Dusduo's picture
Update README.md
    - name: image
      dtype: image
    - name: label
            '0': Abra
            '1': Aerodactyl
            '2': Alakazam
            '3': Arbok
            '4': Arcanine
            '5': Articuno
            '6': Beedrill
            '7': Bellsprout
            '8': Blastoise
            '9': Bulbasaur
            '10': Butterfree
            '11': Caterpie
            '12': Chansey
            '13': Charizard
            '14': Charmander
            '15': Charmeleon
            '16': Clefable
            '17': Clefairy
            '18': Cloyster
            '19': Cubone
            '20': Dewgong
            '21': Diglett
            '22': Ditto
            '23': Dodrio
            '24': Doduo
            '25': Dragonair
            '26': Dragonite
            '27': Dratini
            '28': Drowzee
            '29': Dugtrio
            '30': Eevee
            '31': Ekans
            '32': Electabuzz
            '33': Electrode
            '34': Exeggcute
            '35': Exeggutor
            '36': Farfetchd
            '37': Fearow
            '38': Flareon
            '39': Gastly
            '40': Gengar
            '41': Geodude
            '42': Gloom
            '43': Golbat
            '44': Goldeen
            '45': Golduck
            '46': Graveler
            '47': Grimer
            '48': Growlithe
            '49': Gyarados
            '50': Haunter
            '51': Hitmonchan
            '52': Hitmonlee
            '53': Horsea
            '54': Hypno
            '55': Ivysaur
            '56': Jigglypuff
            '57': Jolteon
            '58': Jynx
            '59': Kabutops
            '60': Kadabra
            '61': Kakuna
            '62': Kangaskhan
            '63': Kingler
            '64': Koffing
            '65': Lapras
            '66': Lickitung
            '67': Machamp
            '68': Machoke
            '69': Machop
            '70': Magikarp
            '71': Magmar
            '72': Magnemite
            '73': Magneton
            '74': Mankey
            '75': Marowak
            '76': Meowth
            '77': Metapod
            '78': Mew
            '79': Mewtwo
            '80': Moltres
            '81': Mr. Mime
            '82': MrMime
            '83': Nidoking
            '84': Nidoqueen
            '85': Nidorina
            '86': Nidorino
            '87': Ninetales
            '88': Oddish
            '89': Omanyte
            '90': Omastar
            '91': Parasect
            '92': Pidgeot
            '93': Pidgeotto
            '94': Pidgey
            '95': Pikachu
            '96': Pinsir
            '97': Poliwag
            '98': Poliwhirl
            '99': Poliwrath
            '100': Ponyta
            '101': Porygon
            '102': Primeape
            '103': Psyduck
            '104': Raichu
            '105': Rapidash
            '106': Raticate
            '107': Rattata
            '108': Rhydon
            '109': Rhyhorn
            '110': Sandshrew
            '111': Sandslash
            '112': Scyther
            '113': Seadra
            '114': Seaking
            '115': Seel
            '116': Shellder
            '117': Slowbro
            '118': Slowpoke
            '119': Snorlax
            '120': Spearow
            '121': Squirtle
            '122': Starmie
            '123': Staryu
            '124': Tangela
            '125': Tauros
            '126': Tentacool
            '127': Tentacruel
            '128': Vaporeon
            '129': Venomoth
            '130': Venonat
            '131': Venusaur
            '132': Victreebel
            '133': Vileplume
            '134': Voltorb
            '135': Vulpix
            '136': Wartortle
            '137': Weedle
            '138': Weepinbell
            '139': Weezing
            '140': Wigglytuff
            '141': Zapdos
            '142': Zubat
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 1594428375.04
      num_examples: 8440
    - name: test
      num_bytes: 366693088.45
      num_examples: 2110
  download_size: 1928731574
  dataset_size: 1961121463.49
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*
      - split: test
        path: data/test-*

First Generation Pokemon images dataset

Based on the Kaggle dataset Pokemon Images, First Generation(17000 files).

There are 143 directories for each Pokemon from the first generation except for Nidoran male and female. Each directory containing from 50 to 200 images from the considered pokemon.