." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A man plays music on a pot and a pan lid with knives over a dishwasher rack.", "A man stands at a dishwasher banging on pots and pans with knives in a musical fashion.", "A person stands in front of an open dishwasher and bangs utensils on pots and lids.", "A man is holding two knives and smacks them on a pot and top to create music.", "A man is striking the top of a metal pan with two knives.", "A man is using dishes to use them as a drum set and make a beat.", "A person uses utensils and dishes in a dishwasher to make a drum set.", "A person is using pots and lids in the kitchen to make drumming sounds.", "A couple of people standing by an open dishwasher, one person is drumming on pan on the top rack with a knife and another pan the other person is holding", "A man holds a pan lid and another beats on it and another pan for a set of drums." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A person is peeling an orange using a knife or similar object.", "A person peeling a orange using a tool to get the peel off of it.", "A person is peeling the rind off the edge of an orange.", "Appears a female is peeling an orange with an orange cutter in front of a computer.", "A woman slowly peels an orange while another person scrolls on a computer beside her.", "A young woman is peeling an orange while sitting at a table and someone else is watching.", "Someone peels an orange as another person scrolls through a website", "A man removes peel from an orange with a small tool.", "A woman peeling an orange while another person visits facebook next to napkins", "A few people are seated in a room, one is on their computer while another is using a tool to peel the skin off a citrus fruit." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A female with braces, has a string stuck in her braces, and is laughing and then opens her mouth.", "A girl with blonde hair and braces smiles goofy for the camera and laughs.", "A girl is laughing while showing off her purple braces.", "A woman wearing braces is smiling a lot and there is some saliva coming out of her mouth", "A young girl with braces is laughing very loudly at something someone said.", "A person with braces is shown filming herself and laughing", "A blonde girl with braces and a blue shirt laughs at the camera.", "A lady that has a brace on her teeth was smiling", "A woman shows her braces on her teeth and then laughs.", "A young girl with braces laughing out loud about something." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A fat male in a diner is making a balloon model as he twists and turns and fails to produce.", "A man twisting balloons into different shapes while describing his actions.", "A man is twisting a balloon to create a balloon animal.", "A man is twisting a long balloon into segmented parts and creating some kind of balloon animal.", "A man with a balloon tells how to twist it and fold it to make a animal.", "A man is twisting a blown up balloon in to a character.", "A man twists a balloon into the shape of an animal.", "A man is demonstrating and verbally instructing someone on how to create a balloon animal.", "A man uses his hands to create some balloon art with a long orange balloon.", "An obese man is seated at a restaurant making all sorts of knots into a balloon." ]
What is the video about?
[ "a group of girls are playing lacross outside in a field.", "Girls in shorts play lacrosse on grass field on a sunny day.", "A group of women are playing hockey in the field while talking.", "A group of girls are playing soccer on a football field.", "A group of female tennis players are walking around on the tennis court.", "Two teams of girls play a game of field hockey against each other.", "Two teams of teen girls are playing a game on an outdoor field.", "Girls lacrosse team playing lacrosse on a sports field while others watch.", "The camera is panning across a sports field with boys and girls playing sports.", "People are outside at a field hockey game and watching the girls on a field." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A winded woman is on a living room rug working out.", "A woman is doing an exercise, stops and sits back and smiles before she gets up and walks off.", "A woman finishes exercising on the floor and gets up breathing heavily.", "A woman does exercises on the living room floor and then stands up", "Woman doing cardio exercises while sitting on a carpeted floor of a living room.", "Woman running in place on the carpet while exercising and out of breath.", "A woman does leg exercises in her home on the carpet.", "A woman performs several mountain climbers on a demo for RobinsKey", "A woman in push up position is breathing heavily as she bends her knees towards her chest in a workout.", "A woman is exercising on the floor before she gets up on her feet and walks away." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A person cuts a large piece of meat into smaller slabs on a table.", "An individual slices a piece meat with a knife while the meat is being held down by metal rods pierced through it.", "Someone is taking a knife and cutting the meat into pieces.", "A man is using a long metallic knife to cut a large piece of meat on the table.", "A man is cutting fillets of a meaty fish from a metal skewer.", "Person cutting pieces of meat with a knife on a table.", "A person is slicing a piece of meat that is on top of hay.", "Someone is video taping themselves cutting slices of meat on a counter top.", "A person was slicing the red meat with Sharpe knife and use some three pin holder to hold the meat", "a person cuts into some meat that is on a surface below them" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A woman at a gym performs a dead lift exercise with a barbell with large weights on the sides", "A young woman deadlifts a barbell in a gym around other weights.", "A young girl lifts a weight in the gym inside.", "A young girl is doing a set of waist high raises with a barbell loaded with weights in a gym.", "a girl tries her best to lift some weights as she is in a gym", "A WOMAN IS IN A GYM DOING DEAD LIFTS WITH A HEAVY BARBELL.", "A woman is doing some dead lifts at the gym.", "A young woman lifts a heavy barbell in front of a mirror.", "In a gym, a woman does several lifts of a large barbell in succession.", "In a gym a blond women lifts weights with a barbell." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "Two men are standing an doing karate, and then one says to wait and kicks the other man in the groin.", "A man dressed in martial arts gear is about to do a move on another man in front of him when the other man tells him to stop, kicks him and begins dancing away.", "A martial artist is preparing to strike another martial artist when the second martial artist begins dancing and then strikes the first martial artist.", "two karate instructors demonstrate a funny move to a group of people", "Two men are playing martial arts while the other two are cheering them on.", "Two young men in a karate studio prepare to face off traditionally, then one sucker kicks him gangnam style.", "A martial artist mimics the \"gangnam style\" dance and kicks his opponent as spectators laugh.", "A karate student is ready to hit another student who tells him to stop, kicks him to the ground, and dances off while everyone laughs.", "Two men in black perform a comic martial arts routine and the onlookers laugh.", "In a martial arts studio two men square off and then one yells a song and kicks the other, people laugh." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "person is filling up his car with gas and it spilled all over the ground.", "A woman commenting on a person filling their gas tank at a gas station.", "A woman films a man pumping gas on the wrong side of his car.", "A young woman films and discusses a person in front of her who has decided to fill his gas tank from the wrong side of the car.", "A person talks about someone who's had an accident at a gas station.", "A woman was standing beside a car and another woman brought a traffic cone to the side of the car", "Someone brings an orange cone up to someone standing outside their car.", "A woman inside her care berates a man who filled his car wrong and broke a pump.", "A man fills the gas tank of his car from the wrong side, stretching the pipe and spilling gas on the concrete.", "A woman uses salty, insulting language to tell off somebody in a car." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A man with an obvious and severe facial deformity reading from a paper", "A man is wearing a funny mask and a santa hat while reading.", "A man with a face that is extremely distorted is talking.", "A person with a Santa hat on talks about something.", "A man is reading a piece of paper while sitting down and talking.", "a man with a facial condition reads out something while wearing a santa hat", "A man with a disfigured face, wearing a Father Christmas outfit, talks about himself.", "a man reading a piece of paper he holds in his hand to the camera.", "A man with a Santa hat on is talking about children and nodding his head back and forth.", "A man with facial deformities addresses something he wrote to children and teens." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A foot is show without a sock or shoe and a woman approaches it and licks it.", "A man putting his leg on a table as a lady licks his toes", "In a studio a man has his foot on a table and jokingly asks a woman to lick his foot.", "A brunette woman licks a foot that is sitting on a table.", "A man has his bare foot on a table and woman leans in to lick the bottom of his foot.", "A man puts his foot on a desk and a woman licks it.", "A man and a girl are joking around and the girl has to lick his foot.", "a person with his foot in the air while a woman lick it", "A person is in a radio studio and holding their foot on a table.", "A man has his bare foot on a table,a woman leans in and licks his foot." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "Two little girls are playing with make up and having a beauty day.", "two young girl sitting eating pop cycle small girl have on goggle.", "Two little girls, one of whom is wearing a face mask, are sitting at a table eating a snack.", "A girl is eating candy while blindfolded and another girl is watching.", "Two girls sit in their bedroom and taste test candy, one of them blindfolded.", "Two little girls are talking to each other and putting an object in her mouth.", "Two little girls are eating a lollipop one is wearing a sleep mask and they are talking.", "Two girls are sitting in their bedroom eating pink and blue candy.", "In one room two little girls eat something, one with eyes covered and the other not.", "Two girls sit at a table, one with a blindfold on." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "Three women sitting on the grass, two of them blowing up a balloon and then sitting on it to pop it.", "Three ladies sitting on a lawn where two are blowing up a balloon and then popping it.", "Two women blow up balloons and one of the women sits on top of a balloon bursting it.", "Three women sitting on the ground while two blow up balloons and then sit on them.", "After tying a balloon, one girls sits on her balloon, popping it, as two other girls watch.", "Two girls blow up balloons and one sits on one to pop it.", "Several women are sitting outside blowing balloons and one woman sits on and pops her balloon.", "a woman is blowing a white balloon and then she sits on it and pops it.", "Two of three women sitting in an outdoor setting finish blowing large balloons which then pop.", "Three women are seated and two of them tie off a blown up balloon - one bites it and another sits on it to make them pop." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "Someone is cooking chocolate chip cookies using the bottom of a pan.", "it is missing the dish and cooking in mirco wave and seve in the dish and decration", "A pan with cookie dough is put into an oven and taken out once cooked.", "A pan of muffins is shown coming out of the oven and then the muffins are served on a plate.", "A person makes baked goods on the underside of a baking pan.", "Cookie dough is placed in the oven and brought out burnt.", "A woman shows how to make cups from cookie dough in the oven.", "A person puts a plate full of muffins or biscuits into a heating oven.", "Cookie dough is shown molded to a cupcake pan and then pulled out of the oven burned.", "A tray of cookie dough is shown, then put in balls on the bottom of a muffin tray and baked and shown as it comes out in circles." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A young man is wearing sunglasses and blowing into a trumpet.", "A boy is wearing sunglasses while playing a tune on a trumpet.", "A young boy is playing a trumpet indoors while wearing shades", "A boy in aviator sun glasses plays the trumpet in his bedroom.", "A young man in sunglasses plays a song on a trumpet.", "A boy wearing sun glasses plays the trumpet.", "A young man plays an off key song on the trumpet.", "A boy is playing a trumpet while wearing sunglasses indoors.", "A boy wearing sunglasses tries to play the a movie them on a trumpet.", "in a bedroom a person is wearing sunglasses and playing his trumpet with his hands and breathing" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A lady is clapping her hands together while sitting on chair.", "a woman is sitting and clapping her hand together and on her leg in a rhythm", "A girl slaps her hands on her thighs to make rhythmic percussion noises.", "A woman is clapping her hands together and against her legs.", "A woman is sitting on a bench in front of a map, playing a hand game by herself.", "A seated woman does a hand-clapping exercise and also claps her hands against her legs.", "A woman sitting and counting while clapping her hands and legs.", "A woman is sitting and patting her knees and clapping while counting to seven", "A woman sits on a table directly in front of a world map and claps.", "A woman is sitting on a bench and is clapping her hands and then slapping them on her thighs." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "Two middle aged men are sitting on their bums against a wall as they try to crick their necks using their bare hands.", "A man sitting against a wall starts cracking his neck.", "A large man sitting with his back to a brick wall cracks his neck with his hands.", "A man in sunglasses sits on the ground by a wall and cracks his neck.", "A guy with purple top and blue jeans is sitting on the floor and cracking his head left and right.", "A man sitting on the ground twists his neck to make loud cracking noises.", "A man is sitting outside and twist his own neck and makes cracking noises.", "A older fat man is sitting down and cracking his neck with his hands.", "A middle aged man is sitting and loudly cracking his neck.", "A man is sitting down in front of a wall putting on his sunglasses and then cracking his neck" ]
What is the video about?
[ "A young lady making a chip shop with a golf club and explains what she is doing.", "A lady is showing the proper way to chip a golf ball to the green.", "A woman showing and giving advice about playing golf while outside.", "A woman on a golf course hits a golf ball towards several flags.", "a woman putting a golf ball onto a golf field with a golf club", "A woman is showing how to swing a golf ball on a golf course.", "A young woman demonstrates how to hit a golf ball near the hole.", "A woman aims and shoot at a golf ball while explaining her moves.", "A woman is playacting her golf ball throwing and hitting skills in a green field", "A woman is showing how to use a pitching wedge on a golf course." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A young woman in sitting down in front of a camera talking", "A woman sits and speaks to someone off camera while eating something.", "A woman talks to a friend and tells her that is is okay that she understood.", "A lady with black top and long hair was sitting and talking to someone and then made a hand gesture", "A young girl speaks in front of a camera, she then gives the peace sign after her talk.", "In black and white, a woman speaks to someone remotely and then ends the call", "A woman sits on a couch eating a snack and talking she then gives the peace sign.", "A woman talks about people understanding what she was saying as she eats some food.", "A woman ending her conversation on a video web chat.", "A lady is talking to a camera while eating food." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A man holds on to the side of a bridge before jumping off, and releasing his parachute.", "A man getting ready to jump off a bridge with a parachute activates it at the last minute", "A guy stands on a bridge then jumps to free fall and then pulls his parachute to release.", "A shirtless man jumps off the side of the bridge falling towards the water before deploying his parachute.", "A man, hanging on the outside of a bridge across a canyon, jumps off towards the water below and then pulls a parachute.", "A man with no shirt is base jumping off a bridge over a large body of water.", "A young man in swim trunks, jumps off a bridge and opens his parachute.", "A man jumps from a very high ledge over water with a parachute.", "A shirtless man leans off a bridge and jumps off and releases a parachute.", "A man jumps from a bridge toward water and then lets out a parachute." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A little kid is laying on the floor in the living room on top of the pillow and he's playing with a toy", "A baby lying on the ground plays with a rattle.", "A baby is lying on the floor next to a small pillow, holding a large striped rattle.", "A baby lying on a hardwood floor is playing with a musical instrument while an adult talks to him.", "A baby on the floor shaking a red and white striped toy.", "A cute little baby is playing with a red and white maraca.", "A guy is filming a baby boy who is laying on the floor playing with a samba.", "Babies having play time with people is very important for development.", "A little baby lying on the floor on his tummy playing until person get a call then he starts looking at person.", "A young kid is on the floor holding a rattler." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A woman uses wire cutters to cut wire before threading beads", "A woman cuts a thin wire before beginning an art craft.", "A woman is clipping a string and putting beads on the string.", "A woman uses a wire cutter to cut a piece of wire that is used to construct a clay figure.", "Someone is cutting a thin wire into a short piece and then inserting two balls in it", "A woman cuts a piece of wire with wire cutters, then sticks the wire in something.", "A person demonstrates how to string big brown beads on a table.", "A woman showing how she uses wire cutters to try to apply various object together", "A talking woman clips a metal strip and puts it into a piece of clay, while music plays.", "A woman cuts a piece of wire and then threads a piece of food on it." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A person is riding a bicycle on a path and jumps over people on a ramp.", "A man rides a bicycle outside down a driveway, then across a set of logs onto grass.", "A person on a bike rides down a street then jumps over some logs.", "A kid is riding a bike towards a homemade ramp and jumps over a kid lying on the opposite side of the ramp.", "Someone with helmet was riding bicycle and went though a rump and landed ok", "a boy is riding a bike and jumping over an obstacle with human underneath", "A person on a bike rides up a ramp and jumps the bike over a person lying on the ground.", "A person is riding the bike very fast over another person.", "Someone riding a bicycle over a ramp that someone else is lying across.", "A group of people outside with bikes trying to jump over a ramp with logs next to it" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A boy was playing the flute with his mouth and makes some music with that", "A young practices his flute playing and gives a thumbs up.", "A man is seen using both hands to play a musical instrument while a shoulder serves as a base.", "Boy playing a flute and then smiling and giving a thumbs up.", "A boy is playing a long metal flute and is pleased with his performance.", "A preteen boy is horribly playing the flute in front of a window.", "A young boy repeats a few notes on a flute and gives a thumbs up.", "A young man is standing by the window in his room and is playing the flute and then give the two thumbs up", "A boy sits on his bed and he plays on his instrument.", "A young boy practices playing the flute while alone in a room." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "Two people operate a printer while at work and someone can be heard speaking.", "A group of people in an office make use of a large printing machine.", "a woman is running a copy machine in an office and laughing.", "A woman is learning how to use a copy machine and she waits for paper.", "A man and a woman attempt to use the Xerox machine in an office and are having troubles.", "A woman and man stands at a printer as she presses a button to print a job.", "A teenage girl and boy are talking while making copies using a very huge machine.", "A woman use a touch screen on a copier to make it perform a task.", "A man and woman standing in front of a copy machine making copies", "A man shows a woman how to use the coping machine and starts it." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A man is seated while two other men are washing his feet and then one man kisses his foot.", "A man carefully washed the foot of a young adult male and then kissed it.", "Music plays while two men in white wash then kiss one sitting man's feet.", "A man is getting his feet washed in a religious ceremony as spectators look on.", "A man in a white robe gets his feet washed at a religious service.", "Priest kneels to wash and kiss the foot of another priest aided by another taking basin.", "A man cleaned the leg of another man sitting and kissed the leg", "A pair of men in white robes clean the feet of a man in a white robe seated before them in a church.", "A person wipes a person's foot with a cloth then kisses the person's foot, and a man holding a bowl stands up and picks the bowl up, and another person walks away.", "Two men are washing and kissing the feet of another man" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man balances a large bottle on a his hand and then flips it in the air.", "A man flips a bottle of alcohol with one hand.", "A bartender balances an alcohol bottle on his hand and fingers.", "a man flipping a glass liquor bottle in his hand at a bar", "A young man shows he can balance a bottle on his hand then flips the bottle in the air and catches it.", "A bartender shows off his bar skills by supporting a bottle on the back of his hand, while bass-heavy electronic music plays.", "A person doing tricks with a bottle and makes it balance on a finger.", "A bartender flips a bottle of liquor for the people to see", "A man is flipping and balancing a bottle of alcohol on his hand.", "A man standing behind a bar juggles a bottle and then balances in on his hand." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "Someone pours charcoal into a grill puts a rack over it, and then speaks about how to cook over it", "A man explaining how to use a portable campfire product to cook with", "A man is putting coal into a grill and cooks meat on the camp fire,", "Someone dumps charcoal briquettes into a portable camp stove and then talks about it.", "Charcoal is placed on a grill and set on fire and then kabobs are grilled.", "A commercial for a campfire charcoal grill shows the setup and grill process.", "A portable campfire grill being used and a narrator talking about it.", "A person is assembling a round barbecue and is putting on some meat and veggies", "A person assembles a camping stove and cooks food on it.", "A man pours charcoal into a a small bbq, once it flames, he then adds the skewered meat and veggies to the grill." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A little baby is eating a piece of cake and making a mess as her parents laugh.", "An infant in a high chair eats from a chocolate cake as her family laughs.", "A baby heartily digs into a chocolate cake half her size.", "A family is sitting in their kitchen watching their young baby girl eat chocolate cake which she is getting all over her face as she entertains her family.", "In a kitchen a baby is eating a cake while a man and woman are heard talking in the background.", "A little kid sitting in a chair is dipping her face in a large cake that someone is holding", "a little baby in pink is sitting down with a whole chocolate cake eating.", "A baby is eating a chocolate cake by putting her face in it.", "A baby girl who is possibly eating her very birthday cake with her mouth into the top of the cake.", "A little baby girl eats a chocolate cake face first in her highchair." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A woman is wearing squirrel ears and a squirrel tail on her pants.", "A girl wearing a car ear headband is shown bending over backwards.", "A young girl with a costume of a tail on and ears is bending backwards", "A woman is bending backwards and is smiling after wards", "A man is talking while a girl bends backwards using the back.", "A woman is beinding backwards while the camerman records it.", "A women stands and bends her back towards the ground and laughs.", "A WOMAN SHOWS OFF HER LIMBERNESS BY BENDING BACKWARDS ALMOST PERPENDICULAR TO HER WAIST.", "A woman laughed and bent backward after adjusting her shirt", "A girl dressed with cat ears and tail bends over backwards." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A woman is on a wooden floor doing a hand stand while music plays.", "A person stands on his hands placed on the ground and performs acrobatics", "A man is doing a hand stand on a gym floor in the dark.", "A person is doing a handstand in a room.", "A person does a handstand on the floor of a gym.", "A person poses their legs while performing a handstand on a wood floor.", "A person is balancing standing on their hands to music.", "A man stands on his hands and keeps his balance at a gym.", "A young girl is doing a hand stand on a hardwood floor, while music is playing.", "In a gym someone is standing on their hands and moving their legs to balance." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "someone is riding on a snowblower creating a path in a large snowy area", "Someone runs a snow blowing machine in a heavily snowed over area.", "A man drives his snow blowing machine around the snowy path.", "A person rides a snow blower down a driveway clearing the driveway.", "a man is on a snow machine removing snow in the path on a sunny day.", "A person rides a snowblower that shoots the snow up and away from them.", "A person uses a snowblower to clear a path in the snow.", "Someone is riding a snowblower through a large field of snow.", "A person is sitting on a snowblower and making a pathway.", "A man is on a riding snowblower and clearing off the driveway." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "Two women watch a video of a person separating egg yolks as a part of a newscast.", "A person uses a water bottle to suck an egg out of a bowl,, while a woman explains what's happening", "Two women watching a video of a person transfering an egg using a water bottle.", "Two women talk while watching a egg yolk being sucked up with a water bottle and then replaced on another plate.", "A woman is watching another person on the television separate a yolk and egg", "Using a bottle to remove an egg yolk from the white.", "A person sucks an egg out of a plate using a water bottle.", "Somebody uses a water bottle to suck up a gelatinous yellow substance and puts it on a new plate.", "A chef separates a yolk and egg white using a plastic water bottle.", "A person is explaining while another person is showing how to separate the yoke from an egg using a plastic bottle." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A guy is playing a deck of poker cards on the black table and talking through something.", "A man is describing what kind of card deck is needed for his trick.", "A man is talking while shifting a deck of cards around in his hands.", "A man is holding a deck of cards while talking about cards.", "A man is holding a deck of cards face up, then flips it face down and pulls off a few cards from the top.", "A man prepares to demonstrate a technique of shuffling a deck of cards.", "Someone is getting ready to perform a magic trick with a deck of cards.", "A man pulls a couple of cards off of a card deck on a table.", "A man showing one way to shuffle a deck of playing cards.", "A young man is sitting at a table and explaining to friends how to properly shuffle a deck of cards." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A group of men play field hockey in a dirt field.", "A group of men play a game of field hockey on a clay surface.", "A game played with sticks and balls are seen being played in the dirt.", "Kids are playing out on a dirt field with something like hockey sticks and a ball.", "Two teams of boys play field hockey on a dirt lot.", "The boys are playing against each other in the sport of field hockey.", "A field hockey player dribbles a ball with his stick as an opposing player tries to snatch it away from him and succeeds.", "A group of young people are playing field hockey on a sunny day.", "A man tells what the players are doing and how they should do it.", "A group of people play a game with a ball and hockey sticks" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "Two men are standing in front of each other, and then one of the men tackles him onto the bed.", "A man is standing up with his back to a bed as another man tackles him and throws him back onto the bed.", "A boy pushes a man with force onto a bed", "Two boys are in a room one runs and tackles the other one", "One teenager tackles another playfully and they crash into the bed.", "A boy playing by his father as he dives and hits him on the stomach sending the father falling on his back onto a bed behind him.", "The two men are inside and facing each other, when the smaller one playfully tackles the other onto the bed.", "A man tackles another man in a room and they land on a bed.", "A teenage boy wrestles another teenage boy onto a queen sized mattress.", "Two people are talking and one of them walks up and tackles the other onto the bed." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A boy wearing glasses looks into a microphone then gets up and walks away.", "A young oriental boy is sitting at a table and looking into a microscope and then he decides to get up and leave.", "A young boy looks at something through his microscope.", "A young boy in his house playing with a microscope gets closer to the camera", "A boy stands up from a chair after looking in a microscope.", "A boy is looking through a microscope, then getting up and walking away.", "A young Asian boy wearing shorts and a tank-top is looking into a telescope.", "A young boy finishes looking into a microscope and then stands up and walks a few steps", "A young boy is looking through a microscope on a table, then he gets up and walks away.", "A small boy, wearing glasses has finished looking into a microscope." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A group of people are inside of a gym playing a paintball game with guns.", "A group of people are running around while playing laser tag.", "A number of kids appearing increasingly are seen running around items placed on the floor.", "A group of boys are playing laser tag inside a gymnasium.", "Kids are playing laser tag in a gym while hiding behind structures.", "A group of people in a gym are playing a game of laser tag.", "Teenage boys are running around an indoor facility set up for playing laser tag.", "a group of kids are playing an organised game inside of a gym", "A group of people are playing a game of laser tag inside a gymnasium.", "A group of people play laser tag with a set up obstacle course in a gym." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A young man is cooking something in a skillet and flips it with a spatula.", "A person is standing in front of a stove and cooking and flipping an egg", "A boy in a kitchen is cooking some food on a stove", "A person places the frying pan on the stove and then another person flips over the food that is in it.", "A boy tries to flip a pancake in a skillet, then uses a spatula instead.", "A boy is cooking food on a pan and flips it with a spatula/", "A man is laughing as he is making pancakes for a woman.", "A guy moves a pan onto a stove and laughs and flips the food over.", "A person flips a pancake in a pan with a plastic spatula.", "A person is holding a frying pan, then puts it down on the stove, and uses a spatula to flip the item being cooked." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A little boy is pretending to repair a wall on the wall.", "A young girl stands with a hawk and a trowel and pretends to plaster a wall", "A young child is using a large spreader to pretend to fix a hole in the wall while a man tells the child he is doing a great job.", "A little boy is using a flat object with a handle on a wall.", "A little boy is playing with a concrete trowel next to a wall.", "A young boy uses metal tools to paint a wall when a man starts talking.", "A little boy is, standing by a wall with a hole in it, holding a plaster board and blade.", "A boy uses a large scraper and board to pretend to plaster over a hole on a wall.", "Young boy pretending to use a tool to fix a hole in drywall.", "A young boy uses full size tools to attempt patching a hole in a wall" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A young boy by a river is demonstrating how to cast a fishing line.", "A young boy is throwing a fishing line and lure into a stream and talking about it.", "A boy standing by the river swings his fishing rod across the river.", "A boy casts his fishing line into the water, then shows and explains his technique.", "A little boy is demonstrating how to fish using a fishing pole.", "A little boy using a fishing rod to throw a fishing line out into a pond, river or lake.", "A boy in a camouflage hat throws a fishing line.", "A young boy is shown fishing in a body of water while explaining how to do it.", "A young boy casts out from his fishing pole then walks away from the water.", "A boy goes fishing and reels his line towards the river." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "Two children are sitting on the stairs tying their shoes.", "A young girl teaches a young boy to tie his shoes", "A girl is showing a boy how to tie his shoes.", "Young child tying the laces on red shoes he is wearing.", "A boy is trying the laces on his shoes and celebrating with a girl.", "A small boy is tying his shoe, a girl helps him", "A small boy and a small girl are sitting on the stairs learning to tie their shoes and then they high five each other.", "A young boy is demonstrating how to tie his shoe and a woman is talking about it.", "A boy lacing his shoes sitting next to a young girl showing how to using lacemups.", "A little boy sits on a staircase and laces up his sneaker with the help of a product called Lacemups." ]
What is the video about?
[ "There is a large drilling machine and then the camera pans over to one of the machines gauges.", "Workers on a construction site with a large ground drill.", "People preparing a drilling machine to be plunged in to the earth.", "huge machine to dig the soil to extract water or oil in a beach.", "A giant drilling machine runs and the camera then pans to show a gauge on the machine.", "A person shows a large three headed drill and a gauge on the machine.", "A three headed drilling machine is on a beach as a person looks at a guage", "A group of construction workers are walking while another is looking at the machine gauge.", "a heavy drilling machine is running outdoors as people are working.", "The men and the machine are digging huge holes into the ground to prepare for construction." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A girl is laughing while playing pinball and then reaches up to adjust her hair", "A woman stands at a pinball table and uses her hands to operate the game.", "A girl is laughing while playing an old arcade game.", "A woman is playing a pinball machine while laughing and making noise.", "Attractive woman in a tank top dress playing a pinball machine in a basement.", "The woman is having a great time playing in the game room.", "In a room a woman is playing the pinball machine.", "A girl is playing a pinball machine and claims she is doing very well.", "A girl in a short dress plays at a pinball machine.", "A young women is playing a pinball machine and yelling, whilst someone else is commenting on her game playing abilities." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A person wearing a diving suit is under water in a swimming pool facing the bottom.", "A group of people scuba dive in a pool and swim near the bottom.", "there are people scuba diving under water in a swimming pool.", "People are practicing scuba diving by diving in a pool.", "A diver is training is a swimming pool as two divers swim past him.", "Divers are seen underwater in a swimming pool as one stays at the bottom of the pool.", "A boy and other people are swimming under water wearing diving gear in a pool.", "Three scuba divers are diving at the bottom of a swimming pool.", "Several people are swimming in a pool wearing scuba diving gear.", "People with scuba gear are in a pool and stay down at the bottom." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A woman at a circus is practicing on the trapeze.", "A woman holds onto a bar and jumps off a cliff to swing around.", "A woman swings indoors on a acrobatic rope while wearing a harness.", "A woman is practicing her trapeze routine under blue lighting.", "A woman learning the trapeze flies out after a woman on the platform gets her ready.", "A trapeze artist rocks back and forth while holding a bar.", "A person attempts some trapeze tricks by swinging back and forth", "A woman on a very high platform is holding onto a trapeze swing then lets go and swings back and forth a few times.", "A man holds a woman before releasing her on an acrobatic swing which she holds onto.", "Someone leaps off a ledge while attached to wires holding onto a bar and swings back and forth." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A man wearing a hat playing a melody on the bagpipes", "A man wearing in cap and cooling glass and waring in t shirt the our hand a instument", "A man stands outside and plays a bagpipe on a sunny day.", "A man plays a few notes on a bagpipe then looks up.", "A man is outside playing a song on the bag pipe.", "A man with a cowboy hat standing outside playing the bag pipes", "A man wearing a white t-shirt and cowboy hat is playing the bagpipes.", "A man with a cowboy hat is outside playing the bagpipes", "A man with a tank top and a cowboy hat is blowing on bag pipes on a sunny day.", "A man in a tee shirt and hat blows a tune on bagpipes." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A baby reaching for some snacks and the woman congratulating her.", "A young baby crawls on the floor and picks up a plastic bowl, the baby turns the bowl on its side.", "A young child grabs a bowl of bowls while laying on a letter rug.", "A toddler is crawling on the floor and grabs a container of vegetables.", "A baby crawls across the floor to a container of food.", "A baby crawling and grabbing at a toy then being congratulated for getting it.", "A baby crawls on a mat and grabs a bowl of food and shows it.", "A small baby scoots across the floor to get food and a woman cheers for her.", "A young baby craws and picks up a toy and mother cheers for her.", "A baby crawling across the floor in an effort to get her toy." ]
What is the video about?
[ "Someone is opening a white refrigerator that contains many items.", "A person opens the freezer door, doesn't remove anything, and then shuts it again.", "A person opens the freezer door and looks for something.", "Someone goes up to the freezer in the kitchen and opens the door.", "Someone opens a top refrigerator door and the light does not come on inside.", "A person opens an unlit refrigerator briefly before closing it again.", "A person extends a hand to open the freezer of a refrigerator.", "A person opens up a fridge, but the light does not turn on.", "A person opens the fridge door, sees the light is off, then closes it.", "A person grabs the handle of a freezer, opens the door and looks inside, then closes the door." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A fitness instructor demonstrates an exercise in her living room.", "A woman does several jumping squats and describes the workout she is doing.", "A very fit thin woman is in her home explaining and showing how to perform jumps and squats.", "The woman is instructing how to do a certain exercise in the comfort of her home.", "A young woman is demonstrating a jumping exercise on a hardwood floor.", "A woman demonstrates a fitness activity in a room with a Christmas tree.", "A woman standing next to a christmas tree is demonstrating a high jump exercise", "A woman is showing an excercise routine while jumping up and down.", "A woman is doing fitness exercises next to a christmas tree.", "A young girl is indoor performing her exercising by the Christmas tress." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "The little girl is trying to smash the garbage in the dumpster.", "A woman is climbing around the inside of a garbage dumpster.", "A girl in a hat is climbing through a dumpster.", "A young lady is exploring her surroundings inside of a dumpster.", "A girl with a warm, funny hat on her head climbs on an object.", "A girl is carefully stepping to avoid an unpleasant outcome, which includes an awful smell.", "A lady was getting down from the wall by pressing the hands on wall was afraid", "A girl leans against the inside of a dumpster with her hands and stands on top of the contents.", "A young girl is trying to get out of a trash dumpster.", "A teen aged girl climbs into a trash dumpster filled with trash and starts to walk around." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "spending time at the beach building a massive fort as an adult should be something of concerns", "A lady is shoveling dirt outside at a beach, the dirt from the beach makes a huge opening.", "A person is using a shovel to move the sand from a walk area and into the beach area", "A person was making a pile of sand beside the beach with a shovel", "A person uses a small shovel to shovel the sand next to the water.", "A woman is using a shovel to dig up sand on a beach by herself.", "A person is shoveling sand on the beach near the waves, making a large sand castle.", "A person is shoveling sand on a beach to save a sand castle.", "Someone with a spade is playing and digging on the beach and has created an enormous channel for the water to enter.", "There is a sand sculpture and in the distance is a woman shoveling as the tide is rolling in." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A male is laying on the ground next to a bicycle and two other men walk up to see if he is o.k.", "A man rolls over on the ground with his bicycle on top of him.", "A man is riding on a bike in the dirt, he falls over and hurts himself.", "A man on a Bike falls off of it and his friends run over to make sure that he's alright.", "Someone is falling from the bicycle while riding it and his friends are coming to help.", "Boy had wrecked on bike and was laying on ground, two other boys came over to help him.", "Boy falling off his bicycle on top of a mound of sand and dirt.", "A man lays down after falling off his bike in the sand, two other men walk to help him.", "A mans friends help him up after a bad bicycle wreck.", "A person has fallen off of a bike and is on the ground, as two other men go to help him up." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A woman and two small children are in a room filled with gifts, and a woman hands the small child a gift saying who the gift is from, the small child repeats the name while opening the gift.", "On Christmas day, young boys open their gifts surrounded by family.", "A woman is helping a child to remove wrapping from his present.", "A young boy is unwrapping a present and then hands it to the woman beside him to assist.", "A family opens their Christmas presents together in their living room at home.", "A boy is trying to open a Christmas present, and gives it to a woman to open.", "A woman is helping a little boy unwrap a Christmas present while another boy unwraps one with no help.", "A toddler begins to open a present but gives it to his mom to help open it.", "A woman is talking as kids are around her opening up Christmas presents.", "A group of people are opening present by a Christmas Tree." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A baby giggles as it holds on to its pacifier.", "This little baby holds the pacifier to her mouth, drops it as she laughs, then finds her thumb", "A baby first holds a pacifier and then drops it while laughing.", "A baby is trying to put a pacifier in its mouth and laughing at the camera.", "A baby is holding a pacifier as she laughs and looks up at whoever is making her laugh and she drops the pacifier.", "A child laughs and tries to put a comfoter into it's mouth, but drops it and tries fingers instead", "A baby girl is laughing while playing with her pacifier.", "A baby sitting in a car seat is laughing hysterically with someone who is in the background.", "An infant lays against a pillow and laughs as it chews on a pacifier.", "A baby in a red onesie laughs and drops its pacifier." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A boy is putting all the food in his mouth in one go on the coach with his friends.", "A boy on a bus shoves food in his mouth while others laugh.", "On a school bus a boy puts something in his mouth while people laugh, then licks his fingers.", "Kids on a bus as one boy shoves food into his mouth and licks his hands.", "A boy is sitting on the bus talking to a friend and eating a snack.", "A person on a school bus eats an item of food", "A boy eats a chip covered in dip on a school bus.", "A young man eats an object while riding a school bus.", "a boy sitting on a crowded school bus puts something in his mouth", "A boy stuffs a large portion of food into his mouth while on a bus." ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "A woman uses an ironing machine to press fabric on an ironing board", "A woman is ironing a set of clothes and takes it off a machine.", "A lady is using multiple household tools inside of a home to do chores.", "A woman picks up an iron and moves it on an ironing board.", "a person takes an iron and begins to iron some clothes", "A woman is demonstrating a hand held steamer for use on clothes while music is playing.", "A woman uses an iron to iron fabric while music plays.", "A woman wearing a dress is using an iron and ironing board.", "a woman is ironing on an ironing board in a large room", "A woman is irorning a dress with an iron box attached to a steamer." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "Cards can be seen on a table, a man is holding the 8 of hearts.", "A man is explaining a card game and telling how you show you first card.", "A man is demonstrating how to deal a card game that will involve other players.", "A man explains a card game or trick from a first person perspective.", "A guy is showing a card game with a deck of red cards on the black table", "A person demonstrates how to play a card game inside a room of a building.", "A person is holding a playing card in his hand and then he puts it on top of the table.", "A man explains a procedure involving playing cards by holding up an 8 of hearts.", "A person is on a table playing with cards on table.", "A young man is explaining how to play a game of cards utilizing remotely connected players." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "Someone is carving a pumpkin while the narrator talks about peace and tranquility.", "A woman uses a knife to carve a pumpkin on the table.", "A person shows how to cut a pumpkin into a jacko lantern, sped up.", "A woman is showing how to carve a pumpkin for peace.", "A person showing how to carve a face into a pumpkin.", "A person is carving shapes out of a hollow pumpkin.", "A person is carving an eye into a pumpkin, and placing the scraps into a bowl.", "A woman cuts a pumpkin out like a peace sign and talks while doing it.", "A woman speaks while carving a peace sign into a pumpkin", "a person is using a very sharp knife to carve out pumpkins for Halloween on top of a table" ]
What is the video about?
[ "Two girls are working on a dough in an attempt to cook something.", "Two girls are using different ingredients to bake something in the kitchen.", "Two girls are baking some food inside of a kitchen.", "A girl gathers filling with a knife from a bowl and spreads it on a dough and starts to roll the dough up.", "Two girls are in a classroom setting, as they prepare a food item on the counter.", "Two girls, one is holding a bowl, the other takes a spoon and scoops something out and puts it on something in front of her.", "A young girl scoops food out of a bowl that another girl is holding.", "As music plays, one girl puts butter in a bowl that the other girl is holding, and one girl rubs her hands in powder followed by speech.", "A couple of girls making a recipe together and telling what to do.", "On a kitchen table, two girls are preparing a food dish while music is playing in the background." ]
What is the video about?
[ "Girl on ice skates trying to play hockey and talking about her experience.", "A person discusses and is shown on an ice hockey rink attempting to hit a puck", "A woman relays her experience in trying to play ice hockey.", "A woman is talking about how she tried to hit a hockey puck before losing her balance, after a scene of woman in hockey attire is seen swinging at a puck on a hickey rink and a man encourages her..", "A woman tries to play hockey and talks about her efforts.", "Person with hockeystick on ice laughs, woman talking, then the person with hockeystick tapping it on the ice.", "a woman in an ice rink with a hockey stick and puck", "A woman is laughing and talking about her trying to play hockey on the ice.", "A woman narrating her technique at attempting to play hockey.", "A young woman is on an ice rink and wearing hockey gear." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "Two people stand in an empty gym and demonstrate the form of a lunge.", "A trainer explaining how to do a lunge exercise and a girl demonstrating the movement.", "A man is demonstrating how to do a lunge on a yoga mat.", "A man narrates as a woman demonstrates how to do a stepping lunge.", "A man speaks as a woman prepares to demonstrate a standing lunge.", "A tutorial where a man talks to a woman then shows her how to step foward on the mat", "A man talks about an exercise and then a woman demonstrates it.", "An exercise instructor uses an assistant to demonstrate an exercise.", "A man and a woman, standing on a green mat, describe workout details.", "A man demonstrates a stepping lunge using a woman named Erica as his pupil and demonstrator." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A person suddenly appears jumping from a cliff and wearing a parachute.", "A man jumps off a red rock and throws out a parachute as he falls.", "A scenery of a grand canyon as a person jumps off with a parachute", "A base jumper passes from a higher ledge as the parachute begins to open.", "A man is jumping from a cliff and then let's his parachute open.", "A person wearing a pink and purple parachute jumps off of a cliff in the desert mountains.", "A young guy is on top of a high mountain then he jumps off the mountain", "A person jumps off the edge of a large rock formation and throws out a parachute.", "Someone is jumping off a cliff into the canyon with a parachute.", "Someone jumps off the top of a rock wall with a parachute, while a bird is chirping in the background." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A group of men play basketball outside in the street.", "A group of people shoot baskets out in the street.", "Outside a group of teenagers are playing basketball, one throws the ball at the hoop and is successful he then throws it again.", "A man shoots a basketball at a hoop while others play around the hoop as well.", "A group of boys are playing basketball in front of a house.", "Teenage boys playing basketball on a street while one boys shoots a basket.", "A group of kids are playing basketball in the street.", "Four boys outside on the street playing and shooting basketballs towards a net.", "Four boys shoot basketballs at a basketball hoop in front of a residential home.", "A group of kids out in a street shooting basket balls at a goal ." ]
What is the video about?
[ "Two woman are on stage giving out awards to three other men in business suits.", "Two women are clapping on a stage and one of the women gives an award to a group of men.", "A group of people wearing formal clothes on a stage are handed an award", "Two woman are on stage clapping and then one presents a group of people with a trophy.", "A video of a past award ceremony which was conducted to give out awards to those called up stage.", "People on a stage are accepting an award from a woman, while music is playing.", "A woman in a read dress is receiving an award at a ceremony.", "Two women stand on stage at an awards ceremony before being joined by others.", "A woman recieving an award for a bengal awards show as she gives one to another woman", "A woman in a red dress presenting an award at the The Asian Curry Awards." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "The man holding the camera is counting backward in spanish as the other man pins a cherry tomato to the wall by throwing a knife.", "After counting down a chef throws a tomato followed by a knife, both which stick to the wall.", "Man counting down in spanish, another man throwing a small tomato at a wall and throwing a knife at it.", "A chef in a kitchen demonstrates his skill throwing a knife", "A man talking before throwing a knife at the wall and laughing.", "A man throws what looks like a cherry tomato in the air and then throws a knife at it and pins it to the wall.", "A man chewing on a toothpick waits for a countdown, then throws his knife into the wall.", "A man is in a kitchen and tosses up a piece of meat and then throws a knife.", "A man in a bakery throws a knife at a piece of plywood on the wall.", "A man in a kitchen counts to three and throws a tomato and a knife on a door." ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A young boy is beat-boxing into a microphone, while another boy gets up and watches from behind.", "A young man is beat boxing into a mike while his friend plays behind him.", "Young man is talking when another person walks behind raising their arms.", "A young man shows off his beat boxing while his friend hangs out.", "A teenage boy and his friend are beet boxing in his room.", "a boy making rap noises into a microphone while another boy stands behind him", "A boy is beat boxing into a microphone and another person is looking on.", "A boy practices beat boxing while his friend dances behind him.", "A young boy is making noises in rhythm while another boy watches him.", "Two boys try to create music by making some gestures and producing some breathing sounds as they dance from side to side." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "People are taking part in different types of ski activities.", "A series of vidoes for a ski resort show the different ways people ski in the facility.", "A woman tells about a park and what all it offers to [people that come and visit.", "An advertisement for a ski center shows cross country skiing and snow shoe.", "A woman is speaking about a north skii resort in country club.", "Multiple people are shown skiing at a cross country resort.", "People are cross country and downhill skiing as a woman talks about a ski shop.", "A group of people downhill ski, cross country ski and snowshoe.", "A female voice talks about the services provided at a country club, while clips of people skiing and walking in snow are shown.", "An ski resort advertises the downhill skiing and cross country skiing available to potential customers." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "A man wearing a face mask and holding a paddle runs on a field.", "A man runs on the field in a lacrosse game, is applauded by the crowd, then runs with the ball and shoots", "A lacrosse match is being played on a field, a player handles the ball on his stick and tosses it.", "A man is playing a game of hurling on the field as he takes the ball and shoots it towards the goal.", "A guy runs with a racquet, people cheer, then two men play on a field.", "A player is applauded by a crowd of spectators and a commentator narrates.", "a man running with a lacrosse paddle on a field with a crowd cheering", "A lacrosse player's goal-winning run is shown as the audience cheers and a broadcaster talks.", "A man scores at a hurling match and the crowd goes crazy as the replay is played.", "A man in a helmet and blue Jersey that says number 12 scores the winning goal for his team." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A young girl tries to whistle while at a restaurant with her family.", "A little blonde haired girl tries to whistle with her family.", "A blonde girl is trying to whistle but cannot seem to do it.", "A young girl is practicing how to whistle around family and friends.", "A man shows a young girl how to whistle while she attempts it.", "A little girl smiling and trying to whistle and laughing.", "A young girl attempting to whistle at a restaurant table.", "A young girls is trying to whistle while adults around her are demonstrating how to whistle.", "A little girl is trying to whistle, and then places her hand in front of the camera.", "A girl attempts to whistle but becomes embarrassed and holds her hand up to the camera." ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "A boy is trying to comb his hair while a girl blow dries it.", "A lady is blow drying a young man's hair while talking to each other.", "in a bathroom a man that has just had a hair wash is having his hair blow-dried by young woman", "A boy is combing his hair and a lady dries his hair in front of the mirror also another boy is standing with a towel", "A girl stands behind a boy in the bathroom and blow drys his hair", "A teenage girl is blow drying a teenage boy's hair as he combs it in front of the bathroom mirror.", "A girl uses a blow dryer to dry a boys wet hair as another boys combs his own hair.", "A person is being assisted in dry-blowing his hair while another person is also waiting for the assistance.", "A girl is shown helping a boy dry and style his hair.", "A young woman is blow drying a young man's hair, while another young man is towel-drying his hair." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A young woman pushes a man in the chest while another man videos the incident", "A man and woman taling to each other as she pushes him and someone else watches them", "A young woman is seen talking to a young man while another films it.", "Outside at a tailgating event, a woman confronts a man that is intoxicated.", "A young girl walks up to a young man and pushes a man outside.", "A girl walks up to a guy and pushes him as he brings out his cell phone.", "A man is by a woman and she pushes him while he calls the phone.", "Two people fight with each other while another man records everything.", "A woman walks towards a man and pushes his chest while another man holds a camcorder.", "A young man and young woman stare at each other and the woman shoves him angrily." ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "A man lifts a pair of dumbells in his hands inside a gym.", "A man is doing arm exercises with weights inside a gym.", "A man is demonstrating a lifting arm exercise using dumbbells", "A man is lifting up barbells in front of him one at a time", "A man demonstrates lifting dumbbells with each hand while alternating arms.", "A man excercises by lifting dumbell weights with his forearms in a gym.", "A man demonstrates how to exercise arm muscles lifting dumb bells.", "A man is lifting hand weights repeatedly in the gym.", "A man standing in front of a mirror exercising with two dumbbells in each hand.", "A man in a gym is lifting weights up and down in the mirror." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "People are walking around and painting on triangle shaped canvas in fast motion, then a boy holding a spray paint can.", "Multiple men walk around graffiti walls and the man holds a spray can up and smiles.", "In fast motion a man is painting a design on a board with spray paint.", "A few guys are walking around spray painting art onto canvasses.", "At a skatepark, a man paints the walls then show the paint can.", "Artwork is displayed in order to advertise spray paint.", "A man is showng paint on a side of canvas then it shows a company logo and shows the man holding a can of paint.", "Graffiti artists are using spray paint to paint various things.", "Graffiti artist are showcasing their art to advertise a spray paint brand.", "A group of men are inside and they are using spray paint to make art." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A man is feeding a hummingbird some type of food from his mouth.", "A bird is kissing the inside of a mans mouth and eating food.", "A bird is sitting on a mans hand and putting it's beak in the mans mouth.", "a man holds a bird and the bird is eating out of the man's mouth.", "A man feeding a small bird using his mouth as the bird tries to eat from his lips", "A man kisses a small bird that is perched on his hand.", "A man feeds a bird directly from his mouth as it sits on his hand.", "A man is holding a bird as it pecks food out of his mouth.", "A man kissing a bird waving in one of his hands.", "A person is allowing a bird to eat from the inside of his mouth." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A person is dangling on a hanging ladder attempting to climb up.", "Emergency escape ladder is a bit scary and daunting for a young fella.", "A man using a ladder to climb down after removing an orange item", "Small child climbing up a ladder in a play area while carrying something in their hand.", "A kid is hanging off of a pole ladder while holding a football.", "A boy tries to go down a ladder while holding a plastic bag as an adult off camera encourages him.", "A young boy is climbing down a rope ladder in a room while a man complements him on his efforts.", "Toddler climbing up a ladder by himself in an indoor play area in the daytime.", "A boy is indoors and climbing a rope ladder with encouragement.", "A man is teaching a child how to come down from a rope ladder." ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "The adult gets the baby's attention and makes her laugh by tearing pieces of paper", "A baby is lying on the bed laughing when a woman ares paper.", "A baby laughs as some tears pieces of paper up in front of her.", "A woman making a baby giggle by making a noise by ripping paper.", "A woman is ripping a piece of paper and a baby is laughing at it.", "A woman is striking something together and making a baby laugh.", "A young baby is giggling at the sound of an adult ripping small pieces of paper.", "A woman rips paper in front of a baby and makes her laugh.", "A baby laughs at a piece of paper being ripped.", "A person tears a piece of paper up in front of a baby, causing her to laugh." ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "A man and a woman dressed in old english outfits playing two different unique string instruments.", "Two people play classical instruments inside a room with decorations on the wall.", "A woman plays a violin and a man plays a guitar-like string instrument.", "Several musicians are making music by playing instruments with strings..", "Two people are performing a song with their instruments inside.", "A person plays music and a woman makes faces while playing.", "A woman and man are playing stringed instruments.", "A woman and man are playing musical string type instruments .", "A man and a woman are playing instruments together and one is a violin.", "a woman playing a viola and a man playing a guitar" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "A person is drawing an image on wood with a wood burner.", "A person uses a glue gun on a piece of paper on a table.", "A timelapse of a man using a soldering iron to make art then presses on paper", "A person uses a type of mechanical tool to make a pattern in paper.", "A person using a tool to make marks on a piece of wood.", "A piece of paper is being written on with a black marker.", "A person is using a tool to create designs on a piece of paper.", "A person is using a tool to make a mark on a piece of wood.", "A man is beginning to create artwork using a burning tool.", "A person uses a tool to make a mark on a piece of wood." ]
What is the video about?
[ "A person is sitting at a sewing machine and pulling out stitches with a seam ripper.", "A woman is pulling threads out of a piece of material at her sewing machine.", "A person picks stitching out of a piece of fabric on a sewing machine.", "A person is sitting at a sewing machine and using a small tool to rip out some stitches.", "A person is undoing a stitch while the fabric is lying on a sewing machine.", "A person at a sewing machine and is ripping out stitches", "A man is using a thread cutter to remove thread from a piece of fabric.", "Using the light on a sewing machine, someone uses a seam ripper and pulls out thread.", "Someone is sitting by a cluttered desk next to sewing machine as they use a tool to remove something from a package.", "Someone at a sewing machine is sewing pieces for a project with music in the background." ]
What is the video about?
[ "The woman is showing how to peel off the sticker on the bike.", "A woman is demonstrating how to apply a patch to a bicycle tire.", "A person with glasses holds a black cloth and pinches at it.", "A person holds up an inner tube and tries to peel something off of it.", "A woman demonstrates how to peel back the outer shell of something while wearing glasses.", "A woman in a blue shirt and glasses shoes how to patch a hole on the inner tube of a bike tire.", "A young girl holds material and peels a sticker off of it while giving instructions.", "Girl showing how to patch the flat tire on a bike.", "A woman slowly tries to peel a sticky patch off of a rubber bike inner tube tire.", "A woman with short hair and large glasses demonstrates how to make minor repairs to a bicycle." ]