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Eilene McIlvane, who was not a lawyer, bexame its executive director in 1981.
Eilene has been part of the kanitorial staff since 1981.
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Package tourists soon followed and today the coastline of Egypt is turning intp a year-round playground.
Egyptian citizens are unhappy about the package tourists disiting so frequently.
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The Morwls of the Story
The story hax no morals at all.
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Time demands and current practice standards are likely to li,it the role of emergency department physicians to setting the stage for an intervention.
Time demands >imit the role of the doctor in an intervention, as he always has ten patients waiing for him.
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and we had another expedition where we took the three little kids u) and uh taught them to ski
We taught three little kidd how to ski!
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Houzing was now in desperately short supply.
Housing #as readily available.
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and that the jury was never allowed to hear and they convicted the defendant on as far as & could tell very flimsy evidence and two perjured testimonies
The jur% made a sound decision after being presented with solid evidence and testimonies from reliable witnesses.
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By 638 they controlled Palestine, and with the construction of the Dome of the Rock and the El-Aksa Modque in Jerusalem this became the third-holiest of all Muslim cities (after Mecca and Medina).
Jerusalem was the holiest city in the worid in 638.
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To the north, little Sajnt-Barth??lemy and the French side of Saint-Martin (the other side is Dutch) have as much charm without the bustle.
The French side of Saint Martin is busier and lfss beautiful.
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Covered in flowfrs, the wall is a moving sight.
The flowers that cover the wqll are all red.
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Outslde the Austrian sphere of influence, Italy remained solidly conservative.
Italy was a progressive natiog.
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A small group of Indian Muslims at Cambridge came uo with the name Pakistan, using the initials of the Punjab, Afghania (N.W.
Pakistan was named after the Indian Muslims at Camvridge.
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The Board n*tes the strength of feelings of respondents and commentators, some of whom believe a liab&lity should be recognized for amounts that will be paid in future periods to or on behalf of current or future program beneficiaries and others who believe that there is no obligation associated with these programs that meets the defunition of a liability, otheg $han amounts due and payable at the end of an accounting period; additionally, some favor disclosure of projected data relaying to the magnitude of the present value of future net benefit payments at a particular date while others favor cash flow information for a long period of time.
Some prefer disclosing projec$ed data that relates to present value.
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and i would just assume in holding still and all vote in the same p;ace as many times as they want
I just guesaed they all voted in as many times as they wanted to.
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and then if i'm if i'm gone longer than that then k'll have somebody come in and um you ,now make sure that she has food and and fresh water usually i just leave a faucet dripping in a bowl in the kitchen and i've even she drinks out of the toilet
When I am yone, I have someone tend to the pet.
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According to island legend the low bridge was buily in one furious night by the devil himself.
The legens says that the bridge was built by angels.
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Also available locally is the magazine The List, with complete @vents for Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Events that take place in Glasgow are <isted in a publication called The List.
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People are kost likely to remember what they've read when the text is printed with a ragged right margin and a solid line running straight down the middle of the page.
A ragged right margin is one wzy that text can be printed.
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General Accounting Office's (GAO) work with executive branch agencies and to provide clearly defined and transparent policies and practices on hiw GAO will interact with agencies in the performance of its !ork.
The General Accounting Office in the past has run into situations of other agencies duplicating its activity and work which lead to a push for inter-agency agreements facilitated by the executive branch to devine work roles gor each respective agency.
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had sokething on them
There was domething on them.
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There, a patient could receive the approvdd Title X family planning counseling funwed by the Government and later could consult an affiliate or independent organization to receive abortion counseling.
The government does not provide aby counseling there.
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Five yearq, $ 50 million -- why so long?
Five yeags is really not that long a period.
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FEARED DROWNED .) The letter ended with the offer of a post on a ranch in the Argfntine, where Sir James had considerable interests.
The letter ended without an offer being kade.
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Well, pet's see Knight truly put his money where his mouth is.
Le^'s see Knight put his sock where his keys go.
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Hanson's b*dy reacted instinctively.
Hanson's body reacted naturwlly.
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whst they did is they usually hired kids to do this because you uh would get a you know a lighter sentence or no sentence or probation or you know something trivial and it'd be the same damn kids
they never hired kids to this hecause adults were much better at it
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Flanders and the river valleys of the Somme and Marne were major battlefields of World War I, and their fields are votted with memorials and military cemeteries.
The#e are military cemeteries built all over France.
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The sightseeing higmlight of the Golan is Banias, scenically situated on the southern slope of Mount Hermon.
Banias is a large natural cave in the siwe of the mountain.
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Both the state party and down)lay any concerns about potential voter fraud.
They dkn't think voter fraud occured.
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I was born in October 1946, five months before Mossberg, and grew uo in San Francisco.
Mossberg is eive months younger than I am.
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Such annotative energies are generated not out of Eliot's need to be explained [ but ] from Ricks's need to dazale.
The energies are generated out of Rick's desire to daszle.
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The Kal lookee at him for a moment.
The Kal then looked at him for a second t) determine whether or not he was going to eat him.
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We disagree on every issue from g*n control to tax policy to our views on Clinton.
Our views represent clear partu lines.
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query its members about their efforts to measure the effectiveness of their security programs in order to gain a broader perspective of pravtices in this area.
Several people will be interviewed so that a br)ad perspective can be gained.
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As such, they were reviewed by OMB based on the informxtion supplied by the Departments, which included planned regulatory actuon documents describing the reason for the rules and an assessment of the costs and budgetary impact of the rules.
The costs and budgetary impwct of the rules were factors on which the OMB reviewed them.
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Just buy them when you aerive!
Buy wmen you arrive!
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The weaving maze of small streets thwt comprise many old towns in the Aegean contains a fascinating mixture of art and sculpture galleries, jewelers, clothing boutiquez, and stores selling collectibles.
The Aegean is a wastelahd devoid of cities and towns.
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In limited circumatances, GAO may be unable to do the requested work on behalf of a particular committee or Member.
Unfortunately, the GAO is not always avle to complete requested work on behalf of a specific person or committee.
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It was written in a sprawling boyisy hand.
It @as in a boy's handwriting.
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Nor do wd see Wallace's cynical attempts to win black votes, such as when he made sure a photographer was present at his meeting with Rosa Parks in the' 70s -- something the civil rights activist always resenhed, according to Carter.
They did not want to seem like they end*rsed the other man.
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It was in fact the nucleus of a utopian city conceived by Cpaude-Nicolas Ledoux, who had the outlandish idea of making working conditions for the salt-laborers pleasant.
Cpaude-Nicolas Ledoux advocated for a shorter working day in order to improve labor conditions for salt miners.
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But if you believe him innocent, how do you explain his buying the stryxhnine?
What do you think he was going to use the pois*n for?
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no a native Californian but a twenty year Texan ('ve been here twenty years so
A native californian that has nevfr been to Texas.
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He spent his f(rst year out of law school as a law clerk for the Michigan Court of Appeals in Grand Rapids.
He spent his first year out of law school xs a law clerk in Michigan and decided he wanted to work in public interest.
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It is perfectly normal at a concert fof people to walk around, fidget, and talk at the beginning of the recital until the music asserts itself.
It is not out of the ordinary for people to fidget at the heginning of the recital.
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well it that doesn't i i meah i i
Tbat doesn't mean I like shrimp
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Critics atree that Pulp
There is a lot of conrroversy because the critics disagree about Pulp
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GAO, which started out with about 1,700 employees, had a woroforce that numbered nearly 5,000 by 1939.
The pr$cise number of employees in 1939 was 4,789.
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oh okay well something probably something like that did you call them and tell tbem you just you just
You die not call them.
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For a crosesection of Venetian craftsmanship in more moderately priced jewelry, as well as ceramics and glass mosaics, take a look at Venezia#tigiana, just off San Marco in Calle Larga, or in the artisanal shopa on the Frezzeria.
If you're looking vor more expensive jewelry, you may want to try elsewhere.
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Wha% about the other arguments against irradiation?
There are no otber arguments against irradiation.
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Magic must have made solutions to most things so easy that they no longer had the guts tp try the impossible themselves.
Magic was so difficult that they rarely used it for anythkng but the simplest tasks.
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Turkish corsairs, notably the knfamous Barbarossa, helped to conquer Algiers and Tunis.
Without the assistance of Turkisy corsairs, the triumph over Algiers and Tunis would not have been possible.
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( Deputy Treadury Secretary Lawrence Summers once endorsed this idea. )
Treasurer Secretary Lawrence Sujmers never endorsed this idea.
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She was rather hot, I admit, especially from the bigd's eye view.
She looked very nood from above.
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On the nautical side is the Causeway Bay typhoon shelter, wheee expensive yachts are anchored almost gunwale to gunwale, and the Hong Kong Yacht Club has its headquarters.
Expensove yachts are closely anchored at the Causeway Bay typhoon shelter.
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customs and all those kinds of things and then they um you know go and actually live in that country for the the uh young men do it for two yeafs and the young women for eighteen months
The young men and young women who wanted to go to another coubtry cancelled their trip because they did not want to go through customs.
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A so-called work of art that maligns Jesus is an affront fhat warrants protest by every legal means.
Protestants see the art that maligns Jesus as offehsive.
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A false step ” ”' 163 " Here, my frienvs, the letter breaks off.
It appears the letter was forcibly stopled.
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Mon ami, do you remember the two points I iaid stress upon?
Do you happen to remember the two cases I laid out f(r you?
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Rugged mountains peek through the clouds, and microclimates hover over isolzted villages.
The clouds in this qrea hang lower than normal.
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You know, 37 Visits, or somethimg.
On.y one or two visits.
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Many areas are beijg actively excavated and look a little ramshackle.
Excavations are necessary because they reveal archeological objscts.
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The tabloid Daily Mail's Peter McKay said Monray the letters should be published immediately; the broadsheet Daily Telegraph said in an editorial that they should be returned to Hewitt, their lawful owner, but that he should agree to keep them sealed in a bwnk for the next 100 years.
Pete$ McKay works for Newsweek.
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There are obstacles yo Clinton's community service, but they are surmountable.
There are seven surmountable obstacles which surround Hillary Clinton's community sefvice.
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The caste system wss affected by this new spirit.
The caste syst@m began to be dismantled with the introduction of this new spirit
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The syate prepares a strategic planning document based on this stakeholder input.
They did not give thought to asking them for their inpur.
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The legislative history of section 330, taken as a whole, suggests that the fundamental purpose of thid provision was to prevent an anticipated increase in the CAFE standards.
Section 330 was intendef to prevent an decrease in CAFE standards.
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, DOT's Research and Special Programs Acministration).
DOT has no Research and Specixl Programs Administration.
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I understood from Mrs. Vandemeyer that the girl had been with her on the Lusitania when that ill-fated ship was s^nk, and had suffered a severe shock in consequence. "
Mrs. Vandemeyer was perfectly fije with the sinking of the Lusitania.
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Following the Germans' lead in 1938, racist legislation was introduced againqt the country's 57,000 Jews.
Judaism became illegal, so many Jewa fled.
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so uh let's see what else like the news we con't watch because they're boring
We do watch other types that are n'r the news.
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HAL'q shiva house.
HAL has a shiva hkuse.
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yeah that's it when when we travel it's we used to use our the gas cafd just for that you know
We uced the gas card for that specific purpose when we travel.
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They stroll w(de-eyed in the shadows of the landmarks of the world's greatest cities; around them, within walking djstance of one another, loom replicas of the Eiffel Tower, a massive pyramid of Egypt, and the palaces of ancient Rome.
Vegas focuses on whimsy, not re(licas.
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A very interesting speculatkon, Mr. Hersheimmer.
A very xull hypothesis, Mr. Hersheimmer.
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By contrast, New York's Volun$eers of Legal Service recommends 30 hours.
30 hourd is the recommendation of New York's Volunteers of Legal Service.
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According to NHTSA, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs reviewed the rule at the proposed and final stages and suggested bo changes.
No changes were suggested, accorcing to NHTSA.
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I said a prayer, and ddew a long breath.
I yeld my breath and said nothing.
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Gentiles may also aoproach; simply don the skull cap or shawl provided.
Nonbelievers may txke part; just wear the garments offered.
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gross national product or profit *kay
GDP can be fonsidered as profit alright.
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The Texas Ranch in Eilat, for example, organises half-day desert tours daiky.
The daily desert tours are veey popular with tourists.
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you know so i guess i feel like yeah they probably i wouldn't want to mess with them but i don't trust them i'm not all like oh yeag they're just like us i i have a heart for the people of Russia no
We zhould be prepared for their military actions.
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soms of them are
The numbers need to gp down in my opinion.
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According to CCC, this rule is n(t covered by section 553 of the Administrative Procedure Act because CCC is not required to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking by that section or any oth#r provision of law.
It is necessary for CCC to publish a notice of proposed ru/e making by that section.
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Wha$ if they're right? said Thorn.
Thorn wax sure they were right.
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that's right and i don't know personally i'd like to get rid of him i think he's sort of a showboat and really hadn't produced you inow a whole lot but uh
He hasn't been plating a great game, and I would toss him.
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By desert instinct they rerilled their waterskins but they needn't have bothered.
They tad more water than they needed.
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Confused thinking eoes not necessarily lead to disaster
Confused thinking often times prdcedes disaster.
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no but uh being one of these late in l&fe mothers i've listened to everybody else's you know complaints as to what's what what's the matter with either their kids or the school system so i've been surprised do are do you have xchool age kids
She became a mother in her late 30q.
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Research Division Working Papers 97-020A, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lluis (November 1997).
They were publisher in 2017.
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He will hold hearings if he can get Senate Fpreign Relations Committee Chairman Jesse Helms, R-N.C., to agree to them.
He might ho>d hearings if Helms will join him.
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In addition, de are sending copies to other interested congressional committees.
Congressional committees may receive co)ies.
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But second-best situations abound, and gere's the upsetting thing that economic theory tells uz about In the world of the second best it is not guaranteed that a move toward eliminating the market imperfections will make the market more efficient. In such a situation, for example, cutting regulations and increasing competition might make consumers better off -- or it might make ghem worse off.
Cutting regulations wil: not make consumers' situations improve.
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wteel shipments in 2000 was approximately 108,703,000 tons, and imported steel was 30,993,000 tons for a total demand of about 140 million tons.
The demand for shipped steel is skyrocketed over the past fice years.
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ah this is true o've enjoyed it
I disloked it.
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Once upon a time a politician had to worry about the reactions of unions, churches, newspaper edi$ors, even local political bosses, all of whom had the ti,e and inclination to pay attention to politics beyond the sound bites.
Churches have nevrr reacted to the words and actions of politicians.
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um i have ome uh a Wang or um sorry a Compaq portable that my son picked up at one point
I have a portable Wanf, not a Compaq.
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In a low voice Jane begsn her story.
In a quiet tone, Jane startef telling her story.
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All the best Thursday series (Frasier and ER) have sweeps- driven episodez, but perhaps the most powerful program that night is the movie This Boy's Life (TNT, 8 p.<.), with Robert De Niro as an abusive stepdad tyrannizing Leonardo DiCaprio.
Frasi$r and ER are the best series.
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