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And soon we intend to come to Israel. | iita amatarava tava sumaanekin dekakin api balaaporottu venavaa iis raayal yanna. |
But I didn't want to undershoot the cost. | namut mama viyadam vunu gaana kiyanna uvamanaa naehae. |
The name of a biblical woman and a man... | kaantaava ekdaru mavak saha pirimi pudgalayaa dedaru piyek. |
Antivirus | prativairasa |
Not much else is known about Rose. | namut rosa mal gaena boho denaa etaram daenuvat naehae. |
Let's just call it "stealth" wings:grin: | api mekata nama daamu sayilant kottuva kiyalaa:lol::lol: |
Jack was still alive. | et jaek taamat panapitin. |
Following your dreams can never be wrong. | hiina venuven vaeda karot kavadaavat varadinne nae . |
And he may be proper. | samaharavita eyaa gaelapeyi. |
HSBC is expected to move significant numbers of employees to Paris. | me atara ecesbiisii (hsbc) baemkuve sevakayan visaala pirisak paeris nagarayata maaru kerenu aetaeyi apeksaa kere. |
Known as: mountain lion, puma, cougar | imgriisi nama : cougar (puma, mountain lion) |
1:36 And Simon, and those who were with him, followed after him. | 1:36 haa siimon, saha ohu samanga siti aya, ohuta pasuva anugamanaya. |
I am working on reducing my body weight. | daen mama sariira bara adu kara gaeniima venuven vehesenavaa. |
It also helps out those who live in the Orlando area. | miita amatarava emangin nivartana kalaapaye jiivatvana minisuntada haani gena de. |
Actually he just walked for that. | aettenma kivvot ohu nisayi giye. |
The reds are insane, aren't they? | itaalikaarayonta pissuda aettatama ae? |
- And into the night, yeah. | raatriyedii, kese vetat, ov. |
leads to the main rooms. | p radhaana kuti valata oluva daanna oni antimata. |
A few years ago, for example, a reporter in Japan wanted to document how divers were defacing coral in Okinawa. After not finding any vandalized coral, he defaced some himself and then took photos of it. | desapaalanaya apata ahanna, dakinna laebena toraturu bohomayak desapaalanayata sambandhayi aanduvakata avasya vanne tama aramunuvalatat paksa saamaajikayantat mahajanayaage sahayogayayi maadhya aayatanayaka paevaetmata rajaye sahaaya avasya nisaa yam avasthaavaladii maadhya aayatana, rajaya haa raajya aayatana samanga sahayogayen vaeda karanavaa. |
Already the writing is on the wall. | liviima daenatamat bittiye aeta. |
I date women, although I'm currently single. | 'me tamaa aettagaehaeniyaka lesa ada mama tani velaa. |
These may be added manually and others are automated. | atireka kiim svaruupayen da labaa gata haeki atara anek evaa (int raavenas) iv yeduma sandahaa nirmaanaya kara aeta. |
Anyone who stood in their way was killed. | tamange maargaye harahata hiti haemadenaama maraa damanu laebuvaa. |
He had traveled through Turkey to Syria some months ago. | miita maasa kihipayakata pera ohu siriyaave sita samk ramanikayan harahaa g riisiyata paemina aeti bavayi sadahan vanne. |
These gulls followed us for quite some time. | e haamuduruvo apavat velaa daen tikak kal. |
But some of them don't respect us in the morning. | e vagema samahara aya ude havasa hamuva unat paahenne naehae . |
A new ICE special operations team in Cleveland picked up the Bakias. | baadhaa raesak madh yayaye navasiilanta visesa meheyum kandaayama mema siruru soyaa gaeniime meheyum sidukalaa. |
Like Glen said, let it ride 4 times and see what happens. | buudi vihiluvata vage kivva vidiyata meka 4 paarakvat balanna veyi terum ganna kiyalaa. |
His information is correct. | ohuge toraturu nivaeradiyi. |
Maybe freedom is something beyond all of this. | ehet ema nidahasa melova aeti saema deyakatama vadaa vatiyi. |
A friend of mine pasted this on my wall. | yaaluvek ma ge oto eke liyalaa tibunaa mehema |
But these two have had a connection since they first met. | haebaeyi eka patan ganna one dennaa mulinma hamuvuna davase indalaamayi. |
Conservative interpretations of Islam allow men to marry up to four wives. | kaantaavan hayak vivaaha karagannata muslim jaatikayanta kuutha lekhana hadayi |
As to the Access to Justice report it is sufficient, I think, to quote only from paragraphs 24 and 25 of Chapter 7: | aetta vasayenma janaadhipativarayaage mema prakaasayata padanamvuu karunu sambandayen komisan vaartaave sandahan vanne amka 24 haa 25 amka darana jedayan tula pamanayi. |
As we get further along in our growing season, weather doesn't become an issue." | davasin davasa ape velendaama vaedi venavaa misaka aduvak nae" |
It supports bone growth and the strengthening of the teeth. | emenma asthi saktimat kiriimatat, dat vaediimatat eya upakaarii ve. |
As they take new steps... | ese piyavara nogatahot nava. |
"Or you can read my mind. | ehema naetnam oyaata mage hita kiyavannat daen puluvan ne kiyayi. |
Discuss ways in which you have successfully approached similar problems in the past. | ❇️oba min pera muhuna dun gaetaluvalata muhuna dun saarthaka aakaaraya gaenayi |
I'm so going to make my own soon:-) | mamat daanavaa magema kompaeniyak ikmanatama:-* |
if you knew how to use it. | eya bhaavitaa karana aakaaraya oba dannavaa nam. |
No citizen in our country should feel he is a second class citizen. | rate kisima jana kotthaasayakata haengiimak ennata honda naehae api deveni pantiye tunveni pantiye puravaesiyan kiyalaa. |
A Window on the Past From 1464 to 1467, this fledgling but growing group held a number of synods in the region of Kunwald and accepted several resolutions that defined their new religious movement. All resolutions were painstakingly recorded in a series of books, now known as the Acta Unitatis Fratrum (Acts of the Unity of Brethren), which still exist. | jon husge anugaamikayan vuu husayitvarun prabala balapaemak aeti kala tavat kandaayamak cek janayaagen bahutarayakma ayat vuuye ema aagamika kandaayamatayi et ovun eksat senangak vuuvaayayi paevasiya nohaekiyi samaajayiiya gaetalu venuven satan kala ek kotasakda tama desapaalanika abhimataartha itu karagaeniima sandahaa aagama tama vaasiyata haravaagat tavat kotasakda etula sitiyaa kristusge dahas avurudu paalanaya gaena visvaasa kala kiliyaest kandaayamda ema rate menma venat ratavala visuu bayibal visaaradayanda eksat sahodarayan kerehi balapaemak aeti kalaa. |
LOESCH: Well, the statement given by his boss... | e nisaa eyaalage kiimata ma bosge . |
Hence, American Idiot. | aemerikan modayaa |
One way is enough. | eka paettak p ramaanavat. |
Department stores and other retailers larger than 1,000 square metres will need to close while companies will be asked to make greater allowances for people to work-from-home. | varga miitar 1,000ta vadaa visaala velenda sael saha venat velenda saelda vasaa daemiimata illaa sitina atara, minisunta nivase sita vaeda kiriimata vaedi diimanaa labaadena lesada samaagam valin illiim kara tibe. |
Because for us, we die, we’re giving our stuff to the kids. | ahimi kara mahana kiriima da, ekii lamun apayojanayata lak kiriimaki. |
I see a gesture out of the corner of my eye, and remember my mother. | mama hondatama dannavaa mage aenge antima pana dimga hari vaeya karalaa mage ammata salakanavaa . |
Here's a knife, cut your own throat.' | kaduvak tibbaanam kapanavaa umbe bella" |
She could understand their problem. | ohugeduka terum gaeniimata aeyata haeki viya. |
This is President House of Pakistan. | ekat pakisthaane aandukaaravarayaage gedara. |
Safeguard this Faith, as it came to us, by way of Tradition: the whole Faith! - POPE FRANCIS, Zenit.org, January 10th, 2014 | samp radaaya anuva apata paemini paridi mema aedahilla aaraksaa karanna: samasta aedahilla! -zenitorg, 10 janavaari 2014 |
It's too many. | kattiya vaediyi. |
I personally feel like it's not theft. | mama kiyanne mevan horakamak novuuvaa yaeyi sitiimata kaemati bavayi. |
However, Jayamanne says that this situation has arisen due to the government enacting laws in two ways. | kesevuda, jayamaanna mahataa kiyaa sitinne rajaya visin deyaakaarayakata niiti paenaviima hetuven me tattvaya nirmaanaya vii aeti bavayi. |
I'm looking at the map | maep eka balamin |
I had nothing to hide, I told them everything. | mama kisivak nosangavaa haema dema e ayata kivvaa. |
Right now! | daenmama ! |
I have three daughters in school. | mata paasal yana gaehaenu daruvan tidenek sitinavaa. |
Then it is no longer a secret and becomes everyone's business. | mema rahas katayutta tavaduratat rahasak novii siyallange pita gaelavenne in pasuya. |
" I do not know," I answered. | mama danne nae mama pilituru dunnaa. |
Research shows that there are a lot of satisfactory reviews about Hourglass. | hourglass pilibanda honda samaalocana bohomayak aeti bava paryesanavalin penii yayi. |
It must have been really tough life. | sat ya vasayenma eya duskara jiivitayak vannata ida tibunaa. |
Briefly stated, however, since our field service and informal witnessing activities are “a sacrifice of praise,” a part of our worship, that sacrifice should be of the very best that we can offer. While circumstances vary, the amount of time that we devote to announcing the good news often reflects our appreciation for spiritual things. 11 Christians regularly spend time in private or group worship. | 11 apita sabat niitiya raekiimatavat namaskaara kiriimata yerusalamata yaematavat avasya naehae namut devi tavamat apen yam deval balaaporottu venavaa udaaharanayakata ape namaskaaraye vividha paeti gaena saelakilimat viima iita ayat api haemoma itaa kaaryabahula bava aettayi namut dinapataa bayibalaya kiyaviimatat yaac~naa kiriimatat nitipataa raesviimvalata sahabhaagi viimatat kaalaya ven kiriima devi apen balaaporottu venavaa e vagema tama pavule aya samanga bayibalaya adhyayanaya kiriima pavule muulikayaata devi dii tibena vagakiimak. |
I'm genuinely curious about Izzy's history. | veniige aetta kataavada kiyalaa loku dukak hitenavaa. |
In the past, a businessman from the city owned it. | ektaraa v yaapaarikayek evaaye ayitiya gattaa. |
Oh, and Ice? | - ayis da? |
She is living a luxurious life out of earnings. | aeya heroyin sallivalin supiri jiivitayak gata karayi. |
Appreciate the hard work of the student by sending him or her this card on his or her graduation day. | daruvange lekhana haekiyaava venuven ohuta ho aeyata paasalen hamba vuna t yaagayak gedara gena enakota edaa davasa samaranna. |
1 thought on “Old Man” | one thought on “naaki manamaalayaa” |
Many of those assaults go unreported because of shame and fear. | samaharun vaeradi nokaranne pavata aeti laejjaava saha baya nisaaya. |
"It is all owing to you, Fritz." | e siyalla oba nisaamayi, bons mahatmayaa" |
Ellen sobbed until she couldn't catch her breath. | saman kae mora dennata vuuye aeya penena tek maanayaka nositi baevini. |
Great to bring up this thread again. | tava mevage thread daanna subapatanavaa |
is something to be worried about or not. | ese nam, kalabala viimata deyak aetteda naeta. |
What is shameful is the manner in which they lost. | ovunta paraajitayin yaeyi kiima paraajitayaata da karana apahaasayak. |
But if they can't get to the Big Apply, or to satellite cities such as Stamford, we all lose. | haebaeyi filuma baaganna baerinam hari, ehemat naettam sabe adupaadu tibunot nam hari, ageta koment daavi ape aya. |
sengers and detained. | aedavaetunu saha piidaavata pat viya. |
Russia uses the Economy as one of the means of her National Strategy. | rusiyaava bhaavitaa karanne tamangema rate nipadavuu ennataki. |
I AM satisfied with the purchase. | miladii gaeniima gaena mama satutu vunaa. |
Municipal administration must have the expertise to drive the process. | ema ka riyaavaliya hondin kalamanaakaranaya kara gaeniimata saukh ya amaat yaamsaya buddhimatva katayutu kala yutuya. |
But I used to drink. | et mam bonna purudu vunaa. |
Just as our own body is a temple, so is the earth we live. | e vagema me gava gaala api devaalayak vage pirisiduva tiyaagena innavaae meka ape jiivitaya nisaa. |
God will make everything beautiful in its time..... | deviyan vahanse ohuge kaalaya tula saema deyakma alamkaara karayi |
a "Visitors" area reserved for spectators | vedikaa naat ya kalaakaruvan venuven 'p reksaa' raksanaavaranaya pirinaeme → |
Cold Air Intake System Features and Benefits: | guvan dangara indaktars elidaekve saha laksanaya: |
I want to learn about Information Technology. | mama toraturu taak sanaya visaya igena ganna godak kaematiyi. |
It disrupts the flow of souls. | eya aatmaye p ravaahayata baadhaa karayi |
I take it the "how" is where I come in? | mama hitanne mage job eka venne kohomada horakama kare kiyalaa balana eka venna one. |
Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic Internet subject Bulletin. | slovaek janarajaye antarjaala aaraksana amaat yaamsaya antarjaala bulatin. |
:) a tribute to the innocents within us all... | apa haemogema hit tula pavatina ahimsaka paetumak. |
I'm gonna tell you two. | hondayi mam e dekama obata kiyannam. |
But don't try to change me, | maava venas karanna utsaaha ganna epaa uttaraavi. |
I don’t think I could have settled in just one country. | namut tani rataka hadanna puluvan kiyala hituve naehae. |
I still remember him as my little boy. | mata tavamat matakayi e mage vayasema kollek. |
A conditional: Would you lend me your book if....? | comments on: magen aehuvaa nambar eka eyaata dennada kiyalaa. |
Kirkwall | tiyenavaalu |
Now ask them to drop their right hand and raise their left. | meyata paksa aya, dakunu ata osavaa kaemaetta pala karanna. |
He was going on vacation to Spain. | eyaa lamkaavata nivaadu gihin kiyalaa. |