7 values
What is the video about in detail?
[ "eggs are being cooked in a pan", "a chef fries two eggs", "a person is cooking some egg dishes", "a person is frying eggs on a stove", "eggs are cooked", "eggs are cooking in a skillet", "eggs are cooking on a stove", "eggs are cooking sunny side up in a pan", "eggs are frying in a pan", "eggs are frying in a pan", "eggs are frying in a pan", "eyes are cooking in a pan", "some eggs are cooking", "someone fried eggs in a pan", "someone fried two eggs in a pan", "the eggs were cooking on the stove", "two eggs are frying in a skillet", "two eggs are frying in a skillet", "two eggs are frying on a pan", "two eggs are sizzling in a frying pan", "two eggs fry in a pan", "a boy show how to make a break fast", "a lady is preparing eggs for breakfast", "a man is cooking some eggs", "a person making breakfast", "frying eggs in a pan", "how to make breakfast", "racipe for breakfast", "someone making breakfast", "two eggs are cooking on a stove", "a girl is frying an egg", "a guy is preparing the breakfast", "a man cooking his kichen", "a short clip about cooking of half fried omlette on a gas stove", "egg is burning", "eggs are cooking on a stove", "eggs are cooking on a stove", "eggs are frying on a stovetop", "eggs are frying on pan", "fried eggs being prepared", "preparing the omelet", "someone frying eggs", "something is being cooked", "the person is making a dish of eggs", "two eggs are frying in a pan", "egg omlet in the pan" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "several teams are playing soccer", "men are playing soccer", "a soccer player is dribbling down the field and he passes the ball to one of his team mates", "players are playing a football", "a soccer player reverses the ball", "men are playing soccer", "peoples are playing football", "people are playing soccer", "two teams play soccer", "men are playing soccer", "two teams are playing soccer", "men are playing soccer", "two teams are playing soccer", "different sets of teams are playing football on a field", "the soccer teams kicked the ball", "the men are playing soccer", "two teams play soccer", "the soccer players kicked the ball", "men are playing soccer", "this is gaming on the stage", "a soccer players kicking a soccer ball down field", "players playing the foot ball", "player playing footbal in the ground", "a foot ball match", "playing a game", "two soccer teams are playing on a field", "men are playing soccer", "a player is hitting the ball", "magica kaka per millen", "some men are playing soccer", "great soccer footwork", "highlights from a soccer match are being shown", "some player are playing footbal", "men are playing soccer", "peoples are playing football", "the men are playing soccer", "a variety of teams play soccer", "they are playing", "the two teams are playing the football game", "players are playing football" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a kid falling out a bike", "a boy crashes on his bike", "a boy falls off his bike", "a boy fell off a ledge", "a boy is falling from his bike while jumping", "a boy is falling off a bicycle", "a boy is falling off a ledge with his bike", "a child falls off his bike", "a kid falls off of his bicycle", "a kid rides his bike over a high ledge", "a man cycling on the portico area of a house goes over the edge and falls into a pit below", "the boy fell off his bike", "the man fell off his bike", "boy cycling and fell down", "boy fell down from the cycle", "a boy crashed with his bicycle", "people doing really stupid things like jumping into a basketball hoop off a trampoline", "someone is coming to the rescue of a boy who has fallen from his bike", "really very very stupid people", "a foolish boy trying to ride cycle", "a boy falling of his bicycle", "a boy falls off the bank on his bicycle", "a boy fell down with his cycle", "a boy is falling with bycle", "a boy is falling with his cycle", "a boy is falls down fram his bicycle", "a boy rides a bike off a driveway edge and falls", "a boy rides his bicycle off the driveway and falls", "a boy rides his bike over a steep drop", "a boy running out from the ground", "a guy is falling from cycle", "a kid falls off his bike", "a kid is riding a bike and falls off of it", "a kid is riding a bike off an edge", "a man on a bicycle falls", "a man rides his bike into some bushes and flips over", "a montage of various people doing things that can injure them", "a person fell down from bycycle", "a really stupid people", "a slide show of people doing stupid things", "ii is a show of foolish people", "man falling off bike", "six funny video clippings", "the boy falls down the ditch while riding a bicycle", "the boy fell of his bike", "the boy fell off his bike", "the boy fell off his bike", "the man rode his bicycle and then fell", "while riding a bike", "the boy is doing a funny cycling", "a boy fell off of his bicycle" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man is drawing something on a piece of paper", "a man is drawing", "a man is drawing", "a person is drawing by a pencil", "a person is drawing on a piece of paper", "a man is drawing something", "someone is drawing a picture", "a man is drawing", "someone is drawing", "a man is sketching on a pad", "the man drew on the pad of paper", "the man is drawing", "a person sketches someone s leg", "the man drew on the white paper", "a man is drawing a picture", "the man is drawing with all of his soul", "a man is drawing", "a man is drawing", "architecture s drawing", "someone is drawing", "a man drawing on paper", "it is very beautiful", "an artist drawing some kind of drawing on paper", "the man drew on the pad of paper", "a man is making the drawing on the paper sheet", "the man is drawing", "a man is drawing on a paper", "someone draws a human leg", "the person is drawing the figer", "write a drawing" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a cheetah is running across a field", "a cheetah is running across a field", "a cheetah is running at great speed on grassland", "a cheetah is running at highspeed", "a cheetah is running in the grass", "a cheetah is running through a field", "a cheetah is running very fast", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah runs across a field", "a cheetah runs at warp speed", "a cheetah runs full speed across a field", "a cheetah runs through a field", "a panther is running fast on the grass field", "a predatory cat sprints through a field", "the cheetah raced after its prey", "the cheetah raced to catch his prey", "the cheetah is running", "a cheeta is running in a field", "a cheeta running very fast", "a group of deers are eating the grasses", "a group of gazelle is attacking by the cheetah", "a tiger is running very fast", "a tiger runing", "one tiger attack gazelle at the speed of 110kmh", "a cheetah attacking the gazelle", "a cheetah is running faster", "a cheetah is running quickly", "a cheetah is running to catch the gazelle", "a cheetah is running very quickly", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is running", "a cheetah is sprinting across a field", "a chetaah attacking on gazelle", "a is cheetah running", "cheetah is running", "deers are wondering", "in this picture we absearve that is wide tiger hunting", "leopard is hunting the dear", "the cheetah is running", "a cheeta running in the forest" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a person cutting up a fruit", "a papaya is being peeled", "a person is carving the skin off a papaya fruit", "a person peels an orange object", "a woman is peeling a papaya with a knife", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling the skin of a ripe papaya using a knife", "a woman is slicing a papaya", "a woman is using a large knife to peel a papaya", "the woman is peeling an orange vegetable", "the woman is peeling the skin off a papaya", "person preparing something", "a lady is removing the outer part of a papaya to make it smooth", "a man smoothly slicing the papaya to make juice", "a woman is cutting a papaya", "well a clip of peeling a papaya and making it smooth", "a lady is cutting papaya", "a lady is explaining how to make a papaya smoothie", "a lady is preparing a recipe of papaya smoothie", "a lady sliced a squash", "a woman cuts off the skin of a papaya", "a woman is carefully peeling a papaya with a large knife", "a woman is cutting fruits", "a woman is cutting papaya", "a woman is cutting the skin off of a sweet potato", "a woman is peeling a papaya with a knife", "a woman is peeling a papaya with a large butcher knife", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya", "a woman is peeling a papaya s skin", "a woman is peeling papaya", "a woman is removing the peel from papaya", "a woman is slicing papaya", "a woman peels a papaya", "a woman peels a papaya", "a woman showing how to make a papaya shake", "chopping papaya", "fruit is being sliced", "someone is peeling the skin off a papaya", "someone sliced up a vegetable", "the lady is peeling the skin off the papaya", "the person is peeling a papaya", "the woman is peeling a papaya", "the woman is peeling the skin of the papaya with a knife", "a lady is slicing the papaya" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a woman pours a powdery substance into a bowl of clear liquid and stirs the mixture with chopsticks", "a person is mixing water and flour", "a person is pouring a flour into water", "a chef stirs flower with water", "a person is mixing powdered ingredients with water", "a woman is mixing flour and water in a bowl", "a woman is adding flour to water", "a woman is making a flour batter", "a person is mixing water and a powder in a bowl", "a person mixes flour and water in a bowl", "a woman is mixing flour in a bowl", "someone is mixing ingrediants", "a woman is adding flour to water", "somoene stired in the dry ingredients in the water to make a batter", "the woman is mixing flour and water", "a cook mixes up some ingredients", "the lady added the dry ingredients to the water for the batter", "a woman is making batter in a bowl", "the person is cooking", "a person is making some food", "a woman is mixing ingredients", "preparing the item", "flour is poured into the water", "a man is mixing an aatta", "a woman mixes flour and water in a bowl", "a woman is mixing some ingredients", "the person is powder is water mixing", "a woman is saying how to make nabeyaki udon noodle", "a person making nabeyaki udon noodle", "the lady added corn meal to the water for a batter", "a man cooking his kichen", "the woman is mixing flour and water", "anyone is mixing anythings in water", "very clear detail for nabeyaki udon noodle video", "a woman mixes flour into a bowl of water", "a woman makes batter", "a woman mixes batter in a bowl" ]
What is the video about?
[ "two women get out of a taxi", "women are leaving a cab", "women exit a taxi cab", "girls are coming out from the car", "women are exiting a taxi", "women are walking out of a car", "a group of girls are exiting a taxi", "women are leaving the backseat of a cab", "a group of women get out of a cab", "women are getting out of a taxi", "a video clip of rihanna leaving a taxi", "a woman gets out of a cab", "a woman gets out of a cab", "a woman wearing dark glasses and a short black dress gets off a taxi followed by two other women", "the girl got out of the taxi", "the women got out of the cab", "a woman gets out of a taxi", "the girl got out of the taxi", "they are going", "the person is doing the something", "women exit a taxi cab", "a lady is getting out from the car", "a girl getting out of the car", "a woman is getting out of a cab", "two woman are getting out of a cab", "some women are getting out of a cab", "a woman getting out a taxi cab", "the person is getting the car", "a hot babes come out from car", "women are exiting a taxi", "the women got out of the cab", "girls are getting down from the taxi", "a woman is getting out of a taxi cab", "very cute and sexy girls", "a girl is opening a taxi door", "a girl gets out of a taxi" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a woman is applying brown makeup to her eyebrows with a brush", "a woman is painting her eyebrow", "a woman is painting her eyebrow", "a woman applies makeup to her eye brows", "a woman is applying eye liner", "a woman darkens her eyebrows with a small brush", "a woman is putting on eyebrow makeup", "a woman is applying makeup", "a girl is putting on makeup", "a woman is applying makeup", "the girl brushed her eyebrows", "the woman is drawing in her eyebrows", "a girl paints on her eyebrow", "a woman is applying makeup to her eyebrows", "a woman is applying colour to her eyebrow with a brow and liner brush", "a woman applies eyelash thickener", "the girl applied makeup to her eyebrows with a brush", "a lady applying eyebrow pencil on eyebrows", "a lady set her abrow", "a woman is putting on her makeup", "a women is doing makeup", "someone is applying makeup to her eyebrows", "a lady is making her eyebrows", "a lady is putting make up on her eyebrows", "a woman applies cosmetics", "a woman is applying eye shadow", "a woman is applying eyebrow makeup", "a woman is applying makeup", "a woman is darkening her eyebrows", "a woman is painting her eyebrow", "a woman puts on makeup", "a woman putting eyebrow pencil", "a women is designing his eye brow", "the woman is drawing in eyebrows", "she is doing the eye make up", "the women is doing make up" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "paper is being cut with scissors", "a person cuts a piece of blue paper", "a person is cutting a piece of blue paper with a pair of scissors", "a person is cutting a piece of paper with a pair of scissors", "a person is cutting with scissors across a blue paper", "a piece of paper is being cut", "a woman is cutting a paper", "a woman is trimming off the edge of a blue colored sheet of paper which is in excess", "an individual cuts a folded blue piece of paper", "paper is being cut", "paper is cut", "someone is cutting a folded blue paper", "someone is cutting paper", "the person is cutting paper with scissors", "cutting paper with the help of scissors", "a guy making a paper ship", "a man showing how to make a paper steamship", "somebody cutting paper for making paper ship", "the person is cutting paper", "a man cuts a piece of paper", "a paper is being cut", "a person cuts a blue paper with scissors", "a person cuts a piece of blue paper", "a person cuts a piece of paper with a pair of scissors", "a person cutting paper", "a person is cutting a folding piece of paper", "a person is cutting a piece of paper in half", "a person is cutting construction paper with scissors in a straight line", "a person is cutting paper", "a person is cutting paper", "a person is using scissors to cut a piece of paper", "a piece of blue paper is being cut", "a piece of paper is cut with scissors", "a woman is cutting a blue paper with scissors", "a woman is cutting a paper in square by a scissor", "a woman is cutting a paper", "a woman is cutting paper with scissors", "awomen making papperboat", "making a toy ship out of blue paper", "some one is cutting a paper", "somebody is cutting a paper", "someone cut a blue piece of paper", "someone cut paper along the edge of a folded end", "someone is cutting a paper", "someone is cutting blue paper", "someone is cutting paper with scissors", "someone is cutting paper with scissors", "someone is cutting paper", "someone is cutting paper", "someone is cutting the paper", "the man is cutting the paper", "the person is cutting blue paper", "the person is cutting paper with scissors", "the sides of a blue colored paper is being cut with scissors" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a young woman carries a boy across the room", "a woman is holding a child", "a woman is holding a boy", "a girl walks into a room carrying a toddler in her arms", "a teenage girl is carrying a little boy around a room", "a woman is carrying a boy", "a woman is carrying her baby", "a girl is carrying a young child", "a girl is carrying a child", "a girl is carrying a boy", "a woman is holding a child", "the girl is carrying a baby", "a girl is carrying a toddler boy", "a woman carries a boy around", "the person is doing the something", "a woman is carrying a child", "a mother is playing with child", "a woman is holding a boy", "a girl is holding a baby", "a lady is holding their baby", "a woman holding a little boy", "a girl holding a baby", "the girl is playing", "a lady is showing his child", "the little boy talked to the camera", "the girl is carrying the baby", "a girl is carrying a baby" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "two men are playing table tennis in front of an audience", "two men play table tennis", "two men are playing table tennis", "two men are playing tabletennis", "two men are playing ping pong", "two men are playing table tennis", "two players are playing table tennis", "two men are playing table tennis rather aggressively", "men are playing ping pong", "two men play ping pong", "two men are playing ping pong", "two people are playing ping pong", "two men are playing table tennis", "two men are playing a table tennis match as the audience watches them", "two men are playing table tennis", "the ladies played a game of ping pong", "the men are in a table tennis match", "two people play a pingpong match", "the ladies played a ping pong game", "two man are playing table tennis", "the two boys are playing", "a player is beating the ball by the bat", "the men are playing table tennis", "people were playing table tennis", "men are playing ping pong", "two men are playing ping pong", "two men are playing table tennis", "a table tennis match is under progress", "two people playing tennis", "men are playing table tennis", "players are playing the table tennis", "two boys are playing table tennis", "two player playing table tennis", "two persons play the table tennis", "peoples are playing", "two men play table tennis in a gym for an audience", "the men are in a table tennis match", "players is playing" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a woman and man are talking", "a man with a tape recorder is talking to a woman soldier", "a woman is doing an interview", "a man is talking to a woman and recording what she says", "a man is speaking to a woman", "a woman is talking", "a man is interviewing a woman", "a man is interviewing a woman", "a man and a woman talk", "a man is interviewing a soldier", "two people are talking", "a man is interviewing a woman", "the reporter interviewed a soldier", "a man holds a recorder up to a woman s mouth as she speaks", "the man is interviewing a woman", "a man interviews a woman", "the man interviewed the soldier", "a woman is talking to a reporter", "a renaissance man taking an interview of a woman", "a woman is talking to a reporter", "a woman is giving an interview", "an officer lady is talking to the man", "a man interviewing a lady", "a woman is giving interview to a man", "a woman is being interviewed", "a woman is giving speech", "a person is talking", "a man is interviewing a woman", "actually i m not clear about what you are asking", "they are talking", "the person is taking interview", "a girl is speaking with a man" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a cat jumps frantically in the air", "a black cat is leaping and jumping high in the air while playing with a small bouncy ball in a house", "a cat is bouncing around trying to catch a ball", "a cat is chasing a ball", "a cat is jumping after a toy", "a cat is jumping too much", "a cat is jumping", "a cat is jumping", "a cat is leaping through the air", "a cat jumps high", "a cat repeatedly jumps high into the air", "the cat is jumping after the ball", "the cat jumped high in the air chasing a bouncing rubber ball", "the cat jumped up and down chasing a ball", "a black cat playing with the bouncing ball", "a cat is doing some stunts in the room", "a cat is doing stunts in the room", "a cat is jumping around", "a cat is juping inside a room", "a cat is running around and jumping high in the air", "a cat is showing some stunts", "a cat is stunting for a ball", "a funny cat clip", "a black cat jumping around the house", "a black cat leaps around the house", "a cat chases a ball", "a cat is doing stunts by jumping over the floor", "a cat is jumping and running fastly", "a cat is jumping around chasing a ball", "a cat is jumping around", "a cat is jumping indoors to chase a bouncing ball", "a cat is jumping into the air and prancing around the house", "a cat is jumping on a floor", "a cat is jumping up and down", "a cat is jumping", "a cat is jumping", "a cat is jumping", "a cat is leaping in the air chasing after a ball", "a cat is running and jumping through the house as it chases a toy", "a cat is running and leaping after a small bouncing ball", "a cat is running around and jumping up in the air", "a cat is running", "a cat jumping and chasing something", "a cat jumping in the house", "a cat jumps", "a cat runs around a house chasing a bouncing ball and leaping into the air", "a cat showing some tricks", "a room without any occupants", "amazing cats performing serious stunts infront of his master", "cats are stunting", "the cat is athletic", "the cat is jumping in the room", "the cat jumping", "a cat is catching something", "a cat is jumping and running", "a cat is jumping" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a person practices a foul shot in the gym", "achieve a goal in one attempt", "a basketball player basketting the ball", "a basketball player is scoring a basket from the free throw area", "a basketball player shoots a basket", "a basketball player shoots a free throw", "a basketball player shoots a goal", "a basketball player sinks a free throw from the foul line", "a boy is throwing a basket ball in a basket", "a chinese man aims and shoots a basketball into the basket", "a guy is shooting a free throw", "a guy is shooting the basket ball through a high metal hoop", "a man is free throwing a basketball", "a man is standing at the free throw line of a basketball court and he shoots a basket", "a man is throwing a ball into basket at basket ball court", "a man is throwing a basketball into a basketball hoop", "a man shoots a basket", "a man shoots a basketballinto the basket", "a man slowly makes a freethrow", "a man throws a basketball into the net standing near the post on a basketball court", "a player scores a basket", "a player throw the ball to put in basket", "a young man is throwing a basketball into a basketball hoop", "a young man is throwing a basketball into the hoop", "a young man making basketball shot", "an asian man is playing basketball", "basketball player makes a freethrow shot", "boy playing basket ball", "in video a player is throwing ball in the basket ball net", "japanese basketball player shoots some free throws", "man shooting on basket and he score", "one basket ball player making a goal", "the basketball player made a free throw basket", "the basketball player makes a sucessful freethrow shot", "the boy baskets the basketball", "the man puts the ball into the basket" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a little girl is ice skating while holding two dolls on the ice pretending that the dolls are skating too", "a girl is doing ice skating with two dolls", "a girl is ice skating with her dolls", "a girl is skating with her dolls", "a girl and her dolls are ice skating", "a gil is ice skating with her toy dolls", "a little girl takes her dolls skating", "a girl is ice skating with her dolls", "a young girl and her two dolls ice skating", "a girl and two dolls go ice skating as she skates squatting and holds them in front of her", "a girl skating with dolls", "the little girl ice skated with her dolls", "the little girl and her dolls are ice skating", "a girl is ice skating with her dolls", "the girl iceskates with her 2 dolls", "a baby is walking on the road", "a child plays with dolls", "a girl is ice skating with her dolls", "a girl is skating", "a girl skating with her two dolls", "a girl skating", "a little girl is ice skating with her dolls", "american girl dolls go ice skating", "american girl dolls go ice skating", "american girls are ice skating", "girls doing ice skating", "skating girl with dolls", "young girl ice skating with two dolls", "a baby doll is doing scating", "a girl and her doll skating on the ice", "a girl goes ice skating with her dolls", "a girl going skating with pretty dolls", "a girl ice skating with dolls", "a girl is helping her two dolls ice skate", "a girl is ice skating with her dolls", "a girl is ice skating with two dolls", "a girl is skating on ice with some dolls", "a girl is skating while holding dolls", "a girl is skating with dolls", "a girl is skating with her two dolls", "a girl is skating with two dolls", "a girl is skating with two dolls", "a girl is skating", "a girl play with a toy", "a girl skating with her dolls in a skating stadium", "a girl with dolls is skating", "a kid is making her dolls skating in ice", "a little girl ice skates with her dolls", "a little girl is ice skating with two of her dolls", "a little girl makes her dolls ice skate", "a small girl is skating on the ice with the dolls in her hands", "a small girl skates to hold two dolls to skate", "american girl dolls is doing skating", "people are doing ice scates", "the cute baby is skating", "young girl ice skating with her 2 dolls", "american girl dolls are going for ice skating", "a girl ice skating with dolls on the ice roof" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a cat pops a bunch of little balloons that are on the groung", "a dog attacks a bunch of balloons", "a dog is biting balloons and popping them", "a dog is breaking a lot of balloons on the floor", "a dog is bursting a bunch of colorful balloons placed on the floor by biting them", "a dog is bursting balloons", "a dog is playing balloons", "a dog is playing with balloons", "a dog is playing with balloons", "a dog is playing with balls", "a dog is popping balloons with his teeth", "a dog is popping balloons with its teeth", "a dog is popping balloons", "a dog is popping balloons", "a dog is popping balloons", "a dog is running around biting and popping many balloons lying on a floor", "a dog plays with a bunch of balloons", "a small dog is attacking balloons", "the dog enjoyed popping balloons", "the dog is popping balloons", "the dog popped the balloons", "a dog playing with balloons", "the dog is playing with balloons", "a dog is popping a large number of small balloons", "dog breking balloons", "a dog is playing", "a dog playing with colorful balloons", "a dog is popping balloons", "a dog is playing with baloons", "a dog is playing with ball", "a dog is biting and popping baloons", "a dag is playing with balls", "a dog is popping some balloons", "a dog is running around popping balloons", "a dog is bursting balloons", "a dog is popping balloons", "a dog is playing with balloons", "a dog is playing", "a dog trying to burst all ballons", "the dog popped the balloons on the ground", "a dog is bursting balloons", "a dog is breaking numerous balloons with his mouth", "the dog was playing colour balls", "a dog breaking ballons" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man playing a guitar outside his house", "a man is playing a guitar on the patio", "a man is playing a guitar seated outside a restaurant", "a man is playing a guitar while sitting down", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing an acoustic guitar outdoors", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a man plays a guitar", "a man plays guitar", "a person is performing with his guitar", "a seated man plays guitar", "a sitting man is playing guitar", "the man is playing the guitar", "the man is plying his guitar on the patio", "the man played his guitar", "a man is playing an electric guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing guitar outside of a store", "the man is playing the guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man plays a guitar", "the man is playing music on a guitar sitting on a stool", "a man is playing guitar", "a man playing guitar", "a man playing an instrument", "a man is playing music through fiddle", "a man is playing the guitar", "a man playing guitar", "a man playing the guitar", "an old man is playing guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar outside", "a man is enjoying himself as he plays the guitar", "a person is playing guitar righ now", "a man playing electric gutar at a party", "a man playing his electric guitar at a home party outside", "a man playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a guy is playing guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar outside", "a man is happily playing guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "the man played his guitar at the party", "a band is performing on a stage outside", "a man is sitting outdoors playing an electric guitar", "a man is playing a guitar outside", "the man is playing the guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a man is playing an electric guitar outside a home", "he is playing guitar and not interested in any drink", "a man plays the guitar", "a man is playing violin", "a man strummed his guitar on his patio" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a girl jumps on a car", "a girls jumps on a car", "a girl is coming up on a car", "a girl jumps on top of a car", "a girl is jumping to a car top", "a girl appears to be jumping from the ground to the top of a car", "a girl is jumping on a car", "a small girl jumps from the ground to the roof of a car", "a girl is jumping onto a car", "a girl jumps on a car", "a girl jumps up on a car", "a girl jumps from the ground of a lawn on the roof top of a car parked nearby", "the girl jumped on top of a car", "the little girl jumped on the car", "a girl jumps on a car", "a girl jumps on top of a car", "a little girl jumped on top of a car", "the girl is jumping", "a girl leaps onto the top of a car", "a girl is jumping on a car", "a girl jumps on a car", "a girl jumping on the car", "a girl jumps on top of a car", "a kid jumps on a car", "a girl jumping upon the car", "two young girls thank their subscribers and then show some weird video tricks and scary things", "a girl jumping on the car", "the baby is jumping into the car", "the girl jumped on the car", "a girl is jumping", "a little girl jumps from the ground to the top of a car", "a girl jumps on top of a car" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a toddler walking on a treadmill", "a baby is walking on a treadmill", "a boy is walking in a treadmill", "a boy is walking on a treadmill", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill while an older person stands behind him", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill", "a small boy is walking on a moving treadmill", "a toddler is on a treadmill", "a toddler is walking on a treadmill", "a toddler plays on a treadmill", "a toddler walks on a treadmill as a woman stands behind him", "a toddler walks on a treadmill", "a young boy is walking on a treadmill", "the baby is walking on the treadmill", "the toddler walked on the treadmill", "the toddler walked on the treadmill", "a toddler is exercising on a treadmill", "a baby is exercise", "the boy is running on running machain", "a baby is practicing exercise", "a little boy is walking on the treadmill", "a baby is walking on a treadmill", "a baby is walking on the exercise machine", "a kid is walking", "a cute baby is walking on the floor", "a small boy is walking on a treadmill", "a man is doing warmup", "a little kid is walking on a treadmill", "a baby is walking on a treadmill", "a baby is walking on a treadmill", "a man is doing excersise", "little boy walking on a treadmill", "a child walks on a treadmill", "a young child is walking on a running machine", "a baby is walking on treadmill", "a boy is walking on a treadmill", "a small child walking on a tread mill", "a boy running on a tredmill with his mother", "a baby child is doing exercise on tredmill with her mother", "a little boy is walking on a treadmill", "a small child is walking on a treadmill", "a toddler is walking on a treadmill", "a baby is going to exercise", "the child funny video", "a kid is walking", "a man exercising with a baby", "a woman guides a baby to walk on treadmill", "a toddler is walking on a treadmill", "a baby enjoying in exercise machine", "a boy and men doing exercise", "kid is excercising", "the boy is running on a running machine", "a baby walk on a tredmill" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a boy is singing in the street", "a man is singing as he walks down a street", "a man is singing while walking down the sidewalk", "a man is walking and singing", "a man is walking down a city sidewalk", "a man is walking down a sidewalk singing", "a man is walking down a sidewalk", "a man is walking down the city sidewalk", "a man is walking down the sidewalk and singing", "a man is walking down the street singing", "a man is walking down the street", "a man is walking", "a man walks along the sidewalk", "a man walks down a city sidewalk", "the boy sang as he walked down the street", "the man is singing and walking", "the man is walking", "the man sang while walking down the street", "a man singing on a footpath", "a man is walking an singing", "a man is walking down a sidewalk and singing", "he is driving the car", "a man is walking", "a man is singing and walking", "a man is singing while walking", "a man is walking", "a man is singing a song", "a guy singing walking over the street for his girl", "a man walks while singing", "a man is singing and walking down the sidewalk", "a man is walking down a street", "a person walking and singing", "a man is walking", "a man walking", "man singing bitter sweet symphony", "a man is singing a song on the road", "an artist singing a song in a movie trailer", "a boy is singing on the road", "a guy is singing and walking along the path way of a street", "a man is singing on the street", "the man is singing and walking", "the young man is walking in the building area", "a men is singing", "a man is walking and singing on a street", "a man is walking down a city sidewalk" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a girl riding a bicycle along the beach", "a biker rides along the beach", "a girl is cycling", "a girl is riding a bicycle on a road near a beach", "a girl is riding a bicycle", "a girl is riding a bike", "a girl is riding a cycle on a beach", "a girl is riding her bike", "a girl is riding on a bicycle", "a girl is traveling in a bike", "a girl rides her bike at the beach", "a woman with a backpack is cycling on a road by the beachside", "the girl rode her bike at the beach", "the girl rode her bike in the beach bike lane", "the woman is riding a bike", "a girl is riding a bicycle by the beach", "a girl is riding a bicycle on a road beside a beach", "it was nice riding", "the girl is riding her bicycle", "a girl is riding a bicycle", "a girl rides her bike", "a girl is riding a bike", "a girl riding a bike as two people sit in the background", "a girl is riding in a cycle", "a girl is riding a bike along the beach", "a girl is riding a bike by the beach", "a girl is riding her bicycle at the beach", "a girl driving bycle", "a girl riding a cycle", "a girl is cycling on the beach", "a girl is riding a bike", "a girl is bicycling", "someone is riding a bike on the beach", "a woman is riding a cycle", "a girl is cycling a bicycle", "a lady is driving a bycle", "a girl riding a bicycle with a bag holding on her back", "a lady is riding on the bicycle", "a woman is cycling along the beach", "a girl is riding a bike", "a woman is riding her bicycle on a beach bike path", "a girl enjoying the cycle driving", "the girl rode her bike at the beach", "a girl drive with cycle", "a girl is riding a pink bicycle next to a beach", "the woman is riding a bike", "a girl is cycling", "a girl is riding a bicycle along a beach path", "a girl is riding on cycle", "a lady is riding the bicycle", "a girl riding a bicycle", "a smiling girl wearing backpack is riding a bike", "the girl rode her bike at the beach" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a woman is coating vegetables in a bowl of flour then frying them in a kettle using chopsticks", "a person fries cantaloupe", "a person is frying cantaloupe", "a woman is coating a small piece of something in batter and is deep frying it", "an asian chef is frying seafood", "vegetables are being deep fried", "a woman is frying something", "a woman is putting vegetables in batter and then deep frying them", "a man is placing battered vegetables in a pan of boiling oil", "a person breads a vegetable and puts it in a pot of hot oil", "someone is putting battered vegetables into hot oil", "a woman is frying food in a pot", "someone is frying something", "a person is dropping battered food into a pot", "the lady added the batter dipped shrimp to the oil", "the woman is frying vegetables", "a person is placing tempura battered ingredients in hot oil", "sliced vegetables are dipped in batter and deep fried", "a cook puts some vegetables into a pot", "the lady added the batter dipped food to the hot oil", "anyone is making dish", "someone is frying stuff", "this vidio shows that how to make tendon", "a lady is preparing food", "a man cooking his kichen", "a man is cooking using hot oil", "a person is battering and frying food", "a person is cooking", "a person is frying food", "a person is making tendon", "a person is making the tasty japanese food", "cooking the japanese food", "japanese food is fried", "the lady dipped the fish in batter before putting it in the hot oil", "the person is cooking the something", "the woman is frying pumpkin", "in this video cook" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a large tortoise is walking", "a turtle is walking", "a turtle is walking", "a tortoise is walking in a jungle area", "tortoise is walking slaw on the ground", "a turtle is walking", "a large turtle is walking outdoors", "a turtle is walking", "a tortoise is walking", "a turtle is walking", "a turtle is walking", "a tortoise is walking through the jungle", "the tortoise came close to the camera to say hello", "the tortoise is walking", "a tortoise is walking", "a tortoise walks slowly", "the turtle moved along the ground", "a huge turtle walks toward the camera", "a tortoise walking and raising his head in a forest", "a turtle is walking around", "featuring a tortoise", "a tortoise is walking", "a tortoise is walking", "a tortoise walking", "a turtle is slowly walking outdoors", "a turtle is slowly walking towards the camera", "a turtle is walking", "a turtle walks in a tropical setting", "a turtle walks up to the camera", "the tortoise came close to inspect the camera", "the tortoise is moving", "the tortoise is walking", "the walking the tortoise" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a black and white cat is standing on his rear paws waving his front paws when he is attacked by a larger yellow cat", "a cat attacks another cat", "a cat attacks another cat", "a small cat is swatting with it s front paws at a larger cat and then the larger cat pounces on the smaller one", "two cats are fighting", "two cats are wrestling and playing together", "two cats are playing", "two cats are playing", "a cat is beating up a kitten", "a cat plays", "two cats are playing with each other", "the orange cat pounced on the black cat who was waving its arms at it", "the cat is antagonizing the other cat", "a cat taunts a dog into attacking it", "the orange cat bounced on the black cat that was teasing him with his waving paws", "the animals are playing", "a cat attacks another cat", "a kitten and cat is fighting", "the black cat is playing", "two cats are playing", "a dog clapping", "one cat pounces upon a smaller black cat", "the orange cat pounced on the black cat who was waving its arms at him", "the cat is teasing the bigger cat", "two cats are fighting", "very funny video", "cute cat meaws" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a monkey pulls a dog s tail and is chased by the dog", "a monkey antagonizes a dog", "a monkey is teasing a dog", "a monkey pulls on a dog s tail", "a monkey pulled a dogs tail", "a monkey is playing with a dog", "a monkey is pestering a dog", "a monkey is pulling a dog s tail", "a monkey keeps grabbing a dog", "a monkey is teasing a dog", "a monkey is teasing a dog", "a baboon grabs a dogs tail", "a monkey pulls a dogs tale and runs away", "the dog pulled the dogs tail and then his leg", "the monkey grabbed the dog s tail and leg", "a monkey pulls a dog s tail", "the dog pulled the dogg s tail and leg", "a monkey grabs a dog and then runs from it", "the monkey is playing with dog", "a monkey pulls a dog s tail", "a monkey is playing with dog", "kidding monky", "a monkey is holding the dog s tail", "a monkey is playing with dog", "a dog attacks a monkey", "stupid monkey", "a monkey pulling on a dog s tail and running away to swing on a tree branch", "a money and a dog fighting", "a monkey is pulling dogs tail", "crazy monkey teasing a silent dog", "a monkey is playing with dog", "a monkey is playing", "the monkey pulled the tail and leg of the dog", "a monkey is pulling the dog tail", "very funny monkey and dog video", "a money is pulling a dog s talk and leg", "a monkey pulls a dog s tail" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man is taking pictures of a woman sitting in a pew", "a man photographs a woman", "a man is taking photographs of two women", "a photographer is taking a photo of a man", "a man photographs two people", "a man is taking pictures", "a man is taking photographs of a model", "a man is taking a picture of a person", "a man takes a picture of two women", "a photographer is taking pictures", "a man is taking a picture", "two woman are being photographed by a man", "the photographer took someone s picture in the church", "the man is talking pictures os the women", "a man takes a picture of two people", "the man took pictures in the back pew of the church", "the person is doing the photography", "the man was doing photography", "a man is taking pictures", "a man is taking some photography", "a man is taking photographs", "a man is taking pictures of a guy", "doing the photo session", "a man is taking a picture", "a video on how to take photographs", "a man is saying about to photography skill", "a man is photographing a woman", "a man taking snaps in order of photography", "the man took pictures of the girl in the back pew of a church", "a person is taking the picture of two women s", "the man is taking pictures", "a man is taking pictures of a model", "photography model is so beautiful", "a man is taking a photograph" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a woman feeds a man with her fingers", "a woman feeds food to a man", "a woman feeds a man", "a woman feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman is feeding a man", "a woman feeds a man seated beside her on a bench in a room", "the lady fed some food to the man", "the woman is feeding the man", "a woman gives a man some food", "the lady fed some food to the man", "one person is eating", "a woman is feeding a man", "a girl is giving food to his brother", "good song inspiring i always wonder what happened to dis director after dis movie", "a lady serving the food to a boy in a movie scene", "a man is eating", "movie dance practicing yoga", "the boy and girl is talking", "a woman is handfeeding a man", "a woman feeds a man", "an actress is feeding the actor in the film sequence", "a woman feeding a man", "she is putting to a guy", "the woman fed the man some food", "the woman is feeding the man", "a woman is feeding a man food", "a woman handfeeds a man" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man pealing a banana", "a banana is being peeled", "a banana is being peeled", "a banana is being peeled", "a banana is peeled", "a man peels a banana", "a person is peeling a banana from the round end", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling the skin of a banana from all the sides of the base", "a person opening a banana", "a woman is opening a banana", "someone is peeling a banana from the bottom", "someone is peeling a banana", "someone is peeling a banana", "someone peels a banana", "the person is peeling a banana", "peeling off the banana", "a guy opening the banana properly", "a man is demonstrating the correct technique for opening a banana", "very clear how to banana open", "peel the banana skin from the tip end downwards towards the other end", "a clipping showing how to peel a banana", "a man is peeling a banana", "a man is peeling a banana", "a man is peeling a banana", "a man is peeling a banana", "a man is peeling banana from the bottom end", "a man peeled a banana from the bottom", "a man slicing banana", "a person is opening a banana", "a person is peeling a banana from the bottom", "a person is peeling a banana on a table", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling a banana", "a person is peeling a banana", "a woman is removing the banana peel", "an individual is peeling a banana", "man opening bananna", "peeling a banana properly", "person peeling a banana", "someone is opening a banana", "someone is pealing the skin of a banana", "someone is peeling a banana from the bottom end", "someone is peeling a banana", "someone opened the banana from its bottom", "someone peels a banana", "somone is peeling a banana", "start peeling a banana from the bottom edge one by one", "the man is peeling a banana", "the person is peeling a banana", "pickel of banana is beentake off", "a man skinning yellow bananna", "how to open a banana properly" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a girl falls", "a girl is falling down a mushroom staircase", "a girl is falling down", "a girl tumbles down a row of large mushrooms", "a woman falls down on large mushrooms", "a woman is falling over a stair case", "a woman is tumbling across toadstools", "a woman is tumbling backwards off a mushroom and downstairs", "a women falls down", "alice fell down the rabbit s hole", "alice in wonderland fell down the rabbit hole", "alice in wonderland is falling down some mushrooms", "alice is falling down a series of descending mushrooms", "alice is falling down into the rabbit hole", "people sing and dance in a surreal scene", "the woman fell down", "a girl is slipping down", "they are playing", "the girl is playing", "a lone man in hat and glasses sitting on a chair", "a woman is falling down huge mushrooms", "a woman falls down on mushrooms", "the girl is falling down", "a woman falls off some mushrooms", "featuring a song", "alice is tumbling down some mushrooms", "a girl falls down", "a short horror clip showing some scaring scenes", "a movie scene where a girl praying to god", "a girl is rolling down some mushrooms and stairs", "the girl went tumbling down", "girl falling from mushroom", "super dress for this video girls and boys" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "an elephant leads it s young", "a baby elephant hides behind an adult elephant", "a baby elephant is panicking and rushing to its parent", "a baby elephant sneezes and runs towards two other elephants walking ahead of him", "a group of elephants are walking", "a scared baby elephant runs to its mother", "a small elephant is startled while crossing a road", "an elephant is walking with its two calves", "elephants are walking", "elephants are walking", "several elephants are crossing the road", "the elephants left the river", "the elephany and her babies crossed the dirt road", "three elephants are crossing a road", "three elephants are walking", "two baby elephants are walking with their mother", "while walking with two other elephants", "a baby elephant gets scared", "a baby elephant is sneezing", "a baby elephant sneezes and scares himself", "a mother and her two elephant babies and one them turns to the camera and makes a funny noise", "an elephant walking", "an elephants are walking", "baby elephant is sneezing and scaring", "baby elephant sneezes and scares himself", "sneazing is really bad", "a baby elephant is playing with its mom", "a baby elephant is sneezing", "a baby elephant sneezes", "a baby elephant startles itself", "a big elephant with children", "a elephent and his baby", "a walking baby elephant pauses and blows into the sand", "an baby elephant is following its mother", "an elephant family crossing the road over a beachy area", "baby elephant following parent elephant", "elephant is walking", "elephants walk", "some elephants are crossing a road", "the elephants are walking", "elephant is drinking water", "a elephants walking" ]
What is the video about?
[ "five kittens in a row and then in a circle are eating off of plates", "kittens are eating food", "five kittens are eating out of bowls on the floor", "kittens are eating food on trays", "five kittens are eating out of five dishes", "kittens are eating their foods", "a group of kittens are lined up eating from dishes", "kittens are drinking milk", "five cats are eating together", "kittens are eating from dishes", "five cats eat food from saucers", "some kittens are eating", "five kittens are eating", "five kittens are eating food", "the kittens are eating", "five kittens are eating from dishes", "five kittens eat", "five little kittens are eating from five little dishes", "the cats are drinking milk", "cats are eating food", "five kittens are eating", "five cats are eating food", "little white and grey kittens eating and playing", "five kittens are eating food", "some kittens are lunching together", "the cats ate from their bowls in a line and in a circle", "the kittens are eating", "the kittens are eating food" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a person playing a piano", "a man is playing a piano", "a man is playing piano", "a man is playing the piano", "a man plays a keyboard", "a person is playing a keyboard piano", "a person is playing the piano", "a person is playing the piano", "a person is playing the piano", "a person is playing the piano", "a person plays the piano", "a piano is being played", "a piano is being played", "someone is playing the piano", "the man played the piano", "the person is playing the piano", "a man plays the piano with his fingers raised high", "a guy playing his piano", "a man is playing the piano", "he is playing on the music", "some one playing piano", "a man is playing the piano", "a men playing peyano", "piano looking good", "a man is playing the piano", "someone is playing a piano", "a man is playing a piano", "piano is played by an artist", "a person is playing the piano", "playing the piano", "a person is playing piano", "a man is playing the piano", "a person is playing a piano", "a person is playing a keyboard", "playing the piano is like walking on water", "a person is playing a piano", "a man playing piano", "a person is playing a keyboard", "someone plays keyboard", "someone is playing piano", "someone is playing the piano", "a man is playing piano", "a man is playing a piano", "a person plays the piano", "a person is playing piano", "a unique piano composition and would be liked by a lot of broken hearts", "a person is playing the piano", "a man is playing the piano", "a clip about the betrayal original piano composition", "a man playing piano", "a pianist plays piano", "a man plays a melody on piano", "a man plays the piano alone in a room", "the man is playing the piano", "a man is playing piano", "a man was paly piano", "a man is playing a piano composition from the betrayal", "a person is playing piano", "a man is playing some instrument", "a man is playing piano", "a man is playing a piano" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "someone is cutting slices into an onion half", "a person slices an onion", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a chef is slicing an onion", "someone is chopping onions", "a woman is cutting onion", "a woman is slicing onions with a large knife", "a person with a knife is slicing an onion", "a person cuts into an onion", "a woman is cutting an onion", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a woman makes vertical cuts across half a peeled onion leaving the base portion intact", "the lady sliced the onion", "the cook is slicing onions", "a person cuts an onion", "the lady sliced the onion", "there is a cutting the item", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a lady is cutting the onion", "a girl is cutting an onion", "a woman is cutting and onion", "improving the knife skills", "a man is cutting a slices of potato", "the person is cutting the something", "this woman with a knife slice", "a man is slicing some vegetables with knife", "a woman cooking his kichen", "a person is slicing an onion", "the cook is slicing onions", "anyone is making dish", "a woman is cutting onion" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is instructing or describing a woman who is exercising", "a trainer is showing us how the woman exercises", "a woman is doing squatting exercises on a mat while a man coaches her", "a man is teaching exercise to a girl", "a man and woman demonstrate an exercise", "a woman is doing leg lifts", "a man is training a woman to do exercises", "a man is showcasing an exercising woman", "a woman exercises while a man explains her actions", "a man and woman are exercising", "a woman demonstrates exercise moves while a man narrates", "the trainer demonstrated how to stretch the leg", "a man guides a woman as she does exercises on a mat", "the woman is exercising", "two people demonstrate an exercise", "the trainer helped the girl stretch", "a man and a woman are working out", "a men and women is doing exercise", "a woman using the correct form while excersizing", "working out in skimpy clothes", "a man is training a woman to exercise", "a woman is exercising", "the couple are showing exercises", "two men were fighting", "a man is using a model", "a man teaching exercise to a girl", "someone is exercising", "a man is teaching aerobics to a woman", "a man demonstrating a women performing exercise", "a man giving training of aerobics to a woman", "a women demonstrates how to exercise to get a brazil butt", "a man is showing the ass", "a supermodel lady is doing some exercise and a gym coach is providing instructions", "a aerobics instructor shows how to work out the butt for ladies", "a woman is doing exercises with a man explaining what is happening", "a man teach a girl to do an exercise", "the woman is exercising", "a girl is taking exercise", "the person is telling how to do exercise", "a man is trained with model girl", "a coach teaching" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "an american flag is waving in the wind", "the united states flag is waving", "the american flag is waving", "an american flag waving in the air", "an american flag is flying", "a american flag is blowing in the wind", "american flag is waving", "the united states flag is waving in the wind", "a flag is waving", "an american flag is waving", "a flag is blowing in the wind", "an american flag is waving", "the american flag fastened at one end is flying in the wind", "the american flag flew in the wind", "the flag was moving in the air", "a flag waves in the wind", "the american flag flew in the wind", "the singer sing with his guitor in the music programme", "a flag is waving in the wind", "america flage", "a flag is flagging", "war between america and un other country", "a flag is flying", "a flag is flying", "the flag is flying", "the flag is waving in the air", "a flag is blowing in the wind", "a flag ripples in the wind" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man and woman are hugging", "a man forcibly kisses a women", "a man hugs a woman", "a man hugs and kisses a woman", "a man is hugging a woman", "a man is hugging and kissing a woman", "a man is hugging and kissing a woman", "a man is kissing a woman in stage", "a man is kissing a woman on stage", "a man is kissing and hugging a girl", "a man is trying to get smooch a woman", "a man kisses a woman on the cheek", "a man kisses a woman several times", "richard gere is kissing a woman on stage", "richard gere is kissing and hugging shilpa shetty", "richard gere kisses and hugs an indian actress on stage", "the man hugged and kissed the lady on stage", "the man is kissing and hugging the woman", "the man kissed and hugged the lady", "a man taking kiss from girl", "a man is hugging and kissing a woman", "he is kissing to her", "the person is doing the something", "a man is kissing and hugging a woman", "intoxicated richard gere taking chummi of shilpa shetty", "a man and woman hug and kiss", "the man is kissing the girl", "richard gere kissing shilpa shetty", "a man kisses a girl", "a man and woman kiss and hug on stage", "celebrating the succes", "a man is kissing", "women is being kissed repeatedly by man", "an old man is kissing a girl", "richard gere is kissing shilpa shetty", "richard gere is taking kiss of shilpa shetti", "a man hugs kisses a woman on the cheeks several time as if congratulate her", "a man is hugging a woman", "richard gere kiss shilpa shetty", "a man is kissing a girl", "a man is hugging and kissing a woman" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a boy walking over a bridge", "a boy crossed a hanging bridge", "a boy crossing a swinging bridge", "a boy is crossing a narrow rope bridge", "a boy is crossing a rope bridge", "a boy is crossing a rope bridge", "a boy is walking across a bridge", "a boy is walking across a bridge", "a boy is walking across a bridge", "a boy is walking carefully along a hanging bridge", "a boy is walking through a narrow hanging bridge", "a kid walks across a narrow suspension bridge", "a man is walking across a suspended bridge", "a man is walking slowly across a rope bridge", "a young boy is walking on a rope bridge holding the ropes on either side for support", "the boy is crossing a bridge", "the boy walked across a swinging bridge", "the boy carefully crossing the hanging bridge", "a man is standing on the bridge", "a brave man is walking in a dangerous bridge", "a guy walks accross a shaky rope bridge", "tv showroom", "a couple walks across a ery unstable rope bridge in the jungle", "the boy trying to cross the bridge", "one boy walking on hanging bridge", "people are walking across a bridge", "a boy walks across a rope bridge", "a boy on the bridge alone walking", "a boy walking pulau kukup national park", "pulau kukup national park and johor", "a man is crossing a suspended rope bridge", "a boy is walking on a hanging bridge", "a man is crossing a bridge", "one person is walking on the bridge", "a boy is walking over a bridge", "a young boy is walking across a swinging bridge", "a viewing stand in a national park", "a kid is walking across a bridge", "a boy is walking on the bridge", "a boy is walking across a suspension bridge", "a man is walking slowly over a rope bridge", "a boy is walking across a suspension bridge", "a guy is walking on a hanging bridge", "a man is walking across a suspension bridge", "a boy walking slowly and trying to cross a rope bridge", "a boy crossing the rope bridge", "a boy slowly crosses a rope bridge", "a child is crossing a bridge", "a young boy is walking across a roped", "a boys walks on a rope bridge", "a boy is walking across a bridge", "the boy is crossing the bridge", "a boy is walking across a hanging foot bridge", "a person is walking on the rope bridge", "very thrilling boy", "a boy is walking across a foot bridge", "a boy is crossing a suspension bridge", "a boy walks on a very narrow bridge", "a boy across the river", "a boy is waking on the bridge", "men walking on the roap bridge" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man and a woman are kissing while standing", "a man and woman are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing passionately", "a man and a woman is kissing each other", "a man and a woman are kissing", "a man and a woman are kissing", "a man and woman is kissing each other", "a man and a woman are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing", "a man and a woman kiss", "a man and woman are kissing", "two people are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing", "a man and a woman are hugging and kissing each other", "the couple kissed passionately", "the man and woman are kissing", "a man and a woman kiss", "the couple kissed passionately in the living room", "the boy and girl is kissing", "a lovers romance together", "a man is kissing to a woman", "a man and woman are kissing", "the persons are kissing", "a man and a woman are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing", "the couple kissed passionately in the living room", "a man is fucking the women", "the man and woman are kissing", "a man and woman are kissing", "romantic and feeling video", "a man is kissing a girl", "a man and woman kiss", "a man and a woman kiss" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "two kids are playing on the beach", "a boy is on a beach", "a boy is playing at the beach", "a boy is running on a beach", "a child runs into and out of the ocean waves", "a little boy is playing at the beach", "a little boy runs into the ocean", "a small boy runs around on the beach", "a small kid runs towards the water in a beach", "a toddler is running to see the ocena waves as they come up to the beach", "a toddler plays near the ocean", "a young boy is running toward and from the ocean waves", "the little boy is running in the sand", "the little boy ran to the ocean s edge", "the toddler ran to the ocean water", "two boys are playing in the beach", "kids are playing at beach", "the two baby s playing the water", "children are moving into wave", "two small boys are playing on the beach", "they childern are playing in the waves", "a toddler is on a beach", "little kids are playing", "children are walking on the beach", "a child playing at the beach", "a baby is playing in the seashore", "a cute boy is playing with the wave", "a little boy is running toward the ocean", "a boy is playin in with waves", "two little boys play in the ocean", "a small boy runs across the sand to play in the ocean", "small boyes swiming on the beech", "two children are ejoyoing in a beach", "a little boy is running on the beach", "a little boy is running on the beach", "a child is running on a beach", "children are playing on the beach", "children playing at the beach in france", "two young children running on the beach", "a little boy playing in the waves on the beach", "the two small children are playing in beach", "one little baby walking on sea shore", "a baby is running towards the sea", "a small child with his mother playing on a beach", "a kid going to sea waves in order to immitate his father", "children are playing on the beach", "boys are playing in the ocean water", "people are playing in the sea", "two baby bathing in see", "a toddler is playing on the beach", "a little boy is running on the beach", "kids are enjoying on the beach", "two children are playing at the beach" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a car is driven down the road", "a car cruises down the road", "a car drives down the road with the top open", "a car drove down the road", "a car full of people is traveling down the road", "a car is coming down a road", "a car is driving down the road", "a car is driving down the street", "a car is driving over a hill", "a car is moving at a fast speed on a empty road", "a car is running on a road", "a car is traveling down a long road", "boys are driving a car", "some peoples are traveling in a car", "the car is going down the road", "the car sped down the bumpy road", "three men are driving a car down a road in the forest as music plays in the background", "a car is coming fast", "the people are riding in a car", "a convertible is driving", "a car is being driven on the wrong side of the street", "a card drives down the road", "the car is speeding down the highway with three men in it", "a car is running in the road", "a car drives on a hilly road", "a caris running", "a car is driving down the road", "a car is running on the road", "a blue car is driving down a slope in the road", "two men were traveling in the car", "a man is driving a car", "a car is driving down the road", "a car is driving across a hilly road", "someone is driving car very fast", "guys in a convertible driving along the highway", "a car is driving", "someone is driving a car down the road", "a car is moving on the road", "it is very good", "a car drives down a tree lined street", "very nice and super song", "mivies song", "a car is driving down a road", "mens driving the car rapidly", "the car drove down the road", "the car went down the road", "car is coming", "a mercedes is driving on a road", "a car drives along a road", "the car drove down the road" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a woman is cutting the stems and leaves of an herb into pieces", "a person is cutting cilantro", "a woman is cutting a green leafy plant into small pieces", "a woman is chopping coriander", "a chef is slicing herbs", "a woman is chopping herbs", "a man is slicing some vegetables", "a woman is cutting a green vegetable with a knife", "a woman cuts up a green plant", "someone is cutting herbs", "people are slicing vegtables", "a woman is chopping some parsley", "the lady cut up the greens", "the cook is slicing parsley", "a woman cuts up parsley", "a lady cut up greens", "a telling the racipe for making the noodle", "a person is cutting the nabeyaki udon noodles", "a person is making nabeyaki udon noodle", "a person is slicing parsley", "a delicious looking dish attractively displayed", "a woman is cutting cilantro", "a woman is cutting vegetables", "a man is cutting coriander leaves", "a woman is chopping some herbs", "a woman is chopping up some herbs", "someone is slicing vegtables", "somebody is cutting some green leaves", "a chef cutting coriander into small pieces", "a person is cutting leaves", "a woman is chopping an herb", "a woman is cutting vegetables", "a cooking place", "making nabeyaki udon noodle", "the person is cutting the leaves", "how to cook receip", "a woman is cutting some herbs", "a woman choped coriender leaves", "frances on cooking with a dog showing how to make nabeyaki udon noodles", "a woman chops the stems and leaves of an herb", "a woman is chopping cilantro", "a woman is cutting a green leafy plant into small pieces", "a person is cutting coriander", "a chef chops some herbs", "a woman is slicing some vegetables", "a person with a knife is cutting a green vegetable", "a woman cuts up a leafy plant", "a woman is cutting herbs", "a woman is chopping parsley", "someone is cutting herbs", "a woman is chopping up parsley", "someone cut up greens", "the woman is slicing parsley", "a woman cuts up some parsley", "a lady cut up greens", "a woman is chopping vegetables", "a person is cooking", "she is the cutting the leaves", "a delicious dish attractively served", "a woman is cutting herbs", "a person is chopping cilantro", "a man is cutting a some leaves", "someone is chopping up some herbs", "a woman is cutting coriander into pieces", "a person coking", "a woman is saying about how to make the nabeyaki udon noodle", "a chef slices cilantro and then begins to open a quarter of butter", "a man is chopping leaves", "a women is making the food with her dog", "a man cooking his kichen", "the woman is cutting parsley", "chef is boiling vegetables", "good detail for nabeyaki udon noodle video", "a woman is cutting coriander leaves", "a woman cuts parsley" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man is boxing and kicking a padded stick while several people watch", "a man is punching and kicking a dummy", "a man is kicking and punching a target", "a man using a punching bag", "a man is practicing boxing", "a man is kicking and boxing with a punching bag", "a man is punching something", "a man is punching a post", "someone is punching something", "a man is punching and kicking", "the man boxed at the dummy pole", "the man is practicing boxing", "a martial artist practices with a dummy", "the man boxed at the totem pole", "a person is practicing", "a man is punchin a post", "a man is practicing", "strugling for live", "a man is beating up a dummy", "a man is boxing with the tree", "a man is punching a target", "a man is punching something", "a man doing boxing", "a man is punching a large stick", "a man is punching on tree", "the man practiced martial arts on the dummy", "a man is punching and kicking a dummy", "the man is jabbing at a dummy", "a man is boxing and kicking something", "a man kickboxes a pole", "the person is dong boxing", "the boy is doing the excising" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man being interviewed at a park event", "a man is speaking into a microphone", "a man is speaking into a microphone", "a man is speaking into a microphone", "a man is speaking to a crowd of people", "a man is speaking to an audience", "a man is speaking", "a man is talking into a microphone", "a man is talking", "a man is talking", "a man talks into a microphone", "a man talks", "an elderly man is giving his opinion amongst a gathering of people", "an older man speaks into a microphone", "the man is speaking to an audience", "the man spoke at a rally", "the man spoke at a rally", "tea party member is giving a speech", "a man is talking", "the person is speaking something", "a man is speaking on a microphone", "an old man is speaking through the mike", "a man is talking to the crowd", "a man speaking to a reporter", "n old man is talking to the crowd", "people were gathered in tea party", "an oldman is speaking", "a man talks into a microphone", "a man is giving interview", "a man is giving a seech", "a man is speaking about a verse", "a man talks into a microphone", "a man is lecturing on public placement", "a man is talking", "a man speaking something in a mic during a tea party", "a man giving a speech to the peoples", "a man talks into a microphone", "the old man is being interviewed", "a man speech in the crowed", "a person speaking their", "a man preaches to a crowd at a tea party", "a men give the interview", "a man is giving speech", "people are gathered in one place", "a man is speaking in front of a group outside", "tea party member stuns crowd original" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a small dog plays on the couch", "a cute puppy wearing a dress", "a dog in a dress is playing on a couch", "a dog in a dress is running around on a couch", "a dog is playing on a sofa", "a dog wearing a dress is running on a couch", "a little dog runs around on a couch", "a puppy is playing on a settee", "a puppy is playing on a sofa", "a puppy is playing on sofa", "a puppy is playing on the couch", "a puppy is running around on a sofa", "a puppy is wearing a dress", "a shih tzu dog in a frilly dress romps on a leather sofa before jumping down", "a small dog is playing on the sofa", "a small dog wearing a dress moves to and fro along the edge of a sofa and finally jumps to the floor below", "the dog is trying to get off the couch", "the dog tried to get off the couch", "the dog tried to get off the couch", "a dog is walking around a couch with a dress on", "the puppy is playing on sofa", "a small dog wearing a dress romps on the sofa", "the small dog is playing", "a puppy is wearing a dress", "a small puppy is running on the sofa", "a puppy is jumping off the sofa", "an animal is lying on the sofa", "a dog has dressed beautifully", "a dog in a pink dress is playing on a couch", "a puppy is walking on a sofa", "a dog is playing on the bed", "a dog is playing on a couch", "a puppy is jumping onto the ground from sofa", "a small dog gaming on the sopa", "a pyppy playing", "a dressed puppy on a couch", "a dog plays on a couch", "a puppy playing in sofa", "a puppy enjoying sofa seat", "a dog is on the couch", "a puppy is playing on a couch", "a dog is walking on a couch", "a cute little puppy trying and jumping down from a sofa", "a puppy playing and jumping on a sofa in a drawing room", "a little making a noise on the sofa", "a small dog wearing a dress figures out how to get off the couch", "a dog play on sofa", "a dog is playing on a couch", "a dog is playing", "a puppy on the sofa", "a small dog walks around on a couch wearing a tutu", "a small dog in a dress is running around on a love seat", "the puppy is wearing a dress and sitting on the couch", "a puppy is walking in the sofa", "a kitten is playing on the sofa", "a puppy prances around while wearing a dress" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "an older woman sitting in a chair is handcuffed by a police officer", "a woman is being handcuffed", "a policeman is putting handcuffs on an older lady", "a policeman is arresting a woman", "a cop handcuffs a woman", "a policeman is putting handcuffs on a woman", "a police man is tying something on an old lady s hand", "a police officer handcuffs an older woman", "a man is arresting a woman", "a police officer handcuffs an old woman", "a woman is being arrested", "a cop is putting hand cuffs on a woman", "a police officer handcuffs an elderly woman", "a police officer puts handcuffs on an old woman s wrists and takes her away as she talks something", "the officer cuffed the lady with handcuffs", "the policeman put handcuffs on the lady", "a police officer is handcuffing a woman", "a police officer handcuffs a woman", "the officer put handcuffs on the lady", "the policeman arrest the lady", "he is a gaming the lady", "old woman is arreested by police man", "one soilder helping to a lady", "a men is giving any thing to his mother", "an officer places handcuffs on a smiling woman", "a man is handcuffing a woman", "a woman is being hand cuffed", "the person is talking to women", "the policeman is handcuffing the lady", "a policeman arresting a lady", "a lady is red handed", "the police is arrest the old women", "a woman is being handcuffed", "a man putting lock to a woman", "a cop is arresting an old woman", "a police officer is handcuffing an old woman", "a police officer take a women", "the woman got arrested", "a police is putting a handcuff on a woman", "a policeman is handcuffing an old lady", "a policeman is arresting a lady", "the person is keeping watch to the old women", "a dog is catching one ball", "a women is arresting by the police", "a cop is arresting a woman" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man riding a street bike around a turn", "a biker is riding a bike on the road", "a man is racing his motorcycle", "a man is racing with his bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man makes a turn on his motorcycle", "a man races around a turn on a motorcycle", "a man riding a bike at great speed takes a sharp turn on a curved road", "a motocross biker runs a course", "a motorcycle speeds down the street", "a motorcyclist is racing on the track", "a motorcyclist is taking a curve on a track", "a person is driving a motorcycle around a bend in the road", "an individual races a motorbike", "someone is racing a motorcycle", "someone is riding a motorcycle", "the man and his motorcycle went around a curve", "the man went around a corner on his motorcycle", "a motorcyclist drives around a curve", "a man performing bike race", "the person is going on bike", "a bike is racing down the race track at high speed", "the boy is playing video games", "a teenager playing a video game sees himself as a dirt bike racer", "a man turns on a motorcycle", "a person is riding a motorcycle", "a women is laughing", "a man is performing a bike race", "a man is riding on a bike", "a man is riding a bike", "a man speeding down a track on a motorcycle", "a man is riding on bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle on a track", "a man is driving bike on racing track", "a man is racing a motorcycle on a track", "a man racing a motorcycle", "someone rides a motorcycle through a turn", "a man riding the bike", "a man is riding a bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a bike very fast in a bike race", "a chinese lady eating something on a dining table", "the motorbike racer passing on the road", "a lady is laughing", "a man is racing a motorcycle", "a person is racing a motorbike on a track", "a men ride a bike", "someone is riding a motorcycle down the street", "a man is riding bike", "someone is racing on a motorcycle", "a motorcycle is being raced around a track", "someone rides a motorcycle around a sharp curve", "the bike race will be in the clip" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man rides a motorcycle", "a man is driving a motorcycle", "a man is riding a bike on the ground with their luggage", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding on a motor bike", "a man rides a motorcycle across a field", "a man rides a motorcycle", "a man wearing a backpack is riding a motorcycle", "a man with a backpack rides a motorbike on a muddy area and comes to a sudden halt", "the man is riding a motorcycle", "the man rode his motorcycle down a dirt road", "the man rode his motorcycle down the dirt road", "this video is a short clipping of bike chase scene starring john abraham", "actor riding a bike in the movie", "the person is going on the bike", "a man riding on the motor bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "the two groups fighting with each other", "a man rides a motorcycle", "a guy is sitting in the middle of the road", "hrithick rhosan is riding a bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding on a bike", "a man is riding a bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding bike on grass", "someone riding a motorcycle", "he is a bik racing", "a boy is driving his bike", "a man riding a motorcycle", "john abraham in an action scene trailer from a movie", "john abraham riding bike in doom movie", "a man driving a motorcycle", "someone is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding a bike", "a man driving a very big bike with lots of baggage", "a short clip from the movie dhoom showing john abraham a bollywood actor", "an indian actor riding the bike in very high speed in a movie", "a guy is sitting in the road", "john abraham dhoom last scene to chases", "indian actor john abraham rides a motorbike with luggage on his back", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "it is the last scene of the film dhoom part one", "a man is riding a motorcycle", "a man is riding on the bike", "a man is riding a motorcycle through a field" ]
What is the video about?
[ "someone holding a rack of ribs with tongs slices off a rib with a knife", "a man is slicing ribs", "a person is slicing a rack of ribs", "a person is cutting a meat", "a person is cutting barbecued ribs with a knife", "a person is slicing some meat", "someone is cutting some meat", "someone is cutting ribs", "someone is slicing meat", "a man is cutting up some ribs", "a man cuts a slice from a barbequed pork meat slab using a small knife and a pair of tongs", "the man separated the ribs from the rack", "the man is slicing the barbecued ribs", "a person cuts some meat", "someone cut a rack of bbq ribs", "the men cutting", "someone is cutting a slab of ribs", "someone preparing something", "a lady is cutting the meat using knife", "this fry was nice", "someone is slicing some meat", "starting to slice bbq ribs", "someone is cutting barbecue ribs", "the man cut the ribs off the rack", "a man cooking his kichen", "the man is cutting the barbecued ribs" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a shirtless man is doing pullups from a door frame", "a man is doing pull ups", "a man is doing exercise", "a man is exercising", "a man is doing exercises", "a man is doing pullups", "a man is exercising", "a man is doing pullups", "someone is exercising", "a man is doing pull ups", "the man did chinups in the doorway", "the man is exercising", "a man does chinups in a doorway", "the man did chinup in the doorway", "a man is doing pull ups", "a person exercising", "the person is doing the something", "look at my face in the mirror pawan kalyan fr", "a man is doing exercise", "a man is doing pull ups", "a man is doing pullups", "a man is exercising", "a man is doing pullups in a doorway", "the man did chin ups on the door frame", "the man is exercising", "a man doing a pull up exercise", "tamil song" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a car stops to pick up a hitchhiker", "a dressed up person tries to get a ride", "a man dressed as death is hitchhiking", "a man in a costume is hitch hiking", "a man in a devil suit hitchhiked along the road", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man wearing a demon mask and carrying a trident is hitchhiking on a road and a car pulls over to pick him up", "a person in costume is hitchhiking along the road", "a person is hitchhiking on a road", "a skeleton is hitchhiking", "a woman and man are dancing", "someone is asking for a lift", "someone is hitch hiking in a costume", "the grim reaper catches a ride", "the man in the costume hitchhiked along the dirt road", "the man is hitchhiking", "the boy is walking", "a women is asking lift", "a man in a costume is hitch hiking", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man wearing mask asking the lift", "the person is taking lift", "a devil taking lift", "kostim kostura", "a man is trying to hitch hike", "someone wearing zombie dress", "someone in a costume is hitchhiking", "a person in a skeleton costume is hitchhiking", "a devil walking", "people are coming in car", "a man is wearing a mask and asking for a lift", "a man with a getup of a ghost asking for a lift on highway", "the people s are going in the car", "a ghost like person dissapear in front of car", "a person is hitchhiking", "a person is asking for the lift", "a man in a scary costume hitchhikes on the side of a road", "death hitchhikes in the desert" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a shirtless man is sitting in an armchair", "a man without a shirt is sitting on a chair", "a shirtless man is sitting on a chair", "a bare chested man is sitting in a chair nodding his head", "a man is sitting on a chair", "a man is sitting on a couch", "a man without a shirt is sitting in an armchair", "a man is sitting on a chair", "a man is sitting on sofa", "a man without a shirt on is sitting in a chair", "a shirtless man sits in a chair", "a man is sitting in a chair", "a man is sitting still", "a man is sitting in a chair", "the shirtless man sat in a chair", "the man is sitting down", "a shirtless man is sitting in an armchair", "a man sits in a chair", "the man sat in his chair and stared", "the person is in dreams", "a man is sitting in a chair", "a man is sitting on the sofa", "the man is sitting", "a man is sitting in a chair", "a man is sitting in a chair", "a person is sitting on the chair", "a fatty man sit their", "the man sat in his chair an stared", "a man is sitting in a chair", "a man is seeing the tv", "the man is sitting down", "a men is sitting", "something weird confessions of a psycho cat video", "a man is sitting", "a shirtless man relaxes in a chair" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a guy is talking to another guy", "a man flips someone off", "a man flips someone off", "a man gives another man the finger", "a man gives the middle finger", "a man in a jail cell motions to a man in another cell who shows the first man his middle finger", "a man in a prison cell is motioning a man in another cell and that man is displaying his middle finger to the first man", "a man is fighting in prison", "a man is making some fight movements", "a man is showing his figure", "a man is sticking up his middle finger", "one man gives another man the middle finger", "one prisoner gives another prisoner the middle finger", "the men are in jail", "the men gave hand signals to each other", "the men made signs with their hands", "two men are intimidating each other", "a man showing the thumb", "they are fighting", "the person is doing the something", "looked for fight", "a man is taunting another man", "tow persons are showing gesture", "the everlasting doubt about whether oz portrayed prison life realistically or notoz taken a long and creative stretched to flesh out the stories and characters", "a man flips the middle finger to another man", "a man calling other man", "two persons calling each other", "a man is posing martial art", "a man is speaking an another man", "a man flips off another man", "a man is showing his middle finger to another man", "boy is practising kunfu", "two men are motioning to each other", "a man showing middle finger", "a man is calling somebody to fight with him", "a men in prison", "a man gives another man the middle finger", "a man showing stunts", "a short clip about prisoners in jail", "two guys teases each other", "two men are gesturing to eachother from prison cells", "a man is raising his middle finger", "oz prison ryan oreily", "a man makes a rude gesture to his opponent that implies fuck you", "thrilling video is this", "one man gestures for another man to come to him" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "milk is being into a huge bowl of eggs", "someone prepare cooking", "a girl is mixing a mixture", "a lady is pouring milk into a bowl", "a person is adding milk into a bowl containing raw eggs", "a woman adds milk to a bowl of cracked eggs", "a woman adds some milk to eggs in a bowl", "a woman is adding milk to a bowl conntaining eggs", "a woman is adding milk to the egg mix", "a woman is pouring liquid into a pan", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl containing a beaten egg", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl of eggs", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl of eggs", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl with egg in it", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl", "a woman is pouring milk into a bowl", "a woman is pouring milk into a cooking bowl", "a woman is pouring milk into a steel bowl", "a woman is pouring milk to some dish", "a woman mixed milk with liquid of egg", "a woman pours milk in a bowl", "a woman pours milk into a stainless steel mixing bowl", "a woman pours milk into an egg mixture", "a woman pours milk into bowl of egg mixture", "an egg is being whisked in a bowl", "in video a woman is mixing eeg with milk in a bowl", "milk is being added to the eggs", "milk is slowly added to a mixture in a bowl", "one chef is making a dish", "someone is pouring milk into a stainless steel bowl with eggs in", "the girl poured milk into a bowl of eggs mixture", "the women pored milk in to the mixture", "woman preparing pancakes", "women shuffle milk and egg in a bowl", "she mix milk into egg and shaking" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a man cutting up a fruit", "a cook cuts up a potato", "a eggplant is being sliced", "a man is cutting an eggplant", "a man is slicing an eggplant", "a man peels and slices an eggplant", "a person is cutting an eggplant into pieces with a knife", "a person is cutting an eggplant into pieces", "a person is cutting up an eggplant", "a person is peeling and slicing an eggplant", "a person is slicing and cutting an eggplant", "a person peels and slices an eggplant", "an individual peels and cuts up food", "someone is slicing an eggplant", "someone peeled and sliced a fruit", "someone sliced a piece of fruit", "the cook is peeling and slicing an eggplant", "using a knife", "the person is cutting the something", "the man is cutting and chopping the brinjal", "this is lamb moussaka burger recipe", "a person peels and chops an eggplant", "a fruit or vegetable is being sliced repeatedly", "a man is cutting the brinjal", "a man is preparing lamb burger recipe", "a person is peeling and slicing an eggplant", "an eggplant is peeled and sliced", "a woman is peeling an apple", "a man is cutting some vegetable", "a man chops up a potatoe", "a person is cutting a brinjal into pieces", "someone is cutting a cover of brinjal", "a man is slicing an eggplant", "a chef is cutting an eggplant", "an eggplant is cut up", "a person cutting cheese on the cutting board", "a man slicing some vegetable", "some one making slices", "someone is slicing a vegetable", "somebody is slicing vegetables", "a man preparing some sort of lamb burger recipe", "a person is preparing for food", "someone cutting the apple for make any dish", "someone is slicing up some eggplant", "a person is cutting an eggplant", "delicious moussaka lamb burger in a tv show", "a man preparing the lamb burger recipe", "a person is making lamb moussaka burger", "a man is cutting eggplant", "a cooking section", "a men cuting moussaka burger", "a person cuts an eggplant", "a eggplant is being diced by a chef", "a man is peeling and slicing an eggplant", "the cook is peeling and slicing an eggplant", "a man is peeling bringal", "a chef is making lamb mousakka burger", "a man is peeling and slicing an eggplant" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a white cat is facing a wall and appears to be talking", "a cat is looking at a wall", "a cat is sitting on a desk looking up at something", "a cat is speaking", "a cat looks like it s speaking", "a white cat is meowing at a spot of light on the wall", "a cat is meowing", "a cat is meowing", "a cat is looking at a wall", "a cat is meowing at a wall", "a cat squawks at the wall", "a cat is staring at a rainbow on the wall", "a kitten is looking at a wall", "a cat is meowing at a wall", "the cat looked at something on the wall", "the cat is looking at a wall", "a cat looks at a rainbow on the wall", "the cat looked at a shadow on the wall", "the cat is playing", "a view of a playful cat", "a cat is making sound to looking at the wall", "a cat talking to a shadow", "a cat is meowing at the wall", "featuring cat", "a white cat meows", "a white cat meowing at light", "a cat is looking at the wall", "a cat is looking at the wall", "a cat is meowing at a rainbow on the wall", "a cat is saying something", "the cat looked at something on the wall", "a cat is meowing", "a cat is so funny", "a cat is playing", "the cat is meowing", "the cat is talking", "wow", "a cat stares at a wall and meows" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a man is riding a horse down the street", "a man is riding a horse down the street", "a man is riding a horse on a paved road", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding on a trotting horse", "a man is riding on the back of a brown horse as it trots down the road", "a man is riding on the horse", "a man rides a horse", "a man riding a horse through a town", "a person is riding a horse", "someone is riding a horse", "the man is riding the horse", "a boy is riding horse", "a horse running on the road", "a boy is driving a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding horse", "a man is riding in horse", "a man riding in the horse on the road", "the man riding his horse", "nice horse riding", "a boy is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse along a road", "a man is riding a horse along a road", "a man is riding a horse down the street", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding horse", "a man is riding on a horse", "a man is riding on a horse", "a man is riding on horse", "a man riding his horse", "a man rode a horse down the street", "a man trotted by on a horse", "a man wering a red cap riding a horse at trotting speed", "a ypung man is riding on a horse", "guy riding a horse", "horse riding", "someone rides a horse through an open gate", "the man is riding a horse", "the man is riding a horse", "a person wearing cap and riding a horse in the street" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a young man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar while seated", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "someone is playing guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "the man played his guitar", "the man is playing the guitar", "a man plays the guitar", "the man played his guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing instrument", "a man playing guitar", "buenas bro tocas bn chvree es una des musicas k me gusta men te felixito m", "a man is palying the music", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a man playing guitar", "a man playing guitar", "a man playing music", "a man plays guitar", "a person is playing guitar", "a young man playing the guitar", "the man is playing the guitar", "a man playing guitar" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man holds his hand in the air", "a bright triangle shape appears on the hand of a man", "a hand is shown with it s fingers spread and a light shining on it", "a man extends his hand", "a man has his arm outstretched and is staring at a yellow triangle that appears on the back of the hand", "a man is gazing intently at his palm outstretched against a bright yellow and brown colored triangular patch", "a man is reaching out his hand", "a man is staring at his hand", "a man is stretching out his arm and looking at the back of his open hand", "a man is watching the triforce appear on his hand", "a man stares at the symbol on his hand", "a young man is staring at his hand", "the man is holding out his hand", "zelda is invited to go along but there are rules to follow", "a man looking at his hand", "movie trailer for legend of zelda", "trailer of movie legend of zelda", "a triangle shaped light is fall on the man s hand", "a man has a glowing triangular symbol on his hand", "a guy is showing his hand", "a man has a triangle on his hand", "a man holds his hand out", "a man holds his hand out", "a man holds his right hand in front of him with his arm extended and the palm turned out", "a man is holding out his hand", "a man is lifting his hand", "a man is looking at a glowing triangle on the back of his hand", "a man is looking at a triangle that is appearing on his hand", "a man is noticing a strange sign glowing on his hand", "a man is showing his hand on a golden plate", "a man is staring at his hand with his fingers wide apart", "a man is thrusting his hand forward and causing it to glow", "a man is trying to touch triangles", "a man rising his hands with emotion", "a man stretched out his hand", "a man stretched out his hand", "a man stretches out his open hand", "movie trailer of legend of zelda", "the man is holding out his hand", "the man s hand is glowing", "trailer for film legend of zelda" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "children are dancing", "a few little girls and a little boy are dancing", "a very young child is dancing with some older children", "children are dancing", "children are dancing", "little kids are dancing at a wedding reception", "a little boy is dancing", "kids are dancing", "a little boy is dancing along with other kids", "a young toddler is dancing", "a toddler dances with a group of kids", "a baby is dancing", "kids are dancing", "several kids are dancing on a basketball court", "the little boy danced at the wedding reception", "the children are dancing", "some kids dance around", "the little boy danced on the gym floor", "a toddler dances in a gym", "children are dancing", "a little boy is dancing", "the dancing baby", "a girl is dancing", "a baby is dancing", "baby drass is super", "a group of kids are dancing", "some small baby dancing", "some children are dancing", "a baby is dancing", "the baby is dancing", "some children s are dancing", "a group of children are dancing", "children are dancing", "several children are dancing", "children dance" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a cat is eating from a cup while a puppy repeatedly bites on the cat s ear", "a puppy is biting a cats ear", "a puppy is chewing on a cats ear", "a cat is eating out of a bowl and a puppy is biting the cats ear", "a cat is eating while a puppy chews on its ear", "a puppy is playing with a cat", "a dog is messing with a cat trying to get a drink of water", "a puppy is chewing a cats ear", "a puppy is biting a cats ear", "a dog is biting a cats ear", "the puppy bit the cat s ear so that he might be able to get some food out of the bowl", "the puppy is teasing the cat", "a cat is trying to eat while a puppy chews on his ear", "a dog bites a cat s ear", "a puppy is gnawing a cats ear as it tries to eat", "the puppy bit the cat s ear so that he might be able to get some of the food in the bowl", "the cat is drinking the milk", "a cat is eating the food and a puppy is biting its ear", "a puppy is biting a cats ear", "a dog is biting the cat s ear who is drinking milk", "a puppy is biting a cats ear", "dog and cat drinking on the milk", "cute dog and cat are eating food", "a dog is chewing on a cats ear", "the dog bit the cat s ear so that he might be able to get some food out of the bowl", "a cat is playing", "the puppy is biting the cat s ear", "a cat and kitten is eating" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man breaks a block of ice by swinging a long handled metal tool at it", "a man smashes a block of ice", "a man smashes a block of ice", "a man demolishes a block of ice with a hammer that has a sharp spike on the end of the hammer head", "a man slams a block of ice with a pick axe", "a man is hitting a block of ice with an ax", "a man hit a block of ice with a hammer", "a man is breaking ice", "a man is breaking an ice block", "a man is breaking a block of ice with a pick", "a man hits a ice cube with a tool", "a man is hitting a block of ice with a sword", "the man broke the block of ice with a sledgehammer", "the man used a pick axe to slice the ice cube", "a man smashes a block of ice with a long handled hammer", "a man breaks a glass block with a hammer", "the man chopped the block of ice with a sledge hammer", "people using hammer for various acts", "a man crushes a cube of ice", "a man broking the cold steel", "the person is broken the cold steel", "a man is striking on a piece of ice with a war hammer", "someone is smashing a piece of ice", "ice smasher", "a man is hitting ice with a pick", "a man smashes a block of ice", "a man breaking ice with hammer", "a man is breaking a block of ice", "the person is broken the ice", "a man breaking a big ice cube with hammer", "a man is breaking a big block of ice", "the man chopped the ice block into little bits with a pickaxe", "the man used a pick axe to cut an ice block", "a man hits a block of ice with a large hammer" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "someone is holding and petting a baby tiger", "a person is holding a baby tiger", "a man is holding a baby tiger", "someone is petting a tiger cub", "a woman is petting a tiger cub", "someone is holding a baby tiger", "a man is stroking a tiger cub", "a woman is holding a baby tiger", "a tiger cub is making a sound", "someone is holding a tiger cub", "a baby tiger is being held", "a person is holding a baby tiger", "the baby tiger was sleepy", "the person is holding a baby tiger", "a person plays with a tiger", "the baby tiger tried to open his sleepy eyes", "a baby tiger is playing", "a person playing with the cat", "a woman is rubbing a baby tigers face", "someone pick up a lion", "the tiger is playing", "a baby tiger is sleeping", "a cute baby tiger is sleeping", "a person holding small tiger", "a tiger cub makes some sounds", "a woman hold a baby cub and playing with him", "a woman is petting a tiger", "the baby lion is very cute", "the person is holding a tiger cub" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "two young men in karate outfits are doing some kind of synchronized dance outdoors on the grass", "two boys are demonstrating fighting moves", "two boys are doing fighting moves", "two men are putting on a display of martial art moves", "two men are doing karate", "two people are doing martial arts in front of an audience", "men are doing stunts", "two people are dancing", "two people are performing karate moves", "two men are doing karate", "two men are demonstrating martial arts", "two men are giving a synchronized martial art performance in front of a crowd at a fun fair", "the men did a martial arts routine for the crowd", "the men are doing martial arts demonstration", "two men are demonstrating martial arts", "two people perform a martial arts demonstration", "the people demonstrated martial arts in the open", "the guys are doing some martial arts in a show", "the persons are dancing", "two boys are doing jodo karate", "two men are dancing", "two person exercising", "peoples are sitting", "the men are doing a martial arts demonstration", "two boys performing karate moves", "two men are dancing", "two persons are performing marchal arts", "the boys are doing the something", "the persons are dancing", "a man learning kumphu" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a watermelon is being sliced with a cleaver", "a person cutting watermelon", "the water melon is being cut into three parts with a knife", "a man is slicing watermelon", "a man cuts through melon with a knife", "a big piece of watermelon is being cut into smaller ones", "watermelon is being sliced", "a person is slicing watermelon", "its a video the water milon is being cut with a big knife", "in video watermilon is been cut in the pieces wiht the knife", "a watermelon gets sliced", "water melon being diced into slices before serving", "someone is slicing pieces of watermelon into smaller pieces", "a woman is slicing watermelon", "a person is cutting watermelon", "in the video the watermelon is being cut into pieces with a knife", "a watermelon is being sliced", "a person is slicing a water melon", "the hand is slicing a watermelon", "a person cutting watermelon", "a person cuts watermelon with a knife", "someone uses a large knife to cut a watermelon", "sliced fruit", "a water melon is being sliced", "watermelon is being sliced with a large knife", "someone is cutting the water melon", "a man cutting the watermelon", "a person slicing a watermelon", "a water melon is shown being sliced with a large knife", "a person is cutting watermelon", "someone is slicing watermelon", "an individual is slicing a watermelon", "a person slices watermelon", "someone is cutting up watermelon", "someone is slicing a watermelon with a cleaver", "using only one hand", "a person is cutting watermelon into pieces", "watermelon being sliced", "someone is slicing watermelleon with a machete" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man in a loosing attempt to hitchhike", "a lady did not pick up a hitchhiker", "a man asks for a ride from a woman driving a car", "a man hitchhikes on the side of the road", "a man is asking for a lift to a woman going in a car", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man standing on one side of the road asks for a lift as a woman in a blue car passes by", "a man tries to hitchhike a ride from a woman in a convertible", "a woman drives by a hitchhiking man who is smoking", "a woman in a car ignores a hitchhiking man", "a woman passes a hitch hiker", "the girl drove past the hitchhiker", "the man is hitchhiking", "the man asking lift", "a man is standing in the hill top", "a man is trying to hitch hike", "a girl is driving a car", "a woman driving pass a man", "a woman driving car", "the man is trying to hitchhike and the woman is driving past him", "a man is asking for lift", "a men waiting", "a man is hitch hiking", "a woman drives past a hitchhiker", "a woman in a convertible passes up a hitchhiker", "a woman in her car passes by a hitchhiker", "a car stopping for a man", "a man is trying to hitch a ride but a woman driver ignores him", "a lone man standing outdoors with a hillock in the background", "a car passes by a hitchhiker", "a man is asking lift to the driving lady", "a man trying to hitch a ride", "a man is hitchhiking on the side of the road and a car passes him", "a man is asking for lift", "hitch hiking or smoking", "man singing", "a woman drives past a hitchhiker", "a woman drives past a hitchhiker", "a man is hitchhiking", "a man is trying to hitchhike and get a girl in a blue car to pick him up", "a man is asking for pick and drop", "a man is hitchhiking along the side of a road", "a man standing on the roadside and asking for lift from a car", "a man stood on the road asking for lift", "a hitchhiker", "a man gestures to give him a ride", "the man is hitchhiking", "a man is asking for lift from a lady", "a man is hitch hiking", "a woman is driving past a male hitchhiker", "the man asked the lift", "a man is stretching his hands to a car for a lift", "a man asking for a ride", "a man want a lift in the ad" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a bunch of ants are gathering bits of food", "a colony of ants are gathering food", "a group of red fire ants are busy accumulating some material", "a large group of insects congregate", "a swarm of ants eat a chunk of food", "ants are carrying food", "ants are crawling around", "ants are eating something difficult to identify", "ants are eating something", "ants are eating their food", "ants are eating", "ants are gathering food", "ants are gathering food", "fire ants are eating flesh", "several ants are eating a piece of fruit", "some fire ants are attending to eggs", "the ants swarmed for food", "the ants were busy gathering food", "the ants were scavenging", "the antes eating something", "a view of flesh eating ants", "ants are gathering food", "ants are eating", "ants eating flesh", "ants are eating something", "some ants are crawling", "eating ants", "ants are eating", "a short clip showing some extremely dangerous flesh eating ants", "ants are eating flesh", "a short clip showing some dangerous flesh eating ants", "two is fighting to each other", "some ants are eating each other", "fire ants are gathering food", "group of ants eating piece of flesh", "the ant putting his egg", "brilliant ants save for his food" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "the plane landed at the airport", "an airplane is landing", "an airplane is lifting off", "a passenger jet is landing on the runway", "a plane is running on a runway", "an airplane is landing on a runway", "a airplane is landing", "a plane is landing on runway", "a passenger plane is landing on a runway", "a plane is landing on a runway", "a plane lands on a runway", "a plane is landing", "a plane is landing on the runway", "the jet taxied down the runway", "the plane landed on the runway", "a plane rides on a road", "an airplane moves along a runway", "the jet taxied on the runway", "aeroplane wheel sideway during landing", "a plane is taking off from the ground", "a plane landing on the track", "an airoplane is landing", "landing a air plane", "the aeroplane is landing", "a plane is landing on a runway", "a plane is landing", "a plane is landing", "an aeroplane is landing", "a commercial airliner is landing", "an aeroplane reducing its speed and coming down for landing", "an aeroplane is taking off", "a plane has landed on the ground", "a aeroplane wheel sideway during landing", "the plane landed on the runway", "an aeroplane is flying", "the aeroplane is landing on the ground", "the flight is takeof end again lending", "a aeroplane is landing shortly" ]
What is the video about?
[ "a cat volleys a small ball then knocking over wooden pieces", "a ball repeatedly passed to a grey cat is pushed by him against a set of wooden penguin dolls placed ahead", "a cat is batting a ball away and knocking over wooden pieces", "a cat is bowling", "a cat is knocking down wooden figures with a ball", "a cat is knocking over blocks with a ball", "a cat is pawing a ball towards wood animals", "a cat is playing with a ball and knocking down objects", "a cat is playing with a ball", "a cat knocks over toys with a ball", "a cat plays bowling with a little ball and some wood figurines", "a cat plays with a ball", "a cat rolls a ball toward wooden pins", "a cat rolls a ball", "a cat uses a ball to knock over some figurines", "the cat bowled a wooden ball into the wooden pins", "the cat is playing bowling", "the cat swung a ball at some standing wooden seals", "a cat doing some funny acts", "a cat is bowling", "a cat is playing", "a cat is playing with a ball", "a cat is pushing a ball into toys knocking them down", "a cat is standing", "a funny cat playing", "a ball is kicked by a cat", "a cat is bowling", "a cat is knocking over wooden figurines with a ball", "a cat is playing", "a cat is playing bowling", "a cat is playing bowling", "a cat is playing skittles", "a cat is playing with a ball", "a cat is playing with a ball", "a cat is playing with a ball", "a cat is playing", "a cat is seeing", "a cat is turning its head", "a cat is walking on the floor", "a cat knocks some wooden penguins down with a ball", "a cat playing with some sort of wooden toys", "a cornered cat playing with a ball which is coming to it", "a person is playing with a cat", "very fat cat", "a cat is playing with the ball" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "someone cuts a circle out of a piece of pink paper and cuts into the center on one side with scissors", "a person is cutting a piece of paper", "a person cuts a circle from paper", "someone is cutting a piece of paper into a circular shape", "a person is cutting a piece of pink paper with a pair of scissors", "a woman is cutting papers", "a woman is cutting a piece of paper into a circular shape", "a person with scissors is cutting a circle of pink paper", "someone is cutting paper with scissors", "someone is making a paper cone", "a person cuts a pink paper", "the person is using scissors to cut paper", "someone is cutting a piece of paper with scissors", "a person cuts some paper", "someone is cutting a circle out of a pink sheet of paper", "the man cut a circl out of the red paper", "the person is cutting the paper", "a person is cutting a circle in pink paper", "a person is cutting a piece of paper", "a person cutting a paper", "someone is cutting a piece of paper", "somebody is cutting a paper", "a person is cutting some pink paper", "a man cutting a paper in round shape with scissors", "the lady cut a circle out of red paper", "the person is cutting paper", "anyone is cutting paper", "a woman is cutting a paper with a scissors" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man is running down a street and the scene flashes to a man and woman bowing", "a man is running", "a man is running", "a man is running down a road and then the scene switches and he s doing pushups in front of a woman", "a man is doing exercises", "a man is running down the road", "a man is running", "a man is running on a road", "a man is running down a road", "a man is running", "a man is running", "a man is running on a road lined with trees", "the man ran down the road", "the man is running", "a man is running down a wooded road", "a man runs along a road", "the man ran down the road", "a man is running up a street", "a man running very fast and working out", "a men is running very fast", "one man is running", "a man is running", "a man is running down the road", "a man is running", "a man is running", "a man is running", "a man is running", "a man running", "a man runs down a road and then another man does pushups", "a movie named as look at my face in the mirror", "pavan kalyan is running", "the boy is running", "the man is running", "the man ran down the country road", "very super face in the hero", "a man is running on the street", "a man is running on the road" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a baby playing a guitar in a crib", "a baby is playing a guitar", "a boy is playing a guitar", "a boy is playing a guitar", "a boy is playing with guitar", "a child is singing and holding a guitar", "a small boy is singing a song strumming a guitar in his hands", "a toddler dances and strums a guitar", "a toddler playing guitar singing", "a toddler wearing a diaper is playing a guitar", "the boy is singing and dancing with the guitar", "the child played the guitar on the couch", "the child sang with a guitar on the couch", "a small boy playing the guitar", "the small boy is playing guitar", "a baby is playing with gitur", "a cute baby is playing a guitar", "a little boy is playing the guitar and singing", "a boy is playing guitar", "a small boy playing guitar", "a child singing a song with gitar", "a small child is playing the guitar", "a child playing a gitter", "a little boy is playing the guitar", "a very young boy is standing on a couch", "a baby plays a guitar", "a little boy is playing a guitar", "a guitar is played by a baby", "a baby is playing a guitar", "a small kid is playing guitar and singing through the mike", "a child is singing with the guitar", "a cute baby is playing guitar", "a toddler is playing a guitar and dancing", "a small kid is playing guitar", "a toddler is playing the guitar and singling along", "a child with a guitar", "a young child is playing the guitar and singing", "a boy is playing guitar", "a baby is playing a guitar", "a small child playing guitar and enjoying the show", "a child is singing and playing the guitar", "a baby playing music", "a young child is playing with a guitar", "a baby boy imitates pop star by singing and dancing with a guitar", "a toddler is dancing and singing with a guitar", "the baby is singing and playing the guitar", "a little kid plays the guitar", "a baby is playing guitar", "a child is holding a guitar and singing", "a toddler pretends to play guitar", "the chilled is playing guttar", "a child is playing some instrument", "a kid is enjoying on guitar", "a baby performing guitar" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a hamster runs on his mill", "a hamster gets inside a spinning drum", "a hamster gets into an exercise wheel and spins it so fast he s thrown out of it", "a hamster is on a exercise wheel", "a hamster is running fast enough in a wheel to get knocked out of it", "a hamster is running on hamster wheel", "a hamster is spinning in a wheel", "a hamster is spinning very fast in its wheel and then falls out of it", "a hamster runs on a wheel", "a hamster runs on a wheel", "the hamster is on the spinning wheel", "the hamster ran in his wheel", "the hamster ran in the wheel", "a hamster is in the cage", "hamster is doing a funny thing", "a hamster is running on it s running wheel", "a mouse playing", "a hamster running and falling off a wheel", "a rat showing tricks on some thing", "a small rat doing some funny acts", "a rat is running in the box", "a rat moves in to machine and it rotates oppositely then the rat is trying to run faster and it failed", "a mouse playing", "a hamster is spinning on his wheel", "a hamster falls out of the wheel after running on it", "a hamster falls of a hamster wheel", "a hamster runs fast on wheel falls", "a hamster runs in a wheel and falls", "a mouse is playing inside the turbo hamster", "a hamster is running on a hamster wheel", "a hamster runs very quickly on a hamster wheel", "a hamster running", "a rushian hampster running in its wheel stopping and continuing to spin with the wheel untill he falls out", "a hamster runs in a wheel", "a hamster is spinning in a wheel", "a hamster is running on a wheel", "a rat is playing", "a hamster is running on a wheel", "a rat doing some kind of funny act by revolving himself in a turbo machine", "a hamster is running in a wheel and then falls off of the wheel", "a hamster runs on a wheel", "a rat runs like on a treadmill in the rotating cylinder", "a hamster is running fast enough on his wheel that he throws himself out of the wheel", "a hamster runs on its exercise wheel at hyper speed", "turbo hamster", "very cleaver animal", "the rabbit is playing", "a rat is playing", "a rat jomp and struck in the spinning machiene" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "two men are playing musical instruments", "a man is playing a guitar", "someone is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a person is playing a guitar", "a man plays an electric guitar", "a man is playing electric guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a person playing a guitar", "two people played their guitars together", "the men are playing the guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "the man s fingers moved quickly on the guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a men playing a gitter", "a person is playing a guitar", "someone playing gitar", "the man is playing gitter", "a guy is playing guitar", "a male is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing a guitar", "a man is playing electric guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing guitar", "a man is playing the guitar", "a man is strumming a guitar", "a man is teaching guitar", "a man playing an electric guitar", "a man playing music", "a man playing the guitar", "a man playing the guitar", "a man plays a blue electric guitar", "a man teaching to play guitar", "a person is playing guitar", "a person is playing the guitar", "a person plays the electric guitar", "an electric guitar is played", "andy james gives an overview of his dvd", "group playing some sort of new tunes on a guitar", "guys playing guitars", "learn how to play an electric guitar", "someone is playing guitar", "someone plays guitar", "teaching how to play guitar", "two men are playing guitars", "two musicians playing music in their guitars", "two people playing musical instraments", "two young men are strumming guitars in unison", "a man is playing some instrument", "adjusting an instrument", "a man is playing guitar", "a man performing guitar" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a woman rides her horse at walking speed", "a girl is riding a horse", "a jockey rides a horse around an arena", "a man is riding a horse", "a person is riding a horse along a perimeter", "a person is riding a horse", "a person is riding their horse in an arena", "a woman is riding a horse in an arena", "a woman is riding a horse in an arena", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is seated on a horse as it prances along the periphery of a stadium", "a woman rides a show horse in a stadium", "the horse and rider performed in a competition", "the horse and rider trotted around the ring", "the man is riding a horse", "a man is riding on the horse", "a girl is riding a horse in a stadium", "a girl is riding a horse", "a man is rading a horse", "a men walking on horse", "a sweety show with a beuty", "a woman is riding a horse", "in circus horse ride", "it is a 4horse district show", "one man riding on horse", "someone is doing horse rig ding ina stadium", "the man is riding a horse", "there is a horse race", "a boy riding a horse by taking a getup of a polo player", "a girl is riding a horse", "a girl is riding in the horse", "a girl participating in an equitation show", "a jockey riding a horse in an indoor stadium", "a lady riding a horse", "a man is riding a horse", "a man is riding his horse", "a man is riding in a horse", "a man is riding on a horse", "a man is riding on the horse", "a person is riding a horse in a stadium", "a person is riding a horse in an arena", "a person is riding a horse", "a person is riding the horse", "a rider is walking her horse inside", "a woman is riding a horse around in a stadium", "a woman is riding a horse in a equestrian event", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a horse", "a woman is riding a tan horse inside", "a woman is riding on a horse", "a woman rides a horse for jumping show", "a woman riding on the horse in equitation ground", "some one riding on horse", "someone is riding a horse", "someone is riding a horse", "the woman is riding a horse", "a horse riding show in a stadium" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man is talking to another man", "two men are talking", "a man is talking to another man while it rains outside", "a man talks to another man", "it s raining outside while two men are standing inside a glassed in area talking", "the man approached another man looking out the window", "the man approached another man with a complaint", "the men are talking", "two men are discussing something", "two men are having a conversation as it is raining in the background", "two men are having a conversation", "two men are talking to each other", "two men are talking while it rains outside", "two men are talking while it s raining", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men have a discussion while it rains outside", "actor shivaji talking with kamala haashan", "an old man advising his son", "father giving an advise to his son", "it is a scene of south indian tamil movie", "one person talking to another person", "the thevar magan was the wonderful tamil movie", "thevar magan", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two person discussing", "a man approaches another man at a doorway", "a man is talking to another man", "a movie scene from a telugu movie in which two persons are negotiating with each other", "father cajol s son to stay in village along with him", "men are arguing", "sivaji is talking to kamal hassan in a film sequence", "the father and son discus with serious matter in rainy day at home", "the men are having a conversation", "two men are discussing each other", "two men are having a conversation", "two men are speaking", "two men are talking in a building during a rain shower", "two men are talking in front of a fountain", "two men are talking while it rains outside", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men are talking", "two men talk to one another", "two persons are talking with each other", "two men are discussing something", "two men are talking" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a person is cutting a fish", "a fish is being gutted", "a fish is being killed", "a fish is sliced and beheaded", "a man cuts into a live fish", "a man guts a fish", "a man gutting beheading a live fish", "a man is cutting a fish", "a man is gutting a fish", "a man is gutting a fish and then he cuts the head off", "a man kills and guts a fish with a knife", "a man slit open a fish", "a man slits the body of a fish on the bottom side and thereafter cuts the head off with a knife", "a person is cutting a fish open with a knife", "a small fish is being cut open", "someone cut open a fish", "the man gut and cleaned the live fish", "a man is cleaning a fish", "a man is cleaning the fish", "a man is cutting live fish", "a man is killing a fish", "a men clining the fish", "a person is gutting a fish", "the cook clean the fish to cook", "a fish is on the floor", "a guy is gutting a fish", "a live fish is slit open and beheaded with a knife", "a man cleaning fish with knife", "a man cleaning the fish", "a man cleans a fish", "a man cutting a fish inorder to prepare it for food", "a man cutting a fish", "a man cutting the fish to cook it", "a man disects a live fish", "a man is cleaning a fish with a knife", "a man is cleaning a fish", "a man is cleaning a fish", "a man is cleaning a fish", "a man is cleaning fish", "a man is cleaning the fish", "a man is cutting a fish alive", "a man is cutting a fish", "a man is cutting a fish", "a man is cutting a fish", "a man is cutting fish", "a man is cutting up a fish", "a man is gutting a fish that is still alive", "a man is gutting a fish", "a man is slicing open a fish and cuts off its head", "a person guts and decapitates a live fish with a knife", "a person is cutting a fish with knife", "a person is cutting open a fish", "cleaning a live fish by guttung it and cutting off its head", "cutting and cleaning a live fish", "the guy is cutting the fish alive", "the man is cleaning a fish", "a man is cutting a fish", "a man is cutting the fish with the knife", "a man is is cutting fish", "fish ready to be cleaned", "the person is cutting the fish" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a woman thinly slices an onion with a large knife", "a person is slicing an onion", "someone is slicing half of an onion into very thin slices", "a man is slicing an onion", "a chef is slicing an onion", "a woman is slicing onion", "a woman is slicing onions with a large knife", "a person with a knife is slicing an onion", "a person slices an onion", "a woman is slicing an onion", "a woman is cutting an onion", "someone is slicing an onion", "a woman is slicing onions", "the lady sliced the onion", "the woman is slicing onions", "a cook cuts up onions", "the lady sliced up the onion", "a woman is cutting onions", "the person is cutting the potato", "chopping with a sharp knife", "a woman is cutting an onion", "the women is cutting the onions", "the improving your knif skills", "someone is cutting up and onion", "a woman is cutting an onion", "jennifer clair demonstrates how to improve your knife skills in the kitchen", "a guideline of improving knife skills in your kitchen", "a person is cooking", "a person is cutting vegetables", "a man is slicing some onion", "a woman is cutting onions", "the cook is showing how to slice a onion", "a woman slicing vegitables", "the woman is slicing onions", "a man is cutting with knife" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cat chases a dog", "a cat chases a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing around a german shepherd dog more than twice its size", "a cat is scaring away a dog", "a large dog approaches a small cat and", "a small cat is chasing a large dog in a garden", "the cat chased the dog around", "the cat is chasing the bigger dog away", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a dog and a cat are fighting", "a dog and cat is playing", "a german shephard is being chased by a cat", "a small cat is chasing a large dog", "a video of a german shepard do and a tabby cat playing in the yard", "the cat are chasing the dog", "very brilliant cat and dog", "i think it really funny how a german shepard run from something that some in the first 12sec", "a car is chasing a dog", "a cat and a dog are playing on the grass", "a cat and a dog are playing", "a cat chases a dog", "a cat chases a german shepherd", "a cat chases a large dog around the yard", "a cat chases a large dog in a yard", "a cat chasing a dog in a park", "a cat is chasing a dog outside", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is chasing a dog", "a cat is running to catch the dog", "a dog and a cat at war", "a dog and a cat look at each other and then chase one another", "a dog and cat are playing together", "a dog and cat are playing with each other on the grass", "a dog and cats are running", "a dog is looking at a cat and the cat chases it", "a funny dog and cat", "a small cat and a dog are playing", "a small cat and large dog playing very funny", "a small cat follow the big dog", "cat chasing dog", "the cat chased the dog in the yard", "the cat chased the dog", "the cat is chasing the dog", "the chased the dog around the yard", "a cat and dog running in ground" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a woman demonstrating how to prepare a baked potato", "a woman is piercing potato", "a woman is poking a potato with a fork", "a woman is poking holes in a potato with a fork", "a woman is poking holes in a potato with a fork", "a woman is puncturing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is stabbing a potato with a fork", "a woman is using a fork to poke holes into a potato", "a woman pokes a fork into a large raw unpeeled potato at various places", "a woman pokes a potato with a fork", "a woman stabs a potato with a fork", "a woman vigorously spears a potato with a fork", "the lady poked a potatoe with a fork", "the lady poked the potatoe with a fork", "the woman is poking holes in the potato", "using a fork", "a lady is preparing cheese potato", "a lady making holes in potato with fork", "a lady making some dishes", "a woman poking holes in a potatoe", "making small wholes on the potato with the helpof a fok", "one lady making holes in potato with fork", "twice baked philly cheese steak potato by becky wunder", "twice baked philly cheese steak potato by becky wunder", "a girl is cutting a potato", "a girl is making the two baked chilly chease", "a girl is preparing some food", "a lady is cooking food", "a lady is hitting the potato using fork", "a woman cooking her kichen", "a woman cooking", "a woman is cooking a potato", "a woman is forking a baked potato", "a woman is making holes in the potato", "a woman is piersing some vegetable", "a woman is poking a potato with a fork", "a woman is poking a potato with a fork", "a woman is poking a potato", "a woman is poking a potato", "a woman is preparing a potato to cook", "a woman is putting holes into a potato", "a woman jabs a potato with a fork", "a woman pokes holes into potato so as to make it cook faster", "a woman stabs a potato with a fork several times and then picks up a container of oil", "a woman stabs a potato with a fork", "the lady is stabbing the potato with a fork", "she is cutting the potato", "the woman is making small holes on the potato with the help of the fork" ]
What is the video about?
[ "toys are floating in a bathtub", "toys are floating in blood red water", "a woman is dead in a bathtub", "a girl with black lipstick on is laying in a tub filled with red liquid and a toy shark", "a toy fish is swimming in the water", "a toy fish is moving in water", "two electric toys are swimming in red water in a bathtub", "toys are swimming in a bath of red liquid", "a toy shark swims in a bathtub full of red water", "a toy fish is swimming", "bath toys are swimming", "mechanical toys are moving in a bathtub", "toys are in a tub of water", "plastic toys are floating in water", "the bath toys swam in the red water", "the toys are in the tub", "a fish swims in redtinted water", "the tub toys moved toward the girl s head in the red water", "a woman is bathing in blood", "she take both", "the person is cooking", "puppel master 5 the final chapter 1995 ric", "a toy fish is running on red water", "a young woman with dark lipstick on sitting besides a puppet", "the lady take bath the doll and fish other toys are massaging", "puppets are killing a woman in a bathtub", "the toys are moving in the water", "the women is bathing", "a toy shark is swimming in a bathtub", "a woman bathes in a pool of blood", "a toy fish is swimming", "a woman is taking a blood bath with toys", "a person is bothing", "a shark and human toy are moving through a tub of red liquid", "a lady is bathing", "a fish is swiming", "the play scuba diver and shark swam in the red water", "toys are moving in a tub", "the toys are in the tub", "a fish is swimming", "a woman in bath tub with puppets" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a person is peeling a mango", "a chef is peeling a mango", "a large mango is peeled", "a man peeled an avocado", "a mango is being peeled", "a mango is being peeled", "a mango is peeled", "a person is peeling the skin off a mango using a knife", "a person peels a mango", "a woman is peeling a mango", "a woman is peeling a mango", "a woman is peeling the skin of a mango using a vegetable peeler", "an individual peels a mango", "someone is peeling a mango", "someone is peeling a squash", "the person is peeling a mango", "the person is slicing the skin off the mango", "a woman is peeling a mango", "a person peels a mango", "a person is peeling a mango", "the woman is showing how to prepare mango fruits", "peeling off the mangoes", "chopped mangoes ready for the eating", "a woman peeling a mango", "a person is peeling a mango", "a person is peeling a mango", "a lady removing the mango peel using peeler", "one lady removing skin from mango", "someone is peeling a mango ready to slice", "a guy prepares the mango slices", "the outer layer of mango is pealed off", "a woman is peeling the skin off of a mango", "a person peels a mango with a vegetable peeler", "taking of the pickel of any friut", "a msngo s skin is being peeled", "a person is peeling a mango", "someone is peeling a mango", "a woman is slicing a mango", "a person is peeling mangos", "a woman peels a mango", "a person trying to remove the covering of a mango through a knife", "a person shows how to peel and cut a mango", "a woman is cutting mango", "a woman shows how to remove mango cover", "someone peeled a fruit", "someone is peeling a mango", "cutting the mango", "the cook is peeling a mango", "a woman is peeling a mango", "a woman is peeling a mango", "making mangoes still sweeter", "someone is peeling a mango", "someone peeled a fruit" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man is cutting meat", "a person is scoring mushrooms", "someone is making cuts in dried figs with a knife", "a chef is preparing mushrooms", "a woman is making cuts into mushrooms", "a person is cutting something", "a person is cutting mushrooms", "a person is cutting mushrooms with a knife", "a person cuts a mushroom", "someone is cutting mushroom", "somene is slicing something", "a person is cutting up some mushrooms", "the man cut the dried fruit", "the cook is slicing mushrooms", "the stems of the soaked mushrooms are removed and a cross is cut into the caps of each mushroom", "a woman cuts up some squishy thing", "the lady sliced the figs", "this is how to make nabeyaki udon noodle", "a man is slicing some meat", "she is cooking", "a man is cutting something", "someone making noodle", "she is cooking the lady yor house", "racipe for udon noodle", "a person making nabeyaki udon noodle", "the person is preparing the noodles", "a man is cutting mushrooms", "a person cuts up mushrooms", "a lady is cutting the eatable", "a chef preparing noodles", "a man is preparing food", "a woman is slicing some mushrooms", "someone is slicing something", "a women preparing mashroom", "somebody is cutting something", "a man is cutting fruits", "a person is making the noodles", "the woman is slicing mushrooms", "good preparation for nabeyaki udon noodle video", "a woman is cutting some mushroom", "a woman is making cuts in mushroom caps with a knife", "a woman demonstrates proper mushroom cutting technique", "a man is cutting some food", "cooking with dog showing how to make nabeyaki udon noodle" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a cat is grooming a large dog with it s tongue", "a cat licks a sleeping dogs head", "a dog and cat are sitting next to one another and the cat is licking the dogs head", "a cat is licking a sleeping dog", "a cat is licking a dog s face", "a cat is licking a dog", "a cat is licking a dog", "a cat is licking a dog s head", "a cat licks a dog s head", "a cat is cleaning a dog", "a cat is licking a dog", "a cat is licking a dog", "the cat licked the dog s head", "the cat is licking the sleeping dog s head", "a cat grooms a dog", "the cat licked the dog s head", "cat and dog are playing", "the animals are playing", "friendship with cat and dog", "a cat is licking a dog", "the cat is licking the dogs neck and the dog is enjoying is", "the cat is playing with dog", "dog and cat were friends", "a cat is playing with dog", "a cat is licking a dog s ear", "a cat is grooming a dog with its tongue", "a cat is licking a dog s head", "a cat is licking a sleeping dog on the streetside", "best friends dog and cat", "dog sleeping the foot and near cat is dog had eaching", "the dog is taking the rest", "a cat is licking a dogs head", "an animals are playing", "the cat is licking the dog s head", "a cat is licking a sleeping dog on his head", "a dog and cat is playing", "really super friendly dog and cat", "a cat is licking a dog" ]
What is happening in the video in detail?
[ "a man is putting cucumbers in a jar", "a chef is adding sliced cucumbers to a pitcher of ice water", "a man adds cucumber to a pitcher of water", "a man adds slices of unpeeled cucumber to a glass jug containing water and ice cubes", "a man drops cucumber slices into a pitcher of water", "a man is adding sliced cucumber to ice water", "a man is placing cucumber slices into a pitcher of iced water", "a man is putting cucumber slices in a pitcher", "a man is putting cucumber slices into a glass pitcher", "a man is putting cucumber slices into the waterjug", "a man is putting cucumbers into water", "a man is putting limes into a pitcher", "a man is putting pieces of cucumber into a pitcher of water", "a man is putting sliced cucumbers into a pitcher of water", "a man puts cucumber slices in a water pitcher", "a man puts sliced cucumbers in a pitcher of iced water", "a man puts some cucumbers in water", "te man put some cucumber slices into the pitcher of water", "the man added cucumber slices to a pitcher of water", "the man is dropping sliced cucumbers into water", "the person is the cutting and cooking", "a man pouring a glass of juice", "a man is putting vegetables in a pitcher", "a man puts cucumber slices in a pitcher", "the man is putting the cut vegetable in ice water", "a man is putting cucumber into water", "a man is felling the cucumber into the glass", "a man is putting cucumbers into a pitcher of water", "a man is slicing the cucumber and he put it into the cool water which is in the jar", "a man is putting cucumver in water", "a man is putting vegetable slices into ice water", "a man is adding chopped cucumbers in a jug of water", "someone is putting cucumber in water", "a man is slicing cucumber", "a man is placing cucumbers in a pitcher of water", "a man is putting sliced cucumbers into a pitcher", "a man is placing sliced cucumbers into a pitcher of water", "a man working in the bathroom", "a man is making salald", "a man puts cucumber slices in a pitcher", "the man put sliced cucumbers into the water pitcher", "lazy man drink", "very cl preparing for drinks", "a man is putting slices of cucumber into a jug", "a man is putting cucumber slices into a pitcher of water", "a man drops cucumber slices into a pitcher of ice water" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "three white lion cubs sniff each other", "a white lion cub joins two other similar cubs and stands beside them", "animals play together", "baby lions are interacting with each other", "lion cubs are playing with each other", "the albino lion cubs nuzzled each other", "the albino tigers nuzzled each other", "the cubs are playing", "three baby white lions are playing", "three lion cubs are playing peacefully", "three lion cubs are walking", "three small white lions walk around in front of a door", "three tiger cubs are playing", "three white lion cubs are playing", "three white lion cubs are together", "white lion cubs are walking around each other", "white tiger cubs are standing near a door", "playing the two pillows of a lion to each other", "the lion cubs are lying in the ground", "three kid lions are playing with each other", "three white lion cubs play together", "tiger cubs are playing", "two cubs are lying in the sand", "two lion cubs playing around", "a group of white lion cubs are playing with each other", "a man is breeding white lion cubs", "a man is hanging on a rope", "a playing lion", "all lion cubs are playing together", "cute lions are playing", "lion cubs with their trainer", "lions are playing", "three cubs investigate each other", "three cute white lion cubs are playing togeather", "three lion clubs are playing", "three white cubs playing in a zoo", "three white lion cubs are gathering together", "three white lion cubs are huddling together", "three white lion cubs are just starting to move around", "three white lion cubs are walking around", "three white lion cubs move about an outdoor doorway", "three white lion cubs play with each other", "three white lion cubs playing in front of a house door", "three white lion cubs", "white lions are playing together", "white lions are wondering", "a tiger is playing", "three small white tiger babies are sitting togather", "cute white lion cubs form part of breeding programme", "three lion cubs were playing" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a boy is eating a meal at the table", "a woman is eating", "a boy eats some food", "a boy is eating at the table", "a boy is eating", "a man eats a meal at a kitchen table", "a man is eating food", "a man is eating food", "a person is eating at a table", "a person is eating at a table", "a person seated at the dining table is eating food", "a woman eats some pasta", "a woman is eating a meal", "a woman is eating some food", "a young man is eating off a plate with a spoon", "the man ate his dinner at the table", "the man is eating", "the man sat at the table and ate his dinner", "a woman having lunch", "someone is eating food at a table", "the boy is eating", "a chinese woman smiling", "a woman eating at a table", "an east asian woman eats a rice dish hurriedly", "the boy is playing the games", "a man is eating food", "a person is eating food", "a guy is eating", "a man is eating his food from a plate", "a man is eating", "a person is eating a meal at a kitchen table", "a man is eating some foods", "a woman is eating her food", "a person eating food on dinning table", "a boy is eating a rice", "a man is eating", "in a chinese home showing a young boy playing a video game", "a woman eating", "a boy eating food", "a man is eating", "a man is eating at a table", "a boy having food in a dinning table", "a chinese lady eating something on a dining table", "this man is playing on tv", "one lady eating food", "a man is eating", "a person is eating at a table", "a boy is eating", "a lady is laughing in the room", "a women eat her food", "words of a women at hungry mood", "a men taking food", "a person eats alone at a dinning table", "an asian man is eating dinner", "a women is eating", "a man is eating food", "a man is eating at a table", "a woman eats rice", "a man in hungry" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "someone pours oil from a bottle into a saucepan", "a person pours oil in a pot", "a person is pouring olive oil into a pot on the stove", "a person pours oil into a pot", "someone is pouring olive oil into a pan", "a person is pouring oil in the pan", "a chef oils a pan", "someone is pouring oil into a pot", "a man is adding oil to a pan", "a man is pouring oil into a pan", "a woman is pouring olive oil into a pan", "someone is putting oil into a pan", "a man is adding oil to a pot", "a man drizzles olive oil to cover the bottom of a pan placed on the gas stove", "the lady poured oil in a pot", "the man is pouring oil into the pot", "a man is pouring olive oil into a saucepan", "a person pours cooking oil into a pot", "the lady poured oil in the pot", "someone is pouring oil into a pot", "there is a preparing the item", "a man cooking his kichen", "a man is oiling a pot", "a man is pouring oil into a pan", "a man is pouring olive oil into a pan", "a person is pouring oil into a pan on a stove", "a person is pouring olive oil into a pot on the stove", "a person is pouring some oil in the kettle", "jack is making the sauce", "somebody is cooking", "the man poured oil into the pot", "the person is cooking the something", "a man is speaking something" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man lying prone on the pavement allows the tires of a car to drive over his hands", "a car runs over a mans hands", "a car runs over a mans hands", "a man is placing his hands under a moving vehicle s tyre", "a vehicle is rolling over someones fingers", "a man is sticking his hands under moving vehicles", "a man is getting his hands ran over", "a car is rolling over a mans hands", "a man is lying on his stomach on a road with his hands outstretched as a white car runs over his fingers", "the car ran over the man s hands", "the car ran over the man s hands", "a car drives over a man s hands", "a car runs over a man s hand", "the car ran over the man s hands", "the man is champion", "a car runs over a mans hands", "a person hand into the car", "a mans hands are run over by a vehicles tires twice", "a car runs over a man s hand", "a man s hands are ran over by a vehicle", "a man doing master arts", "the car tires ran over the man s hands", "the car ran over the man s hands", "a man has his hands run over by a car", "a man is having his hands run over by a car", "a truck rolls over a man s hands", "the person is doing the excising" ]
Can you describe what happens in the video?
[ "a man is making bretzels out of thin strips of dough and placing them on the counter table", "chefs forming pretzel dough", "dough is being shape into pretzels", "men are making pretzels", "men are twisting dough into pretzels", "pretzels are being made", "someone is forming pretzels out of dough", "the bakers are making pretzels", "the men formed pretzels from the dough", "two individuals are rolling and twisting dough into pretzels", "two men are forming strips of dough into pretzel shapes", "two men are preparing some dish", "two men are rolling dough into pretzel shapes", "two men are twisting long strands of dough into pretzel shapes", "two men folding pretzels", "two men form dough into pretzels", "two people are hand rolling pretzels", "the making of a pretzel on assembly line", "they are showing how to make german bretzel", "a group of guys were working in the kitchen", "people were preparing german bretzel", "people are making pretzels", "a person is making something with the meal", "workers are making pretzels", "they are showing how to make bretzel", "two mans are making german bretzel", "two person are making german bretzel", "men are folding pretzels", "they are making german bretzel", "two men are rolling dough strips and making them into pretzels", "a man is making prezels", "people are making pretzels", "the persons are preparing food", "people making pretzels", "a couple of people are forming pretzels out of dough", "men are making german bretzel", "two factory workers a rolling pretzels", "people are twisting large pretzels", "a man is making multiple pretzels", "some employe are making german bretzel", "two bakers are twisting pretzels", "men are forming german bretzels", "men are preparing some design with the flour", "two chefs are making pretzels", "few chefs in a restaurant making german bretzel", "men are making german bretzel", "women are making pretzels", "men are making pretzels", "two men are folding pretzels", "people making german bretzel", "the bakers are making pretzels", "a chef is making german bretgel", "two people are rolling dough into pretzels", "workers manufacturing noodle", "some person are showing how to make german bretzel" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a boy is doing exercise by cycle", "a boy is doing exercise on machine", "a boy is playing on a stationary bike", "a boy is using exercise equipment", "a boy plays on an exercise machine", "a boy rides on an elliptical machine", "a child is on a elliptical", "a child uses an exercise machine", "a kid is playing on exercise equipment", "a little boy is playing on a stairmaster", "a little boy is riding a bicycle", "a little boy is riding an elliptical machine", "a little boy is using an exercise machine", "a little boy plays on an exercise machine", "a small boy is using a cross trainer", "a young boy is exercising on an exercise machine", "a young boy is using a ski machine", "a young child is operating an exercise machine", "the boy is on the exercising machine", "the little boy rode an exercise machine", "the little boy rode the exercise machine", "a boy is using exercise equipment", "the small boy is doing the exercise", "a small boy is using an exercise machine", "a boy is practicing cycling", "a child is playing on exercise equipment", "a boy is using an exercise machine", "a kid is exercising", "children becomes bodybuilder", "a smaal boy playing", "a little boy is using an exercise machine", "jean jararous shows a little boy trying to ride on a workout machine", "a small boy riding", "a kid is exercising in a stepper", "the small boy is in cycling", "a kid is trying to do some kind of exercise on a machine", "a boy is excersizing", "a child play with a machine", "a boy playing their", "a young child is using an exercise machine", "the boy is exercising" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a horse gets up off of the ground", "a horse stands up from the ground", "a horse is rolling on the ground", "a horse is standing", "a horse is rolling on the ground", "a black horse is rolling on the ground and then stands up", "a horse is standing up", "a horse is standing", "a horse rolls over on the ground", "a horse is standing up", "a horse stands up", "a horse rolls on the ground", "the horse rolled in the grass", "the horse stood up", "a horse gets off the ground", "a horse gets back up on his feet", "a horse gets up off the ground", "the black horse got up on its feet", "a horse is standing up", "the group of horse are searching the food and eat and drink", "a horse is getting up", "a horse is getting up", "a horse is standing", "a horse is trying to stand up", "a horse rolls over in the grass and then stands up", "a horse sitting in grass", "a horse sleeping in the grass", "a horse stand up", "a horse stands up from the ground", "the hoers is taking the rest", "the horse got up", "the horse is standing up", "the horse is walking and running also", "wild horses on view" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man", "a man and woman are driving on a motorcycle", "a man and woman ride a motorcycle", "a man and woman are riding a motorcycle", "a woman and a man are riding on a motorcycle", "a man and a woman are riding a motorcycle through the streets", "a man is riding a bike with a woman", "a man", "a man and woman are riding a motorcycle", "a man and woman are riding a motorcycle", "the man gave the woman a ride on the motorcycle", "the man and woman are riding a motorcycle", "a man is driving a motorcycle and a woman on the back is singing to him", "a man and woman ride down the road", "the man gave the girl a ride on his motorcycle", "a woman and man riding a motorcycle", "a man and woman are riding a motorcycle", "an indian man and woman go for a motorcycle ride together", "a man is riding a motorbike through town", "except for the first 2 words nothing resembles the lambada song the song from ghayal sochna kya jo bhi hoga from ghayal is a copy of the lambada song just listen to this one and the lambada tune not much similarities", "a cuple on the bike in the market", "a lovers is riding on the motor bike", "a man and a lady having a bike ride", "a man", "they are going on the bick", "a man and a woman are riding a motorbike", "the man and woman are riding the motorcycle", "a man and woman ride a motorcycle", "the boy and girl is going the on the bike", "the boy and girl is going on the bike" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a baby playing in the living room", "a baby cleans the room", "a baby girl is putting away her toys", "a baby is dancing to a song being sung", "a baby is playing around", "a baby is playing with toys", "a baby is putting toys inside a larger toy", "a baby plays with some toys", "a baby puts several toys in a plastic container", "a small baby dances and plays with her toys as she listens to a nursery rhyme", "a small child is playing with toys", "a toddler is picking up toys", "a toddler plays with a plastic tea set", "a very young child is shown walking around in a room carrying a toy cup and saucer", "the baby is putting away her toys", "the baby is putting the dishes in a container", "the baby put her toys away", "a child is playing with toys", "the baby is playing", "a very cute baby is standing", "a baby is playing with a jug", "a baby is picking up all of her toys", "a small baby start on the game", "a small girl is playing", "toddler in living room with dog playing with toys and spinning around dancing", "a small boy playing", "a little girl is placing her toys in a bucket", "babies funny clip", "the small baby is playing", "the baby is putting away her toys", "a baby is dancing", "the cute baby playing with toys", "a toddler is picking up her toys", "a little girl is playing with her toys", "a baby girl is playing toys", "mother and child relaxing at home with their pet dog", "a baby is dancing with her tea set", "a baby picks up her toys off the ground", "a little kid is holding cup and saucer and rolling", "a child is playing", "a toddler playing", "a little girl playing with a tea set", "a baby girl is playing in a living room", "a baby is playing with toys", "a girl playing with a toy teapot", "baby girl dancing and playing", "a baby walking and playing", "a baby is spinning and walking", "a baby girl is playing with her toys and spinning around", "a baby is dancing", "a baby dances around and plays with her toys", "a child walking on the floor inorder to grab a toy", "a toddler spins in a circle and plays with toys", "a kid is playing with his toy", "this cute little girl is dancing to the itsybitsy spider and cleaning up her toys", "a baby is playing", "a toddler turns around and picks up its toys", "the baby is putting away her toys", "a little girl plays with a toy", "a baby is playing", "a child is playing", "baby in a happy moment", "one kid is collecting toys from the floor" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a baby animal playing a persons hand", "a baby skunk is being held up for the camera", "a boy is holding a baby skunk", "a man holds a small skunk", "a man is holding a skunk in his hand", "a man is holding a skunk in his left hand", "a person is holding a skunk", "a person is holding a young skunk", "a person is showing off a baby skunk", "a skunk is looking here and there", "a skunk looks at the camera", "someone held a baby skunk", "someone held a baby skunk", "someone is holding a skunk", "the man is holding a skunk", "a person is catching the rat in his hand", "a black pet is shown", "a man is holding a skunk", "a man is holding a pet animal", "a person is holding a animal", "a person with a baby skunk", "a skunk is eating food", "a new stunk was carried by a man", "a person is holding a baby skunk", "some animals are sitting in boss hand", "a skunk is sitting in someones hand", "it is small skunk", "a man is holding his new skunk in his hand", "someone holding a baby skunk", "someone holds a skunk", "a man is showing off his new pet skunk", "a woman carrying skunk", "an animal is being held", "some animal is lying on its master s hand", "a amn is holding his new skunk", "a man holding a skunk in his hands and playing with it", "a man hold the little skunk in his hand", "a person is holding a skunk", "a boy with skunk", "a baby of skunk", "a men with a skunk", "someone is holding a baby skunk", "a man is holding a skunk in one hand", "the person is holding a skunk", "a man is holding a new skunk", "a baby skunk is being held in someone s hand", "a person is holding a skunk", "someone holds a baby skunk in one hand" ]
What is the video about in detail?
[ "a man is slicing meat", "a man is slicing the meat for the dish", "chopping something", "fish is being sliced for a fancy dish", "man chops meat and puts it in a plate", "some one preparing nonveg", "the man making fish food", "a man is preparing a dish", "a chef was slicing raw fish", "a cook is slicing fish", "a cook slices some fish", "a man is cutting meat", "a man is cutting meet to make some pieces", "a man is preparing a sushi plate", "a man is slicing a fish", "a man is slicing a meat into some pieces", "a man is slicing a strip of meat into small wedges", "a man is slicing fish", "a man is slicing meat on a cutting board", "a man is slicing meat", "a man slices meat", "a man slices raw fish into bite sized pieces", "a man slicing fillet fish", "a man slicing sashimi", "a person is cutting pieces of meat into pieces and arranging them in a plate", "a person is slicing a piece of meat", "a person is slicing meat", "a person is slicing raw fish", "a women is slicing arranging a raw fish dish", "man is diagonally slicing fish", "meat being finely sliced", "meat is being cut into equal portions", "meat is carfully cut up in pieces", "someone is slicing up meat into bite sizes", "someone is slicing up pieces of sashimi", "someone slicing meat on a diagonal", "someone slicing meat with knife", "the cook is slicing fresh fish into sashimi", "the cook is slicing pig flesh", "the ham is being cut into thin slices", "the man neatly cut the flesh into even pieces", "man cutting up some raw meatfish" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a cat rubs up against an infant", "a black and white colored cat is snuggling itself against a baby s face", "a blackandwhitecat is snuggling heads with a baby", "a cat is nuzzling a baby", "a cat is rubbing against a baby", "a cat is rubbing against a baby", "a cat is rubbing against baby s face", "a cat is rubbing its face on a small child", "a cat is rubbing it s head against a young child", "a cat is snuggling a baby", "a cat is snuggling with a baby", "a cat plays with a baby", "a cat rubs its head against a baby", "a cat rubs up against a baby", "the cat cuddled with the baby", "the cat is caressing the baby", "the cat snuggled with the baby", "a funny cat is trying to from the car", "a baby is playing with a cat", "a small boy gaming on the cat", "a boy is playing with cats", "a black and white cat sitting next to a small boy and purring as it puts it s face by the boys face", "a cat brushes up against a baby", "the dog licking child", "a funny cat playing with little baby", "a baby playing with a cat", "a cat play with a small boy", "a baby with a cat", "the funny cats", "a cat is keeping it s mouth on a child s face", "the cat is playing with the baby", "a cat is rubbing a baby", "a cat is snuggling up to a baby s face", "a cat is cuddling a baby s face", "a cat is playing with a baby", "a cat is rubbing on a baby", "a cat is nuzzling a baby", "a cat is playing with a baby", "a child is playing with the cat", "a cat loving a baby", "funny things cats will do", "a cat is attracting with a baby", "a black and white cat is rubbing up against a baby", "a cat is kissing the baby", "a cat is rubbing it s face to the baby cheek", "a cat snuggles up with a baby", "a cat is rubbing up against a baby", "a cat is petting a baby", "a cat is rubbing against a baby", "a cat is rubbing up against a baby", "a cat is playing with a baby", "a cat is hugging a baby", "funny cats doing such a crazious acts as looks very interesting", "a cat is playing", "funny cats", "a cat is playing with baby", "a cat rubbing its head against a baby s head", "a cat is nuzzling a baby s head", "a cat rubs up against a baby", "a cat is playing with a kid", "an white cat is jumping from old car", "a cat is playing with a child", "baby playing with cat" ]
Can you describe the video in detail?
[ "a baby panda goes down a slide", "a baby panda is going down a slide", "a baby panda slides down a slide", "a baby panda slides down into the snow", "a panda bear is sliding down a slide", "a panda bear slides down a wooden slide", "a panda cub is sliding into the snow", "a panda is sliding down a slide", "a panda slides down a slide into the snow", "a panda slides down a slide", "panda bears are playing on a slide", "panda bears play in the snow", "panda is sliding on the slide", "pandas are playing", "the pana bears slid down the slide", "the panda bears slid down the slide into the snow", "the panda went down the slide", "the panda babies is sleeping", "the panda babies playing", "a black and white baby panda", "this is panda babies", "a panda baby rides a slide", "the panda ia sleeping", "panda bears are sliding down a slide", "a panda baaby ischilling", "some baby pandas are going down a slide", "panda babies sliding and having fun", "a panda bear sliding down a slide", "polar bear is playing", "playing panda babies in the ice", "a playing panda", "the panda went down the slide", "panda babies are playing" ]
Can you describe the video?
[ "a man pouring water on a pilot s head", "a liquid is poured on top of a man", "a man is pouring a bottle of water over a pilot", "a man is pouring a liquid onto the head of another man", "a man is pouring some liquid from a bottle on to the head of a pilot standing beside him with his mini aircraft", "a man is pouring water on a pilot s head", "a man is pouring water over a pilot s head", "a man pours water over a pilots head", "a man pours water over an airplane pilot s head", "juice is being poured on a mans head", "the man poured a liquid over another s head", "a man is pouring water on the pilot s head", "a man is throwing water from bottle on polit head", "one man is puring water on other man s head", "one man pouring water on the pilot of the halicopter", "a guy wets pilot s head in aerodum", "a man is dumping water on a pilot", "a man is standing near the flight", "a man pouring some liquid on another man", "a man pouring water on pilot instead of pouring it on flight", "a pilot taking his first solo flight get showered with champagne", "on pilot his friend spreading something for his angry", "a person pouring some kind of oil on a pilot", "a man gets wet", "a man is bathing with clothes", "a man is dumping water on another man", "a man is having liquid pourd on him", "a man is pouring a liquid on another man s head", "a man is pouring liquid on top of another mans head", "a man is pouring liquid over another mans head", "a man is pouring something on pilot", "a man is pouring water on a pilot", "a man is pouring water on the other", "a man poured a jar of liquid over the pilot", "a man pouring liquid on a pilot", "a man pours a bottle of juice over another man s head", "a man pours water over another man s head", "an airoplain try to flying", "one man is pouring alcohol on the pilots head", "one man is pouring liquid over another", "somebody is bathing with juice", "the man is pouring liquid over the other man s head", "the man is pouring water over the other man", "the man poured a bottle of liquid over the pilot" ]
What is happening in the video?
[ "a man pours something from a can into a white bowl", "a man opens a can of chili", "a man opens a can and pours the contents into a bowl", "a man is opening a tin by hands", "a man dumps chili into a bowl", "a man is adding something to a bowl", "a man is pouring chili into a bowl", "a man opens a can of chili", "a man is dumping a can into a bowl of sauce", "a man is pouring chili into a bowl", "a man is mixing ingrediants into a bowl", "a man is emptying a can of chili into a bowl", "a man opens a can of chili paste and empties the content into a bowl containing chili paste and cheese", "the man added chili to the bowl", "the man is pouring canned chili into a bowl", "a man opens a can of seasoning", "the man added chili to the bowl", "a man is pouring a can of chili into a bowl", "a person is cooking", "the person is cooking", "a man is open a tin", "a man is adding a cream cheese in a white bowl", "coking the some food", "a man is making a bowl of chili", "a man pours a can of chili in a bowl", "a man is putting somthing in a bowl", "a man is pouring chili into a bowl", "a amn making a dish in the kitchen", "a man showing how to cook drips", "a chef opening a can and trying to pour into bowl", "a person is preparing food", "a man making some dish in the kitchen", "a person is making tasty food", "a guy has opened up a can and is emptying it in a bowl", "the man poured sauce out of a can", "man is opening a can", "quick and dirty tips video", "a man pulls the top off a can" ]