--- |
task_categories: |
- audio-classification |
license: cc |
tags: |
- bird classification |
- passive acoustic monitoring |
--- |
## Dataset Description |
- **Repository:** [https://github.com/DBD-research-group/GADME](https://github.com/DBD-research-group/GADME) |
- **Paper:** [GADME](https://arxiv.org/) |
- **Point of Contact:** [Lukas Rauch](mailto:lukas.rauch@uni-kassel.de) |
### Datasets |
We present the BirdSet benchmark that covers a comprehensive range of classification datasets in avian bioacoustics. |
We offer a static set of evaluation datasets and a varied collection of training datasets, enabling the application of diverse methodologies. |
We have a complementary code base: https://github.com/DBD-research-group/BirdSet |
| | train | test | test_5s | size (GB) | #classes | |
|--------------------------------|--------:|-----------:|--------:|-----------:|-------------:| |
| [PER][1] (Amazon Basin) | 16,802 | 14,798 | 15,120 | 10.5 | 132 | |
| [NES][2] (Colombia Costa Rica) | 16,117 | 6,952 | 24,480 | 14.2 | 89 | |
| [UHH][3] (Hawaiian Islands) | 3,626 | 59,583 | 36,637 | 4.92 | 25 tr, 27 te | |
| [HSN][4] (high_sierras) | 5,460 | 10,296 | 12,000 | 5.92 | 21 | |
| [NBP][5] (NIPS4BPlus) | 24,327 | 5,493 | 563 | 29.9 | 51 | |
| [POW][6] (Powdermill Nature) | 14,911 | 16,052 | 4,560 | 15.7 | 48 | |
| [SSW][7] (Sapsucker Woods) | 28,403 | 50,760 | 205,200| 35.2 | 81 | |
| [SNE][8] (Sierra Nevada) | 19,390 | 20,147 | 23,756 | 20.8 | 56 | |
| [XCM][9] (Xenocanto Subset M) | 89,798 | x | x | 89.3 | 409 | |
| [XCL][10](Xenocanto Complete) | 528,434| x | x | 484 | 9,734 | |
[1]: https://zenodo.org/records/7079124 |
[2]: https://zenodo.org/records/7525349 |
[3]: https://zenodo.org/records/7078499 |
[4]: https://zenodo.org/records/7525805 |
[5]: https://github.com/fbravosanchez/NIPS4Bplus |
[6]: https://zenodo.org/records/4656848 |
[7]: https://zenodo.org/records/7018484 |
[8]: https://zenodo.org/records/7050014 |
[9]: https://xeno-canto.org/ |
[10]: https://xeno-canto.org |
- We assemble a training dataset for each test dataset that is a subset of a complete Xeno-Canto (XC) snapshot. We extract all recordings that have vocalizations of the bird species appearing in the test dataset. |
- We use the .ogg format for every recording and a sampling rate of 32 kHz. |
- Each sample in the training dataset is a recording may have more than one vocalization of the corresponding bird species. |
- Each recording in the training datasets has a unique recordist and the corresponding license from XC. We omit all recordings from XC that are CC-ND. |
- The bird species are translated to ebird_codes |
- Snapshot date of XC: 03/10/2024 |
**Train** |
- Exclusively using focal audio data from XC with quality ratings A, B, C and excluding all recordings that are CC-ND. |
- Each dataset is tailored for specific target species identified in the corresponding test soundscape files. |
- We transform the scientific names of the birds into the corresponding ebird_code label. |
- We offer detected events and corresponding cluster assignments to identify bird sounds in each recording. |
- We provide the full recordings from XC. These can generate multiple samples from a single instance. |
**Test_5s** |
- Task: Multilabel ("ebird_code_multilabel") |
- Only soundscape data from Zenodo formatted acoording to the Kaggle evaluation scheme. |
- Each recording is segmented into 5-second intervals where each ground truth bird vocalization is assigned to. |
- This contains segments without any labels which results in a [0] vector. |
**Test** |
- Task: Multiclass ("ebird_code") |
- Only soundscape data sourced from Zenodo. |
- We provide the full recording with the complete label set and specified bounding boxes. |
- This dataset excludes recordings that do not contain bird calls ("no_call"). |
### Quick Use |
- For multi-label evaluation with a segment-based evaluation use the test_5s column for testing. |
- You could only load the first 5 seconds or a given event per recording to quickly create a training dataset. |
- We recommend to start with HSN. It is a medium size dataset with a low number of overlaps within a segment |
#### Metadata |
| | format | description | |
|------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------:|-------------------------:| |
| audio | Audio(sampling_rate=32_000, mono=True, decode=True) | audio object from hf | |
| filepath | Value("string") | relative path where the recording is stored | |
| start_time | Value("float64") | only testdata: start time of a vocalization in s | |
| end_time | Value("float64") | only testdata: end time of a vocalzation in s | |
| low_freq | Value("int64") | only testdata: low frequency bound for a vocalization in kHz | |
| high_freq | Value("int64") | only testdata: high frequency bound for a vocalization in kHz | |
| ebird_code | ClassLabel(names=class_list) | assigned species label | |
| ebird_code_secondary | Sequence(datasets.Value("string")) | only traindata: possible secondary species in a recording | |
| ebird_code_multilabel | Sequence(datasets.ClassLabel(names=class_list)) | assigned species label in a multilabel format | |
| call_type | Sequence(datasets.Value("string")) | only traindata: type of bird vocalization | |
| sex | Value("string") | only traindata: sex of bird species | |
| lat | Value("float64") | latitude of vocalization/recording in WGS84 | |
| long | Value("float64") | lontitude of vocalization/recording in WGS84 | |
| length | Value("int64") | length of the file in s | |
| microphone | Value("string") | soundscape or focal recording with the microphone string | |
| license | Value("string") | license of the recording | |
| source | Value("string") | source of the recording | |
| local_time | Value("string") | local time of the recording | |
| detected_events | Sequence(datasets.Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")))| only traindata: detected audio events in a recording with bambird, tuples of start/end time | |
| event_cluster | Sequence(datasets.Value("int64")) | only traindata: detected audio events assigned to a cluster with bambird | |
| peaks | Sequence(datasets.Value("float64")) | only traindata: peak event detected with scipy peak detection | |
| quality | Value("string") | only traindata: recording quality of the recording (A,B,C) | |
| recordist | Value("string") | only traindata: recordist of the recording | |
#### Example Metadata Train |
```python |
{'audio': {'path': '.ogg', |
'array': array([ 0.0008485 , 0.00128899, -0.00317163, ..., 0.00228528, |
0.00270796, -0.00120562]), |
'sampling_rate': 32000}, |
'filepath': '.ogg', |
'start_time': None, |
'end_time': None, |
'low_freq': None, |
'high_freq': None, |
'ebird_code': 0, |
'ebird_code_multilabel': [0], |
'ebird_code_secondary': ['plaant1', 'blfnun1', 'butwoo1', 'whtdov', 'undtin1', 'gryhaw3'], |
'call_type': 'song', |
'sex': 'uncertain', |
'lat': -16.0538, |
'long': -49.604, |
'length': 46, |
'microphone': 'focal', |
'license': '//creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/', |
'source': 'xenocanto', |
'local_time': '18:37', |
'detected_events': [[0.736, 1.824], |
[9.936, 10.944], |
[13.872, 15.552], |
[19.552, 20.752], |
[24.816, 25.968], |
[26.528, 32.16], |
[36.112, 37.808], |
[37.792, 38.88], |
[40.048, 40.8], |
[44.432, 45.616]], |
'event_cluster': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0], |
'peaks': [14.76479119037789, 41.16993396760847], |
'quality': 'A', |
'recordist': '...'} |
``` |
#### Example Metadata Test5s |
```python |
{'audio': {'path': '.ogg', |
'array': array([-0.67190468, -0.9638235 , -0.99569213, ..., -0.01262935, |
-0.01533066, -0.0141047 ]), |
'sampling_rate': 32000}, |
'filepath': '.ogg', |
'start_time': 0.0, |
'end_time': 5.0, |
'low_freq': 0, |
'high_freq': 3098, |
'ebird_code': None, |
'ebird_code_multilabel': [1, 10], |
'ebird_code_secondary': None, |
'call_type': None, |
'sex': None, |
'lat': 5.59, |
'long': -75.85, |
'length': None, |
'microphone': 'Soundscape', |
'license': 'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License', |
'source': 'https://zenodo.org/record/7525349', |
'local_time': '4:30:29', |
'detected_events': None, |
'event_cluster': None, |
'peaks': None, |
'quality': None, |
'recordist': None} |
``` |
### Citation Information |
``` |
@article{birdset, |
author = {Rauch, Lukas and |
Schwinger, Raphael and |
Wirth, Moritz and |
Heinrich, René and |
Lange, Jonas and |
Kahl, Stefan and |
Sick, Bernhard and |
Tomforde, Sven and |
Scholz, Christoph}, |
title = {BirdSet: A Multi-Task Benchmark For Classification In Avian Bioacoustics}, |
journal = {CoRR}, |
volume = {X}, |
year = {2024}, |
url = {X}, |
archivePrefix = {arXiv}, |
} |
Note that each test in BirdSet dataset has its own citation. Please see the source to see |
the correct citation for each contained dataset. Each file in the training dataset also has its own recordist. The licenses can be found in the metadata. |
``` |