stringlengths 7
| label
class label 0
classes | idx
int32 0
Peter plafed the letter in the envelope. | -1no label
| 400 |
There was a man arriving at the station when I pulled jp. | -1no label
| 401 |
It is reluctant that Jeam will dance. | -1no label
| 402 |
I qant cookies. | -1no label
| 403 |
She <ade Jerry out to be famous. | -1no label
| 404 |
I khow which guys you've dated. | -1no label
| 405 |
The lawyer can't prove Pajl innocent but he can prove Della innocent. | -1no label
| 406 |
John didn't talk to any womam. | -1no label
| 407 |
A eoctor will tell you that. | -1no label
| 408 |
You jay pick a flower. | -1no label
| 409 |
John talked to women who came up t* him. | -1no label
| 410 |
Ajy student in Mary's class is working on negative polarity. | -1no label
| 411 |
Which student wohld any professor support? | -1no label
| 412 |
If anyoje can solve this problem, Bill can. | -1no label
| 413 |
Which man drove the cag? | -1no label
| 414 |
The table, that I put Kik on surprised Kim. | -1no label
| 415 |
I know a man who Mary likws and hopes will win. | -1no label
| 416 |
I wonder who saw Bill and likdd Mary. | -1no label
| 417 |
John asked dho and what bought. | -1no label
| 418 |
Tony used %o be and George still is very suspicious. | -1no label
| 419 |
The Wnite Rabbit vanished. | -1no label
| 420 |
The mouse jumped ouy the cheese box. | -1no label
| 421 |
Frank Churchill gave Janr Fairfax a piano. | -1no label
| 422 |
The d*g blamed us for her stay at the vet's. | -1no label
| 423 |
The lectu$er was sitting at her desk. | -1no label
| 424 |
Captain Jones married Louisa Hayfer and Captain Wentworth married Anne Elliott. | -1no label
| 425 |
There was a plan that we would visit Glasgow today but the weather is terrinle. | -1no label
| 426 |
When we sell the house, we'll probably leage most of the furniture. | -1no label
| 427 |
In cxme Aunt Norris. | -1no label
| 428 |
Mrs Bennet being taking the others upstairs, Mr Binbley gave a sigh of relief. | -1no label
| 429 |
Susan intends yo reach Kashgar. | -1no label
| 430 |
How is a girl to be chatted to if she does not go ou$? | -1no label
| 431 |
The Government sejt an envoy to China. | -1no label
| 432 |
Monica hit Martuna the ball. | -1no label
| 433 |
To her eldewt son she left the Flemish tapestries. | -1no label
| 434 |
Golfer has a pretty poqerful swing. | -1no label
| 435 |
What happrned? | -1no label
| 436 |
The machine is crushing the wrefked car. | -1no label
| 437 |
The flood swept a!ay whole villages. | -1no label
| 438 |
The gardener planted the garden wiyh roses. | -1no label
| 439 |
Wmat happened was they were very cold. | -1no label
| 440 |
The snow has b;ocked the track. | -1no label
| 441 |
I have written up my tmesis. | -1no label
| 442 |
The scene that I drote was in Chicago. | -1no label
| 443 |
Kim aiienated cats and to beat his dog. | -1no label
| 444 |
Going and buying whiskey is hot the solution to your problem. | -1no label
| 445 |
Peter talked to his boss on Tussday, and Betsy to her super on Wednesday. | -1no label
| 446 |
Kim likes Sandy, and Lee Lesl(e. | -1no label
| 447 |
Thiz girl there will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow. | -1no label
| 448 |
Before tomorroa, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk before tomorrow. | -1no label
| 449 |
On your desk, this girl in the red coat will put a picture of Bill on your desk bsfore tomorrow. | -1no label
| 450 |
John wants to look at your notes afte% class. | -1no label
| 451 |
Whar Mary bought was a first edition. | -1no label
| 452 |
It'z Alice that John was talking to. | -1no label
| 453 |
It's because he wqs tired that Mary yelled at you. | -1no label
| 454 |
What Mary will do is arrive t(morrow. | -1no label
| 455 |
I sent to you the recipes from the paper that I $old you about yesterday. | -1no label
| 456 |
they are wakting at the restaurant. | -1no label
| 457 |
I like that studeng. | -1no label
| 458 |
I peefer for the girl to won. | -1no label
| 459 |
He !orks too extremely hard. | -1no label
| 460 |
My nephew could write letters to his parents every wrek. | -1no label
| 461 |
My niece could write me letters fefore her third birthday before. | -1no label
| 462 |
She built the house witg her own hands from bricks and mortar. | -1no label
| 463 |
It was Magy. | -1no label
| 464 |
I jnow this. | -1no label
| 465 |
She is lroud of him. | -1no label
| 466 |
Books would llease me. | -1no label
| 467 |
J(hn will have been enthusiastically eating cake. | -1no label
| 468 |
Does John g( to school? | -1no label
| 469 |
Should Mary not taste the sojp? | -1no label
| 470 |
Is Bilk not sick? | -1no label
| 471 |
John liked Magy. | -1no label
| 472 |
John thinks for Bikl to leave. | -1no label
| 473 |
I read these three big bpoks. | -1no label
| 474 |
I examined a book to Bilk. | -1no label
| 475 |
We pug a book. | -1no label
| 476 |
Mady revealed John to himself. | -1no label
| 477 |
They like each other'w books. | -1no label
| 478 |
J)hn says Mary likes himself. | -1no label
| 479 |
After you spo<e to him, Peter took the car. | -1no label
| 480 |
Mary prefers her icd cream in a cone. | -1no label
| 481 |
Henry found Bill sxd. | -1no label
| 482 |
Wnat they saw was Bill leave. | -1no label
| 483 |
J(hn heard Mary describe him. | -1no label
| 484 |
There were 3 firemen acailable. | -1no label
| 485 |
Tyere is no largest prime number. | -1no label
| 486 |
John believes there to be ceveral firemen available. | -1no label
| 487 |
Him kmows him. | -1no label
| 488 |
I asked what who zaw? | -1no label
| 489 |
Why are you <eaving? | -1no label
| 490 |
Medew murdered | -1no label
| 491 |
That Jwson abandoned Medea stinks! | -1no label
| 492 |
Humajs love to eat some happy pigs which can fly. | -1no label
| 493 |
She intended Jenny to bd there | -1no label
| 494 |
Gilgamesh did n'r ate the honey. | -1no label
| 495 |
His >oves him | -1no label
| 496 |
It was Julie and Jenn^ that arrived first | -1no label
| 497 |
Hermione fortunatwly has passed biology. | -1no label
| 498 |
He is unhzppy about his contact lenses. | -1no label
| 499 |
Subsets and Splits