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98 | In accordance with the Group’s values , one of the policy’s objectives (beyond retaining employees and rewarding performance) is to discourage excessive risk-taking. | 0 |
99 | This development offers additional growth potential for duagon in its role as a “complexity manager”. | 0 |
100 | The focus on financial risk, risk exposures, risk management and strategic risk issues brings a renewed rigour to these areas at a time of uncertain markets and has afforded additional time by each Committee to opine on these important issues and agree risk mitigants and appropriate strategies. | 0 |
101 | the Company’s auditors were unaware; and n that Director has taken all steps a Director ought to have taken as a Director to make himself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s auditors are aware of that information. | 0 |
102 | M&GGPS is in a net economic surplus position but in deficit on an IAS 19 basis as the pension scheme has investments in insurance policies issued by Prudential Pensions Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, through which it invests in certain pooled funds. | 0 |
103 | CDs and T-bills maturing in more than 12 months from date of purchase are included in “other loans maturing in more than one year”. | 0 |
104 | REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2018 In October 2016, Tikehau Capital announced a draft agreement to total of about €700 million in assets under management. | 0 |
105 | Fees are accrued monthly and charged when the work has been completed. | 0 |
106 | Certain financial assets with embedded derivatives which otherwise would have to be separated. | 0 |
107 | As part of this process we understood our impact linked to home working as a new material source of carbon emissions. | 1 |
108 | Please refer to our Basis of Reporting for further detail on our methodology, which can be found on our website. | 0 |
109 | In addition, each Director and committee has access to the advice of the Company Secretary, Doug Allison. | 0 |
110 | 2013 2012 £’000 £’000 Wages and salaries 29,645 20,122 Social security costs 5,396 3,425 Compensation for loss of office 251 296 Other pension costs (see note 27d) 1,386 1,149 Share based payments 4,494 5,591 41,172 30,583 The share based payment award costs shown above include an amount of £4,099,000 (2012: £5,205,000) in respect of share-based payment transactions which are accounted for as equity-settled awards. | 0 |
111 | Workflows, internal control processes and escalation protocols designed to achieve predictable outcomes. | 0 |
112 | This mechanism, which is associated with closed-end funds, usually takes the form of securities (shares) subscribed for by the beneficiaries when the fund is set up, and confers the right to a remuneration should certain performance thresholds be exceeded when the fund is liquidated. | 0 |
113 | Outlook Your Company’s portfolio (including irrevocable commitments) is now 62% invested in private (non- listed) assets, with an additional investment of some 11% in illiquid publicly listed assets which are intended to be held to maturity. | 0 |
114 | Net profit in 2020 fell by 13% from the previous year to CHF 1.05 billion. | 0 |
115 | The Strategic Report aims to provide Shareholders with the information to assess how the Directors have performed their duty to promote the success of the Company during the year under review. | 0 |
116 | Fidelity Bank therefore appreciates any feedback or complaints from customers and ensures timely resolution and process/product improvement. | 0 |
117 | interest rate 0% – 1,99% Unlisted bond funds 2 34 46 NAV method 3 n. a. n. a. | 0 |
118 | The Financial Plan for DWS Group, which had earlier been approved by the Executive Board, was reviewed. | 0 |
119 | Short-term changes therefore ordinarily do not convey a true picture of the success of an investment. | 0 |
120 | Transactions between DWS KGaA and its subsidiaries meet the definition of related party transactions. | 0 |
121 | Nevertheless, it increased in 2016/2017: two of our new investments were not en tered into in euro terms. | 0 |
122 | GROUP COMPANy 2010 2009 2010 2009 £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 291,869 309,642 6,661 284,557 Short term bank deposits - 2,207,250 - 2,207,250 291,869 2,516,892 6,661 2,491,807 23. | 0 |
123 | Further, it addressed service fees charged by Deutsche Bank AG and the governance framework set out in the by Master Service Agreement, as well as tax-related topics. | 0 |
124 | Total mandated AUM/NUM 1,539 10,265 11,804 Fiduciary Management Sales included 17 new mandate wins during the year and £274m of contributions from scheme sponsors from existing clients. | 0 |
125 | income and local tax rules - i.e. unlimited carry forward in France, 20 years carry forward period in the United States and 7 years carry forward period in Switzerland. | 0 |
126 | Valuation of the With-Profits Fund’s liabilities The policyholder liabilities for the Group’s With-Profits Fund are measured under FRS 27 Life Assurance, which requires the use of the realistic value of liabilities. | 0 |
127 | Romaco benefits from growth drivers in the pharmaceutical market, such as a growing global population, an aging population in industrialised nations, and rising prosperity in emerging countries. | 0 |
128 | both the management of conflicts of interest, which includes the representatives of PSG on the Board, as well as the flow of information concerning the Group to such persons. | 0 |
129 | The One Voice survey is supplemented by “Pulse” engagement surveys which give a snapshot of sentiment from a sample group of colleagues. | 0 |
130 | When taking out residual debt insurance, the cap would be set at 2.5% of the insured loan amount. | 0 |
131 | Post-acquisition, PPMSA is presented within fee-based revenues and operating expenses, with non-controlling interests removed to arrive at adjusted operating profit before tax. | 0 |
132 | The stake in GHS was acquired in August 2015, however, the requirement to account for GHS as an associate arose with effect from 23 November 2015, the date of the acquisition of Aitchesse Limited, from which date the Company ceased being an investing company and became an operating company which resulted in a reassessment of the accounting for all such equity investments. | 0 |
133 | Fiona Clutterbuck took the role of Interim Chair in early 2021 and, at the same time, Clare Thompson took on Senior Independent Director (SID) duties. | 0 |
134 | The GHA is directly accountable to the Audit Committee and has unfettered access to both the Chairs of the Committee and the Board, as required, as well as Executive Management. | 0 |
135 | DBG Advisors Expansion GmbH & Co. KG is the sole general partner of DBAG Expansion Capital Fund Konzern GmbH & Co. KG. | 0 |
136 | Others (1) Total as of 31 December 2017Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Company Subsidiaries TOTAL Certification of accounts (excl. | 0 |
137 | The main write-downs were those companies which, whilst still growing during the period, saw expansion at lower levels than anticipated. | 0 |
138 | With effect from 31 December 2018, the segregated account entered into an agreement with a non-Group life insurance company to acquire a reinsurance portfolio which is partially retroceded. | 0 |
139 | 11 Money is playing an important roles in our lives: for society and for each and every human being. | 1 |
140 | Board of management 20 Sept. 2016 purchase 5,000 29.65 At 30 September 2016, the members of the Board of management held a total of 39,613 no-par value shares and members of the Supervisory Board a total of 4,000 no-par value shares, or less than one percent of the subscribed capital of deutsche Beteiligungs AG. | 0 |
141 | In 2013, SCOR Global Life’s gross written premiums increased by 11.1% to EUR 5,405 million compared to EUR 4,864 million in 2012 (EUR 3,620 million in 2011). | 0 |
142 | Details of the dividends paid on the ordinary shares by the Company are provided in Note 11 of the Group financial statements. | 0 |
143 | All of the above mentioned companies are included in the consolidated financial statements of the Group. | 0 |
144 | Given Elements requirement for capital for ongoing exploration and development projects, it is unlikely that the Group will pay dividend on a regular basis, although this situation may change if one or more projects are realised for sale or a partnership is entered into. | 0 |
145 | The Group and Company monitor their levels of working capital to ensure that they can meet debt repayments as they fall due. | 0 |
146 | The Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) supported economic activity by lowering its policy rate three times in 2019. | 0 |
147 | The portfolio of investments made takes the form of distributions made by the vehicles. | 0 |
148 | Beyond the negative, even catastrophic, consequences of climate change, the energy transition also creates a significant investment opportunity. | 1 |
149 | There are no performance conditions associated with the plan. | 0 |
150 | in addition, there are risk administrators at the next management level below the board of Management; the Managing directors in charge of the individual corporate departments support the risk Manager in identifying and assessing risk in their areas of responsibility. | 0 |
151 | a n n u a l R e p o R t 2 0 1 5 / 2 0 1 6 1 4 5 f in a n c ia l s t a t e m e n t s interest rate sensitivity in relation to the portfolio companies valued by the discounted cash flow method, an increase/decrease of 100 basis points in the reference interest rate would result in a decrease/increase in net income for the year and in the equity of the dBaG Group of 1,394 thousand euros (previous year: 1,914 thousand euros). | 0 |
152 | We aim to advise more ambitious companies which themselves are disrupting their sectors for the better, to execute more deals that are particularly interesting, to back more fantastic management teams. | 0 |
153 | These various contracts have enabled the Company to gain market shares in a number of different sectors. | 0 |
154 | This deployment strategy will reinforce the generation of recurring management fees and performance-related revenue, and will benefit from the resulting size effect. | 0 |
155 | The groups have continued to concentrate on the updated CA100+ Benchmark, and to keep pressure on the companies’ disclosure weaknesses. | 1 |
156 | O. The Board should establish procedures to manage risk, oversee the internal control framework, and determine the nature and extent of the principal risks the Company is willing to take in order to achieve its long-term strategic objectives. | 0 |
157 | Financial assetsNote 2. (a) Change in the presentation of the financial statements In order to provide more consistent and more relevant financial information, the Company has decided to reclassify reversals of provisions on financial assets into net non-recurring income, effective from 1 January 2018, so as to directly show the net capital gain or loss made before tax. | 0 |
158 | Drop in outstanding capital commitments after amounts called for new investments in the financial year 2016/2017 (DBAG Fund VII: more than 20 percent of the committed capital called in less than a year). | 0 |
159 | Declaration by the Person responsible for the Registration Document and for the annual financial report “We hereby declare, after having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, that the information contained in this Registration Document is, to our knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import. | 0 |
160 | At 31 December 138 235 Regulatory provisions in relation to annuity sales practices PAC had agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to review annuities sold without advice after 1 July 2008 to its contract-based defined contribution pension customers, and this review is now complete. | 0 |
161 | The successful delivery of the transformation activities in the short-term is key to the success of our strategy, and the Remuneration Committee therefore felt it appropriate for restructuring costs to be included for determining the short-term incentive outcomes. | 0 |
162 | The company’s product portfolio ranges from precision single parts to complex modules and systems, for example for the automotive supplier industry, for sports shoe production and for other selected industries. | 0 |
163 | our assumptions are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results may vary materially. | 0 |
164 | The Talanx Group has been indirectly involved in infrastructure projects for some time via funds and has also participated directly in selected projects since the beginning of 2014, providing both equity and debt. | 0 |
165 | We challenged management in relation to the selection of assumptions to assess if there are indications of management basis. | 0 |
166 | - Notes to the consolidated financial statements, Note 2 – Segment information for an analysis of principal cash flow statement items. | 0 |
167 | Over the course of the year, the change in the fair value of the derivative lifted earnings by EUR 6 (7) million. | 0 |
168 | Economic empowerment We know that many social and structural factors can make it very difficult to save and plan for the future. | 0 |
169 | Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices) (level 2). | 0 |
170 | If the awards are accelerated, they will be subject to pro-ration and an assessment of the extent to which the performance conditions have been achieved. | 0 |
171 | 1 Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies continued 194 | M&G plc Annual Report and Accounts 2021 1.5.29 Property, plant and equipment (PPE) PPE includes Group occupied properties and other tangible assets, such as computer equipment, motor vehicles, leasehold improvements and fixtures and fittings. | 0 |
172 | When needed, recommendations are given to underwriters and local management. | 0 |
173 | The balance sheet item cash and bank balances of € 2,086 million (2018: € 2,310 million) comprises time deposits of € 99 million (2018: € 124 million), bank balances on demand of € 1,987 million (2018: € 2,186 million) and cash of € 0 million (2018: € 0 million). | 0 |
174 | Provisions are discounted and represent the present value of the expected expenditure where the effect of the time value of money is material. | 0 |
175 | Equity method accounting ends when the Group ceases to have significant influence or joint control. | 0 |
176 | SCOR Global P&C Underwriting Management and Retrocession Department establishes and implements the external retrocession plan for P&C activities. | 0 |
177 | Further details are set out in the Notes to the Accounts. | 0 |
178 | The outlook for the UK and global economies continues to be the key risk affecting your Company. | 0 |
179 | Our strategy will target growth in specific product lines and regions, especially Asia. | 0 |
180 | The market capitalisation rate has been determined by reference to actual market transactions for properties in that region, with adjustment made to reflect the particular characteristics of that property. | 0 |
181 | Of the remainder, EUR 7.3 (6.0) billion was attributable to institutional third-party clients and EUR 7.7 (6.4) billion to the retail business. | 0 |
182 | (b) Other regulations applicable to Asset Management activity The impact of MIFID II When an Asset Management company is authorised to provide investment services (investment advice and/or portfolio management on behalf of third parties), it is required to apply the rules resulting from the transposition of MIFID II applicable to investment services, including “distributor rules”. | 0 |
183 | The degree of smoothing is illustrated numerically in the following table, which allows comparison of the relatively “smoothed” level of policyholder bonuses declared as part of the surplus for distribution with the more volatile movement in investment return and other items of income and expenditure of the WPSF. | 0 |
184 | The Bank ensures that all properties and chattels pledged as collateral are properly and adequately insured with the Bank’s interest duly noted as first loss beneficiary. | 0 |
185 | Allocation date: 4 July 2018 Unit value of the share on the allocation date: €24.30 corresponding to the share price on 4 July 2018 (€27.00) to which a 10% discount was applied to take into account the absence of dividend rights over the vesting period. | 0 |
186 | HEREBY GIVEN that the 27th Annual General Meeting of Fidelity Bank Plc will be held at the Grand Banquet Hall, Civic Centre, Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, Victoria Island, Lagos State on Thursday, the 7th day of May, 2015 at 11.00 a.m. | 0 |
187 | The Controller function sets the reporting timetables, performs the consolidation and aggregation processes, effects the elimination entries for inter and intra group activities, controls the period end and adjustment processes and compiles the Group financial statements. | 0 |
189 | The Committee considers at each meeting an agenda that is risk based and focused on the key and emerging risks impacting our business. | 0 |
190 | These assets are included in the analysis presented however, as the investment risk is borne by the unit-linked policyholders, there is no impact on IFRS profit after tax and shareholders’ equity. | 0 |
191 | There are no associated companies or minority interests within the Group. | 0 |
192 | The other indices have only reported performance of between 4.0 and 7.5 percent. | 0 |
193 | It runs in our DNA to keep our promises and make a positive impact in our host communities, as demonstrated by our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. | 1 |
194 | Fund size (as at 31 December 2018) €235 million In 2013, Tikehau IM was selected as the result of a tender launched by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), the French Insurance Federation (FFA) and 27 institutional investors to manage a fonds de prêts à l’économie (“FPE”, economic development loan fund) intended for SMEs and intermediate-sized companies. | 0 |
195 | The Group has asked for a reconsideration of such revocation and argued that the five-year term of the ECC should not be deemed expired as the time period were the ECC was revoked by the government, and subsequently the Group was prevented from fully implementing the Mindoro Nickel Project, should not be counted towards the expiry of the ECC. | 0 |
196 | REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2018 The Group intends to develop its Asset Management platforms (Tikehau IM, Sofidy, ACE Management, Tikehau Capital Europe, IREIT Global Group, and Credit.fr) by setting up and recruiting talented teams. | 0 |
197 | without the funds at its side, dbag’s opportunities to make its own investments would also be limited. | 0 |