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the midwestern united states includes kansas and nebraska
the west north central division includes iowa kansas minnesota missouri north dakota nebraska and south dakota several of which are located at least partly within the great plains region
myles kennedy founded a band with a name
with fellow citizen swing member craig johnson kennedy founded the rock band the mayfield four for which he provided lead vocals and guitar
the filming of lightning point was in queensland
ancient greece a political social and cultural history
mickey rooney played a role in a film
smith and other classical economists before antoine augustine cournot were referring to price and nonprice rivalry among producers to sell their goods on best terms by bidding of buyers not necessarily to a large number of sellers nor to a market in final equilibrium
bradley cooper had a guest role on an american romantic comedy poster
however a metareview published on scientific reports showed that the evidence is very weak and that the effects of meditation on compassion were only significant when compared to passive control groups suggests that other forms of active interventions like watching a nature video might produce similar outcomes to meditation potential adverse effects meditation has been correlated with unpleasant experiences in some people in some cases it has also been linked to psychosis in a few individualsin one study published in 2019 of 1232 regular meditators with at least two months of meditation experience about a quarter reported having had particularly unpleasant meditationrelated experiences such as anxiety fear distorted emotions or thoughts altered sense of self or the world which they thought may have been caused by their meditation practice
horseshoe falls is also known as canadian falls
this leads to a healthier society which allows individuals to be more economically productive
stagira is an ancient greek city
stagira lrb lsb stdar rsb rrb stagirus lrb lsb stdars rsb rrb or stageira lrb or rrb was an ancient greek city located in central macedonia near the eastern coast of the peninsula of chalkidice and is chiefly known for being the birthplace of aristotle who was a greek philosopher and polymath a student of plato and teacher of alexander the great
brigitte macron is the fiancee of emmanuel macron
brigitte marieclaude macron lrb lsb briit mai klod mak rsb ne trogneux lsb t rsb previously auzire lsb ozj rsb born 13 april 1953 rrb is a highschool teacher and the wife of emmanuel macron the president of the french republic
colin quinn is an elderly writer
colin edward quinn lrb born june 6 1959 rrb is an american standup comedian actor and writer
shane black and chris miller wrote iron man 3
iron man 2 the seventh film list of marvel cinematic universe films marvel cinematic universe marvel cinematic universe
the south wales valleys stretch to eastern monmouthshire
records written by chinese monks visiting india indicate that both mahyna and nonmahyna monks could be found in the same monasteries with the difference that mahyna monks worshipped figures of bodhisattvas while nonmahayana monks did not mahyna initially seems to have remained a small minority movement that was in tension with other buddhist groups struggling for wider acceptance
carrie fisher passed away
isbn 3900704082 freedman lynn p isaacs stephen l
margaret atwood is a novelist who writes poetry
margaret eleanor atwood lrb born november 18 1939 rrb is a canadian poet novelist literary critic essayist and environmental activist
lance armstrong swam between 2010 and 2011
mandela voted at the ohlange high school in durban and though the ancs victory assured his election as president he publicly accepted that the election had been marred by instances of fraud and sabotage presidency of south africa 19941999 the newly elected national assemblys first act was to formally elect mandela as south africas first black chief executive
naproxen causes swelling
it is less commonly used in scholarly and scientific publications
the cast of the right stuff includes fred ward
the right stuff stars ed harris scott glenn sam shepard fred ward dennis quaid and barbara hershey
the world bank groups activities include anarchy
ultimately the close relationship between ibm and columbia university was instrumental in the emergence of a new scientific discipline with columbia offering one of the first academiccredit courses in computer science in 1946
chad hayes writer was born on the 21st
chad hayes lrb born april 21 1961 rrb is an american author writer and actor and twin brother of carey hayes
in 1994 faith evans married the notorious big
other than her recording career evans is mostly known as the widow of new york rapper christopher the notorious big wallace whom she married on august 4 1994 a few weeks after meeting at a bad boy photo shoot
the golden girls is about two older women that share a home in florida
the show stars beatrice arthur betty white rue mcclanahan and estelle getty as four older women who share a home in miami florida
the award for record of the year was won by green day
it explained leopolds belief that humankind should have moral respect for the environment and that it is unethical to harm it
laadla was released
laadla lrb translation the beloved son rrb is a bollywood film released on 17 april 1994 starring sridevi anil kapoor and raveena tandon
to the bone includes an actor
the film stars lily collins keanu reeves carrie preston lili taylor alex sharp liana liberato brooke smith and ciara bravo
david koepp avoided ever being a writer
david koepp lrb born june 9 1963 rrb is an american screenwriter and director
bridge of spies only stars bruce lee
bridge of spies is a 2015 historical drama legal thriller film directed and coproduced by steven spielberg written by matt charman ethan and joel coen and stars tom hanks mark rylance amy ryan and alan alda
international relations only includes the entertainment industry
lieberman and robert kramer
the uefa had gianluigi buffon in its roster
in paris maria or marie as she would be known in france briefly found shelter with her sister and brotherinlaw before renting a garret closer to the university in the latin quarter and proceeding with her studies of physics chemistry and mathematics at the university of paris where she enrolled in late 1891
the communist party of the soviet union was the union of soviet socialist republics ruling party
the communist party of the soviet union abbreviated in english as cpsu was the founding and ruling political party of the union of soviet socialist republics lrb ussr or soviet union rrb
loni love graduated in a year before 1980
he did however accept that more had to be done to assist maternal health and that progress in this area had been slow2000 the stop tb partnership was created along with the uns formulation of the millennium development goals242001 the measles initiative was formed and credited with reducing global deaths from the disease by 68 by 2007262002 the global fund to fight aids tuberculosis and malaria was drawn up to improve the resources available272005 who revises international health regulations ihr in light of emerging health threats and the experience of the 20023 sars epidemic authorizing who among other things to declare a health threat a public health emergency of international concern2006 who endorsed the worlds first official hivaids toolkit for zimbabwe which formed the basis for global prevention treatment and support the plan to fight the aids pandemic2016 following the perceived failure of the response to the west africa ebola outbreak the world health emergencies programme was formed changing the who from just being a normative agency to one that responds operationally to health emergencies2020 who helped in controlling the worldwide outbreak of the covid19 pandemic2022 who suggests formation of a global health emergency council with new global health emergency workforce recommends revision of the international health regulations policies and objectives overall focus the whos constitution states that its objective is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of healththe who fulfils this objective through its functions as defined in its constitution a to act as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work b to establish and maintain effective collaboration with the united nations specialized agencies governmental health administrations professional groups and such other organizations as may be deemed appropriate c to assist governments upon request in strengthening health services d to furnish appropriate technical assistance and in emergencies necessary aid upon the request or acceptance of governmentse to provide or assist in providing upon the request of the united nations health services and facilities to special groups such as the peoples of trust territories f to establish and maintain such administrative and technical services as may be required including epidemiological and statistical servicesg to stimulate and advance work to eradicate epidemic endemic and other diseases h to promote in cooperation with other specialized agencies where necessary the prevention of accidental injuries i to promote in cooperation with other specialized agencies where necessary the improvement of nutrition housing sanitation recreation economic or working conditions and other aspects of environmental hygiene j to promote cooperation among scientific and professional groups which contribute to the advancement of health k to propose conventions agreements and regulations and make recommendations with respect to international health matters and to performas of 2012 the who has defined its role in public health as follows providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in partnerships where joint action is needed shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generation translation and dissemination of valuable knowledge setting norms and standards and promoting and monitoring their implementation articulating ethical and evidencebased policy options providing technical support catalysing change and building sustainable institutional capacity and monitoring the health situation and assessing health trends crvs civil registration and vital statistics to provide monitoring of vital events birth death wedding divorce communicable diseases the 20122013 who budget identified five areas among which funding was distributed520 two of those five areas related to communicable diseases the first to reduce the health social and economic burden of communicable diseases in general the second to combat hivaids malaria and tuberculosis in particular526as of 2015 the world health organization has worked within the unaids network and strives to involve sections of society other than health to help deal with the economic and social effects of hivaids
transformers was only a cartoon
the film which combines computer animation with liveaction filming was directed by michael bay with steven spielberg serving as executive producer
adeles song hello sold a lot
25 adele album
johan heldenbergh was passed over for a role in the broken circle breakdown
he gained international fame by starring in films such as a day in a life lrb 2007 rrb moscow belgium lrb 2008 rrb the misfortunates lrb 2009 rrb and the broken circle breakdown lrb 2012 rrb as well the zookeepers wife lrb 2017 rrb belgium belgium the misfortunates the misfortunates the broken circle breakdown the broken circle breakdown
evolution was released on a mountain
out of this meeting developed the united nations environment programme unep and the followup united nations conference on environment and development in 1992
jane lynch sings
religious opposition to heliocentrism arose from biblical passages implying the fixed nature of the earth
the girl on the train was written by marc platt
he asserted that the light ray is focused but the actual explanation of how light projected to the back of the eye had to wait until 1604
from the earth to the moon was created in 1998
from the earth to the moon is a twelvepart hbo television miniseries lrb 1998 rrb coproduced by ron howard brian grazer tom hanks and michael bostick telling the story of the landmark apollo expeditions to the moon during the 1960s and early 1970s in docudrama format
danny devito received no nominations from the academy awards
it is common for professionals in all these disciplines to practice urban design
tupac shakur was killed in pawnee
the hangover part iii failed to cast any actors
the film stars bradley cooper ed helms zach galifianakis justin bartha and ken jeong
wilt chamberlain played for a team
while denmark swedennorway and the usa did not sign this convention it was unanimously agreed that the work of the prior conferences should be codified for implementation
the berlin wall symbolized the border between western europe and the eastern bloc after world war ii
keelhaul was implemented between 14 august 1946 and 9 may 1947 area bombing controversy on the nights of 1315 february 1945 some 1200 british and us bombers attacked the german city of dresden which was crowded with wounded and refugees from the eastern front
dwyane wade has only played alone
after a successful college career at marquette wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 nba draft by the miami heat
scott eastwood is a worker
he has appeared in the films flags of our fathers lrb 2006 rrb gran torino lrb 2008 rrb invictus lrb 2009 rrb the forger lrb 2012 rrb trouble with the curve lrb 2012 rrb texas chainsaw lrb 2013 rrb fury lrb 2014 rrb the perfect wave lrb 2014 rrb the longest ride lrb 2015 rrb mercury plains lrb 2016 rrb suicide squad lrb 2016 rrb snowden lrb 2016 rrb and the fate of the furious lrb 2017 rrb
the uss constitution is a fully commissioned canadian navy ship
addison makes the point that churchill opposed antisemitism as in 1904 when he was fiercely critical of the proposed aliens bill and argues that he would never have tried to stoke up racial animosity against immigrants or to persecute minorities
benedict cumberbatch only appeared in recorded media
these included boycotts such as the montgomery bus boycott sitins in greensboro and nashville and marches from selma to montgomeryat the culmination of a legal strategy pursued by african americans in 1954 the supreme court struck down many of the laws that had allowed racial segregation and discrimination to be legal in the united states as unconstitutional
john lennon was a beatles member
john winston ono lennon lrb born john winston lennon 9 october 19408 december 1980 rrb was an english guitarist singer and songwriter who cofounded the beatles the most commercially successful and musically influential band in the history of popular music
nick jonas is rarely an album
this is because war has as the goal winning it as a sought after end generates both cost and benefits and resources human life and other costs are used to attain the goal
the bostonians film is based on an authors novel of the same name
the bostonians is a 1984 british romantic drama film based on henry james s novel of the same name
sofa vergara has avoided the acting profession entirely
two golden globes were won by anne bancroft
splinter states such as the palmyrene empire would temporarily divide the empire during the crisis of the third century before some stability was restored in the tetrarchy phase of imperial rule plagued by internal instability and attacked by various migrating peoples the western part of the empire broke up into independent barbarian kingdoms in the 5th century
ronaldo maczinski is rich
at the time the literacy rate for males was 11 and for females 2
leonardo da vinci made discoveries in physics
on the other hand donald opined in his 1996 biography that lincoln was distinctly endowed with the personality trait of negative capability defined by the poet john keats and attributed to extraordinary leaders who were content in the midst of uncertainties and doubts and not compelled toward fact or reasonin the 21st century president barack obama named lincoln his favorite president and insisted on using the lincoln bible for his inaugural ceremonies
there was a basketball player named michael jordan
michael jeffrey jordan lrb born february 17 1963 rrb also known by his initials mj is an american retired professional basketball player businessman and principal owner and chairman of the charlotte hornets
bette davis public persona has been subject to imitation frequently
her forthright manner idiosyncratic speech and ubiquitous cigarette contributed to a public persona which has often been imitated
the ten commandments are a set of golf clubs
the ten commandments also known as the decalogue are a set of biblical laws relating to ethics and worship which play a fundamental role in judaism christianity and islam
david angell and his wife died on september 11
angell and his wife lynn both died heading home from their vacation in cape cod aboard american airlines flight 11 american airlines flight 11 was a domestic passenger flight that was hijacked by five alqaeda members on september 11 2001 as part of the september 11 attacks
the great outdoors film was written by jk rowling
however in case their cuttingedge technology ran into difficulties nasa demanded that pe subcontract to kodak to construct a backup mirror using traditional mirrorpolishing techniques
at a young age cary grant was attracted to theater
born in horfield bristol grant became attracted to theatre at a young age and began performing with a troupe known as the penders from the age of six
george cukor died in april
george dewey cukor lrb lsb kjukr rsb july 7 1899 january 24 1983 rrb was an american film director
carol leifer is a fiction writer
the concept of the dauerwald best translated as the perpetual forest which included concepts such as forest management and protection was promoted and efforts were also made to curb air pollutionin 1949 a sand county almanac by aldo leopold was published
aaliyah was born in brooklyn
in 1896 frederick s
saw vi is a jamaican film
the copperheads also saw the proclamation as an unconstitutional abuse of presidential power
the brown bear is the national or state animal in several european countries
the brown bear is recognized as a national and state animal in several european countries
precious premiered in zimbabwe
a broad and impartial conception of philosophy then finds a reasoned inquiry into such matters as reality morality and life in all world civilizations western philosophy western philosophy is the philosophical tradition of the western world dating back to presocratic thinkers who were active in 6thcentury greece bce such as thales c624 c545 bce and pythagoras c570 c495 bce who practiced a love of wisdom latin philosophia and were also termed students of nature physiologoi western philosophy can be divided into three eras ancient grecoroman medieval philosophy referring to christian european thought modern philosophy beginning in the 17th century ancient era while our knowledge of the ancient era begins with thales in the 6th century bce little is known about the philosophers who came before socrates commonly known as the presocratics
oliver reed failed to be cast in the devils
lrb 1968 rrb women in love lrb 1969 rrb hannibal brooks lrb 1969 rrb the devils lrb 1971 rrb the three musketeers lrb 1973 rrb tommy lrb 1975 rrb lion of the desert lrb 1981 rrb castaway lrb 1986 rrb the adventures of baron munchausen lrb 1988 rrb and funny bones lrb 1995 rrb the devils is a 1971 british historical drama horror film directed by ken russell and starring oliver reed and vanessa redgrave
more than once moses malone won mvp
it has the power to receive complaints against the countries which have opted into the optional protocol to the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities the committee on enforced disappearances monitors the icpped
elizabeth banks reprised her role in the comedy miniseries wet hot american summer
in 2015 she reprised her role as lindsay in wet hot american summer for the netflix miniseries wet hot american summer first day of camp
the 2000 football league cup final was played between the boston celtics and tranmere rovers
although alliances between citystates occurred before this time nothing on this scale had been seen before
the ability to search telephone records without court order will be granted to the fbi from the patriot act
in 1776 he patented a twoman operated loom834 cartwrights loom design had several flaws the most serious being thread breakage
lockheed martin f22 raptor is capable of saving many lives
following the abhidharma schools indian mahayana philosophers such as nagarjuna and vasubandhu developed the theories of nyat emptiness of all phenomena and vijaptimatra appearance only a form of phenomenology or transcendental idealism
gabrielle solis is portrayed by winona ryder
she is portrayed by eva longoria
susan sarandon debuted on broadway in 1999
she made her broadway debut in an evening with richard nixon in 1972 and went on to receive drama desk award nominations for the offbroadway plays a coupla white chicks sitting around talking lrb 1979 rrb and extremities lrb 1982 rrb
gendry is a professional blacksmith
gendry is an apprentice blacksmith in king s landing and an unacknowledged bastard of king robert baratheon
alicia keys has appeared in a 2009 american drama film
universalists such as einstein 18791955 and lev landau 19081968 who worked in multiple fields of physics are now very rarethe major fields of physics along with their subfields and the theories and concepts they employ are shown in the following table nuclear and particle particle physics is the study of the elementary constituents of matter and energy and the interactions between them
pat riley is a professional baseball executive
patrick james riley lrb born march 20 1945 rrb is an american professional basketball executive and a former coach and player in the national basketball association lrb nba rrb
northeast megalopolis includes cities
the american militia proved ineffective because the soldiers were reluctant to leave home and efforts to invade canada repeatedly failed
south park is only a written media
south park is an american adult animated sitcom created by trey parker and matt stone and developed by brian graden for the comedy central television network
gayathri raguram ended her career working as a choreographer
for example mendel found that if you cross homozygous dominate trait and homozygous recessive trait your odds of getting the dominant trait is 31
furia is modeled from a short story
furia is a 1999 french romantic drama film directed by alexandre aja who cowrote screenplay with grgory levasseur adapted from the science fiction short story graffiti by julio cortzar
franklin roosevelt turned 23 in february of the year 1905
in 1903 his position at the swiss patent office became permanent although he was passed over for promotion until he fully mastered machine technologymuch of his work at the patent office related to questions about transmission of electric signals and electricalmechanical synchronization of time two technical problems that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led einstein to his radical conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and timewith a few friends he had met in bern einstein started a small discussion group in 1902 selfmockingly named the olympia academy which met regularly to discuss science and philosophy
elton john has stayed away from songwriting altogether
sir elton hercules john lrb born reginald kenneth dwight 25 march 1947 rrb is an english singer pianist and composer
observer media is a print company
observer media is an american print and online media company
at middleton is a movie
in 1931 the congress promised universal adult franchise when it came to power
ben stiller has won a teen choice award
throughout his career he has received multiple awards and honors including an emmy award multiple mtv movie awards and a teen choice award
megan fox failed to play a regular role on the hope faith television sitcom
she began her acting career in 2001 with several minor television and film roles and played a regular role on the hope faith television sitcom
sabrina carpenter is signed to a chinese record label
she is signed to hollywood records hollywood records is an american record label of the disney music group distributed by the universal music group
this sporting life was richard harriss first starring role in 2009
arthur balfours government announced protectionist legislation in october 1903
dan aykroyd was in a 1989 american comedydrama film starring morgan freeman
the use of the word world rather than international emphasized the truly global nature of what the organization was seeking to achieve
hayley atwell was born on july 4th 1776
some of these such as the 2013 feature film mandela long walk to freedom the 2017 miniseries madiba and the 1996 documentary mandela have focused on covering his adult life in entirety or until his inaugural as president others such as the 2009 feature film invictus and the 2010 documentary the 16th man have focused on specific events in his life
joseph stalin is immortal
numa pompilius the second king of rome 716673 bc is said to have introduced the months of january and february both also named after gods beginning the 12month calendar still in use today
doctor who was written by the ancient greeks
at this time few researchers were studying the dangers of fossil fuels
bam margera is not a professional skateboarder
the emerging field of cultural evolution studies human sociocultural change from an evolutionary perspective sexual dimorphism the reduced degree of sexual dimorphism in humans is visible primarily in the reduction of the male canine tooth relative to other ape species except gibbons and reduced brow ridges and general robustness of males
ted bundy received no charges
initially incarcerated in utah in 1975 for aggravated kidnapping and attempted criminal assault bundy became a suspect in a progressively longer list of unsolved homicides in multiple states
charlie rubin has written for a sitcom
renewed international interest in his plight came in july 1978 when he celebrated his 60th birthday
roger penrose was a corecipient of the 1988 wolf prize for physics along with stephen hawking
he has received several prizes and awards including the 1988 wolf prize for physics which he shared with stephen hawking for their contribution to our understanding of the universe
zinedine zidane played a sport that required the cooperation of several other people
zinedine yazid zidane lrb lsb zinedin zidan rsb born 23 june 1972 rrb nicknamed zizou is a retired french footballer and current manager of real madrid association football more commonly known as football or soccer is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball
russ only sings solo
he is part of the diemon crew a rap group
leonardo da vinci only made discoveries in geology
leonardo di ser piero da vinci lrb lsb leonardo di sr pjro da lrb v rrb vinti rsb 15 april 14522 may 1519 rrb more commonly leonardo da vinci or simply leonardo was an italian polymath whose areas of interest included invention painting sculpting architecture science music mathematics engineering literature anatomy geology astronomy botany writing history and cartography
claire danes is married to a french person
she is married to actor hugh dancy with whom she has one child hugh michael horace dancy lrb born 19 june 1975 rrb is an english actor and model
missing is written by costagavras
is a 1982 american historical drama film directed by costagavras and starring sissy spacek jack lemmon melanie mayron john shea janice rule and charles cioffi
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