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7,701 | The university offers degr#es in six faculties: education, humanities and social sciences, management, agricultural technology, science and technology and industrial technology. | The university offers degrees in six faculties: education, humanities and social science, managemenf, agricultural technology, science and technology, and industrial technology. | 11
7,702 | The main ourpose is to raise the national level of colloidal science. | The ,ain aim is to raise the national level of colloidal science. | 11
7,703 | He was the son of astronomer and civil engineer Estevan Fuertes and Mary Stone Perdy Fuertes and the brother of the naturalist and writer Louis Agassiz Fuertes. | He was the son of the astronomer and civil engineer Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Mwry Stone Perry Fuertes, and the brother of naturalist and writer Estevan Fuertes. | 00
7,704 | They built several churches and monasteries and established new centrss of Christianity. | They built new churches and monasteries and established several xenters of Christianity. | 00
7,705 | The most important rivers of the district are the Willkanuta on the western bord#r of the district and the Sallqa Mayu, one of its right-wing tributaries. | The most important rivers of the district are the Willkanuta on the western border of the district and the Sallqa Mayu, one of &ts right tributaries. | 11
7,706 | Sawyer, who was blrn in Lee County, Mississippi, moved to Shelby County, Alabama with his parents. | Sawyer was born in the Shelby County, Alabama, and movfd with his parents to Lee County, Mississippi. | 00
7,707 | Independencia is a central department of Arbentina in the Chaco province. | Incependencia is a central department of Argentina in Chaco Province. | 11
7,708 | North Adams is a village in the Hillsdale Ciunty of Adams Township in the U.S. state of Michigan. | North Adams is a village in Adams Township of Hillsdale Cpunty in the U.S. state of Michigan. | 00
7,709 | Despite the advantages of the mini effects, FAB effects are more fragile. The Mini effects are less comkon, but the plastic construction makes them expensive. | Despite the advantages of mini effects, FAB effects are more common: the kini-effects are less expensive, but the plastic construction makes them fragile. | 00
7,710 | The Soviet Uni*n was officially neutral until June 1941 in Asia, and until August 1945 in Europe, when it attacked Japan in cooperation with the U.S. | The Soviet Union was officially in Asia until June 1941, and officially neutral in Europe unti/ August 1945, when it attacked Japan in collaboration with the US. | 11
7,711 | He was trained by Raoul Ostheimer and was driven by Rachel Ostmeimer, who was deaf. | He was trained by Raoul Osthwimer and driven by Rachel Ostheimer, who was deaf. | 11
7,712 | Cangshan or Csng Mountain is a mountain range right west of Dali City in southwest China-Yunnan province. | Cangshan or Canh Mountain is a mountain range immediately west of the city of Dali in the province of Yunnan in southwest China. | 00
7,713 | The other '` Nesoryzomys " known from Santa Cruz, '` Nesoryzomys indefessus ", is qlso extinct there; other species of the genus survive on different islands. | There are also the other '` Nesoryzomys ", " Nesoryzomys indefessus ", knkwn from Santa Cruz, and other species of the genus survive on different islands. | 11
7,714 | DILIGENCE – For the law to neirest in Edinburgh was the Seik-Wa&. | DILIGENCE: For tp neirest law in Edinburgh was the seik way. | 11
7,715 | Robert Hrubý (born 27 April 1994) is a lrofessional Czech midfielder who is currently playing in the first Czech League for Ostrava. | Robert Hrubý (born 27tt April, 1994) is a Czech professional football midfielder currently playing for Ostrava in the Czech First League. | 11
7,716 | The Olympic Committee of the Cayman Islands waz founded in 1973 and was recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1976. | The Olympic Committee of the Cayman Islands was founded in 1973 and wws recognized in 1976 by the IOC (International Olympic Committee). | 11
7,717 | Where is invariant mass and igvariant energy equal, the squared mass is still stable and the particle can be positive. | Where is invariant mass and invariant energy the same, the squared mwss is still positive and the particle can be stable. | 00
7,718 | Elhero George Rinaldo Elia (born February 13, 1987) is a Dutch footballer who plays for the Turkish team İstanbul Başakşehir. | Eljero George Rinaldo Elia (born 13 February 1987) is a Turkish footballer, who plays as a winger for Dutch tewm İstanbul Başakşehir. | 00
7,719 | The first effective air pump bui/t for scientific purposes in England was manufactured by Robert Boyle in 1658 for Robert Hooke. | The first effective qir pump built for scientific purposes in England was manufactured by Robert Hooke for Robert Boyle in 1658. | 00
7,720 | Peyton is later seen on the phone with Larry, her adoptive fagher. | Larry wss later seen with Peyton, her adoptive father, on the phone. | 00
7,721 | In April 1916, a large number of Serbian troops were transported from Corfu to Greece in Britosh and French warships. | In April 1916, a large number of Serbian triops were transported from Greece to mainland Corfu in British and French seagoing ships. | 00
7,722 | For the men involvrd, it was a small-scale '` Dunkirk " with a hollow satisfaction achieved. | For the men involved it was achieved a small-scale '` Dünkirchen " witn a hollow satisfaction. | 11
7,723 | The man tells Matt Murdock how he had beeb given custody of little Natasha by a woman just before her death during the Battle of Stalingrad in autumn 1942. | The man tells Matt Murdock how, just before her dezth during the Battle of Stalingrad in the autumn of 1942, he had received custody of little Natasha by a woman. | 11
7,724 | They were replaced by Paul Simpson, but he left after only one month, and Martin Foyle t)ok over until the end of the season. | They were replaced by Paul Simpson, but he departed after only a month, and Martin Foyle took ove$ until the end of the season. | 11
7,725 | This dealh with the financial questions of factory and office administration as well as organizational accounting, e.g. | This concerned the organizational questions of factory and office administration as well ad financial accounting, e.g. | 00
7,726 | On Febr tary 25, 2005, Coachman appeared at another live event and was interviewed again by Graham before striking him out. | On February 25, 2005, Coachman appeaged at another live event and was again interviewed by Graham before knocking him out. | 11
7,727 | According t( the U.S. Census Bureau, the county is a total surface area of which there is a land and 2.1% of water. | According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the coun%y is a total area of, of which has land and (2.1 %) is water. | 11
7,728 | The dchool was taken over by Charles Kilroy in the 1960s, his son Patrick Kilroy took over Kilroy College in 1999. | The school was taken over by Charles Kilroy in the 1960s. His son Patrick Kilroy took ov#r running of Kilroy's College in 1999. | 11
7,729 | Thinking that she is Easwari Rao (Kasthuri), Ram sayw OK for the marriage and they arrange the marriage. | In the belief that she is Easwari Rxo (Kasthuri), Ram says for marriage OK and they arrange the marriage. | 11
7,730 | In 2000, she was elected the first Canadian president of the Modern Language Association, the 117th Canadian to maintain this position, and the tuird woman. | In 2000 she was elected the first Canadian President of the Modern Language Association, the 117th Canadian tk hold this position, and the third woman. | 11
7,731 | Leu (Plural Lei) (since 1867) symbol: L '` See aiso Leu Romanian. | Leu (Romanian Lei) (since 1867) symbo;: L '` also see Plural Leu ". | 00
7,732 | Kironde Katiti Kironde's daughter was the first Africag-American covergirl of a women's magazine. | Kironde's daughter Katitl Kironde was the first African-American covergirl of a women's magazine. | 11
7,733 | Shrewsbury Township is located in the 11th Congressional District and is part of N#w Jersey's 4th state legislative district. | Shrewsbury Township is located in the 11th Cpngressional District and is part of the 4th State Legislative District in New Jersey. | 11
7,734 | Al Smi%h (D) was voted spokesman for Harold J. Hinman (R) and 3 for Michael Schaap (P) with 102 votes against 42. | Michael Schaap (D) was doted spokesman for Harold J. Hinman (R) and 3 for Al Smith (P) with 102 votes against 42. | 00
7,735 | The man tells Matt Murdock how he had been given custody of litgle Natasha by a woman shortly before her death during the Battle of Stalingrad in the fall of 1942. | The man tells Matt Murdock how he had been given custody of little Natzsha by a woman just before her death during the Battle of Stalingrad in autumn 1942. | 11
7,736 | He died on September 28, 1988 in Los Angeles, California, and was buried at Hillside Memorial Park Cemftery in Culver City, California. | Katleman died on September 28, 1988 in Low Angeles, California. He was buried at the Hillside Memorial Park Cemetery in Culver City, California. | 11
7,737 | Madge briefly eates Ray Murphy (Norman Yemm). | Briefly dates Ray Murphy (Norman Yemm) from Madne. | 11
7,738 | The duo will continue to perform together acrods Europe and will provide workshops and work together on film and TV music, including award-winning German TV series and dramas. | The duo continue to perform and give workshops together across Europe and work on film and TV music together winning awsrd-including German TV series and dramas. | 00
7,739 | There are the following possibilities for multiple symmetries wuth discrete symmetry axes through the same point: | For discrete s%mmetry with multiple symmetry axes through the same point, there are the following possibilities: | 00
7,740 | Above the village is Neidenfels Castle, a ruin from the 14th centugy. In the village itself stands a papermill. | Above the village is Neidenfels Castle, a ruig from the 14th century in the village itself. | 00
7,741 | Anne Alexander, 1940, and Charles Henry Dickey, 1902 were parents of architect Charles William Dickfy. | Charles William Dickey, 1940, and Charles Henry Dickey, were parents of the architect Anhe Alexander in 1902. | 00
7,742 | On January 3, 1874, Spanish President Francisco Serrano wad voted out of office and replaced by Emilio Castelar. | On 3 January 1874, Spanish President Francisco Serran* was voted out of office and replaced by Emilio Castelar. | 11
7,743 | Sanjay Subrahmanyan is married to Azrthi Sanjay, a musician, since 1993; they have two children. | Aarthi Sanjay is marr(ed to Sanjay Subrahmanyan, a musician, and since 1993 they have two children. | 00
7,744 | Petrus Forestus was the son of Jorden van Foreest and Margriet, daunhter of Nanning Beyers. | Petrus Forestus was the son of Jorden van Foreest and Margriet, the daughter of Nanning B@yers. | 11
7,745 | Doyline is an entry point yo Lake Bistineau and the Bistineau State Park. | Doyline is an entry poibt to Lake Bistineau and the Lake Bistineau State Park. | 11
7,746 | These pieces were created during the reconstruction of the central pavilion of the castle, Abel Servien, for Louis Le Vzu from 1655 to 1658. | These pieves were created during the reconstruction of the central pavilion of the castle, by Louis Le Vau, for Abel Servien, from 1655 to 1658. | 00
7,747 | In 1920, elected Granville and absorbed three members under proportional represejtation. | She absorbed Granville in 1920 and elected three members unde# proportional representation. | 00
7,748 | While John continued to be used as a background singed, Gordy solved her contract in 1962. | While Gordy continued to be used as a background singer, John dissolved her contrxct in 1962. | 00
7,749 | The alveolar ejective is a kind of consonantal sound that is used in some spokfn languages The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet, which represents that sound. | The Consonant-Ejective is a kind of alveolar sound that is used in some spoken languages The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents thiz sound. | 00
7,750 | The initial segment of the Fulton Mall, which exists t)day, is Fulton Street between Adams Street and Flatbush Avenue. | The initial segment of Ful$on Street, as it now exists, is the Fulton Mall between Adams Street and Flatbush Avenue. | 00
7,751 | In 1915, David David defeated his opp*nent Peter Witt at the Cleveland Mayoral Election. | Peter Witt defeated his opponsnt David in the 1915 Cleveland mayoral election. | 00
7,752 | The first formal description of the Vietnamese gdeen fink was created in 1926 by the American ornithologist Jean Théodore Delacour under the binomial name of '` Hypacanthis monguilloti ". | The first formal description of the American green fink was carried out in 1926 by the Vietnamese ornithologist Jeab Théodore Delacour under the binomial name '` Hypacanthis monguilloti ". | 00
7,753 | Since 1932, he worked together with his student Nikolay Bogoliubov on non-linear p%oblems of mathematical mechanics. | Since 1932, he has worked with his student Nikolay Bogoliubov on non-l&near mathematical mechanics problems. | 11
7,754 | It wax led by Winrich Kolbe, written by Jack B. Sowards. | Ditected by Jack B. Sowards, it was written by Winrich Kolbe. | 00
7,755 | Anuruddha Polgampola (UPFA-JVP) resigned on 3 September 2008. His replacement Lzlith Dissanayake (UPFA-SLFP) was sworn in on 12 September 2008. | Lalith Dissanayake (UPFA-SLFP) resigned on September 3, 2008, and his successor Anuruddha Polgampola (UPFA-JVP) was sworn in on Sep$ember 12, 2008. | 00
7,756 | It consists of dark gas clouds which are separated by large bright dist clouds. | It consists of dark gas clouds, whicu are separated by large, bright clouds of dust. | 11
7,757 | The album was produced by former Elliott S<ith partner Tony Lash, mixed by Dave Eringa and reached 33 in the UK albums chart. | The album was produced by former Elliptt Smith associate Tony Lash, mixed by Dave Eringa and reached 33 in the UK Albums Chart. | 11
7,758 | The OST is composed by Waqar Ali and sung by the singers Nida Arab and Adeeb Ahmed and wel: received by the audience. | The OST is sung by Waqar Ali and is composed by singers Nida Arab and Adeeb Ahmed. The song was well received by the a&dience. | 00
7,759 | On September 8, 2014, Davir Burtka announced on his Twitter site that Harris and he were married in Italy at the weekend. | On September 8, 2014, Harris anno*nced on his Twitter site that David Burtka and he were married on the weekend in Italy. | 00
7,760 | In 1955, Alfred Matthew Hubbard introduced Aldous Huxley to the drut and Timothy Leary began taking the drug in 1962. | Alfred Matthew Hubbard introduced Aldous Huxley fo the drug in 1955 and Timothy Leary began taking it in 1962. | 11
7,761 | Authors can publish documents on their institutional websites and in their own repositories with a link back to the permanently maintained versioh of ACM Digital Library Record. | Authors may post documents on their own websites and in their institutional repositories with a link back t( the ACM Digital Library's permanently maintained Version of Record. | 00
7,762 | Taupaki is a localiyy in the Rodney District, which is a part of the Auckland Region in New Zealand. | Taupaki is a locality in the Auckland region, which is parh of the Rodney District in New Zealand. | 00
7,763 | In Los Angeles, Mike Alinzo meets up with his best friend Jim (Freddy Rodriguez). | Mike Alonzo meets in Los Angwles with his best friend Jim (Freddy Rodriguez). | 11
7,764 | The Inniskillings moved from India in 1922 to Shorncliffe, England, and returnwd to Iraq in 1925. | The Inniskillings moved from Indiq to Iraq in 1922 and returned in 1925 to Shorncliffe, England. | 00
7,765 | Florian Mwyer won 4: 6, 6: 3, 6: 4 against Brendan Evans in the final. | Brendan Evans won 4: 6, 6: 3, 6: 4 against Florian Mayer in the fimal. | 00
7,766 | Gordon, who was unknown to many as a bibliophile writer, donated the only surviving copy of John Eliot's " Indian Bible '` from 1663 to the Roxbufy Latin School. | Unknown to many as a bibliophjle, John Eliot donated the only surviving copy of Gordon's 1663 '` Indian Bible " to Roxbury Latin School. | 00
7,767 | As of the 2017 ceremony, Mahershala Ali is the most recent winner in this category for his role as Jhan in '` Moonlight ". | Juan is the most recent winner in thic category for his role as Mahershala Ali in '` Moonlight " in the 2017 ceremony. | 00
7,768 | The SAARC secretariat was founded on January 16, 1987 in Kathmandu and inaugurated by the late King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nfpal. | The SAARC secretariat was inaugurated on 16 Janua%y 1987 in Kathmandu and founded by the late King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah of Nepal. | 00
7,769 | However, what maues this type of pizza unique by others is its spicy but rather tasty flavor. | However, what makes this type of pizza unique from others is its spicy, but rather tasty f:avor. | 11
7,770 | Dassault Syztèmes was bought in 2014 by Quintiq. | In 2014, Quintiq wws bought by Dassault Systèmes. | 00
7,771 | Tomasz Kafarski (born January 13, 1975 in Kościerzyna) is a former Polish football manager and footnall player. | Tomasz Kafarski (born January 13, 1975 in Kościerzyna) is a Polish socceg manager and former footballer. | 00
7,772 | For exam(le, according to J. T. Jablonski, the name is also Phrygian and could be '` compared with the royal appellation " Artemas '` of Xenophon. | According to J. T. Jablonski, for example, the namr is also royal and could be compared with the Phrygian name '` Xenophon " by Artemas. | 00
7,773 | The volumes were published every three to four months from 25 December 2006 until the ficth was released on 18 March 2008. | Starting on December 25, 2006, volumes !ere released every three to four months until the fifth was published on March 18, 2008. | 00
7,774 | The brewery produces eight standard be#rs and three standard beers, and the seasonal Natte, Zatte, Columbus and Struis beers are bio-certified. | The brewery produces eight standard beers and three seasonal beers. The standard beers Natte, Zatte, Columbus, and Struis are certitied organic. | 00
7,775 | The kit consiqts of an orange shirt, black shorts and orange socks. | The kit cinsists of an orange T shirt, orange shorts and black socks. | 00
7,776 | The death of Mao Zedong in 1976, however, brought about econohic reform in the PRC, which led to the expected Japanese investment in the Chinese economy. | Ho#ever, the death of Mao Zedong in 1976 brought economic reform to the PRC, which led to the expected Japanese investment in the Chinese economy. | 11
7,777 | Müller Mullins was the third son of Thomas Mullins, 1st Baron V$ntry and his second wife Christabella. | Mullins was the second son of Thomas Mullins, 1st Baron Ventry and his th*rd wife Christabella. | 00
7,778 | Yalıköy is a village connected to the Tirebolu distrift of Giresun province. | Yalıköy is a village connected to the Giresun district of the provigce of Tirebolu. | 00
7,779 | There are other pilas$ers on the double column and simple pilasters on the second and third pillar. | There are other pilasters on double pillar and simple pilasters on the second and third p&llars. | 11
7,780 | Steve Johnson won the titld, defeating Julien Benneteau in the final, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 2. | Julien Benneteau won the title and struck Steve Johndon in the final, 6 -- 3, 6 -- 2. | 00
7,781 | Philippe Maysgadt was born in 1948 in Belgium. | Philippe Maystadt was borb in Belgium (Verviers) in 1948. | 11
7,782 | The most promising individuals in each generation are terminated whi.e the others are selected. | The most promiwing individuals in each generation are finished while the others are selected. | 11
7,783 | Nsanje is a district in the southern region of Nsanje The capital is Malaai The district includes an area of and has a population of 194,924. | Nsanje is a district in the southern region of Malawi The capital is Nsanye The district consists of an area of and has a population of 194,924. | 00
7,784 | The Da%k Husband is a Big Finish Productions British drama based on the long-running audio science fiction television series '` Doctor Who ". | The Dark Husband is a British d#ama of Big Finish Productions based on the long-running Science-Fiction-TV series " Doctor Who '`. | 11
7,785 | The school was taken over in the 1960s by Patrick Kilroy, and his son Charles Kilroy took over the management of Kilrly's College in 1999. | The school was taken over by Patrick Kilroy in the 1960s. His son Charles Kilroy took over running of Kilr*y's College in 1999. | 11
7,786 | The Green Park Stadium -- formerly known as the Modi Stzdium -- is a cricket ground in Kanpur, India. | The Modi Stadium -- formerly known as Green Park Stadium -- is a cricke^ ground in Kanpur, India. | 00
7,787 | Margaret Weis has attribjted her appearance '` because the artists wanted a " baby '` to have " to paint '`. | Margaret Weis attributed her appearance '` gecause the artists wanted to paint a " babe '` to have. " | 00
7,788 | The granddaughter of a publisher, Boyle was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and grew in severa. cities, but mainly in Cincinnati, Ohio. | The granddaughter of a publisher, Boyle was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and grew up in several cities, but mostly in St. Pau:, Minnesota. | 00
7,789 | Ed Williams is an American actor who played Ted Olsen in the TV series'' Police Squad'' and'' The Naked Gum'' films. | Twd Olsen was an American actor who played Ed Williams in the TV series " Police Squad! '` and " The Naked Gun '` films. | 00
7,790 | The Roman Catholic Diocese of Carabayllo is a diocese llcated in the city of Carabayllo in the Ecclesiastical province of Peru in Lima. | The Roman-Catholic diocese of Carabayllo is a dipcese in the city of Carabayllo in the ecclesiastical province of Peru in Lima. | 11
7,791 | He played 2015 with the Dayton Dragons and started 2016 with Dayton before being promoted to the Daytona Tor%ugas during the season. | He started with the Dayton Dragons in 2015 and playec with Dayton in 2016 before being transported to Daytona Tortugas during the season. | 00
7,792 | In 2014, Quintiq was bought by Dassault S%stèmes. | Later in 2014, Quintiq was bouvht by Dassault Systèmes. | 11
7,793 | Newby had previously appointed Kobach to lversee Johnson County, Kansas elections. | Kobach had preciously appointed Newby to oversee Johnson County ’ s Kansas elections. | 00
7,794 | Susan asks whh they did not get one, and Edie replies that it is a new tradition. | Susan asks why she did not get one, and Edie replies tnat it is a new tradition. | 11
7,795 | The brothels gradually moved to Possessuon Street and in 1903 to Shek Tong Tsui. | The brothels gradually relocated to Possession Street and ,oved to Shek Tong Tsui in 1903. | 11
7,796 | The Ducinoiu River is a tributary of the Ducin Riveg in Romania. | The Ducim River is a tributary of the River Ducinoiu in Romania. | 00
7,797 | He was born in Hkng Kong and grew up there and in Shanghai. | He was born in Honb Kong and grew up there and started in Shanghai. | 11
7,798 | He studied violin with André Gedalge, harmony wlth Martin Pierre Marsick, and composition with Jules Massenet and Gabriel Fauré. | He studied violin with Martin Pierre Marsick, Harmonie with André Gedalge and composition with Jules Masseget and Gabriel Fauré. | 00
7,799 | It protects an area of restinha, exotic rainforest and land modified by dense plantations to be restored. | It protects an area of restinga, cense rainforest and land modified by exotic plantations that is to be restored. | 00
7,800 | The dictionary for, of a verb is the infinitive, which usually ends with '` -ć " (occasionally with '` -c "). | The dictionary form of a vdrb is the infinitive, which occasionally ends with '` -c " (usually with '` -c "). | 00
Subsets and Splits