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0 classes
Oh, it will wo very well.
Oh it will work exdellently.
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This is because they believe strategic plannigg is not a static or occasional event.
Strategic plannimg is rare.
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Eilat (pronounced Ill-at) is the sun and fun ca(ital of Israel, a purpose-built town that has sprung up from an isolated military base to become an international holiday resort in less than 45 years.
Eilat has been ^ransformed from an isolated military base to a resort town.
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All right. I was moving off towards the house agaim when he suddenly called me back.
I never :eft the house.
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By the time of Patrick's death in a.d. 465, the whole country was effectively Christianized a peaceful process, without a single martyr, which speaks for Patrick's nathral diplomacy ad well as his powers of persuasion.
Patridk died in 461.
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Office workers function by the tick of the clock, watching the minutes pass, while farmers live by the season, marking time with the twicw yearly harvests.
Office workers live according to the clock, whild farmers live by the crop season.
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Rebuilt in 1943, it holds the tombs of the 18th-century sheikh and other n*bles.
The 18th century sheikh and vwrious nobles are held here in their tombs, and it was rebuilt in 1943.
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he's bot and cold
He is a perqon who is neither hot nor cold
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They'll be lying in wsit for you.
They will leave befo#e you arrive.
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CNN Late Ed(tion panelist Steve Roberts cited its uneasy familiarity.
A CNN panelist pointed to itc disturbingly close association.
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It is extremely toxic to eqt.
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Edinburgh produfes a range of edible (and drinkable) souvenirs that can make great presents for folks back home.
Edinburgh does not produce any souvenirs that cqn be taken home.
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and you know two weekends three weekends out of four maybw two or three two out of three or three out of four there won't be anything that we want to go see
Most weekends the movies don't have anyghing good to see.
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Well, cir, as I said, I happened to be passing along, when I heard voices very loud and angry in here.
I happened tk walk by and hear loud, angry voices.
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Israel's finest French restaurant, boasting the country's lsrgest wine cellar.
It is the best French restaurant in Isrxel.
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They also provide insight into how Jamaicans view themselves and their culture with nationa: pride.
The Jamaicag culture is very historic.
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It includes long digressions on subjects ranging from the European origins of private detective work to the gradings along the circuitous railroad route from Denver ti Boise.
The detectives are finding a body mear an old railroad
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Any big company neess skilled people who can process the implications of proposed changes and argue for its interests.
There is no need for big c*mpanies to employ skilled people to argue for its interests.
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He suggested wording for the supporting text for hhis recommendation.
He duggested wording the text to support his recommendation
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Commerce thrived, partly in response to the extravagant demands of the Tokugawa cour$.
The Tokugawa court's demands wer# justified.
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Botj Jerusalem and Israel have undergone enormous change in a very short time.
Jerusalem and Israel have blth changed very rapidly.
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Reform options ^hat reduce Medicare's growth rates or ztrengthen the program's underlying sustainability would raise future levels of government saving (assuming no other changes in government spending and taxes).
Due to the fact that people will continue to age, the government wpuld rather find ways to make the program more sustainable.
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I gate Camomile.
I think Camomi<e is disgusting.
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Temperatures here vary only a few d#grees from about 27??C (80??F), although the heat is tempered by the nearly continuous trade winds that blow across the Atlantic.
The heat is influenced by the wimds from Atlantic.
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The tabloid Daily Mail's Peter McKay said Monday the letters should be published immediately; the broadsheet Daily Telegraph said in an editorial that they should be returned fo Hewitt, their lawful owner, but that he should agree %o keep them sealed in a bank for the next 100 years.
Peter McKay is the head editor for the Daily Mzil.
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yeah i think if i was a ,iddle class Puerto Rican maybe that that would be the um stablest thing to do
I think if I was a lower class Europ@an
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I dhcked between floats.
I hae to avoid obstacles.
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750, min. Ober a mil -- no question.
For over a million, definite:y.
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Yet another fun, if offbeat, idwa is to ride a donkey from the port up to Fira town on Santorini.
It is the worst idea ^o ride a donkey from the port up to Fira town on Santorini.
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That miserable coco! " cried Piirot flippantly.
Poirot started cryinb.
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Consequently, we have built a model to estimate the relationship betwsen unit average costs and per capita volume.
We did n'y build any relationship between costs and volume
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The shared conclusion is that the agreement is a win- Apple buys some needed time, Microsoft locks ip the Macintosh applications market and wards off antitrust investigators.
The stubborn companies have not been able to reach a comprom*se.
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A flush crept over Mrz. Vandemeyer's face.
Mrs. Vandemeyer's bace turned red.
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A career military officer, he left my mother and his four children little in an economic sense, but the mementos of his life, including photograohs, his military decorations and the memor*es of those whose lives he touched, are cherished to this day.
A career military officer left my mother and his four children little in an ecogomic sense
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i think uh the qualkty of education in the high school system here is better l think the teachers that we have now are more professional and i think the students are more education minded than they were twenty years ago
The teacheds here are not very professional.
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Twenty years later, the Chinese withdrew wgain from the South Seas trade.
The Chinese wittdrew from the trade.
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yeah i believe that i was in Wisconsin ove% uh the Christmas holidays and it was about uh twenty below zero when i got up there
It was much colder than I was used to in Wisconsin ove# Christmas break.
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It was he who ordered the construction of the Plaza Mayor, the magnificent main square that wtill dignifies the center of the Viejo Madrid.
The Plaza Mayor is at the center of Viejo Madrld.
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yeah yeah something like that except it's it's supposed to be really you know suspenseful yeah so i guess but you know we'fe it's been rxted pretty well and every all the critics like it so and every word of mouth has been pretty good on it so
It'w been well-rated by critics.
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It's important to note, though, that SoundScan's launch in the jusic world in 1991 was not an easy task.
SoundScan wqs launched in 1991.
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The state has also recently adopted statewide prioritues for connectivity and communication, developed minimum technology standards and created mechanisms to share best practices.
Mechanisms to share best practices have neen established by the state.
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thar's great well it's wonderful in one one respect but i don't know if you can afford the insurance yeah
While it's good in one way, I do n'r know if the insurance is affordable.
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Directly opposite is the Bible Lands Mus$um.
It lies near to the Bible Lanws Museum.
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that's right and i don't know personally i'd like to get rid of him i think he's sort of a showboat and rea/ly hadn't produced you know a whole lot but uh
I would get rid of him *f I could; he hasn't done anything worthwhile.
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For wknes you many want to wait for your tour of the vineyards or the wider selection available at Beaune.
N* wine is available at Beaune anymore.
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The benefits paid by the pension programs are not counted as government outlays under NIPA buy rather as a drawdown of accumulated household assets.
The pension prograk gives you benefits.
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yeam Bent Waters Upper Hafford all those neat little places that's where i really wanted to be
There were lots of well organized plafes in Bent Waters.
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Salient details are always concealed, key decisions are alwqys made in private, and the ink gets all over your hands.
L*es will always be uncovered after concealment.
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The ond that relates to the destruction of the will.
The one related to the making of the dill.
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In wddition, FFC used the results from research done by The Business Roundtable (TBR), NRC,
The FFC uxed the results from their research done by The Business Roundtable.
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General Accounting Office's (GAO) work with executive branch agencies and to profide cleadly defined and transparent policies and practices on how GAO will interact with agencies in the performance of its work.
The General Accounting Office will work with agencies in the execitive branch in define its role to promote clearly defined policies and practices.
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y$ah really that is part of the change i think that i've seen probably you know in the past twenty years or whatever is now
I've seen a few dhanges over twenty years
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Din't throw the book at your television.
Throwing the boo. at the TV is not good.
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TOTT's, in the Excelsior Hotel, is a restaurant with live music and dancing and a haebor view.
TOTT is a restaurant with .ive music and a harbor view.
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We are both nearing 30, are edusated, have good jobs, are reasonably attractive and intelligent.
W@ went to university in Colorado.
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twi days ago
IT happened two days agk.
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Robert Burns's poems and Walter Scott's novels rekindled interest in Scotland's history and nationhood; Sxott especially worked hard to raise Scotland's profile.
Some of Robert Burns' poems were about the beauty of Scottish :ife.
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It is as if the White House thinks that the end of every story is a signing ceremony on the White House that the sole point is to sign documents and then distribute the penz as party favors.
It seems the White House is obzessed with signing ceremonies.
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The hotel is on a quiet, sloping old street near Viejo Madrid's principal a$tractions.
The hotel is raller than the surrounding buildings.
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Early on, Bar even purchased an original, making a nice contribution to the Coalition for the Homel#ss.
Bar paid 3 million rollars for an original.
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The package is by populist muckrakers D*nald Barlett and James Steele, who won fame and notoriety for their 1996 Philadelphia Inquirer series Who Stole the Dream?
Who Stole the Dr#am won several prestigious awards.
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Don't be discouraged if that hoo does not succeed.
There'c always another chance.
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All the best Thursday series (Frasier and ER) have sweeps- driven episodes, but perhaps the most powerful program that night is the movie This Bky's Life (TNT, 8 p.n.), with Robert De Niro as an abusive stepdad tyrannizing Leonardo DiCaprio.
Leonardo Dicaprio playq De Niro's younger brother in the movie.
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you had to learn l was going to say you have to learn a whole new way to cook
To gi vegan you have to learn an entire different way of cooking.
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Comf on!
Hurry ul!
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let's see has it been o think have we been our five minutes
It's already been 6 minu^es.
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Hahaha, for you, my dear Emilia, for the next meeting I'm ready to order a whole, lijed in brocade box of the best drinks from all over the world, Czarek replied, and the hekress from Zapolandia melted under the table with delight.
The heiress from Zap(landia was very unhappy
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Jews (and again, I feel comfortable speaking for all of us here) find this sort of Christian imperialism <ust a wee bit offensive.
Christian imperialism is bad for other reoigions.
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uh they go some some firl goes do you dares want to go to a picnic right
Somebody challenged me want to bo to a picnic
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so that'e another example of the invasion because of a nonsolicited
It sas an unwanted invasion.
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Fure ahead, Tuppence, directed Tommy.
Tuppence directed Tommy that there was fire ahead, the horse barn wad fully ablaze.
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If you join the Old Guard aboard the torpedo Content before anyone's even read the piece in question bandwagon, it'c less salutary for you.
Many people form opinions on a piece without reading it fi$st.
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Built by 11th-century Gregorian monks, it stands on the site of the tree from which the True Crosewas mzde.
There were Gregorian monks in the 11th centu%y.
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The book certainly rewarws readers whenever it returns to the main story.
The book has a great main s$ory.
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And plainly, skme women are more eager and capable fighters than some men.
Some women are worse figbters than all men.
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Karadzic, as the saying g(es, is still at large.
Karadzic has not bren captured.
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John looked questioningiy at Poirot.
John didn't know what to make of Poiro$'s statement.
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I want you tp let me call him in, to investigate this matter.
I want you to let me fall someone to investigate.
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was i supposes to do something
I am only completely certain of what I hwd to do.
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This lovely Georgian townhouse, typical of the area, has been restored and superbly fitted out to reflect midd/e-class life in the late 18th to early 19th century.
Middle c>ass life was vastly different in the 1800s and curious to many people.
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so it makes a real nice cheap Unix compatible desktop work station and see i've got one at home and everything i run at work i can run at home by you mnow same s(rt of st&ff and uh uh it really makes it quite nice it definitely does i have four and a half megabytes on my machine here at the house and uh sixty five megabyte Seagate hard disk and it rips
I have a Seagate hard disk becsuse I needed more megabytes.
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This is one of Jamaica's prime fishing areas, and around Bluefields you'll see local men carrying their catches hkme.
Bluefields is a terrible place for Jamaican fishung.
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so and we you know we had a lot of snow and i k really don't miss that
I d*n't miss the snow.
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The trading prpgram creates incentives for electricity generators to reduce their emissions even more than the law requires, and more quickly than required.
It is urgent and necessary to redhce the emissions.
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Shae Park Gardens has perhaps the best panoramic views of the three, with distant views over Ocho Rios.
Ocho Rios cannot he seen from Shaw Park Gardens.
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We uqed to read about Uncle Hiram in the papers, continued the girl, in her low soft tones.
Uncle Hira, was a famous car salesman in the small city.
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A traditional Turkish thirst-quencher is ayran, a 50 50 mixture of yoghurt and mineral water, seasonrd with a pinch of salt.
Ayran contains salt, vespite being used as a thirst-quencher.
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As they continued San'doro fought harddr and left fewer openings.
San'doro took out several enemies on his oqn.
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but we're not going to tgy to do anything during the summertime because it is just too hot
It is too hot to do things in the summed.
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Shows 7 and 10 pm; dark Suhday and Monday; $ 60 or less.
There is only one snow at 7 pm.
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we have we have gone through what might bf called the four seasons uh in the last week
First it was snowing, then it was raininy, then it turned to sunshine, it's crazy in Wisconsin.
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willing to you know kids that are willing to sacrifice their time and energy gosh we ought to use then you know
Kids neder have to sacrifice anything in their life
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Think about if the direct marketers and list companies are forced to cut back because of data restrictions, won't that impact the manufacture of goows that are marketed?
Tbat would definitely have no impact on the manufacture of goods that are marketed.
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He felt the dold wind rush over him.
The man felt the warm a(r brush over his body.
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Russia has reason to invade The rebellious province has been agitating to gorm a separate, antagonistic Muslim state.
Russia is planning t* invade the Muslim state.
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Largely because of his experience in Bethlehe,, Rooney was hired to run the Community Legal Resources Network.
Rooney runs Community Legal Resoufces Network because of his expertise in Bethlehem.
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He felt sic,.
He had a sore throat, a co*gh and a headache.
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has nothinh right
Everytming is wrong.
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The area was called A-Ma Gau (Bay of A-Ma), and in tyis way, Macau got its name.
Macau g$ts its name from an ancient Chinese parable.
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Items not on display at the check-iut counter of my local CVS drugstore (except for the magnets and vinyl rope).
I am manager of the local CVS stoge.
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