7 values
What is the video about?
[ "a woman puts tomatoes in a food processor and blends them to a paste", "in the kitchen a lady grinding some food in the grinder", "in the kitchenthere is a women working with mixer grinder", "the woman is demonstrating the use of a food processor with tomatoes", "one lady open the mixer jar and telling the taste of a dishes", "the lady making some food items in the mixer jar and explaning the items", "several tomatoes are in a food processer and a woman with a white apron is putting the top on the container", "a lady is preparing a dish for which she has put the tomatoes and is chopping them in a chopper and a lady voice from the background can be heard guiding on how to prepare the tomatoes for the dish", "a woman places whole tomatoes into a food processor on top of a counter and presses a button until they are pureed", "a woman narrates as a person uses a food processor", "one women making the recipe with tomato puree in mixer", "a female home cook uses a food processor to chunk up a bunch of tomatoes", "a person prepares some fruit in a blender and blends it up", "a woman is crushing the tomatoes in mixture grinder", "a woman is giving a cooking demonstration about tomatoes with a food processor", "in a kitchen someone is slicing and grinding with a mixer", "a chef processing tomatoes in a stainless steel food processor until they are chunky", "in a kitchen a woman is chopping tomatoes in a food processor", "in a kitchen someone is preparing fresh salad with the help of food processor", "the woman places tomatoes in a mixer and chops them into small pieces" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a cop arresting someone", "a man behind handcuffed and running away", "a man is arresting some one in street", "a man is getting arrested", "a man is performing in front of a group of judges", "a man runs away from a cop trying to arrest him", "a person flees a police officer", "a person is running", "a police man caught the chaser", "a police tries to arrest a boy that starts to run", "criminal runs from fake police", "fan made video of cops and robbers", "the man was in his boxers", "two guys running down a sidewalk", "two men are recreating a reality police show", "a man is performing in front of a group of judges", "a cop arresting someone", "the man was in his boxers", "fan made video of cops and robbers", "a man runs away from a cop trying to arrest him" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "there is a park located in the city it s got green grass trees and a gravel/dirt sidewalk for people to walk on", "the big buildings located near the grass land is looking very nice", "a park with bushes green grass and trees surrounds large multi-floor buildings", "various camera angles of a park showcase a natural beauty", "an alarms sounds and music plays as various outdoor scenes are shown possibly a park", "it was video of some hotels to celebrate their vacation and the site of the hotel environment has been showed here", "a vivid scenery shot of a retreat surrounded by thin trees and small rounded shrubbery", "views of shady trees and beautiful architecture of buildings", "outskirts and a neighboring of an apartment complex is displayed", "a green landscape in front of a nice big building most probably an hotel", "a beautiful campus with much grass and many trees is shown", "an exploration of big building and the lawn", "very detailed architecture being shown from multiple angles", " and buildings with music playing in the background", "person is recording the beautiful green garden in the city", "someone is recording the green place in a beautiful town", "a video is displaying building and its outer area", "outside in an open area with grass and trees", "some buildings in a place are being filmed out side", "the exterior of two large white buildings is shown" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a cartoon about three girls", "a cartoon character holds up her shoe", "a family at home", "a family is interacting with one another", "a family of barbie animations talk about the objects that interest them", "an animated family talk in the living room", "animated girls and women are singing", "barbie and her friends standing in front of folded laundry", "barbie dolls talking about shoes in an excited fashion", "cartoon characters are talking", "female cartoon characters are standing in a line talking", "four computer animated girls are talking in the living room", "girl characters chat in their bedroom", "this is an animated cartoon video", "two animated woman s are talking to eachother", "two animated women and two animated girls talk while possibly packing", "women are standing together in a room", "four computer animated girls are talking in the living room", "this is an animated cartoon video", "female cartoon characters are standing in a line talking" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a car commercial for mazda", "a car is speeding", "a commecrcial for mazda automobiles", "a commercial for the new mazda car", "a mazda car commercial", "a person is playing an online computer game", "a picture of a car", "a red mazda car is running on the track", "a red mazda driving down the street", "classical music is played while a mazda drives in a fake scene", "driving cars set to violin music", "mazda car commercial advertisement", "there is a car advertisement played", "two cars are racing down the street", "two cars are racing", "two cars are racing", "two cars drive side by side on a simulated track and tunnel", "two red cars are seen racing on a road course", "two red mazda cars travel computer generated streets with classical music in the background", "a person is playing an online computer game" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a business with yellow exterior walls bears a roof painted to resemble a green monster with large eyes", "a women in black dress is walking by in a street", "there is a man is talking about a street", "there is a town many people are walking around the street", "there is a woman walking nearby the shop", "a cornerstore on a busy tokyo road or sidestreet", "a toursist who is fond of a tokyo fashion clothes designer explains why all the excitement", "it described about the sale offer in the shopit has lot of sale offer", "peoples are walking on the street near shops", "a young man in a strange hat discusses a new store that he has found and likes", "people walk by a shop on the street while a guy talks", "people are coming and going in a market where sale is going on", "people are coming and going in a market where sale is going on", "there are three sets of shoes outside a yellow shop", "black haired woman is walking near the shop", "the people are walking and passing near the shops on the street", "the people are walking on the street and passing the shops", "a promo page of about a shop named hayatochiri with a good stocks of goods", "a lactose-intolerant man discusses options such as hayatochiri", "a yellow restaurant is selling things with art on the corner" ]
What is the video about?
[ "freshly cooked plate of shrimp stir-fry using udon noodles", "prepared food are nicely put in plate in a table", "a prawn special in a platedish on the table", "there is a prawn dish in a plate", "food is being put on a large rectangular plate", "the plate full of prawn with noodles it is very delicious", "a cooking program shows a completed dish of shrimp stir fry with udon noodles as the chef samples the result with chopsticks", "a white plate contains delicious noodles with lot of prawns in it", "insects are fried with noodels", "a man is describing shrimp stir fry including what type of noodles he used and how long this meal lasts in his house", "shrimp stir fry sits on a plate while man talks about it and moves it around", "a man narrates a video of shrimp stir fry sitting on a plate", "video of shrimp stir fry with udon noodles a man explains his daughter turned him onto the noodles", "a guy shows off the shrimp stir fry that he made", "in a kitchen someone is presenting the meal he prepared", "person is presenting the beautiful food in the plate", "person is presenting the food that was cooked", "imagine of a shrimp stir fry dish using udon noodles", "a plate full of shrimp and noodles that a man has made", "a person is using chop sticks to eat food" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "men wearing competitive swimming gear climb out of the water and climb a wall using a rope", "there are some people getting above the house", "there are two men swimming in a pond", "there is a man swimming with a person", "men come out from a swim to climb over a wall on an obstacle course", "two athlete are competing with each other in a cross country race", "men run along the shore of a muddy beach to climb a wall", "the men wearing black shorts walk out of the water and climb up the wall", "men crawl through mud under a fence then climb up a wooden wall", "a man doing something adventures on the open ground", "two guys coming out of waters and climbing a top with ropes", "a group of men are climbing a wall in an event", "people swim in a muddy water on a beach then climbs a wall", "mens going through water then climb onto high walls of woods as people passes by", "men walk out of a puddle of water then climb a wall", "group of people are swimming in the lake near the rocks", "man is swimming and running near the cold water", "two people are exiting from the water and doing an exercise", "men rise from moody water before climbing a wall with a rope on an obstacle course", "a rap on the life this rapper leads is the playing video" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a band is dancing", "a guy sings while a woman holds a camera", "a man cooking food", "a man is dancing", "a man is singing a song while a woman dances", "a man is singing in a music video", "a man singing a song in a music video", "a man sings a song", "a music video in spanish", "a music video is being played with people dancing and taking photos", "a person is singing a song in a music video", "a woman dances sensually to romantic music", "an excerpt from a music video is shown", "an hispanic music video", "its a pop song", "people dancining in a music video", "singer are singing and dance in a troop", "the woman was taking a picture", "a woman dances sensually to romantic music", "a band is dancing" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a kitchen looks terrible after a bunch of dishes are broken on the floor", "an industrial kitchen is surveyed with a man giving orders", "a man videotapes a kitchen where it seems someone has dropped and broken multiple plates", "a man narrating the description of a kitchen that was destroyed", "a man talking of something about the machines in factoru", "an man talking of something about the restaurant kitchen", "a plates are splashing in the floor of kitchen", "a metal door has sauce on it a stainless steel kitchen has broken dishes on the floor", " workers and other staff were surprised of the huge mess happened in the kitchen like it was been broken in", "a professional kitchen is shown someone has ransacked it", "a guy talks while they show a restaurant kitchen with broken dishes on the floor", "a large kitchen with dishes broken on the floor and men talk", "a large kitchen has food splattered on the floor and doors of the appliances", "person is recording the kitchen of a big restaurant", "a man instpects a kitchen that is a complete mess with food and dishes on the floor", "dishes are strewn about the floor in this industrial kitchen", "someone is showing the interior of a factory where plates are broken and is explaining", "a person showing messy kitchen and the chef talking about the issues", "a man with a white out fit is standing in a kitchen", "some chefs in white outfits are standing in a kitchen" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a bunch of girls are swimming in the pool", "a group of synchronized swimmers perform in a pool of water", "a group of women are swimming professionally", "a team of swimmers are performing", "a team of swimmers perform in the olympics", "a woman is swimming", "a woman pops out of a pool", "a womens synchronized swimming team performs", "eight synchronized swimmers in smimming pool", "highlights of swimmers are shown in a pool", "many women are doing synchronized swimming", "picture of women in a pool", "synchronised swimmers are performing", "synchronized swimmers doing a routine", "woman perform choreographed swimming routines", "women are swimming in a pool", "women doing synchronized swimming", "eight synchronized swimmers in smimming pool", "highlights of swimmers are shown in a pool", "woman perform choreographed swimming routines" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a women cleaning the body of horse and a girl tieing her hair", "this is showing that as exact human do is also done for the horses even", "the man makes the horse clean and checks in hoofs", "young women from different walks of life prepare for different acts", "a lady not her hairanother sied a horse is there", "horse is cleaning by a lady and a man also there", "a woman in a red shirt and black vest grooming a horse", "a man is brushing his horse while a woman or a man are wearing their accessories", "a man talking of something about a girl who care taking her horse", "a woman stands in a red horse stall and brushes a large horse", "a scene where we see how a horse is taken care and prepared for racing by the owners", "a woman petting a horse while putting her own hair into a pony tail", "a woman brushes a horses hair and nails a shoe on it", "a brown horse running and a girl brushing horse hairs combing hair and putting plat and tying shoes displaying on screen", "a girl putting plat brushing horse hairs tying shoes displaying on screen", "a pink dress girl brushing horse hairs and putting plat tying shoes displaying on screen", "a documentary showcases humans and animals as the topic of speed strength are discussed", "a woman is brushing a horse and shoeing a horse people are putting shoes on", "a trainer dressing here horse and the jockey plaiting her hair", "a person is cleaning the hair of the horse" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a clip about blindness", "a diagram of an eye is shown", "a girl is talking about something", "a redhead talks about albino children", "a science information video", "a woman explaining something about childrens", "a woman is reporting details on the effects of albinism", "a woman is talking", "a woman is talking about albinism and vision problems connected with this", "a woman speaks to a camera in a room", "a woman talking about albinism", "a woman talking about little kids", "a woman talking about vision problems", "a woman talking to the camera", "a young woman talks about albinism", "discvery chanel video shows information about human eye", "girl talking about vision problems people face", "lady speaking about vision problems", "woman talks vision problems that happen when you have albinism", "a woman speaks to a camera in a room" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a black puppy and a white puppy paw at the camera", "a camera looking at two puppies", "a dog is sitting", "a female voice talks to two puppies", "a little white puppy is being recorded by a woman", "a short clip showcasing two small dogs", "a video about two pups", "a video of 2 little dogs", "a woman is talking to two dogs", "a woman speaks to two puppies", "kid is playing with dog", "little cute dogs on camera", "puppies are on the floor", "someone is talking to a two puppies in a room and puppies walking toward s to him", "there are two puppies and one walks up to the camera", "two puppies play around near a potty mat", "two puppies showing in a room", "woman is talking to dogs", "there are two puppies and one walks up to the camera", "a video of 2 little dogs" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a guy talks about people", "a man is doing a news report on rob ford", "a man is giving commentary on politcal events", "a man is talking about a porn star running for the elections", "a man is talking about news", "a man is talking about something", "a man is talking about the news", "a man is talking about video clips", "a man speaks to a camera for a video segment", "a man with a hat", "a person is talking", "a satiracal newscast about pornstar nikki benz running for toronto mayor against rob ford is being shown", "a young man commentates on politics", "a young man talking about people that are running for mayor", "guy speaking on porn star running for mayor", "guy talking about politics", "nikki benz is trying to run for election", "someone going over the news", "guy talking about politics", "a man is talking about a porn star running for the elections" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a band explaining their feelings", "a behind the scenes look at the movie pitch perfect 2", "a group of males laughing talking and giving high fives after a professional competition", "a group of men talk about a competition", "a group of men talk about being nervous", "a group of nfl players flexing their muscles", "a group of people are on stage", "a group of people are performing", "a group of people preform on stage", "a man has his shirt sleeves ripped off", "behind the scenes of filming pitch perfect 2", "celebrities being interviewed behind the scenes", "famous people are at a party", "green bay is rocking it", "group of persons are enjoying together", "guys on stage celebrating and flexing", "men are flexing their arms", "some guys are standing around talking about a competition", "the men were nervous", "this is a competition type show" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a boy talks about something", "a male giving a spirited talk about personal events", "a man being interviewed and praising duke university s funding for its students", "a man is being interviewed", "a man is talking inside a building", "a man is wearing a gray shirt", "a young man is giving an interview", "a young man is talking into the camera", "interview about duke university", "kids talking about duke university", "men talking and promoting to the camera", "people being interviewed on camera", "some persons are giving their review", "students are speaking about the university they attend", "students are talking about duke university", "students talking about their experience", "the boys told to him personal experience", "two students giving their view on the school", "young men are talking about how generous duke university is with the money they have", "young people talk about financial aid from their school" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man wearing blue shirt and eyeglasses sits at a table with globe and talks", "a man is talking and sitting on the chair with blue shirt", "a man wearing blue color dress is talking", "a man in glasses and a blue shirt discussing war and politics", "a white guy is talking about america he is wearing glasses", "the man wearing the blue shirt sits in the chair and talk", "the man in blue shirt with spectacles is talking something", "a man reads a quote about a war and discusses slacker raids", "a man in a blue shirt talking about war and certain radicals", "a guy in a light blue shirt with glasses sitting from of his apple computer is speaking while a globe and whiteboard appear beside him", "a man in a blue shirt talking about a war", "a man gives a lecture about the history of world war 1", "guy in normal wear hosting a tv show", "a teacher in a blue shirt tells a story about world war one", "a man talks about american protection league in demonstrative video", "john green is talking about american dissenters to war", "a man in glasses sits at a desk on which there is a computer", "a man in glasses sits at a desk on which there is a computer", "the man behind the computer has a globe on one side of him and a chalkboard on the other side", "a man is describing the history of war in america" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a few words in a presentation", "a woman discusses what you can do with the web", "a woman explains how the internet helps education", "a woman is explaining learning methods", "a woman is talking about the internet", "a woman talking about internet and what it allows people to do", "a woman talking about learning in the classroom", "a woman talking about the internet and the classroom", "a woman talks about the internet s benefits for education", "a woman teaches about how the web is helpful", "an animation talks about using the web", "girl teaching how to use the web", "it is about learning in the classroom", "online learning video introduction", "someone is talking about the web", "the narrator explains educational benefits of the internet", "video showing some text about teaching", "woman speaks in reference to a power point she is presenting", "world wide web infomercial", "a woman discusses what you can do with the web" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man wearing black glasses displays his yellow sports car", "a man wearing a spectacle checking machine parts", "there is a man is talking about the car in the go down ", "a car is yellow color is running", "a man is walking and watching car", "the man with spectacles is walking in the car workshop", "a man explaining of something about a car in his garage", "a man talking about the cars in his garage", "a man is wearing a spectacle and a an old cars is there", "a man who is a mechanic is describing the cars in his garage that are in various stages of repair", "a guy wearing glasses shows off his cars in his garage as he talks", "man tours through his work space used to restore classic cars", "man in green shirt is trying to repair the car", "person is repairing a car in his clean garage", "a man is walking in a garage and shows cars", "a old man in green dress and car parking and machinery parts displaying on screen", "a man in a green shirt walking along-side a series of classic cars", "a man in a green shirt is showing people around his mechanic shop", "a man walking around several dismantled cars in a garage", "a guy with a green shirt is talking in a garage" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a couple hug on an asian tv show", "a man and a woman is hugging in the room", "a video of two women hugging", "a woman opens her eye", "an eye blinks in a closeup view", "an eye is blinking", "bigg boss show commercial advertisement", "girls hug on big brother show", "indias famous show big boss", "the advertisement of colors in", "the women hugged each other", "there is a commercial for a tv show", "this is an advertisement for bigg boss season 5 there is a logo and a human eye that is blinking", "this is an advertisement for bigg boss season 5", "two people hug in a bedroom", "two woman are hugging in a bedroom", "women are hugging in a room", "the advertisement of colors in", "a video of two women hugging", "the women hugged each other" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a buffet of deep fried food is on display as a man enjoys explaining it", "a fair shows deep fried foods", "a man gets fat off of greasy foods", "a man in a restaurent", "a man is filming and talking about food", "a man is showing different types of food", "a man is talking about street food", "a man is trying deep fried food at a restaraunt", "a man looks at different fried foods", "a man showing the types of deep fried food they have", "a man shows off deep fried foods", "a man shows off various deep-fried food for sale", "a person is deep frying food in the open market", "a person is deep frying hot dogs in korea", "a person showing deep-fried food at an outdoor market", "deep fried hot-dogdeep fried crabdeep fried chille pepper at a food booth", "different foods are shown at an outdoor market", "in a open market a person explains about deep-fried hot dog", "man showing of fried foods", "video of people and food" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man doing something using paper", "a man folding paper", "a man is folding a piece of paper", "a person doing something on paper", "a person is folding a piece of notebook paper", "a person is folding a piece of paper", "a person is folding a ruled paper", "a person is folding paper", "a person making a paper airplane", "a video of someone folding up a piece of paper in half vertically and then unfolding it to fold the top two corners towards the middle", "a white piece of paper is folded", "person folds a piece of paper", "showing how to make a paper airplane", "the man folded the paper in half", "the person folded the paper to make an airplane", "this is a video instructing on making paper patterns", "a person doing something on paper", "a person is folding paper", "a man doing something using paper", "the man folded the paper in half" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a large fortress is behind several animated characters and a man carries a giant gun", "there is a man is talking about a new game", "there is a man talking about a new film", "a first person action game is previewed through clips and narration", "the cartoon character telling their thiefes fort and the character", "a man talking of something about the animated game", "a man describes a game download and the amount the download costs", "a man describes an app download and the price of the download", "a man describes and gives the specification of a game he has been reviewing", "a man talks about a video games called thief while showing images of the video game", "a guy talks about downloading the game thief", "person is presenting the film that he watched", "a man in full covered with some hard dress to protect him", "a gun holding still image on shoulder persons standing displaying on screen", "a man with an accent is describing a video game thief which is displayed on the screen and is telling when it is available for download", "thief is a series of stealth video games in which the player takes the role of a master thief", "male narrator describes how to download a video game for free through june 30 while viewer observes screen shots of video games", "promotion of an game the thief which can be downloaded at free of charges till june 30th", "player playing video game trying to get more points", "some scenes of the thief video game are being shown" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a foreign film in which two women disagree", "a woman is talking to another woman", "a woman talking then another woman looking around then she grabs a clipboard with paper", "an asian woman argues with another asian woman", "girl says something that her friend dismisses", "girl squinting eyes at girl", "girls seems to be irritated here", "in a kitchen a woman picks up a note pad", "some people are talking", "the woman grabs the paper", "two confused looking women are talking to each other", "two girls are in a house", "two womans are speakin each other", "two women are talking", "two women are talking", "two women in a television show talking", "two women talking to each other in a house", "two young women are arguing", "girls seems to be irritated here", "a foreign film in which two women disagree" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "there is baby elephant playing with his mother", "there is an elephant baby is walking with the mother elephant", "two elephants in a room one large and one small", "an elephant gets up and playing with its kid with funny postures", "the elephant makes its kid happy by playing with it in funny way", "the mother elephant teaches the baby how to hop", "a big elephant and a small elephant walk around in their cage", "a small elephant is walking slowly and sadly inside a small cage with its mother", "at a zoo an elephant is followed by a playful calf", "the elephant and the calf are played in their living place in amazingly", "an elephant gets up and walks forwards and backwards with a baby elephant at its side", "a big and small elephnant are in a cage together", "an elephant and its cub plays inside a cage and shakes its head", "a mother and child elephant walk around their cage as offscreen zoo visitors comment", "a mother elephant with her baby in the zoo with people watching and talking", "an elephant and a baby elephant are being watched by people", "the big grey elephant is looking for food in the cage", "a black elephant inside jail with baby elephant walking lifting leg displaying on screen", "a baby elephant plays with a big one in a concrete cage", "a mother and baby elephant are walking in a room" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a group of football players playing in a football ground", "a hockey player scoring a goal and then a soccer player scoring a goal", "a man scores a goal in hockey", "different sport vine and music", "hockey and soccer players are scoring goals", "hockey players playing hockey", "many men are playing hockey", "men are playing hockey in a professional match", "people are playing sports", "players are playing hockey", "professional athletes competing in their sports", "several highlights to sports games", "there is a clip of a soccer game", "video of athletes performing amazing plays", "video of ice hockey", "vines about different sport highlights", "a man scores a goal in hockey", "different sport vine and music", "hockey players playing hockey", "a man scores a goal in hockey" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a old man with suit talking in front of the camera", "there is a man with white color hair is talking to someone", "there is a man with white color hair is talking to someone", "there is a old man is talking about his experience", "there is a old man is talking from a stage", "older man with white hair with a ear to mouth microphone talking closing scene changes from him to a picture of a large ships propeller", "an older man with white hair and a black turtle neck discusses scenes from a movie", "a man talks about being an artist and creating fantastic images", "a man in a grey jacket giving a speech with an ear mic", "a person in black dress explains about some animations done for the movies", "a man with gray hair is wearing a gray jacket over a black turtleneck and standing in front of glowing yellow lights on a dark background", "a man discusses how he pictured things before culture was saturated with images", "a man talking of something about the product in media", "a man in formal dress is speaking to an audience while standing on stage", "a man in black jacket and shirt stands on stage in front of lght bulb covered letters in background", "a man in a suit is talking about the animation of a movie", "artist speaks about the details behind science fiction", "a person is talking about the fiction movies and he draws paint and colour for the cartoonist and also has a creative images", "guy in black tshirt and coat talking to the audience", "a guy with a mic on his head is talking to some people" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a boy looking at a ps 3", "a computer is shown", "a desktop with a monitor and a playstation on it", "a person hooking up tech equipment on a desk", "a person showing his playstation connected to a computer monitor", "a playstation 2 sits on a table next to a monitor", "a playstation and computer next to each other", "a playstation and computer sit on a desk", "a playstation hooked up to a computer monitor", "a video game console sits on a desk with some games", "a video of a person showing off their playstation 4", "a video showing a playstation game system as well as several games", "showing a playstation two", "someone filming their game console", "someone is filming their electronics", "the cameras showed what was on the desk", "there is a playstation on the table", "a person showing his playstation connected to a computer monitor", "a person hooking up tech equipment on a desk", "a playstation and computer sit on a desk" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man hugs another man in outer space", "a man is hugging a man", "a man talking about astronauts and space", "a man talks about science", "a shot of astronauts meeting up with each other in space", "astronauts are greeted by a russian cosmonaut", "astronauts greet each other on the iss", "astronauts greeting eachother in a spaceshuttle", "astronauts on a spaceship", "men are wishing each other", "people are on a shuttle", "scientist exiting the rocket", "some people are celebrating in a shuttle", "someone is talking about nasa", "astronauts greeting eachother in a spaceshuttle", "a shot of astronauts meeting up with each other in space", "a shot of astronauts meeting up with each other in space", "astronauts greeting eachother in a spaceshuttle", "people are on a shuttle", "a man hugs another man in outer space" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a man filling a toy with cotton", "a man is fixing a plastic toy", "a man is showing how to use a machine to stuff an animal on your own", "a man puts a stopper into a clear container and closes it", "a man puts cotton into a toy", "a man reviews a science toy", "a man stuffing cotton into a toy", "a person is playing with a toy", "a person is playing with toys on the table", "hands pack cotton into some sort of purple and yellow toy and put an orange piece and red piece on top to hold in the cotton", "it is a small mixer toy", "man puts cotton on a small container", "person playing with toyu", "someone is playing with a toy", "someone is showing some art", "someone is stuffing cotton and plastic into a vial", "there is a guy filling a toy with cotton to play with it", "a man reviews a science toy", "someone is showing some art", "a person is playing with a toy" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a brown van turns right and illegally passes a school bus that is stopped with its lights flashing", "a school van stop that spot and getdown some student", "a yellow coloured school bus is moving slowly in a busy street", "there is a road and some vehicles are moving to that", "there is a school bus is parked on the road side", "a big bus stopped near to car and another vehicle pass by", "a big car is running on the road", "on the road the school bus is waiting for the children at that time pass a green jeep", "a school bus is standing on the road and the kid gets down to home", "a brown van pulls around the corner and did not come to a stop as the child exited the bus", "an exploration of something about the bus traveling on the road", "a police officer talking to a driver who did not stop for a school bus", "a yellow school bus stopping on the road while another vehicle passes by", "a school bus waits for the students to drop off and suddenly a van crosses the bus with an average speed", "person is wearing safety helmet on the street", "the brown van is driven carefully on the street", "a brown van drives past a yellow school bus", "a van passes by a stopped school bus in a city street", "a police officer in black is talking to someone they pulled over about a bus", "a school bus is stopped with red lights flashing as a van keeps driving" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a band is covering a popular song", "a band performs a cover of a goo goo dolls song", "a band singing in a music video", "a girl sings with a band in a recording studio", "a man is singing while another plays the keyboard", "a man is singing", "a man sings a cover of a song", "a man sings a song in a room", "a person is singing", "a woman is singing a song in a studio", "a woman is singing a song into a microphone", "a women singing in a studio with a man playing on keyboard", "group doing a cover of a song", "someone is playing a video game", "the artist had a pretty voice", "this is a band performing a song", "two people are performing a song", "woman singing with her musical band", "a man is singing", "a man sings a song in a room" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman is discussing with other women the intimidation that comes with women being in the computer science field", "a woman talking about stereotypes about women computer science", "a woman with a computer is talking with friends", "there is a woman talking while using laptop", "the woman looks at the computer and talks to the other people", "a fat girl sitting on the sofa with laptop and other few students around her", "a bunch of woman are sitting inside a room learning about computer skills", "a group of people sit on a red couch talking and working on computers", "a woman sitting on a red couch next to a group of peole while using a laptop computer", "a woman holds a laptop computer in her lap and talks", "a woman wearing glasses talks to other people while sitting with a laptop in her lap", "woman is sitting on the table and working on her computer", "students discuss disadvantages to being female in computer sciences world", "students talk about stereotypes in computer sciences", "women are discussing why they are hesitant to enter the field of computer-sciences", "people working in a circle on a red couch", "a woman in glasses works on a computer in a room with people", "a person is teaching some computer oriented subjects to the students and the students are noting down in the monitor", "a woman is describing women in computer science", "sexy brunette in glass talking to bunch of people in the room" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a car is being driven in a video game", "a man is playing a video game", "a man narrates a video game", "a man playing video game", "a man plays grand theft auto v", "a man talks about how to do something in a video game", "a person drives a jeep down the road in a video game", "a person is explaining something", "a person talking about vehicle spawn points in grand theft auto 5", "an anime drive a car", "person playing a game", "someone is driving around the city in grand theft auto v", "someone is explaining video game", "someone is playing a game", "someone is playing a video game", "someone is talking about video game play while driving car in the game", "the car drives on the otheside of the road", "this person is test driving this vehicle and newcasting about it", "video does not work", "someone is talking about video game play while driving car in the game" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man in black is walking on the grass", "there is a tshirt man walking playing football", "three balls of colour redyellow are placing in football stadium grassland at equal distancethen three persons with black dressing coming into the ground and one person is hitting the ball to goal post", "three boys dressed in black tracks kicks the ball to the far end of the goal post", "a man in the ground is playing", "three soccer players kicking balls into a soccer net", "the running race game and racers in the ground start the game", "out of three black dress menone having green letters in his shirt is hitting the foot ball", "three soccer balls are laying in a field and then three men in black athletic cloths attempt to shoot a goal", "three young men are on a socker field with three socker balls one young man kicks the center ball while he is alone", "three young men run out onto a soccer field where three balls are lined up and one man kicks the middle ball", "a group of three men jumping around on a soccer field as one of them kicks a ball", "three young man are in the video one young man dressed in all black is about to demonstrate a move on a foot ball field", "three people on a soccer field stand together before one of them kicks a soccer ball", "three young men dressed in black shirts and pants standing on a soccer field with three balls in a line", "a group of young people kick balls into a goal", "three young men in a field kick balls towards a goal", "young people kick at balls on a field towards a goal", "an advertisement about league match is being shown and the players are playing football", "a guy on a field is running around out side" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "animated illustration of renaissance kings ships and religious figures stand in front of a dock and a church", "there is a old man standing in front of a church", "a male voiceover explains the reason for the birth of the renaissance in the italian city states while an animated clip illustrates the ideas", "a man is discussing italy and the renaissance while a cartoon runs in the background showing what he is talking about", "a lady and man talking on the road with more characters", "a man s voice explains why italy was ready for the renaissance while cartoons illustrate what he is saying", "a king and different people from italy are shown and the speaker is talking about the renaissance and how wealthy the italian states have been", "a cartoon depiction of some some of the events that took place during the renaissance", "a man talking of something about the animated characters", "2d computer generated graphics show an animation of cartoonish characters from the italian renaissance era", "a man in black suit then animated figures standing and talking to each other", "animated rocks fell then a man speaking to a king then other men talking near a building", "a man explains that the renaissance happened in italy because the great wealth of its city states allowed them to patronize artists", "a male narrator talks about how wealth helped the renaissance take off in italy", "a stylized cartoon of the italian renaissance while a man describes how the renaissance was only possible because of the wealth of the italian city states", "images fall and a king stands next to a ship and two scholars", "group of people are staying on the street and talking", "cartoon images of of old fashioned buildings boats and people in different dress move about in a graphic about a time in history", "and animation is playing as a man describes the importance of wealth in the renaissance period", "a person with black colour dress is explaining about something" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a nasa technical report reports chronological lunar events", "there is a man talking about a rport", "description about a nasa operation launched in 1965", "a document makes us think while a man talks about nasa and moon anomalies", "previous to the publication of luna report nasa launched a operation in 1965", "a man discusses a nasa operation in 1965", "the technical report for the chronologcal catalog of reported lunar events", "a man voice is telling some thing in the scene", "text appears on a white sheet of paper the text is getting larger", "guy talking about the publication of nasa", "a male voice over describes a matter concerning nasa", "a documentation about a nasa launch preparation on enigmatv", "a peice of paper that is a nasa technical report", "a man talks about the publication of a nasa technical report", "a man is showing a report from nasa", "person is recording some cards from nasa", "a man talking about nasa operations with an image of a nasa technical report", "a close up of a report cover moves around on the screen", "it seems to be a tv show from enigma tvcom in which nasa techinical report is shown the chronological catalog of reported lunar", "a paper with writing on it is being filmed" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a music video for a band showing a crowd of people", "a man in suit is singing a song on the stage", "there are some man singing his maximum energy ", "there is a man singing a song with jazz music", "the person perform in the band perform and girl dance in the show", "the purple dots are moving to the right", "a band is playing music while lights are dancing around faces appear on the screen of a random female", "a man singing a song on the stage with his group", "guy singing with his brand", "a superb rendition of the song by the singer along with his group along with visual effects", "a man sings as a band plays all around him and they look up to light coming fromt he sky", "a rock band jams in front of many bright lights masking most of them in silhouette", "a band playing music as the lead singer of the bang sings", "a rock band sings and a drummer plays the drums", "linkin park which is a band is preforming on of their singles", "group of people are singing a song and playing the guitar", "rock band singing in front of a crowd with video effects", "a man in the middle sings while other people play musical instruments", "a man sings a song while others play instruments", "a multiple piece band performing live" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man talking about videos of snakes eating humans", "there were men in strange scenarios and large snakes that appear to have just eaten", "some one showing different kind of snakes on the show", "there is a man standing on the floor with a dummy", "a man in a white a-shirt holds a sexdoll then a reticulated python is shown eating a person", "the man wearing the tshirt holds the pink manican as the animals are on display", "the snake and the pythons features are reflect in the video", " wearing black suspenders to hold up plaid pants sits over a brown patterned snake which has a greatly expanded and curved section of its body", "a man is shown with a blow-up doll then a picture of several very large snakes is shown while a man is narrating", "a man hold a doll and lots of giant pythons", "stories from asia of snakes eating drunk guys are probably just a hoax", "biggest snake hoaxes are displayed with large boas", "snakes are having huge food in stomach", "huge snakes are shown swollen up because they are full of food", "astonishing images of huge anaconda snakes eating animals while the presenter doubts the authenticity of the images", "different images of large snakes are shown in a video slide show", "a man stands beside a giant snake while others open their mouths", "three pictures of pythons bloated with a large mass in their stomach", "a snakes hoaxes pictures in south-east asia eating even a human body it is quite amazing and shocking incident", "an anaconda hoaxes scenes on the road side in a city" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a girl demonstrates some life hacks", "a girl discusses life hacks", "a girl folds a pair of headphones", "a girl is demonstrating objects", "a how to video for holding together headphones and opening nail polish bottles", "a person is applying nail polish", "a person is holding a vial", "a person is showing beauty hacks", "a person is showing clever ideas and solutions to problems", "a person putting a hair clip on wrapped up headphones then putting a hair band on a nail polish lid", "a programme explaining different ties", "a woman bundles together a pair of headphones", "a woman opening up nail polish", "a woman shows how to wrap headphones in wire", "girl puts a hair clip on earbud cables", "girl showing how to use every day things productively", "ideas for how to open nail polish and keep your cords from tangling", "person using different items", "a person is showing beauty hacks", "a person is applying nail polish" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a row of horses on a track racing", "there is a man with helmet is riding a horse", "a magnificent horse race is taking place on the ground", "a group of horses are running in competition in race ground surrounded by grassland while some cars are standing in middle of ground", "the horses race fast on the bright green grass", "the announcer calling the race as the horse make ther paces along the rail", "men racing horse and jumping obstacles trying to win", "a group of horse riders riding the horse on the race", "a line of horses race around a track they reach a hurdle to jump over and continue", "at a horse race several participants race around the track", "a bunch of men are riding on horses on a foggy day", "lots of jockeys are running their horses in a race lots of betters are eagerly watching the race", "a large group of jockeys are racing their horses", "race horses race down the track together in a race", "group of horses are running fast to win the first place", "group of people are riding their horses on the grass", "horses racing around a giant race track", "reporting of live racking of horse where they had an hurdle and every horse has passed through", "bourses are running aroround the track with the jockeys standing up", "some horses are racing each other on a track" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "there is a man in blue is swimming in the sea", "there is a man in blue is swimming in the sea", "there is a man in blue is talking nearby the beach", "a surfer is talking about feeling like he was being pulled under water while they are showing him struggling in the water and being pulled from the water by people on jet skis", "a surfer describes being drug underwater and having his leg broken", "a surfer swims out in to the ocean to catch a ride back in", "a man wearing a blue shirt is swimming in open water", "guy wearing a blue swim suit at the beach and then he surfs and gets picked up in the water", "a person in blue tshirt explains how he swim and got rescued by the security", "a guy talking about surfing when his leg was broke during competitive surfing", "a man swimming in the sea and catch the boat", "a surfer recalls a horrific experience of near drowning in the rough seas before being save by the guards", "it is a video about a man describing his experience almost drowning", "a surfer describing what was dragging him under water", "a man in blue shirt swims with big waves then gets on back of a jet ski", "a man in a blue shirt is swimming in the ocean", "a surfer speaking about how the water dragged him down", "swimming hard to climb on the boat after falling down from the surfacing board", "one man swimming in sea and all tell media person", "a surfer describes his experiences in the water" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cartoonish truck crashes through multiple obstacles in a side-scrolling video game", "a jeep crashing through things in a video game", "a jeep is moving fast on road hitting people and blocks away", "a person plays a driving game", "a person plays a side scrolling game where you run over objects with a truck", "a sidescrolling game that follows a hummer across terrain", "a video game driving a hummer", "a video game player demonstrates a truck racing game", "a video game truck is smashing everything in its way", "gameplay footage of someone playing a game", "gameplay of person playing", "jeep performance in a cartoon show", "someone is playing a game", "someone playing a video game", "the video game has lots of action", "video game of a truck driving through desert obstacles", "someone playing a video game", "jeep performance in a cartoon show", "gameplay of person playing", "a jeep crashing through things in a video game" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man talking about his sofware provider business on a news show", "a man with black suit sharing his views in front of the camera", "there is a suit man is talking with a lady", "there is a suit man is talking with a woman in a studio", "a young adult male discusses the fiscal challenges and goals he s seen", "a man in business attire explains the workings of bitcoins to a woman", "the tv channel the lady is taking the interview of the men like as blooming in the men", " with a side part wears a dark jacket with an open-collar white shirt in front of an informational screen with blue panels", "a man in a cheep suit and black glasses talks on a tv show", "a man and a woman are speaking in the tv channel", "a financial reporter talks to a man who works for a large software company", "a woman interviewing a man who gives a description of what his company business is", "a man in a suit talks to a woman in a studio", "a woman interviews a man with a beard and glasses on a news show", "brunette woman is having conversation with man in the studio", " president of blockchain talks software and bit coin transactions in a street smart interview with bloomberg news", "a man with a beard and glasses talks about modern technology", "a male wearing a suit and glasses speaking about software to a news anchor", "a company s president explains about the offer provided by his firm to a news reporter", "a person wearing black coat and having beard speaks in the news channel" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a behind the scene interview with lady gaga about a song of hers", "lady gaga wearing large hair and a black dress talks about a lover triangle", "there is a woman with white color hair talking from a garage", "a woman is standing on stage and she is singing", "she is an artist she might be sharing her experience through the role she made", "she was an artist suppose to be where she is having a discussion about here experiences", "a blond-haired woman is telling about lyrics in a song about love and fame", "a woman in black with short blonde hair and heavy make up is talking about something in a very casual way", "a lady is talking with white color hair and wearing black color dres", "the woman wearing the black dress sings a song", "women bushy hair wearing black dress talking about a song lyrics", "two supposedly famous celebrities getting photographed because of the look of their hair", "a woman in a black shall holds her arms and sings into my soul", "a lady with blonde hair and wearing black talks", "a girl in black dress color cloth speaking standing folding hands to body and boy in blue dress displaying on screen", "a model girl with beautiful typical curling hair improvises the scene", "a young blonde woman talks about lyrics in a song", "a lady in blond hair giving an interview about the love traingle", "a white young lady with big blonde hair is speaking in front of a concrete wall", "a video about loving yourself and who you are for what you are" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a boy and his dog are at a playground and the dog goes on the slide in this cartoon", "a boy is playing with a dog in a cartoon", "a boy is playing with his puppy at the park", "a cartoon about a dog sliding", "a cartoon dog rides a slide at a playground", "a dog is sliding down a slide at a park", "a puppy jumps into the arms of a happy boy", "an animated boy is playing with animals", "an animated dog goes down a slide", "an animated dog jumps into his owners hands", "cartoon characters are shown here", "dog is on a slide", "dogs are playing with kids", "scene from a kids tv show", "some cartoon dogs playing on a slide", "this is an animated cartoon video", "a boy is playing with his puppy at the park", "dogs are playing with kids", "cartoon characters are shown here", "a dog is sliding down a slide at a park" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a goal being score in a female soccer game", "a lady is commentating on a female soccer playing making a goal", "a magnificent goal in football is being highlighted", "a man is playing soccer and score a goal", "a person comments over footage from soccer", "a professional woman soccer player scores a goal", "a soccer player kicks a goal", "a soccer player making a goal", "a woman announces a soccer match", "an announcer is talking about a women s soccer game", "girls are playing soccer", "goal keeper is trying to stop the football", "people are playing soccer", "players on a field are playing soccer", "the opposite party won the game", "the sports man showing their skills in a ground", "women from the usa football team are making a goal", "players on a field are playing soccer", "a lady is commentating on a female soccer playing making a goal", "girls are playing soccer" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a bbc story of casualties from an incompetent doctor in a foreign country", "there is a man is walking with a woman", "the two doctors who travelled with bbc states that sudden increase in causalities is over whelming", "men and woman are traveling through a very hot area to care for unfortunate people", "the women are taking care of the children in the hospital", "rt reporting on a story about a doctor and allegations in regards to children/refugees", "2 girls wearing hijabs traveling around a refugee camp visiting refugees", "a man is talking about casualties in a refugee camp", "a group of people in distress and injured in a town", "a news reporter gives information about bad condtions in a refugee camp", "a news video showing the aftermath of a terrorist attack featuring victims receiving medical attention", "people helping those in need and other people upset at the situation", "a news clip from rt of a terror attack", "women walks in town treats people and talks to adults", "doctors in a camp treating to the victims hurt by chemical weapon ", "group of people are giving some help to the kids", "two women are walking and helping to some people", "both female and male people are shown some are hurt and others are being interviewed", "rt news reporting on event in the middle east", "various people work together to care for the wounded" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a tv announcer telling about the moocs offered by various universities for example university of california", "a tv announcer telling about the moocs offered by various universities for example university of california", "a lady is talking about methods of teaching in different universities", "a woman with brown hair and a blue shirt is talking about online courses", "a news reporter is speaking about an article on screen", "a woman presents news information about university education with a transcript of what she says at the bottom of the screen", "an anchorwoman in a blue sleeveless dress is reporting the news in front of a blue and green screen with changing shapes", "special english another is to charge employers for connecting them with students", "a news woman wearing a light blue dress gives a news report on universities", "a female news anchor speaks to the camera for a news segment", "a clip from a various news segment with a woman talking to the camera", "a woman news reporter is describing how online tests from universities may help students be recognized by companies", "news reader reading the news on the t v with wearing a blue t shirt on a blue background", "a news achors talks about online tests and scores in universities", "a news anchor talking about the problems students tend to have", "a woman in blue dress is announcing information for students", "pretty blonde talking from the newsroom about the current events", "woman is broadcasting news as well as english being taught", "the woman in the blue shirt discusses moocs on a television show", "a woman on the news is talking about a story" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a boy is auditioning on the show the voice", "a boy is performing a song on the voice", "a boy is singing", "a boy singing to judges", "a boy sings during a televised singing competition", "a child is singing on the voice", "a little boy sings a song", "a small boy singing in front of judges", "a young boy auditions for the voice", "a young boy is singing in front of an audience", "a young boy is singing while judges and an audience watch", "a young boy is singing", "a young boy sings a song in front of judges during a singing competition", "a young boy sings a song", "boy singing on a talent show", "judges listen to the performer", "little boy singing let it go on the voice", "little boy singing to a panel of judges", "little boy sings on stage in front of audience", "little boy singing let it go on the voice" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a cartoon of big trucks", "a cartoon truck getting flipped over", "a children s game with different types of vehicles", "a person is playing a computer online game", "a preview for a particular video channel is being shown", "a variety of animated vehicles", "an animated red truck is flipping", "animated truck are being shown with a subscribe button", "animated trucks are driving", "cars drive around obstacles", "cartoon trucks in different windows", "different images of cars and trucks", "four different animated cars driving around", "people race on a muti screen", "the car race game show", "the screen is divided into quarters each showing a cartoon truck", "trucks are moving around in a game", "trucks flipping in a game", "trucks of various sizes move in a kids cartoon", "animated truck are being shown with a subscribe button" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "horse race going on on grassy ground by a lot of riders", "rapid horse race is progressing on the ground with black and white horses", "horse racing is displayed with passionate commentary in the background", "the men race the horses really fast in the grass", "comentary on a horse race on a grass track the guy in red leads the race", "horses and their jockeys going down the race track", "a white horse is in the middle of the front row of a group of race horses that are rounding a bend by a white railing", "a group of riders are partaking in a horse race", "a race announcer details the movements of horse in a large horse race", "horse racers racing the horses in a race", "a group of jockets on horses are racing around a track at full speed", "a horse race is going on at a race course", "a bunch of race horses race down the track trying to win the race", "the horses are running very very fast and want the first place", "jockeys ride a group of horses race along a grassy track", "horse jockeys racing their horses around a track", "various people ride on horses around a race track", "a group of horses are running very fastly in a ground for a race", "bunch of jockeys riding their horses in a derby race", "some horses are racing each other on a track" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man displays a very thin circular silicon wafer", "there is a old man is watching something", "there is a suit man working inside a company", "a man talks about silicon wafers and their usefulness for integrated circuits", "a man is holding different shiny metal discs in his hand and holding them up to the light", "a man holds up an old piece of computer equipment for display", "a man search the disk and see the used or not", "a scientist describes a silicon wafer and its use in creating electronics", "a man is having some round material in his hand", "a man looks at disks in the light to examine hte finish and luster", "a man holds up a silicon wafer with integrated circuits on it", "a guy holds up a round disk while talking about it", "a man is checking the metal pieces in machine", "man putting the disks in the machine and records them", "person is looking in the different cd in the room", "one hundred complex intergrated circuits on a three inch silicon waffer", "a old man standing and holding material in hand and silicon material on topic discusing displaying on screen", "a man displaying a board full of integrated circuits", "integrated circuit on silicon wafers", "a man with glasses and brown jacket is showing a wafer" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "3d animation of knight and princess", "a cartoon character holds another cartoon character", "a cartoon man catches a cartoon woman", "a cartoon man holds a cartoon girl", "a cartoon where a man dreams of being with the princess", "a computer animation using the source engine", "a knight catching a princess then getting attack by a crow", "a knight is woken from a dream about a princess by a crow pecking at his face", "a maiden turns into a crow and scares a warrior", "a man catches a falling woman", "a man catches a princess in his arms", "a man daydreams a princess falls from the sky", "a man is standing", "a man is talking to a woman then a bird bites him", "a soldier catches a princess", "an animated clip of a knight saving a princess", "an animated knight dreams of saving a princess but wakes up to find a crow chewing on his ear", "animated man holds an animated woman", "cartoon characters are interacting", "someone playing a video game" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a dad tells his three kids that he and his wife ate all their halloween candy", "a father announces he ate his kids candy", "a girl is sitting on a couch", "a little girl is swearing", "a man is talking to three kids", "children are told that their parents ate all of their halloween candy", "children sitting on a sofa listening to their daddy", "father tells kids that he ate all their halloween candy", "kids are doing funny things", "kids sitting in chair talking to dad", "kids sitting on a couch then girl starts waving finger and yelling the shows operation gratitude ad", "parents pranking children on halloween", "some kids are sitting on a couch", "someone speaking to three kids", "three children are shown being talked to on a couch", "three kids are sitting of which two are laughing and one stting quite one child goes off from the seen", "three kids on the couch and their parents telling them they ate their candy", "three kids talking to their dad", "father tells kids that he ate all their halloween candy", "kids are doing funny things" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a woman wearing a green apron is cooking in the kitchen", "a woman speaking a different language doing a cooking tutorial", "a woman is making a dish in the kitchen", "a woman with green dressing is giving instructions about cooking item carrot", "garlic vegetables meals are kept in the bowl", "the woman stand near the vegetables in the clear bowl and talk about each one", "the woman is checking the food ingredients placed on the table in the kitchen", "noodles preparation method is explains a lady with green dress explaining the things required", "a woman speaking in a foreign language pointing to a bunch of different foods on the table in front of her", "a lady preparing a pasta dish with ingredients in small bowls", "a lady explain and how is prepare the food", "a bunch of ingredients spread on a counter ready for cooking", "person in green clothes in showing the ingredients on a table", "a woman shows off the assorted ingredients needed for her meal", "a female chef with a dark complexion and green apron stands in front of glass bowls containing various ingredients and begins listing them off", "various ingredients for a delicious dish are laid out on the table", "a woman in a green apron is preparing a dish in the kitchen", "a person doing a cooking show and mixing the ingredients for the recipe", "a person doing a cooking show and mixing the ingredients for the recipe", "the woman in the green shirt is giving a cooking tutorial describing the ingredients" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a compilation of different sports plays", "a compilation of sports highlights", "a football game then a basketball game is being played", "a football player jumps over another player", "a football teams makes a touchdown", "a person is playing football", "a person shows the best beat drops in sporting footage", "a quick highlight reel of great sport happenings is playing", "a special songs for the game", "a sports montage video with loud music", "athletes make athletic moves on the opposing team", "people are playing basketball", "players playing baseball on a court", "players trying to catch the ball", "sports are being played", "sports vine clip of football and basketball", "sports vines are shown", "the best of a sporting events", "there are different clips of sports games", "there are vines about sports" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "brittiney spears holds a press conference tells the reporters to (insert explicit) themselves", "britney spears stands in front of a plexiglas podium and answers questions", "a woman in white is speaking infront of all persons", "a woman in white dressing is talking with a mic", "there is a woman in white dressing is talking to someone", "a cute girls standing on a platform is being interviewed by media person who get fucked at last", "a pop star is being interviewed by a group of individuals", "the woman wearing the white top talks to the people in the audience", "reports ask brittany spears questions then she tells them off", "fallen star britney spears has a press conference", "britney spears is answering questions from different reporters she then randomly singles out certain people whereby she uses the f bomb and singles out a man in a red shirt wearing a crown as being cool", "a woman is giving a interview to the reporters", "a blonde woman answers questions asked by a crowd of people", "a short seen of britney spears talking to the media", "a spoof news conference with brittany spears and a half baked parody", "the press interviews singer britney spears at a news conference", "blonde woman is talking with group of people", "group of interviewers interviewing a famous blonde singer", "a scantily-clad britney spears sarcastically answers news anchors questions at a press conference before giving them all a piece of her mind", "cute girl interview taken by the reporters" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man is standing", "a match between 2 competitive wrestlers", "a wrestling match in front of a crowd", "guys wrestling each other in the court", "some boys are wrestling", "the wrestlers in red and blue faught hard", "this is a video for kabadi wrestling", "two boy wrestling on a team", "two boys are wresting in a highschool gym", "two guys are wrestling in a competition", "two man s are fighting with each other", "two men are competing in a wrestling match", "two men are wrestling each other", "two men are wrestling in an arena", "two men wrestling on the field", "two teenage boys are competing in a wrestling match", "two teens wrestling in competition", "two wrestlers battle it out on the mat", "two young men are wrestling", "wrestler throws opponent to the grown" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a celebrity news report about taylor swift", "a couple is kissing each other", "a girl shows off her style while posing in various interesting places", "a gossip hostess is describing specific movie clips", "a lady hosting a show", "a news anchor is speaking", "a video slideshow shows a woman playing a song", "a woman is host on an entertainment show with a feature on taylor swift", "a woman is hosting a tv show about celebrity taylor swift", "a woman is sitting in a tree", "a woman is talking about taylor swift", "a woman on hollywire talking about taylor swift", "cute girls having fun here", "scene from a tv show", "taylor swift is sitting in a tree", "there is a girl with a guitar", "woman is talking about a celebrity", "woman talking about taylor swift", "a gossip hostess is describing specific movie clips", "a woman on hollywire talking about taylor swift" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a girl cries while a boy sits next to her", "a man and a women are sitting together", "a man placing his hand on a woman s back", "a school girl and a school boy spending time together", "a trailer for a chinese movie", "a woman is crying next to a half-naked man", "a young girl is harassing the boys in her classroom", "a young man is touching a young girls back", "a young man reaches out to comfort a crying girl he has interest in", "an ad for a movie is playing", "asian girl and guy fall in love", "asian teenagers discover their feelings for each other", "students in a class room", "teams are playing volleyball", "two chinese students in school and seems to fall in love", "young people in a classroom are shown and then a young woman and a young man sitting together are shown", "a man and a women are sitting together", "a man and a women are sitting together", "asian teenagers discover their feelings for each other", "an ad for a movie is playing" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man kills a man and throws him into the fire", "a person is playing a computer online game", "a scary character opens a fiery box grabs another scary character and throws him in the box", "a scene in a video game", "a video game of freddy killing people", "clip of the video game moral combat", "freddy fights an opponent and finishes him", "freddy krueger kills scorpion in a game of mortal kombat", "freddy krueger throws scorpion into a furnace", "freddy kruger in a video game", "freddy kruger stabs and burns another man", "freddy kruger throwing scorpion into a furnace", "freddy kruger throws an opponent into a incinerator", "game play of mortal kombat", "super man in a cartoon show", "two cartoon characters having a fight", "video of guy throwing other through door of fire", "two cartoon characters having a fight", "freddy kruger in a video game", "freddy krueger kills scorpion in a game of mortal kombat" ]
What is the video about?
[ "2 characters are fighting one another and jumping in a video game", "a funny game on the screen", "a person playing a video game and commentating", "a person playing a video game for super smash brothers", "a person playing super smash brothers video game", "a short representation of a two player arcade video game", "a two-player video game with different animated characters", "a video game about fighting is shown", "characters are jumping in a video game", "characters battle each other in super smash brothers", "characters of a video game are shown", "gameplay footage of someone playing a game", "people on a videogame are jumping", "smashbrother characters are fighting", "someone is playing a game", "someone is playing a game", "someone is showing video graphics game", "supersmash bros is playing", "supersmash brothers games are shown", "gameplay footage of someone playing a game" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cheeta is on david letterman s desk", "a cheetah is sitting on a desk", "a cheetah sitting on a desk", "a cheetah standing on the desk of a variety show", "a group of animals are at a talk show", "a group of people on a tv show stage (like an interview show) are talking about how a cheetah or jaguar and a sheepdog do not coexist while the animals are leashed onstage", "a man is talking to another man who is beside a dog and a leopard", "a man with animals", "a talk show host discussing different animals", "an animal trainer has a cougar on a desk on the late night with david letterman show", "an argument is going on over a dog", "animals are on a show", "david letterman asks about a dog", "dog and cheetha are with many people", "dogs and cheetahs are sitting on a talk show set", "man with cheetah showing other people", "men discussing about a pet cheetah and a dog", "the group talks about cheetah and a dog with them", "two man s are talking about dog and cheetah and other are looking at that", "wild cheetah on stage" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "3d animated sequence with women dancing", "a group of disney characters are dancing to music", "a person is playing an online computer game", "an animated girl is dancing", "animated cartoon of characters dancing", "animated video of disney princesses dancing with barbie", "cartoon girls are dancing", "cartoon princess are dancing", "cartoon princesses are dancing", "disney characters dancing", "disney princesses are dancing to music", "disney princesses are dancing", "female cartoon characters are dancing", "few dolls dancing on a song ", "four girls are dancing in an animated video", "renditions of disney characters are doing synchronized dancing", "scene from a cartoon tv show", "some animated characters dance around", "some animated girl s are dancing together", "video of some cartoon characters dancing" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a boy is shown playing a video game", "a game caster talking about the current video game he is playing", "a guy is playing a pc video game", "a guy playing a video game walking around a field", "a guy playing minecraft", "a is shown talking in the bottom left of a screen while a video game is shown", "a let s play of a minecraft-like game", "a man commentates over trove gameplay", "a man describing playing trove", "a man is playing a video game", "a man is playing minecraft", "a man playing a video game", "a person doing a livecast of minecraft", "a person is playing a video game", "a person is playing a video game", "man playing a video game and talking about it", "someone is playing a video game", "the video game held his attention", "two people looking for a purple stone in the video game ther are palying", "a boy is shown playing a video game" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a gamer and his cat attack a minecraft enemy", "a guy is playing a pc video game", "a man is giving a tutorial on minecraft", "a man is playing minecraft", "a minecraft mod explanation about a wand of some sort", "a minecraft player is beating up spirits and animals", "a person is playing a video game", "a person is playing a video game", "a video game scene is going", "a video of a player discussing minecraft strategies", "an individual hitting a spider on minecraft", "man playing minecraft and talking about it", "minecraft video game play", "person is playing a computer game", "scene from a video game", "someone is playing a game", "someone is playing the minecraft video game", "someone killing monsters in minecraft", "the video game is very challenging", "a minecraft mod explanation about a wand of some sort" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman giving a pep talk about a kitchen task", "a woman in a blue shirt talking about how to clean your home", "a lady with blue dress is talkig", "in a kitchen a woman explains to viewers how to deep clean homes", "a woman is offering to show deep cleaning techniques throughout a home", "in the blue top wearing lady standing in the kitchen and telling the feature of the food", "a lady with blue shirt standing in the kitchen and explaining about something", "woman in a blue shirt talking in a kitchen", "women in blue dress standing at center of a room and talking about her home", "women in light blue dress talking by moving her hands", "brunette woman in blue shirt is talking in the kitchen", "brunette woman with blue shirt is talking about a recipe in kitchen", "woman in blue shirt is talking in her house", "a woman talks about the necessity of cleaning a house", "a lady dressed in a blue shirt is talking while standing in a kitchen", "a woman in a blue shirt talking about how to deep clean ones home", "a woman standing in a kitchen talking about cleaning your home and creating a controlled environment", "a woman wearing a blue blouse is talking to viewers about cleaning their house", "sexy blonde in blue dress talking to the camera", "a woman with brown hair is talking inside" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a person is riding a car in a fire camp the wood is burning", "some one driving a car with full speed on the road", "there is a man is driving a vehicle on the road", "a band sings while a vehicle drives down a road and a bonfire burns", "a car drives down the road then a bonfire burns as a band plays music", "a man drives down the road and a bonfire burns on the beach", "a rock and roll music video plays as a small fire burns", "a man is driving a van down a road and then a fire is shown burning at night time", "a man is driving a car then a bonefire is displayed", "a person is driving down the street the screen transitions into a wood structure on fire", "in the darkness a bonfire is burning on flat ground has vertical branches slanted toward the center and is surrounded halfway by pointed yellow flames", "a man drives a car a fire started from a bundle of sticks is displayed", "a man in a yellow shirt driving screen change to a random fire music is playing an upbeat song", "video shoot inside a taxi and a bon fire in the dark", "a person driving the auto rickshaw and there was a camp fire sets in the dark place of somewhere", "a cars moving on road trees beside and fire in night lighting displaying on screen", "a man is driving a jeep down the road and a large bonfire is burning", "a car rides on the street then a fire is shown as a pop/rock song plays", "a person driving a car in the evening and in the late night he is burning fire-wood and enjoying the night", "a car ride is being filmed and a fire is burning" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a child singing with other children for a televised talent show", "a girl is singing on a stage", "a girl singing on a talent show", "a girl singing on stage", "a group of people performing on stage", "kids singing a song on the stage", "several young girls are singing on stage", "singer is performing at the stage", "three girls are singing a song in a stage", "three girls are singing on stage for judges", "three kids are performing a song", "three young girls are singing in a contest", "three young girls are singing on stage for a talent show", "three young girls singing for a talent contest", "three young girls in stage performing a song in front of judges", "very young girls singing on the voice", "young female singers perform on stage", "young girls sing for judges", "young girls sing while on stage and judges listen", "three young girls are singing in a contest" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "2 guys wrestling each other", "a video of men wrestling", "a wrestler slams their opponent onto the ground", "a wrestling match is going on", "a wrestling match is taking place in a gym", "high school wrestling match", "there are two people wrestling", "there s two men wrestling and the one in gold overpowers the other one", "two guys are wrestling with eachother in a tournament", "two guys are wrestling", "two men are wrestling", "two men are wrestling infront of an audience", "two men are wrestling strongly", "two men are wrestling", "two men competing in a wrestling match", "two men wrestle in an amatuer event", "two persons wrestling", "two wrestlers grapple on a mat", "two wrestlers having a match in front of an audience", "two men are wrestling" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a batman scene from college humor", "a clip from a movie is playing", "a short clip from the movie batman", "a superhero is fighting a villain", "a woman is stabbing batman with a knife", "bane and batman communicate", "batman and bane talking to one another", "batman gets stabbed by a woman", "batman gets stabbed by the child of ra s al ghul", "batman is talking to a masked man", "batman is talking to a woman", "batman is talking to bain and batman is stabbed by a woman", "christian bale as batman confronts bane in the end of dark knight rises and finds out talia alghul has been playing him for a fool", "it is the movie clipping from the batman movie", "scene from the batman movie", "the two people fighting in a dark room", "two man s are talking to each other", "woman stabs batman in the back", "batman is talking to a woman", "bane and batman communicate" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a female is talking about a show", "a girl in a black blazer talks about the federal governement", "a girl is talking about politics", "a woman describer her feelings toward the west wing", "a woman is talking about something", "a woman talking about a tv show west wing", "a woman talking to an interviewer", "a woman talks about how west wing sparked her interest in federal government", "ladies being interviewed about love", "scenes from a tv show", "some women are talking indoors", "this is a video of a girl talking about a movie", "two people talk in a tv show", "woman talks about the tv show west wing ", "some women are talking indoors", "scenes from a tv show", "a girl in a black blazer talks about the federal governement", "a woman talking to an interviewer", "a woman talking about a tv show west wing", "a female is talking about a show" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "there is a man moving in a open vehicle", "the pope driving by a crowd then a clip of a bus falling into a sink hole on a dirt road", "a female reporter gives updates on foreign relations and tragedies", "a series of various unfortunate events happening across the globe", "a man in a white robe riding by in a car while people cheer for him", "a bus is going on the road and it is fallen in the big dig", "pope gets handed a pizza and a bus falls into a pot hole and floats away down a river", "the pope drives by in his popemobile and then a bus falls into a giant sinkhole", "the pope is riding near the sea and a crowd on a white vehicle with a combination curved windshield and roof behind the driver", "a pope traveling on open body vehicle and blessing the peoples", "a woman talks about the pope s preference on pepperoni pizza and describes a sink hole accident in brazil", "pop waving hand to a gathering a bus going inside a big hole ", "pop waving hands from a vehicle a bus going in to big hole", "this is a sky news report featuring ted cruz the pope and a bus falling into water", "a shocking scene of a bus swallowed by surging river waters while the news reader updates us on more information", "pop on van many people are waiting to give hands to hin", "a news clip of the pope and of a bus getting swallowed by a sinkhole", "man in black suit is having meeting with group of people", "pop mar-papa the great is blessing the people from his bullet proof vehicle", "various informational things shows in sky news program" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a gameplay video of gta with an english man narrating", "a kid drives a cement truck on the highway in a video game", "a man drives a truck in grand theft auto while describing it", "a man is describing how his vehicle drives around in a video game", "a man is discussing the features of a vehicle in a video game", "a man is driving a dump truck around the city in a video game", "a man is driving a vehicle in an video game", "a man is playing a video game", "a person is playing a video game and is driving an eighteen wheeler", "a person is talking about a vehicle on grand theft auto", "a player is describing a game while be drives a virtual bus", "a player navigates the truck down the road", "a truck is driving on the road", "a truck sits in the middle of the road", "a vehicle in a video game is moving and someone is talking about it", "gameplay footage of someone playing a game", "guy driving a truck in a video game", "someone is playing grand theft auto v", "someone is showing video graphics on computer", "the video game was full of action" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a first person view of someone showing off block toys", "a girl plays with blocks that have numbers on them", "a girl plays with toys", "a girl shows a pack of toy building blocks", "a lady unwraps toys", "a person is opening up a bag of toys and playing with them", "a person playing with toys", "a woman is opening a bag", "a woman s hands open the packaging of constructive toys", "a young girl opening a small bag of building bricks", "girl opening up toys", "girls explains toys connection", "she showed lego pieces", "someone is demonstrating toy blocks", "someone is showing some toys", "someone showcases a few toy blocks", "th different lego pieces are placed on the table", "unboxing new lego block toys", "woman unwrapping lego toys", "th different lego pieces are placed on the table" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a car flips and crashes", "a car is flipping over on the road", "a group of people falling", "a heavyset boy surfs on a mud puddle and then falls", "a man in shorts is falling off while trying to surf on water on the street", "a man tries surfing in a puddle", "a person tries to surf in a puddle", "compilation of fail clips", "different clips of fails are shown", "kids skim board on the water", "man glides on water and car rolls over", "people are watching a rally car exhibition", "several people having accidents", "several people wipe out spectacularly", "sports highlights are displayed", "the video included several bloopers", "there is a boy who falls while sliding in water and hits his head", "different clips of fails are shown", "several people wipe out spectacularly", "a man tries surfing in a puddle" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man accepts a trophy", "a man holds a trophy", "a man is receiving a shield", "a man taking a trophy", "a person getting prize", "a person is explaining something", "a sports man is holding winning trophy", "a sports person receiving award", "a wrestler accepting an award", "a wrestler receives an award", "a wrestler speaks and an announcer talks about wrestlers", "an athlete is receiving a trophy for wrestling at the university of virginia", "man holding a trophy", "some athletes clap in a gymnasium", "someone is receiving an award", "the player has been given award", "man holding a trophy", "a wrestler receives an award", "a man holds a trophy", "a man is receiving a shield" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a brown goat is charging at a man", "a buffalo is attacking a man", "a cow is attacking a person", "a goat attacks a man and the man fights back", "a goat chasing a couple across a street", "a goat is attacking a man", "a goat is attacking people on the side of a road", "a goat is attacking people", "a goat is headbutting and chasing a man", "a goat is hitting a man and a woman on the road", "a goat repeatedly charges a man who then kicks the goat and runs", "a man being rammed by a goat", "a man faces off in battle against a goat", "a man is attacked by a bull", "goat attacks random people on the street", "goat fights a man", "a goat is attacking people on the side of a road", "a cow is attacking a person", "a man faces off in battle against a goat", "a buffalo is attacking a man" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a girl does an interview and talks about what people tell her", "a girl is talking about her self", "a lady with an english accent is talking about a topic", "a man and a woman are socializing", "a man and woman are talking", "a man interviewing an actress", "a man is interviewing a woman", "a woman and man are chatting on a couch", "a woman is being interviewed on television", "a woman is being interviewed on the couch", "a woman is sitting on a black couch next to a vase of red flowers", "a woman on a couch talks to a a man", "a woman talking about relationships", "a woman talking to a man", "a woman talking to a man", "an actress talks about a performance of hers", "carey mulligan is answering questions about a film she is in", "carrie mulligan talking about a movie she was in", "lady speaking with a man", "a girl is talking about her self" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a girl is performing a song on the voice", "a girl is performing on stage", "a girl is singing", "a girl is singing a song", "a girl is singing on stage on the voice", "a girl is singing on stage", "a girl performs a catchy song on the voice", "a girl sings at a talent show", "a girl sings for an audience and a judge panel", "a girl sings in front of an audience", "a girl sings on a television singing competition", "a small girl is singing in a stage program", "a woman singing on the television show competion", "a woman sings on a gameshow", "a young girl sings for the judges in a tv singing competition", "a young girl sings on stage while judges dance in their seats", "judges dance along a contestant singing", "kids are performing on stage", "young asian girl sings on stage", "a girl is performing on stage" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a character is walking up stairs in minecraft", "a man climbing stairs in the game minecraft", "a minecraft character climbs stairs to reach a doorway", "a minecraft character is walking up some grey steps to a wooden door", "a minecraft character walking up stairs", "a minecraft character walks up a stair", "a minecraft character walks upstairs", "a minecraft player slowly walks up the stairs", "a minecraft video shows a character climbing a staircase", "a person is playing a video game", "a person is playing video game", "an animation shows a woman walking up a staircase", "in game footage of a mine craft character walking up stairs", "minecraft video game play", "people play a game called minecraft", "showing a character in minecraft walking up stairs", "someone playing minecraft", "the lady going up the stairs", "a person is playing a video game", "a minecraft video shows a character climbing a staircase" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man is singing into a microphone", "a man recording music on a microphone", "guys singing into microphone", "men are singing into a microphone", "men recording a song", "singers seems to be practicing", "the boys playing music and singing", "two gentemen singing into mics", "two guys are doing voice s for a film or skit", "two guys are singing into microphones", "two guys singing into microphone", "two men are singing", "two men are singing in a recording studio", "two men are singing in a studio", "two men are singing into the microphone", "two men are voice acting", "two men shout into microphones", "two men sign into the microphone", "two men sing into microphones", "two men singing to each other" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a cup of sauce and potato fries are shown", "a foreign speaking woman talks about french toast", "a montage of photos showcasing a pastry dish", "a person is cooking", "a spanish woman talks about a high-sugar food", "a video of churros with a sweet dip", "a woman is finished with teaching how to prepare a food", "a woman talking about food", "an ad about a sweet desert", "churros and other videos are shown", "churros are on a table", "food sitting on a table", "french toast sticks dipped in chocolate", "latino woman talking about cooking some fried foods dipped in chocolate", "someone is talking about some food", "someone talks about food recipes", "there are two pictures of food", "two dishes in a screenshot", "woman talks about churros and chocolate", "two dishes in a screenshot" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "in a gym a young kid is shooting hoops while the commentator is asking the questions about why he can t be the best", "a man dribbles a basketball and shoots and ponders why he can t win an award", "a young man dribbles a basketball down the court and makes a shot", "a player alone practices dribbling of basket ball in the court", "a young boy with glasses in red shorts and a t-shirt dribbles and shoots a basket ball", "a boy playing basketball by himself in a gym", "in the cort the boy is perfome their handball skill in individually", "a person is practising basket ball lonely with great interest", "a man is playing with a ball in the room", "a boy dribbling a basket ball across a gym floor and then shooting it into the hoop", "a young man does dribbling moves with a basketball", "a narrator questions himself on why he cannot be a great basketball player while footage of a young basketball player is showing", "there is a young kid with considerable basketball skills making his way down the court he is able to make a shot into the net", "a lone man practices basketball hoops in a gymnasium while the narrator talks about being a great basketball player", "a boy ounces and shoots a basket ball on a basketball court", "person in red shorts in showing his skills in basketball", "a young kid playing basketball which is his dream to pursue", "a boy in ash color dress wearing cloth practicing basketball inside stadium displaying on screen", "a young boy dribbles a basketball in a gym alone and shoots and makes a goal", "a young man practices basketball in the gym alone" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a lady looks scared while talking to a man", "a man does a voice over for a science fiction movie on the television", "a man dubs over a clip from star wars", "a man is about to blow up a planet in a movie", "a man is having a conversation with a woman", "a man is talking over a movie", "a man is talking to a woman", "a man is talking", "a man overdubs the voices on a movie", "a man talks over a movie and says he has a boner", "a short from the movie star wars with added voice over by someone", "an older man is speaking to princess leah", "in a scene from a movie an old man is arguing with a woman", "man speaking while watching star wars", "man tells woman startling news", "people are narrating a star wars movie", "princess lei talks to a man in a star wars movie", "the man voices over the movie", "a man talks over a movie and says he has a boner", "a man overdubs the voices on a movie" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a boy is describing the back of a computer", "a boy is explaining parts of a pc", "a boy is hooking something up", "a boy is showing the vga port on his computer", "a boy pointing out ports on a computer", "a boy talking about a computer", "a child looks at connections in the back of a computer tower", "a child talking about the ports on the back of his computer", "a guy is messing with a computer", "a kid displays the ports on his pc", "a kid is pointing at a computer tower", "a person is fixing a computer", "a person is shown talking about a computer", "british boy talks about his computer", "kid explaining ports on back of a computer", "kid showing how to operate pc", "person is showing how to fix a computer", "british boy talks about his computer", "a person is fixing a computer", "a boy talking about a computer" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a group is loading there guns", "a group of men are loading guns", "a group of men holding ammunition", "a group of men playing with guns", "a group of people looking through ammunition", "a man talks about how you can never have too much ammunition", "a video showing a couple of soldiers", "four man s are loading his gun and talk about that", "men are loading guns", "men are loading magazines with bullets", "men are loading their guns with ammunition", "men gear up for a hunt and pack ammo", "men in training session loading bullets in the magazine", "men loading their guns", "men loading weapon clips with ammunition", "people are carrying weapons here", "people are loading ammo", "soldiers are getting ready their weapons", "three men loading their guns", "two women talking on the camera" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a person taught the making paper models", "a man folds a piece of paper into origami", "a man is doing origami", "a man making a paper airplane", "a man showing some crafts work", "a person folding a piece of paper into a paper airplane", "a person folding paper", "a person is folding a piece of paper", "a person is folding a piece of paper", "a person is folding paper", "a person making a paper airplane", "a person making a paper airplane", "a person making something out of paper", "guy showing how to fold origami", "someone is folding a paper for paper craft", "someone is folding origami", "video of a man folding some oragami", "a man is doing origami", "a person folding paper", "someone is folding origami" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a black man talks to the camera while sitting on a bicycle", "a black man talks to the camera", "a man cooking food", "a man in a red shirt is talking to the camera", "a man in a red shirt talks to the camera outside some apartments", "a man in front of an apartment complex recording a video", "a man is riding a bike", "a man is talking and pointing at another man on a motorcycle", "a man is talking in a parking lot", "a man is talking on a bike", "a man is yelling outside an apartment building", "a man rides a bike in a parking lot", "a person riding a cycle and talking to camera", "a woman talks to a camera", "man in a parking lot talking", "man in front of houses talks to camera", "the man talked outside", "a man is talking on a bike", "a man in a red shirt is talking to the camera", "a man is yelling outside an apartment building" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man came out of a cake", "a man covered in cake being applauded", "a man covered with a substance hugging another man", "a man has jumped out of a cake", "a man is hugging another man while covered in flour", "a man is on stage covered in whipped cream and laughing with the show s host", "a man with cake all over him", "a snow man show", "bill murray covered in cake and icing giving david letterman a hug", "bill murray covered in cream on a tv show", "bill murray is covered in cake", "bill murray is covered in frosting", "bill murray is covered in pie and hugs david letterman", "bill murray pops out of a wedding cake on the david letterman show", "bill murry hugging david letterman", "people covered in whipped cream", "some stage drama performs some props shown on stage", "the man is covered in cake", "two men covered in white liquid are hugging", "people covered in whipped cream" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a clip from the tv show parks & recreation featuring chris pratt & jim o heir talking", "a man hugs another man", "a man is talking to a guy on the same show", "a man is talking to another man and shaking hands", "a man speaks to another man for an interview", "an old man talking something to the young man and embracing him", "andy and gerry from parks and recreation make a pact", "chris pratt hugs another man", "guy shaking hands with man", "jerry and andy talking on park and rec", "someone is playing video game", "they are talking together", "two actors have a discussion behind the scenes of a television show", "two men are having a conversation", "two men are talking to eachother", "two men are talking together inside of a room", "two men are talking", "two people talk about their friendship on a tv show", "a clip from the tv show parks & recreation featuring chris pratt & jim o heir talking", "an old man talking something to the young man and embracing him" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a demonstration of a broken part to a vehicle", "a guy filming himself while working on a car", "a guy talking about car parts", "a man is repairing a car", "a man is showing how to fix a part on a car", "a man is talking about doing a car repair", "a man is working on a car engine", "a man is working on a car engine", "a man is working on a car", "a man working on a car or some type of machinery", "a person is fixing a car", "a person looking at the undercarriage of a vehicle while complaining about how much work it takes to do what he s doing", "a young man speaks about how the work he is doing is tough", "he is still working on the car", "man changing his oil", "man fixing his car", "person is showing how to fix a vehicle", "some one recording under the car engine", "someone is showing an engine", "video of car mechanic work" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a chef preparing a chicken roast", "a chicken is being cooked", "a girl is doing chicken dish in the oven", "a woman gives a cooking tutotial on baking chicken", "a woman gives instructions for preparing a stuffed chicken to cook", "a woman is cooking a chicken", "a woman is cooking a chicken", "a woman is hosting a cooking show", "a woman is in a kitchen describing how to prepare a chicken for cooking", "a woman is preparing a chicken", "a woman is preparing a chicken", "a woman is showing how to prepare a chicken to cook", "a woman prepares her chicken", "a woman says she s going to put a raw chicken she s prepared into the refrigerator and leave it for several hours", "a woman talks about cooking a chicken that is in front of her", "a woman talks about refrigerating chicken", "this is a cooking video", "woman prepares duck by putting it in the fridge", "a woman gives instructions for preparing a stuffed chicken to cook", "a woman is preparing a chicken" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "cinderella wears a pink dress and sobs on her fairy godmother s lap", "cinderella wears a pink dress and sobs on her fairy godmother s lap", "several disney clips featuring magic set to the soundtrack from cinderella", "a girl in a pink dress cries and summons a kind white witch", "there is a woman is crying with a old woman", "french version of disney film sequence involving many of their films", "a scene from four different disney clips all disney clips include different characters", "some cartoon girl is crying and her mother appears in front of her", "at first glance you see a donations van then you see disney s cinderella crying into the lap of her fairy godmother", "several boxes are outside of a truck a fairy godmother appears next to a you lady that is crying on stone bench", "a low quality disney film appears on screen possibly cinderella spoken in a differnt language other than english", "the blonde girl in a blue dress cries on an old lady s lap", "a clip from cinderella in french cinderella is crying and her fairy godmother appears then a montage of other disney characters follows", "a moving truck next to boxes then a fairy-god-mother talking to cinderella before tinker bell micky mouse aladdin and the genii appear", "the woman in red dress is crying with other older person", "a cartoon dolls girl crying and woman sitting on bed making to get up dolls moving displaying on screen", "a crying girl is visited by an elderly woman who uses a wand to make magical happy things happen", "a cartoon woman cries at a bench while a woman in blue appears", "footage from an old cartoon showing young people seeing magical things", "a very pretty girl is crying on her grandmother laps" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a boy and a girl acting in the movie", "a man describes an engine part in detail", "a man describes how to identify the parts on an engine", "a man explaining a part for a car", "a man is explaining parts of an engine", "a man is talking about a car part", "a man is telling about a machine", "a man talks about torque specs", "a person is showing an engine", "a person is talking about an engine", "a video of a man explaining specs of an oil pump", "guy talking engine and oil", "man teaches viewers how to fix an engine", "showing where the bolts on motor are placed", "someone is showing some engine and talking about that", "man teaches viewers how to fix an engine", "a man describes how to identify the parts on an engine", "a man describes how to identify the parts on an engine", "showing where the bolts on motor are placed", "a man is explaining parts of an engine" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "there is lady is standing and sitting with two different men ", "a graphic featuring one of the famous kardashians and a basketball player and also ice t and his wife", "a man talks about interracial relationships and how they are depicted on television", "a man in a button down shirt is holding a basketball in one hand while standing behind a woman in a black strapless shirt", "a man is describing that you see a lot of interracial couples on tv as the video shows pictures of interracial couples for example", "various photos of american celebrity couples are displayed with sensual music in the background", "the famous couples life history is teling to the inspiration of others", "someone is explaining something as a woman leaning to a man", "the celebrity couples pose with love quotes on an show", "a man discusses hollywood shows and how many of them show interracial relationships", "a man talks about inter-racial relationships that are on television such as the khloe and lamar show and ice and coco", "women and guy standing holding each other with a basketball", "a tv reality show about different self proclaimed celebrities and it is going to show their personal lives", "a guy speaking about television shows ice loves coco and khloe and lamar", "a man talks about the different interracial couples on reality shows", "an advertisement for chloe and lamar and ice loves coco while the host talks about interracial relationships", "bunch of photographs of actors being shown on the screen", "celebraty couples are standing and sitting close together in a show trailer", "khloe and lamar were one of the two inter-racial couples that were mentioned", "a man with a mustache is hugging his wife on a couch" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a child is boxing his father", "a man boxing with his child", "child training to box", "children learn how to fight", "fathers practicing boxing/martial arts with their children", "kids and their dads are practicing boxing", "kids are sparring with boxing gloves on", "kids are training for boxing", "little kids training for boxing", "people are boxing", "people are boxing and performing various forms of martial arts", "people are boxing", "people are training kid boxers", "people do karate", "people practising boxing ", "some guys are practicing marshal arts", "two people are preparing for sports", "people are boxing", "kids are sparring with boxing gloves on", "a man boxing with his child" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a couple driving around", "a couple travelling in a car enjoying the drive", "a guy drives a car while a woman rides along with him", "a man and woman are driving together", "a man and woman driving a car on road", "a man drives a car down the road", "a man drives a woman in his car then takes a right turn", "a man driving a car at a high rate of speed", "a man is driving a car while a girl sits as passenger", "a man is driving a car with a female passenger", "a man is driving", "a person is driving", "a woman and man driving", "a young man driving a high performance sports car", "car driving by friends", "girl taken out in a fast sports car", "guy driving a car with a girl in the passengers seat", "people are driving around", "the man drove the vehicle", "girl taken out in a fast sports car" ]